Page 1

\IVk3d like to begin our25th year on a note of appreciation. We owe thanks to our wonderful employees and their families because they are the heart and soul of our company - our most important asset. Thanks to the most loyal and fun distributors in the world. Thanks to the high quality suppliers and service companies with whom we work, especially Accurate Products and Frentzel Engineering. And finally, a really big thank you to our customers worldwide. We're proud to be part of your sailing. On oaaes 4 and 5 we take a nostalaic look at our hi~tolv. .. but here we want to review the state of Harken and its future.'^;! now have two primary manufacturing and service centers, one in Pewaukee, Wisconsin and another in Lomano, Italy. We have sales and service centers in Newport, Rhode Island, San Diego, California, La Rochelle, France, and Kobe, Japan. We also have a licensed manufacturer and distributor in Buenos Aires, Argentina. We have distributors throughout the United States and the world the very best and most knowledgeable in our industly. Our gear is used on boats from Optimist prams to mega yachts. We remain the dominant force in deck gear for the America's Cup and our hardware prevails at most international and national championships. We are proud to have again been selected the official supplier of sailboat hardware for the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. This past year, we've been involved in sailing innovation with the Procyon project, Wallygator,and Millennium Factor ouatro, a trio of boats featured on pages 1 0 , l l and 12. This year we are taking a step forward in boat shoes with a new partner, Saucony, who is known for high quality running shoes. Our new American-made models feature the latest in high tech materials, engineering and styling. Harken is strong and growing. We continue to pour our energy into research and development. We have project lists that climb to the ceiling, all new items, and as always no copies, no duplication -all exciting new products. We wish we had 48 hour days just for work-and more time for play. Our commitments are simple, but guide us well. They are to concentrate on products for sailing, to make only the best, to offer superior service, and to treat our employees, associates and customers as friends, with honesty and respect. We plan to continue this tradition for the next twenty-five years and beyond.


Peter Harken

Olaf Harken

Arthur Mitchel

How to Find Hardware Index Parts are listed alphabetically on pages 224. 225, and 226. Parts are listed several times by all common descriptions so the index is easy to use. Parts are listed numerically by part number on pages 217 to 223.



The catalog is organized ~ n t osectlons by hardware famll~es

Small Boat Blocks Pages 15 - 36

L"' Mid-Range Blocks Paaes 37 44



Big Boat Blocks & Sheaves

Complementary Blocks & Accessories Pages 77 - 92

Travelers Paaes93- 118


L . .

Custom Pmducts Pages119-124

Sail Handling Systems Pages 125 - 150

Batten Traveler Systems Pages 140 - 147

Winches Pages 151 - 190

Harken Italy Hardware Pages 191 - 199

Choosing The Right Hardware System Drawings- Pages 202 to 209 show sketches of typical hardware systems to help you design a good layout for your boat. Feature Pages - Eacn of the ma,or secrlons of the catalog beg~nsfl rn a v s ~ a l exp anatcon ot rne features wh ch make Harden proaLcts unique Clothing & Pmmotional Items Pages 210 - 212

Deck Shoes Pages 213 - 216

Use andselection Charts- At the beginning of each of the major sections you will find a chart which shows the correct size or type of block to use for different boats. Reference Page- Page 201 shows breaking strengths of common sizes of wire and rope and how load increases with angle of deflection.

Additional Help Addresses and Phone Numbers- Page 227 contains a listing of Harken addresses, telephone numbers and fax numbers. It also contains a list of Harken distributors worldwide.

M 25 GREAT YEARS! 1 O n a cold Wisconsin day in February 1967, Peterand Olaf Harken rented a long garage next to the old railroad station and the Fox River in Waukesha, Wisconsin and hung their shingleVANGUARD BOATS. The building belonged to AI and Leroy Stippich, who had moved their small tool and die business to new quarters. Vanguard's first project was to tool a Flying Junior class sailboat and sell it to colleges. There were all-night drives with Peter at the wheel and Olaf typing brochures in the back of the old Chevy wagon. We'd Xerox them in the college library before making a presentation. Enough orders trickled in to get serious about production and it was time to hire employees. An operation like this needed a secretary, bookkeeper~recept~onistotf ce managerlan~tor.A cJle llnle Q onoe named Rose Sorensen answereo oLr a0 an0 v ~ eknew she had the lob when she walked across the rallroad tracks to our door Rose st~llhas the same job today - all of them -just ask her.

Llnda Olzelbeiger, Rose Soiensen and Pal Oowiiing

DD" M#chaehonaodBob Gramins wrlh Aodri Kislov of the USSR. Andie was wllh the group olSowels here to acquire tooling for lhe 1980 'Non-Olympics".

Bob Gramins and Don Michaelson were two wizards of fiberglass who came as a team. We told them we could afford only one $3.00/hour man and they said they each wanted $5.001hour and we couldn't afford not to have them. They came on a Saturday and built a boat on their own time to prove it. They were right and

thus began the incredible Vanguard dynasty of the "Plastic Fantastics." We made good boats and earned a reputation among colleges for our quality. Peter went to France and asked Andre Cornu, the designer of the International 470, for the exclusive right to build his boat in the United States. We had a hunch it might be the next Olympic class.

Andre wanted a guarantee of 5000 boats per year since France was building 1500 and the United States was much bigger. Peter convinced him that we would do our best, but could not guarantee quite that number. We built 350 a year later which was pretty impressive. We later added the Finn, the Flying Dutchman, the Tech Dinghy, the 420. and our own design, the Volant. Within five years, Vanguard was aforce in the world of dinghys. We produced tooling andlor boats for the Canadian Olympics, the Moscow Non-Olympics and the Los Angeles Games. More world championships were won with Vanguard boats than any other builder had ever achieved. Vanguard, under new ownership, has again won the Olympic contract for the Finns at Barcelona. Boat building was fun, nwce weshowedupa day laleal ths AnnapoB but we had other ideas Show The fiislyeai welustplarn msunderslwd that had formed during m ,,,e, mem,,rfhe,rb, Peter's days as a designer downin Gary Indiana. at Gilson Medical Electronics where he earned money to go to the University of Wisconsin after squandering his dad's college money on boats and skiing and girls and other terrible things. He sailed an E Scow that he and a friend bought as a bare hull. Peter made all of the hardware for Ring Dang Dooat Gilson and used the little white plastic ball bearings he found there. He made blocks, two winches, and cam cleats using the balls. They worked great, and after starting Vanguard, we showed them to an old college sailing friend named Gary Comer who had started a great hardware catalog company called Lands' End. Gary said, "If I put them in the catalog you'll have to make them." Making them was a difficult proposition since injection molds and steel stamping dies cost thousands of dollars. Fortunately our landlords, the Stippich Brothers, had become friends and said they would tool the project and make them. We were off and running. Today. Leroy's son, Bob Stippich owns the much enlarged firm and is responsible for building most of the Harken blocks and traveler cars. Gary Comer sold some of these early blocks to Lowell North and Buddy Friederichs who both won Gold Medals in the Star and Dragon at the 1968 Olympics. Bruce Kirby, ..who was Editor of One The 1968 h n d s ' f n d caialog aialog Design & Offshore helped launch ndrncrr Harhen blocks. Yachtsman (now Sailing World), let us run an ad on the victory and then wrote an editorial on the use of the new ball bearing blocks on his own Star. With tongue in cheek, he argued that they were dangerous because

they let the boom out so fast. Many readers thougM he was serious and the ensuing controversy helped us get a lot of free publicity in those days when any publicity was invaluable. The block business prospered and many new designs and patents

U'epetaWYrm in Wsconsin. This storm on AwiI 17. 1978 forced us 10 ~~--~ SWover in me shop. ~




evolved as plastic ball bearings became increasingly useful f o ~ marine haroware. Rudder bearings, sreenng systems, trave.ers, magic boxes, and even cam cleats worked better W th balls. We were limited to small boat hardware because the Oelrin we use0 could only handle moderate loads. It tookalmost a year of research by our engineering consultant, Bill Lawson, to find a plastic that could carry the loads of big boats. Amoco's Torlon was the answer and in order to slow down the copiers we called it Ouratron for many years. Some of the first boats to use the new ball and roller big boat blocks were the Swedish 12 Meter Sverigeand the Canada's Cup boat Golden Daisy. By 1983 almost all of the America's Cup boats were using our big boat hardware which continues to dominate the racing scene and has solidly penetrated the cruising world. Management of the company became exceedingly important as we grew and in 1978 Art Mitchel, who had a real job as a VP of a large bank trust department, decided he couldn't stand watching his old sailing buddies slopping fiberglass and joined in the fun. Peter heads engineering and production, Olaf heads marketing, Mitch heads administration and finance, and we all interfere with each other. We also get help in the interfering department from Charlie Miller, our neighbor wno runs North Sa s Midwest an0 is an expert on tel-ino evervone how to run their ous ness or annhlna else. In 1983 we'worked with Tom Frentzel at ~rentzei~ngineering to develop a new range of furling equipment. We were soon a dominant force in furling, which continues today as new models are added, including our first hydraulic systems. ~~~



Our international business kept growing as we teamed up with a great group of distributors. Most have been with us for ten to fifteen years. We are friends as well as business partners. This involvement in the international scene led to the acquisition of the Barbarossa winch company from the Bassani Brothers in July of 1987. Barbarossa was a jewel of a winch company located in Lomano, just outside Milan in the industrial north of ltaly. Luca and Tony Bassani are now a part of our company and help us understand business in ltaly. Now called Harken Italy, this company has become a leader in the winch business. Other milestones in the company's history include our introduction of the world's first athletic boat shoe. A couple of Texans named Bootz and Rettinger talked us into the shoe game and we worked to design something unique. Today we are entering a new phase with an even better shoe developed wtth Sa~cony. Marketino took a b a sreo forward when we established our own in-house adiertising dlpartment in the late 70's. In 1989 the world saw the first full-color major hardware catalog which we printed in three languages, English, French and German. Our ads are in magazines worldwide and our advertising department produces


brochures, instruction manuals, packaging, posters, T-shirt designs, videos, and award-winning boat show displays. Today everything is produced on elaborate desktop publishing computers. Computers entered the company only seven years ago with three small Apple Ue's for our group to learn on. Today we are researching our third major system. Our engineering department has five CAD systems in Pewaukee and two in Newport with more coming to ltaly and France. When the power goes off we're in trouble - everyone forgot how to use paper and pencil three yean ago. he most difficult thing to do in a company history is to give proper credit to the makers of that history -the team at this company and the team associated with the company. Rose was our first emolovee. ~ , but~we ~now .have about 120 worldwide with another 100 producing equipment at our suppliers. There are so many names of employees, suppliers and distributors that were vital to any success we have had, that we cannot list them here except to say that most of them are still involved and are shown on the employee pages and the distributor listings. Keeping the creative juices flowing and keeping business fun is something that only privately owned companies can still do without fear of being criticized by stockholders. It is what entrepreneurs need and we feel it is vital to product development. With that excuse we've built luges, Waterbugs, Mallards, Millennium Factoriceboats, carbon fiber A-Scow masts, and now Procyon. What's next, no one knows, but there will be more. To those of you who work with us, and to our customers, 'Yhanks for the memories," -we hope to build many more just as good. 7

me t&rkumlalog has gmwn frmn 8 pges to 228. O L haroware ~ company needed our ldll time attention so in 1986 we solo Vanouard to Steve C ark in Rhooe Island. Steve and Chlo Johns and their group have kept up the proud tradition and have done very well with Vanguard Racing Sailboats. ~



-~~ ~



3 Meet the Harken Team.

The strength of any company 1s in the quality, dedication, and enthus~asmof the workers Harken has always been blessed wlth a great group of employees and wlth two superb prlmaly suppl~ers,Accurate Products and Frentzel Products As always, we lhke to Introduce you to the people who really make things happen. Desp~teour rap~dgrowth through the years, we have very low worker turnover The numbers after the names ~nd~cate how many years each employee has been wlth us

.. Don Whelan (S) mnm HwCan west, spe~rnead m p our OEMand d~slnbutora e s and ovsrssolnp our A m e m S Cup Mlw and mwlm prwnm vhan hs's not on raclnp hrs Msrcury wm ms llmlly

Mike Bmdf(4) M d B r b LoPim (10)a y in

mnrm come vlrll s m c oay.

W ~ h m m (1) s IS am@ manaper m ~m ~ i s p oshe kwps Don unda contml b p s ms tom1 n syndudss happy, m d makes us w\h mv could Pl k ~ l o r n i a g l r l s



PandvLeelll is in h m a o l


itmnd m e w m - h o p a ( a





jistimr sweaty shim.

- -~ ~


Mark Pares (15) overseer maintenance ol h e plam, handles purchasing tor special projkts, and WashCS a m mr a hobby.

Nancy Harriran (18) hmds our mlemational s l e s and ~ M C C f o m . 11 d m ' t matter where p u are, she can get it M you.

C k r i khumachar (0) isme new M i c e on the phme'. Yes, she rsally didtell us y o u a l ld.....

U t l e GO^ (14) IS head 01 our purchwlw dapanmantand a brrebaa nder for me cmur

Ten Jamason (I) Klm Knwr ( l ) Diane Vrsncon (4)anoduw M ~ t (4) b do our lnvaang receivables and oayablas How muw you objmtto being dunned by thsss women?

Lisa Wr (3) w o w in our mmpvfer depsmnem. We break, she tixa!


Dan Rondeau (12) hdps people d o o ~ ~tight t h gear ~ mrtheir boats, writes instruction manuals, and 110~ble~mooIs one ortm, problems a year. If Dandon'l know, nobody does.

M a n RlecL(9) ~ ~ s . u ~ u ==#m=-.mu IS edQr ol the cablog

Anpr Petwton (51 shiw b a t ~ ~ m ,

H o w m (2). and Bmwnle Lewis (19). mqn,Rschel write.

rinm and n l b r sa~lmakersupplies.

cd'l. OrganlrC and proof, prwf, pran.

Will Pionke (21) is our manor w l d s r and ha also oversees the metal working shop.

inp l m a o ~ n e ~ e npaldtodrem m~ up w l d new prnducb and m sal1 on all manner of cnry a n

m darpe of celebrating our 25th AnnNeMrY this year. 7

He . .,. ... l - C O ~ msay I , mmis of set-tailing. LUCiano 6 m e pariarch and sage ofthecompany.

Albeno SeveSO (2) warks in a c c ~ u n t i He'stheluckiest ~. guy at HarXen Italy - a prnfessional job with three beaM1uI ~ c i a t a s .

Sa 85 Manage, Ra 'noccn 19, I agree1 l ~ h s r m a nan0 te 9 weat ores - ornon aner a 12 nod, Oa, so np namn gear to tnc r o n o

and largu house

Baroara Ferrari 121 isthe voice on the phone. sme as0 handles COrIeSpOndanCe, deals with CUSmmerS and keep the office running as smoothlv as a

smiles aner dealing wim all those bankers, numbers. and reports.

GlOrplO Gu0.e men ( I ) S macan. tml.ar Ha r a r s r y u l m man and InnSlRBIall ol the nard * o n #No


assem k hom tn r man' ~ l i n a Banoonq and G org 0 Ba a00 !3r ale ins arsrlrlulv lenlrmrrnr *no .A Oo I'ngnt and on nme

Lino Basilica (31 is assistant to the

Al. . .. .._. ,., . ... chaqe 01 Imre mm nrentoy h Icreooos inatere? cone nas a pia- and DLPV pan has P mac- no* *"ere is 1m1

CorraW BBm86COni (4) iE a Produnion Prwrammer He isthe hub of the wheel - each day he oroanim and tracks information on aliproducdon flow and o r p a n i g hlmself each morning by lapping.

U Earbara Pampollni (2) is an adm~nistrafiueaide to the produdion department. Shetakes on kilos ol

strawberry Ms. Tartaruga patch. is head of security in me


..* .

.. ~ ....

Pmick Rieup~ymut(9) directs Harken Fnnce. His passions are larw multlhulls, singlehanded racing boats, and any pmjana lala crary and very fast.

JocshlM Ro~antsau(7). aim mown as " J w l i n e ' . isthevoke ol Harken F m . Shecontrols lhe m u n t i n g and correspondence, always in g w d humor.

Jean Man n ,6 r V 87. mosl am elc on me t e r n He mmmun otes a f n a, W tn me comic-energy of Jerry h i s . His great m n g t h means wa don't n ~ a dforklift in the Warehouse.



Co...me Rich (5) heads ......... en Cunom s l e s force, working with prnject manapcrs and designers around me world. In her sparedme she runse boardinghouselor


Trip on OEM and custom salss from the Newpan onice. He's our mad WdRiOl, mobile service and s a k spadalist, andaspiring photographer.

VC East h c e manaier. She han. ales the phones, the ~ePerwork. mepeople,lhe details. Inshort, she does fi ail.

Lauren Krauss (2) I M F'ewaube to return to Nswpofi as a p n e w sales and sewice assistant. Maybe she's allnpic to cheese.

d-1Ruth Lobiecki (8)and Mike Boehmke ( I t ) overseeassembly ollhe blocks and other hardware. We'resurethey hear lalling balls in lheir sleep.

r i m Hoppe (12) is an apprentlcemoi and die maker

121 ~ a n ~ f n r a n r n ( 2GormElr(3, , and Cnrn Mlhlbarar 11) Fast t ~ cn q q o m g ana we m u a m

Flan* M ~ r p n y615 one a l 0l. Mastor fie oen *no

12) those smoom beads on

Torn dawn 18) am ChC Operators Pn rnongaepanmsnlunn Anorer C%nnrn&st 131 E. d a. ha,oooa 01 -. ........... ,., and ... filing, Scotchbriting and cG&ini eYB? emusion before it learn.

buial least ha's never bored. ( m a s drill res ss humor.)

me ~ c c r a momca aan uaas yn Doelcnbacn

Tom Frennel Dennar Oran 16) and Gene D.prec 161 nansa mahng l.dmg p r o t ~ p e s12 ,ear,a40 Tom nao a Id1 neao of I r m e n ne staneo

mflednf cad111 n o n m m o f lne mrnmes n me shop

M re M ne slam c' are ead macn.n 91

Vernnica Ejma C, . .. ... sees receivables. Juanta Hranick (4) is in Eharge of furiiw assembly. Inge Hannig (4) iSSecleWy, rec~ptionistandin chaqe of payroll.

Phi1 Giller (6) Is a medanical engineer and lhe prnducbon manager. Daryl Gardsn (8) is inven tory end puaki control manager. Th+y sehsdule the workload. 9

MILLENNIUM FACTOR QuAmo One of the reasons Harken is locatedin Pewaukee, Wisconsin is that Pewaukee Lake forms the nonheastern corner of the 'bolden ttiang1e"of iceboating, which is Peter Harken's first love. For the 1990 - 1991 season, Peter builta new boat Here he describes iceboating and the building of his founh E-Skeeter, Millennium Factor :


sport is iceboating. It pumps your adrenaline like nothing else, and we sail the most efficient and beautiful machines on earth.That's a bold statement. but what other boat sails at 120 moh L190 km1h)or m o r e 2 w i t h only I 75 ft2(7 mZ)of measured sail area and looks like a Ferrari? "The E-Skeeter is an A-Class iceboat, one of the "unlimiteds" of our sport. We say 'it's not easv. it's not fair, and it's not cheao.' There are about 40 first class k i n g boats, mostly in ~iscon;in. Michigan, New Jersey, and afew in Europe. 90% of the boats are home-built and cost upwards of $10,000 in raw materials alone.....and countless hours of labor. "In fact, you never stop working on them. A normal good weekend ofracing will be five to eight races, an average of 10 miles (16 km) each and races last onlv,~ 6 to 10 minutes. We spend a lot of money and time for not much sailing - it's nuts, but it's a real gas! "During the summer of 1990 Bill Mattison and Paul Krueger, two of the longest reigning champions and most innovative sailors in the class, convinced me to join them in building new boats - really it didn't take much convincing. We each built an identical Skeeter with a





HaIken, Paul Krueger and BillM3ttison. e m m010 P&


I carbon fiber and epoxy, vacuumformed fuselage and mast. The ring ribs are 2 mm maple veneer vacuum bonded to 6 mm Klegecell. The 31' (9.5 m) Skeeter weiohs 530 lbs (24i kg) complete with all near. The main lanka and s~rinoboardare hollow sitka sDruce laminates with veil giass cloth slieathing. "All bolts and rigging components are aircraft grade. Stainless fasteners break under the shock loads we encounter at high speed. The runners are V "(6 mm) thick 1095 steel, treated and ground and mated to 6061-T6 aluminum stiffeners. The steering assembly, includino the oedals- and -~ sorockets. is of 6AL-4V titanium. The '&hkoG9 front steering assembly is chrome plated mild steel which we use for it's resistance to vibration, shock, and fatigue. To make it even more fun, you have to make everything, includinp the fittings, from scratch. "The new boat worked out pretty well. In February, Bill Dale and I won the Ice Yacht challenge Pennant of Americafor Pewaukee Yacht Club. This trophy, first sailed for in 1881, is the oldest continually I ) contested trophy in iceboating. The boat is veryfast in ligM air, but I had big control problems in heavy air. The boats have just outrun the size of the course and we're going to shorten the fuselage and springboard a little for next season. Oh, and we'll need to build new spars. too ....and ...and....." ~


LYWBassdnr andnfs brother rony fouoMd Blrmtmsd Uw wmch and hsr6ram mmoany

lrhrm ,S no* &mmac Hamm my ~ u c a s an and odm r*ro has nw a number 01 wmcg &as ss MUas m~cgat me hghest kveb m hrs 6 hietw

W h e n Luca Bassani decided to build a new boat, he knew exactly what he wanted the only problem was how to achieve the aoals in just one boat. Luca's dream was for a large cruising boat which would 'reach the standard of performance of the latest racing maxi's, offer the comfort and safety of a BannenburgMolland 120, have a sailplan as easy to handle as a M 4 . include the shallow water capabilities of a catamaran, and last, but not least, have the style and finish of a classic Sangermani yacht." The challenge of executing this mandate was given to Milanese designers Luca Brenta &Co., who worked closely with Luca Bassani to develop a most interesting boat. W/@gatoris 82' (25.1 m) long, with a beam of 21' (6.4 m). and a weight of 66,000 Ibs (30,000 kg). She has an extra wide ULDB hull shape for speed and stability. The carbon fiber mast, developed with Chris Mitchell is 35% lighter than an aluminum spar and is designed without running backstays to be very easy to handle. The sail plan is setf-tacking for easy handling with a small crew and for safety. And finally, as Luca says, "Wallygator has a special layout and small ideas simply for personal pleasure!" The most intriguing feature of Wallygatoois the keel. The contradictory demands of superb windward ability and a moderate draff to enable Wallygatorto enter most harbors and anchorages led Brenta and his associates to develop an innovative bulbed keel with a daggerboard which extends 6' (1.83 m) below the keel to improve windward performance. In order to keep the total weight low, yet build a very strong yacht, Wallygatarwas built using red cedar, Keviar, unidirectional



carbon, and epoxy. The deck was built using an Airexlcarbon composite. Construction was by Sangermani who Luca Brenta says "could never be replaced for his experience with the deck details, the interior and the building of special parts." Deck hardware and winches are, of come, by Harken. An rnnovative Hvdro 8 Dower oack was develooeb. This hvara~lic system featires a remote manifold so that ihe power ;nit is located in the engine compartment, but the distr~butionmanifold is located forward to keep hose lengths to a minimum. The hydraulic system drives all winches, the furling, the daggerboard, the transom doorlswim platform, and even a reel winch to bring the dinghy aboard.

r m ~ o n v s m m m m ~NRUWH~

wemlsd ~np/owMbkWk~mainshde( c b e to fhe teak ducks

&in travskr tsafum hw mkn cars to rideonlhemshmdrmd,

As Wallygatorcruises and races in the Mediterraneanthis year, Luca Bassani savs, "Ican honestlv sav we have reached 90% of our ambition;but the next one will be even better!"

I n last year's catalog we introduced Procyonas a concept -this year it3 the real thing. She's afloat and is usually underway with a mob of people aboard, demonstrating new concepts in sailing, or dazzling a crowd at the pier. She'll be at many of the major boat shows and chances are you've read about or seen her in the

The results have been satisfying. The boat is a fast, well balanced, soft riding yacht. All of the major new concepts are working well including the canting wing keel, the bi-pod mast, and the push button control systems. The reaction of the trade, the press, and the public has been almost universally positive. Most comments can be summed up in one word - "WOW!" In addition to leading the project. Harken built much of the equipment and tested many new ideas. Our first prototype hydraulic furling systems were installed and have worked

~ff-ihe-she~i hydraulic lower unit, drives nine 'unctions: five winches, wofuriing systems,

~ushbuttonson custom lanels at each steerino station. The system has been 100% reliable and Mainsalon Hydrau#ccpoweruniIisunder tathe. operation of this sixty-five foot yacht easy for one or two people. The weight of the Hydropac system is low and centered in the boat while small, light hydraulic motors drive the winches and furlers above. The dual steering stations have ball bearing heads and are interconnected to a conventional cable system. The rudder rides on Harken rudder bearings. We use titanium blocks on the clew of the jib and on the boom where weight aloft is important.




T ~ n Mank y Phom

Sixty-five companies joined the original Harken-led design and production group to demonstrate the state-of-the-art in yacht equipment. The project developed into something more than the original purpose which was to test and showcase and let the public ~ n industry d react to new :oncepts to make boats aster, more comfortable, iafer, easier to handle, quicker to get underway, and more modern in appearance. As more companies joined, the boat also evolved into a plalform to demonstrate the state-of-the-art equipment donated to the project. The Mapfecn System in nav@ations $ t i ~ . electrical systems, navigation systems, and safety and survival equipment are just some of the unique gear aboard. 12

Sheers and m t m l I

~ bad S to hydrsuk S#-tailing mnches on brb.~.


COnlrOl paws NW 10 nemm S S$Imn anor l#wed#pconlml olall $ m m

Other blocks are standard and custom aluminum rollerlball bearing blocks. The self-tacking jib, the mast lowering system. and the trolley system for physically disabled sailors, all use our standard ball bearing travelers. The sculptured boom with inteoral van0" doesn't need a traveler. ..~. fiere are so many systems and new ideas aboard thar everyone - desianers. builders and sailors- will be ~nrrioued - and - stimulated 6 challenge conventional ways of doing tings. You might not agree with everything you see, but we know you'll be fascinated by Procyon. Don't miss the chance to take a tour. ~~~


All standard Harken products are unconditionally guaranteed to the original purchaser against defects in materials or workmanship for a period of five years from the date of purchase unless otherwise stated in this catalog and except as follows: Swage fittings and rudder bearings are guaranteed for two years. Winches are warranteed for three years. Warranty of custom hardware is limited to one year as to materials and workmanship but not as to performance. America's Cup Class hardware is covered by special warranty provisions; contact Harken for details. Defective items should be returned to Harken and Harken shall, at its option, replace or repair such product. Return of defective products must be accompanied by a letter giving name, address, date of purchase, type of boat, and function of hardware, as well as an explanation of the defect or malfunction and the conditions under which the product was being used.

This warranty does not apply to or include any product that was improperly installed, or improperly maintained, or used under load conditions exceeding the rating or other recommendations published in the Harken catalog, or subjected to misuse, negligence, accident. or subjected to unauthorized modification or repair. Normal wear to shoes; teeth of cam cleats: winch drums and pawls; and wear from wire rope on all equipment is also excluded. This warranty only applies to use of hardware in normal sailboat applications or in other applications specifically approved by Harken. THIS WARRANTY IS IN LIEU OF ALL OTHER IMPLIED, EXPRESSED AND STATUTORY GUARANTEES, AND IN NO EVENT SHALL HARKEN BE LIABLE FOR SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIALDAMAGES. The laws of each state may vary, giving you additional rights, and some of the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to you.

