May 2014

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Find out what shoes say about one’s personality [ FEATURES, page 19

hilights Volume 62 ß

Two writers argue whether AP exams should change one’s course grade or not


Boys show sportsmanship through wins and losses

[ OPINION, page 3

[ SPORTS, page 14

for students, by students Issue 6 Friday, May 9, 2014 ß



Students show creative sides through costumes


Students show creativity through costumes By STEPHANIE LANDIS Orange County’s Convention Center fills with people for an event that looks like Halloween in March. But, what really catches the eyes of most passersby is the overwhelming amount of anime characters. Cosplay is a mash up of the words ‘costume’ and ‘play’ and is used both as a noun and a verb. It has grown to have it’s own culture and following. Conventions, or cons as they are often called, pander to all sorts of fan bases. From the holy grail of cons, Comic-Con, to MegaCon right here in Florida, there is something for everyone. “Cosplay is an expression of our true inner selves. There are so many creative people out there who can’t express that creative mind that they have. So with cosplay, with the anime, it’s a filter for us to just throw our creativity out there and to know that there are people out there just like us who won’t judge us for what our creativity is,” senior Ashley Dollar said.

[ COSPLAY, page 20

Four teachers say farewell By GARRETT GASTFIELD With 114 years of teaching experience, four teachers will retire at the end of the school year. Jean Campbell, Dr. James Corbin, Patrick O’Malley and Suzanne Unger are all leaving the Reservation to begin their next chapters.

Campbell plans to sleep-in

Reply to our next question: What are you looking forward to next school year?

@boonepubs ßrandomfact Early ’80s cell phones weighed as much as 20 pounds.

For the last 28 years, business teacher Jean Campbell has awoken before the sun rises to arrive early for the school day. “I have no plans [after I retire] other than not waking up at five in the morning each day,” Campbell said. She also plans to catch up on reading,

INDEX opinion campus & local features

2 4 8

LET’S GET STARTED. In an Intro to Informational Technology class, Jean Campbell begins to pass out a test to her first period students. “[I hope my students will remember me] as someone who cared about them,” Campbell said. Campbell ends her 28-year teaching career in June.

traveling and spending time with family. Campbell started teaching business in 1986, at Wymore Tech in Eatonville. Three years later she transferred here, and has taught in the business department ever since. “I decided to be a teacher because I thought I could make a difference and loved working with children,” Campbell said. The daily grind of being a teacher can be exhausting, but Campbell has remained motivated. “[I find motivation in] the smiles on successful students’ faces and by [seeing] past students who said the class helped them in what they are doing

[ RETIREES, page 4

special 10 sports 12 entertainment 16 restaurant review 20

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Friday, May 9, 2014



As if being a hormone-ridden teenager wasn’t hard enough, add the pressure of swimsuit season and expect nothing short of a mental breakdown. Lizzy Gordon, Editor-in-Chief


Through Lizzy’s Lens Lizzy Gordon, Editor-in-Chief

Improving one’s body image

illustration/VANESSA YANQUEN

What this generation knows <


With summer break being weeks away, girls and boys are beginning to worry about their body image. As if being a hormone-ridden teenager wasn’t hard enough, add the pressure of swimsuit season and expect nothing short of a mental breakdown. This does not have to be the case. There are things one can do to feel more confident and comfortable in her skin. Thinking positively, creating a plan to counteract one’s insecurities and listing off your good qualities can transform one’s self perception. According to Deakin University, 90 percent of adolescent boys desire to be more muscular. According to the Dove Self-Esteem fund, 62 percent of teenage girls are insecure about their bodies. For those whose insecurities consume their thoughts, creating a plan of action that will conquer these insecurities is a positive initiative that will better one’s self perception. Make sure to take careful and healthy steps towards achieving body image goals. If one wants to be more toned, become more cognizant of the food you choose to consume. If executing a plan of action isn’t the solution for you, counteract those negative thoughts. Students may find it helpful to create a list of qualities they like about themselves. When focusing on one’s skills and beauty, confidence is boosted and a change in attitude will cause one to be happier. Even so, students might find it even more helpful to have a close friend make a list of their good qualities. It may sound cheesy, but you are beautiful just the way you are, regardless of society’s perception of what is beautiful. All you need to do is highlight your positive attributes. Another trick to overcoming these insecurities is to think positively. “Fake it ‘til you make it.” A person who acts and thinks positively will become more confident. Moreover, one may enjoy playing a game called warm and fuzzy. To play, everyone needs a sheet of paper, a marker and tape. Tape a piece of paper to a friend’s back and write something about that person that would make that person feel warm and fuzzy. Aside from the examples listed above, one may find it helpful to write his feelings in a journal. Keep track of accomplishments and positive things that people say about you. Choose to love yourself and always remember you are good enough. As The Help says, “You is kind, you is smart, you is important.”

Social media has pulled this generation from the real world and simplified them to retweets and likes.

This generation does not know a world without the Internet, eBay, spam mail from Nigerian princes, “purchasing” music, and only one Amazon. This generation was raised on social media, and because of this, adults are screaming and hollering about kids these days and how our views and our actions are negatively affected by such constant online interaction. The Internet is the largest man-made invention of the modern age. Without it, there would not be a modern age. It is a world within a world. Because it is such an influential creation, the first question on everyone’s mind is “is it a good addition to humanity?” No’s and yes’ fly back and forth in this debate. It has depleted the world of any sense of security and it has drawn kids of the digital generation away from being social and learning how to communicate face-to-face with other people. So it is easy to side against it. But, it has also brought people together in a way previously unimaginable. It has started movements, sparked revolutions and brought to light issues previously unheard of. So it is easy to see its benefits as well. Sadly, the cons outweigh the pros. Although it has brought people together, it has separated us more than ever. Kids today do not know how to communicate verbally with each other. Thanks to the Internet and it social media counterparts, this generation is having trouble comfortably holding conversations. They can socialize and hang out, but when it comes to verbally communicating with another



Adviser Renee Burke Margaret McMillen

person face-to-face about something other than this Vine they saw the other day, their skills diminish. It’s all about texting, IMing, tweeting, posting and Instagramming, but rarely face-to-face communication. Furthermore, social media promotes the sharing of one’s life events with others. Users of social media often focus their posts and tweets on what is happening in their lives, which seems harmless at this age, but to a future employer, the smallest detail could be the difference between a job or not. Nothing is truly private on the Internet, especially when you are talking about social media - it’s just that social. There are no rules regarding who people can search for online; it is free reign to those on the dark side of the Internet. Security does not exist on social media, or anywhere on the Internet, for that matter. Moreover, social media has drained us down to a generation of likes and retweets. The world is now based on which celebrity’s Twitter account is the most followed or which hashtags are trending worldwide. We pay more attention to the lives of others than we do to those whose company we are in at the moment. The Internet has turned this generation into one that focuses on the now. Information moves so quickly that only the most breaking information is worthy of the public’s attention. The Internet has the potential to be a very good thing. It can bring people together and create change, and it has. But the negative change far outweighs the positive change.


EDITORIAL BOARD Editor-In-Chief Lizzy Gordon Design Editor Gabriella Fakhoury Copy Editor Sam Holleman Business Manager Meghan Cotton Index Editor Ciara McCoy Webmaster Olivia Quattrone Social Media Editor Delanee Bogan

STAFFERS Jackson Crumbly, Natalie

Disla, Garrett Gastfield, Kaley Gilbert, Victor Komives, Stephanie Landis, Tommy McDonald, Mackenzie Mock


Hilights is a student publication of William R. Boone High School, 1000 E. Kaley Ave., Orlando, Florida, 32806. The ideas and views of the aforementioned students and faculty are not those of Boone or the Orange County School Board. Opinions expressed in unsigned editorials are those of the editorial board, who determine the content. Opinions expressed in columns are those of the authors. Comments, letters, stories and ideas are welcome and encouraged under the following: 1. The material is not obscene or libelous 2. The material is signed The staff reserves the right to edit letters for grammar, length, punctuation, accuracy, invasion of privacy and potential disruption of the school.

Hilights is associated with Florida Scholastic, Columbia Scholastic and National Scholastic Press Associations and Quill and Scroll.


