HeartSongs Magazine-Spring 2013 Issue

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The Magazine for Inspiration and Life


The Magazine for Inspiration and Life HeartSongs Magazine c/o HeartSongs Publications Unlimited P.O. Box 59763 Birmingham, AL 35259-9763 205-943-2518

This publication is copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted without the expressed written permission of the Editor. Please contact the authors directly for permission to reprint, distribute or re-publish their work. All material is re-printed with permission. Photo Credits: FRS Photography, Master Art Collection and Various Artists All Rights Reserved

FREELANCE WRITERS WELCOME HeartsSongs Magazine is currently accepting submissions of original high quality content for future issues. If you are interested in having your work published with us please contact us at via email at heartsongsmag@gmai.com for submission guidelines and information.

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The Magazine for Inspiration and Life


Move It and Lose It– by Stephanie Lyas


Your Pain Can Be Your Reign– by Shannon Keith


Bullseye! How to Land Every Goal You Set– by Eric Garner


Get the Rebound! Why Your Setback is Really a Comeback– by Stephanie Lyas


The Grass is Always Greener– by Dionna Sanchez


What's Cookin’ in the Cafe


A Message From the Editor


A Free Gift for You


Love Notes from Heaven


Spring Cleaning Spring Cleaning. Two words that many of us hate to hear. De-cluttering, organizing, dusting, mopping and sweeping are all things we dread doing, but we sure do love the results of a good cleaning, don’t we? There’s nothing like the feel of a home when things are tidy and in order. When things are in their proper place we can think more clearly, and be more productive. The same is true with our spiritual “houses.” When the seasons change, it’s always a good idea to spruce up. There’s just something about cleaning that makes you feel revived and renewed. Clearing out old habits, old mindsets, and relationships that don’t really serve us well is important to growth. Tossing out bitterness, envy, strife and unforgiveness clears the way for new relationships to thrive and old ones to flourish. In this new season, I pray that we will put away the junk of the past. I hope that we all make a conscious effort to get rid of the things that serve no productive purpose in our lives. May we go after our dreams, strive to be better as individuals and live the life that God has designed just for us. It all starts with a good cleaning! .


Happy Spring! Signs of life are bursting forth all around us. The blooming flowers, fresh air, and warmer weather are all such a welcomed change. To me the spring season represents newness. I’m boldly going in the direction of my dreams, goals and callings. I’m grateful for the courage to step outside my comfort zone into the wonderful destiny that God has promised me. It’s time to move forward! If you feel stuck in the winter season and like nothing is happening right now— don’t lose heart. In order for new life to emerge, there has to be a period of dormancy. That’s why certain flowers and seeds have to be planted at the right moment so that when the time is right, they will sprout up and emerge as beautiful new creations. We don’t get to see what is happening in the dirt, but we believe that whatever we have planted will soon come forth in all its glory!

Stephanie Lyas, Founding Editor HeartSongs Magazine

Maybe you’ve been in a dormant season in your life. And it looks like everything is dead and lifeless. I challenge you to take another look. Look up. Look around you. Look inside you. The dreams that God placed inside of you are still there. The good work that He has begun is ready to be completed. And God is able to resurrect things that seem dead and done. Only believe!


As we reflect upon the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and all that He means, I’m reminded that what was once dead is now alive forevermore. Because He lives, I can face tomorrow with unspeakable joy!

HeartSongs Magazine c/o HeartSongs Publishing Unlimited Stephanie Lyas, Founder P.O. Box 59763 Birmingham, AL 35259-9763

I pray that this season will be one of abundant blessings, hope, encouragement, and growth for you. I also pray that HeartSongs Magazine will be a small part of that process. Thanks always for your love and continued support. Faithfully yours,


Founding Editor, HeartSongs Magazine


HAVE hope TRY new things BE active SEE the good SAY “I Love You” more CHALLENGE yourself CHOOSE to be happy EAT better ENJOY today FORGIVE quicker READ more often BE the best you can be Source Unknown


by Stephanie Lyas

Funny thing about snowballs, they’re beautiful to look at, but they sure don’t last very long. I’m not talking about snowballs made from actual snow. I’m referring to those gorgeous flowers that bloom every spring like clockwork. I believe the scientific name for them is hydrangeas but, my grandmother always called them snowballs because that’s exactly what they look like in full bloom- white, and ever so delicate blossoms of beauty.

so much pride and joy. As I carefully selected each stalk, I did so with her in mind. I remembered how she always encouraged me to strive for the best, so I dared not pick anything less. By the time I was finished, I was teary-eyed and proud of my enormous bouquet of snowballs. Of course, some shed their petals before I got them home safely to their vase, but overall the bouquet was simply breathtaking-like something you would find in an upscale flower shop. This was one display that I knew Granny would be proud of.

I could always tell when spring had officially arrived. Not by the calendar, but by my grandmother’s flowerbed. Snowballs, azaleas and daffodils were the one sure way to know that spring was in the air. Granny took pride in her “snowball bush” as I A few days later I passed by her house again, and to my surrecall. She would often get compliments from neighbors, and prise, the snowball bush was brown and withered. I could hardpassersby who admired the towering white shrubs. And when ly believe that the lovely snowballs had died. Gone. Almost as the wind blew, even just a little, you could count on those fragile quickly as they had come. I had no idea that the snowball bush little petals falling to the ground like a snowwould not be as beautiful that day as it was just a flakes. I was always fascinated by those few days before. In fact, I was planning on pickbeautiful bushes and now, I know why. The ing a few more to place on her grave. I felt a little snowballs would, in later years serve as a sadness at the sight of the dried, lifeless remreminder of the wonderful memories I have nants of that once breathtaking bush. At the of my grandmother who passed away seversame time I was glad I picked my bouquet when al years ago. The snowballs represented her I did. At least I was able to enjoy it for just a little in so many ways. Like her, they were quaint while before it withered. In actuality the snowand delicate, yet commanded the attention balls were gone, but the bush itself was still and admiration of everyone who had the green and vibrant. A recently picked snowball bouquet from Granny’s yard pleasure of seeing them. I thought to myself, “Nature has a strange As the anniversary of her passing approached, I began to reflect way of showing you things.” Who knew that a simple hydranon her life and the things she taught me. “Do right and right gea bush could teach me some of the most important lessons I will follow” was one of her favorite sayings and, I believe, was could ever learn: 1). that life is precious 2). that physical beauty the theme of her life. As I passed by her house one day, I noticed is short-lived 3). that everything beautiful blossoms in its own that the snowballs were in full bloom just as they had been every time, and 4). that we should enjoy the simple pleasures in life spring. Every single branch of the enormous shrub was blessed because they can be here in one instant and gone the next. with the presence of a gorgeous white orb of beauty. I had previously resisted the urge to go and cut some, but this particular I thought about how fortunate I was to enjoy my Granny the time was different. I had to have some. Plus, I already had a same way-her bright smile, her wit, her kindness and her zeal for vase to put them in. That, I thought would be a perfect way to life. I reflected on all the wonderful things she taught me growremember perhaps the most influential person in my life. As I ing up. Of course, I will never be able to recapture those years, carefully selected each flower, I thought to myself, “Granny but I will always cherish my precious memories of Granny and would be furious to see me cutting on her snowball bush.” I her snowball bush. smiled, knowing that, she would actually be honored to share © Copyright 2005. Stephanie Lyas something so lovely with me-especially something that gave her


