HeartSongs Magazine- Summer 2013 Issue

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Summer 2013


The Magazine for Inspiration and Life

What Are You Waiting On? You ARE the Father! Beach Days & Memories

Joy in Tribulation

Make a Mark

Cool Recipes: Easy Lemonade Pie

Relationship Rescue: Have Great Relationships NOW!

Summer 2013

In This Issue What Are You Waiting On?


10 Ways to Make Your House a Home


Joy During Times of Tribulation


You ARE the Father


In Every Issue

Coming Soon

A Message from the Editor


What’s Cookin’ in the Café


A Free Gift for You


Love Notes from Heaven


Freelance Writers Welcome

New Artist Feature Story: Local Christian Music Sensation

HeartsSongs Magazine is currently accepting submissions of original high quality content for future issues. If you are interested in having your work published with us please contact us at via email at heartsongsmag@gmail.com for submission guidelines and information.

Ministry Spotlight: Love A Lifetime Ministries He Said/She Said– Real Talk from Both Perspectives What’s on Your Heart? TESTIFY!- Real Life Stories of Overcomers ...and More!


Editor-in-Chief Stephanie Lyas

This Issue’s Contributors Sherrie Coronas Pam Davis Jessica Gerald Debbie Kay Michelle Lawson Melissa Martin Jennifer Ross

Publisher HeartSongs Publishing Unlimited

Print & Distribution MagCloud

Thanks for purchasing this issue of HeartSongs Magazine! It is always our joy to produce high quality, informative and inspirational content. Our goal is to encourage, inspire, enlighten and uplift you toward the awesome life that God has designed just for you! We welcome your questions, comments and suggestions how we can make this a top-notch publication for your enjoyment. HeartSongs Magazine is dedicated to improving the lives of its readers and glorifying God in all we do. Sincerely, Stephanie Lyas Editor-in-Chief HeartSongs Magazine

Photo Credits: FRS Photography, Master Art Collection and Various Artists. Images used with permission. All Rights Reserved.

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$6.25 per issue

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Website/Blog: www.heartsongsmag.blogspot.com This publication is copyrighted. All Rights Reserved. No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted without the expressed written permission of the Editor. Please contact the authors directly for permission to reprint, distribute or republish their work. All material is reprinted with permission.

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What are You Waiting On? by Debbie Kay

"Well, I'm just waiting for a miracle." How often have you heard someone say that? How often have you said it? "If God wanted me to have a new car he would give it to me. If it's in his will for me to have a good job he will make it happen." If you’re staring out the window waiting for that shiny new sports car to come tearing up the drive, then you should probably get comfortable, since my best guess is you’re going to be sitting there looking down the road for a long time. By the same token if you are waiting everyday for someone to knock on the door and say "Your Hired!" you’re probably going to get mighty hungry before it happens. You can insert here whatever problem or situation you may be waiting on God to take care of. You might say, well of course you can't just pray up a new car or a new job, but I'm very sick, or I'm believing in God to pay off my bills, or fix my children. Any one of a thousand scenarios would fit, and there are just as many excuses as to why we are still sitting by the window waiting for God to take care of it. So if God wants us to be financially secure, healthy with happy secure and healthy children, why is it that we are still waiting? What exactly are we waiting on? John tells of a man in Jerusalem that was very sick and had been so for thirty eight years. There was a pool there known as Bethesda. It was known that in certain seasons an angel of the Lord would come and stir up the waters. The first person to step in would be completely cured of whatever ailment he was afflicted with. The Lord set up the situation in which the problem of those around could be "fixed" but there was a stipulation that must be met in order to get the miracle the man had spent thirty eight years waiting for. He had to be the first in the pool. Now Jesus came by the pool one day and saw the man, knowing he had been there for a long time, just waiting on the side of the pool (looking out the window and waiting). He asked the man, "Do you even wish to be well?" I kinda wonder if Jesus might have been shaking his head thinking, “Well, I've stirred up the waters over and over for you and I've sent my angel to show the way to your healing, but you’re still sitting here, just waiting. What are you waiting for?” The man answered Jesus by saying that he did indeed want to be healed, but each time opportunity knocked, or the waters were stirred, someone would step over him and get there first. Someone else always got ahead of him. He complained that there was just never anyone there to put him in the pool.


Are we complaining that if someone else would just do something or the other, the problems in our lives would be fixed? Are we saying, “Well God, of course I want to be financially secure, and I'm waiting on that great opportunity, but you see when it happens, I just never have anyone that will help me take advantage of it first. Then someone else steps over me and I just keep on waiting.” Now the man waiting at the pool surely believed there was miraculous healing powers in the water when the angel stirred it up. After all he had been waiting and watching for thirty eight years and had no doubt seen the many other sick stepping over him and being healed. He believed God could fix his problem but he was never quite ready to step into the water when God prepared it for him. Now maybe he couldn't walk, maybe he was so very sick and weak that he was just always beaten to the water by those not quite as sick as he. I just believe in all that time, I would have squirmed my way to the edge of that pool, and been hanging on the edge with one finger for the moment God presented the solution so I could jump on it before anyone else could even blink! Thirty eight years is a lot of time to ready yourself for action, when God presents the way. When the man told Jesus he just couldn't get to the water Jesus told him to get up, pick up his mat and walk. Take action!! Get up! He told him to get away from the window and Get UP! "Pick up your mat. Clean up your mess." Now my mother might argue that this is a biblical commandment to make up your bed and maybe it is. Maybe Jesus was telling us to clean things up around us and be ready when He tells us what to do. Pick up your mat and get ready! Get your affairs in order so that you are ready to walk when Jesus says to walk. You'll notice so far he didn't say lay there and wait until the water comes to you! "Arise, pick up your mat and walk!" Step out and start walking. Stop sitting by the window waiting for your miracle to run up in the front yard like Ed McMahon with a big check! Start walking. God can't guide you in the right direction if you are sitting still. You might make some wrong turns, but as long as you are walking God can guide your steps, even turn you around if you get off track. Stop now waiting on someone else to change so that your circumstances get better. Begin changing yourself. Don't wait and pray that God instructs someone else to put you in the pool, begin praying that God will give you the strength and wisdom required to get in the pool yourself. Don't sit in front of the TV day in and day out waiting on the right numbers to come up in the lottery so that your bills are paid off. Get a job. Even if you are flipping burgers, you’re on your way to paying your debt. Who knows.. God could have already stirred the waters at McDonalds and the man waiting to give you your dream job eats Big Macs daily! You just need to jump in the pool to meet him! If you’re hurting, find someone that is hurting worse and lift them up. There is no greater blessing than to be a blessing to someone else. The bottom line is, stop looking out the window daydreaming about the day that your miracle appears. Get up, pick up your mess and start walking!