This paper is a quality product whose sole purpose is to pursue the truth, and to provide information and factual news pertaining to Boone and the community around it. Any questions or comments can be directed to (407) 893-7200, extension 6012614 or Room 224, as well as by email to editor at If you find any errors, please call our offices or visit us.


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j Friday, May 9, 2014

hilights insight



A few weeks ago I fell down the stairs in the 200 building. Joseph Perez, sophomore

The percussion studio and Color Guard will perform in the auditorium on May 15 at 7 p.m.

AP exam score policy inflates grades Using AP exam scores to boost grades is grade inflation and is unfair to students.

By SAM HOLLEMAN Maintaining good grades is a constant battle. Students come to school everyday stressed out of their mind armed with nothing but a backpack, an open mind and their parent’s willingness to argue with guidance counselors and teachers in an attempt to convince them that their child is special and their grade should reflect that. Advanced Placement classes, the most advanced courses in all the land, are the epitome of stress. And to add to that stress, Apopka High School has developed a policy that states that if a student scores well on an AP exam, the corresponding AP class grade will be changed for the better because of it. College is well known for having classes where the grade is strongly based off of a single exam. So doing something similar in high school for classes that are of a college difficulty would make sense. But this policy does not prepare kids for college life, rather it inflates grades and provides an inaccurate representation of a student’s work ethic to colleges in the application process. It is not fair to a student who worked hard all year and pulled a B, to walk away from the class in June to see that a student who is smart but didn’t try all year (there is always one of those kids) pulled a better grade on the exam and was “rewarded” with a grade boost that doesn’t truly reflect his work ethic throughout the year. It




By KALEY GILBERT As entrance into college becomes more competitive, advanced placement courses have become integral to the high school curriculum. But, a recent policy in Apopka High School concerning the AP exam’s weight on the final class grade is causing tension. AP courses, known for their intensity and rigor, offer students a chance at college credit on the condition they pass the AP exam. The new Apopka High School policy allows students who pass the exam to become eligible for a grade change. Students who score a four on the exam receive grade changes to a B for the year, while students who pass with a five receive an A in the course for the year. Since this policy has not been implemented county wide, critics argue that it is giving students at the schools with the policy an unfair advantage. And they are completely right. With this policy adopted in only two schools it is completely unfair to students whose schools do not offer this. However, the policy itself is not the problem. The main reason students take AP courses is for the chance at college credit, which depends entirely on their exam score, not their grade in the class. This new policy allows students who have demonstrated overall mastery of the course (based on the exam) the chance to redeem their grade. Ultimately, what matters most is the AP score. AP classes are some of the most challenging and rigorous courses students face. Often, AP classes are more challenging than the college classes for which they take credit. Though College Board has failed to comment on this policy, it should be implemented by them across the nation. This would eliminate any



Students who pass the exam have shown mastery and should be entitled to a final grade change in the course.

unfairness with the policy’s current implementation and allow all students to have a chance at a grade change, thus improving a student’s GPA. The issue of increased GPAs raises another argument against this policy. Critics believe changing students grades is unfair grade inflation, especially given the students who do well in the class but do not pass the exam. Critics argue that this grade inflation favors students who are naturally good test takers, but slacked off in the course. However, the purpose of the course is to give students not only the knowledge, but the skills to pass the exam. So the true test of students’ efforts still lies in how they do on the exam. Also, the opportunity at a grade change would further entice students to study and prepare for the exam, which both helps the student and the school. School grades are determined by the number of students who take and pass the exams so this is a win-win for students and schools. In increasing numbers high schools are not only pushing all students to take AP, but also to take multiple AP courses. Including many students who are not equipped to handle the rigor AP. These students sign up for AP classes not fully understanding the course load they are undertaking. Once enrolled in these courses, students struggle to be removed if later encountering difficulties due to Class Size Amendment. If these students manage to pass the exam despite struggling in the class they should be rewarded for their efforts and have their grades changed. They have demonstrated mastery of the class even if their class grades did not reflect that. In it’s current state, only enacted in two Orange County schools, this grade change policy is unfair. But the policy itself is a great idea that benefits both students and schools. With the implementation of this policy across the nation, students who struggle to cope with the rigor of AP courses, but demonstrate mastery of the course by passing the exam would be eligible for a final class grade change. After all, the exam is the true reflection of a student’s mastery.


AP exam score policy rewards students mastery

80,175 2013 graduates took an AP exam while in high school, 41, 149 of which passed with a three or higher

In an era of standardized testing, two reporters face off on final grades in advanced placement classes based on a passing score.

ßletters to the editor Exam reflects student’s knowledge

The AP exam reflects everything you were supposed to learn in the course. It makes sense to base your final grade

off the score you get on the AP exam. If you were to have a bad grade all year because you didn’t do your homework and then get a four or five on your AP exam, this means you retained most of

is grade inflation and it already happens enough in the classroom with grading systems being different for each teacher, so to expand that would even further the issue. Additionally, turning a class into a more testing-based environment will turn more kids away from taking AP classes than it already does. Believe it or not, a student might actually want to take an AP class to become advanced in a certain subject for the love of the subject, not for the love of getting college credit. By making the grade dependent on one exam, it will recreate the entire issue the state had with FCAT where teachers began teaching to the test rather than to their respective subject. Doing this to AP classes will overrun them with more practice tests and mock exams than ever before because for some reason actually teaching a subject rather than cramming for a test is a more effective way for students to retain information. Moreover, because this policy is not active nationwide, students attending schools without this policy are at a competitive disadvantage against those who attend schools with the policy. Say Johnny has a 3.5 unweighted Grade Point Average and goes to a school where this policy is not in place. He has scored fives on three AP exams that he has taken over the years. Another guy named Joey should have an unweighted 3.2 GPA but because he goes to a school where the policy is in place and he scored fives on all three of his AP exams he now has a 3.6 GPA. When it comes to applying for colleges, students who are lucky enough to get a grade change in the class for scoring well on the exam will have a higher GPA on a college application and will therefore have a stronger chance of getting into the college of their choice. Succeeding in high school is hard, especially when the weight of getting accepted into college is added to it. Schools should prepare students to be successful whenever they can rather than inflating grades based on a single test. By implementing such an idea, it is only piling stress on the student and diminishing his chances of actually succeeding in a grade inflating-less world.

ßreadmore the information meaning you should pass the class with a high grade on your report card.

Gage Van Kuilenburg, freshman

Go to to read more student’s opinions on this topic.


Friday, May 9, 2014



I tried it and really connected with the kids. It’s what has kept me coming back each year. I really enjoy it. Suzanne Unger, social studies teacher

RETIREES [ from, page 1

now,” Campbell said. Some of her fondest memories were taking Future Business Leaders of America students to state competition. In 1995 she took a pair of first place winners to Chicago for the national FBLA competition. While she said she does not have a set agenda for her next years, she is looking forward to a change.

ßnews2note local Sunrail opens

Corbin returns to his roots United States Government teacher Dr. James Corbin is departing teaching and packing his bags to move to Chattanooga, Tennessee. Corbin’s passion to work with young people motivated him to begin teaching. Of his approximate 30 years of experience, he has spent the last 11 of them here in the social studies department. “[I decided to Dr. James Corbin become a teacher because] I enjoyed working with young people,” Corbin said. While he is a U.S. Government teacher nowadays, he was a police Corbin in 1985 officer before his time in the high school classroom. As a School Resource Officer, Corbin worked on campus from 1983 to 1994. During his tenure as an SRO, both of his daughters were here as students. Christy graduated in 1989 and Kelly in 1992. According to Corbin, their graduations were his two most memorable moments. Corbin’s favorite thing about Boone has been Fridays during football season. He loved watching the home games and seeing the sense of community. Now he and his wife Elaine will be returning to the city where he graduated high school in 1967. “[I decided to move to Chattanooga because I wanted to live a] gentler life and not have to fight Orlando’s traffic,” Corbin said. Corbin felt that the most challenging part of teaching was keeping students motivated, but found motivation for himself in them. “Watching young people mature and become men and women [has kept me motivated to continue teaching],” Corbin said. Like Campbell, Corbin does not have any plans after retirement, except to relax.

