Impact Report and Donor Honor Roll (2023-2024)

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Title Page

Table of Contents

Contact Information

Letter from the Leadership

Board of Directors

Hillel by the Numbers

Jewish Life and Resource Center at CSU Sacramento

Hillel’s Annual Benefit

Nanci and Chuck Cooper’s Story

Elizabeth Paul, Student Story

Ezra Rubin, Student Story

Shayna Schreiber, Student Story

Ari Tilles, Student Story

Our Birthright Trip to Israel

How Hillel helped Ren and Ben convert to Judaism

Life and Legacy Society

Endowments and Institutional Donors

Shabbat Sponsors, 2023-2024

Donor Acknowledgments

Staff Roster

Mission Statement

Back Cover Page

A Letter from our Leadership

Dear Friends of Hillel,

First and foremost, we want to express our deepest gratitude for your generous support over the past year. Your commitment to Hillel has been instrumental in our mission to nurture and empower Jewish students, especially during these challenging times.

As I'm sure you're aware, there has been a surge in antisemitism on college campuses nationwide. In response to these alarming trends, Hillel has been at the forefront of combating hate, while also fostering a strong sense of Jewish pride and resilience among our students. It is your support that makes this crucial work possible.

At the same time, we are doubling down on our efforts to create joyful and meaningful Jewish experiences. Our Shabbat dinners have become a cornerstone of community and strength, providing a space where students can find solace, build lasting friendships, and draw the courage to face the challenges on campus together.

As we approach the New Year, we are preparing for an increased demand for Hillel’s support and programs. We remain committed to being a steadfast source of comfort, strength, and joy for Jewish students at UC Davis and beyond.

Thank you for standing with us and for making a profound impact on the lives of so many. Together, we will continue to build a vibrant, resilient, and supportive Jewish community.

With gratitude and warm regards,

2023 - 2024 Board of Directors

Barry Klein


Executive Board

Roy Kaplan


David Jolkovsky


Jake Alexander

Sheryl Gutmann

Jodi Liederman

Rabbi Jeremy Simons

Alex Cohen


Jay Rosenheim


Simone Naftulin

Immediate Past President

Board Members at Large

Daniella Aloni

Rabbi Ben Herman

Andrew Mendlin

Dennis Styne

Nanci Cooper

Orit Kalman

Marc Schenker

Kevin Frankel

Mike Levy

David Siegel

Mark Weiner Tony Tanke

Student Board Representatives

Coby Kraus

Colby Peck

Justin Weiner

Hillel by the Numbers Over 950 Students Engaged!

14 bagel brunches on the Sac State Quad and at our new Jewish Life and Resource Center

26 educational, themed Shabbat services and dinners

5 Torah reading events on Saturday morning with Mosaic Law Congregation

140+ students attended our Passover seder

19 students completed the Israel Learning Fellowship (ILF) and Jewish Learning Fellowship (JLF)

24 students participated in our Summer Birthright Trip

125 students participated in the Interfaith Moveable Feast

146 students attended our Israel Independence Day Celebration

Jewish Life and Resource Center at Sacramento State

Modoc Hall, 7301 Folsom Blvd, Suite 1010 Sacramento, CA 95819

Grand Opening Ceremony on May 8, 2024

Sacramento State’s new Jewish Life and Resource Center, is an Equity and Affinity space dedicated to supporting Jewish students and faculty, opened on Wednesday, May 8. Located at Modoc Hall, Suite 1010, the new resource center is part of Sac State’s efforts to support its diverse ethnic and religious groups with safe and supportive spaces, Sac State President Luke Wood said Wood headlined the opening ceremony, which was attended by Sacramento Mayor Darrell Steinberg, District 1 City Councilmember Lisa Kaplan, community members, Sac State students and faculty. After starting as the university’s president, Wood said he learned that the campus life offerings for the Jewish community were very limited in comparison to what he expected, which promoted his outreach effort to learn more about what could be done “We spent a whole semester, 92 listening sessions, 75 minutes each, with over 1500 students, faculty and staff,” Wood said.

Suggestions included increased kosher food options on campus, training sessions for faculty members about antisemitic rhetoric and the opening of a task force to combat antisemitism at Sac State. In 1965, Hillel International, a Jewish campus organization, opened a space for the Jewish community across the street from UC Davis While this resource center is available to students living in and around the Sacramento area, the commute can be long, according to their press release Conversations between Wood and Hillel eventually centered on establishing a space at Modoc Hall, which sits across State University Drive from the Hornet Commons apartments. “It was important for us to create a Hillel at Sacramento State, so our students can have access to an environment that supports and cares about them,” Wood said.

