Rossland BC Heritage Homes booklet nov 2014

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ROSSLAND’S HERITAGE HOMES Many buildings in Rossland date back to the days when Rossland was the major gold mining center in all of Canada. Gold was discovered in 1890 but the fact that it required hard rock mining methods meant that an infrastructure of financing, transportation, ore processing and power had to be in place before the mines could get into full production and begin to reach their potential. 1895 marked the start of the boom years in Rossland and construction of buildings for commercial and business use, occurred at an impressive rate. The population expanded rapidly and reached 3000 by the end of that year. Homes were generally found in hotels, boarding houses and cabins and even hastily constructed temporary shelters such as tents. When Rossland was incorporated in 1897, the population had risen to 7000, the original township laid out by Ross Thompson had been expanded and surveyed into streets and lots, two railways were serving the community, the mines were humming and electrical power was available for all. Schools were bursting at the seams as families became an important aspect of life in Rossland. The mining era lasted a full 35 years, until the mines were closed in 1929 - testament to the tremendous underground wealth of Rossland’s immediate surroundings. Many homes were constructed in that time and some of them remain today as a visual reminder of the past. This Inventory is not selective as the homes identified vary in condition, grandeur and the degree to which the original design and details have been kept. What these homes have in common is their construction dates - mostly 1896 to 1916 - and that together, they reflect many aspects of Rossland’s early social history. The “Inventory of Rossland’s Heritage Homes”, containing information on our existing heritage homes built prior to 1930, was originally published in 1983. Thirty years later, the Heritage Commission decided to update the Inventory with current pictures and more information in a new, electronic format. This book is the result of its endeavors and is presented with pleasure for your interest.



Sheila Corrado and Shelley Wiltshire (1983) - for doing an excellent job in producing the original Heritage Home Inventory, research and photos, - with financial help from the BC Heritage Trust. Liam and Ethan Barnes (2013) - for doing an excellent job in taking current photos of homes and transcribing the written text into a new and electronic format for publication - with financial help from the Columbia Basin Trust. Joanne Drystek (2013) - for lending her impressive computer and publishing skills to getting this book to the publishing stage of production. Rossland’s Heritage Commission - for their vision and endless support in seeing this project through to completion:Jackie Drysdale Larry Doell Bob Kerby Chick Gresley-Jones Carol Cooper Lydia Jakovac Frank Fowler Greg Granstrom

Note to Readers - This book is not intended to be definitive. Additions to the Inventory would be appreciated - please contact Rossland City Hall, Planning Department if you would like to make contributions.


Map of Heritage Areas


TABLE OF CONTENTS Upper Earl Heritage Area ..............................................7 Upper Earl – 2066 Earl St. ......................................................................................................................... 9 Upper Earl – 2088 Earl St. ....................................................................................................................... 13

Planer Hill Heritage Area ............................................ 17 Planer Hill – 2567 Spokane St. ................................................................................................................ 19 Planer Hill – 1810 Fifth Ave. .................................................................................................................... 22 Planer Hill – 1876 Fifth Ave. .................................................................................................................... 25 Planer Hill – 1892 Fifth Ave. .................................................................................................................... 27 Planer Hill – 1834 Fourth Ave ................................................................................................................. 29 Planer Hill – 1842 Fourth Ave. ................................................................................................................ 31 Planer Hill – 1850 Fourth Ave. ................................................................................................................ 33 Planer Hill – 1858 Fourth Ave. ................................................................................................................ 35 Planer Hill – 1866 Fourth Ave. ................................................................................................................ 37 Planer Hill – 1874 -76 Fourth Ave. .......................................................................................................... 39 Planer Hill – 1815A Fourth Ave. .............................................................................................................. 41 Planer Hill – 1843A Fourth Ave. .............................................................................................................. 44 Planer Hill – 1876A Fourth Ave. .............................................................................................................. 46 Planer Hill – 2363 Spokane St. ................................................................................................................ 48 Planer Hill – 1840 Third Ave. ................................................................................................................... 51 Planer Hill – 2418 Washington St............................................................................................................ 55 Planer Hill – 1910 Second Ave. ............................................................................................................... 58

St. Paul Heritage Area................................................. 61 St. Paul – 2041 St. Paul St. ...................................................................................................................... 63 St. Paul – 2063 St. Paul St. ...................................................................................................................... 65 St. Paul – 2074 St. Paul St. ...................................................................................................................... 67 St. Paul – 2046 St. Paul St. ...................................................................................................................... 69 St. Paul – 2026 St. Paul St. ...................................................................................................................... 71 St. Paul – 2236 Columbia Ave. ................................................................................................................ 73


St. Paul – 2054A St. Paul St. .................................................................................................................... 75 St. Paul – 2070A St. Paul St. .................................................................................................................... 77

Hospital Hill Heritage Area ...................................... 79 Hospital Hill – 2615 Columbia Ave. ......................................................................................................... 81 Hospital Hill – 2645 Columbia Ave. ......................................................................................................... 83 Hospital Hill – 2606 Columbia Ave. ......................................................................................................... 85 Hospital Hill – 2614 Columbia Ave. ......................................................................................................... 87 Hospital Hill – 2622 Columbia Ave. ......................................................................................................... 89 Hospital Hill – 2570 LeRoi Ave. ............................................................................................................... 91 Hospital Hill – 2546 LeRoi Ave. ............................................................................................................... 95 Hospital Hill – 2534 LeRoi Ave. ............................................................................................................... 97 Hospital Hill – 2516 LeRoi Ave. ............................................................................................................... 99 Hospital Hill – 1962 Georgia St. ............................................................................................................ 102 Hospital Hill – 2531 Columbia Ave. ....................................................................................................... 104 Hospital Hill – 2565 Columbia Ave. ....................................................................................................... 107 Hospital Hill – 2520 Kootenay Ave. ....................................................................................................... 109 Hospital Hill – 2515 LeRoi Ave. ............................................................................................................. 113 Hospital Hill – 2555 LeRoi Ave. ............................................................................................................. 116 Hospital Hill – 2485 LeRoi Ave. ............................................................................................................. 118 Hospital Hill – 2463 LeRoi Ave. ............................................................................................................. 120 Hospital Hill – 2425 LeRoi Ave. ............................................................................................................. 122 Hospital Hill – 2414 LeRoi Ave. ............................................................................................................. 124 Hospital Hill – 2444 LeRoi Ave. ............................................................................................................. 126 Hospital Hill – 2405 Columbia Ave. ....................................................................................................... 128 Hospital Hill – 2480 Columbia Ave. ....................................................................................................... 130 Hospital Hill – 2432 Columbia Ave. ....................................................................................................... 133 Hospital Hill – 2074 Butte St. ................................................................................................................ 135 Hospital Hill – 2090 Butte St. ................................................................................................................ 137 Hospital Hill – 2433 First Ave. ............................................................................................................... 139 Hospital Hill – 2365 First Ave. ............................................................................................................... 141 Hospital Hill – 1930 Monte Christo St. .................................................................................................. 144 [5]

Thompson Heights Heritage Area ............................. 147 Thompson Heights – 1692 Thompson Ave. .......................................................................................... 149 Thompson Heights – 1867 Union Ave................................................................................................... 151 Thompson Heights – 1891 Union Ave................................................................................................... 154 Thompson Heights – 1345 Spokane St. ................................................................................................ 157 Thompson Heights – 1781 Union Ave................................................................................................... 160 Thompson Heights – 1370 Davis St....................................................................................................... 163 Thompson Heights – 1465 Washington St. ........................................................................................... 165 Thompson Heights – 2023 Thompson Ave. .......................................................................................... 167

Lower Earl Heritage Area .......................................... 173 Lower Earl – 1880 Kootenay Ave. ......................................................................................................... 175 Lower Earl – 1890 Kootenay Ave. ......................................................................................................... 178 Lower Earl – 1855 Earl St. ..................................................................................................................... 181 Lower Earl – 1751 LeRoi Ave. ................................................................................................................ 183

Railway Y Heritage Area ........................................... 187 Railway Y – 2770 Butte St. .................................................................................................................... 189 Railway Y – 2345 Sixth Ave. .................................................................................................................. 192 Railway Y – 2323 Sixth Ave. .................................................................................................................. 196


Upper Earl Heritage Area A - Upper Earl



Upper Earl – 2066 Earl St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2066 Earl St. 2) Property Description: Block 27, Lot 19-24 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: T. Gilmour

4) Date of Construction: July, 1898

5) Early History: The building of this home coincided with the bringing of electricity to Rossland. The lots the house is built upon were purchased at separate times by separate owners. Lot 20 was the first purchased in 1898, then lot 21 in 1902, and finally lot 19, all by T. Gilmore. Lots 22 and 23, 24 (part lots) were purchased by R.W Clarke. 2066 Earl St. is more of


an estate than a property in that it is 1/3 of an acre with spacious lawns, four terraces, and a grotto. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is considered to be Modified Queen Anne due to the fact that it features a tower. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Area of main floor is 1743 ft² -Total area is 2600 ft² -37 ft. wide and 54 ft. deep -Exterior walls are made of painted wood -Foundation is concrete and granite rock -Roof is painted cedar shingles 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Queen Anne stained glass window -Well-made fireplace with a mantelpiece made of golden oak -Swath of granite rock surrounds the basement entry and forms a “biblical foundation” for the house 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: The property was once the site of rock breaking competitions in Rossland. Also, the property contains a grotto that used to contain a cottage that burned down. A natural pool in the granite that is on the property that was excavated by W. F. Hastings; no gold was found 11) Other Owners: Mrs. L. E. Comstock (1898), J. B. Johnson (1899), Mrs. Johnson (1901), Mrs. L.E. Gilmour (1932), R. W. Clarke (1932), W.F. Hastings (1990s), and Louise Drescher, the current owner.


