2019 Fall Hoyletonian

Page 1



Calling & Connecting


Contents 03




President's Letter

Our Events

Meet Alice

Strategic Plan



From the Bench





New Website


Honors and Memorials 2

Letter from Chris L. Cox Welcome to the fall edition of the Hoyletonian. Within these pages, you will find the essence of who we are as an organization—a team dedicated to touching the lives of individuals within our community through the shared desire to connect with those we encounter every day. However, we cannot do this work alone—we need you. In the months ahead, Hoyleton is partnering with fellow community leaders and individuals to expand the continuum of care within our residential housing. We are committed to finding opportunities to serve youths who have been limited to care in our residential, institutional program. Hoyleton’s partnership with Neighbors for Renewal, marries housing refurbishment, at a modest cost, with rehabbing homes through volunteerism. Together, this partnership will allow Hoyleton to provide home-centered care to intellectually-challenged youths. By incorporating our CARE model into the way Hoyleton thinks about residential experiences, we are continually challenging ourselves to expand our definition of what family and home look like when integrated into a community setting. Our first residential-to-home project will chart a course into new territory, both for the organization and our community partners. The residential-to-home project honors the heritage, legacy, and foundation embodied in Hoyleton’s mission set forth by the United Church of Christ over 124 years ago. This mission called us to connect with individuals within their community and surrounding areas. Today, Hoyleton’s three-year strategic plan is a vision and roadmap the organization executes daily in both small and large ways, which you will see unfold in the pages of this publication. However, a vision is only as viable as the individuals willing to see it through. To ensure the organization remains faithful to its mission, to positively impact and meet the needs of individuals within our communities, we must call on our fellow brothers and sisters, of all denominations, to walk alongside us as we do the work Jesus has placed upon our hearts. This new vision of partnership does not mean we forget the foundation upon which Hoyleton was built, but instead, we open ourselves to a broader context of Christian fellowship and faithfulness through our Lord and Savior. Our Lord has given each of us a gift, and we are tasked with using that gift to cultivate His harvest. We can only do this if we work together, not as individual sects, but as one body formed in Christ. As we move forward with the residential-to-home project, Hoyleton calls upon its faithful UCC stewards, new community partners and you to lend your skillset to rehab homes for our communities’ youths. We are calling all painters, designers, plasterers, and laborers to be Christian leaders within our communities. We are praying pastors, and their spouses, will open their hearts to being foster parents and guide us as we seek to broaden the definition of family and home for the youngest and hurting among us. This vision is bold, but we serve a bold and faithful God. It is our prayer, here at Hoyleton, that you feel called to connect and serve those within your community. If the Spirit leads you, please join us in making this vision a reality.


Hoyleton Board of Directors KELLY BANDY




Vice Chair













Ex Officio

Ex Officio

Puentes de Esperanza Board of Directors REV. DON JONES






Ex Officio


2019 ANNUAL GOLF CLASSIC was HOT! Both in temperature and money raised! A 10% increase in results made for a great year. A special thank you to our Golf Classic Co-Chairs, Chris Bagwell and Donna Davis, and committee members Donna Davis, Rev. Don Jones, Kathleen Habermehl, Mark and Bonnie Wescott, and Emily Auffenberg. Plan ahead and get connected with your foursome for next year’s Golf Classic on Friday, July 17, 2020.

Hope for the Holidays

Hope for the


Christmas is just around the corner and we have several youths and families that enjoy the anticipation and excitement of Christmas with your support. Many churches, organizations, businesses and individuals find their calling and are generous in helping fulfill Christmas lists for our children. It’s easy, just contact the Philanthropy Department at 618-688-4727, inquire about a youth’s Christmas Wish List and you can help us make their holiday happy. We need all gifts returned and wrapped by December 5th! Thank you!