O’Malley seeks leisurely life Well known as being a practical jokester, marine science and biology teacher Patrick O’Malley became a teacher 31 years ago. “[I began teaching because] I always enjoyed working with children and I enjoy not having to work in the summer,” O’Malley said. Throughout his teaching career he has taught marine science and biology at


IMPARTING KNOWLEDGE. In her fourth period World Culture Geography class, Suzanne Unger teaches a lesson. “My passion has been to help students understand the world better as a geography teacher,” Unger said. Unger also teaches three periods of AP Human Geography.

ßyourthoughts What do think of your retiring teacher?


LOOK THERE. At the end of a class period, science teacher Patrick O’Malley answers questions and jokes around with his students. “Marine science is my favorite subject to teach because I’ve had in interest in it since I was little,” O’Malley said. Carver Junior High School, and Evans and Boone high schools. Along with teaching, O’Malley has also coached swimming, water polo, wrestling, baseball, softball and volleyball. “[I enjoy coaching a wide variety of sports because] it was nice to get outside and out of the classroom,” O’Malley said. O’Malley plans to spend more time sailing and fishing with family after he retires from teaching. One thing O’Malley would like his students and peer teachers to remember is to “not take all this stuff too serious, be happy and enjoy each day,” which is exactly what he intends to do in retirement.

Unger hungry to head North Advanced Placement Human Geography teacher Suzanne Unger decided that when both she and her husband retired, they would move up North to be closer to family that lives in the Northeast. “[I decided to retire this year because] I found a house [in New York] and decided to make it happen a year early,” Unger said. Unger will retire after teaching for 25 years, with 10 of those spent at Boone. “[I decided to become a teacher because] I love my subject but wasn’t sure if I liked kids. I tried it and really connected with the kids. It’s what has kept me coming back each year. I really enjoy it,” Unger said. Unger has a long list of activities

Mrs. Campbell is really passionate about enriching the lives of young people. Jarrod Cruz, freshman

Central Florida’s first commuter rail officially opened May 1. Designed to help alleviate traffic on the I-4 corridor, the train boasts lower emissions with its diesel-electric engines, free Wi-fi, clean restrooms, power outlets, comfortable seating and bike racks. Those interested photo/RENEE BURKE in riding may try the rail free until May 16. Rides are $2 each way, unless the end destination is in a different county than the one of origin, then it is an additional $1. Meaning if a rider boards the train at the Lynx station downtown and rides to Sanford, the cost is $3 each way. Initially, the rail is only open Monday through Friday, 5 a.m. to 10 p.m. See for a detailed departure schedule.

OCPS is 2014 Broad finalist

As one of two school districts throughout the U.S., Orange County Public Schools is a Broad Prize for Urban Education finalist. OCPS will receive $250,000 or as much as $750,000 for college scholarships from the Eli and Edythe Broad Foundation. The Broad Prize recognizes districts for improving outcomes for all students, while also narrowing achievement gaps among students of color and students from lowincome households. The review board selected OCPS for increasing the percentage of juniors and seniors taking the Advanced Placement courses and passing the corresponding exams, notably an increase of Hispanic students.

state Lawmakers cut taxes, please citizens

Dr. Corbin always jokes and is fun. He keeps it loose. Aniqua Daniels, senior

At the end of the legislative session, May 2, Florida lawmakers decided to reduce motorist registration fees (effective Sept. 1), and created sales tax holidays for back-toschool shopping and hurricane supplies.


Mr. O’Malley is funny and nice. He wants you to better yourself. Kayleigh O’Dell, junior photo/ROBERT GAUTHIER/LOS ANGELES TIMES/MCT

NBA fines, bans LA Clippers owner Mrs. Unger has opened me up to take more AP classes and not be afraid to challenge myself. Parker Blanchard, freshman that she would like to do in retirement, but did not have the same amount of time to do while she was teaching. “[I plan to] sleep, read all the books I haven’t had time to read and learn to fly fish from my husband. I look forward to having more time for myself and my family the most,” Unger said.

After a recorded conversation of Donald Sterling with his mistress V. Stiviano, making racist comments leaked, National Basketball Association commissioner Adam Silver fined the Los Angeles Clippers owner $2.5 million and banned him from the NBA for life. Franchise owners are in the midst of discussing the termination of Sterling’s team ownership.

Suspicious citizen foils teen’s plot

An anonymous tip to police, prevented a 17-year-old boy’s plan to commit mass murder at his school in Minnesota on the 15th anniversary of the Columbine shooting. The boy, after being arrested, not only confessed to his intentions, but laid them out in detail to the authorities. He planned to murder his parents and sister, then attack Waseca’s junior and senior high school with pressure cooker-type bombs and Molotov cocktails. He is remanded at a secure facility pending his next hearing on May 12.

Friday, May 9, 2014

hilights thenews SAT REGISTRATION


Today is the last day to sign up for the June 7 SAT before there is a late registration fee. Go to to register.

When I wore my donut leggings for the district track finals at school. Jamari Ridley, freshman

y e n o m d o Fo goes FAST


By CIARA MCCOY Spending among teens at fast food restaurants has skyrocketed in the past couple years. Eating at one’s home has become something of an impractical matter. Teens and their busy schedules have created a dilemma in which their wallets, and those of their parents, decrease everyday.

ßHomemade One meal at a fast food restaurant contains all the calories you need for an entire day. source: http://blog.partnersforyourhealth. com/Blog/bid/85971/Shocking-FastFood-Statistics-You-Should-Know

There are


160,000 fast food restaurants in the United States.

Americans visit a fast food restaurant every day.

Teens spend an average of $5,000 a year on fast food.

source: http://www.vivavegie. org/101book/text/nolink/social/ supersizeme.htm

Americans spend

100 billion on fast food every year. source: http://blog.partnersforyourhealth. com/Blog/bid/85971/Shocking-FastFood-Statistics-You-Should-Know

50 million

Americans are served fast food every day.


source: au/news/



Between 2007-2010, adults consumed, on average,

11.3% of their total daily calories from fast food.

source: https://www.mclaneco. com/content/mclane/en/pressroom/articles/foodservice-news/

There are 31,000 McDonalds, 12,000 Burger King and 6,650 Wendy’s locations in the United States.



rc en


source: http://www.huffingtonpost. com/2013/08/06/fast-foodpoll_n_3714988.html


of American meals are eaten outside the home. source: text/nolink/social/supersizeme.htm

What: Chocolate Elvis Ingredients: milk, ice, peanut butter, bananas, Vanilla Frozen yogurt, cocoa Total Cost: $20 Servings: 6 At Planet Smoothie: Small is $4.99 What: Chicken Sandwich Ingredients: Whole wheat buns, grilled chicken breasts Total Cost: $15 Servings: 4 At Chick Fil A: $3.05 What: Burger Ingredients: Whole wheat bun, beef, lettuce, tomato, ketchup, mustard, mayo, onions, pickles Total Cost: $20 Servings: 5 At McDonalds: $3.99 What: Burrito Ingredients: whole wheat wrap, rice, beans, lettuce, cheese, steak Total Cost: $20 Servings: 6 At Chipotle: $6.66

How much do you spend a month at your favorite fast food places?

About $95 at ChickFil-A. I get a 12 count nugget with a Dr. Pepper and occasionally a small ice cream. Parker Robins, freshman

About $200 at Chipotle. I get a Burrito with extra white rice, black beans, steak, lettuce and cheese. Mitchell Capps, sophomore

About $50 at Starbucks. I get either an iced coffee or a Mocha frappuccino. Nyaliny Ruach, junior

About $70 at Planet Smoothie. I get the Chocolate Elvis. Kathleen Nelson, senior

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Friday, May 9, 2014

thenews hilights



Due to grade changes and transcripts, Progressbook will be down Sat. May 24 at 12:01 am to Mon. May 26 at 6 am as well as May 31 at 12:01 am to Mon. June 2 at 6 am.

At lunch, two people were fighting over chocolate milk and it splashed all over them. Tovey Reed, sophomore

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10 most popular majors

Other (56%)


Metallurgical Engineering



Mechanical Engineering


Petroleum engineering is the most profitable major, with a median pay of $120,000/ year.


Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering



Electrical Engineering

By Victor Komives Picking a major is one of the toughest decisions a high school graduate has to do. It’s essentially choosing a path to follow for the rest of one’s college career. Of course, like everything else, there are many majors that are extremely profitable. However, there are also many that are not so hot. Many majors feature jobs which are no where near worth the time and effort one puts into getting it. In this infographic, one can find out what the highest paying and most popular majors are.

Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences and administration


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Majors that pay

Health and Medical Preparatory Programs



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Friday May 9, 2014

hilights thenews PERT TESTING


PERT testing will continue until May 15 for seniors. Study guides to practice for the test are on

“I was walking and I turned back and this girl was walking and we bumped and I tripped and fell.” Itzel Valencia, junior


Southern laws surprise students Throughout America’s 238 years of existence, thousands of laws have been passed and repealed; whether they are actually necessary or not. While some of these laws may not be relevant to modern-day Americans, they provide insight into their state’s history.


In Kentucky, one may not sell baby chicks and if they do they may be fined $100-500.

In Arkansas, one must not mispronounce the state’s name. There are no legal consequences, however, pronouncing the “s” in Arkansas is frowned upon. Their concern for this is mainly because it represents the state’s culture.

In Nashville, Tennessee and South Carolina, one must be at least 18 years old to play pinball.

In Louisiana, it is illegal to gargle in public.

In Alabama, acts of labor, such as opening a store or hunting, are prohibited on Sunday. The fine ranges from $10-100; one may also be imprisoned for at least three months. This law was created in 1852, therefore the tradition of not working on the Sabbath was observed by many and taken seriously. Southern states are known for traditionally being strict baptists.

In Winter Park, Florida, anyone who ties an elephant to a parking meter must pay the same fee as one who parks an automobile by a parking meter. This law was specifically directed to prevent circuses from leaving their elephants in parking spots without paying for the meter.

illustration/DARWIN MOTATO


What do you think of these laws?

Kentucky’s law is weird because no one really buys chicks in the first place. Jason Preston, freshman

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Is the price the same if it is a baby elephant? Alejandra Caraballo, sophomore

You would think Kentucky would want to sell their chicken because it is the home of KFC. Reagan Robins junior

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Just to play a game you have to be 18? That’s crazy. Mason Hilado, senior


Friday, May 9, 2014



I just had to sit there on the ground, breathing in deep breaths between sobs. A freshman girl

Disorders disable daily activities Students admit struggles with disorders By STEPHANIE LANDIS There are tears, possibly yelling, or complete silence. It is hard to know which is worse because at the same time everything is frozen in place, or speeding ahead and the brain is in overdrive. People experience the feelings of anxiousness or minor depression

everyday. But there are millions who suffer from anxiety disorders or depression who experience these feelings on a greater scale. “An anxiety attack feels like everything is moving a little too fast and you can’t keep up with it. You slowly stop breathing and you’re trying to keep the air in your lungs but it doesn’t come in that easily. It’s kind of like drowning but it’s oxygen not water in your lungs,” a junior girl said. There are different forms of anxiety disorders, including social anxiety and generalized anxiety disorder. Social anxiety is the fear of interaction with other people and the disorder brings on self-consciousness. Social anxiety is a common problem, with 15 million people suffering from it or other more generalized forms. In the United States, social anxiety is the third largest psychological disorder behind depression and alcoholism. Some of the symptoms of social anxiety include experiencing emotional discomfort when being introduced to new people, being teased and criticized, and being the center of attention. Symptoms are not limited to these or other similar symptoms. All anxiety disorders are different and will have their own symptoms. “[A panic attack is triggered] if I’m overwhelmed, and if there are lots of people. Crowds give anxiety. I have a tendency to pass out in crowds because I can’t handle all the people,” the junior girl said. Anxiety disorders do not strictly cause panic attacks. They are the most common but people are affected differently. One freshman girl suffers from trichotillomania which causes a person to pull out their hair. “In elementary school, these girls just decided not to be my friends and I went home and began

photo illustration/VANESSA YANQUEN

plucking my eyebrows. I found out from a doctor that I have Trichotillomania [and] is tied in with depression. Because of [the missing hair] I was bullied in school,” a freshman girl said. It is not uncommon for someone who suffers from an anxiety disorder to also have depression. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, “nearly one-half of those diagnosed with depression are also diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.” It is important for a doctor to clinically diagnose a person with depression or anxiety and to help choose the appropriate treatment. Medication can be successful, but it is often not recommended for teens. “I don’t take medication because I am afraid that it will have a bunch of other symptoms that I wouldn’t like. I struggle with finding outlets and a lot of times I keep to myself,” the freshman girl said. Depending on the severity of the disorder, medication may or may not be prescribed. If the symptoms are still mild, medication is not likely prescribed. Therapy options offer help without medication side effects. Therapy and simple behavioral modifications can sometimes be enough treatment. While it does not always rid the person of anxiety or depression, it can significantly decrease the effects of the disorders. “I went to therapy for over a year so I learned certain ways to control what triggers me and to figure out how to help myself if I don’t have someone around. I usually need a designated comfort person to calm me down in cases of anxiety,” the junior girl said. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is effective in treating anxiety disorders. It is a talk therapy that teaches skills and techniques for controlling anxiety and reducing it. This junior uses breathing techniques she learned in therapy to keep her anxiety under control. She inhales for seven seconds and exhales for 11 seconds. Another type of therapy is

acceptance and commitment therapy. This therapy helps the patient learn how to cope with unwanted thoughts, feelings or sensations. “I learned certain ways to control what triggers me and to figure out how to help myself if I don’t have someone around to help me,” the junior girl said. “[I had a panic attack in my first period and] I went outside and I just started screaming and sobbing. I just had to sit there on the ground, breathing deep breaths in between sobs because it was too much. I used my breathing techniques and stared at those bright orange lockers and wondered why anyone would want to paint them that color. I was able to calm myself down,” the junior girl said. Not everyone with anxiety or depression will have the same symptoms or behavior. Students should talk to a trained professional to know what are triggering or comforting things to say. “The things I hear around such as ‘OMG I’m so stressed I’m going to pull my hair out’ [or] when people say ‘Oh that makes me uncomfortable, I have OCD’ when they really don’t. They don’t realize how much it affects a person [who does suffer from these disorders],” the freshman girl said. Depression is found in 20 percent of teens before they even reach adult hood. In comparison, eight percent of teenagers are diagnosed with an anxiety disorder.

formore Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance 800-826-3632 National Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-TALK (8255) S.A.F.E Alternatives 800-DONTCUT (366-8288)



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May 14

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hilights featurestories


Friday, May 9, 2014



The food pantry is running low on basic food items. Any donationscan be dropped off at the front office any time.

After school my friend Momo grabbed onto a tree branch and it snapped and she fell. Alexis Sommers, sophomore


r i e o t s s l l teachers te hat is y our m r, “W

We e w asked s n eight teachers to a unfo ” Co ? m o o r s rgetta s a l c e h ble moment in t Monica Bourret

Gustavus Wilson

Dwayne Floyd

American Sign language


Years teaching: 4 years Most unforgettable moment: One day during inspection a kid came out with an inappropriate haircut [that did not fit the ROTC requirement]. He had patches in his head from trying to cut his own hair.

ntent and photos b y CIAR A MC COY

Connie Heiselman

Subjects: Pre Calculus Years teaching: 11


Subjects: Naval


Subjects: Spanish


Years teaching: 17 years Most unforgettable moment: Within my first week at Boone, I got locked inside my classroom in front of my room full of students and I had to call the front office. They had to crawl in through the window, which at first was stuck closed and afterwards they couldn’t close the window.

I had a kid in my class who struggled all year. He came back the following year giving me a thank you card and thanking me because of how my class challenged him. I felt appreciated and I was happy about it.

Jennifer Hilley William King Subjects: U.S. Government and U.S. History Years teaching: 18 years

Most unforgettable moment: When a student said, “I always see butts when I sit here.” He was referring to the close proximity of my and other students rear ends shifting across his desk as we walked by.

Forgot your camera?

3 Years teaching: 24 years Most unforgettable moment: One girl was struggling all year back in 2000 and she wanted to do really well so she memorized her poem and she did so well that it made me cry.

