Horizon Newsletter Volume 53 I Issue No. 1

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Providing Quality Care, Close to Home.



ear valued partners, community and supporters,

In 2021, healthcare providers across the Nation have pushed forward in a year filled with both challenges and victories to prioritize the health, safety and well-being of our employees, clients, partners and the greater community. We have remained focused on expanding partnerships and advocating on behalf of those we serve to remove barriers and improve access to care. At Horizon, our clients and their families allow us to walk beside them in their journey and contribute to their health and well-being with life-saving supportive services. Our compassionate Horizon team provides genuine care while forming deep personal bonds with the individuals we serve. Our community partners share our passion to serve others and the desire to make our community stronger.

As we look ahead in the New Year, we are prompted to reflect on the effort and energy exerted to adapt to ongoing changes, remember the losses we have grieved and celebrate the advancements we have pursued bringing us to where we are today. I am proud to have witnessed the resiliency and loyalty displayed by so many as we continue to fight the faithful fight against stigma and make strides to connect individuals to services that can uplift their overall well-being and transform their quality of life. May the promise of this New Year awaken and renew your passion for this work and our cause; to provide life changing behavioral healthcare services that are accessible, consumer-centered, cost effective, and outcome-based. Yours in Public Service, Melissa Lucy, Interim CEO

IN THIS ISSUE A Year In Reflection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Setting Goals for a Brighter Tomorrow. . . . . . . . 2 Peers with Passion and Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 We Celebrate the 96.8! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 5 Helping Families Take the Lead . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Change. It Starts With Me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Employees of the Quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Cultural Diversity & Inclusion Committee . . . . . 8 Job Openings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Portfolio of Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

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Providing Quality Care, Close to Home.



n 2002, the Women’s Recovery Residence found its home among the Lynchburg City Skyline at Horizon’s Wellness Center at Court Street. Since that time, the Horizon Wellness Center at Court St. has served approximately 450 individuals each month for 19 years without interruption, even expanding during the high peaks of the COVID pandemic in 2020. In February of 2022, Horizon will be relocating the Women’s Recovery program to its very own home in Bedford, VA.

Timia quickly learned how to use tools such as self-care, self-honesty, and selfmanagement to rebuild the confidence she had in herself. Today, Timia is working hard to continue achieving her goals so she is able to be a great mom for her children. Tomorrow, she will be sitting in the audience for graduations, spelling bees, and sporting events, taking in every moment of the special memories she knows she will no longer miss.

This eight-bed residence is staffed 24/7, offers transportation to and from treatment at Horizon and provides residents with a highly structured environment designed to promote sustainable, long-term recovery by eliminating major barriers to successfully initiating and completing treatment. Like many of the strong and persistent women who have come through the program over the years, Timia Williams started her recovery journey with a determined mindset. “I was willing to do anything and everything to get my recovery. I was desperate for a life other than what I’ve always known.” So she began reflecting upon her life choices and setting goals like finding a sponsor, maintaining sobriety, finding a job, getting a driver’s license, ID and social security card, and completing Intensive Outpatient Therapy (IOP). “The main thing that helped me was the explanation of how the brain works, what addiction is, and where it comes from” said Timia as she talked about her experience in IOP. She shared a memorable moment in her journey when “Sitting in IOP one day, I learned there can be many underlying issues that can spark tendencies toward drug use. We discussed abandonment and feelings of ‘you’re not good enough’. In that moment, a lot of things clicked for me. After everything you go through, your self-confidence is at an all-time low and the shame you feel is real. But hope can take it’s place.”

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Pictured above: Timia Williams stands by Barbara Lyons, Certified Substance Abuse Counselor at Horizon. Timia expressed that “Barbara is always excited about my growth. She reminds me that it’s okay to feel bad or a certain way, is always encouraging, always professional, and always there to listen.” Horizon also recognizes the patience, professionalism, and sacrifice displayed by many of our staff as well as the courageous community partners and peers in this field. It is their passion and commitment day-in and day-out that allows them to serve our community well. Thank you, to the Women’s Recovery team who has supported over 108 clients this year, accepted 61 referrals from hospitals, and supported the achievement of 3,217 days of recovery earned by our clients in the Women’s Recovery Program since January, 2021.