In Harm’s Way by Stephanie Lyas

I usually try to avoid watching the local news because of all the bad news. It’s true what they say, though, “If It bleeds, it leads.” Sometimes I wonder why somebody hasn’t come up with a news network that reports only the good stuff. But that wouldn’t be realistic, would it? So, when I come across a really good “feel good” story, I try to appreciate it—and learn something from it. Tonight, there was one of those “you gotta see this” stories about a mother duck who led her eight (yes, eight) babies across a busy five-lane interstate in the middle of rush hour. The miracle was that all nine of them safely crossed without a single feather out of place! It was as if they each had some invisible, supernatural Traffic Cop guiding them. The amazing part was that the mother instinctively knew exactly when to stop and when to proceed with her “precious cargo” in tow. It was fascinating watching them weave in and out of the lanes with the babies huddled as close as they could possibly get to her side. When she stopped, they stopped. When she moved, they moved in perfect precision. One false move and it could have been disastrous for all of them. I was on the edge of my seat like I was watching a suspense thriller and sat there with my eyes covered as they avoided a couple of near fatal misses. At times, the cars zoomed by so fast that it knocked a few of the babies off their feet and almost into another lane where they would have been run over. But GOD… Here’s what really got me, though. Each time one or more of the babies would get knocked off its feet, the mother and the rest of the group would patiently wait for them to get back up- then the huddle would proceed cautiously to the next lane. I let out the biggest sigh of relief when that sweet little duck family made it safely across the highway and out of harm’s way. It was truly something to witness! One of the newscasters made the comment that the mother duck “foolishly put her babies at risk” by leading them across the dangerous interstate. “What was she thinking?” he asked. Those words stuck with me a moment as I thought about my own life. How many times have I put myself and others at risk of danger by making foolish choices? How many times did I follow the crowd, oblivious to the danger that awaited? And how many times has God led me safely to the other side when I probably deserved to get wiped out? We all have made foolish choices in life. We've been followers instead of leaders. Many times we have failed to think before we acted and took stupid risks. To others watching our lives, we deserved to be punished for our carelessness. But GOD… Like that brave mother duck, God led us to a place of safety. Yes, we could have gotten ourselves hurt or even killed. Yes, the outcome of our choices could have affected those we love. Yes, we could not have survived to tell our stories. But GOD… Seeing those ducks on TV that night taught me a powerful lesson about the grace and mercy of God in my own life: 1). That even in the midst of foolish choices that I have made, God still has a plan for me. 2). That, as close as I come to totally wrecking my life, God patiently waits for me to get back on my feet and even picks me up at times when I fall. 3). That like those baby ducks who helplessly clung to their mother's side, not making a move without her, I desperately cling to my Heavenly Father to guide me, sometimes unaware of the danger around me. 4). That because God loves me, He will order my steps and lead me to safety, and 5). Because Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior placed Himself in harm’s way, His “precious cargo” can make it safely to the other side. “From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another.” –John 1:16 (NIV) Copyright ©2012. Stephanie Lyas. All Rights Reserved.


Personal Development

by Eric Garner Why is it that some people set goals and give up on them while others set goals and achieve them with amazing ease? The answer almost certainly lies in applying the following 7 secrets of goal-setting. 1. Start With Your Strengths. Although you can base your goals on anything you want, your chances of success are greater if, first, you base them on your strengths and second, on the current opportunities in your field. To find out your strengths, do some self-research, such as a personal SWOT: your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. 2. Put Your Goals In Writing. Written goals have a way of transforming wishes into wants, cant's into cans, dreams into plans and plans into reality. The act of writing clarifies your goals and provides you with a way to check your progress. You can even add reasons to give you more motivation. So don't just think it - ink it! 3. Dream Big. One of the factors that restricts the realization of our full potential is the belief that we shouldn't go for big goals. Yet all the evidence of those who realize big goals is that we can always achieve far more than we think. David Schwartz says in his book "The Magic of Thinking Big": "Big goals attract big resources like a magnet." 4. Pitch Each Goal. Once you have set your ultimate goal, you then need to set the intermediate goals that will get you where you want. Don't pitch these too easily or too ambitiously or they will drop into the Drop Zone. Aim to make them challenging: out of reach, but not out of sight. 5. Express Them Right. It's important to express your goals in the right way. · never express your goal in terms of what you don't want; always in terms of what you do want · express your goals in performance terms not reward terms · express your goals in terms of how others benefit · express your goals according to the principles which matter. 6. Set Goals In Terms of Behavior. When we set goals for ourselves, they should be expressed in behavioral terms, rather than in terms of status, rewards or position. That’s because behavior is something within our power, while status, rewards and position are not. Formulating goals in behavioral terms also means we present a strong positive image of ourselves to our brains. The brain, not knowing the difference between a real or imagined experience, then seeks to act in accordance with the presented image. 7. Pursue Your Goals With Passion. The driving force behind your goal-achievement is Desire. You must desire your goals constantly, vividly and with a burning passion. If you do, you cannot fail to achieve them. It was said of Michelangelo that he could blot out every distraction while working on a project such as the statue of David, until it was completed. When you pursue your goals with these 7 habits, you’ll be amazed at how quickly they manifest themselves and how much

more enjoyable the process becomes. © 2005, Eric Garner, ManageTrainLearn.com


The Grass is Always Greener by Dionna Sanchez

When my life is really hectic and busy, I long for quieter days where I can putz and roam at "will." I dream of a day where I can delve into a project or have everything around the house caught up on, so that I can read for hours with my children or play game after game with them without worrying about the time. But then when those slow days seem to come, it seems like I look around me and feel like everyone is doing something exciting in their life but me. I tend to feel like maybe I'm boring or maybe I should look into a new opportunity or activity in my life. Have you ever felt that way? We tend to always want what we don't have. Have you ever stopped to wonder why that is? I think it's because we don't know how to be content with what we have and where God has placed us in our lives. We take our eyes off of the road He has placed us on, and we look at someone else's road. We fail to take into consideration that that someone could be looking at our road and wishing for our set of circumstances as well! We just carry this mentality with us of thinking that we need to be doing (or not doing) what the rest of the world is doing! We trip ourselves up a lot with this way of thinking. I know there have been many times where I have wallowed in a little bit of self pity only to remember later on that I had asked for that certain situation or set of circumstances to come up! And when it did, I was only ungrateful. The grass is always going to look greener on the other side of that fence if we continue to look at what everyone else has instead of looking at how much we have to be thankful for. When times are busy, we can be thankful for friends who invite us to activities, or healthy children who are well enough to participate in sports. And when they are slower, we can be thankful for those times to recharge, catch up around our homes, and spend extra time loving on each other. I think it's all in how we look at it.


Health & Wellness

by Stephanie Lyas

Recently a friend asked me when was the last time I went to the gym. Embarrassed, I answered, “It’s been so long that I’ve forgotten my locker combination.” Knowing my hectic lifestyle, his reply was, “Well you know you have to exercise to stay healthy and keep up with yourself.” And he was right. I go a lot, but I'm not physically active enough in a way that is conducive to reducing stress, and making a healthier me. I was convicted to star t back on a regular workout schedule. I’m no poster child for Physical Fitness, but I do, know a thing or two about exercise. Several years ago, I made the decision to lose weight by exercising and making smarter food choices. I’m not saying that I haven’t fallen off the wagon a few times, but I am aware of the positive effects of proper nutrition and exercise on a person’s overall well-being. Studies have shown that simple lifestyle changes can drastically reduce one’s risk of obesity, life-threatening illnesses, and can evenly positively affect mental clarity and focus. Following these simple guidelines will bring you one step closer to a healthier you. In turn, you will lose those unwanted pounds and look and feel better. Just a few minutes of aerobic activity each day will get you going and help you lose all the stuff you don’t want like extra weight, stress and fatigue. Disclaimer: Be sure to consult with your doctor before making any dietary changes or beginning any exercise regimen. These are just a few of my personal fitness tips. Results may vary. Here are a few tips that helped me on my journey toward a healthier me: 1. Drink plenty of water throughout the day, especially before and after your workout. 2. Pace yourself. Start slowly then build. 3. Stretching helps reduce the risk injury. Be sure to learn the proper techniques. 4. Listen to your body. Don’t overdo it! If you feel fatigued or experience pain, STOP. Consult a doctor if the pain persists. 5. Invest in a pair of comfortable shoes and workout gear. Choose fabric that is light, well-fitting and “breathable”.


