Headway SELNWK Newsletter 9th Edition November 2020

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Newsletter November 18


In this issue: • Radio • AGM notice • Group activities • Fantasy football • Radio Planning • Audio Book Club • Accessible transport • Word game • Coffee or Tea • Pets corner • Puzzle • Covid update • Recipe • Social media

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2020, 9thEdition

Important contact info. Headway SELNWK contacts Community Organiser: 07817 951055 Main Office 020 30581013 Headway UK helpline@headway.org.uk 0808 800 2244 Health service emergency Dial 111 or email 111.nhs.uk Samaritans 116 123

Introduction…We hope you are enjoying the newsletter. Annual General Meeting (AGM) – Wednesday 25th November on zoom ID 974 6934 3993 or phone in on 0203 481 5237 then use the ID as before. Look out for the Christmas fur baby photo competition – entries in by 5th January to newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk. Remember the blue boxes include suggestions for you to get involved. If you do not want to receive the newsletter, please email triciareilly@headwayselnwk.co.uk or tell your Key Worker

Radio We are looking forHeadway more members to get involved in this amazing South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brainwanted Injury Association Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF Call opportunity. Have you ever to be190aBagnall DJ?Road, Now is your chance! Tricia now on 07817 941055 or email her at triciareilly@headwayselnwk.co.uk . See below in radio planning group.

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Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Update on Group Activities

The Zoom Members’ Groups are going from strength to strength. Members tell us what they think of the groups below with an article first from Temi on our winning Football Fantasy League team. OUR FANTASY FOOTBALL TEAM GOES TOP OF THE LEAGUE!

(report from Temi – senior key worker) The Headway SELNWK (HS) team (Thursdays 2-3pm) continue to cruise to victory in the Fantasy Football League (FFL). We are currently in first place with a points differential of +20 to the next team, our mentors Headway Thames Valley (HTV). Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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It all started some months ago on a rainy afternoon, prior to Covid19 and lockdown. Tony Hart and I were having what has become quite a normal topic of conversation for us; football and in particular Premier League Football. Tony raised the idea of Headway having a Fantasy Football League internally amongst members and staff. Andrea mentioned that Headway Thames Valley (HTV) had a special Football League group. The idea was placed on the backburner because of conflicting schedules but the seed had been sown. Every cloud has a silver lining and this proved to be the case for the Fantasy Football League group idea when Covid and its restrictions hit. Suddenly a meeting with Headway Thames Valley was back on the cards and in July the team from HTV with great patience outlined the concept of FFL and how it was run in their organisation. They gave helpful pointers and ended with an invitation for us to form our own team and join their special Headway league. The HS Fantasy Football League was duly launched and had its first session at the end of July. This first consisted of 3 members of staff Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

Page | 5 (Tony, Jane & I) and six members (Femi, Emmanuel, Henry, Olu, Jane & Stephen). We took our first tentative steps into football management and assembled our fantasy football team consisting of 3 defenders, 5 midfielders, 3 forwards and 4 substitutes on the bench. This original team featured big names such as Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang from Arsenal and Jamie Vardy from Leicester whilst also including lesser known names such as Tyrick Mitchell, a young up and coming talent who plays for Crystal Place. As the weeks have gone by the composition of both the Fantasy team has changed (Aubameyang is out and in his place, Sadio Mane from Liverpool has been put into the team) but also the HS FFL group has grown. Most of our original members (Henry, Emmanuel, Femi & Stephen) still attend but we have added new members to the ranks (Maria, Fred, Michael & Peter). What makes it such an enjoyable group is that we all support different teams. Amongst the staff who run the group I support Chelsea FC, Jane supports Tottenham Hotspurs FC and Tony supports Crystal Palace FC. Amongst the members there is even greater variation. Maria & Fred support Charlton FC, Henry supports Crystal Palace FC, Femi & Stephen both support Arsenal FC whilst Michael is an ardent fan of Manchester United FC. One thing that has never changed thus far is our place in the league. I am very proud of us being in first place in our inaugural season. Whilst there is still a long way to go (we have only played in 7 Gameweeks so far...) the future looks bright. Henry, a member, says: “It’s good fun and very inclusive. Temi does a really good job and what’s more we’re top of the league. Result!”

If you would like to join our Fantasy Football League contact your key worker or email Temi at temitopeofili@headwayselnwk.co.uk. The Fantasy Football League meets every Thursday from 2-3pm

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

Page | 6 Radio planning Zoom group Greg a member says: “I really enjoy this. We get together and each plan our own individual recording sessions what we’ll play, what artists we want to feature, any interviews we might do. The next step is putting it all together and then finally broadcasting it. I'm planning to interview my five-year-old granddaughter as part of my broadcast.”

