March 2011 Issue

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William R. Boone High School Student Paper

Friday, March 18, 2010 Volume 59, Issue No. 6

For Students, By Students

Driving safety influences campus p. 15

2000 South Mills Avenue Orlando, Florida 32806

Teams wash out competitors By COOPER BROCK On March 5, the boys water polo team competed in a tournament with Oviedo and Winter Springs, losing the game in overtime to Oviedo 7-9, and beating Winter Springs 11-7, with four of the goals made by senior Simon Cuenca. “That game [Winter Springs] was way too close. We went in thinking it would be

an easy victory, but that wasn’t the case,” Cuenca said. “They were much bigger than us physically and a lot stronger, but we were better swimmers. In the end, we out played them.” Cuenca, a three-year starter who plays whole set, looks to the rest of the season positively. He hopes to make second in the Orlando Sentinel’s Supersix and make it to

• Read why coffee is a smart alternative to energy drinks. p. 6

the district competition. “To do this we’ll have to teach the first years how to be calm in pressure-filled situations and Brendan Ellixson, Nicholas White and I will have to step up our

Please see , page



• Learn how to get in tune with independent music. p. 26

Volume 59, Issue No. 6 March 18, 2011 For Students, By Students

In Every Issue



4 5 6 8 16 23 25 26

Letter From the Editor Our View B. Sassy 10 in 10 The New Black In The Zone Sneak Peeks Ty It All Together

contents 5 AP entrance standards are too lax lowering passing percentage

20 Girls softball looks to improve and make a run for district title

7 Will the new Lunch + program help students or waste time?

21 Boys and girls lacrosse hope to continue early season success

10 The Middle East continues to face revolution and an uphill climb

22 Sports Editor Justin Kane reveals his March Madness bracket

13 Students and teachers give their personal tips to pass AP exams

28 Passage to India offers unique, cultured cuisine



from hi-lights Volume 9, Issue 11

1 If you were one in a million in

3 Seinfeld, set in New York City’s

China, there would be 1,300 people just like you.

Upper West Side, was mainly filmed in Los Angeles.

2 On this day in 1965, the first

4 Of the 564 Native American

spacewalk took place as a Russian cosmonaut floated in space for 10 minutes.

tribes in the U.S., just six still live on their ancestral lands.


Leary second in homemaking competition

Senior Carolyn Leary, Boone’s winner in the Betty Crocker Search for the American Homemaker of tomorrow, was the second highest winner for the state of Florida. She “demonstrated a desirable attitude toward the home and family living.”

Rifle team sets new mark Both Kentucky Military Institute and New Albany High school defeated the school’s rifle team, but Emil “Skip” Schulte set two school records and tied another with a an overall 4-position score of 381.

March 18, 2011

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opinions 2010-11 Staff EDITORIAL BOARD


Campus springs into season


REPORTERS Lindsay Alexander, Anna Marie Boria, Cooper Brock, Sara Casler, Joseph Collazo, Thomas Egan, Stephanie Garcia, Jessica McCoy, Kinsey Seacord, Victoria Treiber, Mark Vagelakos, Molly Wallace

OTHER ADVISER Renee Burke PRINCIPAL Margaret McMillen

jonathan warren, editor-in-chief

By JONATHAN WARREN Matteson wrote the In the Zone There is much to be excited column. Likewise, Brendan Hall about as we spring into a new wrote the entertainment column Ty season: warmer weather, upcoming It All Together, and Tyler Patrick prom and of course March Madness, wrote Brendan’s column, B. Sassy. just to name a few. However, it More seriously, the double page almost need not be said that the spread offers a helpful and positive most exciting part of spring is its look at how students can drive accompanying break from school. safely. In light of recent events, the Spring Break has become nothing Hi-Lights staff sees this issue as an less than an institution opportunity to help the campus on campuses across grow and, possibly, to avoid future the country tragedies. It but especially features the Briefly bogged down by those in importance of Florida where driving safely, fall and winter, Floridians the break is some of the best are in their prime in Spring. safety courses in synonymous with beachthe area, as well going and as a few simple getting tan (or tips like how to change a tire. sun-burnt for most of us). One of the few less exciting In Campus & Local, we elements of spring is the upcoming suggest the best and most Advanced Placement exams. popular places to go and things Studying begins early, so Campus to do at New Smyrna Beach like & Local offers tips to pass specific visiting Breakers restaurant or exams. Mi Mexico. As students, we continue Another exciting part of spring to spring forward toward new is the coming of April Fool’s Day, experiences and opportunities. only the most fun unofficial holiday Briefly bogged down by fall and in existence. In honor of this goofy winter, we Floridians are in our day, columnists have switched prime in spring, able to take columns with each other to liven back the pastimes we hold dear things up. For example, Sports like having lake days and going to editor and columnist Justin Kane the beach. wrote The New Black, a fashion There’s no question, spring is column, while fashion expert David the most exciting time of year.

See More

Contribute Agree or disagree with any of our content? We will print letters to the editor in the Editorials section. We are always looking for new ideas. If you have anything you think we should cover, feel free to drop your idea off at Room 224. We want to hear from students so we can become the true public forum for the campus.

Visit where you can read or comment on any of the stories published. Photos from school and sports events are available for purchase on our online photo gallery for 99 cents. The site features upto-date news, video, polls as well as daily Boone Broadcasting Company shows.

Advertise We welcome advertising into the paper. The paper is free to students and subscriptions are available for $10. $25 Business card $45 Quarter page $75 Half page $150 Full page

Editorial Policy Policy Statement

Hi-Lights is a student publication of William R. Boone High School, 2000 South Mills Avenue, Orlando, Florida, 32806. The ideas and views of the aforementioned students and faculty are not necessarily those of Boone or the Orange County School Board. Opinions expressed in unsigned editorials are those of the editorial board, who determine the content. Opinions expressed in columns are those of the authors. Comments, letters, stories and ideas are welcome and encouraged under the following: 1. The material is not obscene or libelous 2. The material is signed

page 4

The staff reserves the right to edit letters for grammar, length, punctuation, accuracy, invasion of privacy and potential disruption of the school. Hi-Lights is associated with Florida Scholastic, Columbia Scholastic and National Scholastic Press Associations and Quill and Scroll International Honorary Society.

Our Mission

This paper is a quality product whose sole purpose is to pursue the truth, and to provide information and factual news pertaining to Boone and the community around it. Any questions or comments can be directed to (407) 893-7200, extension 2614 or Room 224. If you find any errors, please call our offices or visit us.

March 18, 2010


View As the bell rings, the door shuts with an ominous thud. Twenty-five students sit in their seats, fresh school supplies beside them. A thick packet of papers lands on the desk before them: a syllabus outlining expectations for the coming year. It is the first day of school, and already students within the class dread the coming weeks of Advanced Placement courses, especially those who chose not to complete the summer assignment. With no test to gauge preparedness for advanced courses, students selfdetermine if they are ready to handle heavy work loads and difficult lessons. Paired with the newly instated class size amendment, the policy of not filtering AP candidates creates a disastrous combination. Teens not only poorly determine their readiness, but they also are now unable to switch out of the class if it becomes too difficult. Allowing free-for-all registration sets students up for failure if they are ill-prepared and results in a lower overall pass rate come exam time in May. This past registration marks the second consecutive year that students have not needed to meet testing requirements prior to signing up for an AP course. In past years those wishing to register for classes like AP United States History used PSAT scores to predict the chance of one passing. After looking at one’s scores in reading, mathematics, and writing, the service would determine whether or not one was likely to pass the exam. In addition to analyzing their scores, teachers also required students to write essays and complete an application when registering for select AP courses. In recent years, however, students only needed current teacher approval and the desire to take an AP course; and even then, strong student or parent opinions could override a teacher’s declination. This revision to the registration process presented issues during the following year. Often those students who may have been filtered out through the old system become lost or

Your Thoughts Should students in AP classes be filtered?

State policy for grading schools fails students disillusioned in AP courses which are fast paced, work-heavy and often stress latent. By not filtering these borderline students, the system is setting them up for failure when the teens could have performed adequately—if not well—in the honors equivalent. Not surprisingly, the year Boone stopped filtering AP candidates, its pass rate decreased seven percent. The consequences of a student’s misjudgment can range from damaging their GPA and self-esteem to also negatively impacting the learning environment of their peers. By flooding high-level classes with inadequately prepared students, a great burden is placed upon teachers to prepare students that realistically are not likely to pass. Subsequently, instead of cultivating an attitude of success and doling out equal attention to each student, the teacher will most likely focus on making sure the lower-level students do not fail the class. This places undue stress on teachers and takes away instruction time from students who truly stand a chance of passing, which should be the teacher’s primary goal. Ultimately, AP courses come down to the final exam in May. Judged on one’s comprehension of material and caliber of work, the exam determines how well one grasped the subject and how much college credit, if any, the student will receive. If one test is the ultimate judge of performance, the school should not shirk from the idea of judging AP candidates based on scores and student essays. Filtering students from the beginning will only help ensure a quality learning environment as well as a higher overall course pass rate. Currently there are two arguments for not limiting AP enrollment. The school wishes to open more challenging courses to all teens as college applications become increasingly competitive, and having more teens in AP classes— regardless of whether those students have A’s or F’s—boosts the school grade according to state policy. AP enrollment alone is worth 200 points in the grading

No, because if kids feel like they can handle an AP class then it’s their choice. - eric cordero, sophomore

Orange County Advanced Placement Results 2001 - 2010

process. This latter argument makes schools seem as if they are motivated by their appearance rather than the success of their students. Putting the school’s desires before student needs is not only ethically flawed but is also ignoring the fundamental purpose of school: to create successful students and cultivate future leaders. The state’s policy of raising a school’s grade based on the number of AP students who take and complete a course is great conceptually, but creates unintended consequences. It encourages schools to allow as many students as possible to enroll in these challenging courses, regardless of whether or not they are fully prepared to take them. This oversight negatively impacts students by creating a less challenging classroom environment and by placing more stress on students to take AP classes regardless of one’s ability. Time shows exactly how damaging the policy is. In 2001, the on-campus pass rate was 69 percent. In four years this number dropped two percent, and then in five more years nine percent. The county and state numbers read

similarly and are further proof of the damage open registration can inflict. Last year, the county-wide pass rate was 41.3 percent, a mere 0.2 percent above the state average. In stark contrast, however, the national average sat at 55.7 percent, which is 14.4 percent above the county equivalent. When comparing the number of tests administered to the pass rate, one can visibly notice the almost exponential growth coinciding with the declination in passing scores. From 2006 to 2007 alone, AP participation in Orange County experienced a 1,204 percent increase. If the logistics involved in changing this state policy are too grandiose, at the very least our school can actively seek to operate with higher standards. Being motivated by student success will not only create better students, but will also produce a stronger school academically in the long run. Filtering AP classes is the easiest method to ensuring better classroom performance and preparedness; and in time, this too will positively impact the school’s grade.

Yes, because I don’t think everybody really knows what they’re getting into when they sign up.

Definitely; it’s beneficial to the student. I think the class will be more mature.

