Hun Today 2021

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The Magazine for Alumni, Families, and Friends of The Hun School of Princeton

Thirty-love is a phrase often lobbed about on The Hun School’s tennis courts, but this winter, that phrase took on a whole new meaning when a pop-up skating rink was installed. Hun students, faculty, and staff had a reason to love the thirty-degree weather in February and March, as the rink was used for everything from science class experiments and broomball competitions to Class Nights on Ice, complete with fire pits, food trucks, s’mores, and hot chocolate. It was more than a cool way to keep the Hun community gliding through the beginning of the year; it was also the first time an ice rink was installed on campus in the School’s history.


Hun Today

HUN TODAY Board of Trustees

Alumni Association Executive Board

Stephen T. Wills, Board Chair

Leigh Ann Peterson ’86, President

Susan McGlory Michel, Board Vice Chair

Rob Kuchar ’01, Vice President

Jonathan G. Brougham, Head of School

Jonathan Begg ’05

Edward Breen

Sarah Dileo Craig ’07

Kimberly Jingoli Chiurco

Johnny Law ’10

Rajiv Dahiya

Dana Hughes Moorhead ’95

Kathleen Mitchell-D’Aulerio, Chair, Parents' Association

Tyler Veth ’11

Marianne Deane Christiana Foglio Johnny T.Y. Fung ’77 Xavier Goss ’99 Sanjay Kannambadi

Editor Nancy DePalma ’92 Marketing and Communications Associate

Scott Landis ’92 Brian C. Logue ’75 Ralph Mason, III ’69 Jennifer Mitchell, Faculty Representative to the Board Andrew H. Monfried ’87 Herman Penner ’64 Leigh Ann Peterson ’86, President, Alumni Association Michael J. Renna

Editorial Board Rebecca Barus ’15 Marketing and Communications Associate, Writer and Photographer

Leah T. Ricci ’96 Danner Riebe ’79 Eric P. Rosenblum

Head of School

John Tugwell

Richard Goldman, Esq., Corporate Secretary and Counsel

Enrollment and Strategic Planning Alexis Brock Director of Advancement Maureen Scannapieco Leming ’95 Director of Strategic Marketing and Communications

Trustee Emeriti Helen Boehm* Raymond Bowers* Lynn Breen Alexander Buck, Sr. ’49* Richard Challener ’44* Paul Chesebro* G. Gerald Donaldson H’14 Leslie Florio Thomas P. Gallagher Thomas Gorrie Arthur Hailand ’41*

Thomas Monfiletto ’04 Associate Director of Marketing and Communications Lynn McNulty Director of Global and Immersion Programs History and Global Studies Department Alyssa Onisick Digital Communications Specialist

A.C. Reeves Hicks* Thomas Horwich ’59 Hugh Hurley John Y. Keffer ’60 Alan Landis ’61* Daniel Lieblich ’34*

Anna Marie Heiser ’21 Arnold Lewis ’79 Devon Pasieka ’21 Kat Geiger Perry ’99 Stephen Polin ’65 Pat Quirk ’02 Jen Phillips Raics ’89 Krista Ross ’88 Nick Scozzari ’77 Irv Urken ’68

Parents’ Association Executive Board Kathleen Mitchell-D’Aulerio, Chair Kerry Kandel, Vice Chair Michele Spektor, Secretary Sosi Balian, Treasurer Kenda Donahue Meghan Hayes Beth Kearns Mercedes Kelso Charmaine L’Oiseau Dianna Li Clare Millington Cathy Morgan Pearlina Neverdal Kristi Pasieka Penny Peng Timory Ridall Concetta Rollins Barbara Tarzy Janine Verduci Joting von Kaenel Susan Ward Lisa Wehner

Antonio Pirone ’56* Louis Pyle* Patrick Ryan Perry Sellon ’34* John Stoddard* Lucy Stretch* F. Kevin Tylus ’73

Associate Director for Donor and Parent Relations

Gabrielle Graff ’98

Ralph Mason, Sr.*

Hr. George F. Tidey ’51*

Bridget Tavani

Rashawn Glenn ’92

Kate Bricker

Steven C. Bristol Assistant Head of School for

Nora Saunders Dunnan ’06

Mordechai Rozanski Susan Ward

Jonathan G. Brougham

Alumni Board

Hun Today is published by the Office of Communications and Marketing for the alumni, families, and friends of The Hun School of Princeton. 176 Edgerstoune Road, Princeton, NJ 08540 Volume 41, Number 1 / Copyright ©2021.


All rights reserved.

C ntents 2 Head of School’s Message

16 Resident Life at Hun A Snapshot in Time for Resident Students in 2020

3 Advisory A Home Base for Hun Students

18 Cultures, Countries, and Colors lizabeth Ji ’21 Weaves Together a Story E of All Three for Art School Portfolio

6 Teaching Civil Discourse

John Gale Hun Civics Program

20 Alumni in the Arts Three Hun Alumni Stealing the Show

8 Decisions, Decisions

Why more Hun students are choosing HBCUs

24 Alumni in the Sciences Two Alumni Working in STEM

10 Staying Connected

Community Engagement Takes Center Stage

26 Alumni Virtual Events A Year in Review

13 Striking a Chord Lewis Fang ’25 Spends his Weekends (Virtually) at Juilliard

14 Hun and Covid-19 How the Pandemic Shaped our Lives in 2020

On the Cover Zeynab Diarra ’23 is a day student from Princeton, New Jersey. Her favorite classes include Arabic and English, and you'll find her playing field hockey each fall.

29 Class Notes

50 In Memoriam Bruce Spengler

A Message from the

HEAD OF SCHOOL When I wrote a similar Hun Today introduction last year, I could not have imagined where we would be today. None of the usual adjectives — “challenging, difficult, painful” — really do justice to Year 2020, or to coming months sure to be dominated by the ongoing pandemic, racial reckonings, and political confusion. These times test us as a nation, as a people, and as educators. While I hope for a rapid end to suffering and division, the former history teacher in me says we will still be calculating the current moment’s effects decades from now. But amid the problems, we must not miss the countless ways we are all rising to the occasion. Here at The Hun School, our community

Like everyone on campus, I have been buoyed by the unified devotion of the Hun community.”

has responded with grace and selflessness at every turn. We are accustomed to watching our students surpass expectations; but this year they set a new standard for resilience, and their remarkable good cheer has inspired all of us who work with them. Just as impressive were our faculty, who quickly designed a robust virtual learning program last spring, then adapted again this fall to teach creatively in a hybrid format of mixed in-person and virtual classes — no easy feat! The honor roll is so much longer: from our nurses, who worked tirelessly to care for us in retrofitted spaces on campus; to our facilities, cleaning, and dining folks, who overhauled their entire operations plans to maintain a safe campus; to office staff, who kept the School alive and thriving despite the disruption; and to parents and alumni who have supported us unwaveringly through these hard times. Like everyone on campus, I have been buoyed by the unified devotion of the Hun community. Strong community has always been Hun’s distinguishing quality. We inspire each other to think, create, and do, but also to be better people. You will discover many of the ways we do that on the following pages. I invite you to take a look and learn more about how we nurture healthy debate, inspire creativity, and create a sense of belonging. Like gardeners, we are only planting seeds; but we have been rewarded time and time again as we watch our alumni flourish. Whether you are considering joining our special community, or you live and breathe it every day, Hun’s spirit of hope, even during dark times, will warm your heart. Sincerely, JONATHAN G. BROUGHAM


Hun Today


AN ADVOCATE, A SOUNDING BOARD, AND A HOME BASE FOR HUN STUDENTS While most first-year students wonder who their new friends at

Advisory meetings range in topics and are equal parts academic

their new school will be, there is one important relationship they

and social; one week, advisory may be a time to focus on time

often overlook that is a tenet of their Hun School experience:

management resources, while another meeting may be an activity

their advisor and advisory. All students who enter the Upper

where students have to collaborate on a creative project. For most

School are assigned to an advisory, a group of eight to ten

students, advisory acts as a home base when they may need a

students, overseen by a faculty member. The group remains

moment of clarity during the hustle and bustle of the school year.

together until graduation, weighing decisions such as electives, clubs, extracurricular activities, grades, and social opportunities together. But, advisory is just as important for the one-on-one

As a ninth grade advisor, Angela Rieder, also a member of the counseling department, is set to have her group of eight

attention as it is for its group dynamic. Whether it’s a way to

students for their entire high school career, and as the years

hold students accountable for their grades, disseminate shared

progress, her role will change.

community expectations, or to just be a resource in the Upper School, the advisor is always accessible to their advisees.

Mrs. Rieder explains that during Freshman year, the role of advisors is to introduce students to the ins and outs of

Of course, this year has been different in many ways, including

The Hun School and to make sure students are balanced

impacting advisory. Before the pandemic, advisory groups

both academically and socially. Once the students reach

met once a week. Now, they meet every day — first thing in the

Sophomore year, they are well adjusted to the School and the

morning and at lunch.

advisor is there to offer guidance in terms of class selection. Spring 2021


Schedule your virtual interview with one of our Admission counselors at or (609) 921-7600.


Hun Today

By Junior year, the college process begins, and advisors step

their world, and what they are bringing into school every day,

in to help students assess their transcript thus far and offer

or what they are going home to. I’m interested in the little

feedback on potential electives and courses that might be

details of their world that might not be very personal, but

beneficial. The first half of Senior year is a time spent helping

they are important.”

students cope with the bundle of nerves associated with the college process, while the job of the advisor the second semester is to celebrate the students’ successes.

Similarly, Jamie Staub ’24, one of Mrs. Rieder’s advisory students, explains that the personal connection is what she appreciates


about her advisor: “I was




about starting fresh at a new school but my advisory has been a nice home base for


me,” she said. “As a


student, it’s nice to


not only have a person who is going to help you adjust to a new school, but also have an advocate for you on the big stuff and even

“We play the role of someone who they can ask anything of,”

on the little stuff too. My advisor is someone who I can check

she said. “Even if we aren’t the ones who have the right answer,

in with whenever I may need it and it’s great to know that my

we can point them in the right direction. Students can always

advisor always cares about how and what we are doing.”

go to their advisor to talk about both the good and the bad: the classes and courses and experiences that they have really enjoyed, and also what they are struggling with or what issues they may be facing at school or at home.” Mrs. Rieder explains that while there is structure to the advisory program, most of the time, it can be whatever students want it to be.

Jamie explains that not only is the ongoing support critical to her successes throughout high school, it’s also important for her to use her advisory time as a reset throughout the school week. “Sometimes there is a lot to keep track of during the school year, so it’s always helpful to have advisory as a mental reset and a way to break up the school day,” Jamie said. “If I missed

“Advisory is sometimes just an opportunity for students to talk

an announcement or an opportunity because I was busy with

about whatever they want to get off their chest and I will be

academics, my advisor will always make sure I’m on top of

there as a sounding board,” she said. “We could strike up a

things, which is really helpful to me as I navigate freshman year.”

conversation about a certain life skill and it can be a teaching opportunity, another meeting could consist of students seeking advice on extracurricular activities or scheduling, and then the conversation could pivot to something fun we did last weekend.” Mrs. Rieder notes that as an advisor, her objective is to serve as a mentor and always provide personal attention to her advisees.

Mrs. Rieder notes that while she is meeting with her advisees far more than she ever has to provide an added layer of social and emotional support during this difficult time, she is pleased that she has this foundation with her advisory students as they continue throughout the years together. “I’m not sure if in the future we will ever meet as much as we are meeting this year, but this has created an excellent foundation for us all moving forward,” she said. “As a Freshman advisor, I

“Four years is a long time to get to know the students in my

always enjoy seeing the students evolve over the years but this

advisory, so I think it’s really valuable to understand what life

year in particular I have gotten to know my students on such

looks like for them through an academic lens but also on a

a deeper level, so I think that will make for a really productive

personal level,” she said. “I love hearing what’s going on in

relationship for the next four years.” Spring 2021


AGREE and DISAGREE TEACHING CIVIL DISCOURSE AT THE HUN SCHOOL While 2020 was a year of challenges, it was also a year of opportunities for many Hun School programs, including The John Gale Hun Program for Civics Education. Program Director Rory Hart said the presidential election (and the dialogue that went along with it) provided the perfect backdrop to engage Hun students in lessons about how to have a peaceful exchange of ideas. “Our students have shown an impressive capacity to transcend the national culture, I think it is important for Hun students to be politically engaged because, in the age of social media, Gen Z has sparked social movements and change simply through a post. Being politically

and the sort of gridlock we have nationally, in engaging in these conversations. The students are generally eager and willing to do that, and they’re eager and willing to do that in a productive and respectful way,” Mr. Hart said. The program, supported by a gift from Betty Wold Johnson, exposes all Hun students to the virtues of the American republic through programming and coursework. New this year is an Academy Civics course, a required course for

engaged gives our students a better

all tenth graders. Library and Media Center Director Laura Bishop and Mr. Hart

understanding of what is going on in our

designed the curriculum to help students understand why governments are

world and can inspire them to make change for the better. There is no limit to what you can accomplish with this unlimited connectivity we have available to us today.” — DEVON PASIEKA ’21

formed, and how representative governments work. Then, students are challenged to collaborate to design a better government. Of course, a presidential election cycle is a natural time to help students understand the virtues of civic engagement, and Mr. Hart had the entire student body involved. Devon Pasieka ’21 is particularly involved. “Being Student Government president this year has come with a host of unique responsibilities and opportunities. One of those being making sure that Hun students are engaging with the everchanging world around them. This, of course, includes being politically engaged. As president and a civics scholar (coursework in pursuit of a Civics Scholar designated diploma), I have been working with Mr. Hart to create programs and events that will teach Hun students how to vote, debate, and use information to form their own opinions,” said.


Hun Today

In Hun tradition, students formed

institution like Hun, like how to have

Team Trump and Team Biden and

productive dialogues,” Mr. Hart said.

hosted a mock debate. After the debate,





voted in a School-wide mock election (Biden, played by Devon, won the

Civics Scholar Owen Dougherty ’22 believes it is more important than ever for high school students to pay

campus vote).

attention to what is happening with

Student Government Vice President

think it matters to them. “I’m sure

Anna Marie Heiser ’21 said, “The mock debate was a great opportunity to conduct in-depth research on both parties' platforms, especially since the media tends to blur the focus of policy with scandal. I was a key researcher for the Trump Administration's policies and I learned a lot about their agenda and past developments.”

their government, even if they don’t that many kids don't pay attention to

attention to politics because they can't

politics because they can't vote yet, but

vote yet, but it is incredibly important to

it is incredibly important to be aware

be aware of what is happening whether

of what is happening whether or not

or not you can change what is happening.

you can change what is happening… Kids from my generation will be the

than they have been in decades, so being

a few decades from now, and almost

aware matters that much more.”

all of our current high school students will be of voting age by the 2024

played the role of Donald Trump in the

election,” he said.

debate was necessary for students to see, as the policies of each candidate were not communicated effectively in the real presidential debates,” he

assumed office, there’s much to look forward to under the umbrella of civics education at The Hun School: Model Congress and Model UN have been

to participate in virtual debate watch

participating in virtual events, student

parties hosted by Mr. Hart and Visual

leaders have been trained in holding

Arts Teacher Marty Hoban before

effective small group discussions, and

participating in the mock debate.

School-wide speakers are being lined up.

Now that the election is over, Mr. Hart

“This is an exciting time for this

is focused on keeping the momentum

program,” Mr. Hart said. “To look at

going on campus.

what we’ve been able to put in place in

in that we did a lot of programming leading into the election, both to ensure the School community was as well informed as possible, and to take advantage of the moment to weave


Now that President Joe Biden has

said. Students had the opportunity

“We’re kind of in a transition point,

American politics are more volatile now

ones making these policy decisions

Civics Scholar Brody Pasieka ’22, who mock debate, agreed. “I felt that the

I'm sure that many kids don't pay

the time from the original gift to now: Expanding its footprint within the curriculum, creating opportunities for students to mobilize their experiences, and allowing them to engage in their own way, is really fantastic.”

together the important ideals and activities that work well with civics, but are really at the heart of a learning Spring 2021



“Hun students can thrive in a variety of educational

service and scholarship. It’s not just a place for parties; it’s

backgrounds,” says Davirah Timm-Dinkins, associate director

beyond that. There is a real commitment to community and

of college counseling, “but for those students who may be

a mission linked to higher education.”

seeking a college experience more reflective of their racial background, Historically Black Colleges and Universities, or HCBUs, are often a good fit.” The number of Hun students applying to HBCUs has nearly doubled since 2018 and typically each graduating class has at least one student matriculating at one. “Students from families who have graduated from HBCUs are more inclined to look at them,” explains Mrs. Timm-Dinkins. “It’s an easy conversation with those students because they know the

Black excellence,” she says. “They continue to be the top producers of college graduates that receive doctorates in science, engineering, and medicine.” Choosing the right fit for college is difficult, but for some students considering HBCUs, comfort is a deciding factor. “I love that I will be able to see people every day that look and think like me,” explains Bailey Kolaras ’21, who applied

importance they hold.”

to two HBCUs, along with eight other colleges this year.

