Headlines Term 6 July 2023

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Term 6

July 2023 Pride . Ambition . Community

Head’s Message

This is our final Headlines of the academic year 2022-23. There is so much to celebrate and recognise in these pages it is impressive!

Our advice is to keep returning to it, read one section at a time, so the real range of what students at Heathfield experience and enjoy can be appreciated.

I enjoy starting with the genuine breadth and range of subjects studied at Key Stage 3, going well beyond the National Curriculum, these subjects are ensuring students are not just educated in content, but to think about, understand and appreciate the wider world and the diversity of people. It is inspiring.

In this edition we have dedicated a large focus to the outstanding breadth of wider curriculum and enrichment opportunities available to our young people. These are wide and ambitious. They range from sporting to adventurous, from academic to contemporary commentary. Our students have phenomenal ability to experience and extend their interests in an impressive array of areas.

In doing so, staff are keen to espouse and develop the values and vision of the College. That young people do not just develop academic skills and knowledge but they grow as people, learning how to work with others, how to debate and explore new ideas, gain the confidence to try new things and challenge themselves. These invaluable experiences and skills will set Heathfield students apart when they articulate what they have done and learnt.

In a year which has seen a world of division and dispute, where the tendency to disagree in disharmony has spilled into many different environments, I am very grateful to the vast majority of students and parents, and to all staff who have worked hard to maintain our strength of community, our positivity and sense of compassion for each other and our commitment to our core values. This provides a safe and secure environment for young people to be known and to grow.

We continue year on year to develop and improve. Thank you for all you have done to work with us and to help ensure this year has been so successful. I look forward to sharing with you in the new year, the next stages in our journey, but for now I wish you all a well earned, peaceful and enjoyable summer break.

End of Year Information:

An End Of Year letter will follow this week with details for each Year Group on:

• Bus timings for the End of Term

• Uniform for September

• Changes to the School Day timing for September

• Parental Contributions for September

If ANY of these present a difficulty for you or your family please get in touch to discuss options with us.

Headlines Issue 6 18 July 2023



Average attendance for Term 6: 91%


Average praise points per student for Term 6: 100

This final term has been an exciting one for Year 7 due to the wide range of opportunities they have experienced inside and outside of the classroom. A great example of this was the STEM wider curricular day where they were involved in the creation of water rockets. The students demonstrated their ability to work collaboratively throughout the day showing off their excellent communication and problem-solving skills.

Students were also involved in House competition day on Tuesday 27th June, where students selected to take part in different onsite challenges throughout the day including countdown, Taskmaster, pirate game and field games. Alongside this, students were also selected to take part in our annual sports day that took place at Priory athletics track, demonstrating some excellent sporting performances.

During tutor time, students have had the opportunity to make time capsules that will be stored away ready for them to open when they are in Year 11. We look forward to their reactions in 5 year’s time!

This diverse term will conclude with enrichment week where students will have 4 days of both onsite and offsite activities to further develop their skills and experiences beyond the usual timetabled curriculum.

Year 8 have continued their discussions and sessions on healthy choices and lifestyles within PHSE, with a particular focus on diet, exercise and mental health linking to social media use.

This term saw a variety of sporting success in both the school Sports Day and the Ouse Valley Athletics tournament – athletes from across the year group showed determination and skill to perform fantastically well.

The main event of this term is coming up very soon with Enrichment Week, in which most of the year group will be attending camp at Cuffley Activity Centre. Regardless of whether students will be on site at school or out on activities at Cuffley, Enrichment week is an excellent opportunity for students to explore new activities and challenge themselves in ways they may have never been challenged before.

Students have now received confirmation of their KS4 option choices and are excitedly anticipating the start of their courses in September whilst also celebrating their success and progress in the assessment fortnight that took place this term. It is fair to say there will be new challenges ahead and opportunities to reflect on the experiences we have had this term. I am looking forward to seeing the students rise to their new challenges in September. Well done Year 8 for a fantastic year!



Average attendance for Term 6: 91.8%


Average Praise points per student for Term 6: 102

Ms Adams


Term 6 is a busy time at Heathfield, with trips, whole-school events and opportunities in school to make the most of.


