HeartSongs Magazine- Winter 2014 Issue

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Winter 2014


The Magazine for Inspiration and Life

Fit for the King! Living in the Present Take it One Day at a Time

Control Freaks What Time is It?

Why Forgiveness is for You

Slow Cooker Favorite: Savory Chicken Chili

Prince of Peace

Winter 2014

In This Issue The Winner in You


Just a Chat with Fit for the King Ministries


A Modern Christmas Miracle


Prince of Peace


A Heritage of Faithfulness




I Forgive You


In Every Issue A Message from the Editor


What’s Cookin’ in the Café


A Free Gift for You


Love Notes from Heaven


Coming Soon Freelance Writers Welcome

He Said/She Said– Real Talk from Both Perspectives

HeartsSongs Magazine is currently accepting submissions of original high quality content for future issues. If you are interested in having your work published with us please contact us at via email at heartsongsmag@gmail.com for submission guidelines and information.

What’s on Your Heart? TESTIFY!- Real Life Stories of Overcomers ...and More!


Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Lyas

This Issue’s Contributors Anonymous Contributor Cindy Blackmon Taylor Cummings Pam Ford Davis Maria Eglisson Amanda Gray Kristin Hanley Abby Kelly Elizabeth Marks Jaz Poet Stephanie Reck Dionna Sanchez Susan Walker

Publisher HeartSongs Publishing Unlimited

Thanks for purchasing this issue of HeartSongs Magazine! It is always our joy to produce high quality, informative and inspirational content. Our goal is to encourage, inspire, enlighten and uplift you toward the awesome life that God has designed just for you! We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions how we can make this a top-notch publication for your enjoyment. HeartSongs Magazine is dedicated to improving the lives of its readers and glorifying God in all we do. Sincerely, Stephanie Lyas Editor-in-Chief HeartSongs Magazine

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Photo Credits: FRS Photography, Master Art Collection and Various Artists. Images used with permission. All Rights Reserved.

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Mailing Address: HeartSongs Magazine c/o HeartSongs Publishing Unlimited P.O. Box 59763 Birmingham, AL 35259-9763 Voice & Fax: 205-575-9627

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Email: heartsongsmag@gmail.com Website/Blog: www.heartsongsmag.blogspot.com This publication is copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted without the expressed written permission of the Editor. Please contact the authors directly for permission to reprint, distribute or republish their work. All material is reprinted with permission.

Join Our Team Got the “write” stuff? Do you have copy editing/publishing or graphic design experience that you would like to put to good use? HeartSongs Magazine is looking for you! Contact Stephanie at heartsongsmag@gmail.com to learn how to become a part of our awesome growing publication.


The Winner in You! by Stephanie Lyas It’s probably safe to say that most of us enjoy a good win. After all, losing is no fun. For some who experience one defeat after another it is easy to become discouraged and not even want to try again. But it is God’s will that we rise above defeat and disappointment. He gets glory when we achieve success and reach our goals. As the new year approaches, you can go into it with a winner’s attitude and experience victory in your life. Here’s how: 1.

Decide what you want and decide how you plan to get it. You must first set a clear goal. Pray and ask God to guide you on a clear path to achieving it. If you don’t know what you want, how will you know when it arrives?


Take inventory of what you have. Do you see the glass half empty or half full? Sometimes appreciating what you have opens the door to getting what you need. Use what you’ve got. Many people who have achieved success in certain areas have started out with very little.


Determine to get there by any means necessary. You have to make sacrifices in order to get what you want. Remember, nothing worth having comes easy. Be willing to sacrifice time, money and temporary conveniences in exchange for the goal. Keep your focus on the prize. For instance, instead of treating yourself to a lavish birthday or Christmas gift, invest that money into your business or personal goal. Look at the big picture.


Eliminate the excuses. There are a probably a thousand reasons why it won’t work, why you shouldn’t pursue it and why you can’t reach your goals. But all you really need is one solid reason to persist. Don’t allow fear of failure keep you from trying.


Write the vision! Many of us are vision-oriented. Sometimes we need something tangible to keep before us to stay motivated. If you must, go ahead and write out the goals and post them on your mirror, workspace, refrigerator, etc. Even if you don’t have one customer yet, print a flyer with your business logo. That will give you something to work toward.


Wherever you go, go with all your heart! A task without passion is just drudgery. Pour your heart and soul into whatever it is you’re working toward.

“ Far better is it to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure than to rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in a gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat.” Teddy Roosevelt


Educate yourself. Don’t just dive in headfirst without knowledge. If you must get special instruction, education or training to accomplish your goal– do that. Always be open to learning. In fact, never stop learning. Stay current on classes, seminars and training to sharpen your skills.


Take advantage of resources. There are all sorts of free and low-cost resources to help you achieve your goals. The internet is practically unlimited when it comes to resources to help you. Take advantage of your local library. Also, understand the value of networking.

“Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a brokenwinged bird that cannot fly.” Langston Hughes


Just do it! Every day practice living your dream as though it is already a reality. You don’t have to be great to get started, but if you don’t get started you’ll never be great.

Winning Words “A person who aims at nothing is sure to hit it.” Unknown Author

10. Celebrate small victories along the way. © Stephanie Lyas. 2007. All Rights Reserved


How I Overcome Loneliness During the Holiday Season by Anonymous Contributor When I was a kid, Christmas was my favorite time of the year. Not just exchanging gifts and spending time with family, but the overall Christmas experience– the decorations, the food-especially the music. The moment I heard “The Christmas Song” by Nat King Cole I knew that the holidays were in full effect. There was one song that used to come on the radio, though that was not so festive, but it raised an important point. The song was, “What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas?” I wondered why someone would write such a depressing song for the holidays. That was, until I faced my own very personal battle with depression around the holidays. Although most of my unwell days are a blur, I figure the seasonal depression first began when I was in my early 30’s. I had just ended a relationship with someone with whom I thought I would spend the rest of my life, I suddenly lost my job and was on the verge of losing my home and possessions. Fear and anxiety gripped me tightly, but seemed to squeeze a little extra hard around the holidays. There I was jobless, heartbroken and with little money to buy basic necessities, much less gifts for the people I loved. Before I knew it, I had sunk into a deep, dark hole in which I saw no way out. My family had no idea what I was going through and I was able to put on a nice face for my close friends. And because I pretended to be okay, no one assumed otherwise. But inside I was lost, angry, afraid and extremely lonely. And I didn’t know anywhere to turn. So I turned in an on myself. I built an impenetrable wall around my heart and was determined to not let anyone get close to it. I gradually became one of those lonely people in that song. And I began to ask myself, “what will I do for Christmas? I don’t want to face my family and friends like this.” So I shut everything down, stayed in my silent pain and cried myself to sleep every night while others around me took part in the festivities of the season.

