July 2014 issue

Page 54

A few weeks ago I had a request to select

Mum says that us children are becoming more

some crystals for someone who lives a long

and more ‘intuitive’ and spiritual; she says that

way from us and had been told she had

her job as an adult is to help me have the

throat cancer, I felt her energy line and put

choice to be whatever I want to be, to feel how

every crystal which felt right in a little bag.

I feel, and connect with crystals and people in

Out of interest Mum then read a crystal book

the sky in the way I want to. Mum has never

and suggested that there was one crystal

read us a spiritual book or told us what we

which was really good for cancer which we

should or should not believe. Mum says we

didn’t have in stock. We held back sending

should believe what we feel for ourselves.

the collection by a few days until we had managed to get to the wholesalers and get

How we use crystals

the missing crystal, then I am really pleased

There are some amazingly complicated things

to share that we found out she doesn’t have

you can do with crystals but I normally just do

cancer and so even the books agree that I

simple things. There are loads of books,

had selected the perfect crystals for what

websites and people giving advice, so I

was wrong with her!

thought I would do something a bit different and I am going to share how we use crystals

A couple of months ago I had my crystals at

in our home.

a lovely spiritual exhibition and a boy of about 13 came up to the stand, he was immediately

I keep my rose quartz dog in a little box with a

drawn to a piece of agate; it was like a

pillow and a sparkly pink felt blanket on my

magnet to him. His mum and her friend came

bedside table, and I have a gorgeous rose

over and the friend took the agate out of his

quartz lamp which I love having on when I

hand and said “you don’t need that, you need

sleep. Mum keeps her large ball of orange

this” and picked up a hematite tumble for him

calcite on her bedside table. Bedside tables

because she had read about it. Well the

are a great place to put crystals as you will be

boy’s face was really sad, he knew which

in one place for a long period of time and the

crystal was right for him and so did I; I saw

energy is close to you, I suggest you don’t put

the connection between him and the agate

one there though if you find it gives you lots of

and so did my Mum. I told them that a crystal

energy as it might keep you awake.

should be chosen by feeling not by theory but they bought the hematite.

Mum often puts crystals in her bra which is quiet funny when she takes her bra off and

The boy came back to my stand at least 3

crystals fall out, she only puts little crystals in

times, every time he was drawn to the

her bra though, it would be really funny if she

original piece of agate and yet still the mother

put big crystals in there! My sister and mum

continued to listen to the friend.

often wear a crystal pendant on a chain and


Photographs: freedigitalphotos

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