Most unforgettable moment:


English 4 and AP Literature

Years teaching: 20 years Most unforgettable moment: In 2004, a group of my students played music over the intercom and coordinated “Project It,” where about 30 students dressed as clowns mobbed into my classroom. I fear clowns.

We didn’t. Check out our pictures.

Michael Undieme Subjects: AP Physics and Physics Honors

Years teaching: 21 years Most unforgettable moment: During class, a drill had a string attached, something broke and flew across the room in front of the principal at the time who was observing my class.

Joanne Strickler Subjects: Analysis of functions

Years teaching: 23 years

Most unforgettable moment: A student in the back of the room was being annoying, so I threw a marker intending to get his attention. Instead, I hit the girl in front of him in the forehead as she quietly worked on her assignment. Needless to say, I don’t throw markers, just dirty looks.

To see more pictures of sports and school events go to, or scan this QR code with your smartphone.


Friday, May 9, 2014


‘ summer makes specialfeature

[I enjoy] the thrill and adrenaline of surfing. You feel like you’re on top of the world. Brandon Sempier, junior




and ually go with my dad on that I take is] I us uti t tall. ca fee pre six y to fet ve sa fi re “[A ier has surfed we at Cocoa Beach. mp rfs Se su s ier ve wa mp st Se n he do id. The hig a wave, junior Bran happens,” Sempier sa SURFS UP. Catching case something bad in d un aro le op pe make sure there are

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With s comes activit sun. And while being tan, the ef sun are long lastin always seen until 2 See the coverage on prepare for outdoor Here in Central Fl plenty of lakes: They a and easily accessible. Y mean people should no precautions. When Flor the temperature of the la amoeba growing in the w Taking these safety pr is ready to head to the be a wave and see juniors Jac Sempier surfing from vide camera and learn about st Orlando Water Sports Co

How to: Per 911



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Friday, May 9, 2014

hilights specialfeature




The Class of 2014 will graduate on May 29 at the Amway Center, beginning at 8 p.m. Girls should wear a white or light colored dress, and boys should wear dark dress pants, shirt and tie.

Going to states for color guard because we have never been to states before and we placed seventh. Hayley Ginel, sophomore

s waves

e d d i r r a s o t b n e ” d e k Stue “wa th


summer ties in the e people like ffects of the ng and are not 20 years later. n skin care to help activities. lorida there are are readily available Yet, that does not ot worry and take rida temperatures rise, ake raises the chance of water. recautions seriously one eaches and lakes. Catch cob Cuellar and Brandon eo taken on a GoPro tudents who wakeboard at omplex and Lake Conway.

By MACKENZIE MOCK As she balances on her board, waiting patiently for her turn she closes her eyes, takes a deep breath and jumps when she hears the click signaling the cable has met the dock and it’s time for her to jump into the water and ride. “When I go fast and get air I feel as if I am flying,” junior Erika Gutierrez said about wakeboarding. Gutierrez grew up on Lake Conway and has been boating on the weekend with her family, tubing with friends and canoeing by herself during the summer for years. Recently she made friends who wakeboard competitively. They introduced her to the sport and Orlando Wakeboarding Complex. “I really enjoy the sport because it is lots of fun and there are always ways you can get better,” Gutierrez said. Gutierrez’s experience is limited, but so far she has mastered a 180 and 360 degree turn, and can perform kickers and rails off of the ramps. “Getting my 360 took a lot of practice. I kept falling, but I had to get back up,” Gutierrez said. Gutierrez will start competing this summer in the Sliders Spectacular and Points Chase at OWC. She hopes this will help her grow as a wakeboarder and

rform CPR Make sure surrounding area is safe.

Call 911 Determine if victim is responsive. Check pulse, if victim is not breathing or if no heartbeat, start CPR. Push chin and tilt head back to fully open windpipe. Pinch victim’s nose while supporting his head tilted backward. Blow two full breaths into the victim’s mouth. Overlap both hands in the center of the chest, sit on knees with arms extended straight down, push 30 times. Check pulse between each set. If no pulse is found, continue until emergency help arrives.

Amoebaoeba? What is am

Naegleria fowleri is most commonly found in freshwater and untreated pools. This form of algae enters one’s body through the nose and into the brain. Once it is in the brain, the brain will swell and could potentially cause death. To avoid this brain-eating creature, one should stay out of warm, open water.

pursue the sport further in life. “I really want to keep pursuing it for fun. The college I go to hopefully has a club team and one day [I want] to get sponsored and get to travel the world,” Gutierrez said. Another student who enjoys wakeboarding and rides at OWC is sophomore Victoria Rice. She started wakeboarding two years ago when a close friend convinced her to attend a summer camp at OWC. “[The sport] came easy to me and it is something only I can do better at,” Rice said. Rice has been hooked ever since that summer camp. During the school year she does not have a pass to OWC because she is too busy with school and the winter months make it too cold to ride, but throughout the summer she is there riding almost every day from morning to night. From all this practice, Rice has mastered a 180, 360, switch 720 and right switch from the water and a 180 and 360 from the ramps. “I get really energetic [when I ride]. Every day I try something new and it’s exciting,” Rice said. Rice enjoys the sport and hopes to pursue her wakeboarding career after high school, but not professionally. “[It would] be cool if I got good enough to get a scholarship for college,” Rice said. Rice and Gutierrez went out on a limb to try a new sport and found their new passion. They have continued to excel at wakeboarding and will be competing in Sliders Spectacular and Points Chase at OWC.

Orlando Watersports Complex

Where: 8615 Florida Rock Rd. Orlando, FL 32824


Summer (March – October) Cable: 10 a.m. – 8 p.m. Boat: 9 a.m. – 12 p.m., 5 p.m. – 6 p.m.



Upcoming Events Stand Up for Charity Family fun day of stand up paddleboard races for all ages and experience levels on Saturday, May 24 from 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.. Ten percent of all proceeds will be donated to participating charities and 10 percent of each individual’s registration fee will go to his or her chosen charity. For more info go to

Summer Camp 2014 OWC will provide skilled and knowledgeable counselors and ensure a 5:1 ratio of campers to counselors with a maximum of 30 kids per weekly session. Camp is all summer, Monday thru Friday from 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Campers must be ages 7-15. Basic gear is included, and lunch can be purchased on site at the café via cash or account credit, or campers may bring their own lunch.

AWYS Ride Along Event On May 31, the Always Wear Your Seatbelt foundation will hold a fundrasier at OWC to raise money. The AWYS club will volunteer their help to sell club merchandise such as T-shirts, tank tops, and bumper stickers. They will also be selling food and drinks. People will have the opportunity to pay to ride and the money will be donated to the foundation as well.

Olfactory bulb Olfactory nerves


Beginning signs


Vomiting Headache Fever Stiffness in one’s neck

As brain consumption grows L L L L

Seizures Hallucinations Lose senses Lose ability to focus

What happens

1. 2. 3.

Enters the body through the nose Laches onto olfactory nerves Travels to olfactory bulb and starts brain swelling

Case fatality rate is greater than



Friday, May 9, 2014



It’s hard not to laugh when you yell ‘puppies’. You can’t think bad thoughts when you’re thinking about puppies. Allen Jenkins, senior

Positivity wins games Team focuses on sportsmanship


SERVED. In the game against Cyprus Creek, sophomore Jon Bartelt serves the ball. “We shouldn’t have lost [to Cyprus Creek]. We played them in pre-season and lost but we knew we could beat them. We just didn’t play up to our level,” Bartelt said. The final score was 0-3.