Looking back, perhaps the loneliest times were actually the best times. Of course, five years ago I would have never made such a statement. God has brought me a long way. I’m not saying that I have arrived yet. Or even that my situation has changed that drastically. Fast forward five years later and I’m still single, working part-time, without close family relationships and some things seem to be falling apart. The difference is that I have a deeper relationship with God now. I understand that being alone or even feeling alone is not the same as being lonely. I learned how to embrace the love and care of my Father and reach out to others with that same love. I understand that it is easier said than done, but for me overcoming loneliness is not an option. I am sharing my personal story of pain and triumph hoping that someone reading this can experience the same love, hope and peace that I came to know. Because the holidays come with their own stresses, I feel the importance of helping people get through them. Like a modern day Moses delivering his people from bondage, I feel called to help lead God’s precious hurting people through the wilderness of loneliness. After all, you can best lead where you have been. Again, I’m not saying that the holidays are the greatest for me. I’m not saying that I don’t feel down and lonesome at times. Even as the holidays approach I have to constantly fight for my joy and peace. Overcoming is not just a one-time deal. It is something I must do every single day. I have to remind myself that I am a beloved child of God. I am worth more than the gifts I could buy and exchange. I am a recipient of the Greatest Gift to all mankind-the Lord Jesus Christ. And with Him, I am never, ever alone.


Ways to Help Others 

 

Reach out– especially if you know people who are suffering. Offer to help but don’t be pushy. Don’t say you know how the person feels, even if you’ve been through similar situations. Everybody is different. Be sensitive to their need for time and space. Focus on the true meaning of the holidays.

Ways to Help Yourself 

Plan ahead. Don’t let the holidays sneak up on you. Have an idea of how you will spend that time. Even if your plan is to watch movies and eat pizza, plan for it. Talk out your feelings. Find someone you trust to express what’s going on. Journaling also helps. Have a non-traditional celebration. Plan a small get-together with friends for coffee and dessert. No gifts. Just enjoy each other’s presence. Watch movies, play board games or simply talk. If you must spend the day alone, do something special to treat yourself. Have your favorite meal or order takeout. Watch a good movie. Read a book. Pray, reflect and meditate. Find a way to serve and encourage someone else. Sometimes it really is more blessed to give than receive.

God With Us As a child, one thing I looked forward to all year was Christmas. I’ll never forget that frosty winter morning waking up at daybreak, rushing to the tree and unwrapping the best thing that could have ever happened to a six year old doll enthusiast. I was thrilled when I ripped through that festive, neatly wrapped box and saw my Tumbling Tulina. The one I would take off the shelf every time we went down the toy aisle at Sears. The one I dreamed about since I first laid eyes on her. I couldn’t believe she was really mine.. at last! For weeks on end I rocked her, fed her, slept with her tightly in my arms and cared for her like a good doll mommy should. To date, she is my most memorable gift as a child. Over the years I was surprised with many more wonderful gifts, but none has even come close to the greatest Gift of all– whose mother wrapped Him in swaddling clothes and placed Him sweetly in a manger. Immanuel- “God With Us.” Until the end of time people will continue to give and receive all sorts of gifts. Some of high monetary value and others that are sentimentally priceless. My prayer is that the world may come to know the Greatest Gift ever given to mankind. The Lord Jesus Christ. The Wonderful Counselor. The Everlasting Father. The Prince of Peace. He is more than a symbol of goodness and humanity. He is the Lover of Our Souls, the Sustainer of our Lives, Our Redeemer, the Reason why we live. It is said that many people experience a greater degree of sadness during the holiday season due to physical, emotional and financial reasons. My prayer is that they come to know the One who loved them so much that He came to Earth as a baby, lived as a common man, died to pay our debt of sin and lives forevermore. The One in who I can find comfort, joy and peace. The One who lives and loves us.-SL


Dear Readers, For some, the coldness of winter means curling up on the couch in front of a crackling fireplace, hot cocoa with extra marshmallows, the warmth of hugs from those you love and times of quietness and reflection. For those who may not have the comforts of home and family it might mean sleeping outside on a cold park bench, begging for food and spare change or huddling around a makeshift campfire just to keep warm. Life is full of joy and pain. And although winter represents different things to different people, it always brings about a time to reflect on the goodness of God in the midst of what is happening around us. His light and love keep shining within us throughout the darkest, coldest seasons of our lives. Stephanie Lyas, Founding Editor HeartSongs Magazine

Recently, I saw a bumper sticker with the acronym S.H.I.N.E. on it. I looked a little closer to discover that the letters represented the following phrase: “Share His Incredible News Everywhere.” What a perfect reminder, not only during this season but also in every season to be a beacon of light in dark places. To share the Good News everywhere we go. To be a ray of hope pointing others to Jesus– the Light of the World in whom there is no darkness at all.


This winter, I wish you all joy and peace. On the coldest nights, I pray that the light of Jesus Christ will warm your heart and light your path. May you find joy in the simple things. And may the love of God and the sweet communion of the Holy Spirit abide with you during the holiday season and always. Thanks always for your love and continued support. Faithfully yours,


Founding Editor, HeartSongs Magazine


HeartSongs Magazine c/o HeartSongs Publishing Unlimited Stephanie Lyas, Founder P.O. Box 59763 Birmingham, AL 35259-9763

about it. I recall walking through the airport and seeing all sorts of people– from business executives in their expensive suits to families with small children sprawled out on the floor all over the place. I marveled at how adversity can be a great equalizer. We were all at the mercy of the storm and had no choice but to settle in and wait. I’ll never forget the next morning going to look at the flight information board. How relieved I was to finally see the status of my pending flight change from “Delayed” to “On Time.” I was overjoyed to finally board the plane that would carry me home. By the time I got situated in my seat I felt a peace and calmness that made the waiting not so bad after all.

On Time Every Time by Stephanie Lyas

Traveling has become one of my favorite pastimes. I love going to different places, seeing different things, meeting interesting people and getting absorbed in the culture of a place. And while I love a good road trip, I’m more partial to traveling by airplane. My theory is flying cuts down on the travel time and gives you more time to enjoy the destination. I realize though, that even when you travel by air, you’re not guaranteed to get there on time. All sorts of delays can occur- bad weather, mechanical problems, etc. When plans change, you have a decision to make. You can be frustrated at things beyond your control or you can exercise patience and keep your peace. The choice is entirely up to you. Years ago, I was traveling home from the west coast after a week long trip away from home. I was desperate to get back because I had so many things to do. Plus, I was just ready to leave the place where I was. It wasn’t exactly a pleasure trip so I was more than ready to return to my familiar surroundingsparticularly my nice, cozy bed. I’ll never forget as our plane was headed to its layover destination, that it seemed to take a particularly long time to get there. What should have taken about 45 minutes took a lot longer. In fact, we were in the air about an hour or so when the pilot came over the loud speaker

and announced that there was a bad storm in our path which made it impossible for us to land. “Just great,” I thought, “not only are we stuck in the air in the middle of a storm, but this delay means that I’m going to miss my connecting flight home.” I will admit, counting it all joy was not my first response, but eventually I reasoned that getting upset would only make matters worse. So I just slipped on my headphones, closed my eyes and sat back until we landed safely at the airport.

Maybe you feel like certain things in your life are delayed. After all, waiting doesn’t feel good-especially when you are desperate for change. But even when it seems that God is withholding certain things, it is important to remember that there is no good thing that He withholds from those who walk upright. Nothing. Your blessing delayed is not your blessing denied. You must trust His wisdom and His timing.