Average attendance for Term 6: 92.5%


Average praise points per student for Term 5: 105

Tuesday 27th June saw House Competition Day get into full swing, with all Year 9 students involved in some way or another. It was brilliant to see such enthusiasm and excitement in the college and at Lewes Leisure Centre. Of particular note was the quality of competition among the Year 9 contenders at sports day, especially in the short-distance running. Stand-out performances from the year groups leave us all anticipating something special in their final Sports Day this time next year.

Elsewhere this term, we look ahead to Enrichment Week. From far-flung trips abroad to new learning opportunities in college, each student will be doing something a little different and exploring somewhere or something new.

This term in Year 10 we have seen the prefect application process draw to a close. I have been blown away by how confident and articulate students have been in justifying why they should be prefects. The interview process is not easy; however, students have taken this in their stride and given a fantastic account of themselves. I look forward to working with our prefect team next academic year.

I would also like to thank all of Year 10 for their positive attitude and hard work through their intensive exam period. We understand that this has been a stressful period, however they have approached this with maturity and determination.

At Heathfield we always like to highlight talented individuals who excel in different sporting events inside and outside of school.

Adam Churchyard has competed in the Sussex Schools County Championships for two years in a row and has been extremely successful. On both occasions he has been crowned Sussex Schools Discus Champion in his age group. This year with an impressive PB of 29.87m. As a result of this Adam earnt an invitation to the Inter County Competition.

Well done Adam!


Mr Holden Attendance

Average attendance for Term 6: 89.5%


Average praise points per student for Term 6: 107

Mr Richardson


After 5 years of education at Heathfield Community College, Year 11 have had their final lessons, final assemblies and said their final goodbyes.

At the beginning of the term, Year 11 had their Leavers’ Celebration Day. Students enjoyed shirt signing with their friends and staff, a farewell BBQ at lunchtime and a celebration assembly which saw us take a look down memory lane at the last 5 years (see page 20). There were also messages from previous members of staff and many photos documenting their time here.

Once exams had finished, we gathered together for their Prom Celebration Evening. This began with a drink's reception for students, their families and staff before travelling to East Sussex National and enjoying a meal and lots of dancing on the dance floor (see page 21).

I look forward to seeing Year 11 for their results day in August. They should all be incredibly proud of themselves for their successful time at Heathfield.

Year 12

Year 12 have impressed us this academic year. Their attendance and attitude to learning has been incredibly strong and they have been working hard to meet deadlines set for the end of Year 12.

As we move into Year 13, we are looking forward to supporting them with making their decisions about next steps Post 18 and continuing to fully focus on their courses in preparation for mock exams in January.

Alumni Event

In their last week of term, Year 12 attended our annual Alumni event. This event invites previous students into College from a variety of career backgrounds to talk to students about their experiences.

Year 13

After celebrating their last day in Term 5, Year 13 students truly impressed us with their hard work and commitment during their exam season. They were punctual and persevered through this challenging period.

It was a pleasure to then celebrate the end of their exams with them formally at the Year 13 Ball. Pictures from the event can be seen on Page 22.

As we move into the summer holidays we look forward to seeing them on results day and celebrating their outcomes and confirming their onward progression.



Average attendance for Term 6: 93.1%


Over 150 praise points issued in Term 6 with 3300 praise points issued this academic year

Mrs Woodland Ms White

Focus on Key Stage 3

These pages include details of the curriculum followed by Year 7 and 8.

A powerful way to help learning is to ask your son/daughter about the topics they have experienced and encourage them to talk about their understanding and interests with you.

Pride . Ambition . Community


Year 7 are still reading Jamila Gavin’s fascinating historical novel, ‘Coram Boy’. The novel explores childhood, class and poverty against the backdrop of 18th century England. Our two key heroes, Thomas and Alexander, were drawn together by their music, but in the second half of the novel they are separated and the focus moves on to the Coram Hospital itself and two

of its young inmates, who are struggling to uncover a dark secret beneath the generous exterior of the mysterious hospital benefactor Philip Gaddarn. The novel keeps its readers guessing and finally draws all the characters together in a thrilling climax as the Thomas and Alexander move from childhood into adulthood and a second generation of children expose the crimes at the heart of the Coram Man’s business.

