Hay Festival 2019 Programme

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There will be banking facilities and two cash machines on site, located next to the Festival Food Hall. There will be a charge for these (required by the providers, not the Festival). In town, cash can be obtained from the Post Office in High Town.

Latecomers may be admitted at a suitable break in the performance.

AGE AND SUITABILITY There are no age restrictions, although a standard watershed of 9pm for anyone of primary school age is advised. Many comedy performances may not be suitable for anyone easily offended.

CHARITY PARTNERS The Festival works with a number of local and global charity partners: Samaritans, Birmingham Children’s Hospital, Oxfam, Sense, Mind, The North Weir Trust, Hay2Timbuktu, and Hay, Brecon & Talgarth Sanctuary for Refugees. There are occasionally collections after certain sessions.

LOCATIONS Most venues are on the Festival site on Brecon Road, and are only a few minutes’ walk from each other. St Mary’s Church is behind the Swan Hotel, at the end of St Mary’s Road. Hay Public Library is next to Oxford Road car park. A shuttle bus runs between the town and the site throughout the day. It is approximately a 12-minute walk.

DURATION OF SESSIONS Most sessions on site last 50–65 minutes and are followed by book signings. Concerts and comedy shows last 70–90 minutes.

VENUE CHANGES It is sometimes necessary to switch venues. This is done only if absolutely essential. Please consult the screens at the Festival entrance when you arrive and in each of the venues on the pre-show reel for updates.

PLEASE NOTE No dogs allowed except guide dogs.
 Audio recorders, cameras and mobile phones may not be used in the performance venues. No smoking or vaping anywhere on the Festival site. A paramedic is on duty at all times. Visitors to Hay Festival may be filmed and/or photographed for future promotions of the Festival.

PUBLIC SAFETY Entrance to the site is free. Security measures include
 more staff on site, bag searches and structural changes to 
the entrance to the site. We ask visitors to help with three specifics: please allow extra time for arrival at the Festival site and do not bring large bags or rucksacks. Please report anything suspicious to a Festival steward or staff member. Please help us by complying swiftly with any requests from Festival stewards. We will continue to work closely with local and national law enforcement services to enable and sustain the values of openness and hospitality. Thank you for your understanding.


HAYDAYS EVENTS Children’s and family sessions are included in the main listings – they are featured in coloured text.

LOST CHILD POINT This is located in the Make & Take Tent in the HAYDAYS Courtyard, open 10am–5pm from Saturday 25 May. Outside these hours it will be in the Festival Admin Office. Children under 12 must be accompanied, unless an event is designated sign in/sign out, where a permission form must be completed. Nappy changing facilities are available in the toilets on site and in the family area.

PUNCTUALITY Every effort is made to ensure that events start on time. Doors open 5–15 minutes before the start time. If you are queuing, please talk to people standing next to you – you could make new friends.

Last year Hay Festival was the first festival to trial a new, reusable hot drinks cup that resulted in a reduction in waste – from 350 wheelie bins full of disposable coffee cups down to 25. This year there will be a deposit scheme for cups and glasses running across the Festival site. A £1 deposit will be collected at the point of sale for each cup or glass served; this will be refunded to you on return at one of our three Cup Return Points on site. Alternatively, bring your own cup and get a discount when you buy hot drinks at all Coffee Cart outlets.

ONSITE AND OFFSITE EXTRAS There is a whole host of activities on and off the Festival site for you to enjoy. These include walks with writers in the landscape, and farm visits, exhibitions and installations. Please wear appropriate footwear for all off-site events. Events are listed at hayfestival.org/programme and hayfestival.org/wales/extras. All details are correct at time of going to press.

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