Another 2013 view

1983 Photo


Early Photo


Upper Earl – 2088 Earl St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2088 Earl St. 2) Property Description: Block 26, Lot 23 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Mining Engineer

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1900 5) Early History: Not available

6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: Architectural style is a High Victorian in the Stick Style. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey with an attic and a basement -Exterior walls are wood -Foundation is concrete -Roof is cedar shakes [13]

8) Interior Layout and Features: -Fireplace with original oak wood and Scottish tile -Original glass cabinets in pantry -Original bay windows 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Ceilings lowered from 12 ft. to 9 ft. -Porch was constructed in the 1950’s 10) Other Information: The engineer who constructed the house worked in one of Rossland’s Mines. This home was the first home of J.D. MacDonald (Superintendent of West Kootenay Power and Light Company) upon his marriage. 11) Other Owners: Kirsten L. Bird and Matthew Henry, the current owners.

Additional 2013 Photo



1983 Photo [15]


Planer Hill Heritage Area B- Planer Hill



Planer Hill – 2567 Spokane St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2567 Spokane St. 2) Property Description: Block 109A (9), Lot 14 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 4) Date of Construction: Circa 1900

1st Owner: Aconite Martello

5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey and a crawlspace -Area of main floor is 1500 ft² [19]

-Total area is 805 ft² -Width is 22 ft. and depth is 39 ft. -Exterior walls are covered in aluminum siding -Foundation is concrete but the house originally sat on dirt -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: - Original front door and 2 front windows 9) Alterations/Restorations: -House only had 2 front rooms originally; kitchen and living room were added later -Concrete foundation replaced original dirt foundation 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Simon Walker



1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 1810 Fifth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1810 Fifth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block ___, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: West Kootenay Power (W.K.P.) House, McDonald Home 1st Owner: W.K.P. (Established in 1897);

4) Date of Construction: 1897 First lived in by Lorne Campbell

5) Early History: The house was built by the W.K.P.L. Co., who owned it until it was sold to McKinnon in 1943. The home was built beside the brick substation where power from the 1 st dam on the Kootenay River was generated and travelled to the substation to be changed to a voltage suitable for use in the mining operations and homes and businesses of Rossland. Lorne Campbell, the 1st manager of W.K.P.L. Co., lived in the home until approximately 1907 and then the superintendent of W.K.P.L. Co., J. D. McDonald, and his family occupied the home for the next 36 years. Lorne Campbell had a new home built for his family around 1912, across from the hospital because his wife, apparently, did not like the first house. [22]

6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is High Victorian Domestic. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Area of main floor is 1500 ft² -Total area is 3000 ft² -Exterior walls are made of asbestos siding -Foundation is rock and concrete -Roof is made of wood shakes but was originally wood shingles 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Original windows -Original woodwork -Original bathroom fixture -Original oak floors -Original ceilings -Original veranda 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Back porch was added in 1900 -Summer Kitchen at rear of home was converted into garage and workshop at some point -Buzzer system added -Roof changed from wood shingles to wood shakes 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: In 1943 the house was sold to McKinnon who first rented it to H. McCreadie, then sold it to Westaway, and finally repossessed it again until it was sold to Terry Lee. Currently the house is owned by Leigh Adamson.


West side of house

1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 1876 Fifth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1876 Fifth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 109B (9), Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Madore

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1913

5) Early History: The house was built in one weekend with the help of 30 Frenchmen. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Area of the main floor is 840 ft² [25]

-Width is 24 ft. and depth is 35 ft. -Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: - Ceiling lowered to 9’8’’ -Interior has been modernized -Windows replaced -Exterior walls changed from drop siding to stucco -Foundation changed from 16x9 mine timbers to concrete -Roof changed from shingles to aluminum 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Madore sold the house to Gilbert Kay in the 1920’s. It was then bought by H.G. Smith.

1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 1892 Fifth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1892 Fifth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 109B (9), Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Scoot’s Mess House, then Oliver’s Mess House 1st Owner: Clark

4) Date of Construction: 1898

5) Early History: As the common names suggest, this home’s original function was as a mess house. It is also thought to be a possible boarding house for miners. There was also a row of sheds behind the house where Chinese cooks lived, which could possibly support the boarding house theory. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular.


7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Area of main floor is 1500 ft² -Width is 30 ft. and depth is 50 ft. -Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is made of concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Row of sheds behind the house that used to house Chinese cooks 9) Alterations/Restorations: -House was subdivided to include a new apartment -Original veranda and door jams were removed -Back end of the house was removed due to rot -New electrical wiring and windows -Replace wooden post foundation with concrete and wood shingle roof with aluminum 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Roland, Clitherow, Herb Martin and J.O. Thompson.

1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 1834 Fourth Ave

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1834 Fourth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 9, Lot 5 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Andrews

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1900 5) Early History: Not available [29]

6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys with gabled windows on 2nd floor -Area of main floor is 549 ft² -Total area is 823 ft² -Width is 15 ft. (18 ft. in kitchen) and depth is 30 ft. -Exterior walls are wood shingles -Foundation is concrete and bedrock -Roof is made of aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Original windows -Ceilings have not been lowered and are the original 9 ft. height 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Kitchen was added 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Davis, Danielson, Mrs. Cichowski, Tony Tett, Wendy Atherley.

1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 1842 Fourth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1842 Fourth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 9, Lot 6 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Madore (Parents)

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1900 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: Architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey -Exterior walls are wood shingle -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum [31]

8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Stead, Armour, Ron Handley.

1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 1850 Fourth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1850 Fourth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 9, Lot 7 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Mitchell

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1900

5) Early History: This house was originally home to one of Rossland’s miners. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a partial basement -Exterior walls are wood shingles [33]

-Foundation is made of concrete and bedrock -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Original windows and glass 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Living room ceiling was lowered 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Fowler, De Kuysscher, Mrs. L. Edlund.

1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 1858 Fourth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1858 Fourth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 9, Lot 8 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Schreck

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1905

5) Early History: Schreck, the original owner, worked for West Kootenay Power and Light Company. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: Architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey and a partial basement -Area of main floor is 875 ft² [35]

-Width is 25 ft. and depth is 35 ft. -Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is mainly concrete with some bedrock -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Back porch was added and front porch was removed -Kitchen extended -Coal shed in the back yard was torn down -Walls are now gyprock -No original wood work -Windows changed in 1955 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Other owners of this home have been Lesteeries, Axel Johnson, Mrs. Pearl Palmer, and Jean P. Vaucrosson, the current owner.

1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 1866 Fourth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1866 Fourth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 9, Lot 9 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Madore

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1900

5) Early History: This house, and the houses opposite and adjacent, was considered the poorer part of the Planer Hill area due to the close spacing of the houses. The larger houses in Planer Hill were home to mine superintendents and the president of W.K.P.L. and had lots that were much more spacious. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys with gabled windows on the second floor -Area of main floor is 697 ft² [37]

-Width is 17 ft. and depth is 41 ft. -Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete and wooden footing -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Original windows downstairs -Original high ceilings -Original banister 9) Alterations/Restorations: -New windows upstairs -New dining room after a fire in the original one -Outbuilding garage was torn down in the ‘80s 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Other owners of this house have been Jackson, Coleman, John E. Christianson.

1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 1874 -76 Fourth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1874-76 Fourth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 9, Lot 10 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: MacAllister

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1900

5) Early History: This building was originally home to a single family, but was changed into a duplex in 1930. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2.5 storeys and possibly a full basement -Exterior walls are vinyl siding or asphalt tiles -Foundation is made of concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum


8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: -2 kitchens in the north end of the duplex that were thought to be added in 1927 due to the fact that newspapers with the same date were found in the walls. 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Other owners of this building have been Ferguson, Cleverly, Ruelle, Larry Doell.

1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 1815A Fourth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1815A Fourth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 10, Lot 22 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 4) Date of Construction: Circa 1898 1st Owner: British America Corporation (home is located on what was once called the B.A.C. grounds) 5) Early History: The house was originally used as a Staff House for B. A. C. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular and the architect was J.J. Honeyman.


7) Description of Home: -2 storeys -Exterior walls are made of stucco -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features -original layout of interior has not been significantly changed. 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: Originally the home and other homes and buildings on the Grounds were heated with steam from the mining operations owned by the B.A.C. MacAuley, the second owner, worked for Consolidated Mining & Smelting (C.M. and S.) and lived there after the demise of the B.A.C. 11) Other Owners: MacAuley, McLennan, an unknown owner, Bob and Helen Greene, and John and Cate Greene, the current owners.

West side of home


1983 Photo

Circa 1945 Photo [43]

Planer Hill – 1843A Fourth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1843A Fourth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 10, Lot(s) ___ 3) Common or Historical Name:

Mine Superintendent’s House (BAC Grounds)

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1898 1st Owner: British America Corporation (the first resident was Brown, an assayer for the company) 5) Early History: This house is one of 3 houses on the BAC Grounds, all of which were designed by the architect J.J. Honeyman. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular and the architect is J. Honeyman. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys with gabled windows on second floor and a basement [44]

-Area of main floor is 1350 ft² -Total area is 2025 ft² -Width is 30 ft. and depth is 45 ft. -Exterior walls are vinyl siding -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Ceilings are 10 ft. tall -Original windows -Original door frames -Original fireplace -Original heating system 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Exterior walls changed from asphalt shingles to vinyl siding 10) Other Information: Original heating system which used steam from the mines transported by a 6” or 8” pipe to the properties on the BAC Grounds is still in use. 11) Other Owners: Hobbs, Tiedje, Ridgers, Martin, Lightfoots, Pat MacNulty, and Janet Haskins, the current owner.

1983 photo


Planer Hill – 1876A Fourth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1876A Fourth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 10, Lot 24 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 4) Date of Construction: Circa 1898

1st Owner: B.A.C. (British America Corporation)

5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys -Exterior walls are asphalt shingles -Roof is shingle [46]

8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Pincott, Tindale, Delong, Al Martin, Kitchin, Bourchier, Cochrane, Leo Kline, Walter G. Heslop, D. Chochrane.

