Heathfield Headlines Issue 1 - October 2022

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Pride . Ambition . Community Term 1 October 2022

Head’s Message

As we reach the end of Term 1 we look back on an action packed first term where Year 7 and 12 are already established as part of the Heathfield community and each year group has settled well to focus on their core priorities for the year.

Lessons have been focused and purposeful as students enjoy the routine and challenge of learning; Year 7 and 11 have embraced their Collapsed Curriculum Days and the wider experiences they gained. Super Curriculum has launched and the entries coming in are impressive do have a look and see what can be done over half term!

Student voice is up and running with our Lead Team and College Council already having impact and representing the voice of the student body both inside the College and outside through wider partnerships. Student Leaders throughout the College are having an impact and working constructively alongside College leadership. They are impressive.

Input for students’ Personal Development has been strong and appropriate to different year groups. From Road Safety presentations for Year 11 to all year groups owning the organisation of a day that celebrated the life of Queen Elizabeth II, including a special edition of The Vine. Steps to Respect workshops with Year 10 focused on gender based bullying, language, social media, reputation and pressure to conform. And inspiring female entrepreneur Kathryn Burn posed valuable perspective when presenting to Year 8 and other groups. It has been varied and enriching. There is much still to come as we explore important topics with our young people and support their thinking and development.

Please take time to explore this edition which celebrates every subject and year group reflecting the breadth and ambition of our young people and their achievements.

Those who read succeed!

Reading is a vital cornerstone of learning and continuing our commitment to ready as a vital cornerstone of learning, we bring you #HeathfieldReads .

If you need any support with accessing the recommendations then please contact Mr Hatchard. Reading matters and we are happy to support, guide and encourage as much as possible.

Many of these are good for all ages and its a great idea for parents and students to be reading the same book to prompt discussion and understanding.

Headlines Issue 2 21 October 2022

Attendance Average attendance for Term 1: 96.6%


Average praise points per student for Term 1: 132

Year 7 students have transitioned into life at the College exceptionally well. They have demonstrated their ability to confidently settle into their new educational environment, demonstrating their independence and enthusiasm to learn. Many have taken the opportunity to join new extra-curricular clubs which have provided them with additional chances to grow their friendship networks.

Students have spent time this term during tutor time completing tasks to help them use their IPads effectively and this was re-enforced recently with a wider curricular day focusing on digital learning.

They have had a performance from the Sussex Safer schools’ partnership to remind them of how to stay safe on their way to and from school.

We have also had chance to hear the views of the year group via their form reps during Year and Executive Council meetings.

Year 8 have had a brilliant return to Heathfield this term. Students have returned with such enthusiasm and positivity which reflects within the hard work we are seeing across their lessons.

This term students have been getting involved in extra curricular clubs, sporting fixtures and also house football. Year 8 have been working hard in these clubs to develop their skills and to challenge themselves above and beyond what takes place in the classroom.

This year, we begin to look ahead to GCSE options. There are lots of GCSE options to choose from and students would do well to begin considering what GCSE options may be suitable for them as we begin to make these decisions in March. students can start speaking to their teachers and parents about the subjects they are enjoying, the ones they hope to continue studying, and the ones that they may not have had the opportunity to study yet.

Our focus this year is to begin to build the foundations in preparation for the GCSE subjects year 8 will be embarking on. Ensuring students are well equipped, punctual to lessons and smartly dressed to ensure they are prepared for their learning. Encouraging students to attend extra curricular clubs for subjects they are hoping to continue studying will help to develop the skills needed to support in their subject. Further to this, in tutor times next term, students will begin to develop revision skills and independent learning skills to support them with their assessments.

Ms Adams

Average attendance for Term 1: 93.1%


Praise points per student for Term 1: 128

Mrs Krouwel

Mr Richardson


Average attendance for Term 1: 94.2%


Average praise points per student for Term 1: 116

Year 9 have begun their GCSE studies with confidence and enthusiasm. Where the challenge has increased, they are rising well to meet that challenge and make the most of each lesson and opportunity for success.

At the start of this term, the PSHE focus was on fresh starts and looking forward planning ahead and identifying actions and habits we can make now to achieve success later. Towards the second half, we transitioned onto the much more challenging topic of positive, healthy relationships.

Students have discussed in lessons, and witnessed on stage, the difficulties and dangers of unhealthy relationships with peers and those around. The learning sequence continues into our lessons after half term and aims to equip students with the tools to identify and build positive, healthy relationships in their lives.

Year 10 have come back from summer with a renewed enthusiasm and attitude towards their studies. Looking ahead to the end of this year, they will have their intensive exams and they have applied themselves expertly to ensure that they will be in the best possible position to tackle these exams.