Year 8 are continuing with Malorie Blackman’s brilliant novel ‘Noughts and Crosses’, a story exploring life in a dystopian society, riven by prejudice, where black and white members of society are brutally segregated. Despite the constraints of their society, Sephy, a wealthy Cross, and Callum, a poor Nought, have fallen in love. However their fate is determined by forces beyond their control and, as the novel moves towards its dramatic ending, it is difficult to see how their love can survive. Students have been discussing complex issues around prejudice and equality and are beginning to consider how society shapes our identities, and what it really means to be a compassionate human being.


Year 7 students have been studying Data presentation and analysis this term.

This is an excellent opportunity to understand how data can be presented differently and the pros and cons of each way.

It is important that when the word average is talked about in the media, we remember it could represent mean, median or mode. All of which have their advantages and disadvantages.

Year 8 have been looking at Pythagoras Theorem and how it was used to create right angles before protractors were invented.

What are KS3 students learning in … X

After a very successful assessment fortnight, Year 7 students will be continuing to learn about plants and ecosystems this term, looking at how seeds are made and dispersed. This follows on from what they would have studied in KS2 and looks at photosynthesis in some more depth. Students were also treated to a whole day of STEM where they completed a design and build task in groups.

Whilst Year 8 students have been challenged with their assessments this term, they have also been practising lots of maths and practical investigation skills. Students are delving deeper into chemical reactions this term by looking at how hand warmers and instant icepacks work. They have also been linking respiration and photosynthesis to these types of chemical reactions, as well as how exercise can be affected by different types of respiration.

Year 7 History students are studying the impact of the British Empire and Slave Trade on Brighton.

They are investigating Brighton's diverse history and also how the people of Brighton celebrate Black History today. They have also been using primary sources to analyse the varied experiences of enslaved people, including Sarah Forbes Bonetta, who ended up living in Brighton.

Year 8 historians have just finished their final KS3 assessments in History, well done! They are now returning to their investigation of 9/11 and will be studying the consequences of the attacks and how they've impacted modern society.

What are KS3 students learning in … X
History Science


Year 7 Geographers have been studying a module on sustainability which is one of the most important parts of the subject. Sustainability is minimising our impact on the environment and protecting the planet for future generations whilst maintaining a good standard of living. Pupils have learnt a lot about energy, fashion, agriculture and waste and should hopefully be coming home with ideas about how they can be more sustainable.

Year 8 pupils have been studying a module on ecosystems this term as well as revising hard for their second assessment on Africa and Haiti. Pupils are learning about the characteristics of ecosystems around the world from native British habitats to global biomes. There is a particular focus on tropical rainforests and why it is essential that we protect places like the Amazon Rainforest. Year 8s have also undertaken some local fieldwork investigating the health of small scale ecosystems on the school site and how small actions like leaving long grass can boost biodiversity.


Year 7 students are developing digital skills that they will need for the future, learning how to use spreadsheets using Microsoft Excel. They discover how to use spreadsheets effectively, gaining proficiency in organising and manipulating data and creating formulae, gaining crucial employability skills.

Year 8 are exploring the fundamentals of app development using App Lab. They are learning the building blocks of creating mobile applications, developing their coding and logical thinking skills while developing an app. They learn about interface design and event driven programming, gaining a solid foundation in the principles of app development, skills which are in high demand in today's digital landscape.

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students learning

Design & Technology

This term, Year 7 have been learning about electronic components and systems and have soldered their own light sensor circuit.

Year 8 students have been learning how to complete effective research into existing products and materials to help them develop their own designs.

Year 7 have been investigating the science behind cooking by exploring dextrinisation, shortening and gelatinisation with practical lessons including jam tarts, fruit crumble and macaroni cheese. They have also looked at Seasonal Food and linked this to their carbon footprints and the environment.

Year 8 have been learning about protein and carbohydrates and considering food security and environment issues.

They have also used their previous knowledge on pastry and shortening to make scones, quiche and sausage rolls.

in … X
are KS3 students learning


This term, our “années 7” learnt about Bastille day, which takes place on 14th July, understood and listened to the French National Anthem: “La Marseillaise”. The students learnt about places in towns or villages and expanded their opinions and justifications. They learnt about prices in Euros, described activities during the weekend and how to invite a friend out. They have also learnt more food items, including ice cream flavours. A quick survey amongst MFL teachers revealed that they are not conventional regarding their choices. Mr Fioresi’s favourite is passion fruit and coconut. Mrs Fox chooses pistachio. Mrs Ridgwell likes sweet strawberry, Ms Lamarsaude prefers sorbet, lemon and basil is a winning combination for her and Dr Passe is all about mint chocolate chip. Miam miam!!

