High Moon Anniversary issue

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We, High Moon Magazine, respectfully acknowledge the territory in which we gather as the ancestral homelands of the Wolastoqey, Mi’gmaw and Peskotomuhkati peoples.

Say Hello to High Moon Magazine – A Cannabis Publication that follows the Lunar Cycle!

High Moon Magazine is a digital publication based in Canada that follows the phases of the moon and provides its readers with insightful cannabis-related content Our magazine is operated and run by a fantastic team of humans – join us!

We are proud allies and members of the 2SLGBTQIA+ community and strive to create an inclusive and welcoming environment for all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or expression We believe that everyone deserves to be treated with respect, dignity, and kindness

Our goal is to promote acceptance and understanding of diversity and to celebrate the unique qualities that make each of us who we are We are committed to providing support, resources, and advocacy for those who face discrimination and injustice Together, we can create a world where everyone feels safe and valued, and where love and acceptance are the norm in the cannabis industry!

High Moon

From the Editor

I never imagined we would reach the threeyear milestone of High Moon Magazine, let alone become the official media for CannExpo 2024! Yet, here we are What began as a passion project to give back to the cannabis community has blossomed into something remarkable. Many wonderful earthlings granted me opportunities during my early days in the legacy industry, guiding the way for where I am today

I strongly believe in embracing people's narratives, brands, ideas, and art. The journey has introduced me to incredible individuals, and I eagerly anticipate what 2024 holds for High Moon Magazine My heartfelt gratitude to each one of you, and a special acknowledgment to Tilly for her invaluable contributions and sharp editing skills as my coeditor and dear friend I also extend a big thank you to Zack, our newest member and a steadfast supporter/contributor of High Moon since our OG days.

Jess Hope

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com 3 EDITOR’S NOTE

From the Co-Editor

Two and a half years ago, I made the bold decision to move myself, my son, and my cat from Massachusetts, USA to Hamilton, Ontario, Canada It is still one of the most surreal things I have ever gone through And thinking back? there is not one thing I would have done different.

I am so grateful for the welcoming arms and hearts the Canada cannabis community has It has been my absolute pleasure to learn, grow, and consume with all of you!

Never did I think I would be here, not just growing cannabis on my little homestead, but also being a co-editor and writer for High Moon Magazine! Watching this publication thrive has been one of the brightest moments of my life.

Here’s to so many more



HIGH MOON MAGAZINE 4 www.highmoonmagazine.com EDITOR’S NOTE

From Zack:


Sitting here, almost vibrating from excitement, as I am absolutely PUMPED to not only show, but introduce you to this months issue of High Moon Showcasing many brands/ community members alike, and all they bring to our vastly growing table! This one's gonna be good!

My name is Zack, but most of my friends in the industry know me as “Hippy”, or “The Hippy”. I am a horticulturalist by trade, a budtender at Higher Healing by day, Cannabis enthusiast/ activist and supporter, ALL while being a Father/ Step-Dad

Cannabis has become one of the biggest parts of my life, and I've worked hard, and failed even harder, to get to where I am today Blessed to be a part of such an amazing community!

I'm here for two reasons; my passion for this plant and its history, and to spread HIPPINESS and LOVE to each and every interaction within its presence!

Enjoy the read, Peace and Love!

CANNEXPO 2024 From the Editor Jess Hope 3 From the CoEditor Tilly 4 From Community Support Jack 5 Disclaimer 7 Cannabis Aroma Wheel, pg 26 The Disciplined Stoners, pg 13-15 Lunar Mixer 8 CannExpo 2024 9 CannExpo Map 10 Meet the CannExpo Ladies 11-12 OCS Grant Recipients 16-17
TableOfContents Meet Retro, pg 28-29 DISCOVER Camp Canna 2024 20 Increase the Edible Limits?norml 27 Exka 31 Minor Cannabinoids ufeelu 32-33 Stash Club 35 Hydroponic Testing with Rhize 36-37 Meet Greenleaf Support 39 Ignorant Exclusion; Culture Shift Rose Finlay 44-45 Guilded Genetics 48 Folk Magic Tattoo 50-53 ThePlantsApprentice Photography 54
22-23 CONTRIBUTIONS HUMAN INTEREST Endo and CBG Alex 18-19 My Love Letter to Cannabis Robin Jackson 20 Croptober 2024 Tilly 34 Advice from Strictly Hippy Elaine 42-43 Who is Bud Betty? Bud Betty 46-47 LOTW Connect: Meet Vyctoria Vyctoria Barling 49 Calling All Cooks to the Kitchen Vivian Allen 55-57 Thoughts With Canna Court Canna Court 58-59 HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Rose & Rosin 24-25 Cicatrix Suppositories 38-39 Moonstone Alternative 41 PRODUCTS
LOTW Buds, pg
Praxis Project, pg 30

High Moon Magazine does not assume responsibility for the actions, quality, or services of the products or companies featured in this publication.

Content provided by High Moon Magazine, including posts, comments, or any information shared by third parties, represents the views of the respective authors, not High Moon Magazine or Higher Living with Jess. It is crucial to note that none of the content should be construed as medical, legal, or financial advice. The information presented is not intended to endorse specific courses of action and should not be treated as such. Unauthorized use, reproduction, or distribution of images or text is subject to liability by High Moon Magazine.

Sponsored by www.higherlivingjess.ca.



Welcome to CannExpo 2024. This year is bigger and better. We’re bringing you three days of events and budtender sampling. Come meet your favourite brands, influencers, and more.

Located at the gorgeous Enercare centre. This year will feature a designated consumption zone. Come join us and meet the High Moon Team!!!

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com 9 CANNEXPO 2024

New This Year at CannExpo!

Camp Canna Zone

Disciplined Stoners

mainstage show ZIG ZAG rolling contest

Gender neutral washroom

THREE days of budtender sampling

Outdoor consumption zone

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE 10 www.highmoonmagazine.com CANNEXPO 2024

MeettheCannExpo Ladies!

In a male-dominated industry, Kathryn and Kelly are achieving remarkable success by planning one of Canada largest cannabis expos!

As the cannabis industry evolves, there has been a rise in Cannabis events and expos in Canada These events gather individuals from the industry, with most focusing on the business aspect. However, CannExpo has set a new standard in the cannabis scene. Since its debut in 2023, CannExpo has grown into a significant event for 2024, bringing together brands, businesses, budtenders, and consumers all in one place! And guess what? It's all organized by a mother-daughter duo, Kathryn and Kelly, adding their touch to the vibrant cannabis community.

I’ve had the pleasure of knowing both of these ladies the past year and I continue to be amazed at their efforts to bridge the gap between cannabis companies and their consumers!

What inspired you to get into the cannabis industry, and how has your journey been so far?

Kathy's fascination with the cannabis industry has been longstanding With our second company, Social Web Media, Kelly and I found joy in working with a few cannabis clients, crafting their online presence through websites and social media channels.

Kathy's expertise in trade shows, exemplified by her founding of the National Bridal Show and BabyTime Show, led her to identify an untapped niche in the cannabis trade show realm, particularly for consumer-focused events. The journey so far has had its ups and downs, but it’s ultimately inspiring We have made so many amazing friends and connections, and the industry is always evolving and there are so many things to learn

As a woman owned business in a predominantly male industry, what challenges have you faced, and how have you overcome them?

As a woman-owned business in a mostly male industry, I've faced a lot of challenges. One big problem is dealing with the biases that are common in this industry. People sometimes doubt my abilities or underestimate me in meetings, which can be tough to deal with.