© Copyright. Debbie Kay. All Rights Reserved

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Make a Mark There was once a time when I thought that nothing much that I accomplished in life mattered. I spent lots of time doing things that really brought no long-term satisfaction. I allowed the wrong people to take up valuable time and space in my life. I was just going through the motions. One day I heard a message that greatly impacted my thinking and my life in general. The message was, “Everything you do in life counts. The goal is to make a mark that leaves the world a better place because you were in it. “ From that moment on, I decided to intentionally impact the world for good. I began to brainstorm ideas on how to leave a lasting impression. And the more I thought, the more frustrated I became. My thoughts seemed to overwhelm me because each idea was even more elaborate than the last. Then I settled down and thought up creative ways to be a blessing with the talents and resources I already had at my disposal. Then and only then did the tasks seem more doable. Many times we think making a mark in the world means doing something so big that takes a lot of money, fame and power to achieve. The truth is we all can make a mark simply by doing small things with a great attitude. A smile, a thoughtful gesture, a compliment may seem insignificant, but is really big in the eyes of God and to those whose lives you touch. Today, decide that you will do more than simply exist in the world where nobody knows your name. Make a mark in someone’s life that cannot be erased.


Dear Readers, I hope you all are enjoying a fun and relaxing summer so far. Although I’m not a huge fan of hot weather, I do enjoy certain elements of summertime that always take me to a happy place. Barbecues, beach trips, fireworks, and time with family and friends are reminders to stir up my sense of adventure and enjoy the lighter side of life. Recently I heard my neighbors’ kids playing in their back yard. Out of school for summer vacation, they celebrated by inviting some friends over to play and hang out. Peeking out my window to watch them shoot hoops, build forts, and climb up in their tree house made me smile inside. Just listening to the sounds of laughter and friendship made me think of how the life of children is carefree and adventurous, and how we adults could learn a thing or two from them. I marveled at how they were enjoying simply being together having fun. No worries, no stress.

Stephanie Lyas, Founding Editor HeartSongs Magazine

As you go through this summer season, may your excitement and zest for life be renewed. May your passions be re-ignited like a blazing campfire. May your dreams take flight and burst forth into something spectacular as a brilliant fireworks display. May you slow down and enjoy your journey a little more. I sincerely pray that this summer is full of blessings, adventure and growth for you. I also pray that HeartSongs Magazine is a small part of that process. Thanks always for your love and continued support.

CONTACT US HeartSongs Magazine c/o HeartSongs Publishing Unlimited Stephanie Lyas, Founder P.O. Box 59763 Birmingham, AL 35259-9763

Have a safe and happy Summer! Faithfully yours,


From a recent trip to Orange Beach/Perdido Key, FL


Life as a Tree He is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers. Psalm 1:3 (NIV)


Home and Family

by Jessica Gerald

Our home is such an important part of our family's life. Whether we work outside the home or are able to be at home, there are some basic things we can do to ensure that our home is a place of refuge and security for our families: Here are ten tips to help accomplish this goal: 1. Keep it clean and tidy. That doesn't mean we have to be immaculate housekeepers. If we do a daily tidy-up and a weekly housecleaning, our home life will be much more restful. Clutter is stressful. And keep the dishes caught up! 2. Nutritious food and family dinners. Fast food on the go is ok once in awhile, but not as a regular habit. Our families benefit from simple, nourishing meals and snacks. And having a regular, sit-down family dinner together has been shown to have many benefits. 3. Predictable routines. Our families thrive when things are on schedule. It gives a sense of stability. There should be regular times for eating, sleeping, chores, and homework. It also helps to build responsibility in children when they know they have to fulfill their responsibilities before they play. 4. Cozy and tastefully decorated. This does not in any way mean you house has to be magazine beautiful. If our homes are inviting, cozy, comfortable, and decorated in a way that our families enjoy, that is sufficient. My living room doilies are from the 1940s and 1950s. Some were handmade. But they are pretty and I like them, so that is what I use. 5. Hospitality. Our kids, whether they are small or young adults, need to know that their friends are welcome. When my boys were grade-school age, they would have several friends come for sleepovers. Many times, I would wake up in the morning and step over boys in sleeping bags on the floor. I would usually set the table with bowls and boxes of cereal for all of them to eat when they got up. I put myself out some, but it was worth it to make their friends feel welcome, and to get to know my sons' friends.

(Continued on page 12)


by Stephanie Lyas Finding and marrying the love of her life is something that every girl at some point probably dreams about. Walking down the aisle in a beautiful gown, the fragrance of fresh flowers in the air, and being surrounded by those she loves the most are all a part of the fairy tale that many women hope to experience some day. Aside from all the fanfare, the real prize is the true, unconditional love that lasts forever. To experience the devotion of the one who chose you is priceless. I can remember in my early 20s being in five (yes, five) different weddings in one year. It seemed like every one of my girlfriends was getting married, one right after the other. And they all wanted me to be a part of their special day. Although I was genuinely happy for each of them, I couldn’t help wonder why God was taking His time with me. Why was I always a bridesmaid but never a bride? I questioned a lot of things and tried hard to resist the temptation of falling into negative thinking and self pity. “Lord,” I prayed, “ I don’t really have to have the fancy wedding with the dress, flowers and cake. Just give me somebody who will love me for who I am and be committed to our relationship. Is that asking too much?” It was then that I heard the still small voice of God say, “Just say ‘Yes’ to Me.” and I’ll make it happen at the perfect time.” So I said “Yes” and started to wait.. and wait.. and wait. And I’m still waiting. As time went on, I went through various stages of anxiety about my situation. At several points I got tired of waiting on God and took matters into my own hands. I was involved in a few relationships that ended in heartbreak and more loneliness. All because of my impatience. Although in my heart I was still committed to God, I wanted to fill in the blanks of my life on my own and create my own happiness. Then, I remembered that God promised to fix things for me in His perfect timing. And the fears subsided… a little. I talked to other women who felt the same way I did about the waiting game and we all came to was the same the conclusion—-that we can’t make anything but a mess without God’s help. One sister pointed out that even if a lavish wedding is not a part of the life plan that God has for us, we can still experience the love and security that comes from a relationship with the Lord. I’ll be the first to admit, that I really didn’t want to hear that. I wanted to hear wedding bells instead. But the more I thought about it, I realized that being in the perfect will of God alone for a season is way better than being outside His will with somebody else. So I began to pray and wait some more. I know it may sound “super” spiritual to those who are waiting for Mr. Right, but the reality is when you say, “Yes” to the will and plan of God, you are already in a committed relationship. That’s not to say that God will never allow you to experience true love from the one He has for you. I’m just saying that while you wait, it’s a good idea to stay committed to His plan for you at the present. If you don’t know what that is keep asking, seeking and knocking until you find out.

(Continued on page 20)


It’s a Jungle in Here! Family Survival Guide for Back to School by Stephanie Lyas It's that time of the year again and parents and students alike are beginning to feel the stress that goes with heading back to class. Between shopping trips for those "must have" back- to-school bargains and winding down all of the summertime activities, families often need a little help preparing for the school year. Sure, crayons, pencils and notebooks are important tools for achieving success in the classroom, but kids also need empowerment tools at home that will foster their success far beyond their school years. These simple guidelines will help the entire family avoid singing the "Back to School Blues": 1.