Year 8 learnt how to describe where they live, with some input on French regions. They also talked about how they should do chores at home and expanded their knowledge on the past tense. Students ended the year by giving their opinions and justifications regarding sport, which links nicely with what they need to do to stay healthy. Students also focused on exam skills (picture based description) to smooth the transition towards Key Stage 4.

To all students, bonnes vacances et à l’année prochaine! Don’t forget to send us a postcard in French to: MFL department, Heathfield Community College, Cade Street, Heathfield, TN21 8RJ.


In Term 6, Year 7 learnt how to talk about their town, developing vocabulary about places in a town, playing lots of games and stretching their grammar knowledge and building on prior learning. With this in mind, they were taught how to structure the near future tense and discuss future actions. Before ending the year, students will be taught how to order food in a café! ¡Buenas vacaciones!

In Year 8 during Term 6 students discuss, describe and create their ideal holiday homes! They are shown sophisticated structures such as: se puede and the use of the infinitive to say what you can do in the local área: Aquí se puede hacer deportes acuáticos. Students will have fun asking for and giving directions which could be helpful when

on holiday! They widen their cultural awareness this term by engaging in their wider curriculum day for Spanish and we are very excited about this!

in … X
are KS3 students learning

Physical Education

Year 7 and 8 students have come to the conclusion of their summer sport rotations, ensuring they have developed and refined their understanding and application across athletics, tennis, rounders, cricket and stoolball.

This has culminated in a number of students representing the school across a range of competitive fixtures.

The final segment of Term 6 has seen students partake in team-building exercises and orienteering tasks that often takes them out of their comfort zone, but builds skills that equip them to have success at Year 8 camp and explore their surroundings beyond the school gates.


Year 7 explore Physical Theatre where they are required to use their imagination and their bodies to create objects and props so they literally become the set of the plays they create.

They need good self discipline, team building skills and inventiveness in this unit of work. To inspire them we show them the stunning performances of the theatre company called "Attraction's" who won Britain's Got Talent as they use their bodies so beautifully and creatively. We also watch a very entertaining "Off Balance" production of Robin Hood where the whole story is told using physical theatre. Students then worked together to create their own physical theatre pieces.

Year 8 are completing a written assessment based on a line from the play we have practically explored called, "Mugged". They have to put themselves in the shoes of a character and explain how they would interpret and deliver a line of text which is good preparation for those students continuing Drama to GCSE level. We will then be going on to explore Bugsy Malone so that students have had the opportunity to experience some musical theatre as part of their KS3 Drama curriculum.

What are KS3 students learning in … X


Year 7 have been working through some stunning stylised drawings, looking at colour mixing and blending, and working to make colours transition smoothly from one to another. They have created some highly skilled and imaginative paper cut birds by exaggerating features like beaks, eyes and feathers, and have used black fine line pens to add in some beautiful intricate patterns.

They then started their A4 Fabric Lenny style composition where they look at the properties of acrylic paint and learn how to mix, blend and apply this medium.

Year 8 have been looking at portraiture this term and gaining an understanding of how to draw features of the face. They

have been working on proportions of the face, getting to grips with the structure of the head and how the features sit proportionally in the face to create a credible portrait. They go on to do prints based on the German Expressionist woodcuts. Students have been researching about German Expressionism through their homework tasks. Their challenge has been to create their own portrait in the style of the expressionist woodcuts.


Year 7 have been looking at recording their own sounds on their iPad and we have been looking at how these sounds can be used to create a piece of music. Students have been focusing on 3 key areas of music (Structure, Texture and Dynamics).

They have then used these areas to create their Found Sounds composition. It has been fantastic to hear the unique pieces of music and seeing students explore a different side to music.

Students in Year 8 have been looking at Blues Music. They have developed their understanding of the history behind the Blues and the importance of this style of music. They have been practising the 12 bar blues, a walking bass line and improvising ideas on the keyboard. Students have shown some fantastic ability on the keyboard during this project.

What are KS3 students learning in …


In our lessons this term we are exploring the world of careers through the lens of the World Wildlife Fund’s sustainable careers learning resource based on the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals. This learning compliments what Year 7 are focussing on in Geography and we hope this may excite students about their future careers. In addition to becoming more aware of WWF as an NGO, some classes are learning about Dementia and the amazing work of the Alzheimers Society charity.

