The 53rd Hong Kong Arts Festival - Booking Brochure

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The Hong Kong Arts Festival’s Proud Partner for 53 Years & Festival Opening Sponsor

周年晚宴伙伴 Gala Dinner Partner

藝術節閉幕演出贊助 Festival Finale Sponsor

藝術節指定高級用車伙伴 Official Premium Car Partner

節目贊助 Programme Sponsors (按英文字母排列 In Alphabetical Order)

藝術節指定航空公司 Official Airline

藝術節指定戶外媒體伙伴 Official Outdoor Media Partner

藝術節指定視頻技術合作伙伴 Official Video Technology Partner

主要酒店伙伴 Major Hotel Partner

多謝支持! Thank You,


於����年�、�月舉行的第��屆香港藝術節, 將會邀請超過�,���名享負盛名的國際及本地藝術家, 為觀眾帶來��套節目,合共逾���場精采演出。


全賴各贊助機構及熱心人士的鼎力支持,我們才能繼續舉辦此國際藝壇盛事。 香港藝術節由衷感謝每位支持者的寶貴貢獻。

The 53rd Hong Kong Arts Festival in February and March 2025 will feature more than 1,300 renowned international and local artists appearing in a diverse array of over 125 performances of more than 45 unique programmes, alongside 300 PLUS and educational activities, all aimed at presenting world-class performing arts and promoting cultural development in our city.

The continued success of this internationally renowned arts event is made possible through the generous support of our sponsors and donors. We are grateful to all of our partners for their unwavering support.

《竹林愛傳奇》大灣區巡演贊助 Love in the Bamboo Grove GBA Tour Sponsored by

國家藝術基金2024年度傳播交流推廣資助項目 彩票公益金資助——中國福利彩票和中國體育彩票 2024 Sponsored Project of the China National Arts Fund Lottery Public Welfare Fund Sponsorship China Welfare Lottery and China Sports Lottery

Compagnie Point Fixe



香港藝術節遠不止於舞台演出。「加料節目」每年為觀 提供更多角度 和渠道,深入了解作品及藝術家的創作點滴。

除了展覽、大師班、工作坊、後台參觀、演後藝人談和演前講座,本 屆 的精采活動還有:向大師及經典致敬的系列電影放映、與觀 互動的 現場演出,以及探討環境保護議題 的 本地深度遊,讓藝術更走近大 。

The PLUS programmes are aimed at broadening the Arts Festival experience, providing audiences with different angles and options every year to learn more about the artists and their works.

In addition to exhibitions, masterclasses, workshops, backstage tours, post-performance meet-the-artist sessions and pre-performance talks, this year’s highlights include: a series of film screenings that pay tribute to masters and classics, live performances with audience interaction, and local tours that address environmental issues, bringing art closer to the public.



Jockey Club InnoArts Series: No reality now – Arts Technology Workshop

報名日期 Application Period: 10-12 月, 2024 | 工作坊 Workshop: 3 月, 2025 來自法國的創作團隊將帶領為期三天的工作坊, 旨在推動香港的創新藝術科技表演發展。

This three-day workshop led by the key creative personnel behind No reality now from France will provide engagement with innovative art forms.

深度遊:海岸漫步 Marine Life Tour 沿着香港海岸漫步,走進物種多樣的紅樹林。

參與DIY工作坊,把紀念品帶回家, 同時認識充滿活力的海洋生態。

Join us for a coastal walk into Hong Kong’s mangrove forests. Take part in a DIY workshop and bring home a souvenir while gaining knowledge about the city’s vibrant marine ecology.

芭蕾大師雷里耶夫 The Legacy of Rudolf Nureyev 參加展覽、芭蕾舞大師班及藝術家分享等活動, 探索雷里耶夫從舞者到編舞的非凡成就。

Explore the extraordinary achievements of Rudolf Nureyev from dancer to choreographer through an exhibition, a ballet masterclass and artist talks.


Become a Supporter of Your Festival!

香港藝術節是一所非牟利機構,單憑票房收入及政府基本資助,遠遠未足以應付呈獻及推廣世 界各地頂尖表演藝術的成本。藝術節之所以能持續舉辦,捐助者的慷慨支持實在功不可沒。誠 意邀請您捐助 藝術節捐助計劃 ,協助我們繼續帶來高質素國際及本地藝術家精采的演出,以及 舉辦多元化的外展及教育活動。

香港藝術節是香港特區政府的「藝術發展配對資助計劃」受惠機構,部份籌得的捐款及贊助收 入將獲 一元 對 一元 的配對資助。*


The Hong Kong Arts Festival is a non-profit organisation. Income from ticket sales and government baseline funding can only partially cover the Festival’s costs for presenting and promoting the best performing arts from around the world. The Festival can only continue its work thanks to the generous support of its donors. Please support the Festival Donation Scheme so we can continue to present world-class international and local artists as well as offering diverse outreach and education activities.

Hong Kong Arts Festival is a recipient of the HKSAR Government’s Art Development Matching Grants Scheme. Part of the Festival’s sponsorship and donation income will benefit from a dollar-for-dollar match by the Government.*

Donations of any amount will make a difference, and are greatly appreciated!

* 須受「藝術發展配對資助計劃」之條款及細則約束。 Subject to conditions of the Government’s Art Development Matching Grants Scheme.


其他捐款方法,請參閱刊於 本冊子尾部之捐款表格 For other donation methods, please refer to the Donation Form near the end of this booklet

查詢 Enquiries: 2828 4911/12

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