2023 Hong Kong Hymnos Festival House Programme - Part 1

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20.11.2023 (MON )

晚上 8PM

Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall 香港文化中心音樂廳

25.11.2023 (SAT六)

下午 6PM

Christ the King Chapel 基督君王小堂

1.12.2023 (FRI五)

晚上 8PM

St Joseph’s Church 聖若瑟堂

2.12.2023 (SAT六)

下午 6PM

Cathedral of the Nativity of Our Lady, Macao 天主教澳門教區聖母誕辰主教座堂 (澳門)

Opening Concert 開幕音樂會

HymnFest 聖詠講座 1

Jesuita Cantat 2.0: Settlements of Shanghai ca. 1860 《十九世紀中葉上海天主教禮儀樂曲》講座音樂會

HymnFest 聖詠講座 2

Mozart’s Complete Missae Breves III K.192 and K.220 《莫扎特小彌撒曲全集 III K.192, 220》講座音樂會

Closing Concert 閉幕音樂會

Tribute to Maestro Doming Lam 《向林樂培大師致敬》

Co-organiser: Macao Catholic Culture Association 合辦:澳門天主教文化協會

Dear Patrons,

For a wonderful concert experience, kindly switch off your mobile phones and other sound and light-emitting devices before the performance. Please refrain from smoking, eating or drinking in the concert hall. Thank you for your kind co-operation.


為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象,在音樂會進行前,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光的裝置。請勿在場內吸煙或 飮食。多謝各位合作。

Through music and hymns, faith goes deep into our hearts. I hope you all appreciate the performances this evening and enjoy how music enlightens us.

透過音樂和聖詠,信仰直達我們 心靈的深處。祝願各位欣賞今晚 的演出,並享受音樂如何為我們 帶來啟迪。

周守仁樞機 天主教香港教區主教


While praying for peace in the Holy Land and throughout the world, Pope Francis has said that we live in a dark hour. Thus, dedicating this year’s Hong Kong Hymnos Festival to the theme Music for Light cannot be more opportune. Music brings a much-needed light to this dark hour, because music, as our late beloved Pope Benedict XVI said once, is born out of the experience of love, of suffering, and of the meeting with the Divine. It opens us to the power of love which overcomes everything. It reminds us of God’s presence among us and opens us to receive his mercy and regain confdence, particularly as we prepare ourselves to celebrate the birth of the Prince of Peace, our Lord Jesus Christ.

As I thank the organizers of the Festival for this beautiful initiative, I wish for all those who will join in the performances that the music be for them a light in this dark hour, to enkindle hope in their hearts and become bearers of light to those close to you. God bless you all.

Msgr. Jose Luis Diaz-Mariblanca Sánchez Head of the Holy See Study Mission (Hong Kong)

在為聖地和全世界的和平祈禱時, 教宗方濟各表示我們活在一個黑暗 的時刻。 因此,今年香港聖詠節以 「詠光」為主題,可謂恰逢其時。 音樂為這個黑暗時刻帶來了急需的 光明,因為正如我們已故敬愛的教 宗本篤十六世曾經說過,音樂誕生 於愛、苦難以及與神相遇的經歷。 它讓我們感受到愛的力量,並能戰 勝一切。它提醒我們上帝在我們之 間,讓我們接受祂的憐憫並重獲信 心,特別是當我們準備慶祝和平之 君的誕生 — 我們的主耶穌基督。

在我感謝音樂節籌辦團隊這美好舉 措的同時,我祝願所有參加演出 的人在這個黑暗的時刻,讓音樂能 成為他們心中的一盞明燈,點亮他 們心中的希望,成為人們的光明使 者。接近你的。上主保佑你們。

戴旭華蒙席 天主教教廷代辦


Chairman’s Message 主席致辭

The 2023 Hong Kong Hymnos Festival’s theme is “Music for Light”. Light symbolizes joy and good news, the good news of having musicians from Ireland, Hong Kong, and Macao, and the joy of knowing they will showcase their best performances at the Festival. We have invited over 500 musicians, a true collaboration of talents and cooperation of inter-cultural exchange.

Please join me in welcoming the 2023 Festival’s musicians, including the Best New Actress Award Winner Crisel Consunji, reputable homegrown choir groups the Chummy Choir, FreeUp Music, The Greeners’ Sound, the Hong Kong Alumni Association Choir, the Hong Kong Children’s Choir, the Chinese University of Hong Kong Chorus, Vox Antiqua, and the Festival Choir. A special mention to Rev. Ray Kelly from Ireland giving his debut performance in Hong Kong, and I invite our community to extend our warmest welcome. The Society takes pleasure in working with the Macao Catholic Culture Association in presenting “A Tribute to Maestro Doming Lam’’ and Coro Perosi for the Closing Concert in Macao.

In addition to the two concerts, the lectureconcert series, HymnFest 1 and 2 continue to explore the early days of hymns. It is a privilege to present the work from Dr. David F. Urrows and Mr. Leon Chu.

I also like to highlight “Music | Heals”, a community project focuses on building social inclusion. There are a couple of performances using sign language, where members from the Hong Kong Children’s Choir, students from Caritas Institute of Higher Education, and benefactors from Caritas Rehabilitation Service will “sing” with sign language.

My heartfelt thanks to all the Committee Members and volunteers for your endless hours of hard work; the donors for your continuous support, and all the performers for the highstanding performances.

May God Bless you.

2023年的香港聖詠節,主要題是「詠.光」,光 代表歡欣及報喜,喜訊來自愛爾蘭,香港及澳門 的音樂人,我們欣喜地期待精彩的演出。今年被 邀出席的表演者,多達五百位,各人相互砥勵, 達至文化交融。

我們在此歡迎一眾表演嘉賓,包括曾獲香港電影 金像獎最佳新演員獎的孔尚治,著名的本土歌詠 團、Chummy Choir、釋放音樂、綠韻、香港大 學校友會合唱團、香港兒童合唱團、香港中文大 學合唱團、Vox Antiqua及由各堂區教友組成的 聖詠節合唱圑。感恩邀得從愛爾蘭首度訪港的雷 蒙德.凱利神父與我們共頌主恩。今年亦首次在 澳門舉行閉幕音樂會,與澳門天主教文化協會, 致敬林樂培大師,並由嚶鳴合唱團獻唱。

除了兩場音樂會,兩場聖詠講座亦不容錯過。講 座探討上世紀的聖詠,並分享兩位學者余樂詩博 士教授及朱振威先生的研究成果。

在社會共融方面,今年明愛專上學院的學生,將 連同明愛樂薈牽殘疾人士地區支援中心會員,及 香港兒童合唱團,以手語演繹部分作品。

我在此摯誠感謝籌備委員會各成員,及每位義務 工作人員的努力,各捐助人的支持,及各表演者 的傾力演出。





Hong Kong Hymnos Festival


With Love and Faith, We Find our Spiritual Growth. With Music, We Connect.

With hymn music, the Festival wishes to bring peace and harmony to the community, through concerts, talks and seminars.

The sharing of the message of love through hymns singing is the main focus of the Festival. Peace and harmony start with oneself and one’s family, while love and hope are the seed of our faith. Hymn is a unique genre in music, which is faith-focus. Yet, music has no border and its positive energy goes beyond the religious ground. Hymn music is soothing and calming and is excellent for meditation. The lyrics carry the words of God, which we can all learn and refect on. Through hymn singing, we hope to bring enlightenment and awakening of our souls.

In the busy life of our world, discorded work-life balance leads to yearning for an anchor for reclaiming the balance in quality living. By reaching out through hymn music, we hope the community will sense the message of love, and rekindle our spiritual growth and that God is here with us.





在音樂流派中,聖樂自成一格,以宗教信仰為中軸。但音樂無彊界,聖樂帶出的正能量馳騁宗教以外 的领域。聖樂洗滌心靈,使人進入平靜安和的境界,對默觀及冥想尤其有幫助。聖樂的曲詞帶出天主 愛世人的訊息,發人深省,喚醒沈睡靈魂。

急促的社會節奏,失衡的生活,令人們渴求重塑平衡生活的支柱。聖樂向社羣傳揚愛的訊息,能重啓 靈性增長,使人感悟天主臨在的喜悅。

Donation 捐款

Join us as Hymnos Festival Friends 成為聖詠之友


The Hong Kong Hymnos Festival Society is a Registered Society 香港聖詠節是一所註冊社團 IR File No. 慈善團體免稅檔案號碼:91/17515

Opening Concert


20.11.2023 (MON ) | 晚上 8PM

Hong Kong Cultural Centre Concert Hall 香港文化中心音樂廳

Hong Kong Children’s Choir 香港兒童合唱團

Conductor: Vivian SUEN | Accompanist: Corina LIN 指揮:孫明慧 | 伴奏:林菁

1/ B. Chilcott: So Fair and Bright 奇爾科特:如此美麗璀璨

2/ R. Oswin: Sanctus 奥斯温:聖哉

3/ B. Chilcott: Can You Hear Me? 奇爾科特:你聽見我嗎?

Hong Kong University Alumni Association Choir 香港大學校友會合唱團

Conductor: Dr. CHAN Ka-hei Lesley | Accompanist: NG Man-gee Florence 指揮:陳家曦博士 | 伴奏:吳敏芝

Repertoires 曲目

4/ G.F. Händel: Messiah - Behold the Lamb of God 韓德爾:彌賽亞 – 看哪,天主的羔羊

5/ G.F. Händel: Messiah - Let All the Angels of God Worship Him 韓德爾:彌賽亞 – 天主的眾天使都要崇拜他

The Greeners’ Sound 綠韻

Conductor: YEUNG Long-ting Ronald | Piano: SUEN Ming-chi 指揮:楊朗廷 | 鋼琴:孫銘志

6/ J. Rutter: Look at the World 盧特:觀看宇宙

7/ B. Chilcott: A Little Jazz Mass – II. The Gloria 奇爾科特:小爵士彌撒曲 – II. 光榮頌

Chummy Choir

Conductor: Dr. Viola YUEN | Soprano: Joanne SHAO | Accompanist: Iris LI 指揮:阮慧玲博士 | 女高音:邵樂敏 | 伴奏:李凱韻

8/ C. Kong: Song of Love 江克滿:愛之歌

9/ J. Rutter: Angel’s Carol 盧特:天使頌歌

10/ V. Yuen: Praise The Lord 阮慧玲:讚美主

Crisel CONSUNJI 姬素.孔尚治

Piano: Phoebus CHAN 鋼琴:陳雋騫

11/ M. Joncas: On Eagle’s Wings 瓊卡斯:乘鷹翅膀

12/ J. Horner & W. Jennings: If We Hold On Together 霍納及詹寧斯:如果我們攜手並進

13/ J. Jackson-Miller & S. Miller: Let There Be Peace On Earth 積遜米勒及米勒:世間要有和平


FreeUp Music 釋放音樂

Band Leader: Ricky LAM 樂隊領班:林立基

14/ H.D. Loes (Lyrics: L. Tsui): Everybody Ought to Know 洛斯(詞:徐錦堯):人人都應當知道

15/ R. Løvland (Lyrics: M. Lo): You Raise Me Up 勒夫蘭(詞:羅敏莊):重新點起我生命

16/ G. Kendrick: Shine Jesus Shine 肯德里克:真光普照

Rev. Ray KELLY 雷蒙德.凱利神父

Piano: Phoebus CHAN 鋼琴:陳雋騫

17/ C. Knollmueller & M. Neumayer: The Breath of Heaven 諾爾穆勒及諾邁爾:天堂的氣息

18/ A. Farris & C. Knollmueller: I Heard Him Say 法里斯及諾爾穆勒:我聽到祂說

19/ D. Malin & D. Bronner: Hallelujah Day 馬林及布朗納:亞肋路亞日

Rev. Ray KELLY and Hong Kong Children’s Choir 雷蒙德.凱利神父及香港兒童合唱團

Accompanist: Corina LIN 伴奏:林菁

20/ A. Malotte: The Lord’s Prayer 馬洛特:天主經

Festival Choir 聖詠節合唱團

Conductor: Prof. CHAN Wing-wah | Organ: Jessie LAU 指揮:陳永華教授 | 管風琴:劉潔芝

21/ B. Farrell: Christ, Be Our Light 法雷爾:求主作我光

22/ I. O’Connor (I. Leung arr): Call to Christian 奧康納 (梁展源編曲):真光照着我(World Premiere 世界首演)

Finale 大合唱

Conductor: Prof. CHAN Wing-wah | Organ: Jessie LAU 指揮:陳永華教授 | 管風琴:劉潔芝

23/ G.F. Händel: Messiah - Hallelujah 韓德爾:彌賽亞 – 亞肋路亞






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Opening Concert - Programme Notes

開幕音樂會 - 樂曲簡介

1. So Fair and Bright《如此美麗璀璨》

Music: Bob Chilcott

Lyrics: Benjamin Britten 曲:鮑伯.奇爾科特 詞:班傑明.布瑞頓

Composed by Bob Chilcott, one of the world’s most widely performed composers and arrangers of choral music. Well-known hymn to the Virgin Mary from medieval time, “So Fair and Bright” was written for Charlotte Jackson’s elegant Amabile Girls’ Choir from Kendal in England to commemorate their 10th anniversary of performance. It was written for them to sing together with Pamela Cook’s famed Cantamus Girls Choir. The song is particularly suitable for Advent or Christmas but can be sung throughout the year.

