2024 Viata Houston Christian High School Yearbook

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1 HOuston Christian High School Presents: The Season Finale Play 2024 Now Viata Vol. 26 2700 W Sam Houston Pkwy N Houston, Texas 77043 (713) 580-6000 www.houstonchristian.org

Who is

2024 2025



Academics Life Seniors 6 86 190 228
Sports Ads 112 136 244

PEOPLE Cast of Characters

100% Match • 23-24 • New Release

Interesting • Friendly • Ensemble

On the grounds of the school, the people strive to connect through community. In this episode, the viewers get the chance to meet all the cast of Houston Christian High School 2024!

Christopher Adlam Oyinkansola Ajimotokan Dove Ajmani

“May he give you the desire of your heart and make all your plans succeed.”

--Psalm 20:4

“I can't remember when I wasn't tired.”


“I love deadlines, I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by.”

--Douglas Adams


Warren Anderson Helena Arnold Daniel Bae

“Be a sponge… take all…”

--Kyle's Mom

“How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.”

--Winnie the Pooh

“Pride is not the opposite of shame, but its source. True humility is the only antidote to shame.”

--Uncle Iroh, Avatar


Jordan Bany

“I forgot.”

--Kanye West

Ethan Barker

“Failure has been achieved, Thank God. Now the only place to go from failure, is to win.”

--Tom Platz

Jordan Blyden


--Miles Morales


Layla Borghese

“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.”

--Muhammad Ali

James Boutte Jr. Nathan Braquet

“Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.”

--Proverbs 16:3

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.”

--Jeremiah 29:11


Colin Brogdon Cole Broussard Jackson Buongiorno

“Okay. Get yourself ready for some... reading. ‘If you want to make the world a better place, take a look at yourself and make a change. Hooo.’ - Michael Jackson. No. I said that. Batman is very wise.”

--Lego Batman

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you.”

--Deuteronomy 31:6

“We can’t control all the variables in our lives. It’s about what we do with opportunities revoked or presented to us that determine how a story ends.”


Keyton Cameron Savanna Carlson Noah Casagrande

“If you no longer go for a gap that exists, you are no longer a racing driver.”

--Ayrton Senna

“I live in two worlds, one is a world of books.”

--Rory Gilmore

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind”

--2 Timothy 1:7


James Celestin

“When all else fails, there's always delusion.”

--Conan O'Brien

Emily Cezeaux

“Don't get so busy making a living that you forget to make a life.”

--Dolly Parton

Olivia Chavez

“There are no regrets in life. Just lessons.”

--Jennifer Aniston


Jayden CHin

“Whatever you do work at it with all your heart.”

--Colossians 3:23

Meckenzie CLapp

“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

--Romans 12:2

Andrew Corson

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

--Proverbs 3:5-6


Ava Cox Allan Currier Luke Davenport

“No one has a right to consume happiness without producing it.”

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”

--Ferris Bueller

“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes. That way when you criticize them, you're a mile away, and you have their shoes.”


Luke Davidson Hannah Davis Julian Dawkins

“Life is Roblox.”

--DJ Khaled

“More espresso, less depresso.”

--Jonathan Warren

“Listen to the advice and accept instruction, that you may gain wisdom in the future.

Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.”

--Proverbs 19:20-21


Joseph Delongchamps Darius Dixon Lucas Donelson

“Sixty dollars?! Hello? Rich people, Troy's joining you. Yes, I'll hold.”

--Troy Barnes

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path”

--Psalm 119:105

“Jumpin' without a parachute? Kinda dangerous, ain't it?”

--Bugs Bunny


of EcN for in situ production and delivery of biologically active IL-2. Modifications of the signal peptide and solubility tag were necessary to obtain higher levels of active IL-2.”

--Tumas et al. 2023

Danielle Earles

“I am ready to face any challenges that might be foolish enough to face me.”
--Dwight Schrute

Elise Egger Parker Eggleston Avery Elkins

“Well, that was kinda a rip-off.”

--Kip Dynamite

“I'm your huckleberry.”

--Doc Holiday

“I said I want to make history... and that's what this is.”

--Debby Ryan


Halle Eschete Ava Farris Hannah Fisher

“And God is able to make all grace abound to you, so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, you may abound in every good work.”

2 Corinthians 9:8

“The only thing that ever sat it's way to success was a hen.”

--Sarah Brown

“Stay present, stay pleasant, stay proud.”

--Julain, Barbie Princess and the Pauper


Johnnie Francis Jadyn Granere Emma Guild

“Our problem is not that we aim too high and miss, but that we aim too low and hit.”


“Limits like fears are often just an illusion.”

--Michael Jordan

“You can't fix stupid.”

--Ron White


Sarah Guild Phoebe Hadaway John

“When I see a kid throwing a massive tantrum in a grocery store, part of me is like, 'Man, I feel you.'”

--Taylor Swift

“The best things in life, the very best things, happen unexpectedly.”

--Donna Sheridan



--Martin Tyler


Lauren Hartman Seth Hawkins Emily Ann Haynes

“If you ever don't know what to say, just be like, 'That's hot.'”

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

--Philippians 4:13 and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.”

--Proverbs 3:5–6


Kyle Helberg

“Be a sponge... take all...”

--My Mom

Hadleigh Helms Mia Henao

“Do the roar!”


“Well, what defines 'right,' anyway? You know, who defines 'right?' And if eating cake is wrong, I don't want to be right.”

--Lorelai Gilmore


John Henning Jackson Herauf Dylan Hill

“Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light for my path.”

--Psalm 119:105

“Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.”

--Dr. Suess

“Don’t let anyone think less of you because you are young. Be an example to all believers in what you say, in the way you live, in your love, your faith and your purity.”

--1 Timothy 4:12


Lea Hlaihel

William Jackson Gabrielle Hayward-Johnson

“In the midst of winter, I found there was, within me, an invincible summer. And that makes me happy. For it says no matter how hard the wind pushes against me, within me, there's something stronger, something better, pushing right back.”

--Albert Camus

“It's been real. It's been fun. But it ain't been real fun.”

--Michael Beasley



Jolly Juicy Ju Geon Kang

“Indeed, our lives are guided by faith, not by sight.”

--2 Corinthians 5:7

“How the turntables.”

--Michael Scott

“Realize that if a door closed, it's because what was behind it wasn't meant for you.”

--Mandy Hale


Karlianna Kapche Brooke Kern Shawn Kilchrist

“Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier.”

--Mother Teresa

“Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.”

--Abraham Lincoln

“I'm just here so I won't get fined.”

--Marshawn Lynch


Alexander Klein Madison Krieger Cash Kuykendall


put off 'til tomorrow what you can do the day after tomorrow.”

--Mark Twain
“A-B-C-D-E-F-G I have to go.” --Kourtney


“For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

--Luke 1:37


Taylor Lee Justin Lewis Nathaniel Lindsay

“Just keep swimming.”


“I came, I saw, I mastered this place.”

--Zoey Johnson

“Speed has never killed anyone. Suddenly becoming stationary, that's what gets you.”

--Jeremy Clarkson


Elizabeth Longwell Joshua Lopez Dylan Maillet

“Happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.”

--Albus Dumbledore

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

--Joshua 1:9

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.”

--Ephesians 3:20


Keith-Judah March Victor Marchon

“For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”

--Luke 12:34

“Good planning and hard work lead to prosperity.”

--Proverbs 21:5

Eric Mayfield

“Perhaps this is the moment for which you have been created.”

--Esther 4:14


Maximilian Mccarty

“Now then stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes!”

--I Samuel 12:16

Hudson McDaniel Coleman Mcdonald

“Swing or be swung.”

--Nicholas Stewart

“Be truly glad. There is wonderful joy ahead.”

--I Peter 1:6


Brazos Mckenzie Caleb Medlock Gabrielle Mikulich

“And I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you, will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”

--Philippians 1:6

“Impossible is just a big word thrown around by small men who find it easier to live in the world they've been given than to explore the power they have to change it. Impossible is not a fact. It's an opinion.”

--Muhammad Ali

“She is clothed with strength and dignity and laughs without fear of the future.”

--Proverbs 31:25


Grant Miller Ben Mize Kayla Mosley

“People have to follow their hearts, and if their hearts lead them to Wal-Mart, so be it.”

--Maynard James Keenan

“It's not that deep.”

--Grant Mize

“Everyone keeps telling me how my story is supposed to go. Nah... I'mma do my own thing.”

--Miles Morales


Kathryn Mueller Jackson Mullen Samantha Danee Muro

“Crushed it.”

--Fat Amy

“No, this is Patrick.”

--Patrick Desmond Star

“The only time I set the bar low is for limbo.”

--Michael Scott


Thomas Myers

“Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who has no need to be ashamed, rightly handling the word of

--2 Timothy 2:15

Zachary Myers Juliet Nickell

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

--Mahatma Gandhi

“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.”

--Psalm 119:105


Seth Perkins Jonathan Pernoud Luke Pidgeon

“Life is Roblox.”

“Whatever you do, do it from the heart for the Lord and not for people.”

--Colossians 3:23


Sam Ohlenforst Bego˜na˜

“What, like it's hard?”

--Elle Woods

Pagazaurtundua Raja Pandya

“Being fearless isn't about being 100% not fearful, it's about being terrified but you jump anyways.”

--Taylor Swift

“Those who stand firm during testing are blessed. They are tried and true. They will receive the life God has promised to those who love Him as their reward.”

--James 1:12


Allanah Raddatz Miriam Read Kristen Rice

“Glory be and praise to God. I didn't do any of this. God did.”

--Kevin Gates

“I don't think I would run for president.”

--DJ Khaled

“Embrace your past, but live for now.”



Kian Ritchie

“Instead, desire first and foremost God’s kingdom and God’s righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

--Matthew 6:33

Ted Roark Yianni Rokas


--Ryan Gosling

“If you take everything I've accomplished in my life and condense it into one day, it looks decent.”

--George Costanza


Mikayla Rovall Emma Samuelson Moriah Schisler

“Be the light.”

--Matthew 5:14

“It never hurts to keep looking for sunshine.”


“Go! Go away! Read some books!.”

--Jack Black, Nacho Libre


Christian Seay

“Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord is a rock for all ages.”

--Isaiah 26:4

Carter Seeliger Matthew Shaw

“Don't count the days. Make the days count.”

--Muhammad Ali

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”

--Romans 12:2


Adam Sheppard Samantha Shrader

“Listen to advice and accept instruction, so you might grow wise in the future. Many plans are in a person’s mind, but the Lord’s purpose will succeed.”

--Proverbs 19:20

“'Cody's this' 'Cody's that' 'Cody's this.' Cody's me, bro, let me be me!.”

--Cody Maverick

Camden Slate

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.”

--2 Timothy 4:7


Caitlin Smith

“Whatever you choose to do, leave tracks. That means don't do it just for yourself. You will want to leave the world a little better for your having lived.”

Ewan HIGHBERG-Smith Liliana Smith

“Surely he knows my way; when he tests me, I will emerge as gold.”

--Job 23:10

“Love yourself first, and everything else falls into line. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world.”


Elizabeth Spears Jordan Elie-Stuart Raven Swainson

“I'm gonna go get one of those job things!”

--Rachel Green, Friends

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”

--Joshua 1:9

interest you in a sarcastic comment?”

--Chandler Bing, Friends


Noah Takahata Cameron Talley Natalie Taufer

“Let us dedicate ourselves to what the Greeks wrote so many years ago: to tame the savageness of man and make gentle life of this world.”

--John F. Kennedy

“For surely O Lord, you bless the righteous; You surround them with your favor as with a shield.”

--Psalm 5:12

“I did my waiting. 12 years of it. In Azkaban!”

--Sirius Black


Emily Thompson Emilia Thompson Joshua Tilotta

“Some people gonna hate you for no reason and you're gonna shine regardless.”


“But they were, all of them, deceived, for another Ring was made. In the land of Mordor, in the fires of Mount Doom, the Dark Lord Sauron forged in secret a master Ring, to control all others. One Ring to rule them all..”

--Galadriel, The Fellowship of the Rings

“Trust in the Lord forever, for the Lord, the Lord himself, is the Rock eternal.”

--Isaiah 26:4


Tucker Torn Aiden Tran Savannah Tutor

“For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

--Romans 8:38–39

“For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

--Ephesians 2:10

“Lightweight, baby!”
--Ronnie Coleman

Matthew Varjas Zoe Voinis Kendall Wallace

“It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.”

--Marcus Aurelius

“You know, I've realized that I'm probably just perfect, and it's everybody else around me that's got issues.”

--Scott Disick

“The Lord has done great things for us, and we are filled with joy.”

--Psalms 126:3


Riley Warnica Hudson Wayne Aidan Willhite

“Aut viam inveniam aut faciam: I will either find a way or make one.”


“The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine on you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”

--Numbers 6:24-26

“Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

--I Timothy 4:12


Olivia Williams Savannah Winters Lauren Wray

“Only live once, let's do this!”

--Roman Pearce

“But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”

--Isaiah 40:31-32

“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love Him.”

--James 1:12


Donna Xue

“Mine eyes smell onions.”

--William Shakespeare

Pierce York Ashley Young

“You can't buy being a rock star.”

--Travis Scott

“No matter what happens in life, be good to people. Being good to people is a wonderful legacy to leave behind.”

--Taylor Swift


Sherry Zhu

“To see the world, things dangerous to come to, to see behind walls, to draw closer, to find each other and to feel. That is the purpose of LIFE.”
--Walter Mitty

Congratulations to the Class of 2024!


Jacob Alexander

Mac Barrow

Camille Bavaro

Georgia Bedre

Marie Carol Been

Kiley Boyle

Alexandra Brueckner

Jacob Burkhart

Bauer Burttschell

Kaylin Caesar

What's your take


Attending the Parker McCollum concert in Colorado, junior sisters Lane and Claire Leighton dress up for this special event. Both being huge country music fans, the sisters had been waiting for what felt like forever to see one of their favorite artists. "I love Parker," said Lane, "His music is good and he's super cute."


On a cool Saturday in October, Claire Kimzey and Bret Kilchrist attend the Zach Bryan concert. Posing on the rodeo grounds where the concert was held, Claire could barely contain her excitement. "This was the best concert ever," Junior Claire Kimzey said. Photo by Claire Kimzey


Attending the SZA concert at the Toyota Center, Juniors Hailey Nuno and Kiersten Reed pose in front of all 19,300 concert attenders. Having gotten the tickets for her birthday, Kierston was happy to bring Hailey along for the ride. "The concert was literally unreal; I didn't know SZA would sound better live than recorded," Junior Kiersten Reed said.

Photos by Kierston Reed, MC Been, Boston Vaughan, YEE-HAW


Madison Carmichael

Joshua Cestero

Noah Chang

Meixi Chen

Katia Childs

McKayla Childs

Keegan Clark

Brandon Clarke

Ella Condrey

Amelia Cooper

Bennett Cooper

Sarah Dewhurst

Andrew Dickson

Kemily Dickson

Eden Droog

Eloise du Vigneaud

Addison Durnell

Finnegan Duty

Noah Edmiston

Jacob Ellis

Joseph Ferruzzo

MaKyah Foreman

Thomas Frank

Kennedy Garza

Jaxon Gilmore

Pierce Girven

Micah Gordon

Mia Granados

Raley Gregg

Calvin Griffiths


Nicole Hiemstra

Jacob Holman

Alyssa Hope

Jack Horton

Collier Houston

Lane Hackerman

Peyton Hargrove

Abbey Head

Lily Herveat

Karen Ianculovici

Lucca Incerpi

Kaitlin Jennings Kiran Jolly Anderson Jones

Chloe Jones

Hunter Jones

Sophie Jones

Audrey Jordan Josh Jou

Claire Kimzey

Emmy Koehler

Angelina Kraft

Noah Kuhle

Sophia Kuo

Taylor Lankford

Grayson Leblanc

Harper Lee

Zariah Lee

Claire Leighton

New juniors feel welcome as they make new



While waiting for the morning bell, junior girls sit with transfer Brooke Undlin and teach her the ins and outs of the school. Brooke quickly felt invited into the community. She said, "These girls have made me feel like I have been here forever.”

Photo by Claire Kimzey


During ILT, junior Sebastian Manzel works on his homework with his friends. Normally, he works out with his team, but today he was feeling extra studious. "This school is a better place for me. I am so glad I transferred here," Sebastian said. Photo by Claire Kimzey


At lunch, sophomore Miller Martin and senior Darius Dixon invite junior transfers Drin Tafilaj and Aidean Rainey to eat lunch with them. The boys felt the overwhelming sense of community. Drin said, “I am so thankful to be welcomed by these people so quickly.”

Photo by Claire Kimzey


At lunch, transfers Jacob Ellis and Hunter Jones chat during lunch, after playing basketball in the gym. "I found my friends here, and I love the teachers." Hunter said. Photo by Claire Kimzey


After school, Will Trevathon sits and talks with his friends. He said he had a great first month, adding, "I don't have a lot of time with my friends, but I love the time I get with them." said Will. Photo by Claire Kimzey

Justin Leighton

Lane Leighton

Lillian Lemasters

Brianna Lemon

Noah Lusk

Taylor Mackel

Bennett Mallory

Sebastian Manzel

Zion March

Carley Martin


Elizabeth Mason

Isabella McDaniel

Blaire McLarry

Grace McLean

Sydney McMeans

Madilynn Melton

Davis Miller

Cole Montgomery

Hadley Moore

Alyse Morrow

Emma Murff

Jordan Neslony

Olivia Nicholas

Hailey Nuno

Isaac Orr

Kirby Orth

Carlos Ortiz

Mia Pangestu

James Peters

Kayla Phillips

Maddie Pickett

Kathryn Pisklak

Samantha Prewitt

Sara Price

Dalton Primrose

Hannah Pullin

Daimon Rainey

Zachary Ramkissoon

Tyler Rawls

Corbin Redd


HOT TAKES ON Junior Summer Jobs

Where did you work last summer?

"I worked at Original Carrabba's on Voss"

What was the best part of the job?

"I loved getting to meet people I get to be friends with the rest of my life."

"I worked at Taste of Texas"

"I worked at Lakeside Country Club."


Cleaning up after the afternoon rush, junior Quincy Lewis finally rests after having to deal with customers for a full 2 hours. Working at Slim Chickens was hard work, but Quincy was determined to finish his shift. "Honestly, I don't like it," Quincy said, "I just do it for the money." Photo by Quincy Lewis

"I liked getting to meet all different types of people."

What inspired you to work a job last summer?

"I grew up going to Carrabba's, and now it's fun to work with the people I saw growing up."

"Honestly, the thing that inspired me most was the money."

"I loved getting to go to the golf course."

"My friend told me about the job so I wanted to try it."


Helping set up for pratice, Cooper Clarke checks the schedule to see what drills to set up. Having helped out at the SBMSA baseball camp all sumer, Cooper knew all the kids well, and was excited to see them improve. "I liked getting the opportunity to call plays at homeplate," Cooper said. Photo by Cooper Clarke


Having worked at Murff Turf pervious summers, Junior Emma Murff is happy to take a break for once and enjoy a nice lunch at a restaurant. Handling finances and casheir work, Emma became very skilled at keeping quick books. "Working the job made me very knowledgeable and gave me a lot of insight on how finances work," Emma said. Photo by Emma Murff


Working as a Lifeguard at the Houston Racket Club, junior Jack Horton watched the water if the pool below from his stand to make sure eveyone was safe. Sitting in the sun all day was exausting, but Jack had a lot of fun by the pool. "It was a great experience because I was able to learn about responsibility."


Taking a rest, junior Kate Stahl and her friend Madi Melton chat in the back of Taste of Texas. Working as a host was hard, but Kate enjoyed the food that was offered for her hard work. "I had a lot of fun and met cool people," Kate Stahl said. Photo by Kate Stahl

Kiersten Reed

Ronald Reis

Clayton Ressling

Mark Reynolds

Veronica Sanders

Chloe Jones Sara Price
AQ &
Claire Leighton


At the side of the ice rink, junior Finn Duty rests during his hockey game in Dallas, Texas. This particular game was a state tournament at the Dr. Pepper Star Center. "Hockey's really fun because of the thrill of it and also because I get to hit people," he said.

Photo provided by Finn Duty


Playing during the October 12th varsity volleyball game, junior Eden Droog strikes the ball. She scored a point and they ended up winning the game. She said, "It was a really good game-- we all felt amazing scoring points back to back."

Why do you?

"Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."

“I enjoy the community I find in soccer and it's also a great way to take my mind off of school.”

“I love theatre because of the community and the welcoming environment. The people are amazing and very supportive. ”

“I find that art is relaxing to me. It’s a way for me to calm from the stress of the day It also helps me in pursuing my career in animation.”

Making their way to senior year, juniors are on the


Adriana Navas Photo by Julie Droog Micah Gordon “I like playing basketball because ball is life. That's it.” Jaxon Gilmore Carlos Ortiz

Connor Schell

Levi Schwing

Oliver Snyder

Taylor Spence

Hailey Stagner

Kate Stahl

Kolby Steffen

Ben Stephens

Jack Stephens

Sophia Stephens

Nathaniel Sun

Drin Tafilaj

Natalie Taylor

Jake Tohmas

Will Trevathan

Joseph Trickett

Brooke Undlin

Charlotte Vargo

Boston Vaughn

Mikayla Villafuerte

Montana Wheeler

Chloe Wilkin

Maria J. WIlson

Reagan Wooley Hayes

Kayden Worley

Josiah Wu

Charles Yang

Yu Shan Yang

Samuel Young

Paula Zabala



For Hudson Davenport's sixteenth birthday, he and his friends celebrate by going to an Astros game. A baseball fanatic, Hudson was super excited about his birthday. He said, "Hanging out with my boys and watching the sport I love is probably the best birthday I could have asked for."

Photo by Luke Davenport



Best friends Addison Medlock and Carson Lehane share a Sweet Sixteen! With birthdays so close, the girls couldnt imagine celebrating without eachother. Carson said "Being able to eat my favorite foods was so fun, but celebrating with one of my best friends was the best present I could have asked for."


After a long night of partying, the girls headed home for an ever classic birthday tradition, a sleepover! Addison said "I couldnt have asked for a more perfect end to a perfect birthday"

Photos by Mckinley Helms

How do you spend your birthday?


Sophomores Jill Drury, Adelyn Winters, and Ashlyn Kling all celebrate their sweet sixteens with a cute brunch with their girlfriends. A fun opportunity to dress up and veg out, brunches have been a popular party option this year.

Connally Kuykandall said, "I love going to brunch and celebrating my friends. I love showing my friends the love they deserve."


Samuel Adams

Carter Akompi

Jackson Allen

Drew Alston

Selvie Andrews

Kayla Banks

Amiri Barnes

Alexander Bartholomew

Austin Beaver

Sally Cdebaca

Samuel Cdebaca

Graciana Cervantes

Jake Chenoweth

Mia Chang

Lauren Clark

Annabelle Cody

Sofia Conshafter

John Cotten

Hudson Davenport

Isabella Diaz

Abby Dickerson

Lauren Dickerson

Riley Dolfo

Xinrong Dong

Olivia Donohue


Sabina Houston

Megan Hyzak

Briana Isham

Cole Jamison

Aahna Jolly

Jill Drury

Kenadee Erler

Cordelia Espinosa

Elise Farias

Barrett Faterkowski

Tully Florey

Ava Floyd

Rebekah Gerard

Xavier Gibbons

Cooper Gregory

Elena Grillo

Kaden Gulledge

Jordan Haselhorst

Abby Hawkinson

Owen Hawthorne

McKinley Helms

Piper Herauf

Iliana Hernandez

James Hintz

Linus Holt



and making miles of memories


On the big day, Tripp Watson finally gets his license and proudly shows it off. He was so happy to celebrate this by getting to drive home. Tripp Watson said, "It was good to get my license."


Holding up his brand new license, Jackson Weber is ready to go show his friends. Jackson said, "It was so cool to be able to get my license finally after waiting months."


Smiling with excitement. Kate Shaw holds up her permit axiously awaiting the big day she will get her license. Kate Shaw said, "I cannot wait to drive my friends around." Photo by Sally CdeBaca

Proudly holding up his new licence, TK Woodard is excited to now be able to drive. TK said, "It's so cool to be able to drive myself to school now."


As Miller Martin is pulling into school, he rolls down his window to say hi. The students love to park by their friends. Miller Martin said, "It's so good to be able to just go somewhere after practice is over." Photo by Meagan Ondrias


Holding his license with joy, Graeme Highberg came to school showing off his new license. Graeme said, "It's so cool to be able to drive to school and not be dependant on others." Photo by Jordan Haselhorst


There is a new car on campus! Robert Jones sat in the driver seat of his new car and said, "I am such a good driver and I love to drive to pick up my girlfriend."

Photo by Sally CdeBaca


As Linus Holt is pulling out of the parking lot he takes time to say hi. Linus has a summer birthday, so he got his license very early. Linus Holt said, "I enjoy driving others to school." Photo by Elena Grillo


Bella McKissack

Sophia Medlock

Ellen Moore

Samuel Nutt

Meagan Ondrias

Harrison Jones

Robert Jones

Sara Jones

Ashlyn Kling

Andrew Knobbe

Ayden Koerner

Connally Kuykendall

Isabella Lam

Xander Lam

Jaxson Lebrun

Carson Lehane

Demetri Lewis

Meredith Lim

Kai Livingstone

Victoria Lunam

Abigail Madden

Chelsea Martin

Joseph Martin

Brianna McClinton

Clark McCormick



What is your favorite app and why?

"I like Snapchat the most because I get to snap my girlfriend."

"I like Snapchat because I can snap a bunch of girls." "I like cashapp the most because I get motion."


To communicate with her friends, Briana Isham prefers to use Snapchat. Many students use Snapchat to communicate with all of their classmates and friends. Briana said, “I always snap people. It helps me talk to all of my friends.”

Photo by Elena Grillo

How do you spend your time on social media?

How often do you use the app?

"Whenever I snap my girlfriend back."

"Pretty often."

What made you donwload the app?

"I wanted to be able to snap my girlfriend."


"Everyone else had it, so I got it."

Students on tiktok

"Because I wanted motion."


Apps such as Instagram are a great way for Brynn Sitta to see updates from all the accounts she follows. Instagram is a great app for people to use to see pictures from all of their friends. Brynn said, “I like watching reels to be honest.” Photo by Elena Grillo

Many students, including Victoria Lunam, use TikTok daily. TikTok is a very commonly used app between all four grades. Victoria said, “All my friends had it, so then I downloaded it, and now I use it everyday.” Photo by Elena Grillo


Besides just seeing pictures on Instagram, reels are also why people like Abby Dickerson use Instagram. Instagram reels are similar to TikTok videos. Abby said, “I don't really use Instagram, but when I do, I look at people's stories and watch reels.”

Photo by Elena Grillo


To pass time, Kate Shaw prefers to use TikTok. Many students watch videos on TikTok as well as post on it. Kate said, “I'm always on TikTok. It passes time really fast.” Photo by Elena Grillo

Gabriel Rodriguez-Landrau Austin Beaver
Robby Jones &

We got here as soon as we could



Shopping at City Centre, sophomores Kaiya Banks, Chelsea Martin, and Brianna Isham, including Juniors Lucy Chen and Carley Martin. Chelsea Martin said, “It's been really fun meeting and becoming friends with all the new transfers this year.”

by Brianna Isham


Getting to know each other better before school, Sophomores Chelsea Martin and transfer Abby Dickerson enjoy the morning. Abby Dickerson said, “I've made so many new friends this year and have really enjoyed HC.” Photo by Bella McKissack


Sophomore Isabella Diaz, and transfer Addie Rollins enjoy a beautiful evening at soccer practice. Addie Rollins said, “I have enjoyed the friends I've made in soccer.” Photo by Addie Rollins


Joshua 1:9

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”



Sophomore transfers Robby Jones, Briana Isham and Selvie Andrews take a group photo near the main tree in the center of campus. Coming to a new school is hard, but HC students take the time to get to know our new students and make them feel welcome.

“I'm from Mexico, and I used to go to school at the Euroamerican school."

Cordelia Espinosa

Photo “I used to go to school at Taylor High school in Katy.” Robby Jones “I used to go to school at Northland Christian.” Xavier Gibbons “I used to go to Cypress Falls High School .” Bri McClinton

Aubrey Pagano

Dreighven Penilla

Owen Read

Gabriel Rodriguez-Landrau

Soleil Rodriguez-Landrau

Addison Rollins

Alessio Santini

Walker Schwing

Anna Senseman

Kate Shaw

Presley Shumate

Brynn Sitta

Graeme Smith

Samuel Stone

Brandon Taher

Major Tarwater

Tripp Watson

Jackson Weber

Greyson Williams

Adelyn Winters

Rex Wiseman

Anna Wolf

Takerio Woodward

Quincy Zoretic



Before they left for the 20232024 Camp Mustang trip, all the freshmen and their junior and senior camp counselors take a group photo in the chapel. Freshman Winston McCormick said,"Meeting new people was my favorite part of the whole camp."

Photo by Katie Gassett

Freshmen are loud and proud to



During A2 Biology, freshman Abigail Rexroad takes a fun picture. Abigail said, “My favorite camp memory was meeting and hanging out with Sarah Cromeens.” Photo by Bella McKissack


During ILT, freshmen are talking and reminiscing about Camp Mustang. Lily DuBose said, “I liked meeting new people because I didn't know anyone.” Photo by Bella McKissack


At the Camp Mustang kickoff, everyone is cheering and excited to get started and get on the bus to leave. Everyone met in the chapel for an assembly, while they waiting for all freshment to arrive and for the buses to get loaded. Freshmen got to spend Wednesday thru Friday of their first week of school at Camp Cho Yeh on Lake Livingston.

Photos by Katie Gassett


Toby Allen

Gianlucas Alvarez

Rachel Anderson

William Arriaga

Xavier Arthur

Leah Babbitt

Jackson Barrow

Beau Beaver

Anderson Beken

Victoria Bennington

Rhett Biagioli

Joshua Birdsong

Camella Brown

Ella Bryant

Van Carpenter

Shane Celano

Jenelle Champagne

Katie Chaplan

Madison Clapp

Morgan Clapp

Lala Cook

Simone Cook

Sarah Cromeens

Sophie Dickson

Carter Droog

Analeigh du Vigneaud

Lily DuBose

Addison Farah

Ella Faust

Avery Fineberg


Alexander Ganim

William Ganim

Leah Garcia

Maya Garibay

Anna Gean

Payton Marie Givens

Presley Givens

Ginna Gonsoulin

Gracie Gregg

Mackenzie Grimmer

Riley Haggard

Sydney Ham

Marco Emilio Haro

James Harper

Liam Harper

Alexandria Helper-Popp

Paige Hill

Paul Hill

Bethany Hollingsworth

Henry Horton

Pryce Houston

Ellie Hyon

Nathan Isgur

Audrey Johnson

William Lane

Maddox Lee

Micah Lee

Harrison Lemasters

Elizabeth Loginova

Diago Louzado



The coffee bar is the place to be!


At the coffee bar, Paige Hill chose a Snicker's ice cream bar. She likes to enjoy a sweet treat before heading off to her class. Paige said, "I love this kind of ice cream, it's so good."


Sipping his blended lemonade, Jojo McGowen talks about how good it is. Many students love the drinks from the coffee bar. Jojo said, "They're good. I like that it's like a slushie."

Breakfast For Lunch

For lunch, Jenelle Champagne chose Pop Tarts and Spicy Cheetos. Many students eat the breakfast snacks throughout the day. Jenelle said, “I like Pop Tarts because they're sweet.” Photo by Elena Grillo

Craving a snack, Will Lane goes for a bag of spicy Cheetos. Many students like to get an afternoon pick-me-up snack. Will said, "They're pretty spicy."

Pre-workout snacking

Snacks are a great way for Will Arriaga and his sophomore friends to get some energy before he goes to the weight room. Will said, "Whenever I need some energy, I go to the coffee bar." Photo by Elena Grillo

Frozen Snacks

During ILT, Chase Wallace eats his frozen grapes. Frozen grapes are a quick and easy eat for in between classes. Chase said, "These grapes are cold as heck.”

Photo by Elena Grillo

Excited for Breakfast

In the morning, breakfast tacos from the coffee bar are Cooper Murff and Paul Hill's go to breakfast. Breakfast tacos are served almost daily, and many students enjoy them. Cooper said, "Paul and I love eating breakfast together." Photo by Elena Grillo

Quick Lunch

Wanting a quick lunch, Will Stockton chose the pretzels from the coffee bar. Pretzels are a good, non-messy snack for between classes or lunchtime. Will said, “The pretzels are pure gold.” Photo by Elena Grillo


Micheal Luna

Jack Mallory

Haden McCarty

Winston McCormick

Josiah McGowen

Alexander McMeans

Alexander Meade

Sofia Mejia

Emery Melton

Hudson Miller

Payton Mitchell

Holden Mock

Abigail Mulanax

Cameron Mulanax

Cooper Murff

Olivia Oberoi Lily Orr

Camila Ortiz

Joel Ortiz

Avery Overton

Nayka Pandya

Abigail Pisklak

Laurence Pitcaithly

Avery Pontbriand

Connor Pope

Sophia Rahim

Kinsey Reed

Stephanie Rennie

Abigail Rexroad

Jacob Rexroad


20 27

What was your favoirite part?

"Seeing friends."

"I liked hanging out with my friends."

Where did you go to eat?

"My house."

First Homecoming

What color was your dress/suit?

"A pink dress."

"Being able to hang out with my friends."


Lily Dubose, Bethany Hollingsworth, Avery Overton, and Olivia Oberoi take a picture in their dresses, which happened to be close to the same color. Lily Dubose said, “I enjoyed wearing my green dress to Hoco.” Photo by Katie Gassett


"A black suit."


"I went to P.F Changs with Sarah Cromeens and Lea Garcia."

"My dress was a sparkly red dress."


While walking down the hall on Friday of Homecoming week, Avery gets a picture taken of her with her mum. Avery Fineberg said,“I went to Brio Italian Grill before the dance.” Photo by Kattie Gassett

Beau Beaver looks down as his mom put his flower on him. During the homecoming game, Beau gets ready to get his name called for freshman HOCO court. Beau said, “One thing that I enjoyed was setting up.” Photo by Katie Gassett


Lily Dubose and Mackenzie Grimmer pose for a picture with their mums. Mackenzie said, ”The fact that everyone was together and dancing and singing was a blast." Photo by Kattie Gassett


During HOCO spirit week, Josiah wears an orange Fish hat to celebrate the week. Josiah McGowen said,”The community was fun and I enjoyed meeting people." Photo by Katie Gassett

Abigail Rexroad Alexander Ganim
AQ &
Riley Haggard

Whether old or new, bonds always prove to be important.



During lunchtime, freshmen Jacob Rexroad and Vaughn Skurner play Blooket to test their knowledge. Jacob had just beaten Vaughn in their game. "It's honestly a really fun thing to do, and at the same time we're learning," Vaughn said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla


If they didn't have similar schedules, freshmen Analeigh du Vigneaud and Camila Ortiz would not chat every lunch. They noticed they had a lot of the same classes and ended up getting closer. Camila said, “It was really cool to find that out.” Photo by Dreighven Penilla


To pose for a memorable photo, freshmen Paige Hill and Maddison Clapp hug each other tightly. They had met previously at First Baptist Academy and continued their bond here. "We're ten out of ten close, so we're really close," said Paige to Maddison.Photo by Dreighven Penilla

New friends

Baltasar Gracian

“Strive to have friends, for life without friends is like life on a desert island.”




