SHH - 50th Hong Kong Arts Festival

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適逢香港藝術節踏入金禧 50 周年, 謹此衷心祝賀。



姿彩。鑑於 2022 年年初的第五波疫



迅速作出應變,一方面將部分演出移 師線上舉行,另一方面如期舉辦多 個線上節目,更開放其中多項節目 供市民免費觀賞。此外,今年的藝 術節還安排把六個現場演出節目改於 2022 年下半年舉行,作為第 50 屆藝 術節的「延續」,巧妙地承接大會主題 「繫」, 亦充分反映香港藝術界的人士 能隨時隨地發揮無限創意,將文化糅 合於市民的生活之中。

香港藝術節將安排在 2022 年 7 月至 11 月期間上演連串多姿多彩的現場 節目,包括︰向一代粵劇名伶致敬 的「新馬師曾名劇展」以及動人心 魄的大型舞作《無極》。為慶祝香 港大會堂 60 周年及香港藝術節 50 周 年,香港小交響樂團將與城市當代 舞蹈團攜手呈獻精湛的聯合音樂會 《影幻形光》。

每屆的香港藝術節均吸引逾 1700 名 本地及海內外藝術家參與,傳統藝術 表演和新穎的當代作品共冶一爐,為 提升香港在國際藝壇的地位和彰顯中 國的豐富文化特色,擔當重要角色, 同時亦配合國家《十四五規劃綱要》 支持香港發展成為中外文化藝術交流


I congratulate the Hong Kong Arts Festival (HKAF) on celebrating its Golden Anniversary this year.

Striving to enhance the cultural vibrancy of Hong Kong, the HKAF is an annual highlight for arts enthusiasts from home and abroad. Due to the closure of cultural and arts venues during the fifth wave of the pandemic earlier this year, certain in-venue programmes had to be cancelled. This notwithstanding, the HKAF was quick in moving some programmes online while presenting some others (including those open for the public free of charge) as originally planned. Six of these programmes were rescheduled in the latter half of 2022 as a “line-up” to continue the HKAF under the theme “Connected”. It demonstrates the flexibility and creativity of the Hong Kong arts sector in infusing culture in the daily lives of people.

This year’s HKAF features a wide array of in-venue programmes, including A Tribute to Cantonese Opera Legend Sun Ma Sze Tsang and the stunning dance performance Colossus, which will be presented from July to November. In addition, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta and artists from City Contemporary Dance Company will jointly present an evening event featuring a spectacular music and dance performance entitled Reflections of Refractions,


HKAF’s Golden Jubilee and the 60th Anniversary of City Hall.

Every year, more than 1,700 local and international artists take part in the HKAF. With its wide array of traditional performances and innovative contemporary works, the HKAF plays a crucial role in raising Hong Kong’s international reputation in the arts world while highlighting the rich local culture. At the same time, it underpins the strategy to support Hong Kong’s development into an East-meetsWest centre for international cultural exchange under the National 14th FiveYear Plan.

I am encouraged to see that despite the tremendous difficulties during the pandemic, the HKAF remains committed to promoting arts education in schools and other outreach activities. In particular, the PLUS programmes of the Festival bring together artists and members of the public through a range of activities such as behind-the-scenes videos, masterclasses, artist dialogues and preand post-performance talks. I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the hard work and dedication of the HKAF team who always strives to ensure the Festival’s ongoing success over the past 50 years. My gratitude also goes to all sponsors and donors for their generous support to the HKAF and the local arts and cultural development.

I wish the 50th HKAF a resounding success, bringing to us many more fabulous programmes in the next 50 years. I also look forward to your continued support of the HKAF.

John KC Lee Chief Executive Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 行政長官的話 MESSAGE FROM THE CHIEF EXECUTIVE 香港特別行政區行政長官 李家超
香港藝術節在疫情下面對重重的困 難,仍然積極推動學校藝術教育及外 展活動,並透過幕後花絮影片、藝術 家對談、演前及演後講座等「加料節 目」,拉近觀眾與藝術家的距離,實 在令人感到鼓舞。在此衷心感謝香港 藝術節團隊在過去半世紀努力不懈,
the 為廣大市民悉心籌辦多元豐富的文藝 節目及活動。我亦感謝贊助商和捐款 人鼎力支持香港藝術節及本港的文化 藝術發展。我祝願香港藝術節圓滿成 功,在往後五十年呈獻更多精采的藝 術節目。希望大家繼續支持香港藝 術節!










演,並安排部分現場節目延期至下 半年上演。今年的主題「繫」,更

是突出香港藝術節如何透過戲劇、 舞蹈、歌劇和音樂等節目,跟世 界保持聯繫,同時也跟觀眾保持聯 繫。我們深信優秀的藝術,不論以 何種形式,都能療癒人心。衷心希 望我們能為你在這重要的一年,帶 來許多難忘時光。

我由衷感謝香港特別行政區政府透 過康樂及文化事務署提供年度撥 款,以及香港賽馬會慈善信託基金 持續並堅定地支持我們,也感謝眾 多企業贊助商、慈善基金會以至 個人捐助者,對我們作出的慷慨支 持。我亦要感謝一眾富有才華的 藝術家,在種種挑戰下仍然傾力演 出,在疫情期間繼續為香港觀眾帶


期望今天的表演乃至今屆藝術節的 其他節目,都能讓你樂在其中。藝




The Hong Kong Arts Festival marks a significant milestone this year. Thank you for joining us in celebrating its 50th edition. Though the pandemic continues to present challenges and has prompted us to be extranimble in our response this year, the Festival’s determination to bring you some of the best in performing arts from across the world remains unabated.

The prevailing conditions made travel difficult and the HKAF once again adapted. Though the fifth wave of the pandemic forced venues to close, the Festival still managed to present an excellent world-class lineup online and will present some of the programmes it couldn’t show, on a deferred schedule later this year. The Hong Kong Arts Festival remains “Connected”—to the world and to its audiences—bringing a range of programmes, including theatre, dance, opera and music. We are convinced that great art, in whatever form, is a tonic and we

hope to provide many memorable moments in this landmark year.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who make the Festival possible. These include the HKSAR Government’s Leisure and Cultural Services Department, which provides an annual subvention; the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, a long-time supporter of the HKAF; and corporate sponsors, charitable foundations and individual donors, for their generous support. Sincere thanks also to all the participating artists, who have brought such joy to Hong Kong audiences, during these times, the difficulties of the pandemic notwithstanding.

I hope you will enjoy today’s performance and many others at this year’s Festival as we enter our next 50 years.

香港藝術節主席 查懋成

歡迎閣下觀賞這場第 50 屆藝術節 的演出,我連同藝術節團隊向您致 以衷心感謝。

我們不得不克服各種挑戰,特別是 第五波疫情,才得以為您帶來這齣 節目。我們團隊的動力來自「保持 連繫」這份信念 : 包括我們之間的 連繫,以及我們與一眾藝術家的連 繫。再者,我們也繼續深信藝術作 品能夠帶來想像力,並啟發我們對 人生有更深入了解。

希望這齣節目以至今屆的其他藝術 節節目都能讓你樂在其中。今屆令 我特別鼓舞的是一系列與藝術科技 相關的節目,期待你與我們一同探 索當中的可能性。此外,也敬請留 意我們的「加料節目」活動,豐富 大家對節目的體驗,亦令觀眾與藝 術家的連繫更緊密。

由於疫情關係,今屆部分現場演出 須改期至下半年舉行,成為藝術 節 50 周年的延續篇,與迎來 30 周 年的「青少年之友」同賀重要里程 碑。此外,今年亦是香港特別行政 區成立 25 周年,藝術節的部分重 點節目被選入 25 周年慶祝活動, 為此我們深感榮幸。

在過去五十年,藝術節一直是香港 歷史的一部份,見證了不少改變, 並全力促進藝術發展及文化交流。



Together with the entire Festival team, I would like to warmly welcome you to this performance at the 50th Hong Kong Arts Festival.

We have had to surmount significant challenges, not least the recent fifth wave of the pandemic, to bring you this programme. But we are motivated by the idea of staying connected: to each other, to the artists who enrich our lives, and to the great works that open up the imagination to exhilarating possibilities while reminding us of our shared humanity.

I hope that you will enjoy this and many other programmes in this Festival. I am particularly excited about the possibilities that Arts x Tech offer, and hope that you will share this journey of exploration with us. Look out also for ancillary PLUS programmes and events, which are curated to connect us with major events in the city and to enrich the Festival experience.