Mayor Steinberg said the center is more than just a building among many buildings, but a place where Jewish students could embrace their identity “This is one further message to the Jewish student body, that you can proudly say ‘I’m a Jewish American, and this is my campus,'” Steinberg said. Councilmember Kaplan said the event had additional meaning to her as she is one of two Jewish individuals on the city council “Having a place for our Jewish students to go is of the utmost importance right now,” Kaplan said

Kaplan said she hopes to see students take an active role in the services and events that will be held at Modoc Hall She wants to see the center become a place of knowing and camaraderie for Sac State’s Jewish and Israeli students. Senior computer science major Michael Berbach said that although the center comes at a time when he is close to graduation, it could help future students experiencing the challenges he had at finding Jewish peers “We’re a commuter campus, so it can be difficult to build a community here,” Berbach said “Having this space is helpful Now I can say at the very least there is a place where people can meet ”

For junior computer science major and Pi Kappa Phi member Ilai Sirak, the center represents a big moment in progressing Jewish life at Sac State Sirak is an engagement intern for Hillel, and said he hopes that the center will make Jewish life more vibrant on campus The opening ceremony culminated with Rabbi Ben Herman, of the Mosaic Law Congregation, placing a mezuzah, a protective ornament meant to remind Jewish families of the presence of God and to teach future generations, on a doorpost while reciting a Hebrew blessing. “So many Jewish students here wanted their own place, where they can be for Friday nights, for holidays,” Herman said “I can’t think of a more fitting time for such a space to be established ”

Article Source: https://statehornet com/2024/05/jewish-cultural-center-equity-affinity-president-luke-wood/

Hillel's Annual Benefit

Music for the Heart and Soul

HonoringRabbi MonaAlfi(CongregationB’naiIsrael), RabbiGregWolfe(Congregation Bet Haverim), and CantorEmmaLutz(Stephen WiseTemple/UC DavisClass of 2009)

Thank you tothe many volunteers,boardmembers,sponsors, andguestswhomadethe benefitsuchanincrediblesuccess!

Thank you, Nanci and Chuck!

We would like to warmly thank Nanci and Chuck Cooper for their inspiring donation of $500,000 to our Hillel

Chance connections at a campus Hillel event have the remarkable ability to change the course of someone’s life and no one knows that better than Chuck and Nanci Cooper who celebrate their 50th anniversary this year Chuck and Nanci met in 1972 during their freshman year at UC Davis at Hillel In the spring of 1973 they each decided to attend a Passover seder hosted by their school’s Hillel. For both of them, it was their first seder away from their families.

“It was off campus, and I rode my bike there by myself,” Nanci recalled “I walked into the room, and there was Chuck at a table There was one seat left, so I sat down ” The rest, as they say, is history. After that seder, they became a couple. Chuck was pre-med, studying in the College of Biological Sciences, and Nanci was an English major Despite their busy schedules, they still made time for romance: the two were married their junior year Fast forward to 2022, when the Coopers celebrated their fiftieth Passover together, reflecting on the pivotal role Hillel played in their lives “We wanted to do something that would create a legacy for Jewish students at UC Davis,” Chuck said “The way the program has grown since 1973 has been so impressive ”

“It’s the leadership, including the student leadership there, that’s developed it into such a powerful program,” Nanci agreed “It seems to me, really, like a student-run program The students are doing the planning, they’re developing leadership skills, they’re developing connections We want to make sure that can continue ” Determined to pay forward the kindness and sense of belonging they found at Hillel, they embarked on a mission, using IRA assets to generously donate $500,000 – and to ensure future generations of Jewish students at UC Davis would have access to the same enriching experiences Last spring, they saw the way UC Davis Hillel has changed firsthand when they attended the event that impacted them the most: the annual Passover seder “When we were there, it was probably about 40 students, in this little dining hall off-campus,” Chuck said “And I think the building was just a small little bungalow. Now, there’s a whole Hillel building, in such a great location, and there were probably 200 students there at the seder.”

“The warmth was just overwhelming,” Nanci added. “You could really tell that it was really home away from home for those students It was part of their college DNA ” For Chuck and Nanci, making sure students continue to have that home was their biggest motivation in making their gift “Jewish students need to have a place where they can identify as Jewish, and be supported,” Nanci said “Hillel appeals to all kinds of Jewish kids observant or not, coming from youth groups, having their first Jewish experience and finding their identity at college ”

“When you’re a freshman, and it’s dark at five o’clock, it can be lonely,” Chuck said “And I think all students, Jewish or not, need a place where everyone knows their name. There’s a sense of community. Like, we know you. You’re welcome here. We’re excited to see you.” As Jewish students confront significant challenges, including record levels of antisemitism, in the post-October 7 world, Chuck and Nanci said it’s vital that Hillel remain a resource to those who have questions or need support. “How do you deal with a professor who has scheduled an exam on Rosh Hashanah?” Nanci asked. “How do you respond to antisemitism on campus?” Hillel, they said, is there to help students answer those questions Nanci and Chuck also hope their generosity will inspire others to give back “When we told our story at the benefit where we made our gift, people were crying,” Nanci said “And it really moved me, thinking that by telling our story, from our hearts, other people would see that they could make a difference, too ”

With these moving words, Chuck and Nanci invite us to embrace the possibility of transformational encounters and to recognize the potential for positive change within our communities. After all, as Chuck advised, “You know, take a good look at who you’re sitting next to. You never know what might happen.”

