香港最大型戶外青年藝術活動及原創木偶巡遊「渣打藝趣嘉年華2017」踏入精彩的第十七年!文字擁有無窮的力量,可以讓我們經歷一趟奇幻的旅程,開拓無邊無際的幻想世界。今年以英國兒童文學家Roald Dahl的五部作品為主題。活動於十一月十一及十二日在銅鑼灣維多利亞公園圓滿舉行,大批市民及遊客一同參與這項矚目的社區藝術盛事。
The 17th edition of our exciting youth educational art festival Standard Chartered Arts in the Park – Hong Kong’s largest outdoor youth arts festival and puppet parade – took place on 11 and 12 November 2017. Fuelled by the boundless power of words, books take us on marvellous journeys, opening up exciting worlds of fantasy. Our Arts in the Park was inspired by five wonderful works by world-renowned British children’s writer Roald Dahl. The carnival took place in Causeway Bay, transforming Victoria Park and and was enjoyed by tones of people!