Eight Simple Ways To Enjoy the “Sweet” Life by Stephanie Lyas

What comes to mind when you think of the “sweet life?” Owning a fancy home or luxury car? Wearing the hottest designer labels? Vacationing in a tropical paradise? All of these things, while great in their own right, are what many people attribute to living well. Contemporary culture sets the standard for what the good life is. The desire for material things, social status and the quest to “keep up with the Joneses” overshadows our ability to really enjoy the simple things in life. There is nothing wrong with desiring and having nice things, but how many times do we chase the “bling” and miss out on the simple things? Do yourself a favor and take time to savor the sweet life that God has provided for those who love Him and trust Him. No, you may not have the material possessions that others have, but that’s okay. Don’t waste time wanting what others have. Instead, spend more time enjoying what you have, and who you are. You may not have the talent, the looks, the money, or the notoriety that others have, but guess what? Life is still worth living. You are still blessed! The life you have now is “sweet,’ especially if you are in God’s family, so, cherish each day, and enjoy the sweet life that is yours already. Here are eight of my favorite “Life Savors”. I hope they will become yours, too: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Admiring a beautiful sunset Taking a Sunday afternoon drive Watching children play in the park Reading a good book Petting a friendly dog or cat Going on a nature walk Taking a mini vacation. Even day trips can be refreshing. Singing or listening to old songs that you used to enjoy. Nothing brings back the “good old days” like good music.

So the next time, you feel like life is passing you by, take a moment to enjoy the simple things. These life savors can be real life savers! © Stephanie Lyas. The HeartSong Café. 2006


Cooking & Entertainment

Delicious Lemon Parmesan Tilapia What You Need: 1-2 lbs. Tilapia fillets 2-4 tsp. Butter or margarine, softened 2 tsp. Fresh lemon juice

Parmesan-Lemon Sauce 1 cup low-fat mayonnaise 2 tbsp. lemon juice 1/2 cup grated parmesan cheese

How To Fix: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Rinse the tilapia fillets in cold water and drain thoroughly. Top with butter or margarine and lemon juice. Broil about 4 inches from the source of heat for approximately 5 to 6 minutes or until the fish flakes easily when tested with a fork. Top each portion with 1-2 tbsp. of Lemon-Parmesan Sauce; broil 2-3 minutes or until sauce puffs and turns golden brown. Place fillets on serving plate; garnish with lemon slices and fresh parsley.

Serves: 4-6

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: “Most people are willing to change, not because they see the light, but because they feel the heat!� -Unknown


Okay, so it’s not a coupon for a free skinny mocha latte! It’s way better! God gave us Jesus Christ, the only One good enough to pay the sin debt for all mankind– past, present and future. It’s not about being religious or following a bunch of man-made rules, but it is about being reconciled to God our Father eternally through Christ. His gift is free to us, but cost Him everything. That’s pretty awesome!

So here’s the deal…. Maybe you’re wondering, “This sounds too good to be true. How do I take advantage of this free gift? ” It is fairly simple, but you must receive it by faith -trusting in God. ACKNOWLEDGE that sin has separated you from God. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” ( Romans 3:23) Admit that you’ve broken God’s rules but you really want to change. He’s more than willing to forgive you and help you if you are willing and sincere. BELIEVE that God sent His Son Jesus as the only acceptable sacrifice to pay the debt for our sins. Because God is as Holy as He is loving, He could not tolerate the rebellious, wicked state of mankind. So, instead of punishing us , which would have been fair, He showed us mercy and sent His only Son to take our place. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) CONFESS or say what you believe. “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) Again, this must be done by faith. “For with the heart man believes and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:10).” Be courageous enough to share with others what God has done for you. And finally.. make a DECISION to live your life to glorify Him.. You may think that it’s too hard, but if you ask Him, He will empower you to do just that. Your lifestyle should represent what your new relationship with Christ is all about. CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve made the most important decision of your life and you are now a member of God’s family! Develop your relationship by spending time reading and studying the Bible. It may be helpful to connect with others through a local church or small group fellowship to get you started. Communicate openly with God through prayer and meditation in His Word and finally, surround yourself with others who will help you grow you in your new walk with Christ. Your life will never be the same. You are a new creature in Christ. Old things have passed away and all things are new! (2 Corinthians 5:17) And that beats a latte any day!


Finding God's Grace When We Make Mistakes

By Stephanie Lyas “What does God think of me?” “How could I do such a thing?” “I can’t do anything right…” At one time or another all of us have probably uttered these words about ourselves in moments of frustration. Sometimes, when we make mistakes, feelings of humiliation and shame have a tendency to weave themselves into the very fabric of our existence and discourage us. It is a tactic of the enemy to cause us to believe that God is angry at us, that we are not worthy of His love and forgiveness, and that we do not have what it takes to be successful in life. Nothing could be farther from the truth. God is a merciful Father, and it is His desire that we understand the total depth and breadth of His love for us. That perfect love encompasses grace and forgiveness, and gives us a sense of completeness that only comes from a relationship with Him. Even when we fall short of His absolute best, He lovingly guides us back into fellowship with Him. It is the Father’s desire that we become stable, mature, individuals so that we may ultimately glorify Him. Often, He uses the negative circumstances of life, including our mistakes, to teach, transform and train us. What is most important to our spiritual growth is finding grace, through prayer, to overcome mistakes, and to move toward the remarkable future that God has in store for us.

So What Exactly Does it Mean to Pray?

How To Find Grace Through Prayer

You might say, “I don’t know how to pray,” or “I don’t feel worthy enough to pray.” The good news is that prayer is simply communication with God. It is open, honest dialogue with the Father that doesn’t require a lot of words. In fact, some of the most profound moments in prayer can be spent in absolute silence as we prepare our hearts and minds to receive from God. The wonderful thing about our Father is that He knows the unspoken meditations of our hearts, and, even in stillness, speaks to us.

Throughout the course our lifetimes we will have made many mistakes-some seemingly trivial and others monumental. It is important to not allow ourselves to be ensnared by the pitfalls of guilt and condemnation, and to recognize that they serve no real purpose but to cause us to lose focus on the truly significant things in life. In actuality, they create a hidden rift between God and us-one in which we cannot earnestly connect with Him in prayer. The truth is that the enemy desires to separate us from our Power Source which is God the Father. Without the ability to communicate with Almighty God, Satan knows that we are literally defenseless against his tricks and schemes. God, on the other hand, wants to maintain fellowship with us so that we can be triumphant in every situation. He desires for us to approach Him with all sincerity in prayer, especially when we make mistakes. His Word says that we can “…come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” (Hebrews 4:16 KJV) There is no greater time of need than when we stumble along the way. Scripture clearly

What Prayer is Not Often, we are temped to use prayer as a way to alleviate our guilt without true confession. We might bargain with God or make empty promises to avoid His discipline. How many times have we prayed, “God, if You’d only...then I promise to…” knowing in our hearts that we are not being totally truthful with God? Such halfhearted actions do not lead us to finding God’s grace, but actually hinder or delay our blessings. Prayer is designed to be a safe method for us to effectively communicate with our Father. It is not a means to manipulate God into blessing us despite known sin in our lives.