Article Source:


Student Story Elizabeth Paul, Class of 2025

I first heard about Hillel from my cousin who used to go to UC Davis. She highly recommended that I check it out and involve myself in the Jewish community there along with Aggies for Israel Immediately after I moved into my dorm, I decided to check Hillel out I was greeted by friendly staff and students who gave me a tour of the Hillel house, answered all my questions, and made me feel welcome I intended to regularly attend Shabbat dinners and other events, but as my freshman year began, I got caught up in adjusting to college life. Thankfully, my best friend wanted to go to a Hanukkah celebration where I subsequently met and reconnected with some awesome people

Since then, my friends and I attended Shabbat services every week, enjoyed fun learning about the different Shabbat themes Later in the year, I wanted to campus so I finally checked out Aggies for Israel. I joined as one of the Event awesome celebrations and parties, including some in collaboration with Hillel. I helped host a yearly festival for Israel’s Independence Day (Yom Ha’atzmaut) with live music, games, arts and crafts, and Israeli food I also got to help plan the annual Matzah Ball, which is Hillel’s Spring Formal dance During my Junior year, I took on my current role of being the Director of Incident Management on the Aggies for Israel Executive Board I help report incidents of antisemitism and antiZionism to the school, and I get to work closely with the Hillel Staff to make sure that students are being heard and their experiences are being kept track of. Being a part of Aggies for Israel has been a meaningful way for me to connect with and protect my Jewish community here at UC Davis.

Through Hillel I had the life-changing opportunity to go on a Birthright trip to Israel I was able to get to know other students at Hillel that I hadn’t met before and made close friends with the other student participants from Cal Poly SLO’s Hillel I learned so much about Israeli culture and history, and it helped me gain clarity about what my Jewish values are and why I have them. I was able to visit my Israeli friends and family that I hadn’t seen in years and made new Israeli friends too. It was one of the best experiences I’ve had at college so far.

On a more serious note, I am most grateful for the community Hillel was able to provide after the atrocities of October 7th During a time that being Jewish on campus felt isolating and scary, Hillel provided a safe space and valuable resources Hillel made me feel more confident in my Jewish identity since I knew I wasn’t alone They provided the space for hosting events related to processing what happened, as well as for tackling other challenges the Jewish community faced. I know I couldn’t have gotten through and succeeded this year without Hillel.

Now, I am currently one of the summer interns for Hillel and I am going into my final year here at UC Davis From attending Hillel events, joining Aggies for Israel, going on Birthright, and now being an intern, I feel like I’ve been able to experience so many different ways to be involved at Hillel And there are even more ways still! Hillel provides so many unique opportunities, and I hope future students get to take advantage of them to the fullest.

Student Story

Ezra Rubin, Class of 2027

Coming from a small Jewish high school of less than two hundred students, I was certainly nervous coming into my first year at a giant public university like UC Davis. Hillel provided me with a place where I could find the close-knit Jewish community I had grown up loving. Through my first year at Hillel, I’ve met some of my closest friends at Davis, taken on Jewish leadership opportunities, and have even found ways to get involved with the broader Davis community. During the first couple Shabbat dinners, I was surprised by how warm and friendly students and staff were alike.

It felt so easy to connect with others over music, shared humor, or a mutual appreciation for Jewish culture and tradition. I made many friends of diverse experiences who have helped me expand my worldview and explore my relationship with Judaism. Many of these connections I made through getting involved with Aggies for Israel. Joining the club allowed me to explore the complexities around an issue I care deeply about while advocating for peace and making a difference on campus. Through facilitating events and attending national conferences, I was able to expand my knowledge around Israel and learn how to be a leader for my community.

A couple of my friends from Hillel, serving as student senators, introduced me to student government at Davis. Encouraged by the work they were doing for the UC Davis community, I was inspired to get involved myself. With the support of the Hillel community, I successfully ran a campaign for student senate, championing the interests of Jewish students and others in the Davis community.

By the end of my first year at Davis, a week that didn't end with a Shabbat dinner at Hillel felt incomplete. Every time I walked through the doors of Hillel, I felt truly welcomed into its community. As a freshman who knew virtually no one coming into college, this was monumental in helping me find my place at UC Davis. I feel so grateful and privileged to have this amazing community right on my college doorstep.

Student Story

Shayna Schreiber, Class of 2027

“Home away from home” was a term that never really resonated with me. Growing up in Southern California where the Jewish community was vibrant and very active, I ran into friends no matter where I went. My community made me feel at ease, so everywhere felt like home. Then I decided to go to UC Davis, a six-hour car ride away from everything I knew. I was excited to attend my dream college, but I was still afraid to go somewhere where I didn’t know many people. That was until I attended a Shabbat at Hillel and found everything I could have hoped for.

It was the Welcome Back and Sukkot Shabbat: a culmination of a fun holiday and all the anticipation that had built up over the summer. The wonderful staff welcomed everyone in and the place was packed to the seat. At my table, I had a lot of fun getting to know everyone and those students would eventually become my good friends. Since that night, Hillel has given me so many wonderful opportunities to experience Davis and deepen my connection to Judaism. One of my favorite experiences was going on Coffee Connections with a Hillel intern. The intern who treated me to coffee was very kind and showed me around downtown Davis. She introduced me to Mishka’s Cafe, my favorite coffee place in town, and told me all about her time with Hillel. It was really helpful and allowed me to learn even more about Hillel’s different programming. She was also the person who answered all my questions when I was considering becoming a Hillel intern.

Thanks to her input and all the great things I heard about the program, I decided to apply. Now I’m working as a summer intern, and I’m able to give back to the organization that has made me so happy. Another unforgettable experience I had at Hillel was performing with a live band at Israel Fest. As someone with a passion for music, I’ve always wanted to perform with a band. So, when a friend I met at Hillel asked me to be the singer for the event I was overjoyed. Israel Fest was held in Hillel’s backyard and was beautifully decorated with balloons, Israeli flags, and all things blue and white. We got to perform for all our friends and it was really fun to sing my favorite songs for my favorite people. We spent the rest of the day listening to other musicians, relaxing with friends, and eating some delicious Israeli food.

