Hearing Our Way: Summer 2019

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The magazine for kids and teens with hearing loss

Tropical 9 Summer 2 01 g omin c r e v cles




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Contents 4 Things We Love

Hi from Mel!

6 O vercoming Obstacles

10 Fun & Games 12 Sophie’s


Contributors Melanie Paticoff Grossman • Editor in Chief Magazine Design • N-KCreative.com Overcoming Obstacles • Sofia Mark it with an E • Evelyn Books We Love • Eva Movies We Love • Jaida With special thanks to all of our featured H W friends

Dear Readers,

s, and free time await.

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, M.S.D.E. Mel Paticoff Grossman Editor in Chief

and maltipoo, Sophie

www.HearingOurWay.com info@hearingourway.com PO Box 13, Greenlawn, New York 11740 Volume 6, No. 2 ©2019 Sophie’s Tales, LLC. All rights reserved. Hearing Our Way is published quarterly and is a publication of Sophie’s Tales, LLC. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. See p.11 for more information about subscriptions for homes, schools, and offices or visit www.HearingOurWay.com. For promotional opportunities, change of address, or other customer service, contact info@hearingourway.com. • All comments and suggestions received by Hearing Our Way become the sole property of Hearing Our Way and may be used without compensation or acknowledgment. Hearing Our Way disclaims liability for any losses or damages that may result from using information in this magazine. • Inquire today about sponsorship and advertising opportunities. Contact Info@HearingOurWay.com.


Look for these symbols throughout the magazine for special tips !

Hearing – Info about hearing aids, cochlear implants, and listening devices Talking – Tips for speech and language Self-Advocacy – Ideas for sharing your hearing loss story with others

Did you receive this issue from a friend, school, or office? Sign up for your own subscription to continue receiving Hearing Our Way ! www.HearingOurWay.com


Connecting Made Easy Enjoy talking on the phone – confident that you’ll catch every word! CapTel® shows you captions of everything they say. It’s like captions on TV – for the phone!

CapTel 2400i includes Bluetooth® connectivity and Speakerphone.

www.CapTel.com l 1-800-233-9130 FEDERAL LAW PROHIBITS ANYONE BUT REGISTERED USERS WITH HEARING LOSS FROM USING INTERNET PROTOCOL (IP) CAPTIONED TELEPHONES WITH THE CAPTIONS TURNED ON. IP Captioned Telephone Service may use a live operator. The operator generates captions of what the other party to the call says. These captions are then sent to your phone. There is a cost for each minute of captions generated, paid from a federally administered fund. No cost is passed on to the CapTel user for using the service. CapTel captioning service is intended exclusively for individuals with hearing loss. CapTel® is a registered trademark of Ultratec, Inc. The Bluetooth® word mark and logos are registered trademarks owned by Bluetooth SIG, Inc. (v2.5 7-18) ®

e v L e W s g n Thi ’s Pick a d i a J : L ve e w as a s e i ork. She h tilizes Y w e Mov N , n u ly om Brook tting, she r-old girl fr

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books We L ve: Eva’s Bookshelf

Eva is a 11-year-old girl from New Jer sey

who has always loved reading! She has hearing los s in her lef t ear, but with the help of her Roger Focus® receiver and wireless system, she never lets hea ring loss hold her back! Ready to discover you r next favorite book? Eva invites you to exp lore her bookshelf.

StarGirl by Jerry Spinelli is about a girl who calls herself StarG irl and how she changes her high school. Her small town was as normal as could be un til she came. She was instantly noticed with her different clothes, pet rat , and how she even knew everyone’s bir thda Soon, she was popular and an y! inspiration to all, but as quickly as it st arted she was the black sheep again. So St came up with a plan to become arGirl popular once more. The plan could ch ange everything, but you'll just ha ve to it to find out! I recommend th read is book if you enjoy novels with drama and love. The book is being turned int o a movie starring Grace VanderWaal, and I can’t wait to see it on Disney+ later this year !