- sarah hunte, junior

- ruben carrillo, freshman

March 18, 2011

To hear more student opinions on whether or not Advanced Placement classes should be filtered, visit www. hilights. org

Yes, because the students are just getting in without learning if they’re qualified. - natasha rivera, senior

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Theater requires rules



Tyler Patrick Entertainment Editor


oing to the movies is common among people of all ages, whether it is for the classic “Dinner and a Movie” date or for a “Night on the Town” with friends. For a frequent movie-goer, it is clear how highly untrained the human population is about how to act during a movie. There are simple rules that must be followed while sitting through a flick on the big screen. One of the most irritating things one can witness while attempting to watch a movie is the flash of light from somebody’s cell phone screen. When one’s cell phone light turns on, it distracts audience members nearby from the movie as this one small light has just appeared in the middle of a pitch black theater. It is understood that this generation of kids can’t live without their cell phones for more than a few minutes. However, if one’s cell phone must be used during the flick, the smartest thing to do would be to get up and walk outside the theater to use it. Before the film begins, one should also remember to silence his cell phone because even the slight sound of a vibration is irritating to people who paid to see a movie. During a recent outing to see Justin Bieber: Never Say Never in 3D, this movie-goer became more annoyed with the teenage girl sitting behind him than the lot of young girls who screamed every time Bieber appeared on screen. A teenage girl talked throughout the entire film about how Bieber was her “baby” and nobody else’s. This would have been a little

more tolerable if she didn’t sing along to all of Bieber’s songs too. It’s understood that you know the words but please have respect for the other people viewing the movie. Talking during a movie is one of the most aggravating things a person can do as it prevents the rest of the audience from paying attention and being able to understand what’s going on during the film. Movie goers should realize that silence is key at the movies. Talking to the movie though is even more aggravating, take Scary Movie 2 for example where Brenda interrupts the entire movie by yelling at the girl on the screen and treating the characters like they are friends, as well as telling everybody the ending because “her girlfriend had already seen it” which irritates the rest of the audience and eventually causes them to cheer when the “killer” stabs Brenda to death. This instance takes the consequences to a comical extreme, but it shows that her commentary was not needed for the movie and neither is anybody else’s. One thing that really distracts the audience is the “late arrival” crew. When people arrive late to a movie, it causes the audience to immediately look over and see who failed to come into the theater on time. One should realize that the movie starts at a set time for a reason, if he can’t make it before the movie begins then he shouldn’t arrive at all. When watching a movie, one tries to settle back in the reclining theater chair. However, that becomes difficult when people behind him decide to kick and prop up their feet, either on the actual chair or next to it, putting feet in

somebody else’s face is not cool. There are ways to make oneself, and the people around them, comfortable. If putting up one’s feet is a must, then try sitting by the bar at the bottom to prop your feet on it or sit behind an empty seat at the top. Making decisions like these saves other people the irritation and makes them as comfortable as possible. Another discomfort that appears during a movie is that of people walking directly in front of the screen. There are easy and simple ways to avoid blocking the screen for a bathroom break. Try ducking and moving across the floor quickly or staying along the aisle, which usually has a quick escape to the lobby. People attending a movie need to realize that it’s not all about them. As a public place there needs to be courteous to others; it makes the atmosphere about a billion times better. If one realizes that he is not an appropriate addition to the theater, then he needs to wait until the movie releases on DVD to see it because other people’s experiences shouldn’t be ruined by one person’s bad judgment.

For more information Unsure of how to implement these important theater viewing rules? Check out a complete list of theater etiquette rules on


[There should be coffee sold on campus] because it would make it easier for students in the morning since they already make coffee runs. -kelsey angelo, sophomore

page 6

By KINSEY SEACORD Everyday he slouches out of bed and trudges into school. He absentmindedly sits through seven periods and considers the day a success if he overcomes the temptation of taking a cat nap. However, a solution to his lack of energy can be summed up in one word: coffee. One cup a day will keep the sleepiness away. Coffee should be sold on campus because the caffeine will keep students awake, alert and ready for any lesson assigned. For too long the student body has been lifeless in the morning and nothing but empty shells wandering through the halls. Give the students life. Caffeine will provide the kick that teenagers desperately need to get going. Let’s face it: morning classes are wasted when the teacher’s lesson goes in one ear and out the other. There might as well be no first period at all. With the perfect touch of sugar and the proper dosage of caffeine, coffee can be used as the school’s secret weapon to creating a more perceptive student body. In these times of economic struggles and limited school budgets, coffee could be a welcomed new source of income. Revenue is revenue, and even if it is only a few bucks a day, every cent is a contribution. If the Reservation started selling coffee, it could establish an additional source of income. This cash flow would also be consistent, unlike the allotted amount of money received through the budget. This underfunded school is in need of relief; coffee could provide this. Timber Creek High School, an affluent Orange County public school, has an on-campus Barney’s Cafe. Is it any wonder that Timber Creek’s financial status is in amazing shape? In addition to the funds they receive from the county, the school also has the on-campus cafe contributing to its budget. Boone could get in on this. Coffee is an easy solution that makes consumers happy

and schools’ wallets full. Everyday people pollute their bodies with energy drinks such as Rockstar or Redbull. These oversized beverages leave teens jacked up on enormous doses of sugar. Students can almost see their peers vibrating down the halls because of such products. If one cup of coffee was available for a teen everyday, the consumption of energy drinks on campus could be reduced. Coffee is a natural substance brewed from a variety of beans. Energy drinks are full of heavy doses of sugar and unnatural stimulants. According to Dr. Dave Costill, the energy drink Amp can lead to obesity, high blood pressure and heart disease. Teens should not fill their bodies with synthetic energizers, but rather with the soothing brew of Mother Earth. Do away with abhorrent beverages and adopt nature’s stimulant. Coffee and Rockstars serve the same purpose: to awaken the drinker. Yet unlike energy beverages, coffee serving sizes can be regulated. Each Rockstar drink has a serving size of two, but the label is constantly ignored by consumers in search of a boost. Coffee is a healthier alternative, so long as the sugar placed within one’s coffee is monitored. To eliminate the risk of such harmful beverages, the Trading Post should provide a fair sized cup of quality joe for the student body. The campus needs to wake up and take notice of the ever brewing solution. Coffee is a friend. Embrace its rich taste, its energetic qualities and its economic advantages.

March 18, 2011

Fast Facts • The average cup of coffee has 90-150 MG of caffeine; Monster has 160 MG. •Coffee can lessen the risks of getting gallstones and heart disease. *Information from Matt Pitcher and talkaboutcoffee. com

Lunch +, positive or negative?

opinions In an effort to help struggling or lazy Algebra 1 freshmen, administration created Lunch +. Students who do not do their homework must complete it at lunch with a National Honor Society tutor. The program has caused controversy among students since tutoring was announced as mandatory.

Program solves failing student problem By CALEY BROCK With television, the Internet and friends as blaring distractions, students sit at home facing a decision: to do homework or not to do homework. Although a seemingly small decision, it has major, long-lasting consequences. The United States is ranked 25 in the world in math scores, according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s Program for International Student Assessment comprehensive world education 2010 ranking report. Even with budget cuts in the Florida education system happening left and right, schools have the responsibility to create programs to motivate and build foundations for students to keep them competitive. The new Lunch + program is a step in the right direction. With hopes to expand the program in the future, administration decided to start with freshmen in Algebra I and Algebra IA. If these students earn a zero on any task, like a homework assignment, they must serve one Lunch + term during which they complete the assignment. In Lunch +, students report to the teacher lounge for one

lunch period. National Honor Society members currently serve as tutors for these students. A foundation in Algebra I is key to success in all math courses in high school and college. If students do not fully understand these basic concepts, they will continue to fall behind. The program provides one-on-one help from peers who successfully completed the course to students who do not complete their homework. They will be able to understand the lesson and not fall behind, which gives them the highest opportunity possible to succeed. Opponents to the program say these students are a lost cause and have already given up on homework and school. They also say students have already acquired the “too cool for school” attitude and cannot be inspired otherwise. However, the school’s responsibility is to prepare students for their future. If the school gives up on 14 and 15-year-olds, they have failed the student and failed at their job. If educators keep giving up, society will never see improvement. The main potential for failure with the program is not the idea, but the execution. Scripps Ranch High School

in Scripps Ranch, California, executed a successful version of a peer tutoring program, where administration paired low performing students with high performing upperclassmen to tutor after school hours. In one grading period, half of the students had a jump in their GPA. Our Lunch + program’s biggest challenge is attitude. If any leadership in the program goes in thinking it will fail, then it probably will. The upperclassmen and teachers in Lunch + should set the example of a positive outlook and the students will follow. If tutors and teachers don’t want to help struggling students, the students will not be motivated or inspired to learn. The effectiveness of peer tutoring on campus has been proven through the success of students after going to the Math Center. The one-on-one help improves student skills. If Lunch + follows the Math Center’s example of support and functions efficiently, it will undoubtedly see the same positive results, allowing all students who need it to experience tutoring and see improvement. The foundation in math is key for both the students and their tutors. When upper level math students volunteer to

tutor, they review and sharpen their basic math skills. Because students tutor without pay, math foundations are built with no cost. According to, tutors cost between $20 - 40 per hour. Often times, those who need tutors cannot afford them. Lunch + solves this problem. As for the students who understand the math lesson, but chose not to complete their homework, this program will provide motivation. Lunch is a time for socialization. If students never do their homework, they will always have to spend their lunch period away from friends. Eventually students will complete their homework. Even if they just want to be with their friends, these students are exercising their brain and improving their math skills. Lunch + creates motivated, studious math students who are on a better track to pass Algebra I, pass FCAT, graduate and go to college. It is a small but positive move to creating a community of better math students. With proper execution, this program has the potential to change the educational and possibly life paths of struggling math students.

Tutoring Program in Scripps Ranch High School: • Half of the 40 students have seen their GPAs jump • In addition to the original 40 students, 86 students asked to join the program

Tutoring system flawed and unnecessary The issue with this system lies in the attitudes of the students and the tutors, not in their capability to do the work.

By BRENDAN HALL With the introduction of the new tutoring Lunch +, the school is enforcing a policy of trying to cram knowledge down the throats of students. Although a noble idea, the new system of assigning Algebra 1 students to lunch detention for not completing their homework is an idealistic process that is actually driving a wedge between the student and the teacher while having little impact or benefit. The program is meant to provide Algebra 1 students who forget or choose not to do their homework with a place to finish it and have help available if they don’t understand the assignment. National Honor Society tutors are present during every lunch shift as they are required to tutor for at least two lunch shifts per quarter. The problem with requiring students to attend Lunch + can be found in a

clichéd but true ideology; a horse can be led to water, but it can’t be forced to drink. Most of the students who choose not to do their homework do not want any help, and forcing them in a small room with a tutor they want nothing to do with will only aggravate them and pit them against the system. The issue lies in the attitudes of the students, not in their capability to do the work. The Math Center is a successful club because it caters to students who make the choice to better their learning and go out on their own time to find help. With the Math Center, students are taking the initiative and therefore get more out of it, whereas Lunch + students will rebel, just like any other person who is backed into a corner would; it is human nature. The same goes for the tutors, members of NHS who are forced to be tutors. The most glaring problem with this concept is the fact that even

March 18, 2011

though NHS members are considered to be the more academically successful portion of the school, not all of them are necessarily qualified to be tutors. If some of them struggled in math or have a hard time remembering the material, they could provide wrong information to the students who need help. Also, the number of people involved in NHS far exceeds the tutors necessary for Lunch +; on multiple occasions, there have been twice as many tutors than individuals who need help. In scenarios like that, the program is simply wasting the time of both the Algebra 1 students and their tutors. What is worse is that the administration just turns their cheek to the situation and continues to promote the fact that they are helping the students when in reality, the entire program is a facade. It is naïve for the school to think they can just throw NHS tutors who don’t want to be there in a room

with students who don’t want to be there and that the Algebra 1 students will magically learn the material and do their homework. If the administration is really interested in and focused on helping the Algebra students, then the administrators who chaperone the program need to take more initiative making sure the students in need of tutoring don’t turn it into social time. Lunch + is faulted all the way through; the way its carried out, the people it forces to be involved, every aspect of it is faulty. Although the idea may appear great on paper, in reality it is simply a waste of time. If the teachers are really concerned about students in Algebra 1, they need to have personal conversations with them and instill the desire to better themselves in math and involve upperclassmen who actually want to help. And, quite simply, Lunch + is not the way to do it.

page 7

campus and local



We asked 10 students to answer “What is the best prank you have ever pulled?” in 10 words.