A harken e q pment ~ ,S oeslgneo lo glve years of servce \*111n ni n mat rna nlenance o ~ some t ma ntenance s req~lredlo glve best service. In general, the most important aspect of maintenance is to keep your equipment clean by frequently flushing it with fresh water. In highly corrosive atmospheres, the stainless steel parts may show some brown rings around the holes, rivets, and screws. This discoloration is not serious but may be removed with afine abrasive. With the exception of winches, grease should not be used on any Harken products.


SMALL BOAT BLOCKS The olastic sideolates and sheaves of small boat blocks are UV stabilized, but they will still turn grey after long exposure to the sun. This discoloration may be removed with a fine abrasive but will not reduce the strength of the blocks and acts to protect the material underneath. Flush small boat blocks thoroughly with fresh water. A light spray of a dry lubricant may be used if desired but is generally not required. Inspect blocks periodically for damage, in particular for cracked or elongated shackles. Tape cotter rings to prevent snagging on sheets. Use Loctitee when refastening any nuts. It is best not to leave heavy loads on small boat blocks when they are not being used. This may slightly deform the bearings. Normally they will return to their proper shapeafter being rotated, but an initial resistance may be felt.

TRAVELER CARS Keep traveler cars clean by flushing frequently with fresh water. They may also be cleaned by flushing with WD-40 or LPS-I. Both of these penetrating lubricants act to remove deposits in the ball races. This is particularly necessary after cars have not been used for a lonq- .period of time. Lubricate cars with light lubricants or dry sprays. Keep traveler tracks clean by washing with soap and water. Be careful that sealants or bedding compounds used during installation are not left on the track as they will foul the ball races. Inspect shackles and control block fittings for signs of fatigue. Arrange traveler tackles so that cars don't hit end stops but are stopped by the rope.

Flush blocks thoroughly with fresh water. Big boat sheaves have flushing ports to allow water to reach the bearings. They may also be cleaned by flushing with WO-40 or LPS-I. Both of these penetrating lubricants act to remove deposits in the bearing races. Lubricate blocks with light lubricants or dry spray lubricants. lnspect shackles and shackle post heads for signs of corrosion or deformation. Nylock nuts should not be reused after being removed more than three times. When replacing shackles or bolts be sure to use Harken parts to maintain the proper strength. Big boat bearings are very resistant to deformation but it is not advisable to leave heavy loads on any hardware when the boat is not sailing.

JIB REEFING AND FURLING SYSTEMS Flush the lower unit and halyard swivel with fresh water. Clean by flushing with WD-40 or LPS-1. Both of these penetrating lubricants act to remove deposits in the bearing races. Lubricate with light lubricants or dry spray lubricants. l n s ~ e cswaqe t fittinqs and lower turnbuckle toggle for corrosion or fatigue. Wash foils with soap and water Foils may be lubricated with dry sprays to ease the raising or lowering of sails. Refer to the owner's manual for detailed maintenance instructions ~

WINCHES Winches should be flushed regularly with fresh water. Periodically break winches down and service. Check pawls and springs for wear and inspect bearings, gears and spindles for signs of wear. Winches should be lubricated with grease but over-application of grease can cause salt and water deposits to become trapped in the winch. Use care to insure that drain ports are unobstructed by sealants or grease. Refer to the owner's manual for detailed maintenance instructions.

SHOES Wash shoes by hand using mild soap -do not bleach. Rinse thoroughly. Air dry. Remove insoles and wash and dry separately.

Big Boat Hardware





TRADEMARKS HARKENmis a registered trademark for yacht equipment and clothing of Harken, Inc. in the following countries: Argentina Italy Australia Japan Benelux Countries Korea New Zealand Brazil Canada Spain Sweden Chile United Kingdom France Germany United States The following trademarks are owned by Harken, Inc. and are registered in the United States and the Benelux Countries and with United States Customs:


AIR BLOCKSaisa trademark of Harken, Inc. BAITCAR" is a trademarkof Harken, Inc. BULLET'" is a trademark of Harken, Inc. in Australia. CAM-MATICmis a registered trademark of Harken, Inc. HEXA-CAT'" is a trademark of Harken, Inc. HEXARATCilETWis a registered trademark of Harken, Inc. ROLLER-BATTENWisa trademark of Harken, Inc.

PATENTS Small Boat Hardware

Air blocks: U.S. and foreign patents pending. Battcar mast track: US. and foreign patents pending Removable top genoa lead car: U.S. Patent 4719869; United Kingdom 2198102; other foreign patents pending. Resilient stand up support for blocks: U.S. Patent 4718371; New Zealand 222223; other foreign patents pending. Titanium runner blocks: U.S. Design Patent D-306,134; German Design Patent MR 26 860; ~ ~ 866781 n Canaman nousrr a1 Des gn French ~ e s Patem Patent 59031, A~stralta98081, Un~tedK~ngdom1039152. New Zealand 20897; other foreign design patents pending Tri-roller: U.S. and foreign patents pending.

Jib Reefing & Furling Systems Furling and reefing systems: Ball bearing system: United Kinadom Patent 2060090: Re~ublicof France Patent 802-0616; German Patent 3034482 Double groove foil system: Licensed under Stearns U.S. Patent 3851609 in the U.S. and Harken has right to license Stearns foreign patents as follows: Australian Patent 480378; Republic of France Patent 7330280; German Patent 2342189; United Kingdom Patent 1439283; Italian Patent 1003133; Japanese Patent 1095123 and New Zealand Patent 171744. Main Furling U.S. Patent 4679520; foreign applied for. . ~atents . ~.

Winches & Deck Hardware Harken winches and deck hardware are covered by the following listed and numerous other unlisted patents and trademarks: U.S. 4,261,549; 4.1 11,397; 4,523,744; and 4,479,453; Italy 24247; 21367; 21500; 22292; 23962; and 23854.

Shoes Boat shoes: U.S. Trademark 1435719. U.S. Design Patents Received Other trademarks and patents pending.

Cam-Matic cam cleat: U.S. Patent 4453486; United Kingdom Patent 20035420; German Patent 2835643. Micro blocks: U.S. Design Patent 293881; foreign design patents pending. Magic box: U.S. Patent 4074892. Swivel base: U.S. Patent 4160541; United Kingdom Patent 2012009; German Patent 28 56 153. U-Adaptor: U.S. Patent 3806094.

Travelers Bastet traveler car: Licensed under Fogh-Bastet U.S. Patent 4147121; German Patent 2847834; United Kingdom Patent 43028-78. Big boat high beam traveler fastening system: United Kingdom Patent 2153320; Australian Patent 573774.

Design Trademark 1442588

Design Trademark 1445750

Other Harken drive unit: U.S, and foreign patents pending. Hoyt quick reefing system: Harken is licensed by Garry Hoyt under U.S. Patent 4487147. "HARKEN Y A C H T EQUIPMENT Division of Harken, Inc. 1992 All Rights Reserved No portion of this calalog may be reproducedwithout the expressed wrinen permissionof Harken, Inc. Printed in U.S.A.

Ratchet sheaves are machined lrom solid 6061-16 a1.m n.m for uttlmare strengrn an0 corros on resistance Tne .nlque elgnt-soded Harken herararcnet sneave grips sheets tenaciouslv, but allows line to be eased smoothly

Cam-Matic cam cleats engage and release easily under all loads.

Special plastic wedges are installed under cam to adjustangle.

Large ratchet knob is easy to adjust even with cold, wet hands. 1

A 1



Delrin sideplates and sheave insure lightest possible block.

Stainless steel sideplatesdistribute load.

cleat can be mounted on underside of arm and / the sheet run through ' this slot for downward release.


Ball bearings carry both the line load and prevent sheave from rubbino on the cheeks of the block.

Arm is stamped from 6061-T6 aluminum and HardkoteTeflol impregnated

Tough Delrin body is UVstabilized for years of trouble-free use



preventonline bases from fouling on itself.



Dual rows of Delrin ball bearings on a laroe diameter race are the secret to the smooth free-sw~vel~ng actlon

T h e best boats deserve the best hardware. The Europe dinghy shown sailing on page 15 i s the new Olympic women's single-handed class. It was chosen because it is an exciting boat that is challenging to sail. Olympic sailors know that Harken hardware offers ~erformanceand rel~ab~lity unmatched by other hardware. For over 20 years They nave chosen harken gear b e c a ~ s eit is except ona y tree ;olllng strong and lignr and complements The v~rtJesof Olympic classes perfectly Dozens of u n i q ~ efeatures make darken small boat b ocks oependab y correct for every t r mmlng tasd on ooats from dlnghys to small offsnore yachts. Feature for f e a t ~ r eharken small ooat olocds are desianeo to made sai~inaoerter Whether you're racing at the Olympic level, cruising, or daysailing,you'll find that ~ a r k e nhardware adds to your sailing pleasure


Three-Wav Head Tne tnree-iay snackle srslern a1 ows Sw.we1 Oloclts 10 OP omeo in front or side positions or left to swivel freely.The set screw fits securely into detents on the swivel post. The three-way shackle system is found on 2.25", 3.00, fiddle, little fiddle. Hexaratchet, little Hexaratchet. Hexa-Cat, little Hexa-Cat, and midrange blocks.

U-Adaplor The u-adaptor allows blocks with W (10 mm) posts to be attached to swivel bases or to other blocks with W (10 mm) posts.

Wire Blocks To minimize friction from twisting or unfair leads, 1.50 and 2.00" wire blocks leature side load balls between the sheave and the sideplate. 1.00 wire blocks use low friction thrust washers forthis ouroose. All wire olocks open 10a i o i D i i s ng 01 swagea or nlcopressea W res


Adjustable Cam Arms The cam arms on all Harken blocks except micro and bullet triples, adjust to suit your particular needs. Swing the arm up on blocks mounted in the cockpit or swing the arm down when blocks are mounted on the cabin house.

RemovableBecket The beckets on many blocks are removable to allow attachment of a spliced line. Removable beckets are found on dinghy, 2.25'.3.00", Hexaratchet, little Hexaratchet. fiddle, linle fiddle, Hexs-Cat and mid-range blocks. Reversible Cams The cam cleats on all Harken blocks (except micro triples) can be reversed for up or down release. Adjust your blocks to the best configuration for your boat.

In-Head Shackle System The in-head shackle system on dinghy blocks gives them a low profile. On singles it can be aligned to the front or side or it can be up-ended and anached to a post.

Breaking Strength The load at which fastening bolts will shear, shackles will break, or the block will experience some other catastrophic failure. At this load you can expect permanent deformation of the sheave, sideplates and bearings. Shackles and bolts must be replaced w l h substitutes with the same strength in order to maintain rated breaking strengths. Safn Working Load A rating based on 50% of the breaking strength of the hardware. Safe working load provides a margin of safety and should never be exceeded.

Top Ouality Aluminum Aluminum components such as ratchet sheaves, magic boxes, deck organizers and wire block sheaves are made of 6061-T6 allov which is Hardkote anodized w In Tellon mpregnal on Tn s produces a wen, liugh, smoolh Ilnlsn w h ~ C h i except onal y reslslanl 10 scralcn ng an0 corros on Edges 01a I a1m . num components are ro-noeo 10 ns-re good adneslon of coallngs ana 10 m n m ze wear

Maximum Working Load A rating which tells the maximum load at which the block works freely. Maximum working load is a per sheave rating so generally a double block will have a maximum working load twice that of a single. Maximum working load should not be exceeded as in some cases it is also the safe working load of the hardware. 17

Mainsheet Ratchet Mainsheet Swivel Mainsheet Main Halyard

Jib Sheet

big bullet

big bullet

big bullet


Spinnaker Sheet



Spinnaker Tweak



Spinnaker Halyard










Miscellaneous Controls
































big bullet



2.25" or fiddle


big bullet




194 & 153


080 & 076


022 023 028



009 &Od4



dinghy L 1,S wire

009 & 044


019 & 043




big bullet


big bullet

019 & 043

001 & 0151016

009 & 044

001 & 0151016









big bullet

big bullet

big bullet


125 094 085




big bullet

little fiddle


micro & bullet


micro & bullet















Hardware suggestions are shown for a number of popular small boat classes. Match your boat to one shown above. The specific configuration of blocks you choose will depend upon your individual needs but this c h a t will indicate the correct series of blocks to use. Many one design classes have rules restricting hardware - check your class rules carefully before changing hardware. Some blocks shown above may not actually be used on the class, but indicate the size range of blocks which would be appropriate for use on a boat of that size. If you have questions regarding the proper block to use, please contact a hardware consultant at Harken. 19




224 Singb

225 Single whnckel 292 SingLI whwivel 226 Double 227 Ooubk w h n c b l

228 Triple 229 Tripk wfikkel

B a l l bearing micro blocks meet the need for extremely small, extremely lightweight, free running blocks. They are ideal for a host of applications on sailboardssnd smaller dinghys and for lightly loaded control lines on boats of all sizes. Small dinghys will use micro blocks for cunninghams, boom vangs, outhauls, traveler controls and barberhaulers. They are perfect for use inside masts and booms where space is restricted. Applications on larger boats include flag halyards, lead car return tackles, and leech cords. The wide range of variations make micro blocks adaptable to many situations. Compact self-cleating tackles can be made using the micro fiddle with v-jam or the triples with cams. Spscial FsaInms Common Spscifications Self-contained sheaves Sheave dia - W (22 mm) Stainless sideplates Max line size - l/q' (6 mm) Bullet head reduces length Breaking strength 1200 lbs (544 kg) Compact size Shackle pin dia -%6" (5 mm) Addfflonal InlomaIlon- See pages 16 and 17 for an explanation of special features. See pages 18 and 19 for suggested uses. 20


230 Tripk wR79 Cam-Matic 231 Tr@kwR79 Cam-Matic & becket 232 Tmbr blmk 233 Cheek 234 Single wlshackle 235 Single wlshackk & becket 242 T h ~ d e c k 243 Upright lead

244 Fiddle wlv-Jam




2W lbs 91 kg 200 Ibs 91 kg 2Wlbs 91 kg 3Mlbs 159kg 3MIbs 159kg mlbs


1W 38mm 2' 51 mm 2% M] mm 2' 51 mm


3n 02 21 g loz 289

lHoz 4



Wmm 2' 51 mm 2'# Wmm


T 51 mm



2n ' 02 €49 3% m


2M' W mm



I 350


?4oz 21 g

71 mm

Wrnm 2h' 57mm 2% 71mm 2% 67mm 1%' 38 mm C

1Mmm 245 Fiddk wlv-jam



99 g

z 21 g 101


laz 28 0 lor

280 2 01 579 2 oz

227kg Wlbs 227 kg SW lbs 227kg 5Wlbs 227 kg 20lb 91 kg 201ba 91 kg 2W iba 91 kg 2Wlba 91kg

mb la 91 kg 2W Ibs 91 kg 3501bs

U s wi227

Uswm8 Two224s




fastenas (10 (5 mm) RH fasienas U s wR25 159ko or235 350 Ibs UswR26

302 Cutout 11mm


310 Cutout 14mm

w i r e blocks are lightweight, low friction blocks designed to carry wire halyards and control lines. Available in a variety of configurations in three diameters, wire blocks are useful on boats of all sizes. The Hardkote anodized, Teflon impregnated aluminum sheave is designed for years of service. A hi-load composite bearing allows the sheave to turn freely even under high loads. To minimize friction from twisting or unfair leads, 1.50"and 2.00 wire blocks feature side load balls between the sheave and the sideplate. 1.00" wire blocks use low friction thrust washers for this ouroose. The pollshed stainless steel siaeplates are ght strong and offer sLoerb chafe resistance witn wire halvards and contro S. All sizes ar~dconfigurations of wire blocksbpen to allow passing of swaged or Nicopressed wires. 7~

? . . ~

Special Features Blocks f ass swaaed wires Aluminurn wire sheaves Hi-load bearings Large diameter sheaves Stainless sideplates Addiiionallnlomtlon- See pages 16 and 17 for an explanation of special features. See pages 18 and 19 for suggested uses. See page 89 for loose sheaves.

300 Single 312 Single

wlbeckd 301 Cheek 302 lhrudesk 304 Singk . 313 Single

wlbeckd 305 Cheek

306 Thm-deek 308 Slngle 314 Stngle

whcket 309 Cheek

1' 25 mm 1' 25 mm 1' 25 mm 1' 25 mm 1'4' 38 mm l



102 28 Q

2 mm

llAoz 35 Q

2 mm

1'Aaz 35 g

2 mm

1 az 28 g

2 mm

lW 38 mm 2' 51 mm

2' 51 mm

2' 51 mm

ZMXllbs 907 kg

10001bs 454 kg

20001bs HO(5mm) 907 kg RH fastenen

1000 lbs 454 kg

2000ibs 110(5 mm) 907 kp RH fastenen

1500 lbs 680 ko 1500 lbs 680 kg

3000 Ibs 1361 kg 3000 lbs 1361 kg

15W Ibs 680 kg

3W(l lbs 'N(6 mm) 1361 kg RH fastenem

3 mm

1500lbs 680 kg

30Wlbs YlO(5mm) 1361 kg RH fastenen

%e' 5 mm

200OIbs 907kg

4WOIbs 1814kg


2000lbs 907 kg

4MXllbs 1814 kg 40001bs %6'(8mm) 1814 kg RHlaslenen

h' h'

2% oz 78 g 3 02

3 mm




S h'

3 mm S

3Vaaz 92 g 5'/4Oz 1499 5 % 1639 602 170 g


1OOOlbs 2WOlbs 454 kg 907 kg l0OOlbs 454 kg


l%.' 3Kaz 38 mm 92 g


5 mm 3/16'

5 mm

20001bs 907 kg

fl BULLET BLOCKS I T h e ball bearing bullet block is used extensively to lead control lines with a minimum of fr~ction.Dinghys and small keel boats use bullet blocks for vangs, outhauls, traveler controls and barberhaulers. Small cruising boats can use bullet blocks to lead furling lines to the cockpit. The wide range of variations make bullet blocks adaptable to almost all control line situations. Wire bullet blocks feature a Teflon impregnated Hardkote anodized aluminum sheave. They also use roller bearings which will carry a higher load than ball bearings but do not roll as freely. Wire bullet blocks are used for halyards and other wire controls on small boats.


289. 290 Cutout 21 mm

67 mm

Special Features Common Specificalions Bullet head reduces length Sheave dia - I l/8" (29 mm) Aluminum wire sheaves Max line size - Yi6" (8 mm) Sk~deloloc6s I t 061 Brean~ngstrengtn - 2000 hs (907 <g) Revers o e cam c eats Snacnl~p ~ nu8a- ~ A F ,,5 mm, Additional Informalion - See oaoes 16 ana 17 for an ex0 anat on ol soec ai features. See pages 18 and 19forkuggested uses. Maximum










Working 0


181 k

289 70 mm 084

95 mm



wlstainie~cover plate

95 mm

64 g


7 085

Double wloeckel




Triple wmecket


136 kg

In-line ex$ WISIB~ cover I~S plale S



3 89mm 3' 76 mm 3 95 mm


71 ~g 2% oz 78g 3% oz 106 g 4%oz 128 g


181 kg 400 lbs 181 kg 600 Ibs 272 kg 60010s 272 kg 30010s

p ~



Triple ~ 1 2 0 0


Cam-Matic Triple W200


Uprlght lead


7 01

lMoz 38 mm

X10 (5mm) FH

g fasteners~ X10 (5 mm) R H 181 kg fasteners 40010s X l D ( 5 mm) RH



3 1 kg 600 10s

fasteners Use wnh 085

3001bs 136-kg

U l O ( 5 mm) RH


102 Wiretrlok



Maximum workino Lold


4 oz

754 lbs 166

Single wlswivel

167 Single wlswivel 6 becket



164 Wire single wlsw~el & becket 197 Eat wicarn 6 bracket (port or slbd) 220 Double upright lead 3%' 95mm

1% oz 50 g

3001bs 136bg

Two 062s


221 291

Wire double uprlpht lead Pivoting exit block wi279 cam

2%' 70mm 37h' 89mm 3' 76mm 1M' 38 mm l

36 mm 2%' 70mm

1% oz 429 202 579 4M01 1260 2Maz 64 g 2 oz 57 g 5oz 1429

500 ibs 227 kg 500lbs 227 kg 300ibs 136kp 4001bs l61 kg 7501bs 340 kg 1501bs 68 kg

Y1O (Smm) FH fasteners #10(5mm)RH fasteners tlO(5 mm) RH fasteners #10(5mm)RH fasteners


131 Cutout

24 mm

BIG BULLET BLOCKS B i g bullet blocks are ideal for main, jib and spinnaker sheets on small dinghys and for control line applications such as cunninghams, vangs, backstays, furling lines and traveler controls on larger boats. Their large 1W (38 mm) sheaves allow the use of W (10 mm) line and make big bullets exceptionally free rolling blocks. Exit and in-line exit blocks are used for turning lines into and out of masts and booms and through decks. Upright lead blocks are perfect for many control line applications, especially under decks and at mast bases. Traveler blocks are specifically designed for small daysailers which use rope or wire bridle travelers. Exit blocks with cams are often mounted on masts for halyards and controls such as downhauls and cunninghams, particularly on small catamarans. They are also used as headknocker blocks on the mainsheets of one designs and small keel boats. Use the 140 with aluminum 150 Cam-Matic cleat for mainsheets, halyards and highly loaded controls. Use the 141 with plastic 200 Cam-Matic cleat for lightly loaded controls. Sgaclrl Faabrms Common SpscMIcaIlons Large diameter sheaves Sheave din -114' (38 mm) Bullet head reduces length Max line size - W (10 mm) Swivel blocks fit 061 Breaking strength - 2000 lbs (907 kg) AddMo~llalbmallon- See pages 16 and 17 for an explanation of special features. See pages 18 and 19 far suggested uses. 24

58 mm

134 Cutout 24 mm

94 mm

" NO.

U n g h y blocks are designed for the small boat sailor who needs a lightweight, low profile block. The in-head shackle system keeps the length of the dinghy block very short. Dinghy blocks are also used extensively as control line blocks on larger boats, particularly for traveler controls, and cunninghams on moderately sized offshore boats. These light duty blocks are not meant for use on mainsheets on heavy course racing keel boats or scows and catamarans. Special Features Common Specifications Low profile in-head shackle Sheave dia - 1 % (44 mm) Shackle upsets Max line size -W (10 mm) Swivel blocks fit 061 Breaking strength - 2000 lbs (907 kg) Removable beckets Shackle pin dia -%c' (5 mm) Additional lnfomtion- See pages 16 and 17 for an explanation of special features. See pages 18 and 19 for suggested uses. 26





Slnple whacket



024 025

Single wlswivel & becket Double


Dwble whackel






Trawler wntml


ln-line ent



3' 76mm 4' 102mm 3%' 89mm

3 01 850 3H0z 999

Maximum Working Load 3501bs 159kg 3501bs 159kg

3Moz 999

3501bs 159kg

4W 114mm 3' 76mm

402 1139 5'h 02 1Mg 6 02 ~170g 2% 02 71 g 401 1139 5Moz 1569 702 1980

3Mlbs 159kg 7W Ibs 318kg 700 ..1.b .~ 318kg 3% lb 159kg 350lbs 159kg 7001bs 318kg 5001bs 227 ko


102mm 2W 7Omm

g 76mm 3%' 83mm 5% 146mm


Two-way in-head shackle Twwway in-head ShacWe


X8 (4mm) RH lastenm F i big bmt557 &515travebn t8(4mm)RH ladanem

TISs The orlglnal darken block and S sti

tne most popular n rhe Harken I~ne.It 1s compact. go00 006 ng and exceptionally free running with a high load carrying capacity. 2.25" blocks are used for main and jib sheets on course racing keel boats, scows and dinghys with large mains. They are often used on mainsheets of daysailing catamarans and for spinnaker halyards and sheets on small offshore boats. You'll find a use for 2.25" blocks on boats of all sizes. Speclal Features Common Specifications Sheave dia - 21A" (57 mm) Three-way head system Max line size -7/16' (12 mm) Adjustable cam arms Reversible cam cleats Additional Intormatlon- See pages 16 and 17 for an explanation of special features. See pages 18 and 19 for suggested uses.




5% 13'hOz 146 mm 383 g

6 mm


102 mm 284 g

5 mm

cam8 becket 127mm 2989Upright lead 3Va' 5'4 or 83mm 1569

5 mm

1200lbs 3000Ibs Use wth080 544 kg 1361 kg HexaCat 227 kg

1134 kg

227 kg

1134 kg

500 Ibs 227 kg



Pnndlel6 25W lbs $10 (5 mm) RH 1134 kg fasteners



1:810L Q 1 9 E l 69089 WlU9 1 8 w ~ a s n WIWOE S Q I O O S ~ A

1:9JolZSO 10 6LOIHaSn

hl 1 x 1

6Y099 Sql OWE Sql W51



Pm? ~ P E L L 8 x 0 ~ ~ s ~ a u a m u ~WI wsz S~IOSL L9EL 010PE WlOWE WlOSL Q 1 9 ~ i 69ow WIOWE WINL



4 wwg



W W E i


6ffiS UIluZSL mq6i .9 OOLL uuu11 209 .P

MNPab ~IS!W 690 CldNh!S!nJ3 6t4



8 IPZ WW6Sl WWM 20 W .59 B(CU!S h W l 3 ZLo OLZZ w w a i 208 .%S alomsoua!nn 110 .?l9

UlU 251 WW

a(qnoP 6u1s!n~3800

aIOu!s h ! a n

LZL a16u!s6u!aa~ $00



81 ,sasn palsa66ns 10)6 1 pue g1 saBed aaS 'samvab lepads $0 uo!leueldxa ue JOJ LL pue gl salied aas -uq~eluloprl~euo~ppv sanmqs sl!m wnu!wnlv saayay,aqalqmowau (MM 11) .g&-az!s au!~xew walsks pmq kem-awqi (wlu g ~ .E) -e!p aneaqs s u o l l w l ~ ~ o du so u r q r ~ w e ol ej l ~ e & '(W 1'6) U OE 01 swoq peaulseur uo S Y ~ O I ~ peal p~ehleqse qlns suo!palddt JQ pasn ale pue peol 6u!ylom laq6!q e 104 s6u!~eaqlleq uollol asn sy30lq .OO'E peol-!H ,al!m him 01 pal!nba~s! y301qiqfi!wq611e aJaqM suo!lenl!s l04 leap! ale Aaql 'umopyealq aJ!m QUaAaJd aneaqs Ja@ure!pahel a q i .sau!l~~l~uco 10splebeq @!MJOJ samaqs p e i u -Baldw! uolpl 'paApoue aloypJeH aJnleal sygolq a!m .W'E '(W 8.8) U 61 01w o q uo slaaqsJayeuu!ds pue (W ~ O LU )P 01 slmq uo siaaqsu!ew ale saldwexg q s o d peaq pue sappeqs bnp-heaq aneq 4 3 ! q ~symjq ~as!n~3 ~ a f i u o ~aql s asn 'leguepqns S! peol aql alaqm suo!vay,!ldde pue sleoq laay aloqsgo ~ o j 'aneaqs llews E Jano au!l 6u!puaq hq pasnm UO!P!J~ aqi ampad saneaqs lalawe!p a6lel a q l 'sleoq aloqsuo ICWS pue w o q e l ! 'sueJeuqe3 2 ~uo pasn ~ a eoq m l q~6u!3el Buueaq lleq

T h e little Hexaratchet is a smaller version of the Hexaratchet 11+2. It

is ideal for small boat main, jib, and spinnaker sheets. It allows the crew to hand hold sheets with up to 10 to 1 holding power. The special reverse ratchet, 043, rotates in the opposite direction from the standard little Hexaratchet. It is paired with the 019 for applications like spinnaker and jib sheets where ratchet rotation must be in opposite directions and it is desirable to have the onloff switch on both blocks face up. Harken little Hexaratchets feature an eight-sided sheave which is machined from solid aluminum for the ultimate in strength and corrosion resistance. Hexaratchets run on Delrin ball bearings so friction is virtually nonexistent when trimming under either high or low loads. The onloff switch will operate under load.