The Higher Education Act of 1965 defines HBCUs as “…any

“For a lot of our students, it is very affirming to be somewhere

historically black college or university that was established

that everyone looks like you but you are still able to retain

prior to 1964, whose principal mission was, and is, the

your individuality,” says Mrs. Timm-Dinkins. “It’s a very

education of Black Americans…” Currently, there are 107

comforting environment, not dissimilar from those students

HBCUs; 56 are private institutions and 51 are public.

looking at women’s colleges. The classroom looks different

With historic in the name, HBCUs are synonymous with a rich


Scholarship is intrinsic at these schools. “HBCUs celebrate

and it allows you to thrive in a different way.

history of celebrated traditions. “Music, dances, marching

Most recently, Bailey received her acceptance from Spelman

bands… they are huge at HBCUs,” shares Mrs. Timm-Dinkins.

and did not think twice before accepting. “My mother

“Homecoming is always big. Black Greek life is also part of

attended Spelman College, so I was introduced to HBCUs

the experience and those organizations are very focused on

at a young age. It is the sisterhood at Spelman College that

Hun Today

left Tatiana Swain ’16 at Howard University Commencement. right Bailey Kolaras ’21, who plans to attend Spelman College this fall.

attracted me the most. My mom, my aunts (my mom’s closest Spelman friends), and my first cousin Briana all shared the unique legacy of empowered Spelman women. Spelman women all made the choice to change the world, and I always knew that I wanted to attend.” The strong alumni network is another compelling reason

“Our job as college counselors is to give students a broad array of options where

students choose an HBCUs “The most appealing thing

they may find a home.”

about an HBCU experience is knowing that you will always


be connected because HBCUs are a big family that supports each other through everything,” says Bailey. “It had everything that I wanted but more importantly, it

minds into young, talented, and successful leaders that

had what I needed,” says Tatiana Swain ’16, who attended

make a difference in the world for the better.”









environment that teaches you to be confident and firm in your choices, both professionally and personally. HBCU’s breed pride and confidence, and I will forever be indebted to Howard University because of that. It feels like one big and happy family.” Like most HBCU graduates, Ms. Swain encourages seniors to consider HBCUs during their college application process. “College is a place where you expand your minds and learn

Finally, despite the name, HBCUs are not limited to students of color. “It’s typically not on their radar, but matriculation patterns show that white students are also considering HBCUs,” says Mrs. Timm-Dinkins. This year, the College Counseling Department at Hun added a series of affinity group programs to its roster for LBGTQI+ students, students considering Historically Black Colleges and Universities, and Women's Colleges.

so much. You personally grow, your perspective changes in a beneficial way. HBCUs are there for you. To shape your Spring 2021



Making personal connections with one another, learning and experiencing new things, stepping outside of our comfort zone — it is what we do best at The Hun School. These ideals and values have been intertwined into our curriculum, programming, and community since the very beginning, but when the School shifted to virtual learning last spring and hybrid learning this year, creating ongoing opportunities that ensured those connections continued was a top priority. The alarming rise in anxiety and depression among school-aged children was also an impetus for creating a strong community engagement program. Community engagement events happen daily throughout the school week, with occasional weekend opportunities, and are offered in a variety of avenues. The most enjoyable part for students and faculty alike is the freedom that comes with creating these activities. Learned a new recipe and want to host a virtual cooking demonstration? Need a space to discuss top news stories? Starting a new club? Interested in hearing a guest speaker? These are all examples of what a community engagement event may look like. Interim Director of Community Engagement Olivia Albanese ’13 notes that what makes this program so fruitful is the menu of events that are offered to students on a daily basis, giving every student, teacher, alumnus, parent, or administrator a chance to participate in something that is relatable to them. “Hun has always offered students so many different ways to engage with each other,” she said. “Whether students are on campus or learning remotely, they now have a chance to engage with faculty and other students in a variety of ways.” Ms. Albanese explained that in a time of isolation, it is critical to provide safe and welcoming spaces for students and faculty to connect and unwind and because of community engagement activities, the School has been able to do just that. “It’s been a challenging year, but through it all we have been able to give our students a space to process, find joy, and make connections with peers and teachers.”


Hun Today

Hungry for Connection? TRY RAIDER’S TRAVELING KITCHEN! From Greece to Australia to Italy, Raider has been doing quite a bit of “traveling” this year. Through the new community engagement event, each month Raider’s Traveling Kitchen takes Hun students and their families on a culinary journey through a cooking demonstration. Each cooking demonstration is led

ingredients, were made and sent to soldiers abroad. The biscuits

by an international professional chef and participants are given

were paired with another Australian favorite: Vegemite.

one ingredient shipped directly from the featured country.

In December, Raider traveled to southern Italy’s Calabria region

Allayna Garrett, associate director of Global and Immersion

to make fresh pasta with Calabrian pesto. This class was led by

Programs explained that Raider’s Traveling Kitchen was created

Riccardo and Gianfranco, two professionally trained chefs who

to bring travel to the students.

work at a farm-to-table restaurant in Calabria.

“Over the past couple of months, families have picked up a ton

Not only did families master the art of pasta making and learn

of new hobbies to do together and cooking has been one of

the secret to preserving a perfect batch of pesto, the two chefs

the main ones,” Ms. Garrett said. “So, we thought since we can’t

also sprinkled in several history lessons along the way. For

travel, what better way is there to introduce a culture than by

example, while most pesto recipes traditionally include pine

learning how to prepare a meal authentic to that place?”

nuts, Calabrian pesto features bitter almonds. The reason?

The first stop of Raider’s international tour took him to Greece where Chef Paula of Atlas Workshops (The Hun School’s educational partner) taught families how to make authentic

Pesto actually originated in Genoa, Italy, where pine nuts are frequently grown and harvested; in Calabria, pine nuts are not as easy to find and bitter almonds are far more common.

meze, meaning “small bites.” Participants made tzatziki with

Nethra Velanki ’24, a student who has attended every session of

Greek-style roasted potatoes with oregano shipped directly

Raider’s Traveling Kitchen, notes that her favorite “trip” thus far

from a garden in Greece.

has been to Calabria.

Next, Raider took a trip down under to Australia to learn how to

“I especially enjoyed learning how to make food that I would

make the traditional Anzac biscuit. While baking, participants

never know how to make off the top of my head,” Nethra said.

learned about the historical context of the Anzac biscuit.

“I also thought it was really interesting learning so much about

Associated with the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps

Calabrian culture and all of the subcultures that exist in a

in World War I, the biscuits, containing only non-perishable

country. I have learned so much in such a short time.”

Spring 2021


A Gathering Ritual TEA TIME TUESDAY A few years ago, Hun students would have never imagined that tea time would be an integral part of their weekly schedules, but with the help of Brynn Hansson, counseling and wellness teacher, this community engagement event is a highlight for students and faculty alike. Last March, Ms. Hansson quickly recognized that both students and faculty were in need of a space where they could simply be together to share a laugh, unwind, and

facing similar challenges. People never judge or criticize my

adjust to the new normal. With that in mind, she jumped on

feelings or thoughts, as we are all joining simply to relax and

the opportunity to create “Tea Time Tuesday,” a virtual table

reflect on what life has to offer.”

for all members of the Hun community to gather around, share conversation over their favorite food or drink, and indulge in some much needed relaxation. Since then, Tea Time Tuesday has met every single week, including throughout the summer, and has evolved into a group of seven students who continuously show up for one another for better and for worse.

particular has had a positive impact on the students: hope on the horizon. “Something new that we have recently started doing is ending every meeting with talking about the goodness on the horizon,” Ms. Hansson said. “Even when things get a little dicey, there is always something good on the horizon. So, we

“At first, it was just about creating a space outside of the

all go around and share a few things that we are thankful

academic day for students to connect with each other

for or looking forward to. Sometimes they are really deep

and not have to worry about talking about assignments or

and then sometimes they are more lighthearted and that’s

participating in mandatory activities,” Ms. Hansson said. “It

always okay.”

has always been the students’ choice whether or not they want to show up, and since then these students have chosen every week to show up for each other and hold space with one another. Even if they are having a bad day, they show up. They may not even talk, but at least they are there.” A typical Tuesday night for Tea-Time-goers could involve anything from a heated debate on New Jersey’s best pizza places, to live student performances, to a mini talent show, or even watching Ms. Hansson create an epic taco Tuesday dinner for herself.

For Ms. Hansson, the silver lining throughout the pandemic is the sense of deep connection that she has been able to achieve with students, in a way that might not have been possible given a normal year. “I think we all really take for granted the amount of socialization we have on a normal school day, and because we aren’t spending lunch in the dining hall, or have our free periods the way we used to, or even have five minutes between classes, it has really left students craving more interaction and deep connections,” she said. “So for me, through these weekly

Xavier Silverio ’22, a regular at Tea Time Tuesday, joins every

meetings, I have come to understand the perspective of

week because he knows it’s always a safe place for him to

students more than I ever have before. I’ve had the chance to

be himself, unwind, and share what’s going on in his world:

know them in a different way outside of the classroom or the

“My favorite part about Tea Time Tuesday is the freedom


Ms. Hansson notes that one addition to Tea Time Tuesday in

field, so it’s been really nice to step inside their world.”

associated with it; we all have the ability to talk about

As for the future of Tea Time Tuesday, Ms. Hansson and

whatever we want without worrying about criticism,” he

the students believe this may be something that lives on

said. “During Tea Time Tuesday, I always feel relaxed and

when COVID-19 is in our rearview mirror—with future plans

at peace because I know that everyone participating is

including in-person meetings.

Hun Today

Hun Virtual School

STRIKES A CHORD for the Fang Family

For Lewis and Farrah Fang ’25, Hun Virtual

from China and has been living in Canada

School has helped create the perfect

since 2014, originally planned to move

balance between challenging academics and personal endeavors.

...we thought it was

Covid-19 has delayed their planned move,

because Hun values

though Lewis' Juilliard classwork is now

began playing the piano when he was four


years old and jumped at the opportunity to apply to the program last spring.

attend Saturday lessons at the school.

the best fit for us

Last spring, Lewis was accepted into the PreCollege Program at The Juilliard School. He

closer to New York City so Lewis could

personalized education.”

“The Juilliard School is one of the best and most famous music conservatories in the world and is the dream of all the students who love music,” Lewis’ mom, Faye Lu said.

virtual. Lu and her husband decided to still look for a school closer to the city for Lewis and their daughter, Farrah, with hopes that Covid restrictions will be lifted and

Lewis will be able to attend classes in person. “After comparing several schools in Boston, New York, and New Jersey, our friend recommended Hun and we thought

Lewis had to first upload a video recording and application

it was the best fit for us because Hun values individualized,

before attending a live audition in February 2020. During that

personalized education.”

audition, he had to perform four pieces by memory: a work by Bach; a complete sonata by Haydn, Mozart, or Beethoven; a romantic work by Chopin, Mendelssohn, Schumann, Brahms, or Liszt; and a work by a 20th- or 21st-century composer. Lewis learned he was accepted to the Juilliard program on

For now, both Farrah and Lewis are fully virtual students at Hun. While it’s been an adjustment for them, the family is thankful for the tireless work of the faculty to make them feel welcome in a new school.

April 1, 2020. He majors in piano, but he also learns chamber

Meanwhile, Farrah, who is a singer, plans to audition for the

music, music theory, and youth chorus. The family, who hails

program this spring.

Spring 2021


A PANDEMIC TIMELINE How Covid-19 Affected Life and Learning at The Hun School News of a deadly virus in China and Europe was percolating here in the United States as the clock struck midnight on December 31, 2019. Of course, few could know what 2020 had in store for us. We long for the day when the pandemic, and its devastating effects, are a distant memory. Until then, we remember the year that challenged us to rethink how we live, learn, compete, and connect.

JANUARY 27 The Hun School’s health director meets with senior administrators about Coronavirus 2019-nCoV taking hold of people in Wuhan, China. The School begins to closely monitor the virus and consider a broad range of scenarios and contingencies. Following CDC guidelines and in consultation with experts and peer institutions, the School makes a difficult decision to isolate a student who recently returned from Taiwan.

JANUARY 31 In deference to the recommendations issued by the U.S. Government, World Health Organization, and in the best interests of the community, the School prohibits travel to China during its upcoming Spring Break. In addition to health concerns, it seems likely that international air travel would soon be restricted and potentially prevent students from returning.

MARCH 3 The School cancels all upcoming international travel for students, faculty, and school groups due to a Coronavirus outbreak in Italy. The decision is made to keep all international boarders on campus during Spring Break. Domestic trips take place as planned.

MARCH 26 All in-person activities and classes are suspended for three weeks. After one week of planning, training, and Zoom orientation, The Hun School transitions to all-virtual learning for the first time in its 106-year history. With a reimagined daily schedule, students and faculty attend classes via Zoom from 18 states and 26 countries. Alumni Weekend and all Admission tours are cancelled. All campus buildings are closed, except for essential employees. The world turns its focus to thorough hand-washing.

MARCH 12 Princeton, NJ reports its first positive case; the Governors of New Jersey and New York have declared states of emergency; and the President announces unprecedented global travel restrictions. Athletic teams are called home and the School asks International students to return home ahead of what are expected to be long-term travel restrictions. The School delays re-opening for one week following Spring Break.


The School launches a series of virtual Admission events for newly accepted students.

MARCH 31 APRIL 2 Social distancing guidelines are extended nationally and remote learning at Hun is extended through May. Hun cancels its NextTerm and Senior Capstone programs and extends classes until May 29 to augment class time in core subjects. Departments throughout campus launch virtual programs, from college counseling webinars to athletic training videos. The Parents’ Association hosts its first virtual event: a Middle School Parent Virtual Wine and Cheese.


Hun Today

Students and faculty work to support first responders. Community members deliver meals, sew masks and PPE, 3D print face shields, etc. Hunsung Heroes, a series highlighting alumni on the frontlines in the fight against Covid, begins.

APRIL 14 APRIL 17 In response to Covid-19’s unprecedented impact on the global economy, Hun issues partial tuition credits to day and boarding families. The School announces the Raider Relief fundraising effort to support financial aid for seventy-four current Hun families experiencing immediate financial hardship related to Covid-19. The fund would eventually raise $207,920 in relief.

New Jersey and New York emerge as global hotspots. Governor Murphy closes New Jersey Schools through May 15th. The Hun School announces a fully virtual operation for the remainder of the academic year. Students, especially seniors, begin to mourn the spring they have lost.


MAY 29

Ninety-four percent of parents approve of the School’s Covid-related decisions and operations. Still, students and families miss one another and crave more social and emotional programming. Seniors begin to fear the loss of their senior spring and all the milestones that accompany it.

Middle School Head Ken Weinstein and Hun’s mascot, Raider, visit all forty-nine Middle School graduates’ homes to say farewell and offer congratulatory gifts. All Middle and Upper School students are invited to attend one academic course, taught virtually, during the Hun Summer Session at no additional cost.


AUGUST 19 Boarding faculty and students begin a staged return to allow for quarantine, physical distancing, and Covid-19 testing. The second floor of Russell Hall is converted to a quarantine clinic, outdoor classrooms are erected, and advanced air filtration systems are installed throughout campus.

Restrictions on outdoor gatherings in New Jersey are lifted briefly, allowing the School to host an outdoor, physically distant graduation ceremony for members of the Class of 2020 and limited guests. Departing from tradition, the event takes place on Natale Field and graduates are seated with their parents, rather than as a class. Due to travel restrictions and illness and potential exposures, not all students are able to attend; the ceremony is broadcast live all over the world.


SEPTEMBER 8 The School hosts an in-person, physically distant graduation ceremony for members of the eighth grade, now rising freshmen.

SEPTEMBER 9 The Hun School reopens for in-person classes in a hybrid format. Most students attend classes on alternating days to reduce classroom density; others select an all-virtual format. Masks are required everywhere on campus, daily health screenings, and non-stop disinfection are a way of life. The Dining Hall is closed, meals are delivered to classrooms, and all gatherings of ten or more are virtual. Enrollment is 664 students. Approximately half of boarders are learning virtually and nearly 15% of faculty qualify for health accommodations and are teaching virtually, necessitating an army of teaching assistants, most of whom are young alumni, to aid with classroom management.

NOVEMBER 19 The School closes for Thanksgiving break and all resident students return home. The administration determines that in an effort to further mitigate risk of community spread, all boarders will remain home and learn virtually until January. All-virtual weeks are scheduled after each break to add an additional layer of mitigation.

