Hope Walks FY 2023 Annual Report

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F Y 2023 AN N UA L R E POR T

Seeing Beyond

Message From the President and Co-Founder

DON'T BELIEVE THE LIE. "You are just one person. You can't make a difference." Have you ever been told this or thought it about yourself? Don’t believe the lie. Your partnership is making a significant difference in the lives of children born with clubfoot and their families. You are helping these families see beyond their condition to a day full of hope. The impact is far-reaching when one child is free from the burden of clubfoot. In Fiscal Year 2023, with your help, we served more than 14,000 children who were born with clubfoot. Our team provided care and treatment, brace reviews, counseling sessions, home visits, shared the gospel and made phone calls of encouragement and follow-up. Each child is surrounded by a community: parents, guardians, siblings and extended family. Too often, this community, which could and should be a source of hope, points fingers and shames the mom and family for giving birth to a child with clubfoot. Simple treatment of that one child and your ability to see beyond today’s challenges and share the love of Christ has impacted all of these people.

On the Cover:

Leoncia and her son Leonce overlook the valley below from their mountaintop village in Rwanda. Leoncia was born with kyphosis, making it impossible to carry her son to clubfoot treatment appointments. A Hope Walks parent advisor connected Leoncia to a local church which offered the support this single mom needed to see her son get treatment to grow up without disability.


It’s easy to see how your one-time gift, monthly donation, painted leather or prayers can quickly touch the lives of thousands of people. Just like you, Hope Walks sees beyond the healing of one child and envisions a world where all children have access to treatment. We see the dramatic difference foot correction makes. It impacts the child’s education and future employment. It reduces the chance they will be physically or sexually abused. It allows them to build lasting relationships. It strengthens a family’s faith and understanding of our awesome, healing God. Thank you for seeing beyond this physical deformity and helping kids walk free, and providing hope for their families and community to realize their God-given potential and purpose in life and relationship with Him. In Hope, Scott Reichenbach

Celebr ating 5 Years

Hulgize was the 150,000th child treated through our program

After Please Pray

Hulgize and his family live in a region of Ethiopia currently experiencing ongoing conflict. Please pray for the safety of this family and everyone in the region.


Seeing Beyond, Honoring the Past Some people can’t see beyond the obvious. When looking at a child with clubfoot, it may be difficult to see beyond the physical deformity and how their future is full of opportunities. At Hope Walks, we see the bright future ahead with the straightforward process of casting and bracing known as the Ponseti method. More importantly, we see these kids' potential as children of God. We’ve seen this potential since 2018, when Hope Walks was established to glorify God and free children and their families from clubfoot’s physical, social and economic burdens. We recognized our fifth anniversary in FY23. Five years is especially meaningful because this is the amount of time we follow each child to make

sure treatment and correction are complete and for the child to "graduate" from the program free of disability. In some respects, Hope Walks has graduated as we’ve grown and matured as an organization over the past five years. When we started, the number of children served was small in some respects, but our supporters had the vision to see beyond those initial days to something greater. This past fiscal year, we surpassed a significant milestone. Although we are young, we grew out of another organization and have a long legacy and history. Hulgize is a little boy from Ethiopia who just turned one. He was the 150,000th child treated through our program, and is now in the bracing stage and ready to take on the world. 3

Our firm foundation

Hope Walks works on a firm foundation consisting of two main tenets:

physical healing & spiritual connection

Our ministry is unique in that we work to treat children with clubfoot but also introduce families to the hope we have in Christ. 4


PHYSICAL HEALING Families come to Hope Walks and our partner clinics, looking for the physical healing their child desperately needs. With donor support, we are blessed to meet that need and, at no cost to the family, be part of the transformation of each child and their entire family.

Partnerships Hope Walks does not have its own medical facilities. Rather, we work within the existing healthcare system. This allows us to focus on the care of children rather than the logistics of maintaining buildings. We work closely with each country's Ministry of Health and their local health care provider network. Training Through training and mentoring, Hope Walks equips local staff at national and faithbased hospitals and rehabilitation centers around the world to care for children with clubfoot. It empowers local healthcare professionals to provide clubfoot care for families impacted by this treatable condition. Freedom from disability allows children and their families to achieve their God-given abilities to flourish independently, physically, socially and emotionally. Tools We continue to improve our data-gathering tools to see beyond today and allow us to ensure quality outcomes, direct educational support and plan for tomorrow. In FY23, we completed the rollout of PATH (Patient Assessment Toward Healing) our new electronic patient record system in every clinic. Following widespread implementation, we have had the opportunity to share the impact and our learnings with colleagues across the globe. In March 2023, Hope Walks presented at the International Conference on Birth Defects and Disabilities in the Developing World in Chile. PATH allows us to see most of our 16 Key Performance Indicators on simple dashboards. In FY23, we... • Served more than 14,000 children and their families • Conducted 102,823 clinic visits. That’s more than 280 appointments daily!