Those were just a few of the good memories I’ve made at Hillel my freshman year and I can’t wait to make so many more. Thanks to Hillel, I found the community I was hoping for in Davis and was able to celebrate everything I love about Judaism. Now, I can confidently say I know what it means to have a “home away from home.” For me, it will always be Hillel of Davis and Sacramento.

Student Story

Ari Tilles, Class of 2025

Hillel has been one of the pillars of my college experience and has helped shape me into who I am today. Judaism has always been very important to me, and I knew I wanted to connect with and be a part of the Jewish community at UC Davis. At Hillel, I have been provided a space to explore and further my interests, grow personally and professionally, and make friends and memories that will last a lifetime.

I started college in Fall 2021, and I knew right away that Hillel was going to be important to my experience. I met my freshman year roommate online because of Hillel and met my best friend on the first day in the bike parking lot. I have met many of my closest friends at Hillel, including one of my current roommates. These are people who have made my life better, and I have many fond memories with them. With these friends, I have memories of going on road trips, attending concerts, playing games and watching movies. At Hillel, these are the people I love spending time with at Shabbat, catching up and enjoying each other’s company. I also greatly enjoy playing the piano with my friends at Hillel as it allows us to engage in our passion for music. I will be friends with these people for the rest of my life, and I likely would not have met them if not for Hillel.

For the last two years I have served as the Shabbat & Holidays Intern at Hillel, which has been one of the highlights of my time in college. I was inspired to become the Shabbat & Holidays Intern after seeing my friend do it, and I am so glad I did. While participating in this internship, I planned and led programming for Shabbat and holidays. Through the role, I was able to further connect with and better understand Judaism and its texts. I developed professional connections with the Hillel staff and other important Jewish figures in the area, connections that will benefit me as I advance my career. I also greatly improved on important skills such as public speaking and collaboration. My time in the Hillel internship program has been incredible and is something I take pride in.

Overall, my time in college would be completely different if not for Hillel. I always look forward to the many wonderful events hosted by Hillel, including Shabbats, Tuesday brunches and the Matzah Ball. More importantly, Hillel has provided me with a space to be myself and grow. I am forever grateful for what Hillel has done and allowed me to achieve. When I look back at my college experience, it’ll be impossible to do so without thinking about the enormous impact Hillel had on my time at UC Davis.

Our Birthright Trip to Israel

HearfromBenHassner(Classof2025)andYaelleKretchmer (Classof2027)abouttheirexperienceinIsrael


Ben was born and raised in Tel Aviv, Israel and moved to the United States a month before his twelfth birthday. He says that, “I grew up in a pretty secular household. We celebrated holidays, but that’s about it.” Similarly, Yaelle was born in the United States after her family immigrated from Israel in 1999. She says, “Even though I still have a lot of family over there, Birthright this summer was the first time that I had been back to Israel since I was six years old.”

Yaelle’s sister went on Birthright in 2018 and talked about how life-changing it was visiting Israel as an adult with friends, which inspired Yaelle to go. Similarly for Ben, he wanted to go on Birthright to visit his homeland as an adult with a group of his closest friends. Especially after the events of October 7, he felt like he needed to get more familiar with Israel after living so far away for such a long period of time. He was not disappointed. Ben says, “every single moment was so unbelievably powerful.”. As she begins another year of college, Yaelle has never felt more comfortable being Jewish: “I wasn’t always comfortable wearing a Jewish star necklace Now that I’ve been to Israel and visited the memorial at the Nova Music Festival site, I feel prepared to stand up for the people around me and myself.” As for Ben, he says, “I feel unstoppable and recharged. I feel more Israeli and Jewish right now at Davis than I've ever felt before. Going on Birthright made me realize just how important it is that I ask questions, stay informed, and stand up for myself and for my community on campus.”

Ren and Ben's Jewish Journey

HowHillelhelpedRenGhandehari(Classof2026)andBen Tomlin(Classof2024)converttoJudaism

ManythankstoRabbiBenHermanandMosaicLawCongregation forassistingourstudentswiththeconversionprocess

Ben says, "I grew up vaguely Catholic. I never went to church, and I didn't really do much other than a Bible study camp when I was little." Before coming to Hillel, Ren was exposed to Judaism mainly through friends who she met in high school Ren says, "they seemed like they had fun events going on at their student clubs. I always heard them talking about their bar and bat mitzvahs and traveling to visit family around the world. It made me interested in learning more. Looking back, I wanted to convert because I felt like Judaism aligned with my life, emphasized kindness, and was about spending time with friends and family. It was the right path for me."

During the summer after her freshman year, Ren decided to convert to Judaism She approached one member of the staff, Seth Browner, who pointed her in the direction of different synagogues in the area that could help her take that exciting step. Ben says, "I met Ren through Hillel who was also converting like me, and she recommended a conversion class at Mosaic Law Congregation. I decided to go with that one."