Corporate Secretary


Chief Administrative Officer

Chief Program Officer



Director of Philanthropy

Direct or of I nforma tion Syste ms & Pe rforma nce I mprove me nt



Grants Coordinator

Director of Community Support Services



Director of Finance

Director of Theraputic Residential Care



Director of Child Welfare Services

Director of Communications & Marketing



Director of Clinical Services

Director of Human Resources

Meet the Director Alice Drobisch has recently been named the Director of Philanthropy for Hoyleton Youth and Family Services. Alice, a resident of the area for over 32 years, comes to Hoyleton with a broad background in development and philanthropy within the education and health care fields. With over 25 years of experience, Alice is well-versed in developing major gift programs, strategic planning, annual campaign and change management. Alice is happy to join the Hoyleton team and, “Looks forward to a rewarding experience with an organization such as Hoyleton through creating a culture of philanthropy that will serve our donors, youths and employees well.” Alice lives with her husband, Doug and their son, Nathan, a senior at Collinsville High School.

Volunteers Needed

Volunteer opportunity offers the ability to use your people skills and talents. Even a short commitmentwill be a rewarding experience, providing you first hand connection within our organization as well as connecting with those we help. A welcoming personality, and desire to help engage our mission will make for a great start to sharing your talents and strengths as we further the mission of Hoyleton Youth and Family Services.

YEAR END GIVING THROUGH A REQUIRED IRA DISTRIBUTION Over 70 ½ Use your required minimum distribution (RMD) and avoid income tax you would otherwise have to pay on mandatory withdrawals. This benefit is available to itemizers and non-itemizers alike and requires only a few simple steps. • Donor must be age 70 ½ or older at the time of transfer • The maximum amount a donor may transfer per year is $100,000 • The gift must be outright. Gifts to donor advised funds or to life income vehicles do not qualify • The gift must be transferred directly from the IRA account by the IRA administrator to Hoyleton Youth and Family Services. Please contact Alice Drobisch, Director of Philanthropy, at 618.688.7094 if you would like additional information.


Strategic Plan The Plan to Move Forward

For 124 years, Hoyleton Youth and Family Services has sought to enable all people to realize the wholeness of life that God intended. Over the years, we have been able to impact the lives of countless children, adults, and families throughout our communities. After months of diligent work, our executive team, the board of directors, and our strategic planning partner realized the successes Hoyleton has accomplished through our strategic plan ending in FY19. These accomplishments have helped position us to take on new challenges for a better tomorrow.

Foster care grew permanency through adoption and return home by 84% which allowed us to serve 18% more children

After reviewing our successes and struggles, we have begun to look forward and create the road map for Hoyleton's future. The Strategic Plan sets the priorities of impact for 10-key initiatives in the organization. This road map will continue to focus on the growth of the organization and the needs within the communities we serve while ensuring our programs are innovative and align with our mission. The purpose of the strategic plan is to help move us toward a goal. Hoyleton cannot control the future. However, this plan takes into consideration what we know today and will provide a map for what is in the best interest of Hoyleton's future. This process provides us with a practical model to make day-to-day decisions, which follow a broader vision. And this will eliminate the need for being reactive or in crisis mode as challenges arise.

To become a more impactful organization, we must assist individuals that need behavioral health services and expand therapeutic foster care services for children. To do so, we focused on developing and implementing one of the few programs of its kind in the state, Treatment Foster Care. In addition, Hoyleton has been chosen as a YVLifeset agency and is one of three agencies chosen to be a part of the pilot program in Illinois, new program to help older youth transition to adulthood and independence. Prevention services Through our programs, we are increased by 37% helping young and vulnerable adults move from unstable street-living into safe, protected environments. While also maintaining and utilizing our therapeutic residential treatment centers that serve 40 developmentally disabled children daily. Puentes clients served increased by 37%