sisters Meet three Yo rk who never

Sibling sp t

from Albany, New in the way of fun! let hearing loss get

loss but when her younger sisters Big sister Carly, 8, does not have hearing h hearing loss, they inspired Emma, 6, and Molly, 1, were diagnosed wit aids), sewing plush lemons Carly to start a non-profit called Lemon( ring aids ! and selling them to raise money for hea I just love them so much! Carly: My sisters are both fun and goofy— aids and can hear. I don’t like when I am really happy that they have hearing ure is that hearing aids are not they can’t hear me. My hope for the fut r. That’s why I started making so expensive and that everyone can hea need hearing aids. Lemon(Aids) to raise money for kids who , my kindergarten teacher Emma: After baby Molly got her hearing aids . She was right! I love that Molly thought maybe I needed hearing aids, too ly because she says I look really and I have hearing aids together. I love Car helps me ! When I think about good with my hearing aids, and she always it makes my heart really happy. Carly sewing lemons to help kids like me, 10 weeks old ! When I don’t Molly: I got my hearing aids when I was just and everyone laughs. My have my hearing aids in, I can yell very loud them, I sign ‘play’! I love my sisters are my favorite people. When I see sisters so much. without our hearing aids. One Last Word: We know how it feels to go well! So we want everyone to be It doesn’t feel good, and we can’t hear as m. We are so glad Lemon(Aids) able to have hearing aids if they need the ne can hear! are helping to make a difference so everyo visit https://lemonaids.org To purchase your Lemon(Aids) please and Molly? Like the retention bands worn by Emma a special coupon code. Check out Ear Suspenders on page 11 for family. Share Hearing loss is part of the whole ourway.com your story with us: info @hearing

W rds, W rds, W rds When life gives you lemons

Language can be tricky, especially idioms, which are groups of words or expressions that mean something different than what they say. You might hear the idiom when life gives you lemons and think, why would life give me lemons?! When life gives you lemons comes from the expression when life gives you lemons, make lemonade. It means that if something doesn’t go your way, you can change it into a positive, just like how sour lemons can be made into sweet lemonade! Like this: “At first I felt a little ‘sour’ about not getting the lead part in the school play, but then I realized that having a smaller part will give me more time to explore my other interests like set design, costumes, and spending time with my friends. I’m turning lemons into lemonade!”


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f Stories o Inspiring You ! e ik L s Teen d n a s id K

H W does Sofia hear? With her passport in hand, a chocolate bar to enjoy, and one hearing aid and one cochlear implant!

All About Me

Sofia’s Faves H ACTIVITIES Travel

H BOOKS Ready Player One The Book Thief

H CONCERT Miley Cyrus

H MOVIES Harry Potter series

H FOODS Anything chocolate Chicken

H PLACES Caracas, Venezuela


Hi, I’m Sofia! I am 24-years-old and a senior at University of Missouri, Kansas City (UMKC). I am studying chemistry and entrepreneurship. I came to the USA four years ago as an international student from Venezuela.

Hearing My Way

I started to lose my hearing when I was 11-years-old. I began to wear two hearing aids, and that helped me for a long time. By the time I was 23 though, my left ear had lost so much hearing that the hearing aid wasn’t helping anymore. I knew it was time for a cochlear implant, but in my country, the surgery is very, very expensive. I started a fundraising campaign (Help Sofia Hear Again) to raise money for my cochlear implant surgery. After a year, I raised enough funds to pay for my cochlear implant. Now I wear a Resound hearing aid and Cochlear Kanso cochlear implant. For many years the cause of my hearing loss was a mystery but recently I was diagnosed with a rare, progressive autoimmune inner ear disease.

Giving Back

After I created my fundraiser Help Sofia Hear Again for my own cochlear implant, I wanted to pay it forward to other people like me who need funding for hearing devices. During the year of fundraising, I felt firsthand how stressful it was to feel like I wanted to hear so badly but couldn’t afford it yet. It made me passionate about helping people gain access to hearing. I started an NGO (a non-profit) in my country to provide help to people in need of hearing aids and batteries. I love to give back to the community whenever I can!

S o fia re ce ive s he

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Overcoming Obstacles

I am so glad I was able to overcome my biggest obstacle of raising the money I needed for my cochlear implant surgery. Of course, every day with hearing loss presents new challenges. In a large group of people, it can be very hard to keep up with everything people are saying. Sometimes I end up three conversations behind! I have to ask people to repeat what they said until I understand. I have learned to have a lot of patience with myself and with others so I don’t get frustrated.

Silence is Golden

Even though I love my cochlear implant, I also think there are benefits to having hearing loss. I love my silent time—I can put everyone on ‘mute’! This is especially handy when I’m studying and need to concentrate.

Sister, Sister

My sister is very understanding about my hearing loss. She has always been there to help me, especially when we go out together. In a noisy restaurant, she will repeat questions for me that I miss or don’t understand. She has also been very helpful during episodes of vertigo (dizziness).

