Hillside 2019 Newsletter...

Page 8

Winter 2018/2019 Newsletter

Helping, and campaigning for, animals in need...


Home to over 3000 rescued animals...

...while campaigning on behalf of others in need, particularly the millions who suffer every day in the intensive factory farming industry

Hillside Animal Sanctuary

Hill Top Farm

Hall Lane Frettenham

Norwich NR12 7LT

Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary

West Runton Norfolk

(( ( 01603 736200


2018 was a very challenging year. In the winter and early spring, it felt at times as if it would never stop raining. We used vast quantities of straw to bed in our rescued horses, ponies, donkeys, cows, sheep and pigs. As straw prices increased, our funds were stretched to the limit. We were relieved as spring turned to summer and the rain finally stopped, but our problems didn’t end there, as seemingly endless weeks of hot, dry weather followed. As the grass became parched and yellow, rain now seemed a distant memory. Luckily our animals were happily grazing on their summer meadows and marshes which are naturally damp, and so held up well, producing good, fresh grass throughout the dry weather.

However, the long, hot summer took it’s toll as many farmers were unable to cut a second crop of hay. As we write, hay prices are already up by 25% and of course the smallest increases have large repercussions when our animals eat at least 150 tonnes every week.

Our deepest gratitude goes out to all our supporters, who contributed so generously throughout the year by donating, buying cards and gifts, coming to visit or adopting animals and, of course, those who have thought of us in their will. We simply couldn’t have got through it without you...

Visitors welcome on Hillside Open Days at

Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary

West Runton, Norfolk

Daily 10am - 5pm

Easter until the end of October

Closed only Saturdays

Hillside Animal Sanctuary

Frettenham, Norfolk

1-5pm on Sundays in 2019:

7th July, 21st July

4th August, 18th August

1st September

Hillside Patron: Martin Shaw
Thank you so much. Thank you so Thank you so much. Thank you so you
Hillside horses running free on their summer grazing meadow in 2018

From Rescue to Rehabilitation... From Rescue to Rehabilitation...

Horse Handling...

Our first and sometimes most challenging task is to work with a horse until it is comfortable being handled. Some horses who have been neglected or abused in the past are understandably very nervous around people when they arrive at the Sanctuary.

Many of the horses we rescue have had very little contact with people and so are not used to being handled. At Hillside they will generally live in a herd situation and stay with the friends they came in with. However, it is important that they trust us enough so we can work with them to administer veterinary treatment such as de-worming and vaccinations and also to be able to trim their hooves...

Stanley (below) came to Hillside from a stray horse pound and was extremely nervous. You may request a DVD showing Liton, one of our horse handlers, working with Stanley on the back page.

Our horse handlers, calm and kind, use their knowledge and patience to teach a horse that it has no need to fear people any longer. It is often surprising how quickly a horse will begin to trust in the hands of a skilled handler, whose aim will be to gently bring the horse around to the point where our staff can put on a head collar and perform basic veterinary treatments such as vaccinations and de-worming, and a farrier can trim the hooves...

Foot Trimming...

Also De-worming and Vaccinations

On arrival, all horses, ponies and foals undergo a basic health check. Any with long feet are visited by our farriers or foot trimmers who ensure they can walk comfortably. They will also be dewormed and vaccinated against ‘Flu and Tetanus. All stallions are castrated before being turned out with other horses to ensure there is no unnecessary clip-clopping of tiny hooves in the coming months! Because so many of our rescued mares come from unknown backgrounds, mostly via stray horse pounds, they are all scanned to find out if they are pregnant. Every year we now have around 50 foals born to recently rescued mares!!


Goodbye Old Friend... Goodbye Old Friend...

