2023 Hong Kong Hymnos Festival House Programme - Part 2

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聖詠講座 1

Jesuita Cantat 2.0: Settlements of Shanghai ca. 1860


25.11.2023 (SAT六) | 下午 6PM

Christ the King Chapel 基督君王小堂

Following last year’s success, Jesuita Cantat 2.0 brings more multilingual music from the Shanghai missions ca. 1860. Major works in Latin, French, and Chinese will be included, as well as music sung by the priests, students and congregation at Xujiahui (Zikawei). Under the direction of Dr. David Francis Urrows, Vox Antiqua, along with the featured soloists and instrumentalists, will recreate the ‘sound-world’ of that era, celebrating this little-known repertoire, once immensely popular, and now submerged from view and hearing.

As in Jesuita Cantat 1.0, the Belgian Jesuit Louis Lambillotte (1797-1855) is a major fgure, along with several of his students, as well as the Baroque composer Henry du Mont (1610-1684), who composed “Messes royales en plein-chant” which was heard and sung in Catholic missions everywhere in China by the 1840s.

繼去年成功舉辦 Jesuita Cantat 音樂會後, 「Jesuita Cantat 2.0」帶來了更多來自 1860 年 代上海教區的聖詠,當中包括以拉丁文、法文和 中文編寫,並且有當年在徐家匯(紫卡威)的神 父、學生及會眾唱過聽過的音樂。在余樂詩博士 的帶領下, Vox Antiqua 將會聯同幾位歌唱家和 樂手,再次重新建構那個時代的音樂世界,將這 些曾紅極一時但現在已鮮為人知的作品,帶到各 位面前。一如去年的「Jesuita Cantat 1.0」, 比利時籍的耶穌會士路易斯·蘭比洛特 (17971855, Louis Lambillotte) 是今次音樂會的重要角 色,大家將聽到他和他幾位學生的作品,亦會聽 到巴洛克時期作曲家杜蒙 (1610 - 1684, Henry Du Mont) 的作品,包括他的《君王彌撒曲》, 這首作品早於1840年代,在中國的傳教區內已是 隨處可聽。


Dr. David Francis Urrows, composer and historical musicologist, taught at Hong Kong Baptist University between 1989 and 2018, where he established The Pipe Organ in China Project in 1989. He has been conductor of Harvard Pro Musica, the Hong Kong Bach Choir, and the Cecilian Singers, as well as Sub-organist at St. John’s Cathedral. He has also taught at the University of Massachusetts, the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and Eastern Mediterranean University, and has been a visiting scholar at many universities, most recently at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, in October this year. His book “Keys to the Kingdom: A History of the Pipe Organ in China” was published in 2017. More recently, his “François Ravary SJ and a Sino-European Musical Culture in Nineteenth-Century Shanghai”, was published in 2021, and provides most of the historical basis for the “Jesuita Cantat” concerts.

Rachel KWOK Soprano

郭岍 女高音

Karen YEUNG Dulcian



Acknowledgement 鳴謝

CHAU Wan-ching Wynnfrith Dizi

鄒韻晴 笛子

Dr. David Francis URROWS | Conductor

余樂詩博士 | 指揮

余樂詩博士是一名歷史音樂學家和作 曲家,曾任教於香港浸會大學,並於 1989 年創立中國管風琴項目。他曾為 Harvard Pro Musica、香港巴赫合唱團 及茜撒莉安合唱團擔任指揮,以及聖約 翰大教堂的管風琴手。他曾在馬薩諸塞 大學、香港演藝學院和東地中海大學任 教,並曾在多所大學擔任訪問學者,最 近一次是今年十月在台北輔仁大學。他 於 2017 年出版《王國之鑰:中國管風琴 史》,並於 2021 年出版新書《 François Ravary SJ and a Sino-European Musical Culture in Nineteenth-Century Shanghai》,為「Jesuita Cantat」的 音樂會提供大部分歷史依據。

Samantha CHONG Mezzo-soprano

張吟晶 女中音

Chere KO Organ

高説誼 管風琴

CHEUNG Ho-ching Amelia Sheng 張皓晴 笙


Vox Antiqua (VA), meaning the antique voice, is a liturgical choir based in the city of Hong Kong. The choir was founded in October 2017 by Andrew Leung, along with a group of Catholic music enthusiasts.

The mission of VA is to sing church music to its highest standard. The choir is especially passionate in singing sacred choral music written in the Western “Classical” style, both old and new. VA is committed to pursue musical excellence both inside and outside of the liturgy.