It turned out that, because of the weather, we would have a layover that would last 15 hours. The entire city was on lockdown and in severe weather safety mode. The airport became a temporary shelter for thousands of stranded passengers. And there was absolutely nothing we could do

Remember the story of Lazarus, Jesus’s beloved friend? To Mary and Martha, Jesus was late. They reasoned that if only Jesus had shown up on time, their brother never would have died. But Jesus was right on

time. Even though Lazarus had been dead four whole days and the situation seemed hopeless, it was the perfect time for Jesus to do the miraculous and raise the dead to life. Dear Friends, trust that God is always on time. You might be in a lifeless situation and it seems like He is absent. Believe God. Trust that you will see His glory manifested if you only believe! Know that He is never late and is seldom early. Time does not limit God. You may have been in a situation for a long time. In fact, in the natural it might seem like you’re finished. Your situation may stink like Lazarus. But all God has to do is to speak a word and call forth life out of that dead place. Look through the eyes of faith and see the awesome power of God! © Stephanie Lyas. 2013. All Rights Reserved. 8

New Year, New You

by Pam Ford Davis

We fast approach the end of another year, leaving behind happy and sad experiences. We will begin using new calendars, and toss away the old as casually as discarding paper plates following a picnic. Favorite Christmas cards are often stored as keepsakes, but few have emotional ties to yesterday's calendars. Do we leave mistakes and hurts of the past year behind? As believers, do we see how blessed we are? The moment we make a commitment to Christ, we become new creations. The old is gone; all becomes new! (2 Corinthians 5:17) Sadly, many who have not surrendered to Christ put it off because they wrongly believe God will ask them to leave behind what makes them happy. If we sacrifice anything for the cause of Christ, we will gain much more. "And everyone who has left houses, brothers or sisters, father or mother, children, or fields because of My name will receive 100 times more and will inherit eternal life (Matthew 19:29 HCS). Prayer: Father, if I trust You and leave all behind, I will be free to receive all You prepare ahead.

Š Pam Ford Davis With God all things are possible! Published articles in Mature Living Magazine, Secret Place, Daily Devotionals for the Deaf, Light from the Word Daily Devotional


Fit for the King Just a chat with Fit for the King Ministries International Founder and Director, Julie Peyton.

by Stephanie Lyas

HSM: Tell us about how the ministry began and how you came up with the name Fit for the King Ministries.

HSM: Your mission is to impact the world for Christ one woman at a time. How is Fit for the King doing that?

JP: Fit for the King Ministries International began as Fit for the King in 2006 as a grassroots ministry with a heart to aid small or under-funded churches in the encouraging and equipping of the women of their congregations and community through the teachings of Jesus. We would provide a women’s “event in a box,” if you will, where we brought everything from worship leaders to drama, and of course, platform speaking. Our goal was to help women understand God’s love for them. Our name came to us one day as we sat around brainstorming. The idea of “fit” for the King was really about coming to God as you are and then allowing Him to spiritually reshape your heart and life for His glory. In 2006, we never dreamed we would be the international mission that we are today.

JP: While Jesus preached to the multitudes, He also spent a lot of time ministering to small groups and one-on-one. We make it a point to (and work hard at, actually) create a teaching an ministry environment both in the U.S. and abroad (and through social media) where women feel drawn in and cared for as an individual, regardless of how busy we may be or how many women are awaiting our attention. One such instance was while doing home visits in Kenya. After sharing the Gospel with a young, single mom who lived in dire and impoverished circumstances, and leading her to Christ, we stayed around to “love on her” and hear her heart. Before long, I had moved across the room to sit next to her and cradle her in my arms while she sobbed. I hear from our partnering pastor in Thika, Kenya, that that impacted her life forever. She is now depending on God and has hope that HE is for her because of our simple display of time and love. We even hear from our pastor and his wife that during our time there, they saw women smile that they had NEVER seen smile before and maybe haven’t smiled much in their adult life. That is the very essence of “Impacting the world for Christ.. One


woman at a time.” We still love aiding small churches with women’s events and in the development of their women’s ministry program. HSM: You recently returned from a mission trip to Kenya. Tell us about it. JP: Our mission in Kenya is simple: Work with indigenous pastors and Christian leaders to evangelize the lost, encourage and equip believers and edify those leaders with whom we serve. While on our last mission in May 2013, we shared the Gospel with over 200 women and some men and children. Over 20 made a first time decision for Christ while many more rededicated their life to Christ. Through the guidance of the Holy Spirit we accomplished this through a women’s revival, Sunday church service, street ministry and home visits. We also delivered some 350+ pairs of donated flip flops, hundreds of donated sanitary pads, and other personal hygiene items as well as school supplies to a group of children under the leadership of some dear Kenyan friends. HSM: Do you plan to return in the near future? JP: We plan to return in February 2014. This time our husbands plan to join us to work with our partnering pastor in reaching the men of his congregation and community who are statistically under the influence of alcoholism and abusive to their wives. The culture of the villages is women working 12 hour days in the fields to support their families, including their husbands. Women are abused, exploited and expected to work twice as hard as their husbands. HSM: How can people get involved with Fit for the King Ministries? JP: Fit for the King Ministries is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization that survives off of grace and the good will of others. We are in constant need of operational funds to continue our mission of evangelism and discipleship to the women of the U.S. and Kenya. We also provide basic necessities such as housing, food and clothing to our (continued on page 15)


“The Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on me, because the LORD has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners.”- Isaiah 61:1 (NIV)

CHANGING CAREERS by Kristin Hanley In a society where job security is no longer applicable, changing careers doesn't carry the stigma it used to. In fact, most will change careers at least three times during their lifespan. And we're not just talking job changes, but actually careers—a whole new venue. For some, change can be scary, and for others, the change is exciting. But regardless of your emotional response, sometimes a career shift is necessary. With that change, comes elevated stress. To lessen the anxiety that is inevitable, let me offer some simple tools you can apply to the situation. First, it is of primary importance that you don't suck lemons through the whole process. The glass is half full, my friend. Do not see this change as a failed attempt or a disgrace, but as an opportunity to do something more in line with your passion. See it as a chance to try something different, to work through your list of dreams and goals. The first four years after college, I had eight different jobs and three different career shifts within those jobs. At the time, it was a struggle for me to remain hopeful and not get discouraged. I felt like a failure. But a dear friend reminded me that I wasn't failing, I was experimenting, discovering my personal niche. I tried it and moved on to something better.

grace to yourself. Don't feel inferior because you are having to learn something new. Yes, you may have worked yourself up to CEO in the old career and now you are perched on a bottom rung, but see it as a chance to grow and learn. Character develops through knowledge plus humility. Find someone you can trust who will encourage you along the way and advise you in this new territory. And lastly, remember that you aren't married to your career. Divorcing it is not nearly as messy. Don't worry about breaking hearts or lowering your bar. You are who you are, and who you are is learning and changing. Perhaps you realize that after fifteen years of airplane mechanics you would prefer to teach botany instead. Have the courage to walk away, and I promise the airplane won't suffer a broken heart as a result. One of the best retirements you can give yourself is the ability to look back on the past thirty years of your job experiences and feel that you lived your goals and dreams to the fullest. Kristin Hanley teaches Composition and Creative Writing courses at Regent University. Aside from reading and writing, she loves to paint, hike, and create new recipes. She makes her home in Branson West , Missouri, with her husband and daughter. Visit her at: http://www.momentsofpeace-khanley.blogspot.com