由世界上表演最廣泛的合唱音樂作曲家和編曲家之一的鮑伯.奇爾科特創作。《如此美麗璀璨》是中 世紀著名的聖母讚美詩,是為夏洛特.傑克遜優雅的英國阿馬比爾女子合唱團創作的,以紀念她們 演出十週年,並與帕梅拉.庫克著名的坎塔姆斯女子合唱團一起演唱。這首歌特別適合將臨期和聖誕 期,也適合全年演唱。

2. Sanctus《聖哉》

Music: Richard Oswin

Lyrics: Roman Missal 曲:理察.奥斯温 詞:羅馬彌撒經書

Composed in 2002 by Richard Oswin, a pianist, passionate music educator and respected composer/ arranger. His “Sanctus” is regularly performed throughout New Zealand and abroad.

由鋼琴家、充滿熱情的音樂教育家和受人尊敬的作曲家/編曲家理察.奥斯温於 2002 年創作。他的 《聖哉》定期在新西蘭和國外演出。

: 9
Lyrics 歌詞

3. Can You Hear Me?《你聽見我嗎?》

Music and Lyrics: Bob Chilcott 曲詞:鮑伯.奇爾科特

Written by Bob Chilcott, “Can you hear me?” is a simple and beautiful song describing the wonder of a world seen through the eyes of a deaf child, expressed through singing and sign language. It was a real response to an experience Chilcott would have had working as a singer a few years before, when he worked with Deaf children. As someone who watched them working together, the signing was something that was very emotional for all of us watching because the signing is very enabling and it’s a show of strength. Chilcott loved that and tried to incorporate that kind of feeling into this song. So for him, the song is an expression of strength and positivity.

There are three choruses in this song and it’s the point at which everyone can join in with the signing - “Can you see it?”, “Can you feel it?” and the last one is “Can you hear me?”, with the “it” referring to the sun.

鮑伯.奇爾科特寫的《你聽見我嗎?》是一首簡單而優美的歌曲,透過歌聲和手語表達了聾啞孩子眼 中世界的奇妙。這首歌是幾年前奇爾科特作為歌手與聾啞兒童一起工作的經歷啟發而成。作為一個親 眼目睹他們一起工作的人,這次手語對我們所有觀看的人來說都是非常感人的,因為手語是一股很大 的助力,而且是力量的展現。奇爾科特很喜歡這一點,並試圖將這種感覺融入這首歌中。所以對他來 說,這首歌是力量和積極的表達。

這首歌有三個副歌部分大家可以一起跟著做手語,包括「Can you see it?」(你看得到它嗎?)、 「Can you Feel it?」(你感覺得到它嗎?),及最後的「Can you hear me?」(你聽見我嗎?), 其中的「它」指是太陽的意思。

Lyrics in Sign Language 以手語演譯的歌詞:

Can you see it? (Can you see it?) Can you see it too?

Can you see it? (Can you see it?) Can you see it too?

Can you feel it? (Can you feel it?) Can you feel it too? Can you feel it? (Can you feel it?) Can you feel it too?

Can you hear me? (Can you hear me?) Can you hear me too?

Can you hear me? (Can you hear me?) Can you hear me too?


4 & 5. Messiah – Part II

《彌賽亞》– 第二部份

22. Behold the Lamb of God 《看哪,天主的羔羊》

35. Let All the Angels of God Worship Him《天主的眾天使都要崇拜他》

Music: George Frideric Handel 曲:韓德爾

Messiah (HWV 56) is an English-language oratorio composed in 1741 by George Frideric Handel. The text was compiled from the King James Bible and the Coverdale Psalter by Charles Jennens. It was frst performed in Dublin on 13 April 1742 and received its London premiere nearly a year later. After an initially modest public reception, the oratorio gained in popularity, eventually becoming one of the best-known and most frequently performed choral works in Western music.

The work is divided into three parts. Part One deals frst with the prophecies concerning Christ’s birth. Part Two is the dramatic heart of the work. It tells of Christ’s passion, crucifxion, resurrection and ascension. Part Three consists entirely of commentary, principally on the resurrection and the theme of Christian redemption.

Throughout, Handel’s writing for orchestra and solo voices is masterly, the fruits of a lifetime’s musical experience. Arguably, though, it is the choruses that raise Messiah onto a different plane, thanks to Handel’s unerring ability to grasp the dramatic potential of each text and the astonishing power and variety of his choral writing.

Handel composed Messiah in just twenty-four days, a remarkably short space of time but not exceptional by his own extraordinary standards. What is almost beyond comprehension, however, is how in these three weeks he was able to create a work of such sustained inspiration, power and seemingly inexhaustible invention. More than 250 years have passed since its frst performance, yet Messiah’s status as one of the great icons of European music remains undiminished, and it continues to speak to millions of people of many cultures and faiths around the world.

《彌賽亞》(HWV 56) 是一部英語神劇,由韓德爾於1741年創作。該文本根據Charles Jennens的《欽 定版聖經》和《科弗代爾》彙編而成。此劇於1742年4月13日在都柏林首演,近一年後在倫敦首演。

這部神劇最初已受大眾歡迎,後來越來越受追捧,最終成為西方音樂中最著名、表演最頻繁的合唱作 品之一。

作品分為三個部分。第一部分首先討論有關基督誕生的預言。第二部分是這部作品的戲劇性核心,講 述基督的受難、被釘十字架、復活和升天。第三部分完全由評論組成,主要以關於復活和基督教救贖 為主題。

由始至終,韓德爾為管弦樂團和獨奏聲樂創作的作品都是精湛的,是一生音樂經驗的成果。不過,合 唱部分卻將《彌賽亞》提升到了一個不同的層面,這要歸功於韓德爾準確無誤地把握每個文本的戲劇 潛力的能力,以及他的合唱作品的驚人力量和多樣性。

韓德爾僅用了二十四天就創作了《彌賽亞》,是一個非常短的時間,但以他自己非凡的標準來看卻並 不是例外。然而,令人幾乎無法理解的是,他如何在這三個星期內創作出具如此持續啟發性、力量和 創造力的作品。自首演以來已經過去了 250多年,但《彌賽亞》作為歐洲音樂偉大標誌性作品之一的 地位仍然沒有減弱,並且繼續吸引世界各地數以百萬計不同文化和信仰的人。


6. Look at the World《觀看宇宙》

Music and Lyrics: John Rutter 曲詞:約翰.盧特

“Look at the world” is a sacred choral composition by John Rutter, a harvest anthem to his own words. He offered versions for children’s choir in unison or a four-part choir, with keyboard or orchestra. It was commissioned by the Council for the Protection of Rural England, meant to celebrate the organisation’s 70th anniversary and be “a widely-usable choral song or anthem on the theme of the environment and our responsibility towards it”. The work was published by Oxford University Press in 1996.

《觀看宇宙》是約翰.盧特創作的一首合唱聖樂作品,盧特同時擔任這首豐收讚歌的作詞人。這首歌 幾個不同的版本,包括兒童合唱團和四聲部合唱團版,亦有以鍵盤樂器或管弦樂團伴的版本。這首歌 由英格蘭鄉村保護委員會委約創作的,旨在慶祝該組織成立七十週年,並成為「一首以環境和我們對 環境的責任為主題的廣泛使用的合唱歌曲或讚美詩」。作品於1996年由牛津大學出版社出版。

7. A Little Jazz Mass – II. Gloria 《小爵士彌撒曲 – II. 光榮頌》

Music and Lyrics: Bob Chilcott 曲詞:鮑伯.奇爾科特

Bob Chilcott is one of the busiest and most popular choral composers and conductors in Britain today. He was a boy chorister and then a tenor choral scholar in the choir of King’s College, Cambridge, and later sang with, composed and arranged for the celebrated The King’s Singers. During his time with The King’s Singers, Chilcott had the good fortune to work with such jazz luminaries as George Shearing, Richard Rodney Bennett and John Dankworth. Chilcott’s jazz infuences truly come to the fore in “A Little Jazz Mass”, which was written for the massed choirs of the 2004 Crescent City Choral Festival, and received its premiere in St Louis Cathedral, New Orleans in June of that year. “Gloria” is the second movement of the piece.

鮑伯.奇爾科特是當今英國最忙碌、最受歡迎的合唱作曲家和指揮家之一。他曾是劍橋大學國王學院 合唱團的男童合唱團成員,後來成為男高音合唱學者,再後來為著名的國王歌手合唱團演唱、作曲 和編曲。在國王歌手合唱團工作期間,奇爾科特有幸與多位傑出的爵士樂音樂人合作,包括喬治. 謝林、理查德.羅德尼.貝內特及約翰.丹克沃斯。奇爾科特的爵士樂影響在為 2004 年新月城合唱 節的合唱團創作的《小爵士樂小彌撒》中真正得到體現,並於當年 6 月在新奧爾良聖類斯主教座堂首 演。《光榮頌》是該曲的第二樂章。


8. Song of Love《愛之歌》

Music: Rev. Kong Hak-mun Clement

Lyrics: Corinthians: 13:4, 7, 13; Psalms: 133 曲:江克滿


Composed by Abbot Emeritus Kong Hak-mun Clement, whose original name is Kong Yan-ching, was born in Hong Kong in 1937. As a music lover, he has composed a number of sacred pieces and many outstanding works throughout his life. His works are published in collections throughout Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau, such as the “Coro Perosi Collection” (volumes 1, 2 and 3) published by Mr. Young Lam, “Sacred Logos Collection” by St. Anthony’s Church, “Collection of Hong Kong Liturgical Music” and the Hong Kong Diocesan hymnals. Father Kong’s works are often sung at Sunday Masses in Hong Kong and Macau. Among his many works, the familiar ones include “Little Caterpillar”, “Ode to the Mercy of the Lord”, “Song of Love”, “Mother of Sorrows”, “In Honour of Our Mother”, etc.

頌恩487,由江克滿神父作曲。江神父家名江恩澄,1937年生於香港,熱愛音樂,創作多首聖樂,畢 生創作大量優秀作品,其著作在臺灣、香港、澳門許多歌集中均有登出,例如林平良先生出版的《嚶 鳴集》(第一、二及三冊)、聖安多尼堂出版的《聖言歌集》、《香港禮樂集》、《頌恩》及《心 頌》均有其作,在澳門和香港幾乎每週的主日彌撒中,都會聽到江神父的作品。他的眾多作品中,為 人熟悉的有《小毛蟲》、《主慈頌》、《愛之歌》、《痛苦之母》、《孝愛聖母》等。

9. Angel’s Carol《天使頌歌》

Music and Lyrics: John Rutter 曲詞:約翰.盧特

“Angels’ Carol” is a popular sacred choral piece by John Rutter for Christmas. He frst composed “Angels’ Carol” in the 1980s to be performed by the winners of a competition choirboy and choirgirl in London, now defunct. He later arranged it for mixed-voice choir (SATB), with harp or piano or orchestra. The work was published by Oxford University Press.

He wrote his own text, beginning “Have you heard the sound of the angel voices”, which alludes to several aspects of the Christmas story, with the Latin refrain “Gloria in excelsis Deo” from the angels’ song mentioned in the Gospel of Luke narration of the annunciation to the shepherds.

John Rutter’s superb talents are evident in this sprightly, uplifting original Christmas carol. Voice ranges are exceptionally good and totally supported by the rhythmic piano or harp accompaniment. Angels’ Carol has become a choral classic.

