New gaz 616 compressed (1)

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MLA Day Page 5

Issue 616 - 26th January 2018

What’s Happening in School Page 7 | Tel : 01376 561231

Headlines By Simon Mason

knowledgeable as possible about them.

Independent Study In last week’s Gazette, Mrs Barnes, in Acting Headlines, gave our older learners good advice about the preparation in which they need to engage if they are to be ready for the examinations they face in just a few weeks’ time. I have written many times over the years about the importance of learners actively engaging in Independent Study throughout their five years at the school and I remain certain that for many youngsters this is the area where they can make the most improvement and as a result make the most impact on their future progress. We see every year that those who have consistently adopted good study habits are much more ready for the hard work they need to put in during their final eighteen months at school as they try to get as well prepared as possible for their final exams. Over the last few years we have tried hard to define the journey to which we believe all our youngsters must commit if they are to become happy and successful adults in a society that increasingly requires people to function independently of the support of others. We are clear that developing a range of different attributes is critical both to lifelong success and to happiness and that a key vehicle for developing these is through active engagement in study both at school and at home. Study does, of course, include completing specific tasks set out by teachers, but this is only one facet of this aspect of learning. Study also includes three other dimensions which are designed to encourage learners to develop their curiosity and thus become more capable to construct their own understanding of what there is to learn, not just in respect of their learning at school, but also in respect of the learning in which they will need to engage through their lives. These three dimensions are a deliberate feature of our study design as we look to ensure that learners become increasingly more willing to take responsibility for their progress. All our youngsters are provided with clear information about the topics they are studying and without exception these topics offer the opportunity for youngsters to become intrigued if they are willing to invest the energy such intrigue may require. The second element, then, of Study is to research and read more widely around the topics you have been learning about in learning sessions to ensure that you are as

As mentioned at the beginning of this piece, ultimately success in learning is judged by sitting final examinations. Whilst our focus on these becomes much sharper when youngsters come into their final three years at the school, preparing for them will always involve a period of review and revision to ensure that the knowledge needed for terminal exams is secure. Of course, if you never practise this process, you never develop the skills to be good at it and if you never spend time reflecting on what you have learned, when you come to final revision there is an awful lot of knowledge for you to go over. The best reflection and review occurs when revision is carried out throughout a course of study rather than right at the very end, just before an exam. The fourth element in successful Study requires youngsters to really think about their learning and come up with questions they would like to know more about, as well as identifying areas of their learning where they need more direction from their teachers. Once these two things are identified, youngsters must draw them to the attention of their teachers, for example by sending an email at the end of their study period, or through booking a My Learning Choices appointment. This will allow teachers to more accurately personalise the design for learning on which they work constantly with every class they teach. So for all our youngsters, Independent Study should be a mixture of completing specific learning tasks set by their teachers, researching and reading around the topics they are studying, reflecting on and reviewing the subjects they have learned about in learning sessions and identifying key questions and areas where they need further direction from their teachers. In Cohorts 7 and 8 this should take about ninety minutes per evening and cover the three subjects youngsters have learned about during the day. In Cohorts 9 and 10 this should be two hours each evening (forty minutes per subject) and by Cohort 11 youngsters should be studying for three hours each evening (one hour for each subject they’ve learned about at school each day). International research, for example a study carried out in Australia, has shown that adopting a positive attitude to study independently of the learning that occurs during the school day makes a very significant difference to the outcomes learners can achieve in final examinations and this is absolutely confirmed by analysis of exam outcomes at our school. As mentioned above, in my regular conversations with our older learners, those who have got into a good study routine in Cohorts 7 and 8 always find the increasing pressure that builds on them