All Hun School families, faculty, and staff are asked to sign a Good Faith Commitment to Community Health asserting their intentions to comply with the School’s health and safety protocols which include: remaining home when ill, wearing masks on campus and in public, maintaining physical distancing, limiting risk, and refraining from most travel, among other guidelines.

SEPTEMBER 22 Most athletic teams resume physically distant training, with hopes for a modified athletic season. The Mid-Atlantic Prep League cancels interscholastic play for the season, later extending it to include the winter season. Testing is instituted for high risk activities.

OCTOBER 16 The School reports its first positive Coronavirus case while in session. Additional cases are reported throughout the fall, though luckily, the community remains vigilant and manages to prevent any on-campus transmissions (this magazine went to press in February.) Individuals experience a wide variety of symptoms and virus severity.

DECEMBER 17 Faculty and staff spent the last ten months glued to their Zoom screens, but that did not deter them from gathering (virtually, of course) for the School’s first-ever Zoom holiday party.

JANUARY, 2021 All students and faculty are tested for Covid-19 prior to returning to in-person learning. Positive cases trickle in weekly throughout January bringing our total case count to twenty-two as of this writing. Thankfully, our student, faculty, and staff cases are recovered but, we know that is not the case for all of our friends and loved ones around the world. May they rest in peace.

Spring 2021


A Look at

a t T h e Hu n S chool in 2020

In March 2020 , The Hun Scho ol campus close d for the rest of spring semeste the r — a first in th e School’s histo ry. It was unkn when day stude own nts would be ab le to return an d if, and when dorms could re , the open safely. Ho wever, despite the many chall and additional enges precautions pu t in place to en sure their healt safety, residen h and t life students returned to ca mpus in late Au begin their fall gust to semester. W hi le the typical off-campus ac were suspende tivities d this year, ou r dedicated resid ent life faculty staff brought all and of the fun right to campus. From activities desig to blow off ste ned am and safe so cializing to cu ltural compete programming ncy and speakers se ries, our residen t students were this fall until Th busy anksgiving brea k, when the do rms closed and boarders return all ed home to stu dy remotely un til after winter to allow for prop break er quarantinin g due to travel.


Hun Today

Spring 2021



& COLORS Elizabeth Ji ’21 Finds Inspiration Through International Travel for Art Portfolio


Hun Today

As an avid traveler, Elizabeth Ji ’21 often pulls from her memory

After a family trip to Iceland during the holiday season,

bank of family trips for inspiration when she creates art.

Elizabeth created a piece titled “Home Sweet Home” based on

Recently, as she sifted through pieces for her Rutgers School

a familiar tradition: postcards.

of Art portfolio submission, she found herself selecting pieces that represent her love for culture.

“My family loves to collect postcards of all of the places we

A standard portfolio requires roughly fifteen to twenty pieces

piece is of a bear holding onto a card that represents home.

of the artist’s best work, and while most artists submit a plethora of pieces of different media, Elizabeth took a slightly different approach. “My artistic style is very children’s book-esque,” Elizabeth said. “And all children’s books have a storyline, so keeping that in

have traveled as a way to remember our trips,” she said. “So this I chose a bear because the bear symbolizes family, strength, and vitality.” Another piece included in the portfolio is a piece titled “Music Lover,” inspired by a trip to the city of water: Venice, Italy.

mind, I decided that I wanted my portfolio to be seen as a

“While walking through the streets of Venice, I overheard a

story, where all of the pieces are connected and the last piece

young girl playing the violin in a crowd, and while watching

in the portfolio is the resolution.” Elizabeth’s a


portfolio in


her, a pigeon landed on her music stand,” she said. “So, I decided to

represents from

create this piece to represent the


experiences while traveling. Through

relationship between humans and

her portfolio she captures the beauty










things. As Elizabeth believes no story is complete without a resolution,





of pieces in her portfolio that represent the ordinary beauty that

she ties the portfolio together with


a piece representing the importance


Elizabeth ends her portfolio with a


piece titled “The End of The World.”


“This piece is very obviously unlike


the rest of the art in my portfolio,

of caring for our earth at the end. “My portfolio follows me through memories of my favorite trips around the world as I showcase the beauty

and that was done intentionally

of different destinations through

to depict what will happen to our

cultures and vibrant colors,” she said. “The story ends with a dark and gloomy piece that depicts what will happen to the world if we don’t take care of it. The purpose of my portfolio is to invite viewers to rethink their relationship with the world around them.” Elizabeth explains that when traveling, instead of heading to tourist attractions for inspiration, she tends to wander into a local town to explore architecture, street art, and local art

she has seen around the world,

world if we don’t take care of it,” she said. “I wanted to showcase the beauty found in ordinary things to show people that although we think we may want giant buildings, technological advancements, and factories [in order] to be happy, that will ultimately harm nature and our beautiful earth.” As Elizabeth continues to submit copies of her portfolio to

galleries to really understand the culture.

various schools, she stands by her decision to create a portfolio

While walking down a cobblestone street in Provence,

most accurately represents her future plans:

France, Elizabeth paid close attention to the architecture

with a storyline that resembles a children’s book because it

of the countryside town. She notes that a typical Provencal

“Because my art style is very young and playful, I would love

house is tan or white, but stands out with a pop of color on

to combine my love for art with my passion for teaching

the window shutters. Upon returning home, Elizabeth used

and potentially be an art teacher for kindergarten through

magazine paper and bright acrylic paint to create her collage:

sixth grade students,” she said. “I’ve also had thoughts about

“Making My Way Downtown.”

illustrating children’s books in the future as well.” Spring 2021




of J.P. Morgan’s daughter. It’s a role she never dreamed she would land. “I burst into tears when I heard,” she says. “I never

Acting is a Lifelong Lesson in

thought it would happen. I’ve spent most of my life working for this moment.”

How to Do Just a Little Bit of Everything When Emma O’Connor was a sophomore at The Hun School,

Working is precisely what she has done. After attending Sarah

Ethan Hawke ’88 paid a surprise visit to campus. “Nobody

Lawrence on an arts scholarship, she secured an audition for

knew he was coming… he just showed up. I was so excited and

the popular TV show, Outlander. She didn’t get the part, but

went right up to him and introduced myself,” she notes.

she did end up with a manager. It’s all part of the experience

Little did Ms. O’Connor know that would not be the last

is the perk.”

time the two would interact. The promising actress recently worked with Mr. Hawke while filming Tesla,




about inventor Nikolas Tesla, now streaming on Hulu and Amazon.


Hun Today

for Ms. O’Connor. “As an actor, your job is the audition. The gig

Indeed, those gigs have been impressive. In addition to Tesla, she worked for Billy Hopkins Casting as a reader on the Netflix series When They See Us with Ava DuVernay. Billy Hopkins continues to send her on auditions — the most recent was a role in a new CBS pilot, Ways and Means.

“I don’t think he remembered

Of course, her fellow Hun classmates remember her best from



her days as a Janus Player and a member of the a cappella

plays Evelyn, the only fictional

group, the Edgertones. Her artistic flair even influenced her

character in the film — a friend

athletic participation as a member of the crew team, where




she served as stroke. “I was able to keep a rhythm from a cappella,” she says. She credits Hun’s former theatre director Aaron Bogad with steering her on the right path to Sarah Lawrence. “I could have gone down the conservatory path, but I’m so glad I went with Sarah Lawrence. Now, I can draw on those experiences and relate to characters.” As for her future, she looks to the past, citing her passion for

Emma O'Connor ’11

historical fiction. “In an ideal world, I’d do period films only. If I could do that forever, I would.”

FOR JOE LAVINE ’76 Telling Stories is in his Wheelhouse Joe Lavine ’76 knows a good story when he sees one. The director and producer has nine Emmys and two Peabody awards to his name, but there is one story he doesn’t find particularly compelling — his own. “I came to Hun halfway through my freshman year. I was a run of the mill student… not very artsy. I played sports, but wasn’t the star,” he says. Mr. Lavine went on to attend the University of Maryland, “having no idea what I would do when I grew up,” he says. His parents urged him to take business courses and though he wasn’t interested, his father set him on a path that

Joe Lavine ’76

led to his career. “My dad saw an article in The New York Times about a course being offered at Boston University called the Institute of Sports Broadcasting.” It piqued the young Mr. Lavine’s interest so he took a leap and applied to the summer school program. “It wasn’t how to be a broadcaster. It was taking sports and discussing it from every angle — production, business, reporting, radio, etc.” An opportunity on the very first day of class led him to a job as a runner at a Red Sox game. “They asked if anyone wanted to work the game. I raised my hand and later that day I was sitting in the Yankees dugout, helping the cameraman and identifying players.”

Spring 2021


Mr. Lavine could not believe his luck, especially when he was

my first connection to hearing stories, but it wasn’t until I

told to collect his payment. “You get paid for this? It was then

got into this business that the connection hit me.

that I thought to myself, I could make a living doing this! That did it. I went back to Maryland and declared myself a radio/tv film major.” From there, he built an impressive career from the ground up, serving as a messenger for New Jersey public television and “doing whatever I had to do to learn.” He landed at Major League Baseball and spent thirteen years producing This Week in Baseball, highlight, and World Series films before a fourminute piece for HBO changed his life. “I produced a story on

As for a favorite, Mr. Lavine can never pick just one. “The documentary on the 2001 World Series was incredible from both a personal and historical point of view, but each documentary is special for different reasons.” If Joe Lavine listens to every story, he also offers sage advice for those interested in the field. “Say yes to everything. Just get in the door. Meet people. Show them you’re interested. Sweep the floors if you have to. Just learn as much as you can and if

the NFL for HBO and then I never left.”

you love it, stick it out. Things don’t happen overnight.”

He stayed at HBO for seventeen years, serving as features

It’s advice he’s learned firsthand, as one of his favorite story

producer for Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel and as producer for the network’s acclaimed documentary series, Sports of the 20th Century. Promoted to vice president and senior producer,

pitches took decades to make, but Mr. Lavine believes in the power of connection. “A good story is a good story whether it’s told forty years ago or today.”

he steered development and production of the HBO Sports’ award-winning documentaries. He branched out on his own and started his own production company, Trenton Makes Productions — a nod to his Jersey roots. Since then, he has directed and produced Playing for the Mob, which was selected for ESPN’s unprecedented series “30 for 30,” and won an Emmy as the year’s outstanding


documentary series. Most recently, he directed an ABC/ESPN


Television special for NFL Films, and is presently working on a

is Multi-Talented

series for A&E Network. While Mr. Lavine lives and breathes the high stakes world of competitive sports, it’s telling the story that is the end goal for him. “Much of my work explores the underlying struggles, unvarnished truths, and events behind the biggest names in sports.” From Joe Namath, The Women’s National Soccer Team, Muhammad Ali, and Joe Frazier to Joe DiMaggio, the post-9/11

Savvy Clement ’07 was a soccer player. As a freshman at The Hun School, the talented athlete made the varsity team. “Until I was 16, soccer was really my plan,” she says. But something else drew the self-professed “shy kid” away from the field. “I saw my friends in the Janus Players having so much fun and I thought, ‘I want that.’”

World Series, and WWE Superstar Rowdy Roddy Piper, to name

She made her stage debut in The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie

a few, it’s all about getting to the heart of it for Joe Lavine.

and fell “completely in love.” Faculty member Julia Ohm

“I just like telling stories,” he says. I really think that my love for stories came from history class at Hun with Mr. Warren.



emboldened her. “She was really instrumental in encouraging me… she made me feel like I could have a future in this world.”

It wasn’t your normal, ‘open your book to page 35’ kind of

After Hun, Ms. Clement planned to take a gap year but after a

class. He sat and told stories. I look back and think that was

space opened up at the National Theater Institute, she leapt

Hun Today

at the chance to participate in the





conservatory honed


stagecraft, and explored methods of movement, including biomechanics, Savvy Clement ’07

Droznin, and LeCoq. Naturally, she moved to New York at the first chance, spending over two years working in theater and film with emerging playwrights and filmmakers before hopping across the pond to earn a master’s at The Royal Central School of Speech and Drama in London. It’s where she remains today, living with her partner, also an actor, in a renovated warehouse in North London with a dozen fellow creatives. Ms. Clement knows all too well that an actor’s path is paved with rejection. “This is the best career to kill your ego,” she laughs. Still, she has seen her patience and hard work pay off. In 2019, a short film she wrote and acted in, The Ferryman, was a finalist in the Norwich Film Festival, and most recently, she was cast alongside Kate Beckinsale in Jolt. The experience on a blockbuster set was one she won’t soon forget. “It was a crazy, fantastic experience for me.” Her movement training came in hand as well. “I play a waitress and there is a stunt sequence with Kate Beckinsale where it was particularly helpful,” she explains. While Covid-19 has put the movie’s release date on hold, Ms. Clement is not resting on her laurels. Instead, she is setting her sights on the independent film scene where she wants to act, as well as write and direct. “In independent films, there is a freedom of the stories you can tell and the ways you can tell them.” Current conditions mean she is auditioning by Zoom and as she waits to hear back regarding several projects, she is spending her time developing a one-woman show of monologues written during lockdown. She is following her own best advice; viewing the advent of streaming services and


opportunities. Nobody

channels “Make




your the

increased own




entertainment) will look like, so get busy making your own work. Don’t wait for someone else to tell you what to do.”

Spring 2021



STEM DR. ANUSHUA SINHA ’83 GIVES IT HER BEST SHOT Merriam-Webster chose pandemic as the word of 2020, but

late 80s and early 90s there were a lot of exciting advances

it could have just as easily been virus. The word took on a

for HIV on the horizon. I was in my residency when the first

whole new meaning this past year, but for many, including

generation of contemporary HIV therapies were coming into

Dr. Anushua Sinha ’83, viruses have been top of mind for years.

clinic. You could see people rising like Lazarus from their sick

For this medical doctor, former professor of infectious disease

beds… people who were wasted away, down to one-hundred

at Rutgers, and now clinical director of vaccines at Merck,

pounds in their 30s. Who wouldn’t be excited by that?”

combating communicable disease is all in a day’s work.

Dr. Sinha, who operated a clinic for HIV patients

From dengue and hepatitis A to respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, Dr. Sinha’s opponents are formidable. “Everyone’s attention is on Covid-19 this year, but just because we have a new contagious pathogen to battle doesn’t mean our old enemies have gone away,” she explains. She is currently leading a clinical trial for a monoclonal antibody to prevent RSV in


young children. “RSV is the most common cause









Rutgers University Medical School, knew she could not “lose her stethoscope” when she transitioned to Merck. She continues to see patients on a pro-bono basis every Thursday afternoon and evening. Many of her patients are now in their middle and elderly years; something not lost on her. “Once a death sentence, HIV is now a livable chronic disease.” Of





infections in babies, especially babies born prematurely or

requires patience and is far from immediate, but the field’s

with other health conditions,” she explains. “The story of the

advances are an endless source of motivation. “It amazes me

20th century and the early 21 century is not often told, but it’s

that we have cured hepatitis C in the last ten years.”


one of success in combating communicable diseases through vaccines, safe water, and other public hygiene methods. Our generation doesn’t need to think about all of the causes of childhood deaths that our great-grandparents did, but that doesn’t mean there haven’t been communicable diseases that continue to erode our health. RSV is one of them.” Despite the heavy subject matter, Dr. Sinha takes great joy in her work. “Like most scientists, I consider it a privilege. My work is just a joy.”



Being in the lab is where she feels most at home. Even while a student at The Hun School, Dr. Sinha wanted to be a lab investigator. “I planned to major in chemistry and biology and become a bench researcher.” Oddly enough, it is not her science classes that she credits for her success. “The key about Hun was that it provided a solid grounding in liberal arts and it wasn’t about being a specialist in your thinking. You took a deep dive into English literature, history, physics, even four years of intensive language (French,

Viruses have never intimidated Dr. Sinha who was drawn to

for me). I can’t thank Hun enough for the education it gave

biomedicine while attending Harvard Medical School. “In the

me — it set me up for life.”

Hun Today

BRETT BENOWITZ ’05 IS A MOVER AND A SHAKER AT GOOGLE Brett Benowitz ’05 was always fascinated by math and science.

sense, but I knew how to write code.” He secured a position at

“It started with my time at Hun,” says Mr. Benowitz, now a

Google “even though it had nothing to do with what I studied

software engineer at Google. “My favorite classes were AP

in school,” he laughs.

Physics and AP Calculus.”

