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One Million Tourists Arrive in Croatia Per Day

The Croatian Tourist Board’s director, Kristijan Staničić, has shed light on the ups and downs of this year’s tourist season in Croatia, revealing a signi�icant milestone: a daily in�lux of one million tourists.


Staničić expressed contentment with the year-round, steady increase in tourist traf�ic, a trend that has continued even into the bustling month of July. He remains optimistic about Croatia’s ability to maintain a competitive edge in terms of pricing as long as the demand remains positive. Emphasizing the importance of delivering value for money, he stressed the need to provide tourists with top-notch offerings and services in exchange for the prices they pay. Staničić acknowledged that the market’s inherent supply and demand mechanisms would naturally regulate prices.

While acknowledging Croatia’s competitiveness in private and hotel accommodations when compared to other Mediterranean destinations, Staničić underscored the need for a prudent pricing policy in the future. Internal analyses have revealed that the private accommodation sector is particularly competitive. Nevertheless, he recognized that in�lation and rising input costs have prompted other countries to raise their prices.

Staničić applauded Croatia’s rich variety of hospitality options, accommodation choices, and diverse destinations. However, he expressed concern over the excess capacity in private accom- modations, with an excess of 55,000 beds compared to the previous season. Addressing this issue promptly became a priority.

For Staničić, this year marks a pivotal moment for strategic contemplation regarding Croatia’s tourism.

A new strategic marketing plan and a Strategy for the Sustainable Development of Tourism were recently crafted by the Ministry of Tourism and Sports. A new Tourism Act is in the pipeline, poised to introduce fresh tools and instruments for future destination management.

The overarching goal is to avoid imbalanced growth in speci�ic tourism segments and steer policy towards sustainability and quality. rankings. Slovenia managed to secure the 36th position, showcasing the overall strength of road infrastructure in the region. Hungary, on the other hand, attained the 69th position, emphasising the signi�icant difference in road quality between neighbouring nations.

Delving into statistics, the Split ferry port experienced a peak season, welcoming an impressive 73 thousand passengers and 15 thousand vehicles, resulting in extraordinary departures. Similarly, Split Airport, the country’s busiest during the summer, witnessed 57 thousand passengers on 215 planes over the weekend.

Looking ahead, Mate Melvan from Split Airport predicts that July will maintain the record traf�ic trend, with over 700 thousand passengers expected in the month and a total of 3 million tourists projected to visit Croatia by year-end.

Examining the progress over the years, in 2018, Croa-

Croatian Minister of Defence, Mario Banožić, has af�irmed that the Croatian Army remains dedicated to clearing the aftermath of the storm in Slavonia, in line with the expressed requirements. As many households in Vukovar-Srijem County continue to grapple with power outages, efforts are underway to alleviate the situation.

Speaking after participating in the evening session of the Civil Protection Headquarters of Vukovar-Srijem County, Minister Banožić emphasized tia was competing among 137 countries and held an admirable 13th spot with an average rating of 5.5. During that time, Croatia was accompanied by Denmark, Oman, Germany, Spain, Qatar, Sweden, and Luxembourg. Remarkably, only Croatia and Spain have managed to improve their road infrastructure quality from this group, while the other countries have experienced a decline in the current rankings when compared to Croatia’s achievements.

The credit for the exceptional quality of Croatia’s highways goes to the relentless pursuit of progress through continuous investments in infrastructure. The commitment extends to both regular and extraordinary maintenance efforts, along with implementing ambitious projects aimed at enhancing traf�ic safety. This dedication to excellence has undoubtedly played a crucial role in securing Croatia’s esteemed position on the global stage. However, amidst all the accolades and accomplishments, Croatia acknowledges the challenges it faces during the bustling tourist season. The increase in traf�ic demands heightened vigilance and responsibility from all road users. As visitors and locals embark on their journeys, Croatan Motorways kindly urges everyone to adapt their driving behaviours to road conditions. By doing so, they can contribute to ensuring a safe and pleasant travel experience for all, exemplifying the spirit of excellence that has earned Croatia its well-deserved place among the world’s best motorways.