Take a few extra minutes the night before to prepare for the day ahead. Let the kids help fix lunches, lay out clothes, etc. Things are likely to go much smoother when you're not in a mad rush to get out the door in the morning. 2. Make sure that kids get a good night's rest. Begin setting curfews and bedtimes a few weeks prior to the first day of school to get everyone on a schedule. Establish bedtime rituals and be consistent throughout the school year. 3. Communicate openly with your child about what your expectations are and teach them the importance of setting personal goals. Be supportive and encouraging. 4. Encourage your child to ask for help with homework, class assignments or projects when needed. Let kids know that it is okay to not know all the answers. Then, provide the proper support that they need. Find a good tutor or contact the school or local library for help. 5. Provide a quiet spot for kids to unwind and study that is free of distractions like television or phones. Allow them take breaks periodically, but make sure that they stay on task and complete each assignment. 6. Look for the warning signs that might indicate that your child may be having difficulty in school. Changes in mood, behavior or sleep patterns might indicate that a more serious problem needs to be addressed. Ask questions if you suspect something may be going on. Most importantly, listen when they want to talk. 7. Reward kids with positive words when they do well, but don't make them feel that they must "perform" well to earn your approval. Phrases like "You're great" or "I'm proud of you" will boost confidence and build a positive selfimage. Celebrate even the smallest achievements. 8. Familiarize yourself with your child's teacher early in the school year. Learn his or her teaching style and communicate regularly. Address any concerns you may have regarding your child's progress in a courteous and respectful manner. See the teacher as an ally, not an enemy to your child's success. 9. Avoid too many extracurricular activities. Ballet, piano and soccer are all great, but not all in one afternoon. Scheduling too many activities can be grueling- to both parents and children. Remember, kids are people too. Like grown-ups, they require balance in their lives, as well as adequate rest of their minds and bodies. 10. Encourage kids to work hard, have fun and do their personal best. In the long run, they will thank you and will have the success to show it!

Stephanie Lyas is Founder of The S.T.E.P. Kids Network (Success Through Empowerment Programs). She has over fifteen years of experience working with children and families in the fields of Human Development and Family Studies and Psychology. She is a freelance writer of children's fiction and inspirational literature for adults. Š 2007. Stephanie Lyas. Reprinted with permission from LifeToolsforWomen.com


6. Demonstrate love. Our families benefit greatly when we show our love for them in various ways. My husband might not have wonderfully romantic lines to say to me, but on snowy, icy mornings, he cleans off my car and scrapes the windshield before he leaves for work so when I leave an hour later, I don't have to do all of this. Love is a verb. 7. Mutual respect. Treat your husband and children with as much respect as you would guests. Good manners are contagious. Don't discuss them in a negative way to other people, either. Be each other's allies. 8. Words and tone of voice. This seems like a small thing, but it can make a huge difference. Have you ever been somewhere and overheard a mother insulting or degrading her children? Or a wife speaking to her husband with contempt? Or have you been in a store, and a woman yelled at her child so loudly and harshly that you jumped yourself? We all have those days when we feel like acting like that. But if we think before we speak, following the Bible's advice, our family relationships will be a lot more peaceful. Plus, we are setting a positive example for our children when it comes to dealing with others. Also, our voices sound much more feminine when they are soft and kind, not loud and harsh. 9. Positive attitudes toward family members. Smile often, use encouraging words, show your confidence in them. Listen when they talk, build them up, boost their confidence. When they have failed, assure them that they have succeeded in gaining wisdom and experience. Let them know you think highly of them. 10. Lastly, keep your sense of humor. Be able to laugh at yourself. Laughter can help everyone de-stress. Enjoy everyday moments with your family. They are your greatest treasure, your gift from God.

Jessica Gerald has been an elementary school teacher for over thirty years, and is the publisher of the website http://www.oldfashionedhomemaking.com.


Cooking & Entertainment

Light and Fluffy Lemonade Pie Light, delicious and easy! What You Need: 1– 1 oz. boxes of sugar free instant vanilla pudding mix 1 cup of milk (or amount stated on the box of pudding) 1– 1 oz. container of sugar free lemonade mix (such as Crystal Light) 1 16 oz. tub of light whipped topping (such as Cool Whip) 1 graham cracker crust

How To Fix: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Following the directions on the package of pudding mix, combine mix with milk. Blend in 1 tub of lemonade mix. Fold in 1 tub of sugar free or light whipped topping (such as Cool Whip) Pour mixture into graham cracker crust. Let chill for 2-3 hours before serving.

Serves: 4-6

FOOD FOR THOUGHT: “Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open.” John Barrymore


Okay, so it’s not a coupon for a free skinny mocha latte! It’s way better! God gave us Jesus Christ, the only One good enough to pay the sin debt for all mankind– past, present and future. It’s not about being religious or following a bunch of man-made rules, but it is about being reconciled to God our Father eternally through Christ. His gift is free to us, but cost Him everything. That’s pretty awesome!

So here’s the deal…. Maybe you’re wondering, “This sounds too good to be true. How do I take advantage of this free gift? ” It is fairly simple, but you must receive it by faith -trusting in God. ACKNOWLEDGE that sin has separated you from God. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” ( Romans 3:23) Admit that you’ve broken God’s rules but you really want to change. He’s more than willing to forgive you and help you if you are willing and sincere. BELIEVE that God sent His Son Jesus as the only acceptable sacrifice to pay the debt for our sins. Because God is as Holy as He is loving, He could not tolerate the rebellious, wicked state of mankind. So, instead of punishing us , which would have been fair, He showed us mercy and sent His only Son to take our place. “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life.” (John 3:16) CONFESS or say what you believe. “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.” (Romans 10:9) Again, this must be done by faith. “For with the heart man believes and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation (Romans 10:10).” Be courageous enough to share with others what God has done for you. And finally.. make a DECISION to live your life to glorify Him.. You may think that it’s too hard, but if you ask Him, He will empower you to do just that. Your lifestyle should represent what your new relationship with Christ is all about. CONGRATULATIONS! You’ve made the most important decision of your life and you are now a member of God’s family! Develop your relationship by spending time reading and studying the Bible. It may be helpful to connect with others through a local church or small group fellowship to get you started. Communicate openly with God through prayer and meditation in His Word and finally, surround yourself with others who will help you grow you in your new walk with Christ. Your life will never be the same. You are a new creature in Christ. Old things have passed away and all things are new! (2 Corinthians 5:17) And that beats a latte any day!


by Melissa Martin Memories of happy times; beach vacations etched into the sand dunes of my cerebral cortex. I close my eyes and focus, and turn the pages of my memory album. I breathe deeply and smell the salty air; see the flowing ocean waves tumbling to shore; and feel the sun beating down on the gritty sand. Coconut oil mingles with tropical scents of an array of lotions. Like glue, sand sticks to my giant flowered towel and my toes. Ice cubes in my tea melt too quickly. I take a dip in nature's swimming pool and jump the waves with abandonment and experience sheer sensory pleasure. I feel tingly but serene. I'm enjoying life in the here-andnow. Sitting under the umbrella, I listen to the laughter of children playing in the sand and surf. They giggle and wiggle as if caught in a time warp. Like an assortment of Baskin Robbins ice cream flavors, tourists of all shapes and sizes stroll by leisurely. Lovers hold hands. Teens toss Frisbees. Both young and old men ogle at women in skimpy apparel. The tide rolls out and in, oblivious to the blankets, chairs, and sand buckets. People scurry to grab their stuff from the gobbling oceanic undercurrent.

sunscreen. I stay in hotels with my hometown friends. Fun, food, and laughter tag along. I feel content. I want to put time inside a beach ball and bounce around forevermore. Ah, the days of youth slipped by unnoticed. Due to fear of skin cancer and premature wrinkling, I stopped roasting myself in the beach environment years ago. Now, I wear a sun visor, SPF 30 sunscreen, and daily rent a beach umbrella. In the summer of 2003, my spouse and I jotted to the beach in SC for a few days. I like to walk in the early hours before the crowd gathers (and while he sleeps). The ocean is a continual lesson of spirituality and divinity. Mystery and unknowing reside in the watery depths of humanity's soul as well. My finite mortal mind marvels at God's creation and this awe-inspiring liquid gift bestowed upon the earth. I inhale paradise and exhale appreciation. I close my memory album and open my eyes.