1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 2363 Spokane St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2363 Spokane St. 2) Property Description: Block____, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Martin

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1898 5) Early History: Not available

6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: Architectural style is Vernacular and the builder/contractor was Faulkner. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys with gabled windows on second floor and a basement -Area of main floor is 680 ft² -Width is 17 ft. and depth is 40 ft. -Exterior walls are vinyl siding [48]

-Foundation is concrete blocks -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -9 ft. ceilings -6x6 ft. cellar with manway access 9) Alterations/Restorations: -House has been completely changed and remodeled -Basement and room upstairs were added -Windows have been made shorter -Clapboard exterior walls changed to vinyl siding -Bedrock foundation changed to cement -Wood shingle roof changed to aluminum 10) Other Information: The home’s second owner, Faulkner, was a brakeman on the Great Northern Railway. Also, the third owner was a barber who lived there from 1914-1918. He was a very patriotic Canadian and, during World War 1, was reported to have thrown all Germanmade items out over the bank by his house. This barber was also a heavy beer drinker and Harry LeFevre used to collect the discarded bottles and turn them in for money. 11) Other Owners: Faulkner, an unknown barber, Henderson, John E. Irving, and Ryan and Sarah Zanussi, the current owners.

A different view [49]

1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 1840 Third Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1840 Third Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 306 (6), Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 4) Date of Construction: Circa 1898 home of the manager of the B.A.C.

1st Owner: British America Corporation (B.A.C.),

5) Early History: The house is the most prestigious of the 4 homes on the BAC Grounds and would have been occupied by the general manager of the Corporation. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Fancy Vernacular and the architect was J.J. Honeyman. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and an attic and partial basement -Total area of homes is over 3000 square feet -Veranda extends across the front of the home [51]

-Exterior walls are wood siding -Foundation is concrete -Roof is cedar shingles -Windows on the main floor are the original windows

8) Interior Layout and Features: -Bay windows in living room -Stained glass windows on either side of fireplace -The living and dining rooms are in their original condition with wood work and walls finished in lathe and plaster -The original heating system (fuelled by steam from the working mines) remains. 9) Alterations/Restorations: -The basic layout of the rooms remains the same with the exception of the kitchen area which was extended in the late 1970’s. Apparently, instead of cooking in the kitchen, food was originally cooked in an outdoor cook-house and brought into the kitchen. 10) Other Information: The British America Corporation was a British holding company created in 1897 to acquire mining properties in B.C. and Alaska. The headquarters were established in Rossland and a number of operating mines were purchased in 1897 including the Josie. In 1898 the Corporation acquired the LeRoi. The sale of the LeRoi in 1911 marked both the end of the BAC in Rossland and the final acquisition of all Rossland mining properties by the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company (CM&S) later to be known as Cominco and currently Teck. The second owner of the house, W.M. Archibald was a manager of CM&S’s mining operation in Rossland. A school exam from 1903 was found when kitchen walls were being torn down to make room for the extension. 11) Other Owners: Other owners of this house have been W.M. Archibald, Turner, DeLong, Rintoul, Clarke, R. and K. Steckle, and Helen and John Anderson, the current owners.


West side of home - 2013

East side of home - 2013 [53]

1983 photo


Planer Hill – 2418 Washington St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2418 Washington St. 2) Property Description: Block 58, Lot 1 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Gregory

4) Date of Construction: 1905

5) Early History: Liberal leader and 17th Prime Minister of Canada John Turner’s mother, Phyllis Gregory, was raised in this house. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is thought to be Dutch Colonial. The builder/ contractor was Mrs. Jas Goode.


7) Description of Home: -2 storeys with gabled windows on second floor and a basement -Area of main floor is 1100 ft² -Width is 22 ft. and depth is 50 ft. -Exterior walls are wood clapboard -Foundations is concrete -This roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -2 sets of bay windows -9 ft. ceilings -Original wood bannisters -Original windows and glass; flaws in the glass are visible -Original doors in the upstairs 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Original floors were just wood not hardwood -Garage is not original -At one point there were many outbuildings in the back yard (coal and wood sheds) but they were torn down, presumably. -Original wood post foundation was changed to concrete -Original wood shingle roof was changed to asphalt shingles 10) Other Information: The front room of the house was originally a parlor room that was very rarely used. Father Mac was one of the few to be admitted into the room. 11) Other Owners: MacMillan, Christina and Roger Terhune, and the current owner Stuart J. Terhune.


South side of home

1983 Photo


Planer Hill – 1910 Second Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1910 Second Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 15, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Deschamps Home, Topliff Apartments 4) Date of Construction: First structure: 1907, Second structure: 1918 1st Owner: Deschamps 5) Early History: Deschamps, a lumber man, built the present structure over top of the original, which was much smaller in size. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is American Four-Square and Chas Wood of Spokane, Washington was the architect. 7) Description of Home: -2.5 storeys -750 ft² on top floor [58]

-Area of the main floor and 2nd floor is 2025 ft² -Width is 45 ft. and depth is 45 ft. -Exterior walls are wood siding -Foundation is concrete -Roof is fiberglass shingle 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Originally, on the main floor there was a ballroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, pantry and water closet. (The only known ballroom in any Rossland home) -On the 2nd floor - 4 bedrooms, a sunroom and 2 bathrooms -Heating was by hot water with a boiler in the basement and radiators in the rooms above. -3 fireplaces -Main staircase from the ballroom to the 2nd floor and a service staircase from the kitchen area. -The original finish for most of the interior walls in the home was unusual for its time shiplap, nailed fabric to the shiplap and then wall paper. (Lathe and plaster was a more usual finish in Rossland’s early days.) A few of the smaller rooms and kitchen area were finished with v-grooved boards.

9) Alterations/Restorations: -When Dr. Topliff bought the home he practiced his medicine there with an office and patient area on the main floor. Sometime after his death, his daughter Valerie Nicol, the new owner, turned the home into 6 apartments - with major structural changes to the interior. For many years, the Deschamps Home was known as the Topliff Apartments. -In the late 1980’s, Judith McKenzie bought the home and started the restoration to its original layout. All the rooms on the main floor were “reconstructed” and 2 rooms on the 2nd floor were brought back to their original size and shape. -Lora and Brian Fry bought the building in 1999 and began a major restoration project that is still going on (2013) - new roof, replaced veranda on south side of house and restored the impressive columns, made major upgrades to the sewer, water, heating and electrical systems, and repaired the high, cement retaining wall on Second Avenue. 10) Other Information: At one time there was a circular drive on the east side of the property leading to a most gracious and well-designed veranda. 11) Other Owners: C. B. Smith, Dr. Topliff, Valerie Nicol, Judith McKenzie, and Lorna and Brian Fry, the current owners.


East side of home

1983 Photo [60]

St. Paul Heritage Area C – St. Paul



St. Paul – 2041 St. Paul St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2041 St. Paul St. 2) Property Description: Block 42, Lot 12 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Fred Ethridge

4) Date of Construction: 1930 5) Early History: Not available

6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Gothic Revival-Proto Modern Domestic. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey and a basement -Area of main floor is 1000 ft² -Width is 50 ft. and depth is 20 ft. -Exterior walls are shingle [63]

-Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -All windows are original except in the kitchen -Original wiring 9) Alterations/Restorations: -A bedroom was added on -Kitchen windows replaced -Roof changed from asphalt shingles to aluminum 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Bramley Eccles and Annette M. Oliver, the current owner

1983 Photo


St. Paul – 2063 St. Paul St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2063 St. Paul St. 2) Property Description: Block 42, Lot 13 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Ferguson

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1901

5) Early History: Although the date of construction is unknown, the house was considered to be an old house in 1929. It is also believed that the house was originally two houses built together, divided between the present-day living room and kitchen. Another possibility is that the house was brought down from the mines. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Proto Modern Domestic. 7) Description of Home: -1.5 storeys and a basement -Area of main floor 1128 ft² [65]

-Total area is 1692 ft² -Width is 24 ft. and depth is 47 ft. -Exterior walls are shingled -Foundation is concrete footings on posts -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -12 ft. ceilings -Pigeon house outbuilding 9) Alterations/Restorations: -No major renovations except in kitchen -Fireplace is not original 10) Other Information: Newspapers used under the living room floor were dated 1929 and newspapers under the kitchen floor were dated 1915. There was also a message found in a wall that read, “Put up shingles in 1.5 days”. Smith, the third owner of the house, was a mayor of Rossland. 11) Other Owners: Other owners of this house have been French, Smith, Mrs. T. Fraser, Frank McLean.

1983 Photo


St. Paul – 2074 St. Paul St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2074 St. Paul St. 2) Property Description: Block 51, Lot 10 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Hardy

4) Date of Construction: 1901 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular.

7) Description of Home: -2 storeys -Exterior walls are stucco and siding (vinyl and aluminum) -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum


8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Extensive renovations prior to 1983 10) Other Information: First owner, Hardy, was an undertaker. 11) Other Owners: Wordruff, Manzer

1983 Photo


St. Paul – 2046 St. Paul St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2046 St. Paul St. 2) Property Description: Block 51, Lot 7 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Unknown

4) Date of Construction: 1903

5) Early History: This house was originally moved down from the mines by horse and carriage around 1925. Fox and Grant did the majority of the house moving. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey and a basement -Area of main floor is 1800 ft² [69]

-Width is 30 ft. and depth is 40 ft. -Exterior walls are Bapco siding -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum

8) Interior Layout and Features: -No insulation -Original plaster walls -Original windows 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Bedroom was added off the porch -Porch was built some time before 1941 -Patio extension added in 1969 -Other renovations in the last 2-3 years -Original wood exterior walls changed to Bapco siding -Original rock foundation changed to concrete -Original wood shingle roof changed to aluminum 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Milt Stinson and Frank W. Polnau, the current owner.