Ask Me About My Ears

When people ask me about my hearing devices, I am always happy to show them my hearing aid and cochlear implant. I think people have so much to learn about hearing loss, and I am happy to bring awareness for anyone who seems interested. I want to break the stigma and show others that people with hearing loss are capable of the same things as people without hearing loss!

Hearing Gear

My favorite product is the mini microphone. I use it in all my classes and in large groups of people. It is connected via Bluetooth to my hearing aid and cochlear implant. I can hear the teacher clearly, and I can also use it to listen to music and take calls on my phone.

International Student

Coming to the U.S. as an international student can be challenging for anyone, but I think it was especially challenging with a hearing loss!

It meant talking and hearing in another language— my third language, in fact. It was hard, but I got used to new sounds. I soon realized how lucky people in the U.S. are to have access to good health care, a luxury that many people in my country cannot afford. It opened my eyes to the world and made me want to make it a better place. Not only do I now have the ability to hear, but I feel I have a responsibility to pass it on by helping other people hear as well.

“Don’t wait for someone to bring you flowers. Plant your own garden and decorate your own soul.”


I am studying to be a chemist and hope to have a social impact on people. I believe all of us face challenges, and we can all make something positive out of those challenges. My hearing loss is a part of who I am, but it does not define me. I am much more than just a person with hearing loss! I am capable of anything, and you are, too. Hearing loss does not limit me—the only thing that can limit me is myself.

Be on our next cover! info@hearingourway.com

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The Nucleus 7 Sound Processor is compatible with iPhone X, iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone 8, iPhone 7 Plus, iPhone 7, iPhone 6s Plus, iPhone 6s, iPhone 6 Plus, iPhone 6, iPhone SE, iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPhone 5, iPad Pro (12.9-inch), iPad Pro (9.7-inch), iPad Air 2, iPad Air, iPad mini 4, iPad mini 3, iPad mini 2, iPad mini, iPad (4th generation) and iPod touch (6th generation) using iOS 10.0 or later. The Nucleus Smart App is compatible with iPhone 5 (or later) and iPod 6th generation devices (or later) running iOS 10.0 or later. Apple, the Apple logo, FaceTime, Made for iPad logo, Made for iPhone logo, Made for iPod logo, iPhone, iPad Pro, iPad Air, iPad mini, iPad and iPod touch are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App Store is a service mark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Information accurate as of April 2018.

©Cochlear Limited 2018. All rights reserved. Trademarks and registered trademarks are the property of Cochlear Limited. The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.



ng Our Way ri ea H e om es aw ’s er m sum Do you remember last r-old who has ea y 10 e th , er ak B n interview with Brade d of hearing aids? ee n in ds ki r fo 0 0 ,0 raised $100 sue ew York loved that is N , nd la Is ng Lo om Ms. Stiene’s class fr anted to learn more w ey th at th h uc m so of Hearing Our Way d even had a Skype an s er tt le d ge an exch e students, like about Braden. They th to s ie od go of ts e sent lo call with Braden! H oks about his story. bo d an s rt hi ts ea sw Find Your Purpose

n and friends ! de a r B , o g to y a W



PACS PALS • • • Meet


My dream career

F la-Mango Vanilla Cupcakes CUPCAKES • 1 1/3 cups all-purpose flour • ½ teaspoon baking powder • ¼ teaspoon baking soda • ¼ teaspoon salt • ½ cup unsalted butter, melted and cooled • 1 cup sugar • 1 large egg • ¼ cup coconut flavored yogurt (or plain/vanilla yogurt)

• ¾ cup milk • 1 teaspoon vanilla BUTTERCREAM: • ¾ cup unsalted butter, room temperature • ½ cup mango puree (see notes**) • ¼ teaspoon salt • ½ teaspoon vanilla extract • 2–4 cups icing sugar (see notes***)

1. Preheat oven to 350°F and line a muffin pan with 12 paper liners. 2. In a large bowl, mix together flour, baking powder, baking soda and salt. 3. In a medium bowl, whisk the melted butter with the sugar. Add the egg, yogurt, milk and vanilla. Stir together and gently pour into the dry ingredients. Mix until smooth and try not to over mix. 4. Fill the paper liners 3/4 full with batter, and bake for about 18-20 minutes or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean. Let cupcakes cool completely before frosting. 5. To make the buttercream, whip the butter until light and fluffy. Add the mango puree, salt and vanilla, mix until somewhat incorporated. Add the icing sugar, one cup at a time, blend until smooth. You want the consistency to be thick enough to hold its shape when piped. 6. Pipe a swirl of buttercream on the cooled cupcake. You can add some white sprinkles, too. TIPS: **To make the mango puree, blend a generous 1/2 cup of diced fresh ripe mangoes until smooth. You can also use canned mango puree or frozen mango chunks. If using frozen mangoes, first thaw and pat dry, then puree. ***The amount of powdered sugar you need to reach your desired consistency will depend on how ripe and juicy your mangoes are.

