Meet Charlie (chapter book)

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About the Author: First time author, Julia Black, is a native of St. Albans, WV. She is a registered nurse, a board member of the Roarke-Sullivan Lifeway Center and founder of Rhonda's Closet, a non-profit organization which provides prom wear for young ladies in need at no cost. She lives in Romance WV with her family.


About the Illustrator: Award-winning author and illustrator Ashley Teets is a 2012 summa cum laude graduate of Alderson-Broaddus College where she earned a B.F.A focusing on visual art with a minor in creative writing. After completing two semesters of graduate work at West Virginia University Ashley continued her graduate study through the Simmons College satellite graduate program at the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, Massachusetts. She holds a Masters in Arts Administration through the University of Kentucky. Ashley is also a portrait artist, muralist and art instructor. For more information visit


Meet Charlie is based on a true story from author Julia Black's childhood. The dog appeared one summer day and became not only a member of the Kennedy family, but part of the Vine Street Gang. Charlie was a loving and loyal companion with characteristics you find in a best friend. After the passing of her father and more recently her mother, Julia realized this special story needed to be shared with everyone. Charlie and the Vine Street Gang had many wonderful adventures, so watch for future reading fun!

Julia Black illustrated by Ashley Teets

Julia Black

illustrated by Ashley Teets

Charlie & the Vine Street Gang: Meet Charlie by Julia Black illustrated by Ashley Teets copyright ©2019 Julia Black All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents, except where noted otherwise, are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any other resemblance to actual people, places or events is entirely coincidental. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any other form or for any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage system, without written permission from Headline Books. To order additional copies of this book, or for book publishing information, or to contact the author: Headline Kids P. O. Box 52 Terra Alta, WV 26764 Email: Ashley Teets—Art Director Lucas Kelly—Design/Layout Published by Headline Books Headline Kids is an imprint of Headline Books ISBN-13: 9781946664884 Library of Congress Control Number on file at the Library of Congress ISBN-13: 978-1-946664-88-4 1. Childhood Memoir 2. Animal Story. 3. Charleston, WV. Non-Fiction


In loving memory of James ‘Ponce‘ and Patricia Kennedy, and of course, the unforgettable Charlie. We love and miss you everyday! To Sweet Baloo, We were just getting started, how I wish you could have made it home.

Foreword Pets play a vital role in the lives of the families that care for them. They provide unconditional love and loyalty and are always “there” to greet you after a tough day at school or the office. Let me introduce you to a pet, “Charlie” who not only touched the lives of one family, but the fabric of an entire small town in West Virginia. This was during a time when children always played outside, neighbors kept an eye on each other’s homes, doors remained unlocked, and people of the community truly cared for one another. It was a time in West Virginia when coal and the chemical industry were “booming,” and before personal computers, tablets, and cell phones. It was a time of innocence. Charlie was a great representative of the time because he was allowed to roam free in the town and make friends wherever he went. He also brought people together. That is how I met Julia Black, the author of this book series. You will learn more about that meeting later. For now, enjoy this book, introducing Charlie and look for his other adventures in the books to come! Ann Hoover B.S. Journalisn, M.S. Industrial and Labor Relations

CHAPTER 1 It was summer on Vine Street in the sleepy little town of St. Albans, West Virginia. Billy, Kristi, Patrick, and little sister Marie were the best of friends and played together every day. One particular day, they were playing touch football and noticed a small dog walking towards them. He was small, black and tan in color, with no collar and very, very skinny. 4


He walked right up to them, wagging his tail and was very happy to see them. Marie was immediately drawn to the black and tan beagle, “Where did you come from?” She said, “Poor little guy, I can see your ribs!”



CHAPTER 2 Marie and Kristi called, “Here boy,” and got the little dog to follow them to Billy’s back yard where a tree dripped with green apples that were a mix of sweet and tart. Kirsti carried a salt shaker with her to sprinkle salt on the tasty green apples. They offered some of the small green apples to the dog and he gobbled them up like he hadn’t eaten in a long time. 8



When the children heard their mother calling them home for dinner, Patrick and Marie ran up Vine Street towards their house and the little dog followed. Marie quietly tiptoed into the kitchen for a bowl of milk and a few slices of baloney. “What are you doing?” her mother asked. “Umm, just a little snack? You know, to tie me over until dinner,” Marie said. 11

The little dog happily gobbled the food as his tail wagged. “I’m afraid you might bust,” Marie laughed. “I think I’ll call you Charlie.”



CHAPTER 3 Suddenly, she heard her dad’s car pull into the driveway. “Well, hello,” he said cheerfully. He then looked past her and caught sight of the little dog. “What is that? His voice wasn’t so cheerful anymore.



“Well this is my new friend Charlie,” said Marie, “He’s starving, look at his ribs! He’s all alone and needs a home.”


“Now, Marie, he can’t stay with us.” Said her father. “He needs to go.” Dad’s arms rose up over his head in the air, “get!” he called to Charlie. As Charlie scurried away, her father said “And you little girl, get in the house, we don’t need a dog, and I don’t want to see him hanging around here anymore! Understand?” 17

“Yes, Dad,” Marie answered. Dinner around the family table was very quiet that night. While Marie did understand, Charlie did not.



The next morning Marie and Patrick’s dad found Charlie sleeping on the front porch and ran him off again. “Get, get!” he yelled, waving his arms.


This went on for a week.


CHAPTER 4 One day, older sister Robin overheard Mom and Dad discussing the dog catcher coming to collect their new friend. Robin warned Patrick. That day, Patrick, Marie, Billy, and Kristi took Charlie in the garage and took turns keeping watch for the dog catcher.



Charlie continued to hang around the neighborhood. Each time the gang went out to play, Charlie cheerfully joined in the fun. He gobbled up the treats they offered, especially ice cream.



CHAPTER 5 After a few weeks it became obvious Charlie would not give up. Thankfully, Dad did. “I give,” he said, “what is the dog’s name?” “Charlie!” Marie said with excitement. “Ok,” said Dad, “He needs a bath and he needs it now!” Relieved, Mom gave Dad a kiss!




After soaping and rinsing Charlie, Patrick and Marie hoisted him out of the tub. He shook all over!



Still wet, Charlie slipped through their hands and away he ran!


Dad eventually became Charlie’s biggest fan, he would even feed him ice cream with a spoon for a treat. “Now a dog who loves ice cream! This is my kind of dog.”










About the Author: First time author, Julia Black, is a native of St. Albans, WV. She is a registered nurse, a board member of the Roarke-Sullivan Lifeway Center and founder of Rhonda's Closet, a non-profit organization which provides prom wear for young ladies in need at no cost. She lives in Romance WV with her family.


About the Illustrator: Award-winning author and illustrator Ashley Teets is a 2012 summa cum laude graduate of Alderson-Broaddus College where she earned a B.F.A focusing on visual art with a minor in creative writing. After completing two semesters of graduate work at West Virginia University Ashley continued her graduate study through the Simmons College satellite graduate program at the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, Massachusetts. She holds a Masters in Arts Administration through the University of Kentucky. Ashley is also a portrait artist, muralist and art instructor. For more information visit


Meet Charlie is based on a true story from author Julia Black's childhood. The dog appeared one summer day and became not only a member of the Kennedy family, but part of the Vine Street Gang. Charlie was a loving and loyal companion with characteristics you find in a best friend. After the passing of her father and more recently her mother, Julia realized this special story needed to be shared with everyone. Charlie and the Vine Street Gang had many wonderful adventures, so watch for future reading fun!

Julia Black illustrated by Ashley Teets

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