To overcome these challenges, I've focused on building a strong network of other women entrepreneurs and allies in the industry. I've also worked hard to keep learning and improving my skills so that I can compete on an equal level with everyone else I've also taken the opportunity to challenge stereotypes and show that women can be leaders in the cannabis industry too By being myself, staying confident, and doing great work, I've earned respect and proven myself in a field where men often dominate

Overall, it's been a tough journey as a woman in this industry, but it's also been really empowering By using my strengths, building relationships, and standing up for gender equality, I've been able to succeed in a space where women haven't always been welcome.

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com 11 CANNEXPO 2024

How do you see the future of women in the cannabis industry evolving, and what advice do you have for aspiring female entrepreneurs?

I see a bright future for women in the cannabis industry There are more chances for women to grow, lead, and bring new ideas. As the industry grows and changes, more opportunities are opening up for women to be leaders and influence where things are going.

One big change I expect is that more women will be in charge in different parts of the cannabis industry, like growing, making products, selling, and advocacy. Women have their own perspectives and skills that can really make a difference. As more women take on leadership roles, they'll have a bigger say in how things are done in the industry I also think we'll see more businesses started by women.

Women might focus on creating products that meet the needs of women or leading efforts to make sure everyone gets a fair chance in the industry. For women who want to start their own cannabis businesses, I'd say believe in yourself, keep going even when it's tough, and find people who can support and guide you Learn as much as you can about the industry, and stay updated on what's happening Most importantly, trust in your abilities and don't be afraid to stand out and make your mark.

In what ways do you think the cannabis industry can become more inclusive and supportive of women entrepreneurs like yourselves?

In order to create a more inclusive environment for women entrepreneurs in the cannabis industry, it's essential to provide them with equal opportunities for funding, educational support, and networking. This involves offering tailored programs such as workshops and mentorship initiatives to address their specific needs. Additionally,challenging stereotypes and promoting a culture of inclusivity can help create an environment where women feel valued and empowered to succeed in the cannabis business.

What are you both looking forward to at CannExpo 2024?

There is so much happening at CannExpo 2024 that we are beyond excited for As a second year show, we really feel that this show is a representation of several parts of the cannabis industry in one. 2023 was our inaugural show and we had a lot of limitations.

Our 2024 show really feels like our initial vision We are working with amazing people to put on a great show and we are so excited to feel that community vibe again!

Kelly: I am most excited for the community aspect of CannExpo. It is a great chance for everyone to come together and make meaningful connections I’m also really excited to get a tattoo from the TatTour bus!

Kathy: I’m looking forward seeing to our vision come to life and to see people having a fantastic time at CannExpo.

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The Disciplined Stoners

An influential pair altering perspectives.

Introducing the Disciplined Stoners to High Moon Magazine This captivating pair is reshaping viewpoints, rocking a great podcast, producing music, and spreading joy across the cosmos.

Excitingly, we introduce the Disciplined Stoners, a dynamic duo injecting their unique energy and talents into the essence of High Moon Magazine. Join us on a journey as we delve into the extraordinary narrative of this vibrant couple who are making an impact and radiating positivity wherever they venture.

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com 13 HUMAN INTEREST

How did you both get into the cannabis scene? I know Winny is an actress and talented comedian and Ellevan is a badass musician, how did the cannabis industry become something you’re passionate about?

Thank you so much for the compliments! We found the plant together in our early 20’s and it became very clear, very quickly, that it is a source of medicine and healing Ellevan joined the legacy community and began working for the plant through protests and marches, freestyling with Matt Mernagh on 4/20 at Dundas square and frequenting the legendary vapour lounge After legalization, Winny became the general manager of an award winning retail store, 1922 Our podcast, Disciplined Stoners, was born out of the desire to end the harsh stigma around cannabis, but has now evolved to encourage mindful consumption and promote the wonderful relationship between cannabis and selfawareness, discipline, and wellbeing

Tell us about the Mindful podcast!? How did that come about?!

Winny has been a yoga teacher for over a decade and we’ve both sought refuge in meditation for over 7 years. We meditate daily to help establish a clear mind state before heading out into this beautiful and complex world Cannabis seemingly goes hand in hand with mindful practices because it promotes a perspective shift and to quote the late, great Wayne Dyer; “When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change We believe wholeheartedly that we have control over our emotions and thoughts, and ultimately our lives. And we believe cannabis was a fast track in helping us find that understanding We want to empower stoners by sharing our life experiences and learnings, in real time, thus the podcast.

As you may know, Winny and Ellevan are very different humans, especially on how we approach life Part of our message is finding harmony in the ebbs and flows of life It may not always feel awesome, but it is always divine and that is worth contemplating in times of challenge. Find a piece of peace in the solace knowing that you are in control of your experience through discipline of the mind.

Ellevan! How was filming that epic music video for your song ?! We loved you included the cannabis industry fam in it!

It was fulfilling on levels I didn’t know of. Haha shout out Paul Ohonsi man!!!!! (Camera Partner) I am legit just taking a page out of uncle Berner’s book and trynna document my reality around me and share it in the art. All the great MC’s just shared what was really going on at the time and made it cool somehow I try to follow that the best I can

We’re always at these events, kicking it with these legends of the game, ones who are legit effecting us by incorporating us in their parties and blessing us with product and being connected in the vortex of the flower in general I had to bring together a visual that represented that for us in Canada (especially Ontario) I also just reached out to some ppl who I haven’t collab’ed with yet and wanted to Gypsy Tokes came down, BAM shared his legendary blunts for it, and Sarah Sunday never does camera stuff and showed up for it! I’m SO grateful cuz it came out epic. It was heartwarming too cuz some reached out to be in it, so I just went with the flow and it turned out more amazing than I had planned or imagined! (I edited it in 2 days cuz how excited I was haha)

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE 14 www.highmoonmagazine.com HUMAN INTEREST

Winny! What are you up to this year? We LOVE your comedy routines.

Thank you!! I’m still very humble about comedy as it’s only my second year in it, but I am starting to like my jokes now so I know I’m improving Huge shoutout to Puff Mama for giving me stage time and supporting women in weed and comedy

My word of the year is “focus” I want to become more aware of where I am placing my energy I want to do as much stand-up as possible to gain that experience and put hours in to create my best possible set. I am writing a comedy script that I eventually, possibly even as early as next year will shoot and star in I hope to put my all into my creative passions and see how the world responds

What does 2024 have in store for your podcast?!

Great question! Ideally improving the quality of our art and output Create more limbs of the podcast through vlogging and guided meditations Have thought-provoking conversations with guests who share the intention of living as a Disciplined Stoner. Keep authenticity at the heart of the show Show up just as complex as the cannabis plant herself

What are you most excited about at CannExpo 2024?!

We’d be lying a little bit if we said that getting tattoos at The Tat Tour isn’t in our top 5 things t b it d f BUT th i thi i i t b ti ith l t ' hibit d



These groundbreaking brands represent a diverse and innovative approach to the cannabis industry. By highlighting the talents and contributions of minority-owned businesses, we celebrate the richness of perspectives and creativity they bring to the table. Through the OCS + CannExpo Grants, these brands are not only receiving well-deserved recognition but also the support they need to thrive and make a lasting impact Let's continue to champion diversity and inclusion in all aspects of the industry, paving the way for a more equitable and vibrant future Click on the logos for more info! 1 2

ufeelu T.L.M The Legacy Market

A brand with a legacy, ufeelu is minority-owned and self-funded, offering innovative minor cannabinoid oils. ufeelu also has the first and only broad spectrum CBD oil on the legal market.

More than a brand. Meet The Legacy Market aka TLM. Bringing you their AAAA & AAA cultivars, along with their Love in a Bag and Milly brands.