My dream is to be a cochlear implant audiologist. I would love to be a mentor to my patients, someone who can relate to the social and emotional aspects of hearing loss, while also being able to provide the best audiological care that I can. While I don’t have a cochlear implant myself, I did grow up with a mild to moderate sensorineural hearing loss and wear hearing aids. In fact, I still remember the day I walked into kindergarten with my new hearing aids at the same moment my best friend walked in with her new glasses!

Tips & Tricks

The best tip I can give is to get comfortable advocating for yourself. No one can read your mind. Only you know the best way for you to hear. Don’t be afraid to ask others for help making that happen.

Did You Know?

Did you know that a hearing aid will adjust its loudness levels based on how loud or soft your environment is? For example, the hearing aid will stop giving you amplification when there is a loud truck driving by because it knows you don’t want that sound to be louder than it already is. Pretty cool!

My Best Advice

Find a friend who has hearing loss. They understand exactly what you are going through. Email info@hearingourway.com to get paired with a penpal!

Learn more about Tali’s graduate program in deaf education and audiology:



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Your Logo Here

DIY: Hearing Device Decorations Raina’s mom, Morgan, loves to decorate her hearing aids for every season. Get your hearing technology ready for summer with your own design! Materials:

✏ ❏ ✄ ❍

a pencil paper scissors stickers or washi tape

1. T race the shape of your hearing device onto a piece of paper. 2. Cut out the hearing device shape. This will be your rough template. 3. Choose your favorite sticker or washi tape. Washi tape happens to be the perfect width for hearing aids. If using a sticker, solid colors or tiny patterns work best. 4. U se the paper template from step 2 to trace the hearing device shape onto the sticker. Cut out the sticker. 5. Trim the sticker to size. Be sure not to cover microphones or battery doors. 6. Wear your hearing bling with pride! Tip: Check out the sticker section of a craft store for inspiration. And have fun!


t, w Send in your ar photos to poetry or

The Fun & Games Sponsorship is now open for 2019. Get in touch! info@hearingourway.com

An exciting PEN PAL PROGRAM presented by Ryan Brady with Hearing Our Way !

Pen pals will receive an introductory letter from Ryan and an assigned pen pal. Sign up is free for Hearing Our Way readers at www.HIPPkids.com

Have you heard? From the makers of Hearing Our Way & Sophie’s Tales

We are creative consultants specializing in innovative solutions in the field of hearing loss and deaf education. ands-on workshops and book readings for H schools, audiology practices, and conferences College, internship, and job application process, including essay and resume crafting Branding, marketing, web, and social media consulting for schools, audiology practices, and organizations

Use coupon code HEARINGOURWAY for 10% off your order!

Your next project is our next project.



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Hearing Our Way is a 2018 Parents' Choice Award winner

Sophie loves shining a spotlight on amazing kids with hearing loss around the world. To shine a spotlight on someone you know, write to us at info@hearingourway.com!

Veda, age 8, is a third grader from Montpelier, Virginia who hears with two cochlear implants. When she was born, she was diagnosed with a mild/moderate hearing loss, but her hearing loss progressed and by age 6, she was profoundly deaf.

Veda uses Total Communication, both talking and signing, to communicate. Even though she has bilateral cochlear implants, Veda sometimes misses out on things. In school she relies on an educational interpreter to help fill in those missing gaps in the classroom. Veda is the only kid who is profoundly deaf in her school. Her family wanted the school to make an ASL club (American Sign Language). Now Veda’s interpreter runs the club, and Veda is the helper! Veda loves getting involved in school activities. She has participated in the school talent show, skate night, and stand-up comedy event. She also loves to read and write, but her favorite subject in school is math. She is working on her red belt in karate. Her favorite football team is the LSU Tigers. Veda says, “Geaux Tigers!”


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