through their final two years more manageable than those who have avoided study, preferring to live ‘in the moment’ enjoying the ‘now’, but not preparing for tomorrow. Sadly, those learners who are adopting poor study habits will be the ones who have less life success and less happiness in their lives than those who study well. If you have not been following the guidance we have been offering concerning Independent Study it is not too late to change and once you get into a routine, maintaining it becomes much less of an issue. To motivate you, try placing some images at eye level in the area where you study. Images of things you are attracted to in later life (the house you’d like to live in, the car you’d like to drive and the job you are intrigued by) will help you remember why you are studying now. Images that depict the life you don’t want (for example, a picture of the job you’ll never want to do) will also help you to remember the costs of not studying now. If you study at the same time every day, you’ll make it easier to start studying every day and the sooner you start studying in the evening, the sooner you will gain the free time you can enjoy! If you are not making good progress with this key aspect of learning, talk to your Learning Group Leader and have the honesty to admit to what you have not been doing. We will do all we can to support you as we look to secure this key behaviour in your journey to life-long success. Let’s make a start on this right now if this is the thing upon which you need to focus most determinedly. Acting Head Weeks Learners and families will have noted that for the last two weeks Mrs Barnes has been Acting Head. Over the last sixteen years we have used this learning model for members of the school leadership team to support them in developing the skills they will need if they are to become future Headteachers. We have enjoyed real success in this respect, with Mrs Lee Allan being our third team member since 2010 to have progressed to leading their own school, having previously been a member of the leadership team at Honywood. Normally we space out these learning opportunities through the year. However, this term we have decided to have a series of Acting Head Weeks not only to continue that development programme with our school leaders but also to prepare the school for welcoming our new Headteacher, James Saunders, when he starts his new job on April 16th. So our plan for the term is as follows:

Week 17 (08/01) Week 18 (15/01) Week 19 (22/01)

Mrs Barnes Mrs Barnes

Week 20 (29/01)

Mrs Hickford

Week 21 (5/02)

Mr Caygill

Week 22 (19/02) Week 23 (26/02)

Mr White

Week 24 (5/03)

Mr Rawlings

Week 25 (12/03) Week 26 (19/03)

Mrs Hickford Mr Munro

Week 27 (26/03)

Mr Munro

Now it may look from the list as though I’m retiring somewhat earlier than planned! Of course that is not the case (I’ll remain responsible for the school until April 15th with my last day of official work being March 29th as the Easter holiday runs between March 30th and April 15th). Whilst I will be ‘visible’ as Headteacher for one further week (the week commencing 19th February) I will continue to be working as part of the leadership team, guiding and advising my colleagues as they prepare the school for the arrival of our new Head. If learners need to speak to me (especially those in Cohort 11 who have been my priority this year) when Acting Head Weeks are happening they will find me in one of the leadership team offices, so it might need a few minutes of searching if I’m not where you would usually find me! My final Gazette piece will thus be on Friday 23rd February with my colleagues writing the remaining Headlines pieces before Mr. Saunders introduces himself to you all in his first article on April 20th. Thanks To William Bradley (11LSt) who acted extremely responsibly in a situation where it would have been easy not to have done, ensuring the safety of others through his actions. To Isabel Corbett (7CTH) and Henry Whistler (7DPE) for their support for an important visitor to the school this week.

Parents’ Time Members of the Leadership Team will be available to see parents without appointment: Monday 9.00am—9.45am Tuesday 7.15am—8.00am Wednesday 3.00pm—3.45pm Thursday 5.00pm—6.00pm Friday 7.15am—8.00am

A Request from James Saunders Headteacher Designate Dear Honywood parents and community I would like to provide you with an update on my progress with preparing to join the school in April. Over the last few months I have been able to meet with a considerable number of staff at Honywood which has provided me with a valuable insight into the school and its day-to-day operation. Through this transition work I have been focusing my efforts on listening, learning and planning so that when I arrive in April I will already have a good idea of the priorities and expectations that the community of Honywood have of me. I would now like to extend the collection of this feedback to you, so that I can begin to build a balanced picture of the culture and ethos within the school community. Based on my earlier conversations with parents, staff and other community members I have identified a few common themes that have helped to shape the contents of this short survey. This survey will help inform me of what is important to you when I arrive in April. Please could you spare a few minutes of your time to provide me with some feedback - the feedback will be collected anonymously. I intend to collate the feedback into key themes/discussion topics and present these back to you during the next half-term. I shall then publish a few dates for you to attend school, should you wish, to discuss key themes/discussion topics that emerge as important to you as a community. The aim is to provide you with a forum to freely express how you think and feel about a range of aspects of the school which should then highlight the strengths and areas that you feel could be developed further. All questions are optional and are free text (write as much or as little as you would like) - feel free to leave the questions that you do not feel you can comment on blank. I shall leave the survey open until after half-term. After half-term I am hoping to get the chance to get into some classes and meet the learners. I will then be repeating this process with them. You can find the survey at the following link: Thank you in advance for your time; I am looking forward to working with you all. James Saunders Headteacher Designate