The future has only just begun When asked about what he's looking forward to the most, Ben says, "no matter where I go now, I'll always have a community like at a synagogue. There are so many people who I'm connected with now in a way that feels very meaningful." As she reflects on her year at Hillel, Ren says, "my favorite events were Sukkot, the High Holidays, the Passover seder, and learning Hebrew. One moment that stood out for me was picking my Hebrew name Rina Shira bat Avraham v'Sara."


Life and Legacy Society

Life and Legacy is a program that brings training and resources to help participating organizations grow and maintain planned giving programs with a focus on after-lifetime gifts

Nancy and Alan Brodovsky

Beth and Alan Brownstein

Larry Brownston

Norma Rappaport

Larry Rappaport z” l

Meryl Rappaport and Mark Haffer

Xochitl Castaneda and Marc Schenker

Michael Schermer

Barbara and Davina Dubnick

Hal Eisenberg

Anne Eisenberg z” l

Gayle and Edward Fishkin

Alla Gamarnik and Joel Blank

Shira and Don Gilbert

Janie and Frank Gumpert

Wendy Hoffman-Blank and Rabbi Bill Blank

Judy Kahler and Rabbi Reuven Taff

J. Daniel Khazzoom z” l

Terri Friedman and Mark Urban

Dalia and Lawrence Frank

Helen and Jerry Suran

Sue and Harry Sperber



Rabbi Greg Wolfe and Julie Hochman

Gail and Barry Klein

Barbara and Steve Kronick

Julie and Harry Lavine z” l

Judy and Steve Lewis

Denni Mador

Linda and Harvey Matlof

Simone and Brian Naftulin

Robin Neuman

Chani Oppenheim

Steve and Jane Orkand

Tammy and Michael Rochman

Shirley and Skip Rosenbloom

Devorah Samuels

Daniel Yoshpe z” l

Janet Saunders and Roy Kaplan

Monica and Scott Shapiro

Betsy and Michael Singer

Sandy Sokolow

Alvin Sokolow z” l

Hannah and Sherman Stein

Abby Thompson and Joel Hass

Steve and Joy Cohan

Laurel and Eric Hassid

Veronica Kaufman

We would like to gratefully acknowledge the endowments and institutional donors that make this special work possible


Tillie Schiff Endowment

Bubbe Cooper Shabbat Fund

Len Family Endowment

Oscar and Shula Blumenthal Endowment Fund

Lavine Family Endowment for Hillel

Hillel Building and Programming Fund

Leonard F Finder Lecture Series Fund

Julius and Joanne Kravitz Memorial Fund for Jewish Growth and Learning

Benabou-Nelson Moroccan Shabbat Fund

Jessie and Daniel Yoshpe Passover Seder Fund

Larry and Norma Rappaport Programming Endowment

Institutional Donors

Koret Foundation

The Jewish Federation of the Sacramento Region

The Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund

Jewish Community Foundation of the West

Cecil and Nanette Weintraub Family Charitable Foundation

Maccabee Task Force (MTF)

Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA)


Jews Indigenous to the Middle East and North Africa (JIMENA)

Consulate General of Israel in San Francisco

Shalom School

Hebrew Free Loan Association of San Francisco

Hillel International

Israel on Campus (ICC)

Interfaith America

The California Wellness Foundation

Nugget Markets

Yoloberry Yogurt

Shabbat Sponsors

Thank you to our generous Shabbat dinner sponsors, and we warmly invite you to join us at our next Shabbat event!

Rachel and Russell Darling

Marc and Ariel Pollack

Daniel Stone and Alanna Ford

Tillie Schiff z” l

Dave and Jennifer Peck

Melanie Myers

Ken Firestein

Mark Weiner and Sharon Campbell

Justin Weiner

Daniella Aloni

Judith and Jeffrey Feldman

Julie and Edward Kraus

Sue and Harry Sperber

Randy and Bebe Halimi-Pollack

Scott and Dafna Taryle

David and Ina Labowitz

Steve and Judy Lewis

Nanci and Chuck Cooper

Mike and Betsy Singer

The Nelson-Benabou Family

Ann and David Jolkovsky

Alvin Sokolow z” l

Interfaith America

Hillel International

Hebrew Free Loan

Jason and Elana Feinsmith

Beth and Tony Tanke

Janis and Jonathan Lightman

Jenifer and Benjamin Paul

Phil and Robin Fine

Denni Mador

Marcee and Mark Samberg

Roy Kaplan and Janet Saunders

Xochitl Castaneda and Marc Schenker

Daniel Chalolachvilli

Pamela and Andy Harlem

Diane Kamen and Brian Dewhirst

Emily and Jim Scheinman

David Siegel and Nancy Lazarus

Rabbi Ben Herman

Jake and Hannah Alexander

Barry and Gail Klein

We would like to gratefully acknowledge all of the generous donors who make this special work possible

