Headway SELNWK 3rd Edition Newsletter 27.05.20

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Headway -

South East London and North West Kent Ltd Inclusion through empowerment

Newsletter May 27


In this issue: • Radio • How you’re coping • Member profile:Reice • Word Game • Staff Profile:Tony • Food for thought • Coffee or Tea?: Jamie • Quick Puzzle • Recipe from Chandip • Covid update • Social Media Info

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2020, 3rd Edition

Important contact info. Headway SELNWK contacts Community Organiser: 07817 951055 Main Office 020 30581013 Headway UK helpline@headway.org.uk 0808 800 2244 Health service emergency Dial 111 or email 111.nhs.uk Samaritans 116 123

Introduction… Until the coronavirus is over, we are aiming to produce a regular newsletter to help you stay connected with what’s happening in Headway SELNWK. Unfortunately, the first issue went to a lot of peoples’ junk mail. If you know someone who has not apparently received the letter please check their junk mail. If there is an issue in the junk mail then they should mark it as “not junk” and all further issues should then appear in their in box. If there is nothing in junk then suggest they call our Community Organiser on the number above to check we have you on our list. Our keyworkers will be sharing the newsletter over the phone for those who do not have access electronically. In the future, we hope to be able to post newsletters to those who need hard copy, please let Tricia, our Community Organiser know if you need a hard copy. We welcome any contributions to the content – recipes, activities you have done, suggested improvements to the letter. Please send any items to newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk If you do not want to receive it please email triciareilly@headwayselnwk.co.uk or tell your key worker Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Headway SELNWK radio update – Listen up! Headway SELNWK radio station continues to be a fixture in people’s houses laying down a unique mix of requests, quizzes, interviews and chat for the Headway community. Henry, Reice and Georgia have all told their story in the last few weeks (have a listen in the archive section) and next week it’s ex-boxer Harold’s turn who’ll be on air with his wife on Wednesday. Charlie is back on Wednesday too with his weekly top 6 from film music. There’s some exciting member-lead segments coming up soon too. If you’d like to get behind the mic or have just got a good idea for the show, let us know through the contact details below. You don’t need to be anxious as our experienced team will support you every step of the way. It’s a great opportunity to do something genuinely different and keep busy whilst we are still mainly confined to our homes. Listen Now To listen to the station type in http://www.hsradio.co.uk into your search bar or just click on the link at https://www.hsradio.co.uk/ Mon/Weds and Fri 9am-4pm Email us at radio@headwayselnwk.co.uk Call or text: 07817951123 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Tell us how you’re coping If you have examples of how you are spending your time, particularly if you are finding new things, then please send them to newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk – a picture is most welcome

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

Page | 3 For instance - Lorraine has been learning photoshop. Here is one of her images where she has cleverly combined a black and white photo and a coloured one


Member Profile - Reice Getting into a routine Reice, community support member, talks about life before and during lockdown Reice’s Headway experience is a bit different from many members who go to Shrewsbury House or Deptford. He receives community support from home.


Pre lockdown that’s meant hanging out with Sue, his caseworker on Monday mornings for three hours, doing whatever he fancies on the day. “It can really differ,” Reice explained. “I’m a vegan so we could research around that, do some painting, talk politics, walk the dogs. I’ve got a Labrador and chihuahua.”

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

Page | 4 Lockdown means Sue now can’t come round to Reice’s house so how is it working under the new conditions where everyone has to keep a social distance? “Surprisingly, there’s not as much difference as I thought there’d be,” said Reice. He reckons that he and Sue manage to do up to 70% of what they done before remotely. “I’m one of those people who really like talking on the phone and Sue is very easy to talk to. We just chat every Wednesday about stuff I’m interested in and listen to Headway radio together. I requested a Diana Ross song the other day.” It makes me feel connected.” “I’m one of those people who really like talking over the phone” Reice was 23 and training to be a manager at Starbucks two years ago when he was struck by a car whilst on his motorbike. He hit his head very hard, causing a bleed to the brain. “I broke my left arm and shattered my collarbone too, though most of the injury was caused by the blow to my head.” It could have been worse as Reice had a back support in his jacket on the night of the accident. “It probably saved my life. If I hadn’t had it, I’d have broken my back,” he said. The case into the accident is still open. Reice went to the brain injury unit at Kings College hospital and then onto the Queen Elizabeth hospital (QE) in Woolwich and then finally rehab at Blackheath Brain Injury Rehabilitation Centre. Learning how to walk again was the biggest challenge. “I’d forgotten how to walk; my brain just couldn’t conceptualise what to do.” Reice spent six months at Blackheath and like some others found it difficult at first. “I wanted to leave and go home.” But over time he adjusted as he was taught how to walk again and improve how he processed things. He now lives at home in Sidcup with his mum, her partner and his two sisters. Though he still has issues with planning, his world continues to open up, even under lockdown. As reported in the last Headway newsletter he’s been doing yoga and working out. “Yoga’s really helped me with my mobility – I’m getting the range back in the collarbone which was broken in the accident. It also helps with stress. Things can fester and it’s good to have yoga to turn to. I feel so rested afterwards!” After Reice’s accident he wasn’t very confident about going to other Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

