Central Zone PCN HHM Patient Stories

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Alberta Central Zone PCN Committee Home Health Monitoring Project Patient Stories

Clarence Wayne Thompson Living with COPD

When Clarence Wayne was diagnosed with COPD in 2004, he was able to manage the condition successfully with only minimal intervention from medical professionals. With a combination of medication and therapy, Clarence managed the condition and went on with his day-to-day activities. As time went on, there were a few incidents that required emergency services and hospitalization.

Clarence learned about the Alberta Central Zone PCN Committee Home Health Monitoring project from his family doctor, who recommended that he participate. As his doctor is a member of the Wolf Creek Primary Care Network (PCN), he was able to participate in this new opportunity. The goal of the Alberta Central Zone PCN Committee Home Health Monitoring Project is to ensure that patients living with chronic conditions are supported to manage their care remotely. Using medical devices such as blood pressure cuffs, weigh scales, glucometers, pulse oximeters and thermometers, patients monitor their health at home. The data from these home measurements is added and stored in a secure online system that is monitored by their primary healthcare team. "To be honest, I thought the daily measurements would be overkill because I would normally only survey my condition about three times per week,” Clarence reflected. “But it provided really good feedback in terms of a data trail in how I was doing. Because of the daily check-ins, I would notice that my condition was changing, so I could be more proactive than reactive. That was one of the goals of the program, and it was successful.”

"The technology provided really good feedback in terms of a data trail in how I was doing.”

Debra Duquette

Living with Diabetes

Although Debra Duquette has been living with diabetes for some time, the diagnosis originally took a toll on her outlook, as her life changed drastically overnight. “I was quite upset about becoming diabetic. I thought my life would change as I know it, and it did. It’s a total learning curve that you go through to pay attention to what you’re eating, and a lot of the stuff I used to eat I can no longer eat,” Debra explained.

While she eventually adapted to the changes, Debra sought support for the daily monitoring required of patients with diabetes. At the suggestion of her her Big Country Primary Care Network care team care team, Debra enrolled in the Alberta Central Zone PCN Committee Home Health Monitoring Project, which uses remote monitoring to support patients living with chronic conditions. Debra was excited to try the program because it would include regular contact with her care team to ensure her readings stayed on track. “My care team were able to see my numbers each day and then reach out if something was off. It makes such a difference. If something was out of whack, the care team could tell the doctor and he could offer guidance on what to do.” When asked about future participation in the project, Debra was enthusiastic. “I really appreciated the project because it held me accountable to someone aside from myself. Knowing my team would see my data every day was very comforting. I hope that the project continues.”

“Knowing my team would see my data

every day was very comforting.”

Kenny Wilkes Living with Diabetes

Kenny Wilkes* was on a mission to get in shape. By all accounts, all of his work was paying off and he was seeing the results desired. However, in January of 2021, an appointment with his doctor came with unexpected news: Kenny was diagnosed with type II diabetes. The condition requires regular medication, maintenance, and monitoring.

Kenny explains, “In my home country, many men living with diabetes lose a leg. I have three kids, and my family was depending on me financially. I started thinking, ‘am I going to die and leave them?’” Kenny had already started changing his eating habits in an attempt to reverse the effects his diagnosis. Working with his primary care physician through the Red Deer Primary Care Network (PCN), Kenny began participating in the Alberta Central Zone PCN Committee Home Health Monitoring Project. “It was good, because of the daily check-ins with the care team. I would monitor throughout the day and see the trends in my readings,” said Kenny. “The project is particularly helpful for people who are living alone. If you miss one check-in, the care team will call and see if something is going on, and provide intervention if they need it.” Through lifestyle chanced, regular maintenance, and monitoring, Kenny was able to come off of most of his medications. Even without the medication, Kenny continues the monitoring. “The monitoring and lifestyle changes made a big impact on my condition.”

“The monitoring and lifestyle changes made a big impact on my condition.” *Name has been changed for patient privacy

Pearl O'Gorman is no stranger to the challenge of living with Diabetes, a condition she was diagnosed with in 2012. “Diabetes is in my family. My mother and my father had diabetes, so my doctor was watching for it already. While my parents had it, they never really talked about it, so I was still confused and a little overwhelmed by the diagnosis," recalls Pearl.

Pearl O'Gorman Living with Diabetes

Despite some familiarity with the disease, Pearl was still surprised by the extent of lifestyle adjustments she required. Her medications had a number of side effects, and she had to overhaul her diet.

"I had a lot going on at the time. It was hard to keep up with life, and while I tried to eat healthy, the progression of my diagnosis made me realize I needed to look after myself more." Pearl's primary care physician at the Red Deer Primary Care Network recommended her for the Alberta Central Zone PCN Committee Home Health Monitoring Project to help manage her condition and monitor her treatment. Pearl was excited to get started and see what the project was all about, and thought it might be useful to have extra support.

“I said I was definitely interested in participating. It was encouraging and exciting to be able to see the measurements each day. I recently saw my doctor after completing the project, and my blood sugar was down and my weight was down. My lifestyle has changed. The extra support made a difference. I feel like a new me!"

"The extra

support made a

difference. I feel like a new me!"

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