$10,000 and above

Janie and Frank Gumpert

Robert Sarver

Beth and Tony Tanke

Betsy and Michael Singer

Joy and Steve Cohan

Barbara and John Horowitz

Nanci and Chuck Cooper

Barry and Gail Klein


Janet Saunders and Roy Kaplan

Norma Rappaport

Deanne Meyer

Elisa and Michael Levy

Robin and Phil Fine

Mark Weiner and Sharon Campbell

Laurel and Eric Hassid

Jay Schreider

Carrie Shepard and Dan Gusfield

Allan Gravitz

Anne Eisenberg z” l

Hal Eisenberg

Judy and Steven Lewis

Barbara and Mark Len

Ann and David Jolkovsky

Shulamit Glazerman and Jay Rosenheim

Carol and Lee Tager

Robin Sabes

Tammy and Michael Rochman

Nancy Lazarus and David Siegel

Jodi and Eric Liederman

Rachel and Russell Darling

Emily and Jim Scheinman

Donna Petre and Dennis Styne

Xochitl Castaneda and Marc Schenker

Nicole Glaser and Nathan Kuppermann

Vicki Wheelock and Gerald Schwarz

Jennifer and Dave Peck

We would like to gratefully acknowledge all of the generous donors who make this special work possible


Cindy and Uri Eliahu

Simone and Brian Naftulin

Elana and Jason Feinsmith

Rabbi Jaclyn Cohen

Devorah Samuels

Jerami Shecter and Nir Peled

Nancy and Alan Brodovsky

Sheryl and Sidney Gutmann

David and Ina Labowitz


Marjory Kaplan and Jean-Jacques Surbeck

Susan and Bob Lauer

Susan and Melvin Plutsky

Sharon and Michael Rogoff

Mila and Val Tarasenko

Dan Ovadya and Tamara Kraus

Robert Berg

Jake and Hannah Alexander

Laura and Soheil Younai

Sharna Shachar

Valli Israels, Andrew Mendlin, Mendlin Family, and Mendlin and Curtis

Legal Group

Michael Sokolow

Bernice and Jason Cohen

Monica and Scott Shapiro

We would like to gratefully acknowledge all of the generous donors who make this special work possible


Rabbi Joshua Knobel, Rabbi David Woznica, and the Clergy

Team at Stephen Wise Temple

Robin Kulakow and Bill Julian

Cantor Emma Lutz

Al Sokolow z” l

Denni Mador

Cookie Addison

Susan and Theodore Goodwin

Sue and Mike Sabes

Shoshi and Izydor Wilchfort

Melanie Myers

Deborah Hoffman Gonzalez and Louis Gonzalez

Terri Friedman and Mark Urban

Helaina and Richard Kravitz

Hope and Jeffrey Rabinovitz

Linda and Tom Nelson

Rabbi Mona Alfi and Glenn Hammel

LeShelle and Chancellor Gary May

Lori and Will Neal

Donald Alter

Beulah and Ezra Amsterdam

Annette Fineberg and Sufen Chiu

Justine and Oren Jacob

Robert Ruxin

Sue and Harry Sperber

Abby Thompson and Joel Hass

We would like to gratefully acknowledge all of the generous donors who make this special work possible


Julie Hochman and Rabbi Greg Wolfe

Katie and Jon Berryhill

Michael and Judge Judy Hersher, Ret.

Bebe Halimi-Pollack and Randy Pollack

Rabbi Ben Herman

Kim Connor and Robert Holland

Daniella Aloni

Claudia and Allan Leavitt

Jennifer and Jonathan Raven

Ariella Kelman and Alex Sherstinsky

Marion and Stanley Leff

Steve and Carol Goldberg

Rhoda Wolfe

Barbara Ansel

Judy Kahler and Rabbi Reuven Taff

Shira and Don Gilbert

Irit and Jeffrey Winston

Susanne Leitner and Robin Berrin

Judith and Jeffrey Feldman

Gann and Constance Bierner

Orna and Yaron Kretchmer

Marsha and Ralph Guggenheim

Wendy Hoffman-Blank and Rabbi Bill Blank

Jilian and Jonathan Bar-Or

Gayle and Edward Fishkin

Julie and Edward Kraus

Marcee and Mark Samberg

Diane Kamen and Brian Dewhirst

Sheri Belafsky and John Stauder

Kelli and Matt Brogan

Amina Harris

Megan Hendershott and Greg Rabin

Dorit Hertz and Teven Laxer

Edward Levin

Danielle and Dean Newberry

Kenneth Firestein

Veronica Kaufman

Shirley Levy

Nancy Loeb-Williams and Bill Williams

Davita Levin-Robinson and Seth Robinson

Ann and Stewart Teal


Andy and Pamela Harlem

Dafna and Scott Taryle

Revital Padovitz

Sandra and Thomas Jones

David Weinrot

Ariel and Marc Pollack

Horace Austin

Tyler Gregory

Daniela Kleiman and Pablo Buki

Mack and Jeannette Rossoff

Daniel Chalolachvilli

Daphna Fram and John Bruno

Vida and Gordon Adelman

Lisa Bernard-Pearl

Barry Broad

Maureen and Hilary Brodie

Olivia and Andy Cohen-Cutler

Daniel Stone and Alanna Ford

Karla Fung and Dan Fisher

Kathryn Glatter and Daniel Maurantonio

Laurie and Larry Goldman

Sue and Paul Hoffman

Hy Kashenberg

Sheryl and Peter Kline

Debra and David Kramer

Gloria and Roger Lang

Jonathan Lehrer-Graiwer

Lorraine and Peter Lewis

Tanya Makeev

Estelle Opper

Patricia and Anthony Philipps

Naomi Rosen and Bryan Weare

Andrea Rosen

Sharon and Larry Saltzman

Elizabeth and Mitchell Siegler

Tamara Weintraub

Mark Yafai

Jane and Steve Orkand

Wendy and Mark Zlotlow

We would like to gratefully acknowledge all of the generous donors who make this special work possible


