Heathfield Headlines Issue 1 - July 2021

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Headlines July 2021

Pride . Ambition . Community

Heathfield’s Euros 2021

Summer Read Recommendation

The Team at HTV have been busy over the last few weeks collating and recording a series of programmes exploring the England football team’s journey through Euro 2021. Mr Moore led a series of programmes which explored each match in detail and made predictions for the week ahead. They even profiled practice penalties (just in case) and of course, pet predictions.

Key Stage 3: The Gilded Ones by Namina Forna

Whilst a number of our college will have been disappointed by the outcome for England we also have students and staff with Italian roots that will have been delighted. We have spoken in College about the unity and integrity that the team brought and what can be learnt from their example.

It tells the tale of a cursed generation of girls who learn to embrace the power that the curse has given them and use it to protect their community...but who do they really need protection from?! There are so many plot twists that will keep you guessing and really spark your imagination.

All episodes of #MooreEuros can be viewed here: https://www.heathfieldcc.co.uk/?page_id=1554950

This is the perfect piece of escapism for anyone who loves an action/adventure story with a sci-fi twist!

Summer Read Recommendation Key Stage 5: The Shakespeare Curse by J L Carrell This book is an absolutely fascinating murder mystery based off of the ancient legends surrounding Shakespeare as a young playwright and his mystical witches from Macbeth. It will particularly capture you if you remember the tale of Macbeth from your Year 8/GCSE English lessons, but the captivating plots will hook anyone who has never read a Shakespeare play before. It is set in modern day Scotland with flashbacks to the 1600s. It is completely gripping!

Summer Read Recommendation Key Stage 4: A Study in Charlotte by Bethany Cavallero: For anyone who loved the Sherlock Holmes books of Year 9, enjoyed the TV series, or who just enjoys a good mystery thriller, this is for you! It is a modern take on the Sherlock series and follows his descendants solving crimes. The title is a play on the original first story in the series: A Study in Scarlet. Plus, this is a series that is still expanding so if you fall in love with it, you’ll have plenty more books to keep yourself entertained for the summer.

Head’s Message I am delighted to bring you our new-look Headlines as we draw to the end of this academic year and celebrate what has been an exceptional year. The aim is to build on survey feedback that highlighted an opportunity for greater focus on what students are learning as well as achievements outside the classroom. By using this new platform we hope to be able to bring you a more dynamic and interactive newsletter that will be published once a term, profiling each year group as well as three different subjects each time across the year. The subject profiles will show you what your son/daughter has been learning and the links to previous learning. Alongside this our ‘Latest News’ page of the website, Twitter and Facebook threads will showcase achievements and activities of students as they happen. This creates a rounded, accessible picture of communication on all aspects of College life. It is with great pride that I send this edition to you. The talent, integrity and resilience of our young people is inspiring and evident on every page of this newsletter. They have done phenomenally well throughout a difficult year and thoroughly deserve to be recognised and celebrated for their efforts. We hope this gives you a flavour of all that they have achieved this term.

Dates for your Diary Monday 19 July to Thursday 22 July

Enrichment Week

Friday 23 July

End of Term 6 1.20pm

Monday 9 August

Broadbridges Uniform Delivery 3.00pm to 4.30pm

Tuesday 10 August

GCE Exam Results

Thursday 12 August

GCSE Exam Results

Thursday 26 August

Broadbridges Uniform Delivery 3.00pm to 4.30pm

Friday 3 September

Year 7 & 12 only

Monday 6 September

Start of Term 1 All Years

YEAR 7 Attendance Average attendance for Year 7 96% Praise Average praise points per student for Term 6: 100 Year 7 student Azrayah Durairaj gained Silver Medal at the Sussex Under 13 Championship in Brighton on 10 July, with a fantastic 4.15m long jump ranking 6th in the South East region and a 100m PB to come 5th.