Providing Quality Care, Close to Home.



e each experience the world differently. Our perceptions, perspectives, and thoughts are processed differently as our brain interacts with our senses, past experiences, and the surrounding environment. For this very reason, it is difficult to imagine how a mental illness can affect everyday life. Too often, we take for granted the ability to make a grocery store trip, walk across campus, or share a laugh with someone in the checkout line. For some who have experienced a mental illness, these daily tasks can stand in the way of accomplishing goals and experiencing life to the fullest. With support from Horizon’s Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) teams, we are able to change this narrative! The Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) Program bridges the life-skills gap for individuals that live with severe and persistent mental illness by providing longterm needed treatment, rehabilitation, and support services to clients directly in their community. This evidence-based program is made extraordinary by the inspiring successes achieved by our clients with the support of interdisciplinary teams including Peer Recovery Specialists who have dedicated their professional careers to helping their peers experience life to the fullest, despite their illness.

Pictured Above: Erin Sandidge and Lakila Davis, WRAP Facilitators and Peer Recovery Support Specialists at Horizon. “My favorite part of my role is sharing my experiences with my clients” expressed Lakila Davis, ACT team member at Horizon Behavioral Health, “because it helps them to feel comfortable talking to me. By engaging with our clients directly in the communities where they live, we help them feel more comfortable with themselves and being around others by giving them insight into their illness.” After receiving supportive services from Horizon’s ACT program, Lakila was able to return to college to finish her bachelor’s degree in 2016 and is now pursuing her Master’s Degree in Clinical Psychology. Today, Lakila is a Peer Recovery Support Specialist at Horizon, a Certified Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) Facilitator and a shining example reminding us all that “a diagnosis does not define who you are and that recovery is possible!” The ACT Program expanded in July of 2021, and is serving 76 clients in Bedford County and the City of Lynchburg with two multi-disciplinary, community-based teams. We recognize our exceptional teams for their commitment to our clients resulting in nearly 100 individuals benefiting from the program in fiscal year 2021.

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Providing Quality Care, Close to Home.


any ‘firsts’ are experienced in the classroom.

Those lessons and experiences had not only help shape our young people at a critical time in development but also create a foundation which they will build on for the rest of their life. For this very reason, Horizon has provided prevention programming in the school setting for over 10 years with a combination of education, mentoring and engagement opportunities for schoolaged youth. Some of these programs, made possible by grants like Virginia Foundation for Healthy Youth and Drug Free Communities, include the Students Opposed to Drugs and Alcohol (SODA) Mentoring Program, Healthy Youth through Prevention and Education (HYPE) Clubs, and the Too Good for Drugs (TGFD) teaching curriculum.

Out of the 300 students who participated in the fall semester of Too Good for Drugs, 96% of students said “the TGFD program helped me to become more knowledgeable about drugs, alcohol, and tobacco usage and the health risks associated with each” and 92% of students affirmed “the TGFD program has increased my personal commitment to remain/become drug, alcohol, and tobacco free.” Students said their favorite part of the program was working with peers and community members as well as being able to open up to someone in a nonjudgmental environment. High school students from Lynchburg City Schools shared with us why they value the Too Good for Drugs program, offered to all incoming freshman for a full semester. “there’s always a way out if you feel pressured into doing things or in a really tough relationship and your scared. You can always reach out to someone for help.” shared a student from E.C. Glass High School. Alexis Jones from Heritage High School recalled learning that “There’s better things to do than drugs and smoking. When you do that stuff, you can become addicted and always want more.” Alexis and her peers stay drug free by pursuing hobbies like basketball, cooking, volleyball, and being a member of the HYPE Club.

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THE 96.8! T

he HYPE Club (Healthy Youth through Prevention and Education) sets a standard of being drug free for their classmates by organizing events and activities that promote healthy behaviors. This year, they hosted a “Dodge the Smoke” dodge ball tournament for their peers, “Kick the Habit” kickball tournament for students of all ages, a “Speak Up, Speak Art” art show, and Kahoot drug-free challenges for SAMHSA’s Red Ribbon Week, among other activities. In reflection of their accomplishments in the past year, Brooklyn Dop, a HYPE Club member said “at the end, we had a lot of kids come up to us asking ‘When are we going to do this again?’ That was awesome because it felt like we had done something that really mattered to them.”

The positive outcomes of these youth development programs include improved social skills, improved behavior, increased academic achievement, increased self-esteem, and increased self-efficacy. (source) We are seeing those results right here in our community too! Results from the 2021 Youth Risk Behavior Survey showed that 96.8% of students in Lynchburg City High Schools have not used substances within the last 30 days. Taylor Cafro, TGFD Program Facilitator at Horizon explains that “This program not only teaches students the harmful consequences of substance misuse but also meaningful life skills such as goal setting, relationship building, managing emotions and decision making. As the program facilitator, it is really motivating to see them willing to connect on a deeper level, laughing in the classroom, enjoying the activities, and learning skills that last a lifetime all at the same time.” Be sure to follow @gethypecva on Instagram and CVA.Get.HYPE on Facebook for the latest on HYPE Club activities!