Year 8 students finish their year in PSHEe by returning to the overarching theme of Healthy Lifestyles. In PE they will be learning about basic First Aid in preparation for camp (which is part of our Relationships, Sex and Health Education) and in PSHEe, the focus for this term is the link between good nutrition and physical activity (in particular the importance of young women being physically active using the ‘This Girl Can’ resources) for better physical and mental health.

Philosophy and Religion

In Term 6, Year 7 students have had the opportunity to explore their creative ideas through our annual Spirited Arts competition. Students have been encouraged to create an inspired piece of artwork based on a range of themes, including topics such as “God’s Good Earth” and “Searching for God”. The Spirited Arts project has required students to draw upon their subject knowledge from throughout the academic year, picking out knowledge from prior topics such as ‘Caring for Others’ and ‘Belief in God’ in order to create an inspired plan for their artwork. After tackling a challenging assessment period, this has allowed our PRE students to demonstrate the subject knowledge they have acquired in a practical and creative project.

In Year 8 students have been exploring the topic of Miracles, examining what is meant by a miracle and how they can be understood. This topic dives into various religious faiths such as Christianity and Hinduism, examining stories of the past which depict miracles such as Jesus walking on water, as well as more modern examples such as Hindu deity statues seemingly appearing to drink milk?! Students have also been encouraged to challenge their

own perception of the mundane by examining concepts such as magic, including the work of the world famous ‘Dynamo Magician Impossible’ to question if it is possible for humans to perform extraordinary acts which defy scientific logic. The topic of miracles continues to inspire heated debate and discussion of what miracles mean to people from different belief systems whether atheist, agnostic or a firm believer of any religious background.

What are KS3 students learning in … X

Term 6 Wider Curriculum

These pages include details of the wider curriculum and enrichment events followed by all year groups over the course of the last term.

Pride . Ambition . Community

Year 7 Wider Curriculum

“I enjoyed learning about the science behind making our cars as fast as possible”

On 26th June 2023 Year 7 students engaged in a Wider Curriculum Day on solving a STEM Challenge. The challenge was ‘Race to the line’, created by The Learning Partnership (https://www.thelearningpartnership.com/ model-rocket-car-challenge).

Students worked in teams all morning, using their Mathematics, Design & Technology and Science skills to create the best shape for their Rocket Car. They needed to understand which elements they could control (mass, friction, aerodynamics) to maximise the acceleration of their rocket cars. Students were given a kit to build their car and could design the shape and look of their car. Students were in their Houses so were given House points based on team work, design of their logo, design of their car and overall performance of the car in the race.

We were very impressed with their application of knowledge and creativity. Students were given different positions within their team which ensured they understood how best to work together and gave students different opportunities to use their leadership skills. Students were also given the opportunity to use a virtual wind tunnel to experiment with the affect of different shaped cars on the drag and speed of their car.

The day started by talking through possible careers in STEM including a video talk from an engineer who works for Formula 1. Students were extremely positive about the day and we hope to run this again next year.

“I had fun making the rocket car with my friends and it was funny watching Mr Slade fail to launch some of the cars.” - Ella

- Archie

Year 8 Wider Curriculum

On 22nd June, Year 8 students studying Spanish spent the morning engaging in a number of lessons with a Spanish theme and the afternoon watching a live production of a Spanish play about starting University (www.onatti.co.uk). Students and Teachers engaged in speaking lots of Spanish and learning new facts about Spain and Spanish culture!

In Music, students had fun creating music tracks using Reggaeton music, in Geography students were inspired to travel in Spain, in Art students created cubism inspired art work and in Spanish they learnt about all the different countries that speak Spanish! All teachers used Spanish in their lessons and showed students how important it is to ‘have a go’ and not be worried about making mistakes.

The play in the afternoon, performed solely in Spanish, was the perfect ending to a thoroughly enjoyable day! Several students were even invited on stage throughout the play as additional characters, they had to engage in the Spanish dialogue and they definitely entertained their fellow students!

When students were asked for feedback, it was extremely positive and we are thrilled they enjoyed the day. We were so impressed at how determined they were to speak Spanish, even when they didn’t feel confident. Students were particularly keen to get involved with the audience participation in the play and the actors were very impressed with their confidence. When asked what they had gained from the day students gave the following responses: “a new appreciation of the language”, “increased confidence to speak Spanish” and “learning more about the great culture”.