Circumstances have forced us to adapt this year, and some invenue performances have had to be rescheduled, giving us an extended period in the year which marks our 50th Anniversary, 30 years of Young Friends, and of course the 25th Anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong SAR. We are honoured that a number of signature Festival programmes have been selected for inclusion in the 25th Anniversary events.

In this and in many other ways, the Festival has been a part of the Hong Kong story over the past 50 years. We will continue in this role in the years to come, and we sincerely hope that you will continue to stay connected with us long into the future. We will endeavour to work hard to be deserving of your company.

香港藝術節行政總監 何嘉坤 Tisa Ho Executive Director Hong Kong Arts Festival 香港藝術節資助來自: The Hong Kong Arts Festival is made possible with the funding support of: 行政總監的話 MESSAGE
心期望你與我們一直攜手步向更長 遠的未來。我們將竭盡所能,繼 續努力。





友、丹尼斯 馬祖耶夫、安娜 涅翠柯、詹安德列

亞 諾斯達、小澤征爾、湯瑪士.夸斯托夫、甘拿

迪 • 羅傑斯特汶斯基、譚盾、湯沐海、克里斯蒂安 泰利曼、倫敦交響樂團、NHK交響樂團、皇家阿 姆斯特丹音樂廳樂團、柏林廣播電台合唱團、萊比錫 聖多馬合唱團、維也納愛樂樂團

• 爵士樂及世界音樂:波比 麥非年、尤蘇 恩多爾、 艾斯佩蘭薩 • 斯伯丁、Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club、粉紅馬天尼

• 舞蹈:米高 • 巴里殊尼哥夫、蕭菲

HKAF, a non-profit organisation launched in 1973, is a major international arts festival committed to enriching the cultural life of the city by presenting leading local and international artists in all genres of the performing arts as well as a diverse range of “PLUS” and educational events in February and March each year.

HKAF has presented top international artists and ensembles, such as*:

• Western opera: Bavarian State Opera, Oper Leipzig, The Bolshoi Theatre, The Mariinsky Theatre

• Chinese opera: China National Peking Opera Company, Hebei Clapper Opera Troupe, Shanghai Zhang Jun Kunqu Art Center, Suzhou Kunqu Opera Company of Jiangsu, Zhejiang Xiaobaihua Yue Opera Troupe

• Classical music: Cecilia Bartoli, Riccardo Chailly, Seong-Jin Cho, Gustavo Dudamel, Philip Glass, Yo-Yo Ma, Denis Matsuev, Anna Netrebko, Gianandrea Noseda, Seiji Ozawa, Thomas Quasthoff, Gennady Rozhdestvensky, Tan Dun, Muhai Tang, Christian Thielemann, London Symphony Orchestra, NHK Symphony Orchestra, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Rundfunkchor Berlin, Thomanerchor Leipzig, Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra

• Jazz and world music: Bobby McFerrin, Youssou N'Dour, Esperanza Spalding, Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club, Pink Martini

• Dance: Mikhail Baryshnikov, Sylvie Guillem, Akram Khan, American Ballet Theatre, Cloud Gate Dance Theatre, The Hamburg Ballet – John Neumeier, New York City Ballet, Paris Opera Ballet, Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch

• Theatre: Peter Brook, Robert Lepage, Yukio Ninagawa, Robert Wilson, Berliner Ensemble, National Theatre of China, Royal Shakespeare Company

• Large-scale special events: World of Wearable Art, Zingaro

• Outdoor events: Power Plant, Super Pool, Chorus

HKAF actively collaborates with Hong Kong’s own creative talent and showcases emerging local artists. Over the years, HKAF has commissioned and produced over 250 local productions across genres including Cantonese opera, theatre, chamber opera, music and contemporary dance, many with successful subsequent runs in Hong Kong and overseas. Recent HKAF productions include Gangsters of Hong Kong, Always by Your Side, Pavilion of a Hundred Flowers, A Floating Family – A Trilogy, Hong Kong Odyssey, Danz Up, Datong – The Chinese Utopia, The Amahs and Murder in San Jose, to name a few.

香港藝術節 是一所 非牟利機構 ,於 1973 年正式揭 幕,是國際藝壇中重要的文化盛事,於每年 2、 3 月 期間呈獻眾多優秀本地及國際藝術家的演出 ,以及 舉辦多元化的「加料」和教育活動 ,致力豐富香港 的文化生活。 香港藝術節每年呈獻眾多國際演藝名家 ,例如* : • 歌劇:巴伐利亞國立歌劇院、萊比錫歌劇院、莫斯科 大劇院、聖彼得堡馬林斯基劇院 • 中國戲曲:中國國家京劇院、河北梆子劇院、上海張 軍崑曲藝術中心、江蘇省蘇州崑劇院、浙江小百花越 劇團 • 古典音樂:塞西莉亞 芭托莉、列卡杜 沙爾、趙
• 紀蓮、艾甘 • 漢、美國芭蕾舞劇院、雲門舞集、漢堡芭蕾舞團—約 翰.紐邁亞、紐約市芭蕾舞團、巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞 團、翩娜 • 包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場 • 戲劇:彼得 布祿克、羅伯特.利柏殊、蜷川幸雄、 羅柏特 • 威爾遜、柏林劇團、中國國家話劇院、皇 家莎士比亞劇團 • 大型特備節目:《藝裳奇幻世界》、星躍馬術奇藝坊 • 戶外節目:《聲光園》、《幻光動感池》、《聲光頌》 香港藝術節積極與本地演藝人才合作,並致力為新 進藝術家提供展示才華的平台。藝術節至今委約及 製作逾 250 套本地全新創作,包括粵劇、戲劇、室 內歌劇、音樂和舞蹈作品,近年開始同步出版新作 劇本,不少製作更已在香港及海外多度重演。近年 的藝術節新製作包括《九江》、《陪着你走》、《百花 亭贈劍》、《香港家族》三部曲、《世紀 香港》、 《炫舞場》、《大同》、《金蘭姊妹》、《聖荷西謀殺 案》等。
扎根香港的國際藝壇盛事 聯繫中國與世界 An International Arts Festival in Hong Kong Connecting China and the World


製作不少優秀作品,當中包括由香港藝術節、香 港歌德學院及翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇場聯合

製作的《抹窗人》、由倫敦老域劇院、布魯克林 音樂學院與尼爾街製作公司製作、香港藝術節為 聯合委約機構之一的「橫貫計劃」之《暴風雨》 及《李察三世》、由香港藝術節及上海國際藝術 節聯合委約的《青蛇》、三藩市歌劇院與香港藝 術節聯合製作的《紅樓夢》等。

香港藝術節 大力投資下一代的 藝術教育 。「青少

年之友」成立 30 年來,已為約 800, 000 位本地中 學生及大專生提供藝術體驗活動。藝術節近年亦


包括由國際及本地藝術家主持的示範講座及工作 坊、學生展演、演前講座、公開彩排、以及欣賞 藝術節演出。同時,通過「學生票捐助計劃」, 藝術節每年提供約 10, 000 張半價學生票。

香港藝術節 每年主辦一系列多元化並深入社區 的「加料節目」,例如電影放映、示範講座、 大師班、工作坊、座談會、後台參觀、展覽、 藝人談、文化導賞團等,鼓勵觀眾與藝術家互 動接觸。

香港藝術節亦銳意將共融藝術理念拓展到社區每 一角落。由藝術節與香港賽馬會慈善信託基金聯 合呈獻的「無限亮」計劃於 2019 年正式開展,透 過一系列的演出及多元的教育及社區外展節目, 「無限亮」致力創造共融空間,讓不同能力人士均 可以一同欣賞、參與、擁抱藝術。

HKAF frequently partners with renowned international artists and institutions to produce exceptional works, such as Der Fensterputzer (The Window Washer) co-produced by HKAF, Goethe-Institut Hong Kong and Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch, Richard III and The Tempest produced by The Old Vic, BAM and Neal Street under “The Bridge Project” with HKAF as a co-commissioning institution, Green Snake cocommissioned with Shanghai International Arts Festival, and Dream of the Red Chamber co-produced with San Francisco Opera.

HKAF invests heavily in arts education for young people. Over the past 30 years, our “Young Friends” scheme has reached around 800,000 local secondary and tertiary school students. A variety of arts education projects serving primary, secondary, and tertiary school students have been launched in recent years, featuring activities such as student showcases, pre-performance talks, open rehearsals, opportunities to attend Festival performances, as well as in-school workshops and lecture demonstrations led by international and local artists. Donations to the “Student Ticket Scheme” also make available approximately 10,000 half-price student tickets each year.