In addition to numbers, it helps improve care, follow up with patients, and track outcomes and interventions.


Physical Healing

Hope Walks works with local health workers to identify cases of clubfoot at birth. As a child grows and starts to walk on twisted feet, the treatment process becomes more complicated and expensive. Our Ethiopian team saw beyond the usual avenues of awareness raising and joined forces with the Federal Ministry of Health and its national measle campaign. As workers went door to door (in some cases tent flap to tent flap) to raise awareness about measles, they AFTER also looked for cases of clubfoot. Nearly 1,200 children with clubfoot under the age of two were identified and referred to treatment. Workers also identified more than 2,600 children older than two with clubfoot.

Hope Walks is working with the Federal Ministry of Health and Clinton Health Access Initiative to see these older children also find treatment.

Our Team of 260 Part-time and full-time people, serves thousands of children & families annually. 6


Support from 1,959 individuals, foundations and organizations helped children get the treatment they needed to be free from the burden of clubfoot and learn about the love of Christ in a tangible way. Thank you.

Impact Numbers New Children Enrolled

Home Visits

FY23 - 8,436

FY23 - 2,030

FY22 - 7,211

FY22 - 1,602

FY21 - 5,445

FY21 - 1,131

Children Receiving First Brace

Clinic Visits

FY 23 - 6,563

FY 23 - 102,823

FY 22 - 5,707

FY 22 - 90,037

FY 21 - 5,202

FY 21- 78,249


So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18

SPIRITUAL CONNECTION Beyond the physical healing is an opportunity to mend relationships, strengthen faith and share the love of Jesus Christ.

Above: Parent Advisor Judith holds Chira during a visit to her home in Kigali, Rwanda Center: Parent Advisor Nemeste spreads clubfoot awareness in Ethiopia. Following Page: Parent Advisor Phillipe in Burundi meets with Sandrine to follow up on treatment.


Clubfoot care provides a chance to see beyond the temporary and turn it into the eternal. Our parent advisors are key in this process. They help families bridge the gap between the understanding of the medical condition their child faces and the eternal ramifications of developing a relationship with Jesus Christ. Every clinic visit, phone call or home visit provides a gospel opportunity. Parent advisors are able to build lasting relationships with families over the five years of treatment and maintenance. They become trusted sources of information and knowledge.


Hope Walks partnered with two organizations to develop tools for our parent advisors. Kids Around the World and their KIDStory Bible curriculum. Parent advisors use this interactive program to make the Bible come to life for kids and their families.

Many families face stigma and shame because of clubfoot. The condition can tear families apart and cause divisions. Our clinicians mend the feet, but our parent advisors work to repair broken hearts and relationships. The process is often a refining fire that in the end brings families closer to each other and God. Nemeste is one of our parent advisors in Ethiopia who has positively touched the lives of many families dealing with clubfoot. “It was the thirst of my soul to work in my communities’ attitude toward children,” Nemeste said. “I am very happy because it is work where I test myself and do as the Creator asks me to do.”

Kupenda (“love” in Kiswahili) for the Children. This organization works to transform harmful beliefs surrounding disability to those that improve children’s lives. A pilot program is training church leaders on disability inclusion and clubfoot in nine of our African countries. With both partners, Hope Walks staff worked closely to develop materials to specifically address challenges and opportunities families have in our partner clinics.

Hope Walks is grateful for the thousands of supporters who are able to see beyond the healing of a child’s disability and to something even greater.


LOCAL church connections

FY23 - 8,136

FY23 - 1,469


Faith expressions

FY 23 - 114,801

FY 23 - 690



Tragedy to Triumph Florida in Rwanda Florida is a woman of unbelievable strength, able to see beyond the many tragedies in her life, including all three of her children born with clubfoot, one passing away from an unrelated illness, and her husband also dying unexpectedly. Despite these challenges, Florida has found the courage to see her children through clubfoot treatment and volunteers to lead a parent support group. Florida has seen love and caring from people thousands of miles away she will never meet, all through donor support.


Scan the QR code or visit hopewalks.org/florida-rwanda/ to see Florida’s story.


Mission To free children and families from the physical, emotional and economic burden of clubfoot.

Core Belief We believe that God loves and values all his children, and that through this ministry God will be glorified.

Trusted & Accredited Hope Walks is blessed to be highly accredited by several organizations, including the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA), Guidestar Platinum Transparency and Excellence in Giving.

Vision Every child and family to walk free from the disability of clubfoot and encounter the love of Christ.

This year, we are pleased to add Charity Navigator’s Four-Star rating, Better Business Bureau and Wise Giving Alliance to the list.