Year 7 have been working hard this term, particularly in the lead-up to their end-of-year assessments. An impressive number of students accessed the online revision activities and made good use of guidance and advice from teachers. The assessment fortnight itself was an important time for Year 7. It was an opportunity to demonstrate the learning they had done this year, as well as exercising important character traits of determination and resilience. Over the last fortnight, Year 7 PSHE lessons have focused on hate and language. Students have discussed the issue of being a ‘bystander’ and doing nothing when we witness hateful language, be it linked to race, disability, gender, sexuality etc. This is particularly pertinent as we celebrate the England football team, making us proud on and off the pitch, as they call out hatred and champion kindness and compassion. Role models for us all The year group have also been enjoying the opportunity to spread out at break and lunch, with a new outdoor space on the playground and field. A lot of students have missed recreational sport at school, so it’s been wonderful to see them enjoying the space.

Year 8 have been highly successful working hard in all their subjects right up to the end of term 6. The new GCSE options courses are now all set up in the timetable ready for next year with new courses and in some case new subjects commencing. Students have selected the courses wisely and are very excited about starting this next chapter.


In tutor times Year 8 have been discussing the following topics Refugee Week, Children's Art Week, Diversity Week, World Ocean Day, How Drama and Theatres coped during lockdown, World Environment Day. They have reflected on our Well-Being programme and been guided in strategies to make sure we are all looking after ourselves as much as we possibly can. Year 8 form reps have met and held meetings delivering the views of their peers in preparation for the Executive College Council meeting, showing excellent leadership qualities.

Average attendance for Year 8 95%

We are looking forward to Enrichment Week activities and the day at Blacklands Farm. Our rather famous camp T shirts have been distributed which has been just fantastic to watch so many excited faces. We are sure that many memories will be made on the day, as well as those all-important skills.


Praise Average Praise points per student for Term 6: 109

YEAR 9 Attendance Average attendance for the year 95% Praise Average praise points per student for Term 6: 91

Year 9 had been incredible working so hard on the first year of their two intensive GCSE courses. During visits to year 9 lessons this and last term staff have been proud to see such a sense of pride in their work and determination to succeed from students in their GCSE classes. In tutor times Year 9 have been discussing the following topics Refugee Week, Children's Art Week, Diversity Week, World Ocean Day, How Drama and Theatres coped during lockdown, World Environment Day. They have reflected on our Well-Being programme and been guided in strategies to make sure we are all looking after ourselves as much as we possibly can. Year 9 form reps have met and held meetings delivering the views of their peers in preparation for the Executive College Council meeting, showing excellent leadership qualities.

Mock Exam Reflection Students have received the results of their mock exams over the past two weeks. Students’ determination and conduct during the exam week was impressive considering this is the first time they will have sat in the formal exam situation over the past two years. In Tutor time they have been asked to reflect on these results and consider areas of strength and their areas of focus for over the summer and into next term. Through this process students have honestly evaluated their revision processes and set specific targets to impact before breaking up for the summer and on return in September.

We are looking forward to Enrichment Week activities and are delighted that Year 9 will get to have their time at Blacklands Farm and make some memories through the different activities and their time together. Our rather famous camp T shirts have now been distributed…... It’s nearly time!

Focus for last few weeks of this term has been around future aspirations. This began in PSHE lessons with students activating their ‘Careers East Sussex’ online accounts to explore courses offered by East Sussex schools and colleges. This will be the site from which they will input information about themselves (skills/work experience) and apply for their courses at their chosen college/school. This links into Enrichment Week where they are exploring what education is like post 16. This included a small number of students doing work experience, others travelling to Plumpton college and Wilderness woods, while others experiencing life in 6th Form. All experiences have been enlightening and enhanced motivation for Yr. 11. This term has also seen the closing of the application process for students to apply to be a Year 11 prefect. Students were shortlisted and invited to an interview. The successful students were then allocated roles within their House ready to hit the ground running in September to enhance the school. Throughout the process it has demonstrated the depth of pride students have to be members of Heathfield and a reminder of the amazing students in our year group.

VI FORM Attendance Average attendance for Year 10 93%

Praise 6th Form praise has reflected their commitment this term with significant praises awarded for engagement, high quality of work and contribution to learning

YEAR 10 Attendance Average attendance for Year 10 93% Praise Average praise points per student for Term 6: 90

Enjoy, relax and recharge over the summer, ready to give it your all in Year 11!