PARTNER APPRECIATION Horizon would like to recognize Lynchburg City Schools for their continuous support and partnership that has been foundational to the implementation and success of these programs for 13 years strong. We salute their commitment to helping children develop their full potential by providing learning opportunities that recognize individual needs. We look forward to many more years of impactful partnership as we aim to empower our local youth to make healthy choices by reducing and preventing youth substance use.

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Providing Quality Care, Close to Home.



hen it comes to mental health outcomes, it is common practice to rely on clinical data that points to successes in numbers. This data helps us to adjust strategies, evaluate methods, and advocate for resources on behalf of our community with the goal to improve the overall quality and accessibility of care provided to our clients. However, those numbers don’t always tell the whole story. Our clients do. Their growth, their persistence, and their achievements are the evidence that this work is meaningful and impactful. The Multisystemic Therapy (MST) Program focuses on empowering caregivers to assist and help deal with the challenges their youth or adolescent may be experiencing by improving relationships they develop in schools, in their neighborhood, and at home. Horizon works closely with the local court system to identify and connect with youth and adolescents, ages 12-17, who have committed a first-time offense. The benefit of this approach is treating the problem behavior early and within the environment where it typically occurs instead of in a detention setting. In this unique model of treatment, families are invited to be collaborators in the development of the behavioral change/treatment plan.

After her son completed the MST Program, Becky shared with us “When he was dealing with an issue, it affected the whole family, and what the family did affected him.” Becky’s sixteen year old son lives with autism and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). “I didn’t realize how much he felt like all I did was yell at him. It was eyeopening for him to tell me how he felt and feel safe in opening up as a teenage boy.” From that point, Becky and her son were able to learn and practice tools that allowed them to communicate better and strengthen their relationship. With the support of their therapist at Horizon, Becky and her son were empowered to take the lead in setting goals and building supports that were best suited to their needs. Becky shared that “Naturally, I was defensive at first - a stranger coming into our home. But our therapist immediately relaxed my concerns and had a way about listening without judging and making my son feel safe.” We share with you one glowing success story, but we are also proud of the successes that often go unshared. Such as the 54 families who participated in MST in 2021, the 93% of youth living at home, 97% in school or working, and 95% of youth who have not been re-arrested as a result of the MST Program. Above all, we are grateful for the collaboration amongst our interdisciplinary teams here at Horizon, families and therapists, local school systems, and our partners in the judicial system, that continue to drive these successes. Not just in numbers, but in the lives of the students, friends, neighbors, and families that we call community.

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Providing Quality Care, Close to Home.

CHANGE. IT STARTS WITH ME In every journey, there are ups-and-downs in the road and recovery is no exception. In those moments where clients feel like they have let themselves down or have not yet accomplished what they had set out to do, our compassionate team is there to remind them that "it's okay. I am humbled and honored to walk beside you in this journey of yours." shares Rhonda Turner, Outpatient Clinical Coordinator.


ormerly known as Office Based Opioid Treatment, Horizon’s Office Based Addiction Treatment (OBAT) recently expanded and can now serve up to 60 individuals at any given time. In this program, individuals with a substance use disorder diagnosis are able to receive Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) with Suboxone on a weekly basis for the first three months of the program. The interdisciplinary OBAT team consists of a prescriber, case manager, medical assistant and an outpatient therapist who, together, help their clients’ fully reintegrate into their community. As every journey to recovery is different, an individual may be enrolled in the program for anywhere from one to three years. In that time, individuals remain dedicated to their sobriety while taking steps to meet their goals and the requirements of the program. These requirements include consistently attending regular group meetings, counseling, therapy, frequent drug testing, and treatment compliance.

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Samantha Pollard started taking prescribed medication to manage pain associated with fibro myalgia, degenerative disc disease, and arthritis. Years later, Samantha Pollard explains how she eventually found herself in a place where she “knew what I needed to do to get to where I wanted to be. I had to make the decision to change. It started with me.” When she connected with Horizon she decided “Suboxone treatment was the best option for me because it allowed me to focus on learning the tools I needed to live well and healthy without worrying about relapsing.” “I had a long time to think about what I was losing, what I had lost, and what I needed to do to get my life back.” Today, Samantha is proud to be able to say, for the first time in her life, that she is comfortably paying the bills, working a full—time job, staying committed to her recovery, and equipped with the strength to face what lies ahead.