Speclal Features Common Specifications Solid aluminum sheave Sheave dia - 21/4" (57 mm) Three-wav head svstem Max line size -W (10 mm) Swltch operates under load Max work~ngloao l 5 0 0 10s l227 kg) Revers~blecam c eats Breaklng strenalh - 2000 10s 1907 KQ) Fits 061 stanchion base Holdingpowerwll80'wrap- 1 0 : i ' Mdillonallnlmatlon- See pages 16 and 17 for an explanation of special features. See pages 18 and 19 for suggested uses. 30






Cheek (port)

m m


3%' 95 mm

4%. 02 128 Q

Turns clodwise. Supplied wnaslenen 8 pad

W 95 mm

4% oz 128 g

Turns counterclockwise. Supplied wlfaslenen 8 pad



4'N 108mm

5 01 1429


Single wlbecket

5' 127mm

5'402 1560


Single wlbecket 8 reverre rowion Single wlrevene rotation

5' 127 mm 4l/i 108 mm

5W 02 156 g 5 01 142 g


Single wll5O Cam-Malic

4Vi 108 mm

10% 02 Use for leeward 2989 cleating jib sLeets


Single wll5O



11 or

Turns in opposite direction from 020 Turns in opposite directionfrom 019

Use for2:l iibsheets on Prindle


,I I



Ratchet blocks are truly hand and crew savers W ~ t hthelr unlquely shaped sheave they grlp loaded sheets w ~ t hup to 15 to 1 hold~ng power, yet allow a llne to be eased Instantly w ~ t hcomplete control b splnnaker sheets They permlt the crew to hand hold maln, ] ~ and w ~ t honly a fract~onof the effort that a regular block requlres The speclal reverse ratchets, 044 and 045, rotate In the opposlte dlrect~onfrom the standard Hexaratchet 11+2 They are palred w ~ t h the 009 and 050 for appllcat~onsl~kesplnnaker and jtb sheets where ratchet rotatlon must be In opposlte dlrectlons and it 1s desirable to have the onioff swltch on both blocksface up Harken Hexaratchets feature an e~ght-s~ded sheave whlch 1s machlned from solld alumlnum for the ultlmate in strength and corrosion resistance Hexaratchets run on Delr~nball bearlngs so frlctlon 1s virtually non-exlstent when trlmmlng under e~therh ~ g h or low loads An onioff button allows the ratchet mechan~smto be turned off in l~ghtalr Special Features Common Specifical~ons Solld alumlnum sheave Sheave dla-3 (76 mm) Three-way head system Max lhne slze-7As (12 mm) Removable beckets Max work~ngload - 750 lbs (341 kg) Adjustable cam arms Breaklng strength -2000 lbs (907 kg) Revers~blecam cleats Holdlng power ~ 1 1 8 0wrap ' - 15 1 Flts 144 swlvel base Hold~ngpower wi120' wrap - 9 1 Add~tionallnformat~on- See pages 16 and 17 for an explanation of spec~alfeatures See pages 18 and 19 for suggested uses



009 Single




8'h oz 241 g

127 mm 015


016 Cheek (port)

4' 102 mm 4'

102 mm

044 Slngle wireverse rotallon

127 mm

045 Single wlbecket & reverse rotallon




090 S~nglewi150 Cam Matlc 091 Slngle w/I50 Cam Matlc a becket




6 152 mm S

127 mm 6 152 mm


2130 7W or 213 g 8% oz 241 g

Turns clockwse Supplled wnasleners & pad Turnscounterclock%~seSupplled wflasteners & pad Turns in oppos~te dlrectlon from 009

9 02 255 g

Turns in oppos~te dlrectlan from 050

902 Usefor 2 1 llbsheets 255 g on catamarans 13%r 02 Cam on adjustable arm 3439 14% oz Use for 2 1 self cleat~ngi ~ sheets b 411 g


L i l e fiddle blocks are ideal for mainsheets and vangs on dinghys and crulslng boats to 24 feet (7.3 m) or wherever a small three or four part tackle is required. Little fiddle blocks are available in a variely of configurations. These include fiddles with little Hewratchets and with Cam-Matic cam cleats on adjustable arms. Little fiddle blocks accept the 111 snap shackle which makes them easy to remove for storage. SpEirl h8Irrm8 Common SpactHcatlom Lama sheave dia - 21A' (57 mm) Three-wav head svstem Smill sheave dia 1%' (36mm) Solid aluminum sheave Switch opera& under load S W pin dii- %6' (5mm) Man line size -38' (10mm) Removable beckets Man working load - 500 lbs (227kg) Adjustable cam arms Brealdng strength 20W lbs (907 kg) Reversible cam deats AddHlonrllnlonnaUan- See Daoes 16 and 17 tor an ex~lanationof special features. See pages 18 and19 for suggested uses:




..-. 053



Fiddk w l b k e t

B' 152mm

6hoz $840

Use withmO2 for3:l


7 02 1980 7 02 1-0

Use w m 3 for4:l Use w K l 2 for3:l


7%. 02 2130 1202 3409

Use w m 3 for4:l UsewKl2 for3:l

% 6' 171 mm B' 152mm 6%'

12Ma2 3549 12 02 3400 13 oz

Usewm3 for4:l Use wlW2 lor3:1 Use ~ 1 0 5 3


Fiddle wfiexaratxhet

171 mm B' 152mm


Fiddle wMexaratchet & bbl Fiddle w1150 Cam-Malic

171 mm

057 058

Fiddle wll5OCam-Malic & bcket


Fiddle wWmxaratChnl8 1M Cam-Mat'c Fiddle w h i e x a n l c ~ .


i B'

Fiddle blocks are used to build simple three and four part purchases for mainsheets, vangs and other applications. The large sheave/small sheave configuration prevents line chafe and forms a very neat low friction tackle. Harken fiddle blocks are available in a variety of configurations. These include fiddles with Hexaratchets and Cam-Matic cam cleats on adjustable arms. Fiddle blocks accept the 112 snap shackle which makes them easy to remove for storage.

Special Features Three-way head system Solid aluminum sheave Removable beckets Adjustable cam arms Reversible cam cleats

Common SpecifIcaIions Large sheave dia - 3" (76 mm) Small sheave dia - 1%" (44 mm) Shackle pin dia - 14' (6 mm) Max line size -4%' (10 mm) Max working load - 750 lbs (340 kg) Breaking strength - 2500 lbs (1134 kg) Additionaiinformalion-See pages 16 and 17 for an explanation of special features. See pages 18 and 19 for suggested uses.





7%' I&lmm

11 0z 3129


Rddle wlbecket


Rddle w1Herdratchel

8 241 mm 7%' 184mm


Fiddle wIHemratchd b becket Fiddle wll5O Cam-Matic

11% oz 3269 12Waz 3549 13 oz 3679 16'noz 4689 18Maz 4689 17Moz 4969 l801

NO. 028

036 038 040 M2


Rddk wll50 Cam-Malic & beckel Flddk w N m m c h R & 15OCam-Mdic -. Fiddk wIHmralchel.

A '

241 mm 7 184 mm 8 241 mm 7%' 184 mm 8th'

Use wmffi lor3:l Use wIO28 lor4:l Use w10M Ior3:l --. Use wfl28 lor4:l Use wDC6 tor 3:l Use wfl28 for4:l Use wflffi tor3:l Use wfl28

LITTLE HEM-CATSm L i t t l e Hexa-Cats combine a little Hexaratchet with big bullet blocks to make powerful, multi-purchase systems for mainsheets on small catamarans and keel boats. They also make ideal vangs on boats to 25 feet (7.6 m) and are useful for tackles such as split backstay adjusters on boats to 28 feet (8 m). For best results, little Hexa-Cats should be matched with the blocks shown. Special Features







% 8' 206 mm

1602 4549

9001bs 408 kg




9% 232 mm

18Mm 4689

900Ibs 408 kg



Seven-part Hexa-Cat

l802 5109

10Wibs 454kg


1802 510g

12Wlbs 544 kg

Usewitwol27sor one 129 6 one 125

1202 3409

500 ibs 227 kg

Forbuilding specw configurations


Common Speclflcatlons


Three-way head system Lower sheave dia 21/4' (57 mm) Solid aluminum sheave Upper sheave dia - 1M' (38 mm) Switch operates under load Max line size -W (10 mm) Adjustable cam arms Shackle pin dia 1/4" (6 mm) Reversible cam cleats Breaking strength - 2500 lbs (1134 kg) Additional lnfomatlon- See pages 16 and 17 for an explanation of special features. See pages 18 and 19 for suggested uses. 34


8% 219mm



Eight-paR MmCat

9%' 238 mm


em-cat base

5%' 146 mm




Hexa-cats were designed to provide powerful mainsheet tackles for catamarans which, because of their trampoline decks, are limited to a single attachment point. They soon became just as popular on offshore boats where they allow large mainsails to be sheeted without a winch. Today they are used for mainsheets, vangs, backstay adjusters and other tackles on a wide range of boats. A Hexa-Cat consists of a Hexaratchet block with 150 Cam-Matic and 2.25" blocks mounted on top of it with a swivel. The 112 heavy duty snap shackle can be used for fast, easy removal of your Hexa-Cat. ~~-~ For best results, Hexa-Cats should be matched with the proper blocks on the boom. See the chart for the correct combination.



Oearrlpllon Five-pan Six-pan Hexa-Cat


Seven-pan Hexa-Cat


Eight-part Hexa-Cat




Hexa-Cat 079


Hexa-Cat base

Use on 14 to 16R (4.210 4.8 m) catamarans & onshore boats to Mn (9 m) l 25Moz Use on 16R (4.8 m) catamarans & 286 mm 723 U ~ I l s h o r eboats to 34fl(10.4 m) 11 271hor Useon Tornado & Hob* 16 & ofkhore 279mm 7800 boatslo37R(11 m) l 1 29 02 Use on catamarans to 27 R (8.2 m) h 298 mm 822 g offshore boats to 40R (12 m) 714" 16th 02 For bulldlng special configurations 184mm 4689 10IW 267 mm

24 02 680g


Special Features Three-way head system Solid aluminum sheave Adjustable cam arms Reversible cam cleats Removable beckets

Common Specilications Lower sheave dia- 3 (76mm) Upper sheave dia - 21A' (57 mm) Max line size - 7/16" (12 mm) Max working load - 1500 lbs (680kg) Shackle pin dia- 1/4 (6 mm) Breaking strength - 30W lbs (1361 kg) Additional lniormation- See pages 16 and 17 for an explanation of special features. See pages 18 and 19 for suggested uses.


Pan No.

S l n ~ I oBlock an Boom 2.253.0V




M10 081

Mulllpla Blacks on Boom 2.25"



001 & 002

011 h 012



Three 001s




Two 001s & one 002

TwoOllsh one 012


Four 001s




L o w profile triple ratchet systems are useful on catamarans which carry their booms very close to the deck and for powerful mainsheet and vang systems on offshore boats. All blocks with cams feature a becket eyestrap over the cleat to allow very close sheeting. All cams can be reversed for up or down release and all cam arms are adjustable to suit your precise needs. Small catamarans can use the light duty models which feature a single swivel post but larger catamarans and all offshore boats must use the heavy odly mode s wnich have a c o ~ ~ l ioinina er the three posts for greater strength. Special Features Allows close sheetino Becket eyestraps on &m arms Adjustable cam arms Reversible cam cleats Additional Infornation- See pages 16 and 17 for an explanation of special features. See pages 18 and 19 for suggested uses. 36

Triple wMwratchet b cam

3' 76mm

5'8 2702 138mm 7650


Triple wMmralchet. tecket b cam

3' 76mm

6% 2902 171 mm 8220


1504 lbs 3WOlbs Use wi(W9lor 680kg 1361 kp & l

?A%' 7%' 3302 76mm/44mm 184mm 9369

3A' lOmm

7501bs 2500 1bs Use w/0651or 340kg 1134kg 7:l

2%' 57mm

5' 11 02 127mm 3120



7501bs 2 W O l b ~ UsewKm3for 3 4 0 b 907 kg 7:l

Light duty tripk w/Hexaralchel, cam b swivel post 153 Lipht duty tnpk wlswlvel post

3' 76 mm 2%' 57mm

5Vi 2502 133 mm 7W 9 4W 1002 114mm 2849


2%' 57 mm

4W l802 114 mm 5109

l 0 mm

2'N' 57mm

4 20oz 114mm 5678


051 052 064

Triple wniddle Hmralchel b cam


Light dutytripk wlsw~elpost & tecket


Light duty hiple w/Hexaratchet, cam b swivel post

195 Triple wlHexaratchet b cam




12 mm 7/76.


W 3 s

150Dlbs 3WOlbs Use wiW8ior MlOkg 1361 kg 5:1:~~4M9for6:1

750 1bs 20001bs UsewmO4for 340 kg 907 kg 5:i; wI153 lor 6:l 7501bs 2W01bs Usewll53for 340kg g07kg 6:l m l b s 20Wlbs Usewm04foi 227 kg 907 5:l: wm481or 6:l 1WOlbs 3WOlbs Usewm04ior 454kg 1361 kg 5 : l ; w ~ 8 1 w 6 : 1

Wrap-around head construcfmn insures great strength and safety.

Three-way head can be locked m front or slde posnlan or allowed to swlvel

Hollow sheave allows lar e diameter wi11 minimal weight. Ball b e a m s insure enremelb low friction under low lmds.

Balkcarry load of sheaveand isolate sheave lrom sideplale.

Aemwable Bskco Mnd-nn~eoock$ feal~rerem0uab.e D e w 10 10* aIl2mmem of sp ,Lea n e


W~WAIOUM HBBO%rap Thes oeplate maps wraps acrosstne head 01 me DIoc~101 ncreaseostreng!n ana ralb,


Mid-range blocks bring dinghy-like performance to small and medium sized offshore boats like the Tripp 40 shown sailing on page 37. Ball bearing sheaves, a three-way shackle head, reversible cams, and a host of other unique features make Harken mid-range blocks the perfect choice for most applications on these popular boats. Breaklng Strength l h e load at which fastening bolts will shear, shackles will break, or the block will experience some other catastrophic failure. At this load you can expect permanent deformation of the sheave, sideplates and bearings. Shackles and bolts must be replaced with substitutes with the same strength in order to maintain rated breaking strengths. Safs Working Load A rating based on 50% of the breaking strength of the hardware. Safe working load provides a margin of safety and should never be exceeded.


Maximum Working Load A rating which tells the maximum load at which the block works freely. Maximum working load is a per sheave rating so generally a double block will have a maximum working load twice that of a single. Maximum working load should not be exceeded as in some cases it is also the safe working load of the hardware.

Multiple Attachment ...

. ..

Maximum Genoa Area

Genoa P -



180' Deflection

Turning Blocks


Maximum 100% Foretriangle Sail Area 150 ft2 (14 in2)**


90' Deflection

Maximum 100% Foretriangle Sail Area 215 ft2 (20 m2)** P

Maximum "I" Dimension

Mast Base p -

Main Halyard Lead Block

50 ft (15.25 m)


Genoa Halyard Lead Block




48 ft (14.6 m) ~

Spinnaker Halyard Leac

50 ft (1 5.25 m)

Running Backstay

Maximum Runner Wire Breaking Strength








3600 Ibs (1633 kg)'

Flying Block ~~



1:l Deck Block


2:l Becket




2200 lbs (998 kg) P


4400 Ibs (1996 kg) ~

2:l Single






4700 Ibs (2132 kg) p

Maxi mum Main'sail Area

Vang ~


Fiddle Blocks P








i--~! 3501 P



425 ft2 (39 m2)

Triple Blocks

, ,

. .



Multiple attachment assumes more than one load carrying shackle on both the boom and traveler car or deck. Assumes maximum apparent wind speed of 35 knots. "' Assumes maximum deflection of 4 5 . * *"



H a r d w a r e specifications are for monohulls of moderate displacement. Multihulls and heavy displacement monohulls should reduce the maximum sail areas shown by as much as 25%. Please contact Harken if you have any questions regarding the suitability of any hardware for your boat. ~. -. ** .~ ~ .... ~

v .



~ ~- - -


MID-RANGE BLOCKS Mid-range blocks are used extensively for mainsheets, halyards, spinnaker sheets and control lines on medium and large offshore boats. The 3' (76 mm) diameter ball bearing sheave accepts %6' (14 mm) lineand has a working load of l800 lbs (816 kg). Mid-range blocks can be usedfor mainsheets on boats with mainsails as large as 450 ft2 (42 m'). They are perfect spinnaker sheet blocks on boats to 36 feet (11 m) and are used as mast base halyard lead blocks on boats to 37 ft (11 m). S~acialFaaturns Three-wav Rem&abie head swtem

Common Smllkations Sheave 3'176 . ~dia-- ~ . . - mm) . .~., Max ltne size - 916' (14 mm) Albminum wire sheaves Max wire size - h 6 ' 15 mm1 Wide sheaves Shackle d n dia-%6"8 mm) - AddMonai InfomaIiion see page 38 for an explana6on of ' special leat~resSee page 39 for suggested uses 40





1301 3670

A ' 184mm 6'N 156mm

3979 t5 m 4259




1541 Singlewhket


1542 Sinplerv/aluminum





1.300 lbs SWOlbs 816b 2268kg lewlbs SWOlbs 816kg 2268kg 18Mlbs SW0 lbs Forwire hatfads 816$ 2268b orcontmls lsOOlts SWOlbs






1544 Double

7M' 191 mm

25Moz 7230

Bmklnp WoiWnl Shsnph Load 28001bs 7WOlbs 1270kg 3175kg

1545 Double whsket

BM' 216mm

26% oz 751 Q

2800 Ibs 7000 Ibs Use w11546or 1270 kg 3175 kg 1555tor5:l

1546 Triple

7 197mm

3602 1.02 kg

3ECOlbs 85W lbs Use wA54701 1724 kg 3856 kg 1556lor6:l

Wi 222mm

3702 1.05kg

3800lbs 8500lbs Use wl15461or 1724 kg 3856 kg 6:l

4% 111 mm

11 02 312g

1500Ibs 4200ibs ' ~ ' ( 6 m m ) W k g 1905 kp RHfastenen


1547 Triple wibeckel 1548 Cheek


98 mm


7 1548



Mid-range Hexaratchets are larger, stronger versions of the Hexaratchet 11+2. The uniquely shaped ratchet sheave offers a gripping power of 15.1 at 180' of wrap, yet allows the line to be eased instantly. Incorporated into highly loaded systems like mainsheets, they allow the crew to ease sails safely and with complete control. For the first time, crews of boats as large as 33 feet ( l 0 m) can hand hold spinnakers in light to moderate air. Mid-range Hexaratchetsfeature an eight-sided sheave which is machined from solid aluminum for the ultimate in strength and corrosion resistance. Mid-range Hexaratchets ride on two rows of Delrin ball bearings so friction is virtually non-existent when trimming under high or low loads. An ontoff switch allows the ratchet mechanism to be disengaged in light air. m i s switch operates under load. The 1571 and 1572 are special reverse ratchets. They are paired with the 1549 and 1550for applications like jib and spinnaker sheets where ratchet rotation must be in opposite directions but it is desirable to have the onloff switch on both blocks face up. Mid-range triples with ratchets and cams are used to build powerful, low profile 5:l or 6:l tackles for mainsheets, vangs or backstay adjusters. These blocks feature the 280 Cam-Matic cleat on adjustable cam arms so the angle can be changed to suit your precise needs. Special Features

Common Specilications Sheave dia - 3' (76 mm) Max line size -%S' (14 mm)

Solid aluminum sheave Three-way head system Removable beckets Holding power wt180 wrap - 15:l Adjustable cam arms Holding power w/12W wrap -9:l Reversible cam cleats Additionallnlomtation- See page 38 for an explanat on of special features. See page 39 lor suggested uses.

1549 Single

6M' 156mm

1401 3979

16001bs 5OWlbs 816 kg 2268 kg

1550 Single wlbediet

7% 184 mm 43A' Ill mm

1502 4259

16001bs 5OWlbs 816kg 2268 kg

13 02 3698

1500 Ibs 42W lbs Turns MlOkg 1905kg clachnse

4W Ill mm

1 3 36911

6 156mm

26 or 7379

~l m l b s 42Wlbs Tumscoumm680 kg 1905 kg clackwise 1 W l b s SOW lbs 816 k~ 2268 kg

1551 Cheek (stbd) 1552 Gheek(W) 1553 Single wflKI Cam-Matic



F i d d l e blocks are used to build simple three and four part purchases for mainsheets, vangs, backstays and other applications. The large sheavelsmall sheave configuration prevents line chafe and forms a very neat, low friction tackle. Mid-range fiddles are often used on mainsheets on boats to 45 feet (13.5 m) with mainsails as large as 450 ft2 (42 m2). They are also used for spinnaker sheets on boats as large as 36 feet (11 m). All mid-range fiddles with Hexaratchets feature a sliding onloff switch which allows the ratchet to be disengaged in light air and operated under load. Mid-range fiddles with cams include the tough 280 Cam-Matic which can be reversed for up or down release. Cam arms are easily adjusted to suit your precise needs. Special Features Three-way head system Solid alurninum ratchet sheave Removable beckets Adjustable cam arms Reversible cam cleats

Common Specilications Large sheave dia - 3' (76 mm) Small sheave dia - 2 (51 mm) Shackle pin dia - 5/1C (8 mm) Max line size-9/16'' (14 mm) Max working load - 1800 lbs (816 kg) Breaking strength -5000 lbs (2268 kg) AddlNonallnlonnation- See page 38 for an explanation of special features. See page 39 for suggested uses.




Fiddle ~ 1 2 8 0 Cam-Malic


Fiddk ~ 1 2 8 0 Cam-Malic 8 becket


Fiddle wIHexaratckt 8 280 Cam-Matic Fiddk wIHexaratchet. 280 cam-~atic8 becbt



241 mm 8M' 216mm

5109 23%. oz 6669

9% 241 m m 8 216mm

24'4 oz 6959 -~~26'4 oz 751 g

9'h' 241 mm

2 7 h oz 7809

nddk wlbecket




Use wl15591or 4:l Usew11541 for3:l Use w115591or 4:l

Use ~ 1 1 5 4 1for 3:l ~~~. ~sewi1559for4:l ~




Stainless ny oc6 nuls prevent

, viDrat10nfrom lwsenino fasteners Plastic washers isolate pans to prevent corrosion. Shackles are high strength 17-4PH Stainless steel, polished to a high luster.

Hanging blocks feature a 17-4PH Stainles steel swivel post.


Sheaves and sideplates are machined or stamped from solid 6061-T6 aluminum for lightweight strength. All aluminum parts are Hardkote anodized with Teflon impregnationfor the ultimate in corrosion resistance. \

Set Screws may be tightened to secure the shackle in either afront or side position or may be lett loose to allow the blockto swivel.

Delrin balls carry side loads, ' keeping sheavesfrom rubbiq against the sideplates.

. Sheaves are desihed for easy maintenance. Afreshwater rinse and occasional squirt wiih a light spray lubricant is all that is required.



Super high strength Torlon roller bearings carry the high radial loads in hanging blocks and foot blocks.


Stainless bolts have low profile heads and are polished and passivated to increase corrosion resistance.


T h e F hies. like tne Itallan "Mandrake" snown on page 45, are the eadlng eoge of IOR racing today Tney atlracl rhe top sallors and media attent on as lnev lrave the~rworlawlde clrcblt. Built to exact na standards and raced l ~ k eOlvmo~cclass dlnahvs tne Fltties soare no effon or exoense - > . -to insure that their deck hardware is the lightest and rnosi reliable gear possible. The &ekhelming choice of deck gea; on ~ ~ ~ F i f tisi Harken. es Harken big boat blocks feature Torlon roller bearings for reliable low friction under even the highest loads. They are carefully engineered with the unique features and detailing that makes them the choice of the world's best sailors. The incredible range of Harken big boat blocks includes aluminum, stainless steel, and titanium hardware, and Harken offers a full range of custom products as well. Your goal may be a weekend cruise with your family, but hardware which is free rolling, strong, and reliable will make any sail safer and more fun. ~




Sideplates are removable for easy maintenance.

Creep resistant plastic bushing isolates swivel post from head.



Fl.sn nq noles at 0. tresh ,.aler rlnse A lnoal 0 sassemb , of o~ocr

Foot blocks have large swallows to pass sheets and twists freelv.

An anracl v? nang ng lao s slanaara on a spreacner D ~ O C an0 ~ S can oe Ined l o any o ~ g ooal D ocr Spreachers are oes qned 10 pass shackles (except 596 and 597) to facilitate running new sheets.

The foot blocks sneciallv . . shaned . housino accommodales a u de range ot lead andies Boll spaclng is deslgned to properly spread oaas to me decr slrucl.re

Tedrarop ta~reao olochs are exce lenl mast oase nal,aro edos as tney h010I nes extremely close to the deck and have limited alticulation on their padeye.

Wire and rope riaaino is protecled o, a c i i o l n a t ~ o n groove NhChS.PPOns ooln m3ler al$ erlremely nel

Kevlarnnrl - ...Snectra . .. .line is. prolecleo D, arge o ameter snea.es th speca grooves <!h ch a a:, me ne 10 tlatlen to avo~dstress concentration

T tan .m oocds .se 6-4A -4Volan -m tor the oest poss o~estrenqln 10 ire qnt ral~osThe sulrace 01 titanium blocks is chemically treated atter machinina and vanor honed to 3n atlracl .e carros~on~res slant t n sn Bal s on runner b 0c.s reep I nes on sneaves and the oa Is on stand .p an0 nang ng olocrs are specially designed to allow blocks to articulate close to decks. Runner blocks are offered with a variety of head posts and tangs for attachment of runners and checkstays.

Choose the Right Bearing for the Job Big boat sheaves and blocks are offered with three types of bearing systems. Match the sheave type to your application. Ball bearings are the freest running system, but they have the lowest load carrying ability. Use ball bearing blocks whenever the load will permit. Roller bearings can carry more load than ball bearings, but they have more friction at low loads. We combine rollers with balls, which carry the twisting side loads of sheaves, in our standard big boat hardware. This is a very free rolling system for moderate and high loads. Sometimes the load is too high even for roller bearings. This is usually the case when the size of a sheave must be kept to a minimum and will not permit enough rollers to carry the load. Good examples are masthead sheaves and runner block sheaves. For these very high load applications we use a Teflon impregnated bushing combined with side load balls in our hi-load combination bearing. These bearings produce more friction than balls or rollers at low loads and should only be used when space will not permit a roller bearing sheave.

Slano .p olocks can p~volin a I d recl ons an0 SW re free, or be locred .n lront or side positions. unique, attractive stand up device allows blocks to follow even light loads freely.

Breakino Strength The loadat which fastening bolts will shear, shackles will break, ot the block will experience some other catastrophic failure. At this load there may be permanent deformation of the sheave, sideplates and bearings. For hardware where customers may provide mounting hardware, breaking strengths are based on type 1818 stainless steel. Shackles and bolts must be replaced with substitutes with the same strength in order to maintain rated breaking strengths. Safe Working Load A rating based on 50% of the breaking strength. Safe working load provides a margin of safety and should never be exceeded. 2%Friction Loss Load This rating, which is a Harken exclusive, defines the performance of big boat hardware. It is the load at which a sheave will roll freely. When the load is increased beyond this point, the sheave will still roll, but friction loss will exceed 2% of the load. On double blocks, 2% friction loss load is per sheave.