Sitting on the couch, freshmen Nate Reyes, Anna Gean, Ginny Sanders, and Sydney Ham eat and talk. The couch was always their usual spot since the first few weeks of school. "It's become one of our favorite places to hang out," Anna said.

by Dreighven

“We all met at Camp Mustang. We were looking for some people to hang out with and once we all gathered together, we just clicked.”

Nate Reyes

“So I was at this math camp and I basically asked Paige if she wanted to be my friend. After that we just became best friends."

Madison Clapp

“We were at Camp Mustang and I wasn't talking with anyone until Jacob said one word to me-- now we always talk to each other."

Vaughn Skurner

“On the first day, Analeigh and I compared our schedules during lunch and saw that they were very similar. Since then, we just grew closer.” Camila Ortiz

Photo Penilla

Hunter Weber

Blake Wegmann

Caitlin Wheat

Lincoln Wheeler

Douglas Reyes

Ella Rothbauer

Lynda Rothbauer

Virginia Sanders

Tyler Scheffler

Marlee Wilder

Taylor Williford

Yixin Xhang

Jackson Yi

Natalia Sessions

Vaughn Skurner

Wyatt Smejkal

Aliessia Sorola

William Stockton

LIly Stovall

Natalie Sun

Michael Thompson

Alyssa Tran

Gracie Trevathan

Annie Trozzo

Angelina Voinis

Chase Wallace

Reese Watson

Walker Watson


Sofia Abbassi

James Alidor

Jorge Arizpe

Karen Arnold

Dedra Arthur

Like their favorite childhood shows, faculty and staff also have



Swimming in a pool, Mrs. LaFlamme pauses and smiles for the camera. Swimming was Mrs. LaFlamme's favorite past-time when she was a child. "I was most likely pretending to be Ariel," she said.


Fifth-grade Mr. Copeland poses in his football attire. The sport became one of his long-term passions. "'Boy Meets World' taught me to dream, try, and do good, and that really helped in playing football," he said.



1. Dr. Kelly Oliver, 4 years old, 1967, Fav. Show: "The Wizard of Oz"

2. Ms. Anne Dalton, 4 years old, 1984, Fav. Movie: "Annie"

3. Ms. Samantha Sapaugh, 3 years old, 1992, Fav. Show: "Sesame Street"

4. Ms. Regan Ray and her brothers, 6 years old, 1994, Fav. Show: "Boy Meets World"

5. Mrs. Andrea Moon, 9 years old, 2005, Fav. Show: "Winnie the Pooh"

& Staff

Photo by Sue Barry
1 2
Photo provided by Mr. Copeland
3 4 5

Carol Bartels

Raymond Bean

Sandra Bell

Nady Benyamine

Jon Bergmann

Kris Bergmann

Julie Bermel

Kelly Biar

Michael Bredeweg

Brian Brown

Staci Brown

Deyci Castillo

Erin Cestero

Grace Chang

Matt Copeland

Ron Crandall

Christie Crummel

Scott Cubbler

Anne Dalton

Dennis Dawson

Carlos deLeon

James Denton

Mindy Dickerson

Karen Diven

Greg Dmitrowicz

Patricia Droz

AJ Eisenman

Rick Ellis

Don Emery

Jeff Faircloth


Tina Fox

Carlos Fuentes

Katie Gasett

Michele Gonzales

Adrienne Gonzalez

Jay Harmon

Kirk Hawkins

Lisa Hawkins

Rochelle Hobbs

Jill Hogue

Jenny Honeck

Loren Hopf

Sara Horelica

Michael Jones

Zshanelle Jones

Carol Lacook

Jenna Laflamme

Amy Lindsay

Bobby Linhart

Lisa Longwell

Ellen Lozano

Pam McClendon

Heidi McCurdy

Brooke McLane-Higginson

Leanne Messer

Brian Minson

Andrea Moon

Matt Moore

Grace Munford

PEOPLE-Faculty & Staff

Misti Gil


Teachers can have fun too!

How do you like to unwind after the school year?

Traveling with my family, playing golf, reading and watching a lot of baseball.

Traveling to see family or going somewhere new. I play video games and travel. I also love to hit the gym.


Taking a selfie, Ms. Hobbs poses with children in Kenya. She traveled to the beautiful continent of Africa with her father. Ms. Hobbs said, “The mission trip was so rewarding.”

Photo by Rochelle Hobbs

What was the best part about your summer?

I finished my doctorate, spent two weeks in Uganda, and started my position here.

Going on an 8,000 mile roadtrip with Mr. Bredeweg and Mr. Minson to 7 National Parks.

Highlight of the summer was going to watch LSU play baseball and seeing them win.

What are your plans for next summer?

Hopefully check off another baseball stadium or two with the family.

Don't really have plans yet, nothing major scheduled but looking forward to it. We'll travel.

My wife and I are traveling abroad to Croatia.


Smiling on the green, Coach Webb poses with his wife, Kelsey, his younger brother, Jacob, his little sister, Alexis, and his childhood best friend, Kendall. Coach Webb said, “I love spending time with my family.”

Photo by Clayton Webb


Enjoying her summer off from teaching Anatomy and GMO, Ms. Lindsay traveled to Hawaii. She was visiting the Kilauea volcano when it was erupting and snapped a picture. Ms. Lindsay said,"It was amazing because not only did I get to see the eruption, but it stopped twenty minutes after we watched it and I was able to give a little lesson on volcanoes to someone standing next to me when they said out loud that they wondered why volcanoes fountained up." Photo by Amy Lindsay


During her summer, Spanish teacher Ms. Munford traveled with Globe Trek. She was joined by students Elizabeth Longwell and Luke Davidson while in Vietnam. Ms. Munford said, “Here's me with some kiddos on a cable car.”

Photo by Grace Munford


Whilst enjoying her time off during the summer, Mrs. Chang traveled and visited the Taiwan East Coast during her break from teaching Mandarin to students of all levels. Mrs. Chang said,"It was beautiful."

Photo by Grace Chang

Anthony Perez

Caroline Nixson Kelly Oliver Brad Pembleton Linda Peterson Mr. Alidor Mr. Rieke
AQ &
Dr. Pembleton
Terry Pirtle Darren Price
Todd Prince Loretta Ramirez Regan Ray
Jill Read Lori Reese Jenny Cotton Rice Lukas Rieke Heather Rosandich Becky Lou Ruiz Samantha Sapaugh Adam Schwing Elizabeth Shurtz Mike Skinner Rhonda
Skyles Josephine Stringer Charlotte Stuart Melissa Tyler
Calvin Venus Tiffanie Walker Clayton Webb Michele Webb
Teddy Wheeler Jennifer White Trisha Young


Teachers take on the



For his summer, Mr. Calvin Venus was Chief Engineer and Producer for the Houston Jazz Collective at the Contemporary Art Museum. The event depicted in the image was inspired by the photography of Ming Smith.


During one of his son's favorite pastimes, math teacher Mr. Copeland soaks up some sun. Mr. Copeland enjoyed his son's first summer in style, rocking sunglasses.


For some college pride, Mr. Alidor and his wife traveled to LSU for the Super Regional weekend matches for the opening rounds of the College World Series. Mr. Alidor said, “We had fun watching Paul Skenes throw a complete game.” Photo by James Alidor

Enjoying his summer off from teaching freshmen Bible, Mr. Faircloth and his wife traveled to the Bahamas to attend a wedding.


Smiling for the camera, Mr. Bredeweg, Mr. Minson, and Mr. Rieke stop off at a gas station. These teachers traveled across America, journeying over 8,000 miles together. Mr. Rieke said, “We had a blast.” Photo by Lukas Rieke


Having a blast at Sea World, Mr. Benyamine and his family enjoy their summer break. Mr. Benyamine said, "Our summer at Sea World was a splash of joy and wonder!" Photo by Nady Benyamine


To start their adventure, these teachers hiked a trail. Mr. Rieke, Mr. Bredeweg, and Mr. Minson loved spending time outdoors this summer. Mr. Rieke said, “We would highly recommend roadtripping with your friends.”

Photo by Lukas Rieke


Traveling during the Summer break, Mr. Cubbler and his wife headed to Anchorage, Alaska. The pair spent the trip fishing for salmon. Mr. Cubbler said, “It was so beautiful and so much fun.”

Photo by Scott Cubbler



Coming this Year

100% Match • 23-24 • 4 seasons

Cerebral • Investigative • Inspiring

The students of Houston Christian are hard-working and ambitious, especially when it comes to their schoolwork. See all the different classes and what the students are up to five days of the week!


some a1 Classes

Art - Mrs. Stuart

Chemistry - Mr. Bergmann

New Testament - Mr. Schwing

Leadership - Mrs. Honeck

Biology - Mrs. Moon

Physics - Mr. Rieke


Silently, the art classes work hard finishing the final details on their projects. The students try to finish so that they can start their rodeo art work. "I am so proud of the work my students put in," said Mrs. Stuart.

Featuring: A1 INTERVIEWS

Helena Arnold

“Science is fun to me because we get to do interactive activities with our friends, and I love Mr. Bredeweg."

Alexander Ganim

“Biology is a cool class and I think that the labs are fun to do with my table.”

Zariah Lee

“This was a fun lab that we got to particapte in because we got to play with modeling clay and it was very satisfying.”


like science class because we do activities with friends," said Halle.

Academics-page Title ACADEMICS-A1 A1
Photo by Elena Grillo Quietly playing with modeling clay, the senior class learns about physics. Halle Eschete was playing with her clay before starting the fun activities in class that day. "I Photos by Katie Gassett


A1 is a great way to start off the day! Houston Christian has a block schedule and it changes every other day in which class you start and end with. Students get the opportunity to start with A1 at least one time a week and also get to end their day with A1 at least one time a week. This is a great way for students to be able to use their time wisely when studying for A1 in their ILT, before or after school. The staff

Everyones favorite time of the day!

and students enjoy having a block schedule because it allows everyone more time to complete work and for students to be able to meet with teachers for extra help if needed. The block schedule helps prepare students for college because it is a more similar schedule in college with less classes each day. The block schedule is a great way for everyone to manage their time wisely and work!


The A1 sophomore chemistry class is hard at work while doing a fun lab. Mr. Bergmann's class often participates in group labs to help each other learn and understand the concepts in interactive labs with each other.

"The labs are my favorite part of chemistry because I get to do them with my friends and they are fun" said Miller Martin.


The students sit quietly while listening to Mr. Moore talk about his leadership skills. Mrs. Honeck's class often has guest speakers to help learn more about the lessons from different occupations. "I like to listen to people's parents the most" said Jack Stephens. Photo by Katie Gassett


The school police officers come into Mr. Schwing's Old Testament class to give a safety talk. The students enjoy hearing from faces they see around campus often. "I thought it was fun when we didn't have to do class that day," said Jojo Feruzzo.

Photos by Firstname Lastname
Photo by Katie Gassett Photo by McKinley Helms

Why do you love your A2?

This is the first class that connects English to the real world.

I get to hang out with my best friend Jackson.

How does your teacher make it fun?

Mr Dawson will joke with me and Kyle. She makes it a fun environment.

Who is your class buddy?

Because we learn a lot and get candy.

My teacher makes it fun by telling funny stories.

Maddie Pickett, Chloe Jones, Abbey Head, Grace McLean, and Georgia Bedre

My A2 is so much fun. I get to learn more about the Bible in a fun way with all my friends.”Sarah Dewherst


While in class, Mrs Chang's Mandarin class gets ready for the Chinese New Year Celebration. The students love being able to not only learn the language, but be immersed in the culture as well. Being able to get out of the classroom and do fun activities makes school much more enjoyable. Photo by Hannah Pullin

Kyle Helper Tully Florey Sami Pruit Greyson Williams Sarah Guild
WRITTING In Fisher Although class, the more “We and confusing, helped Photo AQ &


In physics class Hannah Fisher works on the board. Although its a difficult class, being able to use the white board makes it more fun. Hannah said, “We learned about energy and joules and it was really confusing, but Mr Rieke helped us understand.”

Photo by Carson Lehane

Freshman fun


While in their Bible class, Carter Akompi and Megan Hyzak take a trip to the printer. Having access to the printers is a great privilege and the students love it. Carter said, “Using the printer is so easy and I go almost every day.”

Photo by Carson Lehane

Is it lunchtime yet?


Lab Days

"I love my leadership class and Mr Faircloth. He is so fun and so is his class."

During lab time, the honors chemistry class has a great time doing their lab. For this lab in Mr. Dmitrowicz's class, they worked on counting pennies and finding the mass of each penny. This showed them how to figure out how many pennies there are without counting. The students love being able to do labs in class and it is a fun alternative of learning instead of sitting and listening to a lecture. Abby Hawkinson said, "I love my chem class because every lab teaches me something new. I especially loved the penny lab because it helped me understand conversions. Everytime we do labs I look forward to it the whole day because of how fun it is, Jill Drury is always my partner and we have a great time."

“Being in History is the best. I love being able to learn and talk with Bethanny.”

Lily Stovall Lily Dubose


While in Mrs. Gil's Old Testament class, McKinley Helms, Carson Lehane, Adelyn Winters, work on a project about what makes a good leader. To complete this, the group had to trace McKinley so they had a body outline. The group always has fun when doing projects. Adelyn said, "Mrs Gil will always give us fun projects to spice up the class and make it fun. She is so sweet and I love the friends I have made in Old Testament." Doing projects creates community within the school.

Photo by Piper Herauf


crafty ceramics

Showing off her ceramic work, sophomore Sabina Houston smiles at the camera. Lots of time and effort went into the making of her project. "I chose to make a gorilla. It was challenging to do the layers, but getting this done was my goal," she said


In Mrs. Moon's Biology class, freshman Lily DuBose refreshes to prepare for the upcoming test. She studied with her fellow classmates and they all got A's. "I'm so grateful it wasn't that difficult," she said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla


Joyfully posing, sophomores Aahna Jolly, Lexy Dong, and senior Gabby Mikulich tell the Legend of Nian in their A4 Mandarin class. The costume was provided by a student of Ms. Chang. "The costume reminds me of home," Aahna said.

by Ms. Chang


True terror is to wake up one morning and discover that your high school class is running the country.” Kurt Vonnegut

6.7% Appropriate Workload Classroom/Environment Subject Teacher/Instructor Classmates The in but the we we have contribute school. sent asked they of a students STATISTICS A3 Students like... 13.3% 13.3% 32% 34.7%
Photo by Dreighven
We don't all sleep...some of us work hard!

Explain yourself

The fun of school not only lies in extracurriculars and sports but also what happens within the classrooms. The people we learn with, the projects we do, the environment we have comfort in– all of these contribute to the pleasure of school. From the Google Form sent out, students were also asked to provide a reason why they liked that certain aspect of their A3 period. Here is a collection of what some students have to say.

1. In Mrs. Skyles' Pre-Calculus class, students nap to take a quick break from their lessons. Photo by Caitlyn Smith

2. Doing an activity for their Chemistry class, sophomores Carson Lehane and Brynn Sitta express their creativity with their chalk.

Noah Takahata

“While the class itself is fast paced and hard, I believe Mr. Fuentes provides the necessary resources to excell if one is willing to grasp the opportunities.”


"What sets apart my A3 class from my other classes is that most of the students are helpful towards each other and they tutor one another. They are also very smart."

My A3 class really loves Chinese culture so much and I believe they will make a big difference in the future because they've been learning the language for 4 years in their high school life.

My A3 class has the most fun. I can see that they really enjoy being there in class and that they really like being challenged by the lessons we discuss.

Boston Vaughan

“Everybody in the class is amazing and fun to get along with, including the teacher, Ms. Tyler. She makes the class fun to be in and welcoming every time we get to class."

Payton Mitchell

“It's a nice break from school and my core classes. We also never get homework."

Sarah Guild

“The students in BC calculus make this a very educational and uplifting environment. We are a family. Those who suffer together also thrive together!"

Carlos Ortiz

“There is a very small amount of homework, yet the class understands the material being taught. Test grade averages are good in the class and people enjoy the class itself as well."

Mrs. Andrea Moon Ms. Grace Chang Mr. Matthew Copeland
1 2
Photo by Carson Lehane

Favorite things from A4

My favorite thing about my A4 class is that I go to my voice lessons almost every period.

My favorite thing about my A4 class is that I get to get ahead on all of my classwork.

My favorite thing about my A4 class is that I'm able to get help from my teachers while doing my assignments.

My favorite thing about my A4 class is that I get to spend more time working on my theatre stuff.

My favorite thing about my A4 class is that I get to do all of my homework.

1. In Mrs. Gil's Old Testament class, sophomores draw their ideal king. Photo by Elena Grillo 2. During AP Art, Mrs. Stuart shows off some of her student artwork. Photo by Jordan Bany 3. Another student, Karli Kapche, paints a portrait of herself on an umbrella. Photo by Jordan Bany 4. In Mr. Schwing's class, our police officers came to demonstrate how to propery handle police encounters. Photo by Kate Gassett 5. During AP-Bio, Seniors perform a lab relating to osmosis. Photo by Kate Gassett

5 4 2 3 Student Highlights From A4
Sophie Dickson Josh Jou Brandon Taher Jackson Herauf Grayson LeBlanc Henry Horton Aubrey Pagano, Ayden KoernerJJ Pernoud, Emilia Thompson, Elise Egger JJ


4-mula for success!

Many Good Traits

During class, Mrs. Gil helps her students think about what qualities are important for a king to have. Mrs. Gil has been teaching her students about King Saul. Annabelle Cody said, “I think the most important quality for a king is leadership.”

Intense Preparation

Many students in Mr. Bergmann's chemistry class are preparing for their unit 5 test. Over the past month, the sophomores have been learning about atoms and mole conversions. Mr. Bergmann said, “My students are doing well and I expect the test grades to reflect that.” Photo by Elena Grillo

95 1
JJ Hart, Gian Alvarez Cooper Murff, Jojo McGowen, Will Arriaga Sabina Houston Gabreil Rodriguez-Landrau
Photo by Elena Grillo

Be one in B1

“Scared money don't make money... I love trying to get work done during my off period but Sam and Helena make that hard.”

Mr. Bredeweg

“My favorite part of ILT during B1 is playing BrawlStars on my phone. I always get bored during ILT. Ben keeps me company.”

Daniel Bae

“I love the shared experiences and joys we have as a group in Ms. Sapaugh's classroom. It's fun to get deeper into the Word.”

Austin Beaver


Mike and Lukas in the Morning

“I'm not a businessman, I'm a business, man. I love hanging out during B1 with my best bro, Mr. Bredeweg. We bond over science and TV shows.”

-Mr. Rieke

“It's just so fun and so freeing. We have great discussions every Friday with 'Free speech Friday.'”

Justin Lewis

“I like getting to listen to music. I love turning it up with Coach Webb.”

Chris Adlam

B1 is not always strictly serious, students love to have good times together too!



Smiling for the picture, Freshman Victoria Bennington and Maya Garibay enjoy Spanish class. Taught by Ms. Webb, students learn the essentials of the Spanish language.

Carson Lehane said, “Ms. Webb is the sweetest teacher I've ever had and I love her so much.” Photo by Carson Lehane

“During B1, Aidan Tran always watches MMA matches and does nothing.”

Helena Arnold

Christian Academics, ourselves knowledge. at keep and whatever
These students love hanging Bredeweg's room and taking 0.5s Aiden Tran, Helena Arnold, Shrader always spend ILT together. Shrader said, “I love hanging out classrooms.” Photo by Caitlin


A vital part of Houston Christian High School is Academics, as we pride ourselves on seeking to gain knowledge. Students are hard at work in order to learn more, keep up with their grades, and prepare themselves for whatever comes next.


love hanging out in Mr. and taking 0.5s together. Helena Arnold, and Sam spend ILT together. Sam hanging out in science

Ducks in a row

Working on math homework together, Finite Statistics students help one another to achieve success. Mrs. Brown guides students as they navigate the world of statistics. Riley Warnica said, “It's a cool class, it reminds me of stuff I forgot before.”

Photo by Riley Warnica


Enjoying a laugh, Austin Beaver, Ben Mize, and Daniel Bae love having ILT during B1. This group always has some fun starting or ending their day. Ben Mize said, “I love solving the NYT crossword during ILT.”


Looking to the front, B1 AP Government and Economics take notes. All dressed up for USA day, the theme fit the narrative of their academics that day. Hadleigh Helms said, “I love drawing smiley faces on Samantha Muro's Desk.” Photo by Riley Warnica

Helping hand

Hard at work in Spanish 2, Xander Lam and Linus Holt learn together. Taught by Ms. Webb, this course develops a student's Spanish vocabulary and structuring. Linus Holt said, “Spanish 2 is difficult but all the people in my class make it so much fun, especially Brynn and Carson.” Photo by Carson Lehane

James Boutte, Savanna Carlson, Meckenzie Clapp Emma Guild Mia Henao Aidan Tran, Helena Arnold Photo by Caitlin Smith Photo by Caitlin Smith

AP GOV Group

Learning the ins and outs of the US Government happens in senior year!

Busy studying

Amazed by her grade in the class, Harper Lee appreciates the validation and encouragement. Her classmates are fighting by her side in AP Lang. Harper Lee said, “This class makes me feel a range of emotions.”

Photo by Hailey Stagner Government Gossip

Ms. PMac often has students discuss certain scenarios with their classmates around them. Here, they were discussing the US National Budget and how they would run it if they were in charge.

Hard at work

Paying close attention to her laptop, Elena Grillo edits her paper for English class. Ms. Diven strives to create a fun class where students can enjoy learning. Elena Grillo said, “I love working with all my classmates and getting better at writing papers.”

Listening to learn

Actively listening to Dr. Droz, students learn how to formulate detailed research. Students were sad to see Dr. Droz leave the program, but were grateful for all they had learned. Jayden Chin said, “DSP has taught me so much.” Photo by Carson Lehane

ACADEMICS-page Title
Emma Guild Madison Krieger Oyinkansola Ajimotokan Jayden Chin Warren Anderson


Variety is the name of the class


Conversational Spanish with Ms. Webb is one way students fill their B2 period. The class teaches eager students Spanish culture and how to talk with native Spanish speakers. Working on projects, writing essays, and perfecting their grammar are all activities the class engage in. This class is enjoyed by Sophomores and Senior alike, as the class is open to all with an understanding of Spanish.

Future Voters

From learning the intracacies of government to learning how to register to vote, AP US Government has it all. These dedicated students learn about why their vote, and every vote, matters deeply to our democracy. In order to prepare students for the AP exam in May, Ms. Pam McClendon leads students through the coursework and prepares them to write detailed essays.

Emma Guild

Miriam Read

Warren Anderson



Taught by Dr. Droz, the Distinguished Scholars Program aids students in learning how to research, verify sources, and come to advanced conclusions. This program guides students over four years as they learn and grow as leaders inside and outside the classroom. For their final year, DSP Scholars get to venture out on their own and research a topic of their choice.

The first AP English course available to students, AP Language offers juniors an advanced view of writing, grammar, and analyzing texts. Taught by Mr. Alidor and Ms. Oliver, students are introduced to AP English and the hard work it entails. Learning to master the exam includes reviewing multiple choice questions, practicing three different types of essays, and time management.

1 2 3 FANS
“I love Ms. PMAC, she makes every APGov class so much fun.” Miriam Read “Every student should have Ms. PMAC at some point. She's my favorite teacher.” Caitlin Smith

What class do you have?

"During my B3, I have Christian Worldview. I have Mr. Pembleton, and I look forward to his class every B day."

- Chris Adlam

"My B3 is English. Mrs. LaFlamme is the best teahcer ever and her class is so fun!"

- Dreighven Penilla

"My B3 class is Mr. Dawson. My favorite thing about the class is how fun it is to talk to my friends during seminars."

- Jordan Bany


What do they do behind closed doors?

During Mr. Faircloth's leadership class, Freshman Van Carpenter completes a slideshow presentation for a leadership project. His favorite part of the class is singing the Bible Book song every class. Van said,"Mr. Faircloth is the best teacher ever. He sometimes lets us work outside when the weather is nice."

While in Mr. Bergmann's B3 physics class, Caleb Medlock recieves help during a lab. Mr. Bergmann walks around the class and aids the student with the Energy Conservation Lab. Caleb said,"I really like how Mr. Bergmann doesn't make us do the labs alone. I need his help sometimes."

During Mr. Pembleton's B3, Coach Wheeler comes into the Senior's Bible classes and talks about leadership. After the class talk, he walks around to individual groups and answeres their questions. Senior Hannah Fisher said, "My favorite part was splitting off into groups to discuss further the points that were made."

During Latin 1 with Dr. McLane, sophomores Liza Loginova and Selvie Andrews do an assignment with candies. Dr. McLane often finds ways to make her class more fun. Selvie said, "Latin is my favorite class. We are always doing something interesting."

1. Caitlin Smith
Tulley Florey
Brynn Sitta & Ms Stuart
Mr. Dawson Seth Perkins
Isabella Diaz and Mr. Dmitrowicz and the fork
1 2 3 4 5 6
"I class makes electric so -

"I like my math class because it makes me feel electric and it is so much fun."

SURVEY SAYS... favorite B3?

15% said Art is their favorite class

drawing away!

In Advanced Art, Donna Xue creates an incredible piece. Advanced Art offers many more mediums than Art 1, and Donna takes advantage of that. Donna said, “Art is the most relaxing period because I can just listen to music and focus on my art.”

Photo by Elena

Laflamme's ladies

After turning in their essays, Sophomores Gracie Cervantes and Addie Medlock have a weight lifted from their shoulders. Photo by Carson Lehane

16% said Leadership is their favorite class


48% said ILT is their favorite class


said English is their favorite class


Creativity around Houston Christan is soaring as our students complete art projects, finish posters for the pep-rallies, and dress out for spirit days!

Helping hands

said Dance is their favorite class

“Art is my favorite class. It helps me to take a break from academics and focus on what I like.”

-Blake Dickson

“Making posters for the Pep Rallies keeps us loud and helps us win.”

-Cooper Clarke

“Dressing up for Homecoming Week makes school so fun.”

-Kaitlin Jennings

During B3, Pre-Cal teacher Mr. Fuentes helps Hailey Nuno. Mr Fuentes is always offering a helping hand for his students. Mr. Fuentes said, “My students are always coming for help and I am always willing to give it.”

Photo by Claire Kimzey

thumbs up!

Before packing up, the Seniors in Mr. Alidor's B3 class give a thumbs up for finishing their work in AP Lang. Mr. Alidor makes his classroom a fun environment to work in. Cole Broussard, said, “I love this class because Mr. Alidor is the best.”

Photo by Riley Warnica


What's going on in b4

English- FIVE

Science- SIX

Language- FOUR

Math - FIVE

Fine Arts- FIVE History - ONE Bible - THREE Electives - TWO


During Ms Honeck's leadership, the class goes into the Daffin Lecture Hall. This gives the students an opportunity to see presentations on big screens and see a great example on how to present. Josh Jou said, “The class is so fun and we love Mrs Honeck.”

Featuring: class favs

Piper Herauf

“My favorite thing in Ms. Munford's class is the picture of Bart (Alexander Bartholomew) on the clock. It's so funny and I giggle every time I look at the time.”

Seth Hawkins

“In Mr. Bredeweg's room, my favorite thing is Ben Adams' senior poster. It is so funny to see it everyday in class.”

Aubrey Pagano

“My favorite thing in my Latin class is the cut out of a roman guy because he is so handsome. It makes me smile evey time I walk into class.”

ACADEMICS-page Title
Photo by Carson Lehane Fine Arts The Fine Arts classes at HC are well known for good reason. The students in classes such as piano and dance are able to learn tempo and rhythm in a fun enviornment. Photos by Carson Lehane


Is it a B reg or B flip? It really makes a difference

B4 is a class loved by all. It is either the first or last class of the day, so students are normally pretty excited in their classes--or pretty sleepy!

From Anatomy to Old Testament everyone has a great time and the teachers are so kind. You can see in the picture to the left Tully Florey working hard in his Pre-calc class. Their class spent about a week working on a graphing project. Tully

said "Mr Fuentes gives us great assignments in this class and I love being able to be challenged in math as well as my other classes."

All of the students can agree that HC has a great balance of being difficult while still allowing the students to have a great time and socialize well.


While in Bible class, Juicy Ju, Donna Xue, and Luke Davenport discuss their books. In this class they are creating a book about why God allows sin and bad things to happen even though he is a good God. Juicy said, “Creating the book is so interesting and sparks fun conversations.”


For this Lunar New Year, Mrs Chang's class walks around and passed out red envelopes. This is a tradition for Lunar New Year to signify good luck.


During IlT, Payton Givens and Maddison Clapp do their homework and catch up. They can also be seen streching their legs around campus. Payton said, “ILT is so great to have because I can get all of my homework done and days I don't have any I get to talk with friends.”

Photos by Firstname Lastname
Photo by Carson Lehane Photo by Carson Lehane

What study skills have you learned in PCR?

I've learned leadership, organization, and communication.

How has PCR helped you the most?

It's helped me with staying organized.

One study skill I've learned is how to take good notes in my classes.

It's helped me the most by keeping me on track and having minimum late work.

What is your favorite thing about PCR?

My favorite thing about PCR is Dr. Arnold.

I've learned how to manage my time effectively, and also a new way to use my planner that works for me.

Test Center

In front of the PCR testing center, PCR Test Center Manager, Coach Bean and Junior Collier Houston are preparing for an upcoming test. As part of PCR, students are allowed usaged of the Test Center for quieter testing which maximizes focus and performance. The Test Center is where the learning strategies taught in PCR are put into action. Photo by Dr. Arnold

It's helped me to get reminded to stay on task in class.

My favorite thing about PCR is Coach Bean.

My favorite thing about PCR is the ideas that are passed around by everyone during group discussions.

Gabreil Rodriguez-Landrau Brandon Taher
Outside Popping PCR Pernoud pick Outside students of athletics, extracurricular showcase outside by AQ
Jax LeBrun

Outside of PCR

Popping in for a visit, Senior PCR

by PCR to

up his tennis equipment. Outside of the classroom, PCR students enjoy a wide range of activities such as Fine Arts, athletics, and countless other extracurricular activities to showcase their various talents outside of the classroom.

excelling students

Quality Time

Two students, Clay Ressling and Collier Houston, sit together in the PCR Foyer. This seating area is a very common place for students to gather at. Collier and Clay get a lot of work completed together. Photo by Elena Grillo


“PCR helps me stay on top of my schoolwork, and I've learned a lot of new study skills in this class."

Jacob Rexroad

A greater understanding of


PCR instructors, Dr. Arnold and Miss Hogue, play a crucial role in guiding students through showcasing the school calendar. As an integral part of the PCR program, students are not merely educated, but are also equipped with essential skills for looking and planning ahead to maximize their future success. The emphasis on proactive planning ensures that PCR students consistently stay on top of their schedules. Every PCR student is encouraged to maintain personal planners, fostering a habit that contributes to their organizational skills, time management, and overall academic excellence. This commitment to strategic planning and meticulous scheduling sets the foundation for a successful academic journey and prepares PCR students for future achievements.

“This quote is a perfect representation of what we stand for in PCR and we encourage our students to apply this quote to themselves. It states, 'Freedom is not the absence of limitations and constraints but it is finding the right ones, those that fit our nature and liberate us,' by Tim Keller."

Dr. Arnold

In the dynamic PCR classroom, the transformative impact of the program is vividly demonstrated by Freshman Jacob Rexroad as he actively applies PCR teachings while diligently completing assignments. Within the PCR curriculum, students like Jacob not only gain subject-specific knowledge but are also equipped with valuable study strategies and skills tailored to prepare them for the challenges of college. The emphasis on fostering effective study habits ensures that students not only succeed academically in their current coursework but also develop the foundational skills necessary for continued success in higher education. The PCR program's commitment to comprehensive education goes beyond traditional classroom learning, instilling a sense of academic discipline and self-reliance in students like Jacob, paving the way for a successful and well-prepared future in their educational journey.

During class, PCR instructor Miss. Hogue assists students Leah Garcia and Maya Garibay with their assignments. One of the benefits of PCR is that students can ask for assistance from their instructors when needed. As part of PCR, students are encouraged to ask questions.

Student athelete JJ Pernoud stops pick Photo by Dr. Arnold


Sophomore Pressley

Shumate and Clark McCormick enjoy their induction ceremony. Both girls were so excited to be inducted after all their hard work over the year.

In Charge

Leading NHS, the officers and advisors put together the induction ceremony for the new members. Over the year, the officers and advisors put together events and meeting for the NHS chapter.

2023-2024 SHIRT

The NHS shirt for the year was designed by senior Donna Xue. Over the summer, NHS had a challenge to design the shirt for the year.


SPRING SPIRIT Halloween Event


At the Spring Spirit Halloween event the students wrap each other in toilet paper to become mummies. NHS volunteers with Spring Spirit multiple times throughout the year. An NHS member said, "The Halloween event was so fun, and we can't wait for next year!"

ACADEMICS-page ACADEMICS-NationalTitleHonor Society Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves.” Romans 12:10 Each holds new responsibilities These ensure NHS From to unity a crucial organization's leadership, Their their excellence to

Service above self

NHS Officers

Each year, the National Honor Society holds officer elections to appoint new leaders who oversee various responsibilities throughout the year. These officers work tirelessly to ensure the success and impact of NHS within the school community. From organizing service projects to managing finances and fostering unity among members, they play a crucial role in upholding the organization's values of scholarship, leadership, character, and service. Their dedication and initiative inspire their peers, leaving a lasting legacy of excellence for future NHS members to uphold.

1. Juniors are inducted into NHS during a special event.

2. 2023-2024 Officers

3. NHS officers light the candles at the Induction Ceremony.

New Inductees

Sydnor Duffy

“I love being President of NHS. It is so fun! I love organizing new activities for the chapter.”

Samantha Muro

“I’m the vice president of administration, so I make all the sheets for every service project.”

Ben Mize

“As the VP of Records for our NHS chapter, I get to record all the service of our members, not only so the leadership has a record, but also so that each member can keep track of their progress & service. I love getting to do this for our chapter since I can use my skills of organization and computer science to do a job that every member of the chapter gets to benefit very directly from."

Sophomores Jill Drury, Ashlyn Kling, Connally Kuykenall, and Bekah Gerard were inducted into NHS after the extensive application process. Each year, the sophomores have the opportunity to become members of the National Honor Society.

New inductees Kaylin Caesar, Eloise duVigneaud, Kaitlyn Jennings and Sofie Jones pose for a photo before the ceremony. If a junior doesn't make NHS during their sophomore year, they have another opportunity to join junior year.

Excited about being inducted, sophomores Adelyn Winters, Addy Medlock, Carson Lehane and Major Tarwater commemorate the moment. These students worked really hard to become members of NHS.

Karli Kapche

“NHS has been such a valuable outlet for me to serve my community and practice leadership as an officer. As VP of Public Relations I effectively communicate and inform HC about service events and reminders.”

Donna Xue

“My job focuses on communicating with people and I thought I’d be doing a lot of busy work, but I’ve actually gotten to know a lot of people through it and had lots of fun.”

1 2

DSP 2024 Graduates

“DSP helped me to understand how to do professional research in a professional setting and how to solve an issue. We have to write a lot.”

Jayden Chin

“I like the community because its very tight knit and the trips help you to get closer to one another.”


