Hearing Our Way

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The magazine for kids and teens with hearing loss

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Contents 4 Things We Love


vercoming O Obstacles



Contributors Melanie Paticoff • Editor in Chief Julie Rosenthal • Featured HOW Teen Valorie Johnson • Creative Contributor N-KCreative.com • Magazine Design

Hi from Mel! Dear Readers,

hearing loss. zine for kids and teens with ga ma the y, Wa r Ou ng ari elcome to He aring loss in or hearing aids, or have he , nts pla im r lea ch co th wi Maybe you hear loss. ily or friends with hearing fam ve ha u yo d an , me e lik one ear. Or maybe you’re way we hear! The point is, that’s just the the message it doesn’t define us. That’s t bu es, liv r ou of rt pa a is Hearing loss -year-old 6, which features Julie, a 17 ge pa on les ac st Ob ng mi you’ll find in Overco me, has been super-inspiring to ry sto ’s lie Ju . nts pla im r who has bilateral cochlea e all of the out other cool features, lik k ec ch s Plu ! ree ag l u’l yo and I think page 8. d an awesome contest on an 4 ge pa on w no ht rig Things We Love want to te social media sites—we ori fav ur yo on us th wi t ec Be sure to conn pictures, d in your stories, artwork, sen so s, los ng ari he th wi know H W you live life ning! you… this is only the begin for ar he is y Wa r Ou ng ari and more. He


ief Mel Paticoff, Editor in Ch www.HearingOurWay.com info@hearingourway.com St. Louis, MO Volume 1, No. 1

and maltipoo, Sophie

©2014 Sophie’s Tales, LLC. All rights reserved. Hearing Our Way is published quarterly and is a publication of Sophie’s Tales, LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. Sign up to receive a complimentary subscription for households, offices, and schools at www.HearingOurWay.com. For promotional opportunities, change of address, or other customer service, contact info@hearingourway.com. All comments and suggestions received by Hearing Our Way become the sole property of Hearing Our Way and may be used without compensation or acknowledgement. Hearing Our Way disclaims liability for any losses or damages that may result from using information in this magazine.

A Sophie’s Tales Publication


who is cousin Julie, tacles Mel with her bs O g in Overcom featured in i. an and sister D on page 6,

bols Look for these sym agazine throughout the m for special tips ! Hearing – Info about hearing aids, cochlear implants, and listening devices Talking – Tips for speech and language Self-Advocacy – Ideas for sharing your hearing loss story with others


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That’s Just the Way I Hear ! HearingOurWay.c om




We always w ant to hear fro m you ! Sh are your heari stor y w it h us : ng loss



Can you find these words?

cochlear • deaf • hearinG • listen • music Answers at: hearingourway.com


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D wnload This

If Ellen DeGeneres created it, you know it has to be fun! Download Head’s Up for the perfect party game with friends.

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W rds, W rds, W rds “Music to My Ears ”

e v l e w s g n i h t

Language can be tricky, especially idioms, which mean something different than what they say. Did you know that ‘music to my ears’ is not about music? It actually means ‘news that makes you really happy’. Like this: “When my mom told me I could stay up late, it was music to my ears.”

Get Reading little dog who Sophie’s Tales children’s books feature Sophie, a loss awareness, has a cochlear implant. These stories of hearing room, school inclusion, and self-advocacy are perfect for the class e. Sophie is an library, and for reading to younger siblings at hom e your hearing adorable cuddly companion—let her help you shar loss story! www.sophiestales.com



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f Stories o Inspiring You ! e ik L s Teen d n a s id K


H W does Julie hear? With her iPod plugged in, a signature smile on her face, and… two cochlear implants

Julie’s Faves! H Activities

Art • Dance • Reading H Books

The Hunger Games Twilight The Fault in Our Stars H Movies

10 Things I Hate About You The Breakfast Club Princess Diaries H TV

One Tree Hill Friends H Music

Demi Lovato H Concert

Justin Bieber H Food

Chinese food • pasta cucumbers • chocolate H Places

California • Italy NYC • Paris H quote



ulie seems like any other high school senior. She’s stressing over college applications, wishing it was still summer, and planning her next drive with her new license in hand. Julie takes a break from it all to sit down with H W and chat about school, life, and hearing!