VA takes residence at St. Joseph Church in Central. The choir has been invited to sing for various liturgies, as well as non-liturgical performances, at over thirty churches in Hong Kong and Macao. The choir was also featured in the inaugural season of the Hong Kong Hymnos Festival in 2021, and has taken a central role again in the 2022 Festival. Other recent projects of the choir include the world premiere of Andrew Leung’s “Requiem for All Souls” in 2021 and the Hong Kong premiere of Josef Rheinberger’s “Requiem in D, Op. 194” in 2020. In 2019, VA collaborated with Babεl, a Canadian choir, in a sacred music exchange programme which includes a series of workshops and concerts in Hong Kong and Macao.

Vox Antiqua

Vox Antiqua ( VA ),意即古老的聲 音,是一支香港本地聖樂團,創立於 2017 年 10 月,由梁啟信及一群公教音 樂家組成。

VA 的使命為詠唱教會音樂至最高水 平,尤以頌唱西方古典風格的合唱聖 樂為主。在禮儀的内外, VA 都堅持為 教會提供最優美的聖樂。

VA 現附屬於中環聖若瑟堂。聖樂團會 應邀為不同的禮儀和活動獻唱,由創 立至今,已於港澳兩地超過三十間聖 堂獻唱。 VA 有幸在過去兩屆香港聖 詠節中亮相。近期演出包括於 2021 年的梁啟信《安魂曲》世界首演和 2019 年的賴因貝格爾《安魂曲》香港 首演。 VA 亦曾於 2019 年與加拿大的 Bab ε l 合唱團合作舉辦一系列的聖樂交 流活動。


Andrew Leung is a Hong Kong-born conductor and baritone. He received his training in sacred music from the Franciscan University of Steubenville, U.S.A., where he studied vocal performance, organ, conducting and Gregorian chant.

After serving as a full-time parish music director in the Archdiocese of Atlanta and the choirmaster and organist at the Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady in Macau, Leung returned to Hong Kong in 2017 and founded Vox Antiqua, a semi-professional choir specializing in sacred music. He has led the choir singing and performing at over thirty churches in Hong Kong and Macau in the past few years. Andrew is also the conductor of The Cecilian Singers, one of the oldest choirs in Hong Kong. The group recently gave the Asia premiere of Paul Mealor’s Requiem and performed in the Hans Zimmer “Live on Tour” under Andrew’s leadership. Leung is currently serving as the choirmaster and organist at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception.

As a soloist, Leung ‘s recent performances include singing works by Bach and Buxtehude at the Hong Kong City Hall and being the lead vocalist of “The Passion” at St. John’s Cathedral. Leung is currently an artist and the principal coach at the Paul Phoenix Academy, where he works with the former tenor of the King’s Singers and the two-time Grammy Award winner.

Andrew LEUNG Director of Music

梁啟信 音樂總監

梁啟信生於香港,畢業於美國方濟會大學聖樂 系,主修聲樂,並研習管風琴、指揮及額我略 讚。

在大學畢業後,梁氏先後於美國亞特蘭大的聖 庇護十世堂擔任音樂總監及澳門聖母誕辰主教 座堂指揮和司琴。2017 年回港後,梁氏創立了 Vox Antiqua,專注發展合唱聖樂,並帶領聖 樂團於港澳兩地超過三十間聖堂獻唱。梁氏亦 為 The Cecilian Singers 的指揮,該團為本港 其中一個歷史最悠久的樂團,並於近期為英國 作曲家保羅.米洛的《安魂曲》作亞洲首演, 以及在漢斯.季默的世界巡迴音樂會香港站中 演出。梁氏現任聖母無原罪主教座堂的指揮和 司琴。

作為一位年輕歌唱家,梁氏近期的演出包括 於香港大會堂的音樂會中獨唱巴赫及布克斯 特胡德的作品,以及於聖約翰座堂領唱《受難 曲》。梁氏為 Paul Phoenix Academy 的駐院 藝術家及首席聲樂導師,該學院的創辦人 Paul Phoenix 曾是著名組合國王歌手的成員並為兩 介格林美獎得主。


Mozart’s Complete Missae Breves III K.192 and K.220

《莫扎特小彌撒曲全集 III - K.192, 220》講座音樂會

1.12.2023 (FRI五) | 晚上 8PM St Joseph’s Church 聖若瑟堂

Starting from 2021, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus (CU Chorus) present Mozart’s complete Missae Breves over a fve-year period. The performances will take the form of lectureconcerts led by our music director and conductor, Leon Chu, featuring live commentary and full performances of the works. This will guide everyone in exploring Mozart’s creative journey from his early beginnings to becoming a master composer.

Mozart, stepping into adulthood, began to explore his own path and demonstrated a frm grasp of the “Classical style.” His mastery of musical form became evident in compositions such as the Mass in F major, K. 192, and the Mass in C major, K. 220, which he wrote between the ages of 18 and 20. This ability to manipulate musical form was a crucial element of the Classical period. Let us examine these two festive Masses and witness how Mozart gradually transformed into a master of the Classical era in the 3rd installment of the series.