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE 16 www.highmoonmagazine.com


1337 Elite- Evr J’s

EVR J’s are an ultra craft variety pack of pre rolls consisting of two different strains in 2 x 0.7g format. Each treasure pack will have their own strains including Treasure Pack #1 which carries White RNTZ & Kush Mintz, whereas Treasure Pack #2 will have Gorilla Zkittlez & Redbullz Whole dried flower is used with a unique rolling technique that will avoid clogs and canoes when consumed A highly potent and terpy experience, these gems were a great find

4 Aspire Infusions

Cutting-edge consumer-focused lifestyle products! Check out their Moonshots and Moonrocks!

Discover a world where innovation meets style with the latest in cutting-edge consumer-focused lifestyle products! Prepare to be amazed by the revolutionary Moonshots and Moonrocks that are set to redefine your everyday cannabis experiences.


The reef store

The Reef Store By The Lake is 100% Indigenous-owned and operated, located on Wauzhushk Onigum Nation in Treaty #3 The Reef Store By The Lake is an authorized AGCO-Ontario-based licensed retailer situated on the shores of Lake of the Woods, and services 28 surrounding First Nation communities, local municipalities, and seasonal residents who visit during the summer months Established in 2020, The Reef Store By The Lake is the first Indigenous retailer to open in our region and remains the only cannabis retailer located on reserve in Northwestern Ontario.

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com 17 CANNEXPO 2024


“It’s estimated that about 1 in 10 women live with endometriosis and the extremely painful symptoms that come along with this horrible condition Depending on the severity, endometriosis can be lifechangingandcomeswithunbearablechronicpain.”

Alexandrea has sought multiple treatments for her condition that have ranged from natural therapies to surgical intervention In 2017 she had a laparoscopy which is a relatively safe surgery where a camera is inserted into the pelvis via a small cut near her navel At this time, the specialist decided a second incision was needed to assess the extensive scar tissue that had developed in her abdomen Stage IV Endometriosis was confirmed The average diagnosis takes between 7 to 10 years

Today, several studies and surveys have shown that both CBD and THC are beneficial for endometriosis and the symptoms that tend to go hand in hand with the condition A Spanish study looked at endometriosis in mice The study found that not only did THC have analgesic and antispasmodic (reduces muscle spasm) properties but it also inhibited the development of endometrial cysts


We all know all about CBD but what do we know about CBG? Cannabigerol is derived from young cannabis plants because they contain higher amounts of CBG than fully developed plants Both CBD and THC start as CBGA, an acidic form of CBG

In fully developed plants with high concentrations of THC and CBD, you’ll find very low concentrations of CBG This happens because most of the CBG has already been converted to CBD and THC as the plant develops This is why CBG is often referred to as ‘the mother of all cannabinoids’

CBG is processed by the body's endocannabinoid system The endocannabinoid system is made up of molecules and receptors in our bodies that are responsible for keeping our bodies in an optimal state regardless of what's going on in our external environment CBG works by binding to both receptors where it’s thought to strengthen the function of anandamide, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in enhancing pleasure and motivation, regulating appetite and sleep, and alleviating pain Unlike THC, CBG has no psychotropic effects, so it will not give you a high

The way CBG interacts with our endocannabinoid system is different from CBD CBG binds directly to both CB1 and CB2 receptors and might be more efficient at delivering its benefits into our system In our bodies, CBG imitates endocannabinoids, the natural compounds our body makes

Like CBD, CBG has been used to combat pain without having the intoxicating effect of cannabinoids like THC Research shows that CBG can also have therapeutic effects However, human studies on this are sparse and more research needs to be done in this area

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE 18 www.highmoonmagazine.com HUMAN INTEREST

JULY 13TH 2022,

FORMATTED FOR 02/24/2024

Cannabis is known to have anti-inflammatory properties, in fact -even Queen Victoria used cannabis for heavy painful periods ”

Alexandrea believes that to get the most benefits from cannabis you should be using a broad-spectrum oil When cannabinoids are used together, they can increase the effectiveness of each other by a phenomenon called the entourage effect Currently the only broad-spectrum CBD/CBG oil on the market are the ufeelu Calm Drops

Let’s break it down - CBG vs CBD

CBG is often compared to CBD because it shares many similarities and they both act on the endocannabinoid system

Additionally, both CBG & CBD are nonpsychoactive which means they will not alter the state of your mind like THC does They can however reduce the psychotropic effect of THC

The way CBG interacts with our endocannabinoid system is different from CBD CBG binds directly to both CB1 and CB2 receptors and might be more efficient at delivering its benefits into our system

CBG has also strengthened the function of anandamide, a neurotransmitter that plays a role in enhancing pleasure and motivation, regulating appetite and sleep, and alleviating pain

https://elifesciences org/articles/50356

https://www verywellmind com/cannabigerol-cbg-uses-and-benefits-5085266

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com 19 HUMAN INTEREST


Experience the ultimate wilderness escape at Camp Canna taking place on May 31st, 2024 Nestled within the serene Haliburton Highlands in Ontario this secluded 1,100 acre campsite will be transformed into an extraordinary playground for adults seeking a rejuvenating and adventurous getaway Leaving its mark on Alberta this highly anticipated event is finally making its way to Ontario, bringing with it an unparalleled level of fun and excitement

Camp Canna offers an all-inclusive adventure that promises to ignite your inner child and create lasting memories. Immerse yourself in a world of dignified consumption and indulge in the LP Sampling Party*, where you can explore a variety of high-quality products. Additionally, you'll have the opportunity to explore the Vendor Market, filled with unique and cannabis-inspired goods.

Camp Canna is not just about cannabis, it's about creating connections and forging new friendships. With over 300 like-minded individuals in attendance, you'll have the chance to meet new friends while participating in an array of activities. Unleash your competitive spirit with games like High Ropes, Canoeing, Baseball, and Archery Tag. Embrace your creative side with activities like Tie Dye, Painting, and Cooking Workshops. For those seeking a more relaxed experience, find your Zen with Yoga & Stretching sessions or bask in the sun at the Inflatable Water Park.

As the day turns into night, embrace the rhythm and let loose during the live music in the evenings And what better way to end an adventurous day than gathering around the evening Bonfires, sharing stories, and creating lasting memories. Camp Canna is not just an event, it's an opportunity to reconnect with nature, rediscover your playful side, and form new connections. Join us for an unforgettable adventure that combines the beauty of the wilderness with an array of exciting activities and experiences.

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE 20 www.highmoonmagazine.com DISCOVER

My Love Letter to Cannabis




It was a warm, sunny day in July, and I remember my high-topconverseshoeshittingthesidewalkasEmilyand I walked to my then boyfriend’s house I was 15 years old andthoughtlifecouldn’tgetanybetter

As we walked and talked and giggled about whatever 15-year-old girls did in 1993, Emily pulled out what looked like a funny cigarette from her pocket and nudged me, “hey have you ever smoked weed before?” I looked at her in astonishment, “of course not!”. Emily was a bit surprised, or at least looked surprised. “Really?” she asked. I shook my head, nope not me. Of course, I had drank alcohol, quite a few times by then, and been drunk. There was no stigma against alcohol in my home, so I thought it was ok. No one, except when the police would come to your elementary school and tell you how bad all drugs where, had ever spoken to me about cannabis.

Emily, I found out as we walked and talked some more was very familiar with “weed”, as her mom was a “pothead” and spoke very openly with her about it. She said her mom could be “a little crazy” sometimes but once she smoked a joint, she seemed much happier and chill. I thought, why not? Let’s give this “weed” a try. So, we went into the park of a local public school we were walking by, and Emily lit the joint. It smelt funny to me, almost sweet. I would grow to love that smell over the years. As she went to pass me the joint, I remember hesitating for just a second, then poof I had taken my first puff of weed, I did cough a bit.

