2021 Fall Hoyletonian

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Hoyleton Board of Directors Ann Stephens Chair


FALL 2021

Table of Contents

Karen Holtgrove


President’s Letter

Ex Officio

Hoyleton Executive Team

was founded on are still what guides our mission

Chris L. Cox

today. We forge on with the steadfast belief

President & CEO

Brice Bloom-Ellis

realize the wholeness of life that God intends. As


House Parents Needed

an organization we work tirelessly every day to provide those opportunities to the communities in which we serve.


PEERS Advisory Council

Chief Program Officer

Chris L. Cox President and CEO

I was saddened to learn of the passing of my mentor and friend Rev. Paul Schippel earlier this year but I am honored to continue his legacy. Rev

Ex Officio

Rev. Ivan Horn

President’s Letter

that all people should have the opportunity to


Chris L. Cox


Immigrants in our Midst

map for us to follow regarding social justice and inclusion. It was his calling then and our calling now to build equity, celebrate diversity and demand inclusion while strengthening our communities.

Donna Davis


Remembering Rev. Dr. Schippel

In the coming months the P.E.E.R.S. Advisory Council will compile ourselves to become the change agents our communities need. Lunch and

Patrice Howard

Learn programs are coming soon to allow employees a chance to share


Hope for the Holidays 2021

Rev. Don Jones

Puentes de Esperanza Board of Directors Rev. Don Jones

to diversity, equity and inclusion and we will represent this culture of

09 10

The Legacy of Pearl Spies Neighbors for Renewal


Golf Classic

Hoyleton Youth and Family Services

communities in which we serve. The future of Hoyleton is strong. Bold efforts are being made to provide more extensive readily available mental health services. It is clear to us how important quality affordable behavioral health is and we continue to define how we are addressing community needs by building relationships with new partners to extend services in new ways. I want to thank each and every one of you for your commitment to our


Security and Care for Grandchildren

Ex Officio Director Chris Cox - President/CEO of

acceptance throughout our organization, to our partners, vendors and in the

our role in addressing the needs of our community. You will read more about

Anne Stephens Lari Vanderpoel

life experiences in small casual settings so we can all continue to learn from each other. We will continue to be intentional in our commitment

Amy Mistler Stephen Shevlin

mission throughout the year. During the holiday season I hope you take time

Support Services

Alice Drobisch Director of Philanthropy

there is so much work still to be done.


Mobile Crisis Services


Honors, Memorials & Gifts-in-Kind

Jennifer Cox Director of Information Systems & Performance Improvement Kristen Shinn Director of Community Support Services Monte Mister Director of Therapeutic Residential Care Shannon Moore Corporate Secretary Sharon Schultz Director of Child Welfare Services Andrea Nafziger Director of Marketing & Communications Adam Woehlke Director of Clinical Services Wanda Williams Director of Human Resources Caron Strother Director of Financial Operations

to enjoy your love ones, reflect, give thanks and recharge for the new year as

Senior Level Staff Member Kristen Shinn - Director of Community

Chief Financial and Administrative Officer

educational materials so we have resources available to better equip

Mike Auffenberg Dr. Tron Young

Shavonda Mitchom

Schippel led Hoyleton for 20 years, and during his tenure he created a road

Rev. Bob Goddard Lari Vanderpoel

FALL 2021


It makes me proud that the principles Hoyleton

Kelly Bandy Vice Chair


Chris L. Cox President and CEO

Stephanie Seaton Director of Project Implementation



FALL 2021

Hoyleton is looking for House Parents. Do you know of someone? Hoyleton Youth and Family Services is excited to

home will be residing with a set of foster parents, as they

announce that we are expanding to address a service

would in traditional foster care, but will have the added

gap that exists in our state. Illinois currently has limited

supports of intensive case management and therapy.

residential treatment opportunities and even fewer

This is an amazing opportunity for both foster parents

transition or step-down programs for youth in care who

and youth. Foster parents will reside in this newly

need additional support. Due to these limited options

renovated home caring for 3 identified youth in care

youth are residing in Hoyleton’s residential treatment

and receive compensation that covers living expenses

program longer than what is needed. To address this

including rent and utilities. Hoyleton would prefer

service gap, Hoyleton is opening a Therapeutic Foster

foster parents that have had at least 2 years’ experience

Care Program. What does this mean? Hoyleton has

fostering youth in care, currently have no minors for

purchased a home in Belleville, IL and renovated it for the

whom they are responsible, and are able to move into this

purpose of providing care, support and treatment under

therapeutic home and be part of a treatment team.