I turn another memory page. I see my daughter digging holes in the pasty sand soup and prancing in the foamy breakers. She scrunches her face as I reapply globs of

Melissa writes about the God and human connection and condition.


JOY DURING TIMES OF TRIBULATION by Michelle Goodwine Lawson When we are going through trials and tribulations, oftentimes it is difficult to have joy in our hearts. Even as believers, when we are going through those "valley moments" many of us find it difficult to be happy. But, unlike those in the world, Christians have a reason to rejoice while we are going through tough times. We have God on our side. We have the Lord to count on. And we can depend on the promises of God to never leave us or forsake us to give us strength. James 1:2-3 says: Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.

Let us remember that a new life today is possible. Having the confidence that God will answer your prayers is the reason why you can praise Him in advance, and why we can be filled with joy and peace on the inside, even when the world around us may seem chaotic and out of control. Below are a few Bible verses that will inspire you during times of trials and tribulations: 1 Peter 5:10 “And after you have suffered a little while, the God of all grace, who has called you to his eternal glory in Christ, will himself restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you.”

I am so grateful to God for showing me that no matter what my current circumstances, I have no reason to be sad. God is always in control. God is always on the throne. So, even when we feel out of control, we can feel assured that God is concerned about our well-being. As the song goes, "Trouble don't last always." No matter what struggles we are experiencing, joy does come in the morning.

Romans 12:12 “Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.” Philippians 4:6-7 “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

In order to feel joy during hard times, we just need to remember that God will work everything out for His good in the end. If we pray for His will to be done (and not ours), have faith in God, and patiently wait for His response, God will answer our prayers. Now He may not give Joshua 1:9 us want we want, but He will give us what we need if we trust Him. “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you So for those of you who have a desire in their heart, whether it is for a wherever you go.” certain job, love interest, or material good, do as Luke 11:9-10 says, "So I say to you, ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; Psalm 34:17-18 knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks “When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears and delivers them out receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door of all their troubles. The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves will be opened." the crushed in spirit.” © Copyright 2012 Contact Michelle at www. newlifetodayblog.com


Health & Wellness

by Stephanie Lyas The beach is one of my favorite summertime getaways. I love the smell of saltwater, the feel of the soft sand in my toes, and the serenity of the ocean. I’d rather be at the beach than almost anywhere. Although safety is important everywhere the beach has its own special safety precautions. Having fun in the sun is great, but, safety is top priority . If you’re headed to the beach, as you’re packing your favorite swimsuit and suntan lotion, take along these very important tips as well. Swim only in beach areas patrolled by lifeguards Never swim alone. Use the buddy system. Always let someone know your whereabouts. If you see someone else in trouble, notify a lifeguard or call 911 immediately. Always supervise children. Pay attention to flags, warnings and hazardous weather conditions. Limit your consumption of substances that can impair your judgment or coordination while in the water. Be especially cautious when consuming alcohol and taking certain medications Avoid sunburn by overexposure. Too much time in the sun can result in painful sunburn and damage to the skin. Always apply a protective layer of sunscreen before going out for extended periods of time. Prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of water before, during and after your time on the beach. Be on the lookout for potentially dangerous creatures like sharks, jellyfish and stingrays. Beware of riptides, waves and currents. Don’t try to swim against the current. If you can stand, try to wade instead of swimming. If you have an inflatable, hold onto it to help you float.

Source: NHS Safety


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“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.� Philippians 4:6-7


(Continued from page 10)

I’m aware of the heartache and disappointment of one failed relationship after another. I know all too well how devastating it can be to build something, have it torn apart only to have to start all over again. It reminds me of playing with blocks as a kid.. You build them up so tall and all of a sudden, the whole thing topples over and you have to start rebuilding all over again. Relationships can be like that. Life is that way, too. But just like those building blocks, our relationships must be built on a solid foundation in order to last any length of time. And for me, that foundation has been and will always be the Lord Jesus Christ. Throughout all the drama in my life, He has been faithfully committed to my wellbeing. He has been my security when I felt alone and afraid. He has been my Confidant, my Companion, my Everything! I figured out a very important truth. Resistance to God’s will is futile. When I said, “Yes” to His plans, things began to fall into place. I’m not saying that life has been easy. I’m not even saying that I have what I want, but my commitment to Him has made things go a lot better than they would have without Him. Many of us, “Ladies in Waiting” know how it feels to be alone and fearful of not finding true love-especially in a society that says, “You’re nobody ‘til somebody loves you.” To live single in a couple-oriented society can be discouragingespecially if it’s love you desire. But you must encourage yourself and trust in God. One thing that I tell my single lady friends is to accept where you are on the way to where you want to be. In other words, don’t put off happiness waiting for someone else to come along and drop it at your feet. While you wait, find yourself loving God, loving others, and appreciating the love that’s already in your life. You can’t make the man of your dreams appear, but you can spend time working on yourself. Become a solid woman who knows who she is and when the right man comes along, he too will recognize what a precious jewel you are. Single ladies, true happiness can not be found in anyone or anything on this earth– including your soul mate. Even after you find each other there will be days that even the one you adore will make you angry and frustrated. Why? Because you’re both human. But when your heart is committed to God as a single person, He will gradually show you how to love, accept, forgive like He does so when the time is right, you’ll be ready. When you say “Yes,” to the will of God as a married or single person, you experience so many wonderful benefits like joy and peace that even you can’t fully understand. I’m not saying that the desire for a committed relationship will go away, but you will find purpose in the present! I pray that, if you are fearful of ever finding true love, let saying “Yes” to the will of God be your starting point. I believe with all my heart that when you submit yourself to Him, He will cause blessings to come your way. That includes the perfect mate-when the timing is right. Don’t wish your days away hoping for better ones. In God’s perfect timing, your dreams and desires will come to pass. Just say “Yes.”



Make Lemonade

Turning Life’s Failures into Success

by Stephanie Lyas

I think every one of us can agree that life can be both bitter and sweet. If everything went wrong all the time it would cause us to lose heart and not fully trust God to take care of us. On the other hand, if everything went our way, we would have no need to rely upon Him. We would probably even be tempted to think that we could successfully navigate through life on our own-without Him. The truth is, life is full of ups and downs, ease and difficulty, bitterness and sweetness. Most of us experience just enough of each of them to make us both wise and humble. But there are times when we allow the lows to discourage us to the point of giving up. When feel the “heat” of life we often seek relief immediately. That’s the perfect time for a tall, cold glass of lemonade! There is a saying that goes, when life hands you lemons make lemonade. In other words, don't just sulk over things that have gone wrong, but use them as an opportunity to produce something good. Romans 8:28 says ,’”for we know that in all these things God works all things together for the good of them who love the Lord and who are the called according to His purpose.” That means that God uses everything– the good and the bad to work together to produce something useful to us.