Recently we had our open evening where many Year 10 students volunteered to provide tours and support the running of the event. There was brilliant feedback regarding the maturity and confidence displayed by our students, as well as their ability to respond to questions articulately. From this I can see that we will have a large number of students to consider when we come to determining prefect positions for next year.

Finally, I would like to say well done to the students for starting the term so well and for laying solid foundations to help them really push on this year and succeed.



Average attendance for Term 1: 90.1%


Average praise points per student for Term 1: 112

YEAR 10 Mr


Mrs Woodland Attendance

Average attendance for Term 2: 89.2%


Average praise points per student for Term 2: 97

Term 1 Events

Sixth Form students have had the opportunities to engage in a number of activities available to them over the past term. This includes…

Sixth Form Bowling Trip

45 students attended the Term 1 bowing trip in Eastbourne. We will be running this trip again!

Year 11 have begun their final year of GCSE studies with confidence and enthusiasm.

On 6 October they attended the Future Choices Evening to start the journey of their next steps. On Monday 17 October their Curriculum Day afforded the chance to see either Sussex University or Plumpton College. On Thursday 20 October they attended the College Sixth Form Open Evening. It will important that they are thinking through as many options as possible at this stage to decide what will be best for them

For Year 11 the focus must now be on ensuring they are focused on their studies and using the right strategies to revise both for mocks and also for the incremental study that will out them in a good place in the summer. Advice on revision and homework can be found on the website, this mirrors advice the students are receiving in Monday Intervention lessons.

MacMillan Coffee Morning

We contributed to raising over £200 for Macmillan Coffee morning this year. Students contributed towards hot drinks and purchasing cakes and cookies made by a number of students.


Ms White Attendance

Average attendance for Term 1: 93.5%



Sixth Form Bingo continues to draw the crowds at lunchtimes. This is a great opportunity to come together and have some fun!

Over 1200 praises have been issued this term to Sixth Form students. Names will be drawn for our Halloween raffle this term.

Wear it Pink

Sixth Form students supported Wear It Pink a charity raising money for Breast Cancer awareness. This has taken place at breaktime on the last day of term with a cake sale and a variety of games for students to get involved in.

Photos and a total raised in will be next terms headlines!

Year 12 Update

Year 12 have now completed their induction period at the College. They have impressed us with their focus and attitude to learning since starting in the Sixth Form.

The vast majority have successfully completed this period with over 92% percent gaining Good or Excellent attitude to learning scores.


What are KS3 students learning in …


Year 7 have made a fabulous start in English, with an initial focus on writing about their own experiences - in particular a happy memory using a variety of writing techniques and ambitious vocabulary. Students have demonstrated their ability to use language creatively and evocatively to recreate a moment from their past. They have also started their first novel of the year, 'The Fire Eaters', by the highly acclaimed contemporary children's author David Almond.

Shakespeare is the man of the moment with Year 8, as they study the

macabre tragedy 'Macbeth'. Students have been exploring Renaissance ideas about witchcraft and the divine right of kings and how these are represented in the play. Discussions of Macbeth’s motivation and Lady Macbeth's role in convincing her husband to kill King Duncan have dominated our classrooms, generating lively opinions and some excellent analysis as students get their teeth into this classic text.


Year 7 have been studying the key concepts in Algebra, for example, understanding what an expression is, simplifying and manipulating expressions.

Year 8 have been looking at sequences in numbers, recognising patterns and using their algebra skills to create formulae to calculate different terms in a sequence.


What are KS3 students learning in …


In Year 7 this term students have been getting used to their new labs and learning about how to complete practical work safely. They have lit Bunsen burners and are completing topics based on cells, how we move, as well as light and sound.

In Year 8 students have been enhancing their knowledge about digestion with food groups and enjoying the cross curricular aspects with Food technology. They have tested food groups for key compounds like starch and sugar. Earth’s resources have also been explored and ideas about sustainability and recycling discussed.


Year 7 are challenging misconceptions in History by investigating the statement, 'Nothing changed during the Medieval period'. Students have been learning about what it was like to live in Medieval England and have been introduced to the discipline of History and some historical skills. They will learn about how Medieval England set the scene for great political and social change.

Year 8 have begun an enquiry into how women were able to gain the vote in 1918. They are using primary source evidence to investigate the activities of the suffragettes. Students will be evaluating sources to try to solve a historical mystery surrounding suffragette, Emily Davison.