We sadly had to say goodbye to dear Angus, who was gently put to sleep as worsening arthritis had taken it’s toll on his quality of life. Hillside supporters, Kira and Aki rescued Angus several years ago after they fell in love with him when helping to look after him in a London City farm where they volunteered. When the farm wanted to send him to slaughter, they wouldn't let this happen and he came to live out his life at Hillside. Kira and Aki came to visit Angus several times a year and, wherever he was, when they called him, he would leave his herd and come bounding over, often at full speed, to see them! He loved them as much as they loved him. You can see from the photographs, the strong bond they had between them. RIP Angus, we miss you...

So friendly and happy, Angus runs

So friendly and happy, runs

So friendly and happy, Angus runs

So friendly and happy, runs alongside Kiri and Aki’s motor as they alongside Kiri and motor as they alongside Kiri and Aki’s motor as they alongside Kiri and motor as they Kiri arrive to visit him... arrive to visit him... to him...

Kira and Aki on one of their many visits to and on one their many visits to see their beloved friend Angus at Hillside. their beloved friend Angus at Hillside. see their beloved friend Angus at Hillside. their beloved friend Angus at Hillside.

Although we were all very sad to say goodbye to Angus, we have the comfort of knowing he had a good life at Hillside.

We receive so many requests to take in cows... Sometimes from Trading Standards, who have often asked us to take in neglected cattle from the farming industry that are the subject of prosecution cases.

After Jay’s story (see page 10) was featured on BBC’s Countryfile last year, we received several requests from farmers who could no longer bring themselves to send their cows to slaughter.

We also hear from a lot people who have bonded with cows in fields near where they live, or while on holiday, who ask if we can give them a home.

So, despite our sadness, We know Angus’ passing is the natural way of things, and we were so pleased to allow him to live out his life in comfort at Hillside.

A young Angus at Hillside A Angus at Hillside young Angus Angus

The Colourful Stories of Primrose and Handsome... The Colourful Stories of Primrose and Handsome...

Primrose is just one of 300 rescued pigs living at Hillside. She came to us in 2010 after being found straying on a country road as a tiny piglet. She is pictured (left) after a few weeks at Hillside. Primrose’s story inspired a supporter to draw a colouring book about her journey to the Sanctuary.

When a Hillside supporter heard that a young pony, had been straying in her local woods, she asked if we would help. We were able to arrange for Handsome to be taken to a local horse pound, from where we could have her transported to Hillside. The pound also had some other unwanted horses who were about to be put to sleep, so we took those too. In the five years since, we have taken in over 600 horses from that pound. Before Hillside came along, 250 horses had been put to sleep in the previous twelve months in that pound alone!

Escape to the Country... Escape to the Country...

When the BBC got in touch and told us Hillside supporters Julie and John Sheppard would like to help out at Hillside while filming an episode of ‘Escape to the Country’, we were only too pleased to show them around the Sanctuary. Unfortunately the couple didn’t find their dream house in Norfolk, but it was lovely to have our work featured on such a popular television programme. We hope John and Julie can live their dream of moving to Norfolk soon.

Primrose being bottle fed at Hillside being bottle fed Hillside Primrose being fed Hillside being fed Hillside Primrose Handsome was abandoned in the woods as a foal... Handsome abandoned woods a foal... We are now pleased to offer these enchanting books, including a set of colouring pencils, to our supporters who may order one on the back page. Thecolouringbookwassonice,weaskedifshemindeddoingoneaboutHandsomethePony... All grown up - Primrose All grown Primrose All grown up - Primrose All grown Primrose (above left) (above left) living contentedly at Hillside living contentedly at Hillside living contentedly at Hillside living contentedly at Hillside living Handsome now... Handsome Handsome now... Handsome John and Julie met John Julie John and Julie met John Julie lots of rescued rescued lots of rescued rescued animals at Hillside at Hillside when they visited when they visited when they visited when they visited they during filming... during filming... during filming... during filming...

A Few of the Latest Rescues to Arrive at Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary ...

Christmas Fayre

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who came along to our Christmas Fayre at West Runton to meet the rescued animals (and of course Father Christmas!)

Records numbers of supporters attended to enjoy the live nativity scene and the chance to buy their ChristmasCards, Calendars and Gifts at our Sanctuary Shop.