He has been with Google ever since,

His penchant for these subjects informed

working on the Ad Manager team. Do you

his post-Hun academic decisions. “I thought

know those ads that pop up when you

I wanted to be an architect designing

are reading your morning news? That’s

buildings and bridges,” he explains before

likely the handiwork of Mr. Benowitz and

adding, “My background and affinity for

his team. “I work on the ad formats,” he

math and science meant that I skewed more



explains. “Publishers want to develop new


formats and user experiences and we

Mr. Benowitz earned his undergraduate

enable that… things like ‘play a game and

degree in engineering from Columbia

watch this ad for 30 points.’”

University before pursuing a Ph.D. in stochastic computational mechanics. If





It’s a stark departure from what he originally in


bewilderment, fear not. Quite simply,


stochastic computational mechanics uses


computer algorithms to solve unexpected problems — for instance, an earthquake — in engineering. At his core, Mr. Benowitz likes solving problems. It’s what led him to apply his


academic research to the real world, first working at a structural engineering consulting firm where he developed new computer codes

planned for his career. “I spent over a decade of my life in structural engineering and was nervous to leave it because that’s what I thought I was building everything towards.” He learned a few things along the way — most importantly a better worklife balance. “I came to see that my quality of life was so much more important than what I worked on specifically.” It also comes back to what drew him to

math and science in the first place. “It’s less about what the

to predict how submarines respond to blasts underwater.

problem is and more about solving it. That’s what gets you up

“I worked on multiple research projects in the broad areas of

in the morning.”

computational solid mechanics, fracture mechanics, effects of blast loads on infrastructure, and Naval ship shock response.”

Also getting him up in the morning these days? His two children, ages 3 and 1. “They keep you busy and give you perspective.

Almost five years ago, Mr. Benowitz turned his attention to the

They’re totally happy and all they want to do is be locked in their

tech industry. “I wasn’t a computer scientist in the traditional

playroom with mom and dad.” Spring 2021



MAY 2020 Reunion for International Boarding Alumni


APRIL 2020 Class of 1970 Celebrated their 50th Reunion It had been fifty years since twenty-one members of the Class of 1970 and Faculty Members Sandy Bing, David Leete, and Former Headmaster James M. Byer ’62 had seen each other, but the conversation flowed as if they had been on campus yesterday. Each participant shared fond memories along with highlights of post-Hun life and congratulated David Diamond M.D. ’70 for receiving the 2020 Distinguished Alumnus award. It was especially meaningful to have Michael “Spider” Maguire ’70 participate, as he passed away a few months later.

Head of School Jon Brougham, Director of Resident Life Jonathan Stone, and International Program Directors Dianne Somers and Jen Mitchell reconnected with international boarding alumni from all over the world. Alumni joined the conversation from places as far away as Spain, Australia, Jordan, Venezuela, Hong Kong, and Japan, swapping stories of life in the dorms and post-Hun.

MAY 2020 Reunion for Domestic Boarding Alumni JUNE 2020 Book Discussion with New York Times Bestselling Author Kim McCreight ’90 Kim McCreight ’90, a 2020 Distinguished Alumna recipient, gathered with fellow alumni bookworms for a virtual discussion about her latest book, A Good Marriage, released in May 2020. Attendees had the chance to question Ms. McCreight about the book and hear what it is like to be a New York Times bestselling author.

EARLY FALL 2020 Read In Our Read-In event was led by Chike Ohayia ’08, who led a small group of alumni and faculty in reading James Baldwin’s A Talk to Teachers. Each attendee read a different passage from Baldwin’s speech and expressed how it affected them. The impact of the written word as heard from different voices was a powerful experience for all who attended. 26

Hun Today

Head of School Jon Brougham, Director of Resident Life Jonathan Stone, Co-Director of Athletics Bill Quirk, Former Associate Director of Athletics Kathy Quirk, and Associate Director of Resident Life Meghan Kreger Poller ’95 welcomed back US-based boarders for an entertaining reunion. Alumni shared how impactful the resident life experience was for them, telling stories of fun times and a few hijinks. Plans for the future of Hun’s resident life program were also shared with participants, who universally said they would like to come back as new students.

EARLY FALL 2020 Unconscious Bias Discussion

SUMMER 2020 Meditation Sessions

Led by Chike Ohayia ‘08, alumni, faculty members, and panelists participated in a discussion about unconscious bias. The conversation was prompted by meaningful inquiry about how to address unconscious bias, the power of social media, and the need for compassion-based empathy in difficult conversations.

Drawing on his thirty years of study and meditation practice under the guidance of Tibetan and Western teachers, Scott Globus ’80 led alumni through a series of virtual meditation exercises. Mr. Globus shared stories from his experience, and in a full circle moment, he was able to guide a former teacher of his, Mr. Roger Breisch.

NOVEMBER 2020 The Classes of the 1950s and 1960s Met for Coffee and Conversation with Head of School Jon Brougham Alumni from the classes of the 1950s and 1960s joined Mr. Brougham for an engaging conversation about The Hun School. They covered everything from academics and athletics to Hun’s values and visions for the future. Former Headmaster Dr. James M. Byer ’62 and Former Faculty Member Sandy Bing also joined Mr. Brougham and the alumni, sharing memories and speaking about the importance of relationships and planning for the future of the School.

NOVEMBER 2020 Friendsgiving A small group of alumni and staff joined Erica DiRaimondo and Gabe Csapso from Sage Hospitality, The Hun School’s food services partner, for a holiday-themed cooking demonstration. The participants kept busy in their home kitchens, whipping up smashed potatoes, rosemary lemon chicken, and rustic apple pie after the virtual cooking demonstration.

NOVEMBER 2020 Alumni Athletics Social Hit It Out of the Park

Tom Monfiletto ’04, associate director of marketing and communications and varsity baseball coach; Jonathan Stone, director of resident life and varsity boys’ basketball coach; Jim Stagnitta, varsity boys’ lacrosse coach; Todd Smith, varsity football coach; Ian McNally, varsity ice hockey coach; Ken Weinstein, Middle School head and rowing coach; Kathy Quirk, varsity field hockey and softball coach; Rachel Hickey, associate director of admission and varsity girls’ lacrosse; and Joan Nuse, Middle School faculty member and varsity tennis and swimming coach. Participants included eleven Athletic Hall of Fame inductees, former Trustees, and 33 Club Members (when Hun’s Varsity Football team had a winning streak of 33 games beginning in 1966 and ending in 1970). Varsity football teammates Alan Chalifoux ’72 and Dick Strup ’70 reunited after forty-eight years, and Nicole Arendt ’87 took home the trophy for the participant from farthest afield—Australia.

OCTOBER 2020 – FEBRUARY 2021 Career Connections Panels DECEMBER 2020 Class of 1996 Gathering 1996 classmates Matt Bergin, Scott Gifis, Alex Gorrie, and David Inderbitzen had fun putting together a video for their classmates encouraging participation in a Reunion Zoom meeting. Nearly twenty members from the Class of 1996 reconnected (some for the first time in decades).

Hun recently launched a series of virtual career panels. The program was designed as a collaboration between Advancement, College Counseling, and Community Engagement to connect students with alumni and Hun parents for career advice. During these one-hour sessions, alumni and parent panelists share information about their careers and advice for students interested in similar fields. By the end of February 2021, students have had the opportunity to engage with individuals in the following career fields: Medicine and Health, Art and Design, Technology and Engineering, Performing Arts, Law and Government, Finance, Athletics, and Frontline and Essential Workers.

JANUARY 2021 Performing Arts Alumni Gathering From dance and drama to music, thirty-six alumni gathered to recount their time on the stage at Hun. Deborah Watts, performing arts chair, along with Bill Esher, theatre director, and Lisa Yacomelli, dance director, offered a peek behind the curtain at the current program. Students Lexi Thomas ’22, Kaylie Shook ’24, Chelsea Clarke ’23, and Ishwari Joshi ’21 spoke about how the program has influenced their lives at Hun. Alumni joined from all over the world, including James Caran ’01, an opera singer in Russia who signed on despite it being the middle of the night. Spring 2021






JOIN US! HUNSCHOOL.ORG/GIVING QUESTIONS? Contact Director of The Hun Fund, Jennifer Harris at

In 2021-2022, The Hun School will celebrate our FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF GIRLS AT HUN. We are planning a year-long celebration which will include recognizing some of our outstanding female alumnae.




APRIL 21-24, 2021


Hun Today

Do you know a classmate or alumna who stands out from the crowd? Email and help us celebrate her.



HUN ALUMNI Keeping in Touch, Informed, and Up-to-Date

194 1

1946 195 1

Bill Master checked in from North Bend, WA


outside of Seattle where he and Judy, his wife of 58 years, now live. From Hun he headed west to Colorado College where he majored in History. He


served on active duty with the United States Army in Germany during the Berlin Crisis, then Aberdeen


Proving Grounds, and a final tour at Ft. Rucker, AL. He earned a Master’s in Business Administration


from the University of Puget Sound and spent most

George Griggs wrote, “It was indeed a pleasure to have participated in the Zoom Coffee and Conversation with Head of School Jon Brougham and alumni of the 50s and 60s, to get an update on what’s happening on campus and to share the memories of our time at Hun. I never cease to be impressed with the continuing progress in providing second to none educational opportunities for Hun students, as well as learning of the many important contributions that Hun alumni/alumnae have made to the betterment of humankind.

set up the purchasing departments in two national companies. He retired a number of years ago from Honeywell Aerospace. His favorite leisure activity is fly

our forthcoming Virtual Reunion in April 2021 and I encourage all members of the Class of 1955 to join in, to reconnect. It would be great to see you.”

Bob Edwards heard from the following

Dave Keffer gave this “nutshell” summary of his

the 1st Cav Div in a November 1965 battle that is

life’s adventures since 1956. His undergraduate work at Amherst was followed by a master’s in business administration from the Wharton School in 1962. That led to three divergent careers as CPA, CFO of Wall Street firm with his brother John Keffer ’60. He has been retired for 20 years, living in Maine and Florida with his wife Jan of 59 years. Other than a few years in Dallas, they have lived primarily in the Northeast from D.C. to Maine, always a result of a son, and five grandchildren. He boasts that his

Class of

1956 classmates: Mike Aronson reports that he had a long and challenging career as an editor and idea broker with the Harvard University Press and other publishers. He retired in 2015 to spend more time with his wife Linda. He remained in touch with Tony Pirone for many years until his passing. He recalls his favorite Hun teachers were Erna Frankhauser and Douglas Borlen. His health has been good enough to permit him to take up mountain climbing including the Wyoming Wind River Range and the Zinal Rothorn, the Matterhorn, and other “mid-sized peaks” in Switzerland. Stephen Siben shared this summary of his life after Hun: “I live in East Islip, Long Island, NY and Palm Beach Gardens, FL. I graduated from the

the Army had promoted me to general officer. My most significant Army experience was as a Rifle

“where the job was.” He and Jan have a daughter, 65TH REUNION

above Bruce Barren ‘59

fishing each year on the Bighorn River in Montana.

CIGNA’s Healthcare Division, and then a start-up

“I look forward to hearing and learning more at


of his business life in supply chain management. He

weight has not changed since his Hun days but admits that “it has radically reapportioned itself!” He spends a lot of energy working with nonprofit organizations, playing golf, and reading. Dave Keffer also wrote, “Our Hun O.A.R.S. rowing foursome of Bob Edwards, George Griggs ’55, Tom Davis ’54, and I had our last row together a few years ago before Tom died in 2019. Appropriately, the remaining three of us attended his funeral service in Smugglers’ Notch, VT, where he had resided for many years, and raised a few toasts to our rowing days together. Coincident with the current pandemic, we now gather monthly via Zoom along with our wives/friends and continue

Company commander with the 1st Bn 7th Cav of the subject of a bestselling book “We Were Soldiers Once … And Young” and a movie “We Were Soldiers.” I recommend the book over the movie. After leaving the Army, I worked in municipal government until 2020 when I retired from the working world. For the past 32 years I have lived close to the Delaware River in Solebury Township, Bucks County, PA — about 15 miles from Hun. Having learned to row at Hun, I was pleased to find a local rowing club which I immediately joined. I no longer compete in races but continue to row for recreation and exercise. Nancy, my wife of 53 years, died in 2016, but in April 2019, while teaching a class on my Vietnam experiences, I met an Army widow and we now see each other on a regular basis.”


Bruce Barren was recently appointed president of Thunder Energies Corporation, one of the nation’s leading suppliers of top-quality CBD products and the U.S. premier source for turnkey white and private label hemp extract product solutions. Mr. Barren is also a general partner in Salt Capital USA, LLC and its affiliates. Bruce shares with his classmates, “It is with a heavy

our Hun friendships although no longer in a four-

heart that I report the death of Chuck Bennett,

person shell. My best to all in the Class of 1956.”

a loyal friend. I remember well our years at Hun where we both played various sports together. I

Bob Edwards wrote “I entered the United States

was his center on Hun’s first winning football team

Army the day after graduation from Lafayette

in the 1950s. Charlie, as he enjoyed being called,

University of Virginia, joined the Army Reserves, and

College in 1960. As an Infantry officer I commanded

was a man of constant smiles and kind words for

graduated from New York Law School in 1964. I am

several platoons, a company, and a battalion (tough

everyone. Thanks, Charlie for all of the good times

still practicing law at my family firm of Siben and

tour in Hawaii) plus numerous staff, operational,

we spent together. To Nancy and his daughters,

Siben. My hobby is classic cars but I have managed

and instructional jobs. I moved seventeen times,

Sally and Kelly, I can only say that I was a lucky man

to reduce my collection to 29 cars. I would really like

logged thirty-five parachute jumps, and retired

to have had the pleasure of his company. My prayers

to hear from Martin Zipser.”

as a colonel in 1983. I would have stayed longer if

will always be with him.”

Spring 2021





Pillsbury, started freshman year at the University

and shared his reflections: “Looking up and down

of Colorado, where his parents and brother went,

Nassau Street there was no one, not a car nor

along with our younger daughter and son. Charlie

anyone walking. It had been like that, empty

caught Covid-19 the second week he was at the

and kind of eerie, for three months during the

university. He immediately went into quarantine,

pandemic. We passed by John Hun’s first office

and thankfully all was OK.

building at 20 Nassau St.t, which is being turned

Lou D’Ambrosio wrote, "My grandson, Charlie


Jim Firestone took a walk through Princeton

into a Collegetown Hotel now. We also took a peek “I snuck onto the red carpet at the Palm Springs

at Johnny Hun’s Princeton Tutoring School at 23

International Film Festival and waved to the crowd.

University Pl.

They had no idea who I was, but they took photos anyway. They must have thought I was a star! If

“Further along at 106 Stockton Street, we passed

anybody wants autographed photos, I’ll get them to

the old Hun Upper School, built by John Hun, but

you cheap — $.39 cents each!

sold to Princeton Seminary in 1943. It was recently put up for sale. In the late 1950’s the gym was

“We have been hunkering down in Newport Beach.

Hun’s home basketball court and was also used

CA. It was sad to not have our 60th Reunion last

for wrestling and fencing. Tom Petrone ’61 was

April. I did a Zoom in September (Coffee and

our best shot, but these days he looks more like a

Conversation with the head of school and alumni

Beatle, like I do. We both need haircuts and can’t

from the 50s and 60s), which was fun. It was nice to

get one yet.

see some of my classmates. We should do another and get more classmates and alumni onboard; just

“Is it true that Johnny Hun had an in by teaching

to catch up and trade stories/notes!

them all how to play poker at the Nassau Club. Poker

above Lou D’Ambrosio ’60 - on the red carpet once more!

should be Hun’s game of choice, and ought to be

the right. It was part of the original entry gate to

“Hoping all my fellow classmates are taking care

taught at the school by Stephen Peters’s ’70 brother

the estate. The road led us to “Edgerstoune,” itself,

and staying safe. I look forward to the April 2021

Jeffrey, a retired dealer from an Atlantic City casino,

named after an estate on the Scottish border with

Zoom Reunion! And, I sure am looking forward to

who could teach it as the quick way to wealth.

England. We sat on the front porch for a rest. It has been 65 years since I first came here. I recall seeing

a right old big party in 2022 celebrating with the Classes of 1960, 1961, and 1962!”

“Finally, turning the corner of Edgerstoune Rd., I

my favorite movie star Faye Emerson pick up her

noticed a small stone column in the woods on

son right where I was sitting. A recent plaque on

HOW TO SUBMIT YOUR PHOTOS FOR CLASS NOTES If you would like to share stories with classmates and the alumni community, please email Director of Alumni Engagement and Leadership Gifts Officer Janine Russo Vanisko ’83 at, or contact your Class Ambassador.