“My best friend’s sister covered “Put a phone inside a batch of “I remember one time I gave my sister “I disguised myself as a “I put makeup on my friend while her car in baby powder.” jello; it’s funny.” pillowcase in my friend’s bed.” laxative tea.” - kaley long, senior - james walls, sophomore he was asleep.” - ejaz barsati, junior - elton frederick, senior - william moxley, freshman “I tied my sister’s toys together “My best prank is putting a laxative and threw them out.” “Ranch-filled water balloons, “Putting Vaseline on the in a cupcake.” - jocelyn bian, freshman throwing them at the school bus.” “Saran wrap on the door to trick toilet and my brother slipped - lia villar, sophomore joseph hairston people walking through.” off.” - janet chen, sophomore - emely toro, senior

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page 8

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campus and local

Spring breakdown BY TORI TREIBER Once the bell signals the end of the last school day before spring break, students usually find themselves tossing their textbooks in their lockers, grabbing their bathing suits and heading straight for the beautiful paradise located only

one hour away from Orlando. In Florida, the beach is the place to be for spring break, specifically New Smyrna Beach. Nestled on the northern coast of Florida’s pristine beaches is a laid-back beach town which prides itself on being a relaxing coastal get-away.

Places to stay:



BREAKERS Where: 518 Flagler Ave., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Average price: $20 per person

Where: 4493 South Atlantic Ave., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Rental Coasts: $85 - $100 per unit depending on the size per night

If hit with a sudden craving for a good, old-fashioned burger journey to Breakers. The restaurant specializes in classic American burgers. Breakers is situated on the beach where one can dig into their hearty plate while enjoying the views all around the outside deck.

Ebb Tide comes accommodated with a heated pool, nearby golf courses and a private exercise room. The condos are also come accompanied with a private beach just beyond the patio of the pool. These features make Ebb Tide one of the most sought after places to stay.




Where: 508 Flagler Ave., New Smyrna Beach FL 32169 Available: Surfboards and beach necessities.

Where: 416 Flagler Ave., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Average Price: $15 - $35 an entree

Quiet Flight surf shop offers a large selection of surf-inspired clothing and other beach necessities. The shop provides a place to pick up anything left at home or one’s need to go shopping for authentic beach attire.

As a sit down and dine restaurant, Boston’s Fish House is the perfect place to go out to dinner with friends and family. Boston’s has a reputation of being able to work through long lines quickly, which is a convenient quality when it comes to huge beach crowds.

Hang out:




Where: 2995 N. Peninsula Ave., New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Admission: $5 per vehicle, $1 per person for vehicles with more than eight passengers.

Where: 257 Minorca Beach Way, New Smyrna Beach, FL 32169 Used for: Surfing, fishing and as a popular, local beach hang out. The inlet provides a place where surfing year round becomes a possibility and is popular with the large groups of tourists. With surfing reports coming in daily, one can always stay on target when it comes to picking a perfect surfing location.

Located on the northern tip of New Smyrna, the dunes are a perfect spot to meet up with friends and have a cookout or a picnic at this beachside park.


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New Smyrna is adorned with restaurants, great shopping and a relaxing atmosphere. This spring break most students’ plans revolve around this famous vacation destination. This article provides a break down of the area and exposes its most treasured hot spots.


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Boone Braves Smile with Confidence! March 18, 2011


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page 9

campus and local

Wave of change in Egypt spreads across the Middle East By STEPHANIE GARCIA For the next six months, Egypt will be under military rule while transitioning into a democratic government. Since Egyptians began to protest their repressive government, headed by Hosni Mubarak, people around the world have been glued to their TV’s. For 18 days, Tahir Square was on fire while every inch of cement was covered with chanting protesters. “It upset people that Mubarak was staging elections year after year. We overthrew a dictator after 30 years of power, and it didn’t take that long to do it,” junior Yousef Hassan said. With his dad and extended family in Egypt, Hassan has followed the unfolding events taking place. Younger members of his family who took part in the protests, recreated the happenings of the day for Hassan. They described riots being shut down by police and ongoing persistence of protesters. “It’s difficult for a country to ensure a new government when they have no history of a democratic one. We supported Mubarak because we saw that having an unjust leader was better than


Jan. 25

having no government at all,” American History teacher Michael Dorman said. Dorman says the nature of Egypt’s transition depends on how transparent the military is. If they don’t allow for a democratic government to be formed, Islamic fundamentalists will respond with a new batch of protests. “This revolution was a long time coming, and it’s not going to be fixed in a couple of months. I know they’re aiming for democracy, but it’s going to take years at best for it to come together,” junior Heather Keeler said. Growing protests have taken flight across the Middle East where similar riots and anti-government protests have taken place. Egyptian demonstrations and continued struggles to improve their government have influenced other Arab countries to do the same. Tunisia and Egypt already have unseated governments, and Libya is close behind making strides toward removing their leader, Col. Muammmar elQaddafis, who has dragged the country into civil war. Iran is drawing courage from Egyptians as well, coming out after 2 years to challenge their regime.

Feb. 11

Anti-government protests begin spilling into the streets of Cairo

However, while the political revolutions have brought freedom from corrupt rulers, they also brought a negative impact on the global market. Stock prices have plummeted and oil prices have risen as crude oil operation disruptions continue in Libya. The stakes are higher now, because unlike Egypt, Libya is an Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries member and a significant oil producer, and continued disruptions will be bad news for consumers. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, oil and gas production in Libya have fallen by an estimated 60 to 90 percent since February. Additionally, gold has climbed to above $1,400 an ounce, and silver passed its previous 30-year high of $32.86. Consequently, airlines like JetBlue and Delta have raised fares to make up for rising fuel costs. Though the removal of corrupt leaders is celebrated globally , the extent of the impact remains unknown. Investors are afraid of prolonged damage on the global economy if unrest continues.

After a 30 year regime, President Hosni Mubarak resigns

Feb. 27

Mar. 5

photo/Rick Loomis/LA Times

STAND UP FOR YOUR RIGHTS. A celebrating protester holds up the Egyptian flag in Tahrir Square following the announcement that President Hossini Mubarak was stepping down. “Now that the army is in control, the country is balancing out. It has became more peaceful now that people got what they wanted,” Yousef Hassan said.

Online Only See exclusive interviews with students predicting what Egypt’s government will be like in the next two months

In Libya, Col. Muammmar el-Qaddafi’s forces fire on unarmed forces in Tripoli and Zawiyah, protesting his reign

Tunisian Prime Minister Mohammed Ghannouchi resigns after three demonstrators were killed during protests

Mar. 12

Arab League asks the United Nations to impose a no flight zone over Libya in hopes of halting Qaddafi’s attacks on his own people

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March 18, 2011

campus and local

True story inspires film, community By KAREN JAEN Raising five fingers in the air, the Wake Forest community honors the memory of Luke Abbate. Based on a true story, The 5th Quarter (PG-13) tells an inspirational story of hope and acknowledges Abbate’s memory. In 2006, the Abbate family lost their youngest son in a car accident because of reckless driving. Luke was a lacrosse player who, after practice, got in a car with four other team members. The driver was going over the speed limit and lost control of the vehicle, killing Luke. He experienced severe brain damage from the crash and the doctors determined that Luke was brain dead. Luke’s older brother, Jon was a football player on the Wake Forest Demon Deacons. After the tragedy, he began honoring his brother’s memory by wearing his brother’s number, 5. The number five also represents the number of organs Luke donated. He also created a hand gesture where five fingers were held up at the beginning of the fourth quarter, which came to be known as the fifth quarter. The hand motion became a trademark of the Wake Forest team with the student body joining in on the tradition. “[The movie] reminds me of how mortal we are and how everyone can

come together in a hard time,” junior Kinsey Seacord, cousin of Luke and John Abbate, said. The 2006 ACC season became the most successful for Wake Forest; they won the ACC championship the same year, gaining attention from the press. Luke’s trademark hand gesture also caught attention from the media. ESPN did a special on Jon, which drew the attention of Hollywood director Rick Bieber. Bieber approached Maryanne and Steven Abbate, Luke’s parents, about making a film; it took three years to put the screenplay together because Bieber wanted to portray the story as accurate as possible. The actors, Ryan Merriman (Jon Abbate), Aidan Quinn (Steven Abbate) and Andie MacDowell (Maryanne Abbate) spent hours with the family to better understand their characters and the roles they were portraying. Maryanne and Steven also spent days on the set of the film giving pointers to Bieber, so he could grasp their story as accurately as possible. “I had mixed emotions [about making a movie]. Initially I didn’t think it was going to happen, but each step was more of reality. I feel like there are a lot of incredible messages in it. It’s always hard to put your story out there for everyone to see. [Bieber] put his heart and soul into it; he was passionate

about it,” M. Abbate said. The film focuses on how a family comes together after the loss of a family member. It also raises awareness on the importance of not driving recklessly. Following the speed limit and using a seat belt are factors that can influence the loss of a life in an accident. “[I hope] people realize the consequences of their choices we make when we get in a car. The ripple effect of our choices affect our family and everyone around us,” Joanmarie Seacord, sister of Maryanne, said. The film also raises awareness on the importance of organ donation. Luke was a healthy athlete who donated five organs, one of which was his heart. His heart was donated to a young mother with a fatal heart disease and the transplant saved her life. M. Abbate found Luke’s restricted license after the accident and saw that he wanted to be an organ donor, informing her that she had made the right choice. “[Organ donation] sounds [like the] right [thing] to do, and it is the right thing to do but it’s hard to think about your child’s organs being donated. It was bittersweet and painful because we lost a family member,” J. Seacord said. The 5th Quarter won Best Screenplay in the Boston Film Festival. The movie is releasing in six different states, including Florida, on March 25.