(Continued on page 26)

YOUR PAIN CAN BE YOUR REIGN by Shannon Keith Most of us have all played the vicious game of chasing and running. We chase after the things that we think will make us "happy" and then run from them once we realize that these "things" or "lifestyles" are nothing but terrible pain. This cycle will continue until we each come to the very end of ourselves. You may ask, “How do you come to the end of yourself?” Basically, the end of yourself is when you have made a complete mess of your life and hurt the ones around you and still cannot feel the emotion behind the mess that you have created. This emotional void is what happens when we distance ourselves from our faith. I like to refer to it as getting lost in a worldly slumber, that feeling of drowning in the guilt and shame of the past.

spirit in our time of need so the vicious game of chasing happiness and running away can end. God will help you navigate yourself out of the mess that you have made in your life. I know you must be thinking, “Are you kidding me?” No, this is no kidding matter, neither are your previous life experiences or your heartaches. God will take the mess that you have gone through in your life and actually use it for someone else in the midst of their pain for His glory, if you will just be patient and allow Him into your soul. So listen for His whisper and remember that your pain can be your reign!

This type of distance or as I call it, worldly slumber, is when each of us should listen to the words of Psalm 46:10 and "Be still and know that I am God." At this point, we are normally brokenhearted over our mistakes but if we allow God into the chambers of our soul it will be the most intimate encounter. Words cannot describe the peace that only He can bring with just a whisper into our spirit. He comes to help us restore our

© Copyright 2012 Shannon Keith



by Stephanie Lyas

Waiting is something that no one really likes to do. But waiting is a part of life. Even in this “microwave society” it seems like everything in life requires waiting. In fact, we spend much of our day waiting on something or someone:

voice said, “The most productive thing you can do today is to sit quiet and wait on Me.” I knew it was the Holy Spirit because I sensed the calmness and peace that only He could provide. Of course, me, and my “high-strung” self was not at all comfortable with that. I wanted to hurry up and pray, hurry and get showered and dressed, hurry up and check email so I could hurry up and get out the door.

waiting for the kids to get ready for school waiting in traffic waiting in line at the grocery store waiting at the doctor’s office waiting on the phone for customer service

Then, it occurred to me, “Today is an off day. I don’t have to be anywhere in a hurry. Why don’t I just chill a minute?” Many times we are in such a hurry to do something, that we act too hastily and miss God’s instructions. Only He knows what disaster we may be avoiding, what answers He may be providing, or which direction He is trying to show us. To patiently wait for Him is never a waste of time, no matter how busy the day may be.

Life is full of waiting. But let’s take it a step further. How many times have you prayed for something for a long time and the longer you pray, the longer it seems you have to wait? You’ve trusted God, stood firmly on His Word, been faithful and obedient, and the very thing that you’ve been believing for is the main thing that seems to elude you? You are not alone. And although God seems to be taking His time, rest assured there is a purpose for the waiting.

DON’T JUST DO SOMETHING… STAND THERE! The world often equates busyness with productivity. And when a crisis occurs, we immediately want to react. In fact, often in an emergency we might hear someone say, “Don’t just stand there, do something!” Yes, there is a time to act when time is of the essence. But many times when we are faced with a pressing matter that requires making a wise choice, the Spirit of God is saying the opposite, “Don’t just do something, stand there.” In other words, don’t be so hasty to act-especially when you don’t have all the information. And especially when you haven’t consulted God through prayer.

I was reading something recently about training for a marathon. Although their goal is to finish the race in a record time, runners must also learn to run at a certain pace to avoid overexertion. In other words, they are learning endurance. The race is about doing your personal best and developing patience. The Bible tells us to "run with patience (endurance, persistence) the race set before us, looking unto Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith (Hebrews 12:1-2, KJV) It seems like running a race with patience is an oxymoron. After all, isn’t the goal to hurry up and finish before everybody else? Well, it depends. The goal of running the race of life is not to beat your opponent, but to finish your course and develop the patience, persistence and character that God desires.

Remember that the race of life is a marathon, not a sprint. You are not in competition with anyone else. You have a specific race that has been custom designed by God for you. It doesn’t matter how fast you progress compared to other people, just as long as you get there. Run with patience so that you can learn the lessons and finish strong.

One morning. I was getting ready to get up and hit the ground running with my usual long list of things to do when a little


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Busy Signal Rejected Is how I feel when I want to talk But you’re in a hurry “Some other time” you say as you scurry To and fro-STILL BUSY Guess we’ll talk some other time SOME OTHER TIME Those words Penetrate like shards of glass on naked flesh Because all I want is to spend time with you and tell you things to make your day go better share secret things or simply love on you Night falls I sense the cares of the day Have taken their toll on you Still I wait Maybe we’ll talk tomorrow If you’re not too busy

© Stephanie Lyas. 2009. Dwelling Places


Beauty and Fashion

by Stephanie Lyas We all know that beauty is not just about a person’s outward appearance. Besides, all the clothes and makeup in the world can never mask a heart, mind and personality that is ugly. Every woman I talk to has at least one area in her life-whether physical or emotional that she would rather cover up. The truth is, those things don’t matter as much when you have beauty and self-confidence inside. No matter what you look like to yourself and others, you are beautiful, not because of how you look or what you do, but because you are a Designer’s original. Start with where you are in creating the best YOU you can be! As a beautiful woman you are entitled to: At least 7 flattering outfits that look and feel good on you-one for each day of the week Clothing that is illfitting (too small, too big) definitely steals your confidence. My personal motto is, “if it makes you look fatter, it doesn’t flatter”. Freely develop your own fashion sense and style. Avoid extremes in any direction. Be comfortable, have fun, and accentuate the positives! Don’t break the bank, though. Start simply with what you have and go from there. Accessories are also very important. While the outward appearance is trivial in the grand scheme of things- I believe that God affords us every opportunity to be our best. That includes looking our best in whatever we have to work with. Blessed Quietness. Try to give yourself at least one hour every day of personal quiet time and reflection. Turning off the TV, cell phones, iPads and other distractions provides a wonderful time to pray, meditate, or journal. You might have to break it up into segments, but do it! Your spiritual well-being is worth it. There is happiness in the simple things. The Gift of Laughter. Studies have shown that a good “belly laugh” does wonders to fight many common and some life-threatening illnesses. Even the Bible teaches us that “a merry heart does good like medicine.” (Proverbs 17:22) Whether it’s watching your favorite funny movie or show or talking to that person who you can always count on to tickle your funny bone, adding laughter to your day is good for you. Freedom from knowing all the answers. You don’t have to know how everything is going to work out, but you do have to have faith it will. Release yourself from the bondage of having to know it all. You don’t have to see the whole staircase. Just take the first step. To make mistakes and to learn from them. Mistakes will happen. But they are just indicators that you’re trying. Overcome them and learn the lessons. To love someone unconditionally and to be loved. Enough said.



Going Home by Julianne Jones

“How would you feel about moving back home?”

The years passed.

Heart hammering in my chest, I glanced to where my husband was holding our firstborn son in his arms. It was our first family holiday since our son had been born four months earlier and we were enjoying a walk around the headland. But the wind blowing off the Bay was nowhere near as chilly as the fear now working its way through my body.