Tell us about: New jobs • Big moves • Fun Alumni Connections • Marriages and Births


Make sure your digital images meet our guidelines below to ensure quality when printing, then send to

DIGITAL IMAGE GUIDELINES: • JPGs at least 4.5” wide at 300 dpi • Please DO NOT pull images from web/social media as they are not typically print quality • Submit iPhone photos at ‘actual size’ when attaching to email Please be sure the image is yours to submit. The Hun School of Princeton does not verify the information in the Class Notes and cannot be responsible for the accuracy. The Class Notes section is offered to alumni for their use in exchanging news and updates on their classmates. The Hun School of Princeton reserves the right to edit and further publish Class Note submissions in any and all School publications or media.


Hun Today


the column tells the history of the massive wooden entry doors. In the early 50s a few students led by Dan Offutt ’50 had to sand them down to keep the place presentable. Other students were paid to paint the ceiling in the front hall. Recently, Dan




2020, I have been busy painting, writing, and

Tryg Sletteland shared the following notes from

Stephen Polin wrote, “During the Pandemic of recording music. When the pandemic began,

Fred D’Agostino wrote, “When you get to a certain

I started making masks with my paintings and

replicas and kindly acknowledged his work. It made

age, people ask you to review things. I’m reviewing…

painted the album cover from my CD. To my

me feel great seeing them both on the plaque.

the state of the social sciences in Australia,

amazement, I began getting requests for masks

governance arrangements at the University of

of paintings selected by the buyers from photos

“At Hun it wasn’t only what you had in the bank

Newcastle, strategy for The Women’s College at the

on my website: As unfortunate and

that counted, but how much you cared about what

University of Queensland and for UQ’s (fundraising)

maddening as the confinement has been, it

many others had done to make Hun a good place


afforded me the opportunity to finish over twenty

Joseph ’59 replaced Offutt’s doors with exact

to be. We can all thank Edith Johnson, the aunt of

new oil paintings, get my images out there on

both Tom Johnson ’61 and George Johnson ’63, for

“I had some time out of the pool during our Covid

masks, and in turn, help us protect ourselves and

her help. Students like George Tidey ’51, Pat Tidey

‘lockdown.’ I also bought an electric car (a Mini). I’m

each other in a most unusual 2020.”

’53, and Jim Tidey ’58 and David Savidge ’61, Peter

working to get a civil discourse program launched

Savidge ’62, and Paul Savidge ’62 made the place

here in Brisbane and also wondering whether we’re

special by setting the bar higher in athletics and

going to have to relive the 1960s. Love and Peace.”



Bob Stern wrote, “After we graduated, I was

academics. Ron McLean wrote, “Hiding on a mountain top on

invited to spend a month living with Eduardo

“Looking back at our two mile walk from Princeton,

an island in the middle of the Pacific. Hawaii is the

Roche Diaz and his family in Merida and at their

I could see why the five Faisals from Saudi Arabia

safest state in the country! We consider 100 cases a

summer home in Progresso (on the coast of the

had learned to hitchhike with day students to get

day in the state a big number and it’s usually around

Gulf of Mexico). It was eye opening—a culture and

into town whenever possible. Imagine that, the sons

ten or less for this island in family groups. Hawaii

spirit I had never experienced before: sleeping in

of a king hitchhiking! One day Bobby Cox ’56, who

is trying hard to be as safe as possible. Visitors are

hammocks because of the intense humid heat

Faisal ’59, Saudi Arabia’s eventual Foreign Minister,

they get stuck in the hotel for 14 days or until they

started the Hun Soccer Team, even found Saud-Al-

permitted but only if tested before they leave or

crouched down in his back seat after soccer

get a negative test. Mask compliance is extremely

practice, issuing orders: ‘You will take me to town.’

high and required. Violators are arrested and sent home on the next flight. The tourist economy is

“Walking through the University and around town

terrible, though.

has been great during the pandemic. There are hardly any students and you get to appreciate so

“I also heard from Herm Penner the very sad news

much more about the beauty of the University

that Paul Margolis passed away on Sept. 23rd

buildings. We are so lucky to be in this town, even if

from complications after a prolonged battle with

it was only during your school years. I’ve just finished

prostate cancer. This has been a difficult year all

writing another book of poems called “Being

the way around, to say the least. Sonia and I are

There, Downtown: A Sense of Place” which I hope

well and while stuck at home have published or are

to publish soon. But I should have stayed walking.

publishing biographical books in Brazil and the US.

Instead, your class ambassador just narrowly missed

I will have an updated Hun 1964 Directory out to

not being here by being in a serious car accident,

classmates soon.”

which is why I didn’t get to call you all at the last moment for Class Notes. I will call next time, so be ready to talk about your experiences during the lockdown.”

right Bob Stern ’66 and Eduardo Roche Diaz ’66 below Mask design is one of Stephen Polin’s ’65 paintings.

John Stewart wrote, “Retired life is quite enjoyable in Florida. Telephone chats and occasional visits with Tim Walsh ’62 brighten my days. Delivering the eulogy for his roommate and my dear friend, Christopher Wynkoop ’62, was a sad occasion. But I find fun, education, and inspiration in my avocation impersonating Thomas Jefferson (www. I recently performed my 138th show for a group of “Latchkey Kids” in Naples, FL. It’s fun to bring the facts and people of the American Revolution to the future generations. Those who fail to learn the lessons of history are condemned to repeat them.”

Spring 2021




Don Silverson wrote, “I joined fellow classmates

Howard Woodson, Ed Kohn, Tony Wiseman, and other alums from the 1960s on a Zoom call in October with Head of School Jon Brougham, Former Headmaster James M. Byer ’62, and former

faculty member Sandy Bing. We had great fun reminiscing about our days at Hun. Jon Brougham updated us on the School’s efforts to fulfill its mission during the pandemic. Jim Byer ’62 also gave a compelling case for us to join the John Gale Hun Society and include Hun in our estate plans. Hun needs our moral and financial support more than ever during these challenging times, so please connect with the Advancement Office to see how we can help. Go Hun!”


Dick Embley wrote, “Greetings to all my 1970 classmates. This has been a very unusual year. Due to the pandemic, our 50th Reunion has been postponed twice. I feel fortunate to have participated in our April Zoom meeting. It was so good to see our classmates and to hear of all the interesting and successful careers in addition to life stories and reminiscing of our Hun years. It was great to have three former faculty members attend the meeting who were at the heart of our Hun experience: Dave Leete, teacher and coach of our championship sports teams; Sandy Bing, former

teacher, dean of students, and our baseball coach; and Jim Byer ’62, former teacher, dean of students, headmaster, and golfer extraordinaire, who I was lucky enough to reconnect with as a member of Springdale Golf Club for many years. “Two years ago, Sharon and I moved from Princeton to Alexandria, VA. We are enjoying retirement, playing some golf, traveling when possible, and being nearer to our children and grandchildren. top left Tom Horwich ’59 and Kevin Tylus ’73 top right Alan Chalifoux ’72 and his wife Kristine looking at the 1972 Edgerstounian bottom left John Fabiano ’70 bottom right Avery Chenoweth ’74

and also to protect us from the baseball-size

always be grateful for Eduardo and his generous

beetles and scorpions that would crawl onto

spirit. Thank you, and RIP, Eduardo.”

the beds at night. Occasionally, on those long summer nights after a few too many drinks, we would rent a Mariachi band and serenade the gals. There was marvelous food and drink - along with other unmentionable cultural experiences!


Mitchell Block wrote, “I relocated to Eugene, OR when I was selected to fill the initial Jon Anderson chair, distinguished professor of Documentary

“Looking back, it was so natural for Eduardo to

Studies and Production in the School of Journalism

walk back into his culture, while to me it was a

and Communications at the University of Oregon

whole new world. Thanks to my Hun Spanish, I was

in Sept. My position specifically allows me to spend

at least able to communicate the bare necessities.

up to 60% of my time in production and service to

I have always cherished these early experiences.

the field. I can continue to make films. It’s a perfect

My previous life came into perspective and gave

fit for my interests at this point in my life.”

me a taste for further adventures. For this I will


Hun Today

“Lastly, we are all saddened by the recent passing of classmate Mike Maguire. I feel fortunate to have seen Mike on the Zoom meeting. Mike had taken a leadership role in keeping our class together and informed, and he was passionate about his time at Hun. Besides being a great athlete, Mike was a sincere and caring person. I will miss his special friendship. Keep well and safe.” John Fabiano is featured in the Office of the Monmouth County Clerk’s book titled “To Preserve and Protect: Profiles of the People Who Recorded the History and Heritage of Monmouth County, NJ”. He shared: “I’m very pleased to be included, not only with my cohort county historians, but most especially with my predecessors, Revolutionary War historian Samuel S. Smith, and genealogist John E. Stillwell, Jr. Both these men informed my research


into the true identity of the woman known as "Molly

wife, Fran. Fran gave him two beautiful daughters,

Pitcher," heroine of the Battle of Monmouth.

Michelle and Erin, who in turn, gave Spider four

Jimmy Rigot wrote, “Classmate Mike “Spider”

Maguire passed away in October 2020. He had a

awesome grandchildren: Michael Smith ’23, Rian,

“Finally, I am on the board of, and spending a lot

Matthew, and Kamryn. Family was everything to

of time working with, Phoenix Sports Partners, LLC,

Spider. What a wonderful legacy!

a sports technology driven firm located in Chicago, IL that invests in entrepreneurial start-ups in the

profound impact on so many people. He was so loved and respected. I miss him.

all of the recent successes in Hun athletics.

“Spider was a man of integrity. He was caring,

sports arena. Challenging economic times, but

generous with his time, and fun to be around.

immense opportunities in this area.

“Spider and I first met playing grammar school

Spider was a precious gift. He always laughed at

basketball. We played in the Mercer County

my silly jokes and absurd remarks. He would ask,

“I wish everyone a healthy and successful 2021. Stay



‘Jimmy, how come I never see you with a book?’

well, and stay safe.”

against each other; Spider played for Saint Paul’s

I would respond, ‘because I can’t read.’ He would

of Princeton and I played for Blessed Sacrament

laugh…‘Jimmy, really, how did you get accepted to

in Trenton. St. Paul’s beat Blessed Sacrament 72

Hun?’ My response: ‘athletic scholarship.’ He would

to 39 and it all had to do with one exceptional

laugh and give me that grin and smile and I would

athlete, Mike “Spider” Maguire. I was extremely

say, ‘what, just because I’m half your size and have

thrilled to learn that Spider would be joining me

one tenth your talent.’ We would laugh together

Guadagno ’71, Mark Taylor ’71, and Steve Weiss ’71,

in my freshman year at The Hun School. Over our

and enjoy another beer. I am forever thankful for

are making plans for the upcoming Virtual Alumni

four years at Hun, our relationship grew into a deep

my time at Hun. The relationships it afforded me

Weekend 2021 (April 21-24). This will be a celebration

connection and a strong friendship. I was fortunate

are priceless. Spider made the world a brighter and

for all alumni, but this year marks a special

and blessed to have had the opportunity to get to

better place.”

celebration for the Class of 1971 — our 50th Reunion.

had a lot of fun and many good times. I’ll always

Dick Strup wrote, “Cindy and I are sequestered at

The four-day event will include a variety of events for

cherish our time together and relish our wonderful

home in Florida. I thoroughly enjoyed the 50th

all Hun alumni and families to enjoy. What makes


Reunion Zoom and seeing all our classmates last April.

this year different and exciting is that alumni from all

“At Hun, Spider lettered in football, basketball, and

“Like all of us in the Class of 1970, I’ve had a tough

There will be opportunities for all alumni to reconnect

baseball. He was inducted into The Hun School’s

time processing the recent loss of Mike Maguire.

with each other, and with the School. We are

Athletic Hall of Fame. There is no question that

He was our class leader since the day we all walked

discovering new opportunities to engage with Hun

Spider was an accomplished athlete. I can tell

on to campus, and a good friend to all. RIP, Spider!

Alumni everywhere — and that is very, very exciting!






The Advancement Office along with the Class of 1971 50th Reunion Committee, Roger Bing ’71, Mike

know Spider and spend quality time together. We

around the world can participate from their homes!

you though as much as Spider enjoyed playing, coaching, and watching sports, he would tell you

“I also participated in a Zoom Athletic Social with

his greatest accomplishment was marrying his

Coaches call in November….it was exciting to hear of


Alan Chalifoux and wife Kristine spent the latter part of August in Princeton helping their daughter

WHERE THERE'S A WILL THERE'S A WAY. Do you want to join the School's legacy society?

• You can join Hun's legacy society by making a gift through your estate plans

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• Joining the John Gale Hun Society is easier to do than you think

Maddy prep her new home for occupancy. Maddy purchased a 1920s farmhouse which she is rehabbing with her parents’ help. Alan is still working as an engineer while Katherine recently retired from the University of Illinois. Donny Meisel joined them for lunch in Princeton Junction where Donny traded stories and memories with Alan for Kristine to hear. Maddy will begin her teaching career in New Jersey. Their son Ryan is the place kicker for the University of Louisville football team.


Kevin Tylus wrote, “I found Tom Horwich ’59 that same wonderful Midwestern gentleman, one who looked forward to his 80th birthday on July 20! It was a special day — and the rain quickly subsided to a glorious sunny, low humidity 75-degree day. At least we got to use Tom’s Hun School umbrella!”



at (609) 759-4311 or

to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) with

Avery Chenoweth wrote, “During the shutdown, I’ve been busy taking online classes in English the British Council and Harvard, two classes in

Spring 2021



contact tracing with Johns Hopkins, in English

If you love singing and you have been stopped in

attendance doubled and we enjoyed the evening

and Spanish; took lessons in playing polo (visit

your tracks, I highly recommend joining me in this

reminiscing about Hun days and talking about, where you can read

amazing experience. To say that this experience has

where our lives have taken us since. It was as if we

Avery’s account of learning polo on p. 50); and

brought joy and the love of singing back into my

didn’t miss a beat and, as Craig said, ‘We would have

have jump-started my high-school infatuation with

life during this Covid-19 crisis is an understatement.”

known each other, even after all this time, had we passed one another on the street!’

Spanish by studying with four online tutors a week, participating in four online conversation groups,

Jasmin Leary Barry

two with UVA, and am now volunteering to teach

Weekend 2021 is almost here (April 21-24). My

English to a few Spanish-speaking folks in town. To

1970s friends, keep an eye out for a Zoom session

my surprise, this online academic and social life now

with some of our beloved former faculty members

feel like I’m in grad school again, with discussions

from the 1970s! Be sure to check our website

that range from books, films, and series to politics,



Alumni “So far, we’ve been able to catch up with Lynn Mills Zahn, Tracy Leete Bohr, Elise Cascone Russo,

Scott Globus, Marty Zoltick, Rob Flory, Director

of Operations Mike Chaykowsky, Bill O’Toole, Gail Stempel Dunnett, Lisa Gavales Connors, Sallie

medicine, anthropology, archaeology, drama, and

Greisman, Henry Lin, Dana Gilbert Tuttle, Keith

literature, all in Spanish, which is an adrenaline rush

Lars Platt wrote, “Our (my wife Carrie of 32 years)

equivalent to...polo. If this goes on any longer, I’ll be

retirement home renovation started in March of

wearing a beret and smoking an unfiltered French

2020 in Dartmouth, MA. I’ve been working as the

cigarette. And to be sure, some of us Hun graduates

project general contractor, and we are almost


have been Zooming around, as well — including

halfway complete. My wife created a new 20/20

rescheduled once more, the Class of 1980 will

Phil Maier, Robert Purcell, Eugene Rothe ’75, and

news series called The Con with Whoopie Goldberg

continue to find ways to connect. After all, we’re

John Seiler.”


Duvin, and Dave Stout. We’re hoping to see even more of our classmates in future happy hours. our





as narrator. My son, Nicholas, started a media company helping business people develop online business





daughter, Charlotte, has been working for Hawkfish;

Donald Chu spent part of 2020 teaching himself

first for founder Michael Bloomberg’s presidential

how to draw. "I find sketching can be relaxing and

campaign, then switching to the Biden team

fun. I am sorry to have missed our 45th Reunion in

(this data media company designed and tracked

April, but I look forward to virtual Alumni Weekend

election media related results).

2021, and an even bigger celebration in 2022 with Classes 1975, 1976, and 1977!"

“I look forward to celebrating virtual reunions in April 2021, and celebrating with everyone in person

Sue Fulton Talbott wrote, “I have been a choral singer for most of my life. In March 2020, all rehearsing and performing came to a screeching halt due to Covid-19. In August, I was lucky enough to stumble upon a virtual choir based in the

in 2022!”



Fran Doyle Stokes wrote, "I’ll be looking for the

United Kingdom. This choir was started by Simon

Class of 1976 during virtual Alumni Weekend 2021!