《天使頌歌》是約翰.盧特為聖誕節創作的一首廣受歡迎的聖樂合唱作品。他在二十世紀八十年代首 次創作了《天使頌歌》,由倫敦男女唱詩班比賽的獲勝者表演,該比賽現已停辦。後來他將其改編由 混聲合唱團(SATB)演出,並由豎琴、鋼琴或管弦樂隊團伴奏。作品由牛津大學出版社出版。

歌詞由他自己編寫,開頭是「你聽到天使的聲音了嗎」(Have you heard the sound of the angel voices),其中暗指了聖誕節故事的幾方面,其中的拉丁語副歌「Gloria in excelsis Deo」,是路加 福音中敘述天使向牧羊人報喜所唱的歌曲。

盧特的高超才華在這首活潑、振奮人心的原創聖誕頌歌中得到了體現。人聲的音域非常好,並由具節 奏感的琴聲或豎琴伴奏支持。《天使頌歌》已成為合唱經典。


10. Praise The Lord 《讚美主》

Music and Lyric: Viola Yuen 曲詞:阮慧玲

“Praise the Lord” is written for solo coloratura, solo lyric soprano and mixed choir with piano accompaniment. It was commissioned by the alma mater of the composer in 2016, completed and premiered in 2017.

It was rearranged in 2018 for a chamber ensemble, mixed choir, 2-part female choir as well as the organ, and performed in the 130th anniversary of the Hong Kong Catholic Cathedral of The Immaculate Conception in 2018. It reveals the composer’s heart-felt thanks to the Lord for leading our way!

《讚美主》是為花腔女獨唱、抒情女高音獨唱、多聲部合唱團及鋼琴而創作。此曲於 2016 年由作曲 家母校委託而創作,並於2017年完成及作首演。

此作品於 2018 年被重新改編為一首為室內樂團、多聲部合唱團、二聲部女聲合唱團及管風琴的大型 作品,並於2018年在香港天主教聖母無原罪主教座堂 130 週年慶典上演出。


11. On Eagle’s Wings《乘鷹翅膀》

Music: Michael Joncas

Lyrics: Psalm 91; Exodus 19; Matthew 13 曲:米高.瓊卡斯 詞:聖詠91; 出谷紀 19;瑪竇福音13

“On Eagle’s Wings” is a devotional hymn composed by Fr. Michael Joncas. Its words are based on Psalm 91, Book of Exodus 19, and Gospel of Matthew 13. Joncas wrote the piece in 1976, after he and his friend, Douglas Hall, returned from a meal to learn that Hall’s father had died of a heart attack. It was recorded in 1979, with Hall as producer, published by North American Liturgy Resources and later purchased by New Dawn Music, a subsidiary of Oregon Catholic Press. It has become popular as a contemplative hymn at Catholic Masses as well as at Protestant services of worship.

It is now sung during services of many Christian denominations, including Pentecostal churches, and was performed at many of the funerals of victims of the September 11, 2001, attacks. It is often performed either at the beginning or the ending of a Roman Catholic funeral Mass.

Fr. Joncas has stated that his choice for the title would be “On Eagle’s Wings,” meaning that the wings belong to a single eagle as a comparison for God, but he said he could make a case for the plural “On Eagles’ Wings,” since many wings would be needed to lift up the many people in covenant with God.

《乘鷹翅膀》是米高.瓊卡斯神父創作的一首虔誠讚美詩。它的歌詞是基於《聖詠》第 91 章、《出 谷紀》第 19 章和《瑪竇福音》第 13 章。這是瓊卡斯神父於 1976 年創作的作品,當時他和他的朋友道 格拉斯.賀爾吃完晚餐回來,得知賀爾的父親因心臟病而死。這首歌於 1979 年錄製,由賀爾擔任製 作人,北美禮儀資源公司出版,後來被俄勒岡天主教出版社的子公司新黎明音樂公司買入。它後來在 天主教彌撒和新教禮拜儀式中成為了流行的沉思聖詩。

現在,包括五旬節派教會在內的許多基督教派,都會在禮拜儀式上演唱這首歌,並且在許多2001年9 月11日恐襲受害者的葬禮上演唱。它通常在羅馬天主教葬禮彌撒的開始或結束時唱出。

瓊卡斯神父說,他以《乘鷹翅膀》(On Eagle’s Wings)為歌名,意思是一隻鷹(Eagle)的翅膀, 但他說也可以以複數的鷹為名「On Eagles’ Wings」,因為與天主立約的人眾多,需要許多翅膀來託 付。


12. If We Hold On Together《如果我們攜手並進》

Music and Lyrics: James Horner, Will Jennings 曲詞:詹姆斯.霍納、威爾.詹寧斯

“If We Hold on Together” is the theme song to the 1988 flm “The Land Before Time”. It was written by James Horner and Will Jennings and performed by Diana Ross, a Grammy Lifetime Award Winning entertainer and actress. Played during the flm’s ending credits, it was released on the flm’s soundtrack as well as the Ross album The Force Behind the Power. It reached the top 30 on the Billboard Adult Contemporary Chart, peaked at #23, as well as giving Ross her biggest hit ever in Japan (No. 1) and later reaching No. 11 in the United Kingdom.

The song emphasizes the importance of unity, perseverance, and resilience in the face of challenges or diffcult times. It aims to convey a message of hope, unity, and determination, encouraging people to stay strong and hold on to their dreams and aspirations even in the face of adversity.

《如果我們攜手並進》是美國 1988 年動畫電影《小腳板走天涯》的主題曲,由詹姆斯.霍納和威 爾.詹寧斯創作,由格林美終身成就獎得主、演員戴安娜.羅絲演唱。它在電影的片尾字幕中播放, 並收錄在電影的原聲帶以及羅絲的專輯《The Force Behind the Power》中。它打入美國《告示牌》 成人當代排行榜前三十名,最高排名為第二十三位,並為羅絲帶來了她在日本有史以來最熱門的單曲 (排名第一),後來在英國亦打入第十一位。

這首歌強調了面對挑戰或困難時的團結、毅力和韌性的重要性,旨在傳達希望、團結和決心的訊息, 鼓勵人們即使面對逆境也要保持堅強,堅持自己的夢想和抱負。


To 2023 Hymnos Festival & Chairlady Ms Angela Hui


For 3 years of bringing peace and harmony to the community!

13. Let There Be Peace On Earth《世間要有和平》

Music and Lyrics: Jill Jackson-Miller, Sy Miller 曲詞: 吉兒.積遜米勒、 辛.米勒

“Let There Be Peace on Earth” is a song written by Jill Jackson-Miller and Sy Miller in 1955. It was initially written for and sung by the International Children’s Choir created by Easter Beakly and Arthur Granger of the Granger Dance Academy in Long Beach, California. The song’s composers led a number of rehearsals for the children’s choir from 1955 to 1957, and the song continues to be the theme for this group of children who represent a host of nations and who sang in Washington, DC at the JW Marriott next to the White House in 2002. Jackson-Miller, who had been suicidal after the failure of her marriage to screenwriter Felix Jackson, later said that she wrote the song after discovering what she called the “life-saving joy of God’s peace and unconditional love.”

The song is performed worldwide throughout the year, and particularly during the Christmas season, which has led to it being considered a Christmas song. It is included in the hymnals of a variety of Christian denominations, and is used in worship services even by a number of denominations that do not include it in their hymnals.

In 1993, the song was covered by American country music singer Vince Gill and his daughter Jenny, as the title single for his platinum-selling Christmas album.

《世間要有和平》是由吉兒.積遜米勒和辛.米勒於 1955 年創作的歌曲。最初由加州長灘格蘭傑舞 蹈學院的伊斯特爾.比克利和阿瑟.格蘭傑為國際兒童合唱團而創作,並由他們演唱。從 1955 年到 1957 年,這首歌的作曲家帶領兒童合唱團進行了多次排練,並曾在華盛頓白宮旁的 JW 萬豪酒店演 唱,至今仍然是這群代表許多國家的孩子們的「主題曲」。 2002 年,積遜米勒在與編劇費利克斯. 積遜的婚姻失敗後一直有自殺傾向,她後來說,她是在發現「上主的平安和無條件的愛,所帶來能拯 救生命的喜樂」後寫下了這首歌。

這首歌全年都在世界各地演奏,尤其是在聖誕節期間,因此被認為是聖誕歌。它被包含在各種基督教 派的聖詩中,甚至被許多不將其包括在詩歌集中的教派於禮拜儀式中使用。 1993 年,美國鄉村音樂 歌手文斯.基爾和他的女兒珍妮翻唱了這首歌,作為其擁有白金銷量的聖誕專輯的主打單曲。


14. Everybody Ought to Know《人人都應當知道》

Music: Harry Dixon Loes

Lyrics: Luke Tsui 曲:哈利.狄克遜.洛斯 詞:徐錦堯

“Everybody Ought to Know” is a famous hymn that has been translated and sung in various languages worldwide. In 1976, Rev. Luke Tsui wrote the Chinese lyrics for the song, expressing his passion for evangelizing Jesus Christ. The song brings us the message of Jesus Christ’s love, guiding us on the path of righteousness, leading us to know the truth, and granting us eternal life. With its pleasing and catchy melody, it is often sung in Sunday Mass, gatherings, and Sunday schools. In this concert, FreeUp Music performs this song in a band setting with pop music elements added to reinterpret this traditional hymn, bringing a refreshing feeling to the audience.

《人人都應當知道》是一首著名的詩歌,已經被翻譯成多種語言在世界各地演唱。 1976 年,徐錦堯神 父為這首歌填上中文歌詞,表達他對基督福傳的熱忱。歌曲帶出主耶穌基督的愛的信息,引領我們走 上正義之路,認識真理,並賜予我們永恆的生命。旋律悅耳輕快,容易上口,經常在主日彌撒、教友 聚會和主日學中演唱。是次音樂會中,釋放音樂以樂隊的方式再加上流行音樂元素,重新演譯這首傳 統詩歌,為觀眾帶來耳目一新的感覺。

15. You Raise Me Up《重新點起我生命》

Music: Rolf Løvland

Lyrics: Mimi Lo 曲:羅爾夫.勒夫蘭 詞:羅敏莊

This Chinese version of “You Raise Me Up” is written and sung by Mimi Lo, and it is included in her 2010 album “Very Meaningful.” The original song, “You Raise Me Up,” is a powerful anthem that has touched the hearts of many listeners worldwide with Hong Kong audiences easily relating to it. There are different versions of the Cantonese lyrics. FreeUp Music chose the version written by Mimi Lo because it best translates its aims - although life has ups and downs, we hope to inspire others with different life experiences through music and be that little bit of light that rekindles other’s life.

《重新點起我生命》是羅敏莊填詞及演唱的歌曲,並收錄於2010年發行的專輯《Very Meaningful》。

原曲《You Raise Me Up》是一首強而有力的歌曲,觸動全球許多聽眾的心靈,香港聽眾也能輕易產 生共鳴。這首歌的粵語歌詞有不同的版本,䆁放音樂選擇羅敏莊填詞的版本,是因為它最能傳譯其宗 旨 人生雖有起有跌,盼以不同的生命和經歷透過音樂啟發別人,以生命影響生命,成為重燃別人生 命的一點光。

16. Shine Jesus Shine《真光普照》

Music and Lyrics: Graham Kendrick 曲詞:格雷厄姆.肯德里克

“Shine, Jesus, Shine” (also known by its frst line, “Lord, the Light of Your Love”) is a Christian praise song written in 1987 by Graham Kendrick. It is Graham’s most popular worship hymn sung by churches and schools around the world. The song was voted tenth in a 2005 survey of the United Kingdom’s favourite hymns by the BBC’s “Songs of Praise” programme. However, Damian Thompson, editorin-chief of the Catholic Herald, called “Shine, Jesus, Shine” “the most loathed of all happy-clappy hymns”.

《真光普照》(也因其第一行「主,你的愛之光」而聞名)是一首基督教敬拜聖詩,由格雷厄姆.肯 德里克於1987年創作。 這是肯德里克最受歡迎的聖詩,被世界各地的教堂和學校演唱。2005年,BBC 的《讚美之歌》節目對英國最受歡迎的聖詩進行了調查,這首歌被評為第十名。然而,《天主教先驅 報》主編達米安.湯普森稱《真光普照》是「所有歡快的敬拜聖詩中最令人厭惡的」。


17. The Breath of Heaven《天堂的氣息》

Music: Christian Knollmueller, Martin Neumayer Musikverlag

Lyrics: Allie Farris, Siegfried Walch 曲:克里斯蒂安.諾爾穆勒、馬丁.諾邁爾音樂出版社 詞:艾莉.法里斯、齊格飛.瓦爾奇

“Back in 2018 when I sang “Everybody Hurts” in “Britain’s Got Talent”, I was not expecting the reaction. So many people identifed with the words of the song, the emotion in my voice, the feeling I expressed as people identifed with the message I conveyed. It has always been my dream to fnd a song with similar sentiment and I feel I have found it with “The Breath of Heaven”, a song that conveys a message of HOPE, despite the chaos and war in Ukraine and the broken world we live in.” – Father Ray Kelly, May 2023

「早在2018年,當我在《全英一叮》中演唱《Everybody Hurts》時,我並沒有預料到會有這樣的反 應。很多人認同這首歌的歌詞、我歌聲中的情感、我表達的感覺,就像人們認同我所傳達的訊息一 樣。找到一首具有類似情感的歌曲一直是我的夢想,我覺得我已經在《天堂的氣息》中找到。儘管 烏克蘭充滿混亂和戰爭,我們生活的世界支離破碎,這首歌傳達了希望的信息。」 - 雷伊.凱利神 父,2023年5月

18. I Heard Him Say 《我聽到祂說》

Music: Allie Farris, Christian Knollmueller 曲:艾莉.法里斯、克里斯蒂安.諾爾穆勒

Composition written especially for Fr. Ray Kelly and recorded recently in Austria. “Him” in the title refers to God or our conscience and the importance of listening to our conscience.