Meet Amber and Ruby, two of four Suffolk Punches who live at Hillside Shire Horse Sanctuary. Amber came to us from the Working Horse Trust after they lost their land. Ruby’s owner asked Hillside to take her when she could no longer work due to Kissing Spine condition. Both live happily at Hillside.

Girl Power Girl Power

With so many rescued animals at Hillside, the days of pushing around a bale of hay and a bucket of food on a wheelbarrow, are well and truly over. To feed and care for so many animals, and to be able to continue to help those in need, we have embraced the use of heavy machinery to help us as we strive to become more and more efficient. And it’s not just men that use the big vehicles like JCBs. You are just as likely to see ladies in the driving seat. With all the hard work to do at Hillside, the girls have to be as tough as the boys!!

Jo uses a JCB to bed in our rescued horses

Jo uses a JCB to our horses uses a to in horses uses a to bed horses to our horses and ponies in their winter quarters... and ponies their winter and ponies winter and ponies winter their

Our 2019 Christmas Fayre 2019 Fayre

Our 2019 Christmas Fayre 2019 Fayre will be 11am-4pm on will 11am-4pm on will be 11am-4pm on will 11am-4pm on on Saturday 16th and Sunday Saturday 16th and Sunday Saturday 16th and Sunday Saturday 16th and Sunday 16th 17th of November. We 17th of November. We We hope to see you there! hope to you there! you

Beccy driving a JCB at our Shire Horse Beccy driving a JCB at our Shire Horse a JCB our Shire a JCB our Shire our Sanctuary in West Runton... Sanctuary in West Runton... Sanctuary Runton... Sanctuary at Hillside at Hillside

Breaking News Breaking News Breaking News Breaking News Breaking News

As we go to press, we were contacted by Trading Standards, who asked if we could take in a group of ten cows and a calf, and seven horses, including a stallion and a foal, whose owner could no longer cope.

The animals were found in an emaciated condition after their original owner had died, and her daughter had tried to take on their care, but had found it all too much and the condition of the animals had deteriorated to the point where the authorities had to step in.

The owner, who meant well, turned down the option to sell the cows for slaughter and instead asked for them to go to a sanctuary.

Despite our very real concerns about the coming winter weather and rising hay prices, we were pleased to be able to offer these animals a home at our Shire Horse Sanctuary in West Runton.

While out walking, one of our supporters came upon a distressing sight on a country road... In the ditch beside her, wereseveralyoungchickswhichhadbeenheartlesslydiscarded and left to die. Several had already perished, but she managed to pick up the survivors and bring them to Hillside where you can see them all grown up and fully recovered (right).

Trading Standards Requested

Trading Standards

Trading Standards Requested

Trading Standards

our Immediate help... Immediate Immediate

Trading Standards sent us these photos of the horses and cows before they travelled to us. With some being clearly very thin, we were happy to be able to offer them a home at Hillside.

After they arrived the Trading Standards Officer said he had slept better that night knowing the animals were safe

Dumped at the Roadside... Dumped at the Roadside...


Hillside Farm Animal Investigations ...

Simply Halal Owner Convicted...

After our distressing investigation at non-stun slaughterhouse, Simply Halal, the business owner, Roger Carr and two slaughtermen were finally brought before the court in 2018.

Having pleaded guilty to a catalogue of animal welfare offences, Roger Carr and the two slaughter men received only fines of just £400 and £600 respectively. We had hoped that this trial would send a clear signal that anyone abusing animals may end up in court having to explain their actions. However, while the District Judge expressed surprise that the maximum punishment he could give was a fine, the message from the court appears to be that very little will be done to punish those that would flout welfare laws and inflict terrible suffering on animals.

The appalling cruelty exposed by Hillside is, in our experience, all too common in slaughterhouses across the country and it is worth remembering that, were it not for Hillside, these dreadful acts would still be continuing behind closed doors, unchecked and unknown to the outside world.