Boat Length

28-33' (0.5-10111) -

p P

34-39' (10.3-11.9111)


40-45' (12.2-13.7111)

Mainsheet Traveler Track p





~ ~p~~ ~ p ~



Mainsheet Traveler Car -

p p p


Mainsheet Blocks

Small Boat Blocks**

Small Boat Blocks*' Mid-range Blocks

219 Mid-Range Organizers

Mid-Range Organizers

ri Single Genoa Foot Blocks


Double Genoa Foot Blocks


p p

Genoa Lead Cars Genoa Lead Track



Genoa Lead Cars Adjuster Turn~ngBlock (13 system)'*'*'

Spinnaker Masthead Halyard Block Spreacher Blocks Afterguy Blocks

Deflection Block


Mast Base Halyard Lead Blocks


Halyard Lead Blocks & Deck Organizers Narrow Masthead




Running Backstay Flying Block"' Running Backstay Deck Block '"*




Mid-range Blocks BoatK300. OC BigCO"


46-50' (14-15.25 m)

51-55' (15.5-16.7 m)

56-60' (17-18.3 m)

61-65' (18.6-19.8 m)

66-70' (20-21.4 m)


516 560 758

516 560 758

516 560 758 1701


660 1701


558 21515s

558 21515s

21515s 21558s 1700 1704 1705 1708

1700 1704 I7O5 I7O8

6 6 5 6 7 8 679 751 Custom 1700 1704 1705

s5 678 679 751 Custom

Bi Boat 3.00" j.00' 586

4.00" 4.50" 586


4.50" 5.50" 1708

5.50" 681 751 1708

5.50' 7.00' 681 751 A

509 513

509 510 513 514

510 514 535 536

535 536

535 536


531 532

531 532 533 534

533 534 537 538

537 538

537 538



554 587






516 680 758 759

516 680 758 759

516 680 1701 1706 758 759

1701 1706

660 661 1701 1706

660 661

511 653

511 653

508 512

508 512

508 512

509 513

539 541 588 649

539 541

539 541 543 545

543 545

543 545 604 684

604 684




556 583

593 594 596 597

593 594 596 597

593 594 596 597



672 673 1720 1721 1722 1723

672 673 674 675 1722 1723

674 675 676 677 1722 1223

676 677 1724 1725

676 677 1724 1725


508 511 512 653

508 512

508 512

508 509 512 513

509 513

509 510 513 514

539 541 549 647 672 673 674 675 1712 1713

539 541 674 675 1714 1715

539 541 543 545 674 675 676 677 1714 1715

543 545 676 677 1716 1717

543 545 604 676 677 684 1716 1717


724 725 726

511 653

508 511 512 653

508 512

508 509 512 513

508 509 512 513

692 693 718 719

692 693 694 718 719 720

693 694 719 720

693 694 695 719 720 721

694 695 720 721

695 721




Hardware specifications are for masthead boats of modern configuration. Fractionally rigged boats or boats with heavy or light displacement mav reauire different hardware. Boats at the umer end of each size ranae should use the laraer of the blocks shown. Please contact a hardware coisultant at Harken if vou have auestions reaardina the suitabilitv of a i v hardware for vour"boat. Hardware is soecified bv, Dart number where , possible. Your needs may require'a similar block of different cohiguraion. " Choose from blocks shown on pages 20 through 36. ***. Assumes that runner purchase is 2:1 with runner tail deadended on a separate padeye rather than on a becket block. '** Running backstay blocks must be matched to the breaking See system diagrams on pages 206 and 207 for suggested strength of the runner wire. multiple purchase systems. 49 ~












225"H I 4OAD , 2.25hi-load ' blocks are designed for applications where the need for a small, light big boat block outweighs the need for low friction at low loads. Hi-load blocks use a special bearing system which combines side load carrying balls with a Teflon composite bushing to carry the radial loads. While not as free rolling as the standard Harken balllroller bearing system, this hi-load bearing system is extremely durable and well suited to applications where a small diameter block must carry high loads. 2.25' hi-load blocks are well suited to applications like spinnaker tweaker blocks and genoa barberhauls where size and weight are the primary considerations.They should not be used for applications like rnainsheets. The sideplate on the 1754 and 1755 opens to accept lines and they are perfect for tweakers or barberhaulers. Common SpecMsalions Sheave dia - 21N (57 mm) Shackle pin dia- Ms"(8 mm) Max line size - 1"', (l2mm) Max wire size - 3'1s" (8 mm) AdditionalInfomalion- See pages 46 and 47 for an explanation ol special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses. 50 Special features Threeway head system Hi-load bearing system Removable beckets

sm ""ogeri NO. ption Single

Wire Rope 1747 Single Kevlar Spectra 1748 Singlewhcket Wire Rope 1749 Sklgle whcket etvlar Spectra 1750 Double Wire Rope 1751 Double Kevlar Spectra 1752 Faitlead Wire Rope 1753 Faitlead Kevlar Spectra 1754 hitlead w/opening Wire sawlate Rope 1755 Faitlead wlopening Kevlar 1746

LWCI 5'116'

138 mm 5'Af 138 mm 6%' 169mm


W*IM 12 oz 340 g 1201 340 g 1301 3698


1301 3699

5'Af 138 mm 5

5390 19 az

138mm 3'~' 89mm 3%' 89 mm 3ln' 89mm 3'n'


5399 9 02 2559 902

255 g

9 02 2559 902

WOIMW Load 3WO lbs 1361 kg 3WOIbs 1361 kg 3WOlbs 1361 kg 3WO1bs 1361 kg

WW lb 2722 kg WWlbs 2722 kg WMlbs 2722 kg m b ls 2722 kg

3WOlbs 1361 kg 3WO lbs 1361 kg 25W lbs 1134 kg 25Qllbs 1134 kg 2501 lbs 1134 kg 2wlbs

WWlbs 2722 kg WW lbs 2722 kg 5WO lbs 2288 kg 5WOlbs 2268 kg mlbs 2268 kg 5WOlbs

3 3aollBlG BOAT BLOCKS I 3.0~ big boat blocks are extremely popular on smaller offshore boats where they are used on mainsheets, running backstays. halyards, and spinnaker sheets and guys. They are also used extensively on larger boats for such applications as reefing blocks and traveler control blocks. Spcrclal Fealurss Three-way head system Rollerlball bearing system Removable beckets Stand-ups swivel and pivot

Common Specifications Sheave dia - 3' (76 mm) Shackle pin dia- 5/16" (8 mm) 2% friction load -3000 lbs (1361 kg) Max line size - 'R" (12 mm) Max wire size - 5/16" (8 mm) Addlllonallnformation- See pages 46 and 47 for an explanation of special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses. See pages 60through 64 for blocks with stainless steel sideplates.

Pan no. 549

4170" BIG BOAT BLOCKS 4.00" big boat blocks are used when an exceptionally free rolling block is required for moderate loads on offshore boats. 4.00 big boat blocks have many applications on mainsheets, running backstays, spinnaker sheets, afterguys, halyard leads and reefing blocks. SpecIaI Features Three-way head system Rollerhall bearina svstem Removable beck&. Stana-dps swivel and pivot 17-4 PH stainless shackles

Common Specilications Sheave dia - 4" (102 mm) Shackle oin dia - %E". (8 mm) Max llne'slze - 14. (i2'mm) ' Max wlre sue - $76' (8 mm)


2% frlction load 3600 lbs 11633 kal Safe working load 4950 (2245-kg) Breaking strength 9900 lbs (4491 kg) AddltIonalInlormation- See oaoes 46 and 47 for an exolanation of spec~alfeatures. See pages 48 a n i 4 9 f o r suggested uses: See pages 60 througn M for blocks wltn stanless steel sidepjates.


Dssripllon Fairkad




Sinple wheckel




Double whecket

€47 Fairlead €49 Slnpk

650 Sinpk whedret 651



Double wheckel


Stand up


Stand uo


~mmh w i p ~

Wire Rope Wire Rope Wire Rope Wire Rope Wire Rope Kevlar Spectra Kevlar Spectra Kevlar Spectra Kevlar Spectra Kevlar Spectra Wire Rope Kevlar

20 01 567 g 24 oz 680 g 26 02 7378 38 02 1.08 kg 40 oz 1.13 kg 20 02 567 g 24 oz 6809 26% oz 751 g 38 oz 1.08 kg 8%' 40 02 222 mm 1.13 kg 7' 33 or 178mm 936g 7' 32Moz 5%'

146 mm 7'8 191 mm 8311' 222mm 7 184 mm 8%' 222 mm 5311' 146 mm 71n' 191 mm 8%' 222 mm 7%' 184 mm

Fils689.8690 padeyes

%B' (B mm) twlst shackle %s'(8mm) twist shackle Flts 689 8 630 padeyes

Me' (8 mm) twirtshackk 5/16' (8 mm) twstshackk Uses fourMs'(8 mm) FHfasleren Uses lour %'l8 mm1

I4.50 BIG BOAT BLOCKS I 4 . 5 0 big boat blocks are extremely useful for a variety of applications on offshore boats over 45 feet (13.7 m). They are used for rnainsheets, running backstays, spinnaker sheets, foreguys, afterguys, halyard leads and reefing blocks. Special Features Three-way head system Rollerlball bearing system Removable beckets Stand-ups swivel and pivot 17-4 PH stainless shackles

Common Specilications Sheave dia - 47h' (1 14 mm) Shackle pin dia-13hz (10 mm) Max line size -5X (16 mm) Max wire size - %6" (8 mm) 2% friction load -6600 lbs (2994 kg) Safe working load -8250 lbs (3742 kg) Breaking strength - 16500 lbs (7484 kg) Additional lnfomation- See pages 46 and 47 for an explanation of special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses. See pages 60 through 64 for blocks with stainless steel sideplates.

Pan. NO. 539

540 541

Dmcriplion Singk Single wlbecket Single


SpecFa Kevlar Spectra Wire Rope Wlre Rope




45 oz 1.28 kg

248 mm Il'h"

292 mm 9%' 248 mm


Single wlbecket

11% 292 mm


Stand up

Wire Rope

8%' 222 mm


Stand up

Kevlar Spectra

8%' 222 mm

46 oz 1.30 kg 4602

130kg 47 oz 1.33 kg 56 02 1.59 kg 54'h 01 1.55 kg

Use four% (10 mm) FH fasteners Use four % ( l 0 mm) FH fasteners

5.50big'boat blocks are useful on mainsheets of very large offshore boats and for halyards, backstays, reef lines, afterguys and sheets on racing and cruising boats over 50 feet (15 m). The large diameter sheave protects wire and rope while the very high breaking strength makes 5.50' big boat blocks suitable for extremely heavy loads.

Common SpeclIlcaUons Sheave dia -5M' 140 mm) Shackle pin dia -&32' (12 mm) Max line size- %' (19 mm) Max wire size -%6' (8 mm) 2% friction load -8800 lbs (3992 kg) Safe working load - 10500 lbs (4763 kg) Breaking strength - 21000 lbs (9256 kg) Addnlonsl Infomatlon- See pages 46 and 47 for an explanation of special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses. See pages 60 through 64 for blocks with stainless steel sideplates. 54 Spclal F ~ a t m Three-way head system Rollerhall bearing system Removable beckets Stand-ups swivel and pivot 17-4 PH stainless shackles





Single wmcckd




676 677

Single wmackat

Slandup Slanduo


Kwlar Specin Kevlar specin Wire Rope Wire Rope Wire Rope KWr

11' 279mm 13' 330mm 11' 279mm 13' 330mm

9W 248 mm


W~lP* 6302

1.79kp 68 m 1.93kp

65m 1.84 kg

69m l.96kp 7202 UsefwrW(10mm) 2.04 kg FH fastoners 70 02 UssfwrM'i10 mm)



These enormous blocks were originally designed for use on offshore racing catamarans over 70 feet (21 m) and are ideal for use on very large cruising boats or wherever an exceptionally free running block capable of handling extreme loads is required.


Three-way head system Roller/bal oearing system Removable beckets 17-4 PH stainless snackles Stand-uos swivel and oivot C o r n ~ ~ p s c , l i & 7.WBImks 8.00" Blacks Sheave dia 7' (178 mm) 8' (203 mm) %'(l6 mm) 25h2' (20 min) Shackle pin dia Max line size W (19 mm) 3-4' (19 mm) Max wire size %B" (8 mm) W (10 mm) 2% frict80nload 13CObIbs (5897 kg) 190W 10s (8618 ~ g ) Safe working load - 16500 lbs (7485 kg) 24250 los (11000 kg) Breakino strenoth 42000lbs 119051 ko) 61500 10s 127896 ka) AddMohl lnlinnation -See pages 46 and-47 for an exphnation $ special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses.



Sheme W4



7.00'singie whedrel




7.00' sinole wbeckst


8.00' sinole


8.00' siqle wlbecket


&W single


&W single wheckel




Kevb Spectra Kevlar Spectra Wire Rope Wire Rope Wlar Spectra Keviar Spectra Wire Rope Wire

14%' 368mm 16%' 425 mm 14lfi 368 mm

14302 4.05kg 151 02 4.28 kg 14502 4.11 lq


425rim 16%' 413mm 18' 457mm 16W 413mm 18'

153 - - 01 -.

4.34 kp 234 oz 6.63 kq 241 02 6.83kq 237 02 6.71 kg 244 01

. . - -. . . - -


T h e loads on foot blocks are some of the highest that the running rigging can impose on a piece of marine hardware. Because of the magnitude of these forces, energy lost in the form of friction can be substantial. Free running Harken big boat foot blocks use the Torlon balliroller bearing system to substantially reduce friction. 3.00" foot blocks with lockoffs allow sheets to be locked off to free winches during sail changes. 2.25"foot blocks use the hi-load combination bearing system and are designed for installations where the need for a compact foot block outweighs the need for very low friction. Special Features

Polished bolts and washers Large swallows pass hockles Bolt pattem spreads load Addilionallnformation- See page 46 and 47 for an explanation of special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses. See pages 60 through 64 for blocks with stainless steel sideplates. See page 59 for foot block hole spacing.

LarQe swallows allow rheetr and twists to pass easly


shnavn Dhmhr Ornore

535 Singk

8' 203mm

536 Single

8' 203mm

537 Double 538 Double 601 Sinpk

8' 203 mm 8' 2Wmm 1W 254 mm 10'

mximum SIZB Llns Wln

Kevlar W Spectra 19mm wire W Rope 19mm Kevbr W Spectn l 9 mm Wire W Rope 19mm Wire 1' Rope 25mm



8mm %6'


r)renll Lenglh


am :,"PI; Walldq

11%' 302 mm 11% 302mm

l 44 mm 1~ 44mm

14702 417ku 14702 4.17kg

1WODIbs 8618 kg 1 ~ ~ 1 8618kg

300001bs MlWOlbs l3W9 kg 27218kg b3 s~ m l b ~W W O I ~ S 13W9kg 27218kp

1 302mm 11%' 302mm 1916' 397mm

3 B3mm 3 mmm 1W Mmm

26202 7.43k9

19WOlbs 8618ko lsWOlbs 8618 kg 24WOlbs 10886kg

2WWlbs W71 kg m l b s W71 kp 430Wlbs 19Wko


7.43 kg 23001 6.52kg

Fadenonincwed (Sal FYgl W k r h * l m r ~ n ~ )

~SbenlM fmhlng

4W001bs 18144kg 4WOOlbs 18144kg 88Waibs 38969b


1 -W (12 mm) x 3 W (Wmm) 6-'h'(12mm)x41X(114mm)

l-W(12mm)x3W(Wmm) 6-1X(12mm)x6'(152mm) 1 - W ( l 6 m m ) x 3 W (Wmrn) 8-W(16mm)x4W(ll4mm)


2 25'(57 mm), 3.W'(76 mm) Foot Blocks 51 1,528.552 553,653 654 768 769 1739.1740 1756.1757 1758,1759



e 8.00' (203 mm) Foot B o c 6 535.536.537.538.776 777

C 4.50' (114 mm), 5.5W (140 mm). 7.00' (178 mm) Fool Blocks 508,509,510,512,513,514,529,530, 531,532,533,534,770,771,772,773, 774.775 Pad WO.

1756,1757 1756,1759 511,526,552,553,653 654.768.169.1739.1740 5%. 512,529 530,770,771 509,513,531 532,772, m 510,514,533 534,774,775 535,536,537 536,776,777 €41,602 1742,1743

3.00'(76 mm). C ( 1 0 0 mm), 4.50'(114 mm). S.W'(I27 mm). 5.50'(140 mm), 6 00'(152 mm) Stand Jo B o c 6 - 670 671 672.673.674.

lO.Oo'(254 mm) ~ o o~t ~ o c k s 601,602,1742,1743




2% Wmm


'nu' 11 mm

W 16mm

W 16mm

W 19mm

W 19 mm


76 mm 3'Ma' 1Wmm 4%' 112mm 5 W 131 mm




%S. 11 mm

4%~' 125mm 5% 143mm 7W 184mm 6W 165 mm



22 mm

229 mm



22mm %' 22mm 17As' 37mm


14 mm


W 18mm 1%' 26mm l'nd 37mm 1%' 48 mm



2% 57mm 3' 76mm 4% 114mm 5'h' 140mm

3M' 69mm 4%' 116mm 6W 165mm

7%' 192mm




241 mm IlW 302mm 15W 397 mm


203 mm 10' 254 mm

Fasteners included - See page 85


Length Weight

Marinvm Size RePO

":;F Load


Bmakin~ lluminum S"8wh Equiralsm



4 50' (114 mm) Single

9% 68 01 $8. k6' 248 mm 1.95 kg 16 mm 8 mm

6EQ0 Ibs 2994 kg

8250 1bs 165W IbS 3742 kg 7484 kg



4.50'(114mm) Single wmeckel

11M 7702 292 mm 2.2 kg

Ss' Sns' 16 mm 8 mm

6MX1 Ibs 2994 kg

8250lbs 16500lbs 3742 kg 7484 kg


1737 4.50" (114mm) Stand up

83;' 74 oz 222 mm 2.1 kg


6600 lbs 2994 kg

8250 ibs 16500 lbs 3742 kg 7484 kg


16mm 8 mm

970z SA' We' 779 4.50TJ.00' (114 mm1 14h' 76 mm) Spreacher 362 mm 2.75 kg 16 mm 8 mm

6600lbs 2994 kg

8250 lbs 16500lbs 3742 kg 7484 kg


766 5.50' (140 mm) Single

11' 95or 4 %B' 279 mm 2.71 kg 19 mm 8 mm

8800lbs 3992 kg

105001bs 210001bs 4763 kg 9256 kg


767 5.50' (140 mm) Single wlbecket

l 103oz Yi W6' 330 mm 2.92 kg 19 mm 8 mm

88001bs 3992 kg

105001bS 210001bS 4763 kg 9256 kg


1738 5.50' (140 mm) Stand up

9 % " 10401 3/1 6 ' 248 mm 2.95 kg 19 mm 8 mm

8800lbs 3992 kg

105001bs 210001bs 4763 kg 9256 kg


578 Two sheave deck organizer

7Ms' 156mm

4950 1bs 9900 1bs 2245 kg 4491 kg 7425 lbr 14850 lbs


29 or 8220




12mm 8 m m


"' M.



8.00' (203 mm) Foal block 777 8.W (2(13 mm) Ooubla I o n black 1742 1 0 . ~ ' ( 2 5 4mm) Fool block 1743 lO.W'(254 mm) Double fOOt block

11% 302mm 1%' 302mm 15%' 397 mm 15% 397mm

5.76kg 346 01 9.81 kg 348 02 9.87 kg 604 02 17.12k~



W& Load

Bmakinp Strsn#h

Aluminurn Equivalent

190001bs 8618kp 19OWlbs 8616 kg 240001bs 10886 kg 24WO ibs 1W6kg

3OWOlbs 13W9kg 200Wlbs 9073 kg 430W lbs 19484 kg 28667 ibs 13004kp

600001bs 27218kfl 40000ibs 18145 kg 86000lbs 38969 kg 57333 lbs 26W8kg


Lllrlrnurn Slzl


203 01







19mm 1' 25 mm 1' 25mm

8mm 74

12 mm 12mm

536 W1 602

Fadenun Included (&a Paw 59lor Fasbnar Spacing) l-M'(12mm)x3~4'(90mm) 6-M'(12 mm) x411'(114 mm) 1 -M' (12 mm) x 3'4' (90 mm) 6-W(12mm)x6'(152mm) 1 - 58' (16 mm) x 3'X (90 mm) 6-SX(16mm)x4W(114mm) 1 58' (16 mm) x 3'X (90 mm) 6-58'(16mm)x6(152mm~



S t a nless steel T track IS des~gnedfor l ~ x u r ycruisers and cru serlracers. The track 1s pollshed to a mirror-like fin~shand chemically treateo to resist corrosion even in tropical saltwater. Sta~nlesstracm IS available in three metric sizes s~itablefor boats from 33 to 140 feet (9.5 to 42 m). Tracks feature an integral riser and have two pin stop holes between each fastener to facilitate fine adjustment of cars. Track end stops prevent cars from coming off of tracks, dress the trackends, and prevent lines from snagging. They are also highly polished stainless. Tracks are available in two standard lengths, 2.4 m (7'1 0th') and 4 m (13'l%r"), or may be ordered cut to length with the ends polished. ~~~~~~~

Speeial Featutas Mirror like finish Corrosion resistant alloy Integral riser Pin stop holes at close intervals Common SpecMcatlons Fastener Hole Spacing - 100 mm (31V16") Pin Stop Hole Spacing -50 mm (11%') Ordering l n l ~ ~ m t i o n To - order track cut to length with the ends polished, add part number 1822 to the order and specify exact length desired. Due to hole placements, it may be necessary to slightly modify the length you request.

1833 1834 1836




26mm 1% 29mm




3' 76mm 3% 86mm 2%'





'MS' 20 mm

43 ollff

39' FH 10mmFH l$ FH 12mm FH 548' FH 8 mmFH




40 mm Stainless T track 50 mm Stainless T track 32 mm Stainless T track

1kd 40 mm 1'516' 50 mm





8 mm W lOmm

12 mm ks' 15 mm we' 8 mm

20 mm 1. 25 mm



WFH 10mm FH Ih'FH 12mmFH %B' FH

End slop for 40mmTtrack End h p f o r %m l mTarlck End stop for

1701 4820 2501

709g 6 oz


1BM 1831 1835

l1 4 '


32 mm

6 mm






25 mm



8 mm


4 kgm M ollff 5.92 kwm 26 ollff 24Wm

Rronmmtbd Slop Pln Ollrnel*




16mm # ' 10 mm

SPREACHER BLOCKS Spreachers are ideal spinnaker sheet lead blocks for offshore boats. The double in-line sheave configuration permits use of the block for blooper and reacher sheets and simplifies inside-out spinnaker changes. Harken spreachers feature large diameter sheaves riding on our exclusive Torlon rollerhall bearing system for minimal friction and maximum sheet protection. The secondary sheave on the 722 and 723 uses a high load bearing which insures that, despite its small diameter, the sheave can handle even the high loads of reaching in heavy air. Spreachers are designed to pass shackles through the swallows of both sheaves (except 596 and 597) to facilitate leading new sheets during sail changes. Special Faaluras Hanging tab Three-way head system Rollerlball bearing system Kevlar or wirelrope sheaves Addilionallntomtion- See pages 46 and 47 for an explanation of special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses. See pages 60 through 64 for blocks with stainless sted sideplates, 65


Running backstay blocks must be extremely strong and reliable but they must also be as small and light as possible. Harken's runner blocks offer reliability and strength in lightweight, compact blocks. Titanium runner blocks are state of the art hardware for serious offshore boats. After years of effort in our Custom Division, we have perfected the art of machining and welding 6-4 titanium to the point where we can offer production fittings of this high-tech material. Titankm has unique properties wnich make it eminent y sdtable for sailboat hardware. It is v~rtuallvcorrosion Droof and has amazing strength coupled with low weight:~ven massproduced, however, the cost of titanium cannot be justified for every fitting. Runner blocks are one case where titanium's advantages are cost effective. The lightweight sideplates allow us to use larger sheaves to protect runner tails and still produce the lightest block possible. The alurninum sheaves have lightening holes and our high load composite/ball combination bearing. Stainless steel runner blocks are designed for IMS boats and boats that prefer the rich look of polished stainless. They are computer designed to optimize weight. All blocks are sold without heads. Choose a tang plate or shackle post head to suit your needs. ~



S h a c k Posts



Tang ~ h $


Chowin# Runner Mocks Runner blocks must be sized according to tne runner and


W checkstay wire or rod size. Match the breaking strength of the

runner wire or rod to the breaking strength of the block. When a checkstay, or lower runner, is used, add 25% of the breaking strength of the checkstay to the breaking strength of the runner. For deck mounted runner blocks, calculate load plus the multiplier factor based on the angle of deflection, usually 164% of load based on 110' of deflection. See page 201 for commom wire and rod breaking strengths.

Special Featwu Hi-load sheaves Computer designed sideplates 17-4 PH stainless shackles Addiiiorrallnfomtlon- See pages 46 and 47 for an explanation of special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses. 66




740 747



Shean 81wm D I ~ ~ M L I ormw


shad;k past front orside 3'Stainless

3' 76 mm

737.738 737.738







Kevlar Spectra

SO00 ibs 2268 kg

IWW lbs 4544


7 02

198u 3 02

14 oz

Plrt 1857 1858 1853 1854 1855 1856


Stainless siwle

l02 mm

Stainless singk

102 mm

Stainless singk


Stainless single

127 mm

4' 5' 5'

DBE~IPUO~ Tang plate Tang plate





Pln Dlamebar


1853 1854

5'h oz 1564





1855 1856

9 01 255 g




l 1 mm

Wire Rope

6250lbs 2835 kg

125001bs 5670 kg

2002 567 g


Perpendicular sha&le post

1853 1854

l001 280 g

Kevlar Spectra

6250lbs 2835 kg

125001bs 5670 kg

2002 567 g


Parallel shackle post

1853 1854

l001 280 g

Wire Rope

9500lbs 4310 kg

190001bs 8618 kg

3002 851 Q


Peroendicular sha'ckle post

1855 1856

13 01 369 g

Kevlar Spectra

9500 lbs 4310 kg

190001bs 8618 kg

3002 851 Q










Trtanium single

76 mm


2268 kg

4544 kg


Titanium single

5000lbs 2268 kg

IOWOlbs 4544 kg

l 1 oz 312 g


76 mm

Wire Rope

Ttanium single

4' 102mm

Kevlar Spectra

6250 lbs 2835 kg

125WIbs 5670 kg

15 02 4259


Perpendicular shackle post

7%. 797

697 Titanium single


Wire Rope

6250lbs 2835 kg

125WIbs 5670 kg

1502 4259


Parallel shackk post



5 02 1429

Kevlar Spectra

6250lbs 2835 kg

125001bs 5670 kg

1701 482 Q


102 mm

Perpendicular shackle posl

696.697 705.706

7 02 198 g

4' 102 mm

Wlre Rope

6250lbs 2835 kg

125001bS 5670 kg

1702 482 kg


Parallel Shackle post

6%. 697 705,706

7 oz 198 g


Kevlar Spectra

109001bs 4944 kg

21800 lbs 9888 k g ~

28 02 794 g


127 mm

Perpendicular Shackle posl

698,699 707,708

14 02 397 g




21800 lbs

28 02




14 oz

Titanium beckei

218001bs 9888 kg

Tang plate


109001bs 4944 kg


127 mm

936 g

6%. 697 705.706

85 g

708 Titanium becket



109W lbs 4944 kg

21800 Ibs 9888 kg

33 oz 9369

698, 699 707.708






Tang plate

749 Tang plate


WWlht 2m 57 9 5 02 1429

Runnor Pln Dlamslnr 1/16'


ChnrM* Pln Dlammr 'h 6 mm

he',W.1/16', Ih.

