A Letter from Alice
Hello readers!
And a very happy holiday season to you! I hope my December issue of the Pony Tails Kids Club magazine helps warm your heart on a chilly winter night! I’ve got all sorts of stories, facts, and games in store for my readers with this month’s fabulous edition; written with care from your best pony pal Whichever holiday(s) you choose to celebrate, I wish you all the same - may your days be filled with laughter, love, and cheer!
Lastly, remember kids...: always pat your pony. Especially during the most wonderful time of the year
Alice the Pony

The Haflinger is a breed that developed long ago in Austria and Italy, during the period of knights and princesses known as the medieval times. Solid and versatile, Haflingers can be found ranging in size from a medium pony to a small horse. All Haflingers display the chestnut coat and flaxen mane displayed in the photo to the left, and are easy to spot for this reason.
What breed do you want to see featured in our next issue? Reach out to Alice at ponytails.alice@hcbc.ca and let her know!
Story Feature: Winter Fun!
“Remember to put blankets on your ponies before you put them to bed for the night everyone!” Coach Steph shouts across the barn, huddling closer into her knitted winter scarf. She strolls along the barn aisle, checking on all the kids, when she notices that everyone is shivering terribly and not a single smile can be seen! “What’s with all the sad faces?” she asks
“Winter is no fun,” one of the kids, Pippa pipes up. She wipes at her pink nose, her frosted breath spilling from her mouth. “It’s cold and miserable and there’s nothing to do.” She whines, crossing her arms in a huff. All of the other kids agree with Pippa, their voices a chorus of wails. Coach Steph thinks for a while before she speaks.
“Of course, winter is fun, Come on and I’ll show you!” She says with delight Everyone follows their coach as she marches outside toward the snow “The person who builds the best snowman gets the last chocolate chip cookie in the tack room!” Within moments, all the kids are scurrying around, rolling balls of snow and stacking them to create the best snowman they can. There is a snowman who is very classically handsome, with a carrot nose and a checkered scarf. There is a snowman with sticks for ears and pony treats for eyes There is even a lovely snowdog who sports a beautiful collar made from a spare lead rope
Amongst the fun of the afternoon, the children have forgotten all about their troubles and run around with smiles across their faces. They decide that all the snowmen look wonderful and that the last chocolate chip cookie can bit split between everyone. Pippa runs up to Coach Steph, grinning from ear to ear, “Do you like my snowman?” she asks, pointing to a small, round fellow with a tutu round his waist and pink woolen gloves hanging from his stick arms His eyes and mouth are made of pebbles, with a hoof pick for a nose. “You were right, winter can be fun! Thanks, Coach Steph.”
Coach Steph smiles gently, “He looks wonderful, Pippa! I’m glad that you all got to see the joy of winter.”

How many snowflakes can you

Have a look at the image below - there are a total of TWELVE hidden snowflake icons for you to uncover. Best of luck on your search! = 12

Don’t forget a coat!
Contrary to popular belief, not ALL horses need to wear a winter blanket. This is partly because of a process called piloerection, where horses can make themselves significantly warmer by raising their body hair so that it stands up, trapping heat close to their skin.

Hay there, don’t be stingy!
es eat extra hay in the rtime to help them stay warm s because they produce heat the energy that they burn while ting it!

Winter Sleigh Rides
ou know... there are places all over BC that magical horse-drawn sleigh rides during the ay season! If you ’ re looking for something to er the winter break, this is a great festive ty for the entire family