Hat Trick Magazine May 2015

Page 135

A parent faces many obstacles raising a child, the list is never ending. Instead of the list getting smaller as they get older it just changes to reflect whatever age group he/she is in. One of the biggest complaints that I hear about from parents is how kids don’t listen. Most of the time it’s not a matter of being out of ear range or that you aren’t talking loudly enough, often this happens even when your child is standing right in front of you. All parents have witnessed the glassy haze of disinterest slowly descend over their offspring’s previously bright and dancing young eyeballs like blinds being lowered down over a window. It doesn’t matter if we are giving them advice, instructions, or just trying to get their attention they have that ability to totally tune us out. My kids can be watching a cartoon and a tornado could rip through the front part of the house and they would still be sitting there with their mouths hanging open and an almost unblinking continuous stare at the TV screen. I can yell someone’s name five times while balancing on one leg standing on a chair waving pompoms and twirling sparklers as I tell them to put their dishes in the dishwasher or to pick up their You’re Not Listening! •


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