Let’s explore together at the lecture-concert “Mozart’s Complete Missae Breves III” on 1st December at 8 p.m. at St. Joseph’s Church, Central.

2021年起,中大合唱團分階段以五年時間為香港 觀眾演出莫扎特全部小彌撒曲,以講座音樂會形 式,由合唱團與音樂總監兼指揮朱振威以現場解 說及全曲演奏,引領大家竅探莫扎特從初試啼聲 到成為一代宗師的創作歷程。

步入成年的莫扎特,開始摸索出自己的路向,對 於「古典風格」的掌握也見瞭如指掌。在他18至 20歲年間寫成的F大調彌撒曲K. 192及C大調彌撒 曲 K. 220,可以見到他對曲式(form)已經運用 自如-這正是古典時期音樂的最重要元素。在第 三年的節目,讓我們在這兩部充滿節慶色彩的小 彌撒曲,看看莫扎特如何漸漸蛻變成古典時代的 一代宗師。

12月1日晚上8時中環聖約瑟堂,讓我們在《莫扎 特小彌撒曲全集 III K.192, 220》講座音樂會一 起探討。

HymnFest 聖詠講座 2

Born in a grassroot family, Leon Chu did not receive any formal music training during his teens. His frst encounter with Mahler’s Symphonies ignited his interest in music, leading him to pursue his musical studies, starting with the Centralised Scheme of Music Training for Senior Secondary Students, and percussion studies with Choy Lap-tak. Upon his admission to the Modern Languages and Intercultural Studies in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, he participated in a number of choruses and orchestras, and studied vocal under Albert Lim. He later studied choral conducting under renowned European masters including Kåre Hanken, Theodora Pavlovitch, and Gábor Hollerung. In 2014, Chu attained the Master degree of Choral Conducting from the University of Saint Joseph, Macau, under the tutelage of Colin Mawby, Nancy Telfer and Pedro Monteiro. He furthered his vocal studies under Myra Chih in recent years. Since 2017, Leon Chu is an Arts Advisor (Music sector) of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

Yuki IP Soprano

葉葆菁 女高音

Alex TAM Tenor



Leon CHU

Speaker and Conductor



朱振威出生於香港一個草根家庭,在 學時期未有接受正統音樂訓練,直至初 中時無意中接觸到馬勒交響曲並為之 著迷,方立志學習音樂。他的音樂訓練 始於高中音樂科中央訓練計劃,同時跟 隨蔡立德學習敲擊樂。因緣際會考入香 港中文大學現代語言及文化系後仍積極 參與多個合唱團及樂團,亦隨林俊學習 聲樂。後隨 Kåre Hanken 、 Theodora Pavlovitch 及 Gábor Hollerung 等歐洲 名家研習合唱指揮。 2014 年,朱氏在 澳門聖若瑟大學考獲合唱指揮碩士,期 間受業於 Colin Mawby 、 Nancy Telfer 及 Pedro Monteiro 。近年隨支韻怡深造 聲樂。朱氏自 2017 年起為香港藝術發 展局音樂界別藝術顧問。

Carol LIN

Mezzo-soprano 連皓忻 女中音

Albert LIM

Baritone 林俊 男中音


For near 50 years’ pursuit of excellence, The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus (CU Chorus) has become one of the best local university choirs in Hong Kong. With a global vision, CU Chorus has performed not only on the local stage, but also in various cities in southern China and Southeast Asia. With its high quality performances and innovative programmes, CU Chorus is dedicated to promote the art of choral music to the general public. CU Chorus was founded in 1972 by a group of CUHK students. CU Chorus expanded its range of performances in recent years including public concerts, free campus concerts, overseas exchange performances, Christmas caroling, conducting workshops and charity outreach performances.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus 香港中文大學合唱團

經過近五十多年努力不懈追求卓越,香 港中文大學合唱團已經成為香港其中一 隊最具實力的大學合唱團。植根香港, 放眼國際,在香港舞台耕耘之外,多年 來已踏遍華南地區以至多個東南亞國 家。中大合唱團一直致力以高水準的演 出,充滿創意的節目,向普羅大眾推廣 合唱藝術。中大合唱團於 1972 年由一班 中大學生自發成立。現在中大合唱團每 年演出活動已擴展至包括周年公演、免 費校園音樂會、海外交流演出、聖誕演 出、指揮工作坊、公益外展演出不等。


Closing Concert: Tribute to Maestro Doming Lam


2.12.2023 (SAT六) | 下午 6PM

Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady, Macao 天主教澳門教區聖母誕辰主教座堂 (澳門)