Long Term Animal Abuser Convicted...

Hillside had investigated David Grant several times after receiving ongoing reports of his terrible treatment of animals. Previously, the RSPCA had not proceeded with charges because their vet wouldn’t support the case. However, this time we contacted Derbyshire Rural Crime Team, who handled the case swiftly and professionally. David Grant was banned from keeping any livestock for life and given a 10 week suspended sentence. After the court case, Derby Police commented...

“The foundations of the case lay with members of the local community alerting Hillside Animal Sanctuary about the conditions at the smallholding. This was followed by some excellent work by their operatives to obtain evidence of the conditions which was later passed to the police.”

We Find Appalling Conditions for Hens at Major Supermarket Supplier...

leaving them virtually featherless and red raw from the unwanted attention.

PD Hook boast that they work with the RSPCA and other Welfare Organisations, and fully endorse the Five Freedoms. We think the public will be shocked to see the reality of life for these birds ...


hen we received a tip-off concerning welfare at one of Britain's leading chicken suppliers, PD Hook, we decided to take a look for ourselves. The company, who have reared birds for major UK retailers such as Tesco, Marks and Spencer,

Sainsbury's and KFC, claim to be 'committed to ensuring the highest standards of bird health and welfare'. In light of this it was particularly shocking to witness the appalling conditions these poor birds have to endure. Crammed into windowless sheds for 24 hours a day, the stench of ammonia, which can cause serious respiratory diseases, was overpowering. In order to increase egg production, artificial lights were set to come on during the night, allowing the birds little rest and encouraging the cockerels to constantly mate with the hens,

Above, slaughterhouse owner Roger Carr, and below, slaughterman Akhtar Mahmood, at Norwich Crown Court for sentencing. Above, Following our report, the Police found many crippled sheep on Grant’s smallholding and several were in such bad condiution they had to be immediately put to sleep

We were asked to take in 'Delilah', a tiny piglet who had been the subject of a court case when her homeless owner was fined £300 for having her loose on a busy city road. We will all agree the man's treatment of the little pig was totally irresponsible and he was rightly fined for his actions. However, there seems no logical comparison to the ongoing deliberate torture of sheep and cows we exposed at Simply Halal, where those responsible were recently in court and yet only received a similar fine!!


just one of many rescued animals living at Hillside in 2018...

Buy a Gift of

Buy a Gift of

Buy a Gift of

Buy a Gift of

Buy a Gift of

for our rescued animals, in lieu of a present for...

If you would like to donate a ‘Gift of Hay’ to help feed our rescued animals, in lieu of a present to your friends or family, you will receive a Greetings Card, Gift Certificate and Hillside Calendar to give to your recipient as a present.

Bir Bir Bir Bir Birthday thday thday thday thday Mother’ Mother’ Mother’ Mother’ Mother’s Day s Day s Day s Day s Day St V St V St V St V St Valentine’ alentine’ alentine’ alentine’ alentine’s Day s Day s Day s Day s Day £5 a Bale
Tucking into their hay - Hillside horses Easter Easter Easter Easter Easter 500 Sheep and Goats 550 Cows 3000 Pigs 2000 Horses, Ponies and Donkeys And lots of smaller animals and dogs!!
i i l l l l h h a a D D e e t et e e e M M

Twenty Three Thoroughbreds Rescued...

Twenty Three Thoroughbreds Rescued...

In the summer of 2018 we received an urgent and desperate plea to help 23 Thoroughbreds who were facing immediate eviction after bailiffs had moved in to foreclose on a failing Newmarket stud. The horses, including pregnant mares and a three month old foal, had to be removed within a couple of days. With their owner already evicted from the premises, the outlook for the horses was looking extremely bleak as no-one had come forward to give them a home. We knew that when a previous stud had gone bankrupt, the horses had simply been taken to Beeston Horse Sale and disposed of for meat.