"It’s helped me so much with gaining confidence for my presentation skills. DSP is hard work but it is extremely rewarding."


"DSP has taught me problem solving skills and time management."

"Senior year has been my favorite year of DSP so far because I’ve got to focus pretty much exclusively on things I care about."

1. Andrew Knobbe prepares for his DSP Presentation. Photo by Patricia Droz 2. Enjoying lunch at Chick-fil-a, DSP teachers and field trip volunteers snap a photo Photo by Patricia Droz 3. Visiting Rice University, DSP Sopomores took a tour of the campus Photo by Patricia Droz 4. DSP Students actively listen to a classmate's presentation Photo by Hannah Pulin 5. Hard at work, students focus on research for their upcoming projects Photo by Patricia Droz

ACADEMICS-page Title ACADEMICS-DSP & Leadership
Preparing to present DSP Scholars learn to effectively present their research!
5 4 2 3
Jordan Emily Noah Takahada Evan Marie Donohue James Hintz Andrew Knobbe Ron Reis Mia



research to presentations, these students learn to master it all

The Grind Hard at work, Andrew Knobbe focuses on his laptop. DSP prides itself on being a rigorous and invaluable program that aids students in growing academically. Max McCarty said, “DSP is the most formative thing I’ve done in high school.”

Photo by Patricia Droz

Second year smiles

Snapping a photo, DSP Sophomore Class of 2026 join together for a picture. During their second year, expectations for students rise with their newfound experience. Owen Hawthorne said, “DSP has been an amazing journey.” Photo by Patricia Droz

109 1
Mia Chieng Jordan Blyden, Colin Brogdon, Sydnor Duffy, Evan Donohue, Noah Takahada Olivia Donohue Lauren Dickerson, Gracie Cervantes, Bekah Gerard


“I get to be behind the scenes and watch the show be created.”

Abigail Rexroad

“I get to interact with people in different grades .” Rachel Anderson

“I get to be creative in different ways. ” Sarah Cromeens

Elective Teachers:


“Because we learn something new everyday.” Chelsea Martin

“I like that I’m able to go to art and not have to worry about my other classes, or anything else that stresses me out.

Abby Dickerson

“I like that we get to use photo shop and take pictures outside of the actual class.”

Addie Rollins

because it

can help you in any field you choose to pursue.”

Mrs. Pam Mcclendon

“I think people should take orchestra because it is a great way to start your day.”

Mr. Natty Benyamine

“I recommend Latin to any student looking for a better understanding of English grammar and vocabulary. It can also be helpful to anyone considering a future career in medicine, law, or science!”

Dr. Brooke McLane

“I firmly believe that leadership is love and service to others. No one embodies these qualities more than Jesus Christ and I love sharing Jesus with whoever will listen.

Mr. Jeff Faircloth class, activities the actually


B3 Intro to Dance is looking very jazzy while learing a new dance. Jazz is one of the many types of dance that the students learn. Olivia Oberoi said,“One thing I like about dance is the community.”

Photo by Bella McKissack

will you



Liza Loginova and Katie Chaplan do their assignment. Latin 1 uses skittles to learn the endings. Liza said,"I chose Latin because I thought it be fun to learn"Photo by Brooke McLane



During Mrs.Pmac's Psychology class, the students partake in different activities to demonstrate and show the psychology behind what they are actually doing.


Joel Ortiz practices piano during class in the piano lab. He said, “I like the amount of time you get to practice songs.” Photo by Bella McKissack


The Mandarin 3 class gathers outside of Mrs.Grace Chang's door and holds up their red envelopes for Chinese New Year. Anna Gean said, “I like that we do a bunch of activities.” Photo by Mrs. Chang


Brynn Sitta takes a picture with her rodeo art. She said,“It was really exciting when I found out that I had placed in the competition.”

Photo by Carson Lehane

Art 1

Art 1 students trace their sketch into their final drawing during B3. Josiah McGowen said,“Art is fun because we learn lots of techniques to be artistic and my class is really fun.”

Photo by Bella McKissack

111 photo outside
Josh Tilotta, Dylan Maillet, Matthew Varjas, Josh Cestero, William Jackson Dove Ajmani, Harper Lee Chris Adlam, Nate Braquet, HelenaArnold Chris Adlam, Ted Roark

From band to theater to ceramics, there's a place at Houston Christian for everyone interested in art! The students work so hard every year, so take a look at the masterpieces from 2024!


Creative • Musical • Drama
Award Winning 100% Match • 23-24
New Release

Choir Seniors

"I've had the best experience in choir!"

"I think we need more barber shop quartet songs!"

"I love starting my morning singing with my friends."

"I'm always happy to go to choir."

"I love my alto family!"

1.The Alto section sings at the Christmas concert. 2. Chloe Wilkin, Eden Droog, Taylor Williford, and Lillian LeMasters sing at the concert on the lawn.
4 3 1
3. HC choir performs "Skyfall" during the concert on the lawn. 4. The full choir sings at the annual Christmas Chapel.
2 Choir Fun!
Max McCarty Yianni Rokas Nate Braquet Joey Delongchamps Karli Kapche Choir Theme Choir Social Homecoming Football Game Hopdoddy


Making beautiful music together


The HC choir performs "The Star- Spangled Banner"and "The Armed Forces Melody" at the Veterans day chapel. Each year the school hosts a chapel honoring the Veterans. Hannah Fisher said,"Singing Armed Forces is so fun!"


Singing "The Grinch Melody"

HC choir performs at their Christmas concert. The annual Christmas concert is choir's most popular performance. An audience member said, "I love coming to this concert every year!"

Hopdoddy Social! Ice Cream Day! Kylie Boyle, Blaire McLarry, and Mikayla Villafuerte Toss the Balloon Game

Quotes From the Musicians

“I like being in band because a lot of my friends are in it and I get to hype up all of the students during the pep rallies.”

Jayden Chin

“Saxophone is kind of hard, but I like playing it because it's fun.”

Cameron Mulanax

“Being in the drumline is fun because I get to perform at all of the pep rallies, which is my favorite.”

Brandon Taher

Students Favorite Instruments

“The football games are my favorite because all of the students get super energetic whenever we play for them.”

Linus Holt


“I think it's cool whenever I have to walk out before the football players while playing our music.”





is everything when you play an instrument.

“My favorite place to play is during pep rallies, because it's in the air conditioning and I get to be in to front to watch the events.”

Nate Sun

Preparing for the big game

“Playing the baritone is fun because it's so deep and loud.”

Micah Gordon

“The trombone is pretty fun to play, it was hard to learn, but it was worth it.”

Austin Beaver

“I love being a part of the band with my students, it's so fun and the energy is always good.”

Dr. Linhart

Fan Attention

“I really like playing the saxophone because it is a good outlet.”

Calvin Griffiths

Right before the band started their tailgate performance, a fan of the band came up to talk to them and ask some questions. The band always likes whenever there are other people to talk to who are passionate about instruments. This interaction left a smile on the band members' faces as well as the fan who was talking with them.

The real show

Lining up to play, all the students are in order and ready for their performance. The band and drumline practiced for this event many times to prepare for that performance. Noah Takahata said, “All of the practice it took paid off.” Photo by Katie Gassett

Photo by Katie Gasset

At the homecoming tailgate, Junior Calvin Griffiths, plays his saxophone before for all the people at the tailgate to hear. Many students and parents stopped to listen to the music while they ate their food. Calvin said, “It was pretty cool to play for all the people.”

ARTS-Band & Drumline
HOMECOMING performed Tailgate. gathered theater play as brought all started. together performing.


Before the football game started, our band performed a set of songs to the Homecoming Tailgate. Parents and students alike all gathered around to listen to them play. The theater director, Dr. Linhart, also joined in to play his tuba. Some of the students dressed up as well, going with the neon theme. The band brought some much-needed energy to hype up all the students and parents before the game started. To finish it off, the band marched together to the stands after they were done performing.


At the tailgate performance, Freshman Liam Harper plays his music on the saxophone. Liam Harper, as well as many students, play wind instruments for our band. Liam said, “The saxophone is pretty fun to play becuase I like pressing all the buttons.” Photo by Katie Gassett

Drumline Support

During our home football games, the drumline supports the team from the stands. The band students love cheering on the football team, and they especially love playing when they walk out with the team. Noah Takahata said, "Playing the drums during football games is very fun."Photo by Katie Gassett

The grand entrance

Leading the procession, Mr. Brown is walking out with the band and drumline to perform at the homecoming tailgate. This was an electric moment filled with excitement and anticipation for the upcoming performance. Mr. Brown said, “I always love walking out before our tailgate performance becuase of the high energy everyone has.” Photo by Katie Gassett

Walking on beat

While playing their drums, Maya Garibay and Nate Sun walk out to the tailgate to perform. Many students had to walk in the heat with their instruments, which shows their true dedication to their job. Maya said, “It's hard to walk with the drums, but it's fun playing while I walk.” Photo by Katie Gassett

117 is it's I watch
Virginia Sanders, Boston Vaughan Austin Beaver, Samuel Young, Collier Houston Sam Adams
game Calvin for Many to Calvin the Gasset
Walker Schwing, Dr. Linhart, Micah Gordon


Mr. Nady Benyamine is the Orchestra's beloved conductor and teacher, wielding his baton to keep the Orchestra in time.


Marking her music, Sophomore Sofia Conshafter writes in cues. A pencil is a tool for musicians, allowing them to create reminders. Sofia Conshafter said, “I always mark my music so I can remember all the changes we make during class.”

Teaching by example, Mr. Benyamine helps by clarifying a melody before asking students to repeat it back. Caitlin Smith said, “Mr. Benyamine has taught me so much over these last four years.”


Showing love for her favorite piece, Senior Caitlin Smith places a heart around the song, "O Holy Night." The HC Christmas concert is not one to miss. Bella Lam said, “Caitlin adores that piece. She plays it all the time.”


Prior to each concert, Mr. Benyamine rounds his students to pose for a selfie. This tradition allow students to remember that the Orchestra community is strong. Mr. Benyamine said, “It started a few years ago as a way to capture a memory before we perform.” Photo by Nady Benyamine

Caitlin Smith Bella Lam Nady Benyamine Sofia Conshafter Noah Chang Photo by Caitlin Smith CLASS IN SESSION Photo by Caitlin Smith



Smiling for the picture, Bella Lam and Sophia Kuo enjoy Orchestra. These two belong to the viola section, one of six of the vital parts to Orchestra.The cellos, violas, violins, basses, harps, and pianos come together to create the vibrant sounds of music. While being one of the unsung heroes of Orchestra, the viola is a slightly larger and deeper alternative to the violin that creates warm tones to pair with the melody. The 2023-2024 Viola Section consists of Section Leader and Vice President Sophia Kuo, President Caitlin Smith, and fan favorite, Bella Lam.


Playing for the Performing Arts Christmas chapel, HC Orchestra wears their finest Concert attire. The violins, violas, cellos, harp, and piano all played as one to create beautiful Christmas harmonies. This annual event is held in the chapel, forging the perfect atmosphere for the Christmas spirit to come alive. This holiday performance is not one to miss, as the chapel quickly filled with hundreds of parents, teachers, and students.

1. Caitlin Smith, Bella Lam

2. Alyse Morrow, Donna Xue

3. Noah Chang, Kolby Steffen


Nothing would be possible without the instruments themselves. Carved out of wood, each instrument characteristic is built to amplify the radiant sounds of orchestral music. The violin, viola, and cello each host four different strings that produce different pitches and hold endless combinations of notes. The vibrations of the strings once connected to the bow, a piece of wood with horse hairs attached, are electric.


Practicing for the upcoming concert, violin players Ali Brueckner and Joey DeLongchamps play the melody. The violin, arguably the most well known classical instrument, often receives the melody of a piece, making songs recognizable. Orchestra is home to musicians who are new and old, as Ali has played for over five years, compared to Joey's year of experience. Orchestra is grateful to have both players joining them this year.

1 2 3 DUO
“Caitlin is cool, I guess.” Bella Lam, Sophomore “I love Bella. She's such a joy to be around at 7am. Her talent will take her places. I'm gonna miss her.” Caitlin Smith, Senior

Hard at Work

Practicing the blocking for the Spring Musical, Jackson Herauf holds tin mugs eager to perform the choreography necessary for the scene.

Avery Elkins and Kian Ritchie get to work practicing their lift in Les Mis. These students play as the mischevious con artists during the French Revolution.


With so much work to do, Drama is sure to start ...

Behind the curtain, madness ensues. Between managing props, following actors with the spot light, mixing the sound, and directing the stage, the people behind the scenes have their work cut out for them while the actors entertain the audience. These unseen heroes enjoy seeing their dedication to the program pay off when the show flows smoothly.

For this year's play, Charlie Brown took front stage! Bringing back plenty of nostalgia, the showcase was a hit filled with laughter and joyous fun. Charlie Brown, played by Jackson Herauf, was brought to life as the audience experienced the cartoon in real time. The set consisted of a playground to authenticate the feel of childhood fun.

To kick off the year right, HC International Thespian Society held a welcome back to school party at a student's house. The party consisted of fun activities, old friends, and a pool to cool off from the Houston summer heat. After a long summer break, students were eager to dive back into the world of all things theatre.

For Les Mis, an intricate set was necessary to make the audience feel as if they were transported back to the French Revolution. Theatre Tech was hard at work to accomplish an authentic atmosphere for both the actors and the audience to enjoy. Similar to the previous set from Newsies, this year the set was multi-leveled to allow for fun choreography. 1 2 3 4 5 6

Nothing has the power to influence the feel of a show more than the clothes. These costumes help the actors to get into character and create an authentic atmosphere.

ARTS-ITS & Theater Tech
1. Savannah Winters 2 Jackson Herauf 3. Ashley Young 4. Layla Borghese 5. Matthew Varjas 6. Chloe Wilkin
Students the work Christian University a February, allowing stage to with newfound space.

Students get the honor to work at Houston Christian University for a week during February, allowing for stage design to get creative with all of their newfound space.


Tommy Tune nominations for Charlie Brown

Spring spirit

In order to coach underprivileged kids, some member of International Thespian Society met over this summer to teach them how to deliver monologues. Jackson Heauf said, "It was awesome seeing these kids learn and grow." Photo by Jackson Herauf


Smiling in front of their work, students enjoy the set of their creation. After working on each little detail, students are excited that the set is finally finished. Jayden Chin said, “Theatre tech is useful because it allows for students to use power tools.” Photo by Jackson Herauf

intricate showcases held by HC theatre per year



Hours of hard work and dedication to theatre


Showings of Les Mis

HC's troup number for the International Thespian Society


Enjoying their final year at HC, these Seniors chose to devote their time and efforts to various aspects of theatre-including the International Thespian Society.

bromance on set

“I run spotlight and highlight the actors onstage. It’s fun to watch the show come together and watch everyone's hard work pay off.”

- Jordan Blyden

I am the lead graphics designer. You have to be a psycho to enjoy it. It’s very stressful but I find it really fun.”

- Kyle Helberg

“I'm so privileged to get to perform with an amazing cast. Everyone is so dedicated.”

- Avery Elkins

Working together, Mr. Linhart and Mr. Brown help to lead the show to success. Mr. Brown focuses on the music and Mr. Linhart coordinates the actors. Avery Elkins, “They're good leaders, Mr. Brown is really funny, he makes me chuckle.”

Photo by Bobby Linhart


Holding up a newly painted pair of shoes, Mr. Linhart and the cast of Le Mis smile for the picture. Students painted these shoes specially for their leader. Avery Elkins said, “The ITS guys, we gifted it for all his hardwork.” Photo by Jackson Herauf



The Fall Musical- The introductin to Charlie Brown

Love Letters - A Valentines Day surprise Beethoven Day - A heart felt song about the best composer to exist.

Pratice Makes PerfectThe effort put in behind the scenes.

School Days - Singing always helped school go by faster.


On Valentines Day in the play, The Little Red Headed Girl played by Presley Shumate hands a letter to Charlie Brown, played by Jackson Herauf. Having not thought he would recieve a card, Charlie Brown accepted it happily. "I think it was cool that Charlie Brown recieved a card," said Cooper Clarke, "He hadn't gotten one before."

Featuring: The Main Cast

Jackson Herauf

“I loved getting to work with an amazing cast and playing a little kid. The dancing and singing in the play were so upbeat and energetic.”

Nicole Hiemstra

”I loved this play because I got to spend a lot of time with my friends. I was able to grow closer to them, and learn more about them."

Beethoven Day

Sitting behind the piano, Schroeder, played by Nate Braquet, sang about his love for the famous composer Beethoven. Then, sprawled atop the piano, Lucy, played by Layla Borghese, watched enamoredly as Schroeder preached about the creation of Beethoven Day. "The scene was very energetic , I really liked all the jumping and dancing around," Cole Montgomery said.

Photos by HCTheaterWorks

Layla Borghese

“A part of me is sad about this play. It'll be my last one because I am a senior, and I love getting the chance to act with my friends.”

ARTS-Fall Musical


"You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown"

This year's fall musical was none other than You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown, which was inspired by the 1950's cartoon and comic strip Charlie Brown. The play contained many fanfavorite scenes, along with a few original scenes and songs. The cast consisted of many familiar characters from the old cartoons such as Charlie Brown himself, Linus, Sally, Lucy, Snoopy,

Woodstock, and Schroeder. The whole production of the play took about four months, and physically and mentally challenged many students and pushed them to their limits. However, it was all worth it, because there was a full house of opening night, and many of the other showings sold out as well.


Working hard in practice, the student dancers move their feet in time with the music. Having practiced this time and time again, they were confident in their foot placement and knew their steps by heart. “The dances were cute and you could tell that the inspiration from the original cartoons,” Avery Elkins said. Photo by HCTheaterWorks


After nearly four months of hard work, the crew was finally read for the big performance in November. Having spent nearly every day together, it was bittersweet for their time together to come to an and "Everyone worked really hard and it was cool to see it all come together,"said Andrew Knobbe. Photo by HCTheaterWorks


There's nothing to spice up a school day like singing and dancing in the hallways and classrooms. That is exactly what the cast did to drown out the droning voice of their teacher and principal. Miriam Read said "The little dances and songs we did were probably my favorite parts of when whole play."

Photo by HCTheaterWorks

Photos by Firstname Lastname

What's your characters name?

Favorite song to perform? What's your favorite scene you're not in?

On My Own

In My Life.

The Confrontation or the small part

I know a place where no one's lost, I know a place where no one cries Crying at all is not allowed, Not in my Castle on a cloud. ---Young Cosette

Cup dance

Cheers! The ensemble members in the Master of the House number performed a cup dance. The dancers started learning this number in the summer so it would be perfect for the show. Karen Ianculovici said, “I loved the cup dance. It was so fun to perform!”

ARTS-Winter Musical
Eponine Marius Cosette Empty Chairs and Empty Tables. The Confrontation. The Barricade Scenes. Gavroche sings after Stars. Anabelle Cody Cooper Clarke
or Senior This fora Mis closing recieve Linhart on theatre. "Les year's Photo AQ &
Alyse Morrow Photo by Michelle Elkins

Senior Silliness

This years seniors smilling fora photo on the Les Mis set. Every year at the closing show the seniors recieve a rose from Dr. Linhart congragulating them on their success with HC theatre. Max McCarty said "Les Mis was so fun! This year's group was great!"

Valjean or JAvert


Seniors Avery Elkins and Kian Ritchie played Thenardier and Madame Thenardier. Their characters ran a inn and they stole from all their customers. Avery said "

Photo by Priscilla Dickson

She Dreamed A Dream

“I swear by the stars"

ONE DAY MORE! Les Miserables

Fantine has a daughter named Cosette who is taken care of by the Inkeeper and his wife.Although she earns money working at the factory, she is fired when it is discovered that she is a mother. Fantine now needs to find another source of income. She finds employment, contracts tuberculosis, and eventually passes away from the disease.

Fantine is promised by Jean Valjean that he will look after Cosette.

“Who am I?”
Jean Valjean


Outstanding Musical

Outstanding Ensemble

Outstanding Technical Achievement

Outstanding Lead:

Joey Delongchamps (Jean Valjean)

Yianni Rokas (Javert)

Layla Borghese (Fantine)

Alyse Morrow (Eponine)

Cooper Clarke (Marius)

Annabell Cody (Cossette)

Kian Ritchie (Mr. Tenardier)

Avery Elkins (Mademe Tenardier)

Outstanding Supporting:

Andrew Knobbe (Enjolras)

Outstanding Actor:

Yianni Rokas (Javert)

Cooper Clarke (Marius)

Kian Ritchie (Mr. Tenardier)

Avery Elkins (Mademe Tenardier)

Andrew Knobbe (Enjolras)

Outstanding Singer:

Yianni Rokas (Javert)

Cooper Clarke (Marius)

Annabelle Cody (Cossette)

Andrew Knobbe (Enjolras)

Cole Montegomery

Outstanding Dancer: Nicole Hiemstra, Cole Montegomery

Outstanding Director:

Dr. Bobby Linhart, Katie Pisklak ('25)

Outstanding Choreography

Ms. Melissa Tyler, Nicole Hiemstra ('25), Cole Montgomery ('25), Dr. Bobby Linhart

Outstanding Music Direction:

Dr. Bobby Linhart, Mr. Brian Brown, Mr. Brian Minson, Ms. Jeannine Rowden, Mrs. Elizabeth Shurtz, Nate Braquet ('24)

Outstanding Light Design: Davis Miller ('25)

Outstanding Sound Design:

Justin Leighton ('25), Davis Miller ('25)

Outstanding Scenic Design:

Dr. Bobby Linhart, Mr. Brian Brown, Kyle Helberg ('24)

Outstanding Costume Design:

Ms. Michelle Elkins, Phoebe Hadaway ('24), Clark McCormick ('26)

Outstanding Stage Management:

Allan Currier ('24), Savanah Winters ('24),

Katie Pisklak ('25)

Outstanding Honorable Mentions

Nate Braquet (Bishop/Grantaire)

Aubrey Pagano (Young Cossette)

Dekes Weber (Gavroche)

Photo by Michelle Elkins

Finish it with a bang!

Towards the end of their family time performance, DOXA girls finish with a group pose. This dance was choreographed by their President, Ava Cox. Sara Jones said, “The dance was fun and easy to learn. I love doing pieces that my friends choreograph.”

Tap it out!

During dance, Sophomore Olivia Oberoi puts tap heels on her shoes.

Throughout the year, the dance classes go through many units, including tap, jazz, ballet, and many more. “I love that I don't need to buy tap shoes and I can just strap the heels on,” Olivia said.

warming up

Before practicing her tap routine, Sophomore Sophie Dickson begins warming up with basic tap moves. Mrs. Tyler leads these warm ups at the front of the class. Sophie said, “If I don't warm up, then I won't dance well.”


What is your favorite dance category?

and I am so glad that I have these girls in my life.” Nicole Hiemstra
8% Ballet Tap Jazz Contemporary Hip-Hop On have is Media Hiemstra Ava These the the wouldn't so scenes
so fun,
12% 14% 36% 30%
Photo Photo

The girls ofdoxa

On the DOXA team, the girls have many jobs. Addie Durnell is the Chaplain and Social Media Coordinator. Nicole Hiemstra is the Vice President. Ava Cox is the President. These girls all help to bring the DOXA performances to the stage. Without them, it wouldn't be the same! We are so thankful for the behind the scenes girls of DOXA.

Practice makes perfect!


Kenny Erler

"My favorite part of DOXA is performing for the school and showing off our hard work."

Nicole Hiemstra

"Being the Vice President is so eye-opening and am so glad to be chosen for this position."

Ava Cox

"Being the President of DOXA is such an honor. I love choreography and finding new things to do."

At the fine arts open house, Junior Kaylin Caesar and Sophomore Corde Espinosa do a split leap in their routine. It was perfectly in sync! "I am so thankful to be able to perform with the people I care about most," said Kaylin.

Kaylin Caesar & Corde Espinosa

During the fine arts open house, the DOXA girls performed a piece choreographed by their own President, Ava Cox. Ava is a Senior and has helped in the choreograhy of many DOXA routines. "I enjoy choreographing the dances with Mrs. Tyler," Ava said.

Ava Cox

Junior Addie Durnell performs with the rest of the DOXA girls at the fine arts open house. Before dancing, she and the girls recieve a pep talk by Mrs. Tyler. "As an upperclassman, I love being a role model for underclassman this year," Addie said.

Addie Durnell

Addie Durnell

"I love being the Chaplain and Social Media Coordinater because it brings me closer to the freshmen and sophomores in DOXA."

Natalie Taufer

"I love getting to perform with my friends. It makes me really happy."

1. DOXA girls during a photoshoot. Photo by Kirk Hawkins 2. The DOXA girls smile with Mrs. Tyler for a group photo after their first performance of the school year.
1 2 3
Photo by Dean Prince 3. DOXA preparing to perform at the International Festival Photo by Kirk Hawkins

How has art affected you?

Art has helped me a lot with regulating my emotions, and giving me a place to feel safe in! I love creating, , and I love that I’m able to do so at HC!

Abby Dickerson

Art has affected my life by creating a stronger appreciation for the hard work and craftsmanship I see in my day to day life.

Brynn Sitta

A crucial part of making art is consistently improving until satisfaction, a practice that has spread to other areas of my life. Art has allowed me to think creatively with a growth mindset in these other areas.

Lillian Lemasters

Art has positively impacted my life because allows me to express my love and appreciation for topics special to me, like music, animals, and even video games!

Maddie Carmichael

Making art has always been sort of a therapeutic experience for me. The freedom you get when drawing or painting is very relaxing.

Drew Alston

1. Super focused on their work, freshmen Aliyah McIntosh and Ella Bryant make Photo by Dreighven Penilla 2. Carefully scanning her work, senior Gabby Mikulich assures that her artwork is of best quality before submission. Photo by Anna Wolf 3. Sitting on the couch, senior Jordan Bany illustrates using charcoal. Photo by Anna Wolf 4. After finishing their work for the class, freshmen Paul Hill, Jojo McGowen, and Emilio Haro pose to commemorate their success. They enjoyed working on their stamps that allowed them to express their imaginative minds. Photo by Dreighven Penilla

ARTS-2D Art &
Vaughn SkurnerKyle Helberg James Harper, Josh Birdsong Cat


The artist's canvas only represents a portion of who the artist is.


Giving suggestions to improve, Ms. Stuart helps out freshmen Josiah McGowen and Ella Bryant She told them how to detail their carvings to get the best product. "It's fun helping the students improve and explore the art world,” Ms. Stuart said.

by Dreighven Penilla


Looking at a reference photo of herself, senior Karli Kapche illustrates her self-portrait.

The mixture of colors she used allowed her to capture various emotions in her illustration.

"Staying true to yourself can lead you to your success," she said. Photo by Anna Wolf

Cat Sanders Aliyah McIntosh Karli Kapche Alessio Santini Photo

Why do you love Ceramics?

“I like having a break from school and getting to be creative.”

Connor Schell

“I like that we all get to work together and give eachother advice on their pieces.”

Lane Leighton

“I like that we can be creative and challege eachother in different ways.”

Gracie Cervantes

Survey Says: Favorite project?

“I liked this project because I liked learning how to make animals instead of pots.”

Claire Leighton

“I like Ceramics because I get to forget about school and have fun with my friends..”

Abby Madden

“I like how we each get to make our own versions of the same pieces.”

Claire Leighton


One of the most popular projects in ceramics is the animal rattle. There are little clay pieces inside, making the animal like a rattle toy. Lucca Incerpi said, “I loved making little animals. I can't wait to see it after the kiln.”

“I liked making the paper mache animal because it was interesting to see the different steps.”

Ashlyn Kling

“My favorite project was the darted bowl because I liked the construction of it.”

Dalton Primrose

Colorful Mixes

“I enjoyed making the tripod bowl most because I liked painting a bigger surface.”

Connor Schell

Behind the Scenes


When making pots, one of the most important things is the glaze. There are not many colors for this, so mixing them together can help create new shades. These shades can be used to create dimension, making the glazed pot look more professional.

Finished yet?

In Ceramics, Mrs. Reese's class works on darted bowls. These bowls can be designed in many ways. Sophomore Sabina Houston said, "I loved this project because it taught me how to make even another kind of bowl.

Photo by Claire Kimzey

certain to Ceramics, and project Both opportunities learn
Photo by Claire Kimzey


During Ceramics, students are given certain projects with creative liberty to do it however they want. Advanced Ceramics, however, is given a project, and the students can interpret this project in whatever way they would like. Both of these classes offer many project opportunities and are a good way to learn how to utilize your creativity.


On her project, Abby Madden paints a ocean scene on her bowl. She uses glaze and slip trail to make it. Abby said, “I love this class because I get to use my creative side.” Photo by Claire Kimzey


Using inspiration from online, Gracie Cervantes uses the 'slip trail' technique to make dots along the rim of her bowl. Many students use this technique to make fine lines or dots. She said, “This is my favorite technique so far.” Photo by Claire Kimzey

flowery fun

On her tripod bowl, Sophomore Sabina Houston paints a flowery scene using colorful glazes. The tripod bowl is a bowl with three legs and a circular rim. Sabina said, “I have been working so hard on this piece. It's my best piece so far.” Photo by Claire Kimzey

helping hands

During ceramics, Junior Claire Leighton helps a friend make their bowl. Many students offer helping hands when needed. Claire said, “I help my friends when they need it because they will pay back the favor.” Photo by Claire Kimzey

Kennedy Garza Lane Leighton Sabina Houston Claire Kimzey


Welcome to VidTech!

These ladies are the ones who make sure each day gets a good and entertaining morning announcement!


As the cameras focus, senior Kyle Helberg operates behind the monitors. He made sure the footage gets over to the editors. He said, "It took me about a quarter to get used to this, but two years later I'm doing pretty good."

by Dreighven Penilla

Ready, set, action!

Seated in the studio, MC Been, Noah Kuhle, and Juicy Ju record the announcements. They enjoyed being on camera for the day. "Getting along is really important," Noah said.


During their Vidtech meetings, juniors Maddie Pickett, Hailey Stagner, Sara Price, and MC Been work with each other. They all decided to join Vidtech this year and have made precious memories. "It's been really fun spending my mornings in Vidtech with my friends," Maddie said


Feeling refreshed, senior Juicy Ju proceeds to do his task for the morning announcements. He edited the morning announcements with ease. "I really enjoy informing the school in an amusing way," he said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla

ARTS-Video Tech
Maddie Pickett Sara Price MC Been Hailey Stagner Photo Photo by Dreighven Penilla Photo by Dreighven Penilla


Many things happen behind the scenes


Recording the morning announcements, senior Ben Mize and junior Noah Kuhle share laughs as they tell the joke of the day. Recording videos in the studio isn't always that serious. The studio walls have witnessed the laughter and giggles of Vidtech members as they have fun interacting with the filming equipment and each other.

If not for Mrs. McCurdy having multiple monitors in her classroom, seniors Warren Anderson, Juicy Ju, Ben Mize, and Kyle Helberg would not be able to have an incredible dance break in the morning. They danced to multiple songs such as "September" by Earth, Wind & Fire, "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley, and "Give Me Everything" by Pitbull.


Lots of time and effort go into the making of our morning announcements. Vidtech members all work together to make the announcements with each member having their own assigned tasks. Some work on the script, some are in charge of the birthdays of the day, and some set up the filming equipment. Once they've finished filming, another is assigned to edit the video completely before the bell rings at 8:30. After that, they send out the video to be played by the faculty during the second period of the day. It is certainly no walk in the park to be in VidTech.

1. Kyle Helberg Ben Mize, Warren Anderson

2. Kyle Helberg

3. Ben Mize, Noah, Warren Anderson

Smiling happily together, the members of VidTech pose for a quick photo. The VidTech crew isn't just a bunch of students working together to produce videos, but a family of people with the same passions. Their ability to easily collaborate with one another only fortified their relationships. Great memories and friendships have been made within the studio walls, and the VidTech team couldn't be more grateful for that.

really like the people-they're really cool. Juicy's jokes are always funny as well.

VidTech is always a great way to start my morning.” MC Been
Warren Anderson
out with my friends in

Yearbook Seniors

Open your eyes to the Senior Editor, Hannah Fisher! Being a long-term hardworking member of the yearbook team, she knows the art like the back of her hand.

Welcome Senior Staff Jordan Bany! Once she sits in her favorite chair in the classroom, work always gets done as soon as possible.

Meet one of the co-business managers, Caitlin Smith. A very dedicated member of yearbook, always doing her job to the fullest.


Yearbook is more than just taking pictures

There are multiple monitors inside Mrs McCurdy's classroom that the Yearbook team uses when doing their pages. Sometimes, the Yearbook members need screens beyond the size of their laptops. These monitors are also used for printing and scanning pictures for the ads they make for students.

The Yearbook team has ladders to help keep track of their pages. The one pictured in the left is primarily for the senior ads placed at the end of the yearbook. Highlighters and markers are used to indicate whether or not a student needs to submit an ad form, pictures, or payment.

On Mrs. McCurdy's bulletin board, the assignments for each Yearbook member throughout the year are pinned. These little pieces of paper help Yearbook members keep track of what they need to get done for each deadline. Highlighted text indicates that a page has been done.

For sorting various forms and pictures submitted for senior ads, the Yearbook team makes use of the folders in front of Mrs. McCurdy's desk. Each folder corresponds to one student and may come with additional messages and instructions besides forms and pictures. 1 2 3 4 5 6

1. Hannah Fisher 2 Hannah Pullin 3. Kate Shaw 4. Elena Grillo 5. Carson Lehane 6. Bella McKissack

Introducing Riley Warnica, Caitlyn's partner in yearbook business management! Though mostly busy, she never fails to accomplish her tasks for the yearbook.

STATISTICS Best part of the class

63.6% Seeing their page finished


Starting off 2024, sophomores Millie Metz and Elizabeth Thompson enjoy their first day in Yearbook. They transfered in the spring and are warmly welcomed. "It was kind of confusing at first, but we're getting it now," said Elizabeth. Photo by Dreighven Penilla


As they work, Yearbook members enjoy each other's company. They grew closer to each other as the year went by. "I've made some really good friends in this class, so I'm thankful I took this elective," Claire said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla

9.1% Taking photos for yearbook

17.3% Designing ads


Interviewing students and faculty 0%

Writing captions

“I really like designing ads because seeing how your design looks in the end is always satisfying.”

- Bella McKissack


Take a look at what Yearbook Journalism students have to say about their work.

“The satisfaction from completing your page is very rewarding.”

-Caitlin Smith

“Designing ads allows me to explore InDesign and figure out how to use the picture effects.”

-Claire Kimzey


Working on a newly assigned task, seniors Riley Warnica and Caitlin Smith collaborate. They worked together to record and sort each ad order. "It's fun walking to the business office– I see all my homegirls there," Caitlin said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla


Being productive, senior Hannah Fisher and junior Hannah Pullin work on their deadlines. Besides that, they also checked other members' pages. "I like working with Hannah F. because she really shows her passion for Yearbook," Hannah P. said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla


Houston Christian has a reputation for excellence on the courts, fields, and even in the pool. Through practices and games, wins and losses, the Mustangs come out on top. Cheer on the teams and see the process of champions!

Competition • Adventure • Gritty
Sports & Action 100% Match • 23-24 • New Release



After setter Hailey Nuno sets the ball to her hitters, Connally Kuykendall and Madi Melton go up to do an approach. The JV white team was scoring many points on kills in their last home game. Madi Melton said, "This season was so much fun."