HKAF organises a diverse range of “Festival PLUS” activities in community locations each year to enhance engagement between artists and audiences. These include films, lecture demonstrations, masterclasses, workshops, symposia, backstage visits, exhibitions, meet-the-artist sessions, and guided cultural tours.

HKAF actively promotes inclusiveness and understanding via the arts to every corner of the community. The “No Limits” project, co-presented with The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust, was launched in 2019. Through a series of performances and diverse arts experiences for students and the community, “No Limits” strives to create an inclusive space for people with different abilities to share the joy of the arts together.


find out more about sponsorship opportunities and donation details for the Hong Kong Arts Festival, please contact the HKAF Development Department. *有關香港藝術節的過往節目,可參考以下網頁 Details of past HKAF programmes can be found at
(2022 年 8 月更新 Updated August 2022) 電郵 Email: 直綫 Direct Lines: (852) 2828 4910/11/12 網頁 Website:

演出,線上播放巴伐利亞國立歌劇院、班貝格交響樂團以 及巴黎歌劇院芭蕾舞團的精采創作。為慶祝藝術節五十周 年,香港賽馬會支持的特備節目【《拉娜》啟航香港】,則 以線上播放形式,與大家分享有關這次創新表演體驗的幕 後製作過程。


香港賽馬會主席 利子厚先生 JP Mr. Michael T H Lee, JP Chairman, The Hong Kong Jockey Club 香港賽馬會主席獻辭 MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN OF THE HONG KONG JOCKEY CLUB 香港賽馬會非常高興再次成為香港藝術節的合作夥伴,並 見證香港藝術節五十周年金禧誌慶這個重要里程碑。 香港藝術節在過去五十年間一直不懈呈獻各式各樣的國際 級表演,為香港觀眾帶來非凡的藝術體驗,賞心悅目之 餘,亦開啟大家的新視角,激發想像空間。 香港賽馬會一直都是香港藝術節的主要支持夥伴,至今累 計捐款逾 5 億港元。相關捐助跟馬會其他的慈善貢獻一樣, 全賴我們獨特的綜合營運模式,透過稅款及慈善捐款,將 博彩及獎券收入回饋香港。 在疫情挑戰下,本屆藝術節一如既往,繼續為大家呈獻矚 目表演,包括透過「香港賽馬會藝粹系列」,引入世界頂級
持「賽馬會本地菁英創作系列」及全新的「賽馬會創藝科媒 系列」等項目,提供更多機會,栽培年輕藝術家。此外, 第四屆「香港藝術節@大館」推出多個不同範疇的網上節 目,將藝術家與大眾連繫起來。我們亦如常透過「香港賽 馬會學生專享節目」,支持學生接觸表演藝術。 祝願 2022 年香港藝術節圓滿成功,各位觀眾樂在其中。

The Hong Kong Jockey Club is delighted to once again partner with the Hong Kong Arts Festival as it celebrates its 50th anniversary year.

In the past 50 years, the Festival has brought a remarkable range of world-class performances to Hong Kong. Events which have never failed to bring pleasure and delight to us all, and to open up new perspectives for our imaginations to explore.

Throughout the years, The Hong Kong Jockey Club has been a major supporter, donating over HK$500 million to date. This is made possible by the Club’s unique integrated business model, through which racing and wagering generate tax and charity support for the community.

Rising to the challenge of the pandemic, this year’s Festival is no less impressive. The Hong Kong Jockey Club Series brings world-class performances through online productions from the Bayerische Staatsoper, Bamberg Symphony Orchestra and Paris Opera Ballet. Laila in Hong Kong, supported by the Club in celebration of the Festival’s 50th anniversary, provides an online insight into the making of this innovative performance experience.

The Jockey Club has long promoted local talent. This year, even more opportunities are offered via The Jockey Club Local Creative Talents Series and the all-new Jockey Club InnoArts Series. Meanwhile, the fourth edition of HKartsFestival@ TaiKwun presents a number of online productions in different disciplines, connecting artists and the community. As always, support for students is provided through the Hong Kong Jockey Club Student Matinee Programme.

With my best wishes to you all for a truly enjoyable 2022 Hong Kong Arts Festival.

香港藝術節節目總監的話 HKAF Programme Director's Note 虛擬實境導演及編劇的話 、 VR 影片故事大綱、角色 VR Director and Playwright's Note, VR Film Synopsis, Characters 劇場導演、編劇及演員的話 Theatre Director, Playwright and Performer's Note 人物專訪 Interview 李穎蕾 引領觀眾轉化疫下情緒 Santayana Li Leads Audience Members On A Cathartic VR Journey From Lockdown 專題文章 Feature Article VR 藝術新嘗試 探索嚴肅題材 A New VR Experiment To Explore Tales Of The Pandemic 虛擬實境導演/編劇 VR Director / Playwright 章達明 Zhang Daming 劇場導演/編劇/演員 Theatre Director / Playwright / Performer 李穎蕾 Santayana Li 製作人員簡介 Production Team Profile 15 16 17 21 24 27 29 31 請勿擅自攝影、錄音或錄影 Unauthorised photography or recording of any kind is strictly prohibited 如不欲保留本場刊,請於完場後放入場地的回收箱 If you don't wish to keep this booklet, please return it to the admission point 敬請關掉所有響鬧及發光裝置 Please switch off all sound making and light emitting devices 本場刊採用環保紙張印刷 This programme is printed on environmentally friendly paper 所有作品內容均由主辦單位/創作團隊獨立製作,並不代表賽馬會創藝科媒系列及贊助機構之立場或意見。 All the content of works are independently produced by the organiser/creative team, and do not reflect the views or opinions of the Jockey Club InnoArts Series nor the Sponsor. 香港藝術節委約及製作 Commissioned and produced by the Hong Kong Arts Festival 賽馬會創意藝術中心賽馬會黑盒劇場 Jockey Club Black Box Theatre, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre 演出長約 40 分鐘,不設中場休息 Approx 40 minutes with no interval 現場以粵語演出 Performed in Cantonese 虛擬實境以普通話演出,附中、英文字幕 VR Film in Putonghua with Chinese and English surtitles * 遲到者或中途離場的觀眾不得進場 Latecomers and audience members who leave the auditorium will not be admitted * 適合 12 歲或以上觀眾欣賞 Recommended for ages 12 and above * 觀眾將獲發 VR 頭戴裝置欣賞演出 Audience members will be provided with virtual reality headsets to experience the show 沉浸式虛擬實境劇場 A Virtual Reality/Live Theatre Experience 《詩》 SHH 13–16.10.2022 賽馬會創藝科媒系列 Jockey Club InnoArts Series



監製 Producer

香港藝術節 Hong Kong Arts Festival

虛擬實境導演/編劇 VR Director/ Playwright

章達明 Zhang Daming


Theatre Director / Playwright / Performer

李穎蕾 Santayana Li

虛擬實境監製 VR Producer

茅玲 Mao Ling

虛擬實境技術總監 VR Technical Directors

康托耶夫 Kodoev

黄文愷 Huang Wenkai

虛擬實境聲音設計 VR Sound Design

子涵 Zi Han

動作設計 Movement Director

方格 Issabella Fang

洗手舞編舞 “Finger Dance” Choreographer

廖婧琳 Liao Jinglin

虛擬實境演員及角色 VR Film Cast and Characters

吳鳳鳴 飾 施雨

Ng Fung-ming as Shi Yu

謝智英 飾 吳言

Xie Zhiying as Wu Yan

曾文威 飾 吳生

Clifford Tsang Man-wai as Wu Sheng

張百剛 飾 施康

Cheung Pak-kong as Shi Kang

現場演出 Live Performance

舞台監督 /執行舞台監督

Stage Manager / Deputy Stage Manager

范文恩 Fan Man-yan

助理舞台監督 Assistant Stage Manager

劉世偉 Lau Sai-wai

形體指導 Movement Coach

梁儉豐 Leung Kim-fung

技術顧問 Technical Consultant

孔慶偉 Harry Hung

場景設計 /服裝設計 Set Designer / Costume Designer

周莉齡 Asia Chow

聲音設計 Sound Designer

郭宇傑 Jaycee Kwok

燈光設計 Lighting Designer

張素宜 Zoe Cheung

製作經理 Production Manager

魏婉意 Gloria Ngai


HKAF Programme Director's Note

《詩》誕生於新冠疫情的第一 年,那個時候,香港經歷的, 還只是伴隨着種種生活常態翻 天覆地的改變而來的焦躁惶 恐,畢竟我們所認知的真正疫 情,只是 24 小時各地疫情新聞 與口耳相傳的外地消息。

