Charlie Becomes a Red Dragon

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Multi-award-winning author, Julia Black, is a native of St. Albans, West Virginia. Meet Charlie, her first book, won a gold Mom’s Choice Award, a Florida Book Festival award, a bronze Reader’s Favorite award, and an International Book Award for best non-fiction children’s book. Her second book, Charlie and The Vine Street Gang: Highlawn Days, also won a Mom’s Choice gold award. Julia is a registered nurse, a board member of the Roark Sullivan Lifeway Center, and the founder of Rhonda’s closet. This non-profit organization provides prom wear for young ladies in need at no cost. She lives in Romance, West Virginia, with her family.


The Vine Street Gang’s high school years are made more exciting with Charlies’ help! Charlie Becomes a Red Dragon is the third book in the Charlie & the Vine Street Gang series by award-winning author, Julia Black. This is a wonderful memoir about Charlie, a stray dog who quickly became a fun-loving member of the Vine Street Gang and a member of the Kennedy family.



Charlie & the Vine Street Gang: Charlie Becomes A Red Dragon by Julia Black illustrated by Headline Kids Book Group copyright ©2023 Julia Black All rights reserved. This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents, except where noted otherwise, are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any other resemblance to actual people, places or events is entirely coincidental. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any other form or for any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording or any information storage system, without written permission from Headline Books. To order additional copies of this book, or for book publishing information, or to contact the author: Headline Kids P. O. Box 52 Terra Alta, WV 26764 Email: Published by Headline Books Headline Kids is an imprint of Headline Books ISBN-13: 9781958914045 Library of Congress Control Number: 2022943660


I dedicate this book to my wonderful family, beginning with James and Patricia Kennedy, my wonderful parents who are now gone and truly missed. Mr. Kennedy was Charlie’s biggest fan. To my siblings growing up, Jay, Patrick, and my favorite and only sister, Robin, who always shows up and supports me. To my husband, Byron; daughter, Kristin, and her husband, Isaac, and sweet baby Decklyn; son, Will, and his wife, Emmy; son, Byron Patrick, and wife, Katy, and daughter, little smiley Halle Kat. To all of our future grandchildren, Maude and Granddaddy love you very much. To my dear friend Ivor, I love and miss you every day. To Principal Gene Douglas, Coach Tex, and R. Travis, vice-principal, thank you for your patience with me. Finally, to all the great friends on Vine Street. This was a time growing up when there were no handheld devices. We were forced to use our imagination. We had football, Ms. Vine Street contests, turtle races, endless hours in the summer at Walnut Pool, and playing hide and seek late into the night. Thank you so much—what a wonderful time growing up with wonderful friends. I think about you often. I would like to thank everyone at Headline Books.

FOREWORD It is amazing how life-changing pets can be in our lives. They provide an unlimited source of laughs, comfort and love. And, of course when we lose them, it is like losing another member of the family. So, let me introduce you to the final book in a series featuring a small-town, West Virginia pet “hero” named Charlie. Charlie was a real beagle who lived in St. Albans and made lasting memories not only for his “owner” family, but for the people who lived there. Charlie exhibited some character traits that we would like to see in more of our “human” friends including perseverance, persistence and dependability. He won over even the toughest of hearts as he made his way around town, school yards, and even the halls of the high school. How many pets do you remember who had their pictures appear in school yearbooks or on the front page of the local newspaper? I encourage you to enjoy the further adventures of the Vine Street Gang as Charlie goes to high school! Depending on your age, it will either take you back or introduce you to simpler times. Ann Hoover St. Albans High School Class of ‘77

St. Albans High School in St. Albans, WV, is the home to the Mighty Red Dragons. When this story took place, the school was one of the largest in the state.



Their colors were red and black. It was an exciting time. It was the first day of school for the Vine Street Gang; Billy, Patrick, Kristi, and Marie.


Charlie, Patrick and Marie’s dog, followed a few blocks to the busy high school. Since it was the first day of school, many new and unfamiliar faces were there. Everyone turned and smiled as they saw Charlie following the group.



Many students stopped to greet the dog and offer affection. Charlie loved the attention. The teachers; the principal, Mr. Douglas; and other administrators happily accepted Charlie. Well, maybe he was just a little on the unordinary side compared to the regular students.


He settled in quickly as their new mascot and was free to roam the halls of the big high school. Mainly Charlie stayed close to Patrick and Marie, learning their schedules and taking a place in the back of the class before the bell rang for each period. 10



If Charlie were late, he would scratch on the door, and, as in Mrs. Potter’s class, she would open the door, let him in and continue the lesson without looking up. Students would try to hide their laughter.