With time fast running out, we sprang into action, and with the relieved cooperation of the stud owner, brought all the horses, including some elderly mares, back to the safety of the Sanctuary. As our driver left with the last of the horses, the bailiff explained that we had rescued them just in time as they were booked in to be destroyed the next day.

After the horses safely arrived at Hillside, some of our supporters expressed surprise that no one in the racing industry had come forward to help. Shockingly, although there is a lot of wealth in horse racing, it is a callous industry that does little to help the horses when they are no longer of use.

Thoroughbreds That Don’t Make the Mark...

Supporters may remember our 2012 investigation at the Red Lion Horse Slaughterhouse in Nantwich. While putting up hidden cameras, we saw many frightened but healthy horses, including Thoroughbreds from the racing industry, waiting in the lairage to die. Their only fault being seconds too slow on the racetrack. On the following nights, when we returned to collect the cameras, we would find their dismembered remains scattered about the premises while our footage showed how often they were not properly stunning and faced what must have been an agonising death...

73 Cows... 73 Cows...

Supporters may remember that, in 2017, we took in a herd of cattle after Jay, a vegetarian farmer, could no longer bear to send them to slaughter. Alex Lockwood, an independent film-maker, brilliantly captured the brave changes that Jay and his wife Katja made as they began the long journey to transform their farm to grow ‘animal friendly’ organic produce. The film also documents Jay’s surprise and relief when told Hillside had offered to give a home to his cows. You can watch the film by searching the internet for ‘73 Cows’

Elderley Mares Maidment and Maidment Elderley Mares Maidment and Maidment Marie-Louise were put under Marie-Louise were put under Marie-Louise were put under Marie-Louise were put under veterinary care on arrival... arrival... veterinary care on arrival... arrival... Above - Thoroughbred mares and Above - Thoroughbred mares and Above - Thoroughbred mares and Above - Thoroughbred mares and Above and foals just after arrival at Hillside. foals just after arrival at Hillside. foals just after arrival at Hillside. foals just after arrival at Hillside. foals arrival All grown up - Primrose All grown up - Primrose All Primrose (above left) (above (above left) (above living contentedly at Hillside living contentedly at Hillside living contentedly at Hillside living contentedly at Hillside
‘73 Cows’ is an inspiring and throught-provoking short film with a happy ending ‘73 Cows’ is an throught-provoking short film a happy ending ‘73 Cows’ is an inspiring and throught-provoking short film with a happy ending ‘73 Cows’ is an throught-provoking short film a happy ending happy

Paws for Thought... Paws for Thought... Paws for Thought... Paws for Thought... Paws

News from Hillside Dog Rescue News from Hillside Dog Rescue News from Hillside Dog Rescue News from Hillside Dog Rescue News from Hillside Dog Rescue News from Hillside Dog Rescue News from Hillside Dog Rescue News from Hillside Dog Rescue News from Hillside Dog Rescue

In 2018 we welcomed Toni Smith to role of Rescue

In 2018 we welcomed Toni Smith to the role of Dog Rescue

In 2018 we welcomed Toni Smith to the role of Dog Rescue

In 2018 we welcomed Toni Smith to role of Rescue In Coordinator at Hillside. Here’s how she feels after working Coordinator Hillside. Here’s how she after working Coordinator at Hillside. Here’s how she feels after working Coordinator Hillside. Here’s how she after working Coordinator with us for a few months... with us for a few with us for a few months... with us for a few a

I have finally found my calling! Yes, joining Hillside Dog Rescue was the best thing that I could have done. I have at last managed to find a position where I can make a difference and work alongside other animal lovers.

No one could have prepared me for the emotion that I would feel on a daily basis. From re-homing a dog that no-one appeared to want, to not being able to help every single dog that needs help. (although I still try!) It is so worth it...

We had around 30 dogs taken in this summer from an unlicensed Welsh Puppy Farm, most of whom we have now been able to place into loving homes. It was a challenge as most of them had been on the puppy farm since birth and had never lived in a proper home; which sometimes leads to a puppy being fearful and mistrusting of people. In 2018 we took in 330 dogs, and re-homed over 300 of them...