選擇在疫情之中開始策劃第一 屆「創藝科媒」的項目,而且 還是一個上海和香港兩地藝術 家合作的創作,確實也是一種 執念,盼望一切將會在 2022 年 之前結束,上海的章達明會帶 同她的團隊來到香港與香港的 李穎蕾會合,一起完成現場演 出。而一開始選擇一個明顯地 以中國內地疫情為原型的題材 作為 VR 故事,也是希望以一 個新科技跨媒介的劇場演出, 直面這個席捲整個世界,卻 幸運地還未真正波及香港的世 紀疫症。

但 2022 年初,香港卻真正的經 歷了疫情危急的生死關頭 ; 繼 而上海也體驗了前所未見的長 期封控。


製作進度受到無可避免的延誤 與影響。現在大家看到的現場 演出,VR 的創作討論都是在線 上進行,虛擬實境的 VR 電影 部分,選角、人物掃描和拍攝 都在香港進行,後期製作則在 上海完成。VR 部分在劇場的應 用,也需要重新調整。為了找

到能與 VR 電影連接的劇場演




明和觀眾共同思考這次世紀疫 情對人性的考驗。

香港正剛剛打開了復常的大 門,在這個時候回顧新冠的 夢魘,也算是一個歷劫重生 的紀念。

SHH was born alongside COVID-19 in 2020, when Hong Kong had just started tasting the angst and unwelcome changes brought by the pandemic. However, the city had not yet experienced the real pandemic— apart from the rumours and round-the-clock reporting on COVID-19 updates from all corners of the world.

The choice to inaugurate the InnoArts series during the pandemic—not to mention a transregional co-production by artists from Hong Kong and Shanghai—was a risky one. But most importantly, it embodied our ardent wish to see the end of this catastrophic era, when Zhang Daming (Shanghai) and Santayana Li (Hong Kong) could finally meet in Hong Kong and see the performance through hand in hand. The VR narrative was obviously based on the pandemic experience in mainland China, in the hope of examining the human toll of the disease—which had left Hong Kong relatively unscathed at the time—through a cross-media theatrical performance.

By the start of 2022, Hong Kong had unfortunately been hit hard by the virus, while

Shanghai was plunged into an unprecedented lockdown. As the creative process was inevitably held up by the outbreaks in the two cities, the live performance of SHH had to take shape in various locations: discussions happened online; auditions, 3D scanning and VR film shooting took place in Hong Kong; while post-production was completed in Shanghai. Adjustments also had to be made to ensure the VR technology worked properly in the theatre. To find the point of connection between the VR film and live theatre, Santayana has been tirelessly fine-tuning her work until reaching this final version you are seeing now—an immersive interactive performance that calls into question human nature in the face of a catastrophe.

Now that Hong Kong has finally reopened its doors, the time seems ripe for revisiting the tragedy and moving on anew.

So Kwok-wan

Programme Director

Hong Kong Arts Festival

HKAF Programme Director's Note香港藝術節節目總監的話 香港藝術節節目總監的話
蘇國雲 香港藝術節節目總監

Director and Playwright–Zhang








來讓我堅定了的是,似乎用 VR 能捕捉到那想說而不能說的, 能說而說不出的,潛伏於每個


我們前往語言的盡頭,去聽一 首默念的詩。

We have all gone through the ups and downs of these pandemic years together. But as the production of SHH developed alongside the coronavirus outbreak, I came to believe that we must set our anguish aside and continue with our lives. Still, all the stories I heard and the news coverage I watched made me question at one stage whether it was necessary or even sincere to create a show set during the

pandemic. I was eventually convinced that VR was able to capture the unspoken words that were meant to be said, and the complex feelings that lay deep— yet unexpressed—in all of our hearts. Let’s take this VR journey together in SHH and discover various meanings that are difficult to put into words.

VR 影片故事大綱

VR Film Synopsis



施雨疲於奔命,正忙得分身不 暇,卻收到家人染疫的壞消 息,又要擔心滯留海外無法回




施雨 護士長

吳言 施雨的女兒

吳生 施雨的丈夫

施康 施雨的父親

When a new viral epidemic breaks out, terrified patients begin to flood into hospitals. Shi Yu, the head nurse, must battle the pandemic while dealing with news that members of her own family have fallen ill, and

that her daughter is stranded overseas. How will she cope with the double burden of work and family?


Shi Yu Head Nurse

Wu Yan Daughter of Shi Yu

Wu Sheng Husband of Shi Yu

Shi Kang Father of Shi Yu

VR Director and Playwright's Note, VR Film Synopsis, Cast 虛擬實境導演及編劇的話、 VR 影片故事大綱、角色 虛擬實境導演及編劇—章達明 VR

Theatre Director, Playwright and Performer–Santayana Li





一句話 : Life is a sum of your choices 這令我回憶起多年前

的一個抉擇 : 前去一個國度,









過後發現,能夠對抗的力量, 只有呼吸。


Who can be the master of their own fate? Everyone has their own answer to this question.

French philosopher Albert Camus once said: “Life is a sum of all your choices.” This reminds of a decision I had to make years ago: whether to leave for a foreign country or stay in my comfort zone. At last, I chose to leave and went through experiences that had a bit of an impact on me. Although I didn't realise it, that “bit” was planted deep in my heart and could not be explained in words. I still often struggle, not knowing whether I can live with it. Every time the memories come back, I imagine them as an intangible

and elusive arc line I must battle with. I then realise the only way to fight back is to breathe.

This is a letter to the future me, who I hope is able to stay true to myself.

Theatre Director, Playwright and Performer's Note 劇場導演、編劇及演員的話 劇場導演、編劇及演員—李穎蕾
© Boney Luk 17

, a co-production by Hong Kong- and Shanghai-based theatre

power of live theatre

Li, a local artist, was invited by the HKAF to serve as theatre director, playwright and performer of the live theatre part. As the teams from Hong Kong and Shanghai, which were both severely affected by the pandemic, managed to find common ground and shared sentiment despite various cultural differences, Li hopes to manifest this spirit of humanism in turmoil through theatre.

《詩》由上海及香港兩地劇場創作人共同創作,結合現場演出及 VR 擴展現實體驗。本地藝術家李穎蕾獲香港藝術節邀約,擔任此 劇的劇場導演、編劇及演員,她認為上海和香港在疫情下同樣經 歷無數生離死別,即使有文化差異,她在創作故事時,仍找到兩 地人情緒的共同點,欲藉作品表達動盪下的人文關懷精神。 SHH
creators, combines the
with the extended experience of virtual reality. Santayana
李穎蕾 引領觀眾 轉化疫下情緒 SANTAYANA LI LEADS AUDIENCE MEMBERS ON A CATHARTIC VR JOURNEY FROM LOCKDOWN Interview人物專訪 鳴謝:賽馬會創意藝術中心提供訪問場地 Acknowledgement: venue courtesy of Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre 21

現場演出結合 VR


由於 VR 影片於香港拍攝並由





15 分鐘的戲,引領觀眾「登






受」。當觀眾踏上這段短暫的 旅程,期間她會引導觀眾戴起

VR 眼鏡,進入醫院內護士長施 雨的內心世界。








感。李穎蕾說 :「在這兩、三


經歷過親人離世,未必是因為 染疫,而是其他病」。而她亦


察到近年病房裏無論是年老或 年輕患者人數都增加了不少, 「全世界都在體驗這種精緒, 經歷相同狀況,停工、停市、 停課……幾位主角失去親人, 我是想帶觀眾以較理性方式代 入,思考尚在生的人還可以如 何相處,生活下去」。

今次演出以小劇場形式進行, 在一個黑盒劇場內,每次演出 只能容納 24 位觀眾。比一般劇


表演者及觀眾雙方都更強烈感 受到彼此的能量。李穎蕾說,

疫情下,劇場演出多了不同新 形式,採用 VR 說故事,比起

Interview人物專訪 © Boney Luk
劇場演出,觀眾與 VR 作品之 間產生前所未有的親密感,感 官被聲音和影像包圍,效果更 強烈。不過她認為 VR 科技與 現場演出並不矛盾,VR 眼鏡 跟不同的媒介一樣,都是說故 事的工具,而她的演員角色則 是為觀眾增加現場感。李穎蕾 說 :「其實只視乎人與人之間 有多渴望溝通」,只要當人還 渴望溝通,現場演出便有其存 在意義。 撰文 陳詠恩,香港藝術節編輯 22

Live Theatre Combines with VR to Provide Audience with a New Reality

The VR film with a Putonghua script was filmed in Hong Kong with post production in Shanghai. To bridge the language barrier and engage the local audience, Santayana Li will give a 15-minute performance scripted, directed and performed by herself to guide the audience. “We are going somewhere—‘somewhere’ in your mind—perhaps to see a loved one you have not seen in a long time. With the use of monologues, static scenes and dynamic movement, we express the complex emotions felt when people realise they will not see someone ever again.” As the audience embarks on this short journey, Li will guide audience members to put on their VR headsets and enter the inner world of the head nurse, Shi Yu, in a hospital.