Michael Jordan-Most people wouldn't believe that a man often lauded as the best basketball player of all time was actually cut from his high school basketball team. Luckily, Jordan didn't let this setback stop him from playing the game and he has stated, "I have missed more than 9,000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. On 26 occasions I have been entrusted to take the game winning shot, and I missed. I have failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." Henry Ford-While Ford is today known for his innovative assembly line and American-made cars, he wasn't an instant success. In fact, his early businesses failed and left him broke five times before he founded the successful Ford Motor Company Sidney Poitier-After his first audition, Poitier was told by the casting director, "Why don't you stop wasting people's time and go out and become a dishwasher or something?" Poitier vowed to show him that he could make it, going on to win an Oscar and become one of the most well-regarded actors in the business.

Speaking of lemonade, one time I decided to make some for some friends that dropped by for a visit. In a hurry, and not fully paying attention, I accidentally poured in twice the amount of sugar that the recipe called for. I was completely oblivious until I saw the reaction of my company. The lemonade was so sweet, everyone who took a sip began to grimace. I knew I was in a mess. How could I do such a thing? I was so embarrassed but couldn’t stand the thought of my guests drinking that awful

concoction. I feverishly apologized and immediately took their glasses to the kitchen. Just as I was about to pour out the whole pitcher one of the ladies politely made a suggestion. “You don’t have to do that,” she said, “just squeeze out a few more of those lemons and add a little more juice to balance out the flavor.” I did just what she said and, Voila! Perfect lemonade. Many times we are tempted to discard some of the bad stuff that happened in our life and chalk it up as worthless. Whether It was a failed relationship, a business that went under, the loss of a job or some other negative situation, God wants to use even those things to help us learn and grow. He is like the Ultimate Recycler—never wastes any of our experiences but uses them for opportunities to help us become our very best. Life is about balance. Considering the whole picture instead of only the lemons or only the sugar can give every one of us a balanced view of God’s perfect plan for us. Without the sunshine, we can’t appreciate the rain and vice versa. It takes just enough of both to sustain our beautiful earth. In the same manner we have to take everything in stride and remember that we are more than conquerors. Even in defeat, we are winners. Our painful pasts serve a purpose. Our mistakes don’t mean the end of the world. So when life hands you lemons, just mix in a little sugar and make lemonade. © 2013. Stephanie Lyas. All Rights Reserved,



by Stephanie Lyas It’s not Valentine’s Day but love is in the air. Not just among sweethearts, but among caring people who live, work and play together 24/7. After all, who doesn’t want to have loving, stable relationships that last all year long? As humans we are built to thrive on healthy, positive interactions with those around us. Anything less is damaging to our physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. The truth is, even the most loving relationships can be an emotional rollercoaster at times. None of us are perfect. We all are subject to act, speak and think in ways that can be harmful to the ones we love. And many times we are afraid to expose our weaknesses to others. Building solid relationships requires some risk, though. We must risk being hurt, misunderstood and rejected. We must risk our pride and the need to be right all the time. Whether yours is a relationship between spouses, friends, family members, co-workers or anyone, having a great relationship is possible. That is, if you’re willing to do the work. Open, honest communication is a must. Also, taking personal responsibility regarding boundaries, rules and expectations is key to happiness.

You can never control the thoughts and actions of others, but you can control your own. You have the power to do what it takes to ensure that your relationships are the very best they can be. (Continued on page 24)


(Continued from page 23)

21 Ways to Have Great Relationships 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

Release yourself from negative people. Let go of the ones who are already gone. Learn to trust those who really want to love you. Show everyone kindness and respect. Accept people just the way they are. Give them room to grow. Encourage others and show interest in them. Accept your own limitations, weaknesses and challenges. Forgive people and move on. Find someone to serve. Always be loyal. Stay in better touch with the people who really matter. Keep your promises. Give what you want to receive. Say what you mean and mean what you say. Be honest about everything. Talk less, listen more. Leave squabbles and petty arguments alone. Identify each other’s mental, emotional and physical needs. Show gratitude. Avoid unconstructive, rude or hurtful comments. Confront the issues. Source Unknown


Meditation Moment

Empty the Cup by Stephanie Lyas I think we all will agree that life can be overwhelming. Day-to-day routines coupled with other physical and mental stressors take their toll on even the strongest person. God’s intentions were never for us to be overloaded with the wrong things,-including certain foods, work, social activities, problems that need solving and the list goes on and on. We have entirely too much on our plates, or for the sake of this article-our cups. A few years ago I was visiting a friend out of town and she took me to this quaint little German bakery for coffee and dessert. I remember the server recommending a delicious premium roast coffee to go along with my massive slice of German Chocolate cake. When he arrived back at our table with the coffee, the aroma was intoxicating. I couldn’t wait to savor it. Just as I was about halfway through the first cup, he came back over to our table with a beautiful silver coffee urn to refill my cup. He did that several times until finally I had to ask him to wait until I emptied my cup. “I can only drink so much at a time,” I replied. Over time I came to realize that the same is true of our hearts and minds. When we have too many things going on they cause us to lose focus on what is truly important. We don’t really savor life as we should. We are so full of things that are detrimental (like stress, anxiety, fear, worry, anger, regret, loneliness etc.) that we often don’t have enough room for the things we need to thrive (like love, joy, peace, contentment and faith). When we feel ourselves filling up too fast, the best thing we can do is empty our cups. One way that is helpful to me is to simply get in a quiet place to pray and meditate. Sometimes I set a timer for 5, 10 or even 30 minutes and literally imagine myself pouring my troubles out of my cup into God’s hands. Then I picture Him filling my empty cup with what I need to make it through that day, sometimes that hour. Just 15 minutes of deliberate peace is both invigorating and reassuring. The uninterrupted quiet time in God’s presence gives me the chance to be both emptied and replenished. Each day, I encourage you to empty the cup of everything that is not beneficial to your life. Then allow yourself to be refilled. The wonderful, abundant life awaits but only if you have room for it.

Fill my cup, Lord I lift it up, Lord Come and quench this thirsting of my soul Bread of Heaven, feed me ‘til I want no more Fill my cup, fill it up And make me whole. –Richard Blanchard Copyright 2013. © Stephanie Lyas.


In the Morning by the Sea by Stephanie Lyas

I cast my cares toward crashing waves and none came back to me instead came peace in raging tides from God’s abundant sea I gazed at the horizon three sea gulls fluttered by who else but Him could separate the waters from the sky? My God, You are majestic! Beneath, around, above You formed all of creation With wonder and great love Amazed is what I simply am by all You are and do May all the glorious things You’ve made Give glory back to You © 2009. Dwelling Places. All Rights Reserved.


Short Story

by Stephanie Lyas “Twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty six, twenty-seven…” That’s it, Dad. That’s the last pair of high heels you’ll ever have to lay your eyes on.” I joked with him as I boxed up the last few pairs to take over to the Women’s Rescue Mission. I paused a moment, realizing what I had just said. For a moment, a feeling of emptiness passed through me as the sound of my own words echoed in my head. It brought to my mind the reality that Mom was gone and that I was actually getting rid her things.

worn-out tools and stuff. I could remember, as a child, my mother begging him to get rid of all of those old rusty, broken contraptions that he never could fix, but refused to throw out. Instead, I quickly changed the subject.