Photos by Katie Gassett

JV White season

Kinkaid - Win

Fort Bend Christian Academy - Loss

Awty - Win

Northland Christian - Win

Bay Area Christian - Win

Second Baptist - Win

Frassati - Win

St. Agnes - Loss

Episcopal - Win


As the ball is being served over the net, Jordan Haselhorst steps in and sets the ball. That tournament game that the JV blue team was competeing in was important to see which bracket they went in. Jordan said, “I was nervous for the last few game points.”

How did you feel during the game?

Avery Overton

“I was sad it was our last weeks of volleyball, but I'm proud of what our team has accomplished together. It was so much fun for our first year.”

Lily Orr

“I was nervous when going up to hit the ball. It was the last few points of the game against Episcopal and we were ready to win.”

Brynn Sitta

“We were doing great so far in the season. Our serve recieve was doing really well and we were celebrating so much as a team.”

ATHLETICS-JV & Freshmen Volleybal


The JV blue team has their Mustangs ready for a team picture. The girls were so proud because they had just placed second in their tournament. Paige Hill said, "I loved getting to skip school and spend the day with my team.”


The freshman team is jumping up and down. They were celebrating their first win at a home game in the McNair gym under their coach, Ms. Charlotte Stuart. Reese Watson said, "We were so proud of each other after going into three sets and winning."


JV White Roster: Abby Dickerson, Eden Droog, Abbey Head, Piper Herauf, Iliana Hernandez, Connally Kuykendall, Addy Medlock, Madi Melton, Ellen Moore, Hailey Nuno, Kiersten Reed, & Brynn Sitta. Coached by Lauren Peltier.

JV Blue Roster: Ella Bryant, Sally CdeBaca, Madison Clapp, Analeigh Du'Vingead, Mackenzie Grimmer, Jordan Haselhorst, Paige

An epic year of teamwork and togetherness

Hill, Emery Melton, Lily Orr, Kinsey Reed, & Kate Shaw. Coached by Jacob Howie.

Freshman Roster: Jenny Champagne, Morgan Clapp, Simone Cook, Lily DuBose, Maya Garibay, Payton Givens, Bethany Hollingsworth, Audrey Johnson, Avery Overton, Avery Pontbriand, Sophia Rahim, Annie Trozzo, Reese Watson, Caitlin Wheat. Coached by Charlotte Stuart.


The girls are standing together and smiling for a photo before a home game while the rest of their team was reffing for the freshmen team game. Mackenzie Grimmer said, "I love spending time with my team on and off the court."

Photos by Firstname Lastname
Photo by Stephanie Reed Photo by Katie Gassett Photo by Katie Gassett



How do you overcome challenges?

"Whenever I have challenges, I pray to God about my problems and talk to my parents."

"I overcome challenges by talking to my friends, family, and coach to help me."

"Perseverence is what gets me through all challenges and faith that it will work out."

How do you perservere even if you're tired?

"In volleyball practice, there is conditioning, but I love this sport so much, so I keep it up."

"When i'm tired, I think about how this will all be worth it when I know how to perservere in games."

What is advice you can give underclassman?

"Come in confident and don't be nervous around upperclassmen."

"Play your best and have a great mindset and a great attitude."

"I think about my future goal and I just push through."

"Have positive energy on and off the court and always be kind."

"I'm going to miss my team and all the seniors once the season is over." Chelsea Martin
ATHLETICS-Varsity Volleyball
Emma Guild Sara Dewhurst Chelsea Martin CELEBRATION
AQ &
The win The the Angelina ball over, hit Katie All the girls are huddled together with Coach Jones to prepare for their game. The varsity girls played amazing and won the game. "These girls are awesome to play with, they are so diligent," said Chelsea Martin. Photo by Katie Gassett. Taylor Mackel and Emma Guild both go in for the set to hit it from Madison Kreiger. Taylor hit the ball over the net and won the point for the girls on Friday. "We were both going for it and we both had to be ready for whoever she set." said Taylor Mackel. Photo by Katie Gassett

SET UP FOR THE WIN Lady Mustangs


The girls celebrate a win after a tough rally. The game was hard, but the girls played great. Angelina Kraft said, “The ball kept coming back over, and every time we hit it back.” Photo by Katie Gassett


When the ball goes over the net, Madison Kreiger moves to get the ball. Madison got the ball up in the air and saved it. Madison said, “The ball was coming my way, and I reacted out of instinct.”

by Katie Gassett


During the game, the varsity team huddles together to discuss their strategy. The Mustangs had lost the point and were working together to gain their point back. The next point went to the Mustangs and they proceeded to win the set. The Mustangs pushed through the game with the intention of winning and came out strong.

Cheering her on!


Our very own senior Emma Samuelson is seen cheering with the bench when getting off the court. Emma made amazing kills and some amazing digs. "I love my team so much and I love when the cheer me on and me me words of encouragement," said Emma.

The varsity volleyball game consisted of all of Angelina Krafts best digs and saves. Angie played amazing on Friday and the Mustangs won the game. "I try my hardest for these girls and I'm glad to have them," said Angelina Kraft.

Banks Angelina Kraft

During a Friday game, sophomore Kaiya Banks slams the ball over the net. The game was long lasting, but the Mustangs came out with a win. "I love my team so much and am glad to have them," said Kaiya Banks
power hits great saves


Attempting to score a goal, the freshman Anderson Beken runs down the field and moves toward the goal. Anderson said, “I was thrown the ball, and I saw a clear opening.”


The ball is in junior Bennett Cooper's hands and he throws it down the field, where another player catches and makes the play. Bennett said, “I threw the ball down the yards and he caught the ball and ran to the touchdown.”


The other team tries to tackle down the one of our Mustangs but misses. The ball was thrown down the field and the play was made. Alexander Ganim said, “I saw him coming and dodged him.”


"When I made an interception against Episcopal."

Robby Jones

"When the seniors compared the coaches to different celebrities."

"When I fumbled the quarterback and Lane got a scoop and score."

"My all time favorite memory was when we beat Episcopal."

"When one of my friends said, "Golly them boys in blue really gave it to John Cooper."

"I love my team, and it was so nice to see people I knew in the stands watching me” Robert Jones


The strong lasting all try and Because much all times.

Jackson Weber Paul Hill Sam CdeBaca Greyson Williams

Season Favorites

The Mustangs are such a strong team who have long lasting practices and they all have grit. The players all try their hardest at practice and at football games. Because they spend so much time together, they all have memories of those times.

Hunter Jones

"My favorite part of the football season was the relationships I made."

Conner Pope

"During the season, my favorite part was all of the football games and the bus rides."

Jojo Feruzzo

"I liked late night bus rides with all my friends after the games."

Ron Reis

"My favorite part was watching film with my friends and seeing all the embarassing plays."

Jackson Barrow

"My favorite part of the football season would be playing with my teammates and to have this opportunity to be here."

The Best Mustang Plays

Freshmen Highlights

The ball lands in freshman Jackson Barrow's arms as he has a clear shot at a touchdown. The touchdown was a success and the Mustangs celebrated the score.

Katie Gassett

Freshman Aiden Pitcaithly, gets ready to make the play against a hard team. The play turned out good and the Mustangs went into the lead.

Katie Gassett

As the ball is caught in the end zone, junior Jojo Ferruzzo celebrates his touchdown. The ball was thrown all the way down and JoJo caught it into his waiting arms.

Katie Gassett

1. The kick was made and went into the field goal. Photo by Katie Gassett 2. The ball is passed to the quarterback and then the ball is thrown down the field Photo by Katie Gassett 3. The ball is thrown into Jojo Feruzzo's arms to get the ball dwn the yards, and this resulted into a tackle. Photo by Katie Gassett
2 3 1


A winning season makes memories


Seniors Bret Kilchrist and Ewan Highberg make an incredible play when Bret blocks for Ewan. This run gave the Mustangs another touchdown. After the game, Bret said “I saw the D-line coming for Ewan, and I knew that I had to block them.”


At the game against Greenhill, Senior Matthew Shaw tackles the reciever and forces Greenhill into a 4th down. The game ended with a score of 54-9 After the game, he said, “I saw him getting away from my teammates, and I knew I had to move fast and get there.”

ATHLETICS-Varsity Football Favorite moments Favorite Moments
our Favorite
Kade Gulledge Anderson Jones Ron Reis, Bret Kilchrist Alex Photo

1. Anderson Jones catches a pass at the St. John's game. Photo by David Young 2. Joseph Trickett talks to Coach Yelvington about the next play. Photo by David Young 3. The team enters the field with Stang Gang leading them. Photo by Sherry Shepherd 4. Junior Quincy Lewis congratulates Senior Ewan Highberg for his rushing touchdown. Photo by Sherry Shepherd

Meet the Captains

Alex Klein, #34, plays Linebacker. His favorite game was at Trinity Valley, with a score of 34-32. His favorite part of the season was bleaching his hair with the team.

Alex Klein

#1, Bret, plays Quarterback. His favorite game was against Trinity Valley, with an ending score of 34-32. His favorite part of the season was getting to play with his brothers and having so much fun.

Bret Kilchrist

Adam, #5, plays Linebacker. His favorite game was John Cooper with a score of 28-14, qualifying us for SPC Championship. Adam's favorite memory from the season was getting to go to state for his senior year.

Adam Sheppard

Jack plays wide reciever at #12, and his favorite game was John Cooper. Jack's favorite memory was qualifying for SPC Championship.

Jack Henning

#7, Jordan, plays Defensive back. His favorite game was Fort Worth Country Day, with a score of 34-22. Jordan's favorite part of the season was the bus ride back from Dallas after beating Trinity Valley.

Jordan Elie-Stuart

#18, Luke, plays Wide Reciever. His favorite game was Trinity Valley, with a score of 34-32. Luke's favorite part of the season was qualifying for SPC Championship.

Luke Pidgeon

4 3 1 2
Alex Klein, Adam Shephard Bret Kilchrist, Bennett Mallory, Eric Mayfield Graeme Highberg Smith, Ewan Highberg Coach Yelvington, Mac Barrow

Keeping HC cheerful



While watching the football game, the cheerleaders are taking in the beautiful sunset. At Concordia Lutheran High School, the JV girls noticed the beautiful view and were able to get a picture during halftime."The view was so beautiful we could not pass up the opportunity to get a picture.” said Meredith Lim. Photo by Kyrsty Kling


Smiling for the camera, Meredith Lim, Olivia Oberoi, Marlee Wilder, and Gracie Gregg are taking a picture while waiting for their turn on picture day. Before school started, the cheerleaders had the opportunity to take team and individual pictures. Gracie said,"Picture day was so fun, especially getting photos with my friends.”

Photo by Ashlyn Kling

What is your favorite skill?

“My favorite skill is roundoff through to tuck. I think it is so fun to flip and go fast.”

Olivia Oberoi

“I enjoy doing straight up liberties because I love the reaction on people's faces when we hit it.”

Ashlyn Kling

“I love being able to backspot extensions because I love watching my flyer go so high up in the air.”

Marlee Wilder

“My favorite skill is standing back handsprings because it is fun to flip back and block off the ground.”

“I got to base an extension lib with my stunt group this year. It is my favorite skill because it involves hard word, trust, and communication.”

Meredith Lim

“I love doing basket tosses because it is so fun throwing our flyer high up and watching her do some sort of skill. I especially love doing toe baskets.”

Carson Lehane joy hard how game smiles never always they when they not



Always with the biggest smile, Ava Floyd does an amazing job doing the fight song. While at Episcopal High School, the team did the fight song many times because of how well the football players did. Ava can always be seen with a big smile at the games, especially when the team does well.

Photo by David Young


Favorite cheer or dance?


With so much love in their hearts, the team gets ready for the game. The cheerleaders always have so much energy before the games and smiles are always big. Olivia Oberoi said, “Right before the games is great because we are all so excited to go out and cheer.”

Photo by David Young


Every Thursday comes with so much joy and eagerness. These girls work so hard in practice and the games show how their hard work pays off. Every game you can see these girls with big smiles and sharp motions. The girls never have a bad attitude and are always willing to put in the work so that they represent the school well. Even when that means staying late at practice, they have smiles on their faces and do not complain.

While at the homecoming game, Ashlyn Kling and Gracie Gregg hold up the Stang 'em hand sign while in a stunt. This is a fun tradition the girls do during every kick off. Ashlyn said, “Going in the air for a stunt is so fun and thrilling.”

Photo by David Young


After the Mustangs scored a touchdown, the cheerleaders are do the fight song. The girls do this after every touchdown to celebrate. Lily Stovall said, “Doing the fight song is one of my favorite things to do at games.”

Photo by David Young

“I love when we do "Hey Hey Get Up Yell Blue White" because it is fun to jump around.”

Lily Stoval

“My favorite dance is when we do Kelsey. The motions are so fun to do and we always look good when we do it.”

Marlee Wilder


“I love doing the Kendal dance. It is so cute and fun to do and we do it at every game.”

Ava Floyd

“My favorite cheer to do it "Go Fight Lets Win" because I think it sounds so cool when we all clap in unison.”

Gracie Gregg


Exhilarated for the game

Meredith Lim and Ashlyn Kling get ready to cheer for the varsity football players. On homecoming night, the JV girls are given the opprotunity to cheer at the homecoming football game. This is a game that the girls look forward to every year.

147 throwing of
Gracie Gregg Marlee Wilder Ashlyn Kling, Olivia Oberoi, Abbie Mulanax, Carson Lehane Ava Floyd, Abbie Mulanax


Cheering our teams to victory!


Every October the cheerleaders use pink poms and pink bows for breast cancer awareness month. The girls want to do everything they can to raise awareness for breast cancer. They also love for people to be able to see the poms and bows during this time.

While cheering for the Mustangs, the football team got a touchdown. When this happens the girls are able to do the school's fight song and dance. This is a tradition that is loved among the cheerleaders. They also love making the crowd even more excited about the touchdown.

During every game in between third and fourth quarter, the team does a cute dance called the Tootsie Roll. This is a dance that the cheer captians made before camp. Everyone loves doing it and it is so fun and cute. The fans especially love watching the girls because it is so fun.

“My favorite is the blue uniform because I love the pleats on the skirt”
“I love the black uniform because I think that the HC on it looks very clean”


The varsity cheerleaders love fridays nights because they all get the opprotunity to cheer on the amazing mustang football team. Even on nights when the football team does not win, these girls are still being excited and keeping their spirits up. Doing things like cheers and band dances are examples of things that they will do in order to get the fans and football players excited for the game.



ATHLETICS-Varsity Cheer
Raley Gregg, Abby Hawkinson, Natalie Taylor, Kaitlyn Jennings
Adelyn Winters
2 3
Jill Drury Hadley Moore


This year Coach Young brought back a uniform that everyone loves. The white oxfords are very sleek and look great when the girls wear them with boots at school. "I love the oxfords they are so cute,” said Charlotte Vargo. Photo by David Young


Celebrating the big win, Seth Perkins and the team dance to the song "Hit the Quan." This is a fun traditon that the cheerleaders started that Seth joined in on. Mia Granados said, “It is such a fun celebration that I look forward to every game.” Photo David Young


Passing on the torch, the seniors get recognized for the amazing impact they have had on the team. Senior night this year was bittersweet because all the girls will miss these girls so much. Lea Hlaihel said, “HC cheer will always hold a special place in my heart. I will miss it so much.” Photo by David Young


Big Smiles

At every game, the girls get the opprotunity to be announced. They always have big smiles during this time.

Hitting their final stunt, the girls are elated that they hit their entire routine. At the homecoming game the entire program performed an amazing routine for the whole school. Adelyn Winters said, “Performing at homecoming was so fun and hitting the final pyramid was exhilarating.” Photo by David Young

Bella Mcdaniel Lauren Hartman Natalie Taylor Lizzie Spears
Charolotte Vargo


Whats your favorite dance?

“My favorite dance is Applause.”

-Pressley Givens

“I love performing 'Lets Go Girls.”

-Camella Brown

“My favorite dance to perform is Applause.”

-Abby Pisklak


During the first pep rally of the year the officers show case their talent.

The Silver Spurs have many opportunities to perform during the year including pep rallies, football games and competitions.


The Silver Spurs team sing the National Anthem before the football game. Everyone knew that the game and excitement was getting ready to start when the Spurs made their way to the sidelines.

Favorite Spurs Memory?

"My favorite Spurs memory is getting ready with everyone before the football games."

-Georgia Bedre

"I love the Spurs sleepover we do every year!"

-Elizabeth Mason


Wearing vintage costumes, the Silver Spurs perform at the Homecoming football game. Every year at the homecoming football game the Spurs pay tribute to alumni by wearing the old costumes.


Smiling big, seniors Elizabeth Longwell, Natalie Taufer and Evan Marie Donohue pose for a group photo at their last first football game. The senior girls have done Silver Spurs all four years. Elizabeth said,"Spurs has helped me have life-long friends."

"I would say my favorite Spurs memory was the Spurs sleepover when I got to bond more and grow close as a family." -Kaylin Caesar

"My favorite thing about Spurs is the Friday night football games."

-Amelia Cooper

ATHLETICS-Silver Spurs
FRIDAY 1. the beautiful

Houston Christian Silver Spurs



"Spurs has been a huge part of my high school career and I’m so thankful for the opportunities it has provided me. The team has always been wonderfully supportive and I’ve enjoyed being able to lead so many amazing girls. I had so much fun and I’m gonna miss performing on the football field with my best friends." - Natalie Taufer

"I have loved my time at spurs! I have made some of my best friends on the team and have loved spending time with all the girls." - Evan Marie Donohue

"Silver Spurs has helped me make life long friends and increase my ecperience in dance. It has also helped me step outside my comfort zome and become more of a leader." - Elizabeth Longwell


151 1.
Spurs Picture Day First Away Game First Pep Rally Social Officers Dance Officers 6. Kenny Erler, Kaylin Caeser, Pressley Givens, Mia Chieng, and Natalie Taufer.
1 2
3 4 5
1. The Spurs cheer on the football team under a beautiful Friday night sky. 3. The full team is ready for the Hoco Peprally! 2. The Spurs team get ready for the away game. 4. Juniors Camille Bravo, Elizabeth Mason, Kaylin Caeser, and Carley Martin turn on the smiles at the Homecoming football game.
4 3 2 1


The race is on as the cross country runners take off for the match. The runners push themselves to keep running even through all the chaos around them. The Mustangs ran a great race. "It's tiring, but you have to keep pushing yourslef to keep going," said sophomore Jax LeBrun.

by Meredith LeBrun


James Boutte

Johnnie Francis

Sam Ohlenforst

Allanah Raddatz

Tucker Torn

All the seniors are given a shoutout for how they treat the underclassmen and they encourage everyone to keep running and are such great lights on the team.



At one of the meets, senior Johnnie Francis and sophomore Jax LeBrun celebrate a win with a picture. The two runners excelled at the meet and brought home the gold. Jax Lebrun said, “I love running and I love my teamates.”

by Meredith Lebrun

Featuring: Hardest time?

Johnnie Francis

"During the cross country events, the hardest part is that you run for such a long distance in the warmer months and you get more tired because of the heat."

Bekah Gerard

"The hardest part of cross country is that you have to know how to keep a pace when you're racing people, and you have to focus on the outcome of the race and not on the actual run."

Jax LeBrun

"The hardest time I had running was in Austin, because the course was hard."

ATHLETICS-Cross Country
Photo Photos


After all the runners had finished their run, they celebrated with a picture. They all ran so hard and persevered through all their challenges. Junior McKayla Childs said, "Even though I'm tired after running multiple miles, I still push through for my team."


Nearing the end of the race, sophomore Bekah Gerard reaches the finish line. Bekah ran very hard and came out in a very good place. “I was tired after running for so long, but when I saw the finish line, I gave it my all."


The runners all are ready for the meet as they wait for it to start. They are stretched and ready to race. The runners crowd around each other in preparation for the meet and they talk about their concerns for the race and get advice in return. When they are done talking to one another and giving

Perseverance will always win the race.

advice, they pray for the race to come. The runners and Coach Bean pray that they would have a safe race and have no injuries. These cross country runners persevere through the miles and are such strong athletes. It's all in the mindset of a runner.


All the cross country runners gather around each other to prepare for the race. The Mustangs raced and persevered throughout the whole meet even though it was very hot and they were all exhausted. Sophomore Bekah Gerard said, “We were all tired, but we kept going and came in strong to the finish line.”

Photos by Meredith LeBrun Photo by Katie Gassett Photo by Meredith LeBrun


my best friends.”

What position do you play and why?

I play left or right forward because Coach says that I am good at spacing.

This season, I played the center of the forewards because I am ball master.

I play outside midfield. We run a lot, and it's defense and offense.

What have you learned after this season?

I have learned that Eloise was right, that pink gatorade is the best flavour.

From this season

I learned that I am the speediest person on the team.

I learned how to actually receive a ball. Our coach last season didn't teach us the right way.

What is your favorite part of Field Hockey?

My favorite part is definitely not ladders. Rewrapping my stick was fun. It made me feel like I was good.

I like when Harper picks the music on the speaker because she has the best music taste, ask anyone.

My favorite part is Eloise's dance moves or the preseason mafia game.


Hockey is my favorite thing to do after school, because I do not like homework and I do like my teammates.” Harper Lee
Hadleigh Helms Quincy Zoretic Harper Lee NIGHT
AQ &
After game, and Helms great Hockey sunsets. said, super Hadleigh Smiling for the camera, HC Field Hockey take a photo with opposing team, Lamar. The Mustangs took the win, beating Lamar two to zero. Junior Harper Lee said, “We did supes good and I'm very proud of the people who scored goals.” Photo by Dove Ajmani TRIO FUN While posing for a picture, Lily Herveat, Maddie Pickett, and MC Been smile in the glow of the field. The Field Hockey team is a great opportunity for people of all grade levels to bond. MC Been said, “The best part of field hockey is practice with Photo by Hadleigh Helms
HC Field Hockey has a blast!



After playing an intense game, junior MC Been and senior Hadleigh Helms snap a picture. A great thing about Field Hockey is enjoying the sunsets. Hadleigh Helms said, “The sunset was super pretty.” Photo by Hadleigh Helms


Sorting through drill cones, Quincy remains extremely focused. She had a lucky cone this season and was looking for it for it. Ms. Munford said, “Quincy needed a moment with her cones.”

by Grace Munford


Field Hockey, the place where you can swing a stick and not get in trouble. What could be better?

The HC Field Hockey team practices five days a week, rain or shine. Whether you are new to the sport or a trained weapon, HC Field Hockey has a place for everyone. From freshman to seniors, this team has it all.

Field Hockey, also called "Fockey," is a beloved sport here at HC. Field Hockey as a sport ties all the way back to mid-19th century England. As times have changed, so too have the rules of the game to make the sport safer. Today, the girls of Fockey at HC love to make jokes, work on bettering their game, and taking selfies with Coach Munford.

The primary goal of "Fockey" is to score points by guiding the ball into the opposing team's goal using a curved stick. Except for the goalie, the use of hands is limited. Players are required to demonstrate precision and skill in controlling the ball, with regulations in place to prevent excessive force or stick elevation. Achieving success in field hockey relies on proficient teamwork, strategic passing, and love for the game. This trio resulted in HC girls Field Hockey having so much success this season!

Where it all goes down

During a Field Hockey match, there are a total of twenty-two players on the pitch, with eleven players constituting each team. The sport encompasses three distinct positions: defenders, midfielders, and strikers, with each player strategically assigned to one of these roles based on their unique skill set. For example, senior Hadleigh Helms operates as a midfielder, leveraging her exceptional stamina and adeptness in seamlessly transitioning between offensive and defensive plays. This strategic positioning of players not only showcases their individual strengths but also contributes to the overall dynamic and tactical nature of the game.

Pull a Face

“Ella and I took this picture after a game in Austin at a boarding school and we were about to make our way back to the hotel to eat a scrumptious meal of pasta. I love Ella.”

“The best part about field hockey is the community we have built. I love playing 'fockey' but I love my team even more.”



Swimmers Kendall Wallace and Claire Leighton sit on the sides warming up after a cold swim. The outdoor pool may be good for speed, but the girls huddle close in the chilly weather. Claire said, “I love swimming, but the temperature is something Ill never get used to.”


Sophomore, Clark McCormick dives into the pool with expert technique. Her perfect dive is only a precursor to her incredible race. Clark said, “I can always tell if a race is going to be good or not by how my dive feels.”


Lucca Incerpi gears up for a fast paced race. While mentally preparing to dive in, Lucca remembers some sound advice from his coaches. He said, “Coach Russel always tells us to explode off the block, so I try to think of that before every start.”


ATHLETICS-Swimming I have loved seeing this team grow into the family it is. I'm immensely proud of everyone.” Coach Russell 2:13.5 200M IM- K. Wallace 50M Freestyle- K. Wallace 100M Butterfly- K. Wallace 100M Breaststroke- K. Wallace 400M Free Relay- K. Wallace, L. Loginova, N. Sun, C. McCormick Determined splash swim incredible and this early tough fierce these embodied of sportsmanship. are them school RECORDS 24.19 1:01.1 1:06.2 3:50.9
Photo by Kirk Hawkins Photo by Kirk Hawkins Photo by Kirk Hawkins


Outs stand outs stand outs

Determined to make a splash in the pool, our swim team showed incredible dedication and perseverance this season. Through early toughmornings, practices, and fierce competition, these athletes truly embodied the spirit of teamwork and sportsmanship. We are proud to have them represent our school in the water.

Kendall Wallace

“Even though I turned down the oppurtunity to swim in college, I'm always going to cherish the years I spent on the team.”



“The team has become such a family to me. The meets are so much fun and I look forward to the season every year.”

Swimmers, on your mark, get set, go!


Winston McCormick

“Being on the swim team has helped me become more disciplined and focused in all areas of my life.”

Liza Loginova

“I love the camaraderie and support from my teammates, it really feels like we're a family.”

Lucca Incerpi

“I enjoy it because it lets me focus on my individual skills and not letting anyone down.”

Superior Strokes


Junior Lucca Incerpi has been a member of the team since his freshman year. Hes an integral part of the team with his backstroke and long distance races. The team has come to count on the points he brings in during races.

Junior Micah Gordon is a returning member of the team. He started his freshman year having no previous experience, but has now become an inspiration to the team. His breaststroke form has improved greatly, and he is known for his dedication.

Junior Nate Sun has been a life long swimmer. He has become an important member of the team, with the boys relying on him for his speedy butterfly during the relays, as well as the individual races where he brings in lots of points.

Lucca Incerpi Micah Gordon Nate Sun 1. Teammates cheer on their friend during the last lap of their race. 2. Nate Sun gears up for his last race of the day. He's prepared to dive ahead of his opponents. Clark McCormick prepares for a tight race for her backstroke. She hopes to beat her personal best time.
2 3
Photos by Kirk Hawkins


We play like girls...try to keep up!


During the big game against Episcopal, sophomore Bri McClinton goes for a basket. Bri said, “It was so cool being on tv.” Photo by Kirk Hawkins

Make the shot!


Playing her best at the Duchesne game, Freshman Paige Hill goes for the lay-up. Paige said, “I liked that everyone felt like family.” Photo by Kirk Hawkins

ATHLETICS-Girls Basketball Action
Morgan Allen Brianna McClinton, Taylor MackelGinna Gonsoulin Kayla

What's your favorite part?

"Gaining friendships."

Briana McClinton

"My favorite part was getting 30 points a game."

"Scoring and putting in the effort to play. Also, building up with my teammates."

"My favorite thing about playing basketball was how nice all the girls were and how we were able to have fun while also working hard."

"Playing with my friends and being competitive with the other team."

1 5 4 2 3
1. Freshman Paige Hill goes up for a layup at the Duchesne game. Photo by Kirk Hawkins 2. Junior Aliyah Mcintosh drives the ball to the basket. Photo by Kirk Hawkins 3. Paige Hill screens the opponent while Marie Garcia goes for the basket. Photo by Kirk Hawkins 4. Sophomore Briana McClinton dribbles to the basket. Photo by Adrinne Gonzalez 5. The Varsity Girls basketball team took a big team photo with the players and coaches. Photo by Adrienne Gonzalez Kayla Phillips Aliyah McIntosh Taylor Mackel Morgan Allen Kayla Philips MaKyah Foreman Marie Garcia, Paige Hill Taylor Mackel

Let's celebrate all year



At St. Stephen's Episcopal, Coach Crandall didn't agree with one of the ref's calls. Although there was a wrong call, we still came out with a 83-48 win. Coach Rodney said, “The refs had a few bad calls, but we still got the win.” Photo by Elena Grillo


Our team is 5th seed this year for SPC. To show support for our boys, and all winter sports, a sign was set up outside of the Mustang Corral. Coach Crandall said, “Even though we're 5th seed, we're gonna prove why we're the reigning SPC champs.”

Player's Favorite Moments



ATHLETICS-Boys Basketball
“My favorite moment this year was being able to dunk in games.” Darius Dixon “My favorite moment this year was my 1,000 point celebration.” Adlam “My favorite moment year was going undefeated in the Mustang Classic.” “My favorite moment year was beating OSL.” Carter Seeliger “My favorite moment this year was just working with my team and getting better.” Montana Wheeler “My favorite moment this year was standing in the tunnel when the Suns players ran out in Arizona.” Bennett Peters season before teamwork their boys skills energy an their Photo by Elena Grillo


To help lead the boys during a time out, Coach Teddy goes through the plays. The boys picked up on the play immediately and were able to successfully score. DA Rainey said, “Teddy knows what he's doing, I just follow through.” Photo by Sofie Jones


The entire basketball team stopped at Bucee's on the way back from their 2-0 Austin trip. Stopping at Bucee's is a great way to stretch and grab a quick bite during a long drive. Carter said, “It's good to stretch and get some fresh air.” Photo by Bucee's Employee


The entire varsity basketball team celebrated Coach Crandall's 500th career win. Coach Crandall's 5ooth win was against St. Pius X. Coach Crandall said, “It feels great to have a family like this; this connection is what wins games.” Photo by Elena Grillo


The boys team had an incredible season with a 27-6 overall record before SPC. This was achieved by their teamwork and dedication to keeping their title as the #1 team in SPC. The boys work together and combine their skills on and off the court. The team's energy is unmatchable and it gives them an undeniable confidence going into their games.


Coach Crandall is guiding our team to a close, but well deserved win. This game took place at St. Andrew's in Austin. Coach Mo said, “I knew we were going to win, I'm glad the boys executed.”

Photo by Elena Grillo

Team Helpers

“I loved being a trainer because I got to be behind the bench during the games and learn more about basketball.”

Elena Grillo

“I loved being a trainer becaue I got to work on my training skills and get better.”

Sofie Jones

“I loved being a manager because I got to be on the bench during the games.”

Paula Zabala “I loved being a manager because I got to watch all of the games and go to Austin with the team.”

Halle Eschete

Teamwork Wins Games

During the Stars and Stripes Showcase, we came up with a very close 87-85 win against OSL from the Bronx, NY. The last shot by OSL was blocked, and the entire student section stormed the court. Coach Teddy said, "The boys did well and proved why we're the SPC champions."

161 year out
Montana Wheeler, DA Rainey, Bennett Peters, Carter Seeliger, Chris Adlam Demetri Lewis, Xavier Gibbons, Drin Tafilaj Carter Seeliger Chris Adlam, Carter Seeliger, Montana Wheeler


Soccer girls make lasting relationships


As the girls soccer starts off their season, they push ahead strong and win their game. All the girls played so hard and did so well in the games. They exhibited cooperation, enthusiasm, and team spirit. They grew as a team over the season and developed relationshipswonderful with the other girls.

Photo by Connally Kukendall.

On the


“I love to play soccer because I make so many new friends, and I love to run.”
“I love getting excited with my teammates and friends after we score a point.”


The girls went to the Longhorn tournament and came out with two wins and one game tied. The girls made memories on this trip and as they were waiting for thir game to start they settled on a field and played a game of frisbee. This was also one of the first tournaments of the season, which brought the girls closer together.

Photo by Kirk Kuykendall.


The girls soccer team heads home after a hard game. The girls had played a hard game that resulted in their win, but they were tired. They hopped on the bus and took a picture to commemorate their win, and are all excited to head home.

by Lily Dubose

Team work

1. The Whole Team gets a picture of with their very own trophy. The coaches are so proud of their girls.

2. Connally Kuykendall gets the ball, preparing to make a pass to another player in an attempt to score a goal. 3. Maddie Pickett slides on the floor in order to prevent the opposing teams players to get in and saves a possible goal from the other team.

ATHLETICS-Girls Soccer
1 2 3
Madison Melton Connally Kuykendall

Friends & Players


As the team waits for their games at the long tournament they play a game of frisbee. The Girls played hard that day and lost two games and tied into one. Riley Warnica said,“This last year has been my best year, I'm gonna miss everyone after I graduate.”Photo by Connally Kuykendall


The player is running down the field in an attempt to make a goal. Our player scored her goal and earned a point for the team. Gracia Cervante said, “We were downa point and I knew that I needed to attempt to score.”

Photo by Lily Smith


Our very own goalie, Riley Warnica, is seen throwing the ball back. The girls had just kicked the ball out away from the goalie box and now she is ready to throw it. Riley Warnica said, "I'm very thankful that all the girls are good at defense and can help me out." Photo by Lily Smith


The soccer girls get together for a photo to kick the season off. All the girls loved the season and are sad to see it go. Lauren Clark said, “I loved all the new relationships I made and am excited for next year.” Photo by Lauren Clark

Lauren Clark and Connaly Kukendall, Tori Benington and Lily Dubose , Lana Raddatz and Kiran Jolly, Jordan Haselhorst and Connally Kuykendall, Lana Raddatz and Jordan Haselhorst.


“My favorite game was against Geneva. It was so fun and winning was the best.”

-Linus Holt

“My favorite memory is eveytime we win.”

-Tully Florey

“My favorite memory was the game against Bay Area Christian.”

-Blake Wegmann


Taking a moment to pray together before the game, the team joins together with their coach.They have bonded so much. Learning to work hard and well together has been a goal.


Before kicking the ball off, Lucas Donelson gets prepared . Mental preparation is essential for these players. It is something that they all work very hard on because it could make or break the game.

"HC soccer is a great way to get involved and I love the community here."


"Soccer has been so fun and I can't wait to do it next year. I have made so many friendships because of it."


After the game, Bennett Cooper and JJ Hart shake hands with the opposing team. Being respectful to the other team and refs is very important. JJ said, "If you don't have good sportsmanship, you aren't representing HC well"


Before he kicks the ball, Carlos Ortiz gets ready. Carlos is a great kicker with a strong leg and is reliable when kicking it down the field He said, “I love soccer and love being able to represent HC.”


"I am so proud of the team this year and everything we have accomplished. It has been such a fun year."

"I am so greatful for my time on HC soccer and I love my team so much. We have grown so much this year and it has been so fun to watch."

Meet the Captains!


Something that makes our soccer program stand out is the emotion and motivation behind the players. Coach Calvin is always encouraging the team saying "Win, lose, or draw... we do this together, we do this as a family." Coach Calvin is always encouraging the team to stick together no matter what and always glorify the Lord in everything they do.

Senior Night at HC is always so fun. It is a great way to remember the seniors and give them the recognition they deserve. Everyone loves this tradition and loves being able to show the seniors how much they are cared about. Although everyone is sad to see them go, it is a bittersweet moment knowing that they are on to bigger and better things.

