Transformed Magazine for August and September 2015

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TRANSFORMED HumeRidge Church of Christ Magazine


10 Years in Auditorium The Chair Effect 30 Years in Youth - Ross Savill

Welcome to another edition of Transformed. With the year quickly passing by we’re taking some time to look back and celebrate some of the wonderful things that have happened at HumeRidge in recent times and over many years. We look back to remember all that the Lord has done in the lives of individuals, and through the many, so together we can lift our hearts in thanks and praise to God and give Him the honour due His great name. To thank God is a gift not just to Him but to us. As we celebrate all He has done we, like generations who’ve gone before us, come to see how God is sovereign, trustworthy and forever faithful. We lift our hearts in praise for God is the same yesterday, today and forever. As God called and walked with Abraham to a new land and blessed many lives through him, so too God calls us. As we walk with God in the journey of life we are not alone, no matter what trials we face, and when we are obedient to Him we are a blessing to those around us. It is right to give God thanks and praise simply for who He is. So I invite you to join with me in celebrating the people who are HumeRidge and give thanks and praise to our God.

contents 2 30 Years in Ministry

Ross Savill

4 10 Years in the Auditorium

Kent Krause

8 Where is Your Desert?

Natalie Roy

10 Calendar August & September 12 Daily Bible Readings


14 The Chair Effect

Peter Millican

16 Winter Bush Dance 18 Hagar State of Origin Natalie Roy Communications Pastor

TRANSFORMED HumeRidge Church of Christ Magazine

20 Noticeboard 21 Contact Details

Friday-Saturday 9th & 10th October, 2015

COST $165 Friday-Saturday 9th & 10th October, 2015 HUMERIDGE CHURCH OF CHRIST REGISTER AT



It has been an amazing and wonderful privilege to serve in this church as the Youth Pastor for 30 years. It is something that I am extremely grateful for. I am thankful for this church and the opportunities they have given me, and the trust they have placed in me. Dale and Bruce have given me freedom to try things, to make mistakes but always kept supporting me. I want to acknowledge the Elders over the years who have placed a high value on Youth and Children in this church and have made sure that these ministries have been resourced well. Without their strong, committed support, the Youth and Children’s ministries would not have survived. To the teams of volunteers who I have served alongside, I cannot express in words my appreciation or the debt I owe you. The strength of the Youth and Children’s ministries in this church has always been the volunteer leaders. The volunteer leaders in this church know how to serve and know how to pray. I have also served alongside a number of people who have had special roles in the Youth and Children’s Ministries. They have been just exceptional and have supported me and without them there would have been no way I would have got to this point. To Elicia particularly, thank you very much. But I also want to acknowledge Lauren and Jamie, Chris, Andrew and Jenny, Karina, Bree, Robbo and Leisa. 2I

Each of you has played a significant role in this ministry. Years ago I heard a talk by Keith Farmer, who at that time was the Principal of the Australian College of Ministries. He said that in order for a Youth Ministry to thrive in a Church it would mean that the rest of the church would need to be prepared to be uncomfortable for the sake of the gospel. He went on to say that having a strong Youth Ministry in any church means – mess, noise and breakages. He was right. To the Margaret Street / HumeRidge Church, thank you for being prepared to be uncomfortable for the sake of the Gospel. Thank you for praying and supporting in so many practical ways. I read this years ago, “What if one day we discover that Prayer is the Work and Ministry the Outcome.” This has been one of the key guiding statements of our Ministry. I believe strongly that without God’s work, blessing and intervention all our efforts are in vain. God has been good to us as a church and has blessed us greatly and He deserves the credit and praise. Finally I am very, very grateful to Jen and my kids Dan, Kate, Jack, and Nikara, who have served and sacrificed and cared about this ministry. I am very aware how big a role you have had in this ministry, this Ministry which has never ever been just mine and certainly has not worked just because of me.


Celebrating 10 YearS in the Auditorium 10 Years has flown by and one barely knows where to begin... So, let’s have a little fun with some statistics, recall some of the events and consider the additions to our facilities and give thanks to our great God who has made all this possible... In 10 years: • We’ve held over 1000 Church Services! • Guest speakers & artists have included Professor Z, Allan Meyers, Philip Yancey, Roma Waterman, Ravi Zacharias, Watoto Children’s Choir, Compliments of Gus, Tim Costello, the Melbourne Gospel Choir and the list goes on... • We’ve celebrated hundreds of weddings, baptisms, and baby dedications. We’ve welcomed numerous new members including filling the stage with 65 one day. • We’ve put between over 10,000 litres of milk in our tea and coffee and used enough toilet paper to wrap around the equator twice (okay I made that one up but you get that it’s a lot!) • We’ve hosted numerous events including U3A Seniors Convention, City Celebration Combined Church Services, Seasons 4I