Cohort 7 MLA Day Do you have what it takes to become an astronaut? On Thursday 25th January Cohort 7 embarked on their third MLA day which had designed to enable the learners to apply their attributes to a variety of intense challenges that would give them an insight into whether they had the ‘right stuff’, to see if they had the skills to secure one of the world's most dangerous and challenging jobs as an Astronaut at NASA. On Monday, the launch assembly was used to ignite their curiosity as to which skills, attributes and dispositions would be required, and explored the history of Space flight and the challenges that astronauts have faced, such as the explosion that left Apollo 13 running out of oxygen. The day itself comprised of six challenges; • Learning the International Space Station Language – Здравствуйте / Zdravstvuyte / hello! • Construction Under Extreme Circumstance – building playing card towers whilst wearing space gloves to test learners’ dexterity. • Space Fitness – testing learners’ endurance. • Engineering Design – testing learners understanding of flight to construct the best paper aeroplane. • Pilot Skills – taking part in an intense and challenging flight simulator to land a space shuttle. • Memory test – using memory and artistic skills to recollect a picture of the solar system. • Complex theory- groups given a complex topic to synthesise and teach others. The Cohort was split into eight main groups and within each group there were teams of four and this helped create a fast paced, competitive day which the entire Cohort engaged in fantastically. Well done to all involved and in particular to the learners who achieved so much in such a short space of time and realised that they were able to apply their attributes under duress and be able to confidently demonstrate just what they are capable of. The number of learners who surprised me by remaining calm under pressure when building card towers or in the flight sim, well done Cohort 7!

Guided Choices Cohort 8 - 2018 Guided Choices Process Over the last few years we have provided as much information as possible to learners and their families to ensure they are best placed when the time comes for them to choose their GCSE courses. We have moved from calling this ‘Options’ to ‘Guided Choices’ to imply that staff and parents/carers also take an active role and interest in making sure learners are choosing the right courses for them. In school we will be fully supporting the learners with making these important choices. During Learning Session 3 learners will have the opportunity to watch subject videos created by Cohort 10 and Cohort 11 learners which will show them what it is actually like to study a particular subject. To help them reflect on what they have seen, the learners will be provided with a booklet in which they can record their thoughts, feelings and any questions they may have about the subjects they have watched. They will also have the opportunity to book into actual GCSE learning sessions so that they can gain a first-hand understanding of what the subject entails during weeks commencing 19th and 26th February. They will be shown how to do this in an assembly. In March, this opportunity will also be opened up to parents and carers. A timetable of available learning sessions will be sent home to families. If a parent/carer would like to experience a learning session in any of the guided choices subjects they will need to select the session(s) on the timetable and return it to school (full details will be given on the letter accompanying the timetable). A Guided Choices booklet containing full information and details about the choices learners will have will be sent home with learners on Friday 23rd February. There will also be an Information Evening giving parent/ carers the opportunity to attend subject talks and discussions on Wednesday 14th March. A letter will be sent home for parents/carers to identify the sessions they would like to attend. The deadline for Learners completed Guided Choice forms to be returned to school is Thursday 29th March. The timeline of events planned for supporting the Cohort 8’s in making their choices is as follows: Monday 5th February Assembly to launch Guided Choices Tuesday 6th February Guided Choice LS3 information session Thursday 8th February Guided Choice LS3 information session Friday 9th February Guided Choice LS3 information session Monday 19th February Guided Choice LS3 information session Tuesday 20th February MLA Day 2 Thursday 22nd February Guided Choice LS3 information session Friday 23rd February Guided Choice LS3 information session W/C 19th February C8 Learners’ GCSE Taster week 1 Friday 23rd February Guided Choices booklets to families W/C 26th February C8 Learners’ GCSE Taster week 2 W/C 5th March C8 Parents’ Taster week 1 W/C 12th March C8 Parents’ Taster week 2 Learners to take home their completed booklets • Wednesday 14th March Guided Choice Evening 6pm • Thursday 29th March Guided Choices DEADLINE 3pm • • • • • • • • • • • • •