By OLIVIA QUATTRONE As the clock ticks and the opposing team continues to rack up points, frustration begins to build. However, coach Gregory Kaplan has discovered a way to combat this negative emotion on the court. By having the players yell “puppies” when they began to feel agitated, stress was instantly reduced. “It’s hard not to laugh when you yell ‘puppies’. You can’t think bad thoughts when you’re thinking about puppies,” senior Allen Jenkins said. This was just one of the ways the boy’s team has kept a consistent positive attitude throughout the season. Ending 10-12, the boys have worked through triumphs and defeats with equal amounts of sportsmanship. One of the boy’s most successful wins of the season was against Edgewater, 3-0 on April 2. “I knew [we] had won against them in other sports but we didn’t know what was coming. So keeping that winning streak against them felt really good for the team and me,” freshman Daniel

Hermida said. After a series of loses, the team defeated Colonial, 3-0, on senior night. “If I would have lost on senior night, it would have taken away from the excitement of the night, so winning was a relief,” Jenkins said. As excited as the team was over wins, losses were to be expected as well as this is a young team. After defeating Ocoee in all three sets on March 17th, the team lost 0-3 against East River two nights later. “It’s hard to stay positive after a loss, but we would just go into practice or a match the next day and work on the things that needed to be worked on and get better as a team,” senior libero and team captain Cooper Meredith said. The team also lost to Winter Park, 1-3, however, Coach Kaplan and the team agree that this was their most exciting and satisfying game. “We probably played our best all year. We lost because there’s a difference between losing to a respectful team and a team with a bad attitude. It was the most fun I had. It was just a fun, clean game,” Jenkins said. Win or lose, the team huddled up after each game and chanted the other team’s name as well as their own as a

sign of respect. It was practices like these that demonstrated the sportsmanship that Kaplan cites as the team’s strength. The team also showed a strong team relationship. Before games, the team came together and had a snack at Chipotle or Bakery Plus to discuss what they needed to do in the game. Positivity was what is most evident in the team, in the players, and coach alike. The players encouraged each other throughout games, with players slapping each other on the back, serving out high-fives and giving words of encouragement after each kill and mistake. “I try to keep a positive outlook on each situation. I know when they are losing, the morale of the team can drop dramatically and rapidly and my attitude on the sidelines can affect that as well. I know supporting them, giving them words of encouragement and showing them that I haven’t given up on them helps get them back on track for the match,” Kaplan said. The boys lost to Olympia, 0-3, in their last game on April 23, ending their regular season. The boys finished fifth in the district and therefore did not advance to any postseason games.

Friday May 9, 2014






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sports hilights

Friday, May 9, 2014



Senior exams are May 16-20. May 16 is 5th, 6th, 7th; May 19 are 3rd and 4th; and May 20 are 1st and 2nd exams. Make up exams are May 21.

It was the first day of school and I walked into the wrong classroom twice. Both times they snickered and gave me a funny look. Crisd’liz Garcia, sophomore

Boutique gyms fulfill workout niche

By TOMMY MCDONALD Whether sports, academics or socializing is one’s priority, one will benefit, both physically and mentally, from working out aT A gym. Here are three local gyms located within five minutes of campus. Each specializes in a specific area, whether it be convenience, specific athletic goals or boxing.

9 Round provides an intense, personal workout experience in only 30 minutes Between school, homework, socializing and after school commitments, it is difficult to find time for a full workout. 9 Round is the solution to this problem; the full body workout only requires 30 minutes as one cycles between nine different rounds. Half of each of the rounds incorporates a boxing-related exercise. Rounds consist of exercises that incorporate both cardio and muscle training. The exercises tend to have patrons use their body weight or light weights instead of using heavy weights. One can work on muscle mass and cardio at the same time making it an efficient use of one’s time. One to three trainers are always present instructing people on how to complete each round and motivating them during each round. If one forgets how to do the workout, a trainer is only ever a few feet away. 9 Round excels at helping people keep their workout fresh by having a different routine on each round every day meaning no two workouts are ever the same. Although it does not offer an abundance of choices that an open gym does, it caters to those looking for an experience similar to a personal trainer, but with the flexibility of not having a set appointment in addition to unlimited sessions. “9 Round is as intense as you want to make it, and there’s a trainer here to push you every step of the way. The harder you hit the bag, the more you’re going to sweat and the better of a workout you’re going to get,” trainer Stephen Marshall said.

ß9round Where: 3150 South Orange Ave Time: Mon.-Fri. 8 a.m.-1 p.m, 3:30 p.m.-8 p.m. Sat. 8 a.m.-1 p.m. Price: $39 per month for students, first time free Online:; like them on Facebook, follow on Twitter and Instagram @9RoundOrlando

JAB. In fierce concentration, 9 Round trainer, Stephen Marshall, cross jabs a punching bag during a training session. photos/TOMMY MCDONALD

TIE. Two trainers at Gym Rat Boxing practice boxing technique while being critiqued by coach Todd.

Signature Fitness pushes clients to overall fitness or sport specific needs whether in a class or individual situation Less than a mile from campus, Signature Fitness caters to each individual’s fitness needs. If one is looking to body build, Signature Fitness has a weightlifting class. If one is looking to get in overall better shape, they have Total Body Resistance Exercise classes and a boot camp. A spinning class is also available. Classes are available 6 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Friday. To drop into a single class without any commitment, one can pay $10. For unlimited classes per month, one can become a member $100 per month. For even more specialized training,

ßsignaturefitness Where: 361 E. Michigan St. Time: 5:30 a.m.-9 p.m. Price: $10 per class, $100 for unlimited classes a month Online: Signature Fitness offers one-on-one training for specific sports and goals like body building. Rates range $20 to $70. Signature does not offer an open gym rather focusing on specialized instructed experiences.

Gym Rat trains members to box whether beginning or advanced For those looking for an authentic boxing experience, Gym Rat Boxing and Fitness provides classes at just $15 or $85 per month for unlimited classes. Classes range in skill level, starting with beginner’s and Boxing 101, a slightly faster paced course than beginner’s progressing to Group Boxing. To take one’s boxing to the next level, personal training is offered starting at $50 per hour and $45 per hour for gym members. For those looking for a more traditional workout, boot camp is also offered at 6 a.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. It is also offered 6 p.m. on Wednesday and Saturday at 8 a.m. Although all the previous mentioned classes are only offered to those 18 and older, those older than 11 may participate in the beginner’s class at 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday.

ßgymrat Where: 119 Gatlin Ave. Time: Mon.-Thur. 6 a.m. 8 p.m., Fri. 6 a.m. - 12 p.m., Sat. 8 a.m.-12 p.m. Price: $15 per class, $30 for weight room, $85 membership Online: Access to the weight room is included also with a monthly membership, but can be obtained through a $30 per month membership just for weight room access.

Friday, May 9, 2014

hilights sports




On Saturday, May 3, senior Brandon Reddick took third in the 100-yard dash, 10.77; and third in the 200-yard dash, 21.84. Senior Robert C. Strange placed fourth in the discus, 145-11. Tyler Chapman competed in the 800-meter run, but didn’t finish in the top six.

My first day at Boone, I remember slipping on the stairs and I didn’t really know anybody so it was nice that people picked me up and told me that it’s okay, it’s the first day of school and everybody gets nervous. Jessica Gouw, freshman

Former gymnast makes splash Student finds outlet in diving


MAKE A SPLASH. Being a former gymnast helps Baker perform this dive which requires flexibility. “They’re similar in the sense that you do flips and have to have good form. But there are differences that make diving a bit difficult for gymnasts at first,” Baker said.


October 2005 Baker started doing gymnastics

Through the years

2012 2006

April 2006 Baker’s first gymnastics championship qualification

By MEGHAN COTTON When athletes get injured, they are expected to recover and return to practice. But when sophomore Morning Baker injured her wrist in gymnastics, it was not gymnastics she returned to after she recovered. Baker began gymnastics when she was 6 years old. For eight years she devoted all her time to the sport. But, when she injured her wrist, she took two months off to recover. Before her wrist was fully healed, Baker’s coach told her not to come back. “Morning had a difficult time when she couldn’t do gymnastics anymore. Going from 30 hours in a gym to nothing was life changing,” mother Marcia Baker said. A friend of Baker’s who was a former gymnast told her that diving was a sport that many ex-gymnasts excelled in, so Baker decided to give it a try. “After gymnastics was over, I honestly felt like I had lost the love of my life. It put me in a long depression that, until I actually got out of my room to dive, made it very hard for me to enjoy anything and even talk to people,” Baker said. With diving occupying her time now, Baker is no longer in that state of depression. Spending eight to nine hours a week at the YMCA Aquatic Center, Baker enjoys her time diving. “[Morning] had a hard time with diving, but now that she is doing the harder dives and has started the dive