What are KS3 students learning in …


Year 7 have started the year with a comparing places module. This has allowed them to improve their geographical knowledge of the world and develop atlas skills such as latitude and longitude. Pupils are comparing development and quality of life across continents with a particular focus on Uganda in East Africa as it is home to our link school in Kabubbu.

Year 8 have been studying tectonics this term with a particular focus on volcanic hazards. They have been studying the structure of the earth and what processes cause tectonic hazards; as well as looking at the dangers of volcanoes, why people live near volcanoes and what we can do to reduce the effects of volcanic hazards.


Year 7 students have been learning the skills they will need to use the school computers and how to stay safe online. They have been learning about accessing data from different sources safely and responsibly and how to stay safe when using social media.

Year 8 students have been recapping content from year 7 about staying safe online, and learning about how companies use their data. They have also started looking at the laws that affect computing, in particular the Computer Misuse Act and the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act.


What are KS3 students learning in …

Design & Technology

This term year 7 have been learning about plastics, their properties, environmental impact and working characteristics alongside developing workshop skills with a range of tools and equipment including the fretsaw and pillar drill.

Year 8 have been extending the woodworking skills they learnt in year 7 and are making bookends using traditional hand cut dovetail joints. They are also designing and developing ideas through sketching and modelling.


The food rooms have undergone a complete refit over the summer and are looking fantastic; students have been enjoying using the upgraded facilities to prepare and cook a range of dishes.

Year 7 have been focusing on safe knife skills and use of the grill, oven and hob by making fruit salad, pizza toast, muffins and pasta sauce, whilst Year 8 have been investigating

the science behind different cooking methods and types of raising agents with practicals including vegetable stir fry, pizza and cheese scones.

hat are KS3 students learning in …

Year 7 students have been focusing on being able to ask questions and give information about themselves in French. This is a really good start to their Languages experience with the priority being on gaining confidence in speaking a foreign language out loud!

Year 8 students have been immersing themselves in talking about their holidays using past tense. They have worked hard to retrieve their Year 7 grammar knowledge with a challenging twist. We have had a lot of fun in lessons emphasising the need to volunteer answers to Boost their fluency and Fully immerse themselves In speaking tasks.

Merci beaucoup to all the students who supported the French department for our Year 6 Open Evening.


In Term 1 so far this year, Year 7 students have been having some excellent and fun experiences introducing themselves using greetings and questions such as ¡Hola! ¿Qué tal? Estoy bien, gracias. They have been using the present tense to talk about their personalities and have learnt a range of adjectives in order to describe themselves. They have made a great start! ¡Qué impresionante!

This Term, Year 8 Spanish students have been learning about how to talk about a past holiday ideal now that they have undertaken more travel in some cases! Students are using the preterite tense in Spanish to communicate where, with whom and how they have travelled to different places. Some example phrases they are using are: El verano pasado fui a España con mi familia y fuimos en avión. ¡Qué divertido!


What are KS3 students learning in …

Physical Education

Beyond this, students are encouraged to participate in extra curricular activities, and many have taken part in competitive fixtures

within football, netball and rugby that have already taken place this term. This allows students the opportunity to develop their

Year 7 and 8 students have begun the Autumn term in PE rotating on netball, dance, football, badminton, rugby, hockey, gymnastics and basketball. Students are working in groups matched to their abilities and will spend 6 lessons on these activities to develop their motor skills and techniques, understanding of rules, strategies and tactics and an overall development as healthy individuals across a range of activities. skills and represent the school in competitive environment.


In Year 7 we have been getting to know our students, building their confidence and establishing ground rules for safe and stimulating Drama classroom. Students are currently preparing for a baseline written assessment where they have to analyse from a photograph how the actor playing Trunchball in "Matilda" uses her face, body an space to intimidate a small child. We will then move on to improvisation in response to and image and teach some basic drama skills through this unit.

In Year 8 we are exploring Melodrama as a style of theatre. We have looked at how it originated and are exploring the physical and vocal skills required to create the over exaggerated stock characters of: hero, villain, damsel in distress and aged parent. We are hoping to go onto silent movies and also to explore extracts from Sweeney Todd.


ArtWhat are KS3 students learning in …

Year 7 have started their time at Heathfield Community College with an abundance of enthusiasm and engagement. They have fully immersed themselves in their lesson and are really enjoying exploring mark making through a range of materials. Some groups have now started exploring the Lascaux Cave Paintings and are applying the colours and textures of these wonderful Stone Age creations to their own drawings of bulls.

Year 8 are building on the colour explorations they did in Year 7 through Pop Art. They have explored continuous line drawing through a range of black and white and colour media and will soon be starting their first sustained drawing of a food item. We are loving how determined they have been with their drawings and the incredible outcomes they have made so far.