1 roof for 3 youth stepping down from our residential treatment program.

If you or someone you know would be a good fit for this opportunity, please contact Hoyleton’s Manager of

This is not another residential program. The youth in

Services to Emerging Adults, Mindy Miller at

this home will be part of a treatment team comprised

618-688-4756 or email at mmiller@hoyleton.org.

of foster parents, a program supervisor, case manager, therapist and other supports as needed. The youth in this



FALL 2021


PEERS Committee In a continued effort to stay mindful and diligent in regards to the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion conversation Hoyleton Youth & Family Services created a PEERS committee made up of a diverse group of leaders throughout the

P - Promote

organization, focused on advocacy and collaboration to create a culture where diversity, equity and inclusion are valued throughout the Hoyleton Community. PEERS stands for: Promote-Educate-Empower-Redefine and Support. The members of the committee finalized their FY 2022 objectives and these were recently approved by the Board of Directors. These objectives give the PEERS group an opportunity to work towards achieving goals which align well

E - Educate E - Empower

with Hoyleton’s initiatives throughout the agency and community. The PEERS group is evaluating current common language within our organization and introducing social justice and social identity terms and the “why” behind the importance of using updated/appropriate terms. Members of the committee are developing a list of comprehensive terms and language to disseminate to staff. They will also be assembling a reference /resource virtual

R - Redefine S - Support

library, made up of videos, books and documentaries, for staff and community members to further learning about social identities and systems. Another action item in the PEER group objectives for FY 2022 was a salary analysis request to ensure equal pay throughout the organization. Hoyleton is currently evaluating salaries to determine if adjustments in pay scale is necessary. In the coming months our staff will have the opportunity to attend Lunch and Learn events, hosted by the PEERS group, where DEI information will be provided and employees can share their lived experiences in small more intimate settings. The PEERS committee will also provide the Hoyleton clinical staff the opportunity to consult with a specialist in cultural competence if needed. Hoyleton marketing will include language that supports and promotes DEI awareness on our website and in our recruiting materials and videos. These intentional marketing efforts will continue in our messaging to our communities via the media or on billboards, transit system advertisements and client handbooks. Our commitment to DEI initiatives will be consistently communicated through donor, foster care and employee newsletters. With the guidance of the PEERS committee we are creating processes to assess and identify diverse vendors for partnerships. The Hoyleton mission is built on the belief that everyone should have the opportunity to realize the wholeness of life that God intends. Hoyleton moves forward fully embracing these objectives in an effort to effect positive change within our organization and in the communities in which we serve.



FALL 2021


FALL 2021


Remembering Rev. Dr. Schippel Rev. Dr. Paul D.

“Paul’s past years at Hoyleton helped mold the ideas,

Schippel, of Centralia,

perceptions and future buildings of the Hoyleton

IL passed away at

Youth & Family Services,” said his wife, Deb Schippel.

St. Mary’s Hospital

The Immigrants in our Midst Conference was held virtually

so additional storytelling can be done by BIPOC and

this year on Friday, October 15th. This was the 10th year of

LGBTQIA community members who share difficult

the conference and it featured 18 speakers on a variety of

and vulnerable stories based on their lived experiences.

topics related to this year’s theme: Recovery, Resiliency &

One of the highlights of the conference was Dr Cheng’s


performative keynote entitled “Not Quite: Navigating

in Centralia on

Rev. Dr. Schippel was a member of Friedens United

Thursday, August

Church of Christ in Irvington, IL where he served on

19th at the age of

the council and volunteered at the food pantry.He was

90. Rev. Dr. Schippel

a veteran of the United States Army, proudly serving

was the President

his country during the Korean Conflict. He was past

and CEO of Hoyleton

president of the Child Care Association of Illinois.

Children’s Home for

He was also the former President and served on the

20 years serving from

Council of Health and Human Service Ministries.

1978 to 1998. Even after retirement he continued to

He was active in several positions of Illinois South

serve as a Board Member for an additional 9 years.

Conference of the United Church of Christ. Paul also served as a church pastor and worked for Sunburst,

Citizenship and Belonging.”