While creating the live theatre part of the performance and connecting it with the VR film— which is not to be received lightheartedly—Li often stopped to think whether it was appropriate to ask spectators to “swallow” such strong emotions during times when reality hit hard. Nevertheless, once the creation began to take shape, Li slowly realised that the performance— instead of triggering trauma— proved to be cathartic and helped release feelings buried deep inside spectators’ hearts. Li says: “During the past two to three years, many friends and people around me have experienced the loss of family members, not necessarily because of the pandemic, but

other diseases too.” And some friends who worked at psychiatric wards observed that the number of patients—from young to old—had surged in recent years. “The entire world has shared the same emotions during lockdown and have suffered at work, school and business. And the main characters in SHH have lost family members. I want to let audience members step into their shoes from a more rational perspective, and by doing so, contemplate how to live as well as understand the importance of spending time with loved ones who are still alive.”

This performance will take place in a confined environment, in a black box theatre, with a capacity of only 24 people.

As the distance between the performers and the audience is smaller than in a regular theatre setting, both parties will feel each other’s energy in a much closer and stronger way. Li says the pandemic has forced theatre performers to evolve and experiment with new formats of storytelling, such as virtual reality. She adds that compared to live theatre, audience members at SHH will develop an unprecedented connection with the performance through the looking glass of virtual reality, with their senses fully immersed in the sound and images.

Nevertheless, Li believes that VR does not contradict the spirit of live theatre, as the headsets are simply tools for storytelling much like any other medium. Li adds that her role as a performer adds a sense of presence for spectators. “It all depends on how much people long for

communication,” adds Li, saying that as long as people continue to desire this connection, live performance will always have a reason to exist.






her family

After putting

story of the head nurse, Shi Yu,

perspectives of different characters.

director and playwright Zhang Daming has transformed live theatre using the power of technology, allowing the audience to experience the spectacle unbounded by imagination.

《詩》結合 VR 體驗及現場演

出,章達明認為 VR 具獨特視 角,讓觀眾不斷切換觀看角

度,代入男女主角的視點,補 充現場演出,所以在設計故事 分鏡時,她除了思考如何營造 氣氛、配合劇場背景設定,也 會刻意構思每個場景的視角切 入點,配合音效,強化觀眾對 故事的投入感。

不過,VR 媒介亦有其限制,章

達明舉例指,VR 場景的轉換相 比電影來説比較生硬,觀眾適 應每個場景的時間更長,如果

切換速度太快的話,觀眾會感 到暈眩,所以製作時要經常調 節原先的預設,不斷實驗、修



對於未來藝術產業發展,章達 明認為科技與藝術是一個互補 的狀態,不會取替對方,反而

補充彼此之間的缺陷,「身體 無法擺脫真實的世界,所以這 是一場身體穿梭在虛擬和現實 之間的表演,虛擬世界裏的樂 趣就是因爲真實世界裏有所限 制,所以 VR 的存在提升私密 感,當一個人要進入 VR 世界, 相對於觀看屏幕,VR 能夠更好 地體會場景氛圍」。


爲 VR 只是一種刺激的技術,用



Feature Article專題文章 《詩》的 VR 影像由上海團隊製作,觀眾戴上 VR 眼鏡後,能從不同角色的視點,切身見證及 感受護士長施雨一家四口的經歷。虛擬實境導演兼編劇章達明透過科技改變傳統的劇場模 式,利用動畫製作虛擬場景,為體驗者創建一種奇觀感受,超越想像的界限。 The VR
of SHH was produced and created by an expert team from Shanghai.
on their VR headsets, audience members will be immersed in the
of four, and experience it from the first-person
險存在」,章達明說。 而身兼劇場導演、編劇及演員
順利,技術上有不少問題要解 決,例如由於需要讓全場 24 位觀 眾同一時間觀賞 VR 影片,演出 前必需仔細確保器材運作順暢。 雖然她認為運用 VR 等新的媒 介來講故事,目前還在探索階 段,但仍希望透過《詩》,擴闊 VR
在遊戲上,這次相對用在一個 比較嚴肅的題材上」,後者要帶 出情感共鳴,對 VR
撰文 陳詠恩,香港藝術節編輯 24

SHH combines the power of live theatre with virtual reality. Zhang Daming points out that VR provides a unique tool to audience members that allows them to switch between the perspectives of the male and female leads, complementing the live show. When creating the storyboard, Zhang deliberately considered how each scene cut into the point of view of each character, taking into account the mood, setting, theatre backdrop and sound effects, in order to enhance the fully immersive experience.

That being said, virtual reality has its limitations as a medium. Zhang explains that when compared to film, scene transitions in virtual reality are much stiffer and the viewer must be given longer to adjust— if shots are cut too quickly, audience members might feel dizzy. During the production

period, Zhang had to frequently make adjustments in a process of experimentation, modification and validation. “With new technology and new technique, there always comes a certain level of risk,” says Zhang.

Santayana Li, co-playwright and theatre director, adds that many technical issues had to be resolved to ensure the performance was smooth. For instance, the equipment must be carefully checked before each show so the entire audience of 24 can watch the VR video at the same time.

When asked about her views on the future development of the arts industry, Zhang said that instead of replacing one another, technology and the arts—and all the flaws that come with them— could complement each other. “Even though our bodies are

this performance enables the body to traverse the realms of the virtual and the real. The limits of reality not only render the virtual world fun, but VR experience also elevates the level of intimacy. When you enter virtual reality, you’re immersed in the scene better than you are when just watching a screen.”

Although storytelling using new mediums such as virtual reality is still in its early stages, Zhang hopes to extend the range of themes explored by VR through SHH. “Most people would see VR as an exciting technology for gaming purposes. But in stark contrast, here it has been used for much more serious subject matter.” And in the future, evoking a sense of emotional resonance would be a new challenge for VR creators.

Feature Article專題文章


虛擬實境導演 / 編劇

VR Director / Playwright

章達明是 XR 內容創作人,中 央戲劇學院舞台設計博 士 ,

FELTTIME 工 作室創始 人 ,現 任教於中國計量 大 學藝術與傳

播學院。從 自身 的戲劇背景出 發,她開始了對 XR 內容的研 究、探索與實踐,於 2018 年 7 月 以導演的身份發起 VR 舞蹈


2019 年 9 月 完成。《眼眶》入 選 第 38 屆加拿 大 FIFA 國際藝術

電影節、第 17 屆荷蘭 Cinedans

舞蹈影像節。章達明於 2020

年 2 月 獲英國 文 化教育協會中 英 文 化連線項目 支 持,出訪英


is an XR creator, founder of FELTTIME studio and a lecturer at the School of Art and Communication at China Jiliang University. She specialises in research, artistic exploration and XR (AR/VR/MR) practice from a theatrical perspective.

first VR project, the 360-degree dance film Or Bit, was named an Official Selection of the 38th International Festival of Films on Art (Canada, 2020) and the 17th Cinedans Festival (The Netherlands) and was invited by Digital Catapult (UK) for a private viewing in February 2020. Zhang also has extensive experience as a director, visual designer and stage designer in both the arts and commercial sectors. During her time at the Power Station of Art (Shanghai

Biennale), she initiated experimental performing arts projects such as ReActor and Skin Tight. Her recent screenplays include Why Say Goodbye and Wu Gong Hill

Zhang holds a Doctor of Art in Scenography from the Central Academy of Drama (China). She is a recipient of a British Council UK-China Connections Through Culture Grant (2020).