Toni with recently rescued Daisy Toni with recently rescued Daisy Toni with rescued Toni with
for Thought... P P P P Pa a a a aw w w w ws s s s s f f f f foo oo or r r r r T T T T Th h h h hoo oo ou u u u ug g g g gh h h h ht... t... t... t... t... Birthday Present Christmas Present Other Gift Email__________________________________________________ Tel No _________________ Date Address (Please tick appropriate boxes) Date you require adoption to arrive by Postcode Address Name (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) I would like to ‘Adopt’__________________________________________ or debit my Visa/Mastercard/Maestro No (Please add £2 for postage abroad) For myself/as a gift for: (Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms) (DELETE AS APPLICABLE) BLOCK CAPITALS PLEASE FORENAME SURNAME Postcode If a gift, we will send to you to give to your recipient as a: Billy Griffin the Pig If you are giving this adoption as a present, please complete YOUR details below: William Shire If you are a new supporter please write ‘NEW’ in boxes My 'Sanctuary Number' is 'Adopt' a Rescued Animal 'Adopt' a Rescued Animal 'Adopt' a Rescued Animal 'Adopt' a Rescued Animal Animal at Hillside at Hillside at Hillside at Hillside Clover and Bramble Rosemary Rabbit Tessa Turkey Misty & Frosty Teddy & Pearl Highland Cows Inti & Lupi the Alpacas 5 Valid date....../...... Expiry date....../...... Last 3 digits on signature strip Issue No (Maestro only) Danny & Adele Donkeys Beauty the Sheep Murdoch & Darcy Clydesdales Henrietta ex-battery Hen Monty Dog I enclose £ ______ (minimum £10) or I prefer to pay by STANDING ORDER and enclose the SO form on page 12 Adopt one or more to receive a certificate, twice-yearly report and photograph of each animal. Your contribution will help to feed and care for our rescued animals. We ask for a minimum donation of £10 yearly for each adoption. (Please allow 14 days for delivery). La Vizelle an ex-Racehorse Katy the Pony Dancer & Prancer Kevin & Kimberly Kunekune Pigs Doris Duck Murphy the Mule 11 Tick


ANIMALS LIKE CHARLIE... CHARLIE... ANIMALS LIKE CHARLIE... CHARLIE... Charlie, an elderly pony stallion, came to us after being confined to a shed for several years. He has now been gelded, received extensive dental treatment and, of course, lots of TLC. You can see Charlie, below, is now well on the way to recovery...

Hillside continues to regularly take in abandoned horses and ponies from Stray Horse Pounds. Unclaimed, they would be shot if we were not able to offer them a home. We have taken in over 1200 of these forgotten horses since the horse crisis started in 2012 and we are only able to continue giving sanctuary to these desperate animals with the support of people who also want to help them.

PLEASE, PLEASE consider donating PLEASE to help feed and care for these to help feed care for these to help feed and care for these to help feed care for these horses and the others who are still horses the others who are horses and the others who are still horses the others who are others waiting in pounds for rescue as you in pounds for as you waiting in pounds for rescue as you in pounds for as you read this. this. read this. this. read this.

There are over 2000 horses, ponies and donkeys living at Hillside

Please Consider Making a Regular Monthly Donation

Bank Name



Please pay HillsideAnimal Sanctuary Ltd A/C No 70560088 Sort Code 08-90-14

The Co-operative Bank, 69 London Street, Norwich NR2 1HL

and afterwards on the same day each MONTH / QUARTER / YEAR until further notice

(please delete as appropriate)

My Name

My Address

MyAccount No. Signature

My Postcode

Sort CodeDate

My Sanctuary No is: This Standing Order is for: Adoption Donation


(please tick as appropriate)


Please send to: Hillside Animal Sanctuary, Hall Lane, Frettenham, Norwich NR12 7LT

It is only through your kindness that we can continue to rescue and campaign for other animals in need . . . . . . any amount you can spare will be very gratefully received.