Page | 5 places. “I’d go to my grandmother’s house in Nunhead, but I knew the route. I tried going to Headway, but I didn’t like the journey and didn’t feel it was for me.” Community support has turned out to be a better fit for him. Asked what the three top things have been that Headway has given him, he said ‘confidence, support and routine’. “When Sue first came round to see me, I’d still be waking up. I just hadn’t got my head round the fact that she was coming every Monday morning. Then eventually I got to the point where was up and ready when she knocked on the door. Obviously, she’s not knocking on the door right now because of the lockdown but the fact that I’d proved I could get into a routine has inspired me in other parts of my life.” You can hear Reice’s story on Headway radio. Go to www.hsradio.co.uk/mystory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Results from last issue. Congratulations to Chandip who won both the number of words (18) and the longest word - bonnet

Word Game Try and find as many words of 3 letters or more using the letters of the following word – each letter of the word can only be used once in each word. (e.g. words from PEOPLE could include peep, pope, lope). The word this week is CELEBRATION Email your list to newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk by 29 May and we will publish who found the most words and who found the longest word

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

Page | 6 Staff Profile – Tony Hart– Past Present and Future a brief history Tony is our Director of Strategy and Business Development. As such he is responsible for making suggestions to the Board on how our services might be developed. He also runs the team that provides the services and improves our external profile. This is his account of his experiences and his future life with us.

Tony Hart

“I have worked in the brain injury field for over 20 years. When my father was diagnosed with a brain tumour in the 90’s, my life changed dramatically. I took a counselling course and volunteered one day a week at a residential brain injury centre in Banstead, whilst working full time as a company director. The Brain Injury Centre secured a Work Preparation Contract with the DWP (Dept for Work and Pensions) and they employed me to run it. This proved successful and 3 years later we were able to renew it. I was promoted to the centre management team, became head of vocational rehabilitation, and then head of client support. I also worked with Headley Court (Military Rehab Centre) with injured personnel who had been involved in Iraq and Afghanistan. This was a massive learning curve!” I have been actively involved in campaigning and promoting acquired brain injury issues In 2012 I was invited to become a member of ABIL’s executive committee (Acquired Brain Injury Forum for London), became vice-chair in 2014 and was elected chair in 2015. I have been actively involved in campaigning and promoting acquired brain injury issues, including presenting at the House of Lord’s for the launch of UKABIF’s 2012 campaign manifesto ‘Life after Brain Injury? Improve Services Now’ and organising ABIL’s ‘This is not me’ art exhibition at St Paul’s Cathedral in 2015. The variety of this work has enabled me to develop a wide range of contacts in the brain injury field and I remain passionate about reaching out to as many people as possible affected by brain injury and provide much needed and ongoing support. In recent years, my brother was diagnosed with a brain tumour and as a consequence my experience of brain injury is sadly on a personal level as well as professional.” Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

Page | 7 ABIL the London group of front-line professionals, policy makers and survivors of acquired brain injury and relatives and carers working to advance the brain injury agenda across London. Its focus is on • Improving awareness of brain injury • Encouraging better care and support of ABI sufferers, their families and carers • Campaigning for better ABI services More information can be found on their website www.abil.co.uk and in an article prepared by Tony https://www.nrtimes.co.uk/the-capitalgains-of-raising-brain-injury-awareness Everyone involved with SELNWK has been great and it is a privilege to work with such an enthusiastic and passionate team “In 2018 I moved to Headway West London and amongst other things, set up a Health & Well-Being Project with Chelsea Football Club. We ran a successful pilot but unfortunately lack of funding delayed the next steps. By the time a fund had been secured, I had been offered my current role with Headway SELNWK. I am excited by the opportunities for further development for us and look forward to seeing these come to fruition in due course. Everyone involved with SELNWK has been great and it is a privilege to work with such an enthusiastic and passionate team.”

Beau The naughty black cat

“Away from work, I am a family man. My wife works for the NHS and I have 2 adult children. My son lives and works as an artist in The Netherlands and my daughter lives in Portsmouth (or Pompeii as she prefers to call it!) and works in hospitality. Our naughty black cat is called Beau. I love art, movies, theatre, music (massive Beatles fan!), sport, comedy, books and travel. I am also a huge Crystal Palace FC fan…which is probably why I have gone prematurely grey! I have generously passed this passion and pain on to my children!”

