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Rope Cable Curl Preperations: Adjust the machine so the cable is attached to the bottom. bend your knees slightly and have your feet firmly planted on the ground. brace your abdonimal muscles, keep your back straight and keep your head steady while looking forward. Execution: Curl the cable upward towards your chest while breathing out. Only the forearms should move, rising up from the elbow. Hold at the top for a split second then lower your forearms to the starting position. Benefits?

The primary target for the cable curl is to target the brachii muscle. This is the muscle that flexes the elbow. this form of cable curl is effective at boosting bicep brachii strenght and size. healthy and strong biceps make your daily life easier, such as carrying heavy boxes or taking out your laundry. Having a toned biceps also helps with sagging skin from weight loss or aging. Exercising the brachii muscle imrpoves its apperance by regulating skin metabolism.

BENEFITS OF THE SQUAT The squat exercise comes with many health benefits. The squat strengthens your lower body, primary targeting the glutes and quadriceps. Many more muscles benefit from this exercise such as the core muscles, hip muscles, calves and hamstrings. The squat is a demanding exercise which burns a lot of calories, this makes the squat a great exercise for weightloss. This exercise may also help people with knee problems seeing that the squat strenghtens the knees. As you get older the muscles and the tendons get stiffer and less elatic. Using the squat may prevent or slow down future stiffness. The squat really is one of the best strength exercises around, if you’re not already using the squat in the gym you should start.

Mental health and exercise People often relate exercise to physical fitness, but did you know that it also has a massive impact on mental health? exercise boosts your mood, concentration, alertness and may also help you get a more positive outlook on life. some of the benefits that affect your mental health related to exercise are: 1. Better sleep 2. improved self-esteem and coping ability 3. distract you from negative thoughts 4. oppurtunity to socialise with other people 5. the levels of chemicals in your brain, such as seretonin, stress hormones and endorphins change for the better. 6. increased energy levels 7. relaxes tension which makes you feel relaxed

So if you’re suffering from something mental health related exercise might be the solution!

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