Lubkowski, a young music teacher and choir

We’ve got 45 years of catching up to do. Doll yourself

director in the small town of Leicestershire, ENG.

up (it’s Zoom – waist up), fix your hair, put on some makeup, and let’s reconnect, share stories, and

“With lockdown upon him in England, he thought that he would reach out to a few of his singers and see if they wanted to participate in a chorus, virtually. He thought that maybe thirty people would sign up. As of today, there are over 3,175. There is also a youth choir affiliated with this Collective.

enjoy each other’s company. See you in April.”

performance below Sketch by Donald Chu ’75


Jocelyn Avery Dorgan wrote, “What did the Class of 1980 do when their much anticipated 40th reunion was postponed due to Covid? We found

“All of our rehearsing and musical education is done

that silver lining, in true Class of 1980 style, and

on Zoom. In November I was asked to be a member

jumped on the Zoom bandwagon! Determined

of the music team – there are thirty people on the

to reconnect after 40 years, our goal was to come

team that help run the rehearsals and practices and

together once again to share old times and special

support the virtual choir.

Hun memories! And that we did!

“We performed a holiday show which was streamed

“Our first virtual happy hour was launched in

on YouTube in December. The Collective Virtual


Choir, as it is called, has its own webpage. Please

whom had not seen each other for decades. It


felt like old times! With such positive feedback,






we immediately decided to schedule our second “This experience is completely free of charge and

Zoom get-together for the week after Thanksgiving.

open to anyone anywhere in the world, and will

To make the evening even more special, we invited

continue into 2021. All you need is an email address!

Craig Hannas, one of the most beloved teachers at Hun during our years there, to be our guest. Our


Hun Today

above Sue Fulton Talbott ’75 getting ready for a


rekindling an unbreakable bond with people who

to me. Ms. Somers, my English teacher, was inspiring

share more than a common interest; we share a

and made me feel as though I have never left Hun.


Scott Brenner reports that he and his family are hunkered down and doing fine in South Jersey. His dog is really enjoying having more people

“Working in a boarding school keeps me in touch.

Braverman, Robert Stewart, Greg Beylerian, and

Every day I remember my time at Hun. I call Director

I played music together in the dorms. We called

of Operations Mike Chaykowsky ’80 or Director of

ourselves (for a lack of a better name) HSST, the Hun

Alumni Engagement and Leadership Gift Officer

School Society Team. We still do our improvisational

Janine Russo Vanisko ’83 to run or brainstorm an

jams today. A deep, beautiful friendship founded on

idea. My son Hashem is in ninth grade at King’s

around all day to bark at. Scott recently launched a

and I have been very proud of him being raised in

website to help less tech-savvy people understand

a boarding school. My eldest daughter Hanan was

cybersecurity threats and take actions to keep

the Orator of her class in 2018 and now she is in her

themselves safe online. He welcomes Hun alumni

third year at UBC studying international relations

to check it out ( and get in

and minoring in sociology. “A few years ago, PJ Kolman ’10, a Hun graduate, came and worked at King’s in our advancement


Ed Haemmerle wrote, “Hello from the Haemmerles! We are doing as well as could be expected. I have continue to run my solar business. Eddie is off to college soon; Danny with two years to go.

office. It was great having her and made me feel

Ola Bseiso wrote, “Twenty-twenty has not been

so close. I look forward to visiting Hun in 2021 in

easy, a very tough year for me. I lost my dad, my

person and enjoying the company of all my friends,

#1 supporter in late March, and I had to deal with

including Monica Pica, Ana Wagner Hotaling,

Covid-19 at the same time. However, attending the

the earth of Edgerstoune Rd.”

plans to retire from the firehouse on Feb. 1, but will

touch if there are any issues they’d like help with.



Chris Heltai wrote, “When we went to Hun, Ron

common childhood.”



and many others.

“That all said, I wanted to share some sad news too. We have lost an old friend this year — Malcolm

McKay, a rather unique fellow, has passed. We didn’t spend tons of time together, but every year or so we would cross paths and enjoy each other’s company.

alumni virtual gathering in May was the highlight of my lockdown time in Jordan. Seeing friends and

“I wish that 2021 will bring us all good health,

He was always good for a few laughs, a few drinks,

teachers from all around the world meant so much

prosperity, and hope for a better future!

and throwing some money around for a fun night. I wish him eternal peace. Rest easy, old friend.” David Russo wrote, “I recently completed a 13-week User Experience Design Bootcamp through General Assembly. My hope is to return to hospitality as a service designer, and help the industry evolve through the Covid crisis and beyond. Before that, there was a whole lot of quarantine baking. I’m looking forward to seeing all the other 1988s in person very soon.”


Actor Ethan Hawke ’88 recently had a chance to video chat with his high school friend, and above left Ron Braverman ’86, Robert Stewart ’86, Greg Beylerian ’86, Chris Heltai ’86 right Ed Haemmerle


’88, his wife Louise, and the late Malcolm McKay ’88 below Class of 1980 finds their silver lining.

Leopoldo Lopez ’89. This conversation took place




before Mr. Lopez was able to flee Venezuela and reunite with his family in Spain this past fall. “Freedom is an abstract idea for many people… And I think that people who function in democracies think of these things the same way we think about oxygen. We are breathing right now, but we don’t think about it. In a way, many people take freedom for granted, and take democracy for granted, and I learned what freedom is about in solitary confinement in a 2x2 cell with a huge lock the size of a brick. That’s when I learned what freedom was about because I knew what I wanted, I knew what was my hope,” Mr. Lopez said. Mr. Lopez, who is fighting for free and fair presidential elections in Venezuela, was one of the most notable political prisoners in the world. Watch the full video:

Spring 2021




Corinna Smithson Bisgaier wrote, “Even a pandemic

wasn’t going to stop Stephanie Hantman ’91 from her dream wedding on the beach in Long Branch,

hoping that we are able to travel safely to Greece next

pandemic thing too. I think it’s named after a beer

summer for our wedding day."

or something. But all joking aside, 2020 did actually deal us one final surprise, albeit a happy one.


“On December 7th, the Class of 1996 held its first

Stephanie Demsky Gold wrote, “My boyfriend

Reunion Zoom meeting to great success. With

to represent the old friends from Hun. Plus, we’re

and business partner Eric Sims and I are based

nearly twenty people checking in over the course of

thrilled that our Reunions are going to be combined

in Pennington, NJ, and are currently in the

an hour, our class reconnected in a wonderful way

so that we’ll be able to attend together for once!”



for the first time in years (decades for some We were featured on

included). Whether we “K.I.T.” or shaded out over

Good Day New York, The Today Show, and Good

the years, it was truly wonderful to see some of the

Day Philadelphia. We donate a portion of the

Stephanie Hantman wrote, “In Long Branch, NJ on

excellent faces of our friends from our formative high

proceeds to Frontline and Children’s Hospital of

Aug. 30th, under the bluest sky on a perfect beach

school years.

Philadelphia (CHOP). All of our masks come with

day, Barry and I were finally married! We were truly

adjusters, nose bridges and filters.”

NJ on Aug. 30 . “I was thrilled to be there and help th







delighted to be joined by friends and family, both in person and by Zoom. Thank you to all the Hun

“In less than an hour’s time we learned that our class has roamed far and wide. Alumni hail from the hubs

Tim Field wrote, “2020 has been a crazy year! Hope

of New Jersey, Philadelphia, and D.C., to Colorado,

everyone is staying safe and healthy. I am working

and advice to make this day so memorable in these

Vermont, North Carolina, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, and

from home and blessed to be a new father to

crazy times.” Among the bride’s closest Hun friends,

even across the pond in foggy London-town. As for

Madison Lena Field, 6 pounds, 5 ounces, 19 inches,

Corinna Smithson Bisgaier ’90 and Alison Baker

our lives, it brought us great joy to share our tales of

born on January 13, 2020.”

music, writing, international aid, finance, technology,

friends from over the years who sent well wishes

were there to celebrate the stunning day.”


Keith Camper wrote, “During the summer of 2020 I was able to catch up with my buddies Dana Hughes

teaching, and social work, to name a few. The only


way it could have been better would have been to see

James McCormick wrote, “Despite the challenges this past year presented to each of us, I’ve remained as productive as possible. Leveraging my contacts

Moorhead ’95 and Rashawn Glenn ’92 in New York to

in the NFL, fashion, and luxury industries, I opened

reminisce over some good Hun memories. Personally,

a lifestyle management agency (Paradigm Luxury

I’m starting my 17th year as a Pediatric Dentist. My

Group). The agency includes image consulting, event

practice is located in Maryland (just outside of

management, digital media, and brand strategy

Washington, D.C.).”

services on a global scale. In addition, I added content creation as a significant aspect of my personal brand

Alicia Klosowski Tillman was recently honored as #11

with a show - The Mastery League - scheduled for 2021.

on the Forbes Magazine 2020 Top 50 Most Influential Chief Marketing Officers in the World.

“I’m also proud to serve the community as a board member for the Arts Council of Princeton. My wife

“Hi Friends! It’s been an eventful year and I am feeling

Laura and daughter Ella join me in wishing that

blessed to have had the extended time with my

everyone in the Hun family is doing well and staying

husband Bill, and our children, Riley and William, and

as safe as possible.”

new puppy Buddy! Although I haven’t been back to my NYC office since the pandemic began, I have been keeping active on digital media and daily video calls! I started a social media video series most recently called



Alex Gorrie and his wife Mary welcomed their second baby, Henry Edward Gorrie, on December

across my company (SAP) who have gone above and

12th. His brother Luke is already very fond of him. The

beyond to support their communities during the

whole family is doing great!

pandemic. I also launched a new TV commercial on of my classmates and teachers and look forward to

A big shout out to our 1996 Reunion Committee, Matt Bergin, Scott Gifis, Alex Gorrie, and David

being in person for our next Reunion! I hope everyone

Inderbitzen for putting together video messages

is staying safe and healthy.”

that were sent to the Class of 1996 encouraging attendance at their first Zoom event!

Ellie Patounas wrote, "Jason Boddie and I were engaged in August of 2020 and celebrated the

David Inderbitzen wrote, “Greetings Class of 1996

engagement together with close family and friends

alumni! Oh what a year it has been... Just when you

in September. Dana Hughes Moorhead ’95 and

think 2020 extracted the last rabbit from its hat, it

Tawanda McCrae ’96 were both in attendance. We

pulls yet another encore. We’ve seen everything from

are planning our wedding in July 2021 on the island of

murder hornets, to wildfires, royal family drama, the

Chios, Greece, where my family is from. We are staying

untimely passing of Mr. Peanut, and the Tiger King.

positive through the course of this pandemic, and

Perhaps some of you have also heard of this global


Hun Today

Lauren Adelman, Matt Bergin, Reuben Brody, Meg Zelt Cook, Alex Gorrie, Josh Koplin, Jennifer Leifer

McKnight, Patty Kvarta Mederos, Chris Moraitis,

Jamie Rabinaw Moskowitz, Rachel Consolloy, Kristie Bilik Pasculli, Rob Petrovec, Alison Kale Snell, Dominique Briar Sprouse, Jason Stanley, and

Brooke Webster Carubba. The following classmates registered and were unable to join us because of personal or professional commitments: Leah Bills Ricci, Austin Colotti, Scott Gifis, Nikki Davis Hladick,

Jordan Younger, and Josh Lampf. And, in Ali Long’s case, a time zone difference from Kenya. “If you missed our first gathering, please keep your eyes peeled for future cyber Reunions to come. And with any luck we will see each other in real live form in April 2022! Until then, the Class of 1996 wishes you

‘Passion for Purpose’ which spotlighted employees

Christmas Day that I edited and produced! I miss all

even MORE of our graduating class. As it was, we ‘saw’

all the best!” Alison Long lives in Nairobi, KE, with her two children, Zola Rose, 2 ½; and Langston William, 10 months. She works for a charity that supports populations affected by humanitarian crises in EAF. Alison tries to return to the United States to visit family at least once a year, but in 2020, she and her children spent the holidays in Kyiv, UA, with close friends. Jason Stanley wrote, “I’m surviving the pandemic. Like most of us, we haven’t left the house since spring. Working from home has convinced my family to foster a dog (since we have nothing else to do) and start making renovations to the house. The kids are in school virtually. So far, they’re doing ok. Jacob is now in second grade and is obsessed with Pokémon. Sofia started kindergarten online and has memorized every song from Hamilton.”


above Alicia Klosowski Tillman ’93 and her family in Long Beach Island, NJ right Keith Camper ’93, Dana Hughes Moorhead ’95, and Rashawn Glenn ’92 below left Stephanie Hantman '91 and her husband Barry Silbiger

above center James McCormick ’95, his wife Laura, and daughter Ella above right “Blessed in 2020!” Daughter of Laura and Tim Field ’94, Madison left A new addition to the Gorrie family… welcome to the world Henry! below Dana Hughes Moorhead ’95, Ellie Patounas ’93, Ellie’s soon-to-be husband Jason Boddie, and Tawanda McCrae ’96

Spring 2021




be remembered as our first year of marriage and

grocery bills, and some meltdowns in between.

the year that gave us our greatest blessing. John

With all seriousness, we are thankful to be alive and

Joanne Deni Bevacqua gave birth to her second son,

and I were married October 26, 2019 and were

well during this very challenging time."

Marco Luigi Bevacqua, on July 14, 2020. The Bevacqua

fortunate to celebrate with great friends, including

family lives in Hoboken, NJ where their almost two-

Jon and Jen Sabol Hall. On August 3, 2020 we

year-old son, Lorenzo William, goes to school with

welcomed our son JJ (John Jr.) and are completely


Merrin Kramer Jones wrote, “This year has been

fellow Hun alumna, Meg McQuade Drillings’ ’02

in love. We hope that everyone is safe and healthy

daughter, Elliott. Joanne and Meg figured out the

and look forward to the day we can all come

quite the roller coaster. Our son, Cooper, has enjoyed

Hun connection one day at the playground when

together again!”

everyone being around a ton and has turned into quite the chatterbox. I have no idea where he gets

Joanne was wearing the Hun Lacrosse pullover she purchased from the girls’ lacrosse team fundraiser.

JC (Jung-Chae) Park wrote, "We have been moving

this from! I went back to school for interior design

around and growing as a family. Noah, our first

while living in London and started a boutique

born, was born in Seoul; Joey in New York; and

residential interior design firm in Westport, CT

Heather MacKenzie Coody wrote, “It’s been a

then Asher in the San Francisco Bay area. Our 2020

shortly after Cooper was born. It’s been an exciting

whirlwind of a year! 2020 has certainly brought

wasn’t too different from many families with young

year of growth and expansion for my business and

about changes for everyone but for us, it will always

children: homeschooling/distance learning, high

although you truly never get a day off when you

What a small world!

above Alison Long ’96 and her children, Zola and Langston right Joanne Deni Bevacqua ’97, son Lorenzo, husband Jon, and son Marco below (from left to right) Heather MacKenzie Coody ’97, Jen Sabol Hall ’97, John Coody, Jon Hall


Hun Today

above JC (Jung-Chae) Park ’97, his wife Stacy, and their three boys, Noah, Joey, and Asher. below Heather MacKenzie Coody ’97 and her son John Coody, Jr. (JJ)


own your own business, I wouldn’t change a thing. I

24, 2020 in West Point, NY. “It was a small gathering

hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there!”

due to Covid-19, but we are excited to blend our


Congratulations to Erin Cahill-Wetzel and her

family together, as I am now a stepmom to a 5 and

2020. Alice joined brothers Chase and Shane and

Todd Pagel wrote, “Hello class of 2000! I hope

6 year old (Olivia and Greyson). We currently live in

everyone is doing well! Twenty-twenty has been a

Sleepy Hollow, NY where the headless horseman is

crazy year for the Pagel family, as I am sure it has

the official mascot for the community.”

been for all of you. I have been on active duty for

husband, Chris Wetzel, on the birth of their daughter Alice Harper Wetzel, born on March 13,


the Coast Guard for the past year and a half. I was Manuella de Barros Lamas and her husband

activated in New York last summer for what was

Fernando Lamas are happy to announce the

supposed to be a few months, but they extended

arrival of their son Eduardo Hendrix Lamas, born

my active duty when the pandemic hit in March.

in San Francisco on November 22, 2019. Eduardo

I recently began working for Coast Guard Cyber

Brad Davis wrote, “My wife Amy and I welcomed

is already loving sports and The Hun School spirit.