Conference and the annual Global Leadership Summit (October 10th & 11th, 2015 don’t forget!) • We’ve hosted concerts ranging from Ernie Hasse and Signature Sound, The Brisbane Male Voice Choir to Watoto, Sons of Korah, Colin Buchanan (and yes he’s back in this September!) • We’ve supported local schools, dance companies and the TAFE for numerous musicals, dance concerts, graduations and training days. And who could forget the day we had an auditorium full of Military Personnel. • We’ve hosted over 1000 Youth and Stumpy’s Nights or events. And, repaired close to 100 holes in walls, about enough plasterboard to replace the average bedroom. (OK they weren’t all youth and kids – Pastor Chris had a hand in that and most recently Pastor Nat christened the house!) • Not only have we celebrated events but we’ve continually improved our facilities over ten years to make room and cater for the growing number of activities HumeRidge engages in to see lives transformed.

held over 1000 Church Services

10,000 litres of milk used in tea & coffees

mowed over 1000 footy fields

We have built:

We have renovated:

• The Red Room and Workshop •N orthern loft & Mosaic offices •C overed carport at stage roller door entrance •M ezzanine storage on auditorium stage • Table and chair storage in hall •O ur facilities get cleaned each week by our great Volunteers & adopted Team Member Joel Parry.

• HumeRidge House • Chapel & light activities hall including replacing removable dividing wall • Small, Large lofts and Kitchen • Repainted the stage floor 5 times

Technology upgrade: •R eplaced video screen from 4M to 6M wide •H ad three projector upgrades/installations •3 9 000 Watt solar panel installation •A dded energy efficient lights to basketball courts and Auditorium stage •A dded video suite, video cameras and equipment (Did you know originally we only had a computer connected directly to the projector?)

celebrated 100's of baptisms

Externally: • Mowed over 1000 footy fields or so (Lawn Mower Racer Wazza Savill) • Our Green Thumbs have trimmed and fertilised the roses, hedges and plants every week (and courtesy of Masters had a garden makeover). • Changed the driveway and carpark due to council regulations • Add the full colour LED sign We celebrate all God has done for us and we celebrate the people whose faithfulness to God and His church make this and more possible. Our staff are extremely grateful to our volunteers and thank God for you. Together we can be His light in our community and continue seeing lives transformed.


HumeRidge Church of Christ Magazine 5

added energy efficient lights

hosted numerous events & conferences

continually improved our facilities

added video cameras and equipment

Celebrating 10 YearS in the Auditorium


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As this edition of TRANSFORMED comes to you I will be writing my last assignment in my Bachelor of Theology and soon I will celebrate! After almost 6 years, through a journey filled with many trials and joys, this season in my life is coming to an end. As I begin to celebrate I too am looking back and reflecting on God’s faithfulness to me in the journey. And, with a heart of thankfulness to my family at HumeRidge for encouraging me in the journey, I want to share with you what has been the most significant lesson throughout my studies.

4 There is a river whose streams shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the Most High.5 God is in the midst of her, she shall not be moved; God will help her right early [at the dawn of the morning]. 6 The nations raged, the kingdoms tottered and were moved; He uttered His voice, the earth melted. 7 The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our Refuge (our Fortress and High Tower). Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!

Psalm 46 1 God is our Refuge and Strength [mighty and impenetrable to temptation], a very present and well-proved help in trouble. 2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change and though the mountains be shaken into the midst of the seas, 3 Though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling and tumult. Selah [pause, and calmly think of that]!

9 He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow into pieces and snaps the spear in two; He burns the chariots in the fire.


Come, behold the works of the Lord, Who has wrought desolations and wonders in the earth. 8

Let be and be still, and know (recognize and understand) that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations! I will be exalted in the earth! 10

The Lord of hosts is with us; the God of Jacob is our Refuge (our High Tower and Stronghold). 11