As we finished the joint I said to Emily, “this is doing nothing, I don’t feel any different than before ” We continued our walk when literally seconds later I felt like I was walking on a cloud The world gradually started to feel fuzzier I stopped in the middle of the sidewalk I lifted my arms up and twirled around in a circle I thought to myself, this is the best feeling I have ever had in my entire life! I was laughing hysterically and Emily who was now about 15 feet in front of me turned around, looked at me like I was out of my mind “What?” I asked and she looked me dead and the eyes and began laughing hysterically too! From that day forward cannabis has been my one true love

I feel very blessed, fortunate and content (which is fine by me, I’ve had plenty of excitement in my life) with my world and the people I am lucky enough to share it with The one constant I have had through the good and not so good times is cannabis Sometimes she wasn’t the best, sometimes I had to wait hours in a Zellers parking lot to finally meet my girl, usually it was well worth it There were many times Maryjane and I had to hide in dark corners to avoid the “stink face” and judgement of other who just didn’t understand or didn’t want to understand the beauty of this plant Sometimes I had to keep you a secret as not everyone always approved of us

We did eventually make it to my then boyfriends house after chatting nonstop for about 15 minutes as we walked He knew right away Apparently unbeknownst to me, he was a seasoned pothead & shared some more ganja with us I had never known that life could be so blissful, even if it was just for a few hours with my best friend and then boyfriend, sitting in the humid Ontario day sharing stories It truly was a memorable day

Fast forward 30 years Today I am an avid cannabis user and advocate I have been smoking cannabis regularly for 25 years and have maintained the same employment for said years

Even today in 2024 in Ontario where cannabis is recreationally legal, there is still so much stigma related to cannabis and the real question is why? Why do so many still think my beautiful Maryjane is “the devil’s lettuce”? Is it because our government brainwashed us for almost 100 years to believe cannabis will open the flood gates to bad behaviour and addictions to other, harsher “drugs”? Possibly, thanks Harry, however with advocates like you and I WE CAN BREAK THE STIGMA I feel grateful to have the opportunity to learn about cannabis and share that information in a way that can empower other people to see beyond some of the negative stigmas

There are so many beautiful aspects to the cannabis plant, its structure, resiliency, bud size, smells, effects from smoking and eating it. The pain relief she gives so many of her users, myself included. Cannabis is so versatile, helping people with a variety of ailments including headaches, an injured body part, menstrual cramps, and insomnia. Cannabis has always put me at ease, and made me feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. It truly is elating. The feeling of euphoria after a nice, smooth bong rip. It is magical.

I want to thank you, Maryjane, my one true love for always being there for me. We have grown a real bond over the years, and I hope to continue growing with you. You have allowed me to capture my dreams, and nothing compares to the pleasure you give me. You are one of the most important connections I have made to date, so thank you cannabis for all you do for me and the rest of the world.

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com 21 HUMAN INTEREST

LoTW Buds

Julia and her partner are the ome of craft cannabis, having -funded their venture They red the land, constructed the ity, and currently grow and age the cannabis operation!

r mutual love for the plant for one another is evident in thriving cannabis plants they duce. They are the odiment of teamwork and an ellent example for all.

r dedication to producing -quality, sustainable cannabis dmirable Julia and her partner ritize the health and wellg of their plants, using ronmentally-friendly methods, always striving to improve r techniques Their passion for plant extends beyond just wing it, as they also prioritize cating others on the benefits potential uses of cannabis

Julia and her partner are not just successful entrepreneurs, but also advocates for the cannabis industry and the positive impact it can have on individuals and communities.

Julia and her partner's journey in the realm of craft cannabis is a testament to their unwavering commitment and passion for the plant. Their hands-on approach from clearing the land to managing the thriving cannabis operation showcases their dedication and hard work The synergy between them is palpable, fueling not only the growth of their plants but also their relationship

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6 www.highmoonmagazine.com 23 DISCOVER

Sparking Joy:

How Rose & Rosin's Aesthetic Smokeware

Romanticizes Your Sesh

In the spirit of February, a month dedicated to love, why not extend that sentiment to your daily rituals?

Picture this:

A smokeware collection that not only elevates your cannabis experience but also adds a touch of romance to your self-care routine.

Enter Rose & Rosin, a brand that understands the profound impact of beautiful surroundings on mental well-being.


The story of Rose & Rosin began with founder Selene Wildflower, on a quest for aesthetically pleasing smokeware that blended in with her home decor. She was driven by the desire to romanticize her smoking experience and not feel the need to hide her accessories after each use or upon unexpected visits Unable to find something of this nature at local dispensaries, she took matters into her own hands- (literally!) by handcrafting her very own smokeware which has now led to the launch of her very first business, Rose & Rosin, as well as her decision to collaborate with Canadian artists to create accessories that are not just functional, but double as a work of art.

https://roseandrosin com/

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE 24 www.highmoonmagazine.com PRODUCTS

Each piece from Rose & Rosin is more than just a smoking accessory– it's a love letter to the art of intentional living. The design philosophy behind these accessories helps to enhance your overall well-being through its ergonomic design and modern, luxe aesthetics. Surrounding yourself with beautiful things has been proven to reduce stress levels and increase overall satisfaction with life. So why not swap out your makeshiftpaperclip-joint-holder with a beautifully crafted Clasp & Chain Pendant and start romanticizing your life?

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Here Here Here HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com 27 DISCOVER


In the heart of Prince Edward Island, Retro Cannabis stands as a beacon of innovation in the craft cannabis space This Atlantic Canadian gem is redefining the cannabis experience with a fusion of old-school cool and modern craftsmanship, encapsulated in their ethos, "Vintage Vibes, Modern Methods "

Retro Cannabis isn't just a brand; it's a cultural phenomenon Its roots delve deep into the rich history of cannabis, evolving from a simple name to a symbol of excellence and authenticity Every product crafted at Retro is a harmonious blend of precision and passion reflecting their

The heart of Retro’s mission is n cannabis nostalgic temporary g a unique both th d-thinking cannabis celebratin abis from d to th cannab m qualit s are eek design ality – a ose who gs Potent d pre-roll, vation and o includes ates, and a unique try

The Retro vibe extends across Canada, with a presence in 7 provinces and 2 territories; PEI, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Ontario, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Northwest Territories, and Yukon. For the techsavvy cannabis fans, Retro’s offerings are just a few clicks away on platforms like Mendo Medical Cannabis, Herbal Dispatch Cannabis Club, Stash Club, and Recover Cann

But Retro Cannabis goes beyond providing high-quality products It's about embarking on a laid-back journey, where every product is a masterpiece that contributes to the grand narrative of cannabis culture Retro invites its audience to join in this voyage, where the past sets the groove and innovation directs the future

In the world of Retro Cannabis, every inhale is more than just a puff; it's a part of a larger story, a celebration of a higher state of being, steeped in the rich history of cannabis culture It’s an invitation to chill, to enjoy the moment, and to be part of a community where excellence, cool aesthetics, and a commitment to top-notch experiences are the norm

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where the charm of
meets the innovation of tomorrow creating an unmatched cannabis experience. Join in and discover
tradition is not
in the
cannabis scene. Embark on a journey with Retro Cannabis... Discover more about us at: www retrocannabis ca @retrocannabis @retrocannabis HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com 29 DISCOVER
but reimagined,, crafting a unique vibe

“XK Haschtag featuring Montreal Traditional Black Gummy hash has been celebrated through many reviews and recognized as a top seller across the country. Old School consumers are pleased by its malleability, texture, and a definite “Je ne sais quoi” that sets it apart.”

Founded in 2019 by Dr Maxime Paris, EXKA prides itself on creating innovative products and solutions for the cannabis industry and consumers through the magic of science. With values like Excellence, Knowledge, and Adaptability, the company has become a leader in 2 high-value segments of the industry: extraction and genetics.

Its innovative line of XK Haschtag featuring Montreal Traditional Black Gummy hash has been celebrated through many reviews and recognized as a top seller across the country. Old School consumers are pleased by its malleability, texture, and a definite “Je ne sais quoi” that sets it apart.