Work Experience Week As part of Enrichment Week students will be completing Work Experiences to expand their knowledge of a variety of workplace environments. Through PSHEe students have been preparing for these experiences which will support with their progression planning alongside developing valuable skills that will support them in future employment. Examples of student’s experiences include: • Supporting at College with photography, video and written text to promote Enrichment Week • Volunteering at care homes • Learning to teach surfing, swimming and tennis • Volunteering at local primary schools • Visiting local businesses to learn about accounting, computing, marketing, etc • Volunteering with English Heritage • Virtual work experience in sectors including Law, Politics, Banking, IT and the Media • Completing MOOCs tin a variety of fields including Science, Social Science, Humanities and Arts

MUSIC All students build up their musical understanding so that they can access and analyse a challenging, wide range of musical genres, historical periods, styles, culture and traditions (including great composers and musicians). Students will be able to identify musical elements (melody, harmony, structure, rhythm, different instruments and musical notation) and use them within unheard listening to show how music is made and then practically apply them into composition. They learn to sing and to use their voices, to create and compose music on their own and with others, using both instruments and technology.

Key Stage 3 This term year 7 have been looking at a ukulele project. They have been learning 4 different chords to play alongside different styles of popular music. This builds on previous content learned last term about chords on the keyboard and will be something that students will be returned to in year 8 with the Blues project. Students have worked hard on building their confidence to play as a class and it is wonderful to see them creating music again. Year 8 have been exploring a range of different musical styles to ensure they have been introduced to some of the styles they would have missed due to lockdown. Students have been working on iMacs creating music for film and remixing classical music. These projects have really worked on student’s individual creativity and also introduced students to software that they can create their own music on. They have also been introduced to a range of musical styles from Samba to Reggae. This has allowed students to improve their performance skills and also work collaboratively together.

Key Stage 4 Year 9 to 11 follow the Edexcel syllabus which ensure students have a wide range of musical understanding ranging across multiple different musical genres. Both year 9 and 10 have been spending time working on their NEA for performing and composing. It has been great to allow students to work collaboratively again by performing different pieces of music. Students have worked independently within groups to develop their confidence and ability on their chosen instrument. This is all working towards them doing their final performances in year 11. Year 10 students have been focusing on analyzing ‘Wicked’ the musical, which is one of their set works for GCSE. They have been developing their approach to answering listening questions which is a key skill they need to develop for their final exam. By revisiting key terminology students are continually working on their listening skills within each lesson.

Sixth Form A Level students have been revisiting key terminology this term to ensure they understand how to approach different questions within the exam. This is vitally important for their exam to enable them to answer every question. Alongside this, students have been working on their NEA for composition. They have drawn inspiration from a particular musical style and are working on creating their own piece. Students have used their already strong analytical approach to music to pick apart their chosen musical genre and then use their creative skills to approach their composition

HISTORY Students build a chronology through a knowledge rich curriculum that supports students to understand key themes and concepts such as government, religion, conflict and society. They are encouraged to see the patterns that the past creates, analysing how the themes and concepts mean different things at different times. In doing so, students can better explain the world around them today while developing skills that help them to communicate their explanations, arguments and judgements of the past. Students also examine historic evidence critically, using their knowledge to examine evidence for usefulness and in historical enquiry.

Key Stage 4 Year 9 to 11 follow the Edexcel syllabus which ensures an acquisition of wide knowledge as well as key historical skills, these are both explored through Year 9 and 10 in topics such as Weimar and Nazi Germany, Medicine and Health or AngloSaxon and Norman England.

This term they have been developing their extended writing skills which ensures they can draw on their rich knowledge to analyse change over time and explore the consequences of key developments such as the Treaty of Versailles. An important skill in its own right, students have also been practicing this under timed conditions to fully prepare them for their assessment skills. Drawing on that depth of knowledge is a skill in itself and so spaced practice revision, revisiting previous topics and ensuring knowledge is retained and applied has also been a feature of this term.