As a result of his dedication and respect for both

a UCC based not for profit similar to Hoyleton, in the

residents and staff of Hoyleton, the Schippel House

Wisconsin Conference before moving to Centralia and

providers, business owners, students and interested

After a lunch break, conference attendees were given the

was named in his honor when it opened in 2015. Rev

coming to Hoyleton.

members of the community. This conference was also an

opportunity to attend break out sessions covering a variety

opportunity for members of the Hoyleton staff to satisfy

of topics, such as Victims of Communism, Best Practices

continuing education units.

in Healthcare, Unconscious Bias and Immigration Law

This all-day virtual event was open to professional service

Dr. Schippel’s legacy will live on through the work and care provided at Schippel House, a therapeutic residential community serving up to 9 children at a


time with severe developmental delays.

Roundtable chairperson, the conference got underway

UCC Minister Rev. Carol Shanks collaborated with Dr Karla

Current Hoyleton President and CEO Chis Cox said,

with presenter Dr. Onesimo Sandoval, Associate

Scott to present on the topic of “Communicating Across

Professor of Sociology at St. Louis University, discussing

and About Social Identity Differences and Divisions.”

After a brief welcome from Katie Heaton, a Latino

the everchanging landscape for immigrants, refugees, foreign-born and limited English-proficient populations.

“Paul’s footprints can still be seen at Hoyleton today.” Cox credited Paul for creating the CHEERS committee that continues to shape our organization’s culture.

There was also a roundtable discussion about workforce development and the changing needs as a result of the

The keynote Speaker for the conference was Dr. Ada


Cheng, a professor turned storyteller who uses her passion and storytelling skills to share experiences as a Taiwanese

The event concluded with a brief presentation about

immigrant living in the United States. Dr Cheng is

the Latino Roundtable of Southwestern Illinois and how

committed to amplifying and uplifting marginalized

to connect. The conference was made possible by the

voices. Her stories illustrate structural inequities, raise

generous support of GCS Credit Union, Busey Bank,

critical awareness and build intimate communities. Dr.

Puentes de Esperanza and the Latino Roundtable of

Cheng’s work has created numerous new platforms

Southwestern Illinois.

“Paul taught me what it means to be a true Servant Leader,” said Cox. “I learned the importance spiritually plays in our work through Paul’s leadership.” - Chris Cox, Current Hoyleton President and CEO

The Hoyleton mission continues, just as it began, with a close partnership with the United Church of Christ.



FALL 2021


Hope for the Holidays 2021


The Legacy of Pearl Spies as a recognized charity through Amazon Smile

Since 2019, our everyday

and Amazon will donate .5% to Hoyleton Youth

routines, habits and traditions

& Family Services with not extra cost to you. This

have taken a back seat.

can be done year-round, not just for the holiday

Everyone has been impacted


by changes due to COVID-19 that we did not see coming and

• Provide gift cards. Gift cards are most welcome

did not come naturally. Some

and can be used in many ways, such as to

adapted to the changes easily

purchase items for a child who arrives within a

while others worked around

few days of Christmas or they can give a teen the

them. We are all creatures of

opportunity to express his or her individuality and

habit, and those habits were

learn the value of a dollar by shopping for his/ For most, the holiday season is the most wonderful time of the year—a time for celebration and family

interrupted in ways we never


thought possible.

• To make a cash donation online, visit https://

traditions. For the youth and families we serve at

hoyleton.org/events/hope-for-the-holidays-22/ or

Hoyleton, the season can be difficult. Join us as we

mail in a check. Our office will utilize the funds to

work to make their holiday season special too.

purchase gifts for the youth who are not chosen

Some of our staff had to work remotely while other essential employees, in our residential

to have their wish list filled, or provide gift cards or This year, Hoyleton is serving more youth and families

homes, had no choice but to

food baskets for our families in need.

care for our youth in person

in our area than ever before. We continue to implement safety precautions to cater to these uncertain times.