The company was also first to market the XK Splash line of sprays featuring 10mg of THC per activation and totaling 300mg of THC per unit that offers an alternative for customers looking for products over the 100mg of THC limit EXKA markets more than 50 products through its XK & Terroir brands in many provinces and through various medical channels

This team of scientists, Ph D s, and engineers also operate a cannabis tissue culture laboratory that offers propagation services and elite starting material to producers across Canada and the world.


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CBD, a non-intoxicating cannabinoid, is present in the cannabis plant Following THC, CBD is the second most abundant cannabinoid in cannabis, and it can also be extracted from hemp

CBD has gained popularity in recent years for its potential health benefits Unlike THC, CBD does not produce a "high" feeling, making it a popular choice for those seeking the therapeutic properties of cannabis without the intoxicating effects Research suggests that CBD may have anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, and anti-anxiety properties, among others Its versatility has led to the development of various products such as oils with other minor cannabinoids, making it accessible to a wide range of individuals looking to incorporate CBD into their wellness routines

What is... CBD CBG CBN CBC HIGH MOON MAGAZINE 32 www.highmoonmagazine.com DISCOVER

2 4

1 3

CBD, the groovy abbreviation for cannabidiol, is like the plant whisperer of the cannabis world, rumored to help with pain, calm those jitters, and a whole other bunch of good things This chill compound won't send you on a mind trip, making it a hit in oils and paving the way for a zen-like wellness journey as science keeps exploring its superpowers

CBG is like a secret ingredient straight out of the plant world, CBG is like the cool cousin of CBD and THC, hidden in the cannabis plant This hush-hush compound is rumored to be a potential superhero against inflammation, waving its magic wand over pains, aches, and even nerves While scientists are still unraveling its mysteries, CBG is becoming the buzz as a go-to cannabinoid

CBN, on the flip side, is like that indie band not everyone knows about yet Its backstage human and animal studies are the talk of the town, giving it an air of mystery Despite its underground status, CBN is making waves for its knack for possibly boosting snooze quality and easing aches and pains

CBC, aka the unsung hero Cannabichromene, is the cool, calm, and collected cannabinoid that swoops in to tackle inflammation like a superhero By cozying up to specific pain-related receptors, CBC works its magic Despite being part of the elite 'big six' cannabinoids in medical cannabis, this underdog doesn't always get the spotlight it truly deserves

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An unequivocal highlight of the year for many folx arrives in February when they begin choosing which genetics they will grow that year. There is no question that each growing zone has its own challenges; Here we have the top three new strains to try in Southern Ontario this year.

WhiteLights is bred by Green Rose Seeds by combining the legendary Northern Lights #2 and Seed Junky’s most perfect version of Wedding Cake. Promising an eight week flowering time, we are looking forward to the potentially crystal laden bloom on these plants. Projected to be shorter, with equal branching and extremely high level of myrcene, this descendant of the inimitable Northern Lights strain boasts an invulnerability to the most common microbial issues that come about This strain has a superior potential for rosin creation due to its significantly frosty buds, so look out for that consumption optionaswell!

We recommend trying the Apple Truffle Breath seeds this year from the Clone Collector Seed Bank. This strain has an amazing lineage; The high-resilience of Apple Fritter and the phenomenal stress-relief of White Truffle are conveniently bred into one tiny little angel of a seed. It is worthwhile to mention that this strain also has Northern Lightslineage!

Modified Kush Mints was lovingly bred at the hands of the Clone Collector Seed Bank by combining the headlining genetics of Mamiko Seeds’ Chem Cookies with Kush Mints by Seed Junky

The results were these gorgeous seeds which we hope will grow into trichome-encrusted, minty masterpieces.

Curious why all our picks are indica strains? There is a trend between strains that lean more to sativa and an increase of pest and microbial issues. This data was personally collected from growers around the St. Lawrence Lowlands If you are plagued with white powdery mildew, bud rot, and other various cannabis crop diseases,,takenote:

These indica-heavy strains grow bushy, but with incredibly efficient canopy air flow The projected density of the flower combined with the terpenes in each strain alsoawardeachplantwithasurge in resilience and a certain joie de virethatcannotbebeat.



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From the Legacy market to the refined Legal Industry, Stash Club is the ultimate destination for all your medical cannabis needs!

Since 2016 I’ve been a fan of Stash Club When legalization rolled out, a lot of legacy online mail-order sites slowly phased out and vanished I distinctly remember Stash Club closing its “doors” and it was the end of an era.

However, to my surprise and relief, Stash Club made a triumphant return in 2023 with a fresh new look and even better products. Under the company Rose Bud Productions, their dedication to quality and customer satisfaction remained unwavering. I was thrilled to once again experience the convenience and reliability of ordering from a trusted online medical cannabis retailer. Stash Club's revival marked a new chapter in the Legal cannabis industry, blending nostalgia with innovation to provide enthusiasts like myself with top-notch products and exceptional service. Becoming a medical cannabis patient is easy to do so! Read more at:

https://www instagram com/stashclub fam

https://stashclub ca/

Higher Living Jess

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com 35 DISCOVER

CANNABIS Suppositories?!

Cicatrix Labs is introducing a highly effective and overlooked product to the cannabis industry: cannabis suppositories tailored to deliver relief both vaginally and rectally. These suppositories can offer quicker absorption for enhanced relief.*

These innovative cannabis suppositories from Cicatrix Labs are revolutionizing the way people experience relief in the cannabis industry. By offering a unique delivery method that can be used both vaginally and rectally, individuals now have the opportunity to benefit from potentially better absorption rates, leading to more efficient relief. Whether seeking relief from pain, inflammation, or other ailments, these suppositories provide a discreet and effective solution for those looking to explore alternative methods of cannabis consumption. Embrace the future of cannabis relief with Cicatrix Labs and experience the difference today.

These work by being inserted in the vaginal canal. The female reproductive system has many cannabinoid receptors, especially in the uterus. They’re also found in the ovaries, fallopian tubes, vulva and vagina. Cannabinoids work to relieve pain in two ways. They help lower inflammation and help desensitize the nerves.

*The effects will vary from person to person based on their age, the thickness of the epidermis, and where you are in your menstrual cycle.

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How to insert them.

Wash your hands before use

Remove from the package.

Get in a sitting or standing position, Whichever is comfortable for you. ( It’s like inserting a tampon )

Insert approximately 2-3 inches into the vaginal canal

It is recommended to get in a comfortable lying position for 15 minutes to allow the suppository to absorb

Assuage makes their suppositories a very approachable size, they’re not intimidating and small for comfort.

Will my vagina get high? Will I get high?

The short answer is no.

The cannabinoids are absorbed through the wall of the vaginal canal and go directly to the bloodstream to provide relief. To get the “high” sensation from THC, it needs to pass through the liver to be broken down and metabolized.



Join JF as he bridges the gap between budtenders and sales reps from top cannabis brands! Dive into a cutting-edge space where industry pros mingle, share insights, and connect like never before. Witness a fusion of expertise, product secrets, and customer cravings all under one roof. Step into this realm of infinite opportunities and unleash the true power of the cannabis scene.

��✨ greenleaf.support HIGH MOON MAGAZINE 40 www.highmoonmagazine.com DISCOVER

Moonstoned Alternative

My name is Monica Pereira I am the Owner and Artist behind Moonstoned Alternative I create hand-painted and one-of-a-kind custom smoke accessories that are as Unique as You Are! I started Moonstoned Alternative 3 years ago after shopping around for my first piece of glass. I was struggling because I wasn’t able to find anything I liked or showed off my personality I either found everything to be very ‘stereotypical male stoner vibes” or just.. pink... no theme.