Command supporting the Coast Guard’s pandemic

Benjamin John Davis, born on February 29, 2020

Manuella was sad to miss her 20th Reunion in

response. It has been an extremely educational and

(leap year). I work with the U.S. Department of

2019, but she looks forward to coming to campus

rewarding experience. Nora and the kids are doing

Homeland Security and we live in San Diego, CA.

with her family whenever possible and hopes

great. Nora’s work has transitioned to completely

Kristen Woolley married Justin Mehne on October

everyone is staying healthy.

remote so we have a full clothing design studio

sister Reese.

above Jason Stanley ’96, his wife Michelle, and their children, Jacob and Sofia below Merrin Kramer Jones ’98, her husband Gabe, and their son Cooper.

above Justin Mehne and Kristen Woolley Mehne ’99 below left Benjamin John Davis, son of Brad Davis ’99 below right Alice Harper Wetzel, daughter of Erin Cahill-Wetzell ’99

Spring 2021



above James Schiro ’01, Conor Ryan ’01, Brian Giordano ’01, Rob Kuchar ’01, and Jimmy Coleman ’01 below Littlest Raider Eduardo, son of Manuella de Barros Lamas ‘99

above left Daughter of Jason Slomovitz ’01 above right Casey Sherman Santulli ’00 and her son Coop

left Cooper and big sister Peyton, children of Allison Bartolino Hollowell ’02 above Manuella de Barros Lamas ’99, her husband Fernando, and their son Eduardo enjoying a day in the sun above right Ella, daughter of Patrick Quirk ‘02 right Todd Pagel ’00 enjoys an afternoon with family


Hun Today


in the basement! Pacifica is in first grade and is enjoying virtual learning! Crew just turned four and is a big help when we are working from home! Ha!



Jason Slomovitz and his wife Lauren welcomed


Jordan Gottlieb and his wife, Bonnie, welcomed

their daughter, Amaya Blake, on September 29,

their daughter Hailey Brie to the world in

“We are all looking forward to getting life back to

2019. He shares that “every day is groundhog day.”

February. “She has been an amazing distraction

normal and being able to see friends and family

Rob Kuchar wrote, “The Hun School was well

from all the lockdowns!”

again. And we were all really looking forward to

represented at this year’s annual Bedens Brook

seeing all of you at our 20th Reunion (I can’t believe

Member Guest. James Schiro, Conor Ryan, Brian

Lauren Viscomi Closs wrote, “I hope all of my

it’s been 20 years). It doesn’t look like we will be

Giordano, Jimmy Coleman, and myself enjoyed

able to see each other in person in 2021 either as

spending three great days together. The stories,

during this crazy time! My family has been

they will be holding a virtual Alumni Weekend. So,

laughter, and reminiscing made up for the bad golf.

enjoying all the extra quality time we’ve been

we will have to wait until April of 2022 to celebrate

We are all looking forward to the day when we can

able to spend together, especially being able to

together again. Most of us will be turning 40 (ahh)

catch up with our fellow classmates in person.”

hang out and play with my girls more! (Mackenzie,

and will need a reason to celebrate. It would be so amazing to see everyone back on campus after what has been a challenging couple of years. I look forward to seeing everyone in 2022. Feel free to shoot me an email at if you


Allison Bartolino Hollowell wrote, “We welcomed Cooper Latuk Hollowell on December 11, 2019!

fellow classmates are keeping safe and healthy

3 and Abby, 15 months). They grow too fast. Hope everyone is doing well and hope to see some of you in 2021!”


are back in New Jersey and want to get together!’

It was a crazy year with stints in Singapore, New

Casey Sherman Santulli announced the birth

Peyton (3) are settled back into life in Ho Chi Minh

fall retreat to Cape Cod. Overlooking Scargo Lake,

City, Vietnam now, with lots of pool time, fresh

Kyle, with the help of their dog Basil, popped the

coconuts, and pho for these two little “diplo-tots.”

big question before heading off to a fun photo

Patrick Quirk and his wife, Lauren, welcomed their

shoot and dinner at the beach. Morgan and Kyle

second daughter, Ella Ryan Quirk, on October 23,

are excited to be getting married in July 2022 at

2020. “Everyone is doing great and big sister Ava is

Glen Ford Historic Estate in Philadelphia.

of Cooper Henry Santulli on June 25, 2020 at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, MA. “Coop clocked in at 7 pounds, 4 ounces, and 20 inches. He can’t wait to visit Princeton for a Hun girls soccer game and a sandwich from Hoagie Haven.”

Hampshire, and Vietnam, but he and big sister

Kyle Mann ’04 was engaged to Morgan Hall on a

very proud.”

WE ARE RAIDERS! Keep the Hun network strong. Stay connected to each other and the place you call home. EMAIL US




Spring 2021



left Jordan Gottlieb '03 and his wife, Bonnie, welcomed their daughter Hailey Brie to the world in February. “She has been an amazing distraction from all the lockdowns!” above Mike Koller ’03 and his wife, Madelyn, celebrate their wedding on a beautiful fall day in Manchester, VT.


Kevin Michel wrote, “In memory of my dad, former Hun School trustee John Michel, his four children, Jay Michel ’02, Carol Ann Michel Fernandez ’07, Rob Michel ’10, and myself, along with his five

grandchildren, got together to celebrate the Army vs. Navy game on Saturday, December 12th. “On October 3, 2020, Robert Jay Merritt, Jr. (“Beau”)






Bermuda at St. Theresa’s Catholic Cathedral

team performance has been lackluster, but it

donated to Dress for Success, but never knew

is no indication of the dedicated, creative, and

about other programs offered. The Jets and Dress

loyal people I am blessed to call colleagues. The

for Success came up with a collaborative idea to

organization has been involved in a plethora of

have the Jets’ female employees provide resume

community relations programs throughout the

review, feedback, and interview scenarios for

tri-state area, but generally the organization has

women looking to enter or reenter the workforce.

minimal media coverage. During this challenging

The women ranged from those seeking their first

time for many within the local community, several

job and new moms to mothers who have been

of my female colleagues had an exceptional

out of the workforce, and an older generation of

idea to create a program with Dress for Success.

women. I believed the program would help the

Many of us within the company have previously

women involved, but I think my colleagues and

followed by their reception at the Coral Beach and Tennis Club. In attendance was his family, including sisters: Meghan Merritt ’98, Mackenzie Merritt Skeen ’00, and Mercedes Merritt Barsh

’03, along with his mother Dee Dee Merritt and father — in spirit — Former Hun School Trustee Robert Jay Merritt, and friends Dr. Benjamin


Donati ’05, Dean Petrone ’05, Molly McQuade

The Hun School of Princeton’s Alumni Association is

Petrone ’08, and Sarah Appelt ’08.”

actively seeking nominations for the 2022 Alumnus

’05, Matt Kreger ’05, Jeff Fisher ’05, Brent



Matt Loy and his wife Linsey just had a “Covid Baby” in March of 2020 and named her Lennox because they like alliteration. Matt works as an admission officer at Morristown Beard and is thankful to Hun for accepting him, despite his many flaws, and allowing him to experience an

of the Year Award, Distinguished Alumnus Award, Young Alumni Award, and Athletic Hall of Fame. Please email your nomination for these prestigious and important community awards to

independent school education, which he has

For detailed information about award criteria and to submit your

now made his full-time job. In his free time, Matt

nomination online, please visit

makes Tik Toks and practices Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. Jackie Malleo wrote, “I have been very blessed to work for the Jets organization that believes in impacting the community. Unfortunately, the


Hun Today



above left Children of Jay MIchel ’02, Kevin Michel ’05, Carol Ann Michel Fernandez ’07, and Rob Michel ’10: Annabelle, Anne, Juliet, John, and Katherine. above right Lauren Viscomi Closs ’03, her husband Kevin, and daughters Mackenzie and Abby.

above Matt Loy '06, pictured here with his daughter Lennox during a Halloween costume contest. below Kyle Mann ’04 and his fiancé Morgan Hall

above left Wedding bells for Julia Walker and Beau Merritt ’05 above right Ben Donati ’05, Beau Merritt ’05, and Dean Petrone ’05

left (from left to right) Mackenzie Merritt Skeen '00, Mercedes Merritt Barsh '03, Sebastian Barsh, Julia Walker, Beau Merritt '05, Dee Dee Merritt, and Meghan Merritt '98

Spring 2021



above left Lydia, daughter of Christina Zimmerman Tosto ’06 above right (from left to right) Alexandra Natale ’15, Nicolette Natale ’11, Karen Natale, Edouard Penot, Lyndsey Natale ’07, Joe Natale, Gabriella Natale, and Domenic Natale ’05 left Rafa Castillo-Pacheco ’12 and Tim Pitts, former faculty member right Written by DeOliver Davis ‘10

left Rakiyah White '13's son Kyro sporting his new Hun onesie. above In the holiday spirit, Lane (10 months), and Shafer, (2 ½ years), children of Morgan and Nora Saunders Dunnan ’06 right Virginia Anne (Annie), daughter of Sarah Dileo Craig ’07, born on December 8th.


Hun Today



“I became especially grateful for the reset button that the pandemic provided when the fall came

Ollie Davis wrote, “I did a thing. I wrote a book, Life

around. I started grad school online in October,

is the Trade-off. This is my first published piece. Life

then was extremely lucky to land my dream job

is the Trade-off is beneficial for young adults, as it

as a marketing associate for the National Football

encourages the pursuit of passion and optimization

League (NFL) in November, after their hiring freeze

in a world of uncertainty.

had lifted. My role consists of brainstorming and executing creative campaigns for the NFL Network

“Life is the Trade-off engages readers, vividly

Franchise; my current projects include strategies for

painting life in stories to capture readers’ minds

Thursday Night Football, NFL Network’s Saturday

despite age and demographics through nostalgia,

exclusive games, the playoffs, the 2021 Combine,

sadness, and joy. This book is tangible; readers will

and the 2021 Draft. While I am working remotely

feel every experience. Life is the Trade-off can be

now, I will be relocating to Los Angeles in early 2021

purchased on Amazon, iTunes, and Barnes & Noble.”

once the NFL’s LA campus reopens. Balancing grad school and full-time work has been an adjustment,

Danielle Dileo wrote, “My husband Ed Stubits and I

but also incredibly rewarding, as I am able to apply

got married on October 10, 2020 at the Nassau Inn

new skills and knowledge from the classroom to my

in Princeton, NJ with our closest family and friends

new role and really learn holistically.

(thirty-five people total.) It was a beautiful day and we are so grateful we could celebrate during a

“I am forever thankful to the Hun community for

challenging year like this… my bridesmaids were my

allowing me to try everything and manage many

sister Sarah Dileo Craig ’07, Megan Scanlon ’10,

different passions at once; it’s this foundation

and Jacqueline Felker ’10.

above Danielle Dileo ’10 and her bridesmaids, Megan Scanlon ’10, Sarah Dileo Craig ’07 and Jacqueline Felker ’10 I can all attest that we were the ones who felt so grateful and learned so much from those women. I am so appreciative as I am combining my love of sports and helping others into an impactful career.


and internships during undergrad, and school 10TH REUNION

Nicolette Natale wrote, “On September 19, 2020 Lyndsey Natale ’07 married Edouard Penot at her family’s home in Basking Ridge, NJ.”


that really made me confident balancing school


Caroline Davis wrote, "Since graduating from Syracuse University in May 2020, my journey has been patterned with challenges and triumphs.

“During this time at home, I have also become

I left the Hun School in 2016 with wide-eyed

a consultant for Smart EDI Solutions LLC that

dreams of making a difference in the sports world,

provides conversations, speaking engagements,

taking conscious steps during my undergraduate

and focus groups in regards to equality, diversity,

career, and completing eight internships to set

and inclusion for companies and organizations

myself up for success post-grad.

( “When the world shut down in March, so did Nora Saunders Dunnan wrote, “It’s been a strange

the sports and entertainment industry. This

2020 but I’ve stayed very busy! We’re living in the

challenged me to reevaluate my life and career

NJ suburbs of NYC enjoying life with more space

goals. I spent the bulk of the year trying new

and a yard. Shafer, 2 1/2, and Lane, 10 months, have

things, spending time with loved ones, and

been spending more time at home than I’d like

practicing mindfulness and gratitude every day.

(especially since my husband and I are working

I began training for a marathon, sharpening

from home!) but we’re all staying entertained. I’ve

my video editing skills via Adobe After Effects

been spending a lot of my time opening four new

and Premiere Pro Master Classes, and learning

Five Iron Golf locations in Las Vegas, Washington,

best marketing practices during Covid-19 first-

D.C., Pittsburgh, and our third in New York City.

hand while helping my dad with his business’s

If you like golf or just want something fun to do,

online communications strategy. I also made the

come check us out, @fiveirongolf on Instagram.

decision to pursue my master’s in public relations online at Syracuse University’s S.I. Newhouse

Christina Zimmerman Tosto and her husband,

School of Public Communications; this decision

Mike, welcomed daughter Lydia Josephine Tosto

stemmed from a combination of things – my

on February 1, 2020.

uncertainty about the job market, my quest to never stop learning, and my desire to understand industries outside of sports, etc.

and work now. I can’t wait to visit and share my unique experiences in LA! Sending my best wishes to my Hun 2016 classmates – I am inspired by your resilience and success during 2020. Stay healthy, everyone!"

Former Faculty

Bill Arland wrote, “Christopher Arland ’95 is continually upgrading his house. His sons, Jaxson, 8, is becoming an artist/computer wiz and Ryan, 6, is a brute on the travel soccer team, which Christopher will coach next year. Catherine

Arland ’97, is doing the same with her house, and her son, Will, is the soccer goalie at Ewing High School and doing great with his travel team. He will join the Army upon graduation this year in June 2020 and is going into satellite training. I am enjoying retirement!“ Gary Brown wrote, “After teaching at Hun for 30 years, I retired in 2011. In 2018, my wife and I moved to western North Carolina, near Asheville. We currently live on a wildlife preserve on a mountain, about 2,200 feet above sea level with a spectacular view of Mount Mitchell and the Blue Ridge mountains. “My son, Michael Brown ’01, daughter in law, and granddaughter will be moving from Charlotte to a new home about 45 minutes from where we are currently living. We’re looking forward to having them so close to us, after almost 3 years of traveling the 2+ hours to Charlotte to visit them. “I still miss the daily contact with students, but thanks to social media, I’m blessed to be able to Spring 2021



have regular contact with many of them still, as well as former colleagues Frank Dippery and Bill McQuade.

“If you’ve never been to the Asheville area, I would definitely encourage you to visit if you get the opportunity. The weather is great, the people are friendly, and the scenery is spectacular! If you’re a fan of outdoor activities, this is a great place to be. We might even spring for lunch!” Craig Hannas wrote, “I’m very pleased to inform all Hun students and faculty from the 1970’s that I am resembling an aging Boo Radley more and more as the years roll on. Reflecting on those days is easy as the brain still functions and my communications with many former students and colleagues from that time period grow.” Nancy and Bill Long are enjoying retirement in Ocean City, NJ. In the fall, Mr. Long enjoyed visiting with some past Hun football players when Tim

O’Brien ’94, Tim Field ’04, Troy Lipani ’94, and Callvin

Peterson ’94 came down to visit in Ocean City. ”Our

above left Barbara Stoddard Padula above right Former Faculty member Ed Sabol with his grandchildren Eddie, Jon, and Jessica, children of Jennifer Sabol Hall ’97 below Nancy Gregory

daughter Ali Long ’96, our granddaughter, Zola, and

grandson, Langston, spent eight months with us to begin 2020. While everyone else was bored by the virus shutdown, the Long household was in a state of constant pandemonium! Alison, Zola, and Langston returned to Kenya at the end of August.” Bill McQuade wrote, “My wife Barb and I have pretty much self-quarantined from the beginning of the pandemic. We get out to go shopping, an occasional trip to Myrtle Beach for lunch, a trip to the beach to walk, or a socially distanced backyard dinner with four of our neighbors. Otherwise, we take walks around the neighborhood, do puzzles, and I do a lot of reading…something that I rarely did when I was working. We can’t wait to start taking day trips and vacations where we can be comfortable knowing that the virus is behind us. We did watch a lot of baseball, as Barb is a huge Phillies fan, and I cheered on my Dodgers all the way to becoming the World Series Champions!” Ed Sabol wrote, “I am alive and well. Enjoying the grandkids and helping with homework as needed. I continue to help the veteran community in my work with various veteran organizations. I am currently the post commander of Levittown Memorial American Legion Post 960. Hope we can all get together soon.” Anne Soos wrote, “Since the pandemic started (lucky me — three months after I stepped down from a temporary teaching stint at Hun), I have been baking bread, gardening, volunteering at D and R Greenway, teaching classes to teachers via Zoom, and finding time to walk, birdwatch, and READ! I frequently see Todd Loffredo, faculty 46

Hun Today

member, and his dog Bowser on their walks around the neighborhood. I can’t wait for things to get back to normal.” Barbara Stoddard Padula wrote, “Sue Fulton

Talbot ’75 and I grew close while I was teaching at Hun from 1972 through 1976. I was the advisor to the cheerleaders and we always wound up sitting together on the bus rides to sporting events. We connected and always found things to chat about. Years later, my husband, Alan Padula, and I were having breakfast at a cafe near Boston and guess who was our waitress — Susie! We have kept in touch since then, through visits when she lived in MA, phone calls, and now texts. There was always a closeness, a bond between us, and she remains like a daughter/sister to me. Thanks to Sue, who connected me to Jasmin Leary Barry ’75, I connected to Craig Hannas and Whit Rutter. Subsequently, Craig connected me to Nancy

Gregory about one year ago; now we text/talk almost every day! She had come to visit us when our daughters were born 36 and 37 years ago, but since there was no internet back then — only costly long distance phone calls — and we were both teaching and raising our families, we lost touch.