July 2012 Wrist injured. Doctor told Baker to take time off to recover

February 2012 Won first all around Sand Dollar Invitational for gymnastics


July 2012-January Baker could no longer be a part of gymnastics and has not yet begun to dive

tower I can see she is becoming happier and more excited to dive,” Mrs. Baker said. With similar techniques from gymnastics being involved, Baker picked up the sport quickly. Unfortunately, the possible diving injuries are no different than those in gymnastics. “Wrist injuries are very common for divers since your dives are head first, so sometimes I have wrist pain and have to tape it, but I hope it doesn’t come to the point that it did with gymnastics,” Baker said. The hardest thing Baker encountered when learning to dive was the height. Baker’s mom understands the nerves her daughter feels, but she is more comfortable with her platform diving than doing gymnastics. “I was scared at first, but not as much as the balance beam or the uneven bars. Ask me again when she dives 10 meter, I’m sure my opinion will change,” Mrs. Baker said. Jumping off a ten meter platform and free falling 33 feet at 30 mph is something any mother would worry about. But her daughter’s happiness is more important to her. In the future, Baker hopes to get a scholarship for diving and continue to dive through college. “Learning a new sport at 15 takes time. She is doing better every day, learning new dives, for example, three meter, five meter, seven meter and ten meter. She dives for USA diving and hopefully she will go to Nationals. It’s one step at a time, one dive at a time,” Mrs. Baker said.

January Baker begins to dive



weeks should be

taken off to recover from a wrist injury and to avoid putting pressure on it.

70 percent of gymnasts are commonly affected by wrist related injuries.

15 separate bones in the wrist that are linked by many joints.


mph is the speed that divers are going when diving off a ten meter platform.


percent of all sport injuries are hand or wrist related.

seehear To see a video of Baker diving, scan this QR code with your smartphone.


Friday, May 9, 2014


artsentertainment These shoes are made for talking

By GABRIELLA FAKHOURY Ninety percent of one’s personality can be distinguished by the shoes one wears. Shoes come in different styles, colors and heights so there are different choices and ways to express anyone’s personality. We asked five students what their shoes say about them. Here’s what they had to say:

Julia Collazo, junior

Romeo Joseph, freshman

Bradley Connelly, senior

Angelica Luff, senior

Morgan Muhart, junior




Combat boots

High Tops

What do you think your shoes say about you? “When I am doing something I care about, I work hard, and I need shoes that will keep me on my toes.”

What do you think your shoes say about you? “I think my shoes say that I am an athletic person and that I love basketball.”

What do you think your shoes say about you? “I think my shoes say that I have high fashion and I am classy.”

What do you think your shoes say about you? “I wear my boots when I am feeling sassy and when I want a little pep in my step.”

What do Jordan’s say about you?

What do Sperry’s say about you?

What do combat boots say about you?

What do you think your shoes say about you? “I think my shoes say I am unique and creative and I like to wear them because they are comfortable.”

• • • • •

• • • •

What do high heels say about you? • • • • •

Confident Feminine Outgoing Enjoys new experiences Self-assured

• • • • •

Emotionally stable Less likely to agree Open to experiences Ambivalence Hip

Dependable Fashionable Casual Smart Takes care of oneself

Fun Ambitious Determined Outgoing

What do high-tops say about you? • • •

Conscientious Introverted Less Agreeable


1 Large Pizza 2 Liter soda FREE garlic knots (4)

2 Large 2-Topping pizzas & 15 Wings



2 X-Large 1- topping pizzas 25 Wings & 2 Liter Soda

2-Large 1 topping pizzas & 2-Liter Soda



2 Medium 1-Topping pizzas

2 Medium pizzas 2 Liter Soda FREE garlic knots (4)


50 Wings & FREE order of Large Fries


1 large cheese pizza 10 wings & 2 liter soda




4662 E. Michigan Orlando Bring in your Football/ Basketball stub after the game for $2 off on any order over $10 or more

Monday- Thursday: 11 A.M. to 11 P.M. Friday and Saturday: 11 A.M. to 12 A.M. Sunday: Noon to 10 P.M.


1 X-Large Works* Pizza 15 Pc. Wings & 2 Liter Soda


*You choose 4 toppings

your source for up to date school news and information Boone Pubs


Check out our pictures at


Friday, May 9, 2014

artsentertainment hilights



There are close to $86,000 due in fines to the school. Students can check to check if they have any obligations. In order to graduate, obligations must be cleared.

Getting my face drawn on for falling asleep in class. Jessica Giles, junior

Music evolution leads rag to rap By VICTOR KOMIVES Since the beginning of time, humans have been making music. Whether it be through tapping on surfaces, beating on drums, or singing ancient chants, humans have always had a love for noise. In the past 100 years, thousands of different events have helped shape the music loved today. From the jazz age of the 20s, to the British invasion of the ‘60s, a love for music has remained, but genres continue to change. In many ways, the music listened to today is still heavily related and influenced by the music past generations listened to in their days. Current pop idols are still heavily influenced by the works of Elvis Presley and John Lennon. Singers such as Beyonce and Lady Gaga have publicly announced that they draw inspiration from Madonna. To help visualize the change in music, here is a timeline that shows the events in taste of music.

Year 1910s 1920s 1930s 1940s 1950s 1960s 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s

Most Popular Artist Peerless Quartet Paul Whiteman Bing Crosby Bing Crosby Elvis Presley The Beatles Elton John Prince Mariah Carey Eminem

Most Popular Song -- Artist (Year) “Some of These Days” -- Sophie Tucker (1911) “Swanee” -- Al Jolson (1920) “Over the Rainbow” -- Judy Garland (1939) “White Christmas” -- Bing Crosby (1942) “Rock Around the Clock” -- Bill Haley & his Comets (1955) “(I Can’t Get No) Satisfaction” -- The Rolling Stones (1965) “Stayin’ Alive” -- Bee Gees (1978) “Flashdance... What a Feeling” -- Irene Cara (1983) “(Everything I Do) I Do it For You” -- Bryan Adams (1991) “Lose Yourself” -- Eminem (2002)

From 1914






The Jazz Age. After World War I, artists including Louis Armstrong and Duke Ellington rise to popularity in New York and Chicago.

The War Years. Dizzy Gillespie creates ‘bebop’ a fast-tempo style of jazz combined with scat singing. Scat singing consisted of rhythmical syllables strung together to fit with the music.

The British Invasion. A band from Liverpool explodes onto the scene: The Beatles. The Rolling Stones, the Beach Boys and the Motown sound lead a new wave of experimentation. Even folk artists like Bob Dylan go electric.

Pop, hair and synthesizers. MTV is born and image is everything. Madonna leads the revolution. Hip hop and rap arrive, and Micheal Jackson is crowned King of Pop.

Auto-tune and electronics. Music is all over the place. YouTube and the Net change the business. Jay-Z and Beyonce rule. It’s rare for a single song, like Gnarls Barkley’s “Crazy,” to become a cross-chart hit, as music has become fragmented.






The end of classical. Classical music falls out of favor. Piano legend Scott Joplin revolutionizes Rag Time. Meanwhile, George Gershwin’s “Rhapsody in Blue” combines orchestration with Jazz.

The big band era. The depression was the age of swing; Benny Goodman and Count Basie were the big band leaders rising to fame. New forms of country and folk music also arise.

The birth of Rock. The scene shifts from orchestration to singing acts. Think Elvis.

Deaths, then Disco. Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison, Janis Joplin and Elvis Presley all die drug-related deaths. The Bee Gees headline the disco age with their Saturday Night Fever soundtrack.

Grunge. As a backlash to the imageconscious 80s, grunge acts like Nirvana take over. Techno pop and electronica go international.

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To 2014

Friday, May 9, 2014

hilights artsentertainment FREE MONEY FOR OUR SCHOOL


Target is giving away $5 million to schools. Check out to vote for Boone.

My most embarrassing moment is when I fell down the stairs. Renard Moore, freshman

March-April May-June Sunday








Neighbors directed by Nicholas Stroller, starring Zac Efron, Seth Rogan and Rose Byrne, rated R


10 Katt Williams stand-up at CFE Arena 7 p.m.

Kellie Pickler at Plaza Theatre starting at 7:30 p.m., remaining tickets are $162




Ice Cube’s Everythang’s Corrupt album releases

Ghost :the Musical at Bob Carr Performing Arts Centre starting at 8 p.m.