8 mm, 10 mm, 12 mm %. ks'.h'.h'

W,'/ls., lOmm,l2mm

6 mm. 8 mm, 10mm.12mm

, . l'


Sheave Diamaer


Safe Working

Load 700



Kevlar Spectra

14300 lbs 6486 kg

28600ibs 12973 kg

40 oz 1.13 kg


Wlre Rope

14300 Ibs 6486 kg

2860Oibs 12973 kg

40 oz 1.13 kg

Titanium becket

6' 152 mm

Kevlar Spectra

14300 ibs 6486 kg

286001bs 12973 kg

48 m 1.36 kg


Perpendicular shaclde p8

7W. 701 709.710

l 8 oz 5109

Titanium becket


Wire Rope

14300lbs M86 kg

286001bs 12973 kg

48 oz 1.36 kg



Parallel shacbe post

7W.701 7W.710

1802 5109

Tang late

7W. 701 7W.710

6 02 17Og

Titanium single

152 mm

Titanium single

709 710


; ;





1726 Titanium single


1727 Tllanium single



Wire Rope

24250 lbs 11000 kg

485001bs 21999 kg

58 oz 1.64 kg


Keviar Spectra

24250 lbs 11000 kg

485001bs 21999 kg

1730 Perpendicular shackle post 1731 Parallel shackle p s l

1726,1727 47 02 1728. 1729 1.33 kg 1726,1727 47 01 1728,1729 1 33 kg

1732 Tang plate

1726. 1727 1728.1729

1728 Titanium becket


Wire Rope

242501bs 11000 kg

485001bs 21999 kg

58 oz l M kg 7001 1.98 kg

1729 Titanium



24250 lbs


70 oz



12 oz 3409


3 , h ,6



, 5%'

W.W .M.

12mm.14mm.16mm lomm, 12mm


W. %'

19mm.22 mm

12 mm, 16mm


BLOCKS T&nium swivel blocks are designed for nocompromise boats which are looking for the ultimate in high-strength, lightweight hardware. Titanium has unique properties which make it eminently suitable for sailboat hardware. It is virtually corrosion proof and has amazing strength coupled with low weight. The lightweight sideplates and heads are 6-4AL titanium for the best strength. The bails are shaped to hold sheets on the blocks while permitting the block to articulate close to the deck. Shackle heads are designed to swivel to insure fair leads and feature the three-way head system which allows the block to be locked in a front or side shackle configuration to prevent twists. The aluminum sheaves have lightening holes and our high load composite1 ball combination bearing. Titanium swivel blocks are available in four sizes with either wirelrope or KevlarISpectra grooves. They are used for many functions on boats from 33 feet (10 m) including, running backstays, mainsheets, spinnaker sheets and guys, halyard leads and control lines. Special Features Hi-load - - - sheaves - ~- ~Computer aesignea s~depales KevlarIS~ectraor wire/roDe sheaves 17-4 PH.stainless shackles Additional lnfonnation - See pages 46 and 47 for an explanation of special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses. 70


1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717

3' 76mm 3' 76mm 4' 100 mm 4' 100 mm 5' 127mm 5' 127mm 6' 152mm 6'

Kevlar Spectra Wire Rope Keviar Spectra Wire Rope Kevbr Spectra Wire Rope Kevbr Spectra Wire

6%d 164mm 6%' 164mm 8%' 208mm 8%~' 208mm 1 W 264mm 1 W 264mm 127,s' 327mm l

14 02 397g




397~ 23 02 662g 2302 652~






'h' 12mm 12mm

%V' 8mm



1.33kg 4702 1.33kg

16mm 59' 16mm




l 58 oz




Vs' 8mm


L " " .

5OWlbs 2268 kg 5OWIbs 2268kg 62501bs 2B35 kp 62Mlbs 2835kg IOW0 1bS 4920 kg 1OWOibs 4920kg 14300ibs 6493 kg

lOOWlb 4544 kg lWWlb 4544 kg 125W lb 5670 kg 125Wlb 5670 kg 218W lbS 969l ko 218Wlbs 9890kg 28600 lb 12975 kg

T t a n i u m stand up blocks are designed for state-of-the-art boats which need the strongest, lightest gear possible. The titanium sideplates and heads are 6-4 titanium for ultimate strength. The block swivel heads are captive on a titanium padeye for the lowest possible lead with full articulation and the stand up device allows the block to follow leads even in light air. Bails are ShaDed to hold sheets on the blocks while permitting the block to pivot close to the deck. The aluminum sheaves have lightening holes and our high load composite/ball combination bearing. Titanium stand up blocks are available in four sizes with either wirelmpe or Kevlarfipectra grooves. They are used for many functions on boats from 33feet (l0 m) including mainsheets, running backstays, spinnaker guys, halyard leads and control lines.

' m

Special Features Hi-load sheaves Computer designed sideplates KevlarISpectra or wirelrope sheaves Stand up base Integral padeye Additional Inlormation- See pages 46 and 47 for an explanation of special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses.

B g boat sheaves are the foundation upon which big boat blocks are built. They are offered separately to give boat owners high quality sheaves for special applications. Big boat sheaves feature the Harken balllroller bearing system in which Torlon rollers carry the high radial loads while Delrin balls support side loads. Groove shapes are available to .~rooerlv . . suooort . . KevlarISoectra. rope or wire running rigging. Wide sheaves' feature combination gmoves which will handle any material. When choosing big boat sheaves, care should be taken to choose a sheave based upon load carrying capability rather than physical dimensions. Speclal Features Torlon rollerhall bearing system Hardkote anodized, Teflon impregnated 6061-T6Aluminum KevlarISpectra, or wirelrope gmoves Addlllonallnhwnalfon- See pages 46 and 47 for an explanation of special features.


655 656

3' Kevlar 76mm 22mm Spectra

3WO lbs 1361 kg

4950 lbs 2245 kg

9900 1bs 4491 kg







4950 1bs

9900 Ibs






6 02 1700 1002


2% Friction WOUng


Center Hols

Faslangs Fastener

Diameter Width


? l 178 mm 29 mm

Kevlar Spectra

13000 lbs 26500 Ibs 53000 Ibs 5897 kg 12020kg 24041 kg


'W 12 mm

2'4' M mm


7 lfh 178 mm 29mm

Wire Rope

13000lbs 26500lbs 530W lbs 5897 kg 12020 kg 24041 kg

11h 38 mm

'W 12mm

2'K 4501 64 mm - 1.28 kg


0, l 203 mm 32 mm

Wire Rope

19000 lbs 44000 Ibs 88000 Ibs 8618 kg 19958 kg 39917 kg

2'h 57 mm

'W 12 mm

3 83mm

65 01 1.84 kg


3%' 83 mm

63 02 1.79 kg

Load 503





43 or 1.22 kg ~

p -

522 600

8 1 203 mm 32 mm

Kevlar Spectra

19000 lbs 44000 lbs 88000 lbs 2'A" 8618 kg 19958 kg 39917 kg_ 57 mm

12 mm

10" l 254mm 32mm


24WOlbs 500001bs 1000001bs 3 " k ' 10886kg 22680ko 45360kg 34mm




p -

3' 1%" Combination 76mm 40mm

70001bs 3175 kg




10 mm


10" l 254mm 32 mm

24000lbs 50000lbs 100000 lbs 3 " h 10886 kg 22680 kg 45360 kg 34 mm

l4' 12 mm


21W 1%" Comblnalion 64mm 32mm


Kevlar Spectra

12001bs 544 kg

49501bs 2245 kg

99001bs 4491 kg

20001bs 4000ibs 907 kg J j4 kg





4%' 10202 121-mm 289kg 1002 284 g 4%i 121 mm p

104 02 2.95 kg 6 oz 170g



41,9 1 W Combioat~on 130001bs 14850lbs 297001bs 114 mm 41 mm 5897 kg 6736 kg 13472 kg



19 mm

10 mm

i3X 35 mm

2502 709 g 7 or

Hi-load sheaves are the heart of our standard running backstay blocks and big boat deck organizers. They are offered separately for replacements and for use in special applications which require a very strong, compact sheave. They are popular for use in masts and booms and for through-the-transom running backstay installations. Hi-load sheaves use a special bearing system which combines side load carrying balls with a Teflon composite bushing to carry the radial loads. While not as free rolling as the standard Harken ball/roller bearing system, this hi-load bearing system is extremely durable and well suited to applications which must carry very high loads in a restricted diameter. Breaking strengths are based on the use of solid 304 stainless steel shafts. Special Features Liahtenino holes ~izloadbearing system Additionallntormatlon-See pages 46 and 47 for an explanation of special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses.



Harken's narrow halyard and steering sheaves are specifically designed for masthead and steering system installations where size and weight are critical considerations. Narrow halyard and steering sheaves are computer designed, use 6061-T6aluminum, and feature lightening holes for maximum weight savings. The use of these sheaves in mastheads improves sail handling remarkably, speeding sail changes and allowing the use of smaller, lighter halyard winches. When used in steering systems, these sheaves return crucial "feel" to wheel steered boats. Because halyard and steering sheaves are subjected to very high loading, they feature a special bearing system which combines side load carrying balls with aTefion composite bushing to carry the radial loads. While not as free rolling as the standard Harken balllroller bearing system, this high load bearing system is extremely durable and well suited to masthead and steering installations. Breaking strengths are based on a solid shaft of type 304 stainless steel. This strength will vary if other shaft materials are used. Special Features Lightening holes Hi-load bearing system Narrow width AdditIona1 Information- See pages 46 and 47 for an explanation of special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses.




Steering sheaves are designed to put the "feel" back into boats with wheel steering. They lead the steering cablesfrom the wheel to the quadrant and reduce friction in this highly loaded system to a minimum. Since steering sheaves are placed in the weight sensitive afl end of the boat, we use our 692 and 694 lightweight narrow sheaves. These sheavesfeaturea hi-load bearing system which combines side load carrying balls with a Teflon composite bushing to support the radial loads. There are four stainless brackets available for mounting steering sheaves. Pivoting brackets will lay over 45" to simplify alignment of the steering cables with the sheaves and quadrant. Fixed brackets are lighter and lower. All brackets feature bolt slots so that they can be twisted up to 10" for better alignment after installation. Special Features 316 stainless steel brackets

Large diameter sheaves Hi-load bearings AdditlomllnlormaflPn-See pages 46 and 47 for an explanation of special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses.

"No.h o l m i d i o n



785 C ( 1 M mm) Steering sheave wnixed bracket

WIS' 110mm

3%' 95mm

sheam wniiled bra& 88 6' (152 mm) Steeriy


116mm 5%' ..-





3'48' 78mm

1902 5399

9iim --3%

1.1 kg 45 W

.- --

Max ~ i r s Size

Sab working


SWOlbs 2258 kg

8 mm







6xMe'HH 6x8mmHH



3402kg 5000lbs

IOOWlbs 4535 kg

."""" ,"" 6804kg lWWlbs


2Xx2W 67mmx54n



s " '

Rwnded teeth M11m t cut or tear line they hold by squesziw l i e , nat cuttlnp Into it.


smooth V Wtry M S line in when oarn


Super strong cams made ol ~ H a r d k o t Tdlon e impreamled tie cast aluminurn.

A sps$l spring made a1the fin& sprlnp material in the world. CornpletEiy nowmrms'm.

Drain hole allows tnpped water to escape.


Hardkote Tarn immnated be cast aluminurn base has fairlno for srnooln m t v d ne and s nsm JPSO ra can pull lhe m e In wnnon scrapmn~knrklss

150,280 Three rows of DelrinB ball karings distribute high loads evenly and aUmr cams to rolate srnoolhiy and easily

BALL BEARING CAM-MATIC" CLEATS & ACCESSORIES The Cam-Matic ball bearing cam cleat is the most significant product design since the ball bearing block. They open so freely, grip so securely, and release so easily that they are 'fully automatic.' Ball bearings allow the jaws to open smoothly even under high loads so lines can be engaged or released without the need to draw the line through the cleat. Lack of friction allows the use of light springs so the cleats open even more freely and the teeth do not have to be sharp so line lasts longer. There are four sizes of Harken Cam-Matic cleats for boats from the smallest dinghys to large offshore boats. The 279 micro Cam-Matic is designed for small control lines. The aluminum teeth wear well with the hard, small lines favored by dinghy sailors. The 11/16' (27 mm) hole spacing allows cleats to be spaced close together and is perfect for use where many control lines lead to a small area. The all-plastic 200 low profile Cam-Matic is a lightweight cleat for small or medium sized line. Use it when the load is low and adjustment is infrequent. Avoid the 200 when line is drawn through the jaws during adjustment. The 150 Cam-Matic is used for high loads and for applications where the line is adjusted often or is drawn through the jaws during adjustment. The aluminum base and jaws make it a strong, durable cleat. The 280 offshore Cam-Matic was designed to complement the 7R

mid-range series of blocks. It will accommodate line to 518' (16 mm) and will give rugged service in high load situations. Eyestraps and taldeads There are four eyestraps to provide a fairlead on cams and to hold the line at the cleat when not in use. The 284 wire fairlead can be used with the 279 micro cleat to place the fairlead ahead of the cam. The 201 may be fitted to the 150 when a low profile fairlead is desired and the line is no largerthan %6' (8 mm). Wedges and risers A wedge kit is available for each cam so cleats can be angled 15" for better leads in special situations. The 150,200 and 279 cleats can also be fitted to either flat or 15 angled risers to provide proper leads. Each wedge and angled riser includes an under-deck shim to provide a properly angled mounting surface for nuts when the cam is through-bolted. Cam kits Each cam is available in a packaged set which includes a cam, wedge and appropriate fairlead. SpeEial Featurns Oelrin balls for smooth adjustment Roundedteeth protect line Drain holes in base Rounded raised base tor clean line entry


Fa 145 297 283 293 294






201 281

Low pmfde qlestrap Mlcro eyestrap


Large eyestrap


Mcro faalead







Cam M a t i wedge k l M i r o cam wedge kii Offshorecam wedge k t Flat mlcro cam rlser 15 Angled mlcm cam rlser

1 oz 28 Q 16 02 59 1502 43 9 5 or 14 P 75 02 21 9

F ~ Cam I Matlc

1 oz 28 9 1 25 02 35 9

200 279 280

Cam-Mtii Low Profib Cam-Matt Micro Cam-Mtic Omhore

1%~' 30mm 1%' 27mm

W 19mm l14' ??mm

2% 65mm 2% 65mm l'%&' 47mm 3% ismm


32mm 1%' 32mm

W 22mm QImm


1W 38 mm li/16' 27 mm 21~s' 52 mm 1%6. 27mm 1'46' 27mm % '1 38mm % '1 38mm

F I ~ 150 200


279 280



16mm V6'




150 2W

22mm 1' 25mm

150 2W




M ~ m C a mkll






Cam Matlc k ~ t






Onshore Cam k ~ t




150or200 150 or200


Fa*onsr Qllrlnl


Mmimum linh

Minimum ~lns

She 150


reer 1S'Angled Cam Matlc rlser


S' ",$;," 1W 38 mm 1W 38 mm llAe' 27 mm 2'~s' 52 mm 1Me. 27 mm

32 02 99 1602 459 1602 459 8 02 23 9 24 02 70



Zih 02 71 g 1 M 02 439 1 02 289 5M 02 t u n

X10 FH 5 mm FH X10 FH 5mmFH 16 FH 4mmFH i/i FH fimrnFU

% '1 38mm 1W 38mm lMe' 27mm 2%~' 57mm

'8 12mm '468mm

'W 3mm

'/d 3 mm




3 mm W



R mm

Maximum ~urldnp Load

B"akinQ Srenflh

300 lbs 136 kg 150 1bs 68 kg 150 Ibs 68 kg 500 lbs

750 lbs 340 kg 500 Ibs 227 kg 300 lbs 136kg IOW lbs

Aluminum Plastic Plastic & aluminum Aluminum

Harken cam bases provide a variety of mounting possibilities for blocks and cam cleats. The patented ball bearing swivel bases, 144, 205, and 1574, ride on two rows of ball bearings to insure smooth, easy pivoting under load. As you change positions in the boat, the base will swivel freely to insure a fair lead even under high loads. The 205 and 144 are provided with the 145 wedge kit so the cam may be angled to best suit your specific needs. The lightening hole on all swivel cam bases may be used to pass the sheet when the cam is reversed for a downwards release. The 205 is perfect for dinghys and small offshore boats where the base is mounted at deck level. It is used with big bullet blocks, dinghy blocks, 2.25' blocks, and little Hexaratchets. The cleat is the 150 Cam-Matic. The 144 is a more upright base and is ideal for mounting on the cockpit sole or on heavy course racing keel boats and small offshore boats where a larger block is desired. The 144 accepts 2.25" blocks, 3.00" light duty blocks, and the Hexaratchet ll+2. The 150 Cam-Matic cleat will handle line to 1,2712 mm). The 1574 is designed to accept mid-range blocks and is suitable for use on the mainsheet of boats as larae as 43 feet 113 m). ~tis fitted with the 280 oifshore ~ a m - ~ a tcleat i c which will accept line as large as W (16 mm). The 240 and 241 swivel bases with cams are useful for control lines on boats of all sizes and are frequently used for mainsheets and jib sheets on boardboats and small dinghys. The 238 and 239 are used when your direction of null is not alwavs directlv in line with the cleat. The bullseyefairlead iolds the line at the cleat when not in use. >~


SpecialFeatures Smooth Divotino under load Cam-M&ic ball 'bearing cam cleats


Maximum ~ e i gWeilM ~ Wornnu h d e n s n , Load Swivel base 5% 1302 S10 FH %' 5 mm 19 mm 143 mm 3694 Linle swivel 4M' 1201 #l0 FH %' base 1 i 4 m m 34og 5 mm 19mm Cam on piate 1%' 402 3001bs 1 1 0 ~ ~11#8 I' wibuliseye 32mm 113g 136kg 5mm 3 8 8 2 5 m m Cam on plate I 3m 150 ibs #l0 FH l l' whuliseye 32mm 85 g €8kg 5 mm 3 8 8 2 5 m m Bullseye wiswivel ll%s' 7M 02 300 Ibs $10 FH 11h2' base &cam 49mm 213g 136 kg 5 mm 26mm BUllSeye wiswivel l 611 02 150 ibs #l0 FH llhd base8cam 38mm 1849 €4kg 5mm 26mm Mid-nnge '/C FH Doscliption

144 205 238 239 240 241 1574


---. ..


3-12 mm M-M' 3-12mm %.W 3-12mm l%-%,'



Use wi2.25'. 3.W light duty 8 Hearatchels Use wmo bulld. 2~~8rimekatach8s Aluminuml50 &m-~atic P1astic200cam-~atic Rluminum 150

3.12mm W'-Y16'



Use wlmid-range

S t a n d up bases allow a variety of blocks to be held upright, yet sw~velfreely and p v01 10 provlae law eads Lnaer load The 010 IS ohen Lseo on the ma~nsheetof smal d nahvs Its oall and socket design allows blocks to swivel freely and to piiot to a 45' angle. Blocks may be fitted with springs, but even without springs. blocks will not hit the deck. The 010 accepts all Harken blocks with W (10 mm) swivel posts. These include big bullet blocks, dinghy blocks, 2.25" blocks, little fiddles, the 005 and 006, little Hexaratchets, and Hexaratchet 11+2's. Use care when selecting blocks as the maximum working load of the 010 is often less than that of the corresponding blocks. The 029 is similar to the 010 except that it accepts Harken blocks ' mm) swivel posts. These include 3.00" cruiser blocks with 7 ~ 6 (11 and fiddle blocks. Many of these blocks have working loads in excess of the maximum working load of the 029 and it must be selected with care. The 061 stanchion mount base permits easy attachment of a variety of blocks to 7/g" or 1" (22 mm or 25 mm) stanchions or pulpits. It is frequently used for leading furling lines an to the cockpit. The block is free to swivel and pivot to give the fairest lead

Oesrriplion 010 Ball & socket base 029


Large ball B socket base

061 Stanchion mount base ~. -~ 1573 Mld-range stand up base







while a rubber stand up device keeps the block from hitting the deck or stanchion. The 061 accepts Harken blocks with W (10 mm) swivel posts. These include big bullet blocks, dinghy blocks, 2.25" blocks, little fiddles, the 005 and 006, little Hexaratchets, and Hexaratchet IltZ's. The 061 is also sometimes used for flag halyards and light air spinnaker sheets. The 1573 is a stand up base for mid-range blocks. Blocks are supported by a spring, but are free to pivot to permit fair leads under load. The 1573 has a very low profile design which keeps the sheave close to the deck, making it ideal for use as a mast base halyard lead block. The safe working load of the 1573 is such that it may be used with any single, ratchet, or fiddle mid-range block. Mid-range double and triple blocks may be fitted to the 1573, but their safe working load is higher than that of the base. Special Features

Bases accept a variety of blocks Blocks will not hit deck Block can swivel and pivot freely

Pln Size

1l/i 44 mm

3 01



85 Q

54 mm


2' 51 mm

4 01 1139 - ..

2fd' 54 mm

'A&. 12 mm

1'/a' 32 mm

2 02

ad" lomm


5 mm


7 02 1989







Faaener $adno

5m y 1 8 1 k g

1300lbs 590 kg

tlOFH 5 mm

1 25mm

Use ~12.25".Imlefiddle. & Hexaratchets -




6 mm

181 kg

590 kg


1' 25mm

Use wlfiddle. 3.00' cruiser& Hem-Cats

350 lbs 159 kg




Use wibullet, big bullet, 2.25' 8 Hexaralchels

1800lbs 816 kg

5000Ibs 2267 kg

' X RH 6mm

1%' 41 mm

Use wlmcd-range blocks




p~ ~


2'9 73 mm



be' 8 mm



M a g i c boxes are powerful, multipart tackles housed in a compact aluminum extrusion. The box eliminates twists and keeps the line perfectly organized. The secret to the Harken magic box is a patented ball bearing system to prevent friction between the sheaves and between the sheaves and the axles. Magic boxes are useful for outhauls, downhauls. cunninghams, jib halyards, bacnstays and many otner controls which reauire a oowerful tackle witn a limited range of adjusiment. They are used on boats from small dinghys to large offshore racers. Hi-load versions which use Torlon balls are available to increase the working load capability.

.~ ~

Special Features

Bail bearing sheaves Low stretch line Removable beckets Numeric tensioning guide






suggested uses. 82

Beado wlerhl



' 117 118 119 120 178


Common Specifications Line size -W (4 mm) Fastenels-#l0 (5 mm) RH

Additionallnfonnation- See pages 18 and 19 for


179 l80 181 182

Mech. Mr. 6:l

Shean Dlamltlr

5' 1' 127mm 25mm . 10' ? 1' 254 mm 25mm 5' 1%' 127mm 35mm % '1 10' 254 mm 35 mm 1%' 15' 381 mm 35mm 5' 1' 127mm 25mm 10' 1' 254 mm 25 mm

8%' 225mm l 349mm

8 oz 8'A' 2279 210mm Delrin % 6:l 1002 1 2 2849 327mm Delrin 81 9W 1202 ' H s ' x W 232mm 3400 24x213mm Delrin 8:l 14'N 1 5 h m '%dx13ah' 359 mm 439 p 24x340mm Delrin 8:l 19' 1 8 m '%s'x18W 4 B m m 5100 24x464mm Todon 6:l 8 802 W 225mm 2270 210mm Torlon 6:l 13% lOm 1 349mm 2049 327 mm Torlm 8:l 5' 1% 1201 '%s'x8W 9%' 127mm 35mm 232mm 3400 24x213mm Torlm 8:l l l 14W 15hoz ' H s ' x l W 254 mm 35 mm 359 mm 4399 24x 340 mm Torlan 8:l 15' l 19' 1802 'H$x18'/i 381 mm 35mm 483mm 5109 24x464mm in' (6 mm) diameter stainks steel S hook lor 6 pan mapic box. Allows quick dixannect of halyards He' I8 mm) diameter stainless steel S haakfor 8 oar1 maoic box. ~~


1 136


HnIe Sprln@


3W ibs 136$ 3001bs 136 kg 8Wlbs 363k9 8WIbs 363 kg 8Wlbs 363b WOibs 272 kg WOlbs 272 kg 1WOlbs 454kp 10Wlbs 454 kg lWOlbs 454 kp

900 Ibs 408$ Wlbs 408kg 1WOlbs 726$ lWOlbs 728 kg lWDibs 726kp 1500lbs 680kp 1500lbs 680 kg 20001bs 907k9 2WOlbs 907 kp 2WOlbs 907 k9





D e c k organizers are used when a large number of lines need to be led in a small space. They are often used to run halyards and control lines aft from the mast to winches near the cockpit. Deck organizers are also ideal for many other applications which require multiple sheave cheek blocks. Small boat deck organizers feature llh" (38 mm) ball bearing sheaves. They are intended for use on rope halyards on boats under 26 feet (8 m) or for lightly loaded control lines on larger boats. Small boat deck organizers are available in double or triple sheave configurations. Stacked double and triple organizers are used when it is necessary to lead a large number of lines aft in a small area. ' Special Features Self-contained sheaves Compact length Low profile construction

Common Speci/ications Sheave dia - llh' (38 mm) Fasteners - #l0 (5 mm) FH Max line size - 3 X (10 mm) Max workino load loer sheave) 300 lbs (736kg)' Breaking Strength - 2000 lbs (907 kg)

i 270






Double sheave


Stacked double


Stacked triple




4fVi K 7 6 108mmx22mm





6%: or 1849

6'x 7# 152mmx22mm

5Ms' 129mm

1M6' 40mm

7MDz 191 g

4Wx W 108mmx22mm


1%' 40mm

12%?01 355g

152 mm x22mm

173 mm


6 x %


Running halyards and control lines aft allows the crew to operate the boat from the security of the cockpit. Deck organizers are used to lead multiple lines from the mast. Thev are useful for halvards.. reef lines, outhauls, pole lifts and other control lines. Deck organizers are also ideal for many other applicationswhich require multiple sheave cheek blocks. Harken mid-range deck organizers feature 2' (51 mm) ball bearing sheaves. Sheaves are available in plastic for rope halyards or controls and in rlarodote anodize0 alum nbm for wlre halyards. Thev are intended for bse on halvards on boats to 37 leet 111~.S m~, l or for lightly loaded control lineson larger boats. Mid-range deck organizers are offered in double or triple sheave configurations. Stacked double and triple organizers are available when it is necessaly to lead a large number of lines aft in a small area






Special Features Common Specifications Self-contained sheaves Sheave dia -2" (51 mm) Large diameter sheaves Fasteners -1/4' (6 mm) Max line size - W (16 mm) Compact length Low profile construction Max wire size (alum sheave) -7h2" (5 mm) Aluminum wire sheaves Max worldng load (per sheave) -500 lbs (227 kg) Breaking strength - 2500 lbs (1134 kg) AdditionallnlomNon- See pages 39 and 48 for suggested uses. 84

Single heigM mid-range deck organizers are available with up lo six sheaves by s p s i d ordsr I

Ikscription 15W Onublesheam 1501 Triple sheave 1502 Stacked double sheave 1503 Stacked triple sheave 1504 Doublealuminum sheave 1505 Tripb aluminum sheave 1506 Stacked double aluminum sheave 1507 Stacked lrlgle aluminurn sheave





% 1' 29mm 1W 29mm 2% 54mm 2h' 54mm 1W 29mm 1W 29mm

9%0z 2690 13'hoz 3B3g 16Moz 4680 23% oz 666g 1202 341 g 1701 482g 22 02 624 g 3102

175mm 93/76' 233mm 6 175mm 9%~' 233mm 6 t75mm 9%' 233 mm 6A' 175 mm 93/76' 233 mm


54 mm 2H' .Umm


Fallenw Spaciq 5'3Ae' x lkt 148mmx30mm 8'X X 13/76. 207mmx30mm 51Hs'xlk/ld 148mmx30mm 8'Xx 1 % ~ ' 207mmx30mm S?A6'% 1 % ~ ' 148mmx30mm 8 1 ~ l k' 6~' 207mmx3omm 5'3A6' X 1%' 148 mm x30 mm 8M'x l k s ' 7n7 mm r?O mm




D e c k oroanizers are used to lead multiole lines to halyard stowers or winch;. They are used for halyards, keef lines, outhauls, pole lifts and any other control lines which must be lead aft from the mast base. Organizers are also perfect for many other applications which call for a multiple sheave cheek mounted lead block. ~~

Speclal Features Self-contained sheaves Comoact lenath ~ o w ~ r o f iconstruction le Hardkoteanodized aluminum

Common Specifications Sheave dia 21/4' (57 mm) Fastener s~acino- 2%' (70 mm) Max wire dia--%E' (8 min) Max line size - W (16 mm) Heioht - It&" (29 mm) Safe working load per sheave 4950 lbs (2245 kg) Breaking strength per sheave 9900 lbs (4491 kg) AddltlonalIntormation- See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses. See page 61 for blocks with stainless steel sideplates.