1983 Photo [70]

St. Paul – 2026 St. Paul St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2026 St. Paul St. 2) Property Description: Block 51, Lot 2 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Unknown

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1905

5) Early History: The house was moved from its original location behind the Gospel Hall to its current location. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Area of main floor is 952 ft² -Width is 28 ft. and depth is 34 ft. -Exterior walls are wood clapboard -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with galvanized steel [71]

8) Interior Layout and Features: -9 ft. ceilings -Original windows, glass, and woodwork 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Some ceilings lowered -Porch was added with a roof and was later enclosed -Garage was moved from basement -Various recent renovations have been performed 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: J.A. Walling who rented it to M. DeBeeson, Eilenna Denisoff, the current owner.

1983 Photo


St. Paul – 2236 Columbia Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2236 Columbia Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 51, Lot 4 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Dr. Chandler

4) Date of Construction: 1910

5) Early History: Was originally an apartment and the owner, Dr. Chandler lived next door. The building was sold when Dr. Chandler returned to England to work at London Hospital. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Area of main floor is 960 ft² [73]

-Width is 24 ft. and depth is 40 ft. -Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -9 ft. high ceilings of wood (wood beams crossed up the walls and on the ceiling) 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Den and upstairs were added on in 1940 -Fireplace was added in 1945 10) Other Information: Urquhart owned the drug store in Rossland at the time. He received a Robbins Award for his pharmacy and was very into sports. He was also an RAF observer in World War 1 and was on the cover of Time Magazine. In addition to the apartments there was a shack on Urquhart’s property that was rented to a miner. As with Dr. Chandler, Urquhart lived next door in a large house that had been brought down from the mines. Second owner, Waynman, was a pharmacist. 11) Other Owners: Waynman, and the Urquhart family (1924+), and Craig M. Goldsmith.




St. Paul – 2054A St. Paul St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2054A St. Paul St. 2) Property Description: Block 51, Lot 7 3) Common or Historical Name: United Church Manse 1st Owner: Unknown

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1900

5) Early History: This building was moved down from the mines in the 1900s. However, it was not the original manse; McEwan’s house (2365 First Ave.) was the original. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Gothic Revival – “Rural Gothic Cottage”. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and an attic -Area of main floor is 1200 ft² -Total area is 2400 ft² -Width is 24 ft. and depth is 50 ft. [75]

-Exterior walls are wood paneling -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Abnormally small windows and very few 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Living room was created by combining 3 rooms: the rectory, sitting room, and den -Kitchen, washroom, laundry room, porch, and deck were added in 1955 -Tool shed added in 1960 -A stained glass window found in the attic in 1982 -Original siding was replaced with current wood siding -Foundation was changed from an unknown material to concrete -Sliding glass doors were added to gain access to deck -Original newspaper insulation was replaced 10) Other Information: The house is located near two major heritage buildings: the Court House and United Church. It is due west from the Court House. 11) Other Owners: owners.

Mrs. G.H Hanson, and Jonathan Rabbitte and Teresa L. Hill, the current

1983 Photo


St. Paul – 2070A St. Paul St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2070A St. Paul St. 2) Property Description: Block 51, Lot 10 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Harry Battie

4) Date of Construction: 1910 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -1.5 storeys and a basement -Area of main floor is 618 ft² -Total Area is 927 ft² [77]

-Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete and steel I-beams -Roof is covered with aluminum

8) Interior Layout and Features: -2 bedrooms have original windows 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Kitchen was added in 1937 -Back porch was added in 1934 -5 or so other rooms added at various points -All except bedroom windows replaced -Ceilings lowered from 9 ft. 10 in. to 8 ft. -Shiplap exterior walls changed to stucco -Wood foundation changed to cement/I-beam -Roof changed from wood shingle to aluminum

10) Other Information: Original owner, Harry Battie, was a boilermaker 11) Other Owners: Not available

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill Heritage Area D- Hospital Hill



Hospital Hill – 2615 Columbia Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2615 Columbia Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 53, Lot 18 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Beley

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1910

5) Early History: This building was originally used as a family home and apartments. It is believed that the person who built it for his girlfriend. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Late Victorian Vernacular Revival Style. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Area of main floor is 900 ft² [81]

-Total area is 1800 ft² -Width is 30 ft. and depth is 30 ft. -Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete -Roof is asphalt shingle 8) Interior Layout and Features: -2 chimneys on either side of upstairs hall -Original bannisters -Original porch and kitchen windows -2 outside doors are original 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Ceiling was added to the back of the house creating an attic -Chicken coop was altered into a shed and then replaced by a patio -Original wood clapboard exterior wall changed to stucco -Original bedrock foundation changed to concrete - Original cedar shingle roof changed to asphalt shingles 10) Other Information: father.

The original owner, Beley, was a liquor vendor and Pat Beley’s

11) Other Owners: M. O. Caron, Storey and the current owner, Dirk R. Lewis.

1983 Photo [82]

Hospital Hill – 2645 Columbia Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2645 Columbia Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 53, Lot 17 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Unknown

4) Date of Construction: 1901 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys -Area of main floor is 780 ft² [83]

-Width is 26 ft. and depth is 30 ft. -Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete -Roof is wood shingles 8) Interior Layout and Features: -9 ft. ceilings -Some original windows 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Garage built in 1950 -Sundeck was built in 1975 and added onto further in 1983 -Basement was renovated and made into a downstairs -Original clapboard exterior walls were changed to stucco 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Tony Johnstone, David and Jill Knight and, Anthony, Aerin and James Guy.

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2606 Columbia Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2606 Columbia Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 54, Lot 1 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Betts

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1905 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys -Exterior walls are stuccoed [85]

-Foundation is concrete -Roof is asphalt tiles 8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: First owner, Betts, owned a dry goods store in Rossland. 11) Other Owners: George Urquhart, and Carmen and Jim Adams.

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2614 Columbia Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2614 Columbia Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 54, Lot 2 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: George Hunter

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1904 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey -Exterior walls are brick and stucco -Foundation is concrete -Roof is shingle [87]

8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: Original owner, George Hunter, was a barber. 11) Other Owners: current owners.

Betts, Tulio Lenarduzzi, and Kevin J. Philips and Victor A. Cavallin, the

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2622 Columbia Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2622 Columbia Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 54, Lot(s) 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Unknown

4) Date of Construction: 1901 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey -Exterior walls are covered with vinyl siding -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum [89]

8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Cleve Cowland.




Hospital Hill – 2570 LeRoi Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2570 LeRoi Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 152, Lot 17 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: W. Ternan

4) Date of Construction: 1897 5) Early History: Not available

6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is High Victorian Domestic in the Queen Anne Style and the architect is Ternan.


7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and an attic and partial basement -Exterior walls are V-siding with ornate woodwork -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum shingles 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Original V-siding and ornate woodwork -Original doors and door handles -Original windows and frames -Original hardwood floors – possibly oak -Ceilings are 8 ft. 6 in. -Original wood cabinets -2 fireplaces back to back in different rooms -1 stain glass window of colorful triple flowers -Original light fixtures -Back door is original Maranese glass -Painted frescos on outside windows -7 to 8 pillars of granite from the same quarry as the Post Office 9) Alterations/Restorations: -The detached garage has a turntable, large enough for a vehicle, to deal with the fact that the house is located at the end of a dead end street – a unique feature in Rossland homes -The tower has been reduced to roof level 10) Other Information: The original owner, W. Ternan, later became a partner in the Hunter Bros. Store and the house may have been built for Fred Hunter of Hunter Bros. Store. The picture window on the east side of the house was a wedding gift from the bride’s parents when Dr. Christie came back to Rossland from WWII with his English bride. Perhaps the first picture window in Rossland. 11) Other Owners: owners.

Dr. Christie, Bailey, H.E. Jackson, W.J. and M.A. Bradshaw, the current


East side of home

Detail [93]

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2546 LeRoi Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2546 LeRoi Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 52, Lot 3 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Robert Jest

4) Date of Construction: 1901 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular.

7) Description of Home: -2 storeys with windows in gabled ends of pitched roof and a basement -Area of main floor is 1100 ft² [95]

-Width is 24.5 ft. and depth is 64 ft. -Exterior walls are shingles -Foundation is concrete (3 sides) -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: station worker.

The second owner, Sam Wilson, was a West Kootenay Power sub-

11) Other Owners: Sam Wilson, Ernie Mitchell, Mr. and Mrs. C.E. Ferrey, and Kristine J. Duckworth, the current owner.

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2534 LeRoi Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2534 LeRoi Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 52, Lot 3 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Ernie Mitchell

4) Date of Construction: 1912 5) Early History: Has always been a family home 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Area of main floor is 960 ft² -Total Area is 1536 ft² -Width is 26 ft. and depth is 39 ft. [97]

-Exterior walls are painted cedar shingles -Foundation is painted concrete blocks -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Ceilings are 9 ft. with the exception of the den -Original windows in the bathroom, sewing room, and bedroom 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Kitchen, porch, and room above it all added later -New paneling on walls and ceiling -Exterior walls were not originally painted cedar shingles -Roof changed from original asphalt shingles to aluminum 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Dr. Keeley, Noras (1958-1976), Ken Dougan, and Paul J. Langevin.




Hospital Hill – 2516 LeRoi Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2516 LeRoi Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 52, Lot 2 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: McNaughton

4) Date of Construction: 1901 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: Not available

7) Description of Home: -2 storeys -Exterior walls are possibly asphalt tile siding -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum [99]

8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: The original owner, McNaughton, was a dentist. 11) Other Owners: McLean, Clem. T. Cameron (Mclean’s step-son), and Robert R. Fershau and Cadre C. Simpson, the current owners.