Within the strategic plan the Hoyleton Board of Directors created a Residential Research Task Force to study and make recommendations to the board regarding what residential services should look like. In creating this task force we have included local UCC clergy, lay leaders, UCC/ISC Conference minister, Out-patint counseling a member of the Hoyleton community and Board of Directors. services increased 377% Hoyleton served over 4,567 from 123 clients in FY18 children and families in FY19. to 587 in FY19 We cannot do this valuable work without you. We can make you aware of the rewards; however, HALO we know there will be challenges ahead. Presenting the three-year (Healing and strategic plan allows for greater transparency and accountability Loving Oneself) experienced a 170% increase from the organization. The goals Hoyleton has in place will continue in services provided making us a stronger, more significant, and supportive presence in the communities we serve. Your continued service, support, and prayers will help us to reach this goal. Your financial support will help us serve our mission and care for the community. We appreciate the faith you continue to have in Hoyleton.

Residential program family visits increased by 88%

Thank You Dale We would like to take a moment and thank Dale Fiedler a member of the Board of Directors, and for his recent service as Chairman of the Board of Directors for Hoyleton Youth & Family Services. Dale’s guidance, grace, and direction continues to be an encouragement for those who are now serving on the board.



From the Bench Judge Mengarelli | Madison County Judge

“Every kid is one caring adult away from being a success story.” This famous motto by Josh Shipp is more than words on a page; it captures the essence of the services Hoyleton provides on a daily basis. We have several staff members who exemplify this in their daily lives and through their interactions while working with children. Foster Care, Residential Care, Counseling Care, and Community Care all use this quote to motivate them as they advocate for the children and families they serve. Along with our staff at Hoyleton Youth and Family Services, Judge Martin Mengarelli, who was appointed to his position as Associate Judge in Madison County, lives out this quote as he works with children and families. Judge Mengarelli has not always practiced family law, he originally started in personal injury and small claims. Mengarelli, whose mother passed away when he was nine, feels a strong connection to the law he now practices. “Similarly to most of the kids who I see in foster care, I was also raised by my grandparents.” He can empathize with the children he serves and uses that compass to guide him as he rules in favor of what is best for each child’s unique situation. Judge Mengarelli pushes the Child Welfare System to make changes quickly in Madison County. If he witnesses a parent that is working diligently to get their child back, he merits that by meeting with parents in court every 30-45 days; whereas most judges schedule court dates every 6 months. Judge Mengarelli does this as he sees fit, so that a deserving child and parent can be reunited quicker, instead of unnecessarily extending the process. His work has impacted Hoyleton families in a positive way. Judge Mengarelli has helped our Foster Care team grow in permanency by 84% in the past year – this is exciting! Growing permanency means that a child was either reunified with their parent and returned to their home or they were adopted by a loving family. It is part of our mission to unite with individuals who care and connect with serving children and families. Similarly to Hoyleton, Judge Marvin Mengarelli feels his calling is to help children become reunited with their parent or find a loving home. We feel connected to Judge Mengarelli as we all hope to be that one adult that can help a child become a success story. If you feel called to become a foster parent, contact our licensing department of our foster care division, Jodie Robinson 618.688.4773, jrobinson@hoyleton.org.


Finding Empowerment in a Seed Empowerment is found in the smallest of places, even a vegetable seed. Nadiah Sabrah MSW, LSW, a therapist at Hoyleton Youth and Family Services, is aware of the physical and emotional toll food insufficiency has on her young clients. The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines food insecurity as “households uncertain of having, or being unable to acquire, at some time during the year, enough food to meet the needs of all their members because of insufficient money or other resources for food.”1 It is estimated that 14.3

million (11.1 percent) of U.S. households were food insecure in 2018. The problem of food insecurity is compounded when communities are deprived of access to fresh fruit, vegetables, and providers of healthy food options. The inevitable result is food deserts and the problems associated with deprivation.