March 18, 2011


Online Only See the trailer for the Fifth Quarter online at

page 11

campus and local

Adviser earns historic recognition the Gold and Silver Crown from the By JONATHAN WARREN When Renee Burke heard she won, Columbia Scholastic Press Association, she was in shock. Superintendent and have been recognized as Pacemaker Ronald Blocker read her name, but she Finalists by the National Scholastic was expecting another name to be called. Press Association. “I am incredibly proud of my Burke had just won Orange County Teacher of the Year. staffs and how far they’ve come. They “I was elated for her. She h a s continually challenge themselves to brought a lot of beat the year recognition to before them. It’s a healthy thing Boone with the yearbook and because we’re She is helping students become newspaper, but this always striving to leaders of tomorrow. They’re going is a tremendous do better,” Burke to be outstanding leaders in the honor she brought said. Burke’s work to the school,” community. Digital Design ethic and her will - sarah kittrell, digital design teacher and friend to evolve have Sarah Kittrell said. earned her praise Burke advises the school’s yearbook, from students and colleagues alike. “She is a visionary person. She doesn’t newspaper, and news website, while teaching Journalism I using current sit back and do things the way they industry technology. Her publication were done last week or last year. She’s classes are production-based and aim at constantly growing and learning and giving students real world experience. sharing with her students. She knows “Yearbook with Ms. Burke has really how to get students involved in learning opened my eyes to what the real world so they want to learn. It’s an art,” is like and prepares me for further Kittrell said. education and real life skills. It gives me Kittrell says she saw Burke’s talent a one up on other students because the when Burke first began teaching on programs we use are advanced,” junior campus in 1995, working with Boone Editor-in-Chief Allison Sloan said. Plus, a dropout prevention program. Burke is currently the state “She had a real compassion for director for the Journalism Education trying to get the students to want to Association. Her publications have won be successful. Because she’s constantly

learning herself, it makes her a better person. She’s looking for ways to grow with her students,” Kittrell said. Burke found her passion for journalism working on her own yearbook staff in high school and being the sports editor her senior year, but her love for teaching came when she first interned at Evans High School and experienced the “Aha” moments her students had. “I know design programs much better since I entered her class. If I ever need to design something when I leave high school, I’ll be able to because of her,” Journalism I student Olivia Quattrone, freshman, said. Burke has a strong connection to the county having attended Orange County schools. “There’s something really neat about representing the place that educated you,” Burke said. Burke will represent Orange County to vie for state Teacher of the Year. She completed the state application, which she said was “intense,” to be judged. Five teachers are chosen as finalists for the state award. The finalists are notified in April or May. In the meantime, Burke will continue to teach and advise. “She is helping students become leaders of tomorrow. They’re going to be outstanding leaders in the community because of what she has taught them,” Kittrell said.

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IN CLASS. In newspaper class, Renee Burke answers questions from her students. “I think she explains things well and shows examples to help us,” freshman Olivia Quattrone, Journalism I student, said.

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page 12

March 18, 2011

campus and local

Teachers and students offer AP tips By ANNA MARIE BORIA AND JOSEPH COLLAZO The late nights, long outlines, pounds of homework and loads of stress that a typical AP class brings is all in preparation for the most important exam of the year. With the month of AP exams slowly approaching, good preparation is a necessity. Much of the stress that AP exams add on students is the fear of not preparing correctly for the exam. With that in mind, students who scored fives on the exams and the teachers of four of the most popular AP classes on campus share tips on how to succeed in May. These tips range from what to study, when to begin studying, as well as important things to remember for each exam. Important tips students should remember to succeed for any AP exam is to relax, review with ample time as well as keeping a clear mind before and during the exam. Reducing any unnecessary stress caused by AP exams is important to keep in mind. Exams should be viewed as something to be looking forward to instead of something to panic about. The exam should be seen as the finish line of a journey filled with sleepless nights, countless outlines and dedication.

AP Human Geography

This exam torments newcomers, causing stress for freshmen across campus. According to sophomore Janet Jones, the exam should be approached with ample preparation. Jones used a variety of study techniques including creating notecards and buying the AP Human Geography Kaplan review book, which is requirement in Suzanne Unger’s class. She says that students worry too much, and that this can hinder their score. “Study, but don’t take it too seriously. You know it. You’ve learned it all year,” Jones said.

Unger’s Tips:

Suzanne Unger notices that her students just look at the material as something to study for a test. When in fact the exam will test students on applying their knowledge. She recommends they think about it, ask questions and try to apply what he is learning to different situations in either the question portion and/ or the Free Response Question portion of the exam. “More than half my students admitted recently that they don’t read their FRQ answers after they write them. Make sure they make sense,” Unger said.

AP Statistics

The exam tests students on the major concepts and tools for collecting, analyzing, and drawing conclusions from sets of data while using a graphing calculator. This is something different from what previous AP students experienced, which makes studying early crucial for this new material. Junior Dustin Fontaine recommends making flash cards and studying in a quiet place. “I would [also] recommend to someone taking the exam to really know how to use your [graphing] calculator,” Fontaine said.

Godfrey’s Tips:

Re-reading the book several times is the key to doing well in the AP Statistics exam. Kay Godfrey gives several practice exams. She grades them in the same format as the AP exam, to help students gain an idea of what is to be expected. “We end learning all the material needed for the exam by the end of the third quarter, and by the beginning of the fourth quarter it is a good place to start studying for,” Godfrey said. She also suggests to work more workbook problems for extra practice for the exam.

AP United States History

Beginning to study for the AP United States History exam should begin as soon as possible. “Keep reviewing throughout the year because it makes it a lot easier to study for the exam,” senior Clay Townsend said. Essential things to review with are the PowerPoints Mr. Parrett provides., homework, classwork and key parts of U.S. history are not as emphasized in class [social and political history]. In addition to reading the shorten versions of the chapters in the handbook each student received this year.

Parrett’s Tips:

Students should prepare for the AP United States History exam by reviewing social and political history. Keep in mind the rules on writing a Document Based Question and an FRQ are also essentials in doing well on the AP United States History exam. “You can always recover from a bad [FRQ or DBQ] from having a good thesis but never the other way around.” AP U.S. History teacher Christopher Parrett said. Other helpful tips would be to begin reviewing the handbook at least a month before the exam.

AP Language

One hundred fifty-seven juniors across campus are taking AP Language. The exam may seem frightening to some students since the exam is harder to study for with it being skilled based, but students need not worry. Senior Kaitlin Cheatham advises the use of online practice resources such as those found on SparkNotes. Cheatham does have one regret about studying. “[I wish I had] extra time to practice writing with time limits [during the essay portion of the exam],” Cheatham said.

Nicoll’s Tips:

Preparing for the AP Language exam begins the very first day of school according to Vicky Nicoll. “You can not cram on an AP exam that is completely skilled based,” Nicoll said.” Nicoll began preparing her students the first quarter of the school year. Her tips on doing well on the exam are studying vocabulary terms and doing extra language work than what is given in class. The main areas she believes any student taking the AP Language exam should focus on is rhetorical strategies and devices.

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March 18, 2011

page 13

special Step by Step

A guide to changing that unfortunate flat tire all on your own.


STOP IT. At the Richard Petty Safe Driving Course, students practice straight-line breaking.


STEP SEVEN. Remove the tire and replace with the new tire.

How to change a flat tire

Step One: Pull over on a level, solid road while trying to avoid hills or soft ground. Pull away from any traffic and put on the hazard lights. Be sure to put on the parking break so the car will not run the risk of rolling. Step Two: Take out the spare tire and jack. Place the jack near the desired tire. Make sure that the jack is under the metal portion of the frame. Step Three: Slowly start to raise the car by turning the lever on the jack. Raise the jack so that it is supporting but not lifting the car. Make sure that it is lifting straight up and down. Step Four: Remove the hub cap and loosen the lug nuts by turning counterclockwise. Use a standard cross wrench or the wrench that came with the car to do so. Do not take the lug nuts all the way off; just loosen them. Having the wheel on the ground means that one is turning the lug nuts instead of the wheel. Step Five: Crank the jack to lift the tire off the ground. Make sure to lift it high enough to remove the flat tire and put the spare on it. While lifting, make sure the car is stable. If the car feels unstable, lower the jack and fix the problem before fully lifting the car. Step Six: Remove the lug nuts the rest of the way by turning them counterclockwise. Repeat with all lug nuts, until all are detached. Step Seven: Remove the old tire and place the spare tire on the hub. Take care to align the rim of the spare tire with the wheel bolts, then put on the lug nuts. Tighten the lug nuts by hand until they are all snug. Step Eight: Lower the car to the ground fully and remove the jack. Make sure to tighten the lug nuts and replace the hubcap accordingly.

Online Only Check out a tutorial video on how to check oil and tire pressure all on your own.

page 14


DRIVE IT. A race car gets prepared for a young adult’s final test on the skills taught at the Safe Driving Course. “We test your limits and the car’s limits,” Marty Hunt, director of the Richard Petty Driving Experience, said. Hunt has traveled the northeast teaching teens the importance of safe driving.

CONTROL IT On the course, students learn to control their car on wet terrain and through obstacles.

Courses offer teens improvement on the road A VARIETY OF CLASSES ARE AVAILABLE FOR EVERY TEEN’S NEEDS By MOLLY WALLACE The roads traveled on to school and back show many challenges, not only with one’s own driving skills, but also with the driving skills of others. For those looking to improve either actions or reactions on the road, multiple driving courses are offered throughout Central Florida. Junior Chelsea Williams saw many benefits in taking a driving class at the Florida Safety Council. “One-on-one instruction helped a lot because it was specific instruction for me,” Williams said. The class taught Williams important tips, like how to avoid traffic violations and future issues with police officers. These classes are offered to those looking to step up their driving game, and are made to improve not only the safety of the driver, but also the safety of those around them. Many classes are offered, so finding one that fits one’s schedule and needs is attainable. Nations Traffic School, located on 12101 Challenger Parkway, Orlando, Florida 32826, offers a variety of courses either four, eight or 12 hours long. The four-hour Defensive Driving course ($30) is offered two times a month, near the UCF Campus. The eight-hour Aggressive Driver class is available each weekend in a seminarlike atmosphere. This course is $80, but

promises to change a student’s view on the driving environment. The 12-hour Traffic School Course is offered once a month on Wednesdays or Thursdays in Orlando and is completed in one day. This course is $90, but offers no in-thecar driving experience. “They put you through real-life situations, and show you how to react to them in a calm way,” junior Elizabeth McEwan said. “We also got to learn about the engine of the car and the importance of seat belts.” Disney’s property is home to the Richard Petty Driving Experience ($329). This attraction offers exciting classes where one is strapped in the passenger’s seat of a race car to feel the full throttle ride of a NASCAR race. The Richard Petty Driving Experience also offers a defensive driving course, where again one is in a race car on a full-sized track, and is taught quick turns, abrupt stops and how to regain control of a car. Getting one’s adrenaline pumping, this class offers experiences of real-life issues that may occur on the road. “What we do is take teens with driver’s license for at least one month, and teach them curriculum based on data that Clemson University compiles about teens,” Marty Hunt, Director of the Richard Petty Driving Experience, said. “The class that we teach allows a teenage or young adult driver to test their skills

March 18, 2011

in a controlled environment.” For those still in the process of obtaining a license, the DMV offers a Test Preparation Course and Practice Test ($29.95) and a four-hour Drug & Alcohol course ($14.95.) These prepare one for the permit test, but also teaches important traffic rules. They also offer four-hour ($60) or 12-hour ($90) traffic school courses. “I believe that a driving course should be a required elective at high-school. It teaches you important lessons and prepares you for the future,” senior Tyler Roland said. As a sophomore, Roland participated in a drivers education class and believes this free course is a promising method for teens to learn safety on the road. Preparing oneself for the roads is a harder task than it seems. According to the Florida Highway Safety Patrol, car crashes are the number one reason for teen deaths in Florida. Driving courses promise a more knowledgeable perspective of the road, tips on how to avoid crashes and useful tricks to keep one’s driving record clean.

See & Hear Where Walt Disney World Speedway

What Tom Petty Driving Experience: Safe Driving Course ($329)

When This course comes back to the Speedway fall of 2011.

Online Only Check out the full schedule of chances to participate in the Richard Petty Driving Experience at


1600 $114

lives could be saved each year by wearing a seatbelt

the cost of a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt.