特別為雷伊.凱利神父撰寫的作品,最近在奧地利錄音。標題中的「祂」指的是天主或我們的良心, 以及傾聽我們良心的重要性。

19. Hallelujah Day《亞肋路亞日》

Music and Lyrics: David Malin, David Bronner 曲詞:大衛.馬林、大衛.布朗納

“It is seven years today that my very own “Hallelujah Day” occured when I sang Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” at a wedding and a video of the occasion went viral, giving me the opportunity to record two albums over time. Today I am proud to release the frst single of my forthcoming third album which is due out on 23rd of April. And as luck has it both my album and this song are indeed called “Hallelujah Day”. It is my song of HOPE. A song to bring light and on this Easter Day, a song of resurrection for all of you. As we journey through this Covid-19 pandemic I know many people have experienced their own crucifxion through serious illness or indeed the loss of a loved one. But through it all we must have HOPE. My wish is that this song brings light and hope into all your lives.

This song was written for me some six years ago (2015) by David Malin and David Bronner. David Malin sadly passed away in autumn 2017. He is deeply missed. So this song is released not just on my personal Hallelujah Day - which is April 5th - but by a funny coincidence we are releasing a song in the odd meter of 5/4 on 5/4. David would have liked that.” – Father Ray Kelly, April 2021

「七年前的今天,我個人的『亞肋路亞日』發生了,當時我在一場婚禮上唱了李歐納.柯恩的《亞肋 路亞》,當時的影片在網路上瘋傳,讓我有機會錄製兩張專輯。今天,我很自豪地宣佈我即將於4 月 23日發行的第三張專輯的第一首單曲。幸運的是,我的專輯和這首歌確實都被稱為「亞肋路亞日」。 這是我的希望之歌。一首帶來光明的歌曲,一首在這個復活節為你們所有人帶來復活的歌曲。當我們 經歷這場2019冠狀病毒病疫情時,我知道許多人都經歷過因嚴重疾病或失去親人而遭受的痛苦。但就 算經歷這一切,我們都必須抱持希望。我的願望是這首歌為大家的生活帶來光明和希望。這首歌是大


衛.馬林和大衛.布朗納在大約六年前(2015年)為我而寫的。大衛.馬林於2017年秋天不幸去世。 我們深深懷念他。所以這首歌不僅在我個人的亞肋路亞日(4月5日)發行,而且一個有趣的巧合是, 我們在 5/4這天發行了一首 5/4 奇數拍的歌曲。 大衛會喜歡的。」 - 雷伊.凱利神父,2021年4月

20. The Lord’s Prayer 《天主經》

Music: Albert Hay Malotte 曲:阿爾伯特.海.馬洛特

“The Lord’s Prayer” is a musical setting of the biblical “Lord’s Prayer”, composed by Albert Hay Malotte, a well-known concert and theater organist and a composer in the Disney organization in California, in 1935. According to his New York Times obituary: “Mr. Malotte’s musical setting of ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ was the frst one that achieved popularity, although the prayer had been set to music many times before.” Malotte dedicated the song to baritone John Charles Thomas, whose radio performances introduced it to the public.

The frst three repeated notes of Malotte’s setting of “The Lord’s Prayer” are among the most recognizable in church music. Although settings of this text from Matthew’s Gospel are numerous, Malotte captures both the intimacy of its petitions and the concluding grandeur of soaring praise before returning to a quiet “Amen.” Sung settings of “The Lord’s Prayer” are not new to church hymnody.

The composition was frst published as a vocal solo in 1935. According to Hymnary.org, more than two dozen hymnals include this composition in various arrangements. Since its introduction, Malotte’s “The Lord’s Prayer” has become the most popular vocal setting of this text.

《天主經》是聖經《天主經》的音樂版,由阿爾伯特.海.馬洛特於 1935 年創作,他是一位著名的 音樂會和劇院管風琴家,也是加州迪士尼的作曲家。根據《紐約時報》的訃告:馬洛特先生為《天主 經》創作的音樂是第一個廣受歡迎的作品,儘管該禱文之前已被多次改編成音樂。」馬洛特將這首 歌獻給男中音John Charles Thomas,他在電台表演這首歌並將其介紹給公眾。馬洛特創作的《天主 經》的前三個重複音符是教堂音樂中最容易辨認的音符之一。儘管這段來自《瑪竇福音》的經文有很 多版本,但馬洛特捕捉到了其中祈求的親密感,以及最後高亢讚美的宏偉,然後又回到了安靜的「亞 孟」。《天主經》的演唱版本對教會聖詩來說並不新鮮。作品於 1935 年首次以聲樂獨奏形式出版。 根據 Hymnary.org的資料,有超過十二首讚美詩以不同的方式改編這首作品。自推出以來,馬洛特的 《天主經》已成為該文本中最受歡迎的聲樂版本。


21. Christ, Be Our Light《求主作我光》

Music and Lyrics: Bernadette Farrel 曲詞:伯爾納德.法雷爾

Bernadette Farrell has been writing texts and tunes since the 1970s. She began publishing with OCP (Oregon Catholic Press) in the 1980s, and her setting, “Christ, Be Our Light,” was composed in the early 1990s. Farrell has long been a champion of social justice. Beyond her work as a lyricist and composer, she also serves as a community organizer in London. Her bent to social justice comes across clearly in the third and fourth stanzas of “Christ, Be Our Light” and also reinforces themes of Advent and Lent.

伯爾納德.法雷爾自二十世紀七十年代以來,一直從事文本和音樂創作。她於二十世紀八十年代開始 與俄勒岡天主教出版社合作出版作品,《求主作我光》是在 90 年代初創作的。法雷爾以來一直是社 會正義的捍衛者。除了作為作詞家和作曲家之外,她還擔任倫敦的社區組織者。她對社會正義的追求 在《求主作我光》的第三節和第四節中清晰可見,也強化了將臨期和四旬期的主題。

Invite the Audience to Perform the Lyrics in Sign Language: 邀請觀眾一同以手語演譯的歌詞:

(Refrain 重唱)

Christ, be our light! Shine in our hearts

Shine through the darkness

Christ, be our light!

Shine in your church gathered today

22. Call to Christian《真光照着我》(World Premiere 世界首演)

Music: Irene O’Connor

Arrangement: Ivan Leung

Lyrics: Hong Kong Catholic Hymnal 411 曲:艾琳.奧康納


詞:香港天主教頌恩歌集 411

“Call to Christian” is an anthem arranged by Ivan Leung for the 2023 Hong Kong Hymnos Festival and premiered at the opening concert. It draws inspiration from the 1973 hymn “A Call to Christians” written by Australian Roman Catholic religious sister Irene O’Connor FMM. The piece commences with lively fgurations, establishing a serene ambiance that contemplates our role as bearers of Christ’s light. As the music evolves, it transitions into a prayerful choral meditation invoking God’s grace. This serene moment is dramatically interrupted by a triumphant fanfare, propelling the piece into a dynamic burst of energy. Following with a dramatic crescendo, it concludes in proclamation with the hymn tune’s countersubject introduced from the opening, reaffrming that Christ’s light has perennially graced our journey - from the dawn of existence, and is destined to shine upon us for eternity.

Leung received his Master of Music (MMus, Organ Performance) from Royal College of Music, London, in 2022, and is currently pursuing Artist Diploma (ArtDip). He was appointed organ scholar of Farm Street Church, London in 2019, and also as organist at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and Saint Benedict Church in Hong Kong. Aside, he is the principal organist of Vox Antiqua. He recently received the Pettmann Organ Scholarship from the London Oratory, as well as Mary & Bryn Walters Organ Scholarship from St. Martin-in-the-Fields.

《真光照着我》是由梁展源為 2023 年香港聖詠節改篇並於開幕音樂會中作世界首演的聖詠。它的靈 感來自澳洲羅馬天主教修女艾琳.奧康納(瑪利亞方濟各傳教修會)於 1973 年創作的聖詩《基督徒 的呼喚》。這首作品以輕巧的前奏開始,營造出一種寧靜的氛圍,使我們反思作為基督之光傳播者的 角色。隨著音樂的發展,逐漸轉變為多聲部的編曲,以眾人之力祈求上主的恩典。緊接着,寧靜的時


刻被勝利的號角短奏打斷,隨著戲劇性的漸強,樂曲以開頭引入的聖詠主旋律的相對主題推至高峰, 重申基督的光從無始的時侯一直照耀我們,並應許永遠為我們照亮前路。

梁展源於2022年從倫敦皇家音樂學院獲得音樂碩士學位(MMus, 管風琴演奏),目前正在攻讀藝術 家文憑( ArtDip )。 2019 年,他被任命為倫敦農場街教堂的風琴學者,並在香港聖母無原罪主教座 堂和聖本篤教堂擔任風琴師。此外,他是 Vox Antiqua 的首席管風琴手。他最近被委任為倫敦布朗普 頓聖堂的佩特曼管風琴學者以及聖馬丁教堂的瑪麗和布林沃爾特斯管風琴學者。

23. Messiah – Part II. No. 44. Hallelujah

《彌賽亞》– 第二部份,


Music: George Frideric Handel 曲:韓德爾

Handel wrote his beloved oratorio Messiah in a three-week burst of intense activity during the fall of 1741. The frst part of the oratorio foretells the Savior’s coming while the last part focuses on the divine, eternal blessings made available to humankind through His sacrifce. The second part, which focuses on Christ’s earthly mission, culminates in the incomparable “Hallelujah,” one of the most recognizable and beloved pieces in the choral/orchestral canon.

Though in popular culture the “Hallelujah” chorus has come to signify any kind of jubilant celebration. In Handel’s Messiah it is specifcally a celebration of Christ’s ultimate sovereignty over earthly kings and lords.

1741 年秋天,韓德爾在三期的密集活動中創作了他心愛的神劇《彌賽亞》。神劇的第一部分預言了 救世主的到來,而最後一部分則聚焦於透過他的犧牲為人類帶來的神聖、永恆的祝福。第二部分聚焦 於基督在世的使命,以無與倫比的《亞肋路亞》達到高潮,這是合唱/管弦樂經典中最知名和最受喜 愛的作品之一。

儘管在流行文化中,「亞肋路亞」合唱已經象徵著任何形式的歡騰慶祝活動。在韓德爾的《彌賽亞》 中,它特別慶祝基督對地上國王和領主的最終統治權。


What a successful and meaningful event.

Warmest Congratulations.

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Opening Concert - Performers

開幕音樂會 - 演出者

Hong Kong Children’s Choir 香港兒童合唱團

Conductor: Vivian SUEN | Accompanist: Corina LIN 指揮:孫明慧 | 伴奏:林菁

Hong Kong University Alumni Association Choir 香港大學校友會合唱團

Conductor: Dr. CHAN Ka-hei Lesley | Accompanist: NG Man-gee Florence 指揮:陳家曦博士 | 伴奏:吳敏芝

The Greeners’ Sound 綠韻

Conductor: YEUNG Long-ting Ronald | Piano: SUEN Ming-chi 指揮:楊朗廷 | 鋼琴:孫銘志

Chummy Choir

Conductor: Dr. Viola YUEN | Soprano: Joanne SHAO | Accompanist: Iris LI 指揮:阮慧玲博士 | 女高音:邵樂敏 | 伴奏:李凱韻

Crisel CONSUNJI 姬素.孔尚治

Piano: Phoebus CHAN 鋼琴:陳雋騫

FreeUp Music 釋放音樂

Band Leader: Ricky LAM 樂隊領班:林立基

Rev. Ray KELLY 雷蒙德.凱利神父

Piano: Phoebus CHAN 鋼琴:陳雋騫

Festival Choir 聖詠節合唱團

Conductor: Prof. CHAN Wing-wah | Organ: Jessie LAU 指揮:陳永華教授 | 管風琴:劉潔芝


The Hong Kong Children’s Choir (HKCC) was founded in 1969 as the frst children’s choir in Hong Kong. HKCC is a registered non-proft-making charitable organization and it is now the biggest choir in the world with over 5,000 members and has grown into a diversifed arts organization for children.