Key Stage 3 This term Year 7 have been building on their understanding of the British Empire including the role Britain played in India. They will finish this term by exploring how monarchy has changed over time, this builds on previous learning of previous topics such as King John and the Magna Carta in Term 1, Henry VIII and the Act of Supremacy in Term 3 and the English Civil War in Term 4. It will prepare them for Year 8 and the fight for suffrage! Year 8 have been exploring the causes and consequences of the 911 terrorist attacks. This pulls on themes of terrorism across their study at Key Stage 3 referencing learning on the suffragettes and the Black Hand Gang of 1914 as well as themes of prejudice and discrimination such as the persecution of witches in the 16th Century and of the Jews in Nazi Germany. This wider deeper knowledge and understanding prepares them for further study and a wider world understanding.

Sixth Form A Level students have been working towards their NEA this term, independently researching their chosen question, finding different historical interpretations and historical sources. They have created plans which will help them write their 4000-word essay in September. Alongside this they have been learning about the 17th Century Protectorate and the Restoration of Charles II, developing source evaluation skills alongside core knowledge. All of this feeds into the skills needed for their NEA and for some gives them a first taste of what undergraduate study might be like.

SCIENCE Our Science curriculum covers a broad range knowledge and methodology within Biology, Chemistry and Physics that allows students to understand the principles and rationale in Science and make links between the disciplines. This enables them to make predictions, draw conclusions and understand how the world around them works. To question the uses and implications of Science and make informed contributions to the society they live in a time where Science and Technology is increasingly significant. Working Scientifically inspires a curiosity and enjoyment of the subject. Students plan and implement investigations, analyse and present data and make conclusions.

Key Stage 4

GCSE content is taught on rotation this term covering a range of topics. Year 9 students are spending time enhancing practical skills and applying knowledge. One example of this is the osmosis required practical; investigating the movement of water in to and out of potato cells. Students take accurate measurements before and after and use their Maths to calculate percentage changes. Year 10 students are working on Physics, including understanding forces, Newton’s Laws of Motion and their application to objects in motion and freefall in Physics. In Chemistry, learning about potable water, how we obtain it and how it is different to pure water. In Biology, learning about the work of Darwin and his Theory of Evolution.

Key Stage 5 Much like our Year 7 students, Year 12 have also been out sampling as part of their studies in Biology. Students have to randomly, but accurately collect data “in the field,” that they analyse statistically, to identify if there are any significant differences, due to environmental or Biological conditions. Use of the soil auger to collect soil samples has been carried out, to varying levels of expertise!

Key Stage 3

This term, Year 7 have been learning about energy; a concept not taught implicitly at Key Stage 2. They have been looking at energy transfers in everyday situations, finding out how to calculate the cost of the energy we use in our homes and seeing how much energy there is in our foods. Year 8 have built upon this foundation by learning about Work done and the energy transfers in heating and cooling. Term 6 also provides the weather needed for students to go out sampling which Year 7 have been doing in the Interdependence topic. Year 8 have been learning the basics of photosynthesis and respiration which provides the basis for their GCSE studies later on. Year 7 have also been getting to grips with Chemistry and the reactions of acids and alkalis and the properties of metals. They have even been producing their own copper sulphate crystals. Year 8 have been learning about other types of reaction and the energy transfers involved in these.

Year 12 Biologists have also been using coloured food dyes to visualise the process of transpiration in plants. As water is lost from the cells in the petals it pulls water from within the stem of the plant up towards the flower head. As the water contains the dye it eventually colours the petals! This links to AS Biology and the mass transport of water throughout a plant. Classes have also been studying the finer details of photosynthesis and respiration where practical skills have been tested and stretched, as three of the required practical topics are examined in these units

Key Stage 5 (continued…) A Level Chemistry

Students have been learning about the chemical industry and the science of the oceans this term. They have been fascinated to extend their knowledge of acids, alkalis, and pH. Discovering through practical investigation and complex calculations, that the pH scale extends further than they had previously learned, and that acidity of solutions is affected by temperature changes. They have also been conducting practical work to track the progress of reactions in a number of different ways, and then analysing and evaluating their data.

Year 12 Physics pupils have been contemplating the implications of circular motion and gravitational fields. Field theory plays a big part in the way we observe and experience the world around us, from the electric fields that govern the new technological world to the gravitational fields that we see shape the structure of our universe.