Another son joined our family. And another. And yet another. Life was good. We were outgrowing our home. We started to dream about finding a larger place. We looked at small acreages but nothing seemed right.

Was he serious? This was home. This was where I’d been born and raised. This was where my ancestors had chosen to settle and build a new life for themselves. Why move?

Very rarely did the question surface now. We were busy: family, church, work, and school. There was no time to waste thinking about What if? We were here. This was our home. We were settled.

“We could just go for a few years maybe.” A few years? My family was here. Our son’s grandparents. And great-grandparents. How could I leave?

Then one day as I read my Bible, a passage seemed to jump out at me. It was as if God Himself was speaking the words right into my heart:

The question was dropped and I struggled to put it out of my mind. Surely he hadn’t meant anything by it. Probably just one of those idle thoughts we all have from time to time.

"At that time I will gather you; at that time I will bring you home. I will give you honor and praise among all the peoples of the earth when I restore your fortunes before your very eyes" (Zephaniah 3:20, NIV).

But over the years the question would arise again and again. Each time the fear was less, until eventually the fear abated altogether. It was just talk. He was feeling homesick. He’d get over it. There was absolutely no reason to get concerned or upset.

I argued with God. “I am home. I don’t need to move.” But the feeling that God was speaking to me persisted.

And so I would try and distract him. Cheer him up so that he would forget about his homeland. Try and convince him that he should be perfectly content with what he already had.

Almost afraid to share with my husband, I did so nevertheless. Although we rarely spoke of it now, his desire to return home had never lessened. We agreed to seek God’s will. I dared to ask: “Are you prepared to pray that if this is not from God, that He would take the desire away?”

Another son was born. And then we heard that my husband’s sister was getting married. A family reunion was called for. Eight siblings together for the first time in years: what an occasion that would be!

“Yes. But are you prepared to pray that if it is from God that He would strengthen the desire in both of us?”

We flew over for the wedding, spent time with his family, and visited all his childhood aunts. We toured his homeland, collected souvenirs and took photo after photo to place into our family album.

If my husband were willing to give up his heart’s desire, surely I should be willing to have my desires changed.

And then we flew back home. To our home.

But it wasn’t easy. Oh, how I longed that his desire would be taken away. Surely God wouldn’t ask us to move.

“It feels so good to be home,” he said as the plane touched down. I relaxed. He’d just been missing home. Things would be fine now.


Time marched on. Circumstances changed. My husband left his job. He was offered another job. He tried to refuse it. Several times. But they persisted and eventually he agreed.

he started employment.

“Just until Christmas,” he told me when I expressed concern.

Suddenly it was happening. And there were so many things to do! Four weeks was all we had. Four weeks in which to get the house in order and to pack up the paraphernalia of twelve years and seven people. Four weeks in which to say goodbye to friends and family and church. Four weeks to arrange flights and passports and put the house on the market. And somewhere in the midst of those four weeks, somehow find time to celebrate Christmas and end of year school concerts.

I started to entertain the thought that God might just require us to move. Always wanting to be prepared, I searched for information about my husband’s homeland. What I learned was depressing. “Lord,” I prayed, “How can I give up everything we have here? Everything we’ve worked so hard for? If we sell up and move now we’ll never be able to afford a home of our own. Things are so expensive over there. And, anyway, we’re just starting to get involved in our church here. We’re helping out with youth group and I’m playing the piano again. Surely you can’t ask us to give all that up? What if we never get asked to do anything in another church again? We can’t move.” But God spoke words of comfort into my heart: "For I know the plans I have for you … plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call upon me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you ..." (Jeremiah 29:11-12, NIV).

Oh you of little faith (Matthew 6:30, NIV).

The travel agent laughed when I tried to book the tickets. “It’s the summer holidays here. Everyone’s going overseas. You should have booked months in advance. There’s no way you’ll get seven seats on the same flight.” She rang back subdued. “You’re all booked. You got the last seven seats on the connecting flight. There’s only twenty seats on that flight and there were seven left!” God is good.

It’s been over ten years since we left my homeland. People warned us I stopped fighting. Who was I to question God’s plans? Yet underneath it about homesickness. They predicted that we’d be back within a few years. all, there was the feeling that I wasn’t going to like They were wrong. God showed us quite clearly that this those plans: that I would have to settle for second is where He wants us to be, and until He says otherwise, best. After all, I knew what I wanted and my plans this is where we’re staying. "For I know the plans I have for you were best. Weren’t they? … plans to prosper you and not to The day I booked our flight my husband told me that he harm you, plans to give you hope Somehow I had lost sight of the last part of God’s had prayed that I would be blessed by the move. At the and a future. Then you will call upon promise to me. Yes, I believed that He knew the time I was skeptical. But as I look around today I realize me and come and pray to me, and I plans He had for my life, but I failed to see how that God has blessed me far more abundantly than I will listen to you ..." there could be hope and a future in His plans. Yes, could ever have imagined possible. Jeremiah 29:11-12, NIV for my husband perhaps: but me? I didn’t think so. I even went so far as to see myself as a modern As I care for my home and family I remember how I day martyr. prayed for a home large enough for all seven members of our family and for those that would visit us in our new homeland. I But things were about to change. prayed too that we would have the bathroom facilities to cope with a large family! Now almost eleven years down the track, I still marvel that God One Sunday afternoon after my husband and I had been debating whether gave us more than we ever asked for. God was really telling us to move, I asked: We have been blessed with a wonderful church family, and the ministry “Have you ever thought of moving back in with your parents and finding roles that I was so afraid to give up He has restored to me many times employment in the town where they live?” over. He has led us into new areas and I have been excited by the opportunities that have come our way. I’m doing things now that I never thought “No.” I would ever have the courage to do. Memories of his boyhood town had always drawn him. We’d always asI’ve watched my family grow and mature, and as I’ve seen the opportunisumed that if we returned it would be to that particular town. We had never ties they have had here can only say “Thank you God.” considered living anywhere else. I look at where I am now and acknowledge that this may never have hap“Perhaps we should. We could stay with your family until we find somepened had we not allowed God to move us away from all that was familiar: place else.” had we never allowed Him to show us His plans and to give us hope and a future. Suddenly it was as if blindfolds had been removed. The question as to whether he should go alone and send for the rest of us later was no longer Yes, God is good. an issue. It all seemed so obvious now. The next day the phone rang: there was a job in his field in the town where Julianne Jones is an Australian writer passionate about sharing God’s love his parents lived. Were we interested? through the written word. A wife, mother of five, and early childhood teach-

er, she currently lives in New Zealand where she is actively involved in music, drama and youth ministry in her local church.

“Do you think I could pray that I get the job without an interview? This close to Christmas, we can hardly afford for me to fly over.” I laughed. “I think we just have to accept that we’re going to have to spend that money if you want the job.” He applied for the job and was interviewed over the phone. The job was his. There was no reason for him to fly over. They would meet him when


25 Ways to Stay Creative 1. Make Lists 2. Carry a notebook everywhere 3. Journal/Free write 4. Get away from the computer, TV and telephone for awhile 5. Help others solve their problems 6. Stop beating yourself up 7. Take frequent breaks when working 8. Sing in the shower and in the car 9. Listen to different kinds of music 10. Be open to new ideas 11. Sometimes drive a different route home and to work. 12. Get feedback from others 13. Surround yourself with creative people 14. Don’t give up when it gets hard 15. Collaborate 16. Practice 17. Get plenty of rest 18. Take risks 19. Do more of what makes you happy 20. Write down every idea and thought 21. Keep your workspace tidy 22. Have fun and enjoy your life 23. Finish something you’ve started 24. Read a good book 25. Create something


Women’s Health: Be Good To You Overcoming the Martha Syndrome Why Busyness is Not Always Better “

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, "Lord, don't you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!" Martha, Martha," the Lord answered, "you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but only one thing is needed. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."- Luke 10:38-42 In the modern world, women play various roles that cause them to behave like Marthas instead of Marys. We are expected to cook, clean, care for the children, teach, nurture, serve, sing, play, dance, read, do a multitude of tasks at home, work and beyond. We’re all Superwomen in a sense, but we still need balance in our lives. Women who work in and outside the home should be careful to avoid what I call “The Martha Syndrome.” Yes, being an overachiever looks great, but it can also lead to spiritual, mental and physical burnout. As tempting as it may be, we women are not meant to be all things to all people. There are times when we, like Mary, must choose the one thing that is the most important-sitting at Jesus’ feet and allowing Him to speak to our hearts.