My grade 8 elementary school teacher had taught me how to paint on glass frames so my delulu self decided I could just buy a plain glass piece and paint it up, a few months later Moonstoned Alternative had its first drop and sale on April 20th, 2021! After a lot of love and support from friends and the community, I slowly grew as a small business but also as an artist-- working on perfecting my craft with each piece I do

On my website, I have a ready-to-ship shop that currently has over 100 pieces that I’ve painted inspired by a variety of themes and holidays but my favorite pieces to do are custom orders I Love interacting with customers and getting to know them personally as we plan out the concept and get to create pieces that have special meanings/stories for folks. During the custom process, I’ll send you videos and photos of updates, not only for your approvals but for your memories too, and be able to show people the story! Once you’ve approved the final paintings, I seal every piece with an epoxy that protects your artwork and piece for easy cleaning and use Lastly, I also include a certificate of authenticity so you know no one else has a piece like yours!

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Advice from Strictly Hippy

About a decade ago I had a dream I remember it vividly. It was coming up to 4/20 and I heard about a market in downtown Toronto. An event taking place where people got together to purchase merchandise and partake in cannabis. I couldn't believe I had made it to a time that this was happening. Sadly, I wasn't able to attend that year and this is where my dream comes in. I remember being in a sea of people the smell of cannabis all around me, I floated along so happy and content just to be able to see all of this in front of me. I felt so carefree in that dream being the hippie I had always wanted to be. I could never imagine what the future had in store for me.

Fast forward a few years, legalization has happened and events are now becoming mainstream. In July 2020 I started my canna Instagram account @Strictly_hippy to enter contests and hopefully win some seeds to begin a grow of my own. I blame Jojo my long-time contesting buddy she convinced me to join the cannabis community on Instagram.

What I found was a whole slew of people in love with the plant just like me! I was able to attend my first Legacy event in July 2021. Legal events were not on that year but my good friend Robin told me about a Legacy one that was close by. I cannot begin to explain the feeling I felt that day, it was almost like my dream coming true. The smell was in the air, the crowd was there the vibe was spectacular. I was meeting friends I had known online for a year while we were all in lockdown. Coming together to celebrate a plant we all loved and to meet some amazing vendors. That fall I attended another event and met even more Instagram friends. It was like walking into Cheers, instead of everyone yelling out Norm, they yelled out Strictly! I was exactly where I needed to be.

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The next few months were a blur of underground Legacy events, learning so much about the plant and growing my own. For years I had been making my own edibles with my Magical Butter machine but now I was able to go out and try what other people were making! I was able to expand my taste buds and see what else was out there.

My first legal event was in April 2022 the Niagara 420 Expo. Wow, what a difference from the legacy events I was used to. The Niagara 420 Expo was much more corporate with no cannabis inside at all. We were allowed to consume our own outside in a fenced-off area. I loved being able to meet up with so many people and see what was new in the industry. I continued that year attending both legacy and legal events. I realized there was a vast difference between what the people wanted and what was regulated at a legal event.

In March 2023 I attended the CannExpo in Toronto. I was so excited to see a cannabis event at the Exhibition Place! I was able to meet so many people from across Canada that day. Highmoon Jess even won an award that weekend! I was so envious of those up on stage. I wished I could be up there. But I didn't think I had anything to give to this community I was just me and all the cool kids were up on that stage accepting awards. In June of that year, I had the shock of my life and I was awarded a scholarship from the OCS (Ontario Cannabis Store) to write my CanSell. It was interesting to take the course and learn more about the legal side of budtending. Having this certificate allowed me to attend LiftCo as well as Kind that summer. I was able to see the legal side of budtending events. It was absolutely an eye-opener to meet all the people behind the brands and learn more about what was out there in the legal world. During these events, the budtenders are treated to samples. I am now lucky enough to be a part of a crew of like-minded people reviewing legal cannabis on www.Cannaviews.ca. I'm hoping this year to be up on stage at Cannexpo in Toronto.. never know it could be you in the audience wishing you were up there next.

My advice to all of the readers is to go to events. Start meeting new people, and trying new brands. Immersing yourself in the cannabis community is a wonderful experience you never know where it might lead you.

https://www.instagram.com/strictly hippy/

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It’s not usually something that people notice, until you mention it but have you ever noticed the lack of people in wheelchairs at most events? Not only in the cannabis community but in most others apart from the disabled community specifically. There is an underwhelming amount of disability representation. I can assure you that it’s not due to a shortage of people in wheelchairs who would like to attend. It is, however, largely linked to the fact that many disabled people are isolated, they’ve become accustomed to things not being fully accessible and have accepted the culture of what I call “ignorant exclusion” Do we believe that people genuinely go out of their way to make things difficult for us? No In most cases, especially with event organizers, they truly want their space to be inclusive of minorities But even this is a shift from a culture of days gone by and really something that a lot of disabled people are still getting used to

Some perspective, when I first became disabled at 17, there were things that I instantly thought were off the table for me Kids, for instance This wasn’t from a standpoint of “I physically won’t be able to have children” but instead because “it wouldn’t be fair to my kids” As a mom of 3 beautiful boys who are all thriving, I’ve obviously been able to expand my thinking My hope is through sharing my story and my perspective as a disabled person, mother, and business owner, that I can help people expand theirs too. I stumbled... err.. rolled into the cannabis community very much by accident. After years of relying on pharmaceuticals to treat everything from pain and spasms to depression and anxiety, my body had simply had enough My liver and kidneys were strained, my symptoms were poorly managed and overall, my spirit was tired I had never considered cannabis because I was a mom and the stigma was a bit too heavy for me

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Living as a disabled person comes with enough stigma in and of itself But in many ways, choosing cannabis was inevitable The withdrawal symptoms from pharmaceuticals on top of all my other poorly managed symptoms, were more than I could bare. Very quickly, I was really impressed by how well one plant was able to control all these symptoms that my doctor had me take a myriad of pills to manage.

Shortly after I started using Cannabis, one of my friends told me about a dinner event that was infused. Shout out to my day ones, The Heightened Chef crew. At first, I was hesitant to reach out and inquire about their accessibility I knew that it was unlikely, and I had reached the point in my disabled experience, where I was a little disheartened by how inaccessible the “fun things” always seemed to be Much to my surprise, they were incredibly welcoming and willing to help accommodate, even when their venues weren’t very accessible

The conversation around accessibility and inclusivity must start somewhere It’s never going to be perfect the first, second, or even the third time Much like these events themselves, it’s a constant refining process

I still haven’t found exactly where I fit within the Cannabis industry – I started as a model increasing disability representation, I’ve participated as a panelist at a conference about medical cannabis, I’ve worked as a consultant with event organizers, and I recently completed my CannSell License (to be like the cool kids!) I mentioned earlier the concept of ignorant exclusion My hope is that my unwavering dedication to showing up in these spaces (accessible or not) will further the conversations about what’s required to make these spaces fully accessible to those of us with disabilities

In closing, I would just like to say that the community that I have found in this industry has made it so much easier to show up, even when it’s difficult. There’s a profound amount of genuine care and respect for minority voices and that’s something that we should all be proud of.



I am a cannabis advocate. I am a motherand a wife. I am an event planner and a community builder. I am Bud Betty.

My story is a bit unconventional in the sense that I didn't start out enjoying cannabis In fact, in my youth, to me it was an ‘illegal drug' ' that just felt ‘wrong’. Fast forward several years and I met my husband, he was a cannabis user and although I still wasn't convinced it was for me, his use definitely started to break down my ‘judgmental walls’ and help me see that perhaps there was value in this tiny little plant. Fast forward again–we are on the cusp of legalization in Canada and my husband, along with his business partners, are about to embark on opening up an LP here in Calgary called Distinkt Cannabis it was during this time, Bud Betty was born. If cannabis was going to be the family business I wanted to learn everything I could about it. I thought just maybe others would feel the same and so I started my Instagram page @bud betty.

