Bargetzi Amélie

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Les Chasseresses (working title) co-realisation with Christelle Jornod Documentary film 80’’ In Production Les Chasseresses shows the hunting practices of four women living in the Valais. By following them on their hunting trips, as well as during the preparation and handling of the meat, the film reveals the special relationship they have with nature, the landscape, and the environment. A close, intimate, but also sensual relationships engages their bodies and senses in an intense and unique way. However hunting also conveys relationships of domination and hierarchy, whether between humans and nature, or between men and women. So how does the social and cultural context influence the positions and hunting practices of our four protagonists? And how do they manage to overcome the hierarchical relationships inherent in this practice?

We are working with Gaëtan Nicolas as Cameraman Marine May as Sound Engineer Olivia Frey as Editor Julian Fuchs as Sound Editor The film is produced by Box Production ( Elena Tatti & Nicolas Witter)

Teaser ( not the official trailer) of Les Chasseresses: Password: Elleschassent_vdr22

My Darling ( Project in production process) Experimental Film and Video Installation 2021-2022 As a child I used to ride and look after a pony called My Darling. I loved her so much that I wanted to capture her smell and make a perfume in her name. My Darling is an experimental film about the relationship between humans and horses. A relationship that is sometimes described as a form of love, a love that is however conditional. Relationships of dominance, power and exploitation are apparent. The horse can be seen as a companion in life, a colleague, but also as property and a product. However, having a horse is an apprenticeship for the body. To be a horsewoman/horseman is above all to know the horse through the body. All the senses are solicited: observing, hearing and understanding the horse through touch. This physical communication allows us to develop strong empathy with the animal. So how can we explain this ambivalent behaviour of adoration and domination? Our relationship with the horse reflects a larger paradox about human behaviour. What does the horse say about our own history and our own dichotomy?

Screenshots of My Darling

Installation view of My Darling at Kunst(Zeug)Haus, Seitenwagen 2021, Rapperswill

Film Là où nous sommes 35’41’’ 2019-2020 Fos-sur-Mer, France


Fos-sur-mer is a small industrial port town, located between the river Rhône delta and the Étang de Berre in the south of France. Surrounded by various refineries (ZB, Arcelor Mittal), metal and chemical industries, the city suffocates under a fine dust pollution, this has a very negative impact in the local population’s health. Chronic diseases are more frequent in this region, and the cancer rate is twice as higher than in the rest of France. The French state has almost completely withdrawn from its ecological responsibility. Despite the difficult challenges facing the inhabitants, a small resistance movement has developed over the last fifteen years. They are recurrently fighting for their right to live in a healthy environment. Several associations are cooperating with scientists in order to undertake the appropriate studies. A considerable amount of citizens have joined this initiative. What are the effects of this industrial landscape on their everyday life? What practices have they developed to live in this industrial landscape? What do they think about this kind industry? The persons associated to these initiatives have developed innovative ideas, in which economy and ecology converge - a culture of coexistence is emerging. A gap is building between the inhabitants; some of them are tired of outsiders who criticize their city and have to reluctantly accept the “reality” created by the media. Others, try to show an innovative image of the city and support progress, for instance, they are proud of their natural reserve where lots of migratory birds stop and nest. The film, between documentary and fiction, is a sort of a walk through this place. For one day and one night, we discover the different landscapes of the area, their strong atmosphere, their duality and complexity. Two of the persons involved explain little by little the different outstanding issues, their points of view and their feelings. The viewer understands what does it mean and what does it feel to live there. This film has been selected at the Vision du Réel 2021 in the International Medium Length and Short Film Competition Section (CH), at the 45. Duisburger Filmwoche (DE), at the Sustainable & Smart Film Festival (China) and at 16.Pravo Ljudski Film Festival ( BA) Là où nous sommes received a mention for the camera work from Documentary Film Prize 2020 from the Alexis Victor Thalberg-Stiftung

Screenshots of Là où nous sommes Link of Là où nous sommes: Password: marseille2020

3-Kanal-HD-Videoinstallation Presque comme une ventouse


2018-2019 Jura, CH Willy and Daniel, work on the farm «La Forme» located in the northern part of the Jura next to Delémont, they prepare a calf for a competition. Liliane calls them for dinner. Suddenly they hear a deafening noise. The stable roof had collapsed, leaving their most valuable animal mortally wounded. In this one and two other family stories, both anecdotal and dramatic, are reflected the ambivalent relationship of farmers with their animals, especially with their Dairy cows. Birth and death are part of the natural cycle of a farm. But how does the peasant family perceive death in each concrete situation? Is it fate or a gesture from God? The most powerful Swiss woman is a dairy cow! In Switzerland, cows have a much stronger lobby than women. At the Swiss Expo, as well as on every Swiss farm, cows are judged according to certain criteria, such as: format, milk yield, pelvis, limbs and Udder system. The cow as Miss Switzerland, the cow as a surrogate mother. This work has been exhibited at the Werkschau 2019, Fachstelle Kultur Zürich, Hauskonstruktiv, and at the 15. Jahre Kunstpause, Chollerhalle Zug, 2019 . Presque comme une ventouse, 2019, HD-Video, 18’, mit Ton You shine bright like a diamond, 2019, HD-Video, 6’05’’, mit Ton Supervache, 2019, HD-Video, 6’ 59’’, mit Ton

Screen shots of Presque comme une ventouse Link von Presque comme une ventouse:

Installation view at Werkschau 2019, Hauskonstruktiv, Zurich


Screenshots of Shine bright like a diamond Link of Shine bright like diamond


Screenshots of Supervache Link of Supervache:

Mon-Idée Film 8’29’’


2018 Geneva Daisy decides to leave Savone (Italy) with her two children during the Second World War. She wished to live with the side of her family that came from Geneva. Her Italian husband Robert deserts from the military and hides in the bush. Arriving at the border post «Mon Idée», between France and Switzerland, Daisy and her two sons are refused entry to Switzerland. After a desperate discussion and at the risk of their lives (one of the border officers shot at the children while they were crossing the borderline), the children were allowed to enter Switzerland. Daisy joined them a few days late after crossing a river on the border between Switzerland and France. This is the story of my grandfather and his sister. Each family member has his own version of it with different memories, misunderstandings and variations. During a meal we play «Chinese Wasper» and we whisper what we know about the story. Then we confront the versions with an open discussion and create a common story. Finally we return together to the place of the story, to the border, and recite the whole story. This film has been exhibited at the Jungkunst Festival 2018 in Winthertur and at the Kunsthalle Mulhouse for the Regionale 21.

Screenshots of Mon- Idée Link:

Screenshots of Mon- Idée

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