Ms. Sabrah would say that what she sees in her clients: the anger, misconduct, and behavioral issues are only telling a small portion of each child’s story. These outward manifestations hide past traumas, which have compounded over time. It is the daily struggle, the feeling of judgment, labeling and lack of empowerment to handle one’s most basic needs that leave her clients feeling disengaged from their future. Ms. Sabrah has often heard the lament when working, “We need to hear what we are, and not what we are not.” It is this simple statement that can change a young person’s outlook. It is the understanding that youth trapped in a cycle, not of their own making, have hopes and dreams, too. The individuals Ms. Sabrah works with are not new to intervention services. Quite the opposite, these youths have partnered with mentors, counselors, and other social service providers, yet still felt unseen, unheard and isolated. Ms. Sabrah knew that if she wanted to be of any service to her clients, she needed to think outside the box. With an extensive background in expressive therapy, which includes mindfulness, journaling and storytelling, Ms. Sabrah sought to remove herself from the equation and challenged her clients to look within themselves for a solution. As part of a social services assessment, the youths were asked about their eating habits. Ms. Sabrah found that her clients ate zero-to-one servings of fruits or vegetables per day, far below the recommended daily allowance for a healthy lifestyle and body weight. While the children enjoyed fruits and vegetables, access to fresh produce within their community, or resources to purchase healthy options were limited or not available. So the kids ate what was available, snack foods laden with empty calories. And still, the kids were hungry. Ms. Sabrah contemplated the idea of a food pantry within the school but quickly dismissed the idea. Accessibility to food was just one factor. Ms. Sabrah thought about her clients’ basic needs: food, clothing, and safety. She realized that operating a food pantry was not empowering. Instead, the food pantry carried its own stigma, kids who needed food would be embarrassed by being identified as impoverished.

Ms. Sabrah understood that the solution was to empower her clients to fulfill their own needs. Empowerment shifts the balance of authority and the right to control outcomes. Ms. Sabrah helped her clients realize if they managed the sources of their food supply, they could make better choices to promote a healthy lifestyle for themselves and their community. The idea of a portable, home garden was born. With summer vacation approaching, the students would be without school lunches. With funds provided through Hoyleton Youth and Family Services, Ms. Sabrah purchased seedlings, potting soil, and garden pots. The students enjoyed decorating the pots and plastic containers with messages of affirmation. And when it was time to plant their favorite fruit or vegetable, Ms. Sabrah recalls the wonder her clients experienced when touching the nutrient-rich soil and discovering the fragile, yet resilient nature of a seedling.

This academic year, Ms. Sabrah’s clients are looking to cultivate a school community garden. The students’ gardens opened a pathway for meaningful dialogue regarding food deserts and viable community solutions. This initiative requires partnerships with individuals familiar with gardening on a larger scale. If you have a passion for gardening, we invite you to be a part of empowering individuals in the Metro East in their fight against food insecurity. Do you have skills in designing and building container gardens? Is composting your specialty? Help Ms. Sabrah and her clients grow a greener, more fruitful tomorrow. For more information on how you can help, call Alice Drobisch, Director of Philanthropy, at 618.688.7094. 1

United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), (2019, September). Interactive Charts and Highlights. Retrieved from https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/food-nutritionassistance/food-security-in-the-us/interactive-charts-andhighlights/

Empowerment shifts the balance of authority


Reflections on the staffs Spiritual Retreat The drive to the DuBois Center started like any other drive a bit of highway driving and then a journey out into the country. The Hoyleton staff had been forewarned to print directions because cell service became “iffy” after Nashville, and especially down the winding gravel roads. The 1Cheers Team was intentional in their desire to remove us from the distractions of technology. While technology allows us to do our jobs efficiently, it can also provide a false sense of connection. The Spiritual Retreat was about calling and connecting as colleagues and as brothers and sisters in Christ.