Ourselves for Another Difficult Winter...

Bracing Ourselves for Another Difficult Winter...

By November 2018 the Norfolk weather had once again turned wet and windy and, with Christmas approaching, the rain seemed to be settling in for longer and heavier spells.

As we look towards 2019, current forecasts are predicting a harsh winter and some have warned that we could be in for the ‘coldest winter in years’ with a risk of ‘crippling snowfall’.

It is hard to convey the challenge of keeping over 3000 rescued animals during such difficult conditions. Each and every one is as important as the last. Every life, where they have been let down in the past, now depending on us for their welfare.

Our responsibility, to keep them warm and well fed, and to provide them with dry-standing, is one we take extremely seriously. Yet, in the face of seemingly constant rain and sometimes freezing conditions, it pushes our funds, and our staff, who care deeply for our animals, to the limit of what we can acheive.

The key to making this work is vast quantities of straw to make our animals

as comfortable as possible. Thousands of bales form walls to provide shelter from the winter weather, while lots more are used to give the animals a sufficient dry living area

In addition to other feed, we also need around 150 tonnes of hay each each and every week, and every week, just to keep all the animals well fed.

Providing all this throughout the winter would be impossible without the help of our dedicated and compassionate staff and our caring and generous supporters. We would like to thank you all for your support, particularly during difficult times such as these.

wet and windy December morning at Hillside...
wet and December morning at Hillside...
wet and windy December morning at Hillside...
wet and December morning
at Hillside...
Prolonged heavy rain meant this straw bed would need Prolonged heavy rain meant this straw bed need Prolonged heavy rain meant this straw bed would need Prolonged heavy rain meant this straw bed need Prolonged this straw a top-up much sooner than in dry weather... a top-up much sooner than in dry 13 A Rainy Day at Hillside... A Rainy Day at Hillside... A Rainy Day at Hillside... A Rainy Day at Hillside... A Rainy at Hillside...

Flower Necklace

Main bag12" x 13"

Available in Dark Blue, Green,Orange,Gold, Violet or Light Blue


Reflection Bronzed Donkey Measures 6.5" High


Shetland Pony Ornament Measure 6.5" High


New Logo Hillside Pen

Ball-point with black ink in Carrot Orange and Grass Green £1.95 each

Hillside Shopping Bag With Gusset

Main bag size 16" x 14"




Adults Quality Hillside

Hooded Sweatshirt

In Pink, Light Grey and Navy

Sizes - S M L XL XXL



Child’s Hillside

Hooded Sweatshirt

In Pink and Light Grey

Sizes: 5-6 years 26" - 28"

7-8 years 30" - 32"

9-11 years 34" - 36"

12-13 years 38" - 40"


NP6. Hillside Notepad & Pen Set 40 sheets of A5 notepaper (8 x 6) with assorted animal designs Also A6 notepad with Hillside Pen and envelopes.

Hillside Sanctuary Scenes Greeting Cards Pack of 6 cards in 6 designs. Cards blank inside for your own message. (8" x 6") with envelopes. £2.95

Metal Bar Detail Cross Body Bag

Stylish cross body bag with metal bar detail, in 'animal friendly' non-leather Features detachable and adjustable shoulder strap, two internal pockets and an internal zip pocket Measures 10" high by 9"wide

Choose:from Black, Blue, Dark Brown, Light Brown or Red


B20. Classic Design LadiesTote Bag

In ‘animal friendly’ non-leather with twin handles, fully lined, zip top closure and interior and accessory zip pockets, wipe clean Measures 14" wide

Choose: Black or Beige


Very Cute Llama Soft Toy

This llama is adoreably cute

An ideal gift for someone special. Measures 12" High £9.95


13 scenes from the heart of Norfolk also featuring some of Hillside’s animals

13 Sanctuary Scenes showing Hillside’s rescued animals. Hang on your wall or keep in your bag (opens to 6" x 8")

OR just 40p each if you order 10 or more

13 Sanctuary Scenes, one for each month, showing Hillside’s rescued animals (opens to 11" x 16")

Warm and inviting, this gorgeous cotton rug will enhance your home 100% cotton recycled fabric cuttings/clothes are used to weave these mats on traditional handlooms in India and so each is unique in colour Measures 42" x 66"