Safety becomes school concern PRINCIPAL AND OFFICERS ENFORCE LAWS

Fast Facts • One can be pulled over simply for not wearing a seat belt • Teens have the lowest seat belt use rates of any age group • 16-year-olds have higher crash rates than any other age • 37 percent of male drivers between the age 15-20 involved in fatal crashes were speeding at the same time • 55 percent of passengers ages 1620 who were killed in accidents were not buckled up • 16 and 17-year-old driver death rates increase with each additional passenger • The number one driving distraction is a cell phone • Driving while distracted is a factor in 25 percent of police reported car crashes

By AMANDA FLEMINGER were able to walk away with minor injuries. s the car spun in full-circle, she opened her eyes to a Although the cause of the accident is still unknown, the red liquid covering her body. autopsy results came back on March 10, showing Grant had On Jan. 7; senior Amy Comstock was making a no alcohol in her system. However, none of the six students left turn from Kaley Avenue onto Summerlin Road. had one a seatbelt, which could have drastically changed the However, she didn’t see the red truck heading towards her. outcome of this accident. The truck slammed into the passenger side where senior Caley “I wish [Laura] would’ve been wearing [her seat belt] Brock was sitting, spinning the car in a full circle. because she would have had a better chance of surviving,” “I screamed ‘Amy!’ and the next thing I remember senior Shelby Miller said. “She usually wore her seat belt was a crunch and it felt like a roller coaster,” Brock whenever I was in the car with her, so it was said. “It was so scary; remembering it feels really a shock that she wasn’t.” like a dream, not real and fuzzy.” According to the National Safety According to Brock, she saw the truck Council, 42 percent of vehicle [People need to] drive defensively and coming towards them at a speed of 40 passengers killed in 2007 due to car be aware of what other drivers are accidents were unbelted. A 2009 study miles per hour but did not think the truck doing; slow down, make space and by the National Highway Traffic would actually hit them. don’t tailgate. “I saw how big the truck was and how Safety Administration showed that on fast it was going but, at the same time, I -scott daniels, resource officer estimate, more than 1,600 lives could just kept thinking we’d dodge the accident be saved and 22,000 injuries could be and avoid it,” Brock said. “When I opened prevented by the use of a seat belt. my eyes, I was in complete shock.” “Before I was always too worried about being late or I Both Comstock and Brock opened their eyes to what they didn’t even notice to put my seat belt on, but losing Laura finally realized to be salsa from the leftovers of a meal they this year makes me conscious of putting [it] on every time were holding, not blood, covering them. Yet, they did not I drive and I don’t let anyone ride in my car without one,” know what to do from there. Miller said. “I instantly thought of the mock DUI and how they say To make students aware of seat belt safety, Principal don’t move, so I didn’t know what to do; it was just scary,” Margaret McMillen requested random seat belt checks in the Brock said. student parking lot. According to the U.S. Department of Transportation, “I think students are more aware of the importance of seat 5,474 people were killed and 448,000 people were injured in belts right now, so this is a good time to re-educate everyone 2009 in car crashes involving distracting driving. about not only the law, but the safety benefits of wearing seat “[I feel the main cause of car accidents are] driving belts,” Dr. McMillen said. distractions: radios, cell phones and other passengers; it’s According to Daniels, resource officers will start checking easy to get distracted by other things around you,” School the student parking lot to see if every passenger is wearing Resource Officer Scott Daniels said. “[People need to] drive a seatbelt. Those caught not wearing it may not receive a defensively and be aware of what other drivers are doing; slow ticket; however, they will be reminded to wear it. Anywhere down, make space and don’t tailgate. Assume the worst and off-campus, one can receive a ticket for not wearing a belt, take action.” something McMillen is trying to prevent, along with injuries “I [only] have partial memory of the accident, but I’m sure and fatalities. if I had taken a split second longer to check and make sure Although seat belts are crucial, being able to control a car there were no cars, I would have stopped without the chance is more important. One must be aware of car issues including of an accident happening,” Comstock said. tires, brakes and oil. However, driving safety courses allow Although Comstock’s car spun in full-circle, both Brock one to be prepared for the worst. and she walked away from the accident with only a few minor “[Driving courses should] be enforced. It helps you cuts on their hips from the tightening of their seat belts. develop reaction times in a controlled environment,” Daniels “In my case, [I feel] the seat belt definitely helped; I wasn’t said. “[Driving courses help] to avoid certain situations and thrown forward or to the side like I could’ve been. It held me how to get out of [them].” in place where I needed to be to stay safe,” Comstock said. According to Daniels, driving courses teach one to On Feb. 6, the lack of a seat belt caused a tragedy that recognize what is happening and what to do in real life has resonated throughout the entire community. Driving on situations. I-4, former senior, Laura Grant, lost control of her car. Both Being aware of the road is always a key factor along with she and passenger, Edward Culberhouse, class of 2009, died paying attention to one’s speed. on impact. Passengers Elizabeth Harrison and Alisa Pelot “Speed is always a factor, especially with boys,” Daniels said. were in the Intensive Care Unit at the local Orlando Regional “Slow down and pay attention. [You] need to focus and not Healthcare Center, while junior Connor Geis and Billy Keeton worry about phone calls, make-up the radio and etcetera.”


March 18, 2011

page 15




Justin Kane Sports Editor

How to dress like the ideal sports fan





eing a sports fan is easy; dressing like one is harder than it seems. Just because people wear a logo of a sports team on their shirt doesn’t mean they are fans. It takes more than just wearing a shirt every once and awhile, one has to be dedicated through good times and bad. Here are some tips on how to dress like the biggest sports fan in the world. Quantity not quality: So, one nice sports shirt is nice, but by no means does one lousy shirt indicate a sports fanatic. One must possess multiple shirts and jerseys of the same players as well as others on their favorite team. Make sure to have retro and special throwback attire as well as any other special limited edition attire. This will ensure that one is prepared for any game, and for baseball fans, three to four games a week. Another benefit of having different jerseys and shirts is for significant others as this can be helpful when watching a game with them as it can earn serious brownie points. Also remember age appropriateness when choosing sportswear. Jerseys are acceptable for teenagers and young adults. Men and women in their late twenties and onward cannot show off their inner child simply by wearing a jersey. Accessories are a must: Sports fans have to be decked in the latest gear. A shirt and jersey are nice, but they look stupid if they have nothing to match with it. If fans want to be at the top of the fanatic world, they must be prepared to put away the Sperry boat shoes and wear the obnoxious fluffy slippers with their favorite sports logo on them and top it off with the appropriate team Snuggie, at home only. Another accessory that is a must: hats. Night, day, rain or shine hats are the second most important piece of clothing on a sports fan. Big hats, small hats, brown, black, green, red, it doesn’t matter. As long as the logo and the color match the jersey, one can walk out of the house or into a sports party with pride. Fans must be decked out from head to toe. Beaded necklaces are a nice touch and for you Packer fans, a cheese-head is certainly a must. Stickers are a bonus, as well as eye black. Another accessory that can be of help is body paint. They are there every game, those annoying fans that paint their whole face or the unfortunate ones with the beer bellies who paint their whole bodies. Paint is a plus not a must, especially if one is 35 with a beer gut. A helpful guideline for painting is, if above the age of 30, body painting is not allowed; face painting is permitted, but only to an extent. Accessories can make or break someone’s fanhood. There will always be ‘that one guy’ who has every possible accessory and tries to be the best dressed fan, that can not happen, load up on accessories and make sure that people will never forget you as ‘that one guy’. Stay true to your roots: The number one rule for sports fans is to never support the opposing team, especially rivals. There are no exceptions, as a result breakups could occur, but staying true to your roots is the most loyal thing a fan can do. Say one was a Boston Red Sox fan; if he were to ever be caught supporting any sort of New York Yankee gear, Ted Williams would roll over in his frozen grave. This holds true for all sports, a true fan can never wear any apparel for a team that is considered a rival. Other tidbits: A sports fan should look like a fan on a daily basis. A fan should never wear Abercrombie or American Eagle or any of those brands that charge $45 for a shirt that is too tight. That’s just not the style of a fan. Gym shorts and a shirt (it does not have to be brand name) is the ideal outfit of a sports fanatic. Another rule a fan should abide by is that even if his team loses, he should always support them. Wearing a team shirt or jersey after a bad loss isn’t stupid, it shows that you didn’t just hop on the bandwagon. You were true to the team to the very end. Believe it or not, the fans of the other team will respect that. For all you football fans, just because its March don’t be afraid to pull those football shirts and jerseys from the bottom of the closest. Start supporting early and never stop. Following these tips can ensure one is the best dressed sports fan and will impress people from all ages and even rival fans.

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Online Only Check out my tips on how to dress like the true sports fan. Also, leave a comment online and tell me if you know more than I do, which is unlikely.

page 16

March 18 , 2011


Students resemble pop culture icons By ANNA MARIE BORIA We live in a world where an egg is not something found in a refrigerator but what Lady Gaga showed up at the Grammys. The same place where Justin Bieber’s haircut gets more attention than the tragedy in Libya. In the past quarter of a century, pop culture has taken over this world in more ways than one, and with the accessibility of the Internet, students are exposed to pop culture daily. Teenagers use celebrities such as Super Bowl players and country superstars as inspirations for their personal look. Others are graced through DNA to resemble some of today’s pop idols.

margaret dukes, junior

troy polamalu dave anaya colon, senior

taylor swift

davis coleman, freshman vanessa hudgens robert pattinson

benny borrero, sophomore justin bieber

angela fernandez, sophomore

March 18, 2011

page 17


in 3000

Shooter aims for Olympic team



SIGHT IT. At practice, junior Sarah Chipley shoots at a target in hope to shoot a bull’s eye. “[Shooting] is something I can do without having to be fit or physical; it’s something I enjoy,” Chipley said. Chipley’s highest score is 91 out of a possible 100.

By KAREN JAEN Taking slow, controlled breaths and gathering the right accuracy using proper positioning, to pull the trigger, junior Sarah Chipley prepares to shoot her 22’’ long barrel rifle. “[I enjoy shooting] because it takes a lot of concentration and precision, and it helps build confidence,” Chipley said. Every Saturday, Chipley spends four hours practicing shooting at a shooting range near Moss Park. It takes her approximately an hour to set up her gun and targets before shooting. “If I get [my gun] set up right. I’ll get a bull’s-eye every time. As long as you don’t move it, it’s not going to move,” Chipley said In May of her sophomore year, Chipley’s dad introduced her into shooting. He had been a competition shooter since he was 15. He took a hiatus on the sport but because of Chipley’s interest in the sport he is shooting again. She spends four hours shooting on Saturday with the help of her instructor Margaret Langfield. Langfield trained her daughter Daniella Langfield who is

now a junior Olympic shooter on the United States team. Langfield helps Chipley practice her breathing habits, keep her balance, and adjust the sights on her gun, all of which are essential for accuracy. “To practice being calm, I take an hour of my day, get into position and try to get my heart rate steady. To learn how to slow down and control breathing I just have to keep steady,” Chipley said. She also has to practice her positions which range from sitting, kneeling, standing and prone position, where Chipley lays down with her face up to shoot the gun. Chipley’s interest in shooting brings out criticism from people around her. “They ask me how much danger it puts me in. [It causes] no danger because I know what I’m doing,” Chipley said. Strong breathing techniques and having proper positioning motivated her to try out for the National Rifle Association Team, which she accomplished five months after she started shooting. She has been on the team since September. There are different levels

on the team; to move ahead a level, shooters must achieve different shooting lengths. Chipley is a sharp shooter and her current shooting length is 250 yards. However, her rifle has the capability of shooting up to one mile. At competitions, shooters are judged based on how accurate their shots are on the targets. Each shooter must shoot 10 targets, each worth 10 points. Points are determined by how many bull’s eyes the shooter hits or how close the shot is, Chipley’s current high score is 91. She has placed second in smallbore competitions, which are competitions where shooters have to shoot up to the range of 50 yards. She competes against 17 shooters in her Small Junior Shooting branch. “[During competitions] there’s a level of excitement when you lie down, you try to do your best,” Chipley said. She also aspires to be a professional competition shooter and possibly join an Olympic shooting team in the future. “[Shooting] is something I can do without having to be fit or physical. I feel calm and confident because I know what I can do,” Chipley said.