It’s easy, reach out to us at (618) 688-7092 to inquire

Here’s how you can help this holiday season:

about a youth’s Christmas Wish List and help make

• Sponsor a child or teen to fulfill their Wish List. Contact Meghan Murphy at 618-688-7092 or mmurphy@hoyleton.org to get their individual

you soon!

https://a.co/6n55jUm. • Remember Hoyleton as you do your online shopping. Select Hoyleton Youth & Family Services


Above the Line Tax Deductation for Charitable Contributions Increased As a result of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 (TCJA), fewer taxpayers were able to itemize their deductions and receive a tax benefit from their charitable contributions because of the increased standard deduction. In turn, some donors lowered the amount of their contributions. The CARES Act reincentivized charitable giving by creating a $300 above the line deduction for qualified charitable contributions. The CAA increases the available deduction to $600 in 2021. This deduction is available to all taxpayers who plan to take the standard deduction on their 2021 tax return. To qualify, the donations must be in cash, not stock or donations of clothing or other property, and must be made directly to a qualifying charity, not certain private foundations, or donor-advised funds.

in place as possible. Our Hoyleton volunteers had to restructure how they assisted

wrapped by December 1st! We hope to hear from

• Support a family with our Amazon Wish List at

Additionally, the Consolidated Appropriation Act of 2021 or CAA extended (and in some cases expanded) benefits from last year’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act or CARES Act.

with as many safely precautions

their holiday happy! All gifts need to be in our office,

wish lists.

As we enter the last quarter of the calendar year, taxpayers are beginning to evaluate year-end giving opportunities for budgeting and tax planning purposes. Standard giving strategies such as qualified charitable distributions (QCD) from an IRA and the donation of appreciated stock are always worthy of consideration.

FALL 2021

Elimination of the 60% Charitable Contribution Limit Extended Under the TCJA, individuals that itemize are allowed a deduction for cash contributions to certain charitable organizations up to 60% of their Adjusted Gross Income (AGI). If the amount of the individual’s contributions is greater than the 60% limit, the excess is carried forward and treated as a deductible contribution for the next five years. Section 2205 of the CARES Act modified the contribution limits for individuals that itemize to deduct qualified charitable contributions up to 100% of their AGI. The CAA extends this benefit through 2021. This change only applies to cash contributions made to a public charity, excluding supporting organizations and donor-advised funds. Stock donations and gifts to private foundations are still subject to the 30% of AGI rule. Opportunity for IRA Distributions Eliminating the 60% contribution limit creates a huge opportunity for donors who want to make a significant impact to charities this year. Under these rules, a donor can take a significant distribution from their IRA, rather than the annual $100,000 QCD limit, donate it to charity, and take a deduction for the full amount. If you’re considering leaving a large portion of your IRA to charity in your estate, this may be a year to consider a large gift, especially if you are expecting to have a taxable estate. You could benefit from tax savings and see the benefits your charitable donation produces during your lifetime. Every taxpayer’s situation is different; please contact your tax advisor to determine if any of these strategies make sense for you.

our youth and families.

Longtime supporter of Hoyleton, Pearl Spies, remembers visiting her grandparents years ago in Hoyleton and seeing the community newspaper in their home printed in German. Her grandparents took her to visit the Children’s home back in 1933 and Pearl fondly remembers the youth at Hoyleton.

Our donors, regardless of the situation, continued to support Hoyleton and our mission. For many, giving to Hoyleton is a tradition, it is a routine. Generations have supported Hoyleton because their parents had. Times have changed over the years, but the desire to support our mission continues to exist. We could not have made it to where we are today without our donors’ desire to provide. Pearl, who is 92, forged through the past three years remembering the youth at Hoyleton and providing for them through our Back to School Drive and Hope for the Holidays campaign. She adapted to the

Times have changed since Pearl’s visit almost 90 years ago but our mission, to enable all people to realize the wholeness of life that God intends, remains constant. For years, Pearl’s family supported Hoyleton in various ways and Pearl continues with that same passion her parents had for the Children’s Home.

change, reached out to a neighbor and Hoyleton staff to learn how to use Amazon. She chose to shop on line and fulfill school supply requests and wish lists for the Hoyleton children on Amazon! Pearl, a career educator, took the opportunity to continue learning and still contributes to Hoyleton today. Pearl, you are an inspiration to others, and your willingness to learn technology is truly an eye opener. THANK YOU.



FALL 2021


FALL 2021


What began as a labor of love for retired pastor, Rev. Drew Kramer is resulting in a unique partnership for two local non-profit organizations, Hoyleton Youth & Family Services and Neighbors or Renewal. Drew Kramer created Neighbors for Renewal more than

As the Neighbors for Renewal housing projects continued,

20 years ago as a hobby to keep him busy and involved in

Drew’s path crossed with Hoyleton Youth & Family

the Belleville community once he retired. After traveling

Services CEO, Chris Cox. Chris was intrigued by what Drew

and building churches on numerous mission trips during

and his organization were doing in the community. He

his tenure as a minister, Drew knew you could get a lot

knew affordable, quality housing was lacking in the area,

done in a week. He thought this was an idea he could

and he thought the Neighbors for Renewal workmanship

implement right here at home, so he reached out to a

as well as dedication to the community was amazing.

group of his retired buddies with the idea of rehabbing a house.