Year 7 have started the term fantastically and are currently working on a project based around Rhythm. They have focused on how to read rhythmical notes and what the rhythm means. They have also been playing some Samba Rhythms to support their understanding of Rhythm further.

Year 8 this year have been doing two different projects, half the year group have been working on Cover Music. They have focused on chords and are currently working towards putting their own cover song together in practice rooms. The other half of year 8 have been working on a Remix Project. They have been using their iPads and Macs to explore how to Remix music and how to use the musical elements to develop their pieces.

What are KS3 students learning in …

This term, Year 7 have been spending time getting to know one another. As the classes are taught in form groups, we are very pleased to get the chance to work co operatively and form the bonds of a community using group tasks and ice breakers, which will last for 5 years. Students have also had the chance to practise their listening skills which are vital at secondary school.

Year 8 students have been focussing on citizenship. In particular, we learn about Crime: its causes, prevention and consequences. As part of this learning, students will find out about ages in UK law and the criminal justice system.

Philosophy and Religion

In Philosophy, Religion and Ethics, Year 7 students have begun the year by exploring the Problem of Evil, a philosophical quandary that uses the reality of evil and suffering to challenge the existence of God.

Students have been assessing the characteristics of God and evaluating the dilemma from religious perspectives, to question whether the existence of suffering is in fact necessary and therefore the work of an all loving God.

Year 8 students have been exploring how we should live and the relativity of morality, which has been applied to the concept of Situation Ethics. They have been considering how we know how we should behave and whether acceptable behaviours are situation dependent.

They have compared this to the absolute rules that are the 10 Commandments and have questioned how relevant they are as a guide to living in modern society today.

Focus on Key Stage 4 and 5 Pride . Ambition . Community Art and Photography Maths and Computing Latin

What are KS4 and 5 students learning in

At GCSE we are delighted with how our students have come back after the summer holiday. We have witnessed a real desire to get stuck into schemes of work and/or pick up their projects from where they left off in September. Year 9 embraced the ‘Introduction’ scheme of work and we are already seeing some high quality outcomes. Year 10 and 11 have continued with either ‘Personal Landscape’ or ‘Develop and Explore’ with 10 intensives and 11’s starting to move towards the development of their own ideas in preparation for their final outcomes. It always so exciting to see their ideas progress through their visual explorations and how their thoughts and ideas translate visually.

A level students are producing some exciting and diverse outcomes. Year 13 also move towards outcomes for their personal investigation. As always, the themes they have chosen to explore often relate to real world issues such as plastic pollution, racism and sexism or more personal issues they may have experienced in their lives. During tutorials we guide and coach students through the ways they can explore these concepts visually in a way that suits their style. Year 12 are starting a newly developed scheme of learning this year based on a series of workshops that introduce students to an advanced range of skills, processes and techniques, which they will be able to apply to the development of ideas in subsequent projects. Even at this early stage we can see we have yet another fantastically talented group!

How I can help my child learn in Art?

✓ Drawing regularly will really help improve observational skills.

✓ Visiting galleries and exhibitions will help to broaden your child’s understanding of the world of art and will likely inspire them to try new processes and techniques.

✓ Buying other types of art materials that your child can use to explore with will help them develop their proficiency with different media.

Career and Student Videos

Careers in Art Why our students enjoy Art


What are KS4 and 5 students learning in …


This term, Year 9 students have been introduced to the work of photographer Alan Cohen. Capturing close up photographs of textures and patterns around the school and at home. They have then presented and edited their imagery in Adobe Photoshop and InDesign.

Year 10 are exploring Photo Montage techniques inspired by David Hockney. They have experimented with grid and photo joiner layouts, to create abstract and personal outcomes.

Year 11 are currently refining and finalizing their Brighton trip photographs from the summer. They have all spent time extensively researching, editing, and designing an expressive outcome inspired by the Graphic Artist David Carson. Their next step is to evaluate their coursework and decide on what they want to pursue for their personal investigations.

In Year 12 photography students are developing and presenting their preliminary photographic studies work that they created over the summer holidays. This includes photographer research pages, contacts sheets, simple edits and complex edits in response to a range of themes. All students are then refining a graphic style for their digital sketchbooks which will help to communicate their individuality and creativity. In Year 13 students are refining and developing their individual outcomes for work generated from a trip to London. This involves creating a range of posters, magazine pages or images that are inspired by the Tate Modern or Southbank, visual references include architecture, interiors and street photography.

How I can help my child learn in Photography?

✓ Enquire about the topic of studies and the use of first hand imagery generated through photography is particularly useful.