O ~ Q o aOO

Big boaldeckorganizersareavailable with uptotensheaves by special order. 1 Tota l Total Omrlptlon Length WelgM Safe WoYng Bmatlng Load Strenflh 724 ~wosheave

7%' 19'~oz 156mm 5539

725 Three sheave 10 Me' 271h oz 262mm 7809 726



35 oz

I h*enlm Included

4950lbs 2245 kg

99W lbs 2-W(10mm)x3'(75mrn) 4491 kg

7425 lbs 3368 kg

14850 Ibs 3-W(10mm) 6736 kg

9900 lbs

198W lbs 4-%

x3'(75 mm)

(10 mm) x3'(75 mm)


.. ~. ~

H a r k e n rudder bearings bring steering out of the Stone Age. Multiple races of balls and rollers reduce steering friction to a minimum allowing the use of tillers on boats to 45 feet and optimizing "feel" on wheel steered boats. These bearings are designed to handle both radial (side) and axial (vertical) loads. The axial load carrying ability allows the bearings to carry the weight of the rudder. Rudder bearings are machined from solid 6061-T6 aluminum which is Hardkote anodized with Teflon impregnation. A plastic liner on the inner race bears directly on the rudder shaft to insure proper fit and to eliminateany possibility of electrolysis. This provides a strong, lightweigh bearing that is nearly impefviousto corrosion. Torlon ball and roller bearings require no lubrication and are designed to operate either immersed or dry. Production rudder bearings are offered in seven sizes for boats from one designs to offshore racers as large as 50 feet (15 m). Minor variations of inside diameter are available on a special order basis at slight additional cost. Fiberglass rudder tubes which are sized to exactly match our larger bearings are available to simplify installation. The inside surface of these tubes is gelcoat for a smooth. waterproof finish. Polyester resin is used so that the tubes may be bonded to your boat without using exotic resins.



Flanoe thickness-

176n 1 1

h' 6mm


5 mm

1 4


2.M2' ~ ~ i ~ h t - 3.62Cf 1.425' 91.95 mm M.2 mm 67.1 mm






3 616

Modification to standard ID is part number 641.

1162.17R1 176i

'U'M ~ Bt M ~W FH ~ 6mmFH 4 m m M 4 m m M



Common Speslllcalfons 611625





Nominal Shan Size


617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625

3' 76.2 mm 3' 76 2 m m


Flange, hub up Flange. hub dawn Plain

76.2 mm 3'4'' Flange. 88.9 mm hub up 3% 889mm 3'/2 88 9 mm 4 1016 4 101.6 mm 4"


Flange, hub down Plaln






Safe Working Load Radial lulal



4 990' 7 000 6.250' 17780mm 158.75mm 126.75 mm 7.000" 6.250' 4.990' 177.80 mm 158.75 mm 126.75 mm 4.990' 126.75 mm 7.500 6.750' 5.490' 190.50 mm 1~71.45mm 139.45 mm

3.620' 3.006' 2.718' 76.35 mm 69.04mm _9_1 95 mm 3.620' 3.006' 2.718' 76.35 mm 69.04 mm 91.95 mm 3.006' 2.780' 3.620' 76.35 m n 1 ~ 7 0 A mm 91.95 mm 3.506' 2.718' 3.620 89.05 mm 69.04 mm 9 E m m

7.500 6.750' 5.490' 3 506' 190.50 mm 171 45 mm 139.45 mm - 8 9 0 5 m m 5.490' 3.506' .~ 139.45mm 8905mm 8,000' 7.250' 5.990" 4.006' 20320mm 1M.15mm 1 5 2 1 5 m m 101.75 mm 8W0' 7.250' 5.990' 4,006' 20320mm 1M.15 mm 15215mm 10175mm 5.990 4.006' 15215mm 10175mm ~

Flange, hubup Flange, hubdown Plaln


2.718' 3.620 69.04 mm 9195mm 3.620" 2.780' 70.61 mm 9195mm 2.718' 3.620' 6904 mm 91.95 mm 3620' 2.718' 69.04 mm 91.95 mm 3.620' 2.780 70.61mm 91.95mm

3.4 1b 1.6 kg 341b 1.6 kg 2.9 lb 1 3 kg 381b 1.7 kg

19675 Ibs 2325 1bs 6925 kg 1055 kg 196751bs23251bs 8925 kg 1055 kg 19675 lbs 2325 lbs 8925 kg 1055 kg 222501bs26251bs 10092 kg 1191 kg

3.8 1b 1.7 kg 3 4 1b 1.6 kg 4.1 1b 1.9 kg 4.1 1b 1.9 kg 3.8 1b 17kg

22250 1bS 10092 kg 22250 1bs 10092 kg 248251bs 11261 kg 248251bs 11261 kg 24825 1bs 11261kg

2625 1bS 1191 !a 2625 Ibs 1191 kg 2925 1bs 1327 kg 29251bs 1327 kg 2925 1bs 1327kg


RUDDER BEARING INSTALLATION GUIDE Every installation is different but the suggestions below should help determine the best method for your boat. Tlller steered boat The upper bearing is normally a flanged bearing which is bolted to the deckor the cockpit sole (A). The tiller head rides on the inner race to transfer verlical loading to the bearing (B). Note: set screws are intended only to keep the shaft from turning inside the bearing and are not intended to carry vertical loading of the rudder. The lower bearing is normally secured to the shaft with set screws (C) and raised into the fiberglass tube carrying the shaft through the hull. The lower bearing istypically secured in one of two ways. Some people like to drill and tap the thick glass where the fiberglass tube is bonded to the hull (D) and secure the lower bearing with set screws. Mher people like to use a sealant like 3M 5200 on the exterior surface where the bearing meets the hull (E) to keep the bearing from turning. Do not bed the lower bearing with a sealant as this may make removal very difficult. When install~ngthe lower bearing, make prov s on to prevent the bearino from miaratina L Othe snaft. Manv oeoole will od a onvsical stop lik a collar"or a ioltthrough the tude abo've the lower bearing. Wheel sleered boat The upper bearing is normally a flanged bearing which is bolted to the deck or the cockpit so e (A). To transfer tne vertical oaa of the rudder to the bearing, the emeraencv tiller head is oRen fitted to the shaft and rides on the inner race of the bearing (F). On some boats the top of the shaft will be fitted wnh a collar or a nut to transfer the verlical load of the rudder to the bearings. The lower bearing is normally installed like the bearing on a tiller steered boat, but provision should be made for a stuffing box to keep water from entering the boat. In many cases, the fiberglass tube is cut off afew inches above the lower bearing (G) and a stuffing box (H) is bonded to this tube to provide a watertight seal. Always use Loctite 242 on set screws. v


Because afailure cannot be tolerated in a steering system, we will not sell rudder bearings without a consultation to determine the suitability of the bearing for your application. Please call or write our rudder bearing department with the following infomlation so that we may do a computerized load analysis and specify the correct bearing for your boat. 1) Boat model 2) Length overall 3) Length waterline 4) Displacement 5) Rudder length (vertical depth of the blade) 6) Surface area of one side of the blade (or profile dimensions and we will calculate) 7) Distance between upper and lower bearing points 8) Exact shaft diameter at each bearing point

M o s t small Harken sheaves are not self-contained and cannot be supplied loose. We offer the sheaves which are selfcontained for applications where you need to add a free rolling sheave to your own special configuration. Consider loading carefully and remember that halyard sheaves carry twice the load of the halyard. Self-contained sheaves are sensitive to overtightening. Use lock nuts on the fasteners and avoid applying squeezing loads on the sheaves. The micro, bullet and big bullet self-contained sheaves are Delrin with Delrin ball bearings. They are scored for rope and should not be used for wire. Mid-range sheaves are available in either Delrin or aluminum. Use aluminum sheaves for wire. Self-contained wire sheaves are Hardkote anodized aluminum with Teflon impregnation. They ride on a hi-load composite bearing. The llR"(38 mm) and 2" (51 mm) sheaves have ball bearings to minimize friction between the sheave and the sideplates caused by twisting loads. The l ' ( 2 5 mm) wire sheave uses low friction thrust washers for this purpose. The 161 dual sheave universal lead includes two 160 sheaves and is used to divert a line which must turn in either direction. It is often used behind the traveler car on a self-tacking jib or to lead a catamaran traveler control line to a cleat.

Part NO.

Sheave Diameter 'ldthWeight



277 Micro sheave 22mm


%ooz 39

Maximum Size Line wire



Diameter-pload 3/16'



200 IbS 91kg


I 29mm

<h. M01 1 2 m m 79

l 38mm







161 Duaisheave universal lead

1'~" 7 29 mm 22 mm

l or 28 Q

5/16. 8 mm

303 Wire sheave

1' 25mm

Oh,' 7 m n


307 Wire sheave

1'4 38mm

'U2 lOmm

2' 51mm



2" 51 mm


22 mm

1 % 43 g

~W i4mm



2'h oz


160 Bullet sheave 265 BiQbullet sheave P









300 ibs 136kg 300 1bs 136kg


1533 5" "d-ange sheave 1534 Small mid-ranae

oz 7g 102 289

?h?" 1'h 02

300ibs 136kg-~

1/16 5 mm

1OOOibs 454 kg


'/a 6mm

1500ibs MOkg

%s" 5mm


8 mm

2000ibS 907ko


2 mm P


X 6mm



%a' -



500 ibs


Eyestraps are useful accessories. They form light duty mounting bases for blocks, serve as lash down points, and several are used on Cam-Matic cleats as fairleads.


073 074 137 201 281

1602 4.5 g

l1ORH 5mm

IMOIbs 726kg

illhe' 43mm







11 mm


6 4 or 189 3202 90 .l602 4.5 g

RH 6mm %'RH 6mm #lORH 5mm

4000 ibs 1814hg 3000lbs 1361 kg 1600lbs 726kg

% 3' 83mm

%' 19mm



51 mm 17K 48mm


% '1 38mm % 'TI 38mm l'X 38mm

1602 4.5 g

Y6RH 4mm

10Wibs 454kg

1%' 36mm


21Jii$ 71 mm









23 Q loz

1361 kg MOO Ibs

W 10mm


'Yid W






'4 61 11 mm

% 8. 14mm




16mm *h' 14mm

16mm '/C 6mm


2W 70mm



150 B 2W


150 & 200

11 mm

11/16' 27mm







21/18. %mm







19mm 1W





'Vetjcal pull. Eyestraps will dktolf at much lower loads.

Padeyes are great for mounting blocks and are also used as attachment points for staysails, reefing blocks, and hundreds of other items. Harken offers padeyes in both stainless steel and in lightweight titanium. The diamond shaped padeyes, 688 and 689, are 316 stainless and are often used at mast bases where the diamond shape allows them to be mounted very close together. The 690 and 648 padeyes are 17-4 PH stainless. Titanium padeyes are extremely strong for their weight. They are of 6-4 titanium with a vapor honed finish. Considering the number of padeyes used on a modern racing boat, titanium padeyes offer an oppoltunity for significant weight savings. The 702,717, and 729 toggle padeyes are designed for extremely high load applications. They will accept Harken titanium and big boat blocks only with custom head posts available by special order. For maximum strength, always align padeye bails to the load. 90


688,755: Use ?A' (6 mm) FH 689,690: Use %6" (8 mm) FH 648.756: Use W (10 mm) FH











Small stainless dnmond

3 % ' 79 mm

2' 51 mm

239' 60 mm

l 32 mm

1%~' 30 mm

14 mm

22 mm

4% 02 135 g

683 Lamestainless diamond

3 98 mm

25/~s' 59 mm

2 ' 73 mm

l 35 mm

19/1s' 40 mm

h' 22 mm

lhs' 27 mm

23~' 70 mm

234' 70 mm

1%1' 38 mm



38 mm

l 37 mm

21 mm

1%~' 30 mm

Small round llanium

2'A' 57 mm

11/16' 27 mm

13/16' 30 mm

13/16. 30 mm



16 mm

24 mm

Medium mund tlanium

76 mm

1%~' 40 mm

1 44 mm

1' 25 mm

38 mm


Large mund titanium

3%' 95 mm



Round 1 7 4


690 755 756

Square 1 7 4


126 mm 729 Small stainless


l 33 mm


48 mm

Bmaking Slrnngth 2 3



3800 Ibs 1770 kg

5000 Ibs 2270 kg

4300 Ibs 1950 kg

7800 Ibs 3540 kg

lOOW lbs 4535 kg

8600 Ibs 3900 kg

7'4 oz 213 Q

8500 Ibs 3850 kg

8000 Ibs 3628 kg

7800 Ibs 3540 kg

19OW lbs 8618 kg

172W lbs 7800 kg

15600 Ibs 7075 kg

807 227 g

85001bs 3850 kg

86001bs 3300 kg

78001bs 3540 kg

170W lbs 7710 kg

172Wlbs 7800 kg

15600 Ibs 7075 kg

214 02 71 g 602 170 g

5000 l b ~ 4500 1 b ~ 4300 1 b ~ 1 0 0 W l b ~ W 0 l b ~ 8600 l b ~ 2270 kg 2040 kg 1950 kg 4535 kg 4080 kg 3Ylkg IOOWlbs 66Wlbs 85001bs 200Wlbs 132001bs 17WO lbs 4535 kg 2990 kg 3850 kg 9070 kg 5990 kg 7710 kg

27 mm

1 44 mm

11 01 312 g

ZOOWIbs 12OWlbS 140001bs 400Wlbs 9070 kg 5440 kg 6350 kg 18140 kg




1%' 44 mm

48 mm

2' 51 mm




21 mm

14 mm


84 mm 2%' 56mm

97 mm

67 mm

29 mm

19 mm

2%~' 56mm

2%' 54mm



Ssfa Wall;lng Laid

21 mm


14 mm

M86 kg


240001bs 10890 kg

280W lbs 12700 kg

12973 kg

10896 kg

M86 kg

5448 kg

12972 kg

1942 g

13608 kg 13608 kg

8165 kp

27216 kg

27216 kg

16330 kg

3601 1032 Q

1430Olbs 143001bs 120001bs 286001bs M26 kg M86 kg 5448 kg 12973 kg

286001bs 12973 kg

240001bs 10876 kg


Accessories are useful items which complement the product line. The 062 hand hold is popular on boats like Solings to help hiking crew re-enter the boat and is often used as a comfortable handle for engine covers, etc. It has a drain port. Springs support blocks on bases, eyestraps, padeyes, and traveler cars. The 077 is used to attach a Hexaratchetto the steering post of DN iceboats. The 093 U-adapter attaches swivel post blocks to other posts or tangs. Snap shackles fit a wide variety of small boat blocks to make them removable. The 237 bullseye is used as a fairlead when there is little deflection. The 630 hanging tab replaces a washer on big boat blocks to form a shockcord attachment point for suspending blocksfrom the lifelines. Polished and machined bolts are attractive fasteners for use with Harken blocks or any other mounting needs on your boat. Sail chafe protectors are rollers to ease genoas over lifelines or past shrouds and to help large roach mainsails clear backstays. They are pre-drilled to tit 316' (5 mm wire), but can oe drilled to fit wire as large

Ohi / A



7 I


sham# DIP~~PIO.



5%' 3W' 146mmBgmm 071 Stand up 7 h' spring 51 mm 22mm 097 Smallstand 1' Yi upwriw 25mm i 9 m m 072 Small W Me' shilCkI8 12mm i l m m 138 Large shackle 17mm 16mm 077 DN adapter 1%' M e 32mm 17mm 093 U-Adapter 'X 6 ' 12mm l l m m 111 Snap 2916' sh~kle 65 mm






062 Hand hold


1584 MM-range

237 Bulkeye lairlead 285 Sail chafe



hrtlnr # l 0 FH Cutcul4Me'x 1%' 5mm 113mmx48mm Fks all small bbcks - Fks bullet blmks


%m. 5mm 14 6mm %6' 5mm %6' 5mm



inside dimensions And6




iWO lbs 454 kg 15W lbs

lnsidedimnsions A and E Anaches OW to ON steering post Inside dimmsians A and E Fits blocks with 3Ae' (5 mm) shackle, MSb k k s with^


630 Hanplnp tab

131' %d Suwends block from lifeline 44 mm 25 mm l 0 mm 5 mm wimshcckmrd. Fts3.0(1,

18W lbs

IN' 38mm 32mm

Tw per S#

Bols come with iwo washsrs and a lut


Cars accept a v a n e of blocks to match your bat's needs.

Pivotlno shackle allows car to mll trmbewn under nonvelllwl loads

h 1 1bearinp rnmwr ease travder adius@nent. Control blockassemblb ~ u nont track for easy instatalhtkon.




Oelrin or Torlon bat6 insure anonmnosive bearing system.

-tiorizontd bearing races dlow a wry low pmfile cardelgn. Recirculating ~ d d o nballs ride directly on tradr sa cars won't kind under nonvetiEal or twisting loads

Cam-Matic cam cleats engage and release easily under all loads.

Pivoting cam arms permt travels adiusmnt from a variety of positions in the mc@R.

Hi-Beam Track

Trim caps dress track ends and prevent sharp edws.

End Stops Every car, end stop and control assembly features energy absorbing bumpers to cushion the high shock loads of accidentaljibes.

155,560 and 1511 hi-beam tracks are designed to span cockpits or companionways without a support bridge. 560 and 1511 tracks use a patented sliding bolt attachment process which allows variable bolt spacing.

A good traveler makes sailing more satisfying. It allows subtle adjustments and instantaneous response to changing conditions. Fast,

responsive boats like the Jl39 shown sailing on page 93 need free rolling travelers and genoa lead cars so they use Harken recirculating ball bearing travelers. Harken travelers introduced recirculating plastic ball bearings. They are designed to move freely under even high non-vertical loads. They also offer a multitude of other unique features that make them the lowest, freest running and most versatile travelers in the world. Five ranges of Harken travelers are available to fit any boat from the smallest dinghy or beach cat to the largest maxi boat. 94



Track is Hardkote anodized with Teflon impregnation torsuperior COIroSion resistance.


Adjustable Stops Adjustable stops are available for many tracks for use where control lines are not desired.

Ball Bearing Control Blocks Ball bearing control block assemblies are available to fit small, mid-range and big boat tracks.

Irack auallable in low profile or high beam configurations.

Mainsheet Sheave Carriers Mainsheet sheave carriers pivot forward to allow fair leads when the boat is running. Windward sheeting cars allow sailors to pull the car above the centerline without releasing the leeward control line. The car stays in position during a tack and can then be pulled above the centerline in the other direction.

Swivel Ears and Low Pivoting Shackle Swivel ears allow a choice of control blocks and the low ~ivotina shackle allows load to be applied at severe angles without binding.




W Angling Cam Cleats 209 and 210 cars feature Cam-Matic cleats on adjustable arms which can be set to the most convenient angle for your boat.

Breaking Strength The load at which fastening bolts will shear, shackles will break, cars will come off of the track, or the hardware will experience some other catastrophic failure. At this load you can expect permanent deformation of the sheave, sideplates, car bodies, track, and bearings. Breaking strength is determined in a static condition on straight track and may be less on curved track or when cars are rolling.

Traveler Car Couplers Couplers are available to join some cars, increasing load carrying ability while maintaining the ability to roll on tight radii.

Safe Working Load A rating based on 50% of the breaking strength. Safe working load provides a margin of safety and should never be exceeded. Free Rolling Load The load at which cars will roll freely. Cars should not be used at loads higher than free rolling load. 95

Dinghys & Light Daysailers I


I Mainsail


under 70f? Under 6 m'




End Boom Sheetino

Mid Boom Sheetino

End Boom Sheetinn

Mid Boom Sheelina


156 157 171 209 211

Small Offshore Boats & Heavy Daysailers Under 90 f+ Under 8 rnZ


225 -325112 91-mmz

158 159 172 210 212


1576 16n4

, 515

1509 ,<,c



515 cna




Large Offshore Boats --*




This chart shows proper travelers for three categories of boats: Oinghys and small daysailers. Small offshore boats and heavier keel daysailers. Large offshore boats. Traveler specifications are based on mainsail area and the position of the sheet on the boom. Where an arrow is shown, use the larger traveler if you1 sail area is at the upper end of the range. 96

Purchase Recommsndations lar Traveler Controls Sall Area Control Purchase



Under 150 ft2 150 - 250 ft2 275 - 450 ft2 450 - 600 Over 600 ft






HorizonhlBend-In a horizontal bend, the track stavs flat and the ends curve to the bow or stern of the ooat Horizontal bends a1 ow ttie trave er to IOI ow tne raa S. of the boom as t swlngs across the ooat 0.1 are sometimes use0 for ooom vangs and occasional y for maysa Is especlal y those W th booms

Monrr m r r - Stoq rttmmo Roro VeflicelBend, Ends Down - Th~s1s tne most common bend It e usually .sed for malnsneet travelers mounted over tne cab n nose The curve matcnes tne crown of the cabin house for esthetic reasons and allows the track to clear the companionway hatch while minimizing the height of the track risers.

CompwndBend -Compo.no bends are a como nat on of a ven cal an0 a norlzontal oena. A common example wou d be wnen a tracr 1s curved n the horizontal plane to follow the radius of the boom and is mounted to a deck which has a slight vertical crown. V#flIcalBandr. EndsUa-Some racino bend the -~ - - -~ -~ m boats ~ -use- a vertical ~ ~ -~ ~ ~ with ~ - -ends . .. p . to re1eve eecn tens h n g unlcn occ.rs wnen tne traveler car 1s moved on of tne centerl ne, a pnenomenon wnlcn s exacerbate0 when pan of the malnsheel tackle is placed ofi of the traveler car. These bends are also freauently used lor staysails. The track is bent to a radius equal to the LP of the sail plusfhe distance from the clew to the track. The track is then mounted on risers and angled forward to face the clew of the sail. ~~


CURVED T R A C ~ Traveler track is often bent to follow the curve of the cabin house or the raolus of the boom Occas~onallytracks are Dent venlcally W th the ends L O ro rel~evetenslonlna of tne leecn as the traveler car is moved off of the center of tne boat. Vew shallow curves in ow profile rracks can onen be bent dur~nu msta ation, out if necessary narken W II bend traveler lracK to y o u specif cations at a modest add~tionalcharae. Horizontal. venica &compound bends can be made. Bends cannot be extended completely to the track end, but typically leave 2" to 5" (50to 125 mm) unbent at each end depending on the type of track. Harken traveler cars must be matched to the rad~usof vour track. The load carrying ability of a car is diminished in relation i o the severity of the bend. Consult the charts on the traveler track pages for the minimum radius a car will ride on. When your loads demand a long car and track needs to be bent in a tight radius, you may need to use two short cars joined by a coupler. Standard Harken mini-maxi and mixi traveler cars cannot ride on vertical bends with a radius under l00 feet (30.5m).


~ ~ track. Ordering lnlomation -To order C L N traveler please spec ty the following informal on 1. Part number of track 2 Length of track or length of chord 3. Direction of bend: 0 Horizontal 0 Vertical, ends down 0 Vertical, ends up 0 Comoound horizontal and vertical UD compound horizontal and vertical down 4. Chord depth or radius of bend Communicate the information carefullv to Harken or vour Harken deale~ to insure that your track is bent correitly. To determiie the price of a bend, see chart for part numbers.




Comornd Bends ~imp~a' ~ajor O Pall NO. Pall NO. 142.143.154or 155 274 275 276 286 1510.1535 1527 1528 1529 1581 1511 1530 1531 1532 1582 789 790 791 576 516,680, 758,759 560,1701 or 1706 792 793 794 577 660 or661 795 795 795 795 SinpleBend-Track Length of 6' (1.83m) or less and chord depth kss than 8' (200 mm). MoinrBsnd-Track length of 7' (2 13 m) or Qreateror chord depth of s.(2W mm) or greater. ComwndBend- Bend in both horizontaland vertical planes. CompoundS i M Bend- Both Bends are simple bends. CompnundMPinrBend-One or both bendsare major bends. ~mck


end Pllt N

Maior aid ParlNo.




Traveler components, track and line not included with risers.

Harken traveler and genoa lead kits are packaged sets of our most popular configurations. They include cars, appropriate control blocks for the car, and the correct control blocks for the track ends. Kits do not include track, trim caps, trackfasteners, or control lines. The package describes how to choose appropriate track for each kit and shows the correct control line for each assembly. Kits are ideal for dealers and offer owners a convenient kit with all appropriate parts and installation tips. 1849 track risers are sold by the pair. They permit easy installation of mid-boom travelers which need to be raised to clear companionway hatches. Risers alticulate to allow use with either straight or C U N ~trackand ~ to fit any cabin house. They accept either 560 big boat track or 1511 mid-range track. Mdilionallntamatlon-See pages 94 and 95 for an explanat~onof spec~alfeatures See pages 48,49, and 96 for suggested ~ s e sSee pages 94 through 118 tor other cont~ourat~ons of tnwelen and aenoa lead cars See pap& 204 and 205 for suggesteo traveaer systems. See pages 206 and 207 for s~ggesledgenoa lead systems. ~ r t YD. 139 1536 561

318 1585


~nw~ar C D ~ Car Block8

Small boat tnveler kit Mid-range tnveler kii Big boat trawler kl Small boat g m a I d k'lt MM-range gema lead XR

Maximum wind s w d 25 kmts

215 1509 515



Two 083 Two 1515 TWO 1515




083 1515

Maximum wind speed 40 hots






259 &



142,143. 154,155 1510,1511, 1535 518,561). 758 142,154




15208 1521 564 & 565 Two 258 Two 1519

4:) 4:i

~ i m

Twlcal Born Lsnp 20- 27' 6m-8m 27-24 am-1Om 32' 45' 1Om-14m 25'-31' 7.6 m 9.1 m 2W-37' 8.8m-11.3m


Madmum Mainmllk m M i b B ~ m End-Boom Skalnnp Shedint 1 3 5 ~ ~ 17011' 12 n? 16mZ 225$ 275fi2 21m 25 m' 300 ft2 4 ~ft2 ) 37 mZ 2nd



Madmum Swll Area #l orl2 iS Genoa' Gsnoa"







450 f12 41.8d

175 n2 16.3d

750 n2 W.7d

330 n2 M.7d,

H a r k e n small boat traveler cars are used on boats from the smallest dinghys to offshore boats as large as 27 feet (8 m). A wide variety of cars insures that you will find exactly the right system for your boat. Dinghy cars use Delrin ball bearings while hi-load cars use Torlon balls for greater working load. 1250 series cars feature a longer body and Torlon balls for maximum load carrying ability. Travelers with fixed sheaves and eyestraps are designed for situations where the mainsheet load is within 10 degrees of vertical. Cars with pivoting shackles are designed to accept loads up to 40 degrees from vertical without binding, though load carrying ability is decreased proportionally to the angle of loading. 209 and 210 traveler cars with fixed sheaves and adjustable cam cleats allow a very simple installation. The cams can be adjusted to suit a variety of cockpit arrangements. Common S ecificalions Width - 2 i s ' (56 mm) Breaking strength - 2500 lbs (1134 kg) Car body height - 15/16" (24 mm) Ball dia - 1 4 (6 mm) Track-142,143,154, or155 No. of balls -42 1214 and 215 use 641 Additional lnfomalion - See pages 94 an0 95 (or an explanar on of soeclal feat~resSee Daae 96 lor sLaaestea Lses See Daaes 204 an0 2b5 for suggested tiveier systems.-Special Features Recirculating ball bearings Pivoting shackles Choice of control blocks

S m a l l boat tracks are available in low profile or high beam configurations. Low profile track should be used when the track can be supported at each fastener hole. Hi-beam track should be used when spanning a cockpit or other unsupported area. See chart below for spanning capability of small boat track. Either track will accept any small boat car. The first fastener hole on 154 and 155 track is located 2' (51 mm) from the end. The first fastener hole on 142 and 143 track is located 50 mm (llV16') from the end. End Stops and Trim Caps All track is supplied without end stops. 173 and 174 ends are designed for small dinghys and low load situations. 263 and 264 heavy duty end stops are designed to absorb the shock loads of unintentional jibes and are for use on larger dinghys and small keelboats. 261 and 262 trim caps are designed to finish the ends of track when control block assemblies are used. C u ~ e Track d Harken will bend any track to your specifications at a modest additional charae. Horizontal. vertical or r 97 for compound curves can be k d e . ~ e f etopage information regarding track bending.

