World Music Weekend

Page 20




湯馬斯.古古巴生於波蘭克拉科夫,擅長彈奏多種樂器,又是個歌唱家、作曲家, 以及 Kroke 三重奏的始創人之一。古古巴畢業於國立克拉科夫音樂學院,師承中提 琴家特蕾沙.哥波娜,並以特別榮譽畢業主修學位。他年幼時在克拉科夫國家舊 劇院初次演出,參演岡勒.史雲拉斯基導演的波蘭經典詩劇《先人祭》。古古巴 曾經是克拉科夫愛樂樂團兒童合唱團團員,曾以國立克拉科夫音樂學院四重奏成 員身份與潘德列斯基合作,並參與過克拉科夫小交響樂團的演出。古古巴還會演 奏中提琴以外的多種樂器,包括敲擊樂及笛子,更是位聲線獨特的歌唱家。他曾 以獨唱家的身分,於斯武普斯克與波蘭波羅的海愛樂樂團一同演出。 © Jacek Dyl g

作為 Kroke 成員同時為獨奏家的古古巴,曾與多位知名音樂家合作,包括奈吉爾. 甘迺迪、彼得.加比奧、謝閣舒.多倫紐、伊娃.班、艾迪塔.格佩特、雷娜塔. 謝美卡和安娜.瑪麗亞.悠珮克。

Tomasz Kukurba Viola Multi-instrumentalist, vocalist, composer and co-founder of the group Kroke. Born in Kraków, Poland. Tomasz Kukurba graduated from the Academy of Music in Kraków in the viola class of Teresa Głabówna with a special honor’s major. His debut was as a child at the Kraków Old Theatre in the performance Dziady directed by Konrad winarski. He was a member of the boys' choir of the Kraków Philharmonic and later a member of the Cracovia Music Academy’s quartet which worked with Krzysztof Penderecki, among others. He also played with the Sinfonietta Cracovia Orchestra. Kukurba plays the viola, many percussion instruments, flutes and is a vocalist with a very unique voice. As a soloist he has performed with the orchestra of the Sinfonia Baltica Philharmonic in Słupsk, Poland. Kukurba has collaborated with many great musicians both with Kroke and as a soloist,, among others: Nigel Kennedy, Peter Gabriel, Grzegorz Turnau, Ewa Bem, Edyta Geppert, Renata Przemyk and Anna Maria Jopek.



謝斯.比維生於波蘭克拉科夫,是手風琴家、作曲家,以及 Kroke 三重奏的始創人 之一。他九歲開始演奏手風琴,1 2 歲首次舉辦獨奏會。就讀國立克拉科夫音樂學 院,師承耶魯斯.帕他教授,於 1992 年以特別榮譽畢業主修學位。學生時期已開 始在巴黎以及歐洲各地演出,並曾與克拉科夫歌劇院合作及擔任其客席音樂家, 演奏當代音樂。他曾與 Kroke 三重奏到世界各地的著名音樂節演出,並與多位傑出 音樂家合作,包括奈吉爾.甘迺迪、彼得.加比奧、挪威樂隊 Tindra、西班牙小提 琴家迪雅哥.嘉勒茲和蒙古族女歌手烏仁娜。

Jerzy Bawoł Accordion © Jacek Dyl g

Accordionist, composer and co-founder of the group Kroke. Born in Krakow, Poland. Jerzy Bawoł started to play the accordion at the age of 9 and at 12 he performed his first solo concert. In 1992 he graduated from the Academy of Music in Krakow in the class of prof. Janusz Pater, with a special honor’s major. He started performing in Poland and whole Europe during his years of education. Bawoł has also performed as a session musician and collaborator of the Krakow Opera playing contemporary music. He performed with Kroke all over the world at renowned music festivals and collaborated with many great musicians such as Nigel Kennedy, Peter Gabriel, Norwegian band Tindra, Spanish violinist Diego Galaz and Mongolian singer Urna Chahar-Tugchi.

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