✓ Encourage them to take lots of images using their camera, iPad or phone photography is all about being able to see the world around them.

✓ Visiting galleries and exhibitions will help to broaden their understanding of the world of art/photography and will likely inspire them to try new processes and techniques.

What are KS4 and 5 students learning in…


Key Stage 4 Maths has a very cyclic curriculum so we are constantly recapping skills and building on them to extend students through the knowledge. We start all years with Number Skills and Algebra Skills so we can ensure they are the strong foundations which we build on throughout the year. In Year 11 students have been studying Algebraic Manipulation skills so that they can move on to constructing and solving equations based on other contexts for example geometry. Year 11 have also

been studying Finance, looking at problems involving percentages, for example, calculating interest in different bank accounts. Year 9 have a combined their algebraic skills with their number skills in manipulating surds and simplifying expressions, this would be particularly useful when applying Pythagoras's Theorem later in the year.

Key Stage 5

Year 12 start their course looking at the largest part of the A Level course Pure Mathematics. This includes Quadratic equations and their application (the trajectory of a ball being thrown for example). In Year 13 students have been studying Differentiation which involves finding the Gradient function, leading to finding the rate of change for a graph, for example, finding the speed of an object from a distance time graph.

Career and Student Videos Careers in Maths What our students enjoy about Maths

… ✓ Be positive about the subject. ✓ Practise mental arithmetic whenever possible, e.g. calculating percentages in sales ✓ Use HegartyMaths for online tutorials How I can help my child learn in Maths?

What are KS4 and 5 students learning in …


This term students in year 9 have been improving their coding skills, learning how to develop code which the user can interact with. They have been learning about what happens inside a computer, discovering how the CPU works and what can make it go faster or slower, and how memory is used by a computer.

Meanwhile, in year 10 students have started to learn how to query databases, meeting SQL for the first time. They have also been looking at searching and sorting algorithms, and developing their understanding of what makes an efficient algorithm.

Year 12 students have been recapping and extending their programming skills, learning about 2 dimensional arrays and other datatypes while making a simple battleships game. They have also been learning the theory of how images, sound and other data is represented in a computer.

Year 13’s have been reviewing how to program user interfaces and how to write object orientated code. They have also been studying the history and theory of relational databases and how to use SQL to query, update and delete entries.

Students from a range of year groups attended the first session of the Lego Robotics club, working in teams to build a robot and developing their coding and mechanical engineering skills in preparation for the first round of the EEP Robotics challenge next spring.

How I can help my child learn in Computing?

Career and Student Videos

Careers in Computing Why our students enjoy Computing

What are KS4 and 5 students learning in …


XXXXXWhilst year 9 begin their journey in Latin GCSE, year 10 pick up where they left off before the summer holidays.

After spending most of year 9 grappling with the basics, KS4 Latin now begins to add more complex linguistic bricks to the foundations. Year 10 pupils are coming to terms with the different tenses, learn noun and verb endings, and recognise various types of clauses. We continue to build on our GCSE prescribed vocabulary with mini-tests every other week. Everyone wants to do their best and have a chance to appear on the Latin Leaderboard!

Pupils aim to appear on the Latin Leaderboard

Year 10 can now recognise and recall verb endings in past tenses.

How I can help my child learn in Latin?

Our current textbook in Latin grammar

✔ Check out the Knowledge Organisers on the school website

✔ Test your child on their biweekly Latin vocabulary

✔ Peruse the Cambridge Latin Course website for free Latin resources and GCSE guidance

Career and Student Videos The Value of Latin

Find out what Daisy Lawson enjoys about Latin

Alumni News

As we come to the end of our first half term, we are delighted to have heard many positive stories from our 2022 leavers about their exciting next steps. To give you just a small sample of the many and varied progression routes that they are following, we would like to share a few of our alumni stories here.

Alex Edwards has sent us tales of his travels around the East Coast of Australia. Spending time in Melbourne, Sydney, Byron Bay, Brisbane and Noosa before moving onto the K’Gari Islands and more. He is having great fun visiting the Great Ocean Road and Twelve Aspostles in Melbourne, the F1 Grand Prix track, and climbing the 150m tall Sydney Harbour Bridge. We wish him well on his continued travels, and look forward to a visit when he returns.

Lucie Miller and Lottie Macro told us of their first few weeks at university. Lucie, who is studying History at The University of Manchester, sends advice to current year 13 students to speak to as many people as possible in the first few days. A sentiment echoed in BBC’s “Five things to take to university and one to avoid” article, where they suggest students all take a doorstop to ‘help make you look approachable’ when moving into halls. She has been looked after well by her flatmates after catching the dreaded ‘freshers flu’ and is still getting used to sharing a bathroom!