Take the test below to find out if you are a Mary or a Martha: The “Martha” Syndrome Self Diagnostic Test Symptoms:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Unfruitful “busyness” The need to impress others Murmuring/complaining Unwillingness to simply enjoy the presence of God for fear of not adequately “serving” or performing one’s duties Hyperactivity/Inability to rest our minds and bodies Playing the “blame game”/fault finding Distraction-inability to focus on what is truly important (sitting at Jesus’ feet) Misguided view of Christ’s concern for our well-being (Martha: “Lord, don’t you care?”)

Sinful preoccupation and worry 10. Inability to be properly be nurtured, taught, fed. Can lead to:

1. Spiritual “Burn-Out” 2. Fatigue 3. Hypertension 4. Depression 5. Illness-Suppressed Immune Function 6. Apathy toward the Church and spiritual things 7. Ineffective “witness” 8. Loss of Self-Worth/Low Self-Esteem 9. Failure 10. Damaged relationships with Christ and others Be Good To You! Learn to create a healthy balance between what your wants and what is needed. Choose to eliminate distractions and take time to be still and listen to what Christ is speaking to your heart. Choose what is needed. © Stephanie Lyas. 2009. The HeartSong Café


strength, but by connecting to God, the Source of our strength, in prayer.

(Continued from page 15)

teaches us that there is grace available to help us when we need it. How, then, do we tap into the fullness of God’s grace? There are four truths that will help us discover the goodness of God, even when we miss the mark. No matter what the mistake is, when we committed it, or who we offended in the process, grace is available to us through the awesome vehicle of prayer which helps us to overcome and live in victory:

How Do We Know that God Really Hears Us When We Pray? God hears us when we pray according to His will. (I John 5:14) It is His will that we live happy, productive lives that please Him. It is also His desire to reach out to us when we feel empty and disconnected from His loving embrace. There is a blessing in knowing that we are always in God’s will when we pray earnestly and ask for His guidance. When we make a mistake, we have assurance in His Word that He faithfully forgives us (1 John 1:9). The grace of Almighty God overrides any condemnation that tries to defeat us. Best of all, it requires nothing of us except a heart that is open and willing to receive it.

1. If we are not real, we cannot be healed. Remember, God is a kind and loving Father, Who desires to have fellowship with His children; however, if we attempt to avoid shame or feelings of incompetence by disguising the truth, we have already defeated the purpose of prayer. God desires truth and total honesty. The psalmist David discovered firsthand the secret to obtaining the grace of God after he committed a series of offenses against God. In Psalm 51:6, he demonstrates the significance of honest communication with God in prayer: “Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts; and in the hidden part thou shalt make me know wisdom.” It is always in our best interest when praying, to be completely forthright with God. Besides, He already knows what is in our hearts even before we utter a word.

How Do We Receive Grace When We’ve Made a Mistake? Once we have reconciled in our hearts that God is for us, we must be careful to adopt an attitude of humility. What is important is to focus on the grace of God that covers our faults and failures. Instead of running from God, we must run quickly to Him in prayer. He is more than willing to listen to the cries of our hearts and exchange our weakness for His strength. A simple prayer like this is all that is needed to receive the grace and power of Almighty God that transform our lives:

2. Our mistakes do not necessarily define who we are. Mistakes are just that-mistakes. They happen. They are a part of life. They are actions that we commit but they do not always necessarily reflect our true character. Mistakes, however, can become character flaws when they are deliberately committed, carried out with sinful motives, cause intentional harm to ourselves and others, and remain unconfessed and habitual. God is fully aware that we are subject to err. He is not surprised when we makes mistakes, but instead offers His assurance that we can be restored completely through Him. That is what makes His grace so amazing! A wise person is one who daily petitions God’s help to develop the type of character that pleases Him.

Heavenly Father, Thank You for Your amazing grace that covers my faults, mistakes and weaknesses. Even when it seems like I have failed and have no chance of restoration, remind me to find a quiet place and draw strength from You. When I fall short, help me to remember that Your love covers a multitude of sins and that my character is not entirely defined by my actions. Give me a mind and a heart to please You. Let me sense Your abiding love and give me the courage to move forward in life, remembering that You are with me always and that the power inside of me is greater than the past behind me.

3. God loves us no matter what. His Word tells us that, nothing can “separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:35) and goes on to list many circumstances that have the potential to interrupt the flow of God’s love to our hearts. His love never fails, even when we fail. The key to tapping into the grace of God is to confess our mistakes and allow God, through prayer and His Word, to teach us the right direction to take in the future. At times it is easier to simply punish ourselves and avoid facing God altogether, but that is not His desire. He wants us to find forgiveness within ourselves, and often, we are much harsher on ourselves than God is. A key element of prayer is immersing ourselves wholeheartedly into the boundless love of our caring Father. His Word affirms that we have the privilege of “casting our care upon Him, for He cares for us.” (I Peter 5:7)

Help me to hear Your voice of wisdom and grant me the joy that only comes from communion with You. Help me to learn from my mistakes so that I can be complete, lacking nothing. I thank You for the privilege of coming to You openly without fear of rejection. Most of all, thank You for your Son Jesus, whose blood washes away all guilt and condemnation because I abide in Him. I confess that apart from You I am nothing, I have nothing and I can do nothing, but through You I can do all things. In Christ’s Name, Amen.

4. We can bounce back. Mistakes do not mean the end of the world for us. Rather, they can serve as catalysts for tremendous growth and change in our lives. God has invested in each of us the divine potential for greatness, and it is His desire that we succeed in life. We must not allow mistakes of the past to set the course for our future. We have the ability to change, and through fervent, effectual prayer we can experience the best that God has to offer. Scripture indicates that a “just man falls seven times, but gets back up again.” (Proverbs 24:16) Undoubtedly, he does not accomplish the feat in his own

Stephanie Lyas is a freelance writer of Christian inspirational and motivational literature. She is the Founder of The HeartSong Café and HeartSongs Magazine written hundreds of articles, poems, and short stories, fiction and nonfiction works. Reprinted with permission from Reflections Magazine 2006 © All Rights Reserved.


Short Story

by Stephanie Lyas

“What is she doing here?” they whispered among themselves. “Everyone knows about her. How could she possibly have the nerve to show her face in a place like this? Why should we have to associate with the likes of her? This must be a mistake. I thought only the best in society could come in. “Well, she must have gotten lost between the dining room and the kitchen. She must be one of the helpers or something.”

guests, and help to clean up after they leave. Then surely, I’ll get a chance to see the King in person. By the way, where is He? Is He running late?”