Grants & Pledges receivable


Prepaid expenses and other assets


Furniture and System Assets


Total Assets:




Net Assets


Without donor restrictions:


With donor restrictions:




Programs $3,172,383


FY 2023




Intl. Clubfoot Program Operations


Family Outreach and Counseling


Medical Care and Treatment


Monitoring and Evaluation


Sensitizations & Awareness


Total Program Expenses:


US Fundraising & Admin TOTAL*

$888,067 $4,233,104

Administration $283,428

Fundraising $599,216

*Hope Walks is built on partnerships, and our finances reflect that reality. We are grateful for solid relationships with Ministries of Health and local healthcare providers who provide the dedicated space and overhead to facilitate care and partner with our staff to raise awareness and ensure quality outcomes. This year we have recognized a contribution of more than $100,000 from the various government health ministries with whom we partner. 11


This year, brace painting parties have continued to expand, with thousands of people painting more than 3,400 leather uppers that will be used to make clubfoot braces in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Zambia. Our team reports that the colorful braces are helping with patient compliance, ensuring that more kids stay in treatment until they graduate at age five. It also gives supporters a tangible way to express their love for these children.

Brace makers in four countries assemble the braces for children. Here, Jean Paul in Rwanda works on the braces with painted leather from donors in the U.S.

12 | Hope Walks FY2020 Annual Report

OUr work

Niger 210 14%

Haiti 83 25%

Sudan 220 12%

Burkina Faso 274 20%

Dominican Republic 142 57%

Honduras 48 18%

New patients enrolled in FY23 Percent of clubfoot population accessing treatment

Ghana 141 12%

Rawanda 464 92% DRC 774 18%

Zambia 363 42%

Ethiopia 2008 43% Kenya 1232 63% Burundi 453 77% Malawi 352 42%

Mozambique 352 27%

We are Growing Five years ago, Hope Walks U.S. started with three staff sharing one office space in a bedroom of a quaint, old farmhouse shared with another international nonprofit. Today, the U.S. team has grown and has moved to newly renovated offices in a former elementary school building in York Springs, PA.


FAMILIES SEEING BEYOND TO A BRIGHTER FUTURE Seeing beyond the harsh words Melthus in Burundi Lucien could not understand why his son Melthus was born with clubfoot. He felt incredibly guilty that he had done something wrong because of cruel comments from others. Something allowed this conflicted dad and his wife, Marguerite, to see beyond the harsh words of others and find treatment for their son. The parent advisor at the clinic guided these parents through the treatment process and showed them the love of Christ.



Seeing beyond false beliefs Jayden in the Dominican Republic You hear all kinds of incorrect explanations for clubfoot. Jayden’s mom, Albania, was blamed for wearing jeans that were too tight while she was pregnant. They also said she looked at a neighborhood boy born with clubfoot too much. Hope Walks staff and medical professionals were able to dispel these rumors quickly and start treatment just eight days after Jayden was born. Albania saw immediate improvements after just the first cast. Jayden is now nearing graduation from the program.



A new name Jedidiah in Ethiopia Medical professionals didn’t expect this little boy in Ethiopia to live through the delivery because of his labored breathing. The health crisis was so acute that after he was safely delivered and the danger had passed, no one even noticed his twisted feet. Parents Bogale and Betire saw beyond his condition and found treatment for his clubfoot. His healing journey so moved them they renamed him Jedidiah, which means “Loved by God.” “WE’RE VERY THANKFUL AND FELT AS IF GOD HAS DONE A REMARKABLE JOB FOR OUR FAMILY.” - Bogale

There is a solution Daricson in Honduras Daricson is the youngest of five kids ages three to 22. He also is the only child in the family born with clubfoot, which was a great shock to the family. Daricson’s dad, Wilson, saw a poster with more information about clubfoot and eagerly wrote down the contact information. Wilson has an older cousin who suffers from untreated clubfoot, and he did not want to see his son suffer like his relative. He was able to see beyond his cousin’s challenges and toward a brighter future for his son. “I AM SPEECHLESS. WHAT WE SEE TODAY IS BEAUTIFUL. AS LONG AS THERE ARE ORGANIZATIONS LIKE HOPE WALKS THAT CARE ABOUT PEOPLE, THERE IS HOPE.” - Wilson -


GIVE HOPE Hope Walks is a group driven by dignity and compassion for vulnerable children and their families, committed to ending the treatable disability of clubfoot through local health partners, and showing the love of Christ with tangible actions, not just empty words. WE INVITE YOU TO BE PART OF THIS LIFE-TRANSFORMING MISSION THROUGH YOUR PRAYERS AND FINANCIAL SUPPORT.


Leron Lehman, Chair James Welch, Treasurer Donald Waardenburg, Secretary Corey Fuller, MD Eric Gokcen, MD John Mitchell Natalie Weakly Marlise Streitmatter

Follow us on social media at HopeWalksOrg.

400 Main St., Suite C York Springs, PA 17372 hopewalks.org

Samuel gives a thumbs up for his brightly painted braces sitting in Mom Donatha's lap.

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