Our year 12 pupils have consolidated their knowledge in gravitational fields and combined it with discussion and observation of circular motion to derive key scientific principals such as Kepler’s 3rd law and Newtons gravitational equation. This key scientific thinking underpins the work the enabled man to land on the moon and will see the first commercial space flights happen later this year.

The College leadership programme supports students in developing skills that they can apply both inside and outside of College. Students actively participate in schemes that develop their collaborative working skills and their abilities to lead others. Students on these programmes can be accredited to bronze, silver or gold level depending on the skills demonstrated and their level of commitment. Each Term we will profile one of the strands of Leadership and the students who are engaged in leading across the College and wider community. DIGITAL GENIUS Support other students and staff with the use of iPads across the school, giving guidance from our Digital Genius bar. They play a part in suggesting opportunities for using apps for teaching and learning and as part of evaluation of technology in college

RADIO HEATHFIELD Launched in 2015 the Radio broadcasts shows to students throughout the week. Students from all year groups participate in the development and performance of shows. The radio is broadcast in tutor times once a week and during break/lunch times

Heathfield Vine Our online newspaper is written by the students and edited by a sixth form editor. They produce and edit articles on a range of different topics which are shared termly through the student run website.

Library Leaders Support the day-to-day running of the library by loaning out books, booking computer facilities and organising the collection. They choose new book purchases for the library as well as writing reviews.

PREFECTS Year 11 students apply for the role during Year 10. Successful students work in departments, within their house and in year groups to support younger students across the school. They are an integral part of events, meeting parents.

SPORTS LEADERS Support the PE department by assisting at the Colleges afterschool sports clubs, fixtures and the sporting themed House Competition events. They lead and officiate at primary sporting events.

Executive Student Council A democratically elected body of students who contribute to College evaluation processes and provide students with a way of raising any concerns they have, actively discussing whole school issues.

Eco Reps Encourage us to become more eco-minded through direct action, such as community litter picks and improvements to the College recycling programmes and participation in national campaigns.

VALUES LEADERS Support their peers with issues surrounding bullying or mental health, upholding our values and providing a visible presence for students

NUMERACY AMBASSADORS Work closely with younger year groups and primary students to support students in developing their Maths skills. This can be done in and outside of Maths lesson time

HEATHFIELD TV Launched in 2017, HTV regularly present news and public interest stores, students from all year groups participate and broadcast vis You Tube at least once a term.

PEER MENTORING Year 10 students support Year 7 and 8. They can be a sounding board, helping hand or referral service. They are fully trained and give support and guidance.

Wider-Curriculum Throughout Term 6 our students and staff have shown an excitement for learning outside the classroom. So much of how we continually learn and what connects our knowledge and understanding together is not assessed on exam papers. We are proud of the range and breadth of opportunities and experiences our students enjoy.

Throughout Term 6 our students and staff have shown an excitement for learning outside the classroom. So much of how we continually learn and what connects our knowledge and understanding together is not assessed on exam papers. We are proud of the range and breadth of opportunities and experiences our students enjoy. Eco Reps collecting crisp packets, litter picking and will be planning a COP26 College target

Crest Awards in Year 7 and 8 for projects that started in lockdown and showed real scientific enquiry.

Speakers for Schools working with Year 10 to develop confidence in public speaking.

Axolotl Care Club gained a new member this term. Jerry has settled in very well and the new pair have already laid eggs!

Diversity Week had whole College support

Impressive expeditions from our DofE teams at Bronze, Silver and Gold Award level.

Help and Support: We understand that life sometimes throws up issues or problems that need to be resolved. We understand that concerns regarding your child’s well-being or progress can be worrying. We want to work with you to resolve issues as early as possible. Please use the routes highlighted here as a parent: REPORTING A CONCERN Please encourage your son/daughter to report ANY issue or worry to us so we can address it. If we don’t know, we cannot act and we want to help: • Tell a teacher or your form tutor • Speak to your Head of Year • Speak to your Pastoral Manager • Email help@heathfieldcc.co.uk to report a problem

19-23 July ENRICHMENT WEEK See Facebook and Twitter for updates of all activities

www.heathfieldcc.co.uk @Heathfield_CC

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