Actual Size


Fasteners261 Not





Common Spe~lflcafions

Track width - W 122 mm) Hole spacing - 154,155: i(102 mm) 142,143: 100 mm (315/16") Fasteners - # l 0 (5 mm) FH Weight - 142,154: 4.93 oznt (459 @m) 143.155: 6.5 oznt (607 g h )

c Flk



l m l s r car


154 142

156-159.171 172,209.212


154 142


155 143


Lightduty end stop

154 142

Two per set



Lightduty end stop

155 143



80'(2.03 m)


Hew duty end stop

154 142

Two per

156,157,171, 209.211




Heavyduil endstop

155 143

Two per

155 143

158,159,172, 210,212

36 (914 mm)

42'(1.07 m)



154 142

155 143

Two 158s w1175

18'1457 mm)

42' 11.07 m)



155 143

155 143

214,215, 247

2(1(508 mm)



80' (2.03 m)


Splice Link

154 142

set %l

hsdcan Tmdc LenllMnchea 4. Fansmr Spadnp

Pad No. LW Roflle HI-ham 154-24'

Mnldc Tm&


100 mm hr$nar Spclng h d No.

low Prnllls


142-600 mm



142-1 m

143-1 m









set Two per set



142.1.8 m

143-1.6 m

154-84' 154-100'

155-84' 155-100'

142-2.1 m 142-2.5 m

143-2.1m 143-2.5 m

Two per



set Jdnstwo



142-3 m 142-3.6 m

143-3 m 143-3.6 m



142-6 m



S m a l l boat traveler controls make Harken small boat travelers complete systems. Control blocks allow simple installation of purchases from 2:l to 4:l. Assemblies secure to the traveler track itself so no additional holes in the boat are required. Cams are mounted on p vot ng arms so tnat control lines can be enaaaeo or released from a variety of positions onih; boat. The 255, single sheave control, is often used with the 211 or 212 windward sheeting traveler car to build a 3:l purchase. It is also used on boats to 25 feet (7.6 m) to build a 2 : l purchase for the 639 genoa lead car. The 258 is used on boats to 28 feet (8.5 m) to build a 3:l tackle for the 639 genoa lead car. Special Features Ball bearing sheaves 200 Cam-MCcam cRat Pivotino cam arm Shock &sorbmg bumper Fasteners lncluded

Common Spscitlcalions Length - 41A" (108 mm) Width - 1%' (40 mm) Track - 142.143. 154, or 155 Fasteners -1A" (6 mm) Max line size - v16" 18 mm) Sheave dia- llh'(29 mm) Additional lnlormatlon-See Daoes 94 and 95 for an explanat~onof special features -see page 96 for s~ggestedLses See pages 204 an0 205 for suggested traveler systems

Part NO. 255

neipht Descriplion Single sheave traveler control


safe wortlno Load

7 02 1989

1%' 44mm

3W lbs 136kg

6W lbs



ph : : ; : 272 kg


Single sheave travekr conlml w / ~ O c a m(port)

ll'& or 3269

2' 51 mm

300 Ibs 136 kg

600 lbs 272 kg


Single sheave traveler c0ntmlw1200cam (stbd)

11'4 02 326 g

2' 51 mm

300 lbs 136 kg

600 lbs 272 kg


Double sheave traveler control

8 02 227 g

2'h' 64 mm

600 Ibs 272 kg

1200 lbs 544 kg

Under 100 H' Under 10 m'


Double sheave traveler contml wR00 cam (port)

13 02 367 g

2%' 73 mm

600lbs 272 kg -

1200lbs 544 kg

100-175e 10-16m2


Double sheave traveler

13 02




Travller Control Purchara R8comnsndltions Sall h a


I 2:l purchase




TRAVELER CARS & CONTROL BLOCKSMid-range traveler cars are designed for use on offshore boats from 27 to 34 feet (8 to 10 m). They are compact cars with high free rolling loads. Two cars are available with a variety of track and control accessories to insure that you will find exactly the right system for your boat. Mid-range cars ride on recirculating Torlon ball bearings. The 1508 car is suitable for end boom sheeting on mainsails as large as 240 f? (22 m2).The 1509 car is suitable for end boom sheeting on mainsails as large as 275 ft2 (25 m2). Mid-range traveler cars feature pivoting shackles which are designed to accept loads up to 40 degrees from vertical without binding, though load cartying ability is decreased proportionally to the angle of loading. Mid-range traveler cars are sold with no control blockfixtures, but a variety of special control blocks attach to the cars to allow tackles from 2:l to 4:l purchase. These blocks will not hit the track or the traveler controls. For 2:l controls add the 1513 single control blocks. A 3:l control is achieved by adding 1514 single control blocks with becket. To make 4:l controls use 1515 double control blocks. For 1:l controls add the 1512 tang kit to the car to permit direct attachment of a control line or wire. The 1557 coupler joins two 1508 cars to provide a high load assembly which will still roll on radii as tight as 7 0 (1.78 m). The coupler assembly offers a vely low attachment point and includes two 1558 eyestraps. The coupler may be used in conjunction with mid-range control blocks. Spacial Features Recirculating ball bearings Pivoting shackles Choice of control blocks

Common Spacilications-Cars Breaking strength -5000 lbs (2268 kg) Width -2 % "(70 mm) Car body height - 1l/d (32 mm) Ball dia -546'' 18 mm)

rack-1510, i511 &l535

Addllionallnlormation- See paoes 94 and 95 for an explanation of special features. See page 96 for suggested uses. See pages 204 and 205 for suggested traveler systems.

~srctlplion ~englh Welptd

Maximum Load capacity


of balls


Hoipht Safe Above WoYnp Track Load


1508 Ma-range car

4%' 108mm

1002 284~

l8OOlbs 816kg


End-bmmsheeting on mains to 240 it2

1512 Confml taw kh

Z5%' 67 mm

M 02

14 Q

28 Q


IOW Ibs 2000 Ibs 1:1 pur454 kg 907 kg chase

1509 Long midrangecar

5 133mm

12 oz 3509

2300 lbs 1043 kg


End-bmm sheeting on mains to 275 ff

1513 Singleconlml blocks (sold as pdir)

25X 67 mm

2%: oz 71 g

1%" 32 mm

3001bs 2000lbs 2:l pur138 kg 907 ky chase


Fit mid-rangecan

1514 Singkconfml blacks 2W wmecket (sold aspair) 67 mm

3 oz 85 g

l 44 mm

3001bs 2000lbs 3:1 pur136 ky 907 kg chase


Joins two 1508 can

1515 Double control blocks

4 02

1528 25 rewement %'Todon balls 1557 Mid-ranw carcoupler

5%' 130 mm

7 or 198 g

3600 ibs 1633 kg



W0 lbs 2000 lbs 4:l pur-


Mid-range traveler track is available in either low profile or high beam configurations. 1510 and 1535 low profile track is a lightweight track which is ideal for installations where the track is supported for its entire length. It is used for many mainsheet traveler applications and is also perfect for genoa track, spinnaker pole track, and for luff track on, full batten mainsails. 1510 and 1535 track is designed to mount on flat surfaces like decks and on curved surfaces like masts and booms. The first fastener hole on 1510 track is located 2 (51 mm) from the end. The first fastener hole on 1535 track is located 50 mm (l15/16") from the end. 1511 high beam track is designed to bridge cockpits and companionways without expensive bridge structures. It mounts with bolts riding in a channel in the bottom of the track. Bolt spacing is flexible, but at least three bolts should be placed together at each end of a span. See chart below for the spanning capabilities of mid- range tracks. End Stops and Trim Caps 1522 and 1523 end stops are energy absorbing polyurethane to absorb the shock loads of accidental jibes. 1524 and 1525 trim caps are used to finish the ends of track when control assemblies are used. Curved TnCk Harken will bend any track to your specifications at a modest additional charge. Horizontal, vertical or compound curves can be made. Refer to page 97 for information regarding track bending.

Actual Slze

Bolt Slides Included. Fasteners Not Included

Common Specifications Track width - 11h6 (27 mm) Hole spacing - 1510: 4" (102 mm) 1535: l00 mm (315/16") Fasteners- 1510and 1535: 1/4'(6 mm) FH 1511: 1/4"(6mm)HH Weight - 1510 and 1535: 7 ozifl(655 glm) 1511: 16 ozlft (1.5 kglm)

Low Pmlile Track

Amaimn Track LenglMaet



Pall b.

1511-3' 1523 End stop

1511 Two per set

1510-7 1535



1510.8' 1510-10' 1510-12'

1535-1.8m 1535-2.1m 1535-2.4m 1535-3m 1535-3.6m 15354m

?(Q14 mm)

Mid-range traveler controls make Harken mid-range travelers complete systems. Traveler conrrols allow simple installat on of pLrcnases f r o m 2 1 to 4 1. Assemb ies secure to the traveler track ~tselfso no aaditional holes in the boat are required. Ball bearing sheaves insure that cars can be adjusted under load and released instantly in a gust. Cams are mounted on pivoting arms so that control lines can be engaged or released from a variety of positions on the boat. Special Features Ball Dearlng sheaves 150 Cam-Mat~ccam cleat Pivoting cam arm Shock absorbing bumper Fasteners included

Common Specifications

Length - 414 (1 14 m m ) Wioth - 1 3 ~r44 ' mm1 &k1510.'151 l;& 1535 Fasteners-%6' (8 mm) Max l10 mm\ ~-~line - size-* \ . - ......, Sheave dia - 1l&(38 ' mm) Addifionallnlomflon- See pages 94 and 95 for an explanation of special features. See page 96 for suggested uses. See pages 204 and 205 for suggested traveler systems. ~




TtawIw Cont~olPurrhlre Farommsndatlonr Sail And Endlwm Sbo6ilnp Mid.Boom ShneUn# under l25 9 Under 12 m2 Under 14 m' 150-2359 12s-2oon2 12-l9mZ 14-22mz


g 2:1 235 -275 l? 22-25m2


200 250 It2 19-23mZ

3:l 4:l



"NO. "osrcriptlon


9 02 1516 Single sheave tnveler control 2559 1517 Singlesheave travebr 1502 contml wl150cam (W*) 425 p 1518 Singlesheavetraveler control ~1150cam (sttd) 1519 Double sheave tnveler control 1520 Ooublesheave traveler contm1w1150cam (port) 1521 Double sheave traveler wntml w1150cam(slW)

Abow Track 1W 38mm l

43 mm

1502 1llAd 425 p 43 mm 10H02 2 298 9 54 mm 16% 236' 468 g 67 mm 16Mm 218' 4689 67mm

sale WWng Bmkiq Load 3001bs 1500 Ibs 2:l pur136kp 680kp chase 3001bs 15WIbs 2:l plr136 kg 680 kg chase 300 Ibs 136 kg W01bs 272 kg 6W ~bs 272 kg WO ibo 272 kg

15Wlbs 2:l plr. 680 kg chase 15M)lbs 3:l or 4:1 680 kg purchase 1500 ~bs 3:1 or4:i 680 kg purchase 15W lbs 3:l or4:l 680 kg plrchase

BIG BOAT TRAVELER CARS H a r k e n big boat traveler cars are known as the best big boat travelers in the world. They have earned their reputation as the most soughtafter racing and cruising travelers because they roll freely under high non-vertical loads. Where others have failed, Harken has succeeded in bringing the ease of dinghy traveler control to the offshore yacht. Variations of the big boat traveler cars are available to fit boats from 32 to 65 feet ( 9 . 8 to 1 9 . 8 m). Big boat traveler cars are used primarily for mainsheet travelers, but they are also frequently used for self-tacking jibs, outhauls, and vangs. Big boat cars ride on recirculating Torlon ball bearings. They feature pivoting shackles which allow them to accept loads up to 40 degrees from vertical without binding, though load carrying ability is decreased proportionally to the angle of loading. Big boat cars will ride on C U N ~tracks, ~ though load carrying ability is decreased proportionally to the tightness of the radius. See page 107 for minimum radii. Each car will accept a variety of control blocks allowing a modular selection of controls ranging from 1:l to 6:l. See page 106 for car couplers and control blocks. Speclal Features Common Specifications Recirculating ball bearings Car width - 3 5 A s " (84 mm) Pivoting shackles Car height - 13A" (43 mm) Choice of control blocks Track-516,560, 680, 758 or759 Additionallnlormation- See Daoes 94 and 95 for an exolanation of spec~alfeatures See page 96 for kggesled Lses. See pages 204 and 205 for sJggeslea lrave er systems.





m 0 series car


1503 Senes car



4500 Senes car








Fme Rolling Load

84 mm

15 oz 4259

1500 lbs 680 kg

7 m ibs 3175 kg 50W ibs 2268 kg

7%' 184mm

35 01 9929

4500 lbs 2041 kg

9000 Ibs 4061 kg

m ;i;l


Rt515.554 557 558

3000 ibs 1361 kg



BIG BOAT CAR COUPLERS & CONTROL BLOCKS B i g boat car couplers join two big boat cars to form a high load assembly which will run on curved track. The 517 cou~leris used to ioin two 515 cars. it acceDts a wide variety of standard blocksfor control lines. The 580 coipler is used with two 515 cars when 1797.1798, or 1799 control blocks are used. It forms an assembly which is useful on boats with mainsails to 650 ft2 (62 rn2)and end boom sheeting. The 752 coupler is used with two 558 cars for boats like 12 meters and Formula 40s which have very high sheet loads. it accepts a variety of standard blocks for controi lines. 515 and 558 big boat m will accept a variety of control blocks offering a control purchase from 2:l to 4:l. The 1797,1798, and 1799 control blocks will not hit the track or end stops. Use the 659 swivel bracket for 1:l controls or when you wish to attach your own selection of controi blocks. All control blocks and swivel brackets are sold by the pair and are shipped complete with installation instructions, Loctite" 242, and fasteners when required. Special Features Modular attachment to big boat cars Control blocksdo not hit track or end stops Free rolling roller sheaves Additional lntonnation- See pages 94 and 95 for an explanation of special features. See page 96 for suggested uses. See pages 204 and 205 for suggested traveler systems.


1799 Control Blocks ~ 1 5 1 Big 5 Boat Car Control blocks sold separately



8%' 225 mm

23 02 652 Q

€400 Ibs 2722 kg

12000 lbs 5443 kg


Coupkr for

7'/i 184 mm

21 oz 595 g

€400 lbs 2722 kg

12000 lbs 5443 kg


Coupler for

10%' 273 mm

2802 794 g

90001bs 4082 kg

lBWOlbs B165 kg

659 Swivel backet (sold as pair) 1797 Singlecontml blocks (sold as pair)




454 kg


402 1139

1%' 40mm

750Ibs 25MIlbs 2:l 3 4 0 k ~ 1134kg purchase

4 02 1139

2%' 60mm 2%'

750 lbs 2500 Ibs 3:l 340 kg 1134 kg purchase 1500lbs 2500lbr 4.1

1798 Single conlml blacks w/beckets(soldaspair) 76mm 1 1 7 9 9 Doublecontml blocks 3'


907kg purchase


3 BIG BOAT TRACK boat traveler track is available in either low profile or high beam configurations. 516 and 759 low profile tracks are lightweight tracks which are ideal for installations where the track is supported for its entire length. The first fastener hole on 516 and 680 track is located 2" (51 mm) from the end. The first fastener hole on 758 and 759 track is located 50 mm (115h6") from the end. 680 and 759 tracks are low profile tracks with 7/16" (12 mm) holes spaced at 1M" (34 mm) centers to accept 703 and 704 adjustable spring pin stops. They are often used for genoa track and for mainsheet or staysail traveler track when control lines are not desired or a positive stop is desired as a supplement to control lines. 560 high beam track is designed to bridge cockpits and companionways without expensive bridge structures. This track mounts with bolts riding on sliders in achannel in the bottom of the track. Bolt spacing is flexible but at least three boltsshould secure each end of the trackand two bolts should be placed together at each end

Bolt Sltdes Included Fasteners Not Included


boat traveler controls make Harken big boat travelers complete systems. Traveler controls allow simple installation of purchases from 2:l to 4:l. Assemblies secure to the traveler track itself so no additional holes in Me boat are required. Ball bearing sheaves insure that cars can be adjusted under load and released instantly in a gust. Cams are mounted on pivoting arms so that control lines can be engaged or released from a variety of positions on the boat. The 599 stop accepts a standard winch handle and is used to limit car movement on 51 6,560, or 758 track when control lines are not desired. The 703 stop is used on 680 or 759 track to provide a positive stop for travelers or genoa lead cars. The 704 not only selves as a stop on 680 or 759 track but also selves as a bail for attachment of snatch blocks. SpeElsl Faabrnr Ball bearing sheaves 150 Cam-Matic cam cleat Pivoting cam arm Shockabsorbing bumper Fastenen included

Common Sp~~IfkatIons Width -2 1 N (54 mm) Track 51 6.5M.680 758,759 Fasteners - W (10 mm) Mm ineshe-W (10mm) Sheave d i -1%' (44 mm) AdditionaIInlomtion- See pages 94 and 95 for an explanation of special features. See page 96 for suggested uses. See pages 204 and 205 for suggested traveler systems.

Under 2M) It2 Under 24 m2 260 -450 n? 24-42d


Under 2 4 0 v Under 22 m' 240-4Wff 22-37m2


Owble sheave traveler wnfrol

564 h b l e sheave traveler contmlw/150cam(port) 565 Doublesheave trawler 566 Sin* sheave t m & r cmtml €82 Single sheave lraveler wntrol wn50 cam (pon) 683 Smgle sheave tnveler controiwll50cam (sttd) 599 Miuslablk screw smp 703 Adjusbble pin stop


Adiuslebk oin s t w

5M' 140mm

21 02 595g

2"/1em Mlmm

7WLs 318 kg

SW 140mm SW

2802 7949

2r%d Mlmm 2'h'

7Wibs 318kg 7001bs

2O QI Ins 907 kg 20001bs 907 kg 20001bs

5M' 140mm 511' 140 mm 5H' 140mm 3' 76mm 3' 76mm

18boz 5240 2502 7W g 25 oz 7Wg S1h 02 156g 7bm 2130 13 oz

I 44mm 2' 51 mm

350lbs 159 kg 350lbs 159 kg 350 lbs 159 kg

2wolbs 907 kg 2000lbs 907 kg 2000 lbs 907 kg






51 mm 16mm '%S'

24mm 2%'

3500 10s

Forcontmk wlh remotecleats 3:1 or4:l purchase 3:1 or4:1

2:1 purchase 2:l purchase Accepts standard winch hanale

H i - l o a d traveler controls are designed for use on boats with mainsails over 400 square feet (37 m'). They use big boat sheaves and hi-load aluminum sideplates to withstand the severe shock loading generated by unintentional jibes on large offshore boats. Hi-load traveler controls allow simple installation of purchasesfrom 2:l to 6.1. Hi-load traveler controls are also suitable for genoa lead car adjusters on offshore boats. Snecial Features Common S~eclflcalions -r-..-. -Length -?W (194 mm) Hi-load bearings 150 Cam-Matic cam cled Width -2 7 ~ 2 (56 ' mm) Shnck absorbino bumoers Track -516.560.680 ~-Two boltsfor strength Fasteners - W (10 mm) Maxlineske- t2" (12 mm) Fasteners included Sheave dia- 21A' (57 mm) Additionallnlomration- See pages 94 and 95 for an explanation of spscial features. See page 96 for suggested uses. See pages 204 and 205 for suggested traveler systems. ~

T m l m CcaImI Fnmhase Rocommandallonr Sal1 h a

""tmrrr~ptlon NO. 730 731 732 733 734 735 736

Singk sheave hi-load traveler control Single sheave hi-load traveler control ~ 1 1 5 cam 0 (port) Single sheave hi-had traveler control wn50 cam (stbd) Double sheave hi-load traveler control Doubk sheave hi-load travekr control ~ 1 1 5 0cam (port) Double rheaw hi-load lraveler control ~ 1 1 5 cam 0 (stbd) Tnple sheave hi-load tiavekr conlml


2 7 or~ 7809 34% 02 978 g 3 4 1 oz ~ 978 g 35 oz 9928 4 1 h or 1.18 kg 41% oz 1.18 kg 42 oz 119kg

HOIQM mova Track A 56mm 23~s'

56 mm 2Hs' 56mm 33Ae' 81 mm

311s' 81 mm 3%' 81 mm 4%' 106mm



Braakino Slmw~h

2000 ibs 907 kg 700 ibs 318 kg 700 lbs 318 kg 14001bs 635 kg 14W Ibs 635 kg l400 lbs 635kg 1400 lbs 635kg

4 m lbs 1814 kg 1400 ibs 635 kg 1400 lbs 635 kg 2800 Ibs 1270 k9 2800 lbs 1270 kg 2800 Ibs 1270 kg 2800 1bs 1270kg

2:1 purchase 2:1 purchase 2:l Purchase 3:t or4:t purchase 3:1 or 4:l purchase 3:l w 4 : l purchas


5:l or 6:l purchase


Windward sheeting traveler cars bring a new ease to traveler adjustment. Cars may be pulled above the centerline without releasing the leeward control line. Tack, and the car stays in the same position on the track, ready to be pulled to the new windward side. The windward sheeting car allows the mainsail trimmer to stay on the high side of the boat and allows the boat to be tacked without the need to first cleat the leeward control lines. Once you've sailed with a Harken windward sheeting traveler car, you'll wonder how you ever sailed without one. Windward sheeting trawler cars are available in seven sizes for boats from dinghys to large offshore boats. Adapter kits are available to fit most Harken small boat, mid-range and big boat traveler cars. The 21 1 and 212 feature a small boat traveler car. The 21 1 tits smaller dinghys while the 212 is used on larger dinghys like the Flying Dutchman and small offshore boats like the Jl24. The 247 features a 1250 series car and can be used on heavy course racing keel boats like the Dragon and on offshore boats to 26 feet (7.9 m) with mains as large as 175 f? (16 m2). Small boat cars can be rigged with 2:l or 3:l traveler controls. The 1575 is built on a 1508 trawler car and is ideal for offshore boats to 33 feet (10 m) with mainsails as large as 240 f12 (22 m'). The 1576 uses a 1509 car and ma be used on boats to 35 feet (10.6 m) with mainsails to 275 (25 m') and end boom sheeting. The 608 uses a 515 big boat traveler car and is suitable for three-qualter tonners and some offshore boats as lar e as 40 R (12 m) with mainsails as large as 400 f? (38 m ).The 609 is based on a 558 car and is used on boats like one-tonners with large mainsails to 525 ft2 (50 m'). All windward sheeting cars have 150 Cam-Matic cleats built into the control mechanism. They are best suited for travelers mounted in the cockpit and at, or near, deck level. Controls cannot be led through turning blocks to a remote location.



Soacial Featnns ikeward cleat opens automatically Recirctl~atingball beanno cars Pivoting shickles 150 Cam-Matic cam cleats Integratedcontrol sheaves MdIIi~allInmatlon- See pages 94 and 95 for an explanation of special features of traveler cars. See pwe 96 for suggested uses. See pages 204 and 205 for suggested traveler systems. Dd"" 213 Smallboatwindward shaetlno adqler ki 211 Sr0M bortcu 212 Hi-load small

6 175mm 6%' 175mm

3 78mm 3% 78mm

2301 6529 23m 6520

142.143 154,155 142,143 154,155


5Wlk 227


8501bs Wkp

1ZWlts 544 k9 2WOlbs 907ko

2:1 3:l 255 2:l 3:l 255




156,157,158, 2:1 a 3 : l 159,171 6 17'2

248 1nOSalrerwindward 215

2:l or 3:l

1577 Mibranpewindwrd W i n g adapter kit 610 Big Donwindward s M n 9 adapter ki


3:l or4:l


5:l or 6:1

Tadr (3). and the c ar stays in W ,rmdy to

bepuRedbckfoMe new windwardside (4). Its ahnaFIamnWic.



MI~I-maxi , . . traveier cars are designed for large offshore boats from 55 to 71 feet (16.5to 22 m). Harken mini-maxi traveler cars ride on two rows of recirculating Torion ball bearings so they are free rolling under even high non-vertical loads. One standard configuration of mini-maxi mainsheet traveler car is available in three variations to fit different horizontal track radii. Mini-maxi traveler cars cannot ride on vertical radii under 100' (30.5m). Each standard mini-maxi car features a hi-load pivoting shackle and 2.25'control blocks for a 2:l traveler control system. Other variations are avaihble on a special order basis. Special Features Recirculating ball bearings Pivoting shackles Foot blocks for control blocks

Common SpecliicaUons Free Rolling Load - 8750 lbs (3969kg) Breaking Strength - 18000 lbs (8164kg) Length 10"(254mm) Width -4 W (111 mm) Height -33%" (95mm) Weight - 89 oz (2.52 kg) Ball dia - 'R" (12mm) No of balls -68 Additional information See pages 94 and 95 for an explanation of special features. See page 96 for suggested uses. See suggested systems on pages 204 and 205.






15.25 m

curved fmck Minimaxi car for CUrYBd tmck

7.32 m

9.75 m


Actual Size



T w o configurations of low profile minimaxi traveler track are available. 1701 is a low profile track suited for most applications. It is commonly used for applications like mainsheet travelers. 1706 is a low profile track with holes for the 1708 adjustable stop. 1706 is typically used as a genoa track. The first fastener hole in 1701 and 1706 track is located 37.5 mm (17A6') from the end. Tracks are sold without end stops. End stops are available in a variety of configurations to suit every need. The 1703 provides a 2:l traveler control to lead to a winch. The 1708 adjustable stop is used to limit movement by genoa lead cars or to control mainsheet travelers when control lines are not desirable. Curved -- Track -

Harken will bend [rack to your soeclf,catlons at a moaest aadlt ona charge. Mini-maxi track can only be bent in a horizontal radius. Refer to page 97 for information regarding track bending.


Common SpeclllcaNons Track Width - 42 mm (li1A6') Height - 22 mm (W) Weight - 1701: 1.54 kg/m (161h ozltt) 1706: 1.4 kalm (15 oz/ft\ Fastener hole spacing175 mm (21S/l6"]l Fasteners - 10 mm (W)FH

Low Pmlllo Msblc h c t 75 mm (2'%e') Fartaner Spclng

Part NO.