If learners or parents/carers have any questions regarding this process, then please do not hesitate to contact their Learning Group Leader in the first instance. Jo Brook Deputy Headteacher

What’s Happening in School (a ‘Snapshot’ of Learning @ Honywood each day)

What’s happening in school on Monday 22nd January 2018 In Enterprise and Solutions, C8 had been given a timed challenge to develop their understanding of manufacturing and trading. Each team in the learning session had been given resources to make car parts (paper only unfortunately!). The teams had to manufacture as many car parts as possible to a specific criteria and set of measurements, demonstrating quality control. They could then sell their car parts to the Banker. The team with the most profit wins!

What's happening in school on Tuesday 23rd January 2018 In Graphic Design and Technology, C10 were developing skills for their GCSE in evaluation and creativity for packaging design. They are currently working on a "Chocolate Packaging" design. Some really thoughtful and creative work.

What's happening in school on Wednesday 24th January 2018 Cohort 9 dancers were in the main hall working on their choreography for their individual GCSE pieces and a wonderful group piece that they are preparing for the Spring Showcase!

What's happening in school on Thursday 25th January 2018 C8 in Food Technology were making swiss rolls. Here they are seen watching a demonstration on how to create that perfect rolled sponge! (no pressure Mrs Howard!)

Take a look at our Facebook Page

Subject Teams on Twitter

Follow our Subject Teams on Twitter to see Learning in Action

Congratulations A massive congratulations to Will Ferguson of 9JWi, for his achievement in reaching and competing in the North-West Essex Cross Country Championships last weekend. Will came 32nd, only just missing out on qualification for the Essex team in the County Championships. Will also represents the Mid-Essex Casuals Running Club and came 9th in a highly competitive 2.5km race against other running clubs recently, which is a thoroughly outstanding achievement. Will's hard working and diligent approach to all that he does both in and away from school should severe as an example to us all of just what you can achieve with a consistently high level of hard work, determination and self discipline.

Netball Report Team: Hannah Read, Kate Southgate, Izzy Sigournay, Lauren Evans, Georgia Potter, Megan Stoney, Alice Rissen, Sadie Cornish and Jess Neary Our U14 Netball squad played in the third round of the Essex Cup Plate on Tuesday 23rd January, against Chelmer Valley High School. It was an extremely close game with only one or two goals separating them each quarter. The girls played fantastically well, working great as a team, but were just beaten 13-15. I am really proud of all the girls who have trained and played for getting so far in the competition. Well done. Miss. Thomas

Good Luck Wishing Sam Trevains (8CRs) the very best of luck for this Sunday as he is representing the school at the Northern Home Counties schools championships at Judo. He recently won a bronze medal on the 20th January in London at the London Red Yellow and Orange belt championships. Fabulous achievement!

Learning Group Event 7RFl had a fabulous time at Go Bananas on Wednesday evening as they had a Learning Group social event! Thank you Mr Flanders for organising this event!

Teacher of English September 2018

Annual Salary £23,763 - £32,186

We require an exceptional teacher to join our English team; this opportunity would ideally suit a Newly Qualified Teacher. We offer:  

A high achieving Academy producing excellent examination results. A challenging learning environment where you will be asked to expand your thinking about the education we offer our young people. Excellent induction and outstanding on-going staff development which will prepare the post holder for progression in their teaching career. A well-resourced Subject Team with the support of experienced, successful specialists.