Soccer has bonded so much this year and grown as a team. The players have learned to stay calm under pressure and to never give up. These life lessons will stick with them for a long time and they are definitely grateful for their time on the team.

24% of players are seniors 20% of players are juniors 23% of players are sophomores 33%

of players are freshmen

165 1.
Toby Allen The JV team Keegan Clark Lucas Donelson Owen Reed Adam Shepherd


The Mustang golf team works hard at every practice and it is showing. They crush the competition with their killer swings and unbeatable teamwork. It's no wonder they're the talk of the town, setting the standard for greatness on the green.


The golf coaches pour into the team day in and day out. These three bring out the best in all of the players on and off the course. Each player has seen amazing improvement!


Cameron Keyton - '24

Mia Chieng - '26

William Corson- '24

Lucas Donelson - '24

Bret Kilchrist - '24

Grayson Leblanc - '25

Maddox Lee - '27

Taylor Lee - '24

Hudson McDaniel - '24

McKenzie Brazos - '24

Luke Pidgeon - '24

Tyler Scheffler - '27

Christian Seay - '24

Camden Slate - '24

Major Tarwater- '26

Yixin Zhang - '27

Featuring: Tournaments

Emily Zhang

“Tournaments are so fun. It is also a great opprotunity to take what we have learned in practice and show off our skills.”

Hudson McDaniel

“My favorite thing about golf is going to the tournaments. It is so fun to be with my teammates and work hard.”

Taylor Lee

“I gonna miss golf so much, especially the tournaments. They are so so entertaining.”



On the green, Emily Zhang is keeping calm to get a good shot. Staying calm and quiet while on the green is very important because the smallest movement could mess up the shot. Emily said, “Even when it is stressful it is still a lot of fun!"


Major gets some encouragement from Coach Stuart during the tourney. This year, all of the players and coaches get along so well. This is essential for any team to succeed. Major Tarwater said, “I couldn't ask for a better


Our golf team rocked the greens this year, bringing their A-game and loads of laughs to every tournament. From those early morning tee-offs to the nailbiting finishes in the afternoon, this fantastic team showed what teamwork and determination are

Lets PAR tee!

all about. With each swing, they demonstrated skill, sportsmanship, and a whole lot of heart, making memories that'll last a lifetime. Here's to a season filled with birdies, pars, and endless fun on the course! Great job Mustangs!


Stuck in the bunker, Sebastian , works hard to get out. Although being stuck could be nerve wracking, all of the golfers handle the stressful situation with ease. Sebastian said, “Being in the bunker is tough, but it always works out.”

Photos by Firstname Lastname


After a game winning rally in the finals match, Warren Anderson celebrates. The rally was long lasting and Warren was very happy that he had won the match he said.


During the friendly scrimmage match between two varsity players, Chet Jolly and Warren Anderson, they are seen laughing together. It was a fun competetive match that resulted in a friendly game. Chet says, "I like to just play scrimmages with my friends sometimes." Photo by Katie Gassett.

What racket do you like to play with?

I go between different brands depending on how I'm feeling that day.

I've tried many different racket brands, but I almost always use my Wilson racket.

I like to play with my Babolat racket, it's definitely my favorite.

Do you prefer to play forehand or backhand?

I prefer forehand because it's a lot easier to set up to hit.

I prefer to play forehand because it's always come easier to me and I've adapted to it.

I personally think my forehand is stronger than my backhand, so I prefer to play that.

Do you prefer to play singles or doubles?

I prefer to play singles because it's more fun and you have more responsbility.

I prefer to play singles because with a doubles partner, I feel like the communication is off.

I have always played doubles, and I think they are more fun.

My favorite part of the program is being able to spend time with everybody on the team, and the trips are always an adventure.” Katia Childs
Anna Wolf Beau Beaver Chloe Jones BALL As commenced Raja to Raja the on other
AQ &

Varsity and JV Tennis - Spring 2024



The Houston Christian Tennis team is not just a team but a family. Coach Bredeweg and Coach D work hard to ensure that all the players get good playing time and that they are pushed to be the best they can be. The players on JV and varsity are all treated with respect and players on varsity help to mentor and teach the players on JV who don't have as much skill or playing experience. There are tournaments and games set almost every week for JV and varsity. Junior Sophia Kuo is seen getting ready to take a serve from an opponent and is prepared to hit it back. She is on varsity and works very hard to excel at tennis.

Add or Duce?

Tennis is a love sport

“I have played tennis since I was kid and will continue to play it throughout

my junior and senior year.”

Varsity captain Hannah Fisher is playing a singles match this past weekend against St. Johns. Hannah is seen going up for her serve in order to gain a point on the other team to advance in the tournament. Hannah hit the ball over and scored the point that made the score tied and then served again and made another score which set her to win the game.

“Tennis is a sport that I have loved for so long and I hope to play it all throughout high school. ”

KEEP GOING Varsity tennis player, Sarah Guild, is seen playing a match. Sarah played hard during her singles game and won the set. Sarah Guild said, “I was nervous, but once I started playing I was getting better.” Photo by Katie Gassett BALL DROP As the game is commenced to a start Raja is flipping his racket to see who serves first. Raja served first and won the first game and went on to then win all the other sets in his match. Photo by Katie Gassett


After playing at the Coach K Play Day, our team poses for a picture. This was a practice tournament full of scrimmages. Coach Munford said, “I am so proud of my girls for playing that many games in one day.”

Photo by Coach Munford


Before the senior night game against Atascocita, the seniors are presented. We can't wait to see them flourish in college!

Danielle Earles said, “I am so thankful for my years here, but I can't wait to go far in college.” Photo by Sheri Shephard


While moving the ball down the field, freshman Lily Orr, also known as Cradle Baby, dodges players. Lily did this multiple times this game. She said, “I love playing on the field with my team, and I can't wait for my next few years.”


Deciding to play lacrosse was one of my best decisions of senior year. I loved playing with these girls, and they truly are the best teammates ever.”
Ava Farris


7v7 Favorite drill? Favorite home game? Favorite jersey? Favorite away game? Favorite conditioning drill? These mark better. and incredibly game. practice they every girls to determination every
Poll time! St. Pius X Black Awty Half-gassers
Photo by Jack Horton

What's the best part of lacrosse?

These seniors have left a mark on our team for the better. Their leadership and dedication have been incredibly evident in every game. From Monday morning practice to Saturday play days, they have made each and every moment worth it. The girls lacrosse team is so lucky to have these girls to bring determination and fun to every event.

Sammy Muro

“My favorite thing about lax at HC is how fun it is and how everyone has a good time.”

Hadleigh Helms

“My favorite part is all the girls on the team and how we can all be unleashed .”

Sam Shrader

"My favorite parts of lacrosse at HC are the fun bus rides and bonding with the team."

Dani Earles

"My favorite part of playing lacrosse is all of the different people coming together to bond over the sport."

Kate Mueller

"My favorite part about playing lacrosse here is the community of the team and the friendships it’s given me."

The Season Recap

Meet our Coaches!

Coach Munford played lacrosse at Houston Christian and went on to play at Messiah University. She is now the head coach here and brought the team to win the D3 Championship last season.

2 3

Coach Ray is an algebra teacher, and she has joined Coach Munford as her assistant coach. Coach Ray keeps our team on it's toes, reminding us to work hard and keep pushing.

Coach Ray

Coach Orr joined our coaches as an additional assistant coach. Because she played lacrosse in high school, Coach Orr is helpful to help with the basics of the sport.

Coach Orr

Coach Munford 1.The team congratulates senior Ava Farris on her first goal of the season. Photo by Jack Horton 2. After catching a clear, Sammy Muro moves the ball down the field, avoiding middies left and right. Photo by Jack Horton 3. After halftime, attackers Sam Shrader and Claire Kimzey make a game plan. Photo by Jack Horton 1


Making great memories with friends


While at the game against Bellaire, Tripp Watson is running to get the ball. Their coach makes sure to condition them to be ready for each game. Tripp said, “Although practice is tough, it is all worth it at the games.” Photo by Jack Horton


Rushing to get the ball, Hunter Weber gets aggressive. The players know that lacrosse is definitely a contact sport but they are willing to put in the work. "It dificult but I love the satisfaction of winning," said Hunter. Photo by Jack Horton

got game!
Graeme Smith-Highberg Henry Horton Jackson

Why do you love it?

I love all of the fun memories, like when Will Lane and I would go and throw before practices and games. We were both new so it was fun because we were both trash.

I love LAX because I get to hang out with my friends and win games

The community with all the players and the fellowship we have with each other is great and makes the locker room and games super fun.

My favorite part of lacrosse is getting to play with my friends.

I like lacrosse because of all of the memories I made with my friends. I also love winning games.

1. Finn Duty guards the goal Photo by Jack Horton 2. Jojo Feruzzo rushes for the ball so the mustangs can score. Photo by Jack Horton 3. Samuel Adams pushing through the opposing team to get the goal Photo by Jack Horton 4. Hunter Weber scooping up the ball.
4 5 3 1 2
Photo by Jack Horton 5. The whole team on picture day Photo by Firstname Lastname Micah Lee Samuel Nutt Hayden McCarty Anderson Beken Sam Adams Jackson Barrow Samuel Nutt Harrison Jones Van Carpenter


Life is better when you



After the first winning game for the lacrosse boys, the boys have a talk from the coach. This was the first game of the season and coach told them that it was just the first game and that they played well. Samuel Nutt said, "It was only the first game, so I knew we would get even better."

Team Players

“I have played lacrosse since freshman year and plan to play it through my senior year. I also like my teammates and enjoy playing with them.”

Jackson Weber

As Jackson Weber runs down the field with the ball in his stick, the other players for St. Johns follow behind him. He ran down the field and tried to outrun the players but he could not, so he passed the ball to a friend on his team. Austin Beaver said, "When we try to run down the field I always try to pass it when I have people behind me."

“The St. Johns game was really good for us because it taught us how to be more competitive and to play harder. St. Johns was more of a challenge for us.”

Jackson Barrow

Boys Lacrosse

“PLaying against St. John taught how to be more competitive and to play the defensive line and block them.”

Houston Redd

“The coaches have taught me how to play more competitive and to play cooperative. A pass is good because it can get the ball all the way down the field.”

Hunter Weber

“In order to be able to score you have to make strategic passes. If you are being guarded by other opponents then you have no other choice but to make a smart pass.”

Tripp Watson

“Running down the field and attempting to score is hard, but also running down the field attempting to block someone else from shooting."

Graeme High-Berg

against be steal side. fought Johns. tried every back All



During the game, players on both sides fight to get the ball. Houston Christian got the ball and ran it all the way down the field. Jackson Weber said, "When the ball is on the floor and other players are around it is always hard, but we got the ball."


Jackson Barrow is running the ball to the goal in order to try and score. Jackson gets the ball to the goal and he shoots and makes it past the goalie. Jackson Barrow said,"When you have the ball, you have to try to run fast and not look behind you."


The HC lacross boys are starting their first game against another school. The game was a scrimmage and this was all the boys lining up to shake eachothers hands. jackson Weber said, “This was the first game of the season and everyone was ready to play”


During the game the last week against St. Johns, all the boys can be seen defending and trying to steal the ball back to the offensive side. The boys played hard and fought to take over against St. Johns. Tripp Watson said, "We all tried our best and fought to get every turnover and to take the ball back to our side so we could score."


During the boys first scrimmage game against Bellaire Isaac Orr attempts to score. Isaac Orr ran the ball down the field and passed it to two other players and made the shot. Isaac Orr says, "When I try to score I just have to run fast and make smart passes."


“When making smart passes, you have to look for players that are open, or close the goal.”

Tripp Watson

“Blocking players means that you have to get in people's faces and to get them distracted.”


“When running to help a score or running to block soemone you have to run hard and keep your head up.”

Sam Adams

“When blocking someone from scoring on the opposing team you have to play agressive.”

Austin Beaver

Playing the Game

As seen in the picture, the player runs the ball down they field. The player ran the ball down and made a pass to a player looking to help him and made an attempt at the goal. Hunter Weber says, "the team tries to make passes back and forth in order to try and make a goal."

175 and shooting."
Jackson, Weber Houston, Redd Mac, Barrow Jackson, Barrow


On your mark, Get set, Run


During one of JV track and field's meets, freshman Paul Hill is first leg for the boys 4x1 relay with Amari Barnes, Demetri Lewis, Ty Rawls, and Paul Hill. They won the race with a time of 45.75.


At the 2024 Clyde Littlefield Texas Relays, the boys Varsity 4x4 sign the 2024 winners wall for finishing 3rd overall.

Participating in the 100 meter relay at the Mickey Riggs relay, freshman Paul Hill passes the stick to Senior Eric Mayfield.

ATHLETICS-Track and Field
Don't stop til you drop Why coach
1 2 3 TRACK & FIELD?
watching each athlete get better.”
1. Stephenie Rennie Bekah Gerard Quincy Lewis
“I love
CJay Brown
“I like to watch kids
new friendships and learn as they compete with and against each other."
Raymond Bean


Stephenie Rennie and Sophia Rahim take a selfie at the end of the JV meet. Stephenie Rennie said,“I like the meets, because it's fun to watch people and to show people what you can do.”


Paige Hill throws discus at the Varsity meet at St. John's. During the vasity meet .Paige said, “One thing I like about track is my coaches.” Photo by Adrienne Gonzalez


JV track and field get together and take a group photo after practice. Maya Garibay said, “I like how positive the coaches are and how much they push me. I also love the adrenaline I get from a race.”

The Throwers

Photo by Adrienne Gonzalez GIRLS 4X4 Brianna McClinton, Eloise DuVigneaud, Beca Gerad, and Kiran Jolly. During the Varsity meet, the girls 4x4 wins 3rd place. Photo by Coach Brown Alex Bartholomew Eric Mayfield Ashley Young Paige Hill Paul Hill


New freshmen and sophomores share their experince with their team.

“Everyone is super nice, and I really enjoy pitching for the team.”

-Millie Metz

“This year is the best softball season I've ever had. And I've never been on such a caring team.”

-Sarah Cromeens

“Softball is so fun! I like my teammates a lot, and it's fun to see such competitive games”

-Harper Lee


Hoping to win State this year, the team pratices every day to impove their skills and prepare for the playoffs. Practicing can be very physically demanding, yet the team gives it their all because they know they have each other's backs. Junior Emmy Koehler said "I love the people on the team, they are always encouraging, and they make me laugh."


Encouraging their teamates from the dugout, the players sitting cheer for the starters as they make a good play. Realizing they could be called in to play any minute, the players waited in anticipation. "I like cheering on my teamates," sophmore Sabina Houston said.

Photo by Lily Smith

Starting Seniors

Playing right field and center field, senior Riley Warnica also bats fifth in the line-up. Watching the batter, she waits for the opportunity to steal third base."I love this team so much," she said, "I know we have the talent and ability to win State this year."

Throwing down to second, senior catcher Jadyn Granere guns out a runner. Having a major role on the field, Jadyn commanded the infield and made sure everything ran smoothly. "This year we have a great team that is willing to work hard," she said, "I look forward to seeing how far we go in SPC this year!"


Gathering around first base, the team gives thanks to God and says the Lord's Prayer. Believing that God deserves all the glory, they made sure to thank Him and pray for a safe game. Sophomore Isabella Diaz said, "We pray that we all stay healthy and for a good game."


Watching the batter, sophomore Quincy Zoretic prepares herself for the ball to be hit to her. Leveraging her prior experience in outfield, she knew what to expect from the batter. "I enjoy playing outfield," she said, "I also like thowing people out." Photo by Lily Smith

Batting eighth in the line up, senior Emily Thompson squares up for a bunt. Knowing she has to get it down for her team, she makes sure to focus on the incoming pitch. "Senior year has flown by, yet it's been my favorite year," she said, "I can't believe it's almost over. I'll miss everyone so much!"

Excited yet sad that this will be their last year, these seniors are happy to be leaders on this team. Having played together the last 4 years, they know each other well, and have high hopes this season will go well.


OF THINGS In the Swing

Early in the season, the team went to play the Eagles at Second Baptist. At her first at bat of the game, Riley Warnica hit the first home run of the seaon over the fence and scored the first run of the game. Then, later in the game, newcomer Millie Metz hit the second homerun of the season and scored the seventh run of the game. The team ended the game in the sixth inning with a score of 12-2.

Jadyn Granere and her father, Coach Sean Granere, spend their last season together. It is always emotional watching your kid grow up and having to say goodbye. But this coach is lucky enough to spend the last few months coaching his daughter before she goes off to college.

After every game, the team meets in right field to discuss what they did well and what they could have done better. The coaches offer advice based on their observations during the game. These talks are imperative to the players so that they understand how they can improve, what they can change, and what they did well.



Talking to her teammates during a huddle, junior Maddie Pickett waits for the game to resume.

Excited for the chance to field a ball, she bounced on the balls of her feet.“I love playing short stop because you never know what's coming,” Maddie Pickett said. Photo by Lily Smith


Taking an angle for a hard hit ball, junior Lily Herveat makes a clean play and tosses it to Maddie Pickett who catches it and throws it to first. Covering the infield is hard work, yet Lily is always there to fill in the gaps. "Second base is a cool position," Lily said.

MC Been
Lily Herveat Jadyn Granere
Maddie Pickett 5. Riley Warnica 6. Millie Metz
1 2 3 4 5 6 played this


As the team was working through the game, Coach Faircloth called for a team huddle. They were not scoring and the team just needed some advice and enthusiasm. Coach Faircloth said, "If you want your team to excel, then you must build up your player and not tear them down." Photo by Priscilla Dickson

infograph headline

Cooper Gregory - OF Cooper Murf- RHP/C/3B

Brandon Clarke- OF Carter Maedgen- LHP/OF Alessio Santini- INF

Mark Reynolds- OF Jackson Yi- INF

Diaggo Louzrado- INF/OF Blake Wegman- INF


As the players are ready to swtich from batting to fielding, they wait in the dug out. The dugout where off players go when they are waiting to bat and when they need water. Van Carpenter said, "The dugout is where we go when we are thirsty or when we need a break."

Photo by Katie Gassett.

Featuring: Why I love the game

Cooper Murff

“Playing baseball is important to me because I love the game. I love learning new things everyday about it and developing into a better player.”

Mark Reynolds

“The best part of playing baseball is winning a hard-fought game with all your teammates contributing to the victory.”

William Ganim

“I love to help support the team and have fun. Our coach helps us with the drills and has made many memorable moments.”



Outfielder, Cooper Gregory, is seen waiting for the pitch. The batter steps up and swings and landed the ball all the way into the outfield where he Cooper was positioned and ready to catch it. Cooper Gregory said, "When I play outfield, I have to always be paying attention because the ball is always fast."



As the game starts Alessio Santini is up to bat. The ball comes at him fast and he swings and he hits. The ball goes short, but it was just enough to have gotten him to first base. Alessio Santini said, "When I go up to hit I have to be ready for any ball." Photo by Priscilla Dickson


Practice til you can't get it wrong!

Houston Christian baseball is ready to start fresh this year with all the new freshmen joining the team. All the coaches love the enthusiasm the kids bring and are so excited to see how they play. Over the spring break the JV team traveled all the way to Mississippi and won 2-1. The coaches were so happy to see the progress from the first game to the most recent tournament. At the game on April 15, the boys won

their first game at home. Houston Christian sports are a good way to branch out, meet new people, and stay active. The coaches help out tremendously and build you up to give you confidence to be able to make strong and fast plays. The team is growing together and some have become fast friends with each other and have imporved so much since the first practice as a team.


Two players, Cooper Murf and Cooper Greggory, are in their positions and they are ready to strike. The two players follow through on their movements and Cooper Gregory's ball landed in the outfield, and Cooper Murff's pitch struck out the other team's batter. Cooper Murff said, "In order to get the pitch where I need it to go, I follow through."

Photos by Firstname Lastname


team celebrates their first

of the

far for my


They are all high fiving and cheering for each other. Drew Dickson said, "I like it when someone hits a home run and then we get to cheer while we run the bases." Photo by Heater

What was your favorite game?

What was your most challening game?

My favorite game was the Kinkaid game.

The Strake game was very hard.

I liked our very first home game.

The Strake game.

What is one thing you learned?

I learned to not give up and play until the final pitch.

I learned no matter how difficult or easy the team is that I need to go in with a postive mindset.

Our game against Woodlands Christian.

The St. John game was very hard for our team.

I learned how to get better at batting.

This season was more than just a game. I got to grow on and off the field.” Barrett Faterkowski
ATHLETICS-Varsity Baseball
Conner Schell Hudson Davenport Jeb Burkhart CHENO'S Next Chenoweth! second Houston baseball. said, play its to friends."
AQ &
Chenoweth CELEBRATING BIG baseball win season! Chenoweth GO BIG OR GO HOME Standing in the outfield, Kirby Orth and Seth Perkins get ready. The boys were standing in the outfield waiting for the batters. Kirby Orth said, "So first in HC baseball I have had a great time playing with the boys."Photo by Jake Chenoweth

PITCH PERFECT A Season to Remember


Next up pitching Jake Chenoweth! This is Jake's second year playing Houston Christian baseball. Jake Chenoweth said, "I like to get to play with JV and varsity its a fun sport and I get to play with all of my friends." Photo by Heather Chenoweth


Jake Chenoweth and Jeb Burkhart go in for the high five. The team is always encouraging to each other and ready for the game.

Jake Chenoweth said, "I like to cheer people on."

Photo by Heather Chenoweth

COACHES & Seniors


Houston Christian's baseball team is always ready to take a game! The boys baseball has had very many opportunities to grow on and off the field as a team. This year during spring break, the school took them to go to Mississippi for a tournament. They played and won several games and had a great bonding experience.

The team gets the chance to be able to train year round. During the summer they are able to go to Dynamic Sports Training. The DST trainers work specifically with each individual player and give them workouts for them to do. They are able to go to the batting cages and work with each other. The upperclassmen are able to help out the younger class and introduce them to school and show them around campus. The baseball team really tries to focus are building relationships.

Head coach Tom Gladney is coaching his second year this year at Houston Christian. He is assisted by Leadership teacher, Jeff Faircloth and Bible teacher Brad Pembleton. They all help out with the JV as well.

Bases Loaded

“I'm thankful for all of our coaches and the impact they have made on me the past four years. I would like to thank all of the coaches and players for a great time."

The baseball team work on and off the field every day to prepare for the season, using the campus batting cages and practicing with each other often. Batting is one of Houston Christian baseball team's strengths. Seth Perkins said, "Batting is one of my favorite parts of baseball, I like to practice and warm up with my team.

“I like having the opportunity to talk to the coaches before and after the game to know what I need to learn and their thoughts on



we play."


Jackson Barrow and Coach Yelvington are seen talking about the most recent play. The play had been unsuccesful and the Coach gave some words of advice. Jackson Barrow says, "The play was hard, but Coach pushed me through."

by Katie Gasset



Boys Basketball Football

Girls Volleyball

Boys Lacrosse

Girls Soccer

" I'm so proud of all the hard work my girls put into their work and their cooperation.”
Coach Munford


Varsity volleyball starts the game off with encouraging words that ended with a win. The plays had been smart and risky, but the girls came out on top and Coach Jones praised them for it. Angelina Kraft said, “We played risky, but Coach Jones was so proud of us.”

by Katie Gasset


Coach Trickett talks to Jack Horton about what he needs to do on the field. Coach Trickett had told Jack that he can do it and what he needs Jack to do. Jack Horton said, “I was unsure what to do and Coach told me what I was doing and helped me out.”

Photo by Katie Gassett

ATHLETICS-Trainers & Coaches
Photo Photo

What is your Fav memory of the team

We asked some of the coaches what their Favorite Memory is and their responses were varied, but they all said that they had so much fun coaching this season and that they loved their team.

Coach Munford

"My favorite memories of the girls and I are the bus rides back after we win a game, because I tell them that I'm proud of their teamwork and consistency."

Coach Webb

“The Trinity valley game, because everything was so fun. The road trip was so fun with all the kids, and the team was ready to play. We also won at their stadium."

The best coaches and trainers always help their team.

Coach Jones

“Going To SPC, because I was so happy that all my seniors made it with me, and even though we lost, I still thought we played great.”

Coach Moore

“My favorite memory would be watching the team come together and watching them understand the plays and start cooperating.”

Coach Faircloth

“Going to the SPC championships was amazing because the team was so happy and it was just crazy celebrating.”

Coaches and Players

Players on the JV Volleyball team, Brynn Sitta and Ellen Moore, celebrate their win at the volleyball tournament with Coach Lauren. Coach Lauren is so proud of her team and loves her girls.

Coach Young and Coach Hogue take a picture to celebrate the fact that the girls made it to the SPC championships for cheer. It was the first time in over twenty years and they were very excited.

Coach Jacob and Ella Bryant take a picture together during the volleyball tournament after many games they had played.

Photo by Katie Gassett Photo by Katie Gassett Photo by Katie Gassett 1. Coach Munford kicks off the start of the lacrosse season witha cute team picture.
Photo by Katie Gassett 2. Player Jack Stephens is seen getting praised by Coach Yelivington after his play. Photo by Katie Gassett 3. Trainers for the basketball team are seen together to kick off the start of basketball season. Photo by Elena Grillo.


Carter Seeliger signs to University of Chicago while sitting by his parents. On signing day, Carter Seeliger said, “I decided to choose UC because of the coaching staff and to get a great higher education.”

During the spring sports signing day

Jordan Elie-Stuart signs with the United States Air Force Academy.

Jordan said, “I chose the Air Force Academy because I could sign for track and football and I could do both my majors.”

ATHLETICS-Signing Day The Signers Chose?????
Emma SamuelsonAshley Young Jordan Elie-Stuart Ashley
Your hardwork and dedication paid off!
AIR FORCE ACADEMY Photo by Mr. Hawkins UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO Photo by Mr. Hawkins

Why did you sign?

1. Jordan Elie-Stuart signs with the Air force Academy.

2.Chris Adlam signs with Texas A&M University Commerce

3. Riley Warnica signs to Trinity University. 4. Ashley Young signs to Dallas Baptist University. 5. Emma Samuelson signed to Eckerd College. All photos by Mr. Hawkins 1 5 4 2 3

"I chose my college because it's an incredibly good school academically, and the campus is beautiful."

"I signed to Texas A&M Commerce, because it felt like home and everyone was super welcoming."

"What I liked about signing was that it made me realize that all the hard work I put in paid off."

"I chose my college because I would get the opportunity to play beach volleyball at a high level while also getting a good education in a coastal town."

"I chose DBU because it was near my sister and I wanted to go into nursing as my major and DBU offers a dual enrollment with the Baylor Medical Center in Dallas."

Riley Warnica Chris Adlam Carter Seeliger Emma Samuelson Ashley Young Ashley Young, Jordan Elie-Stuart Riley Warnica Carter Seeliger Chris Adlam

The Mustangs take on the games!



Head Coach AJ Eisenman and quarterback Bret Kilchrist talk during the SPC send off pep-rally. This is the first time in several years HC football has made it to the championship.

"I was excited to tell everyone to come support us at the game," said Bret Kilchrist.

Photo by Katie Gasset


The HC girls soccer team placed third in their LSA tournament. This was the first year in school history the HC girls made it to the final game and were runners up in the 3A conference. "I was so excited to finally go to the championship and make school history," said Sami Muro.

Photo by Katie Gassett


“Getting to play and cheer on my teammates. I loved my first year of HC basketball and I am excited for the next year.”

Demitri Lewis

“Getting the opportunity to play in the final games, and spending the weekend with all of the seniors before they leave.”

Sarah Dewhurst

“Setting a personal record and getting to challenge myself in the final races of SPC.”

Jax LeBrun

“My favorite SPC memory was the bus ride with my team and scoring a goal.”

Quincy Zoretic

“Being able to go to the SPC 3A championship with our team and hanging out as a team the day before the game.”

Ewan Smith-Highberg

“I loved getting to be a leader on the team and do relays in the SPC meet.”

Wallace year Dylan the


Kendall boys accomplish school a Brown work excited


The HC boys soccer team won their first home game 3-0. The boys are ready for SPC games and to start the season off strong. "I am ready to win this year and score some goals," said JJ Hart. Photos by Katie Gassett


The football and cheerleaders are coming off the field excited. After the second win of the season, everyone gathers together to do the alma mater song. Jack Horton said, "This season has been so much fun to win and play together."


HC football wins team of week in all of Houston! The boy had worked very hard and were very deserving of this award, ready to take on SPC 3A championship. "I am so proud of us and ready to go the championship" said Amiri Barnes Photo by Katy Gasset


In the first SPC track meet of the year Sam CdeBaca, Jordan Elie-Stuart, Dylan Hill, and Julian Dawkins break the school record for the boys 4x1. The boys worked very hard in practice to accomplish this and finished with a time of 42.4 seconds. They also broke the school record of the boys 4x4 relay with a new record of 3:20. Head coach CJ Brown said, "These boys have put in the work and all are very determined, I am excited for the meets to come."


Everyone cheer loud for our final home game. Chris Adlam calls out the chant for the last time. Darius Dixion said, "Even though we did not win at SPC it was a great season with all our my teamates and I hope I can come back to watch them play in the next few years." Photo by Teddy Wheeler

By the numbers

“I am proud of the season with these guys and thankful for the coaches and all they did for me."

Bret Kilchrist

“My first year at HC volleyball was so much fun and at SPC we made so many memories together."

Angie Kraft

“I am going to miss our seniors, but I am ready to win SPC senior year." Montana Wheeler

“Getting to go to the championship game was my favorite memory of HC soccer."

Lana Raddatz


Coach Jeff Faircloth and wide receiver Anderson Jones smile for a picture after a great game played in Dallas. "It is such a blessing to be able to coach these wonderful boys and lead them on and off the field," said Coach Jeff Faircloth.

189 leader in 8 WINS 11 WINS
Sam CdeBaca, Jordan Elie-Stuart, Dylan Hill, Julian Dawkins Millie Metz, Riley Warnica Chris Adlam
Claire Leighton, Kendall Wallace

100% Match • 23-24 • seasons 1-4

Lifestyle • Feel-Good • Adventure

It's always a great day to be at Houston Christian because something fun is always going on. Tune in to see all the things the Mustangs participate in, including Mustang Madness and trips around the globe!



We have a great community here at HC, but these students grew in their relationships while traveling around the world!


The students weren't the only ones having a blast in Asia. Dr. Livingston was seen letting loose and having fun with our Mustangs too. Madison Kriegar said, “Seeing our teachers and staff in that light was so funny.”

Photo by Madison Kriegar


To beat the boredom of long plane rides, students played some fun games, like Uno and and Texas Hold'em, to pass the time. Sophia Kuo said, “The plane rides were so much less boring than I was expecting.”


Even on vacation, senior Warren Anderson doesn't take a break from school. Warren got the opportunity to go and see what a regular class was like while in China. Warren said, “I loved seeing the daily environments over there.”


The weather in Asia was a little blustery while on their trip, but the students still saw many sites that they would not soon forget. Madison Kreigar said," The scenery in Asia was truly mind blowing."

by Madison Kriegar

192 LIFE-Summer Trips
Olivia Nichols Sophia Kuo Warren Anderson Jayden Chin
Sarah Price Photo Photo by Mrs. Honeck


Traveling the world in the Mustang way!


Since it is his third year going on the Houston Christian globe trek, Carter Seeliger has realized his passion for traveling. Throughout the trip, Carter enjoyed not only experiencing the culture, but also leaving traces of our Christian culture wherever he went. He said, "It was cool to experience different cultures and be exposed to different traditions that are practiced in that part of the world."


One of the student's favorite stops on this years Globe Trek was, of course, China! The weather was a little gray, but our travelers enjoyed it to the max anyway. While they were walking along the Great Wall, they had to stop and flick up, despite the weather coming down on them. They really do know how to make the best of any situation!

1. Jayden Chin

2. Sara Price, Olivia Nichols

3. Sophia Kuo


Over the summer, Taylor Lee traveled all the way to Athens, Greece to aide the refugees coming from the middle east. This is the third year Taylor has gone over to Greece and even after all this time, she still says, "I never grow tired of speading the Lord's message to those who need it the most. I'm forever going to be impacted by the people I've met and their reactions to the Lord's kindness."


Always quick to make friends, senior Madison Krieger did just that while on her trip to Southeast Asia. While the school stopped in Vietnam, Madison met a group of girls from a local school. After a long conversation, the girls become fast friends. Madison said, "I'm always going to be thankful for the relationships I built while on that trip. I hope to one day go and visit again."


“I got to help so many of the children there. We would color and do work books.”

“While some older women were helping the female refugees settle in, I would get to play with their kids.”

Taylor Lee

193 193

Freshman Michael Thompson and his new community group sit and laugh as they participate in the icebreaker activities. He hoped that after this weekend, his CG will be some of his best friends

After bombarding his friend with a colored powder balloon, freshman Toby Allen called a truce and the two boys stopped and posed for a picture to commemorate their new friendship.

Freshmen Lily Stoval and Payton Givens pose for a picture outside the snack shack to show off their new friendship. The girls are overjoyed to have met each other and look forward to continue hanging out.


A weekend of new relationships!

Some freshmen boys stop and take a picture before their ride on the banana boat. Before hopping on for their wild ride across the lake at Camp Cho-Yeh, they all stepped out and and bounded forward for a last cannon ball into the waters.

Student body president, senior Madison Krieger, gets the freshman into a playful mood by getting on stage and leading activities before the students head off for camp. Madison's fun icebreakers did just that, getting rid of any nerves or awkwardness that the freshmen had.

During an intense balloon fight, Bethany Hollingsworth got ambushed by her friends. Having the green powder from the balloons explode in her face, Bethany was out of the game. But that didn't stop her from having a blast. Bethany said, "Even though it took me so long to wash it all the way off, I enjoyed the game so much, even if I didn't win."

The August heat didn't take a break for our freshmen, so after a long day outside, Virginia Sanders took a break to relax under the shade of a tree. Ever innovative, Virginia laid down in a floaty to stay comfortable. She said, "I was so hot, I needed to lay down and cool off. I saw the floaty and knew I would be comfy in it." 1 2 3 4 5 6

LIFE-Camp Mustang



Student leaders and seniors Helena Arnold and Layla Borghese hang out with their freshman friends. To beat the heat, they all headed over to the snack shack. Helena said "We spent a lot of time cooling off in the shack."

Photo by Lauren Hopf


The scenery at Camp Mustang can't be beat. On the last day of the retreat, some freshman boys just had to stop and appeciate the beautifulf sunrise.

Photo by Lauren Hopf

Counselors Counselors Counselors

The ones who guided the freshman into their new high school era!


“Getting up and speaking to the freshmen was more nerve wracking than I expected it to be, but I ultimately felt so good about what we were instilling in them.”

-Jackson Herauf

“This is my second year being a Camp Mustang counselor, and every year I get more and more excited about meeting all the new students.”

-Samantha Muro

“Meeting the freshmen guys that are going to be carrying on our legacy is always so exciting and I'm so blessed to be able to do this.”

-Mac Barrow

During another great ice breaker, students get up on stage to perform some crazy talents. Freshman Stephanie Rennie wowed the crowd with her tumbling skills. She said, "I was nervous to get up there, but ended up loving it."