Chris recognized an opportunity to work with Neighbors

His idea was well received, and he soon had a crew of

for Renewal when Hoyleton purchased a 3,700 square

motivated volunteers ready to get to work. The group

foot 5-bedroom, 3 bath home that needed a lot of work.

enjoyed the work they were doing, the impact it was having

This property was special to Chris, as it would be a new

on the community as well as the time they were able to

home for 3 foster children who were transitioning out of

spend together, so the projects continued. In 1998, they

therapeutic residential treatment program. Chris reached

created a board, decided to file some paperwork as a non-

out to Drew with the opportunity to rehab this house for

profit 501 (c) (3), and Neighbors for Renewal was officially

Hoyleton and Drew did not hesitate to accept the work.

born as a nonprofit development corporation providing housing for underserved families in the Belleville area.

During this construction project, which was temporarily interrupted due to COVID, Drew and Chris had several conversations about their plans, next steps and the possibility of making their partnership more permanent. Drew enjoyed the work but did not like finding and purchasing the properties. “I’d just like to be out there with my hammer,” said Drew. Chris recognized that the Hoyleton foster family housing model was dependent on volunteer labor and donations from suppliers to make it an affordable option within our organization. Neighbors for Renewal had the volunteers, labor union relationships

presented with

due to limited options youth are residing in Hoyleton’s

the partnership

residential program longer than what is needed. To

arrangement and

address this service gap, Schultz said Hoyleton started a

discussing the

Therapeutic Foster Care program. This is not a residential

additional projects,

treatment program. The youth in these homes will be

the Neighbors for Renewal board members voted in

residing with a set of foster parents, just as they would

August to affiliate with Hoyleton.

in traditional foster care, but they will have the added supports of intensive case management and therapy.

The Hoyleton Youth & Family Service mission is to be involved in the community and to enable all people with

“This is an amazing opportunity for both foster parents

an opportunity to realize the wholeness of life as God

and youth,” Schultz said. Foster parents will reside in

intends. The Hoyleton board believes they found a worthy,

this newly renovated home, caring for three identified

like-minded partner in Drew Kramer and his Neighbors for

youth in care and receive compensation that covers living

Renewal organization.

expenses including rent and utilities.

With this partnership in place, the Hoyleton mission of

Hoyleton would prefer foster parents that have had

therapeutic foster homes is actively underway with the

at least two years’ experience fostering youth in care,

second home currently being rehabbed. Sharon Schultz,

currently have no minors for whom they are responsible,

Director of Child Welfare, and her team have started

and are able to move into the home and be part of the

the search for our next foster parents to reside in these

treatment team.

newly remodeled homes with foster children that are transitioning from residential care to a more independent

If you or someone you know would be a good fit for

partner with a larger entity for overhead support.


this opportunity please contact Mindy Miller Hoyleton’s

Chris saw the partnership as a way for Hoyleton to

Schultz explained that Illinois has limited residential

618-688-4756 or email

treatment opportunities and even fewer transitional


and suppliers on board to keep building but needed to

increase their opportunities in the community, so he laid out plans for three more foster care homes. Once

Manager of Services to Emerging Adults Mindy Miller at

programs for youth in care who need additional support,


FALL 2021


Hoyleton Golf Classic Our annual golf tournament was a huge success! Good times and lots of fun memories were made. Of all of those who responded to our survey, 100% of golfers said they would highly recommend others to attend. It is a day out of the officer to enjoy the weather, socialize with friends, and most of all the opportunity to support Hoyleton Youth and Family services. When asked what makes the Hoyleton Golf Classic unique, responses included, poker hands, drink stations on the course, and a copious amount of hospitality, food and drink. Not to mention the friendly staff who volunteer on the course! 34 teams was a great turnout!