“ I’ll never in a million years understand why women need so many pairs of shoes. You can only wear one pair at a time anyway.” I could tell right away that it was going to be that kind of afternoon. I took a deep breath and proceeded to seal the box. Dad was in one of his moods, so I was determined to brush it off and not upset him any further. Generally, he was a pretty pleasant, even-tempered, but very set-in-his ways type of guy; however, today, he seemed particularly out of sorts. The more I thought about it, I began to wonder if he was just having a bad day and really missing Mom, affectionately known by him as “Sunshine.” I read about how people in grief often experiencing feelings of bitterness long after a loved one has passed on. Then again, it had been nearly two years and he seemed to be doing fine. At any rate, I decided to choose my battles that day, and try my best to make things pleasant for the both of us. “Dad, you know that Mom loved fashion. She always wanted to look nice for you.” Talk about the June Cleaver type-my mom had it down pat. Whether running errands or headed out to church, she always looked her very best.

“Okay, Honey. You go ahead and get started and I’ll be down in a few minutes.”

“Dad, let’s take a break and go downstairs and have some lunch. How about a nice cold glass of iced tea?” The stale, sweltering heat in that attic was beginning to get to me.

“All right, but promise me you won’t stay up here too long. It’s pretty hot up here. Do you want me to bring you something to drink?” “No, I’ll be down in a bit. I’m just gonna see what’s in these old boxes. There’s no telling, knowing your mother, the Queen of the Packrats.” “Oh, Dad..” I sighed. “I’ll be down shortly, I promise.” I could tell that he was really determined to go through those boxes, and I wasn’t about to stop him. “What sounds good to you, Dad.. how about a nice salad?” “Sounds alright to me,” he replied, not even bothering to look up. I finally got the table set and ready for us to sit down.

“Hmph....your mother is the only woman I know who has mastered the art of collecting and hoarding junk.” I resisted the urge to blurt out, “But it was her junk!” Besides, I thought, that’s pretty rich coming from a man whose toolshed to this day looks like a graveyard for old,

“Dad, lunch is ready…” I called out to him but got no reply. A few minutes went by and he still hadn’t (Continued on page 31)


by Jennifer Roos

I hate flying. I don't know many people who enjoy it. Let's face it...at 30,000 ft. death seems way more likely. As soon as the plane gets onto the runway my anxiety level skyrockets and my prayer life (I shamefully admit) suddenly becomes intense. The only person I know who gets excited to fly is my two year old son and it's only because he's completely clueless about all the things that could go wrong in the air. Unlike mine, his imagination doesn't have the capacity to create thousands of plane crash scenarios and fear is not alive and well in his little soul just yet. When Makaio sees an airplane at the airport he jumps up and down and screams "Look Dada it's an airplane! Do you see that? I wanna get on it Dada!!" Everyone always stares at him, wishing they could share his enthusiasm. Back in March, we boarded a plane at Midway airport in Chicago and headed for Long Island to visit family. It was a windy, windy day; certainly not ideal flying weather. When the pilots disembarked from the previous incoming flight, I heard them commenting on how difficult it was to land the plane in the gusting wind. My stomach dropped. When we got onboard, I situated myself near a window and settled Mikayla on my lap. Wouter had Makaio strapped into the seat in between us. I was already sweating. I know how pathetic this must sound. I should just relax, right? Well, I would relax but my experience tells me that bad things can happen in the air and I easily recall many news reports on "flights gone wrong."

We approached the runway and gathered enough speed to begin our ascent. The take-off was bumpy. Climbing to our cruising altitude was like driving on a Chicago Street full of potholes. I always wait for the pilot to turn off the seatbelt sign as an


indication of safety but during this flight the light remained illuminated. Instead of reassuring us of our safety, he got on the loudspeaker and told us that the duration of the flight would be turbulent and that we should only get out of our seats if necessary. Great! At least the flight to NY would be short. After an hour or so, I felt the plane begin to descend and I was relieved. As soon as I exhaled and began to relax, the flight attendant came on the intercom and warned us that the winds in Islip were strong and that our landing was going to be very bumpy. This was followed by an announcement from the captain telling all flight attendants to sit down and buckle up. It felt like the plane was being blown back and forth as we were approaching the runway. The pilot struggled to steady the wings. My muscles were tense. I had one hand around Mikayla holding her to my chest and the other hand gripping the armrest. A gust of wind would come every few seconds causing the plane to sway and the passengers to gasp. All the while my little boy was bouncing in his seat trying to get a look out the window and saying, "Whooo Dada, Dada look, Dada this is fun!" When He fell silent for a minute or so, I began wondering why. I managed to peel my eyes away from the window and look at him. He had fallen asleep! What? How can he sleep at a time like this? If any of you know my son, this is extremely out of character. He is not a fan of sleep and it certainly doesn't come easy to him. But there he was, sitting right beside me sleeping like a baby as the aircraft blew back and forth and his mommy was having a nervous breakdown. Somehow my son was relaxed enough to fall into a deep sleep and he was resting. As I looked at him in wonder, I felt God whisper to my heart "that is exactly how I want you to be." I instantly understood the Lord's message to me. During life's most turbulent times I want you to be at rest because you trust in me. At that moment I knew that my anxiety was an indication of my lack of trust in the Lord. Makaio doesn't understand the dangers of flying in an airplane. He just simply trusts his mommy and daddy. That's it. His trust in Wouter and me guards his heart against fear. Jesus calls us all to have this "child-like" faith and tells us that it's a necessity for entering His kingdom. We must simply trust Him the same way Makaio trusts Wouter and me... enough to follow us anywhere. Now, a few months later, I am still trying to allow this beautiful truth to permeate me and take root in how I live my life. I haven't gotten very far yet and I know it may take a lifetime. But the image of a simple faith untainted by the disappointments of this life drives me forward toward trusting Him with reckless abandon.

And Jesus said: "I tell you the truth, unless you become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." -Matthew 18:3

Writing is a new passion for me and one that I am eager to pursue. My life has given me many stories to tell. I've been a high school English teacher, a missionary in over 40 countries, a wife, a mother and a friend. Now, I want to share testimonies of God's greatness!


by Sherrie Coronas

"Don't be afraid of technology...technology is your friend mom," said Justin, as he handed the gadget back to me from the rear seat of the rented Caravan. "I already programmed in the address. Just put on the screen lock so you can't mess it up again...it's at the top of the Garmin," the teen advised calmly.

didn't have an address for the other store, he was happy to provide us with instructions on how to get there.

With fingers carefully gripping the sides of the gizmo, I pushed until it snapped securely into the cradle mounted on the windshield. Throwing the car into reverse, Ray backed up the van and we were on our way-certain that this would be the most carefree family vacation ever with our new Global Positioning System (GPS) to guide our way through the unfamiliar roads of the greater Phoenix area.

We jumped into the Caravan and looked longingly at Ms. GPS. However, without an address for our destination, there would be no pleasant voice and no purple path to guide us on the unplanned trek.