Located off a well-worn, gravel path, and nestled among the trees, the center beckoned visitors to take a moment and breathe, the DuBois Center was the ideal location. Given the demands of life and choosing a profession tasked with serving those in our community, Hoyleton employees needed a well-deserved moment to stop, reflect, heal, 14

and lean in again. As the employees gathered in the main assembly room for the event, individuals could be heard chatting with fellow employees, savoring a morning meal together, or enjoying the view outside on the balcony. The theme of the Spiritual Retreat Connectiveness was defined as, “[1] The quality and quantity of a person’s connection to others, either personally or online. [2] The ability to join with others at Hoyleton and build a lasting relationship of trust over a lifetime.” The definition is multi-layered in many aspects. Hoyleton’s need for connectedness is based on both geographical and psychological components. Hoyleton’s physical footprint includes the Hoyleton Campus, administrative offices, and residential homes. While each space is integral to the mission, the distance limits interactions among staff and creates barriers to connecting on a meaningful level. Instead, each space functions as a separate part of the greater whole. It was time for us to come together in a shared space to connect, upbuild and refresh each other. The spiritual retreat was intended to nurture our individual beliefs and understand how those beliefs are the bases of who we are as individuals and by extension, an organization. These varied beliefs inform how we live, interact with others, and fulfill the mission of Hoyleton. The schedule for the retreat packed a full day of connectedness in different forms—opening prayer, guest speaker Karla Scott, Ph.D., Kintsugi, the Japanese art of mending pottery to honor its “brokenness”; renewal time and CARE Kit assembly. The Cheers Team was thoughtful in their approach to encouraging connectivity through various modes of learning and group interaction. And each activity allowed for time to connect and meet staff members from other locations within the Hoyleton family.

Karla Scott, Ph.D., discussed cross-cultural communication and its effect on the individual, organization, and the community at large. Culture is a common set of beliefs, attitudes, values, and practices that are taught and reinforced by the group. Our collective form of thought shapes our understanding of the world. In turn, cross-cultural communication is the process by which information is shared between individuals who differ from our perceived “norm” in age, nationality, ethnicity, race, gender, or sexual orientation. These differences can make individuals feel a sense of “otherness.” However, Scott, Ph.D., using a simple exercise, illustrated that the exchange and negotiation of communication through commonality and shared experiences is what binds us together, not separate us. The Spiritual Retreat provided insight into who we are as individuals, and by extension, as an organization. Each Hoyleton employee heeded the call to serve those within our communities. However, being called is only the first step. To be effective in our mission,

we must connect on a deeper level. To do this means being vulnerable and open about who we are, and sometimes standing in the uncomfortable spaces of human interaction. Calling and connecting is a choice. A choice to serve. A choice to hear. A choice to see. A choice to do. What do you choose? 1

Cheers Team is a small group of employees that plan events with the intent of fostering connection through fellowship at Hoyleton Youth and Family Services.

The CHEERS Committee 15

The New Website

Preparing for the future


Intersection Between Information and Accessibility We are excited to announce the launch of our new website, which took place October 4th. Our Marketing and Communications department worked diligently, while partnering with OrgStory, since January 2019 to create a new website that will take Hoyleton to the next level. When planning for this new website, our team interviewed 49 people in 4 days. We wanted each person, whether they were a Hoyleton staff member, client, donor, member of the Board of Directors, community partner, or parent to have a voice in our new website – which is why we created video footage of each representative to speak about their passion and experience. When creating this new website, we focused on creating a more fluent website that highlights all programs and is easy to navigate. One of the key features to allowing viewers to access each program is through the easy-to-read drop-down menu; however, one of the key focuses was placed on language. We wanted clear and concise language that everyone can understand. Often in the human services field, certain language used by those who work in the field are not terms other individuals use in their daily lives. We want individuals to come to our new and improved website and be able to find whatever it is they may be looking for in a simpler way.

The new website also allows for viewers to easily give. If you notice, in the top right hand corner there is a stagnant “give” button that can be clicked on no matter where you are at on the website. This allows for future donors to learn more about Hoyleton Youth and Family Services and why it is important for them to support our mission. Lastly, we want the new website to give a clear representation of the growth that has taken place in our organization and how we plan to continue to grow. We want those who view our website to know that they are in good hands when they utilize our services or that they are donating to a great cause. When they chose Hoyleton, they are choosing an organization that has been around for 124 years and strives to impact the lives of those in need in a positive way.