How those verses ring in my ears with hope, peace and renewed strength for my soul! As I consider who God is and all He has done I am grateful that I am NEVER EVER alone. No matter how troubled life gets, or what pressures or temptations come my way, God is always God. He is in control. His Kingdom will reign. He is my refuge and strength. And, when I be still and know in the very depth of my soul that God is God I need not be afraid, worried or angry but live trusting God. However, the truth is my life, like many others, gets somewhat frantic with parenting three kids, working, studying, and being a daughter, sister, aunty and friend. The most challenging thing for me to do is to slow down, to be still and know, and spend time with God. When I get “too busy” it can be easy to lose my way and not live each day intentionally putting God first. By not intentionally putting God first I don’t necessarily live doing what He wants me to do on that day. And that, as hard it is to admit, is living in disobedience and/or idolatry. God must come first. So, how does one, in the craziness of life, set time aside to be in relationship with God? You make it a priority! Each follower of Christ is responsible to do that and no one can do it for you. YOU, have to choose for yourself. Without spending time with God, intentionally putting your relationship with Him first, you aren’t living life to the full with Christ and you aren’t being the gift to the world He created you to be. Let me share with you some thoughts by Thomas Merton on the Desert Fathers. (FYI Desert Fathers were 3rd Century Christian Men and Women who fled to desert from their cities and villages to deliberately seek after God because they realised how easy it was to become entangled in the world and lose their way.)

They saw the world: a shipwreck from which each single individual man had to swim for his life... These were men who believed that to let oneself drift along, passively accepting the tenets and values of what they knew as a society, was purely and simply a disaster … They knew they were helpless to do any good for others as long as they floundered about in the wreckage... BUT once they got a foothold on solid ground, things were different. THEN they had not only the power but even the obligation to pull the whole world to safety after them. Do you see what I see in this reflection? If we, as followers of Jesus, don’t live intentionally seeking after God, we will be tossed around like ships on the sea. And further, if our feet aren’t on solid ground, we won’t effectively share our Hope in Christ. However, when we are firmly grounded in God we are strengthened through the power of His Holy Spirit and will bring the light of Christ to the world about us. At HumeRidge we want to see lives transformed to Christ and that only happens when we deliberately pursue God. So, my dear friends in Christ, I ask “Where is your desert?” Where is your place to build firm foundations in a personal relationship with our God? Where is your place to be still and know that God is God... In my desert I find God, my refuge and my strength. In my desert I find God, my ever present help in trouble. In my desert I find God, and I am not afraid. In my desert I be still and know that God is God. Where is your desert?


calendar 2015











Region ConXion – Darling Downs (formerly Ladies Dalby Rally Day)

8am Prayer 9am Sunday Service 4pm Prayer Sunday@5

2 8am Prayer 9am Sunday Service 4pm Prayer Sunday@5

9 8am Prayer 9am Sunday Service 4pm Prayer Sunday@5

16 8am Prayer 9am Sunday Service 4pm Prayer Sunday@5

23 8am Prayer 9am Sunday Service 4pm Prayer Sunday@5 10 I

9.30am Playgroup


9.30am Playgroup


9.30am Playgroup


9.30am Playgroup


9.30am Playgroup

9am – 3pm Saturday 29th August


9.30am Playgroup 7pm Grade 13’s


9.30am Playgroup 7pm Grade 13’s


9.30am Playgroup 7pm Grade 13’s


9.30am Playgroup 7pm Grade 13’s

5 6.30am Prayer 9.45am KYB 6.30pm Stumpy’s 6.30pm English Classes


6.30am Prayer 9.45am KYB 1.30pm Hymn Singing 6.30pm Stumpy’s 6.30pm English Classes

19 6.30am Prayer 9.45am KYB 6.30pm Stumpy’s 6.30pm English Classes

26 6.30am Prayer 9.45am KYB 6.30pm Stumpy’s 6.30pm English Classes


12.45pm KYB 7pm Grades 11&12’s + Grade 14


12.45pm KYB 7pm Grades 11&12’s + Grade 14


10am English Classes 4pm Music Team Practise

7 9.30am Playgroup YOUTH 5pm Gr 7&8 7pm Gr 9-12

14 9.30am Playgroup YOUTH 5pm Gr 7&8 7pm Gr 9-12


9:15am 9.30am Playgroup Golden Eagle’s YOUTH 12.45pm KYB 5pm Gr 7&8 7pm Grades 11&12’s + Grade 14 7pm Gr 9-12


12.45pm KYB 7pm Grades 11&12’s + Grade 14


9:30am Chat @ Chat’s 9.30am Playgroup

8 10am English Classes 4pm Music Team Practise

15 10am English Classes 4pm Music Team Practise

22 10am English Classes 2pm CAP Money 4pm Music Team Practise


Ladies Dalby Rally Day 10am English Classes 2pm CAP Money 4pm Music Team Practise

calendar 2015





9.30am Playgroup 7pm Grade 13’s

6 8am Prayer 9am Sunday Service 4pm Prayer Sunday@5

13 8am Prayer 9am Sunday Service 4pm Prayer Sunday@5



9.30am Playgroup


9.30am Playgroup



9.30am Playgroup 7pm Grade 13’s


9.30am Playgroup


8am Prayer 9am Sunday Service 4pm Prayer Sunday@5

27 8am Prayer 9am Sunday Service 4pm Prayer Sunday@5




2 6.30am Prayer 9.45am KYB 6.30pm Stumpy’s 6.30pm English Classes


6.30am Prayer 9.45am KYB 1.30pm Hymn Singing 6.30pm Stumpy’s 6.30pm English Classes