Charlie had a locker that he shared with Marie and her friend, Terry. Although he never had anything to put in it, he often ended up in it. Terry said, “Open the locker.” “You were here first. You open it,” Marie said. Marie, fearing being late, quickly worked the combination, and as she opened the door, Charlie fell out.



Charlie was the only male in Mrs. Pyle’s all-girls gym class and the only male in the locker room. He would play and run with the young women outside, playing soccer or jogging on the track. If they were inside, he just sat at the back of the gym and observed.




Charlie’s favorite period, of course, was lunch. As he went from table to table, students petting him would then toss him some of their scraps which he would gobble up quickly.


Charlie even got to participate in a fashion show. “Marie, would you like to be in our winter fashion show?” a few teachers inquired one day. “Oh, I would love to! “ she said. “Can you bring your dog?” So she did. Marie and Charlie walked the runway in matching coats with the audience whistling and applauding, which Marie mainly knew was for Charlie.




That year St. Albans was in the state basketball tournament. The entire school population was seated on both sides of the huge gym. Suddenly from nowhere, Charlie pranced across the floor to mid-court. Everyone went crazy, standing up and applauding, and began chanting his name in unison. “Charlie! Charlie! Charlie!”


That continued until Coach Tex and Mr. Travis, the vice-principal, escorted Charlie off the floor and over to where the basketball team was seated. Charlie was content to sit right on the floor with the entire basketball team. 24


One day Marie, getting ready for school, heard the phone ring. It was Principal Douglas. “Marie, where are you?” Principal Douglas inquired. “Oh, Principal Douglas, I am sorry. I am just running ten minutes late,” Marie exclaimed. “Marie,” Principal Douglas boomed, “We all know you are ten minutes later every day! The Charleston Gazette is here! Charlie is here! They want your picture, and you are not here, so please hurry to school!” It was first period and was Ms. Woods’ English class. To the delight of everyone in the class, the photographer snapped a picture of embarrassed Marie. Charlie seemed to beam with pride. They were on the front page of the Charleston Gazette that very evening. 26


The year was winding down and graduation was looming. Mr. Douglas approached Marie. “Can you please let Charlie walk with you on graduation day?”


Graduation that year was huge, with 332 students graduating. The ceremony was full of all of the graduating students’ families. When Marie’s name was called for her diploma, she and Charlie stepped out and began to walk across the stage. The crowd went crazy, cheering and calling Charlie’s name.



Marie spotted Billy, Patrick, and Kristi sitting along with her parents. Was her father, as well as her mother, wiping their tears? It must be for Marie because she finally finished. What a wonderful graduation.


Charlie continued visiting St. Albans High School after the Vine Street Gang graduated and started college. He didn’t venture there as often though he was always a welcomed visitor. Charlie was now a true Red Dragon that everybody loved.


The Story of Charlie, the “Dog about Town” One summer day in a little West Virginia town, young friends were playing in the yard; When up the street came a young beagle dog barking, and jumping while running hard. He played some touch football with the gang – Marie, Patrick, Kristi, and Bill; Until it was time for them to go home, have dinner and eat their fill. The dog followed Marie and Patrick to their house down the street; And Marie made sure that he was given something very good to eat. They weren’t sure how far the dog had traveled before arriving there; So they searched high and low for his owners but couldn’t find them anywhere. Marie asked her dad if she could keep the sweet, young dog as her very own pet; But dad was not in favor of taking in a stray which they might later regret. Dad did his best to scare the dog away by yelling and chasing him around; And threatened that if he showed up again he would be taken to the pound. But the dog never gave up and kept coming back from several streets over and above; Marie was always there to play with him, feed him and give him lots of love. Dad finally gave in and allowed the dog to stay; They named him Charlie and with that “tag” no longer was he a “stray.” Charlie became a big part of the family just like he was next of “kin;” Dad gave him weekly baths and Charlie would howl when the soap and water rushed in! The families in the neighborhood got to know Charlie right away; Since he followed Marie wherever she went throughout the day. The town of St. Albans embraced Charlie as he made his many neighborly rounds; For his skill in making animal, children, and adult friends had no bounds. St. Albans was the perfect town where Charlie and Marie could safely and happily grow up; Friendly people, and always a positive outlook of no matter what happened—a “full cup.” The rest of the summer passed in what seemed like a flash; Before you knew it the kids went back to school in a quick dash.