As the children’s choir that best represents Hong Kong, HKCC took part in many historical moments, including the Hong Kong Handover Ceremony in 1997, the Opening Ceremony of the Hong Kong International Airport in 1998, the Hong Kong Disneyland Grand Opening in 2005, and various performances to commemorate the anniversary of Hong Kong’s reunifcation with China

Hong Kong

Children’s Choir


香港兒童合唱團(簡稱「香兒」)成 立於 1969 年,為香港首隊兒童合唱 團,並為註冊非牟利慈善團體。現時 「香兒」已成為世界上人數最多、組 織最龐大的兒童合唱團,擁有超過五 千名團員,更發展為一個多元兒童藝 術團體。

作為本港最具代表性的兒童合唱團, 「香兒」經常在香港的歷史性時刻 演出,包括 1997 年香港政權交接 儀式、 1998 年香港國際機場開幕典 禮、 2008 年一系列迎接北京奧運活 動、 2009 年東亞運動會開幕禮,及多 場慶祝香港回歸的文藝晚會及活動。


CHAN Hin-lam

CHAN Lok-sum

CHAN Lok-yau Charis

CHAN Wing-yan

CHAN Yan-kiu

CHANG Ho-yau

CHAU Isaac Samuel

CHENG Ching-sum Sherri

CHEUK Yee-lok

CHEUNG Kiu-yan

CHING Wai-yiu

CHOI Wing-wa

CHOW Cheuk-wing

CHU Sin-ting Samantha

HAU Venus

HUNG Long-tsai Samuel

KU Tin-yan

KWOK Ching-lam Nicole

LAM Man-kiu

LAM Tsun-sang

LAU Cheuk-long

LAU Wai-lam

LEE Hoi-ting

LEE Ling-kiu

LEE Moses

LEE Wing-tung

LEE Yat-kiu

LUI Hong-lam

LUI Pui-yau Perlie

MAO Elizabeth

NG Kelly Hong-kiu

NG Sze-wing Siana

PEI Tsz-hin

POON Chung-long Samuel

SHAW Lauren Tsz-yan


SUN Pak-wah Paxton

SZE Ching-yin

TAM Savio

TANG Sum-yu

TSANG Yik-ching

TSUI Yik-tung

WAN Sze-yiu

WONG Ching-chi Charis

WONG Haylie

WONG Heep-ling Harriet

WONG Kylie Kan-lok

WONG Lok-yan

霍嘉敏 | 音樂總監兼首席指揮 孫明慧 | 指揮 林菁 | 伴奏 林浩恩 | 導師


陳衍霖 陳樂芯 陳樂悠

陳穎昕 陳恩橋


周啟晞 鄭晴心


章蕎恩 程蔚堯 蔡穎華 周卓穎 朱茜庭 侯韻晴 洪朗齊 古天欣 郭靖琳

林敏翹 林浚生 劉焯朗 劉蔚嵐 李愷庭 呂苓僑 李國筠 李詠彤 李逸翹

雷劻霖 呂珮悠

茅心予 吳康翹 吳施穎 裴紫軒 潘棕朗 蕭芷昕 孫信

孫柏驊 施清然 譚琛 鄧心如 曾亦晴 崔亦彤 尹思瑤 黃靜之 王晞澄

WONG Sin-hang

WONG Sum-yi

WONG Tin-yu Tiffany

WONG Yee-sen Veronique

YAU Hui-yuet

YEUNG Sik-yi

YIP Yik-huen

ZEE Wei-qi Natalie

葉亦萱 徐薇淇

Kathy FOK | Music Director / Principal Conductor Vivian SUEN | Conductor Corina LIN | Accompanist Dominic LAM | Tutor
王愜瓴 黃簡樂 黃樂欣 王善恆 黃心怡 黃天瑜 王旖晨 邱煦悅 楊式懿 28

Vivian Suen is an active choral conductor, soprano and music educator in Hong Kong. Obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Music from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Suen then received scholarships to further her study at Westminster Choir College and obtained her Master of Music in Choral Conducting with distinction. During her stay in the United States, Suen served as assistant conductor of Grammy Award-nominated conductor James Jordan and had worked with world-renowned orchestras.

Alumnus of HKCC, Suen is now Head of Artistic Coordination of The Hong Kong Children's Choir and is the conductor of its Senior and Intermediate sections, coordinates and leads HKCC in multiple local and overseas performances. Suen toured with HKCC to many places and often collaborates with local orchestras and festivals. Suen is passionate about choral education and obtained a postgraduate diploma in music education from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is dedicated to children and youth choral work, co-founded a local youth mixed choir, and is often invited to be speaker and adjudicator of choral and conducting events. Suen is currently a member of the Asia Pacifc Choral Council.

Vivian SUEN | Conductor

孫明慧 | 指揮

香港合唱指揮家、女高音及音樂教育家。孫氏 畢業於香港中文大學音樂系及美國西敏合唱學 院,主修合唱指揮並以優異成績畢業。留美期 間曾任格林美獎提名指揮占士.佐敦博士之助 理指揮,並與著名樂團合作,包括:紐約愛樂 交響樂團、費城交響樂團、倫敦愛樂樂團等。

回港後,孫氏亦積極參與本地合唱演出,曾任 Die Jungen Konzertisten及Cecilia Singers客席 指揮。

孫氏為「香兒」舊生,現為「香兒」藝術統籌 主任、高級及中級組指揮,統籌並帶領團員參 與本地及國際演出,曾隨團前往世界各地演 出,並多次與本地樂團及藝術節合作。孫氏對 合唱教育充滿熱忱,獲香港中文大學音樂教育 文憑,致力投身兒童及青少年合唱工作,聯合 創辦青年混聲合唱團,並經常獲邀擔任工作坊 講者及評判。孫氏現為國際合唱聯盟亞太合唱 理事會成員。


An offshoot of the Hong Kong University Alumni Association (HKUAA), HKUAA Choir celebrates its 10th anniversary this year! With Dr. Lesley Chan at the helm as music director, who leads on a voluntary basis, our choir is going from strength to strength performing in both contemporary and classical repertoire in different languages. Moreover, performing at charitable concerts is also our main objective, rendering support and service for the needy in Hong Kong.

Dr. CHAN Ka-hei Lesley | Honorary Music Director, Conductor NG Man-gee Florence | Honourary Assistant Music Director, Accompanist


CHAN Sau-lan Shirley

CHEUNG Nga-yan Rebecca

CHEUNG Tsui-ping Lucy

CHOI Miu-yee

CHOW Yuen-yee Stephanie

FONG Siu-man Rani

KWOK Yu Justina

LAU May-chi May

LEE King-yee Sandy*

LEE Mei-ning Cecilia

LEE Uen-ying Alice

LEUNG Ka-yi Candace

LIU Mei-ting Athena

NG Choi-ha Carina

NG Man-gee Florence

NG Wah-yu Lianne

POON Mei-yee Grace

SUNG Mei-kwan Mella

XING Xing Symphony

YEUNG Hiu-fan Fanny


AU Ruby

CHAN Chau-mui Elizabeth*

CHAN Wan-kam

CHAU Wai-sze Angel

CHEUNG Siu-yin Swallow

CHEUNG Yi-ling Catherine

CHI Wai-yin Vivian

HO Laura

HUNG Shuk-tak Vicky

KWOK Yuen-ching Dorothy

LAU Yuen-mei Dora

陳家曦博士 | 義務音樂總監、指揮 吳敏芝 | 義務助理音樂總監、伴奏


陳秀蘭 張雅茵 張翠屏 蔡妙兒 周婉兒 方兆敏

郭如 劉美賜 李勁兒* 李美寧 李宛瑩

梁嘉儀 廖美婷 吳彩霞 吳敏芝 吳華瑜 潘美儀 宋美筠 邢行 楊曉芬

女低音 區宇浠 陳秋梅* 陳韻琴 周慧詩 張小燕 張儀玲 池慧姸 何蘭蕙 熊淑德 郭苑菁 劉婉薇 梁少芬

李亦婷 陸潤健 謝林心冰 戴幼兒 謝潔玲 王佩韻

黃秀惠 余仲雅 楊正言

葉綺峻 余海棠 沃祖敏

Hong Kong University

Alumni Association Choir


作為香港大學校友會( HKUAA )的分 支,香港大學校友會合唱團今年慶祝成 立十週年。在陳家曦博士擔任音樂總監 以義務身份的帶領下,我們的合唱團不 斷以不同語言演繹現代和古典曲目。此 外,在慈善音樂會上演出也是我們的主 要目標,為香港有需要的人提供支持和 服務。

LEUNG Siu-fun Amy

LI Yik-ting Sabrina

LUK Yun-kin Elke

SHIA Ling SP Terri

TAI Yau-yee Lianne

TSE Kit-ling Kitty

WONG Pui-wan Christine

WONG Sau-wai Grace

YEE Chung-nga Virginia

YEUNG Ching-yin Claudia

YIP Jenny

YU Hoi-tong Abby

YUK Cho-man Rosanna


HO Siu-kwan Wilson

HO Wai-keung Denis

LEE Lik-fan Alex

LEUNG Hei-shun Heison*

LEUNG Kin-cheong

LEUNG Lok-hin Chris

SINN Lai-hong Dominic

TANG Hon-sun

TSE Si-yin John

WONG Man-chong Vincent


CHAN Wai-leung

FUNG Pak-yan Brian

KWONG Wai-leung

LI Yat-sing

SZE Tsz-yan Alfred*

*Part Leaders


何紹坤 何偉強 李歴凡 梁希信* 梁建昌 梁諾軒 冼禮康 鄧漢新 謝詩賢 黃汶聰

男低音 陳維良 馮伯欣 鄺偉良 李日昇 施子仁*



Dr. Lesley Chan is a devoted music educator, composer and conductor. Prior to his current position, he has been an advocate for arts education among schools, professional art groups and artssupporting organisations.

After completing his undergraduate studies at the University of Hong Kong, Chan researched on the Russian composer - Prokofev’s piano transcriptions and attained Master of Music (Historical Musicology) from the University of London. Upon returning to Hong Kong, he extended his interest in music composition at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His doctorate thesis focused on Chinese choral compositions.

In the choral music scene, Chan has been conducting youth and amateur choirs for more than 20 years. He led his choirs winning the Overall Championships in several major international choral competitions including the International Choral Kathaumixw in British Columbia, Canada (2016) and the 34th Takarazuka International Chamber Choir Contest in Japan (2018). Besides, he led several opera choruses with Musica Viva under Prof. Lo King-man’s production, including Carmen, La Bohème, Madama Butterfy and Norma. He is currently leading several alumni choirs of his alma mater voluntarily to express his gratitude.

Dr. CHAN Ka-hei Lesley

Honorary Music Director and Conductor



陳家曦博士獻身於教育、作曲與指揮領域。他 履新現職以前,已於學校、專業藝術團體和支 持藝術的機構致力推動藝術教育。

陳博士於香港大學修畢本科學業後,於倫敦大 學研究俄羅斯作曲家普羅高菲夫鋼琴改編樂 曲,取得音樂碩士 (歷史音樂學) 資格。回港 以後,相繼於香港演藝學院和香港中文大學修 讀作曲,筆下博士論文專門鑽研中國合唱樂曲 創作。

在合唱領域中,陳博士擔任青年與業餘合唱團 指揮二十多年,帶領合唱團隊於一些主要國際 合唱大賽,包括加拿大卑斯省國際合唱音樂節 ( 2016 年)及第三十四屆日本寶塚國際室內 合唱比賽( 2018 年)中摘取總冠軍。此外, 他曾領導數齣由盧景文教授製作、「非凡美 樂」的歌劇合唱團,包括《卡門》、《波希米 亞人》、《蝴蝶夫人》、《風流寡婦》和《諾 瑪》等。現時他義務指導數個校友合唱團,以 表示對於母校的謝意。


The Greeners ʼ Sound was founded in 2010 as a mixed choral society. The choir was established by several enthusiastic alumni choristers of Belilios Public School and Wah Yan College, Kowloon, sharing their passion for singing, as well as strong bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood. The group now consists of around 40 experienced singers.

The Greeners ʼ Sound performs a wide range of repertoires, from Gregorian chants to contemporary works. Since its establishment in 2010, the choir has attained multiple awards. Recent awards include Gold Prize in Youth Class in 2018 Tokyo International Choir Competition, Gold medal in Mixed Chamber Choir Champions Competition in the 8 th World Choir Games, Championships in Senior Choir (Open) in the 65 th and 67 th Hong Kong Schools Music Festival.