West side of home


1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 1962 Georgia St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1962 Georgia St. 2) Property Description: Block 52, Lot 20 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: McCullough

4) Date of Construction: 1907 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -1.5 storeys and no basement -Area of main floor is 615 ft² -Total area is 975 ft² [102]

-Width is 25 ft. and depth is 26 ft. -Exterior walls are vertical cedar siding -Foundation is brick and mortar -Roof is cedar shingle 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Original doors and doorframes -Ornate door handles -Beautiful woodwork on doorframes but much is painted -Original windows -Ceilings are 8 ft. -Sloping sinks in the kitchen -Original plumbing with the water tank in the kitchen 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Exterior walls changed from original cedar siding to imitation brick 10) Other Information: This home is very authentic with almost no renovations or additions. In fact, it has been left in very much the same way it probably was when it was first built. 11) Other Owners: Wright, Dmetro Jaroszko, and its current owners are Kevin and Patricia Magnall.

1983 Photo [103]

Hospital Hill – 2531 Columbia Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2531 Columbia Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 52, Lot 18 [104]

3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 4) Date of Construction: Circa 1897 1st Owner: Cecil Turner and his sister, Mrs. Watson 5) Early History: This building was the Original Bank House residence. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: Not available 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a cellar -Area of main floor is 750 ft² -Total area is 1500 ft² -Width is 30 ft. and depth is 25 ft. -Exterior walls are coarse grained wood -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -2 sandstone fireplaces -Oak paneling -Tile in the basement -Some upstairs doors and doorframes are original -Stained and leaded glass windows -Original windows -Printed design on the doors 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Ceilings were lowered -Many old doors and doorframes were removed -Small addition to the back of the house -Exterior walls were originally cedar shingles and then were changed to coarse grained wood in the 1930s -Concrete foundation was added as there was no foundation originally -Roof was first shingle, then tin, then aluminum 10) Other Information: It is possible the man who built this house scavenged the materials from leftovers from the Montreal Bank. What is now the upstairs was intended to be the main floor. The second owner, “Atty” Atkinson, was a timekeeper at Center Star Mine. 11) Other Owners: “Atty” Atkinson, Eric and Elsie Bourchier, Eve Bourchier, Peter and Terry D’Aoust and Kimberly D. Zanussi.


1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2565 Columbia Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2565 Columbia Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 52, Lot 14 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Wadds

4) Date of Construction: 1896

5) Early History: The house was built by Wadds, Rossland’s first postmaster, in 1896 and his initials are carved into the tiles in the fireplace. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Dutch Colonial. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys -Area of main floor is 910 ft² -Total area is 1774 ft² [107]

-Width is 26 ft. and depth is 35 ft. -Exterior walls are covered by aluminum siding -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Original windows and glass -Ceilings at their original height; downstairs is 9 ft. 5 in. and upstairs is 8 ft. 5 in. -A bay window in the dining room -Walls are original lathe and plaster -Trap door leads to the basement -French doors 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Fireplace was painted white -Changes to kitchen were made by Crowders; third owner -Exterior walls were originally drop siding which was changed to stucco and then to aluminum siding 10) Other Information: Any uncalled-for mail was used by Wadds as insulation and some of the mail dated back to 1900. The second owner of the house, Mara, was a CPR agent. 11) Other Owners: Mara, Crowders, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Martel, and Tracy L. Hopkins, the current owner.

1983 Photo [108]

Hospital Hill – 2520 Kootenay Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2520 Kootenay Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 35, Lot 1 3) Common or Historical Name: The Bank Home, Bank of Montreal Home 4) Date of Construction: 1900-1905 1st Owner: Bank of Montreal (1st resident was Bank of Montreal Manager, J. S. C. Fraser, and his family) [109]

5) Early History: J. S. C. Fraser was the first Manager for the Bank of Montreal in Rossland, responsible for starting the bank in rented premises in 1896. The bank moved to Columbia Avenue, then into the impressive Bank of Montreal building on the corner of Washington Street and Columbia Avenue when the construction was completed in 1900. The new Bank had living quarters on the 3rd floor for the Manager and staff. The Bank home on Kootenay Avenue was built around 1905 and was the home of the Fraser family and subsequent Bank managers. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is High Victorian Domestic and the builder/contractor was Jeldness. 7) Description of Home: -3 storeys and a basement -Exterior walls are shingle and wood siding -Foundation is stone -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Very ornate woodwork and painting on the exterior -Sunroom over front balcony -Tennis courts 9) Alterations/Restorations: -J. S. C. Fraser added a suite in the home for his sister -B. Coon did some restoration work to the house in the 1950’s - he also removed the large outdoor veranda -Restoration work continued with Roland LeRose and Ian Thomas and many interior features like lighting fixtures, knobs, hinges, etc., are back in their original places. Apparently, things were never thrown away and filled the attic. 10) Other Information: J. S. C. Fraser was a very significant man in Rossland’s early history, both in terms of financial matters and community involvement. He retired to Victoria in 1912. The stone used in the home’s foundation is the same locally quarried granite that was used in the foundation for the Bank of Montreal, the Court House and the Post Office.

11) Other Owners: E. E. L. Dewdney, Cran, Hutchings, B. Coon (20 years), Majorie and Arthur Snowball (1944-1949), Bob Page, Roland LeRose, Ian Thomas, and Becky Gilhula and Jeremy J. Richards, the current owners.


West side



1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2515 LeRoi Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2515 LeRoi Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 51, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Ben Coon’s grandfather (who didn’t live in the home but rented it)

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1900

5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Proto-Modern Domestic in the Bungalow Style. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Area of main floor is 1400 ft² [113]

-Total area is 2100 ft² -Width is 28 ft. and depth is 50 ft. -Exterior walls have horizontal wood siding with vertical elements -Foundation is concrete blocks -Roof is covered with shingles 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Fireplace and oak floors -Living room and dining room have original 9.5 ft. high ceilings -Original windows except in kitchen and bathroom -Original doorframes and baseboards -Chimney is at the center of the house and opens into 4 rooms -1 bay window with original moldings 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Front porch was removed -Fireplace and oak floors added in 1934 -Ceilings have been lowered in the upstairs -Original garage has been removed -Carport, sundeck, and tool shed built later -Exterior walls were changed from shingles and cedar siding to stucco in 1934 -Concrete blocks for added for foundation in 1934 -Roof changed from original shingles to aluminum and back to shingles -Major renovations to the exterior in 2013, including gabled windows on the top floor 10) Other Information: Second owner, Ernie Morrison, was a manager of Hunter Bros. Store and smoked a box of cigars a day. As a result, many areas of the house are insulated with old cigar boxes. Several articles were found in the house including boxes of old magazine, used in walls and under floorboards; various World War 1 items; 3 or 4 original lighting fixtures; 3 or 4 fixtures in the dining room; 3 or 4 brass fixtures; an old washstand with a jug; and a mantel clock. 11) Other Owners: Ernie Morrison, Peter and Helen Bourchier, and Reva and Robin Strachan, the current owners.


West side of home

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2555 LeRoi Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2555 LeRoi Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 51, Lot 16 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: MacDonell

4) Date of Construction: 1900 5) Early History: Not available

6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular, although very ornate. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Exterior walls are vinyl clapboard -Foundation is concrete -Roof is steel shingled [116]

8) Interior Layout and Features: -Original woodwork (English architecture) -Wooden beams in ceilings -2 original bay windows -Original fireplace and stair bannisters -Ceilings are at their original height of 10 ft. -Cabinet built into the wall with leaded glass 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Some windows have been changed -All interior woodwork stripped of paint and restored - Porch restored 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Des Crowder, Les Smitten, Garry Palmquist, and Ross G. Hopkins, the current owner.

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2485 LeRoi Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2485 LeRoi Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 32, Lot 12 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Unknown

4) Date of Construction: 1901

5) Early History: This house is believed to have been two houses originally due to shingles found in the attic from two different houses, 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey and a basement -Area of main floor is 1593 ft² [118]

-Total area is 1593 ft² -Width is 27 ft. and depth is 59 ft. -Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete -Roof is shingles 8) Interior Layout and Features: -9 ft. ceilings -Original windows except for in the bedroom and kitchen 9) Alterations/Restorations: -New windows in bedroom and kitchen -No original woodwork -Garage was built in the late 1960s or early 1970s -Porch was torn down and bay windows were taken out -Porch was added in the back 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Mrs. Gladys Lane




Hospital Hill – 2463 LeRoi Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2463 LeRoi Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 32, Lot 14 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Unknown

4) Date of Construction: 1910 5) Early History: Not available

6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Proto-Modern Domestic in the Stock Bungalow Style. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey and a basement -Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum [120]

8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Paddy Flood

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2425 LeRoi Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2425 LeRoi Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 32, Lot 18 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Dr. MacDonald

4) Date of Construction: 1901

5) Early History: The house was built by the LeRoi Mining Co. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style could possibly be Dutch Colonial and the architect was J.J. Honeyman.


7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and an attic -Exterior walls are shingles -Foundation is concrete -Roof is shingles 8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: Dr. MacDonald was a dentist and lived in the house with his family in the early 1930s until the 1940s. 11) Other Owners: D. Therrien, Donna McManus, Bill McCallum, and Jeffrey A. Hussey

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2414 LeRoi Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2414 LeRoi Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 29, Lot 1 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Dr. Coffin

4) Date of Construction: 1898

5) Early History: It was used, at one time, as apartments by Mr. Cameron, the third owner and a lawyer. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is High Victorian Domestic in the Stick Style. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys with gabled windows on the 2nd floor and a basement -Area of main floor is 1500 ft² [124]

-Exterior walls resemble original clapboard with vertical detailing -Foundation is brick and cement -Roof is wood shake 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Spiral staircase -3 sets of bay windows -Original 10 ft. high ceilings except in kitchen 9) Alterations/Restorations: -House was reduced by 20 ft. in the back -No original windows left -Fireplace was redone -Carport was added and is the only outbuilding -Kitchen and porch were added; porch partially surrounds the house -Original wood shiplap siding changed to aluminum siding 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: A. E. Allison, Cameron, Wally Barge, Esther L’Ecluse, Dr. Switzer, Dr. Kerr, Steve Butz, Dr. Proctor, and David and Jacqueline Richards, the current owners.