Co-organiser: Macao Catholic Culture Association 合辦:澳門天主教文化協會

Coro Perosi 嚶鳴合唱團

Conductor: Katrine K. WONG | Accompanist: Basilla SAM 指揮:王嘉祺 | 伴奏:沈穎瑤

1/ G. Schmid (J. Ng arr): Corona Aurea 司馬榮神父 (伍星洪編曲):頭上的金冠

2/ G. Schmid (D. Lam arr): Leatentur Coeli 司馬榮神父 (林樂培編曲):天地歡騰

3/ G. Schmid (J. Ng arr): O Bone Jesu 司馬榮神父 (伍星洪編曲):至甘飴的耶穌

4/ D. Lam: Magnifcat 林樂培:聖母讚主頌

5/ D. Lam: Ave Maria 林樂培:聖母經

6/ J.S. Bach (J. Ng arr): Ave Maria 巴哈 (伍星洪編曲):聖母經


7/ D. Lam: Missa Laudis 林樂培:讚頌彌撒曲

Kyrie 垂憐曲

Gloria 光榮經

Credo 信經

Sanctus / Benedictus 歡呼曲 / 讚美曲 Agnus Dei 羔羊經

8/ D. Lam: Pater Noster – Quia Tuum Est Regnum 林樂培:天主經 - 天下萬國

Repertoires 曲目
Lyrics 歌詞:

Macao Catholic Culture Association


As meeting point between China and the West, Macao has always had a unique charm in the Chinese-speaking lands and even in the world. Were we to defne the Chinese and Western cultural traditions of Macao, it is actually the universal values brought by Catholic missionaries over the past four centuries, values that are derived from and inspired by Catholicism. The architectural styles, local customs, values, Catholic processions and devotions are seen in various places in Macao. Their presence illustrates the integration of Catholicism with local culture, and the mission of the Catholic Church in respect of mutual communication. We have seen the establishment of social relief institutions relying on the spirit of the gospel, which shows that charity is without distinction.

The missionary work of the Catholic Church in Macao has left a rich legacy in this beautiful city. The establishment of the Macao Catholic Culture Association aims to promote dialogue, to build a foundation of mutual understanding from a cultural perspective, continuing this mission of Sino-Western exchanges in the new era, and to contribute to the future of Macao’s society.

作為一個中西交流的城市,澳門一直以來在中華地區以至全球都有著其獨特的魅力。 如果要定義澳門的中西文化 傳統,實際即為天主教傳教士歷經四個多世紀以來所帶來 的普世價值,而這些普世價值和由之所衍生出的各種西 方文化就是受天主教所啟發的。澳門各處所見的建築風格,風土人情,價值觀,天主教出遊敬禮等等,說明了天 主教與本地文化的融和。我們看到倚著福音精神而建立的社會救濟機構,說明愛德無分軒輊。

天主教在澳門的傳教使命,為這個美麗的城市留下豐富的遺產,至今仍津津樂道。 澳門天主教文化協會的成立, 就是希望促進對話,以文化角度來建立相互理解的基礎, 延續這個中西交流的使命,在新的時代中繼續更新,為 澳門社會的未來貢獻。

Aims 本會宗旨

The Macao Catholic Culture Association is a non-proft organization established in July 2018. The chairman is Bishop Stephen Lee, the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Macau.

Our aims are as follows:

(1) To promote Catholic culture;

(2) To support the preservation of Catholic architecture and cultural relics;

(3) To organize and hold various types of Catholic cultural promotions and activities;

(4) To edit and publish materials that are benefcial to achieving its purpose.

澳門天主教文化協會為非牟利機構,於2018年7月成立。主席由時任天主教澳門教區正權主教李斌生主教擔任。 本會宗旨如下:

(一)促進天主教文化之傳播; (二)關注及支援天主教建築物及其文物之保育工作; (三)組織及舉辦各類型天主教文化推廣活動; (四)編輯、出版及刊登對達致其宗旨有益之宣傳品。

We greatly appreciate your kind and generous donation towards our mission.


Special Thanks 鳴謝

Diocese de Macau 天主教澳門教區


+853 2856 2247

Centro Diocesano dos Meios de Comunicação Social 澳門教區社會傳播中心 Voice of Mary 瑪利亞之聲


About “Missa Laudis” - João Ng

關於《讚頌彌撒曲》- 伍星洪

Coro Perosi held ‘As Obras do Pe. Áureo Castro’ in 2005, a year that marked the time when Coro Perosi systematically began our promotion of Macao’s local choral works. On 1 April, 2006, we held ‘Concert of Choral Works of Doming Lam’ in honour of Maestro Doming Lam’s 80th birthday. The highlight of that concert was “Missa Laudis”, which was written in 1962.

“Missa Laudis” is an unconventional work full of avantgarde elements, and thus it was an immense challenge for Coro Perosi. Fortunately, thanks to the collective effort of all choir members, we tackled complex musical notes and phrases and eventually overcame the diffculties inherent in the work. The more we got to know about this work, the more we were interested in this work. As soon as the performance fnished, the composer was overwhelmed and expressed to the audience that he was well pleased with our performance: ‘I completed this work in 1962, and it’s unbelievable that it was fnally premièred today by Coro Perosi of Macao!’