In addition to your mental outlook, remember to extend


Cooking & Entertainment

Crockpot White Chicken Chili

A delicious and hearty recipe for those cold winter nights! What You Need: 1 can black beans 1 can corn, undrained 1 can diced tomatoes with chiles, undrained 1 package ranch dressing mix 1 tsp. cumin 1 tbsp. chili powder 1 tsp. onion powder 1 8 oz. package cream cheese 2 chicken breasts, cooked and shredded

How To Fix: Cook chicken breasts until done. Cool, shred and place into crockpot. Drain and rinse black beans. Pour whole can of corn (undrained), diced tomatoes, and black beans into the crockpot. Top with seasonings and ranch mix. Stir together. Place cream cheese on top. Cover with lid and cook on low for 6-8 hours. Stir cream cheese into chili. Stir all ingredients together and serve. Serve with crackers, tortilla chips or cornbread. Garnish with sour cream, shredded cheese or green onions as desired.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: “In order to be happy, find a thing you love to do and throw yourself into it wholeheartedly.

from Simple Wisdom


Okay, so it’s not a coupon for a free skinny mocha latte! It’s way better! God gave us Jesus Christ, the only One good enough to pay the sin debt for all mankind– past, present and future. It’s not about being religious or following a bunch of man-made rules, but it is about being reconciled to God our Father eternally through Christ. His gift is free to us, but cost Him everything. That’s pretty awesome!

So here’s the deal…. Maybe you’re wondering, “This sounds too good to be true. How do I take advantage of this free gift? ” It is fairly simple, but you must receive it by faith -trusting in God. ACKNOWLEDGE that sin has separated you from God. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” ( Romans 3:23) Admit that you’ve broken God’s rules but you really want to change. He’s more than willing to forgive you and help you if you are willing and sincere. BELIEVE that God sent His Son Jesus as the only acceptable sacrifice to pay the debt for our sins. Because God is as Holy as He is loving, He could not tolerate the rebellious, wicked state of mankind. So, instead of punishing us , which would have been fair, He showed us mercy and sent His only Son to take our place. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) CONFESS or say what you believe. “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) Again, this must be done by faith. “For with the heart man believes and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:10).” Be courageous enough to share with others what God has done for you. And finally.. make a DECISION to live your life to glorify Him.. You may think that it’s too hard, but if you ask Him, He will empower you to do just that. Your lifestyle should represent what your new relationship with Christ is all about. CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve made the most important decision of your life and you are now a member of God’s family! Develop your relationship by spending time reading and studying the Bible. It may be helpful to connect with others through a local church or small group fellowship to get you started. Communicate openly with God through prayer and meditation in His Word and finally, surround yourself with others who will help you grow you in your new walk with Christ. Your life will never be the same. You are a new creature in Christ. Old things have passed away and all things are new! (2 Corinthians 5:17) And that beats a latte any day!


(continued from page 11)

partnering pastor and family so that they can continue to operate effectively as servants of God, and as our ministry liaison. We also collect sanitary pads and flip flops to carry on our regular trips to Kenya to distribute to those women we reach with the Gospel. And prayer..pray for us! HSM: How can readers get in touch with Fit for the King Ministries? Feel free to contact us anytime via our website or email, or through social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter. We are always happy to hear from ministry friends and supporters.

Editor’s Note: Since this interview, Fit for the King Ministries has stared a sponsorship program called Not Without Hope, whose mission is to provide for the spiritual, emotional and physical needs of the women of Kenya. Individuals may donate monthly toward the support of a Woman of Hope. Your generous contributions ensure that a deserving woman receives basic necessities that many of us take for granted. Each sponsored woman will receive a monthly HOPE Kit. The initial HOPE Kit will include: a Bible, a pair of flip-flops and personal hygiene items. Each subsequent HOPE kit provides a monthly supplement of maize flour, cooking oil, peas, rice, and soap to help lighten the burden for each woman and their families. Please visit www.fitforthekingministries.com and click on the Sponsor tab for more information about how to participate and be a blessing. –SL

For information, please contact the ministry at: Fit for the King Ministries International P.O. Box 893 Spring Hill, Tennessee 37174 Via Email: email@fitforthekingministries.com Visit their website at: www.fitforthekingministries.com Also, follow Fit for the King Ministries on Facebook and Twitter!


A Modern Christmas Miracle by Elizabeth Marks

Miracles come in different packages. Some miracles may simply be someone “showing up” at an appropriate time to help. Others might be obedience to God’s prompting resulting in a blessing for someone who needed it. I want to share my story of a Christmas miracle that happened when we “adopted-a-family” at Christmas time. Usually, the family is a single mother, raising multiple kids on her own. However, this year was starting to look like we missed the opportunity to help. We got off to a late start and didn’t contact our church as early as we normally do. I called the church anyway and hoped there was still time. Unfortunately, the woman at church explained that the program had closed and all families on the list were already matched up with folks to provide for them. “However” she said, “I’ll take your name and number, just in case we get another call.” I was disappointed we hadn’t called earlier, but God is so good. He arranged everything. You see, at the very moment I was speaking with the woman at church, another woman was leaving a voice mail message saying she needed assistance. Within the next hour, I received a

phone call from our church saying there was someone who needed help! God knew our heart and desire to give even though it was last minute on our part, and He arranged the circumstance to allow us to bless someone. But that’s not the best part! When I visited with Carol, the woman we were providing for, she told me about her miracle. Earlier that day, Carol was in the parking lot of the small apartment complex where she lived. She happened to be talking with a neighbor about her dire situation, while standing behind a parked car. She didn’t know at the time, there was a woman sitting in the parked car, waiting to back out of the parking space. After some time went by, Carol finally saw she was keeping this woman from leaving and quickly ran to her car window to apologize for

delaying her. The woman in the car said “No worries. I’m supposed to give this to you” and she handed Carol a scrap of paper with the church’s phone number on it. Carol thanked the woman and stepped back allowing her to back out of the parking space. Carol had never heard of that church, but decided to call them anyway. Back in her apartment, with her three kids and two little dogs, she called the number. Not knowing what she would say really, except that she needed help, the phone rang and rang and rang. Finally, she received a voice mail message saying to leave her information and someone would get back to her, which she did. She let out a sigh, figuring it was probably too late anyway and went about her business.

called her just a couple hours later! I explained our plan for provision and made arrangements to meet her later that evening. My 12 year old son and I went to meet Carol and her kids around 8pm that night. When we met we embraced and the tears of gratefulness began to flow. Carol was amazed at what God had done! I was thankful to be used to convey God’s blessing to her and her family. It’s a beautiful thing being used by God. Listening to His prompting and following through. You just never know who will be blessed by your obedience. In this case, we were able to bless a struggling single mom and her three kids. In return, we were blessed knowing they would have a Merry Christmas after all.