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2444 LeRoi Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2444 LeRoi Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 29, Lot 5 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Supple

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1902 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys -Exterior walls are wood siding -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum [126]

8) Interior Layout and Features: -8 Ft. ceilings -Original windows 9) Alterations/Restorations: -No original woodwork left -Foundation changed from original wood timber to concrete -Roof changed from original wood shingles to aluminum 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Mrs. Wm. R. Thompson, Malcolm.

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2405 Columbia Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2405 Columbia Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 129, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Unknown

4) Date of Construction: Unknown 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey -Exterior walls are shake -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available


9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Unknown owner who rented to Peter Fullerton.

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2480 Columbia Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2480 Columbia Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 28, Lot(s) _, Parcel C, Plan NEP 616, Section 35, Township 9A 3) Common or Historical Name: House”

Campbell Residence or “The West Kootenay Power Co.

1st Owner: West Kootenay Power (W.K.P.)

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1916

5) Early History: This home was built for the W. K. Power General Manager, Lorne Campbell and his family. Its value was listed in the Rossland Tax Rolls as an “improvement” to the property of $15,000 (which was one half of the real value which was used for taxation purposes at that time). Certainly, this was the most expensive Rossland home for its time. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The design style is wood frame, brick veneer, and Craftsman Foursquare; the architectural style is Proto-Modern Domestic in the Bungalow Style; and Chas. Wood, from Spokane, Washington, was the architect. [130]

7) Description of Home: -3 storeys -Area of main floor is 1968 ft² -Total area 7000 ft² -Width is 48 ft. 10 in. and depth is 41 ft. 10 in. -Exterior walls are brick (2 in. x 6 in.) -Foundation is concrete -Roof is shakes 8) Interior Layout and Features: -On the main floor - a large foyer/entrance area, living room, dining room, library/breakfast area, 3 part kitchen and a water closet. There are hardwood floors throughout with tiled floors in the kitchen and water closet. -On the 2nd floor - 4 large bedrooms, 2 full bathrooms and a sewing room with a porch extending over the front entrance below (hard wood floors and tiles in the bathrooms). -On the 3rd floor - 2 more bedrooms and a full bathroom. -The basement contains a billiard room, laundry area, furnace room, fuel (coal) room, cold storage room, and a water closet. -Fine finishing work with wood throughout the home - e.g. tall wainscoting in the entrance area with deep floor and crown moldings. Living room features entry mahogany columns, large fireplace, mahogany finished cross-beam ceilings, and solid mahogany crown moldings. Mahogany ceilings and finishing continue through Library and Dining Room. Most of the doors on the first and second floors are solid mahogany. -The home is hot water heated through radiators in each room. There are also 3 fireplaces. -There is an oak stairway to the second floor and there is another service stairway from the back hall to the second and third floors 9) Alterations/Restorations: -The pantry, food preparation area, and cooking area have been amalgamated into a large kitchen -The original back porch area has been enclosed and front shed roof replaced with 2nd storey veranda. -The original cedar shingle roof has been replaced with cedar shakes 10) Other Information: It is said that Lorne Campbell ‘promised the citizens of Rossland to build a beautiful house if he was elected to the Provincial Government in 1912. He served as M.L.A. from 1912 to 1916 as Provincial Minister of Mines. He continued to be the West Kootenay Power (W.K.P.) Manager till shortly before his death in 1947. 11) Other Owners: Wm. Anderson (W.K.P. manager until 1956), Al Martin (Cominco Manager), MacNulty, and Elizabeth Jenkins, the current owner since 1970.


East side of home

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2432 Columbia Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2432 Columbia Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 28, Lot 4 3) Common or Historical Name: “Honey House” and then a Bank House 1st Owner: Fred Peters

4) Date of Construction: 1912

5) Early History: Originally, the house was owned by Fred Peters who was the superintendent of several mines. In the 1940’s, it was bought by the Bank of Montreal and used as a Bank House. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style of the original house was Vernacular, but with the later additions it would now be considered a Proto-Modern Domestic. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey and a partial basement -Area of main floor is 1204 ft² [133]

-Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete -Roof is duroid shingles 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Dining room cabinet with ornate woodwork -Original windows -12 ft. ceilings -3 sets of bay windows -Old fireplace in the dining room 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Present day living room was added on -Original clapboard siding changed to stucco -Original bedrock foundation changed to concrete -Original wood shingles changed to duroid shingles 10) Other Information: original house.

The current dining room and kitchen made up the footprint of the

11) Other Owners: Bank of Montreal and J. E. Howes, the current owner.

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2074 Butte St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2074 Butte St. 2) Property Description: Block 28, Lot 2 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Lingel

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1905 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Area of main floor is 1518 ft² [135]

-Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -All original windows with the exception of the kitchen -3 interior doors are original 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Upstairs storage room changed into bedroom suite -Living room was once a living room and dining room -Present dining room was once a kitchen -Present kitchen was once a porch -Utility room was added -Original clapboard siding changed to stucco -Original wood shingle roof changed to aluminum -Original foundation changed to concrete -Two new sheds were built in the 1970s -A garage was built sometime after 1927 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Savarich, Gospel Hall minister, Mr. and Mrs. E. Kundsgaard, and Clarke C. Dudley.

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2090 Butte St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2090 Butte St. 2) Property Description: Block 128, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Unknown

4) Date of Construction: 1901 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Proto-Modern Domestic. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey -Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum [137]

8) Interior Layout and Features: Not available 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: S. G. Simock, and Robert Boyd and Paul Hertz, the current owners.

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2433 First Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2433 First Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 28, Lot 19 3) Common or Historical Name: Not Available 1st Owner: W. Y. Palmer

4) Date of Construction: 1901

5) Early History: This house was originally the home of W. Y. Palmer, a W.K.P.L. substation operator. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey and a basement -Area of main floor is 600 ft² [139]

-Exterior walls are shingle -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -The house is in the shape of a cross -Original windows -12 ft. ceiling 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Mahogany wallboard added in kitchen -Original shingle roof changed to aluminum 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Maurice E. Samuelson, and Patrisha G. Dyer, the current owner.

1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 2365 First Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2365 First Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 27, Lot A 3) Common or Historical Name: Original Baptist Church Manse 1st Owner: The Baptist Church

4) Date of Construction: 1898

5) Early History: This building was originally used as a manse for the Baptist Church in Rossland. It was then owned by two milliners in the 1920s who were old maids. In the 1930s it was owned by a lawyer named Cameron, who sold it to Chamberlain, the principal at the high school, in the 1940s. Jim Star bought the house in the 1960s and sectioned the upper floor into apartments. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is High Victorian Domestic – East Lake.


7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Exterior walls are covered with wood clapboard siding -Foundation is concrete -Roof is shingles 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Windows are predominantly originals -Designs on door stoops and windows -Original bannister -Wood engravings on the upstairs windows called corner boxes -Moulding designs on outside walls -2 stain glass windows -Cupola (a dome on the outside) -Bay window and French doors -11 ft. ceilings 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Sundeck was added in 1982 -Sun porch added in the 1950s -Dining room was originally the gentlemen’s smoking room -Original wood exterior walls were changed to stucco -Original wood shakes roof was changed to vinyl 10) Other Information: 2365 First Ave. is one of the oldest houses in Rossland and was the very first to be built on the rise. Some believe that it is haunted by someone who was murdered there and there was also the rumor that some elderly people were locked upstairs. 11) Other Owners: Erskin, Cameron, Chamberlin, McEwan, Gentil Mateus, Sue Dyer, Melanie and Jason Shields-Strong, the current owners.


1983 Photo


Hospital Hill – 1930 Monte Christo St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1930 Monte Christo St. 2) Property Description: Block 130 (30), Lot 3 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Andy Larsen

4) Date of Construction: 1898

5) Early History: Andy Larsen was the superintendent of LeRoi Mine and built the home for his family. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys with gables windows on 2nd floor and a basement -Area of main floor is 1155 ft² [144]

-Exterior walls are shingles -Foundation is concrete blocks -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Original windows and glass (porch window came from Center Star Mine Window Shop) -Original door jambs and archway 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Living room was original house -Dining room was kitchen -Ceilings lowered from 10 ft. to 8 ft. 10) Other Information: Sheriff Evans lived next door and Archie Coombes used to help him plant trees outside when he was a boy. Also, the second owner, Clifford Daly, worked in the smelter. 11) Other Owners: Clifford Daly, Archie and Erna Coombes (1943), and Martine Bedard and Andrew Holmes, the current owners.

1983 Photo



Thompson Heights Heritage Area E- Thompson Heights



Thompson Heights – 1692 Thompson Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1692 Thompson Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 5, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: R. E. Crawford

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1898 5) Early History: Not available

6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Western Queen Anne and the architect may have been John Kernahan. [149]

7) Description of Home: -2 storeys -Total area is 820 ft² -Exterior walls are plaster, lathe, and tongue and groove siding 8) Interior Layout and Features: -High ceilings -Bull’s-eye moulding in dining and living rooms -Original staircase and railing -Original brick fireplace (with new gas insert) -Original wood floors in living and dining room -Original basement 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Kitchen extended and remodeled -Main floor bathroom added -Basement extended -Carpet and flooring replaced -Original plaster walls and ceilings covered with drywall -Deck added and then covered -Roof is currently being replaced 10) Other Information: In 1898, the land was valued at $275 and the building at $400. It was also pictured in Railways of Rossland in 1901 and 1960 (?). 11) Other Owners: Philip DeCarteret (1898-1906), possibly rented by John Kernahan in 1902, Ernest Morrison (1907-1913), E. T. Morris (1914-1915), Joseph H. Harris (1916-1920), records were lost after that until 1936 when it was owned by Ernest Chesham, Lester F. and Mildred B. Reily (1949), Al Torbet, and finally purchased in 1998 by Bonita George, the current owner.