國考察當地 XR 產業 生 態,期 間《眼眶》受英國數字技術創 新中 心 Digital Catapult 邀請, 舉行以業內 人士 為對象的內部 展映。此外,章達明曾參與 大 量藝術與商業活動的編導及 空間視覺設計,亦曾就職於上 海當代藝術博物館(上海雙年 展),又以項目負責 人 身份創 辦實驗演出品牌「聚裂」等。 其近期劇本創作有 :《為什麼 告別》、《蜈蚣嶺》。
About Zhang Daming 關於章達明 27




Theatre Director / Playwright / Performer


2018 年與 Theatre Du Poulet 合作,於加拿大東部巡 演作品《 The Extinction of Hong Kongers 》,並在多倫

多 SummerWorks Performance Festival 獲得 Emerging Artist Award。第一個編寫作品

是《愛之初體驗》,獲邀於 第四十屆香港藝術節公演。

近期參與編寫作品有 : 香 港電台單元劇星星的孩子 《 A+ a 》、南豐紗廠 : 我們之 間《 Living up to her 》、大館

Santayana Li is a performer and playwright based in Hong Kong. In 2018, Li collaborated with Canadian theatre company Theatre du Poulet and toured The Extinction of Hong Kongers across eastern Canada, earning her the Emerging Artist Award at the SummerWorks Performance Festival in Toronto.

Li's first written play, Journey to Home, was commissioned by and premiered at the 40th Hong Kong Arts Festival in 2012. Her recent credits as a playwright include: A+a, an episode in RTHK's television anthology series Stories of Autism; Living Up to Her in the New Arts Power x The Mills programme Threading Through Time; Report i: Which I am I, in Tai Kwun's performance series Wild is the Grass; and Hong Kong Repertory Theatre's The Void and Report ii: the illegal i in Newvision Arts Festival.

In 2022, Li participated in other theatre works as assistant to the director and actress in Tit Hong Lane and as co-director of Hongkongshimai, both produced by On & On Theatre Workshop.

: 風平草動《 Report i: Which I am I 》、香港話劇團《言 說之外》以及新視野藝術節 《 Report ii : the illegal i 》。 2022 年參與其他劇場作品包括 為前進進戲劇工作室《鐵行里》 擔任導演助理及演員及為《案 內人 Hongkongshima 》擔任聯 合導演。
About Santayana Li 關於李穎蕾
© Boney Luk

茅玲是 YOUNG 劇場主辦節目部






驗,曾參與譚盾交響詩《九》、 楊麗萍現代舞《春之祭》等新作 推介。上海外國語大學法學與法 語雙學士,倫敦國王學院文化創


Mao Ling is head of the Programming Department at Theatre YOUNG in Shanghai and the former acting head of the Programme Exchange Department at the Centre for China Shanghai International Arts Festival. Ling was responsible for the Festival's annual performing arts fair (ChinaSPAF), forums and international relations. She showcased the latest works from artists such as Maestro Tan Dun's Nine and renowned choreographer and dancer Yang Liping's Rite of Spring Ling received a BA in Law and a BA in French Language and Literature from Shanghai International Studies University and an MA in Cultural and Creative Industries from King's College London.

孔慶偉早年投身電影及廣告行 業,負責電腦動畫及視覺特效。

及後兼任教學工作,於香港理工 大學設計系及香港演藝學院電影 電視系擔任客席講師。

現為多媒體工作室 LfxLab 總監, 香港天籟敦煌樂團駐團動態影像 設計師,以多媒體導演、新媒 體藝術家及教育工作者身份活躍


In his early years, Harry Hung devoted himself to the film and advertising industry, focusing on computer animation and visual effects. Later, he served as a guest lecturer at the HK Polytechnic University’s School of Design and the HK Academy for Performing Arts’ School of Film and Television.

Currently, he is the director of LfxLab, the animated video designer in residence at the HK Gaudeamus Dunhuang Ensemble. He is also active in the industry as a multimedia director, new media artist and educator.

Technical Art Director at Shanda Group from 2003. In 2011, Kodoev founded Shanghai Sandman Digital Technology Co.,Ltd. Guest Lecturer of Shanghai Conservatory of Music and China Academy of Art.

Production Team Profile製作人員簡介
茅玲 Mao Ling 虛擬實境監製 VR Producer 孔慶偉 Harry Hung 技術顧問 Technical Consultant 康托耶夫於 2003 年任職盛大網 絡,擔任技術美術總監。其後 於 2011 年,創辦上海杉蔓數字 科技有限公司。他亦為上海音 樂學院、中國美術學院擔任客座 講師。 Former
康托耶夫 Kodoev 虛擬實境技術總監 VR Technical Director 31


The Hong Kong Arts Festival would like to thank the following for their generous support:

贊助舍計劃會員 Patron’s Club Members

鉑金會員 Platinum Member


Kerry Holdings Limited

黃金會員 Gold Member 怡和集團

The Jardine Matheson Group

純銀會員 Silver Members


The Swire Group Charitable Trust 上海商業銀行有限公司

Shanghai Commercial Bank Limited

實物支持機構 In kind Supporters

618 上海街 618 Shanghai Street

香港港麗酒店 Conrad Hong Kong


藝術節捐助計劃 Festival Donation Scheme


HK$140,000 或以上 AND ABOVE

Mr Sebastian Man

Nathan Road Investment Limited


HK$70,000 – HK$139,999

Mrs Miriam Hwa

Sino Group


HK$30,000 – HK$69,999

無名氏 Anonymous

陳求德醫生及夫人 Dr & Mrs Chan Kow Tak

Ms Eleanor Leung & Ma Pak Leung Company Limited

Ms Leung Wai Yee Candice

Dr Tong Pak Chuen

Mrs Darani Winnie Tsao


HK$12,000 – HK$29,999

無名氏 (2) Anonymous (2)

Mr & Mrs Jeffrey & Helen Chan

Dr Gillian Choa

Ho & Fung Charitable Foundation Limited

Mr Edmond Huang

Ms Lee Lai Kuen Shelley

Ms Caroline Y Pang

Mrs A. M. Peyer

曹小玲醫生 Dr Sabrina Tsao

曹延洲醫生夫人 Dr & Mrs Tsao Yen chow

Samuel & Amy Wang

Dr Eleanor Wong

Mr Jesmer Wong

Mr Yu Wang Man

錢琨 黃炤哲

青銅會員 Bronze Member


Great Eagle Group

香港海事博物館 Hong Kong Maritime Museum

香港逸蘭銅鑼灣酒店 Lanson Place Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

通利琴行 Tom Lee Music

市區重建局 Urban Renewal Authority


HK$6,000 – HK$11,999

無名氏 Anonymous


Loretto Chan

天智合規顧問有限公司 CompliancePlus Consulting Limited

Mr Lee Kam Sang Franklin

Dr Michael Mak Moore family

Mrs Schmitt Ling Jane 譚天放先生 Mr Martin T. F. Tam

Ms Christine Tong

Ms Enoch Yiu

Ms Isabel Yiu


HK$3,000 – HK$5,999

無名氏 (7) Anonymous (7)