1st Place: Auffenberg B (57) 2nd Place: ImageNet (58) 3rd Place: SIHF Health ATSU-SOMA (59)


1st Place: St. Peter UCC– Okawville B (62) 2nd Place: Single Team (62) 3rd Place: Seipp Team B (62)


1st Place: CompuType (67) 2nd Place: Tim Boyce Team C (67) 3rd Place: Stan Niemann Team (67)


FALL 2021


Hoyleton Parents Provide Security and Care for Grandchildren Sheryl and James are the grandparents of eight

The whole family

children. They were introduced to Hoyleton when their

works hard to keep all

grandchildren’s mother abandoned them, and they were

the kids connected

put into DCFS custody.

through family gatherings, phone

Sheryl and James immediately acted and worked closely

calls, photos and

with Becky Depping, the Hoyleton Foster Care Case Worker,


and Becky Rhoden, the Child Welfare Manager, to keep the kids together and provide them with a safe and loving

Becky, the Child

environment to call home.

Welfare Manager, said, “This is a very

Seven of the eight children have been adopted by, or have

loving family that

legal guardianship by, members of their family. One child has

is always willing to

been adopted by a Hoyleton non-relative foster home, but

step up when asked

they remain close with the family.

to care for their grandkids.”

Sheryl and James have adopted two of their grandkids, 13-year-old Jayce and three-year-old Nevaeh. They also

They are a typical

have guardianship of their 15-year-old grandson Cole.

busy family. Navaeh, who is deaf, just started school at the Illinois Institute

Mark your calendars for Friday, September 18, 2022!

After the adoption proceedings, Sheryl’s son Jayce said,

for the Deaf in Jacksonville, IL. Jayce and Cole are avid

“Finally, I feel secure now!” She is so happy knowing she

bowlers, and they both recently medaled in the Special

provided him with that security. Jayce felt so secure in

Olympics bowling competition. They are now looking

his new home environment that he decided to change

forward to the state bowling tournament coming up in

his middle name so he could share a name with his

December. They will get to travel to Peoria to compete.

grandfather James.

There will be a quarter auction in their hometown to raise money for their travel expenses.

Seven-year-old Draven was adopted a few years ago by Sheryl’s niece, who was struggling with fertility. He was a

When they aren’t bowling, the boys like to play video

very welcome addition to their family.

games and basketball. Becky, who continues to work closely with the family, said, “Sheryl somehow keeps all the medical appointments straight and is a great advocate for their needs.” “Things can be difficult at times, but you just have to be patient and listen to the children and allow them to respond to you when they feel comfortable,” said Sheryl. She recently taught one of the boys to sew and make things, which gave him the feeling of being needed. “I could not ask for more committed and caring relative foster parents,” Becky said.


FALL 2021


AUGUST 2020 - OCTOBER 2021

Hoyleton continues to grow and develop into a robust social services agency. As a result of a grant that was secured from the state of Illinois Department of Mental Health, in July of this year, our growth will now include a crisis care department which will ultimately provide Mobile Crisis Services in St. Clair County.

Ellen Ahlmeyer Roland and June Ahlmeyer Carole Augustin David and Audrey Steiner Albert Dick Barth Joyce Barth

Being a provider of this state program will allow Hoyleton to respond to citizens in St. Clair County while they are experiencing a mental health crisis and assist them in getting the support they need during the crisis as well as offer follow up services. The goal of this program is to establish a continuum of crisis services to anyone, anywhere at any time.

Valerie Bates Carol Holbert Albert Bathon Lavonne Bathon

Current suicide rates in this country are at the highest levels since World War II. In 2018 48,000 Americans died of suicide. The need for quick, reliable access to emotional support and crisis counseling has never been greater and Hoyleton is committed to providing life-saving resources to the community we serve. This is a 3-year project with this first year focusing on building the capacity to provide mobile crisis care. We are currently recruiting a Manger of Crisis Care and will soon be hiring and training staff on Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) best practices. Hoyleton plans to have this mobile mental health team in place ahead of the rollout of the national 988 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline taking affect July 16, 2022.