Audio Book Club Stephen, a member, says: “I like the mix of talking and listening. We usually spend some time just catching up with each other at the beginning before we get into whatever story or poem has been chosen for the week. Listening to the narrator talking on the YouTube video allows you to process the story in your mind and keep your brain active and engaged.”

Peer Support Group – Accessible Transport In last week’s Peer Support Group, we discussed the accessible transport options for individuals with Acquired Brain Injury. One of our active members (Greg) mentioned how he’d lost his bus pass and was supported by his Key worker in ordering a new one and is now waiting for it to arrive in the post! (Update – it arrived within a week). Did you know that you may be entitled to a free bus pass and a railcard that entitles you to 1/3 off rail fares? For more advice and useful links regarding public transport visit Headway UK’s website: https://www.headway.org.uk/.../stop-the-bus-a-guide-to.../

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

Page | 7 We then went on to discuss other helpful transport initiatives that are available for people with ABI. One of these is a scheme called London Taxi card who provide discounted taxi journeys for individuals with various impairments including ABI. Greg uses this service regularly, “I couldn’t do without it – I don’t get a train to hospital now I get a taxi. When you have lots of appointments that makes such a difference”. After you have applied through one of the application forms dependent on the borough you live in, you can book your journeys, online, on the phone or simply by hailing down a taxi in the street. They have different types of bookings so you can book a journey as soon as possible or make advanced bookings of up to 3 months! The types of vehicles they use are both licensed black cabs and private hire mini cabs and the number of journeys you can make per year depend on the borough you live in (see list below). For more information about the scheme visit their website: https://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/services/taxicard Bexley – 104 journeys per year. Bromley – 8 per month (rolled over). Greenwich – 104 journeys per year. Lambeth – 8 per month (rolled over) Lewisham - 104 journeys per year. Southwark – 9 journeys per month (rolled over). To find the application form for your borough: https://www.londoncouncils.gov.uk/.../apply-taxicard-your... For those of you living in Dartford or Gravesend some useful transport services can be found at https://www.kent.gov.uk/.../travel.../community-transport... Another useful service is the Dial-a-ride membership scheme that provide a free minibus service for those who have difficulties accessing public transport. If you’re already a member of Taxi card, then you are automatically eligible for a Dial-a-ride membership! Once you’ve applied, to make a booking you can either ring them on 0343 222 7777 or fill in an online booking form that can then be sent to their email address which is DAR.reservations@tfl.gov.uk . If you want to apply and Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

Page | 8 wish to find out more visit their website: https://www.transportforall.org.uk/d2d/dar/ If you found this helpful, come join in with our peer support group every Wednesday afternoon 3-4pm to speak to fellow Headway SELNWK members and get support when you need it most!

Word Game Try and find as many English words of 3 letters or more using the letters of the following word – each letter of the word can only be used once in each word. (e.g. words from PEOPLE could include peep, pope, lope). The word this issue is FELLOWSHIP Once again Jane M sent us the most words from last issues game – a mighty 100 words with 2, 7 letter ones (ushered and presses) Email your list to newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk by 2nd December and we will publish who found the most words and who found the longest word.

Coffee or Tea? We'll ask someone every issue to answer the same questions but the answers might surprise you. This issue it’s Stephen’s Need for Speed turn.

Coffee or tea? Tea. Just goes better with everything, particularly toast

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

Page | 9 Cats or dogs? Dogs. I’ve been scratched before by cats. When they're not attacking me they're quite nice to stroke but I still think my overall vote goes to dogs. Fish & Chips or Roast Dinner? I'm not that keen on fish because it can be very oily. A roast dinner with chicken is much nicer - moist but not oily and it comes with veg! xbox or X-men? Xbox with a doubt. My favourite games are Tekken, Dragon Ball Z, Halo and Need for Speed. Shopping or Sport? Surprisingly shopping. I can get asthma which can make sport a bit more difficult for me so I don't like to over engage. But I like going shopping with my mum as she buys me stuff, particularly nice food which is one of my top things. iPhone or Android? I’ve got an Android. I’ve never had an iPhone – it doesn’t really appeal. Early Bird or Night Owl? Early Bird for sure. I’m usually up by 6 or 7am and usually getting ready for bed by 9 or 10pm. Springsteen or Beyonce? Beyonce. I like her music. I don’t know who Springsteen is. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Pet’s Corner – We want pictures! GET SNAPPING FOR FUR BABY CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR PHOTO COMPETITION! Got a dog? Got a cat? Rabbit? Fish? Budgerigar? If you've got a pet - a Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

P a g e | 10 fur baby, feathered baby or even a fish baby - grab your phone and get ready to take a picture of them over the festive season this year. We’re launching our Headway SELNWK Xmas Fur Baby competition and we’d love all pet owners to enter. Just send us snaps of your pets in their Christmas outfits, playing with their presents (or playing with your presents), eating Xmas dinner or celebrating the New Year. Prizes for the best three entries which we’ll publish on our social media pages and in the January newsletter. Here’s a picture of Sally’s cat, Delilah (below). She was meant to be wearing a Santa hat but as all good cat owners know you can’t tell a cat what to do. So extra points if anyone can get their cat to enter properly into the spirit of Christmas!