“Missa Laudis”, a large-scale liturgical work rife with creativity, exhibits a wonderful blend of Chinese and Western elements. According to Maestro Lam, it was originally written for the marriage of a pair of good friends, but it is unclear whether or not it was sung in that wedding. Either case, the Maestro himself said in 2006 that the work was premièred by Coro Perosi of Macao. The Maestro also told me that the birth of this work was inopportune because the Second Vatican Council passed and adopted the proposal of Liturgical Inculturation, after which many parishes no longer sang traditional Latin songs. Besides, the avant-garde character of this work meant that it was diffcult to gain traction.

This work at the time comprised Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Benedictus and Agnus Dei; there was no Credo. I asked the master why. He said that a Credo would be too long and no one would sing it even if it had been written. I then said with conviction: ‘You write it, we sing it!’ He still wouldn’t say Yes. Since then, every time I saw him, I made the same request and urged him time and time again. Finally, four years later, he emailed me the frst draft of Credo, and wrote under the title ‘Credo’ the words ‘commissioned by Coro Perosi of Macao’. At that time, the Sacred Music Commission of Hong Kong was preparing to celebrate Maestro Lam’s 85th birthday and invited several choirs from Hong Kong as well as Coro Perosi of Macao to participate in a concert that would showcase Maestro Lam’s music, to be held in 2011. In order to mark the auspicious event, the Sacred Music Commission of Hong Kong edited “Missa Laudis”, which now included the new Credo, and offcially published it; however, in the publication the words about the commission under the title of Credo were removed! The ‘brand-new’ “Missa Laudis” was presented in Hong Kong by choirs from Hong Kong and Macao at said concert, conducted by Prof. Chan Wing-Wah.

English translation by Katrine K. Wong 英譯:王嘉祺

舉行區師達神父個人音樂作品專場的 2005 年,是標誌澳門的嚶鳴合唱團有系 統地開展「澳門本土合唱作品計劃」的一 年; 2006 年,嚶鳴為慶祝林樂培八十大 壽,於 4 月 1 日舉行他的聖樂作品專場,其 中重點曲目就是他早於 1962 年完成的《讚 頌彌撒曲》。

對嚶鳴來說,要唱好這一部有別於傳統 的,且飽含「前衞」元素的作品,實在是 一個頗為嚴峻的挑戰。幸而在團員的努力 下,曲中的難點逐個被克服,團員對這個 作品認識愈深,興味也愈見濃烈。正式演 出後,作者當場表現激動,也對演出非常 滿意,並即時向觀眾不無感慨地說:『我 這作品自 1962 年完成,想不到至今日竟才 由澳門的嚶鳴合唱團首演!』

《讚頌彌撒曲》是一部充滿創意、中學為 體,西學為用的大型禮樂。按林大師說, 是當年為一對好朋友結婚而作的,但有沒 有在相關婚禮中獻唱,就不得而知了。既 然 2006 年由嚶鳴首演這句話出自身為作 者的大師親口,那就是真的了。大師又曾 向我說,這部作品生不逢時,因第二次大 公會議通過了《禮儀本地化》的建議,所 以很多教區都不再唱傳統的拉丁文聖歌, 更因這部作品較為前衛,所以難以招人青 睞,因而將之蓄諸高閣。

這部彌撒曲包括 Kyrie 、 Gloria 、 Sanctus 、 Benedictus 和 Agnus Dei 五個部 分,卻欠缺了 Credo 。就此,我問大師為什 麼?他說因 Credo 太長,而且寫了也不會有 人唱!我肯定地說:『你寫,我們包唱!』 他仍然未肯答應!以後,每次當我見到他, 我都作同樣要求,並極力催促他。終於,四 年後,他將 Credo 的首稿電郵了给我,並在 Credo 這個題目下寫上 “ 受澳門嚶鳴合唱團 委約的作品 ” 的字句。其時,香港聖樂委員 會正籌備慶祝林大師 85 嵗壽辰而邀請香港 幾個唱詩班和澳門的嚶鳴合唱團一起參與 2011 年林氏個人聖楽作品專場音樂會的演 出;為了隆重其事,香港聖樂委員會重新整 理包括新作的 Credo 在內的《讚頌彌撒曲》 並正式出版,但 Credo 題目下關於委約的字 句就被刪除了!在這場音樂會內,全「新」 的《讚頌彌撒曲》由港澳合唱團在陳永華指 揮下在香港盛大演出。


Born in 1926 in Macao, Lam was the Founding Director of the Asian Composers’ League, The Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild. Lam studied music in Canada, the US and Darmstadt in Germany. From 1964 to 1994 he worked in Hong Kong, where he composed, conducted, taught, and produced music programmes for radio and television. A goal of Lam’s was to create new Chinese music by instilling avant-garde techniques into traditional sensibilities. His music had been performed in over 50 cities and had infuenced many younger musicians.