Coldplay Ghost Stories album releases

14 Extra yearbooks will be on sale for $85 with cash only in Room 224, first come first serve



Annual awards ceremony in the auditorium, 6 p.m.

The 1975 perform live at the Beacham starting at 8 p.m.

Modest Mouse at the Beacham starting at 6 p.m.




2 Sound Garden’s album Super Unknown: The Singles releases

Gay days at Disney through Thursday








Last Day school


Dr. Jeffrey Adkins Dr. David Adkins

4507 Curry Ford Rd. Orlando, FL 32812


Graduation starting at 8 p.m. at Amway Center


Telephone: 407-273-7181

Viva La Musica at SeaWorld from 3 p.m. to close. All concerts are free with admission.

X-Men Future Days out in theaters


Watch Dogs the video game releases

The Hard Rock Live presents an evening with Chicago. Doors open at 7 p.m., remaining tickets are $85



Tropica 5 video game releases in stores



Cher live in concert at Amway Center doors open at 8 p.m.

Bastille live in concert at the House of Blues starting at 7:30 p.m.

Oasis Definitely Maybe album releases




GO Voted Best Wings three years in a row! Corner of Conway Rd. and Michigan St.


Wisdom Teeth, Sedation, Dental Implants, Pathology, Cosmetic & Reconstructive Surgery 1573 W. Fairbanks Avenue......407-644-0224 195 Briarcliff Drive...................407-774-3399 1100 Lucerne Terrace...............407-843-1670


Friday, May 9, 2014

artsentertainment hilights



Concert choir earned straight superior ratings and Belles Voix earned overall superior ratings at the State Music Performance Assessment on Thursday, May 1, in Lakeland.

I made the varisty basketball team [this year] after getting cut from Boone basketball my first two years. Frank Dempsey, junior

Friendly atmosphere pleases all By TOMMY MCDONALD Filling the open space, 40 flat screen TVs illuminate the backdrop of Friendly Confines with the latest in the sporting world while patrons casually dine. Friendly Confines, the newest restaurant in Gatlin Plaza occupies McWell’s former space, provides a relaxing atmosphere for small and large parties, easily accommodating extended groups. It is a local chain with three other locations in the greater Orlando area. Once one is seated, there are a variety of options from healthy to fattening. Soups and salads, such as French onion ($3.49 cup, $4.99 bowl) garden salad ($3.99 small, $6.99 large), caesar salad ($3.99 small, $6.99 large) and Greek salad ($7.99, $9.99 with chicken) are available. If one is looking for more traditional bar food, venture for wings ($9.99 for 10) in over 40 different flavors. Hot dogs, Italian sausage ($7.99-$10.99), burgers ($8.99-$9.99), wraps, flatbreads ($8.99-9.99) and sandwiches ($9.59$9.99) are also on the menu. The teriyaki wings’ sauce is delicious and mildly sweet making them full of flavor, but they were under cooked on both visits and came out slightly cold on one. The old fashioned cheeseburger ($8.99) is what one would expect from an average burger; nothing is special or unpleasant. The taste is satisfactory, but lacks seasoning to make it a stand out

#the411 Where: 4757 S. Orange Ave.

When: Everyday 11 a.m. to 2 a.m.

How much:


TERIYAKI. The teriyaki wing 10 piece ($9.99) served with blue cheese, carrots and celery is a flavorful choice either as an appetizer or entree. item, like at Johnny’s Fillin’ Station. If one avoids the obvious menu choices such as hamburgers and wings, there are other more flavorful options such as Cubbie Claw Basket ($9.99), seven chicken strips drenched in one of the 40 flavors ranging from “no heat” to “warning.” The rib basket ($9.99) is also an option flavored in a variety of different BBQ flavors. If one wants to order something to make use of the hot flavoring, order the buffalo chicken wrap ($9.59). It comes

grilled, fried or blackened with fresh lettuce and tomato. Overall it was a hit with the hot garlic, but it had a bit too much sauce making the wrap soggy. Consider asking for the sauce on the side to control this issue. For dessert, signature choices include funnel cake fries ($4.99), funnel cake made into long crispy strips, and apple pie turnover ($3.99-$5.99), an apple pastry served with vanilla ice cream drizzled in caramel sauce. Both of these are tasty options to finish of the meal,

$7- $14 Beverages: soft drinks (Coke products), free refills Noteable flavors: Garlic, honey mustard, teriyaki, BBQ, parmesan garlic, lemon pepper


but neither are anything worth ordering if one is already full. The food ranges from average to tasty, but the consistency of the menu’s food is not the strong point of the restaurant. The environment is comfortable and welcoming. The open space gives everyone breathing room while offering every seat a view of a flat screen TV showing the latest sports. What the food lacks in uniqueness, it makes up for in overall experience and accessibility.

Mondays 50¢ wings with a minimum of five

Extras: good for groups, 40 TVs, arcade games

Online: myfriendly

COSPLAY [ from, page 1

Dollar began cosplaying five years ago in eighth grade. Dollar’s first convention was Orlando’s Anime Day, as Lieutenant Momo Hinamori from the Bleach anime. “[My first cosplay] was butchered and I regret it. I didn’t really have the materials for it, I just sort of threw some homemade things together. It wasn’t accurate at all but that’s going to happen for a first cosplay. I plan on redoing it. I want to do that cosplay again so bad,” Dollar said. Back in the dealer’s room of MegaCon, junior Jacob Stein makes his way through the artist stands dressed as Alois Trancy from Black Butler. Stein’s first convention was last May at Florida Anime Experience, but his first experience in cosplay was MetroCon last July. Stein spent his time posing for photos and hanging out with his friends, who also enjoy cosplay. “[MegaCon is] more comic based but it invites many fans of many other genres, including anime,” Stein said. Junior Pamela Surran walks through the Mega Con crowd dressed as Briar Rose from Disney’s Sleeping Beauty. She poses for pictures, interacts with other princesses and acts like royalty. This is one of the few days she can escape from her high school life. “I would have loved to go to MegaCon all three days but I couldn’t because junior year is so tough and there is so much homework. But there are so many great conventions throughout the year. Florida is a great place to have a

photo courtesy/JACOB STEIN

SNUGGLE TIME. Posing as Nagisa Hazuki from Free! Iwatobi Swim Club, junior Jacob Stein snuggles a stuffed penguin. “My favorite cosplay has to be my first, Alois Trancy, but I also really like my Nagisa cosplay from Iwatobi Swim Club,” Stein said. Stein attends one convention a month during the summer. con and I can’t go [to them all] which is upsetting. They’re so expensive and I’m broke after going to Mega Con for one day,” Surran said. Conventions are a safe haven for those who appreciate the cosplay genre. People feel they could be who they wanted and not be judged. But, this is not always the case. As the cosplay culture and fan base grows, so does the stereotyping and conflicts. Female cosplayers have faced backlash in the community. “What bothers me most is the stigma that, if a girl is wearing a revealing costume, then it’s okay to touch and

bother her. Cosplay does not equal consent and I think that idea should be forced more at cons,” sophomore Chelsea McRae said. Surran has found that high school is often kinder to a female cosplayer than fans at the conventions are. “[At a con as a girl], you’re often discriminated against because they think either you have to look really hot or you can’t do it at all. But if you do look like that then they say you don’t actually like it you’re just doing it got attention. I find it interesting that people at the actual convention are more discriminatory than people at high

photo courtesy/PAMELA SURRAN

school,” Surran said. Despite the stigmas and stereotypes, these students continue to attend and enjoy conventions. Friends are the source of their love for cosplays and conventions and they continue to keep their interest sparked. “Friends have seriously made all of my cons. There are so many great memories. Some awful memories, but great memories always make up for them,” Dollar said. The next convention in Orlando is Florida Anime Experience on May 2325 at the International Palms Resort and Conference Center.

SMILE. Under her electric blue wig Pamela Surran, junior, shows off her cosplay at Florida’s Mega Con. “At Boone, I don’t hide the fact that I cosplay. I really don’t want that hidden secret kind of thing,” Surran said. Surran buys and makes her own costumes, her last homemade costume was Princess Aurora.

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