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GO BRAVES! page 18

March 18, 2011

sports photo/BLAKE RIOS

NOT IN MY HOUSE. At the Olympia game on March 3, senior Victoria Lai sets for a block. “They [Olympia] were a really hard team. We had to work together and anticipate their every move.” Lai said.

Teams make waves in the season 1

and let it out in a friendly manner.” Cuenca said. productivity,” Cuenca said. Coach Rosalie Creighton says On Feb. 22, the boys faced off Cuenca has made strides since his against Colonial for their first game of first season, in passing, shooting and the regular season. Sophomore Brendan swimming. Ellixson, forward, is one of “Simon has a natural athletic ability,” the team’s leading scorers, Creighton said. “He’s a strong swimmer, making seven has good strategy against Colonial. and knows the This is Ellixson’s game.” second year as a Another major From the goal, I feel like I have a starting forward influence in the more direct influence on the game, on the team. water is sophomore -william stone, sophomore “After the end William Stone, a of the swimming second year goalie, season, the first year starter. seniors recruited “From the goal, me [to water I feel like I have polo],” Ellixson said. “Since then, [water a more direct influence on the game,” polo] has become so much more than a Stone said. “I’ve maxed out at 18 saves sport to me.” in a game.” Two days later, the boys added Currently, the boys are 3-2, only to their wins, beating Gateway 11-3. counting regular season games. In order Ellixson scored six goals, and was for the boys to make it into the district assisted by Cuenca, who scored four, competition, University must beat and sophomore James Walls, who Timber Creek, and then the boys must scored one. beat both Osceola on March 15, and “I like water polo because it gives University on March 17. me a chance to tap into my aggression Also making waves in their season,

, from page

the girls have only lost one game in their five-game season. The one loss was against Olympia on March 3. “Olympia was our best game,” senior Elizabeth Wieland said. “Even though we lost, we worked well as a team and learned a lot, like that we have to communicate and make better passes.” Wieland plays whole set defense, and says it is the position that requires the most determination. “I did swimming freshman year, and everyone said they just did swimming to stay in shape for water polo,” Wieland said. “It seemed like a logical next step.” On the other side of the pool, freshman Eleanor Clark is a starting wing who scored three goals in the girl’s first game against Colonial on Tuesday, Feb. 22. “I’m a wing because I’m a fast swimmer, but I’m not a big girl, so I can’t defend well,” Clark said. Their following game against Gateway on Feb. 24, Clark compensated for her lack of defensive ability by helping the girls win 8-4. Leading the team in points that night, sophomore Nichole Clayton, who plays the whole

March 18, 2011

set, scored four goals. After losing to Olympia, the girls recuperated in time to beat Timber Creek on March 8, 11-2. “Timber Creek was a disappointing game.” Wieland said, “We won, but we didn’t work together, and it was disorganized.” Wieland says she wants to win districts, having won in previous seasons with the team. “Before a game, I try to think about the teams we’ve already played, and their best players,” Wieland said. At the Wildcat Invitational on March 11 and 12, the girls lost to Ransom, St. Andrews and Gulliver, but defeated Boca Raton, 11-4. The boys played the same four schools and lost all four games. I felt the teams we played were the best in the state,” Creighton said. “By playing them, we helped identify what we need to improve on. Overall, I was satisfied with their performance,” On April 15, both teams are headed to a week long district tournament in Miami. On Tuesday the boys and girls play Ocoee on their home turf at 6:00pm.

See & Hear Where Ocoee High School

What Water Polo Game

When 6 p.m. Girls 7 p.m. Boys

page 19




BATTER UP. At the game against University, sophomore Kristi Creel gets a hit. “I really love the practices and the players on the team,” Creel said. Creel has a .500 average.

By THOMAS EGAN The girls softball team began this season with a big start matched by even bigger expectations. “We have had a great start. We struggled against West Orange but after that we really came together,” senior Virginia Pender, starting pitcher, said. Pender’s record is 5-1 in eight games, with 57 strikeouts and 11 runs scored against her. Along with Laura Gavern, who is 2-0 with 14 innings pitched and 18 strikeouts. Pender has helped the team achieve an overall 10-3 record. “We work really hard during practice everyday, and we hit our spots,” junior pitcher Laura Gavern said. “We have great team chemistry and pitching which translates into wins.” In the first thirteen games of the season, the girls have outscored their opponents 76-27, including a 17-0 blowout against Oak Ridge. “In the game against Oak Ridge, we all came together as one and played as a team, not individually,” junior Brandy Eaton said. Eaton has six runs batted in, along with a .278 batting average and four

singles and a triple. The girls are third in the district behind Timber Creek and East River. Head coach Robin Bradford created a difficult schedule with games against both Timber Creek and East River to prepare the team for difficult games in the future. “I purposefully picked strong teams to play in preparation for the playoffs, so I expect the rest of our schedule to be pretty difficult,” Bradford said. Their first loss came against West Orange, 3-8, whom they have two games against this season. “We made some key physical and mental mistakes,” Bradford said. The one strength that the girls excel in is their defense, which has five shutouts this season. “We have such a strong defense because we have great pitchers, catchers and a very strong bench,” junior Amanda Welsh said. Welsh has three singles and four RBI’s matched with a batting average of .333. The team has had a, winning season

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and hopes to finish as strongly as they started, winning districts and going to regionals. “I think that we’ll come together and do very well in districts,” Pender said. “I have high hopes for the rest of the season. I think that we’ll make it to regionals.”

Tally Up

The team is off to a 10-3 record in their first thirteen games.

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page 20

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March 18, 2011



CATCH. During practice, senior William McClellan cradles the ball. “Last year, our seniors didn’t have the drive to get to districts. This year more of our seniors have that desire to get there,” McClellan said. McClellan has been on Varsity since 2009. PROTECT. In the game against Gainesville High School, junior Taylor Gies defends the goal keeper and cradles the ball up the field. “We went into the game thinking it was going to be difficult, but we ended up playing really well,” Gies said. The girls won 12-2. photo/SARA CASLER

LAX teams cradle the competition Girls seek district title with young team By KATIE EDWARDS “Ladies, left hand in. Why? Because it is closest to our hearts” is heard by the crowd, as the girl’s varsity lacrosse team gets ready to hit the field. Despite having a new coach and a young team, the girl’s varsity lacrosse team hopes to make it to districts with a current 5-2 record. “We have a young team, so it is going to take a while for us all to get together. The seniors have done well leading the team,” senior Alexandra Murray said. The girls played the Cypress Creek Bears March 8, winning 14-2 on the Bears’ home turf. Even with the win, they felt they played “down to Cypress Creek’s level” and could have come out with a far greater gap in the score. “We are good at trusting each other and working as a team. As well as transitioning up the field. We do need to work on passing, catching and ground balls; the basics,” Murray said. Thursday, March 3, the girls took on Hagerty, who came back after half time; however, the girls held them winning

13-11. “Hagerty was exciting towards the end we were only up by one but we came back and won the game,” junior, Lindsay Miller said. Miller has scored 24 goals so far this season averaging 4 goals a game, making her the lead scorer on the team. The girls and boys played a double header against East River March 1, with the girls winning 13-3. “I want to have a better ratio of goals I block and goals made. We are doing well right now,” junior Elizabeth Miller, goal keeper, said. On Saturday, Feb. 26, the girls travelled to Gainesville and dominated Oak Hill, 12-0, and Gainesville ,12-2. “I want each player to grow individually, mentally and physically. This season is going better than expected; the players are really grasping the concept of the game,” head coach Meg Lane said. The girls lost their first game against Lake Mary, 4-16, which was the first game of the season and the first time the girls all played together. The team felt if they had to chance to play them again it would be a better match up after all of the practice they have had. “This year we will kick some serious

booty and win districts,” Murray said. Tonight the girls play a district game against Lake Highland Prep at 7:30 p.m. on their field. The girls have to win to go to districts.

Chemisty lays winning foundation By SARA CASLER The boys lacrosse team has had a nearly perfect record so far, but it is not all because of skills. The team has benefited from something that has been missing in years past: team chemistry. Senior attack William McClellan believes it is a colossal part of why the lacrosse team is currently 5-1. This is the best start to a season that the team has seen in five years, and it currently ranks them as second in the conference and third in the state of Florida. “This is the best team, as far as closeness, that I have seen in awhile. We mesh together,” McClellan said. Junior starter attack John Kissick agrees with his team mates and remains optimistic about the upcoming season. “We all trust each other. Every game, everyone is in sync,” Kissick said. Coach Elliott Whitton views the

March 18, 2011

teamwork he sees in the team as one of its keys to success. “Honestly, this is [the season with the fewest obstacles] that I have seen in 11 years of coaching [lacrosse]. The kids know what we ask of them, and so far, they have delivered,” Whitton said. Most of the players on the team have been playing club lacrosse together for up to five years, allowing the teammates to become brothers, figuratively. “When we play together, we know what everyone else is going to do. We know we can trust each other,” senior lacrosse captain and starting midfielder Andrew Conley said. The newfound brothers hope to use their camaraderie to continue with their already successful season. “We have beaten who we are supposed to beat, like University and the smaller schools, but we really haven’t overachieved yet. We have to beat the teams that we haven’t before,” Kissick said. Even with victories motivating the team, the players do not let their wins get to their heads. “We just try to keep it business as usual,” Kissick said.

Fast Facts • The boys most successful game so far was against East River, 24-1 • Their season began with the best record in school history, 5-1. • The biggest game of the season, Winter Park, is on Friday, April 8

page 21


LET THE MADNESS BEGIN By JUSTIN KANE For the first time ever fans will be able to watch every game of the NCAA Men’s division one basketball tournament. Well at least try to watch every game. Before this year, CBS had exclusive rights to the tournament, but in April the NCAA reached a $10.8 billion deal with CBS Sports and Turner Sports (TBS, TNT and truTV) from 2011-2024, making it the first time that every game of the tournament will be shown on national TV. This is also the first year the tournament expanded to 68 teams from 64. This now means the four lowest ranked teams of the 68 will play against each other in a pair of “first four” games, with winners advancing to play number 1 seeds. The last four at-large teams will play in the other two First Four games, with the winners moving on to likely face either

number 5 or 6 seeds. The number one overall seed selected by the committee was the Ohio State Buckeyes. The Buckeyes went 32-2 (16-2 in Big 10 play) and will play the winner of the University of Texas-San Antonio/Alabama State game. The other three number one seeds are Kansas, Duke and Pittsburgh. Two Florida teams made the field of 68, Florida State who went 21-10 (11-5 in ACC play) received a 10 seed and will play seven seed Texas A&M. The highest seeded Florida team is the University of Florida (26-7 , 13-3 in the SEC) who received a two seed and will play the University of California Santa Barbara. The 68 teams are selected by a selection committee each year. Thirty of the 31 automatic bids will be given to the programs that win their conference tournaments. The

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page 22

remaining 37 teams were selected as “at-large” teams. The Big East conference received 11 bids in this years tournament the most by any conference in history, headlined by dominant teams such as Pittsburgh, Notre Dame, Connecticut and Syracuse. The opening round will be held in Dayton, Ohio, where the “first four” games will be played. The newly named second round (March 17-20) will be held in Charlotte, Chicago, Cleveland, Denver, Tampa, Tucson, Tulsa, and Washington, DC. The regional rounds (March 24-27) will be played in Anaheim, Newark, New Orleans and San Antonio. The final four and national championship will be played at the Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas. on April 2 and 4 respectively. Here are my predictions for the 2011 men’s NCAA basketball national championship.