"In point two miles, turn right," said the pleasant female voice in the Garmin box, as a handy map appeared with color-coded streets and cross roads for our added convenience. "The purple path shows the road we need to stay on," explained Justin. "Just follow it and we'll be home-free!" With precise step-by-step instructions, the gadget we affectionately named Ms. GPS guided us onto the highway. "In point three miles, exit left," announced Ms. GPS. "Uh...the exit is closed" said Ray as we whizzed by the off ramp. "Recalculating," said the unshakable-one. "Drive two miles. Stay left." "She can recalculate? Cool!" gushed Ray. It seemed Ms. GPS had all the answers supplied with detailed information from an unseen source high in the sky. She represented a technology based on facts and truth. There was no guessing involved. She guided our every move, warning of forks in the road, guiding us back on track when we wandered off or when we encountered a road block. What we came to love most about Ms. GPS was her temperament. She never got angry if we missed a turn. No tone. No reprimand. No sarcasm. It was our choice whether to follow her instructions or not. We came to realize that it was always in our best interest to do so.

"It's about, ummm, 10 to 15 miles south on Manor Boulevard, past the freeway, on the right hand side," said the clerk. "You can't miss it."

"Well, the salesman said it's just down the road," I said bravely. "Let's just go."

"Wait...did he say to head south?" Ray asked, already second guessing our course. "Yes, south," Justin advised confidently from the back seat. After driving for eternity, the frustration started to set in. Maybe the clerk said to drive north? Should we turn around? Should we stop and ask someone? The questions swirled and tempers flared. Ms. GPS remained dark and silent upon her mount as useless as a lighthouse without a light. "There up ahead -- is that it?" Justin asked. "On the right, just beyond the freeway overpass...in point two miles," he said wryly. We laughed out loud for a few moments, a bit embarrassed by our temporary hysteria. Silently, I wondered why a trip down the road had felt so difficult. I marveled at how insecure we felt without Ms. GPS guiding our way, as we had come to rely on her so completely. Then it hit me. Isn't that just like life as a Christian? We had come to trust Ms. GPS much in the same way that a Christian trusts God. Sure, we can still make our way around without Him, but God always offers the best route to reach our destination. He's always there to recalculate when we make a mistake or encounter a closed off ramp. He offers us another chance to get back on track. No tone. No reprimand. No sarcasm. It's always our choice to follow Him or not. Of course, we've come to know, it's always in our best interest to do so.

On our final day in Phoenix, our family set off to Computer City to purchase a laptop advertised in the morning newspaper. After Sherrie is a believer in Jesus Christ, a freelance writer, a wife and a programming the store address into the Garmin, we headed off, only to mother. She resides with her family on the island of Oahu in Hawaii, find that the item we desired was temporarily out of stock. We were where she was born and raised. promptly redirected to another store location. While the salesperson


(Continued from page 27)

answered so I yelled again, “Daddy…time to eat.” Still, nothing. I found it unlike him to not at least answer back so I decided to go get him. As I climbed the ladder to the loft, I stopped when I heard my Dad crying. Between sniffles here and there I could hear him muttering something but couldn’t quite make out what he was saying. I decided to just wait and listen. Finally, I peered over the ledge just enough to get a glimpse of what was going on. Dad had come across a box of old letters that my mother had written to various individuals while my he was away at war. My mother was known for her beautiful and caring heart, so it was not uncommon for her to write to different ones, just to offer them a word of encouragement. I remember how she became pen pals to other young military wives whose husbands were also away at war. They would exchange recipes, photos and send cards back and forth on a regular basis. Many of those women, though strangers at first, became the best of friends through their letters. I waited in silence as the tears dried up and Dad composed himself a bit. Clearly, something he had read really touched his heart. He began to read aloud parts of a letter that my mom had written to a young wife like herself who also happened to be raising three small children alone. Apparently, that letter never reached its destination because the envelope was marked RETURN TO SENDER. Dad went on to read it: Dear Margie My husband Bill has been away for nearly seven months now. I must admit that I am having quite a bit of difficulty raising three children by myself, but I gather wisdom and strength from the Good Lord above. I am sure that, like me, you experience periods of loneliness and fear - knowing that your loved one is in harm’s way. Let me encourage you to find tremendous peace and solace in prayer. I make it a point to take time each day to give thanks for the sacrifices that each of these men and women are making and to say a special prayer for each of them and the families that they have left behind. I wish to share with you this prayer that helps me make it through those rough days. I hope it helps you find encouragement as you await the return of your loved ones:

Most Precious Lord Who is Everything A song of thanks we humbly sing For protecting our soldiers near and far Shield them Lord, wherever they are Let them know that You are there The Lord of the sea, the wind and air Give them grace to understand Their lives are in Your Mighty hands Though danger settles all around May they, in Your perfect will be found For those of us who remain at home May we ever kneel before Your throne Give us strength to live each day And guide us in Your perfect Way Dear Lord, we offer thanks to Thee For the brave men and women who make us free. Sincerely, Ava By the time he was finished I could hardly fight back the tears myself. I rushed over to him, wrapped my arms around his neck, and gave him a soft peck on the forehead. “Oh, Daddy, Mom was a such a special lady wasn’t she? She always found the strength to encourage and pray for others even when she, herself was going through difficult times.” “Yeah,” he whispered, teary-eyed. “that’s why I called her Sunshine. I never met anyone quite like her. She really believed in the power of prayer. After reading that letter, I’m convinced that I made it back home because of God’s grace and those beautiful prayers.” I was convinced that he was right. Later that night as I was getting ready for bed, I knelt down to say my prayers as my parents had taught me to do at a very young age. I was grateful for once, that my mother was the packrat that she was. My dad insisted that I keep Mom’s letters and that meant a lot to me. Before I shut my eyes, I said a special prayer for the service men and women who were away from their families at war. Looking back over the events of the day, I felt a sense of pride and gratitude-not only in the brave people who fight for freedom, but also for the prayers that help to bring them back home. Copyright © 2009. Stephanie Lyas. All Rights Reserved.


by Pam Ford Davis

My emotional instability system must be set on high; I envy those who make all decisions by rational thinking. Wait one minute; deep thinkers must be emotional too. Authors and artists would not be capable of expressing such beauty, suffering, light or darkness apart from emotional involvement. Their work reveals only what they personally first experienced or envisioned. I have grumbled to the Lord about my emotional makeup. If only I did not hurt so deeply or become so depressed following major disappointments Why can't I shrug off mistakes, expressing "It's no big deal"? Okay, is it a crime? I am an emotional female. If emotions are the salt and pepper of life, my shakers must be full. Food is bland, lacks appeal, and satisfies less when spices are absent from recipes. I don't appreciate the many benefits of a dash of salt unless it is restricted from my diet. What would I be like if God removed my emotions? The bottom line is I want to pick-and-choose, keeping all of the feel good variety and discarding those that make me uncomfortable. Thinking as one of my rational folk I would have to declare that an impossibility. I could not truly experience the heights of joy unless I ascended from the valley of sadness. How could I feel my burden of guilt lifted through forgiveness without first sensing the weight I carried? Our world is composed of opposites: sweet and bitter, hot and cold, up and down, high and low, happy and sad, fulfillment and disappointment My logical side is pretty convincing. God knows best. I may not be doing back flips, but I thank Him for making me a highly emotional being. Without emotions, I could not feel the acceptance of His lavish love.