“Never in my wildest dreams could I have imagined it would not only grow but build a community and honestly change me for the better.”
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At first, Bud Betty was a platform to share my experience and learnings with others With my husband and his business, Cannabis has always been pretty normalized in my adult life so I truly didnt realize the horrible stigma that surrounded it, especially for women and more specifically mothers(Given I should have because I was so judgmental as a youth) As I shared my learnings and experiences I started to get messages thanking me for sharing; thanking me for normalizing plant use and -once I became a mother–thanking me for normalizing it for mothers as a tool rather than a ‘bad drug’

It was becoming increasingly evident to me that there was a gap in the cannabis industry for women-empowerment & education in the space but I wasn't sure how to fill that hole While I was pregnant with my second son I befriended my now business partner, Amanda (@ artbotanica ), she too wanted to fill this hole but how?

After having a very positive birth with my second son with the help of CBD flower consumption during labor and then sharing that story tons of positive comments and messages started infiltrating my inbox It was around this time that we realized we needed a platform to share and educate other women in a safe and empowering way about this AWESOME PLANT We needed to break down the stigma and we needed to do it together!

And with that, The CANna Ladies was born We built a team between myself, Amanda, @leashy keen, and @jesserker and started to create a beautiful brand The CANna Ladies is an event and lifestyle collective that aims to bridge the gap between consumers and cannabis by bringing awareness to the plant in fun & unique ways We strive to empower women to learn, grow, and build community within the cannabis space and beyond

Our Three Pillars:

Gather: We create inclusive spaces where we can connect, share experiences, and forge meaningful relationships

Learn: We provide valuable opportunities for education and personal growth within the dynamic cannabis and wellness industry, giving us a platform where we can speak openly

Elevate: We elevate the voices and experiences of women, empowering them to flourish and succeed in every facet of their lives

We host events every few months for women who are seasoned users, reps, business owners, canna-curious, or new to the cannabis space altogether We aim to empower We strive to create safe spaces where we are free to ask any and ALL questions We also pride ourselves on building events that create lasting memories

We have events coming up in March, May, and June and our goal is to host an overnight retreat in early 2025 here in Alberta Which means? We are always looking for partnerships, speakers, and vendors to collaborate on these projects with us but most importantly we are constantly looking to grow our CANmunity-our sisterhood! (Shameless plus but please do give us a follow @thecannaldiesyyc)

As I reflect back on my cannabis journey it's funny how life experiences can change you I went from “I will never try that horrible drug” to being a passionate advocate about this healing plant and building an incredible community I never knew I needed

XOXO XOXO BudBetty BudBetty https://www instagram com/bud betty/
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Photo by Rosie Lee Photography

LOTW CONNECT Meet Vyctoria

As a former owner of a cannabis grow site, an early childhood educator, and a mom to 4 littles, I had come to realize how high (no pun intended) the stigma around cannabis really is. This led me to open up an event business called Lake Of The Woods (LOTW) Connect, Located in Kenora, Ontario, LOTW.

Not only are all my events canna-friendly, but I help bring people together to build a community that is judgment-free & all-inclusive LOTW Connect is here to educate and break the stigma.

My main goal is to break the stigma around cannabis all while supporting small businesses & licensed producers. At each event, I showcase any gift sponsor ’ s products/brand on my social media page, in person at the event, and include a permanent brand listing located on my website.

I have only been open for 4 months, and I have met so many people & created lovely connections within this community During my 3rd month of business, I was nominated & chosen winner of the Canadian Choice Awards (2024) under “event planner”. Which I am so grateful for.

As 2024 continues, I hope what I am doing lights a spark for you to believe in yourself & your passions, because:

You can still succeed and consume weed! <3

Writtenby: Owner/Host LOTWconnect@hotmailcom Kenora,Ontario wwwLOTWconnectcom HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com 49

Meet Folk Magic Tattoos

Folk Magic Tattoo opened its doors on October 31st, 2023. The crew at Folk Magic Tattoo are cannabis enthusiasts with a combined 25+ years in the industry and often take inspiration from cannabis and mushrooms in their artwork. Anthony and Spooky are frequently found tattooing trippy cannabis-related designs and enjoying cannabis on their breaks with clients

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I'm Chris Mcnerney from @ThePlantsApprentice and I have been involved in the cannabis industry since prelegalization and knew that cannabis would always be a major part of my life. After high school growing and studying cannabis became an everyday activity for me. Eventually wanting to grow something I created myself, I began breeding autoflowers and extracting them into rosin. Once legalization came, I became CanSell and ACMPR certified which allowed me to contribute significantly to dispensary operations and management.

My journey took a creative turn when I started photographing the plants and seeds I bred, marking the beginning of the @ThePlantsApprentice cannabis photography Instagram, specializing in macro photography, cannabis product photography, and covering cannabis-related events.

I help promote producer's cannabis products that set the standard for what quality cannabis is and capture unforgettable moments from Canadian cannabis events that I believe deserve to be showcased to the world. Canadian Cannabis is still in its infant stage and as it grows I aim to show the world what Canadian quality Cannabis is all about.

TheplantsApprentice works to help showcase cannabis passions to the world. Whether you are a consumer, a home grower wanting to showcase a grow that you are passionate about, a brand, a producer, a retail store, a cannabis event host, or any other person who is passionate about cannabis, let's connect, capture and share the essence of our Canadian cannabis community together!

https://www instagram com/t heplantsapprentice / HIGH MOON MAGAZINE 54 www.highmoonmagazine.com DISCOVER

As a consumer buying recreational cannabis, the options have been fairly traditional thus far. Don’t get me wrong, there is a place for your traditional consumption options - dried flower, prerolls, edibles, beverages and concentrates. But the truth is…we need more.

https://www instagram com

/charismacreative vivien/


As a consumer buying recreational cannabis, the options have been fairly traditional thus far. Don’t get me wrong, there is a place for your traditional consumption optionsdried flower, prerolls, edibles, beverages and concentrates. But the truth is…we need more.

It’s been over five years since cannabis was legalized and I’m ready to stop being judged for making cannabis part of my life. no, I’m not talking about the neighbours taking an issue with my evening toke sesh, or the other in my social circles giving me ide-eye as they pour another glass of wine when I pop a gummy.

talking about the perpetuated stigmatization that comes from on Those decision makers make it frustratingly difficult for people like to enjoy cannabis differently. There’s such a wonderful world of possibilities consumers can enjoy, e’re missing out because of potency limitations that make it impossible for the companies that pushing the envelope of innovation to thrive.

Yes. There are a few producers out there doing their best to bring something new to consumers within the very limited constraints they’ve been granted. And unfortunately, as it stands, they’re novelty items at best.

So what exactly am I talking about when it comes to pushing the boundaries of innovation? Ingredients!

I’m ready for the next phase of consumables that empower me, the consumer, to decide how I want to consume. It would be a whole lot easier if the regulations, whose intentions are for safe consumption, stop funneling curious consumers like me to take a DIY approach to creating my own infused ingredients.

Having tried this a few times, I cannot even begin to convey how backwards it feels to be toying with unknown potencies instead of leveraging the expertise of cannabis companies -whose business it is to make safe, dosable products- to make infused ingredients for me.

The Kitchen is Where the Heart Is.

As an adult, I’ve realized that one of the main ways in which I interact with people in my life is through food. I love cooking a meal, inviting friends over and engaging socially while over dinner. This is not unlike the culture of sharing that has long been tied to cannabis consumption. Sharing a joint with friends is almost like a rite of passage for any consumer.