Doming Lam’s compositions are in the collection of the Music Library of the University of Hong Kong. The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2001) includes a detailed biography of Lam. He was a former composer-in-residence of the University of Hong Kong, and the winner of 2010 and 2012 CASH Golden Sail Music Awards. To recognize Doming Lam’s contribution, he was named an Honorary Member of the International Society of Contemporary Music (ISCM) in 2007, and conferred with an Honorary Doctorate by the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts in 2020.

Doming LAM (1926-2023)


林樂培 1926 年生於澳門,是亞洲作曲家同盟、 香港作曲家及作詞家協會和香港作曲家聯會的 創會理事 , 亦是把香港引進國際樂壇的開路先 鋒。他先後在加拿大、美國及德國達姆城研習 音樂。 1964 至 1994 年間活躍於香港音樂界 , 在 作曲、教學、指揮、製作電台及電視音樂節目 上都有成就。

林樂培探索中國新音樂60年,作品以「從傳統中 尋根 , 在前衛技法中找路」為方向 , 每首作品都 有創新痕跡 , 亦在國際 50 多個城市發表過 , 啟發 後起之秀。林樂培的作品為香港大學音樂圖書 館收藏,他的詳盡介紹收錄於《葛羅夫音樂及音 樂家辭典》 (2001 年版 ) 。他是香港大學前任駐 校作曲家、 2010 及 2012 兩屆得 CASH 金帆獎最 佳正統音樂作品獎得主。為了嘉許林樂培在音 樂界的貢獻 , 他在 2007 年被國際現代音樂協會 選為榮獲會員 ,2020 年獲香港演藝學院頒授榮 譽博士。

Doming Lam (Photo credit HK Chinese Orchestra)
Doming Lam, a toddler. 孩童時的林樂培。 Doming Lam and his mother. 林樂培與林媽媽。 Age 16. 16歲。 Doming Lam with his classmates and teacher at the Seminary in 1940. 1940年林樂培在修院時的師生合照。 Doming Lam as a student. 小修生林樂培。 Doming Lam at youth. 青年時的林岳培,當時名字還是舊有的。 With Doming Lam’s great teacher Fr. Guilherme Wilhelm Schmid. 與恩師司馬榮神父。 With Miklós Rózsa (middle, front row) and fellow classmates at USC. 與多屆金像獎 得主及老師羅沙 博士(前排中座) 合照。
Photo Source: Kathy Lam 照片來源: 林家琦

Coro Perosi, with the objectives of promoting the art of choral singing, cultivating interest in music and boosting Macao’s musical culture, was founded in 1997, and was registered as a non-proft music body in April 1998. The Choir has performed choral music of various sorts, ranging from religious hymns and a cappella pieces and folk songs from different countries, to Chinese art songs and Broadway musical tunes, as well as Macao’s local compositions, some of which composed by the group itself.

Coro Perosi has been holding annual concerts ever since its establishment, and has traveled to different places on many occasions for performances and promotion of Macao’s local choral compositions.

Katrine K. WONG | Conductor Basilla SAM | Accompanist


CHAN Sou-wing

CHAO Hoi-lam Josephine

CHEANG Siu-chan Fernanda

CHEONG Veng-tong Cecília

HA Lou

HO Mei-i

LEI Sam-i Cecília

IU Kaman

TONG Kuai-fong

王嘉祺 | 指揮 沈穎瑤 | 伴奏


陳秀穎 周愷霖 鄭少珍

張詠彤 夏璐

何美儀 李心怡 余家敏 唐桂芳


CHEONG Choi-leng

CHUI Lai-nar

HUANG Jing-bo

IONG Siu-fong

KOU Kam-lun Leslie

KUOK Pui-san

KUONG Chon-fong

LEONG Chi-wai

LIO Chi-i

WONG Kit-yee

WONG Nga-man

女低音 張翠玲 徐麗娜 黃京波 楊少芳 高錦鸞

郭佩珊 鄺春芳 梁慈惠

廖子儀 黃潔儀 黃雅雯

Coro Perosi 嚶鳴合唱團

嚶鳴合唱團成立於 1997 年,次年 4 月註 冊為非牟利音樂團體,以推動歌唱藝 術、培養音樂興趣和促進澳門音樂文化 為宗旨。嚶鳴合唱團演唱曲目多元化, 包括宗教歌曲、無伴奏合唱曲、中國藝 術歌曲、各地民歌、百老匯音樂劇歌曲 及澳門本土歌曲等。嚶鳴合唱團除每年 於本地舉辦音樂會外,亦多次外出參與 演出並推廣澳門本土合唱作品。