Mr R W Arblaster

Associated Professional Engineers Ltd

Mr David Baile

Dr & Mrs Dan & Veryan Bradshaw

Brandon Learning Centre

Mrs Anson Chan

Ms Chan Chui Shan

Dr Fiona Chung

Mr Anthony John Hardy


Ms Ho Man Fung Edith

Ms Zoe Ho

Ms Khoo Li Lian

Mr & Mrs Ko Ying & Ko Woo Shing Ching Patricia

Dr Alfred Lau

Ms Ka Shi Lau

Dr Lee Wan Fai Walter

Mr & Mrs David S L Lin

Dr Andrea Lowe

Mr Luk Nai Man

Dr Joseph Pang

Jose M Sevilla & Julie Bisaillon

Victoria Capital Limited

Mr Wong Yick Kam

Ms Cecilia W Y YEUNG


新作捐助計劃 New Works Scheme


HK$12,000 – HK$29,999

無名氏 Anonymous

劉仰澤先生 Mr Lau Yeung Chak


HK$6,000 – HK$11,999

無名氏 Anonymous

Ms Grace Chiang

Edith Shih & Stephen Sun


Digital Arts Education Scheme


HK$140,000 或以上 AND ABOVE

馬振玉慈善基金會有限公司 CYMA Charity Fund Ltd


HK$70,000 – HK$139,999

Dr & Mrs H Sohmen


HK$12,000 – HK$29,999

無名氏 Anonymous

學生票捐助計劃 Student Ticket Scheme


HK$140,000 或以上 AND ABOVE 無名氏(2) Anonymous (2) 鑽石捐款者 DIAMOND DONORS

HK$70,000 – HK$139,999

Mrs Miriam Hwa

Mrs Purviz R Shroff, MH & Late Mr Rusy M Shroff, BBS, MBE

Tin Ka Ping Foundation

芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation


HK$30,000 – HK$69,999

Roger and Lina Lui

Ronald and Rita McAulay Foundation


HK$12,000 – HK$29,999

無名氏 Anonymous

Ms Momo Chan

Dr Chung See Yuen

Ho & Fung Charitable Foundation Limited

Mr & Mrs Stefan & Caroline Kracht

Diana and Jay Parmanand

Mr & Mrs Kenneth Quinn

Edith Shih & Stephen Sun

Dr Peter & Mrs Nancy Thompson

Dr Eleanor Wong

Mr So Kai Tai

青銅捐款者 BRONZE DONORS HK$3,000 – HK$5,999

MDB & Star B Chan

Ms Phyllis Mi Ching Lam

Mr Joseph Pang

Mrs A M Peyer


HK$6,000 - HK$11,999

Ms Yvonne Cheng & Mr Kelvin Koo

青銅捐款者 BRONZE DONORS HK$3,000 – HK$5,999

無名氏 Anonymous

Mrs A M Peyer


HK$6,000 – HK$11,999

Mr Iain Bruce

Anna Chan and Henry Wong

Ms Yvonne Cheng & Mr Kelvin Koo

Mr & Mrs Norman Chui Pak Ming

天智合規顧問有限公司 CompliancePlus Consulting Limited

Mrs Margaret Hamilton 林海容女士 Ms Lam Hoi Yung 麥禮和醫生 Dr Mak Lai Wo

Mr & Mrs Vernon Moore

曹延洲醫生夫人 Dr & Mrs Tsao Yen chow

Mrs Linda Wang


HK$3,000 – HK$5,999

無名氏 (4) Anonymous (4)

Mr Au Son Yiu

Mr & Mrs Herbert Au Yeung 陳皓宜博士 Dr Cindy Chan

MDB & Star B Chan

Dr Chan Wan Tung

Dr Chiang Kwok Shing Alan 馮兆林先生太太 Mr & Mrs Fung Shiu Lam

Ms Maureen Leung

Savita Leung

Ms Regina Lo

Mrs A M Peyer

Dr Adrian Raper

Ms Janice Ritchie

Mr So Kin Man

Mr Desmond Yu

Acorn Design

Alfie Leung Design

AMC Pacific Place


Arts Education Section, Education Bureau


Arts with the Disabled Association Hong Kong 香港愉景灣酒店

Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong

奧地利駐香港總領事館 Austrian Consulate General Hong Kong

樺利廣告有限公司 Avanny Advertising Co Ltd

宏基國際賓館 Bishop Lei International House


英國文化協會 British Council

英國駐香港總領事館 British Consulate General Hong Kong

百老匯院線 Broadway Circuit burgundy etc


粵劇發展基金 Cantonese Opera Development Fund

牛棚藝術村 Cattle Depot Artist Village

周生生集團國際有限公司 Chow Sang Sang Jewellery Co. Ltd 中信國際電訊(信息技術)有限公司

CITIC Telecom International CPC Limited 城市當代舞蹈團 City Contemporary Dance Company 城巿花園酒店 City Garden Hotel 太古城中心冰上皇宮 Cityplaza Ice Palace 思聯設計有限公司 CL3 Architects Ltd 比利時駐港澳總領事館

Consulate General of Belgium in Hong Kong and Macau 加拿大駐香港總領事館

Consulate General of Canada in Hong Kong and Macau 智利駐港澳總領事館

Consulate General of Chile in Hong Kong 法國駐港澳總領事館

Consulate General of France in Hong Kong and Macau 以色列駐香港總領事館

Consulate General of Israel in Hong Kong & Macau 西班牙駐港澳總領事館

Consulate General of Spain in Hong Kong and Macao 瑞士駐香港總領事館

Consulate General of Switzerland in Hong Kong 捷克共和國駐香港領事館

Consulate General of the Czech Republic in Hong Kong 伊朗駐香港總領事館

Consulate General of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Hong Kong 荷蘭王國駐港總領事館

Consulate General of the Kingdom of Netherlands 老撾駐香港總領事館

Consulate General of the Lao PDR in Hong Kong 俄羅斯駐香港總領事館

Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Hong Kong SAR, PRC 好青年荼毒室 Corrupt the Youth 愉景灣溜冰場 DB Ice Rink

Die Konzertisten 拔萃女書院 Diocesan Girls' School 香港荃灣帝盛酒店 Dorsett Tsuen Wan, Hong Kong 香港灣仔帝盛酒店 Dorsett Wanchai, Hong Kong 香港旺角帝盛酒店 Dorsett Mongkok, Hong Kong 愛普生香港有限公司 Epson Hong Kong Limited 香港港威酒店 Gateway Hotel, Hong Kong


German Consulate General Hong Kong

六國酒店 Gloucester Luk Kwok Hong Kong 香港歌德學院 Goethe Institut Hong Kong 香港君悅酒店 Grand Hyatt Hong Kong

青苗琴行 Greenery Music



香港文聯 HKL&A 香港藝術行政人員協會

Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association

香港藝術中心 Hong Kong Arts Centre 香港浸會大學 Hong Kong Baptist University 音樂系 Department of Music

拉闊文化 Cultural Literacy Programme 香港大會堂 Hong Kong City Hall 香港文化中心 Hong Kong Cultural Centre 香港電影資料館 Hong Kong Film Archive 香港黃金海岸酒店 Hong Kong Gold Coast Hotel 香港管弦樂團 Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra 香港公共圖書館 Hong Kong Public Libraries 香港旅遊發展局 Hong Kong Tourism Board 香港海事博物館 Hong Kong Maritime Museum 摩納哥駐香港名譽領事館

Honorary Consulate of Monaco in Hong Kong 登臺 Hotel Stage 宜必思香港中上環

ibis Hong Kong Central and Sheung Wan 工銀亞洲 ICBC (Asia) 入境事務處 Immigration Department 香港以外地區經濟事務辦事處新聞及公共關係組 Information and Public Relations Units in Offices Outside Hong Kong 海景嘉福洲際酒店

InterContinental Grand Stanford Hong Kong JellyBin Limited 賽馬會創意藝術中心 Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre 高山劇場 Ko Shan Theatre 九龍木球會 Kowloon Cricket Club Kubrick

葵青劇院 Kwai Tsing Theatre 光華新聞文化中心

Kwang Hwa Information & Culture Center 香港逸蘭精品酒店 Lanson Place Hotel, Hong Kong 拉脫維亞駐香港名譽領事館

Latvian Honorary Consulate in Hong Kong 康樂及文化事務署

Leisure and Cultural Services Department 中央人民政府駐香港特別行政區聯絡辦公室

Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the HKSAR 嶺南大學 Lingnan University 黃炳禮音樂及演藝部

Wong Bing Lai Music and Performing Arts Unit 馬哥孛羅香港酒店

Maxibit HK/China

Marco Polo Hongkong Hotel

MCL K11 Art House 中華人民共和國文化和旅遊部

Ministry of Culture and Tourism, PRC Mission Production Company Ltd 李鏡輝先生 Mr Alpha Li 黃月妙小姐

Russian Club in Hong Kong

Tin Town Hall

Wan Civic Centre

Shun Hing Electronic Trading Co., Ltd.


Spanish Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

Promotion Limited

Book Co.

Sotheby's International

Digital Media Limited

Artland Co Ltd

Chinese Artists Association of Hong Kong

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Department of Music

United College

Faculty of Arts

The Office of the Arts Administrator

Department of Cultural and Religious Studies 香港城市大學 The City University of Hong Kong 中文及歷史學系 Department of Chinese and History 城大創意媒體學院 School of Creative Media 商務印書館(香港)有限公司 The Commercial Press (Hong Kong) Limited 香港教育大學 The Education University of Hong Kong 文化與創意藝術學系 Department of Cultural and Creative Arts 圖書館 Library 梅夫人婦女會 The Helena May 香港演藝學院

The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts 戲曲學院 School of Chinese Opera 戲劇學院 School of Drama 音樂學院 School of Music 舞蹈學院 School of Dance 電影電視學院 School of Film and Television 學生事務處 Student Affairs Office 表演場地管理部 Venue Performance Unit 場地技術部 Venue Technical Unit 香港兒童合唱團 The Hong Kong Children’s Choir 香港科技大學