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March 18, 2011

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David Matteson Managing Editor

Fashion lover’s guide to watching sports

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ating sporting events is often a typical characteristic those who love style and everything glamorous. This fashion-loving columnist certainly doesn’t understand the appeal of watching sweaty athletes run up and down a field trying to score a point. It’s hardly entertaining, and it seems relatively worthless in the scheme of things. Often the closest thing to sports that a style lover gets is watching models trudge elegantly down a runway. Games and matches are just so aggravating. The people who attend are obnoxious and heckle each other, everyone’s sweating because they’re usually outside and games seem to take forever. Overall, sports are just awful to watch. And yet, everyone has had to sit through a boring sporting event at some point. Whether it is for a significant other or a friend, peer pressure is often the reason to attend. So, to help survive watching a dull and irritating game, here’s a glamour lover’s guide to watching sports. Research the Game. If one hopes to gain Often the closest thing to something out of the entire experience, one has sports that a style lover get’s to do homework before the game. Research the rules of the sport and the common terminology. is watching models trudge Don’t be the fashion snob who irritates all of those elegantly down a runway. die-hard fans by mixing up football and basketball vocabulary. Also, if accompanying a friend to the game, don’t be annoying and ask, “What’s going on?” the entire time. He or she is there to watch the event and have fun, not to educate you on the basic rules. By doing research beforehand, you can prevent yourself from looking completely ignorant. Play the Distraction Game. Trying to distract yourself from the atrocious game at hand is a complicated process. One can’t be completely rude by sitting there BlackBerry-ing the entire time, that’s offensive to the person who invited you to the game. So instead of playing BrickBreaker, try to psych yourself out with the following mind games developed with the fashionista in mind. 1. Crowd Inspection. Watching and mentally mocking others is always an enjoyable game to play. The best venues to people watch are airports, malls and certainly sporting events. Analyze the sweaty, nasty fans heckling each other in the stands and come up with various criticisms based on their outfits, weight and hair. Trying to figure out which spectator is dressed the craziest is always fun; just be sure to keep your criticisms to yourself. Like Mommy always said, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.” 2. Rename the Teams. Sport teams have such obnoxious names. They’re all so harsh and competitive. Develop new names for the teams playing at the event that are more pleasant in nature. For added fun, try and match the team’s logo with a popular fashion brand. For example, the University of Florida Gators may be renamed Team “Lacoste.” Or the Indianapolis Colts could be called Team “True Religion” because of their similar horseshoe insignias. This game is sure to take up at least one quarter of a sporting event. Both of these mind games are fun to play and are a great way to keep yourself from collapsing of shear boredom. Make it a Social Event. Style lovers are usually social butterflies. They enjoy events where others are present, if only for the purpose of showing off new outfits in front of so called “friends.” So instead of pouting about having to attend a boring game, invite others to the event. After all, misery loves company. Inviting others to attend is often a win-win option. First of all, more people will be present, which always benefits the home team. Second, the sports game will instantly become more fun for you as you no longer have to focus on the players and can turn your attention to gossip. Overall, sports are awful. They’re barbaric and are the complete opposite of glamorous. Yet, attendance is often required and the only thing a fashion lover can do is make the most of the situation. Who knows, maybe you’ll find joy in watching the sport. But just in case you don’t, be prepared to play some serious mind games.

Write In Are you a fashion lover who loves this column? Or a style-lacking sport’s fanatic who is deeply offended? If either then comment online at

March 18, 2011

page 23

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Thank you! With over 750 registrations and 638 runners finishing the race, this year’s Reservation Run 5K was spectacular! Congratulations to the Track team for having raised the most money, the cheerleaders for raising the second most amount of money and the Tennis team for having the most registrations! Also, congrats to the top 3 finishers: John Logan Hines, Preston Taylor and Adam Laxton! Over $9000 was earned by 39 clubs and teams! Thanks to our many sponsors: Arnold Palmer Children’s Hospital, CFE Federal Credit Union, Kiwanis Club Orlando, Anderson-Moopen Orthodontics, The Nation Law Firm, SC-Advisors, FM Automotive, Hoenstein Enterprises, OUC- The Reliable One, Key Club and FCA! Again, thanks to everyone who participated, we look forward to running the Reservation with you again next year! Reservation Run 5K Tee Shirts available in the Trading Post

page 24

March 18, 2011

entertainment Britney Spears

Sneak Peeks Sunday

Lil’ Wayne, Nicki Minaj and Tyga Ricky Martin

March - April 2011 Monday


Wednesday Thursday

March 22

Jennifer Hudson

March 28

The United States of Tara returns for its third season on Showtime. The show follows Tara and her family. Tara has multiple personalities. Her “alters” include Alice, the Stepford wife, T, a 15-year-old potty mouth and Buck, an old man redneck to name a few. These alter’s affect not only Tara, but also her family.

Jennifer Hudson’s second album, I Remember Me, releases. Hudson was a contestant on American Idol and made it to the Top Seven. She has starred in movies such as Dreamgirls, Sex and the City: The Movie and The Secret Life of Bees. Jennifer Hudson has been voted the third best American Idol contestant.

March 24

Rocket to the Moon

March 29

United States of Tara

Britney Spears is releasing her seventh album, Femme Fatale, meaning “deadly woman” in French. Spears is the top selling female artist of the past decade. After launching her career in 1998, Spears has released a multitude of top ten hits including “Baby One More Time,” “Oops!... I did it Again,” “I’m a Slave 4 U,” “Me Against the Music featuring Madonna,” and “Womanizer.” Spears has reunited with past producers and choreographers for her new album such as Max Martin, Dr. Luke, Bloodshy and Avant. She recently released the video for her first single off the album “Hold It Against Me,” which featured a fit Britney dancing with passion, being fit has been a struggle for the pop star since having her two children. Her latest single from the album is “Till the World Ends” written by Ke$ha.

Alison Krauss

April 5

Paper Airplane is Alison Krauss’ 12th studio album. Krauss has received 26 Grammy awards, making her the female artist with the most wins. A bluegrass/ country singer, album producer, songwriter and fiddler, Krauss released her first album in 1989. She has recorded as a solo artist, in a group with Union Station and in a duet with Robert Plant.

April 6

The Backbooth will host A Rocket to the Moon at 7:30 p.m. This pop/punk band formed in Braintree, Massachusetts in 2006 and has released two studio albums and three EP’s. Band members include Nick Santino, Eric Halvorsen, Justin Richards and Andrew Cook. Opening acts include Valencia and Runner Runner.

All Time Low

Lil’ Wayne will be at the Amway Center at 7 p.m. with Nicki Minaj and Rick Ross. Lil’ Wayne is one of the most prominent rappers on the scene today. He reached his popularity after the release of his album Tha Carter in 2004. His most successful album was Tha Carter III, released in 2008, which featured his number one hit “Lollipop” and won a Grammy for Best Rap Album. In 2010, Lil’ Wayne began serving an eight month prison sentence in New York after being convicted of criminal possession of a weapon. While in jail, he constantly updated his website with messages for his fans and he released an album entitled I Am Not a Human Being, which went straight to number one overnight. He is set to release his new album Tha Carter IV sometime this year.

March 18, 2011


Saturday Wimpy Kid

March 25

Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2: Rodrick Rules follows along with the classic books by Jeff Kinney. Greg, who is tortured and tormented by his older brother Rodrick, starts to take advice from him on how to live an “easy life.” The adventure continues as Greg interacts with all his friends and classmates from the famous book.

April 1

All Time Low will be playing at the House of Blues at 6 p.m. with Yellowcard, Hey Monday and the Summer Set. All Time Low is an American pop/punk band from Baltimore, Maryland. The band has released four albums including The Party Scene, So Wrong, It’s Right, Nothing Personal and their latest album entitled Dirty Work.

April 8

Ricky Martin performs at the Amway Center at 8 p.m. As a celebrated Latin singer, Martin has released nine albums, six of them in Spanish. His most famous hits include “Livin’ La Vida Loca,” “She Bangs,” and “Nobody Wants to be Lonely, featuring Christina Aguilera.” After recently coming out to the world as gay, Martin released a book, Me, and had several interviews with people like Oprah.


April 9

Lifehouse will play at Universal Studios’ Mardi Gras celebration Lifehouse came onto the scene in 2001 with their debut single “Hanging by a Moment,” which won Billboard Hot 100’s Single of the Year beating out such artists as Janet Jackson and Alicia Keys. The band’s most recent hit was “Halfway Gone,” which was featured on Vh1’s Top 20 countdown for several weeks.

page 25


The new sound of music

Tyit all TOGETHER Brendan Hall Business Manager



eople often say that they can figure out other people purely by the firmness of a handshake or by examining their body language. Truthfully, all it takes is a quick glance at their iPod. The music people listen to tells so much about them: hidden interests, quirks, their sense of humor; it gives an introspective look into their unbiased personalities. Music is an outlet through which people find comfort and happiness, void of any outside influences. The problem, though, is that fewer and fewer people are listening to good music nowadays. The Pop Crusade has effectively marched across America, converting radio stations and teenagers everywhere to conform to the Gospel of Biebz and the Apostle Britney of Spears. But the reign of pop ends here as the Underground shall rise up and reclaim its rightful place in the musical hierarchy. Here are a few way-under-the-radar bands with an infectious sound, as well as ways to discover other bands like them. Given the chance, these artists could open a generation of kids up to an entirely new realm of fantastic music. Two Door Cinema Club is an indie rock band from Northern Ireland that has the potential to inspire a whole new genre of indie. Their fast-paced guitar hooks and catchy leads, combined with lead singer Alex Trimble’s soft, pure voice, generate a sound that appeals to everyone. Two Door Cinema Club is indie, but their music is so infectious that they could easily break into the mainstream and force a dynamic shift in the music people listen to everyday. A great way to find bands with a similar sound is the website On the homepage is a search bar where users

can look up any artists they like and it will take you to that band’s profile page. On the profile have a radio button that allows a person to listen to similar bands. For instance, a person would search “Death Cab For Cutie” and click the “Death Cab For Cutie Radio” button on the band’s profile page. The website will also keep a history of songs and artists that users have listened to in case they want to go back and search for more songs by that band. Another lesser known band that fuses pop, electric and alternative is a group out of Minneapolis, Minnesota, called All The Right Moves. Drawing comparisons to bands such as The Maine and All Time Low, this band stands out above the rest and is making a name in the pop-punk genre. It is difficult for bands to make a name for themselves in the punk scene because so many bands sound the same, but All The Right Moves takes catchy to an entirely new level. Even better, one of the members rocks out the violin, the highlight of the band. Their most recent EP is called The Monster I’ve Become, but their true genius lies in their original self-titled disc, specifically their song “Dancer.” Because All The Right Moves is such a small band, a website like doesn’t have an extensive profile on them. In cases like this, another extremely helpful outlet to find new bands is right under people’s noses, they just don’t know it: iTunes. Whenever someone searches for a band on iTunes, it also provides a list of other artists in the area “Listeners Also Bought.” This feature creates an extensive network of bands and artists that can keep any music-lover occupied for hours. The final recommended band is actually a side project of two other artists: Rostam Batmanglij, the keyboardist from