Whit Rutter wrote, “For the past year, I feel like I’ve been living a Groundhog Day alternate reality

Now, it’s like we never missed a beat. Naturally, we

existence; between politics and Covid-19, it’s

talk about books, teaching, (and politics!)

been a most surreal and bizarre 2020. Most of my trips, concerts, and visits were postponed or

“I have to thank Sue and Jasmin for making this

cancelled, but in August I did spend time on Lake

time of separation due to Covid a much less lonely

Champlain with the Vermont kids and grandkids.

experience. I know many people hate Facebook

There were lots of short trips to watch Virginia

(and for very valid reasons!), however, for me, it’s

grandkids play travel team volleyball and soccer

been a vehicle to connect with old friends and

all over the south.

former Hun students.”


above left Whit Rutter, former faculty member, and his wife Harriett, at a winery in the Virginia countryside. above right Class of 1994 Football players have a memorable lunch with Coach Long (from left to right) Tim Field ’04, Bill Long, Tim O’Brien ’94, Troy Lipani ’94, and Callvin Peterson ’94. “Walking, golf, and cornhole replaced my gym routine. Lots of Zooming with family, especially early on. I was hoping to get together with Doug Harman, Craig Hannas, and Bill McQuade somewhere on the North Carolina/South Carolina coast this summer but Covid-19 dragged on.” Nancy Gregory





Gregory passed away in December of 2013. He had a heart condition that eventually got the best of him. After he died, I retired from the Houston school district and moved back to my hometown of Scarsdale, NY. I was the assistant superintendent of schools in Houston (I oversaw curriculum, instruction, and assessment) and loved my job, although my fondest memories are of Hun—our first teaching jobs out of college. Kemp and I were young, energetic, and green! I think I remember every student I taught at Hun and every colleague on the faculty. Those were wonderful years. I am retired and spend my time reading (no surprise there) and taking online English and history classes. I look forward to seeing some of my former students during Virtual Alumni Weekend 2021 at the Former Faculty Social on Friday, April 23rd!

THE HUN BLACK ALUMNI NETWORK is an affinity group for alumni who self-identify as part of the Black community. The group sponsors programming for networking, mentoring, socializing, and more, with the goals of increasing alumni engagement, connection, volunteerism, and philanthropy.


Spring 2021


In Memory of... Robert Stewart ’46 George Tidey ’51 J. Wayne Anderson ’55 Michael Kimmel '55 Robert Cox ’56 James Lavan ’56 Tristram Colket ’57 Charles Bennett ’59 David Owen ’60 John Lane ’62 Peter Spiller ’62 Paul Margolis ’64 Eduardo Roche Diaz ’66 Michael Maguire ’70

Orest “Chick” Chaykowsky

mother of Joshua Mack ’99, Megan Mack ’00, Ryan Mack ’03, and Logan Mack ’07

Kitty Chenoweth

Susan McCabe

mother of Avery Chenoweth ’74 and Richard Chenoweth ’75

Samuel Cortina

father of Former Trustee Gregory Cortina ’71, grandfather of Douglas Cortina ’03, Brian Cortina ’05, and Matthew Cortina ‘07

Kenneth Fehskens

father of Mary Fehskens Keene ’81, Donna Fehskens ’82, Kenneth Fehskens ’84, Katherine Fehskens Nappi ’87, Suzanne Fehskens DePrizio ’89, Jennifer Fehskens Venable ’93, Kevin Fehskens ’98, and Christine Fehskens ’01

Renate Giller

mother of Oliver Giller ’93 (deceased) and Michelle Giller Clark ’96

Gregory Hall

father of Ceretha Hall ’00

Leigh “Tim” Harris

former faculty, father of Leigh Harris ’71, Dale Harris Sparacino ’73, Timothy Harris ’79, grandfather of Kyleigh Pope ’05, uncle of Ralph “Rip” Mason ’69

Edward McCabe and Former Hun School Trustee Robert Jay Merritt

Former Hun School Trustee, father of Meghan Merritt ’98, Mackenzie Merritt Skeen ’00, Mercedes Merritt Barsh ’03 and Robert Jay Merritt Jr. (Beau) ’05

John Michel

former Hun School Trustee, husband of Susan Michel, Trustee, father of Jay Michel ’02, Kevin Michel ’05, Carol Ann Michel Fernandez ’07 and Robert Michel ’10

Elaine Murphy

wife of former Hun School Trustee the late Henry Murphy, mother of Former Hun School Trustee M. Elaine Murphy ’80 and Stephen Murphy ’85, grandmother of Suzanne Arnold ’10 and Jim Arnold ’12

Ann Marie Flaherty O'Gorman

wife of former Hun School Trustee the late John O’Gorman, mother of Timothy O’Gorman ’86, mother-in-law of Jackie O’Gorman, faculty member, and grandmother of Ryan O’Gorman ’17

Nancy Pazdera

Martha Hartmann

Simon Tams ’70

wife of beloved Hun Faculty member, the late Thomas Hartmann H’14

mother of Jesse Pazdera ’12 and Sean Pazdera ’19

Deborah Bartusis Axilrod ’76

George Heery

mother of Leigh Ann Peterson ’86, current Trustee and Alumni Board President, grandmother of Aidan Shine ’24

Todd Donaldson ’82 Sue Garrett Kerr ’84 Malcolm McKay ’88 Christopher Whitman ’89 Anthony Barbara

and Helen Barbara parents of Toni Barbara-Taylor ’89

Suhaib Bseiso

father of Ola Bseiso ’83

father of George Heery ’87

Bob Hendrickson

former Hun School Director of Athletics

Barry Johnson

father of Kim Johnson Spolitino ’84

Kathleen Peterson

Robert F. Ryder

father of Robert F. Ryder Jr. ’90

Peggy Scherr

Betty Wold Johnson

mother of Robert Scherr ’83, grandmother of Sabrina Scherr ’15

Audrey Lavine

former faculty member

friend of The Hun School

mother of Andy Lavine ’74, Joe Lavine ’76, Ellen Lavine Burke ’81, and grandmother of Will Burke ’10, Mark Burke ’12, and Jack Burke’15

Minkyu Lee

father of Seung Yeon ‘Stacey’ Lee ’09


Cathy Mack

father of Director of Operations J. Michael Chaykowsky ’80 and R. Steven Chaykowsky '’82, grandfather of J. Michael Chaykowsky ’07, and Harrison Whelan '’13

Bruce Spengler Bernice Stern

mother of Peter Stern ’61 and Robert Stern ’66

Dr. V Subramoni

husband of Dr. Jaya Subramoni, father of Raja Subramoni ’88 and Meena Subramoni Swihart ’98

If a member of your family passes away and you would like him or her to be remembered in our next issue, please contact Jasmin Leary Barry ’75, alumni engagement and reunion giving, at (609) 921-7600, extension 2216 or

IN MEMORIAM Former Hun School Trustee

JOHN D. MICHEL John D. Michel, former Hun School Trustee and husband of current vice chair of the board, Susan Michel, passed away on July 3, 2020. Mr. Michel joined the Board in October 2001 and served a nine-year term which ended in 2010, the year their son Rob graduated from Hun as the Class Salutatorian. Fellow trustees knew him as a highly intelligent and committed member of the Board, who also possessed outstanding personal qualities of kindness and integrity. After graduating from the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, Mr. Michel completed his six years of military service as an armored tank officer in Germany, leaving with the rank of Captain. He earned an MBA at Carnegie Mellon University before embarking on a thirteen-year career at Merrill Lynch, where he eventually served as first vice president of investor services. He later founded and served as Chief Executive Officer of Bullrun Financial Inc. and CircleBlack Inc. “Fortunately for Hun, John had enough energy to also serve as chair of the Board’s Investment Committee for several years. He was a hard-working, conscientious, and resourceful leader,” says Head of School Jonathan Brougham. Mr. and Mrs. Michel sent four children to The Hun School: John ’02, Kevin ’05, Carol Ann ’07, and Robert ’10.

Trustee Emeritus

GEORGE TIDEY ’51 Trustee Emeritus George Tidey ’51 passed away on September 11th. A highly respected Circuit Court Judge from Richmond, Virginia, he was a dedicated alumnus and trustee of the School. He served on the Board of Trustees from 2001 to 2010, traveling from Richmond to Princeton to attend most Board meetings throughout his nine-year tenure. Judge Tidey was named a Distinguished Alumnus in 1992, and in 2006 was awarded The Hun School of Princeton's most prestigious title, Alumnus of the Year. On the occasion of his 65th Reunion in 2016, he was given the John Gale Hun Medal. Only the second recipient to ever have received this honor, Judge Tidey was recognized for his outstanding professional achievement, leadership, public service, and an extraordinary commitment to The Hun School. In 2017, the Board named him Trustee Emeritus in recognition of his singular devotion to the School, a recognition conferred on very few Hun School trustees. “The School has lost one of its great champions, but we and the School are so much the better for George having been a part of our lives for so many years,” says Head of School Jonathan Brougham. Shortly before he retired from the Circuit Court of Henrico County in Richmond, then Head of School James Byer '62 wrote a letter to the Supreme Court of Virginia in support of George being considered for “The Honorable Harry L. Carrico Outstanding Career Service Award.” In that letter, Dr. Byer stated, "“Raised in a family who valued education, and in which the parents strived to provide the best opportunities for their children, George attended The Hun School as a post-graduate for one year. Given a full scholarship at Hun because of his potential to contribute to the community with his intellectual and athletic abilities, George took great advantage of his tenure here.” Dr. Byer continued to say that “George is an individual who has always given of himself to assist others. Giving and sharing remain a part of George's character, and our School is privileged to be a recipient of these gifts.” 49

In Memoriam

BRUCE SPENGLER Mr. Bruce Spengler gave his students no choice but to be

barely legible notes descending

fully engaged. When listening to someone speak with such

diagonally in that brilliant style

passion and ownership of a specific subject, it is impossible

reserved only for intellectual

to lose focus. Such was the feeling inside Mr. Spengler’s

lefties. It was as if his wealth

classroom for forty-four years, as he taught nine different

of knowledge exploded like a

sections of history – most notably A.P. U.S. History and A.P.

piñata onto the board during

European History.

every class. No question went

Referred to by many as a “walking encyclopedia,” Mr. Spengler possessed a masterful knowledge of historical details, cultures, and people, and often said that the interactions between people and cultures are what fascinated him most. “History is mostly about people and how they interact,”

Alexander Hammer ’91 I wrote my college essay about Mr. Spengler, given how much he inspired me. He will be sorely missed.

unanswered, no opinion went unfounded, no student went uninspired. Mr. Spengler’s classes were intense and commanding. Students understood that if they were to survive his class, they would be prepared for any challenge a classroom could provide.

he said during an interview in 2016. “It’s about how things

“One thing I will always remember about Mr. Spengler is his

develop in ways that are both intended and not intended,

passion,” writes Ekaterina Makulova Vorontsov ’02. “He was

which is very similar to a classroom.”

passionate about students learning and really understanding. He was passionate about history and philosophy. It seemed

Derek Ruetsch ’88

he knew absolutely everything. It was my first year at Hun and

I took an elective taught by him. I forget the name of the class, but it

I was an international student with limited English. At first

was about American cinema, using the book Movie-Made America.

I remember all my papers being returned with ‘too vague!’

I'm a math and science guy, and this was my first elective class. He

written all over them. I had no other choice but to study day

was a great teacher and I really looked forward to discussions with him on topics being covered. Sparked my love for old movies.

and night and get to the core [of my argument].” Mr. Spengler chaired the history department from 1991


If one were to walk by Mr. Spengler’s class in action, he or

to 2001. He served on the Admission and Re-enrollment

she would see every inch of the chalkboard filled with his

Committee as well as the Curriculum Committee, served as

Hun Today

I worked with Bruce as a colleague for thirty-two years and always enjoyed and benefited from our conversations. He was not only extremely knowledgeable but also had a subtle sense of humor and unique way of looking at history. Every conversation encouraged me to keep thinking and questioning.” ­— LARRY KIDDER, FORMER FACULTY MEMBER

head of different clubs such as Mock Trial, Model UN, and the Chess Club, and also coordinated the School’s standardized test administration. But it was his work in the classroom that seemed to inspire his students the most. Andy Basroon ’90 credits Mr. Spengler for inspiring him to become a teacher:

Carly Baldwin ’01 Mr. Spengler had a huge influence on me. He taught me, and all his students, to think critically, how humans are flawed and imperfect but can sometimes accomplish amazing things, and he also showed us how history repeats itself — a cliché that is actually true.

“My Hun teachers inspired me to become a teacher myself and I often find myself resembling a blend of each of their strengths. For example, I enjoy integrating his ability to translate what may seem uninteresting or unrelatable with

little that had been reported as history in the world that he wasn’t in some way knowledgeable of; just amazing.”

something meaningful. When my students embrace their

Dr. Fabian, along with the History and Global Studies

learning and approach me to validate their unique ideas

Department, recently made a donation in memory of Mr.

based on concepts I have taught, I know I am paying forward

Spengler to the Chicago History Museum. In his note to the

the experience I received from Mr. Spengler and the rest of the

museum, Dr. Fabian wrote: “... In fond and respectful recognition

Hun faculty that gave me so much of their time and energy.”

of forty-four years of service to the department and the School and his dedication to educating students about the relevance

Sophie Van Pelt ’10 One of the toughest teachers I had the honor of learning from. RIP Mr. Spengler. Thanks for dedicating your life to educating others.

Mr. Spengler loved conversing with students and colleagues, and his knowledge was not limited to class material. He could just as easily hold an hour-long conversation about Chicago sports (as long as it was the White Sox) as he could about the Middle Ages. Dr. Stephen Fabian, the current chair

of history to their development as better human beings.” Mr. Spengler made his mark on Hun through his incredible passion, commitment, and relentless effort to provide the best learning experience for his students. In doing so, he will be celebrated as one of the most impactful teachers in our School’s history.

Griffin Ferrara ’17 Mr. Spengler was full of knowledge and brought fun to every class. I remember always starting class with his

of History and Global Studies, referred to Mr. Spengler as a

Mr. Bruce Spengler passed away

“dimensional repository of Hun lore” in a 2016 article written

on January 3, 2021 after a long

fact" calendars just to get

to commemorate Mr. Spengler’s retirement. “He positively

illness. Condolence cards sent

students to laugh. He was an

touched the lives of many students and colleagues over his

in care of The Hun School will

decades at Hun,” remarks Dr. Fabian. “And there was very

be forwarded to the family.

"fact of the day" and "wacky

example, a great person who loved teaching.

Spring 2021




AGES 9 – 15 • JUN. 28 - AUG. 6

Imagine designing your own superhero from a physics pointof-view, learning the art of game design, making a movie, or learning to build your own business. These one, two, or three



weeks interdisciplinary courses are designed to stimulate

The Parents’ Association at The Hun School

the imagination, tickle the funny bone, and engage students

helps to create meaningful connections

holistically. In its second year, Hun Adventures blends academic enrichment with the joyful and project-based learning style that is central to the Hun experience. One, two, or three week selections are available in three distinct learning tracks: STEAM, Business & Entrepreneurship, and Humanities.

between Hun families while supporting the School through events, communications, service, and fundraising. We hope to see you at our events throughout the year!

HUN SUMMER SESSION AGES 12 – 18 • JUN. 28 – AUG. 6 Choose from twenty-seven academic credit and enrichment courses.

HUN CAMP AGES 5 – 13 • JUN. 21 – JUL. 23 A New England style day camp for kids to unplug, make friends, and be creative.

SPORTS CAMPS AGES 8 – 15 • JUL. 19 – AUG. 13 Sports camps offered for field


hockey, baseball, basketball, soccer, and more.


Hun Today

If you are interested in volunteering, want to learn more about events and initiatives, or simply want to connect with other Hun parents, please contact Bridget Tavani, associate director of donor and parent relations at

Harry Carter '22 and Gabe Huang '22 conduct a projectile motion lab in Honors Physics.

THE HUN SCHOOL OF PRINCETON 176 Edgerstoune Road Princeton, NJ 08540 n e Road | Pri n ceto n , N J 08 5 4 0 176 Edgerstou DATED MATERIAL





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