“I look forward to the future but prefer to ‘Be here now’ and see how things unfold. Tomorrow never knows.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Food for thought


Coffee or Tea? Jamie We'll be asking someone every week to answer the same questions, but the answers might surprise you! This week it’s Jamie in the hot seat. He’s a bit of an American Gangster fan. Tea or Coffee? I drink loads of tea, but I think it’s got to be coffee. Better taste, more boost. I drink up to three cups a day – instant or filter, I don’t mind. Cats or Dogs? Dogs, definitely. More interesting and playful. We’ve got a boxer who’s called Buster. Fish & Chips or Roast Dinner? No contest – roast dinner. My mum does a roast every Sunday. XBox or Xmen? I don’t play any console games but I do like Xmen. I also like Casino but my all-time favourite film has got to be American Gangster. It’s about Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

Page | 9 Irish people going to America. Shopping or Sport? Shopping, I think. Iphone or Android? Iphone every time. I have to have my Iphone5 with me all the time. Early Bird or Night Owl? Early bird every day! I’m always up every morning around 7am and ready for bed by 10 or 11pm. Springsteen or Beyonce? Neither. Freddie Mercury or the Rolling Stones. Do watch Jamie’s story of his life before, during and after brain injury on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dWKSB3btKEM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A Quick Puzzle for you – Boxwise Place the 3-letter blocks (in Green) in the grid so that adjacent squares, marked by arrows, reveal a 6-letter word. For instance, 3 & 4 make a 6 letter word but not 4 & 5. One group of 3 letters is already placed. Clues to the 6-letter words can be found on the next page . BOX DER EAD EST FIN HIN ICE 1













Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

P a g e | 10 ACROSS 1. Christmas vegetable 3. e.g sewing cotton 5. Inside a room or house 7. American term for fridge 9. Discoverer 11. Eat or drink something

DOWN 1. e.g butter or margarine 2. Be more clever than rival 3. Three times 6. Get in the way 8. Fighting in the ring 9...Best

This is the answer to last week’s puzzle: TENT RENT RANT RANK Lank Lane Lone Done DOME

Clue What you pay a landlord Go on and on when cross Place in an organisation Limp and floppy (particularly of hair) Country road Solitary Completed


Recipe – One Pot Creamy Chicken and Pesto Pasta Thank you to Chandip, one of our members, for sending us this recipe Serves 2

Ingredients: 455g 2 2 225g 350ml 236ml

chicken(Chandip used Iceland frozen chicken chunks) tablespoons of butter (Chandip used butter spread) cloves of garlic (Chandip used garlic powder) dried pasta (Chandip used wholemeal pasta) chicken stock milk Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

P a g e | 11 85g 75g 25g Pinch pinch

cream cheese pesto Parmesan cheese red pepper black pepper

Method 1. Cut the chicken breast into 1-inch pieces. 2. Add the butter to a deep frying pan and melt over medium heat. 3. Add the chicken to the frying pan and cook over medium heat until the chicken is slightly browned on the outside. 4. While the chicken is cooking, chop the garlic up, finely. Add the garlic to the frying pan with the chicken and continue to cook for one minute more. 5. Add the uncooked pasta and chicken stock to the frying pan with the chicken and garlic. Stir to dissolve any browned bits from the bottom of the frying pan. Place a lid on the frying pan, turn the heat up to medium-high, and bring the stock up to a boil. 6. Once the stock comes to a full boil, give the pasta a quick stir, replace the lid, and turn the heat down to medium-low. Let the pasta simmer over medium-low heat for about 8 minutes, or until the pasta is tender and most of the stock has been absorbed. Stir the pasta briefly every two minutes as it simmers, replacing the lid quickly each time. 7. Once the pasta is tender and most of the stock absorbed, add the milk, cream cheese, and pesto. Stir and cook over medium heat until the cream cheese has fully melted into the sauce. 8. Finally, add the grated Parmesan and stir until combined. 9. Top the pasta with freshly cracked black pepper and a pinch of crushed red pepper. Serve and enjoy Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Call for more recipes: We hope to include a recipe each week so please send your favourite recipe to newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk Covid 19 -Corona Virus Update: This week we saw an addition to the symptoms of COVID 19. Whilst having trouble breathing is no longer shown in the picture you should take emergency action if you are having trouble breathing.

As of Wednesday 13th May 2020, the government downgraded the alert level from 5 to 4

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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This means that we are now allowed to do things we have not been able to do for a while see picture to the right:

We can help to control the virus by:

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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Below shows the correct way to wear a face covering, it should fully cover your nose, mouth and chin and be secured in place. It can be a scarf or bandana. The link below gives further guidance on face coverings and how to make them from a Tshirt.

https://www.gov.uk/government/publication s/how-to-wear-and-make-a-cloth-facecovering/how-to-wear-and-make-a-clothface-covering

If you fall within the at risk or vulnerable category you should continue to follow the previous advice and remain within your home and garden “shielding”. If you do not believe you fall within the at-risk group you could always chat through with your GP just to be sure before relaxing your restrictions – better to be safe than sorry! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Your ideas count Please tell us what you think of this newsletter – any suggestions for improvement? News you would like to share (especially if positive)? -email newsletter@headwayselnwk.co.uk

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

P a g e | 15 Our Social Media Please like and share our Facebook and Twitter Pages Facebook: @Headway South East London North West Kent

Facebook: @Headway Selnwk Radio

Twitter: @SELNWKHeadway

Note: These are the only social media platforms we currently use. There are other versions e.g. HeadwaySELNWK which ARE NOT in use by us.

Headway South East London & North West Kent Ltd Registered Charity No. 1084323 Affiliated to: Headway The Brain Injury Association 190 Bagnall Road, Old Basford, Nottingham NG6 8SF

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