. We’re launching the FUR Baby competition now. Look out for the launch on our social media pages too. To enter just send your photos to us at newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk or ask your key worker to do it for you. The competition will close on 5th January.

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

P a g e | 11 Here are some other examples from Sally and Tricia

Otis & Duke


Ruby (3)


Ruby (1)


Ruby (2)

Ruby (4)

We can confirm that no animal was harmed during the filming of these photographs! Bribed with treats yes but not harmed! Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Puzzle - Step Ladder Try to work down from MATE to HELP changing one letter in each Rung. MATE Lion’s hair Not mad Beach grains Mail Pip Listen Gripped HELP Here is the answer to last issue’s puzzle.

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Exciting news about vaccines. Early results on two different but similar vaccines suggest they protect against the virus in over 9 out of 10 people. There will be a delay in rolling out the vaccines to ensure their safety. They need to be approved by the government before it can be given to the public. There are 10 other vaccines in late stage trials. This includes the Oxford vaccine which has been in the news quite a bit The Pfizer and Oxford vaccines are different, although they do use the same part of the virus. Some of the other vaccines use different parts of the virus. In the UK the order of people getting vaccinated will be as follows: 1. Elderly residents of care homes 2. Health workers 3. People aged over 90 4. working down the ages – over 80s, over 75s and so on. It is believed vaccination will start in December, but the majority of older and at-risk people should start to get vaccinated in spring 2021. Please remember that we will be providing remote service only at least until January 2021 when we will update you on any changes to our way of working. We will only be able to return to Centre and Community Support when we are able to ensure COVID secure support is achievable. In the meantime check out our group schedule above for remote groups to get involved in on page 3. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Recipe Tricia really liked Temi’s Joloff recipe. She had it for dinner, breakfast, lunch and dinner again and had to stop herself from dipping into it in between meals!

Call for more recipes: We hope to include a recipe each issue so please send your favourite recipe to newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk

Your ideas count Please tell us what you think of this newsletter – any suggestions for improvement? News you would like to share (especially if positive)? -email newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk

Our Social Media Monthly round up in case you’ve missed anything on our social media pages Please like and share our Facebook and Twitter Pages

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Facebook: @Headway South East London North West Kent

Facebook: @Headway SELNWK Radio

Headway SELNWK Annual General Meeting 25 November 7-9pm on Zoom - also • Talk to the senior management team – Tricia, Tony and Andrea on Monday 23 November (6-7pm), Tuesday 24 November (11am12pm) and Wednesday 25 November 2pm - 3pm • Members’ Groups – weekly timetables • Weekly Updates including UK Disability History Month • Chandip’s fish cake recipe and Reice’s adorable dogs • Newsletter survey - still time to do our poll • Befriending Week • Improving access at Lewisham station – have your say • Trustees Week • Monthly Carers & Family Group • Round Table Books - support for local bookshops Twitter: @SELNWKHeadway

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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• • • • • • • •

Headway SELNWK Annual General Meeting Wednesday 25 November 7-9pm UK Disability Month Weekly Updates Members’ Groups Take our newsletter poll 7 signs of executive dysfunction after brain injury – retweet from Headway Southwark Wellbeing hub – answering your call if you’re worried about your mental health Top tips for managing mental health problems during self isolation (retweet from Headway)

Instagram headwayselnwk Members’ Groups Note: These are the only social media platforms we currently use. There are other versions e.g. HeadwaySELNWK which ARE NOT in use by us. We hope you enjoy this edition of Headway SELNWK’s newsletter as we have very much enjoyed putting it together! If you would like to join our Newsletter Team please contact Tricia on 07817 951055 or email the team at newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk

Newsletter Production Team: Greg Thorn – Member, Volunteer & Art Attack Lead Jeff Clare – Member, Volunteer, Peer Support & Topical Issues Lead Chandip Jandu – Member, Accessibility Lead Jen Gillard – Volunteer & Editor Sally Miller – Volunteer & Lead Reporter Patricia Reilly (Tricia) – Community Organiser & Staff Lead

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Are you a member?

Contact our Community Organiser Tricia on on 07817 951055 or email her at triciareilly@headwayselnwk.co.uk She will have a conversation with you about what you want to get out of your volunteering role. Together you will develop a role that is beneficial for both parties. Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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