Carol was so surprised when I

Copyright © Elizabeth Marks, author of ThinkOnIt Devotions, has a heart for encouraging believers with God's Word. Please visit http://www.ThinkOnItDevotions.com for more devotions, bible studies, book reviews and more!


Home and Family

by Dionna Sanchez

Women love to control things. Deny it if you will, but we do. We feel more secure if we can have everything planned out and go according to that plan. We tend to be a little "high maintenance" in what we require of those in our homes and lives as well as with ourselves. Yes, we are managers by nature. Our children are so lucky that we tend to gravitate towards being managers. Can you imagine where they would be if we never had enough food for their school lunches or we were constantly forgetting to manage laundry control? Not a pretty sight. Yet, our managing has its place. You see, sometimes we are so set on being a manager and being in control of our environment, that we manage God right out of the picture. And God recently revealed something to my heart about this tendency and nature of a woman. Men are often said to struggle with following God because they have a harder time than women in submission. They say we women find it much easier to submit to the Lord than a man does. And yet I think our downfall is in control. We struggle with our faith at times, because faith requires us to allow God to do the unknown. Faith means trusting through your doubts. And that is very hard for a woman when she is not used to relinquishing control in her life! I have learned that when I can give God the steering wheel of my life, that it is only then that I truly feel peace. Things may not go the way I had planned in my head, but they are often much better for me. I feel free in knowing that I can simply be who God created me to be instead of trying so hard to control everything around me and maintain a certain image or impression. I am more relaxed when I take that burden off of my shoulders and place it at God's feet where it belongs. God has given us this wonderful ability to manage our families. They would be so lost without us. But it is good to remember that our managerial and controlling qualities have their place and their time. And even during those times, they need to be governed by the Lord. For He is our higher boss. Don't clinch so tightly to the vision you have for things that you fail to see God trying to pry open your hands and show you a different picture. You just might miss out on the blessing He wants to give you. Dionna Sanchez is Founder of EmphasisOnMoms.com and freelance writes. She also blogs at http://beautyinthestorm.blogspot.com Contact her at madetomom@yahoo.com 17

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“For the LORD God is a sun and shield; the LORD bestows favor and honor. No good thing does he withhold from those who walk uprightly.“ Psalm 84:11 (ESV)


Have you ever had a day when everything seemed too difficult? When everything seemed to be swirling about your head? When you had so much to do that you didn't know where to start? And then you start to panic because you haven't done anything and there are not enough hours in the day to finish what you needed to do in the first place?

Isaiah acknowledged, "You will guard him and keep him in perfect and constant peace whose mind, both its inclination and its character, is stayed on You." (Isaiah 26:3a Amp)

I have.

But His reply is, "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10a NIV). Like He did with Job, my God doesn't answer "why?" Like He did with Paul He doesn't remove the difficulty (2 Corinthians 12:79). He simply takes me into His presence and puts everything in perspective.

And when these days happen I find it hard to fight, swim or drag my way out of the swirling eddy of tasks demanding my attention.

So I cry out to God for help, for release, for an overwhelming peace. I want Him to solve my problems, cure my ills and draw me out of the whirlwind.

Then things are complicated because of my health. It is fragile. It is easily defeated by what may seem to be small challenges -physical, intellectual or emotional. Then confusion and stress brings me crashing down until all I can do is lie prone and sink.

Like Elijah, the journey can become too great for me (1 Kings 19:7). But my God brings me to a quiet place to rest and revive, to feed and re-build until I am ready once again to live.

Bouncing back is not easy. The trampoline of my resilience does not throw me without difficulty back into life when I have collapsed in a heap. The more I struggle to find my way back, the more I fight, the more exhausted I get and the less likely I am to bounce back.

This may be seen as a weakness, but I am learning its value. For it is only in my weakness that I can feel the full force of His awesome, amazing strength (2 Corinthians 12:9). I am learning to say with Paul, "That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong."

And then I remember. I have a God Who is the Prince of Peace. And as

I am not so inhuman that I don't rail and


cry with Elijah, David, Job. I am loud in my agony. Like Jacob, I wrestle with God (Genesis 32). I give release to my feelings and thoughts. But after the wind, the fire, the wrestling, I remember surrender is the best thing. It is the only path to peace. And once again I hear the still, small voice that with powerful gentleness brings with it peace. "Be still, and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10a NIV). He re-sets my priorities. He shows His strength in carrying me through. And I am able to go on. "To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by Jesus Christ: Mercy, peace and love be yours in abundance." (Jude 1, 2 NIV)

Š Amanda Gray 2009


Wisdom Speaks

“Don’t waste energy on things that generate worry, anxiety and anguish. Only one thing is necessary: lift up your spirit and love God.” -Padre Pio

“The best way to free ourselves from our limitations is to first recognize them.” -Simple Wisdom

“Some of the world's greatest feats were accomplished by people not smart enough to know they were impossible.” -Doug Larson

“The past should be left in the past, otherwise it can destroy your future. Live life for what tomorrow has to offer, not for what yesterday has taken away.”– Anon



A Heritage of Faithfulness by Abby Kelly My marriage vows were no longer enough. I writhed on the basement floor drenched in sweat and tears. "I love you, God and I take my vows seriously, but...seriously, God?" I prayed. "I can't do this. I can't take it anymore. I'm so alone. My husband hasn't touched me at all in weeks. He's so immersed in his all-important job. And when he's home, all he wants to do is unwind with the television or a video game. He has little, no, nothing, left for me." My husband and I never had the picture perfect marriage. He isn't demonstrative. The quintessential infantry officer, he has no problem focusing exclusively on what preserves the lives of his men in combat. The problem was that even when he came home, he remained in that driven, isolated, locked-and-loaded mindset. What flames of intimacy that might have smoldered were doused when I discovered his addiction to pornography. The circumstances made him ripe for such an addiction, sexual release without ever having to take his eyes off his first priority, first love - the job. Gratification without consideration of anyone else. "Lord, I had no idea for 'better or worse' would feel like worse so most of the time. Lord, I really just don't think we're going to make it." As I prayed, the Holy Spirit

reminded me of my younger self. Twelve years old, I stood on a church platform next to the one man who loved me more than any other man in the world. Daddy pulled a mic from the stand, glanced down at me and winked. I struggled to pull my own mic from a stand a little higher than my head. It popped and fussed. Daddy watched and waited, letting me do it on my own.

Memories of that day filled me, just as the swelling notes of our accompaniment did that Sunday morning in church. My skin broke out in goosebumps.

The music swelled from the speakers behind us. I faced a sea of familiar faces, the small church body that nurtured my youthful faith. Their stories carried my faith, their lives and marriages, struggles and victories enriched the soil of my future.

Suddenly, I was aware of my Heavenly Father's presence beside me. I sensed Him smiling down at me as I struggled to exert my last ounce of strength for faithfulness to my husband. Abba's voice was quiet, patient, just like those afternoons when Daddy had repeatedly coached me through our song.