'With so many animals living with me indoors, I have used these rugs for years and can thoroughly recommend them.They are hard wearing and they can be washed over and over again at 30 degrees without shrinking.' WendyValentine


50p £1.95

Size A5 in Black, Navy and Burgundy

Now £3.95 each

When we took over our Sanctuary atWest Runton in 2008, we turned the residential property into holiday homes to raise valuable funds to help feed and care for our rescued animals.

If you would like to take a self-catering holiday on the North Norfolk coast, surrounded by our rescued animals, our accommodation offers a very special holiday location for our supporters. In addition to Shire Horse House and Shire Horse Lodge,we also offer holidays in our comfortable Mobile Holiday Home

If this appeals to you,please write or phone 01603 736200 for further details including dates available and tariffs or visit www.hillside.org.uk

Hillside Old Gold Appeal Hillside Old Gold Appeal Hillside Old Gold Appeal Hillside Old Gold Appeal Hillside Old Gold Appeal

To raise funds we are always very grateful to receive any items of scrap or broken gold or silver jewellery such as the odd earring you may have in the bottom of your drawer We can turn old, unwanted gold into funds to buy fresh hay for our rescued animals. Even unwanted costume jewellery helps to raise much-needed cash for our animals.

Foreign Coins Welcome Foreign Coins Welcome Foreign Coins Welcome Foreign Coins Welcome

A Legacy for Life

If you would like to secure Hillside’s future, helping and campaigning for animals in need, please consider a legacy to Hillside Animal Sanctuary, so that your ideals may continue to live on through our work. Thank you for caring

Please request our Legacy Leaflet

If you have just come back from a foreign holiday with a pocketful of loose change or notes you don’t know what to do with, these too can help us to feed and care for our animals. Old pound coins and fivers are also gratefully received.

Old Bedding for Rescued Dogs always Needed Old Bedding for Rescued Dogs always Needed Old Bedding for Rescued Dogs always Needed Old Bedding for Rescued Dogs always Needed Old Bedding for Rescued Dogs always Needed

We are always grateful to receive duvets and blankets suitable for dog bedding, also old towels and sheets for use with all our animals.

If you have moved please be sure to let us know your NEW address as well as your OLD address.

Also, please let us know if any other Hillside supporters at your address have also moved. Thank you.

Receipting Your Kind Donations

Receipting Your Donations

Receipting Your Kind Donations Receipting Your Donations Donations


While some supporters like to receive a receipt to give them peace of mind that their kind donations have arrived safely, others prefer us not to acknowledge their contributions to save us postage. We are always very happy to honour your requests, so please may we ask you to make your wishes clear If we are unsure, we will always send a receipt. Thank you.

MC19. Hillside 2019 Mini Calendar CL19. Hillside 2019 Calendar NC4. Hillside Norfolk Countryside 2019 Calendar DD19. Hillside 2019 Desk Diary
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Donation/Order Helpline 7 days a week (9am-9pm) (( (( ( 01603 736200 www.hillside.org.uk

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1. Ensure you have filled in your name and address above.

2.You have stated design/colour of gifts where you have a choice

3.All amounts add up correctly.

4.Your cheque/PO is signed,dated and made payable to HillsideAnimal Sanctuary Ltd. Thank you

Please allow 7 days for delivery

We always aim to send goods by return of post

Rescued to be free - Hillside’s horses with St Peter’s Church in the background... Rescued to free - Hillside’s horses with Peter’s Church the background... Peter’s Thanks so much to all our supporters who kindly donated towards our Fence and Gate Posts Appeal. With your help our rescued horses have been free to enjoy the Autumn grass on our new farm.

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