Vampire Weekend, and Wes Miles, the vocalist from Ra Ra Riot. Known as Discovery, they are a fusion of indie, folk and electronic, but are most commonly labeled as electronic. Their debut album LP is ingenious and their sound is a wonderful blend of islander and funk, as the greatest qualities of both their original bands are accentuated and beautifully fused. Similar artists include Passion Pit and MGMT. Discovery has only one record out though, so people should look for similar bands. Pandora, a website and an iPhone application, is an effective and convenient way to find other bands that have a similar sound. All a person has to do is type in an artist’s name and Pandora will generate a radio station that plays similar songs, much like However, if the person doesn’t like the band being played, Pandora has the option to dislike the song. Pandora is a great tool to use while sitting at home and doing homework as it saves the songs a person has previously listened to. This is not to tell readers to listen to these bands only, it is meant to be a jumping-off point from which people can begin to broaden their musical horizon. If anything, just go to one of the websites mentioned, type in a band name and explore. The world of music is limitless, and each new band could be someone’s next favorite.

Write In Unsure what to use as a platform to go out and discover new music? Then visit and listen to a playlist of some of my favorite bands.

Movie providers compete for sales RIVALS NETFLIX AND REDBOX SHOW STRONGEST APPEAL By LINDSAY ALEXANDER Every Blockbuster in the area has a closing sale banner on its windows. The company filed for bankruptcy in December 2010, wiping out their debt, but launching them into a large reorganizing process. Blockbuster’s collapse has left a rental dilemma for movie watchers who are searching for new alternatives. The two primary options are the tech-savvy Netflix and convenient Redbox. Netflix is a digital movie rental service that allows customers to rent movies and television episodes by streaming them through Internet-connected Blu-Ray players, Internetconnected HDTVs, Apple and Google televisions, Internetconnected gaming systems (Wii, PS3, Xbox 360), computers, iPhones, iPads or Windows phones (with the free Netflix application). For $7.99 a month, one can instantly watch unlimited movies and television episodes. For an additional $2 a month, one can receive unlimited DVDs by mail; however, only one item is sent at a time. Netflix offers a one month free trial and no cancellation fees as well. Netflix also presents the option of Starz Play for $6.99 a month, which limits movie selection to

Your Thoughts Which do you prefer, Netflix or Redbox? page 26

Netflix because you can have the movies longer and they have a better selection. - vincent castro, senior

mainly movies that are new to watch instantly and television episodes, and cuts the option of ordering through the mail. There are no due dates or late fees, and no advertisements. “It’s a lot easier to use; it’s more convenient. I didn’t always have time to go get movies. With Netflix it just comes to you,” sophomore John Childers said. Redbox is a system of movie check out kiosks located at grocery stores, drugstores and convenience stores nationwide. Redbox has 26,000 locations, each holding 500 disks. There are 50-60 titles in a machine at one time. Each movie is paid by credit card at $1 per night, $1.50 per night for every Blu-Ray Disc and $2 per night for video games. Rentals can be returned to any Redbox location and movies can also be reserved at a local Redbox, online or through the free Redbox application on a smart phone. “Redbox is better because it’s cheaper and you can get a movie whenever you want, you don’t have to wait for it to be delivered,” sophomore Monica Joyce said. Both systems of movie rentals boast convenience, but each has drawbacks. With both services one cannot rent movies from certain movie companies, such as Fox and Universal, until

28 days after the DVD is released. For example, The Switch and Tangled are still not available through Redbox. Although Netflix offers the ability to instantly watch unlimited movies this does not mean they have every movie available for instant streaming. If one wanted a movie not in Netflix’s instant library they would have to rent it through snail mail. However, 97 percent of movies arrive within one business day. Classics like Gone with the Wind must be ordered through the mail and even newer releases such as Easy A and Clash of the Titans must be ordered through the mail as well. In contrast, Redbox has both Easy A and Clash of the Titans available. Even though Redbox may have some movies Netflix streaming does not, it still only holds about 60 movies so chances are if a customer wanted a film that came out over a year ago, it will not be there. With these two services it should not be hard for a possible customer to find the perfect fit. If a customer rents more than seven movies a month and wants access to movies that are not limited to primarily New Releases, then Netflix is a good investment. Where as, the less avid movie watcher will reap the benefits of Redbox’s cheap, no-contract way of movie rental.

I love Redbox because it gives you a variety of new movies and it’s just a dollar.

Redbox because you can get movies for a dollar a night and it’s convenient.

- shais barrow, sophomore

- kendall caldwell, freshman

March 18, 2011

Netflix, it’s simple and you can use it at your house; you don’t have to go anywhere. - christopher brooks, sophomore


Quick Bites

Entertaining cuisine. A comparison of two Indian eateries.


Taj Punjabi

Vegetable Platter ($9.95)

6524 Carrier Dr.

The Basics: Tucked in the middle of the tourist heavy part of town, this traditional Indian buffet offers unbeatable prices. The atmosphere is similar to any small Indian restaurantIndia inspired paintings fill the walls and modern Bollywood films play on the television. The first thing one notices when walking in the door is the unmistakable aroma of curry, a smell that will either draw diners into the restaurant or push them away. The Food: Taj Punjabi offers traditional Indian dishes such as several types of curry, naan bread and Biryani rice specials. Their buffet offers four types of curry (vegetable, egg, chicken and steak), papadum and rice pudding. Any dish can be prepared mild, medium, hot or spicy. Price and Service: The small restaurant has few waiters but those there are friendly and attentive. The price for the buffet is $10 and the other entrees vary from $13 to $23. Hours: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 a.m. MondaySaturday; 5 p.m. - 12:30 a.m. on Sunday. The buffet is offered all day. Bottom Line: Taj Punjabi is the perfect place for anyone who is a fan of Indian food. The prices are spectacular and one is sure to leave the restaurant full. The cuisine is traditional and therefore can be spicy. Overall, this restaurant is highly recommended.

India Blue 8282 International Dr.

The Basics: Just down the road from Taj Punjabi is this cosmopolitan Indian restaurant. The venue is large and has indoor and outdoor seating. The exposed brick walls and blue lighting make this restaurant a modern destination for Indian cuisine. The Food: The food is not authentic Indian. It has been greatly Westernized to meet the cravings of American tourists. Curry dishes are more mild than one might hope for and the restaurant also boasts kabobs, a non traditional Indian entree. Although the food is not authentic, it is still delicious. For those seeking spicy Indian food, simply ask a waiter to make a dish more hot. Price and Service: The restaurant is expensive with entree prices ranging from $18 to $30. The service is sub par with waiters circulating their tables at a slow pace. Hours: 5 p.m. - 11:30 p.m. daily. Bottom Line: India Blue offers a modern place to eat. However, the slow service and high prices along with the nontraditional food make the restaurant a less popular destination to dine.

page 28

Dal Makhni ($14.95)


mango chutney and raita dip ($5.50)

SAMPLE IT. Chicken Makhni ($16.95) consists of boneless butter chicken cooked in cream and made with traditional herbs and spices. “The meal was surprisingly satisfying to my taste buds, like nothing I have tasted before. It had a rich, sweet taste with a kick,” senior Katelyn Edwards said.


See & Hear Where 6129 Westwood Blvd. off International Drive

What Northern Indian cuisine as well as catering services, providing for vegetarian, vegan, Jain and Halal diets

When 10 a.m. - 11 p.m. Open every day

Recommend Lamb Vindaloo, made with traditional herbs and spices

By MARK VAGELAKOS Authentic in its taste and ambience, Passage to India offers Orlando a unique experience to dining and catering. Located in a strip mall at 6129 Westwood Blvd; Passage to India offers ample parking. The restaurant looks like the average Asian takeout-eatery on the outside, but walking through the double doors, diners find an elegant restaurant adorned with genuine Indian decor. Statues, paintings, plants and lavish drapery are accompanied by soft music from the region. Passage to India is owned and operated by Uday Kadam who has training in Bombay India, Jordan, Kuwait, Egypt and Saudi Arabia. Kadam offers an original recipe every couple of weeks on their website, as well as discounts for the restaurant. Passage to India also offers catering for meetings and weddings. Additionally authentic, the menu is a compilation of chicken, lamb, seafood and vegetarian meal options ranging from $12.95 - $29.95 and similar appetizers from $6.95 - $10.95. The restaurant prides itself in catering to all diets, including vegetarian and vegan. All meals are served with basmati rice with an option of naan, kulcha and

March 18, 2011

rooti breads ranging from $3.50 - $4.50. Overall, Passage to India’s food is tasty and accompanied well by sides and dipping sauces but not spectacular and not worth the price-tag. Before the meal, appetizers range from the vibrant Vegetable Samosa ($6.50), a pastry filled with peas and potatoes, to Chicken Tikka ($8.95), chicken roasted with spices and yogurt, as well as other options. Appetizers are served with the option of various sauces including mango chutney, mixed chutney, masala and raita, a yogurt and cucumber dip. The sauces go well with the appetizers but could use more heat. Accommodating to all kinds of diets, the menu contains lentil and bean specialties like the Dal Makhni ($12.95) as well as vegetable meals like Palak Sabji Dal ($14.95) with spinach, eggplant, potatoes and cauliflower. Meat meals include the succulent Lamb Vindaloo ($19.95) and Fish Curry ($19.95), both made with traditional Indian spices, herbs and sauces. Other selections from their meat menu are the Lobster Masala ($28.95), cooked in tomatoes, onions, herbs and spices, and the Chicken Hyderabadi ($16.95), a curry meal that blended sweet and spicy tones well. Curry is a spice traditionally made with turmeric, coriander and

cumin that is popular in southeastern Asian cultures and regions. Passage to India offers curry in various degrees of heat from mild to hot. In general, the heat of meals is satisfying and accurate to their labels. All meals come with an option of Indian breads like Kulcha ($3.50), a light bread with onions, Naan ($2.95), a light baked bread or Garlic Naan ($3.50). Also available is Tandoori Rooti ($2.95), a whole wheat bread cooked in the Tandoor. After a main course, Passage to India’s dessert menu ($6.95) provides solace for the sweet tooths of the group. Made in the traditional Northern Indian style, the Rice Pudding ($6.95) is a treat offered after an entree. Also on the menu is a homemade mango ice cream ($6.95) and Kulfi ($6.95), a more plain ice cream dish traditional to India. While taste reins supreme at Passage to India, the service is lacking. With several large groups, the understaffed wait service was less than attentive and simple tasks like refilling drinks and adding extra napkins took several trips, while separating tabs on the checks was unnecessarily confusing. Passage to India offers a flavorful and authentic meal and atmosphere, but is pricey and slow-serviced.

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