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‘Fleeting Summer Moments’

Elwira Kruszelnicka

one hundred and six

I am a self-taught photographer. Photography is my passion, my daily work and the best way to find peace and harmony. I take photos intuitively, with my camera I am like a child with a toy. Once I looked for frames hastily and hungrily, now I know that only when I slow down can I see so much more. As it turns out I do not have to go far to catch an interesting moment. A stroll on a nearby beach, watching people – it brings much joy. What I find truly fascinating is observing kids with their ability to plunge into everything they do and to forget about everything else, even my lens. That’s how “Fleeting Summer Moments” was born. I was peeping at my son and friends during short holiday trips, in between moments of rest. That’s the thing with loving photography – we’re inseparable, me and my camera, even on a leave, and even more so while watching kids in summer scenery, as it really mesmerizes me. Holidays are quickly over, and the bliss of these moments is what we miss for the rest of our lives…

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