Lottie is studying music at Royal Holloway, University of London. She is enjoying getting to know lots of new people and taking part in freshers and music events, really making the most of all opportunities by joining the Welcome Week Choir concert and Sing Along Surrey a group who sing to the residents of local care homes.

Finally, we hear from Killian Kennedy who is doing an apprenticeship at a reinsurance company in London, working as an IT service and operations apprentice. He says “I'm loving it so far, I've got a really good team and everyone in the company has been really welcoming. It was a big decision not going down the standard university route and has been a lot of work and a lot of information to take in, but for me it's been perfect. I've moved into a house with some friends who are also working in London, which has been really good and is really convenient for commuting as I am only 30 minutes from the office now!”. Killian couldn't recommend apprenticeships more “as they give you years in industry, a qualification and you get paid!”

We pride ourselves on our continued links with our alumni, remaining a part of the valuable community we have at the college. If you would like to join our alumni community and get involved in our upcoming projects, or just keep in touch, we would love to hear from you. Whenever you left Heathfield and whatever stage of your education or career, please get in touch using the QR code or by emailing alumni@heathfieldcc.co.uk.

Executive Council

One of the aims of our student council is to promote the principles of democracy. We started the school year by every tutor group electing two form reps; those form reps then meet with all the other form resp in their year group. At this first Year Council meeting, there is a vote to decide who will go on to represent the year group at Executive Council.


It was wonderful to see a large number of new faces at our Executive Council meeting on 6 October and hear the valuable and interesting things that students had to say on a range of issues. We heard about a range of things that worked well to make sure the year got off to a good start

• Year 7 appreciated the maps,

• Year 8 the new bins,

• Year 9 were enjoying starting their GCSEs,

• Year 10 liked the new skirt option and

• Year 11 appreciated additional intervention already being put in place. Other matters discussed were: issues that our students wanted Wealden council to focus on, the need for price rises in the canteen, a visit from Mr Pooley to discuss thoughts about lapel badges and issues that were specific to year groups.

The Executive council is run by the Lead Prefect Team, and overseen by Mr Hatchard. Following the meeting, Mr Hatchard met with the Lead Prefect to clarify what matters need to be taken to SLT and what feedback needs to be given to the student body at the start of next term.

Student Voice

Already this school year, we have seen how important student voice and democracy is at Heathfield. Following the passing of Queen Elizabeth II, all tutor groups were given the opportunity to share ideas about how we should commemorate the late queen. House prefects met to discuss all the ideas with Ms Barlow and Mr Hatchard and came to the decision that our first non uniform day should be a commemorative day for Queen Elizabeth II. All the events on the day were suggestions

from students as was the idea for an in school memorial. Next term, after we have spoken to local crafts people, we will be asking students to vote on what a memorial should be.

Local Leadership

Six senior members of Executive Council were invited to join members of other schools’ councils at St Bedes. Their experience in the Heathfield student council process meant they were very comfortable in the St Bedes student council events.


On Tuesday 11th October, Year 7 students took part in a day exploring the creative possibilities unlocked by their iPad. The iPad provides easy access to tools such as photo and video editors meaning that a student’s imagination and creativity isn’t stifled by menu options and complex techniques.

The day itself involved students taking part in 3 sessions looking at how to compose and edit photos, look beyond the obvious shots when framing and creating videos and how to create a new spin on existing music through remixes.

Students really got stuck in to the activities and produced some fantastic results. They were engaged throughout and there was a real buzz about the College as they experimented and the final results of their work started to appear. They all learnt new skills that they can now use across the curriculum. Whether this is creating video explanations of science experiments or capturing their practical work in Technology, the iPad gives every student access to these powerful tools whatever lesson they are in.

The day adds another dimension to the iPad training programme that Year 7 have undertaken this term. Students will now begin term 2 with a range of skills that will allow them to make full use of the iPad to support their learning across a wide range of subjects.