We want this to not only be a space where viewers can easily access information based on the services we offer – we also want to create a space for them to become educated on topics of social justice issues and local news/events that take place. This is where blog posts on the website will be posted and achieved for individuals to read when they please. 17

Honors & Memorials May 2019 – August 2019 In Memory of Ellen Ahlmeyer Roland and June Ahlmeyer Ruth Bohnenstiehl JoAnn Steiner Lucille Brandt Dorothy Brandt Norbert Buehne JoAnn Steiner Skip Carver David and Carol Shanks Jeff Deutsch Sharon Deutsch Donald and Irene Dix Kathleen Fischer Tom Drewer Sue Drewer Justin Erickson Leif R. Erickson Clarence Feldmeier Dorothy Brandt Don Freeland Bruce and Patricia Freeland Kathryn Grotefendt David and Audrey Steiner Gloria A. Haberlah Brent Babb Mary Ellen Norman Becky and Clyde Trexler Michael and Robyn Weilbacher Michael and Mary Young William and Jan Brucker Rev. William Groennert David and Mary Mehrmann Deborah Parris Clarence and Kathy Richey Orlean Hosto Wendell Armour Shane Knobloch Louis and Marlene Knobloch Chester and Juanita Kohl Randall and Margarite Miller Rev. Ken Kramer Norma Kramer Nancy J. Krauss



Gifts from

Kenneth Krauss Jonah Matthews George and Sharon Hoerr June Meyer Shelby Mann Robert and Ida Nuernberger Dale and Susan Fiedler Julia Reaves Gary Kreutzberg Lamont Reid Vernon and Shirley Reid Stella Schmid Thomas and Lori Knapp Lois Schoeber Earl Grotefendt David and Audrey Steiner Betty Ann Suhre JoAnn Steiner Lucille Willeford Butch and Karen Albers Dixie Bargetzi Deb Berndsen Donna Brendel Family of Lucille Willeford William M. Haberer Rick and Jane Hilliard Nancy Koch Betty Kombrink Tom and Sharon Lampe Beverly Leidner Trudy Linenfelser ‑ Guerra Shelby Mann Jessie Markus Phillip and Danielle Markus Michael Mueller Keith and Laurie Poss Mark Schauster James and Vicki Warnecke Woodmen Of The World ‑ Chapter 6049 Judith L. Zimmerman Carol Zurliene William "BIll" Whicher Hoyleton Youth & Family Service Gertrude "Gertie" Holle Hoyleton Youth & Family Service

In Honor of

Anita Cain’s 75th Birthday Shirley Collmann Ron and Joan Voyles 50th Wedding Anniversary JoAnn Steiner


Gifts from

Jana Zurliene’s Birthday Jerry and Karla Zurliene Kelli Zurliene’s Birthday Jerry and Karla Zurliene Aaron Kaburick & Patrick Wetzel Chris L. & Jennifer Cox

PLAN FOR YOUR LEGACY NOW A planned gift is any major gift, made in lifetime or at death as part of a donor’s overall financial and/or estate planning. It enables philanthropic individuals to make larger gifts to charitable organizations than they could make from ordinary or discretionary income. These gifts of equity, life insurance, real estate, personal property, or cash use estate and tax planning to provide for charity and heirs in ways that maximize the gift and/ or minimize its impact on the donor’s estate. Whether a donor uses cash, appreciated securities/stock, real estate, artwork, partnership interests, personal property, life insurance, a retirement plan, etc., the benefits of funding a planned gift can make this type of charitable giving very attractive to both the donor and charity. More information regarding Hoyleton’s Heritage Society will be coming soon. If you have any questions on how you can become a member of our Heritage Society or have already identified us in your plans, please contact Alice Drobisch at (618) 688-4727.



8 Executive Drive, Suite 200 Fairview Heights, IL 62208 618.688.4727 www.hoyleton.org 20

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