Dad's smooth tenor began the song: We're pilgrims on the journey Of the narrow road And those who've gone before us line the way Cheering on the faithful, encouraging the weary Their lives a stirring testament to God's sustaining grace

Then it was my turn. I wondered why Daddy chose this song. It seemed like something he should be singing with his wife, not his daughter. But I opened my mouth and released the words of Steve Green's song that I'd heard over and over in our home all my life. Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses Let us run the race not only for the prize But as those who've gone before us Let us leave to those behind us The heritage of faithfulness passed on through godly lives

And then our voices joined, melting into harmony. How many times had Daddy made me practice through this part over and over, perfecting our pitch? After all our hopes and dreams have come and gone And our children sift through all we've left behind May the clues that they discover and the memories they uncover Become the light that leads them to the road we each must find


Fresh sobs broke over me, as I lay on the floor. A tide of emotion pent up for too long. I was ashamed of my failing marriage, my hopelessness, my resignation and my willingness to abandon my vows.

That moment, that day on my basement floor was the reason Daddy sang that song with me. It was so the lyrics would etch themselves unforgettably on my memory, so that when the day came and my own vows were not enough, I could cling to my heritage, the heritage of faithfulness planted by my parents. They have celebrated 37 years of commitment. Sometimes it was rough. They didn't make it look easy, but they displayed the passion, the grit, the reward, the pain, frustration and sheer joy of a Christ-centered marriage. And they left to me a heritage of faithfulness. I cannot tell you how many times I have clung to my parents' wedding vows. Many more times than I have flipped through my wedding album or tried on my wedding dress. Their vows are more exquisite than any picture; they fit perfectly. After all, it is mine, this heritage of faithfulness. Š Abby Kelly 2013 Abby is a Christian blogger and freelance writer living in Georgia with her husband.

I enter, sign my name, show identification, get my hand marked with invisible ink, and receive another cardboard number as I advance toward the metal detector. Another guard searches my purse for contraband as I remove all metal objects from my body. He finds nothing, and I am allowed to go on.

by Susan Walker

The endless two-hour drive leaves my nerves on edge as I finally approach the turn-off to my destination. The flat, barren land looks like a giant desert leaving a dry, scorched feeling in my mouth. I do not know if it is just an illusion, but everything feels dead and desolate. I stop my car behind a long line of vehicles filled with mothers, children, grandmothers, and friends. All are furiously fanning their bodies in hopes of creating a slight, cooling breeze as sweat runs in rivulets down their flushed faces. Brake lights flash on and off crazily as the line slowly inches the one hundred yards to the visitor parking lot. A man in policeman's garb gives each car an inspection. The guard unlucky enough to be assigned to this job, always stands as a sentinel void of emotion, like a robot made of steel. The inspection allows the officer to record the car make, model, license plate number, number of persons present, and the driver's license number of the person driving. The officer completes his inspec-

tion of my car in such a way, that I feel no more important than the cardboard number he passes into my hand, so that my car may leave this place. The unbreathable toxic fumes arising from exhaust pipes becomes fixed in my throat as my heart begins to race in nervous reluctance due to the thoughts of upcoming confinement. The concrete feels like coarse sandpaper as I slowly step toward the great barriers before me. The horrifying walls of chain link rise ten feet toward the sky with an added foot of razor wire that seems to laugh that there is no escape once I enter. I slowly reach for the metal handle to pass through and a buzzing noise proves that a pair of eyes pierce me as someone unlocks the gate from the tower above. I walk under the gate only to see a duplicate of the previous, giving me the feeling that I am the prisoner here. The only building I will be allowed to enter looks forlorn and plain with its stark white walls. A woman passes me with tears in her eyes. She must not have known that she had to get permission to visit her loved one.


I sit down at a table made to accommodate only four people. The stench of sweaty bodies slowly begins to fill the room as every table is taken. I wait an agonizing twenty minutes as many men dressed in all white prison uniforms pass through an opening on the left side of the room. The smoke from hundreds of cigarettes begins to thicken around me. Then he enters. I rush into my father's arms as tears course down his and my cheeks. We move back to the table I have chosen to converse for the five hours allotted us. As I pass through the gates on my way back to my car, the land around me takes on a whole new meaning. The air is fresh, and I inhale deeply. I finally notice that there is a wonderful blanket of vividly green grass at my feet. Beautiful trees stand as tall guardians of nature, flowering in the sunshine. As the prison buildings fade in my rear view mirror, I look forward to the peaceful ride ahead. I think of how wonderful my freedom is, and feel more alive than I have ever felt before.

Š 2006. Susan Walker. All Rights Reserved

performing missions. Their slogan was, “we do more before 5:00 a.m. than most people do all day.” At that point, I dismissed any thoughts that made me feel like an underachiever and reasoned that God loves early birds and night owls like me just the same. Over the years I came to realize the importance of time. Not just from a natural standpoint, but also from a spiritual one. I began to value the quality of the time spent with God-praying, worshiping and serving Him and others. It’s not about the hour I get up (although the time between 2:00 a.m. and 6:00 a.m. can be the most peaceful and productive for me). It’s about being obedient to God’s Spirit. When He says get up and pray for others, I do it. When He prods me to awaken early to write or meditate, I do it. Not to be super-spiritual, but to be fully His-undistracted. And every time I get up early, I know that God has something pretty important to say. It is always a blessing to fellowship with Him early in the morning– or any time for that matter.

What Time is It? by Stephanie Lyas

“Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD has risen upon you.” -Isaiah 60:1 It’s no secret. I am just not a morning person. As much as I respect them, I just cannot identify with people who actually like getting up early in the morning, happy, energetic and ready to seize the day. On occasion, God wakes me up out of my sleep to pray or to write, but those instances are few and far between. Of course, from time to time I’ve had to get up and out in the wee hours of the morning for one thing or another and I discovered that the hardest part of waking up is actually getting out of bed. Once I had an early flight to catch and had to be at the airport at 4:30 a.m. On the drive over, I was amazed to see people out jogging and walking their dogs while it was still dark outside. I often

wondered, “what is wrong with these people?” What I should have been asking is “what is wrong with me?” Morning people have an advantage over late risers. Not saying that they’re better– they just seem to have a different kind of drive about them. They are wired differently. Which is why I tried for so long to force myself to become one of them. I tried to discipline myself to get up before dawn, pray, read my daily devotional and just strategize for the day ahead. Let me just say that lasted about a week. My attempt to change my night-owlish ways were futile. And the days I ended up falling back asleep I felt as though I had failed God in some way. My sacrifice of sleep had become nothing more than watersoaked wood on the altar of my heart. And to add insult to injury, I mentally replayed that television commercial for the Army that showed soldiers up at the crack of dawn, training, working and 25

Maybe God is awakening you from your sleep– not just naturally, but spiritually. Are you willing to get up and listen? Maybe He wants to tell you things that you may not hear as clearly amid the distractions of daily life. Don’t resist Him. Don’t hit the snooze button and brush Him off. There is something special about meeting with God before the cares of the day take their toll. When you hear His gentle prodding, wake up. Get up and into His presence. Time spent with Him is never wasted. © Stephanie Lyas. 2013.