You will need: 

The ability to teach English Language and Literature to GCSE level and preferably to ‘A’ Level. The mental agility to push your own learning and thinking whilst leading the learning and thinking of our youngsters. A willingness to participate fully in extra-curricular events including residential experiences. A willingness to learn every day as you consistently strive to increase your impact on our youngsters’ learning.

For an information pack, or to organise a pre-application visit, contact Mrs S. Pattison (, Honywood Community Science School, Westfield Drive Coggeshall, Essex, CO6 1PZ (Telephone: 01376 564706). Closing date for applications is Monday 29th January.

Cohort 8 Inter-Learning Group Football League

Football Report 2 by Finlay Ball, Josh Taylor and Jonny Adams After more great matches in our Cohort 8 Friday football competition, there is only one team that can come out on top. Mr Walker has helped so much in all the games so far, he has refereed them all and he is very fair. There has been no Yellow/Red cards, and we hope we won’t need to give out any! as the matches have been played in such good spirit. Well done to AIs for winning both their games and proceeding to the next round. Also thanks to HGi, and CRs for competing in such an exciting game. Games

HGi v CRs = Result 4-1 AIs v CRs = Result 2-0 AIs v HGi = Result 2-1

Points AIs - 11 points HGi - 8 points CRs - 5 points

We hope to see you again on Friday 26th when DCa, KAr and EPe battle it out during Friday lunchtime. Don’t miss it! Remember team logos, and team names will earn your team extra points so LG’s are encourged to be as creative as they like.

Player of the match for each game

1st Game – Nate Grimwood, AIs

2nd game – Flo Ramsey, AIs

3rd game – Keelan Ellis, HGi

Badminton Report Having already won the North West Essex Junior Badminton tournament, the team of Ben Morris, Harry Ratcliffe, Jack Raine and Charlie Symonds went on to represent the area in the Essex Competition at Colchester Barracks. The team played extremely well and enjoyed the day. They all gained some valuable experience to help develop their progress for future competitions. Well done to all the boys.

Subject Art Art Business Studies Expressive Arts Expressive Arts Expressive Arts Expressive Arts Expressive Arts Expressive Arts Hums MFL PE

Staff HBr HBr JWi KHo AWe AWe RPh AWe KHo Dca SAr SBa

Learning offer/activity





Art Support Sessions


Until 5pm

C7/8/9/10/ AR1/2/Artspace 11

Art Studio Time


Until 5pm



Business Studies Support







Lunch time



C10 Drama Rehearsal





GCSE Drama Revision





GCSE Music







Lunch time




Lunch time


Geography Support










Badminton (non-PE GCSE)


Lunch time



Tuesday/Wednesday/Th Break time ursday/Friday Tuesday/Wednesday/Th Lunch time ursday/Friday

C7/8/9/10/ PE2 11 C7/8/9/10/ PE1 11

Boys football




Boys Football












GCSE PE Revision




Girls Football



C7/8/9/10/ 11

GCSE PE Badminton


Lunch time


GCSE Practical




GCSE PE Revision




Girls Netball




Badminton GCSE PE Only


Lunch time



Physics support

Monday Week A




KS3 Science






Chemistry support

Monday Week B





Biology support

Wednesday Week B


Make and bake group





Science Science




Basketball shooting Table tennis



C7/8/9/10/ TE5 11

Mid Essex Young Commissioners are offering: FREE FIRST AID FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AGES: 13 to 19 years old 11:00 AM to 3:30PM Saturday 3rd March 2018 Venue: Braintree Youth Centre, Carousel Children’s Centre, Chapel Hill, Braintree, CM7 3QZ Limited spaces Please book via email or telephone Sam Swindale Youth and Community Commissioner Tel No: 07809105099 Email:

This first aid course is a great way to learn important first aid skills and build confidence in a fun and informal environment

Lunch provided

Be who you WANT to be...

