Phone: 707-826-4189 Fax: 707-826-4783
The Office of Research would like to welcome back our Principal Investigators (PI’s) and their staff. We hope everyone had a refreshing winter break and is ready for the new semester! Included in this bulletin is a recap of important updates you may have missed during the holidays including upcoming dates and deadlines for a few internal funding opportunities
There are numerous opportunities for research funding & awards this year, all found on the Engagement Hub. Be sure to take advantage of these great opportunities before their deadlines pass: 2023 CSU Student Research Competition: Students submit a written summary of their research or creative presentations If selected, students will compete for cash prizes at San Diego State University on April 28-29, 2023
Deadline: Tuesday, January 31st
Incentives Program for Faculty Research Grant Development: AY 2023/24: Incentives grants provide time, compensation, and support for developing a full proposal for external funding. Apply for Fall 2023 or Spring 2024 assigned time, or salary for the Summer 2023 session.
Deadline: Tuesday, January 31st

McCrone Promising Faculty Scholars Awards: Recognizes three of Cal Poly Humboldt’s newer faculty, acknowledges their potential in their field of research and encourages their continued achievement.
Deadline: Thursday, February 2nd
Alistair & Judith McCrone Graduate Fellowship Award: Recognizes one outstanding graduate student, acknowledges their potential, and encourages their continued achievement in their graduate program.
Deadline: Thursday, February 2nd
Dr. Laurie Richmond has officially joined California Sea Grant as an Extension Specialist. She will still be working as a profess the Department of Environmental Science & Management at Cal Poly Humboldt, but will now be devoting a quarter of her time to working for Sea Grant. You can see the official announcement here

If you have any questions/feedback regarding any of these updates, please feel free to give us a call (707) 826-4189
Don't miss any of our upcoming events! Be sure to sign up for our portal announcements by clicking this link. Check out the new curated lists on Pivot!

DateandTime:TBD-moreinformationcomingsoon! Location:Zoom,followedbyanoptionalin-person receptionatBitterSweet/theLocalCiderBarinArcata Meetandconnectwithotherfacultyinafun,fast-paced Zoomeventwhereyou'llbouncefrombreakoutroomto breakoutroomtodiscussyourresearch.Thiseventisopen tostaffandfacultyinvolvedwithanyandallfoodstudies relateddisciplinesfromagriculturetojournalismforan opportunitytoexpandyournetworkandtoprovidean interdisciplinarylensforfuturecollaboration.
DateandTime:February17th1:00-2:00pm Location:Zoom
GraduateResearchFellowshipProgram(GRFP)isanNSFprogramthatrecognizes andsupportsoutstandingearlycareergraduatestudentsfromawiderangeof disciplines,includingsocialsciencesandtraditionalSTEM.Thispanelwillconsist ofcurrentandpreviousGRFPfellowsfromCalPolyHumboldtTheywilldiscuss theapplicationprocessandtheircurrentexperiences,aswellasanswerquestions frominterestedapplicantsApplicantsmustbepursuingfull-timeresearch-based master’sanddoctoraldegrees,butallstudents,staff,andfacultyarewelcometo attend.

The Office of Research, Marketing & Communications, and Cal Poly Humboldt Library would like to invite you to participate in the 10th Annual ideaFest! Each year, more than 400 students, staff, and faculty from Humboldt showcase their research, performances, creative projects, and more. This year's ideaFest will be on Friday, May 5th. The deadline to register will be Monday, April 24thregistration opening soon.
This is a reminder that effective January 1, 2023, there were changes to the California minimum wage and IRS guidelines for mileage rates on travel-related expenses.
NEW Minimum Wage for SPF employees are as follows: Non-Exempt Employees - $15.50 per hour Exempt Employees - $31.00 per hour
NEW Mileage Rate for Travel Claims: per hour increased from $0 625 to $0.655 per mile