Remembering God After Receiving Blessings Truth be told, I am still just as desperate for God now as I was not too long ago when I felt like my dark valley would never lead me to the mountaintop. In this new season of blessing, I still need God just as much as I did then! He is the One Who is still taking care of me, and I must never forget that. God has good plans for our lives! What we need to do is to make sure that we continue to keep God as our number one priority, even when we see blessings all around. The issue doesn't lie with the blessings from God. The issue arises when we allow our blessings to take the place of God.

by Taylor Cummings "When you have eaten and are full, then you shall bless the Lord your God for all the good land which He has given you. Beware that you do not forget the Lord your God by not keeping His commandments, His precepts, and His statutes which I command you today, lest when you have eaten and are full, and have built goodly houses and live in them, and when your herds and flocks multiply and your silver and gold is multiplied and all you have is multiplied, then your [minds and] hearts be lifted up and you forget the Lord your God, Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage..." -Deuteronomy 8:10-14 (AMP)

In Deuteronomy 8, the Israelites were

beginning to get ready to go possess the good land-the Promised Land, which God had in store for them. They were going to have an abundance there! God strongly warned them to not forget Him when they began receiving all of these blessings, though. Up until this point, Israel was either in bondage to the Egyptians, or they were in the wilderness. In both of these places, they had to fully rely on God for what they needed. In Egypt, their lifestyles were painful. They were lifestyles of slavery and bondage. In the wilderness, they had a lifestyle where every step had to be directed by the Lord, and they

had to rely on Him for water and their next meals. When God got ready to bring them into their Promised Land, He knew that they were going to be blessed, and He didn't want them to forget Him. He didn't want them to forget all that they had gone through in Egypt and the wilderness. What He said was, "Remember..." Remember Me and remember where you came from. It wasn't that God wanted to withhold blessings from His children. He had so many good things in store for them. He just didn't want them to get so wrapped up in the blessing that they left Him behind and forgot that He was still the One Who was providing for them... even in their abundance. Have you ever found it more easy to cling onto God in the difficult valleys than on the mountaintops of life? I know that God has been abundantly blessing me lately! He took me out of my Egypt and has been showering me with good things! While walking through the wilderness, I didn't have to "remember" God, because I was so reliant on Him to take care of me, that I would never forget God. Although, when the season in my life turned from winter to beautiful spring, I have to be very careful to not forget God or to forget what He brought me through.


I must admit that it has been easy for me to put the blessings God's been giving me before Him. Even this morning, I thought, "Well, I'll read my Bible. Just let me do this first." And I put something before God. So, here is what God has been telling me over and over about where my heart needs to be, "But seek (aim at and strive after) first of all His kingdom and His righteousness (His way of doing and being right), and then all these things taken together will be given you besides." (Matthew 6:33-AMP) God has great things in store for us!!! He has already been giving me such wonderful things that I can't even begin to describe how amazing it is! We can enjoy every blessing from God! If I gave something to someone, I'd want them to enjoy it! But I would still want them to remember me! Dear Heavenly Father, I praise you for the blessings You've been giving me lately! You have poured one blessing after another into my life, and I am eternally grateful. My prayer is that You will help me to not forget You or put You on the back burner now that these blessings have been placed in my life. Be my first priority and my vital need. Then, my blessings can be in their proper place to be enjoyed. In Jesus' Name. Amen. Š Taylor Cummings

by Maria Eglisson

“We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.� -Hebrews 6:19 (NIV)

that holds us firm no matter what happens in our life. We know that He is with us now and that we will be with Him when our life is finished.

I watch as storm clouds billow in across the harbor. Fishermen and sailors secure their boats against the coming threat. Anchors of heavy metal hold the moorings in place and the crafts are made fast with cable line. Seagulls shriek their danger call over the roaring waves.

Prayer: Dear Lord, I come and find refuge in Your words today. I know that You are with me in all seasons of life. Amen.

The harbor is a haven even in the midst of storms. It offers shelter and refuge to those who come within. The chains are strong and the anchors hold. Although they are buffeted by wind and waves the boats are safely moored with an anchor that will hold them until the storm has passed by.

Š Maria Eglisson

In life we will face trials and difficult circumstances. There will be those times when our life is rocked like the boats in a storm. It is in these stormy seasons that we come to Him and find that He is a safe harbor. We begin to see the hope that Christ has given to us; that we will be with Him in heaven when this life is over. It is this hope

To know Maria Egilsson is to know someone who is passionate about issues women face, their relationship with themselves, with God and the world around them. Maria can be contacted through her blog at http://thewoman2woman.blogspot.ca/


for me that is why I developed a need to be in control, secure my future, and to analyze my life, and, because nothing seemed to be in control, I took control. I projected my future because I lived in fear. Fear of the unknown, fear things will not get better, fear that it will always be this way. Fear causes a person to think and behave irrationally. Life seemed uncertain and unpredictable to me so I had to take over and mange my life.

Living in the Present Take it One Day at a Time by Stephanie Reck How many of us, if we are honest, live stressed-out and anxious/worried about tomorrow? If you answered yes to that question, you are not alone. When we live our lives projecting tomorrow's outcomes we forfeit the grace God supplies to us daily, not in lump sums. How many of us try and store God's grace for us? We believe with enough planning and control we can predict outcomes as well as secure our future. But we could not be more wrong. How many of us have tried to get a close handle on our lives by predicting the outcomes of our lives? We try and analyze and figure-out every possible outcome and situation until we become exhausted and frustrated. Life happens and we cannot live on tomorrow's provisions for today. Living in the past or projecting the future will cause stress, anxiety, worry, fear, fatigue and possible illness. Some of us try and live in the past because we have not "settled" our past or properly let-go and healed our hurts as well as past failures. Some of us try and figure out future outcomes because we live in fear and at the root of that fear is a lack of trust in God. We might say we trust God but deep down where no one else can see, we felt we have

been let down by God, forgotten by Him, or discouraged in the waiting process. So we take matters into our own hands because we feel God has not come through for us. We don't want to admit this because we might look bad or maybe others may not think we are really Christians, or for that matter even love God. I will be the first to say that I love God, the Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit and I am a born-again believer but I have struggled in this area of control and trust. At times the control and trust waxes and wanes but underneath it all, I have struggled to make sense of some very difficult matters in my life. I hope I am not alone in this. I have prayed for certain things, people, and desires for years and sometimes they have become worse, and other times it is a slow trickle to the desired outcome I want, and then there are those prayers and cries that seem to go unnoticed. I said seemed to go unnoticed, because do our prayers really go unnoticed or is it not the time or maybe something that would not be in our best interest? I have so many questions, I am sure like you that I don't know the answers to. Such as the inability to have children, desiring to be married, sickness of a child/family member, health issues, or even the pain a parent feels for their prodigal child. I have felt many of these personally and I can say


Taking life as it comes and living in the present day is a great way to allow your fears to take a backseat. Living in the past will also cause you great stress, so being and living in the day you have brings healing. Why be anxious for the things you truly do not know will or won't happen, or why live in regret and past failures? That is not easy to do if you have tried to control your life or try and project possible outcomes of your future. It will not be easy, but let's start with surrendering. Surrendering all forms of control, figuringout, analyzing, and living in past regrets. This also entails trusting God with your life and the lives of others you love. This step requires faith and letting go. If you live one day at a time, God will supply you the grace you need for that day, to handle the problems and situations that happen that day. However, you can't take today's grace and store it for tomorrow. God supplies what you need for that day, not on yesterday or tomorrow. Think about how stress-free you will feel when you live in the present. “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” Matthew 6:34, NIV “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now, and don't get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes.” Matthew 6:34, Message

Stephanie Reck, LMSW, LBT,BCCC. Christian coach & counselor, author, speaker, and teacher. Stephanie has a passion to bring hope and encouragement and to see people made whole. Contact Stephanie @ http:// www.christianhopecounseling.com Copyright@2013, Hope Counseling Ministry. All Rights Reserved.