16 6.30am Prayer 9.45am KYB 6.30pm English Classes



12.45pm KYB 7pm Grades 11&12’s + Grade 14


12.45pm KYB 7pm Grades 11&12’s + Grade 14


12.45pm KYB 7pm Grades 11&12’s + Grade 14


4 9.30am Playgroup YOUTH 5pm Gr 7&8 7pm Gr 9-12

11 9.30am Playgroup YOUTH 5pm Gr 7&8 7pm Gr 9-12


9.30am Playgroup


5 10am English Classes 4pm Music Team Practise

12 10am English Classes 4pm Music Team Practise

19 10am English Classes 4pm Music Team Practise





6:30am Prayer

12.45pm KYB

9.30am Chat @ Chat’s

4pm Music Team Practise


6.30am Prayer

Friday-Saturday 9th & 10th October

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3 year Daily Bible Reading plan AUGUST 1

Luke 1


Numbers 19


Numbers 27


Numbers 35


Luke 2


Numbers 20


Numbers 28


Numbers 36


Luke 3


Numbers 21


Numbers 29


Luke 9


Luke 4


Numbers 22


Numbers 30


Luke 10


Luke 5


Numbers 23


Numbers 31


Luke 11


Luke 6


Numbers 24


Numbers 32


Luke 12


Luke 7


Numbers 25


Numbers 33


Luke 13


Luke 8


Numbers 26


Numbers 34


12 I


Luke 14


Deuteronomy 6


Deuteronomy 14


Deuteronomy 22


Luke 15


Deuteronomy 7


Deuteronomy 15


Deuteronomy 23


Luke 16


Deuteronomy 8


Deuteronomy 16


Deuteronomy 24


Deuteronomy 1


Deuteronomy 9


Deuteronomy 17


Deuteronomy 25


Deuteronomy 2


Deuteronomy 10


Deuteronomy 18


Deuteronomy 26


Deuteronomy 3


Deuteronomy 11


Deuteronomy 19


Deuteronomy 27


Deuteronomy 4


Deuteronomy 12


Deuteronomy 20


Deuteronomy 5


Deuteronomy 13


Deuteronomy 21




“Open your Bibles to the book of Habakkuk.” This was one of the earliest things I remember hearing in my first class at Dallas Theological Seminary. The president of the seminary was teaching hermeneutics, or Bible Study Methods 101. I remember sheepishly turning to the contents in my Bible to locate this strange named book while I watched others turn their pages seamlessly as if they were looking up a word in the dictionary. They knew exactly where it was. “It’s after Nahum and before Zephaniah if you need some help”, said the professor. I thought to myself, “Gee thanks for the help there Mr President... that’s about as helpful as Captain Hook blowing up balloons.” Even locating Habakkuk in the Old Testament contents was a big enough challenge but eventually I stumbled across it. Habakkuk is a fairly short book full of strange writing including poetry, symbolism, oracles, warnings, judgements and odd names like Shigionoth. All of this is going on while there is still a story being told.

to the scriptures for myself, in my own time and for my own benefit. It is hard to think of something that has had more of an impact on my life than learning to understand, interpret and apply the Word of God. In August we will be learning some skills and principles about how to read the Bible accurately and effectively. It will be different to most series. It will require constant participation and plenty of practice in your own time. I am suggesting at least 15 minutes a day in a chair with the word of God. You will hear more about that throughout the series. I am praying that when we apply ourselves to the study and application of the scriptures God will come alive afresh to all of us. As we read his word I pray that we may know him better, that our faith may be stretched, that our walk would be steadied, that our gaze would be fixed and our life would be a willing sacrifice all for God’s glory. This is the dynamic effect of reading, knowing and living out God’s word in our lives. This is the effect of consistent time in the scriptures. This is the chair effect.

For the next half an hour I sat enthralled as the president pulled the book apart and put it back together again. He explained who people were, where they came from, what was going on at the time. He examined Habakkuk’s attitude and response. He unpacked God’s speeches. He showed the logical flow of the “woes” in chapter 2. He shed light on complicated metaphors, dislocated foreign dialogue and identified ideologies all within the text and only using the Bible as his reference.