As a young choral group, the choir dedicates itself to presenting a wide range of choral repertoires to the public in Hong Kong and provides a platform for youth to share their passion of singing.

YEUNG Long-ting Ronald | Conductor

SUEN Ming-chi | Piano


HUI Fong-yu

LIN Yee-lam Ruby

NG Priscilla

PUN Man-ching

WONG Sze-ching

楊朗廷 | 指揮 孫銘志 | 鋼琴



連綺霖 吳嘉瑜




陸美澄 馬潔欣 施卓恩 黃子妍


LUKE Mei-ching

MA Kit-yan

SEE Cheuk-yan

WONG Tsz-yin

The Greeners’ Sound 綠韻

綠韻由數名熱愛合唱的九龍華仁書院 及庇理羅士女子中學舊生於 2010 年成 立。合唱團由約四十名大專生和畢業生 組成,團員們在中學時期已是合唱團的 活躍份子,充滿對合唱的熱誠和深厚的 手足情。

自成立以來,合唱團在本地及國際比賽 中屢獲佳績,如於第 67 屆香港學校音 樂節的公開組高級組混聲合唱項目中取 得冠軍及 2018 年於東京國際合唱比賽 青少年組別中取得金獎。

作為本地的新興合唱團,綠韻致力為年 青人提供分享不同音樂風格的平台,藉 此鼓勵他們更積極參與香港的合唱音樂 事務。


陳浩謙 鄭天祐 馮智心 黎宇軒 盧駿輝 吳天銘


陳正男 陳康正 陳國圖






CHAN Ho-him


FUNG Chi-sum

LAI Yue-hin Alexander

LO Chun-fai

NG Tim


CHAN Enoch

CHAN Hong-ching

CHAN Kwok-to

LEE Tsz-tak

TSANG Samuel

WONG Park-man

WONG Yuk-him


Ronald Yeung began his interest in choral music under the teaching of Mr. Eddy Chi-Hong Cheung. Under the guidance of Ms. Agnes Hwong and Dr. Lesley Chan, he has become an active member in the choir. Majoring in music education at the Education University of Hong Kong, Ronald received various awards and scholarship from the university in recognition of his outstanding performance in choral conducting and music teaching during his study.

He has led choirs attending various competitions and performances in the past 10 years and obtained numerous awards, including the Grand Champion and the Best Conductor Award in the 3rd Hong Kong International Youth and Children’s Choir Festival, Gold Medal in the 8th World Choir Games, champion of category competition of the Hong Kong Schools Music Festival etc. Yeung is currently the panel head of music at Wah Yan College, Kowloon, conductor of The Greeners’ Sound and member of local youth vocal ensemble “Signo”.

YEUNG Long-ting Ronald Conductor

楊朗廷 | 指揮

楊朗廷自幼習琴,在學時受張自劻老師、黃燕 芳老師及陳家曦博士的指導,對合唱音樂產生 濃厚興趣,中學時期已是合唱團活躍成員之 一。畢業後於香港教育大學主修音樂教育,過 去十年間,楊氏帶領不同合唱團參與比賽及演 出並多次獲得優異成績,如第三屆香港國際青 少年合唱節總冠軍及最佳指揮大獎。楊氏現於 九龍華仁書院任職音樂科主任,同時是綠韻的 指揮及本地男聲合唱組合 Signo的成員。


Chummy Choir was founded in 2010 by its Artistic Director Dr. Viola Yuen, an active composer, arranger, conductor and an a cappella singer as well as a virtuoso in the application of human voices to interpret different styles of music. Its frst performance was a concert designated for Dr. Yuen’s compositions, including “Mass”, at the chapel of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts Béthanie Campus.

Chummy Choir has participated in various religious concerts and music events since 2017, including a concert entitled “Heavenly Handbells ~ Advent Evening Prayer” at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception which was co-composed by Dr. Yuen and Ms. Emily Li, the President of the Handbell Association of Hong Kong; a large-scale sacred music piece “Te Deum Laudamus” performed by a chorus of 140 singers from Chummy Choir and other choirs at the St. Lazarus’ Church in Macau in the summer of 2018; “130th Anniversary of Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception ~ Thanksgiving Prayer Music Night” at the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in October 2018; the video recording of “Ode to Santa Cecilia - Choral Concert” presented by The Academia de Música S. Pio X of Macau in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception and premiered globally in Macau on 1 December 2021.

Chummy Choir also made several performances at the Yim Tin Tsai Arts Festival in 2019 and 2020, and the Sai Kung Hoi Arts Festival in 2022 organised by the Hong Kong Tourism Commission, including Christmas concerts and prayer concerts.

Dr. Viola YUEN | Music Director

Iris LI | Accompanist


Agnes KUNG

Daisy LAU

Irene LO

Patricia PANG*

Joanne SHAO*

Lorna TAM


YIM Tsz-wai


Cathy CHAN

Wincy LAU

Elena LUK

Rita MOK

Aquila NG



Wulstan KWOK

Clement LEUNG

Jimmy LI Vitus NG



Patrick TAM


Chummy Choir

Chummy Choir 成立於 2010 年,由香 港土生土長,擅長音樂創作、編曲、指 揮及無伴奏合唱的作曲及指揮家阮慧玲 博士創立,運用人聲演繹不同類型的音 樂作品。合唱團的首次演出是 2010 年 的阮氏專場音樂會,假演藝學院伯大尼 校園內的小教堂中演繹多首阮氏創作, 包括《彌撒曲》。

自 2017 年至今, Chummy Choir 參與 很多不同類型的宗教音樂活動,包括 阮氏與香港手鈴藝術協會主席李潔瑤 在 2017 年共同創作,於聖母無原罪 主教座堂演出的《鈴聲頌主 - 將臨晚 禱》手鈴音樂會; 2018 年夏天在澳門 聖母望德堂與其他合唱團組成達 140 人的歌詠團演繹大型聖樂作品《 Te Deum Laudamus 》,並錄製成鐳射唱 片; 2018 年 10 月的《聖母無原罪主教 座堂 130 週年感恩祈禱音樂晚會》;以 及參與澳門聖庇護十世音樂學院籌辦的 聖則濟利亞慶典《聖樂頌》合唱音樂會 錄影,並於 2021 年 12 月 1 日在澳門作全 球首播。 Chummy Choir 亦在香港旅遊 事務署舉辦的 2019 年和 2020 年鹽田梓 藝術節及 2022 年的西貢海藝術節負責 多個節目,包括聖誕音樂會及祈禱音樂 會。

阮慧玲博士 | 音樂總監 李凱韻 | 伴奏

女高音 龔穎琦 劉迪思 盧嘉欣 彭寶儀* 邵樂敏* 譚樂瑤 曾麗瑾 嚴芷慧

女低音 陳旖婷 劉盈慧 陸懿齡 莫嘉瑩 吳詠恩 曾瑩

男高音 郭謙 梁宅善 李家康 吳維篤


鄭榮光 譚磊明 *獨唱


Dr. Viola YUEN | Conductor

阮慧玲博士 | 指揮

Dr. Viola Yuen is an active composer, arranger, conductor and an A Cappella singer who is enthusiastic about the application of human voices in musical compositions of different styles. Her music displays uniqueness, originality and profound emotions. She is currently the composerin-residence of the Academia de Música S. Pio X, of the Macao Diocese, an adjunct lecturer of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, the Music Director of the Sregnis Singers, the frst contemporary A Cappella group in Hong Kong, the founder of the Coro Allegra and Chummy Choir. She is also a member of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong (C.A.S.H.) and the Membership Secretary of the Hong Kong Composers’ Guild. From 1990 to 2017, she was appointed as the conductor of the Diocesan Choir - Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong and the instructor of a choral conducting course under the Sacred Music Commission, the Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong. She was the conductor of the choirs of the Hong Kong Music Institute from 2012 to 2019, the conductor and instructor of the Hang Seng University Sinfonietta and A Cappella Ensemble from 2018 to 2022.

阮慧玲博士積極參與音樂創作、編曲、指揮、及合唱等工作,尤其熱衷於人聲作品的運用與創作,其作品 風格多樣化。阮氏現為澳門聖庇護十世音樂學院駐校作曲家、香港演藝學院兼任講師、香港首隊當代無伴 奏合唱組合「合唱俠」的音樂總監、Coro Allegra合唱團及Chummy Choir 的創始人、香港作曲家聯會會 員事務秘書及香港作曲及作詞家協會會員。在 1990 年至 2017 年期間被委任為天主教香港教區聖樂團的指 揮及聖樂培育課程指揮科導師。 2012 年至 2019 年擔任香港音樂專科學校合唱團指揮,並於 2018 年至 2022 年擔任香港恒生大學小交響樂團的指揮及無伴奏合唱團導師。

Graduated from the Vocal Department of the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, Joanne Shao studied Harolyn Blackwell, Gong Dongjian, Ms. Ella Kiang, and Ms. Marisa Kwok. While in school, she has received scholarships from Ms. Barbara Fei Vocal Scholarship, Hong Kong Welsh Male Voice Choir Scholarship and Michael Rippon Memorial Scholarship. She also won the frst prize in the Alexander International Vocal Competition and made her debut at Carnegie Hall, New York at age 21. Other than performing, she is also passionate in voice teaching.

邵樂敏畢業於香港演藝學院聲樂系,師隨歌唱家Harolyn Blackwell、龔冬健先 生、江樺女士、郭婉玲女士。在學時曾獲費明儀女士聲樂獎學金、香港威爾斯 男聲合唱團獎學金及聶明康紀念獎學金的贊助,更獲得亞歷山大國際聲樂比賽 一等獎,贏得了在紐約卡內基大廳的演出機會。除了活躍於舞台演出,邵氏亦 醉心於歌唱教學。

Joanne SHAO Soprano

邵樂敏 | 女高音

Iris Li started her frst public performance since the age of seven. In 2010, Li attained her Performance Diploma ATCL and won the Second-class award in the 16th Hong Kong - Asia Piano Open Competition. She subsequently obtained distinction results in Licentiate of Trinity College London (LTCL), music in HKCEE and frst year program of Music Studies in College of International Education in Hong Kong Baptist University. Li then continued his studies at the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts and studied piano under the tutelage of renowned pianist Yim Wan to obtain her Bachelor of Music (Hons) Degree.

李凱韻自七歲起多次公開演出, 2010 年獲聖三一頒發演奏文憑,同年亦為香 港亞洲鋼琴公開比賽的優勝者。並以一等成績完成聖三一專業文憑LTCL 、會考 音樂及香港浸會大學國際學院音樂學。其後於香港演藝學院繼續學業,主修鋼 琴,師隨國際著名鋼琴家閻韻,取得音樂學士學位。


Crisel Consunji is an award-winning actress, singer, early childhood educator and entrepreneur.

Known for her award-winning performance in the acclaimed 2018 Hong Kong flm “Still Human” (Winner of Best New Performer and nominee for Best Actress at the 38th Hong Kong Film Awards), Consunji’s roots in the performing arts go back to her childhood, as a musical stage actress for Repertory Philippines. In 2008, she moved to Hong Kong to work as a vocalist for Hong Kong Disneyland, and has since been acclaimed for her projects on stage, flm and TV. Her recent headlined concerts are “A Night at the Musicals” with the City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong (2021), and “Disney Live in Concert!” for Hong Kong Disneyland (2022).

Consunji is a trained teacher with an Master of Education in Early Childhood Education, specialising in music-based learning for infants and toddlers. Her work with families is best seen through Baumhaus, her creative enterprise and family centre established in 2015. She continues to run professional development for educators and caregivers alike, and currently distributes the internationallyrenowned Kindermusik programme for schools and organisations in Hong Kong.

Consunji is a recognised voice advocating for family education, community empowerment and minority representation in Hong Kong. She has another Master’s degree in Political Science, and devotes her time to projects that particularly champion education, social awareness and integration for marginalized groups. She currently serves as a facilitator for the courses of the Hong Kong Metropolitan University’s Capacity Building Mileage Programme, an outreach programme that promotes diversity and inclusion by providing access to accredited courses to underserved groups in the community.

Between 2020 to 2022, Consunji has been named Hong Kong’s Women of Power by Prestige Magazine, and won the Most Successful Women Award by JESSICA Magazine.

