Hello Joburg February 2020

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AYS VEAW I G O L #HEL GALORE! Hello month,

From Jozi with love

at every me know th f aweso Did you es away heaps o nt! re e iv o diff Joburg g this month is n tition e p m d o n c prizes? A ou never miss a on re y eaways Make su hing #hellogiv m! ra g a st rc a by se r and In te it w T , k Faceboo

VALENTINE’S GIFT IDEAS Not sure what to get your special someone this Valentine’s Day? Not to worry because we’ve rounded up gifts that your partner is guaranteed to fall head over heels for. And no, we’re not just talking your typical chocolate and roses. We know that Valentine’s Day gifting comes with a lot of pressure, so we’ve made it easy for you by giving you the option to shop all the gift ideas online. You can thank us later!



Indulge your inner romantic as we lay out the cheesiest, most swoon-worthy date ideas that this city has to offer. Think candlelit dinners, moonlight picnics, horse riding, movie nights and our top spots for a romantic getaway. Sometimes clichés are clichés for a reason, right? Plus, we’ll also give you the inside scoop on some unmissable Valentine’s Day specials.

With the possibility of load shedding becoming a regular occurrence, we’re sharing a list of blackout-proof activities and restaurants. From where to take the kids when they’re moaning that they’re bored, to where to take yourself when you’re also bored ... and just some generally amazing spots in Jozi that you should check out. Load shedding may be the perfect excuse to get out!

Q WHO TO FOLLOW Q Bullet journaling is a type of flexible planning that has risen to popularity in the past few years. If you’ve been tempted to try this unique technique or are already have a bullet journal, make sure you follow these accounts for some major inspiration.


With fantastic flat lays, amazing calligraphy and indeed whimsical doodles, this page will add so much character to your Insta feed. It’s also the perfect place to find ideas for your next spread, innovative ways to use washi tape and the occasional picture of a fluffy white cat!



Run by Toronto based artist and YouTube sensation, Amanda Rach Lee, this page has a healthy mix of bullet journal content and personal posts. Expect awe-inspiring artwork, live bullet journal tutorials and fabulous photography.



If you’re looking for a minimal bullet journal account to follow, you won’t find much better than artist Mark T. The spreads are understated, monochromatic and masculine, meaning it’s the ideal account to follow for both men and women!

D Hello Joburg • February 2020 • www.hellojoburg.co.za


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