張志強 何禮信 葉永安 郭春慶 黎義明 梁秉光


CHEONG Chi-keong Angus

HO Nelson

IP Weng-on Andy

KOAY Choon-kheng

LAI I-meng

LEONG Peng-kong


歐展翅 陳金成 馮東興 黎振祺 林平良 伍星洪 顏偉成 束昌明 譚志文


AO Chin-chi

CHAN Kam-seng

FONG Tong-heng

LAI Chan-kei

LAM Young

NG João

NGAN Wai-seng

SHU Jimmy

TAM Chi-man Benedito


Katrine K. WONG Conductor 王嘉祺 指揮

Katrine K. Wong, conductor of Coro Perosi of Macao and vocal coach of University of Macau (UM) Choir, came to Macao in 2008. Wong has performed with Coro Perosi in Europe and different parts of China. Wong has also performed internationally as soloist and choir member with various choirs, including Leeds University Liturgical Choir, Harvard Summer Chorus, Hong Kong Chamber Choir, Diocesan Graduate Singers. She was invited to perform as the lead singer in the Great Hall of the People during the China Synergy Programme in 2005. During her school years in Hong Kong, she received piano and vocal training from Ms. Eleanor Wong and Ms. Rosaline Pi respectively, and earned both her FTCL (Piano) and LTCL (Voice) in 1999. Wong won many piano and voice scholarships such as Gold Medal Award, Brother Cassian Scholarship for Singers, Barbara Fei Vocal Scholarships. Wong, a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, received her PhD in English Literary Studies from the University of Leeds in 2008. She currently works at UM as Director of Centre for Teaching and Learning Enhancement and Associate Professor in English.

澳門嚶鳴合唱團指揮、澳門大學合唱團導師王嘉祺 2008 年起定居澳門。王氏與嚶鳴在歐洲和大中華不同 地區演出。多年以來,王氏以獨唱者和合唱員身份跟世界各地多個團體表演,例如英國利玆大學禮儀合唱 團、哈佛大學仲夏合唱團、香港雅詠團、拔萃女書院舊生合唱團。2005年獲邀以海外傑青身份在人民大會 堂擔任領唱。王氏分別師從黃懿倫與畢詠琴學習鋼琴和聲樂,於1999年考獲倫敦聖三一學院FTCL(鋼琴) 和LTCL(聲樂)資格,並獲得多個音樂獎學金,包括鋼琴金牌獎、嘉遜修士聲樂獎學金、費明儀女士聲樂 獎學金等。王氏於2008年獲頒利茲大學英國文學博士銜,2022年考獲英國高等教育PFHEA專業銜,為澳門 大學教與學優化中心主任以及人文學院英文系副教授,主要研究範疇為英國文藝復興時代劇場音樂。

Basilla SAM Accompanist 沈穎瑤 | 伴奏

Born in Macao, Basilla Sam began her piano lessons at the age of six, under the guidance of Lei Pou Tin. She then entered the Academia de Música São Pio X learning from Ieong Sao Kuan. Basilla had won the first, second and third prizes respectively in the Macao Youth Music Competitions held by the Cultural Affairs Bureau. After graduating from high school, she furthered her studies at the University of Iowa of the United States from where she received her Bachelor’s Degree with honor majoring in Graphic Design and minoring in Music. During this period, Basilla also received her Grade 8 Piano from The Associated Board of the Royal School of Music. She then continued to pursue her studies at the School of Visual Arts in New York from where she earned her Master’s Degree. Basilla returned to Macao in 2003, working in the field of cultural development. After her return to Macao, she again furthered her studies following Tatiana Kriger, while obtaining the Diploma of The Associated Board of the Royal School of Music in Music Performance in 2006. Since then, Basilla is the accompanist of the Perosi Choir, and has performed with the Choir in Austria and in different parts of Asia. In 2012, she obtained a Diploma in Liturgy at the Saint Joseph University and studied organ with Professor Aurelio Porfiri. In September 2020, she was appointed by Bishop Stephen Lee Bun-sang as the director of the Academia de Música São Pio X.

出生於澳門,六歲開始習琴,師從李寶田,後進入聖庇護十世音樂學院跟隨楊秀君老師學習,曾獲學院頒 發的成績優異獎。曾參與由文化司署(現文化局)舉辦之澳門青年音樂比賽,獲第一、二、三名等獎項。 中學畢業後,往美國愛荷華大學攻讀平面設計,副修音樂,以榮譽學士學位畢業。期間考獲皇家音樂學院 八級鋼琴。畢業後再往紐約視覺藝術學院繼續深造,完成碩士學位。2003年返澳後,從事有關文化發展之 工作。並跟隨Tatiana Kriger老師深造,於2006年考獲皇家學院鋼琴演奏級文憑;2012年於澳門聖若瑟大學 修讀聖樂禮儀文憑課程,並曾隨Professor Aurelio Porfri學習管風琴。由2006年起一直為澳門嚶鳴合唱團擔 任鋼琴伴奏,並曾隨團到奧地利及亞洲地區參與演出。沈氏於 2020 年 9 月獲李斌生主教委任為聖庇護十世 音樂學院院長。


Thank You Partners! 多謝夥伴!