Today was a real celebration of Spanish cultural awareness which provided students with a rich and varied curriculum from which they could develop their cultural capital. Thank you to all staff involved and to our visiting theatre company, Onatti, for making the event such an enjoyable and successful one! Gracias a todos. – Mrs Ridgewell,

Heathfield Media Maestros

Our students recognize the importance of the media and the influence it has over people, hence why we have three popular student leadership strands that help students develop their understanding of the media: Heathfield Journalism, Heathfield TV and Radio Heathfield.

Our students have been busy within these strands over the course of the recent term.

Heathfield Radio

Radio Heathfield students broadcast every break and lunch but recently also competed an all-day broadcast outside to support the students taking part in the House Competition day. They provided lots of music and smooth transitions between the songs.

Heathfield TV

Our Heathfield TV students recorded the days events when Year 7 students made rocket cars and then raced them across the playground. Several interviews were conducted with staff and students involved in the day. This is just the beginning of the process though, as students then have to spend many hours editing the footage recorded to produce a slick video short.

Heathfield Vine

Our Heathfield Vine students have been busy writing travel pieces for our Term 6 edition Hopefully this issue will provide some inspiration for readers as to places they might like to visit this summer or in the future. The editorial team are busy proof-reading and editing pieces ready for publication at the end of this term. The latest issue of The Heathfield Vine can be found athttp://heathfieldcollegenewspaper.weebly.com/

Well done to all our student leaders for the contributions you’ve made to the College this year and for continuing the development of your leadership skills.



House Competition Day

This year’s House Competition Day was a great success and we were delighted with the enthusiasm, ambition and engagement shown by our students throughout the day.

All 4 Houses were well represented in the different activities that took place during the day which developed our student’s team work during the Taskmaster challenges and Field games; Skills in maths

and literacy during the Countdown, and Pirate games, as well as their general knowledge during the Quiz. During a closely fought day of challenges we saw different houses come out on top in the different challenges.

On the field our students competed in Rounders and Endball games competing house against house. The weather was lovely and it was a pleasure to see everyone getting involved. Well done to Tower, the winning house on the field!

In countdown, the classic numbers and letters game, the students developed their numeracy and literacy skills, all under the timings of the countdown clock. Well done to Batemans, the winning house in Countdown.

The pirate game tested skills and strategy in placing their treasure as well as seeking to sabotage their rivals! Well done to Heffle and Tower, the winning houses in the Pirate game.

During the taskmaster challenges students were challenged by the teacher to complete bridges between tables, in tasks that challenged their numeracy, literacy and communication skills. Well done to Heffle, the winning house in Taskmaster.

Finally in the quiz the students worked in house groups testing their general knowledge including song lyrics, school places and cakes! Well done to Heffle, the winning house in the Quiz.

Overall, the final scores for the day were: Heffle: 1st, Batemans: 2nd , Tower: 3rd , Cade: 4th


During the Year 11 Leaver's Celebration Day, students enjoyed shirt signing, a farewell BBQ and a celebration assembly which saw us take a look down memory lane at the last 5 years.


The Year 11 prom began with a drink's reception for students, their families and staff before travelling to East Sussex National and enjoying a meal and lots of dancing on the dance floor.



The Year 13 prom took place on Friday at Blackstock Estate in Hellingly. A great time was had by all and it was a pleasure spending time celebrating with them.

Wider Curriculum

Silver & Bronze Assessed Expedition

The second of the 2023 Duke of Edinburgh Award expeditions took place on 16th – 18th June on Ashdown Forest. Our silver groups met early on Friday morning to ensure they had time to complete the minimum 7 hours of walking before reaching the campsite. Our final three bronze groups met on the Saturday morning, setting off slightly later, after being briefed by their assessors to ensure they could complete their 6-hour journey time.

The students are expected to work as a team to navigate their way from a start point to the campsite, passing checkpoints on route where they check in with staff before continuing. They carry everything they need for the weekend including tents, cooking stoves and food, in addition to clothing and sleeping bags. For the bronze groups they complete two days of walking and one overnight camp. For the silver assessed expedition, it is a three-day adventure with two overnight camps. All the students were successful in

The expedition presents both personal challenges to overcome and team work in tricky circumstances circumstances, therefore it is a credit to the participants that they navigated these successfully.

