Hotspots! October 27, 2016

Page 43

What made you take yourself out of the running for Roberts's heart? There were a number of reasons. First off, I was a little concerned with the fact that Robert kissed practically everyone in the house at the BBQ the day after the masquerade ball, except for Dillon. I mean, how many people can you make out with within an hour? It's as if I, in effect, kissed everyone in the house as well. This isn't a trashy nightclub and it turned me off. I said I don't do players and I meant it. Then, after that, I sensed something was off about Robert on the last date we had at the (empty) salsa club. He seemed too much in character at the time to me and there were moments where I believed he wasn't being genuine and honest about who he was and how he was trying to portray himself. He seemed cold and distant as well when the cameras turned away. So, I felt in my gut as if he was hiding something dark. I also felt disrespected with being left alone for such a long time. I felt like Baby in dirty dancing. And nobody leaves baby in a corner!

crazy bird person haha. But there's a lot more to me than that. I also have two dogs. So, I opened up about growing up with anxiety and depression and many in the community, I believe, can relate to that as well as my coming out story. Back in the day all I had was I was speaking to this handsome boy from Sydney and after four years, I traveled over to Australia to meet him. Before I left for my trip, I came out to my family and they accepted me and stood by me ever since. I'm very lucky in that respect. Anyway, I get to Sydney to meet him, and I got stood up. I was catfished. And this is way before catfishing was even a thing.

Now that you are no longer on the show, who do you want Robert to end up with and why? Honestly, I wish Robert all the best and whoever he ends up with must have patience, a strong sense of self and a very thick skin. Also, I'd assume the guy would have to be very financially well off. Robert is a kept boy and he likes nice things. But who doesn't? I'd just prefer to make it on my own and be 50/50 in a relationship.

If you had to do it all over again, would you do anything differently? If I had to do it all over again, I wouldn't have done it in the first place knowing what I know now. But you live and you learn. There's a silver lining to everything. This show is meant to be bigger than all of us put together. There are a lot of very strong and essential messages that should be discussed in the LGBT community and beyond. I think the show did a very good job at breaking down stigmas and opening up a lot of important topics that we all as a community need to address.

Tell us some things about you that we didn't see on the show? Well, well. I think everyone relates to me as a

I've also been a flight attendant for quite a few years. I've lived in Dubai for two years and worked for Emirates Airline. I've also worked for a charter airline for a number of years prior to that. I've seen the world and learned about so many cultures and languages. I'm very grateful and lucky to have had that experience. Now, I'm focusing on my real estate business and I also do private aviation on the side. I believe that traveling is so beneficial for your spirit. I'm also very passionate about aviation.

If someone wants to get in touch with you, how would they? You can find me on Facebook as Chad Aaron S. My Instagram is AbsolutelyChad. And my Twitter is AbsolutelyChad. I actually just joined Twitter. I'm a little behind with the social media. Lol.

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