In Honor Of Our 12th Wedding Anniversary Calvin Bloesch and Christine Tani Shirley Anderson’s Birthday Linda Walcheck Warren and Lela Arras Kevin and Lori Vogt Jane Bohnenstechl’s 100th Birthday Mildred Warnecke Ron and Cindy Borkowski Shirley Anderson Ima Brant’s 93rd Birthday and the Holiday Season Shirley Anderson Fred and Clyde Eversmeyer Phyllis Cassady Charollet Frey Shirley Anderson

FALL 2021



Mobile Crisis Services

AUGUST 2020 - OCTOBER 2021


In Honor Of

Joe and Patarica Galeaz 65th Wedding Anniversary Shirley Anderson Rev. Bob Goddard Christopher and Sandy Becker Don James 80th Birthday Brett abd Barb Bray Alan and Kathy Lang’s 50th Wedding Anniversary Betty Kombrink

Gifts From

Norma Pepmeier Rev. Fred and Shirley Wehrenberg Christy Pursell Ronald and Diane Winney Paul Schippel’s Service to Hoyleton Paul and Debby Schippel Tim and Chanda Schippel Chris and Jennifer Cox Jeffrey Sisk Mark and Judith Kampen

Grace Leder Shirley Anderson

Randy and Kimberly Sisk Mark and Judith Kampen

Delma Minton’s 100th Birthday Dennis and Luann Valentine

St. Paul UCC - Belleville Judith Saeger

Margaret Pejakovic Shirley Anderson

Vernon Steiner’s 90th Birthday Carol Bottum

Glen Gilomen JoAnn Steiner Ronald Glenn Sam and Kathleen Habermehl Gladys Grotefendt David and Audrey Steiner

Gene Bergmann Mary Bergmann Rick Bloemker JoAnn Steiner

Elmer and Esther Gummersheimer Virgil and Darleen Gummersheimer

Dorothy Brandt Shirley Allers Melba Asselmeier Mark and Lynn Brandt Morris and Pat Brandt Norma Brandt Vernon Brandt David and Marcia Braswell Karlene and Tom Covilli Bob and Judith Edler David and Pat Epping Barb Goldschmidt Brian and Brenda Johnson Lee Kinney Kenneth and Jean Knobloch Tom and Susan Koesterer Dale and Pat Krause Maeystown Civic Association Larry and Carol Nottmeier Susan Roseman Butch and Laurie Sparwasser Ray and Gladys Thiele Sandy Tutka Mark and Shirley Vogt Delbert and Sandy Wittenauer

Jean Habermehl Linda Sauer

Linda Walcheck Shirley Anderson

Marilyn Breitling Patrick Breitling

Helen Whicher St. Paul UCC Belleville

Charles Byford Virginia Byford

Sarah Wilde Lynda Sauer

David Jacob Carroll, our grandson Steve and Bonnie Thiems

Robert and Marge Wolfmeier 40th Wedding Anniversary Robert and Marge Wolfmeier

Mark and Theresa Collier Virgil and Darleen Gummersheimer Steven J. Cryder JoAnn Steiner

Jana Zurliene’s Birthday Jerry and Karla Zurliene

Melvin and Nellie Dauderman June Bronnert Kenneth and Jean Knobloch

Jeremy Zurliene’s Birthday Jermone and Karla Zurliene

Jeffrey Deutsch Sharon Deutsch

Kelli Zurliene’s Birthday Jerry and Karla Zurliene

Rev. Thomas Drewer Sue Ellen Drewer

Remember a loved one… Making a donation to Hoyleton Youth and Family Services is a meaningful way to honor or remember someone special. Your gift reflects your desire to make a lasting impact on the lives of others, just as your honoree has done for you. Whether you make an individual gift in honor of or in memory of that special someone, your contribution will make a difference. Memorial and tribute gifts are fully tax deductible and the recipient(s) of the tribute, or designated person in the case of a memorial gift, will receive a letter acknowledging your gift in their honor. For more information, or if you have questions, please reach out to the Development Department at adrobisch@hoyleton.org or (618) 688-7094.

Donald Freeland Charlotte Freeland Clyde and Becky Trexler

Dale Grotefendt David and Audrey Steiner Jo Ann Steiner Vernon Steiner

Lucille Brandt Linda Schmidt

Chad Zurliene’s Birthday Jerry and Karla Zurliene

In Memory Of

Joyce Dudeck Donald Dudeck Francis Frenchie Eilers Vernon Steiner

Mr. and Mrs. Leory Hamm Ronald and Jean May Calvin Hoffmann James and Lori Burns Louis and Mildred Hoffman Carolyn Shields Dennis and Luann Valentine

Gifts From

William Lashley Evelyn Lashley Darla Lienemann Wendy Dyer Chris and Jennifer Cox Hunter McClellan Jeanette McClellan Calvin McDaniel Alberta McDaniel Syl Mehrmann Darlou Mehrmann Paula Ann Merkel Hope Carbonaro Shavonda Mitchom Brian and Shannon Moore Bonnie Nehrt Jodi Nehrt