Our groups sported team colour rucksack covers funded by a grant from the Duke of Edinburgh’s award. Not only did they look amazing but it helped

completing the expedition which is an amazing achievement. us to identify our groups from a distance and generally helped with the remote supervision which is under-taken by the supporting staff.

Duke of Edinburgh Gold Expedition

On Friday 30 June, four students set off to the campsite at Baysbrown, Great Langdale Valley in the Lake District to complete their Gold Duke of Edinburgh expedition. Despite bad weather and inclement conditions, the students proved their experience and skill, with the TrekCo team of assessors praising all students for their determination, organization and team work. The trip was a huge success and all students passed.

The group worked really well together as a team, helping to motivate each other and finding humour in the less-than-wonderful weather conditions. Congratulations to all involved!

Wider Curriculum

Ouse Valley Competition

Heathfield has a tradition of excelling in Ouse Valley at the regional athletics competition and the cohort of 2023 managed to meet the expectations and show the strength across all year groups in the athletics meet. There were some superb performances across all year groups with Year 7 and 9 claiming victory for their individual year groups, whilst Years 8 and 10 taking home 2nd place meant an overall victory for Heathfield.

The Speakers Trust

The Speakers Trust Sussex final was held at Uckfield College this term. Corin Banfield and Olivia Baldock, who had already given their speeches to the rest of Year 10, were fantastic, competing against several other Sussex schools. Both were coached by last year’s Heathfield finalists, Adam Toogood and Hivda Aydogan. Hivda, as last year’s winner, hosted part of the evening in front of an audience of headteachers, former contestants, families and Uckfield’s mayor.

The winners were from Varndean, Chailey and St Leonard’s Academy.

Year 12 Wuthering Heights trip

Year 12 English Literature students thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity of walking in the footsteps of the Bronte sisters, on a two-day residential trip to Haworth in West Yorkshire.

On their first day, students visited the Haworth church, paid their respects at the Bronte memorial and admired a fabulous piece of art made entirely of burnt toast. They also enjoyed a three-mile trek past the beautiful Bronte Waterfalls to Top Withens, the ruin of the house that is said to have been the inspiration for Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.

For an additional gothic experience, students spent the night in the incredible Haworth YHA, housed in a gothic mansion originally built in 19th century for a rich mill owner.

On their second day, students enjoyed a series of fascinating lectures on the Bronte family and on various interpretations of Wuthering Heights, which is the key exam text for this group. Students were able to explore the Bronte parsonage, much of which looks just as it would have done when the Brontes were alive - even down to the sofa where Emily finally succumbed to tuberculosis shortly after her only novel was published.


Poetry by Heart Competition

Poetry by Heart is an annual national competition that invites students to recite and perform a pair of poems (one pre-1914, one post-1914) from memory. The finalists perform at a grand final at Shakespeare's Globe.

Heathfield submitted more entries this year than we have ever done previously- including our first ever group recital. The recitals were wonderful, students did extremely well and were rightly commended highly for their performances.

The College is extremely proud of the students who took part, and many thanks to Ms Savage for the opportunity created by entering them and the support given to enable them to represent so strongly.

Samaritans Talk to Year 10 PSHEe

This term we were very pleased to welcome back volunteers from the Eastbourne branch of

Samaritans to run lessons to all of Year 10 in PSHEe. As part of our constant focus across the school (and in particular in this part of the curriculum) on emotional health and well being, the intention is to bring mental health issues into the open and encourage kindness, sharing and honesty.

The Samaritans overarching mission is that fewer of us will die by suicide and they provide a vital and non- judgemental lifeline for so many people in emotional pain. Year 10 sessions are not only about making all of us aware of this amazing charity, but also about our young people increasing their resilience, listening and empathic skills.

GCSE Photography Trip

GCSE Photography students spent a day in Brighton for their location photo shoot. We explored different areas of the city and its identity, photographing the beach, streets and alleys, graffiti to the Royal Pavilion and the pier. Everyone found something to catch their eye and it was great to see student their compositions, changing camera angles and getting a mix of closely cropped and wide views.

Sports Day

Over 240 students across Years 7-10 competed at sports day, with a number of stand-out performances at Lewes athletics track. All students who competed were superb, with many taking away multiple medals for their performances across different disciplines.