First Aid Training Associates (Harlow)

Aspire: Digital Arts Workshop

Aspire: Theatre Work Experience

2-day workshop for 9 - 14 year olds

2-day workshop for 13-18 year olds

Wed 14 & Thu 15 Feb

Mon 12 & Tue 13 Feb

Workshop for Young People with Additional Needs and Disabilities

Workshop for Young People with Additional Needs and Disabilities

Week 4






Main Course

Chicken & Chorizo Paella with Grilled Tomato & Salad

Chilli Beef Burrito with Salad & Salsa

Beef Madras with White Rice Samosa & Naan

Traditional Fish & Chips with Peas or Beans

Vegetarian Course

Vegetable Paella with Grilled Tomato & Salad

Chilli Bean Burrito with Salad & Salsa

Vegetable Madras with White Rice Samosa & Naan

Tomato & Basil Quiche with Chips, Peas or Beans


Lemon Mousse BBQ Sausage Cheese Sauce Plain Pizza Tugo Quad Special

Roast Beef with Yorkshire pudding Roast Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables Quorn & Mushroom Casserole with Yorkshire Pudding Roast Potatoes & Seasonal Vegetables Flapjack

Fresh Fruit Salad Cheese Sauce Tomato & Basil Plain Pizza Tugo Quad Special

Lemon Cheesecake Arrabbiata Plain

Crispy Slice Pasta Bake of the day

Pizza Tugo Quad Special

Pizza Tugo Quad Special

Pasta Bake

Courtyard Cafe

Menu subject to change

Chicken Tikka Vegetable Tikka Plain Pizza Tugo Quad Special

My Learning Choices Enterprise & Solutions MLCs this week are available to Cohort 7 learners that would like help completing their Season 3 ‘Castle Estate Challenge’ project. Sessions will also be available for Cohort 8s that would like to go over the key factors to consider when ‘locating a business’ and uploading their work to their MLJ pages.

Important Dates 29th Jan - 2nd Feb Quintet Week 31st Jan - Pathways Event 2pm-4pm 4th Feb - 10th Feb Honywood Depart German Exchange 12th - 16th Feb Half Tearm 14th March - Cohort 8 Guided Choices Evening

Business Studies MLCs this week will be focused on the ‘Business in the Real World’ for the Cohort 9s, with the main focus on ‘Business structures’ – sole traders, partnerships, franchises, companies (PLCs & Ltd.). Sessions will also be available for Cohort 10s who would like to go through any aspects of ‘Case Study 5’.

The Embroiderers’ Guild. The Young Embroiderer’s started to create the first part of their contemporary ‘fruit’ bunting beginning with an orange. We sponge painted the fabric, and used buttons, beads and a knot stitch for decoration.

MFL Cohort 7, following on from your recent showcasing, have you identified areas you would like to develop in French or German? If so, why not book an MLC with a Modern Languages teacher today! English Please spend some time reviewing your most recent learning points in English. What is it you need to do to improve? Do you know how to move forward with your learning? We have many members of the English team available for you to book an MLC appointment with. Your 1:1 or small group MLC session could be focused on improving an aspect of your writing or tackling a particular question on the GCSE language papers. It might be that you’re finding poetry tricky or the study of a particular text is causing you concern. Whatever it is, don’t hesitate to book an MLC today.

Our next year’s meetings are as follows: 27 January 2018: 24 February 2018: 24 March 2018: 21 April 2018: 26 May 2018: 23 June 2018 at St Mary’s Church Hall, West Bergholt, C06 3JF from 10am until 12.30. Please contact jill@embroiderymasterclass. com for further information

We are the new independent parent carer forum for families of children and young people with disabilities and additional needs aged 0-25 across the whole of Essex. Are you a parent carer of a child or young person aged 0-25 with additional needs or disabilities? Do you believe families’ voices should be heard to ensure services in Essex meet the needs of our children and young people? Then, come along to our Launch event and discover how together we can help shape the future for our families. PLACES MUST BE BOOKED AND ARE LIMITED, SO PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU BOOK EARLY

Well Done to our Cohort 8 Duty Receptionists Gracie Everitt Sophie Penn-Bowen Emily Hasler Cameron Poulter Charley Reid Felix Standen

EMAIL: TELEPHONE: 07742958003 / 07707110592

Family Learning Team

email If your youngster is absent please email

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