With God all things are possible! Published articles in Mature Living Magazine, Secret Place, Daily Devotionals for the Deaf, Light from the Word Daily Devotional. Available now in book store: FORGET-ME-NOT DAILY DEVOTIONAL http:/ebooks.faithwriters.com


“When I was a kid, summer meant no school, watermelon, flip-flops, wearing shorts and sundresses, lemonade on the porch, catching fireflies in a jar, playing outside until the streetlights came on and chasing the ice cream truck. Those were the days.” -Sarah M.

“Some beach somewhere, there’s a big umbrella casting shade over an empty chair. Palm trees are growing, warm breezes blowing. I picture myself there, some beach somewhere.” - via Twitter

“Hair gets lighter. Skin gets darker. Water gets warmer. Drinks get colder. Music gets louder. Nights get longer. Life gets better.”- Anon.


A Father’s Heart You ARE the Father by Stephanie Lyas I’ve always been intrigued by the concept of “reality” shows. What makes a person go on television before millions of viewers to air their dirty laundry-real or embellished? One day I was home from work, bored from channel surfing when I came across a “reality” talk show that prides itself in proving or disproving paternity (although the paternity factor often gets overshadowed by the drama between the would-be mothers). Anyway I was fascinated by a particular story of two women who were fighting over whether or not a certain guy fathered both their children. Between the “in your face” shouting matches and the exposure of one secret after another, I thought I had had enough! “How do people watch this stuff?” I thought, as I continued to wait on the edge of my seat for the DNA test results, admittedly anxious to find out. When the host opened the envelope and read the results, “You ARE the father” cheers erupted from the audience! I couldn't tell if the young man at the center of the controversy was excited, relieved or embarrassed at the results. Still, it was interesting to watch all of the hoopla over a paternity case. What I really wanted to know was what took place after the show. I wondered if the guy would try to maintain a relationship with both sets of children or if he would pick and choose which one he would love and support. Unfortunately, I never got the chance to find out, but my hope is that, since paternity has already been proven, he would love and care for them both. After all, isn’t that what a father’s supposed to do? After watching that show, I began thinking about my own relationship with my Heavenly Father. I thanked Him for always providing for me, as He promised. I thanked Him for caring me and loving me in spite of all the bad choices I’ve made. I thanked Him for not abandoning me when times got rough in my life. I thanked Him for not being a “deadbeat” like so many are today. I thanked Him for our close relationship. I thanked God for claiming me from the very beginning, even though I denied Him many times throughout my life. Friends, God is a real Father. His longing to be close to us is indescribable. We cannot even fathom the depth, height and breadth of His love. And most importantly, He doesn’t have to prove Who He is in our lives, but does it anyway—because that’s just what a loving Father does. He wants us to always be aware of His presence. As His children, we find our peace and security in that. It reminds me of something that happened the other day while I was babysitting my three year old nephew, Eli. A few minutes after his parents had left for their date night, he looked at me with his big brown eyes and asked, “Where’s Dada?” I reassured him that his dad hadn’t gone far and that he would be back soon.” I watched as a somewhat anxious expression melted into a big smile. Then, he ran off to play with his matchbox cars. In fact, throughout the evening, I was touched by the fact that Eli was comforted by the simple thought of his father. “Dada will be back soon,” he reminded me several times throughout the night. I smiled every time that precious little boy uttered those words. In a similar way, Our Father wants us to delight in Him. He wants us to be so close that the simple thought of Him or the mention of His name brings us peace. Many times, though we are tempted to run to other things that do not satisfy our longing for Him. It is my prayer that, no matter what your relationship is or has been with your earthly father, God desires to be the Father you always wanted. He wants to fill every empty space, every broken place and every area of hurt in our lives. He simply wants honesty, obedience and devotion in return. It doesn’t matter where you’ve been in life. It doesn’t matter where you were born or how you were born. You can and must be born again in order to have that perfect love relationship with Him. Like Abraham, when confronted with the choice of whether or not to sacrifice his son, Isaac, as children we must trust our Father enough to lay anything and everything on the altar. And just like with Abraham, God will provide exactly what we need at the perfect time. Because that’s what Fathers do. Point to Ponder Look deeply into your own life. In what ways has God been a father to you? Do you trust Him as your Father? If not, you can establish a personal relationship with Him today. Turn to Page 14 to find out how.


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Love Notes From Heaven

by Stephanie Lyas “

He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: he that keepeth thee will not slumber. Behold, he that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.” – Psalm 121:3-4

rocking, singing, cuddling and finally begging. Nothing worked. Finally I had the thought that maybe I was more of a distraction to her than anything. If I leave the room she just might fall asleep on her own.

Once I was asked at the last minute to babysit overnight for some friends with three small children. Ben and Shelley were to go out of town for some friends’ wedding that was planned months in advance. Suddenly, the night that they were to leave, the youngest of the group, a 1 year old was running a slight fever and acting fussy. Then, on top of that, the kids’ grandparents called to say that they were stuck in traffic due to a storm and wouldn’t arrive until the next morning. Knowing how important the trip was to them (and how much they needed to get away) I agreed to stay overnight until the grandparents arrived. I helped Shelley get over the guilt of leaving her little ones and I grabbed a change of clothes and headed over there right away. Both Ben and Shelley were relieved when I arrived and assured them that everything would be fine.

Ta-daa! It worked. Finally I could settle in on the couch and get some sleep. For a few minutes anyway. All sorts of wild thoughts were racing through my mind. What if the baby gets sick and can’t cry for help? What if she cries and I can’t hear her? What if she needs me and I can’t reach her in time? All of these ‘what ifs” were torturing me beyond belief. I decided that the only logical way to satisfy my anxiety was to sleep in the baby’s room and watch her all night. By the next morning I was so sleep deprived that I couldn't stand it.

After making it through dinner, baths and bedtime, it was finally time for me to relax. “How do people do this day in and day out,” I wondered as one of the few childless adults I knew. Still, I had pretty good maternal instincts and learned to distinguish between a hungry cry, a wet cry and a notfeeling-good cry. Plus, I made the best peanut butter and jelly sandwich on the planet, which gave me brownie points with most kids. I put the older kids to bed I decided to camp out in the baby’s room until she fell asleep. Just in case. Bad idea. Obviously she was feeling better by that time and was wide awake. She wasn’t the least bit interested in the one thing that I coveted-sleeping. At times it seemed like she was winding down, but every time I attempted to escape, she would stand in her crib and cry. Turns out she decided by 2:43 am that sleep was really overrated and that she would rather stay up and play peek-a-boo. I tried everything to get that baby to sleep, including bribery with a cookie,

“Didn’t you turn on the monitor in the baby’s room? That is our lifesaver. Otherwise we would be up all night.”

When the grandparents arrived the next morning, they asked, “How did you sleep?” I didn’t. I went on to explain why.

Aren’t you glad that God is up all night? We don’t have to fear the terrors of night because HE is with us. We don’t have to stay awake trying to figure out how to take care of ourselves. He monitors everything that goes on around us so that we can rest peacefully in Him. He never sleeps because He doesn’t need to. He’s God! Every night, don’t lose sleep worrying how things will work out. Give your worries to God and get some rest. He’ll be up all night anyway.


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HeartSongs Magazine


HeartSongs Publishing Unlimited P.O. Box 59763 Birmingham, AL 35259-9763


Publishing Unlimited ™ Providing a Variety of Inspirational Electronic and Print Media Products HeartSongs Publishing Unlimited P.O. Box 59763 Birmingham, AL 35259-9763


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