The overall winners were Heffle, with Caden Norcott and Klarry Willis receiving the trophy from Ms Cobbold who oversaw her 33rd and final sports day.

Alumni News

Thank You Alumni

Our much anticipated Alumni event has been a fantastic success. On Thursday we had the pleasure of hosting several alumni at the college. They spent the afternoon with Year 12 students and spoke on a broad range of topics, aimed at supporting our students making informed decisions about their future.

Talks ranged from the study of Maths, English Literature, Politics and International Relations, Law and Nursing to Photography, Project Management, Musical Theatre, Film Production and Cinematography and more.

Our alumni spoke on the varied progression routes students could choose with some covering gap year and travels, apprenticeships, the army, working straight after 6th form, and the ever popular University Life speakers.

Several alumni have benefited from previous events when they were in Year 12 and are keen to continue the strong tradition of giving back to the school community. We are Incredibly grateful for their time and effort. They make the event the success that it is.

Whenever you left Heathfield and whatever your stage of education or career, please get in touch using the QR code or by emailing alumni@heathfieldcc.co.uk

“I really value the Alumni Day, it is so lovely to see our former students and hear what they have been up to and is invaluable as a chance to network, reflect and plan for our current Sixth Formers.” - Jo Taylor, Careers Lead

The College in the Community

We are proud of the role the College has in the Heathfield community and also of the role the community plays in supporting our young people. We are happy to profile the employers and organisations who support and collaborate to ensure that Heathfield students have the very best start possible.

Wealden Works

Wealden Works believes ‘Every Young person Deserves Success’

Sometimes leaving school can seem daunting with the added pressure of not knowing what the next step to take should be, not knowing whether to carry on with education and complete A-levels, seek an apprenticeship or traineeship or maybe just not knowing what career path is the right one. That is where Wealden Works fits in, by offering 10week courses to anyone between the ages of 16-24 who are not in Employment, Education or Training (NEET). Wealden Works enables participants to take that time to gain work experience, complete business tours, receive business networking opportunities and complete accredited work-based qualifications, but still providing the structure and routine that provides the support that is so often still needed. Wealden Works assists each individual in exploring opportunities and researching industries, completing a professional CV that showcases skills. Wealden Works aim is to find each individuals passion in order to help them build on the goals necessary for a positive future.

Working with the College

Heathfield Community College Mentoring Scheme

Wealden Works in partnership with Heathfield Community College have successfully delivered 3 years of the schools mentoring scheme to years 10/11 and were delighted in receiving wonderful feedback from Caroline Barlow, the Headteacher of HCC and the students themselves. We cannot wait to meet the next group of students and play a positive part in their future journey.

Wider Curriculum Days

Most recently Wealden Works were involved in the Year 9s employability day at the College. Running workshops on CV writing and workplace behaviour for over 240 students. We have received some fantastic feedback from the Year 9 students and their tutors.

For further information please visit www.wealdenworks.co.uk or email lcrozier@wealdenwork.co.uk

Dates for your Diary

Thursday, 17 August A Level Results Day

Thursday, 24 August GCSE Results Day

Thursday, 31 August Broadbridges Uniform Sale, Link Hall, 10am – 12pm

Friday, 1 September Inset Day

Monday, 4 September Inset Day

Tuesday, 5 September Year 7 and Year 13 start of Term 1

Wednesday, 6 September Rest of school start of Term 1

Thursday, 7 September Year 10 and 13 Theatre Trip: The Play That Goes Wrong, Duchess Theatre, London

Friday, 8 September School photos – Years 7, 9, 11 and 12

Wednesday, 13 September Sixth Form: Sussex University Trip

Thursday, 14 September Honours Evening

Monday, 25 September Year 13 Psychology trip: Bethlem Museum, Kent

Tuesday, 26 September Year 9 Sponsored Walk

Thursday, 28 September Open Evening

Friday, 29 September Macmillan Coffee Morning

Thursday, 5 October Year 11 Future Choices Evening

Thursday, 12 October Year 7 and Year 12 Tutor Evening, online safety & curriculum presentation

Thursday, 19 October Provisional Sixth Form Open Evening

Friday, 20 October End of Term 1

www.heathfieldcc.co.uk @Heathfield_CC
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