The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

Center for the Arts

The Pottinger Hong Kong

The Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong Limited

The University of Hong Kong

Department of Music

University Museum and Art Gallery

Management Office

Chi Sun College



HK Ticketing
Ms Kitty Wong 音樂事務處 Music Office 北區大會堂 North District Town Hall One Minden Tapas Kitchen 柏斯琴行 Parsons Music Limited 卓滙達有限公司 Patsville Company Ltd
Arts Fund NL 電訊盈科 PCCW
犇華企業服務有限公司 Primasia Corporate Services Limited 鄭新文教授 Prof Tseng Sun man 富豪酒店國際 Regal Hotels International 香港瑰麗酒店 Rosewood Hong Kong 皇家太平洋酒店 Royal Pacific Hotel 泰國駐香港總領事館 Royal Thai Consulate General Hong Kong
沙田大會堂 Sha
618 上海街 618 Shanghai Street 邵氏影城 Shaw Studios 上環文娛中心 Sheung
事必達推廣有限公司 Speedy
辰衝圖書有限公司 Swindon
Ltd. 大館 Tai Kwun 台灣蘇富比國際房地產 Taiwan
Realty 天開數碼媒體有限公司 TFI
藝林文具印刷有限公司 The
香港八和會館 The
港青 香港基督教青年會 The Salisbury YMCA of Hong Kong 通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Company Ltd 三角關係 Trinity Theatre 荃灣大會堂 Tsuen Wan Town Hall 屯門大會堂 Tuen Mun Town Hall 城市售票網 URBTIX 市區重建局 Urban Renewal Authority 同流黑盒劇場 WeDraman Black Box Theatre 進富印刷公司 Wealthy Step Printing Co. 西九文化區管理局 West Kowloon Cultural District Authority 粵海華美灣際酒店 Wharney Hotel 油麻地戲院 Yau Ma Tei Theatre 青年廣場 Youth Square 元朗劇院 Yuen Long Theatre 赤豚事務所 Zhu Graphizs 支持及協助 SUPPORT AND COOPERATION

贊助人 李家超先生

永遠名譽會長 邵逸夫爵士


主席 查懋成先生

副主席 盧景文教授

義務司庫 范高廉先生 委員 鄭阮培恩女士 鄭惠貞女士 馮愉敏先生 何苗春暉女士 文肇偉先生 孫大倫博士 姚潔莉女士 楊 光先生


主席 盧景文教授

委員 白諾信教授 紀大衛教授 羅志力先生 毛俊輝教授 李 義法官 約瑟.施力先生+ 譚榮邦先生 姚 珏女士


主席 范高廉先生 委員 鄭惠貞女士 梁國輝先生 發展委員會

主席 鄭阮培恩女士 副主席 雍景欣女士 委員 馮愉敏先生 龐心怡女士 孫林宣雅女士 姚祖輝先生

顧問 夏佳理先生 鮑 磊先生 陳祖澤博士 陳達文博士 霍 璽先生 李業廣先生 梁紹榮夫人 李國寶博士

名譽法律顧問 甘乃迪女士(孖士打)

核數師 羅兵咸永道 會計師事務所





Sir Run Run Shaw, CBE (1907-2014)

Mr Victor Cha Vice Chairman


Prof Lo King-man, SBS MBE JP

Mr Colin Farrell Members

Honorary Treasurer

Mrs Betty Yuen Cheng

Ms Margaret Cheng

Mr Michael Fung

Ms Joanna Hotung

Mr Sebastian Shiu-wai Man

Dr Dennis T L Sun, BBS JP

Ms Miriam Yao

Mr Sunny Yeung



Prof Lo King-man, SBS MBE JP Members

Prof Giorgio Biancorosso

Prof David Gwilt, MBE

Mr Peter C L Lo

Prof Fredric Mao, BBS

The Hon Mr Justice Ribeiro

Mr Joseph Seelig +

Mr Wing-pong Tam, SBS JP

Ms Jue Yao, JP



Mr Colin Farrell Members

Ms Margaret Cheng

Mr Nelson Leong



Mrs Betty Yuen Cheng Vice Chairman

Ms Jane Yong Members

Mr Michael Fung

Ms Samanta Sum-yee Pong

Mrs Helen Lin Sun

Mr Andrew Yao


The Hon Ronald Arculli, GBM GBS JP

Mr Martin Barrow, GBS CBE JP

Dr John C C Chan, GBS CBE LVO JP

Dr Darwin Chen, SBS ISO

Mr Angus H Forsyth

The Hon Charles Y K Lee, GBM GBS OBE JP

Mrs Mona Leong, SBS BBS MBE JP

Dr The Hon Sir David K P Li, GBM GBS OBE JP

Ms Gabriela Kennedy, Mayer Brown AUDITOR



+ 榮譽節目顧問 Honorary Programme Advisor 電話 PHONE 2824 3555 傳真 FAX 2824 3798 / 2824 3722 地址 ADDRESS 香港灣仔港灣道 2 號 12 樓 1205 室 Room 1205, 12th Floor, 2 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong


行政總監 何嘉坤

行政總監助理 何丹蓉


節目總監 梁掌瑋 蘇國雲

節目經理 鄭佩群 廖國穎

馬筠婷 司徒頌欣

副節目經理 杜以樂

短期節目經理 游慧姿

節目統籌 陳栢琦

藝術行政見習員 容諾行

物流及接待經理 金學忠


節目經理 (行政) 蘇雪凌

節目主任 (行政) 林穎妍


製作經理 梁雅芝

助理製作經理 陳梓衡


編輯 Adam Wright 陳詠恩

助理編輯 李芷晴 陳劭儀


外展經理 鄧冠恆 林嘉敏

助理外展經理 潘穎詩 李萬祺

外展主任 林穎茵

外展助理 馬曉瑩

藝術行政見習員 馮樂程


市場總監 鄭尚榮 副市場總監 盧伯全 市場經理 黃嘉璧

副市場經理 陳靄婷 張予心

助理項目經理 李穎軒 譚懿諾 助理市場經理 許樂欣 曾諾怡 市場主任 林培生 票務 市場經理(票務) 梁彩雲 票務主任 李鳳怡


發展總監 余潔儀 發展經理(大額捐獻) 鍾雅妍 發展經理 林思穎 譚樂瑤 發展主任 鄒穎妮 譚尹晴



財務總監 鄺敬婷

會計經理 杜詩麗

高級會計主任 鍾巧明

人力資源及行政 人力資源及行政經理 楊美君 接待員/初級秘書 李美娟


按英文姓氏首字母排列 In alphabetical order

Executive Director

Tisa Ho Assistant to Executive Director

Connie Ho

PROGRAMME Programme Directors

Grace Lang So Kwok-wan Programme Managers

Cathy Cheng Sophie Liao

Katie Ma Samantha Szeto

Tobe To Temporary Programme Manager

Deputy Programme Manager

Janet Yau

Pecky Chan Arts Administrator Trainee Ryan Yung Logistics Manager

Programme Coordinator

Elvis King

ADMINISTRATION Programme Manager (Administration) Shirley So Programme Officer (Administration)

Michelle Lam


Production Manager

Shirley Leung Assistant Production Manager Jacob Chan PUBLICATIONS



Rebecca Lee Shao yi Chan

Adam Wright Eugene Chan Assistant Editors

Outreach Managers

Joe Tang Carman Lam Assistant Outreach Managers

Renee Poon Kelvin Li Outreach Officer

Lilian Lam Outreach Assistant Queena Ma Arts Administrator Trainee Crystal Fung


Marketing Director

Katy Cheng Associate Marketing Director Eugene Lo Marketing Manager

Valentina Wong Deputy Marketing Managers Tobie Chan Stephanie Cheung Assistant Project Managers Hill Li Hades Tam Assistant Marketing Managers Sally Hui Margaret Tsang Marketing Officer Billy Lin

TICKETING Marketing Manager (Ticketing) Eppie Leung Ticketing Officer Christy Li


Development Director

Flora Yu Development Manager (Major Gifts) Fiona Chung Development Managers Sharon Lam Lorna Tam Development Officers Chau Wing-ni Linda Tam



Finance Director

Teresa Kwong Account Manager

Connie To Senior Accounting Officer Catherine Chung


Human Resources and Administration Manager Janet Yeung Receptionist/Junior Secretary Virginia Li General Assistant

Bonia Wong

INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY Information Technology Manager Derek Chan

NO LIMITS Programme and Outreach Manager Becky Chung Programme and Outreach Coordinators

Kelvin Ho Jasmine Poon Marketing Manager

Ho Sze-wai Deputy Marketing Manager Kaitlyn Liu Assistant Production Manager Jess Cheung

2022 年 10 月更新 Updated October 2022
助理 黃國愛 資訊科技 資訊科技經理 陳啟明 無限亮 節目及外展經理 鍾美琼 節目及外展統籌 何敬堯 潘詠汶 市場經理 何詩慧 副市場經理 廖愷瀅 助理製作經理 張詠宜

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