Providing Quality Care, Close to Home.




Megan Martin was nominated by her peers for her exemplary work and dedication to Horizon’s Mission. Megan has been with Horizon for 12 years and is currently a Team Leader for ID/DD Case Management.

Robert Ragland was nominated by his peers for his dedication to Horizon’s clients. Robert began his employment on July 6, 2020 and is currently a Residential Technician with the Horizon ICF Homes. Robert has demonstrated his belief in Horizon’s Mission by helping to recruit multiple individuals to work in the ICF Homes. Robert previously worked at the training center and has a heart for providing the best care for our individuals in the ICF Homes. Robert is a hard worker who will adapt his schedule to ensure coverage at the ICF Homes. Robert’s care and concern for the clients is apparent in his daily actions.

Megan is known for being a hard worker, open and honest, and solution-focused. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience working with individuals with intellectual disabilities, and she is always willing to share her knowledge. She provides support to the entire team and never avoids an opportunity to help others. She has been designated by her teammates as the “go to” person. Her strong work ethic and dedication helps to accomplish the mission of Horizon.

A MESSAGE FROM HORIZON'S CULTURAL DIVERSITY & INCLUSION COMMITTEE Horizon’s Cultural Diversity and Inclusion Committee was developed in 2021 to serve as an advisory committee to the Executive Leadership Team at Horizon. The volunteer committee is made up of Horizon employees that share an interest in promoting diversity and inclusion within Horizon’s workforce. Their work focuses on reviewing and monitoring Horizon’s policies and procedures, training and staff development plans, as well as work practices and work culture. All employees are welcomed by the committee to join their efforts to support a positive workplace culture and celebrate diversity across the organization!

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Providing Quality Care, Close to Home.



We welcome those who share our passion for behavioral health and public service to join us in the pursuit of our mission. At Horizon, we have a variety of multidisciplinary teams and unique roles that may be a great fit for you!

Virginia Retirement System (VRS)

To apply or learn more about career opportunities at Horizon, please visit www.HorizonBH.org/careers today!

Verizon Customer Discount

Dental, Vision, & Medical Insurance Flexible Health Savings Account (HSA) Options Employer-paid Life Insurance Student Loan Forgiveness Opportunities Clinical Supervision Offered YMCA Discount ADP/Life Mart Discounts

Lead Registered Nurse (RN)

Mental Health Clinician - Ambulatory Crisis Stabilization

Horizon Home at Forest Hills ICF, Lynchburg, VA, US Full-time, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. - Fri.

Horizon Wellness Centers Full-time, 8:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. Tues. - Sat.

The Lead Registered Nurse (RN) oversees the Licensed Practical Nurses (LPN) for ICF Housing and manages all medical issues, ensuring all physician’s orders are implemented and care team is informed of pertinent information concerning the individual's response to treatment.

The Clinician – QMHP-C provides Crisis Stabilization and/or Intensive In-Home Services in the community (homes and schools primarily) and on-site. In addition, this position will collaborate with outside agencies and community resources such as FAPT, schools, courts, Social Services etc.

HWC at Langhorne, Lynchburg, VA, US

Housing Specialist HWC @ Langhorne, Lynchburg, VA, US

Full-time, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. - Fri.

Full-time, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. - Fri.

The Client Rights and Privacy Officer provides direction and oversight on the health information system and processes within the organization and is responsible for the security and appropriate release of health information for persons served, and serving as the subject matter expert in laws pertaining to health information, privacy, confidentiality and human rights.

The Housing Specialist for the Permanent Supportive Housing program assists program participants in finding safe housing, maintaining housing, linking to supportive services, and maintaining collaborative relationships with stakeholders.

Client Rights & Privacy Officer

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Providing Quality Care, Close to Home.

Horizon Behavioral Health supports and promotes the health, independence and

self-worth of individuals and families in Central Virginia by providing a continuum of community-based treatment, prevention, early intervention, and aftercare services for persons affected by mental health, intellectual disabilities, substance use and co-occurring disorders.

PORTFOLIO OF SERVICES Case Management Emergency Housing Outpatient Psychiatric

MORE INFORMATION For more information on programs and services offered at Horizon, visit www.horizonbh.org. To receive the latest news and updates about Horizon, follow us on Facebook @Horizonbh.

Primary Care Prevention School Based

Call Horizon today to schedule an appointment! Admissions: (434) 477-5000 After Hours Emergency: (434) 522-8191

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