Overcoming Obstacles

Hi, I’m Julie. I’m 17-years-old and a senior in high school. I love to listen to music and go to concerts. I live on Long Island, a few minutes away from New York City.

I’ve been lucky to have mostly good experiences with my hearing loss, but there have been a few bumps along the way. Mostly it’s little things, like noisy situations when I can’t hear or understand what’s going on, and I need to advocate for myself. One difficult experience I had was in elementary school, when I couldn’t go on the plastic playground slides because of static with my cochlear implants. I was lucky that my parents, IEP team, and I were able to get a metal slide on the playground instead.

My Hearing Loss Story

Chat Pack

All About Me

I was diagnosed with hearing loss and got my hearing aids when I was 2-years old. My family learned about a special school in St. Louis, Missouri that could teach me to listen and speak. We moved there, and I’ve been talking ever since! My hearing loss was progressive, and I was profoundly deaf by the age of 6. That’s when I received my first cochlear implant and headed back to my mainstream school in New York. I got my second cochlear implant at the age of 11—I love being bilateral!

Another tricky situation was in the middle school cafeteria, which was so noisy that I couldn’t hear my friends. I tried to bring my FM system to lunch, but it was still just too loud. I was able to go to a smaller room to eat lunch with a few friends. We named it ‘Quiet Lunch,’ but we never let it get too quiet! I’m glad I spoke up and didn’t spend the whole year in a place I couldn’t hear.

. ve to believe in it a h t s ju u o y — ic of mag “ The world is full ish. Do you have it? Good. So make your w with all your heart.” Now believe in it —One Tree Hill



That’s Just The Way I Hear

Hearing Loss Gear

When people ask about my cochlear implants, I just tell them that I’m hearing impaired, I’m deaf, or I have hearing loss, and that I wear two cochlear implants to help me hear. I’m happy to explain it to them and raise awareness. Hearing loss is a part of who I am, but it doesn’t define me. It’s one small piece of me. It’s not something that I brag about, and it’s not something I’m ashamed of. It’s something that I’m open about.

My favorite accessory is the personal audio cable that goes directly from my iPod to my cochlear implant. It’s such a clear connection, and it’s my favorite way to listen to music. One accessory that I just started using is the Lark vibrating alarm wristband. It vibrates to wake me up. I plan to take it to college next year. Unlike my old bed shaker, the Lark is modern, cool-looking, and won’t scare my roommate!

Fun with Friends I have friends with hearing loss all over Long Island and even around the country. I’ve been best friends with Mallory, who has bilateral cochlear implants like me, ever since we attended school together in St. Louis. It’s important to have someone to talk to who knows what I’m going through. I also attend a support group for teens with hearing loss. We bond over musical activities, and I’ve made really good friends through the group.

My Role Model I love Demi Lovato’s music and her story. She had to overcome some really big obstacles by facing them head on and becoming a better person. She didn’t give up when things got hard. She taught me to be willing to change things that aren’t going right. I love her motto, #StayStrong !

Words of Wisdom Don’t give up. Always stand up for yourself. Be a good self-advocate and keep building that skill over time. It’s the best way to achieve your goals and overcome your obstacles.

Share your story of Overcoming Obstacles and you may be featured in Hearing Our Way ! E-mail: info@hearingourway.com


Hearing loss is a part of who I am, but it doesn’t define me.


665 South Skinker Blvd. St. Louis, MO 63105 TIME VALUE • Address Service Requested

This is a one-time-only promotional issue. To continue receiving Hearing Our Way, please sign up for a complimentary subscription at www.HearingOurWay.com

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