Our heartfelt thanks to all our Donors and Supporting Organizations


Founding Donors (since 2021) 創始贊助 (自2021年)

FIVE Rocks 五夥寶石 Living Spring Foundation Ltd

Mr & Mrs Maurice Yeung

Renny & Peggy Lie Ken Jie

FOUR Rocks 四夥寶石


THREE Rocks 三夥寶石

Andrew Yuen

Elizabete Fong

TWO Rocks 兩夥寶石


Cooper & Reina Luk

Doris & Ricky Lie Ken Jie

ONE Rock 一夥寶石

Cheung Wai-Shan

Daniel Saw

Joseph Tam

So Siu Hei

Student Ticket Donors 學生票計劃贊助

STAFF Donor 五線譜贊助

Arthur Lee

Cindy Choi

Erick Chak

Peter Choy

Wong Wai-Tung

TREBLE CLEF Donor 高音譜贊助

Alan Kwok

Daniel Chun

Elizabeth Ip

Margaret Chan Thorp

Norman Lee

Patrick Lim Pat-Wah

Teresa Ng Ka-Wai

BASS CLEF Donor 低音譜贊助

Choi Kin-Cheong

Supporting Organizations 支持機構
Community Service Partner 社區服務夥伴

2023 Hong Kong Hymnos Festival 香港聖詠節 Committee Members 委員會成員

Honorary Advisors

Chan Wing-wah JP (Prof)

Joseph Lee GBS JP (Dr)

Lawrence Lee (Rev)

Lima Pau (Ms)

Executive Committee

Angela Hui Chairman

Andrew Leung Vice Chairman

Elizabete Fong Vice Chairman

George Li Hon Treasurer

Helen Lok Hon Secretary

Alex Fan MH

Catherine Cheung

Joseph Leung (Dr)

Maria Law

Maurice Yeung

Thomas Yeung

Programme Committee

Andrew Leung Chairman

Lesley Chan (Dr)

Fundraising Committee

Elizabete Fong Chairman

Peter Choy

Thomas Yeung

Tracy Huang

Marketing Committee

Catherine Cheung Chairman

Florence Choy

Laura Ho

Maria Law

Project Consultant

Christy Chow

名譽顧問 陳永華教授 太平紳士

李宗德博士 金紫荊星章 太平紳士 李亮神父 吳愛岑女士


許穎雯 主席 梁啟信 副主席 馮青薇 副主席

李榮忠 司庫 駱淑儀 秘書

范凱傑 榮譽勳章 張儀玲 梁偉峯博士

羅惠儀 楊國良 楊存洲


梁啟信 主席 陳家曦博士


馮青薇 主席 蔡澤華 楊存洲 黃卓思

市場推廣委員會 張儀玲 主席 温蔡美怡 何蘭蕙 羅惠儀

項目顧問 周慧禎


Special Thanks 特别鳴謝

Alan Yuen

Amy Au

Andrew Hung

Andy Mak

Carrie Lo

Centro Diocesano dos Meios de Comunicação Social

Cheng Bing Shu

Christine Li

Cindy Choy

Creation TV

Diocese de Macau

Donnie Wong

Jacky Cheung

Joni Cheng

Rev Sr Joanna Marie Cheung, Provincial Superior, Sisters of St Paul de Chartres

Rev Joseph Tan Lei Tao, SVD, St Joseph’s Church

Kathy Lam

Link of Volunteers

Lisa Wong

Martin Lee (Dr)

Michael Chan

Phoebus Chan

Rainbow Lo

Rebecca Yau

Rosenna Mak

Ruby Chan

Stanley Wong

Tim Leung

Voice of Mary

Zeeman Ng

遠錦紅 區燕桃 洪志遠 麥慶錢 羅家明 澳門教區社會傳播中心 鄭炳樞 李玫蓉 蔡學萍 創世電視 天主教澳門教區 黄美美 張焯棋 鄭希禾 沙爾德聖保祿女修會 省會長 張月娥修女 聖若瑟堂 談雷濤神父 林家琦 搭上搭義工團 黄詠麟 李志權博士 陳卓儒 陳雋騫 盧雪艷 邱婉儀 麥巧妍 陳靜儀 又一山人 梁浩翔 瑪利亞之聲 吳俊文

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