Hotspots! November 24, 2016

Page 45

firm. They approached me a couple of times and talked me into it. I was nervous at first.

How did you feel when you found out you got cast?

When I found out I was excited. For one, it's the first all gay dating show ever so I was really excited to be one of the 13 suitors.

What was it like when you got the tie?

When I got my tie for the first time, it was nerve-wracking because it was so freaking hot and I wanted some air conditioning. But, I was excited because I wanted to spend more time in the house getting to know Robert and the guys. Even though my thing was “I wasn't here to make friends” I wanted to see more of what the guys and Robert had to offer.


Do you feel you were a little confrontational with some of the guys?

I don't feel I was confrontational. I feel that they were nervous with me because they knew I was there for a competition show. In my mind, they thought I was competition. In their mind, I wasn't there to make friends. In the end, I was there on a dating show. I wasn't there to find my “charming best friend”.

If you had to do it all over again, would you do anything differently?

If I had to do it all over again, the only thing I would do differently is pack more clothes. Not knowing how long you're going to be there and the dates you're going to go on made it hard to prepare. I personally enjoyed my personality on the show. I wouldn't change it at all, it kept the guys on their toes and shook them up a little bit.

Tell us some things about you that we didn't see on the show?

Something you did not see on the show is that I'm a very vulnerable and sensitive person. That is another reason why people didn't see me open up. I was nervous about getting hurt. I rather be seen as a snake then a little whiney bitch.

If someone wants to get in touch with you, how would they? Facebook? Etc???

@Dillonapowell is my Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and ever y other channel. is where you can contact me about my clothing line.


How did you feel when you found out you got cast?

It felt like a good fit for me so I was super excited. I was desperately needing an adventure and I got one!

What was it like when you got the tie?

It's truly hard to remember the first tie, I was just still happy and excited, because it was so new and every aspect was bright and shiny.

Was it hard to share with Robert and the world your sobriety?

I literally talk about it every day. Most people think its strength and courage to be open about it, but for me it's one of the most treasured qualities about my life now.

Were you in love with Robert?

True love definitely comes with intimacy and there is no short cut to intimacy. Intimacy requires time and space to grow toward each other, but I was deeply connected and the scenario requires one to be hyper-focused on one person so it quickens the emotional pace. I will say that my feelings for him were the strongest I've had with anyone I've dated in years.

Did you know he would pick Eric or did you think he would pick you?

I couldn't quite picture who he'd choose, but I knew how he felt about me, too.

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