As the camp got ready to head off to camp Cho-Yeh, everyone rallied together to take a commemorative picture. Freshman Morgan Clapp said, “It was crazy to see how many of us there really were.” Photo by Lauren Hopf



Stop and Reflect - A time to make amends and reflect on life

Banana Boating - A Friend group on the banana boat

Free Time Participants

- Quotes from three seniors on free time.

Team CompetitionsSpecial activites done during senior retreat

Fun in the Sun - Beach Volleyball

Ready Aim Fire- An intense paintball match


Excited to be out on the water, a group of seniors waits excitedly for the banana boat to pull them across the water. Wondering who will fall off first, the seniors quickly held onto the boat as the driver announced they had better hold on tight."I had a lot of fun, it was funny watching Seth fly like ten feet in the air," Emma Guild said.

Featuring: Free Time Participants

Moriah Schisler

“I really enjoyed senior retreat, I got a lot closer to my friends and had a lot of fun at paintball.”

Emily Thompson

"I had a lot of fun at the range, I kind of felt like Meredith from Brave.”

Evan Donohue

“The boxes were fun, even though it made me anxious. But I also liked cheering on my friends from the ground.”


During senior retreat, students split into community groups to compete in multiple team competitions. Over the course of two days, students tried their hardest to win the most points for their team; some of the favorite competitions were the fashion show, pie eating contest, oreo eating contest, and structure building contest. "It was a lot of fun to participate in the games with my friends," senior Cole Broussard said. "Getting to compete was a blast."

LIFE-Senior Retreat


Senior Retreat was at the beginning of the school year and lasted August 19 - 21. Arriving to and from the camping grounds by bus, students got the chance to bond with their future cabin mates and friends alike during the two hour ride. During their time at the camp, students were able to participate in fun activities while split into seven different groups. They competed for prizes that would last all of senior year. Furthermore, a worship was held every

Starting off the year by retreating

morning and night. This allowed the seniors to grow closer with the Lord as a result. A variety of activities were offered during free time; the water ones happening to be the biggest hits, followed by archery and paintball. Then on the last day, students had a chance to reflect on their lives and thought about where their futures would take them. This was also a time to reconcile with a possible ex-friend, and make amends with those around them.


Talking time out of their last day to reflect, both senior boys and girls listen to a speaker and reconcile with each other. Many tears were shed by both parties as they took the time to correct mistakes with previous friends and appreciated the friends they had come to love that day. "This was a good opportunity to grow in our faith and bond with our friends," senior Savannah Carlson said.


Taking off in a run at the beginning of the game, Senior Parker Eggleston focuses on finding a hiding spot to avoid the splatter of paint. Hiding behind wooden walls and ducking under bullets, Parker fired back at the enemy team when given the opportunity.”It was a thrilling experience," Parker said.

Photo by Charlotte Stuart

Playing sand volleyball during the second day of senior retreat, a group of senior boys compete for the game winning point. Winning the game was all that mattered in their minds, so they were quick to make amazing plays to ensure their victory. “It was a super intense game," Helena Arnold said. "There were some crazy plays."

Photos by Firstname Lastname
FUN IN THE SUN Photo by Charlotte Stuart

What made you want to be part of the Stang Gang?

It looked like a really fun thing to be a leader of.

What's your favorite part of the pep rallies?

My favorite part of the pep rallies is leading my grade in the Mustang Rumble.

I wanted to bring the energy to the football games.

What was your favorite pep rally theme?

My favorite pep rally theme was the Back to School Beach Bash.

My favorite part about the pep rallies is the spirit stick.

My favorite pep rally theme was the neon one for homecoming.

I wanted to help make a positive environment for all my classmates.

My favorite part is when everyone sings the Alma Mater together.


At work

My favorite pep rally was the Winter Olympics one.

The band students effortlessly play their music for the pep rally. The band students also play for football games and other school events. Cameron Mulinax said, “I like playing at pep rallies because they're inside and the music is louder.”

LIFE-Pep Rallies
Kristen Rice Cole Montgomery
Moments School Two McKinley Meagan their students excitement spirit with Meagan cheering routines.” Gassett AQ &
Jackson Herauf

School Spirit

Two sophomore friends, McKinley Helms and Meagan Ondrias, show their school spirit. All students show their excitement and school spirit by cheering loud with their friends.

Meagan said, “I love cheering during the cheer routines.”

by Katie Gassett

Favorite Moments

Going Low

Sophomore, Hudson Davenport competes in the challenging limbo competition during the beach theme pep rally. Hudson said, “I was stuggling to keep my balance.” Photo by Katie Gassett


“My favorite pep rally moment is when I get to perform with my team."

The joy behind our

The cheer team during is an integral part of the pep rally experience, giving the pep rallies an unmatched energy and enthusiasm. As they preform on the mat, their routines and infectious cheers electrify the entire gym, creating an atmosphere of excitement. The cheerleaders' passion shines through as they lead the crowd in rallying behind the school's sports teams. Their synchronized movements, stunts, and spirited chants hype up the students, forming a sense of unity and school pride. The cheer team's commitment to boosting school spirit transforms each pep rally into a memorable and uplifting occasion, leaving an memorable mark on all students at school.

“My favorite pep rally moment is when the cheerleaders go cheer with their grade for the Mustang Rumble.”

Donohue Lizzie Spears


At our SPC Fall Sports Send-Off, the vibrant spirit of our community came alive, especially with our students celebrating school pride and getting ready for our fall sports to go Fort Worth.

These spirited pep rallies are eagerly anticipated by all students. The student body collectively rallies behind their sports teams, creating a sense of unity and camaraderie. The joyous atmosphere is contagious, with students actively participating in cheering, as well as the well-known Mustang Rumble competition that showcases their enthusiasm for their school.

One of the highlights of these pep rallies is the ongoing competition between grades to win the spirit stick. These pep rallies not only amplify the excitement surrounding school sports but also strengthen the bonds among students, fostering a sense of belonging and shared school spirit.



Before the football game, Sam Ohlenforst, Cooper Clarke, Major Tarwater, and Cole Montgomery take a picture while getting ready for the players to run onto the field. Cole said, “I have loved the Stang Gang community and all my new friends.”

by David Young


Rushing down the sidelines, Cooper Clarke runs the flag after a Mustang touchdown. Cooper always runs the flag after touchdowns with a big smile on his face. Cooper said, “I love rushing the flag, it is so fun.”

Photo by David Young


Before the luau begins, Stang Gang seals the memory. Stang Gang does an amazing job at making the pep rallies fun and entertaining. Kristen Rice said, “I love pep rallies. The first one was especially fun.”

Photo by Sam Ohlenforst








By the Numbers 5 7 8 3hrs

Stang Gang is so fun and we have all bonded so much because of it.” Jackson Herauf
LIFE-Stang Gang

Stang Gang gets the crowd excited

1. Before the final home game, Stang Gang takes a group picture. This final game was bittersweet. The squad is gonna miss football season so much. Photo by Misti Gil 2. and 3. The Mustang fans get loud at the home games. Picture number 2 is at the homecoming game where the fans got so rowdy. When asked how the game felt, Piper Herauf said, "It felt like the stands were shaking, everyone was having so much fun and being so loud."

Why did you join Stang Gang?

The members of Stang Gang are always doing their best to keep the crowd engaged. You can here them in the student section doing chants, yelling with the cheerleaders, and telling people to get up and get loud. Even if the crowd is dull, Stang Gang always brings the energy and has so much fun. Major Tarwater said, "I love Friday nights so much because I know I get to cheer on the Mustangs with my closest friends."

Cooper Clarke

“I wanted to be able to watch the football games with my friends and have a blast."

Jackson Herauf

“I wanted to be able to show my love for the school and the teams. I also thought that the overalls that we wear are super fun”


Major Tarwater

“I wanted to join because I love to get hype with my friends and cheer on the football team.”

Always having fun with the megaphones, Sam Ohlenforst and Kristen Rice are so loud when they use them. These girls always do a fantastic job of getting everyone in the crowd excited and loud. On Friday nights you can always hear them telling people to get up and loud.

During the football game, Major Tarwater and Cole Montgomery have the most energy. These two are always hyping up the student section and even getting the parents excited for the game. Major said, "Football games are so fun, and Cole is always just as excited as I am."

Carrying on the tradition, Jackson Herauf influences his sister, Piper Herauf to join Stang Gang where they share many laughs and good memories. People can always see the two Herauf siblings having fun together, especially at football games. The two do a great job of keeping the crowd engaged and staying hype.

Piper Herauf

“I joined Stang Gang because I liked the people who were leading it. I also thought it would be a good opprotunity to show my school spirit.”

Emma Murff

“I joined Stang Gang because I love watching the football games. I also love cheering on the Mustangs.”

Kristen Rice, Sam Ohlenforst Major Tarwater, Cole Montgomery Piper Herauf, Jackson Herauf
1 2

Themes of the Week

The first day of homecoming week, seniors James Boutte and Kate Mueller pose together to show their gameday outfits.

Monday - Gameday

During the second day of homecoming week, freshmen Michael Luna and Walker Watson show off their USA attire.

Tuesday - USA

Heading to class, junior Josh Jou poses to display his elementary-themed outfit.

Wednesday - Elementary

The theme on Thursday was Throwback Thursday, and seniors Chris Adlam and KJ March show off their outfits for the day.

Thursday - Throwback

On the last day of the week, freshmen Reese Watson, Sophie Dickson, and Lily DuBose are repping their freshmen colors for the peprally and their mums.

Friday - GLOW

1. After competing for the spirit stick, the seniors get the win. Photo by Katie Gassett 2. The HC Dad's Club cheered with the students during the pep rally. Photo by Katie Gassett 3. Cooper Clarke helping to get the juniors hype. Photo by Katie Gassett 4. The sophomores show their spirit by cheering as loud as possible. Photo by Katie Gassett 5. The student drumline brings energy to the pep rally.

2 3



LIFE-Homecoming Week
Photo by Katie Gassett
More Spirit more fun More looks of the students throughout the week
Josiah McGowen Hadleigh Helms and Samantha Muro Emma Murff, Lea Hlaihel, and Major Tarwater


Get your game on!

Spirit Stick

After winning the spirit stick, the seniors celebrate by throwing confetti and toilet paper, as well as cheering. The seniors were filled with energy and excitement for the entire pep rally, which helped them win the spirit stick. Jordan Bany said, "I liked that my grade won the spirit stick because we got to celebrate and throw things after."


Alumni Xavier Miller and Ben Adams show up at the Homecoming football game. Many students got to see their old classmates who came back to visit for the game. Carter Seeliger said, "It was good to see some of my old friends and hear about their college life." Photo by Katie Gassett

203 1
Alexander Ganim, Lily Orr, Annie Trozzo, Sophie Dickson, William Ganim Seth Perkins, Aidan Willhite, Chris Adlam, Darius Dixon, and James Boutte Will Arriaga Dr. Price Photo by Katie Gassett

Dukes and Duchesses

“Getting Homecoming Freshman Princess was definitely the highlight of my year."

Madison Clapp

“I couldn't stop smiling even after the photos finished.”

Beau Beaver

"What was your favorite dress day?"

“I loved Party in the USA because I got to be an eagle.”

Charlotte Vargo

“When they called my name, I was so nervous, but it was so worth it.”

Aubrey Pagano

“I didn't want to be the Homecoming Sophomore prince, but I enjoyed walking on the field with my mom.”

Harrison Jones

“I was so excited when I found out that me and Josiah were voted together, and it was worth it.”

Mikayla Villafuerte

“Seeing my friends in the stands clapping for me was the best feeling ever.” Josiah Wu

"My favorite day was gameday because it was the easiest to dress for."

Olivia Oberoi

"I liked Throwback because I love the 80s."

Madison Krieger

"It was my favorite because it was fun to relive that time of my life."

Lane Leighton


Before giving the crown to our 2023 Homecoming King

Juicy Ju, class of 2013 alumni Michael Vaughn smiles on the field as he reminisces on his highschool years. He had a flashback to his senior year being crowned King in the same spot. He said, "Being on that field and shaking the hands of a new Homecoming King brought back so many memories.

Photo by David Young

Got the Gown, Need the Crown



Class of 2013 Alumni, Michael Vaughn, returns to crown Juicy. He was voted as Homecoming King during his senior year. Juicy said, “It was really cool seeing a previous Hoco King.”

Photo by David Young

LIFE-Homecoming Court


As the Seniors walk the field, some shed tears. Ava Farris, Madison Krieger, Raven Swainson, and Oyinkansola Ajimotokan were crowned princesses, and Madison won Homecoming Queen. For the Princes, Daniel Juicy Ju, Jack Henning, Cameron Talley, and Joey Delongchamp were crowned princes, and, after much advertising, Juicy Jiu won.

Like mother, like daughter!

Senior Oyinkansola Ajimotokan, or O, and her mom pose for a photo while she is announced. O was voted Homecoming Princess by the Senior class with her boyfriend, Jordan. She said, “My mom and I are so close, and her being there with me meant the world.”

by David Young

Fathers and daugthers

When Mr. Bergmann announced Madison Krieger as Homecoming Queen, she and her dad shared a heartfelt moment. She was so thankful to share this wonderful moment with her dad. Madison said, “I love my dad and I am so glad he was on the field when I was crowned Queen.”

by Kirk Hawkins

Last chance

After being introduced, Senior Juicy Ju takes his last chance to dab infront of the whole school. Shortly after, he was announced as Homecoming King. "I knew I only had one year left, so I decided to make it count and dab."

Photo by David Young


Homecoming King and Queen Juicy Ju and Madison Krieger pose for a photo with their crowns before going to their friends. As they walked off the field, the student section erupted with cheers. Madison said, “I was so excited when they called my name, and I was so happy for Juicy.”

Photo by David Young

like mother like son Joey Delongchamps and his mother pose for a photo after Joey is announced. Joey didn't win, but he had fun anyway. After the game, he said, “I was just happy to be voted on. Now I know my friends have my back.”

Photo by David Young

Ava Farris Jack Henning Raven Swainson Cameron Talley Photo Photo


Celebrating the 2023 homecoming left us on Cloud 9


As Halle Eschete and Kiran Jolly stand together getting ready to go to HOCO they get their flowers and smile. It was early before the groups were going to dinner. Kiran Jolly said, "My first HC hoco was so fun.”


A big group of football players all gather together at the photo booth. The photo booth was decorated like the HOCO theme Cloud Nine. Matthew Shaw said, "I like to be the oldest out of my friend group."

Photo by Katie Gassett


The girls are all posing for a picture together, to capture the excitiment of the night. All of the different groups go to different places to take pictures before going to the dance. Olivia Williams said, “I'm sad this is our last HOCO together.”


In front of the photo booth Alex Klein and Charlotte Vargo pose for a picture. The photo booth was a great success for this year's HOCO. Alex Klein said, "My last HOCO was a blast, and I loved spending it with my girlfriend."

LIFE-Homecoming Dance
Major Tarwater Adelyn Wynters Abby Hawkinson Carson Lehane Piper Herauf Photo by Katie Gassett Photo by Mrs. Jolly Photo by Eric Mayfield


Dancing the night away


After three years of homecoming together, Jack Henning and Madison Krieger smile for their last homecoming photo together. With every dance and every smile they celebrated their last homecoming together making memories.

Madison Krieger said, "I am so happy that I got to spend my last homecoming as a fun night with my boyfriend. I loved that we color coordinated our outfits so that my dress matched the color of his tie."


Floating on Cloud 9: Houston Christian High School's 2023 homecoming was a dreamy night to remember. Homecoming brought us to new levels of joy. These memories of this dreamy night will last forever. This event was filled with excitement and school spirit. The week leading up to homecoming was filled with fun activities like dress up days and pep rallies. The homecoming football game was also a huge hit. The dance gave the students the opportunity to socialize, dance, and make memories


1. Sara Jones, Connally Kuykendall

2. Brynn Sitta, Ellen Moore


Mac Barrow and Raley Gregg get together for a picture after Raley got her flowers. Sharing the unforgettable memories, Mac and Raley had a great experience at homecoming spending time together. Having fun with their group and each other made this an incredible night. Mac Barrow said, "My junior homecoming was a great time. I got to be with my younger brother and all of my friends."

Bret Kilchrist and Claire Kimzey pose at Post before going to the dance. This was their first homecoming going together and they were so excited. Before the dance, they went downtown to take pictures and eat dinner. Claire Kimzey said, "I had the best time ever dancing with Bret the whole night. The mosh pit was so fun and we were so tired after a long night of dancing. I can't wait for next year."


“I loved getting to spend my first homecoming with my older sister.”

“It was so much fun to be able to make all the desserts for the dance and spend time with friends.”

Smile for
1 2 3
Johnnie Francis, Lucas Donelson, Sebastian Manzel, Darius Dixon, Eric Mayfield, James Boutte, KJ March, Bret Kilchrist Kinsey Reed Victoria Lunum

Favorite memory?

"My favorite memory was singing at club with MC Been. I love club and worshipping with all of my friends. Young Life is such a great way to be involved," said McKinley Helms

"My favorite memory from YoungLife was dressing up as Barbie. I was so excited I got to spend my Halloween with YoungLife friends. I love YoungLife," said Analeigh Du Vigneaud.


Leading with Faith

Everyone is happy for campaigners! Paula Zabala and Bella McDaniel hold up their Young Life hand signs for a quick picture. Often times campaigners is hosted at the McDaniel's house, where the girls can eat together and talk about God. Bella McDaniel said, "I love being able to host YoungLife at my house. I enjoy to talk about God while spending time with my friends and Ms. Ray."

Fun spent in the dark! Everyone went to MC Beans house to cheer on the Astros in the playoffs. Young Life members gather for other occasions to spend time with each other and talk about God. Young Life typically meets one time a week on Wednesday to go over scripture and grow closer together! Olivia Williams said, "I liked having a night to not do homework and spend with my friends."

Some fun freshmen girls had the best time playing games outside before Young Life started. Club is when all Houston Christian Young Life students meet together and campaigners is when boys and girls split up to focus on different topics of the Bible. Tori Bennington said, "Young Life is so much fun because I get to learn about God and hang out with my friends at the same time."

After sharing scriptures together Hadleigh Helms and MC Been hold up the Young Life hand sign. They are both very involved in Young Life and have been attending since they were freshmen. Both girls are now Young Life leaders and love to talk about God at campaigners or club. MC Been said, "I am so thankful for these opportunites that Young Life has blessed me with." 1 2 3 4 5 6

"Friendsgiving was my favorite memory from Young Life because I got to spend my night with my friends and the food was great. I have loved YoungLife," said Will Jackson.

LIFE-D-Groups & Young Life
1. Lily Dubose 2 Olivia Nicholes, Kate Mueller 3. Bekah Gerard, Camila Ortiz, Sam Olenforst 4. Lily Dubose, MC Been 5. Elizabeth Longwell, Hadleigh Helms 6. Lily Dubose, Emery Melton, Beau Beaver, Sophie Dickson
"My memory D-groups dressing as I the to and my said Helms.

"My favorite memory from D-groups is dressing up as a banana. I love having the opportunity to worship and sing with my friends," said Hadleigh Helms.




Smiling for the picture, some of the girls sit on the couch during campaigners. Campaigners for the girls is typically hosted at Bella McDaniels house. Emma Murff said, "I love listening to Ms. Ray talk about God." Photo by McKinley Helms


The YoungLife leaders all smile after a fun dinner over the summer. The Young Life leaders work hard all year long to make it fun for everyone.

McKinley Helms said, "YoungLife is so much fun and I have learned so much." Photo by Reagan Ray


Though they stumble, they will never fall, for the LORD holds them by hand.


For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.




“Young Life is so much fun! I like to come from sports with my team and go to YL. I love the leaders and singing."

-Maddie Picket

“Young Life is the best day of the week! It is so much fun to learn about God together and spend time with Ms. Ray."

-MC Been

“I love Young Life because I get to spend time with my friends and learn about God at the same time."

-Sophie Dickson

Some Houston Christian girls gather together on the couch while hanging out. They had just ate a yummy dinner at friendsgiving. Emma Guild said, "I love getting to spend time with these girls." Photo by McKinley Helms


Some of the junior boys enjoy a Thanksgiving feast together. They are getting to spend time together while learning about the Bible. Jojo Feruzzo said, "The food was so good at friendsgiving." Photo by McKinley Helms

46:5 God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved. God shall help her. Let all
be done with charity.
in weakness.
your things
2 Corinthians 12:9 My grace is sufficent for you, for my power is made perfect
Psalm Psalm 1 Corinthians Philippians

Chapel Events

Today's Speaker - Coach Lee's Testimony

I Raise My Hands - The Worship Team

Verse of the Day- Some verses from the Bible

Head's Bowed in PrayerPrayer

The Christmas StoryChristmas Chapel and Performances


During a chapel in October, guest speaker Coach Lee shares his story with the entire school. He shared an amazing testimony which is something very hard to do for most speakers as it has to relate to a high schooler's life.

"I like that there are different speakers every week," senior Emily Ann Haynes said.

Featuring: Chaplains

Hadleigh Helms

“Being chaplain has honestly been one of my favorite experiences my senior year.”

Mike Skinner

“This position has been great. It's a unique position, but it capitalizes on my skills and I really enjoy it.”

Loren Hopf

“I feel like I waited 7 years for God to allow me to have this position. It exceeded my expectations in every way.”


Planning songs for chapel is a hard job, but the worship team ensures that they practice each song they will play in chapel, and they never fail in doing so.

Averaging four songs per chapel, the worship team grabbed the attention of all the students sitting in the seats below them. Guitarist Samantha Muro said, "I love the people in chapel and I love playing for them."

Photos by HC Instagram

LIFE-Chapel & Chaplains

Photo by HC Instagram


Every Thursday, students of all grades gather in the chapel to worship and praise God. The service starts with the amazing worship band that leads the students in praise with three amazingly played songs that the students sing along to. Then the verses of the day are spoken by senior chaplains Hadleigh Helms and Jackson Herauf. A guest speaker is then introduced

A break in the day to be thankful for our God

to everyone, and they give a sermon or a message about his or her life. Finally, the chapel ends with one more song, and the Lord's prayer which is led by Mike Skinner. This break in the day for chapel allows students to reflect on what they are thankful for, and allows them to take a step back from their regular school day.


Before the speaker appears on stage in chapel, a verse of the day is shared by Hadleigh Helms and Jackson Herauf. They gave words of wisdom to the school, these two chose the verses and had the school say, "Thanks be to God," after their message to honor God. "I like that the school brought in more people to speak this year," Senior Savannah Tutor said."


Bowing their heads, students reflect on their day and send up their prayers to God. Having a moment to talk to God refreshens each student greatly. "I really like the prayers they say," freshman Maya Garibay said. Photo by HC Instagram


During the December chapel, Dr. Price and Mrs. Messer tell the "Christmas Story of HC" in the special Christmas chapel. Appreciating the break from the normal chapel schedule, the students listened to the story intently and watched all the events that came along with the story. "The chapel was really fun," freshman Payton Mitchell said, "I liked performing in it."

Photos by Firstname Lastname
Photo by HC Instagram Photo by HC Instagram

What clubs have you been a part of at HC?

"I have been a member of the Interact Club here at HC for the last two years."

"I am a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, and I'm currently the President."

"I have been a member of YoungLife for three years, and this year I'm a leader."

What is your favorite club activity? Why did you choose to join this club?

"My favorite activities put on by the club have to be the field events and corn hole."

"My favorite thing that our club does is definitely Game Day."

"I really enjoy Club days because we get to sing with our friends and have a fun time."

"I thought it seemed like a good oppurtunity to help give back to my community"

"I joined because I wanted to create a bond with my fellow Christian student athletes."

"I joined because I wanted to grow closer to God alongside my friends."

BLM is something I'm so passionate about. I'm so blessed to go to this school and be able to represent my culture.”


In the Innovation Studio, seniors Kyle Helberg and Micah Gordon show off their building tools. They were working on a winning robot design. Senior Kyle Helberg said, “The club is really fun, but doing well at the competitions is even more fun.” Photo by Michael Bredeweg

INCLUSIVITY After students, BSU in served way. “I all school, certain Mrs. AQ &


After serving meals to the students, the members of BSU preserve the moment in a photo. The BSU often served the school in this way. Kristen Rice said, “I love that we cater to all groups of people at school, instead of just one certain group.” Photo by Mrs. Rice



As students line up along the tables, the BSU actively serves them food. Many students lined up to taste some of the food provided. Montana Wheeler said, “The line was long, but the food was super good and worth it.”



"The work was kind of hard, but I had the option to not get on stage and speak, so I immediately felt so much better about the conference."


Fashion Club is more than just a club; it's a vibrant community that thrives on creativity, diversity, and the power of personal style. Throughout the year, our members explore the ever-evolving world of fashion, from classic styles to cutting-edge trends, and even sustainable fashion movements. Mrs. Divens' Fashion Club aims to create an inclusive space where everyone can express themselves through clothing, accessories, and beyond. We believe that fashion is a language that transcends boundaries, and our club fosters an environment where every voice is heard and every style celebrated.

"Inclusivity is what we strive for."

"Meeting students from other schools who share similar interests to me was such a blast, I can tell they are going to be lasting friends."

Karli Kapche


The Diversity club members come from diverse backgrounds, bringing together a mosaic of experiences and stories. Together, they all learn, grow, and build bridges that connect us all. Whether you're passionate about promoting awareness or simply curious to learn more about the world around you, the Diversity Club welcomes everyone with open arms.

Throughout the year, the Diversity Club has been a dynamic hub for cultural exchange, open discussions, and collaborative initiatives. From multicultural events that showcase the beauty of different traditions to thought-provoking discussions on inclusion and equality, they strive to create an environment where everyone feels valued and heard.

Join them in their journey towards fostering understanding, promoting unity, and celebrating the strength that comes from embracing our differences. Together, they make our school a place where every voice is valued, and every story is part of the collective narrative that defines us.



For an annual event, StangTech throws Friendsgiving, Thanksgiving for friends. The team loved coming together to celebrate community. Dove Ajmani said, “It was so fun. I had a blast.”


Blowing bubbles, Senior Kyle Helberg has a blast. The robotics club loves to have fun during their breaks from hard work. Kyle Helberg said, “Blowing bubbles is my favorite past time in robotics. It really helps during info meetings.”


Traveling to FANUC, or the Fuji Automatic Numerical Control Company, StangTeach learned all about their operations. The students loved gaining real world insight. Brooke Kern said, “It was really cool. I got to see a lot of new things.”

Photo by Lukas Rieke


I really like StangTech, I love all the 3D printing and building small parts. It's given me so much experience” Natalia Sessions

10% Sportsmanship Robot Performance Booth Presentation Notebook Whether creating exhibits, presentations, for Founded Robotics home its teams, notebooks, and forty member of SCORING How much does each portion count for competition? 15% 20% 25% 30%
Photo by Sarah Guild Photo by Sarah Guild

The Robotics Club has success and fun!

Meet the Members!

Whether you love marketing, creating robots, building exhibits, or designing presentations, there's a place for you at StangTech Robotics! Founded in 2015, the HC Robotics club has taken home numerous awards for its outstanding presentation teams, engineering notebooks, website design, and more. Averaging thirty to forty members each year, each member serves as a vital part of the team.


Sarah Guild

“Something I love about stangtech is that it’s not only about stem. There are so many different ways to be involved, there’s a place for you in robotics."

Brooke Kern

“I love Robotics! I highly recommend it to anyone; regardless of interests, experience level, or age, robotics is a great place for all.”

"I really enjoyed watching people grow over time and watching them become better presenters. It was a little nervewracking but the more we practiced, the more confident I felt."

"I really like teaching people new skills and watching them grow and develop in their interests. This club has really improved upon my leadership skills and ability to work as a team."

"I love being President of Robotics. It's such a great club to join, regardless of your interests. StangTech has helped me grow as a leader and as an engineer. I love this club and highly recommend it to all."

Noah Takahada

"StangTech Robotic has such a welcoming community. It creates such a sense of belonging that is so rewarding.”

Jordan Blyden

“I like the people. It's really fun to come and work together with people who are awesome to be with. I love creating stuff with the team.”

“Robotics is the place where I made my first friends. It's been a significant community for me and has improved my quality of life here at HC.”

Jordan Blyden Brooke Kern Sarah Guild
1 2 3
1. The team smiles after sucessfully moving on to Regionals. Photo by Sarah Guild 2. Evan Marie Donohue and Donna Xue enjoy safety training. Photo by Caitlin Smith 3. Meet the StangTech leadership team. Photo by Caitlin Smith Kyle Helberg

Words from the Reps

"Being president of the student body has been such a cool experience. I've really enjoyed working with MPC, Dean, the Chaplains, and the Leadership Department to plan and organize so many fun events this year. It has been challenging but so rewarding!"

"Being a part of STUCO is actually really fun, even though it can be a lot of work sometimes."

"My favorite STUCO event this year was probably the dodgeball tournament. I thought it was fun to see a bunch of students compete against each other."

"Even though this was my first year in STUCO, it taught me a lot , especially how to be a better leader and be more organized."

"Being in STUCO lets me organize so many events for the student body and make the school year more fun and memorable."

1. All Sophomore representatives pose for a picture. Photo by Madison Krieger 2. Some representatives set up the gym to be a dance floor for the Homecoming dance. Photo by Madison Krieger 3. Freshman, Beau Beaver, walks with his mom for Homecoming court.
5 4 2 3 your stuco representatives
Photo by Kirk Hawkins 4. Juniors cheer at the annual Neon Pep Rally before the Homecoming football game Photo by Katie Gassett 5. STUCO sets up for the Homecoming dance. Photo by Madison Krieger Madison Krieger Major Tarwater Cooper Clarke Paige Hill Jill Drury Jayden Chin Gracie Cervantes Junior Reps - Cole Montgomery, Cooper Clarke Freshman


Recognizing our representatives on campus

THE stuco family

Student Council is a great way for students to experience leadership positions and all the responsibilities that come with being a leader. Our STUCO representatives work hard every day to help create a better learning environment, whether it's organizing the Homecoming theme or making little changes throughout their time in their position. These students are dedicated and hardworking. Major Tarwater, one of the Sophomore representatives said, "I love being in STUCO because I love the people I do it with, but I also love getting to experience a more challenging leadership role."

by Kirk Hawkins

217 1
Freshman Reps - Beau Beaver, Paige HillChaplains - Hadleigh Helms, Jackson Herauf Jill Drury Ava Farris Photo

What was your favorite food?

“It was a Lebanese food- it was fried and has something in the middle. I don't remember what it was but it was so good!"

“My favorite food was the macarons from France since they tasted good and had a great flaky texture."

“I didn't really have a favorite, but I really enjoyed the Asian food because it's my favorite cuisine. "

“I liked the enchiladas, if that's what they're called, from the Mexico table."

“It was from the Trinadad and Tibago table. I think it was probably the chickpeas and plantains."

“Italian for sure, the meatballs tasted just like my Italian grandmother's meatballs."

Favorite Parts:

“The food of a culture is always interesting because it's a big part of traditions in each culture.”

Alyse Morrow

The International

Festival celebrates


Dressed for the occasion, juniors Lillian Lemasters and Kaylin Caesar display their devotion to the festival. These two had proudly worn garments linked to their heritage. "I love wearing my Polish clothing and connecting with my heritage. The festival is always so fun," she said. Photo by Kirk


“I appreciated where each performance came from and the effort put into them by the students."

Karli Kapche

“Being a flag bearer and seeing everyone in traditional attire was super cool.”

Victoria Lunam

Tasty Delicacies

The students' faces are always brightened as they taste the various flavors brought to them by the festival's volunteers. Although there are chances that the food they try on this day may be different from the usual food they eat, they are always eager to try new things!


At Malaysia's desginated table, sophomore Mia Chieng serves traditional Malaysian snacks with her family. She especially enjoyed having quality time with her grandma. "My grandma was visiting and wanted to make treats for the festival, so I joined her," Mia said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla

LIFE-International Festival
Addie Rollins
gives welcomed Students are their school. performances, beautiful all of


The annual International Festival gives the students a chance to be welcomed into a whole new world. Students of various cultural backgrounds are eager to share the uniqueness of their homelands to other students in the school. The fabulous people, the exciting performances, the tasty food, and the beautiful decorations around the school all contribute to the festive atmosphere of the this beloved event.


Joyfully snacking, junior Maddie Carmichael enjoys the taste of France. She liked the authenticity of the food and the numerous other festivities. "The performances were amazing and each culture had its own shine," she said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla


At the Korea table, freshman Jackson Yi has a nice conversation with the volunteers. It ignited his excitement for the future festivals. "I liked everything, especially the decorations and food at the Brazil table," he said.

Photo by Kirk Hawkins


Happily serving traditional Filipino food, sophomore Dreighven Penilla's parents put smiles on faces through food. They were overjoyed when their trays of food ran out at the end of the day. "I'm so glad people got to enjoy the food I grew up on," said Dreighven. Photo by Dreighven Penilla


Delighted by the taste of Turkish delight, sophomore Austin Beaver enjoys talking with the HC mom representing Bulgaria. This was one of those memorable moments of the festival for him. "Another memorable moment was Allan salsa dancing," he said. Photo by Dreighven Penilla

219 meatballs
Jackson Herauf, Ava Farris Nicole Hiemstra, Ava Cox Karli Kapche
Kaylin Caesar

Food Bank Fun

The Junior girls went to the Houston food bank to help pack and sort food to be sent out to the Houston area.


Some freshmen gather around to decorate the bags for the packed food. This event proved to be a popular one among underclassmen. Winston McCormick said, “Bag decorating was a lot of fun, and it made me feel like I was doing something helpful.”

Class community

Beds for Heavenly Sleep pose for a picture after finishing their quota. The tired group felt very accomplished at the end of the day. KJ March said, “I was super sore but I was glad I could help my community.”


The sophomore girls take a break from sorting food to take a picture with Ms. Munford. Service day was a great time to get to know everyone on a more personal level. Jill Drury said, “I love Ms. Munford, but spending time with her outside of the class was so fun.”


Junior boys got their hands dirty while planting a beautiful garden. Joseph Feruzzo and Lane Hackerman chat while clearing away space for plants. Lane said, “I've always enjoyed the outdoors, but this was especially fun.”

LIFE-Community Service
Katie Pisklak Emma Murff Lily Herviat MC Been Sarah Price


Helping out the community around us... one small group at a time


Seniors fold super hero underwear for the less fortunate. This experience left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of the seniors. It taught them the importance of empathy and solidarity, and the power of coming together as a community to uplift and support one another. They learned that regardless of background or circumstance, each individual has the capacity to be a hero in their own right.

Building Beds

One of the many senior break off groups, Sleep in Heavenly Peace was a student favorite this year. Students had the oppurtunity to build beds for children who aren't fortunate enough to have beds of their own. Students got to use real power tools, handle large machinery, all while having the satisfaction of knowing they are making a difference in children from our own community's lives.

1. Dove Ajmani, Camden Slate 2. Savannah Tutor 3. Lucas Donelson

Junior boys plant a garden for the hungry. Each step of the journey was marked by teamwork and collaboration. Sweat mingled with laughter as the boys worked in harmony, united by a common goal: to provide nourishment for those in need. With each seed planted, they envisioned the bountiful harvest that would soon grace the tables of the hungry, a tangible manifestation of their collective efforts.

Junior girls go to the Houston Food Bank. Beyond the tangible impact, this experience left an indelible mark on the hearts and minds of the junior girls. It instilled within them a sense of empathy, resilience, and gratitude. They learned the power of coming together as a community to uplift and support one another, transcending barriers and making a meaningful difference in the lives of others.