Lois Schoeber Eldon Schoeber Rev. William Schweickhart R. Lynn and Lucille Bradley

Mike and Marc Mikeals Ruth Mikeals

Blaine Spies Pearl Spies

Rev. Del Miller Chris and Jennifer Cox

Watler Steiner David and Audrey Steiner JoAnn Steiner

Milton and Florence Mueller John and Janet Garleb

LeRoy and Luella Hosto Gail VanWinkle

Doris Neumann David and Audrey Steiner JoAnn Steiner Vernon Steiner Mildred Warnecke

Lester and Mildred Jehling Jeanette McClellan Larry and Kathleen Washausen from their daughters, Jeanette, Bonnie, Lori and Kathy

Mary Niemann Stanley Niemann

Harry and Esther Jones Allen and Audrey Jones

Aline Pansing Linda Schaller

John and Carol Kane Kelly Murphy

Kay Pape Toni Wells

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Keller Betty Keller-Timmer

Elaine Parrish Herschel Parrish

George Klann Curtis and Jennifer Hummert

Betty Plocher Mildred Warnecke

Carol Klopmeyer Jack Klopmeyer

Rev. Max Pepmeier Rev. Fred and Shirley Wehrenberg

Thelma Klueter Kevin and Donna Wendel

Dorothy Renth James and Darlene Schomaker

Shane Knobloch Louis and Marlene Knobloch

Laurene Riggs David and Audrey Steiner JoAnn Steiner

Robert Nuernberger Ida Nuernberger

Donald Rinderer Vernon Steiner

Patricia Kolditz Loren Kolditz

Glenda Rippelmeyer Ray Rippelmeyer

August and David Kombrink Betty Kombrink

Rev. Kenneth D. Roberts Sr. and Rev. Kenneth D. Roberts Jr. Norma Kramer

Marvin Erdmann Virgil and Darleen Gummersheimer

Rev. Kenneth D Kramer Rex and Diane Burge Norma Kramer

Justin Erickson, our son Leif and Pam Erickson

Janet Krupnik Mary Ellen Norman

Everett Rogier David and Audrey Steiner

Fred and Clyde Eversmeyer Phyllis Cassady

Jane Landolt Jeanne Kustermann JoAnn Steiner Steve and Bonnie Thiems Wanda White

Velma Rueter Dennis Rueter

Edith Faletti, my mother Jeannine Burk

Kenny Schneider Linda Schneider

Mary Jane Scott Ed Scott

Carol Zilles Myers Jacqueline Barth

Louis and Ida Koelling Roger and Shirley Cunningham John and Elinor Koelling

Gloria Schneider Earl Grotefendt David and Audrey Steiner JoAnn Steiner Vernon Steiner

Don Merkle Donna Merkle

Wilson Horman Linda Schaller

Frieda Hotz Fred and Carol Hotz

Rev. Paul Schippel Maurice and Mary Lefevre Herbert and Bennie Schafle Springfield Sertoma Club Sponsorship Account Martha Webb

Rev. Norman S. and Grace Roberts Paul and Julia Roberts

Lyle Schmit JoAnn Steiner

Gloria Stuckwisch Shirley Anderson Kenneth and Estelle Sudhoff Robert and Jane Sudhoff Willam B. and Laura A. Timpner Lavonne Bathon Dorothy Thoms Linda Thoms Beverly Tipton David and Audrey Steiner JoAnn Steiner Melinda Ucci Anthony Ucci Gus Unverfehrt Laura Beckmann Veterans Sons of American Legion Post 233 Wilberta Wendel Kevin and Donna Wendel Rev. EJ Westerbeck Philip Ricks Bill Whicher Donna Davis Jean Widman JoAnn Steiner Bob, Lou and Donn Willeford Bambi Tebbe Donn Willeford Gina Peppenhorst Lou Willeford June Childerson Max and Stella Wisniewski Karen Liszewski Blanche Witschie JoAnn Steiner Ed and Lucille Yann Don and Audrey Yann Rev. Richard Zulauf Anne Zulauf Neal Butch Zobrist JoAnn Steiner


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Hoyleton Youth & Family Services 8 Executive Dr. Ste. 200 Fairview Heights, IL 62208

FALL 2021

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