Thompson Heights – 1867 Union Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1867 Union Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 20, Lot 17 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Bill Reid

4) Date of Construction: 1902

5) Early History: This house was built by Bill Reid, a government agent, who lived there with his daughter, Mrs. L. Nicholson. It was the first house in Rossland to have an aluminum roof. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Late Victorian in the Shingle Style. Governor MacIntosh was the builder/contractor. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and 1/3 of a basement -Area of main floor is 750 ft² [151]

-Width is 25 ft. and depth is 30 ft. -Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete -Roof is vinyl shingles 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Granite front steps from the same quarry as the Post Office -All windows are original; able to see imperfections in the glass -2 stain glass windows -A bell cord in each room that rang to the kitchen -Original French doors in living room and TV room -2 sets of bay windows in the living room -2 fireplaces painted yellow over the brick -2 walk-in closets -Softwood floors that are stained and shellacked 9) Alterations/Restorations: -House was stuccoed in the 1920s -The workshop was originally the servants’ quarters which used to be connected to the house via roof -Lot was subdivided by Bradley -Original granite foundation changed to concrete -Original cedar shingle roof changed to vinyl shingles 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Bradley, Delamonte, Ron and Marnie Parker, Janice and Mark Pommier (1992), and Andrea L. Winckers and Micheal W. Kent, the current owners.


East side of home

1983 Photo [153]

Thompson Heights – 1891 Union Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1891 Union Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 20, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Mr. Galt

4) Date of Construction: 1903

5) Early History: This house was built by a lawyer named Galt who came to Rossland from Galt, Ontario, a town named after him. He built the house during the gold rush in 1903 and then sold it to Harold Clegg Sr., a magistrate, who owned the house from 1904-1966. After that, the house was sold to Mr. Alexander, an engineer at Cominco who lived there for roughly a year before he sold it to the Mooneys in 1967. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is High Victorian Domestic in the Stick Style.


7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and an attic and partial basement -Area of main floor is 900 ft² -Total area is 1800 ft² -Width is 30 ft. and depth is 30 ft. -Exterior walls are stucco over horizontal cedar siding -Foundation is granite rock -Roof is aluminum over shingles 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Solid oak fireplace that has been painted -Clear cedar beams; excellent quality with no knots -Original windows and glass, including storm windows -Pulley counterbalances on the windows -All brass door hinges that are very ornate -Bay windows -Leaded windows in the living room -All floors are fir (softwood floors) -Seven cedar pillars on the front porch that are 12 in. at the base, tapering to 8 in. at the top -Fire stops in all the walls -8 ft. ceilings 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Cedar woodwork has been painted over -Original barn and coal shed were torn down -At least one door has been replaced but looks exactly like the old one except that it is made of vinyl 10) Other Information: In 1903 it was the only house in the area aside from Ross Thompson’s and was the first house with 8 ft. ceilings. In the same year it won the Chatelaine Home of the Year Award. There used to be a matched set of bay horses in the barn. 11) Other Owners: Harold Clegg Sr., Mr. Alexander, Gordon E. and W. Karen Mooney, and Karen Lavender and Bernie Hoffman, the current owners.


East side of home

Union Street View -1983 Photo [156]

Thompson Heights – 1345 Spokane St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1345 Spokane St. 2) Property Description: Block 20, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Elletson Home and Warriston 4) Date of Construction: 1st stage: 1900, 2nd stage: 1902

1st Owner: Alex Sander

5) Early History: The house was built by Alex Sander who was a mining promoter. It has always been a family home. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architecture is Late Victorian in the Shingle Style and the architect is J.J. Honeyman. Honeyman was the architect of the Rossland Court House and designed this home for his sister’s family.


7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a partial basement -Area of main floor is 2288 ft² -Total area is 4576 ft² -Width is 26 ft. and depth is 88 ft. -Exterior walls are the original wood siding -Foundation is stone and timbers -Roof is Fin-All roofing 8) Interior Layout and Features: -All windows are original -5 leaded stain-glass windows with beautiful designs and burlap window treatments -1 bay window in the kitchen and 1 in the upstairs area -Original house was from the kitchen to the end of the living room (the house was added onto later) -All original doors -Numerous inset cabinets and closets, 3 of which are in the master bedroom -Wooden beams on the ceiling influenced by English architecture -Original wallpaper; textured in some places -Original woodwork -Walls and floors are primarily wood and have never been painted -Original light fixtures -Bathrooms have original bath tubs and pedestal sinks 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Stable and barn were torn down -Servants’ living quarters were altered into what is now the home of Mrs. Mack 10) Other Information: This is one of the few heritage homes in Rossland that has been kept in its original form both inside and out. There have been very few renovations, leaving it an accurate representation of a home from Rossland’s mining era. The house’s fourth owner, Elletson was involved with the Rossland Miner newspaper. 11) Other Owners: Ed Paul, Dempster, Elletson, Art E. Reimer, Perry, Darrel May, Tanya-Lee and Gregory M. Butler, the current owners.


South side of home

1983 Photo [159]

Thompson Heights – 1781 Union Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1781 Union Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 17, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Ross Thompson House 1st Owner: Ross Thompson

4) Date of Construction: 1897

5) Early History: This home was built and lived in by Rossland’s founder, Ross Thompson. It has been used as a family home, apartments, and even offices for Rossland mines. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is High Victorian Domestic and the builder/contractor is thought to have been Ross Thompson. 7) Description of Home: -3 storeys with gabled windowns on the 3rd floor, a basement, a cellar, and an attic [160]

-Total area is 2300 ft² -Exterior walls are stucco and wood siding -Foundation is stone -Roof is aluminum over shingle 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Ornate woodwork -3 stain-glass windows in bayed area in the living room -Double fireplace with Scottish tile -12 ft. ceilings -Wood trim 1.5 ft. below ceiling -Original windows -Pantry off of the kitchen -French doors -Spiral staircase -Hexagonal shaped tower -Master bedroom extends over the veranda -Fireplace in bedroom -Front doors have symmetrically designed windows 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Hardwood floors are now covered in carpet -Original painted shingle exterior walls were changed to stucco -Extensive work done on restoration of the interior of home in the last decade -Major restoration of exterior completed in 2013 10) Other Information: The fourth owner, Townsend was a government clerk and another owner, psychiatrist Dr. D. MacDonald and family lived there for a number of years. 11) Other Owners: Evans, Rossland Mines, MacCray, Prime, Walters, Norma Blair, Jack and Elsemarie Wilson, Dr. MacDonald and Linda Griffin, Brice Comer, and Dr. Andrea N. Jenkins, the current owner.


West side of home

1983 Photo [162]

Thompson Heights – 1370 Davis St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1370 Davis St. 2) Property Description: Block 16, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: MacNeil

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1900 5) Early History: Not available

6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architecture is Proto-Modern in the Stick Style. 7) Description of Home: -1 storey and an attic and basement -Area of main floor is 1000 ft² [163]

-Total area is 1000 ft² -Width is 34 ft. and depth is 27 ft. -Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is concrete -Roof is shakes 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Dining room, kitchen, living room are done in the original V-board (tongue and groove) -Original mouldings -1 bay window in the front room 9) Alterations/Restorations: -1 room added on to original structure -New windows and doors added -Upper floor addition -New kitchen addition -Carport, garden shed, and workshop added -2 decks added 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: owners.

Dan McVicker, Maggie Wood, Margaret and Alan Hamilton, the current

1983 Photo [164]

Thompson Heights – 1465 Washington St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1465 Washington St. 2) Property Description: Block 54 Lot 13-16 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 4) Date of Construction: Circa 1900 1st Owner: Charles R. Hamilton (barrister) 5) Early History: The City of Rossland Tax Roll for 1898 says that Charles R. Hamilton owned lots 13 and 14 of Block 54, and that there was no building (“improvements”) on this site in 1897 as tax rolls report the previous year’s situation. The Tax Roll for 1899 indicates no change from the 1898 entry but the 1900 Tax Roll shows that Hamilton now owned lots 13 to 16 with additional lots being purchased from the Montreal Syndicate, a Rossland real estate company that owned a lot of property in the original Rossland town site. The 1900 Tax Roll also indicates that a building was now of Hamilton’s property – valued at $1000 for tax purposes, which was one half of its real value in 1899, and can be interpreted as a substantial structure for those days. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: Not available 7) Description of Home: Not available


8) Interior Layout and Features: See accompanying photo 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not available 10) Other Information: Charles Hamilton moved to Nelson by 1914 and practiced law with his firm, Hamilton and Wragge, and had a home in that city. He continued to own the Rossland property until at least 1919 but City records after that year were flood damaged in storage and cannot tell us exactly when he sold his property, or to whom. Tax Rolls also tell us that Charles Hamilton owned another property close to his Rossland home – lots 1 to 4 and 21 to 24 of block 55. The 1900 Assessment Roll shows the taxes for these 8 lots being paid by the Rossland Lawn Tennis Company. The Rossland Insurance Maps of 1912 and 1924 show the Rossland Lawn Tennis Courts. The third owner, Robert L. McAllister, worked for West Kootenay power and was a respected amateur astronomer and ham radio operator. 11) Other Owners: Louis Crowe (1936?-1949), Robert McAllister (1949-1953), Albert Chatten (1953-1971), and Iain Martin (1971), the current owner.


Thompson Heights – 2023 Thompson Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2023 Thompson Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 54, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: The Michaely Place 1st Owner: Hector McRae (engineer)

4) Date of Construction: 1898

5) Early History: The McRae home was built at the request of Hector’s wife as, perhaps, a condition of her moving away from their home in Ontario, where she still resided, to Rossland. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The design and architecture of the McRae home followed the plans offered in the magazine, Ladies Home Journal, in a July edition of 1897, for the price of $5 (see next page for a portion of this article).