“We loved watching the kids get so passionate about something so selfless.”

“It's nice to spend time with students like this outside of a classroom setting.”

Jenny Cotton Heidi McCurdy


Johnnie Francis has committed to Texas Tech University! He will majoring in Mechanical Engineering and is excited to meet like minded people to share his passion with.

Lauren Hartmen has committed to Texas A&M University! She will be majoring in Business and hopes to get involved in many extracurriculars!

NEW HOME Away from home

Senior, Sarah Guild, traveled far from her Houston home to go and visit the prestigious Washington University in St. Louis! WashU has a very low acceptance rate (11.8%) and Sarah is excited to attend and is planning on majoring in engineering. "This is my dream school, and I'm so happy that I was accepted. I'm excited to start a new chapter in the fall."

Best friends, Jackson Bongiourno and Lucas Donelson pose for a pic holding up their bear claws in front of their soon to be home in Waco, Tx, Baylor University! The two boys express how excited they were to see their new school together, and Jackson said, "I'm so glad Lucas and I ended up at the same school. I'm so excited to see where this new chapter takes us."

Seniors, Andrew Corson and Lucas Donelson, take a break after touring the beautiful campus of Colorado State University. The boys took a college tour trip together because, as Andrew said, "I seemed to be able to tell if I could really feel at home on the campus with a friend there with me. I can only imagine the friends I might make in the future years at school."

A soon to be Bear, Camden Slate takes a pic to announce to his friends his commitment to Baylor University in Waco Texas. Camden was so excited to tell everyone about his future academic ventures, that he announced via photograph in a text to his friends. He said "I'm so happy to finally know where Im going. It feels like a weight has been taken off of my shoulders." 1 2 3 4 5 6

Christian Seay has committed to Baylor University! He will be majoring in Business and hopes to join a fraternity in the fall! Sic' Em Bears!

LIFE-College Visits 1. Baylor University 2 Louisiana State University 3. University of Arkansas 4. University of Oklahoma 5. Trinity University 6. University of Colorodo Boulder
Madison Krieger committed to University. will on track participating in College!

Madison Krieger has committed to Baylor University. She will be studying on a pre-dental track and participating in the Honors College!



Dr. Droz tells excited parents about the importance of visiting colleges. She emphasizes the security it will give both parents and students when it comes to decision time. She said, "Seeing the campus in person can really solidify the decision for some people."


Senior Joey Delongchamps stops for a pic with the mascot at one of his college visits. He was super excited to stop and meet him. Joey said, “I love college sports, and the mascots are a huge part of school spirit.” Photo by Mrs. Delongchamps


Heading out to excel in not only acedemics, seniors shine bright on the courts and fields as well.


“Going to different schools was stressful and it was hard to find a place that checked all my boxes, but I'm so glad I found the right one."

-Emma Sammuelson

“It was hard to decide what school I wanted to go to, especially since a military school is such a huge jump for me, but tours really helped me decide.”

-Jordan Elie - Stuartt

“Honestly, it felt kind of crazy stepping onto the field for the tryout. I got the call that I was on the team, and it was one of the best feelings ever.”

-Riley Warnica

Senior Karli Kapche traveled to college station to visit A&M Engineering college. Dreaming of being a Bio-Engineer, Karli was ecstatic about the visit. “Even though I'm commited to Rice, A&M was such an incredible place.” said Karli.


While traveling for a tournament, the girls varsity volleyball team stops off at Texas State to walk around and see the school. The primarily senior team enjoyed touring together. Emma Guild said, “It was so much fun to see the school with my friends."


oh the places we go

Prague, Czech Republic

Budapest, Hungary

Vienna, Austria

Quito, Ecuador

Santa Cruz, Galapagos Islands

San Cristobal, Galapagos Islands

Kicker Rock

The students on the Galapagos trip visited Kicker rock, a major tourist snorkel spot. Everyone got to see animals like, sting rays, hammer head sharks, turtles, sea lions and blue footed boobies. Hannah Pullin said, "Seeing all the animals was so cool. This was my favorite part of the trip!"

High, Low, Galapago?

Warren Anderson

“High: Snorkeling at Kicker Rock because of all the awesome wildlife

Low: Getting sick on a boat

Galapago: Beating Mr. Rieke in an epic battle of sushi eating.”

Emma Murff

“My high was going to Kicker rock and my low was getting sunburned. Galapago was running in the rain.”

Sarah Dewhurst

“High was in the places, new places and taking pictures on my camera. Low was the moths in the hotel room. Galapago was how much fun all the chaperones were. ”

Matching Shorts

Seniors Emily Cezeaux and Emma Guild and Junior Boston Vaughn bought matching shorts with blue footed boobies on them. The blue footed boobies are one of the many local birds of the Galapagos Islands. Boston said, "I loved showing everyone my shorts."

LIFE-Spring Break Trips

SPREAK! SPREAK! Mustangs take on the World


From The Galapagos Islands to Prauge, Budipest, and Vienna, Houston Christian students took trips all around the world this spring break. There was a science trip through the Galapagos Islands where they explored tortoise centers, beaches, national parks and snorkel tours. The Fine Arts students took a trip through out Prague, Budapest, and Vienna. They went to museums, went sight seeing, saw a horse show and much more! HC students are some of the most well traveled students in the world.


(Above) The Galapagos trip members went to the Charles Darwin Research Institue on the San Cristóbal Isand. They learned about the extensive research Charles Darwin did on evolution and the local tortoises. Some students said visiting the tortoises was their favorite part of the trip.


Looking at God's creation,both trips got to see many amazing views of the different cities they were in.

--The students on the Europe trip looked over the city of Budapest as they did their sight seeing. Victoria Lunam said, “I loved seeing all the beautiful views around Europe, but this one was definitely my favorite.”

--The Galapagos trip members got to visit the Cotacachi Cayapas which is a lake in the middle of a volcano. Most of the students thought that the hike was hard but the views were worth it.


Was was the best part of Mustang Madness?

"I liked all the people there, and it was easier to make connections with them."

"I really liked going to the petting zoo with my friends."

Did you know Mustang Madness was going to happen?

"I for sure knew something was up."

What was your favorite activity?

"Because of my experience, rock climbing was my favorite thing to do."

"I had no idea it was going to happen. It was completely unexpected."

"I loved spending time with my friends, we had a good time."

"I loved doing karaoke, I sung a bunch of different songs."

"No, I had no idea. I was totally surprised."

"I really liked playing pickle ball, it was super fun."

It was super fun; I liked having a free day and not having to worry about work. Addie Rollins

Face Full of Fun

Participating in face painting by the Founder's Tree, seniors Hannah Fisher, Kyle Helberg, Juicy Ju, and Sarah Guild are happy to apply the vivid colors to their faces. Having been running around all day, the group appreciated the less physically demanding task that was face painting. Senior Hannah Fisher said, "We had fun painting each other's faces." Photo by Riley Warnica

Lily DuBose Alyssa Hope JJ Pernoud
UNO! During grades as before, would game draw said AQ &


During lunch time, a group of friends from all grades sit around a table and hold their breath as they play UNO. Having played three rounds before, the students were anxious to see who would win this round. "My favorite part of the game was when everyone played a bunch of draw fours when someone would almost win," said Taylor Lankford." Photo by HC Instagram

Outdoor games


Founder's Circle Games

“Nine square is pretty fun. I like playing with my friends and getting time off school."

With Mustand Madness well underway, students from all grades gathered around the Founder's Tree to play games like spikeball and cornhole. These "slower"moving games allowed students to interact with each other more and enjoy the bright sunny day provided to them. Donuts and coffee were also avaliable for anyone who wanted them, and all the food was quickly devoured. Students got the opportunity to run around and play for six hours that day. Many were grateful for the chance to get away from the classwork they thought they had to do that day. Freshman Lincoln Wheeler said, "I played a bunch of games, and I enjoyed having a free day."

“I liked getting a free day from school. All the activities were fun, and I liked hanging out with people”

The student's favorite day


Throughout the day, nearly all of school got on one inflatable. Whether it be "The Meltdown," or the the racing blow-up, students were giddy whenever they got the chance to run, jump, and crawl on the air-filled plastic. It seemed that all inflatables, at all times, had students lined up by the dozens, waiting impatiently for their turn. These attractions were clearly a student favorite, and everyone was sad to see the inflatables leave once the day ended. The reason people seemed to drawn to these attractins was because it reminded the students of a time when they were a lot younger. Bouncy houses have been a part of every student's childhood, and it was nice to get a day off and relive some of those memories. Senior Lily Smith said "I had a lot of fun racing on the inflatable with my friends."



100% Match • 23-24 • finale

seniors Season Finale

It's the class of 2024's last year! Time for college apps, traditions, and graduation. See all the things that Houston Christian seniors look forward to for 2024!

• Emotional • Stressful


Each year, the senior class gets to vote on senior superlatives. These are typically "who's most likely to..." questions, and they're all super fun. Some of the things that the seniors voted on, as seen on the right are: Best Bro-Mance, Most Likely to Quietly Take over the World, Most Likely to Crash into a Parked Car, Most Likely to Become a CEO, and Most Likely to be a Youth Pastor.

Senior Traditions

Senior Sunrise Painting Parking Spot

Senior Retreat

Red Shirts

Homecoming King/ Queen

Sports Senior Nights

Senior Superlatives

Senior Dog Day

Senior Prank

Senior Skip Day Prom



One of the special things that seniors get to participate in is voting for the homecoming royalty of their class. The students with the most votes get picked for the king and queen, and this year, they were Madison Krieger and Juicy Ju.

Favorites: Senior Traditions

Max McCarty

“My favorite senior tradition is graduation! I love being in the church and am excited to get my diploma with all my friends.”

Hadleigh Helms

“Senior retreat was my favorite because it's time that's intentional time spent with the Lord. I also really enjoyed— and weeped— when we got to read letters from our family. It was a moving and bittersweet senior moment.”

Jordan Bany

“My favorite tradition is graduation because I love being able to look back on my last four years of high school.”

230 Seniors-Traditions


Right after the first day of school, the seniors have the opportunity to meet in the senior lot and start to paint their parking spots. This tradition gives the opportunity to claim a space and show off artistic personality.



On the first day of school, the entire senior class gathers in the senior lot to get together and pray over the school year ahead. It's a time where everyone can prepare and celebrate the time that they have to be seniors in high school.

by Katie Gassett


Senior year wouldn't be that great if it weren't for the traditions—big and small. From the opportunity to wear their red shirts, to getting to bring their dogs to school, seniors definitely have it the best when it comes to traditions at Houston Christian. And, hey, it's the last year of high school, might as well make the most of it before graduation.

The class of 2024 finally get their senior traditions

Stuff like this is what every student at Houston Christian looks forward to all the way from freshman year. It's an exciting yet bittersweet time, but the best way to spend it is by partaking in all the various traditions, starting from senior sunrise, all the way to graduation!

Every senior involved in a sport gets to partake in "senior night," where everyone on the team celebrates the seniors for their hard work and dedication for the team. Each senior gets a rose and a special spotlight on these nights. Emma Guild said, “It was very exciting to have all my friends and family there to watch me play and celebrate, but I was also super sad because it one of the last times I would be playing with my best friends.”

Photos by Katie Gassett Photo SENIOR NIGHT

senior transformations

Was that really you?

LIFE-Senior Transformations
Phoebe Hadaway Meckenzie Clapp Seth Perkins Kristen Rice Aidan Tran
Pierce York Elizabeth Longwell Adam Shephard Josh Tilotta Izzy Davis Noah Casagrande

Mr and Ms HC

Warren Anderson & Madison Krieger

Most Likely to be on Broadway

Layla Borghese & Nathan Braquet

Most Likely to Turn Anything into Art

Karlianna Kapche & Kyle Helberg

Most Likely to be a ceo

Sydnor Duffy & Ben Mize

LIFE-Senior Superlatives

Best Hair

Danielle Earles & Kian Ritchie

Best Bro-mance

Jackson Buongiorno & Lucas Donelson

Future Olympic Medalist

Savannah Tutor & James Boutte

Most Likely to come back toHc as a teacher

Helena Arnold & Grant Miller

Best Wo-mance

Emily Cezeaux & Evan Donohue


Most likely to sleep in chapel

Riley Warnica & Jordan Elie-Stuart

Most likely to crash into a parked car

Emily Thompson & Justin Lewis

Most Likely to quietly take over the world

Donna Xue & Jordan Blyden

Most Likely to win jeopardy

Brooke Kern & Thomas Myers

LIFE-Senior Superlatives

Master of extravagant excuses

Lana Raddatz & Aidan Willhite

Hardest to keep Mustang Madness a Secret from Meckenzie Clapp & Chris Adlam

Future youth Pastor Hadleigh Helms & Jackson Herauf

Worst case of Senioritis

Kendall Wallace & Johnnie Francis

Juicy Ju


Friends Forever Senior BFFS

LIFE-Senior Best Friends
karli kapche & sarah guild Moriah Schisler & Emilia thompson allan currier & Jackson herauf Jayden chin & Dylan maillet emma guild & chetan jolly Emily cezeaux & Evan Donohue Emily Cezeaux & Hannah Fisher Lauren hartman & madison krieger

Aidan Willhite & Seth Perkins

dove ajmani & elise egger

Ava farris & Lea Hlaihel

helena arnold & mia henao

Danielle Earles & Mikayla rovall

Ethan barker, grant miller,

joey delongchamps, avery elkins, & natalie taufer

Seth perkins, darius dixon, & James bouttet

Miriam Read, Lana Raddatz, & Kendall Wallace

Cole Broussard, taylor lee, & savannah tutor

Evan donohue, natalie taufer, & elizabeth longwell





Jack and Madison met freshman year and started dating sophomore year. Going two and a half years strong, they enjoy spending time together, having Star Wars marathons, supporting each other at their athletic events, going on dinner dates, and walking each other's dogs. Madison's favorite thing about Jack, besides his hair, is his patience and his sassy personality. Jack's favorite thing about Madison, besides her smile, is her kindness and dedication toward helping others.

Donna & Ben

Having been together for over a year and a half, Donna Xue and Ben Mize love to go to Happy Lemon to get boba and playing connect four. They also enjoy driving to get some waffles and ice cream from Jupiter. This couple loves spending the holiday season together and going to see all kinds of lights and fireworks.

Raven & Cameron

This couple met at Houston Christian during a school movie night freshman year. Initially the pairing had different Homecoming dates but thanks to Covid, Raven and Cameron ended up together. Although they are going to different colleges, they plan to do their best to make things work long distance. They love to eat out together, especially at Grimaldi's Pizza and P.F. Changs.

LIFE-Senior Sweethearts
Lauren & Ewan Samantha & Luke Hannah & Kyle Karli & Grant Emily & Seth

Senior Sweethearts

Savannah & Jackson

Lauren & Adam

This couple met through theatre and got to know each other way more during their senior year. Savannah and Jackson started dating in December of 2023. Jackson is heading to Samford University to study physical therapy, while Savannah plans to go to A&M in Corpus Christi for psychology. This pairing loves playing games, getting coffee, studying the Bible, and face-timing together.

Emily & Tucker

Lauren and Adam became friends junior year and started dating on prom night. They love to watch movies and the Bachelor together. This couple also enjoys going to the lake and tubing. One of their favorite memories was going skiing together for spring break. For senior year, the pairing enjoy sharing neighboring parking spots.

Moriah & Max

This pair started dating their junior year and never looked back. Junior year, Moriah won tickets to the Astros opening day game and had a spare ticket, a week later, Max was asking her to prom. Moriah and Max plan to stay together throughout college. They love watching movies together and eating at Hopdoddy.

Sydnor & james Ava & Eric gabby & Jackson Sarah & Juicy Avery & Joey Mikayla & allan


More complicated than the Once Upon a Time family tree...

Dated Who
Karli Kapche Jordan Elie-Stuart Daniel Bae Grant Miller O Ajimotokan Luke Pidgeon Savannah Tutor Hudson McDaniel Jordan Bany Jackson Buongiorno Caleb Medlock Lea Hlaihel Miriam Read Ava Cox Carter Seeliger Will Jackson Matthew Shaw Emma Samuelson Luke Davenport Sam Ohlenforst Josh Lopez Kendall Wallace Julian Dawkins Pierce York Andrew Corson Matthew Varjas Savannah Winters Ava Farris Eric Mayfield Emily Thompson Ben Mize Donna Xue Sarah Guild Parker Eggleston Helena Arnold Dylan Maillet Warren Anderson Kian Ritchie Savanna Carlson Izzie Davis Emily Cezeaux Tucker Torn Ethan Barker Riley Warnica Phoebe Hadaway
243 Key: Dated: Thinged:
Hadleigh Helms Alex Klein Lauren Hartman Adam Sheppard Darius Dixon Lana Raddatz Lucas Donelson Meckenzie Clapp Brazos McKenzie Gabby Mikulich Ewan Smith Jackson Mullen Mia Henao Lauren Wray Ashley Young Johnnie Francis Aiden Tran Noah Casagrande Jackson Herauf Madison Krieger Lizzie Spears Sam Shrader Luke Davidson Jack Henning Brooke Kern Jack Hart Kate Mueller James Boutte Joey DeLongchamps Avery Elkins Elise Egger Nate Lindsay Raven Swainson Cameron Talley Emilia Thompson Noah Takahata Moriah Schisler Max McCarty Hannah Fisher JJ Pernoud Kyle Helberg Sydnor Duffy James Celestin Colin Brogdon Juicy Ju


A word from our Sponsors

100% Match • 23-24 • promos

Nostalgic • Emotional • Heartfelt

The Houston Christian High School yearbook exists thanks to the sponsors! Special shoutouts and ads were given to those who helped make the book a reality.


Joey DeLongchamps

Joey - you continuously amaze us with your kindness, compassion and loving heart. You are a blessing to our family and a shining star in so many ways. We are excited to see where God takes you. Follow His will and you will continue to soar. With love from your forever biggest fans,

Dad, Mom, Ryan, and Maddie


Jackson Buongiorno


We are so proud of you and love you very much! Your good heart, fun-loving sense of humor and ability to handle whatever life brings are a true gift to our family. We pray for the Lord's blessing and direction for your life. Congratulations on your high school graduation!

Love, Dad, Mom, Cole, Brooks, and Haddie


We're proud and excited to see your hard work pay off. Continue to be you and shine— God's got great plans for you! Your family Jadyn Granere Emma, You're ready to fly! Thanks for taking us on a fantastic ride. We're so proud of you! Keep being you! Love, Mom, Dad,


Savanna Carlson

I've watched in amazement as you've grown into the person you are today. I am so proud of you. Make the most of life's adventures. We love you, Mom and Reese's

Madison Krieger

Congratulations on all your accomplishments in high school, we couldn't be prouder of the leader you've become. Love, Dad, Mom, Kaitlyn a Trinket Jeremiah 29:11


LOOK, you’re finally in the yearbook! Dylan, we are so proud of you and can’t wait to see what is next. Continue to work hard and you will find your path. And don’t forget, keep smiling!

Love, Mom and Dad

TX Relays 2023

Elise Egger


We are so proud of you and love the woman you are becoming! Your journey is just beginning—and based on the knowledge and values you learned at HCHS and beyond, you will go far! You have strong faith, natural humility, a top work ethic and perhaps above all, you are always considerate of others--such is the stuff of greatness! So, to our favorite drummer --“the beat goes on”; now GO AND ROCK THE WORLD! We love you!!! Mom & Dad


Our sweetest Jordan, How blessed we are to have had a front row seat to watch you grow! You have been a princess from the start! We have loved your unique and creative outlook on life since you were tiny and created your “shiny” collection! Please don’t ever change for this world, for you are fearfully and wonderfully made! We love you and are so proud of you! Go do great things! Love, Daddy, Mommy, Maclane and Henry



Meckenzie, We are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments. You have brought so much love, laughter and joy into our lives. Just remember, nothing in life is in impossible as long as you putyour mind to it. We love you so much!

Dad, Mom, Alston, Madison & Morgan



SPONSORS Brazos– We love you and are so proud of you! Congratulations! Love, Mom and Dad

SMSamantha Muro

Sami, you are a blessing to our family and we are very proud of you. You are an independent, confident, creative, intelligent and persistent young woman with a big heart. Step into the next stage of your life with confidence in who you are, always be humble and stay close to God; He has great plans for you.

Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord …

We love you. Mom, Dad and Misael


Hang on Tight to the Truth That Leads to a Solid Foundation

Love You M o m
D a d Class of 2024
Takahata C gratulations
are so happy God gave us you. We wondered what your personality would be like before you
born. We prayed for a child who, like Kind David, had a heart after God.
are so pleased with the young man you have grown.
cannot wait to see what God has in store for you next.
love you so much. G i v e n G u i d e d G l o w i n g G r o w n

I am so proud of you and have cherished watching you grow into the bright, talented and kind young man you are Remain joyful and thankful for the gifts God has given you. He has big plans for you. Your future does not lie ahead of you - it lies deep inside of you, waiting to be realized.

Kian Ritchie

Always remember how much you are loved and how proud we are of you.

Love, Mom and Isla


Olivia Williams

Olivia, if we could give you one thing in life, we would give you the gift to see yourself through our eyes. Then you could see, really see, how special you are to us. We are so very proud of you.

Love, Mom and Dad

Bret Kilchrist

Shawn Bretzke Kilchrist, You are such a blessing to our family! We love you so much, and can’t wait to see what is next in your journey.

Continue to put HIM first in all that you do, continue to strive for excellence, and support and lend a hand to others and you’ll always WIN! We Love You & are forever proud of you. Congratulations Bretzke! Love, K5+B2

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."

Phillipians 4:13


Dylan Hill new chapter. Your family is potential is limitless! We look planned for your future.


Dove Ajmani

Happy high school graduation to our dearest child! You can achieve whatever you want in life. All you have to do is believe that you can. We believe in you. Follow your dreams! Love you always!

-Mom & Daddy


Ava Farris


From the little girl who brought us so much joy with your grit and giggles to the strong and talented young woman you are today, God has blessed us immeasurably with you, Ava. Go boldly into this world with confidence in who you are, stay close to God, be true to yourself, and be a blessing to others. Reach far and persevere... grab what is yours!

XOXO, Mom and Dad

Jeremiah 29:11



"The Lord gives me the wisdom to understand, the courage to persevere, and the strength to overcome. With Him, I can accomplish anything."


You are amazing. You continually face down and overcome every challenge in front of you, while remaining humble in your successes. Your strength of character will see you rise to heights you have not yet imagined, and you will leave an indelible, positive mark wherever you go. We are blessed and excited to see you move into the next phase of life. We are so very proud of you.


Lauren Hartman

You are Beautiful

Psalm 139:14


1 Peter 2:9

A Precious Child of God

John 1:12

Made for a Purpose

Ephesians 2:10

Loved Forever

Jeremiah 31:3


What an incredible young woman you are! We could not be more proud of you! Your lively spirit and laugh bring so much joy to our lives each day! And your kind heart and thoughtfulness bless our family and those around you.

God has more in store for you than you can even imagine! We are excited to see what the future holds for you and will be there as your biggest cheerleaders along the way! We love you to the moon and back! Love, Dad, Mom, Kyle, and Piper

Phoebe- you are not what we expected- you are so much more, and the best thing to come into our lives. We could not have hoped for a better daughter, and we are so very proud of you. "In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in Heaven" (Matt 5:16) Crede quod, et habes.

Love always, Mom and Dad

Phoebe Hadaway


Sam Ohlenforst

Congratulations Sam! We are so proud of your accomplishments. Love you to the moon & back.

Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you. Give careful thought to the paths for your feet and be steadvast in all your ways. Do not turn to the right or the le�t; keep your foot from evil.

Proverbs 4:25-27



From the moment you entered this world, you have been a blessing from God and have brought so much love and joy into our lives. You are smart, kind, witty and have a heart of compassion. You love the Lord with all your heart and soul and serve others with gratitude. Our prayer is that God will continue to mold & shape you into the man He will have you to be.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says:

5Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

6In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

We are proud of the young man you have become and can’t wait to see how God continues to use you in a mighty way.


Mom, Dad, Sarah, and Ashley


Ava Cox

Dearest Ava,

We are so proud of all your accomplishments. Your strong character, perseverance, and genuine compassion for people is admirable. Carry these traits with you always. Our hearts are forever filled with memories of you cheering and dancing your way through school. It was the perfect expression of who you are. We love you so much and cannot wait to see what is in store for you.

Mom and Dad

1 Peter 5:7

Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you



We are so proud of you. You are a faithful friend, kind, trustworthy, beautiful, smart, a hard worker; we love that you are our daughter, you bring us much joy. Oh the places you’ll go: try new things, push yourself outside your comfort zone, don’t be afraid to fail, be yourself: for you are fearfully and wonderfully made.

“…Act Justly, Love Mercy, and Walk Humbly with Your God” (Micah 6:8)

We love you, Mom & Dad




We are so very proud of you and the young man that you are. We pray that you will continue to live life to the fullest and shine your unique light into the world. We love you very much, Mom, Dad, Aubrey and Callum

William Jackson

Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is–His good, pleasing and perfect will. Romans 12:2

"Jackson, we're incredibly proud of all you have accomplished and the faithful man you are becoming. Keep shining His light."

We Love You Danielle Earles!

“For we walk by faith, not by sight.” 2 Corinthians 5:7

With each step you take, may you find the courage to chase your dreams, the strength to overcome obstacles, and the wisdom to embrace every experience. Keep God first in everything you do. We love and support you without limits and bounds!

Dad, Mommie, DJ, Dawn and Nana


Carter Seeliger Congratulations

We are so proud of you Carter! We look forward to seeing the amazing things you will do in the future.

Love, Mom and Dad


Pierce Anthony York

We will always think of you as our little boy, little man, Bubby and Piercey! We have watched in amazement as you have grown into the strong, young man you are today. We are so very proud of you! Your kindness, integrity, intelligence, humility and witty sense of humor impress us on a daily basis. You continue to be such a blessing in our lives while sharing your love, laughter and light with those around you.

Chase your dreams, stay true to yourself and NEVER forget how much you are loved and supported, ALWAYS. We can’t wait to witness your next chapter while cheering you on along the way!

We love you! Love, Mom & Dad GO FROGS


Congratulations Luke! We thank God for you! You are a light to the world with a heart to put out destructive fires and ignite a God fire in hearts for life in Christ Jesus. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16

Love, Dad, Mom, Emily & Jack


Riley Warnica

We wish you the strength to face challenges with confidence and the wisdom to choose your battles carefully.

We wish you adventure on your journey and may you always stop to help someone along the way. Listen to that huge heart of yours and always be kind to others as well as yourself.

Believe in your heart that you are capable of achieving anything you put your mind to. Your resilience and accomplishments speak for themselves.

Never forget how much you are loved.

We are so proud of you.

BEHIND YOU, all your memories. BEFORE YOU, all your dreams. AROUND YOU, all who love you. WITHIN YOU, all you need.


Ashley Young

I am incredibly proud of you and everything you have accomplished! You have overcome many challenges but they have molded you into the incredible young lady you are today. I love your sense of humor, love of dinosaurs, Lego and TS. Your tender heart, your ability to encourage others and your desire to honor God blesses us all! I look forward to seeing God’s plan for you unfold as you seek Him. I love you! Mom


We are so proud of you and love you so much! What a blessing you are. God has so much in store for you- trust Him with all you have and do. Share your gifts generously: Spread joy, make people laugh and smile, bring people together, have fun! Your bright spirit is needed to bring light and joy to this world. You will do great things, and we are right here cheering you on.

So much love, Your family

Lucas Donelson


Parker Eggleston

Matthew Shaw

You fill our lives with so much joy and laughter. We are so excited for this next chapter in your life.

Much love, Mom, Dad, and Alex

Parker, we are so incredibly proud of you! As you embark on this new and exciting chapter of your life, never forget you can accomplish anything you set your mind to. We can't wait to see what bright and exciting future awaits you!


Mom, Dad, Emily, Andy, Grandma, and Grandpa

Crazy hair and a penchant for showing off his abs and chest started young. atthew Shaw

Karli Kapche

Karlianna, we are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments in high school. We are in awe of your many talents and the young woman you have become. We love you, Mom, Dad and Kaylee


Ewan Highberg-Smith

Ewan, we love the boy that you were and the man that you have become. Words cannot express how much we love you and how proud we are of you. Remember: The future belongs to those who seek it. Reach far and grab what is yours.

Love, Mom, Dad, Uncle Jo-Jo, and Aunt Sarah


Kristen Rice

Kristen, we are so very proud of you and are excited about your future. We know that your kind heart, determined spirit, passion to help others, and self-confidence will lead to your success. Remember ALL things are possible through Christ.

We Love You, Dad, Mom, and Erin

Avery Lauren Elkins
In love with …

Andrew Corson

Congratulations, Andrew! Your hard work, perseverance, and achievements shine brightly! We are so proud of you! May this next successful chapter be filled with new opportunities to develop your unique strengths, make meaningful connections, and create lasting memories. We can't wait to see the amazing things God has in store for you! We love you, Love Bug! The Mom, Dad, Matthew, and Rocket

Dear Taylor,

We are thankful for all that the Lord has done in your life and are proud of you. We know that God has a purpose and a plan for you. We pray that you will always keep God first and abide in Him. Love you! Dad and Mom

Taylor Lee abcdcba acbdbca

Maximilian McCarty

You have always been bold enough to use your voice, brave enough to listen to your heart, and strong enough to choose the life you want to live. May the light of your glory never go dim. May the wisdom of God remain in you, and may mighty doors be opened up for you while on your new journey!

We love you! Mom, Dad and Haden


Hudson Wayne

Despite being the youngest in our family, your role has been one of a true leader. Your unwavering faith has been an example to us all, as you live out your beliefs with confidence and courage. You have brought immense joy and light into our lives and to the world. We are incredibly proud of the person you’ve become, your steadfast dedication to God, and the impact you’ve made on others. We can’t wait to see what you do in this world. Thank you for being a leader in your faith and for inspiring us to be better. Congratulations. We are so very proud of you!

Love, Mom, Dad, Parker, & Jack


Izzie Davis

Your beauty, inside and out, has always surpassed that of the loveliest flowers.

We are so proud of you!

Love, Mom & Dad


Kendall Wallace

Kendall- Your strength and potential are limitless. Remember to believe in yourself, for you are capable of incredible things.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Chase

JJ, we are so proud of you. Go do great things! Love, Dad, Mom, and Grace
Jonathan Pernoud

Watching you grow has been such a blessing and we are so excited to see where life's journey takes you. Enjoy the adventure!

We love you, Mom, Dad, and Hayden

Halle Eschete


To our son, As we look back and ponder on the memories over the years, we cannot help but be thankful to God for the hardworking, loving, and respectful young gentleman you have grown to be. As you continue your journey forward, keep pursuing your dreams and know that with God they will come to pass. Continue to trust in God, believe in yourself, and know that Mom & Dad, just as we were since your first race, will always be encouraging you to chase your dreams! We love you and we are proud of you! Your #1 fansMom & Dad.

To our brother, You have accomplished so much and we are incredibly proud to have you as our brother! Keep running strong! We love you! Your sisters, Jailyn, Jamia, Jenna

Mathew 19:26

James Boutte


Jayden Chin

Dearest Jayden, Congratulations!!!

We are so proud of you for all your achievements in high school. You are a fine young man who loves the Lord, who is kind, strong, loyal, persevering, a warrior, and a leader. The Lord is faithful and He will guide every step of your life.

Numbers 6:24-26 Matthew 6:33

We love you so very much!

Mom, Dad, & Joshua



zach and thomas MYERS

Thomas and Zach,

Congratulations! We are so proud of both of you!

Love, Mom and Dad


Juliet Nickell


We are so proud and we can't wait to see what you'll do next. The sky is the limit!

We love you! - Dad and Mom

"The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing"

- Psalm 23

Yianni Rokas

Sydnor Duffy

Sydnor oh where has the time gone?

From our little miracle to graduating senior!

While we have much advice to share-it all boils down to:

Be sweet, be fierce, and most importantly, be you!

We are so very proud of you!

Lots of Love -Mom and Dad, Zia, Brian James, Cameron & Caroline

Grant Miller


Congratulations Grant! We are so proud of you and can't wait to see write the next chapter of your life. We know God has great things in store for you!

We love you!

-Mom, Dad, Riley, Zach, and Mackenzie

You are an honoring son, a loyal friend and a protective brother. We are excited to have a front row seat to what the Lord has in store for you in this next chapter of life.

Rejoice in Hope, Be Patient in Trials, and Pray Always- Romans 12:12.

Love Dad, Bella and Addie Beth


Our hearts are lled with love for you! May your journey continue to be blessed and may your happiness continue to grow!

- Dad, Mom, and Ayla
“What lies behind us, and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson



Noah Casagrande

Psalm 32:8

I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go: I will counsel you with my eye upon you.

Noah, we are so proud of you for all of you accomplishments!

You are an amazing youg man, son, brother, friend, servant of God, student and athlete.

We know God has BIG PLANS for YOUR LIFE!!!

We love you NOAH! Love, Dad, Mom and all of your family!!!


Cole Broussard

We love you! Mom, Dad, and Ragan


Your beautiful spirit and kind heart are beyond measure. Step out into the world with confidence knowing God is with you and we will always be behind you.

Allan Currier

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request."

–Philippians 4:6 Love, Mom, Dad, & Leanne



Whether you're a gum-chewing Violet Beauregarde, a wise Wendy to a mischievous Peter, a murdering old lady or a General with a heart of gold, we can't wait to see your next act! We are so proud of all you have accomplished on and off the stage.

Love, Mom, Dad and Owen


Chetan Jolly

No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world. --'Dead Poets Society' Chetan, we are so proud of the human you are stepping into. Your big ideas, willingness to work hard and ability to form strong connections will no doubt lead to an extraordinary life. We love you!


Embrace the paths before you, seeing each opportunity as a testament to faith guiding your journey. Live your precious life in gratitude, radiating joy, health and fulfillment. Your God-given traits - beauty, wit, loyalty, leadership - have touched hearts. We watch in awe and anticipation as you embark on the adventure ahead. May God's love accompany and illuminate your every endeavor.

2024 NatalieTaufer

Love, Mom, Eric, and your family


Tucker Torn

Tucker T,

We're so proud of you and so excited to see what your future holds. Onward and upward!

- Love, Mom, Dad, Sam, Jack, Kaiya, & Anna Scott

"For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

- Jeremiah 29:11

1 Kings 17:4-6 John 6:33-35 Love you, Dad

Roark Ted, we love you and are so very proud of you! - Mom, Dad, and May Psalm 91:11

Raven Swainson



You have faced many challenges in the past few years but have kept a positive attitude that has allowed you to shine! Your success will be the result of your consistency and dedication. We are proud of you and excited for your amazing journey to begin!

Love you, Mom, Dad, and Max

Sydeny Ham

"Sydney, Congratulations on your Freshman year! We are so proud of you and everything you put your mind and heart into!"

We love you!

Mom, Ross & Ford

Payton Mitchell

We are so proud of you. You are a light people seek.

Love you Mom and Dad


Congratulations! Distinguished Scholars Class of 2026

311 GREENWOOD KING a place to find your home Vaughn Skurner Class of 2027 Shannon Skurner Legal Counsel We support Houston Christian High School Go Mustangs!