Worship by Jaz Poet When I drew my first breath and opened my eyes then your hand was upon me let me prosper lest I be planted in you Shine your face upon me lavish upon me your favor OH! to sit in your lap OH! to behold your beauty it washes my heart and I am free sets the soul on fire and I fly with wings A second in your love is worth more than gold yea, it's more than life I remember when my strength failed your word sustained me When I neared the grave the Resurrector resurrected me When I was sick your strong arm loved me well When pain haunted me your tender bosom carried me When I couldn't clean up my own mess you washed and purified me! and presented me perfect before the Father OH! praise the magnificent name of the Lord! When I feel lost I can go to my Saviour and rest in the secret place my refuge from a wicked-weary world OH! to hear your laughter! from the mouth of kids and as a whisper in the winds OH! to look upon your countenance it instantly heals and fills my bones with joy Kiss my spirit lest I faint and a thousand kisses shall be yours forevermore yea forevermore.

Jaz's poetry chapbooks "The Carving Out Of A Butterfly's Wings Parts I & II are for sale & published@http://www.twopensandlint.com/jaz/.

Jaz is a published poet/ASCAP member songwriter/ singer from Philly, Pa. She's honored to be used as an instrument for the writer of her soul-Jesus Christ!

Š 2005. All Rights Reserved.


simply says this: “To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover that the prisoner was you.” I first came across that quote during a rough period in my life when I had been hurt by several people all at once. Looking back I wasted a lot of years carrying the weight of those offenses. When we finally reconciled and forgave one another it was if a heavy weight had been lifted off our shoulders. I came to realize that they were hurting just like I was but didn’t know how to fix it.

I Forgive You Why Forgiveness is Really for You by Stephanie Lyas There is one thing that is certain about life. Offenses will come. Most of the time they catch us off guard by the ones we know and love. Some are easy to get over. Others are harder. And it seems the last thing you feel like doing thing to do when you’re the one who has been offended is forgiving. Sometimes the pain of the offense seems too deep to simply let it go. We reason, “Why should I let them off the hook when I’m the one who has been hurt?” The reason is simple— because forgiveness is really for you. In Matthew 6:5-14 Jesus teaches us how to pray. This model prayer specifically deals with the subject of forgiveness. “And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.” (v.12) That means that we are asking God to deal with us in the same manner that we deal with those who have wronged us. In other words we are actually saying, “Father, respond to me how I respond to them.” Think about it and ask yourself, “ Is that what I really want?” I’ll bet, in most cases the answer is likely, “No.” That is why the only acceptable response when we are offended is “I forgive you” whether

they apologize or not. That is significant because a lot is at stake. If we want forgiveness we must find a way to forgive. If we want to be healed and restored, forgiveness is means by which we get there. But you might say, “isn’t forgiveness really excusing the offense?” Yes and no. Forgiving someone who has wronged you does not necessarily excuse their behavior. Instead, it says to that person, “I feel the impact of the offense, but do not hold it against you. I release us both from the prison of my hurt so that we both can be free.” And I will admit, it takes a level of spiritual maturity to get to that point, because our carnal nature wants to retaliate. One of my favorite quotes is by Lewis B. Smedes and it

One thing that I regret during that whole experience is the lost time that we can never get back. I also regret the fact that I spent so much time being led by my emotions rather than by the Spirit of God. I was bound by the hurt and anger and they were leading me around like a dog on a leash. Maybe you’re stuck in the throes of heartache caused by the actions of others. Maybe you feel justified in holding onto the pain. Let me tell you that the key to healing is in forgiving them and moving on. And you cannot wait until you feel like forgiving because you never will. You have to simply make a decision to release yourself and them from the prison of pain. It takes courage to forgive but you can do it. It takes grace to forgive but you have all you need. Simply ask God to help you do what seems the hardest and He will! He wants you healed, delivered and totally free. © 2013. Stephanie Lyas

As I walked out the door toward the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn't leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I'd still be in prison.” -Nelson Mandela


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Love Notes From Heaven

by Cindy Blackmon When you hear anyone called "the black sheep of the family" what do you think of? Is it someone that's addicted to drugs or alcohol? Or maybe sexual immorality? Or laziness? Or habitual lying? Or gossiping? The list could go on and on. But what it amounts to is SIN. And all of us have fallen short of the glory of God.

mess, and to show me the way. I will never forget that day for the rest of my life! I literally felt Jesus reach down from heaven and pat me on the head like we might a little child, (or in my case, a shaggy old dog!). I heard Jesus say, "It's okay my precious child, I understand, your sins are forgiven. Now go and sin no more!"

It is we as human beings that deem one sin worse than another. But in God's eyes anything that is not of faith is sin. And the problem is the constant struggle between the flesh and the spirit. The spirit is usually willing but the flesh is weak. I grew up most of my life feeling like "the black sheep" of my family simply because I was the one that was different and set apart- isolated and never seem to fit in anywhere. I never could figure out why I wasn't loved, or wanted, or treated like my siblings even though I was labeled the "good one."

For many years I still didn't know how to let go and let God mold me and make me into what He created me to be. But now God has taught me that because of Adam and Eve's disobedience in the very beginning we were all born as "black sheep". But once we accept His gift of grace and salvation, He then takes us into His fold and becomes our shepherd. And we become one of many in His flock!

And just as a shepherd tends to and cares for His sheep, Jesus loves us, cares for us, and provides for us like no other human being could ever do. So if you've been I carried around so much pain, hurt, anger, and resentment labeled the "black sheep" in your family or you just feel that for so many years as I struggled to be the peacemaker; way about yourself, please accept God's gift of forgiveness, always strong and independent; and I didn't need anything mercy, compassion, and unfailing love and let Him wrap or anybody else in my life. I didn't know how to love or be His arms around you and bring you into His flock! For loved and asking for help was impossible. So it was hard for today is the day of salvation! me to call out to God and let Him teach me how to love and be loved. Finally at the age of 31, on August 6th, 1989, I was down on Cindy Blackmon is a Christian writer that has a burden to my knees in the middle of my living room floor with my share God's love with others and is willing to share the story bible opened on my lap. I had just read the story about the of her own spiritual journey with anyone that will listen. woman caught in the act of adultery, and I cried out to God to please help me understand why my life was in such a Contact her at: cgblackmon58@yahoo.com


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HeartSongs Magazine


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Publishing Unlimited ™ Providing a Variety of Inspirational Electronic and Print Media Products HeartSongs Publishing Unlimited P.O. Box 59763 Birmingham, AL 35259-9763


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