“The exterior of the house is all of shingles, its picturesque character depending upon the simple, low roof lines – the outside neither having nor requiring any elaborate detail, which always smacks of tawdriness in a low cost house.” Ladies Home Journal, July 1897


“Following the same line of economy and double use of space, the hall is made at once into reception-room and library. The essential stairway may be curtained off to give a more cozy effect.� Ladies Home Journal, July 1897 [169]

7) Description of Home: -3 storeys -Area of main floor is 936 ft² -Total area is 2272 ft² -Width is 26 ft. and depth is 36 ft. -Exterior walls are wood frame with cedar shingle siding -Foundation is stone -Roof is asphalt tiles 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Original windows and glass on main floor -Original door jambs -Fir woodwork -Original veranda 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Original location of steps to veranda have been changed from the west side to the north side -The original lathe and plaster wall treatment has been replaced with drywall -1 bay window removed and replaced with a patio door -Plaster removed except for in living room and sitting room -Original wood shake roof was replaced with aluminum and, more recently, with asphalt tiles 10) Other Information: The McRae’s grandson, Harry Higgins, and his wife Frances, visited with the Turnbulls many years ago and left behind a copy of the July 1897 article from the Ladies Home Journal for their interest. An anecdote Harry shared with the Turnbulls was the story of his grandmother looking for curtain fabric for her new home and only being able to find red material. Apparently this prompted a number of Rossland men to misinterpret the usage of the house and showing up at the home unexpectedly. (Red was definitely limited to the Ladies of the Night in Rossland’s early days). 11) Other Owners: Mark Stanton, Burkmor, Clyde Michaely, and Gladys and Gordon Turnbull, the current owners since 1969.


1983 Photo



Lower Earl Heritage Area F- Lower Earl



Lower Earl – 1880 Kootenay Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1880 Kootenay Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 25, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: A physician

4) Date of Construction: Late 1890s

5) Early History: This building was originally a family home until it was changed into a boarding house and apartments in 1929. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is a Queen Anne High Victorian Domestic. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a basement -Area of main floor is 1200 ft² -Total area is 2400 ft² -Width is 20 ft. and depth is 47 ft. [175]

-Exterior walls are stuccoed -Foundation is 2 ft. walls of stone -Roof is asphalt 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Butler’s pantry next to the kitchen -Door from the living room leads to the old maid’s quarter which contained a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, and living space -Fireplace with original woodwork that has been painted white -Foundation is stone and concrete up to the kitchen; it is a crawlspace from there to the entrance -4 bedrooms upstairs -Bay windows -A lot of original woodwork seen on door jams, bannisters, and a heavy beam of wood in the wall above the staircase 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Original porch removed -Ceilings were lowered -Interior has been modernized and altered to allow for apartment housing -All original windows have been removed -Skylight was removed -Mrs. Vickers believed the present kitchen was originally a wood shed -Original wood exterior walls were changed to stucco -Original cedar shingle roof was changed to asphalt 10) Other Information: The second owner, G. B. Smith, was an accountant for W. K. P. L. Co. 11) Other Owners: G. B. Smith, Hunter Brothers-(1909), Stinson (1929), Bill and Mary Vickers (1970’s).


Early Photo

1983 Photo [177]

Lower Earl – 1890 Kootenay Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1890 Kootenay Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 25, Lot 12 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Turzick

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1912 5) Early History: Not available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Eastlake Victorian.

7) Description of Home: -2 storeys with gabled windows on 2nd floor and a basement and small attic -Area of the main floor is 1125 ft² -Exterior walls are vinyl siding -Foundation is rock and concrete (2 ft. thick) -Roof is covered with aluminum


8) Interior Layout and Features: -Numerous antiques including desks, cabinets, sofas, and chairs -Original ornate piecing around the wall roughly 1.5 ft. from the ceiling 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Entrances in front and back were added along with a garage -3 bedrooms added upstairs -Fireplace added -Original windows replaced with thermo-pane windows -Bathroom ceiling was lowered 10) Other Information: Previous owners have done an excellent job of restoring the house, managing to keep very much with the original condition especially considering the many antiques. 11) Other Owners: Hayden, and Jim and Janet Heidt, the current owners.

South and east sides of home


1983 Photo


Lower Earl – 1855 Earl St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1855 Earl St. 2) Property Description: Block 12, Lot___ 3) Common or Historical Name: Not Available 1st Owner: Unknown

4) Date of Construction: 1901 5) Early History: Not Available 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: Not Available 7) Description of Home: Not Available 8) Interior Layout and Features: Not Available


9) Alterations/Restorations: Not Available 10) Other Information: Not Available 11) Other Owners: current owners.

Marie Rember (1950s), Saare, and Christina G. and Lee W. Holden, the

1983 Photo


Lower Earl – 1751 LeRoi Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 1751 LeRoi Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 12, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: LeRoi Brewing Co. 1st Owner: LeRoi Brewing Co.

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1895

5) Early History: This building was originally used as the office of the LeRoi Brewing Co. It was then sold to the Slubowski family, who were the owners for the majority of the building’s existence. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular.


7) Description of Home: -2 storeys -Exterior walls are vinyl clad -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: Not Available 9) Alterations/Restorations: Not Available 10) Other Information: Not Available 11) Other Owners: John Slubowski.

Earl Street access


1983 Photo



Railway Y Heritage Area G- Railway Y



Railway Y – 2770 Butte St.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2770 Butte St. 2) Property Description: Block___, Lot 5 3) Common or Historical Name: Finn Hall 4) Date of Construction: Circa 1904 1st Owner: Finnish Community Group 5) Early History: The Finn Hall was originally a very small building but was later made larger. It was sold to John Milligan who converted the space into a home and then, later, into apartments. Mrs. Beatrice Driscoll was the next owner and used the kitchen in the basement because she needed 6 bedrooms. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular and the architect is unknown.


7) Description of Home: -3 storeys -Area of the main floor is 825 ft² --Width is 25 ft. and depth is 33 ft. -Exterior walls are cement -Foundation is concrete -Roof is covered with aluminum 8) Interior Layout and Features: -The toilet and sink are in one room and the bathtub is in another -Wainscoting in the kitchen to the roof -Original wainscoting all over the house (originally a bright green) -Gabled ceiling -Ceilings are all original heights ranging in height from 12 ft. to quite low -All original windows, woodwork, and doors -Wood heater 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Old dumbwaiter was decommissioned when a new floor was put in and is now used as a small alcove by a desk -No clothing closets originally so built in drawers were added where necessary -Outbuilding was originally a barn but was altered into a garage and vine-covered tea house -Original shingle roof was changed to aluminum 10) Other Information: The basement was once a four room apartment and a kitchen 11) Other Owners: John Milligan, Beatrice Driscoll (1943), Richard James Driscoll, Jack Milligan (2000), and Richard J. Driscoll, the current owner.


1983 Photo


Railway Y – 2345 Sixth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2345 Sixth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block___, Lot(s) ____ 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Unknown (building may

4) Date of Construction: 1898 have housed 3 families originally)

5) Early History: Very little is known about this home or its owners and occupants during the early 1900’s. However, it is thought to have been a home for up to 3 families living in the home at the same time. This suggestion is substantiated by the attached photographs showing 7 adults and some children at different times in front of the home, circa 1900. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: Not available


7) Description of Home: -The original home was 3 storeys with 4 dormers on the top floor. -It was built on bedrock with a crawl space underneath to access the plumbing. -The roof was originally covered with wooden shingles which have been replaced with sheet aluminum -The exterior walls were originally covered with clapboard but have been stuccocoated. -A veranda extended the full length of the front of the home.

8) Interior Layout and Features: -The original heating system for the home consisted of a large wood/coal burning heater in the living room with an exposed stove pipe passing up through each floor to the brick chimney on the roof. There were no interior doors so the circulation of heat could be facilitated but the doorways had elaborate corner moldings. -The kitchen had its own stove with pipe exiting to a brick chimney on the outside wall. -Originally the entire interior (walls and ceilings) were finished with cedar V board. -The front door and its unique engraved doorbell are original to the house.

9) Alterations/Restorations: -Alan Underwood and family lived in this house from 1950 to 1999 and completed many major alterations to the home including installing a wood-coal furnace, then gas furnace in the excavated basement, removing 3 top floor dormers and covering roof with sheet aluminum, building an addition and adding interior access to the basement and replacing all windows.

10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Until 1950, Robert D. Mitchell, from 1950 to 1999, Alan Underwood, and from 1999 to the present, Sandra Sharp.


Circa 1900


Circa 1900


Railway Y – 2323 Sixth Ave.

Rossland Heritage Home Inventory 1) Address: 2323 Sixth Ave. 2) Property Description: Block 39, Lot 20 3) Common or Historical Name: Not available 1st Owner: Heidler

4) Date of Construction: Circa 1916

5) Early History: This house was built by Mr. Heidler, the father of Lloyd Heidler, and the family lived in the house for many years. 6) Design, Style, Architecture, Architect: The architectural style is Vernacular. 7) Description of Home: -2 storeys and a cellar -Area of main floor is 880 ft² [196]

-Total area is 1320 ft² -Exterior walls are imitation stone siding -Foundation is part concrete and part rock -Roof is wood shingle 8) Interior Layout and Features: -Many windows are original -1 window has leaded glass -Original woodwork and doorframes -Ceilings are high and have not been lowered -Wainscoting 9) Alterations/Restorations: -Some windows have been replaced -Woodshed outbuilding was torn down -Garage roof was replaced -Original ornate wood siding was replaced with imitation stone siding 10) Other Information: Not available 11) Other Owners: Lloyd Heidler and Gary W. Gill and Colleen L. Yurko, the current owners.

West side of home [197]

1983 Photo


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