Justin Lewis



We love you, Mom, Dad, Your 3 brothers, and M&M

Layla Borghese

Emily Cezeaux

Emily, we are all so very proud of you! You have grown into an intelligent young woman with such compassion for others. Let your light shine!

Commit your actions to the Lord and your plans will succeed. Proverbs 16:3

Soli Deo gloria!

Love, Momma, Mr. Father, Grammy, Pa, Grandmom and Shelby

Your life journey has been to date quite the adventure. You have experienced so much and been confronted with obstacles that most of us could not even imagine. You have relentlessly endeavored to strive for a better world and make those around you better. We have watched you grow into a beautiful young lady that is steadfast in her beliefs and whose moral compass is strong and straight. You have accomplished so many things on so many different levels. We can't wait to watch in amazement as you continue on your path and explore new experiences. We have full faith in you and love you so much. We are so proud of you!!


Olivia, We are so proud of all of your accomplishments! You are truly amazing! We can't wait to see where the future takes you! Love you so very much.

Love, Mom, Dad, and Joseph

Olivia Chavez

315 Senior Silver Spurs 2023-2024 Natalie, Evan Marie and Elizabeth, You have amazed us throughout your high school career. It has been an honor watching you three dance, love the Spurs, make memories & build a bond like no other. Keep dancing torwards your dreams... Love , Your Parents


Congratulations Seth!

From day one you’ve filled our hearts with pride and joy. Continue to seek God’s direction and let your faith be a guide in all you do. We can’t wait to see what’s next!

All our Love, Mom, Dad, and Hayley Ephesians 3:17-19

Becky Livingston HC will always love you. in loving memory of

Hannah Pullin

We don't know what we would have done without you. We truly appreciate the hard work and dedication you bring to us. Nothing here would've been possible without you!

-xoxo, The Yearbook Staff (Hannah Fisher)


Let the Credits Roll.....


Abbassi, Sofia........................80

Adams, Samuel .....65, 117, 173, 175

Adlam, Chris......8, 96, 100, 111, 160, 187, 189, 202, 237

Ajimotokan, Oyinkansola......... 8, 98, 205, 242

Ajmani, Dove ...8, 111, 154, 214, 221, 239, 260

Akompi, Carter................65, 91

Alexander, Jacob..................56

Alidor, James .. 80, 83, 85, 99, 101

Allen, Jackson...............65, 90

Allen, Morgan......................159

Allen, Toby .............73, 165, 194

Alston, Drew .................65, 128

Alvarez, Gian..................73, 95

Anderson, Rachel..........73, 110

Anderson, Warren 9, 98, 99, 133, 168, 192, 224, 234, 242

Andrews, Selvie ....65, 70, 100

Arizpe, Jorge.........................80

Arnold, Helena ..... 9, 88, 96, 97, 111, 195, 197, 235, 239, 242

Arnold, Karen................80, 104

Arriaga, Will ...........75, 95, 203

Arriaga, William.....................73

Arthur, Dedra.........................80

Arthur, Xavier.........................73

Babbitt, Leah..........................73

Bae, Daniel ....... 9, 96, 97, 164, 242

Banks, Kaiya............65, 70, 141

Bany, Jordan ....... 10, 94, 100, 128, 134, 203, 230, 242, 251, 327

Barker, Ethan ......10, 239, 242, 291

Barnes, Amiri ........65, 176, 189

Barrow, Jackson ..73, 143, 173, 174, 175, 184

Barrow, Mac ....... 56, 145, 195, 207

Bartels, Carol..........................81

Bartholomew, Alex........... 65, 102, 177

Bavaro, Camille.....................56

Bean, Raymond .....81, 104, 176

Beaver, Austin .... 65, 69, 96, 116, 117, 175, 219

Beaver, Beau ........ 73, 77, 168, 204, 208, 216, 217

Bedre, Georgia..............56, 90

Been, MC .....56, 132, 154, 179, 208, 212, 220

Beken, Anderson.73, 142, 173 Bell, Sandra.............................81

Bennington, Victoria........ ....73, 96, 164, 208

Benyamine, Nady..81, 85, 110, 118

Bergmann, Jon ...... 81, 89, 95, 100

Bergmann, Kris.......................81

Bermel, Julie...........................81

Biagioli, Rhett........................73

Biar, Kelly.................................81

Birdsong, Joshua..................73

Blyden, Jordan ....10, 108, 109, 121, 215, 236, 237

Borghese, Layla ....11, 120, 122, 125, 195, 234, 313

Boutte, James ........11, 97, 152, 202, 203, 207, 235, 239, 243, 289

Boyle, Kylie .....................56, 115 Braquet, Nate 11, 111, 114, 122, 125, 234

Bravo, Camille......................151

Bredeweg, Michael.......... ....81, 85, 96, 102, 212 Brianna Isham........................70

Brogdon, Colin .....12, 109, 243

Broussard, Cole ...12, 101, 196, 239, 299

Brown, Brian ....81, 117, 121, 125 Brown, Camella ...73, 150, 176, 189

Brown, Staci.....................81, 97

Brueckner, Alexandra...... ....56

Bryant, Ella ....... 73, 128, 129, 139, 185

Buongiorno, Jackson...... 13, 222, 235, 242, 247

Burkhart, Jacob............56, 182 Burttschell, Bauer.................56

CCelestin, James....14, 241, 243 Cervantes, Gracie............. 65, 101, 109, 130, 163, 216 Cestero, Erin...........................81

Cestero, Josh..................57, 111 Cezeaux, Emily ....14, 108, 224, 235, 238, 242, 313 Champagne, Jenelle73, 75, 139 Chang, Grace 81, 83, 90, 92, 93, 103, 111 Chang, Mia.............................65 Chang, Noah ...........57, 118, 119 Chaplan, Katie................73, 110 Chavez, Olivia................14, 314 Chen, Meixi ......................57, 70 Chenoweth, Jake...... 65, 182, 183

C DCaesar, Kaylin56, 107, 127, 151, 218, 219

Cameron, Keyton..........13, 166 Carlson, Savanna....13, 97, 197, 242, 248

Carmichael, Madison57, 219

Carpenter, Van .....73, 100, 173 Casagrande, Noah13, 233, 243, 298

Castillo, Deyci.........................81

CdeBaca, Sally .......65, 67, 98, 139, 327

CdeBaca, Sam ......65, 142, 189 Celano, Shane.......................73

Chieng, Mia . 109, 151, 166, 218 Childs, Katia ...................57, 168 Childs, McKayla ....57, 153, 218 Chin, Jayden 15, 98, 108, 116, 121, 192, 193, 216, 238, 290

CJ Brown .............................189

Clapp, Madison .....73, 78, 103, 139, 204 Clapp, Meckenzie.15, 97, 232, 237, 243 Clapp, Morgan ......73, 139, 195 Clark, Keegan................57, 165 Clark, Lauren................65, 163 Clarke, Brandon....................57 Clarke, Cooper .....61, 101, 122, 124, 125, 200, 202, 216 Cody, Annabelle ...65, 95, 125 Condrey, Ella..........................57 Conshafter, Sofia..........65, 118 Cook, Lala...............................73 Cook, Simone................73, 139 Cooper, Amelia.............57, 150 Cooper, Bennett...57, 142, 164 Copeland, Matt 80, 81, 85, 93 Corson, Andrew 15, 222, 242, 284 Corson, William...................166 Cotten, John..........................65 Cotton, Jenny......................221 Cox, Ava .........16, 126, 127, 219, 242, 268, 306 Crandall, Ron.................81, 160 Cromeens, Sarah....72, 73, 77, 110, 178 Crummel, Christie..................81 Cubbler, Scott..................81, 85 Currier, Allan16, 125, 238, 241, 299


DDDalton, Anne....................80, 81

Davenport, Hudson64, 65, 182, 199

Davenport, Luke ...16, 64, 103, 242, 268

Davidson, Luke .....17, 83, 240, 243

Davis, Izzie... ..... 17, 233, 242, 287

Dawkins, Julian ....17, 189, 242 Dawson, Dennis............81, 100

deLeon, Carlos.......................81

DeLongchamps, Joey...... 18, 114, 125, 205, 223, 239, 241, 243, 246

Denton, James.......................81

Dewhurst, Sarah ...57, 90, 140. 188, 224

Diaz, Isabella..65, 70, 100, 178

Dickerson, Abby ....65, 69, 70, 110, 128, 139

Dickerson, Lauren .......65, 109

Dickerson, Mindy...................81

Dickson, Andrew..................57

Dickson, Drew.....................182

Dickson, Kemily..............57, 101

Dickson, Sophie ...73, 94, 126, 202, 203, 208, 209

Diven, Karen ...........81, 98, 213

Dixon, Darius ........18, 160, 189, 203, 207, 227, 239, 243

Dmitrowicz, Greg....81, 91, 100

Dolfo, Riley.............................65

Donelson, Lucas 18, 164, 165, 166, 207, 221, 222, 235, 243, 278

Dong, Lexy ......................65, 92

Donohue, Evan Marie19, 109, 150, 196, 199, 235, 238, 239, 314

Donohue, Olivia...........65, 109

Droog, Carter.........................73

Droog, Eden ....57, 62, 114, 139

Droz, Patricia 81, 98, 108, 109, 223

Drury, Jill 64, 66, 91, 107, 148, 217, 220, 306

DuBose, Lily ...... 72, 73, 77, 91, 92, 139, 162, 163, 202, 208, 226

Duffy, Sydnor ........19, 107, 109, 234, 241, 243, 294

Durnell, Addie...............57, 127

Duty, Finn .................57, 62, 173

duVigneaud, Analeigh.... 73, 78, 139, 208

duVigneaud, Eloise.........57, 107, 177


Earles, Danielle.......... 19, 170, 235, 239, 271

Edmiston, Noah.....................57

Egger, Elise...........20, 94, 239, 243, 251

Eggleston, Parker........20, 197, 242, 279

Eisenman, AJ.................81, 188

Elie-Stuart, Jordan............ 47, 145, 186, 187, 189, 223, 236, 242

Elkins, Avery...............20, 120, 121, 123, 125, 239, 241, 243, 283

Elkins, Michelle...................125

Ellis, Jacob.............................57

Ellis, Rick..................................81

Emery, Don..............................81

Emily Ann Haynes24

Erler, Kenny ............66, 127, 151

Eschete, Halle ........21, 88, 161, 206, 288

Espinosa, Cordelia66, 70, 127

Gassett, Katie........................82

Gean, Anna ...............74, 78, 111 Gerard, Bekah .....66, 107, 109, 152, 153, 176, 208

Gibbons, Xavier.............66, 70 Gil, Misti.............82, 91, 95, 201 Gilmore, Jaxon......................62

Girven, Pierce........................57

Givens, Payton ....74, 103, 139, 194

Faircloth, Jeff ...... 81, 85, 100, 110, 183, 189

Farah, Addison......................73

Farias, Elise............................66

Farris, Ava .....21, 170, 171, 205, 217, 219, 239, 241, 242, 261

Faterkowski, Barrett............66, 182

Faust, Ella...............................73

Feruzzo, Joseph............. ...89, 143, 173, 209, 220

Fineberg, Avery..............73, 77

Fiochi, Lee............................210

Fisher, Hannah21, 91, 100, 115, 134, 135, 169, 226, 237, 238, 240, 243, 318, 326

Florey, Tully ....... 66, 90, 100, 103, 164, 218

Floyd, Ava .............66, 147, 306 Foreman, MaKyah.......... 159 Fox, Tina.................................82

Francis, Johnnie........ 22, 152, 207, 222, 237, 243

Fuentes, Carlos ....82, 101, 103


Ganim, Alexander.. 74, 77, 88, 142, 203

Ganim, William..............74, 203 Garcia, Leah ....74, 77, 105, 159

Garibay, Maya ...... 74, 96, 105, 117, 139, 177, 211

Garza, Kennedy....................131

Givens, Presley............74, 150 Gladney, Tom........................183

Gonsoulin, Ginna..........74, 158 Gonzales, Michele............ 82 Gonzalez, Adrienne......... 82

Gordon, Micah ..... 57, 62, 116, 117, 157, 212 Granados, Mia .....57, 149, 218, 306

Granere, Jadyn....22, 178, 179, 247 Granere, Sean......................179 Gregg, Gracie .......74, 146, 147, 306 Gregg, Raley ....... 57, 148, 207, 306 Gregory, Cooper...........66, 181 Griffiths, Calvin...............57, 116 Grillo, Elena ......66, 67, 69, 75, 88, 94, 95, 98, 101, 105, 134, 160, 161, 185, 327 Grimmer, Mackenzie........ 74, 77, 139 Guild, Emma ......... 22, 97, 98, 99, 140, 196, 209, 223, 224, 231, 238, 272 Guild, Sarah.......... 23, 90, 93, 169, 214, 215, 222, 226, 238, 241, 242, 273

Gulledge, Kaden..........66, 144


HHHackerman, Lane.......58, 220 Hadaway, Phoebe............ 23, 125, 232, 242, 263 Haggard, Riley.................74, 77 Ham, Sydney .........74, 78, 304 Hargrove, Peyton.................58 Harmon, Jay...........................82 Haro, Marco Emilio........... 74 Harper, James...............74, 128 Harper, Liam....................74, 117 Hart, JJ ...........23, 95, 189, 243 Hartman, Lauren .........24, 149, 222, 238, 241, 243, 263, 306

Haselhorst, Jordan........... 66, 67, 138, 139, 163 Hawkins, Kirk.........................82 Hawkins, Lisa.........................82 Hawkins, Seth.......24, 102, 316 Hawkinson, Abby............66, 91, 148, 206, 306 Hawthorne, Owen........66, 109 Haynes, Emily Ann ...210, 240 Hayward-Johnson, Gabrielle ......27

Head, Abbey ..........58, 90, 139 Helberg, Kyle ....... 25, 90, 121, 125, 128, 132, 133, 212, 214, 215, 226, 234, 240, 243, 290 Helms, Hadleigh ....... 25, 97, 154, 155, 171, 202, 208, 209, 210, 211, 217, 230, 237, 243, 253

Helms, McKinley ....64, 66, 89, 91, 199, 208, 209 Helper-Popp, Alexandria.....74

Henao, Mia ...25, 97, 239, 243 Henning, Jack... 26, 145, 183, 205, 207, 240, 243 Herauf, Jackson......... 26, 94, 120, 121, 122, 195, 198, 200, 201, 211, 217, 219, 237, 238, 241, 243, 271 Herauf, Piper ........ 66, 91, 102, 139, 201, 206

Hernandez, Iliana........66, 139 Herveat, Lily ........ 58, 154, 179, 220

Hiemstra, Nicole....... 58, 122, 125, 126, 127, 219

Highberg-Smith, Graeme ......67, 71, 145, 172, 174 Highberg-Smith, Ewan ........... 46, 144, 188, 240, 243, 281 Hill, Dylan.............26, 189, 259 Hill, Paige ........ 74, 75, 78, 139, 158, 159, 177, 216, 217 Hill, Paul ....... 74, 75, 128, 142, 176, 177

Hintz, James .................66, 108 Hlaihel, Lea ........ 27, 149, 202, 239, 242, 306 Hobbs, Rochelle............82, 83 Hogue, Jill.............82, 105, 185

Hollingsworth, Bethany .............. 74, 77, 139, 194 Holman, Jacob......................58 Holt, Linus....... 66, 67, 97, 116, 164

Honeck, Jenny ......82, 89, 102 Hope, Alyssa ................58, 226 Hopf, Loren ...................82, 210

Horelica, Sara........................82

Horton, Henry .........74, 94, 172

Horton, Jack ..... 58, 61, 170, 171, 172, 173, 184, 189

Houston, Collier....... 58, 104, 105, 117, 175

Houston, Pryce......................74

Houston, Sabina..... 66, 92, 95, 130, 131, 178 Howie, Jacob.......................185 Hyon, Ellie..............................74

Hyzak, Megan.................66, 91

IIIanculovici, Karen........58, 124

Incerpi, Lucca .....58, 130, 156, 157

Isgur, Nathan..........................74

Isham, Briana ...........66, 69, 70

JJJackson, William........ 27, 111, 208, 242, 271

Jamison, Cole........................66

Jennings, Kaitlin ....... 58, 101, 107, 148, 306

Johnson, Audrey.........74, 139 Jolly, Aahna ....................66, 92 Jolly, Chetan ......28, 168, 238, 301

Jolly, Kiran ....58, 163, 177, 206 Jones, Anderson....... 58, 144, 145, 189

Jones, Chloe ....58, 61, 90, 168 Jones, Harrison ...68, 173, 204 Jones, Hunter...............58, 143 Jones, Michael......................82 Jones, Robby ....... 69, 70, 101, 142, 314

Jones, Sara .........68, 126, 207 Jones, Sofie ...........58, 107, 161 Jones, Zshanelle...... 82, 140, 184

Jordan, Audrey......................58

Jou, Josh ...... 58, 62, 94, 102, 202, 218

Ju, Juicy ... 28, 103, 132, 205, 226, 230, 237, 241, 243

KKKang, Geon............................28

Kapche, Karli ...... 29, 94, 107, 114, 213, 219, 223, 234, 238, 240, 242, 280

Kern, Brooke .......29, 236, 243 Kilchrist, Bret ....... 29, 56, 144, 166, 188, 207, 258

Kimzey, Claire ...... 56, 58, 101, 126, 130, 135, 171, 207, 327

Klein, Alex ....... 30, 145, 206, 243, 297

Kling, Ashlyn ...... 64, 68, 107, 130, 146, 147, 306

Knobbe, Andrew ...... 68, 108, 109, 123, 125 Koehler, Emmy..............58, 178 Koerner, Ayden..............68, 94 Kraft, Angelina ..... 58, 141, 184, 189

Krieger, Madison . ......30, 98, 140, 141, 193, 194, 204, 205, 207, 212, 216, 223, 230, 234, 238, 240, 243, 248

Kuhle, Noah ..........58, 132, 133 Kuo, Sophia .......58, 119, 169, 192, 193

Kuykendall, Cash..................30

Kuykendall, Connally64, 68, 107, 138, 139, 162, 163, 207

LLacook, Carol........................82

Laflamme, Jenna 80, 82, 100 Lam, Isabella..........................68 Lam, Xander....................68, 97 Lane, William..........................74 Lankford, Taylor ..........58, 227 LeBlanc, Grayson..... 58, 94, 166

Lebrun, Jax ...... 68, 104, 152, 188 Lee, Harper .....58, 98, 111, 154, 178 Lee, Maddox ..................74, 166 Lee, Micah ......................74, 173 Lee, Taylor ...31, 166, 193, 239, 284 Lee, Zariah ......................58, 88 Lehane, Carson ......64, 68, 91, 93, 96, 97, 101, 102, 103, 107, 111, 134, 146, 147, 206, 306, 327 Leighton, Claire ......58, 56, 61, 130, 131, 156, 189 Leighton, Justin............59, 125


Leighton, Lane......56, 58, 130, 131, 204

Lemasters, Harrison......... 74

Lemasters, Lillian....... 58, 114, 128, 218

Lemon, Brianna.....................58 Lewis, Demetri......68, 161, 176, 188

Lewis, Justin......... 31, 96, 212, 236, 312 Lewis, Quincy ........61, 145, 176 Lim, Meredith .......68, 146, 147, 306

Lindsay, Amy...................82, 83 Lindsay, Nate.................31, 243 Linhart, Bobby ...... 82, 117, 121, 125 Livingston, Becky................317 Livingston, Steve................192 Livingstone, Kai.....................68 Loginova, Liza ......74, 100, 110, 157

Longwell, Elizabeth.......... 32, 83, 150, 151, 208, 213, 233, 239, 300, 314 Longwell, Lisa........................82 Lopez, Joshua.............32, 242 Louzado, Diago.....................74 Lozano, Ellen.........................82 Luna, Micheal..............76, 202 Lunam, Victoria ....... 68, 69, 207, 218, 225 Lusk, Noah.............................58

MMartin, Carley .........58, 70, 151

Martin, Chelsea .....68, 70, 110, 140

Martin, Joseph.......................68

Martin, Miller...................67, 89

Mason, Elizabeth..........60, 151

Mayfield, Eric ...... 33, 145, 176, 177, 206, 207, 241, 242

McCarty, Hayden ............. 76, 173, 304

McCarty, Max .......34, 109, 114, 125, 230, 241, 243, 285

McClendon, Pam...82, 98, 110

McClinton, Brianna........... 68, 70, 158, 177

McCollum, Parker.................56

McCormick, Clark.......68, 106, 125, 156, 157

McCormick, Winston....... 72, 76, 157, 218, 220

McCurdy, Heidi.....82, 133, 221

McDaniel, Bella ........ 60, 149, 209, 306

McDaniel, Hudson............ 34, 166, 242, 295

McDonald, Coleman........ 34

McGowen, Josiah..........76, 77, 95, 111, 129, 202

McIntosh, Aliyah.................159

McKenzie, Brazos.......35, 166, 243, 254

McKissack, Bella....68, 70, 72, 110, 111, 134, 135, 177, 327

McLane-Higginson, Brooke .....82, 100, 110

McLarry, Blaire...............60, 115

McLean, Grace...............60, 90

McMeans, Alexander....... 76

McMeans, Sydney ........... 60

Meade, Alexander ........... 76

Medlock, Addison ........... 64, 101, 107, 139

Miller, Hudson........................76

Minson, Brian .........82, 85, 125 Mitchell, Payton .....76, 93, 211, 305

Mize, Ben ........36, 97, 107, 133, 234, 240, 242 Mock, Holden........................76 Montgomery, Cole............ 60, 122, 125, 198, 200, 201, 216

Moon, Andrea ..... 80, 82, 92, 93

Moore, Ellen ........ 68, 139, 185, 207

Moore, Hadley .....60, 148, 306 Moore, Matt .....................82, 89 Morrow, Alyse .......60, 119, 124, 125, 218

Mosley, Kayla.........................36 Mueller, Kate .........37, 171, 202, 208, 243, 269 Mulanax, Abbie ...76, 147, 306, 308

Mulanax, Cameron........... 76, 116, 198, 309 Mullen, Jackson........ 37, 241, 243, 270

Munford, Grace ....... 82, 83, 102, 155, 184, 220 Murff, Cooper...........75, 76, 95 Murff, Emma ......... 60, 61, 201, 202, 209, 220, 224 Muro, Samantha .....37, 97, 107, 171, 188, 195, 202, 210, 255


Mackel, Taylor.....58, 140, 158, 159

Madden, Abigail..........68, 130

Madi Melton.........................162

Maillet, Dylan .......32, 111, 238, 242

Mallory, Bennett...........58, 145

Mallory, Jack.........................76

Manzel, Sebastian............. 58, 207

March, Keith-Judah.......... 33, 202, 207, 220

March, Zion...........................58

Marchon, Victor....................33

Medlock, Caleb........ 35, 100, 242, 262

Medlock, Sophia...................68

Mejia, Sofia.............................76

Melton, Emery .....76, 139, 208

Melton, Madi ...... 60, 138, 139, 162

Messer, Leanne.............82, 211

Metz, Millie ...... 135, 178, 189, 327

Mikulich, Gabby....... 35, 92, 241, 243

Miller, Davis ..........60, 105, 125

Miller, Grant ........36, 235, 239, 240, 242, 295

Myers, Thomas ...38, 236, 292 Myers, Zach .................38, 292

Navas, Adriana......................62

Neslony, Jordan....................60

Nicholas, Olivia 60, 193, 208

Nickell, Juliet................38, 293

Nixson, Caroline...................83

Nuno, Hailey . 56, 60, 101, 138, 139

Nutt, Samuel .........68, 173, 174

Oberoi, Olivia 76, 77, 110, 126, 146, 147, 204, 304, 306

Ohlenforst, Sam 39, 152, 200, 201, 208, 242, 264

Oliver, Kelly ..............80, 83, 99

Ondrias, Meagan...67, 68, 199

Orr, Isaac ........................60, 175 Orr, Lily 76, 138, 139, 170, 203 Orth, Kirby .....................60, 182 Ortiz, Camila .........76, 78, 208 Ortiz, Carlos ....60, 62, 93, 164

Ortiz, Joel .........................76, 111

Overton, Avery ......76, 77, 138, 139


Pagano, Aubrey ....71, 94, 102, 125, 204

Pagazaurtundua, Begona 39 Pandya, Nayka.......................76

Pandya, Raja..........................39

Pangestu, Mia........................60

Paula Zabala.........................161

Pembleton, Brad 83, 100, 183 Penilla, Dreighven71, 100, 219, 327

Perez, Anthony......................83

Perkins, Seth ........40, 100, 149, 182, 183, 203, 232, 239, 240

Pernoud, Jonathan 40, 94, 105, 226, 243, 287

Peters, Bennett............60, 160 Peterson, Linda.....................83

Phillips, Kayla................60, 159

Pickett, Maddie 60, 90, 132, 154, 162, 179, 209

Pidgeon, Luke .....40, 145, 166, 242, 275



Pirtle, Terry.............................84

Pisklak, Abby................76, 150

Pisklak, Katie.......60, 125, 220

Pitcaithly, Aiden............76, 143

Pontbriand, Avery.........76, 139

Pope, Connor................76, 143

Prewitt, Samantha60, 90

Price, Darren .........84, 203, 211

Price, Sara ......60, 61, 132, 193, 220

Primrose, Dalton..........60, 130

Prince, Todd...........................84

Pullin, Hannah ... 60, 90, 134, 135, 224, 319, 326, 327

RRRaddatz, Lana .......41, 152, 163, 189, 237, 239, 243

Rahim, Sophia .......76, 139, 177

Rainey, Daimon............60, 160

Ramirez, Loretta....................84

Ramkissoon, Zachary...... 60

Rawls, Tyler ..........60, 176, 227

Ray, Regan.............80, 84, 209

Read, Jill..................................84

Read, Miriam ........ 41, 99, 123, 239, 242, 300

Read, Owen ....................71, 165

Redd, Corbin .................60, 175

Reed, Kiersten ........56, 61, 139

Reed, Kinsey ........76, 139, 207

Reese, Lori.....................84, 130

Reis, Ron ........61, 108, 143, 144

Rennie, Stephanie............ 76, 176, 195

Ressling, Clay................61, 169

Rexroad, Abigail......72, 76, 77, 110

Rexroad, Jacob .....76, 78, 105

Reyes, Nate............................78

Reynolds, Mark......................61

Rice, Jenny Cotton84

Rice, Kristen ....... 41, 198, 200, 201, 213, 232, 282

Rieke, Lukas ......83, 84, 85, 91, 96, 214

Ritchie, Kian ....... 42, 120, 125, 235, 242, 257

Roark, Ted...............42, 111, 303

Rodriguez-Landrau, Gabriel .............................69, 71, 95, 104

Rodriguez-Landrau, Soleil ...............................................71

Rokas, Yianni ....... 42, 114, 125, 293

Rollins, Addie .........70, 110, 218

Rosandich, Heather.......... 84

Rothbauer, Ella......................79

Rothbauer, Lynda..................79

Rovall, Mikayla .....43, 239, 241

Rowden, Jeannine........... 125

Ruiz, Becky Lou.....................84


Samuelson, Emma........... 43, 141, 186, 187, 223, 242, 247

Sanders, Veronica............ 61

Sanders, Virginia...... 79, 117, 194

Santini, Alessio .......71, 129, 181

Sapaugh, Samantha......80, 84

Scheffler, Tyler...............79, 166

Schell, Connor ......63, 130, 182

Schisler, Moriah........ 43, 196, 238, 241, 243

Schwing, Adam .......84, 89, 94 Schwing, Levi.........................63

Schwing, Walker.............71, 117 Seay, Christian.....44, 166, 222 Seeliger, Carter ........ 44, 161, 186, 187, 193, 203, 242, 274

Senseman, Anna...................71

Sessions, Natalia..........79, 214

Shaw, Kate .......67, 69, 71, 134, 139, 327

Shaw, Matthew ...44, 144, 206, 242, 279

Sheppard, Adam....... 45, 145, 164, 233, 241, 243, 265

Shrader, Sam ....... 45, 96, 171, 240, 243

Shumate, Presley..71, 106, 122

Shurtz, Elizabeth..........84, 125

Sitta, Brynn ...... 69, 71, 93, 97, 100, 111, 128, 138, 139, 185, 207

Skinner, Mike .........84, 210, 211

Skurner, Vaughn ...78, 79, 128, 311

Skyles, Rhonda..............84, 93

Slate, Camden .....45, 166, 221, 222

Smejkal, Wyatt.......................79

Smith, Caitlin ........ 46, 96, 97, 99, 100, 118, 119, 134, 135, 215, 326

Smith, Liliana................46, 227 Snyder, Oliver........................63

Sorola, Aliessia......................79

Spears, Lizzie ... 47, 149, 199, 243, 266, 306

Spence, Taylor.......................63

Stagner, Hailey ......63, 98, 132

Stahl, Kate ........................61, 63

Steffen, Kolby................63, 119 Stephens, Ben.......................63

Stephens, Jack ......63, 89, 185 Stephens, Sophia.................63

Stockton, Will..................75, 79 Stone, Samuel........................71

Stovall, Lily.......79, 91, 147, 194, 306

Stringer, Josephine.......... 84

Stuart, Charlotte........ 84, 88, 94, 100, 139, 196, 197

Sun, Natalie............................79

Sun, Nate .........63, 116, 117, 157

Swainson, Raven...................47, 205, 240, 243, 303

Tafilaj, Drin ......................63, 161

Taher, Brandon ..... 71, 94, 104, 116

Takahata, Noah ....48, 93, 108, 116, 117, 243

Talley, Cameron........ 48, 205, 240, 243, 296

Tarwater, Major ........... 71, 107, 166, 167, 200, 201, 202, 206, 216, 217

Taufer, Natalie......48, 127, 150, 151, 239, 302, 314 Taylor, Natalie ......63, 148, 149, 306

Thompson, Elizabeth....... 135, 327 Thompson, Emilia............. 49, 94, 238, 243 Thompson, Emily ........49, 178, 196, 236, 242 Thompson, Michael......... 79, 194

Tilotta, Josh ............49, 111, 233 Thomas, Jake........................63

Torn, Tucker ...... 50, 152, 212, 241, 242, 303 Tran, Aiden ........ 50, 96, 232, 243

Tran, Alyssa............................79

Trevathan, Gracie.................79

Trevathan, Will.......................63

Trickett, Joseph ....63, 145, 184 Trozzo, Annie .......79, 139, 203 Tutor, Savannah ....... 50, 211, 221, 235, 239, 242, 287 Tyler, Melissa ........84, 125, 126

Vargo, Varjas, Vaughan, Venus, Villafuerte, Voinis, Voinis,

Undlin, Brooke......................63


Vargo, Charlotte........ 63, 149, 204, 206, 306

Varjas, Matthew............... 51, 111, 120, 242, 266 Vaughan, Boston............ 56, 63, 93, 117, 224, 305 Venus, Calvin..................84, 85 Villafuerte, Mikayla........... 63, 115, 204

Voinis, Angelina....................79 Voinis, Zoe..............................51


Walker, Tiffanie ......................84

Wallace, Chase...............75, 79

Wallace, Kendall...51, 156, 188, 189, 237, 239, 242, 287

Warnica, Riley .......52, 97, 135, 163, 178, 179, 187, 189, 223, 226, 230, 236, 242, 276, 326

Watson, Reese ....79, 139, 202

Watson, Tripp ....... 67, 71, 172, 174, 175

Watson, Walker ...........79, 202

Wayne, Hudson ...........52, 286

Webb, Clayton ................83, 84

Webb, Michele .......84, 96, 99

Weber, Hunter ......79, 172, 173, 174, 175

Weber, Jackson ......67, 71, 142, 174, 175

Wegmann, Blake ...........79, 164

Wheat, Caitlin................79, 139

Wheeler, Lincoln..........79, 227

Wheeler, Montana............ 63, 160, 161, 189, 213

Wheeler, Teddy ....84, 100, 161, 189

White, Jennifer......................84

Wilder, Marlee ......79, 146, 147, 306

Wilkin, Chloe ..........63, 114, 120 Willhite, Aidan....52, 203, 237, 239

Williams, Greyson ............ 71, 90, 142

Williams, Olivia ........ 53, 206, 208, 258

Williford, Taylor...............79, 114 Wilson, Maria ........................63

Winters, Adelyn ....... 64, 71, 91, 107, 148, 149, 306 Winters, Savannah........... 53, 120, 125, 241, 242 Wiseman, Rex.........................71

Wolf, Anna .............71, 128, 129, 168, 169

Woodward, TK ..................67, 71 Wooley Hayes, Reagan... 63

Worley, Kayden .....................63

Wray, Lauren ......53, 240, 243, 316

Wu, Josiah .............63, 116, 204 Wynters, Adelyn.................206


Xavier Gibbons....................161

Xhang, Yixin...........................79

Xue, Donna ....... 54, 101, 103, 106, 107, 236, 237, 240, 242

Yang, Charles.........................63

Yang, Yu Shan........................63


Yi, Jackson .....................79, 219 York, Pierce .........54, 233, 242 York, Pierce Anthony275 Young, Ashley .......54, 120, 177, 186, 187, 243, 277 Young, Samuel...............63, 117 Young, Trisha ........84, 149, 185


Zabala, Paula ...............63, 208

Zhang, Yixin.........................166

Zhu, Sherry.............................55

Zoretic, Quincy .....71, 154, 178, 188


Roll Credits... Yearbook Staff

Hannah Fisher Senior Editor

"Thank you to all the staff this year! Thanks to your hard work and dedication, this book is an actual thing. Couldn’t have done it without y’all! I’m going to miss all of this next year! Continue to work hard and apply yourselves to everything because when you do that, it can turn into something absolutely wonderful. Congratulations on a wonderful project!"

-Hannah Fisher

Hannah Pullin

Junior Co-Editor

"Yearbook staff, Your hard work on this year's yearbook has truly paid off—it's a masterpiece! Thank you for capturing this year so well. Each page reflects your dedication and creativity beautifully. Looking forward to seeing more of your amazing work next year! -Hannah Pullin

"I really liked finding cool pictures to place in the book. I’m pretty happy with how my pages turned out." -Riley

"I loved seeing the progress we were making each week and how far we came from a blank page." -Caitlin


"Hanging out with Hannah Pullin." -Carson

"I enjoyed exploring my creativity when designing ads. It was really fun figuring out ways to creatively use the tools in InDesign." -Dreighven

"I liked seeing the pages get created and doing ads." -Bella

"I enjoyed being in class with my friends and working on the yearbook pages by getting quotes and taking pictures." -Kate

"I enjoyed making new friends and meeting new people throughout the year." -Millie

"I loved getting to make new friends by getting to all work together for the finished yearbook and how it's all pages we made." -Elizabeth

"I love yearbook because I get to spend time with my friends while looking at fun pictures and creating pages." -Sally

"Getting to make something everyone’s going to see, and being able to work with all my friends" -Elena

"I really enjoyed yearbook this year, but my favorite part of it was seeing the end result and how all of the pages came together with the theme." -Claire

"I enjoyed the easygoing atmosphere of the class." -Jordan

Jordan Bany Senior Claire Kimzey Junior Sally Cdebaca Sophomore Elena Grillo Sophomore Carson Lehane Sophomore Bella McKissack Sophomore Millie Metz Sophomore Elizabeth Thompson Sophomore Kate Shaw Sophomore Dreighven Penilla Sophomore

Thanks for Watching! Congrats to the Class of 2024!

THE Class of 2025 Will


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