Michael and Rabbi Julie Saxe-Taller

Marcy and Steve Unger

Bruce Minyo

Joshua Davis

Stacy Weiss

Ryan Brodovsky

Jenifer and Ben Paul

Evie and Larry Lieb

Shirley and Skip Rosenbloom

Svetlana and Maxim Kelman

Lena and Leon Osher

Yefim Shuster

Janis and Jonathan Lightman

John Boisa

Sara and Matt Ettus

Steven Frankel

Anne and Bruce Pomer

Tamara and Baryohay Davidoff

Julia and Mark Klebanov

Michael and Maxine Mantell

Michelle and Howland Gordon

Sandra Strassner-Weisberg and Michael Weisberg

Jessica and Joel Birch

Claire Conlon-De Vries and Jonathan De Vries

Elisabeth Dubin and Todd "T.J." Green

Jafi Lipson and Josh Lehrer

Danielle and Brian Miller

Pia Spector and Jay Valancy

Zipora and Steven Weinbaum

Sharon and Ricardo Amon

Bonnie Berman and Kenneth Eckey

Iris and Dan Tennenbaum

Julie Biberstein

Donna Clark

Chimène Keitner

Laura Kline

Diane and Andy Monheit

Peter Schrag

Karen and Steven Polansky

Lisa and Craig Patterson

Diana Perkins

Devorah Lackner

Diane and David Dulberg

Janna and David Fond

Carla and Roy Levin

Rabbi Bess Wohlner and Rabbi Jeremy Simons

Monica and Ken Oestreich

Jill Stecher and Dan Weitzman

Ann and Barry Steinberg

Dena Bauman

Dalia and Lawrence Frank

Dawne Bear Novicoff

Roy Benson

Susan and Lawrence Stieber

Lydia Inghram

Ann Kanter

Daniel Copeland

Bennett Pollack-Reeber

Justin Weiner

Phyllis and Mark Shinbane

Alma and Mark Drabkin

Christine and Michael Soto

Jonathan Becker

Irina Delusina and Kenneth Verosub

Netania and Raphael Moore

Samantha and Samuel Max Siegel

Anita Fortman

Sheila and Kenneth Budman

Alla Gamarnik and Joel Blank

Robin Soffer

Judith and Steven Turtletaub

Sandra and Azar Benabou

Dorothy and Robert Egel

Resa Rosenstein

Vania Suen

Kathy Darling

Maureen Johnson

Jocelyne Okrent and Takis Mitropoulos

Pamela and Benjamin Wald

Arthur Chinski

Elizabeth Igra

Karen Neuwald

Elanna and Schneor Sherman

Barbara and Gerald August

Ernst Biberstein

Rebecca Blatt-Rendsburg and David Rendsburg

Jonathan Diamant

Hal Light

Jennifer Newell

Elizabeth and Eugene Renkin

Anne Roth

Nancy Bernheimer

Lisa and Jonathan Breslau

Natalya Eagen-Rosenberg and Rabbi Matt Rosenberg

Sandi and David Fahn

Stacie and Lucas Frerichs

Stefanie Lipson

Barbara Lloyd-Bailey and Clinton Bailey

Jan and Andrew Newman

Eric and Jackie Schreiber

Joyce Tamanaha

Stella Gaber and Alex Chupkin

Kristi Link-Crosier and Matt Crosier

Mary and Adam Frank

Joceline Herman

Pam and Tim Herman


Mikhail Lotvin

Hollie Malamud

Deborah Miller-Froh and Chris Miller-Froh

Michelle and Mark Oplatka

Jim Provenza

Michael Rabkin

Meryl Rappaport and Mark Haffer

Natalya Shtutman

Norman Weir

Laura and Richard Weisberg

Sandi and John Kniep

We would like to gratefully acknowledge all of the generous donors who make this special work possible