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But it was this idea of sharing a meal like I would share a joint that had me looking for ways to elevate my social interactions a little more creatively. Which is what introduced me to Manna - a micro producer of infused maple sugar based in Calgary.

Truth be told, Manna’s maple sugars have been available since late 2022 - so I might be a little late to the party. But the reality is, they’re setting out to do exactly what it is that this market needs. They’re taking steps away from ready-to-consume products and laying the groundwork for those super versatile 2-step products.

Does that mean they don’t launch ready to consumer? No, they’ve released hot chocolate bombs and hash rosin caramels to market, but it is their maple sugar that really gets my culinary gears spinning.

Which is perfect if you really think about it, because cannabis has such deep roots in the social sharing scene that having the ability to elevate that experience with gathering around a table with friends is kind of like magic.

Food is a necessary part of life. But the connections that are created around a table, the care in preparing a meal to share, conversations with friends, the laughs, it all lends to the enjoyment of the moment. Being able to turn that utilitarian consumption into a sharing with like minded. individuals - why not?!

Choose your own Adventure

I reached out to Jen Meyers, Manna’s founder about why they chose to launch maple sugar into the market, I was utterly floored to finally feel seen. “We’re really trying to inspire the pantry category,” she told me, “For me, the kitchen is the heart of the home.

I’m no chef. Like most people I cook out of necessity - I’m decent at it and I like cooking for people So when I saw Manna Maple Sugar, all I could think of was finding ways to swap out conventional sugar for something fun and infused that could add a little extra to the meal.

I reached out to Jen Meyers, Manna’s founder about why they chose to launch maple sugar into the market, I was utterly floored to finally feel seen. “We’re really trying to inspire the pantry category,” she told me, “For me, the kitchen is the heart of the home.

The nice thing about infused pantry items, like sugar, is that they don’t come with instructions beyond the best practices of how you should consume them. They’re a blank slate for your creativity to take off.

And that is exactly what Manna set out to do. “I don’t want to tell you what to do with it, I want you to take it and make it yours.” And she’s absolutely right.

So whether I’m feeling adventurous and making a toaster oven cookie for one, choosing to replace a sugar in my morning coffee fix with an infused option - it’s really a choose your own adventure.

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It’s a perfect way for the culinarily curious consumer to lean into this up-leveled consumption method. You just have to think outside the box.

Personally, I think warm beverages are a great starting point for Manna. Cold beverages are easy to drink quickly. Not to mention that we have the ready to consume cans or bottles readily available in stores, but the ritual act of making your morning coffee or tea, and adding your sugar, then slowly sipping and enjoying the moment - it’s kind of poetic when you think about it. And yes, of course, there are other companies out there that already make the tea, so really, you can create your very own infused experience and build it into your day.

But versatile ingredients like sugars, salts, or BBQ rubs, or condiments are great because it really does come down to what I want to do with my product, not what is being given to me and expected. The main challenge? The volume of these 2-step products does put a big damper on my ability to flex my creativity.

Which, again, if we look at dried flower, for example, I can buy a bulk quantity and go through the process of creating my own infusions. But with limited skill, or even concern about the final potency it’s not the most appealing option.

So I opt for products like Manna’s Maple Sugar and toy with the introductory volume for my 10mg dose. But do I let the single-serving completely curb the opportunities to experiment? No.

It’s a perfect way for the culinarily curious consumer to lean into this up-leveled consumption method. You just have to think outside the box.

And if you’re looking for ideas, think about the little things that you do in your day where you could make a small change. Maybe “it’s adding it to whipped cream, or to sauces, mixing it with butter and putting it on your toast, sprinkling it in your oatmeal, or granola, putting it in your smoothie.”

The options are endless. Of course, the hope is that regulations loosen enough to make it more economical for consumers to be able to complement their pantry with infused ingredients at a larger volume - particularly for THC products.

And of course to fuel that fire of creativity for other consumers who can help make it easier for companies like Manna to push forward with their innovations and help consumers have multi-faceted experiences.

HIGH MOON MAGAZINE www.highmoonmagazine.com 57 HUMAN INTEREST

Thoughts with Canna Court.

Working in the spa industry pre-legalization ‘wine’ was my code for weed I told that lie almost everyday, often more than once In reality, I was going home to do a few bong rips and experiment with plant infusions

“What are your plans for the weekend?” I’d ask, initiating small talk as I began a client's spa treatment

“Oh, just a nice glass of vino on the deck with my feet up, my favorite pastime!” Me too!” I’d joke back, but it was a lie I rarely drank wine Working in the spa industry pre-legalization ‘wine’ was my code for weed I told that lie almost every day, often more than once In reality, I was going home to do a few bong rips and experiment with plant infusions

I built up a stigma in my own mind because I was doing something illegal Society told me good moms don’t smoke weed My doctors said cannabis was bad for my mental health I wasn’t happy because I was hiding parts of me and it created a very confusing relationship with cannabis Sometimes consuming helped my mood and well-being, other times it amplified the negative feelings, but why?

Cue legalization, an urge for a new career, and my first job interview at a dispensary When they asked me if I consumed cannabis, I VERY AWKWARDLY replied “Umm sometimes, just at night though ” because I didn’t want them to think I was a stereotypical pothead that would be all stoney baloney at work


It was that interview that made me realize I needed to be more honest about not only my consumption but my experience with infusions and interest in growing What I hid for years was now considered a valuable skill! I dove into reading and educating myself, paying more attention to what I was consuming and how it made me feel I quickly learned that there was much more to consider than “This weed is FIRE”! That was when cannabis became more than just recreational for me Knowledge, mindful consumption, and honesty helped me discover a happier, more confident version of myself Both versions of me consume cannabis but with very different intentions

Letting go of judgment and stigma was not easy, but changing my mindset around cannabis was lifechanging I began to notice the right strain and amount helped to slow down busy, intrusive thoughts and process emotions in a calmer, more mindful way This tool has helped me apply mindfulness to many areas of my life. I started trusting myself, noticing what wasn’t working, and making adjustments

Parenting is an area that requires an immense amount of mindfulness, no mom or dad will disagree! In my early years, I often looked to others for advice, doing what society told me was right, even if it went against my instincts When it was time for school, my little 3-year-old and I both struggled She cried to not go, she cried from exhaustion when she got home and she wasn’t absorbing what she needed to be learning The struggle bus just kept growing after 3 years of public school, we needed a big change

This is how I became a homeschool mom Homeschooling has not been easy, but it is a different kind of hard It’s rewarding instead of exhausting It has put my mindfulness skills to the ultimate test but gets a little easier and a lot more fun as I learn to prioritize connection and passions, over public school standards and checking all the boxes We are all happier because of it and it’s allowed my family to learn many things together Giving us the freedom to enjoy the little things in life so much more!

If I met a mom at the park or homeschool group I could never tell her that we homeschool and I work in cannabis retail She’d definitely judge me, and think I’m a lazy stoner, trying to fail my kids Wait, what?!?

Let’s have a little toke, calm down those intrusive thoughts a bit, and reevaluate In reality, I’m taking on EXTRA responsibility by choosing to educate our kids myself, that’s definitely not lazy. All while being an example for them building a career in an industry that brings me joy. See how I can use mindfulness to flip the narrative! Besides, if someone is going to judge me negatively, do I really want them around my kids and I? Heck no!

What actually happened when I started answering honestly? Questions!

Most people are very curious but don’t know who to ask, also fearing judgment When I’m honest it gives them the opportunity to ask those questions. I am proud to be a Budtender Homeschool Mom, why keep them separate when they can benefit each other. So I’m going to continue to have those honest conversations in real life and online Sharing my experiences and finding fun ways to share cannabis education in the community You can find me on Instagram @its.canna.court living my Budtender Homeschool Mom life, breaking the stigma one conversation at a time!

canna court

High Moon Magazine

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