“Digital skills are going to be a valuable part of our student’s toolkits when they leave the College. By exploring all of the opportunities afforded by the iPad we can ensure that students are maximising their learning potential. The iPad is a powerful tool that can unlock the creativity in our students and provide them with tools for self expression both as part of their learning journey but also for their personal interests and pursuits.” Mr Marrows, Digital Lead

To explore more of how the iPad supports creativity across the curriculum click here. To find out more about Apple’s Everyone Can Create resources follow the link below: https://www.apple.com/uk/education/everyone can create/

During 2021 22, students were able to take part in House Competition events such as football, basketball, baking a cream tea, netball, table tennis, and Battle of the Boards! These activities enrich students by being able to work as a team and develop skills to communicate effectively as well as supporting their well being by keeping active and boosting their creativity. The winning entrants from each House for the photography competition were made into a Christmas Card and sent to our linked care homes, Heffle Court, Oaklands Court, Holy Cross Priory, and Millcroft Residential Home. Our new Prefects have also been contributing to our House competitions by signing up to umpire matches and speaking in assemblies to the rest of the Houses. We have plenty more activities planned for this year and will encourage all students to get involved. Students gain points through entering and participating, and these points add to their praise and behaviour points across the term. The House with the most points each term become the overall winners at Christmas, Easter, and the end of the school year, where students will get a well-deserved treat on the last day of term


The mansion at Batemans was first built in 1634 in the Sussex Countryside. From 1902 to 1936 it was the home of the famous author Rudyard Kipling. Kipling is most famous for his novel ‘The Jungle Book’. In 1915 Kipling received the tragic news of the death of his only son John (Jack) Kipling, who was a British soldier in the First World War. He had written the poem ‘If’ for him and later wrote the poem ‘My boy Jack’ in his memory.


Jack Cade, a common man from Sussex, led a rebellion against the King‘s corrupt advisors in 1450. He was a hero to the ordinary people who called him ‘John Mend All’ for restoring order and justice. However, his enemies caught up with him and he was mortally wounded by the Sheriff of Kent in Cade Street. This is the road which our school is on and there is a monument dedicated to Cade along the roadside.


The Heffle Cuckoo fair first started in 1315 when the Bishop of Chichester obtained permission to hold a weekly market and an annual fair. According to tradition, Dame Heffle would arrive at the market in April and release two Cuckoos from her basket to signify the coming of Spring. Heffle is the old name for Heathfield and each year the Cuckoo fair is held to bring the community together as well as raising money for Demelza Hospice care for children.


Gibraltar Tower is a local landmark that can be found in Heathfield Park.

The tower is dedicated to George Augustus Eliott who successfully defended the fortress of Gibraltar during the Great Siege of Gibraltar between 1779 to 1783. In recognition of his bravery, he was given the noble title ‘Lord Heathfield of Gibraltar’.


Duke of Edinburgh Awards

We celebrated the successful completion of our students Duke of Edinburgh Awards in the college year assemblies. Beth Stutt, Isabel Sheppard, Millie Crane, Tyler Moon, Evie Thompsett, Zoe Brewer, Isabelle Fogg, Jade Kremnitzer, Eleanor Green, Lucy Coombs, Oli Self achieved their Bronze award and will be able to continue their DofE journey embarking on the Silver programme next term. Phoenix Hadden, Helena Thomas, Ben Fletcher, Heidi Skeggs, Sienna Greenlees, Dora Lewis, Evie Willis, Amy Farrell, Daniel Millea, Charlie Ferguson, Oliver Brewer, Amber

Tambellini, Phoenix Owden, Eden Redbourn achieved their Silver award. Through their DofE, the students overcame personal challenges, found confidence, resilience, focus and motivation and achieved things they never thought they would.

The Duke of Edinburgh Awards 2022 were launched this week in the college year assemblies. Students in year 9 have the opportunity to start their Bronze award. Our students in Year 10, who successfully completed their Bronze award this year, are able to continue their journey embarking on the Silver programme. Finally, our Year 12 students have the opportunity for the ultimate challenge which the Gold Award provides. The enrolment process takes place in November with our three programmes


Maths Olympiad for Girls

We are excited to say that our students are once again competing in the Mathematical Olympiad for Girls.

The Mathematical Olympiad for Girls is an event run by the UK Mathematics Trust and was introduced in 2011, to help schools nurture the talents of enthusiastic young female mathematicians.

We have been delighted with the past success of our students in this event, and are excited that our students are competing once again.

The top scoring students will receive a Certificate of Distinction or a Certificate of Merit depending on their score. The top 30 scorers will also be awarded a book prize; the title varies from year to year. Each student receives a Certificate of Participation.

A number of top scorers will be invited to sit the British Mathematical Olympiad Round 1.

Gold School Games Mark Award

We are very proud to announce that Heathfield Community College has been awarded the Gold School Games Mark for commitment and engagement towards sport for the 2021/2022 academic year. This is testament to the work done by PE staff, students and the wider community at Heathfield.

The award recognises the school’s ongoing commitment to offer students every opportunity to play a wide variety of sports, both recreationally and competitively. The College also offers a sports leadership programme that works with local primary schools to promote sport and enables Heathfield students to develop teamwork, communication and leadership skills, as they run sessions and events for primary students.