Daniel Dutulescu


Alison and Philip Braverman

Eric and Robyn Stone

Lauri Kinney

Wendy and Gregory Hubbs

Jennifer and Todd Kaufman

Rabbi Deni and Steven Marshall

Karen Soskin

Shachar-Lee Yaakobovitz


Leigh and Irwin Segel

Susan and Marvin Brienes

Lynne and Leon Kosdon

Eran Vaisben

Beth and Alan Brownstein

Marci Davis and Robert Schneider

Arla Hesterman

Leah Hibel

Donna Neville and Edwin Grosholz

Linda Sternberg

Bernard Backer

Melody Klein

Mollee Sue and Jack Zoken

Debra Abramowitz

Claire Goldstein and Sven-Erik Rose

Karen Kelley

Terri and Michael Schmier

Daniel and Basya Marcus

Scarlet and Harvey Edber

Minna Erle Jacobs and Steve Jacobs

Shari Lewis

Nicole Sabes

Linda and Henry Salmon

Walter Sherwood

Marc Weiner

Cantor Noah Rachels

Ruth Elkins

Evelyn and Joe Schorr

Robin Lee Neuman

Lilach and Hanan Cohen

Lisa and Robert Velazquez

Sienna Drizin

Elisa Espley-Jones

Idara Essien-Wood and Luke Wood

Beth Forsman

Sharon Friedman

Catherine and Greg Friedman

Zarina Goldman

Sandi Goldstein

Elise Howard

Malene and Niels Jensen

Michael Kadoch


Elise Parnes and Johannes Troost

Yael and Moshe Rosenberg

Allen Mayer

Rosalie and Jerry Roth

Jeffrey Sherman

Linda and Jeffrey Steele

Rena Victor and Richard Chinlund

Marylin Kingston and Harry Cynamon

Keri Klein

Saatyaki Amin

Kira and Louis Erba

Mila Aronova

Lisa Barrett McKie

Stacy Brobst

Maya Bronicki

Brian Casey

Holly and Michael Fahn

Tammy Fetter

Keren Seker Gafni

Brad Glassman

Patricia and Jared Goldin

Randy and Jeffrey Goldstein

Irene and Ralph Green

Glenn Handler

Hoffman Family Trust

Sandra and John Jarvie

Jennifer and Michael Kaplan

Amir Kol

Carole Kovnick

Robin and Joth Layton

Ziva Lev

Neal Frederick Levine

Annette and Joel Levy

Francine Levy

Sheree and David Meyer

Sally Mote-Yaffe and David Yaffe

Chani Oppenheim

Joy Powers and David Spark

Renee Jost Prosen

Jeff Reisig

Debra and Jesse Rosen

Morissa and Andrew Rubin

Naomi Rubin

Eleanor Rusnak

Eleanor and Harel Schwarz

Sherry Shapiro and Gerson Stauber

Lilach and Tzahi Sirak

Kathy and William Sloan

Nancy and Arthur Solomon

Judy and Eric Soslau

Joan Parnas Sublett

Fern Tablin and Arnold Jay Wolf

Sheldon Tilles

Jessica Tucker-Mohl and Mark Goldman

Glenn Ulansey

Jared Vagy

Stacey Wallach

Carl Warsowe

Carol Zulman

Roberta and Bill Kuhlman

Cassie McBride

We would like to gratefully acknowledge all of the generous donors who make this special work possible


Linda Landau

Sheryl and Ronald Gross

Hannah Krimins Mertens and Forrest Mertens

Maddie Katz and Michael Sabes

Shira and Daniel Adatto

Shelley Weinstein

Linda and Sidney Yassinger

Cydne Valenzano

Mark Winey

Morgan and Bruce Deutsch

Karen Rich

Susan and Robert Abelson

Sean Boyd

Barbara Keer

Susan and Ronald Remba

Marsha Richtel-Stone and David Stone

Natalie and Alexander Gaysinsky

Sharon and Amnon Raviv

Amy and Joel Blatt

Dennis Siegman

Lauren Berman

Elaine Elkins

Joan and Marc Epstein

Deborah and Joshua Frost

Tania Garcia-Cadena

June Shifrin

Melissa Thurston

Scott Browner

Rick Feldman

Harriett Gadisman

Judy Tick and Steven Ganz

Jacqueline Irwin

Brooke and David Kielsmeier

Shelby and Joseph Kopecky

Sharon Lippman

Sandra Nieves

Beth Riseman

Julie Schweitzer and Michael Rogawski

Jennifer Scott

Lynne and Mark Snyder

Gay and Paul Tanner

Cara and Ronen Vainish

Roselyn Weiss

Amy Wolfe

Kerry Lynne Wright

Karen Goldstein

Judith Gordon

Shari Kawelo

Judith and James Lawson

Diana Maltzer

Laurie Pennington

Moji Smulewitz

Eytan Wallace

Philip Alexander

Rachael Fenton

Ronit Fischbach

Nancy and Jerry Fogler

Lauren Salmo and Adam Jacob

Beverly and Sylvan Karfiol

Anna Logvinova

Martin and Ellen Rosenberg

Marilyn Ruxin

Wendi and Arthur Singer

Marlene G. Smith

Michael Smith

Bonnie Viets Stern and Jeffrey Stern Stern

Sherri and Randy Weinstein

Gina Werfel and William Hearne Pardee

Ruth Zucker

Zachary Alexander

Jill Jarvie

Daniel Nurco

Iming and Robert Aron

Nancy Celniker and David Goldstein

Jordan Ollanik

Anissa Smith

Kestrel Bierner

Heather Waugh

Emma Voit

Ari Polsky

Brian Berryhill

Nikolai Gurtovoy

Orit Izilov

Tal Sendler

Hallie Unger

Aliza Wine

Alvin Fayman

Seth Browner

James Di Napoli

Seth Weinstein

Molly and Bernard Goldberg

David Bergman

Lynn Simon and Mark Berman

Stacy Boodman

Hillel Staff Members


Executive Director

Rachel Darling

Operations Director

Debbie Gritts

Assistant Director

Hallie Unger

Head Chef

Karyn Lipman and Elli Batat

Office Administrator

Ariana Andino

Development Manager

Seth Browner

Israel Fellow

Orit Izilov

Springboard Fellow

Dasha Pozdnikov

Mission Statement

Proudly established in 1965 to enhance the lives of our Jewish students; to build a Jewish community on campus that will serve as an inspiration and model for what students can contribute to their Jewish communities after college; to provide experiences that will strengthen Jewish students’ identification with, and celebration of, their Jewish heritage; to act as the Jewish resource to the general campus community; to represent and advocate for Jewish causes and concerns, now and in the future, on campus and beyond.

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