August 2

Why the Bible?

August 9

Observation: What Do I See?

August 16

Why the Bible?

It was a master class of interpretation. He knew exactly what he was doing. He knew exactly what everything meant. He challenged our understanding of God, he encouraged us to respond to God’s sovereignty and I left humbled and knowing this is exactly where I need to be.

August 9

Interpretation: What Does It Look Like? Chris England

August 30

From that moment on I learnt skills and principles that I have been able to apply

Application: How Does It Work? 15

16 I

Once again the HumeRidge Chapel and Activities Hall came alive to the Bush Dance call as the community joined in together to dance the night away. No matter what age or stage of life, ethnicity, residential status or any of the multitude of differences one can focus on, a Bush Dance is place for celebrating Queensland cultural heritage, having fun and building relationships. We also celebrate other cultures as they share their dances and cuisine with us. Special thanks to Brendon, Neale and all the team for a great night for all. P.S. Queenslanders, did you know that in South Australia they don’t Bush Dance... Yep, it’s always good to be a Queenslander!!

HUMERIDGE ENGLISH CENTRE School Students • Homework Help 3:30-5pm Tuesdays (School Terms) Contact Pastor Ross Savill for details. Adult English Classes 6:30-8pm Wednesday • Advance and Beginner Classes 10am Saturday • Beginner, Intermediate and Advance Classes • ILT Assistance Available Contact Pastor Neale Proellocks for information.

I 17


$12,100 RAISED!

14 I 18

One could say you aren’t a true Queenslander if you don’t get just a little involved in the excitement of the State of Origin and the inevitable series defeat of NSW (well, almost always!) This year Queenlanders celebrated a record willing margin, Jonathon Thurston’s 9out9 new record, as well as series win. Following the game on being congratulated on his new record Jonathon Thurston said, “You don’t play the game for individual honours …” and at HumeRidge we don’t get excited just about watching a great game, we come together for the purposes of helping transform the lives of young girls who are

rescued from child slavery and in doing so honour our Lord, Jesus Christ, by caring for those who can’t care for themselves. This year, by coming together to enjoy a great night of footy, we raised over $12,000 which will see 5 girls sponsored through Hagar. They will have a safe home, go to school and be assisted in overcoming the trauma of child slavery. One night, five transformed lives. Now that’s something to truly celebrate! Well done Jamie, Tom, Ross & Jen and the fantastic volunteer team. Thank you for making this fantastic night possible. GO QUEENSLANDERS!

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Three week Budgeting Course. 2pm Saturday 22nd & 29th August HumeRidge House 469 Hume Street

6.30 - 8 pm Grades 4 - 6

Wednesday Nights Term 3 Concludes 9th September Term 4 Recommences 14th October

GRANDPARENTS ON THE FRONTLINE 11am Sunday 23rd August Join together for a time of friendship and prayer over light refreshments.

Friday Nights Term 3 Concludes 11th September Term 4 Recommences 16th October 5 - 7 pm : Grades 7 & 8 7 - 9 pm : Grades 9 - 12

For more information on all activities please contact the Church Office on 46350350. 20 I

Region ConXion – Darling Downs (formerly Ladies Dalby Rally Day)

9am – 3pm Saturday 29th August GUEST SPEAKER ~ Pastor Donna Savill ~

Senior Pastor Dale White 0419 756 469 Pastor – Outreach Neale Proellocks 0419 737 950 Pastor – Youth Ross Savill 0411 201 227 Pastor – Young Adults & Children Chris England 0413 580 012 Youth Workers Lauren England, Jamie Patikura 4635 0350 Children’s Worker Karina Windolf 4635 0350 Pastor – Communications Natalie Roy 0409 393 439 Pastor – Worship & Strategic Planning Brendon Walmsley 0419 654 548 Pastor – Home Groups Peter Millican 0407 940 005


Minister Emeritus Bruce Armstrong 4635 9885 CAP Centre 0498 188 840 Mosaic Community Services 4635 3534 Email

PHONE 07 4635 0350 FAX 07 4635 4674 EMAIL WEBSITE ADDRESS 461 - 469 Hume Street Toowoomba Q 4350 PO Box 7564 Toowoomba South Q 4350 OFFICE HOURS 8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday

$12,100 RAISED!

THANK YOU!! Monday – Friday 8:30am – 4:30pm

Editor Natalie Roy { e: } Design Kristy Fielder { }

Celebrating 10 YearS in the Auditorium

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