These words pierced her very soul like a dagger as they pointed and laughed. She herself wondered, “How did I end up in this beautiful palace with all these extravagant things? I don’t belong here. Surely, the King made a mistake when He invited me. After all, I don’t deserve to be treated like royalty after I’ve done what I’ve done and been where I’ve been. I think I’ll just leave quietly and slip out the back door. Besides, no one wants me here anyway.”

“Well, I did receive the invitation before, but I was too ashamed to show my face in public. After all, I didn’t feel worthy enough to come. Besides, I had no decent clothes to wear. I figured the King only wanted me to come so I could be further humiliated. I just decided to stay home.”

As I got up to leave, one of the King’s messengers came to me and said,” Why Madam, you haven’t been served yet, and besides the King personally invited you to attend this feast. He will be awfully disappointed if you left before He had a chance to personally welcome you.”

“One day I came across a woman whose story was similar to mine. She was very discouraged and depressed because her life was falling apart. She wanted it to end. She came to me and put her arms around me and said, ‘I understand what you’ve been through, because I went through it too. She went on to tell me how someone invited her to the King’s Banquet. She was reluctant to go at first because she had so much to do and didn’t have the proper attire. That morning she had been out scrounging around in the trash to find food to feed her starving children. When the messenger saw her, he informed her that the King was expecting her.

“Don’t worry,” replied the messenger, “He’ll be here soon. You see, He has an appointed time for everything. Please, relax. By the way, I noticed that, when you were offered the invitation before, you refused. May I ask why?”

“So what made you decide to come now?” asked the messenger.

Shyly, I hung my head at those words. “Yes, but there must be some mistake. How did I end up in the King’s palace? I don’t really fit in with all these people here. I’m not wealthy or famous. I don’t have fine clothes and possessions like them. I can’t speak with fancy words. The only thing I have in common with these people is that I greatly respect the King. I guess I should feel honored enough to be able to get this close to Him.”

Naturally, she wanted to go home and get cleaned up first. But there was no time for that. The messenger said that once she accepted the invitation, the King would see to it that she would be presentable for the feast. “Don’t worry about changing. The King knows where you’ve been and has your garments already prepared.”

The messenger listened intently but didn’t say a word. “If it pleases His Majesty, I would be happy to serve His guests, just for the opportunity to spend the evening in His company. I don’t even have to eat, I’ll just wait on the

(Continued on page 31)


THE ABC’s of Staying On Track When I was a teenager I had an odd job of babysitting a little boy who was obsessed with trains. One of his favorite things to do when I came over was to play with his elaborate train set. As soon as I arrived, he would give me a quick “leg hug” and run to get the box so we could put the tracks together (Not a task that I particularly enjoyed but I knew that it meant a happy kid– at least for awhile). How fun it was to see the battery operated train go around and around the track and back again with its blinking lights and realistic whistle sounds. One time the train got derailed because Christopher put several of his toy cars on the track and action figures on the track, just for kicks. “Aw man!” he exclaimed as the toy train got derailed and bit the dust in the carpet, wheels still chugging. “It’s okay,” I replied, “just set the train back on track and let it go.” Many times we get off track with our goals. Fear, discouragement, and the circumstances of life sometimes throw us off course. During those times, it’s important to get right back on track and keep moving. Sometimes we can do it on our own, and other times we need a little help. Here are three essential things help you get on track and stay there. 1. Accountability with people who understand the concept of teamwork. 2. Brainstorming new ideas and developing a plan of action. 3. Collaborating with people who can help you solve your problems. © Stephanie Lyas


“For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. Psalm 103: 11-12


Why Your Setback is Really a Comeback

by Stephanie Lyas

I’ll admit it. I’m a sports nut. When football season is over, I can’t wait to catch some of my favorite teams battle it out on the hardwood. There’s something about an intense game of basketball that gets me pumped! From March Madness to the NBA Playoffs, the excitement of a good game is enough to tide me over until football starts again. Seeing my favorite teams hustle down the court, full speed ahead is the best. But I’ve learned that even the best player misses an occasional shot here or there. Sometimes they even have a streak of missing a free throw or three pointer-especially when they’re tired or just out of rhythm. And make no mistake, the crowd definitely lets the team know how they feel about it. What a lot of people probably don’t like to admit, though, is that even the most skilled athlete misses the mark every now and then. That’s just the way it is. But missing is not an excuse to be defeated and quit. Players know that if a shot is missed, there’s always the rebound. The same is true in life. Sometimes we miss the mark. There may be times when we put all our effort into achieving success at a certain thing only to come up short. In fact, if you’re like me, you’ve been successful at failing at a lot of things. Failing does not make us failures, though. It just simply means were human and we make mistakes. And just like in the game of basketball, every shot you take is not a guaranteed score. But in the words of a famous athlete, Wayne Gretzky, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” So you cant allow fear of failure to hold you back. Instead, take risks. And stay ready to get the rebound– just in case you miss. The setback is designed to help you come back and work harder to achieve success. When you fall short of your goals, you have two choices: allow the missed opportunity to set you back further; or regroup and refocus. The decision you make is an important part of setting the course for the rest of your life. Be fearless. Have faith. And never give up.

© Copyright 2013. Stephanie Lyas.


You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.” -Wayne Gretzky

(Continued from page 27)

“But how can this be? How does He know me? How can he accept me as a guest in the condition I’m in? I wouldn’t dare disgrace His presence by coming before Him like this. I’ve got to change and then I’ll think about coming to Him.” “Madam, you don’t understand. The King would be awfully disappointed if you didn’t accept His invitation. After all, He has prepared this exquisite feast, with the finest food and the best of everything. He has even prepared some garments of beautiful and choice fabric just for you. Trust me, all you have to do is accept the invitation.” “But what about my starving children. I couldn’t possibly leave them at home alone while I’m dining in the King’s palace. Who will care for them?” Madam, the King has already made provision for them. Don’t worry, they are in good hands. They will be very well taken care of. They even have more than enough to eat and some to spare.” “So let me ask you something… why does the King want me there? He could have picked the highest in society. Why me? I don’t have anything He could possibly want. I don’t have the best education, I’m not the prettiest woman in the world, I’ve been used by men, I’ve abused drugs and alcohol, besides I’m poor. I can barely make it. Why could the King possibly want me to come to His house for a feast?” “Let me explain something to you about this King,” the messenger replied. “He is not like any other King on this Earth. This King has a special place in His heart for people like you. He knows what it’s like to be hurt and rejected even though He’s the King. Unlike many Kings, He is kind and compassionate to those who have been cast aside. He is a friend to the ones who feel out of place. That is why it is so important that you come to this banquet tonight. He wants to meet you personally.”

Meanwhile, I just enjoyed the beautiful surroundings. The palace was absolutely breathtaking-unlike anything I have never dreamed or imagined. There was beautiful music in the place and a lot of singing and dancing. There were hundreds of beautiful tables set with the finest china and crystal. There was gold everywhere! For a moment, I simply stood in awe of what I was seeing. Finally, someone had announced that the King had arrived. Of course, everyone stood in reverence of Him, but for some reason I felt even more out of place. Thinking about how the messenger found me, I wished that I could snap my finger and go back there. Instead, I stood at the back of the room, and tried to hide in the crowd of guests. The messenger found me and asked, “Where have you been hiding?” The King wants to see you. “Wants to see me? No, this cannot be true.” I was beginning to have second thoughts about meeting the King in person. I saw how beautiful He was and felt so ashamed to meet Him like this. I trembled at the thought of being in His presence. Still, I felt very welcomed and accepted the longer I stayed in the palace. When the messenger escorted me to the banquet room, I could hardly speak. And I didn't have to. The King, Who had been seated already, looked at me with a loving and pensive glance. “I’ve been waiting for you,” He said. “I’ve been expecting you for quite some time now. I just want you to know that I am so delighted that you came. I want you to know that I have seen you digging through the rubbish. I’ve seen you at your best and at your worst and I’m happy that you finally decided to come and be my honored guest. Be seated at the King’s table.”