Create Music

We had a fantastic assembly from Create Music allowing our Year 7 students to explore different musical instruments they may want to take up. Information will have gone out to Year 7 parents and carers about how to sign up to lessons.

Careers Advice

Students have access to a Level 6 Qualified Careers Advisor at Heathfield Community College. They have the opportunity to book an appointment for a conversation with Mrs Kite who can help support with any career related questions they may have.

Mrs Kite is based in the library and is in school every day.


Carnival Club

It was great to take part in the Mayfield bonfire processions again this year. Carnival Club paraded our new undersea dragon and were accompanied by a small group of students from Samba Band. Despite being only a small group, they made a lot of sound which supported not only Carnival Club but other societies near us in the procession. It was a fun evening and the students gave it their all. We are very proud of all the students who have worked towards these events and taken part in them. We are definitely getting noticed as we have been invited to new events this year and already have a special invitation for the 75th Crowborough Carnival next year.

At Carnival Club on Wednesdays we are currently working on props for Peter Pan including a crocodile and wolf masks. After that we will be spending the winter months preparing for the 2023 Brighton Festival Children’s Parade which is our biggest event of the Carnival season.

Carnival Club and Samba Band are open to all year groups and welcome new members at any time, so if you are interested in getting involved please get in touch with Mrs Damazer or Mr Matthews.

Motivational Speak – Kathryn Burn

As part of our series of motivational and interesting speakers this year we welcomed Kathryn Burn to College.

Kathryn spoke to groups of students about her experience on The Apprentice and about having the confidence and determination to grow her own business, My Christmas Pyjamas and now Pyjamily. Students were delighted to hear her story, one student commented "Kathryn has really inspired me to consider my future choices" Please take a moment to look at the smorgasbord of Queen-themed articles in this term's special royal edition of The Vine... Whether it's contemplating the Queen's achievements, dresses, dogs, the Queen's English or the royal sense of humour we've got it covered. We hope you enjoy it!

Heathfield Vine

Job Vacancies Please click on the link below for our current vacancies. http://jobs.heathfi eldcc.co.uk/catego ry/support staff/

Find out more and try out over half term: https://heathfieldcc.fireflycloud.net/super curricular 1

Help and Support:

We understand that life sometimes throws up issues or problems that need to be resolved. We understand that concerns regarding your child’s well-being or progress can be worrying. We want to work with you to resolve issues as early as possible. Please use the routes highlighted here as a parent: REPORTING A CONCERN.

Please encourage your son/daughter to report ANY issue or worry to us so we can address it. If we don’t know, we cannot act and we want to help:

• Tell a teacher or your form tutor

• Speak to your Head of Year

• Speak to your Pastoral Manager

• Email help@heathfieldcc.co.uk to report a problem

Dates for your diary

Monday 31 October Start of Term 2

Tuesday 1 November Motivational Speaker Anna Hemmings SOHCC Preloved Uniform Sale

Wednesday 2 November Year 7 Matilda Trip

Thursday 3 November A Level Chemistry Science Live Trip St Leonards Academy Sixth Form Presentation to Parents Year 12 & 13 Theatre Trip The Crucible

Monday 7 November Start of Year 10 Intensive Mock Exams Start of Year 11 Mock Exams

Tuesday 8 November A Level Physics Science Live trip

Thursday 10 November Year 9 Moving to KS4 evening

Saturday 12 November England v Japan Rugby trip to Twickenham

Tuesday 15 November Year 13 Wider Curriculum Day

Tuesday 22 November Year 8 Pop X Wider Curriculum Day

Wednesday 23 November Year 8 Pop Y Wider Curriculum Day

Thursday 24 November Start of House Photography Competition via Firefly Peter Pan (Tech/Dress) Rehearsal

Friday 25 November INSET DAY

Monday 28 November INSET DAY

Tuesday 29 November Year 11 Assessment 2 (Mocks) Data In

Wednesday 30 November Year 11 Assessment 2 (Mocks) Data In Peter Pan Production

Thursday 1 December Yr 13 Subject Feedback Evening (Remote)

Friday 2 December Peter Pan Production

Wednesday 7 December Year 10 Assessment 1 & Year 10 Mock Intensive Data In

Thursday 8 December Year 11 Subject Feedback Evening (Remote)

Friday 9 December

GCSE Bright Sparks Concert Year 10 Theatre Production: A Christmas Carol

Thursday 15 December Carol Concert Learning Support Christmas Fair

Friday 16 December End of Term 2

www.heathfieldcc.co.uk @Heathfield_CC
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