제8기 유엔 전문가 교육 결과보고서_The 8th Training at the UN Final Report

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country, which makes it even more challenging for multicultural people to assimilate into Korean society. As globalized Korean citizens, we feel the need to aid those people from various places around the world who are suffering in Korea, as it is our duty to welcome the global community into our country. Our issue relates to SDG #10 (reduced inequalities) because racial discrimination towards multicultural communities is prominent in Korea. Examples of these situations can be inside schools, during job interviews, etc. Negative public perception is prevalent everywhere in Korea. As the previous speaker mentioned, only 36% of Korean people are positive to cultural coexistence. The inequalities caused by these negativities lead to further economic difficulties. This causes other problems such as the lack of education of multicultural children to rise. Raising children as a foreign resident becomes harder with financial issues. We try to reduce inequalities that prevent multicultural families to find their jobs and adapt to Korean culture. Now I would like to talk about the possible solutions of how we’re going to help the multicultural population in South Korea.


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