Crisel CONSUNJI Vocals

姬素・孔尚治 | 演唱

姬素.孔尚治是一位屢獲殊榮的女演 員、歌手、幼兒教育家和企業家。姬素 因在 2018 年為香港電影《淪落人》出 演女主角而聞名(於第 38 屆香港電影金 像獎獲得最佳新演員獎及最佳女主角提 名),其表演藝術的根源可以追溯到她 於童年時擔任菲律賓話劇團的音樂劇演 員。她於 2008 年移居香港,在香港迪 士尼樂園擔任歌手,此後便因其舞台、 電影和電視的表演項目而廣受好評。孔 尚治最近主演的音樂會包括與香港城市 室內樂團合作的《音樂劇之夜》( 2021 年)和香港迪士尼樂園的《迪士尼音樂 Live!》(2022年)。

孔尚治擁有幼兒教育碩士學位,是一名 訓練有素的教師,專門從事嬰兒及幼兒 音樂學習。她於 2015 年創辦 Baumhaus 創意藝術教育中心,更在本港負責美國 Kindermusik 幼兒音樂計劃的傳播及培 訓,並為教育工作者和看護者等人員拓 展其專業。她同時於香港積極倡導家庭 教育、社區賦權以及為少數族裔發聲。 她還擁有政治學碩士學位,致力支持邊 緣群體教育、社會意識和融合的計畫。 她目前擔任香港都會大學「自在人生自 學計劃」的課程輔導員。該計劃是一項 促進社會多樣性和包容性的外展計劃, 為社區中被忽略的群體提供報讀認可課 程的機會。

2020 年至 2022 年間,孔尚治被 《 Prestige 品雜誌》選為「女性的力 量」的其中一員及 《旭茉JESSICA》 雜 誌的 「成功女性大獎」。


Rev. Ray Kelly is the Parish Priest of Oldcastle (Co. Meath) and is affectionately called “the singing priest” in Ireland. He hit the world musical scene at a wedding in April 2014 with his version of Leonard Cohen’s “Hallelujah” which now has almost 90 million YouTube views. Following his recording of a 12-track album “Where I belong” with Universal Music in December 2014, and a Christmas album in 2015, Rev. Ray has performed before countless audiences in Ireland and toured around the world including the United States, Germany, Austria and the United Kingdom. He has appeared on several TV and Radio shows including BBC Radio 4 and RTÉ “The Late Late Show”. His performances on the “Britain’s Got Talent 2018” where his rendition of “Everybody Hurts” and “Go Rest High On That Mountain” has been very captivating for many and have now over 18 million hits on YouTube.

In 2020 he took on the challenge on the TV show “Dancing with the Stars” on RTÉ. While his dancing skills may not have been highly acclaimed, nevertheless, he stayed in the show right up to the quarter fnals on the second last week thanks to all those who voted for him and kept him in the show because of his entertainment value. He released his third album “Hallelujah Day” at Easter in 2021. Since his singing touches people’s hearts, Rev. Ray has many admirers and a large fan base (believers and non-believers alike) the world over who follow him daily in his priestly pastoral ministry and in his musical shows and performances all over.

Rev. Ray KELLY Vocals

雷蒙德・凱利神父 演唱

雷蒙德.凱利神父是奧德卡斯爾(米斯 郡)的教區牧師,在愛爾蘭被親切地稱 為「歌唱神父」。 2014 年 4 月,他在一 場婚禮上因演唱Leonard Cohen的《亞 肋路亞》而登上了世界音樂舞台,此 演出目前在 YouTube 上的觀看次數已接 近 9000 萬次。繼 2014 年 12 月與環球音 樂錄製了十二首曲目的專輯《Where I Members 》以及於 2015 年發佈聖誕專 輯後,雷蒙德神父曾在愛爾蘭無數觀眾 面前演出,並在世界各地巡演,包括美 國、德國、奧地利和英國。他曾亮相 於多個電視和廣播節目中,包括英國 BBC 廣播四台和愛爾蘭 RTÉ 電視的《深 夜秀》。他在《全英一叮 2018 》中表演 《Everybody Hurts》和《Go Rest High On That Mountain》讓許多人著迷,該 片段目前在 YouTube 上的點擊量已超過 1800萬次。

2020 年,他接受了 RTÉ 電視節目《與 星共舞》的挑戰。雖然他的舞蹈技巧可 能沒有得到高度評價,但由於他在節目 中的娛樂價值,使他獲得很多觀眾的票 數支持,讓他於比賽的最後兩星期成功 晉身四分之一決賽。他於 2021 年復活 節發行了第三張專輯《亞肋路亞日》。 由於他的歌聲觸動人心,雷蒙德神父在 世界各地擁有許多崇拜者和龐大的粉絲 群(信徒和非信徒),他們每天都持續 關注他的牧靈職務以及其音樂節目及演 出。


Phoebus Chan is currently the Founder and Executive Director of PA House Asia Limited, Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Innovision, Chairman of Mainland Hong Kong Macau Arts and Culture Youth Alliance, Vice-Chairman of Hong Kong Qing Dao Association, Chairman of Haoxue Action, Chairman of Alumni Association of Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong and Columnist of Sing Tao Daily and Kung Kao Po.

While commercially active, Chan has also played a signifcant role in Hong Kong’s music industry. He was the lecturer of Hong Kong College of Technology, Presenter of RTHK Radio 4 and Radio 2, Post Producer of Disney Channel Hong Kong and Director of the Pop Music Department of Baron School of Music. Chan graduated from the Music Department of the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2003 and studied piano with Gabriel Kwok, Professor Lee Kum-sing and Dr. Mary Wu. Chan was awarded the 10 Most Outstanding Youth Artist Award in 2005.

Phoebus CHAN | Piano

陳雋騫 | 鋼琴

陳雋騫現為 PA House Asia Limited創 辦人兼執行董事、香港青年新創見副會 長兼文化委員會主任、內地及港澳藝術 文化青年聯盟主席、香港青島總會副會 長、全球華人基金會候任主席、相信愛 基金董事、好學計劃主席、香港中文大 學音樂系校友會主席、星島日報副刊及 公教報專欄作家。

陳氏曾任香港專業進修學院講師,香港 電台第二台及第四台節目主持,香港電 台電視部合約作曲家,Disney Channel 後期音樂監製,及伯樂音樂學院流行鋼 琴音樂總監。陳氏 2003 年畢業於香港中 文大學音樂系,曾師隨郭嘉特、李金星 教授、吳美樂博士習琴。陳氏於 2005 年 獲得《十大青少年藝術家年獎》。


FreeUp Music is a Catholic Music ministry that focuses on youths in Hong Kong. Founded in 2015, the founder is a Catholic musician, Ricky Lam. FreeUp Music’s vision is to bring young people closer to God through popular music.

We will do our utmost to carry out social services and affuence ministry, create music with professionalism and dedication, create a music culture with deep, measurable and engaging communications. We will also collaborate with different organizations who share the vision of youth development and education.

FreeUp Music


釋放音樂於 2015年由平信徒林立基和一 班天主教音樂人創立,希望藉著流行音 樂推動天主教音樂福傳。釋放音樂以協 助年輕人和以音樂推動天主教核心價值 為目標,同時希望透過音樂讓青年人接 近天主。

我們希望以音樂為骨幹,信仰為中心, 在公益服務、青年拓展以及信仰的福傳 上給予我們的社會及音樂的圈子裡一股 全新的力量。

Ricky LAM | Keyboards, Vocals

Arthur HUI | Drums

Matthew HO, Daniel TSE | Vocals

Colin LIU | Acoustic Guitar

Tim CHAN | Electric Guitar

Steve CHAN | Bass Guitar

林立基 | 琴鍵、演唱 許家裕 | 鼓

何駿康、謝俊賢 | 演唱 廖浩霖 | 結他

陳天澤 | 電結他 陳耀鵬 | 低音結他


只要你有 或以上,

我們的「⾳樂研習⾼級⽂憑」歡迎你 !

* 申請⼈須於英國皇家⾳樂學院聯合委員會術科考試達6級或以上程度,或獲同級認可機構頒 發同等成績⽔平,或通過內部試⾳⾯試。

** 香港中學⽂憑考試取得五科達第⼆級成績 (包括中國語⽂及英國語⽂);或毅進⽂憑畢業; 或香港⾼級程度會考取得⼀科⾼級程度或兩科⾼級補充程度科⽬及格,及於香港中學會考取 得五科及格(包括中國語⽂及英國語⽂);或成年申請⼈,即於入學學年的九⽉⼀⽇年滿⼆⼗⼀ 歲,並在⼯作及學術上有相關經驗(成年申請⼈需完成中五學歷及通過相關入學考試)。


與課程主任 Dr. Martin Lee 聯絡 (Email: mlee@cihe.edu.hk)。

Higher Diploma in Music Studies

Address: 2 Chui Ling Lane, Tseung Kwan O, NT (Exit B, Tiu Keng Leng MTR Station)


Caritas Rehabilitation Service - Joyous Link Dancing Group

明愛樂薈牽殘疾人士地區支援中心會員 - 樂薈舞蹈團

The Joyous Link Dancing Group was established in 2010. All members are coming from Caritas Joyous Link District Support Centre. Currently with fourteen members, they all love dancing and performed in many public events such as Hong Kong Brands and Products Shopping Festival, Caritas- Hong Kong 70th Anniversary Service Expo etc. In the Hong Kong Hymnos Festival 2023, they have a new attempt to praise the Lord in sign language.

樂薈舞蹈團成立於 2010 年,成員來自明愛樂薈牽地區支援中心,每位成員都熱愛舞蹈,曾在香港工 展會、明愛七十週年社區巡禮等表演,並獲得一致好評。在聖詠節 2023 ,更嘗試以手語讚美天主。

Members 成員

CHAN Kin-hei Henry

CHONG Chun-ying

HONG Ka-mei

HO Shui-kan

HO Ying-ying

KIM Yuk-man Justin

KWOK Chun-tin

LAM Wai-shan

LO Hei-ming

NG Siu-man

TAI Leung-mo

WONG Hing-kin

YEUNG Ching-ha

Caritas Institute of Higher Education 明愛專上學院

陳建僖 鍾俊盈 洪嘉媚 何瑞勤 何瓔瓔 金沃文 郭俊天 姍姍 盧熙明 吳紹文 戴良武 黃鑫健 楊青霞

We are members of the Rotaract Club of the Caritas Institute of Higher Education from Rotary International District 3450. Most of us are students from the School of Health Sciences. Through this activity, we can learn sign language as a tool to communicate, especially with the hearing impaired. We hope by learning sign language, we can effectively assist individuals from different backgrounds in achieving a healthy life.

我們是國際扶輪地區 3450 明愛專上學院扶青社成員,參加此活動的同學大多來自健康科學學院,透 過本次活動學習更多技能,因為手語是聽障人士的溝通方式,學習更多手語可有效協助不同人士達到 健康的人生。

Members 成員

CHAN Tsam-yee Aria

CHAU Ching-yan

HO Chak-lung

KONG Po-ki

LAW Tsz-yan Yuki

LI Man-yi

LING Hei-laam

LUI Pak-ngai David

NG Nga-sin

WONG Cho-kiu Karen

WONG Yu-hoi

YEUNG Ka-yan

陳沁儀 周靖欣 何澤龍 江寶琪 羅芷欣 李敏兒 凌晞嵐 呂柏毅 伍雅倩 王楚喬 黃豫凱 楊家恩


Festival Choir


The Hong Kong Hymnos Festival Choir is excited to make their debut performance in this year’s Opening Concert. The choir is comprised of over 220 singers who are serving weekly at 26 parishes across the Diocese of Hong Kong, including a number of conductors, organists and leaders of parish choirs. The Festival Choir offers musicians from different parishes a platform to make music together in a non-liturgical context ; to foster the fellowship between parish musicians and to offer an opportunity in the refinement of choral techniques. The Festival will perform under the baton of Prof. Chan Wing-wah and accompanied by the organist Jessie Lau.