But Charlie was not willing to be left out of the books; He followed Marie and Patrick to school and received the teachers’ strange looks. A willing and able pupil he turned out to be; Attendance at school every day was important to him you see. He sat in Marie’s classroom and heard lessons each day; And the teachers finally accepted that they could not scare him away. One year a teacher added his name to the class roll; And each day he would bark to pay tribute as a true class soul. He was promoted from grade school as Marie moved ahead; And went later to St. Albans High where it was said: “Charlie has worked so hard and deserves to receive a special place; In the yearbook he should have his own picture space!” Some said he should even walk through to receive a high school degree; Since he was quite surely the “dog of the century!” This is just a snapshot of how Charlie showed one of his many great traits - LOYALTY; And why he was thought of so fondly and treated like ROYALTY! There are many other lessons to children and adults both he taught; So with his many adventures forgetting Charlie ever, you will NOT. Charlie will go down in St. Albans’ town lore As one of the best town inhabitants evermore!

The Story of Charlie, the “Dog about Town” One summer day in a little West Virginia town, young friends were playing in the yard; When up the street came a young beagle dog barking, and jumping while running hard. He played some touch football with the gang – Marie, Patrick, Kristi, and Bill; Until it was time for them to go home, have dinner and eat their fill. The dog followed Marie and Patrick to their house down the street; And Marie made sure that he was given something very good to eat. They weren’t sure how far the dog had traveled before arriving there; So they searched high and low for his owners but couldn’t find them anywhere. Marie asked her dad if she could keep the sweet, young dog as her very own pet; But dad was not in favor of taking in a stray which they might later regret. Dad did his best to scare the dog away by yelling and chasing him around; And threatened that if he showed up again he would be taken to the pound. But the dog never gave up and kept coming back from several streets over and above; Marie was always there to play with him, feed him and give him lots of love. Dad finally gave in and allowed the dog to stay; They named him Charlie and with that “tag” no longer was he a “stray.” Charlie became a big part of the family just like he was next of “kin;” Dad gave him weekly baths and Charlie would howl when the soap and water rushed in! The families in the neighborhood got to know Charlie right away; Since he followed Marie wherever she went throughout the day. The town of St. Albans embraced Charlie as he made his many neighborly rounds; For his skill in making animal, children, and adult friends had no bounds. St. Albans was the perfect town where Charlie and Marie could safely and happily grow up; Friendly people, and always a positive outlook of no matter what happened—a “full cup.” The rest of the summer passed in what seemed like a flash; Before you knew it the kids went back to school in a quick dash.

But Charlie was not willing to be left out of the books; He followed Marie and Patrick to school and received the teachers’ strange looks. A willing and able pupil he turned out to be; Attendance at school every day was important to him you see. He sat in Marie’s classroom and heard lessons each day; And the teachers finally accepted that they could not scare him away. One year a teacher added his name to the class roll; And each day he would bark to pay tribute as a true class soul. He was promoted from grade school as Marie moved ahead; And went later to St. Albans High where it was said: “Charlie has worked so hard and deserves to receive a special place; In the yearbook he should have his own picture space!” Some said he should even walk through to receive a high school degree; Since he was quite surely the “dog of the century!” This is just a snapshot of how Charlie showed one of his many great traits - LOYALTY; And why he was thought of so fondly and treated like ROYALTY! There are many other lessons to children and adults both he taught; So with his many adventures forgetting Charlie ever, you will NOT. Charlie will go down in St. Albans’ town lore As one of the best town inhabitants evermore!


Multi-award-winning author, Julia Black, is a native of St. Albans, West Virginia. Meet Charlie, her first book, won a gold Mom’s Choice Award, a Florida Book Festival award, a bronze Reader’s Favorite award, and an International Book Award for best non-fiction children’s book. Her second book, Charlie and The Vine Street Gang: Highlawn Days, also won a Mom’s Choice gold award. Julia is a registered nurse, a board member of the Roark Sullivan Lifeway Center, and the founder of Rhonda’s closet. This non-profit organization provides prom wear for young ladies in need at no cost. She lives in Romance, West Virginia, with her family.


The Vine Street Gang’s high school years are made more exciting with Charlies’ help! Charlie Becomes a Red Dragon is the third book in the Charlie & the Vine Street Gang series by award-winning author, Julia Black. This is a wonderful memoir about Charlie, a stray dog who quickly became a fun-loving member of the Vine Street Gang and a member of the Kennedy family.


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