With tears in my eyes, I followed the messenger to the King’s palace. Once I got in, there were the usual well-to-do guests, peering around and whispering behind my back. You can imagine their surprise to see me-with my dirty face and torn ragged clothes. I smelled like the garbage that I was just immersed in, but I trusted the words of the messenger and believed that the King really wanted me there.

Then Jesus said to his host, “When you give a luncheon or dinner, do not invite your friends, your brothers or sisters, your relatives, or your rich neighbors; if you do, they may invite you back and so you will be repaid. But when you give a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed. Although they cannot repay you, you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” Luke 14:12-14

I did everything he said , but got rather uneasy when he left my side. He assured me that all was well and said something about having to check in with the King to get further instructions




Calvary- Reports have surfaced that Jesus of Nazareth, the Messiah has risen from the dead, as He predicted. Local eyewitness accounts point to evidence that the Christ, who was publicly executed and buried in a borrowed tomb, has been seen walking and talking among the townspeople. His entourage, better known as His Disciples, also report that they have personally talked to the Christ, believing that they themselves had mistaken Him for a ghost. One disciple, Thomas admits his own skepticism and asked the man, who claimed to be the Risen Lord, to show him further evidence that He was indeed Jesus who he once followed. The Man obliged and even went as far as showing the man, nicknamed “Doubting Thomas” His wounds. That single demonstration left no doubt that the Man, the self-proclaimed Messiah had indeed suffered horrific and serious bodily harm, of which no person could possibly endure and survive. The Christ, personally insulted by the man’s unbelief, issued the following statement as a result: “Thomas, because you have seen me you have believed. But blessed are they that have not seen, yet have believed.” (John 20:29) The Christ was, in fact referring to billions of believers worldwide whose eternal security rests on the fact that Christ, the Son of God, Who was without sin, unjustly bore the penalty for the sins of mankind. Furthermore, these Christians, as they are called, believe that Jesus Christ redeemed all who receive Him, from eternal damnation and has ensured them a permanent home in Heaven. Sources worldwide seek to uncover the reason why an innocent Man, Who had the ability to escape punishment, chose to die such a horrific death. The explanation-a simple one: “ For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God sent not His Son to condemn the world, but that the world, through Him might be saved..” -according the account of his beloved disciple, John (John 3:16-17). That account has been accepted worldwide and is used to explain the significance of the Resurrection of Christ and the importance of following Him. When asked if Jesus left any final words or instructions before his departure, or ascension back to Heaven, His faithful disciple Matthew quoted the following words of Jesus, “All power is given unto Me in Heaven and in earth. Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all thing whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world.” (Matthew 28:18-20) According to modern-day “Disciples, Jesus is alive today and lives in Heaven and in the hearts of those who have received His “gift of salvation.” Believers all over the world hold on to the notion that He will one day return to the earth and will take all who have accepted Him as their Savior back to Heaven where they will live and reign forever. Tragically, those who reject His sacrifice, however, will be required to spend eternity in a place called the Lake of Fire-eternally separated from God-a place of indescribable anguish, pain and misery. Contrary to popular opinion, there is only one way to the Father- through the Son, Jesus Christ . He emphatically states: “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No man comes unto the Father except by Me.” (John 14:6) To take advantage of the free gift, simply repent Him to be your personal Savior. Information is available on page 14. Then, join billions of believers all across the land who boldly proclaim” The Lord is Risen. He is risen, indeed!” © 2006. Stephanie Lyas. All rights reserved.


Mother’s Day 2013

This is a letter I wrote to my mother a few years back. I want to share it with you. Since there are so many wonderful women who have nurtured and raised me, I take this opportunity to say “Thanks” and to honor you all. If you are a woman, whether you have given birth to your own children or not, you are a mother. Your love and kindness is of great value and that’s what makes you special. To all my grandmothers, mothers, aunts, sisters, cousins, friends and women I may never meet— I salute you. To those who have passed on before us, I remember you with love. Happy Mother’s Day! Dear Mom, As we pause to celebrate another Mother’s Day, I want to let you know how much I love and appreciate your impact in my life. Through the years you have helped me and countless others in so many ways. I can’t begin to describe how much you mean to me, but I pray that these simple words will be meaningful to you now and in years to come. You go above and beyond to make sure that others are cared for. You are a treasure. I am blessed by your faith. No matter how dark it looks, you are always have total confidence in God. You serve a great purpose in the lives of all who know you. I am convinced that God put you here to teach wisdom, comfort , nurture and protect others. That, is just one of your many gifts. I can always count on you to pray for me and encourage me when you feel like I’m down. Your gift of discernment is a true blessing. I am inspired by your spirit of giving. You have taught me that you don’t have to have much to give much. Many times I have seen you give when it is obvious that you needed for yourself, and always with the sentiment that “every good and perfect gift is from God.” I appreciate your giving freely from your heart. For you, it is truly more blessed to give than to receive, and I know that God will continue to pour blessings into your life as you have freely given to others. I am amazed by your talents. You have always enjoyed using your voice to encourage others. Everywhere you go to sing, you leave a strong impression upon all who hear you. That, truly is the anointing of God, and I am inspired to use my gifts because of you. I have learned the meaning of unselfishness from you. It’s funny how the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree . Thank you for being my mom. It may not always be easy, but all of your hard work will pay off for you. May this Mother’s Day be a blessing to you as you have been to so many. The best is yet to come for you! I pray that God will continue to strengthen and keep you in His care. Your Loving Daughter,

Stephanie Happy Mothers Day to Every Beautiful and Special Woman!




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Love Notes From Heaven

by Stephanie Lyas

Nature is a great teacher if you pay close enough attention. Once I was lying in bed on a lazy Saturday morning. The kind in which the pouring rain outside made me glad to have a day off with nowhere I had to be and nothing to do. As I lay there I enjoying the soothing sounds of raindrops against my window, I noticed the most awkward sound in the midst of it. Right outside my window, there was family of birds in a nearby tree just singing their little hearts out. And not just a cute little “tweet” here and there. Their loud chatter was enough to nearly drown out the sound of the rain. I don’t know what they were singing, but their sweet music, along with the rain and an occasional murmur of thunder, was one of the most beautiful sounds I had ever heard. So I kept listening. Right then I had an “aha” moment. God was speaking so clearly to my heart and using the birds as my personal instructors. Many times we go through storms in our lives. Financial difficulty, health issues, family and job stress and so much else can come at us all at once. And attempt to steal our joy. And although it is hard to be happy in the midst of life’s circumstances, it is possible to still have joy. I always heard that happiness is unreliable because it depends on stuff happening. But joy is lasting. It remains even when situations change. No matter what comes up in your life, stay determined to keep your joy. Yes, storms will come. Situations will arise, but take heart. They are only temporary. Those birds were the perfect reminder that, no matter the weather, I can keep a song in my heart.

For lo, the winter is past, The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth; The time of singing has come. Song of Solomon 2:11-12


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HeartSongs Magazine


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Publishing Unlimited ™ Providing a Variety of Inspirational Electronic and Print Media Products HeartSongs Publishing Unlimited P.O. Box 59763 Birmingham, AL 35259-9763


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