香港聖詠節合唱團有幸於本屆聖詠節開 幕音樂會中作公開首演。聖詠節合唱團 由超過 220 位來自 26 個堂區的聖詠團團 員組成,當中包括多位指揮、司琴及 堂區聖詠團領袖。聖詠節合唱團為來自 不同堂區的音樂人提供一個禮儀以外的 合作平台,一方面透過詠唱聖樂促進交 流,另一方面籍此機會提升合唱技巧。 合唱團將會在陳永華教授及風琴司劉潔 芝帶領和伴奏下獻唱。

Prof. CHAN Wing-wah, JP | Conductor

Jessie LAU | Organ


AU Rosa

CHAN Alice Zee-man

CHAN Alla Nar-fun

CHAN Flora Yin-man

CHAN Kitty Hannah

CHAN Monica Lin-kiu

CHAN Nickie Mei-sai

CHAN Po-ling


CHAN Sonia

CHAN Theresa

CHEN Rita Suk-shyan

CHEUNG Catherine Ka-lam

CHEUNG Dora Yuen-man


CHIN Jeanetta

CHING Stella Po-yu

CHIU Bernice

CHIU Boston Kung-hin


CHOW Esther Hoi-kai

CHOW Vicki

CHOW Wendy Wan-man

CHOY WAN Florence

CHU On-man

CHU Winnie Tsz-yan


DA ROSA Fernanda Teresa

FAN Priscilla

FONG Po-fun

FUNG May Mei-ling

HO Ellen Yee-man

HO Maisie

HOR Agnes Yuen-fun

HUNG Lai-suen

KAN Angel Sze-mun

KAN Brenda Yin-chu

KENG Mei-mei

LAI Lai-chun

LAM Catherine

LAM Sau-chun


LAU Brigitte Ying-tung

LAU Winnie

LAW Yuen-yee

LEE Christina

LEE Christina

LEE Florence

LEE Ik-man


LEE Yuk-ling

LEUNG Cherie

LEUNG Cindy Yuet-han



LEUNG Po-lin

LI Clare Shik-kwan

LI Evelyn Fung-lan

LI Masie Wai-sum

LI Sau-mui

LI Wai-yi


LOKE Winnie

MA Fung-ming

MA Pui-yin

MAK Chung-yee

MAK Jamie

MAN Agnes

MOK Pauline Yuk-kuen

MOK Wing-yan

MUI Claren Kit-ling

NG Lai-kwan

NG Queenie Yim-seung

NG Sandy Yuen-man

NG Sara

OH Jaye Jahwa

POON Cybil

POON Josephine

PUN Yee-man

SIU Wan-yu

TAM Pui-shan

TANG Emily Hau-yau

THU Angela


WANG Cynthia

WANG Sarah Shui-suet

WONG Anatolia

WONG Brenda Yuk-fun

WONG Clara

WONG Josephine Siu-kuen

WONG Mylthie

WONG Sarah Yim-ting

WONG Siu-yee

WONG Yuen-yee

YAU Bo-lin

YIP Avis Tsz-wan

YIU Agatha

YIU Kit-man

YU Kathy

YU Yvonne



CHAN Astrid Chiu-bik

CHAN Judy Wai-ling

CHAN Mei-mei

CHAN Selina Kit-lan

CHAN Siu-wai

CHENG Nga-sze


CHOY Kit-man

CHUI Naomi

HAU Josephine Wing-san

HO Laura

HO Yiu-fong

HUI Man-lok

IEONG Sylvia

IEONG Yvonne

IP Sandy Tak-wan


BUTT Hiu-tung

CHAN Antonine François

CHAN Chin-to

CHAN Frederick

CHEUNG Chu-leung

CHEUNG Jacky Cheuk-ki

CHIU Agnes Oi-man


AU Herman Tak-ki

CHAN Julian

CHAN Simon Kwok-wai

CHENG Carl Yuk-tin

CHENG Vincent Kwok-keung

CHEUNG Kenneth

FU Stephen Woon-pun

HUI Ronald

KWOK Ying-ming

陳永華教授,太平紳士 | 指揮 劉潔芝 | 管風琴


區麗芳 陳詩敏 陳娜芬 陳燕雯 陳潔盈 陳蓮嬌 陳微茜 陳寶伶 陳鳳如 陳淑芬 陳頌恩 陳淑嫻 張嘉琳 張婉文 張瑋恩 錢鳳明 程寶如 趙恭怡 趙公憲 趙蘭 周凱嘉 周敏榆 周韻雯 溫蔡美怡 朱安敏 朱梓欣 鍾素玉 劉玫瑰 范鶩珊 方寶芬


何綺雯 何敏詩 賀元芬

IP Sau-fung

KWOK Irene

LAI Margaret

LAM Bowie Shuk-fong

LAM Maria

LAU Rita

LAW Oi-ling

LEE Janet

LEE Veronica Tin-chi

LEE Yvonne Kit-shan

LEUNG Veronica

LI Natalie

LI Pui-yan

LI Wenai

LIU Jennifer

LIU Kam-ling

CHOI Franky Kam-lung

CHU Matthew

FONG Viania

HO Augustine Kwai-yin

HON Jerome


LAM Gordon

LU Kin-wai

LAU Wing-tsan

LAW Jeffrey

LAW Paschal Lap-tak

LEE Choi-hing

LEE Edmund


LO Wai-leung

LOKE Peter

熊麗璇 簡詩敏 簡燕珠 簡美美 黎麗珍 林嘉明 林秀珍 劉思明 劉映彤 劉愛平 羅婉儀 李敏暉 李倩雯 李慧聰 李玉曼 李美娜 李玉玲 梁靜儀 梁月嫻 梁綺嫻 梁敏 梁寶蓮 李適君 李鳳蘭 李惠心 李秀玫 李葦兒 梁巧惠 翟惠華 馬鳳鳴 馬佩賢 麥頌儀 麥家恩 文儀娟

LO Catherine

LUNG Tsz-kwan

NG Pik-yan


SHAM Frances Wai-chun


SO Audrey

TAM Allison

TAM Siu-fan

TO Shella

TSANG Agnes Chung-yin

TSANG Chuen-koi

TSANG Chui-sheung

TSANG Erica Sau-ling


TSE Carmen

LAW Dominic Hon-yuen

LEE Chung-yee

LEE Lawrence Hei-sum

LI Ho Cheong

LIU Ivan

LIU Kam-hong

MA Ophelia Wing-han

MA Chi-yung

MOK Bernard Pik-ching

NG Paul Siu-hung

NG Raymond

NG Wing-on

TAM Kevin Ka-him


WONG Chun-kwok

WONG Chun-wai


莫玉娟 莫詠恩 梅漯玲 吳麗群 伍艷嫦 吳婉雯 吳笑華

OH Jaye Jahwa

潘思蓓 潘麗嫦

潘綺文 蕭韻如 譚珮珊 鄧巧柔 褚將琪 曾憲汶 王張衛玲 王瑞雪 黃思雅 王珏芬 王婉冰 黃少娟 黃婉薇 黃琰葶 黃少儀

黃婉儀 丘寶蓮 葉紫雲 姚曉君 姚潔雯 庾潔靈 余淑青



陳美美 陳潔蘭 陳小慧

鄭雅詩 張嘉敏 蔡潔文

崔媛文 侯穎珊 何蘭蕙 何耀芳 許曼樂


楊湞琳 葉德芸 葉秀鳳

郭愛玲 黎慧儀

林淑芳 林慧怡 劉桂蘭 羅愛玲




梁寶敏 李明茵






WONG Angel

WONG Jocelyn Shek-ling

WONG Joyce Lai-sim

WONG Sarah Yim-ting

WONG Sze-nga

WU Sau-king

YAM Hilda Wing-sheung

YAU Josephine Suk-man

YAU Lai-chun

YAU Rebecca

YAU Wai-kuen

YEUNG Christina

YIM Agnes

YING Selma

YU Wai-fong

YU Wei-man

POON Hon-chi

WAN Chi-ho

WONG Gabriel

WONG Michael Chun-hin

WOO Tat-man

YAU Stephen

YEUNG Louie Wing-kwong

WONG Francis Ho-man

WONG Hon-hung

WONG Thomas Kwun-lung

WONG Wing-hang

WU Yui-nam

YAU Andrew Ka-yuen



潘可兒 岑惠珍 岑麗貞


譚麗愛 譚笑芬

陶美玉 曾仲賢






















畢曉東 陳琪 陳展圖 陳發浩 張柱樑 張焯棋 趙靄文 蔡錦龍 朱安邦 方靜文 何桂賢 韓宗澤 關達倫 林奕浚 羅漢元 李宗怡 李喜森 李浩昌 廖卓儀 廖金康 馬頴嫻 潘漢志 尹志豪 黃冠庸 黃峻顯 胡達文 邱國成 楊榮光


區德祈 陳元鈞 陳國偉 鄭鈺鈿 鄭國强 張勁光 傅煥彬 許建業 郭英明 劉健偉 劉永讚 羅遠謀 羅立德 李財興 利德裕 梁紹基 李偉樑 陸士龍 馬志勇 莫碧清 吳少雄 吳偉民 吳永安 譚嘉謙 唐嘉文 黃鎮國 王鎮偉 黃浩民 黃漢雄 王冠龍





Prof. CHAN Wing-wah, JP, is a composer and conductor, currently serving as Associate Dean of the School of Music, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. Chan became the Music Director of the Hong Kong Oratorio Society (HKOS) (established in 1956) since 1995 and has been leading this choir with regular concerts and occasional concert tours. He has conducted orchestras in Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen, Macao (China) and Gwangju (Korea) in addition to the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and Hong Kong String Orchestra. Chan was the frst Resident Composer of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra and has written 9 symphonies plus over 200 musical works.

At present, Chan is also the Chairman of the Composers and Authors Society of Hong Kong, Chairman of the Hong Kong Association of Choral Societies, Council Member of the Hong Kong Chinese Orchestra and Hong Kong Children’s Choir, and advisor to numerous groups including China Musicians Association, Hong Kong Dance Company, New Tune Music Association, Windpipe Chinese Music Ensemble, Allegro Singers etc.

Prof. CHAN Wing-wah, JP Conductor



陳永華教授是香港作曲家及指揮,現任香港中 文大學(深圳)音樂學院副院長(教育)。 陳教授自 1995 年出任香港聖樂團( 1956 年成

立)音樂總監,經常帶領合唱團作定期演出及 旅遊演出。他亦曾指揮上海、北京、深圳、澳 門(中國)、韓國光州的樂隊,與香港管弦樂 團、香港小交響樂團、香港中樂團、香港弦樂 團等。陳教授亦是香港管弦樂團首位駐團作曲 家,他創作了十首交響曲,及超過二百多首為 中國和西方,包括為日、韓樂器寫成的管弦樂 曲、室內樂、合唱、兒歌等。

陳教授本科就讀於香港中文大學,隨紀大偉教 授學習作曲。後獲加拿大英聯邦獎學金赴加拿 大多倫多大學深造,師從約翰.貝克維斯,並 獲得音樂碩士及博士學位。陳教授同時是香港 作曲家及作詞家協會主席、香港合唱團協會主 席、香港兒童合唱團及香港中樂團理事及多個 團體的顧問,包括中國音樂家協會、香港舞蹈 團、新聲國樂團、竹韻小集、明儀合唱團、欣 韻合唱團等。


Jessie Lau began her organ studies with Wong Kin-yu in 2007 at The Chinese University of Hong Kong and obtained her Bachelor of Music degree. She later graduated from the Royal College of Music with a Master degree in Music with the RCM Scholarship supported by the Christopher & Susan Gordon-Wells Award. In 2012, she received the Eric Thompson Trust to participate in the International Organ Festival Haarlem in the Netherlands. In the same year, she won both the First Prize and David Sanger/Bach Memorial Prize in the Glasgow Society of Organists Paisley Abbey Organ Competition in Scotland.

During her study in London, Jessie served as organist of Holy Trinity, Dalston. She has participated in various ensemble performances in Europe. She also performed with many local choirs, including Chung Chi Choir of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University Choir and the Cantacore Society. At present, she is organist of St. Stephen’s Chapel, Stanley. She is also accompanist of the Sacred Singers, Lecture Choir and Kowloon District Choir of the Hong Kong Church Music Association.

Jessie LAU | Organ 劉潔芝 | 管風琴

劉潔芝自 2007 年開始跟隨黃健羭學習管風 琴,於香港中文大學取得音樂學士學位。畢 業後赴英國皇家音樂學院繼續研習,獲學院 獎學金 Christopher & Susan Gordon-Wells Award ,修畢音樂碩士課程。在修習期間,師 從David Graham主修管風琴,並隨SophieVéronique Cauchefer-Choplin修讀管風琴即興 演奏。2012年,劉氏獲Eric Thompson Trust贊 助,參加荷蘭哈勒姆國際管風琴節。同年,奪 得蘇格蘭格拉斯哥管風琴師協會主辦之 Paisley Abbey Organ Competition比賽冠軍及David Sanger/Bach Memorial Prize。

在倫敦留學期間,劉氏曾任多爾斯頓聖三一堂 的管風琴師,並於英國各地演奏。因對室樂及 合唱音樂有濃厚興趣,在歐洲經常參與室樂的 演出;回港後亦為不同合唱團的演出擔任伴 奏,包括香港中文大學崇基合唱團、香港浸會 大學合唱團及雅謌合唱團等。劉氏現為赤柱聖 士提反堂風琴師,並為聖詠小組、香港聖樂促 進會講座詩班及九龍區詩班司琴。


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