Deacrlptlon .-






weight wotkinp Load

3%' 2%' 95mm 67mm


38mm 5%' 2%' 2%' wifool block 143mm 67mm 70mm 1708 Adjustable stop 3 7 2%' 2'h' 98mm 67mm 52mm


3698 29 02 822g 15 02 4259

4950 lbs Hi-load 2245 kg sheave Fits 1706 track

Fagular wmop Holes


1706-1.5 m

Track Cll'(1.5m)

Harken maxi travelers bring the ease of dinghy traveler adjustment to the largest of affshore boats. The Harken maxi traveler is a development of the recirculating ball bearing principle which makes all Harken travelersfree rolling even under high non-vertical loads. One standard configuration of maxi mainsheet traveler car is available in three variations to fit different horizontal track radii. r (30.5 m) Maxi traveler cars cannot ride on vertica raa~i~ n d e100' shacde Each standard maxi car features a hi-load oivotino ~-~~ ~~-and control blocks for a 2 : l traveler control system. Other variations are available on a special order basis. ~






Spsriai Foalurns Recirculating ball bearings Pivoting shackles 51 1 foot blocks for controls

Common Speciiicalions Free rolling load -12000 ibs (5443 kg) Breaking strength -25000 lbs (11340 kg) Length - 13W (353 mm) Width -514" (133 mm) Height 5" (127 mm) Weight - 180 oz (5.1 kg) Ball d'ia - W (12 mm) No of balls - 100 Additionalinfomtion- See pages 94 and 95 for an explanation of special features. See page 96 for suggested uses. See pages 204 and 205 for suggested trawler systems. 114



Mlnlmum Radlus

Hardmum Radius

Maxi car for wrved track

7.32 m 679

Maxi [arlorcurved track

9.75 m 24'

MAXI TRACK & CONTROLS T w o standard configurations of maxi trackare available. Both are lightweight low profile tracks perfectly suited for mainsheet and genoa sheet applications on maxi boats. 660 is a low profile track suited for most applications. 661 is a low profile track with holes for the 664 and 668 adjustable stops. The first fastener hole on 660 and 661 track is located 50 mm (11576") from the end. Tracks are sold without end stops. End stops are available in a variety of configurations to suit every need. The 667 is aenerallv used to build 2:t traveler controls to lead to a winch. i h e 664adjustable stop is often used to limit movement by maxi genoa lead cars or to control maxi mainsheet travelers when control lines are not desirable. The 668 adjustable stop with padeye serves a dual role as a stop and also serves as an auxiliary sheeting position on maxi aenoa track. *'NO. " OmrlpHnn Lanmh Wlnh Curved Trach Harken will bend any track to your 662 End stop 3'a' 3%' specifications at a modest additional 7gmm 95mm charge. Maxi track can only be bent in 663 End stop 6%' 3%' a horizontal radius. Refer to page 97 for wipadeye 16zmm %mm information regarding track bending. 664 Adiustabk stop 3 ~ ' 3%' Common S~ecilicafions Track wiscrew 90 mm g s m m 666 Maxiend slop 5%: ;?4: Width - 2jh' (64 mm) wfloot block 146 mm 95 mm Height -1lkI29 mm) 667 Maxi end slop W/ Weight -660: 33 ozif/ (3.09 kglm) becket foot black 181 mm 95 mm 661: 32 onTl 13.01 kolml Fastener hole spacing-- 100 &I (31576.) 668 Adjustable stop 7%' 3W wiscrew & padeye 192 mm 95 mm Fasteners - %r" (12 mm) FH





ssta Haipht Wuiphl w i i i n g



51 mm 3w 86mm 2%' 64mm

2802 7949 44 02 1.25 kg 26 02 7379 46% oz 1.32 kg


86 mm



1 1 100 mm (3'%67 Fastener Spacing

8500 I ~ S 3856 kg tits 661

track 4964 lbs W ] 2223 kg f a block

5702 4964lbs wi505 86mm 1.62 kq 2223 k~ lca bkck 55% oz 85W lbs Rts 661 86mm 1.69 kg 3856 kg lrack


Part No.

Part No,

660-1.5m 660-lam 660-21m 660-24m 660-3m 660-36m

661-15m 4'11'(1.5 m) 661-1.8m 5'1Wi (1.8 m) 661-21m 6'10%'(2.1 m) 661-24m 7'10%' (2.4



661.3m 661-36m

9'10'na' 3 m 11'9%' (3.6 m) 19'8%' (6 m)

Cars not included


MAINSHEET CARS & SHE.vE cARRIERs1 751 Car not included

Mainsheet sheave carriers are used with double ended mainsheets to give 2:lor 4:l purchases on larger offshore boats. These sheave carriers feature low friction Harken big boat sheaves or blocks to insure ease of mainsheet and traveler car adjustment under any load. Sheave carriers are designed to lay down within 15' of horizontal to maintain fair leads even when reaching and running. The 584 and 586 serve as a coupler for two 515 big boat cars. The 751 fits a standard maxi traveler car. These carriers do not include traveler cars. The 1841,1842and 1843 mini-maxi car and carrier and the 1844,1845,and 1846 maxi car and carrier include special cars and will accept either aluminum, stainless or titanium swivel blocks. These assemblies are designed for applications where the sheet winches are not directly in line with the traveler track or the track is curved.



Special Features Big boat mainsheet sheaves Carriers pivot No loose ....blocks . ~

Additional lnformation- See pages 94 and 95 for an explanation of special features. See page 96 for suggested uses.


Haipht Above


Shaava Oiamater

44 02 1.25 kg 90 02 2.55 kg

3.00' 76 mm 4.0W 102 mm

12902 3.66 kg


584 Small mainsheel



2$4m_m..~.~165mm 586



Shaavs Block

Rack Radlm (Uorimdal Ban& Only)



5641565 or WO563 736

W(2.5 m) orgrealer S'(2.5 m) orweater

4.50' 114mm


666 or €67


Choose€65,678, or 679 car for radius

Pufchrae 4:l ..



Mainsheetsheave carrier

163x 425 mm

8' 203 mm

751 Ttanium 4:l malo mainsheet sheave canler

12%' 311 mm

229 mm

1841 2:1 Mini-maxi car &carrier lor swivel blocks

12' 305 mm

14902 4.23 kg

4' or 4'W 102mm or 114mm




Use 539,541,764 1712, or 1713

50'(15.2 m) orgreater

1842 2 1 Minkmaxi car &carrier tot swivel blocks

12' 305 mm

9" 229 mm

14902 4.23 kg

4' or 4'4' 102mm or 114mm



Use 539,541,764 1712, or1713

24'10 32' 7.3 to 9.7 m

1843 2:l Mini-maxi car & carrier for swivel blocks

12' 305 mm


149 02 4.23 kg

4'0r4W' 102mmor 114mm




Use 539.541.764 1712.or1713

16't024' 4.910 7.3 m

1844 2 1 Maxi car & carrier 101swivel blocks

13%' 349 mm

10% 257 mm

184 02 5.21 kg

SOr5M' 127mmor 140mm


666 or 667

Use 543,545,766. 1714, or1715

100' (30.5 m) orgreater

1645 2:l Maxi car & cariler for swive blocks

13%' 349 mm


66601 667

Use 543,545,766. 1714.or 1715

2C to 32' 7.3 109.7 m

1846 2:l Maxi car 6 carrier for swivel blocks

13%' 349 mm

10%' 257 mm

184 oz 5.21 kg

S or 5 ' 6 127mmor 140mm Sar5W 127 mmor140mm


257 mm

184 02 5.21 kg


€66 or 667

Use 543,545,766. 1714.or1715

16'10 24' 4.910 7.3 m









H a r k e n spinnaker pole cars are based on recirculating ball bearing travelers to permit adjustment under any load. They roll freely on low profile traveler track to allow the crew to adiust the inboard pole'end for optimal sail shape on all points of &l. Five cars are available to fit boats from daysailers to offshore boats as large as 48 feet (14.6 m). Small and mid-range cars feature rings for end-for-end jibing. Big boat cars accept two popular toggle studs or the Harken bell end fittings. Spinnaker pole cars for larger boats or with other attachment configurations are available from our Custom Division.

Max Spin No. Pole Sail " Bad I n n Balls 780 Smail boalspln- 4 3 , 1301 1125 ibs 9WR2 64 142 Ring nakerpoiecar l 1 1 mm 3699 510 kg 85m2 154

Special Features

Recirculatingball bearings Accepts most popular pole ends Cars fit low profile track Additional lnlormation- See pages 94 and 95 for an explanation of special features.





Lenulh Weight W0ll;ing Load

23 01 21001bs 1 3 5 0 t f 781 Mid-nngespin- 5 naker pole car 133 mm 652 g 953 kg 125 m'


1510 Ring 1535

782 Big boat spinnakerpoiecar

7 35 oz 4050 lbs 2 0 0 0 t f 184 mm 9929 1837 kg 1 f f i m 2


516 B120 & 758 130 bell end

783 Big boat spinnaker pole car

7 36 oz 4050 lbs 2000l+ l 8 4 mm 1.02 kg 1837 kg 186m2


516 Sparcraft 758 toggle

784 Big boat spinnaker pole car

7'X 35 02 4050 lbs 2 0 0 0 t f 184 mm 992 g 1837 kg 186 m2


516 Forespar 758 toggle


LEAD BLOCKS T h e ability to adjust genoa lead block position under load has become crucial to success in offshore racing. Pulling the lead forward allows the crew to "power up" the genoa coming out of tacks or when sailing through luUs Easing the car aft "depowers" the genoa to keep the boat on its feet in gusts. Cru sing sailors Jse adjustaole lea0 cars with rol er reefino oenoa mstems. As the oenoa is reefed, the lea; iarposiiion must be moved forward to compensate. The ability to adjust lead car position from the safety of the cockpit is more than just a convenience. Harken adjustable genoa lead blocks ride on traveler car bodies with reliableTorlon ball bearings so that adjustment, even under extreme loads, is smooth and easy. These blocksfeature wide sheaves which will pass two sheets. The 587 and 554 will pass two sheets with J-Lock or Presslock-type shackles. All pivot 40'to either side to accommodate changing lead angles and the 587 and 554 feature stand up springs. The 1537 genoa car accepts 1513,1514, and 1515 control blocks. The 587 and 554 cars accept the 1799 control blocks for 4:l controls. Maxi genoa lead cars with pivoting, swiveling or removable sheave carriers are available from our custom department. Special Feaiums Recirculating ball bearings Pivoting sheave carriers Wide sheaves pass two sheets Low profile genoa tracks Addiilonsl Inlmatlon- See pages 94 and 95 for an explanatior; of special features. See pages 48 and 49 for suggested uses. See suggested systems on pages 206 and 207. See pages 104 and 106 for control blocks. 118




1250 w a s


3W0 Series



1537 Midiange

Shmw olilrnlur



Bm*lna C,Wldlh stmn~

2 64mm 3' 76mm 4W' 114 mm

12501bs 567kg 3WOlbs 1361 kg 45W lbs 2041 kg

7WOIbs 3175 kg l2WOlbs 5443 kg

2 84mm

23W lbs 1043 kg

4W0 lbs 2089 kg

ZSOOI~S 1134kg

RI Lsnalh WIL Rnlr 140mm


142 154

1802 Slog

8' 203mm

516.660 758.759

4602 1.3 kg

8s mm

248 W',mm

758.759 516,680

2.35 8302 kp


5 133mm

1510 1535

2701 7650


56mm 31,s 85 mm


CUSTOM PRODUCTS A s racing boats become more specialized and cruising yachts become larger and more automated, the demand for custom and special products has grown substantially While other manufacturers have frowned at requests for "one off" projects, we have responded by forming a special Custom Division within our company. We have five engineers and designers devoted strictly to custom projects and a crew of machinists and metalworkers whose sole responsibility is producing custom hardware. Our CAD (Computer Aided Design) system streamlines the design process. A plasma cutter, wire EDM cutter, and computer driven machining centers allow rapid turnaround of one-off projects with all of the quality you've come to expect of Harken. The most successful custom projects are refined and offered as standard hardware so ~~~






that the general sailing public benefits from the development work performed by our Custom Division. The lessons we learn in Custom have resulted in significant development of new products and manufacturing techniques. Whether you need one part, or one hundred, Harken has the engineering expertise, creative production methods, and attention to detail required to solve vour , ,oroblem.

Special Projects Designers and builders of large custom racing and cruising boats have very specialized requirements. Our distributors are capable of meeting most of these needs. In addition, our Newport, Rhode Island sales office has been organized as a special resource center to work with our distributors and customers on special projects and is

capable of specifying complete hardware systems including travelers, winches, blocks, and Battcars. They are aided by special CAD systems, which are devoted to preparing deck layouts for special projects using our E-Z Deck Software.

Om'ering Cuslom Hardware The nature of custom hardware requires that very close commJn catlon be malntamed oetween tne customer an0 tne designer. If you are interested in custom products, contact Harken or your Harken distributor so that we can discuss your precise needs. In many cases, we will have an existing custom design that will fill your needs more quickly and less expensively than developing a new product. Many of our more popular custom designs are shown on page 120 through 124.

C2GOG Mini-mad mainsheet tmwkr w;th ttfanium carrier and Airblock sheam

C2392Ai~heavesiraphead bwm mwntedmmsheef bloch Amches m boom wim K e v k r m p i n a m spreaa load

C2537 Tn-sheave genoa kad cambr is e~@mebfiylhtw@Mandpresents taw d&mwtershmpmhb tosheds.

The new America's Cup Class is an exciting challenge for naval architects, boat builders, and sailom,.. and also for hardware manufactures. The boats carrv tremendous sailoower for their weight so loads are awesome,yet the crews are'more weight conscious than dinghy sailors. Performance is everything in AC racing so hardware must work smoothly and freely under load. Naturally, failure cannot be tolerated. It all adds up to an interesting test of creativity and innovation. Harken has become the primary hardware supplier for most of the America's Cup Syndicates by organizing a responsive sales and service team to work closely with all of the syndicates. We have maintained secrecy about their special features, while offering them all the innovative new design concepts we have developed. The working relationship is personal, yet professional, with creative give and take from all sides. The Harken Custom Department has developed some novel approaches to decreasing the weight and increasing the performance and strength of blocks, genoa lead cars, steering systems, travelers and a range of other hardware. Our patent-pending Airblocks" offer the high performance 120


C2410 boat mnoa kadcdr mfh Ajsheave and t&n;um tcggfe.

characteristics of rollerlball bearing sheaves. They have the same weight as conventional composite bushing blocks which develop more friction at low loads. The uniaue desion ootimizes weiaht -~~ and is adaptable to a wide range of applica~ons. Travelers ride on specially milled lightweight tracks. Couplers, control blocks, and Airblock sheaves for the sheet, are computer designed for the best weight/strength/performance characteristics. Genoa lead cars are carefully sized and feature Airblock sheaves. They move freely under load and the low-friction sheaves speed tacks. Tri-sheave lead car carriers are extremely light and their configuration allows three small sheaves to protect line like a single large sheave. Steering systems utilize carbon fiber pedestals fabricated in our own shop to exacting standards. The heads are precision bearing assemblies and the aluminum wheels approach the weight of composite wheels at much lower cost. Lightweight, self-aligning rudder bearings offer finger tip control under all conditions. The AC boats also use afull range of standard hardware like Cam-Matic cleats, gear which was specified by our Custom Department when the complete performance package was developed. ~











-~ ~

C2529 One ton wnoa lead car Is utra fight, yet offers a SWL of 2500 lbs (1134 kg). Fits small boat track.

T h e IOR has evolved into the leading edge of offshore racing worldwide. The maxi boats and IOR Fifties have pushed the boundar~esol technology and the Keen compefit veness of leve rac na one-fonnen has bred a cass of boats tnat are finely honed and where small advantages win races. The Harken Custom Department works actively with designers, builders and project managers to develop proper hardware for each project. Much of an IOR deck package is standard hardware, but every project presents special challenges and special opportunities which call for the creative input of Custom eng~neering. The emphasis is always on performance. Low weight, minimal friction, and absolute reliability are the hallmarks of custom projects done for IOR racers. Check the top racers at events like the Admiral's Cup and you'll see the blend of standard and custom hardware that is the hallmark of a well designed IOR boat.

C2531 Genoa W O Cdl salanb 101 13s on !OR fine5 an0 WOlonnen N,ae Sned,? fd~ftldlelL1.IChdMeF f R 5 mid-ram track SWL IS 4 i i lbs ~~~~~~



C2395Aluminum5'(127mm) halyard leadbkxk lealures lowpMotwfm. SW1 is 10,MolDs (4536kol.

C25825 W ' l l 2 7 m m ) aumnwm runner W /or Sowre154 Fan1 Ecne on SW1 .s 125Wlbs (5670 #g)

The IMS rule is rapidly gaining popularity worldwide. IMS designs have quickly evolved to the point where owners are looking for the small competitive advantages that make the difference between winning and losing. The IMS rule presents some interesting challenges to the hardware designer. Materials like titanium are banned by the IMS so the effort to make nardware l~gntmust focus on very careful oesian usina materials l~kealumlnum and stainless steel. Runner blocks withaluminurn shells and stainless tangs must be computer designed to remove extraneous weight while providing the strength required. 122

Our normal steering pedestals are carbon fiber, but for IMS boats we work in fiberglass or aluminum. Our new wheels are aluminum fabrications that are very close to the weight of carbon fiber at afraction of the cost. Other IMS projects we have worked on include large T-track lead cars, special mainsheet traveler configurations and spinnaker pole cars. Standard Harken products are ideal for most applications on IMS yachts, but many projects require one or two custom items to optimize the layout.


C2495 Headboardm'aoe with halmrd lock developed tor RMO.

sw 6 12,mMs( M W .

C2149Alh*mhirpleads forheadsab on RMO. SW is I0,WOIts (4536 hp)

RMO - Phao mumry d Jmnpau



A m o n g the most exciting and satistying projects to deal with are multihulls. They are the fastest boats afloat, they develop incredible loads, their fully sponsored racing programs demand total reliability, they are not artificially constrained by rules, and the designers and sailors are free thinking individuals with seemingly unlimited creativity. Over the past ten years Harken has been involved with projects that have shattered records like the round the world record, the trans-Atlantic record, and resulted in firsts in such monumental races as the CSTAR, the Route du Rhum, and the Round Europe Race. The primary challenge that multihulls present to hardware

designers is the awesome loads they develop as they sail faster than the wind. Hardware must be very carefully specified by experienced members of the Harken Custom team and custom items must be designed and built with respect for the loading. Other interesting aspects of multihull hardware design include the challenges of building Bancars for enormous, full banen mains, and developing travelers and lead cars which can carry the load and fit on the restricted "deck" space available. And, of course, multihull hardware must always be as light as possible. We've worked on multihulls of all sizes and types. The hardware shown was developed for RMO, the French 60ttrimaran, but is typical of the type of projects we have handled. 123

C2569 W n k steeiremwble p a d w has a safe wrkm had d 28,WO MS (l2,mOkg).

C2209 Gema md snoer car for 50 mm r incu lea~uresa m& s m a e for sal changes SNL d 23 WOOS( l 0 433 191

C1921 Outhaul car uses a maxi car body and b designed for furl in^ mainsails. SWL is 19,WOibs (as18 kg).

C2239 Sainless steel 5.50' (127 mm) removable Mck is often usedtor toreguys andaftergup or vthw Purooses where h's nice 10 'dmr lhe decks.'SWL is 10,500 ibs (4763 kg).

M G A YACHT PROJECTS A n astounding number of huge cruising boats have been built in the last few years; so many that they are considered a growth area in the industry. While to the casual observer these boats are little more than floating palaces, the reality is that they are very refined sailing yachts from the boards of highly skilled designers who have met the challenge of combining luxurious comfort with boats that sail well and are easy to handle. Hardware for mega yachts must be extremely strong, yet must be of a look and quality that meets the standard of the rest of the boat. 124

As designers pursue the goal of "automatic sailing* with push button control of all functions, hardware must also be designed to be completely reliable, and very free rolling. Harken offers afull range of standard hardware, including polished stainless steel blocks and tracks, to meet most of the needs of mega yachts, but our Custom department is continually involved in specifying and designing special blocks, tmvelers, and steering components to fit the special needs of these very special projects.



JIB REEFING & FURLING FEATURES across the line when ~ b u Sceta p captured fir3 place and Volcano, pictured on page 125, won the Corinthian class. BOG skippers have very simple criteria when choosing a furling system -it has to be completely reliable, as light as possible, and aerodynamically correct. Their lives and the race depend on the right gear. In all, eight boats in the 1991 BOC used Harken furling, and of those, Allied Bank, Gmup Sceta, Jarkan, and Duracellall removed other brands to put Harken aboard. BOC racers chose Harken because our sydiims ride on highstrength Torlon ball bearings which don't ne lubricants or seals so they roll freely with minimal maintenanci'.he foils are tough, low weight, airfoil shaped extrusions for ex@I ent performance under sail. Structural wmponents are precis n machined from stainless steel, silicon bronze and Hardkotd \'od~zed,Teflon impregnated aluminum for years of corroc lgresistant sewice. And they appreciated the worldwide distril nand service which saw our highly trained staff on the 1 at every stop from Cape Town to Sydney to Punta We don't expect many of our sail alone around-the-

reefing and furling prefer Harken.



Swage. Norseman, Sta-Lok or rod fittings may be used with any size Harken system.


Main components are mach neo from s0l.d 6061-T6a um1n.m wnicn IS Hardkote anodlzeo wiih Tellon impregnation for years of sewice.


Multiple races of Todon bearings distribute load "Ik'




Nickel plated silicon bronze turnbuckle bcdy insures Qallprod operation. prewnthg fetigue failure caused by side loading.

Easy Raelnfl C o n w ~ I o n The hinged Harken feeder is easily removed with just two screws, which permlts tne halyard swlvel to pass. Remove a few more screws and the d n m s ps off tne star An optional split drllm allows y o to~ remove the dmm W tn0i.t removing the heaastay clevis pin In either case you're lee with a clean, aerodynam~cdouble luff groove foil wh.ch is ready for quick sail changes:Sails are now tacked at the deck so you can use yourfull-hoist racing genoas.

Jn~o~rectlona oear ng system nandles loads from all dlrect ons.


yr.,. m~n~mal requlre no matntenance lubncatlon and

Our sc~entlhctestlng program has resulted In an exceptionally ball bearlngs free-running s w e lRellableTorlon des~gn

Feeders are carefully shaped and flnlshed to allow qulck singlehanded holstlng and emlent raclng sat1 changes

Easy to Assembla Designed for owner installation with only simple hand tools. The picture-book instructions make assembly a snap. The all facing double-grooved tolls ride over your existlng headstay. The headstav handles the load wh ch mainta ns tne structural inteatiN of vour rig. eke your wire or rod headstay and save the expense of; h w stay. Adaptable to Swrage, Rod, NorPeman or Sta-LokFWngs This versatility means you can choose the type of rigging and terminals you prefer. For easiestinstallation Jse swage f ttings (oir extra-long swaoe fin no allows you to reuse your headstay). If you prefer a rod headstay aiadapter klt 1s requlred Norseman or Sta-Lokfittngs preferred in tropical waten, are another option Superb Reefin#, Not Jurl Furling Our indeoendent tack and head swivels allow the center of the sail to furl befoie the ends wn,ch reduces Oran and gives better shape Use vour exlstino sa~ls. ,~~ . swc allv,desianm reefina sa Is or sarls wlth foam shaping devices. Strong foil sections with secure, positive connection, prevent twisting when reeling and insure joints will not break down even after years of service. A unique drum lockallows you to reef, secure the drum and not have to worry about accidental sail release in strong winds. Use this feature when moored for extra peace-of-mind when you're away from the boat. ~




Easy Length Adjustment ~he~built-in furling turnbuckle makes installation easy. It is designed to handle the hiah side loads of afurlina svstem while it corrects for minor measuremenierrors and makes masi rike adjustment possible Easy Sal1 Changes and Shaping Reefing is great but there are times when you may want to change sails. Each Harken unit has a builtin prefeeder and a superbly designed feeder which make sail changes a snap. And you raise and lower sails using your own halyard so you can change sail shape through halyard tension. Order optional snap shackles to speed sail changes. Claan Aamdynamle Foils Our aerodynamically-correct lolls won't oflend your sense of aesthet~csor moll the alr flow on vour aenoa The lolls are enalneered tor superior $length without offensive 'bulk. Free Rolllng, Low Malntenanrs Baarings Tor on plastic ball bear ngs n patent pend~ngstackeo races distnbute the radial ana thrbst oads evenly allowing the system to rotate with exceptions ease. These are the same Torlon bearings we use in obr famous big boat olocs and they're so reliable that tney're covered by our five ye& limited warranty. ~aintainthese bearingsby rinsing occasionally with freshwater. Flnest Malerlals and Const~ction All of our load bearing components, including the drum are machined, spun or extruded of 6061-T6 aluminum, silicon bronze or stainless steel for years of re1able sewice. Castings are founo only n non-lwo oeanng Darts W th intr cate shapes like the feeder assemoly or where loads are components areHardkote anodlzed wth minimal All al~m~numstruct~ral Tellon impregnation for true corrosion protection. Worldwide SEN/C~ Harken's network of distributors and service facilities means that no matter where you cruise expert service and parts will be available.

Harken Jib Reefing and Furling Systems are offered in eight sizes. There is also a racing model available for most of the units. Most units can be used with swage, rod, Norseman or Sta-Lok terminals. The perfect unit for your boat is easy to determine: 0 Determine the size of the unit you need for your

headstay diameter and boat length. 0 Decide whether you want a split drum to make

conversion to racing mode easier. 0 Choose between units for wire or rod headstays 0 Choose which wire terminal style you preferswage or Sta-Lokor Norseman.

Rod Headslays All sizes of Harken Jib Reefing and Furling Systems may be used with rod headstays. Rod headstays must use a special adapter fitting and must be cut and reheaded by an authorized rod service %.. . center. Rod headstays work very well with furling units. They offer the performance advantage of low stretch and are felt to offer very good corrosion resistance in tropical saltwater.

Swag8 Filtinw vs Sta-Lok or Noneman Terminals All sizes of Harken Jib Reefing and Furling Systems can be used with either swage fittings or with Sta-Lokor Norseman terminals. Standard units come with swage fittings which must be installed by a rigger using specialized equipment. If you use a swage fitting your dealer or distributor can provide you with a wire which is cut to length and swaged on both ends -ready to install. Some people prefer Sta-Lok or Norseman terminals. They can be installed without specialized equipment all you need is a wire cutter, pliers and wrench. They are, therefore, popular with people in remote areas who do not have access to swaging machines. Norseman and Sta-Lok terminals are also considered by many people to be superior to swage fittings in tropical saltwater as they are felt to be less susceptible to stress corrosion. In some cases the use of a Sta-Lok or Norseman terminal with an existing headstay wire will result in a headstay which is slightly short and requires the use of an additional toggle. Sta-Lok and Norseman fittings also make removal of the halyard swivel from the stay difficult, though normal conversion to racing is not affected.


UnlO unn l

%g, 316'. '42' 4 mm. 5 mm (6 mm') W, W 6 mm, 7 mm. (8mm')




8 mm %a'. =A' 8 mm, 10 mm


U 13




-40(12.7 mm)

77 73 m

7A R7 m

-8 (5.72 mm) -10 (6.35 mm)

-22 (9.53 mm)

Ms', M'


4 8 ~


-22 (9.53 mm) -30 (11.1 mm)

18.39 m 61'0' 18.59 m 74'1' 22.73 m

B (5.03 mm)

-12 (7.14 mm) -17 (8.38 mm)

11 mm.12mm.14mm '

All Harken units can be converted to racing. In addition, all units except Unit 4 can also be obtained with a split drum and basket to simplify conversion to racing. Without this option, conversion to racing requires removing the headstay clevis pin. With the split drum, conversion to racing is done with the headstay connected using only a screwdriver. To order a split drum, simply add an 'R'to the part number you want. For example, 800R is a Unit 1 with a swagefitting and a split drum.

45'4' 13.82 m 52'8' 16.05 m 53'2' 16.21 m 67'4' 20.52 m 68'0' 20.73 m 81'7' 24.87 m

-4 (4.37 mm)

-12 (7.14 mm)


Racing Option


38'4' 1168m 45'8' 13.92 m 46'2' 14.07 m



or 316 B n n h t win onb.


46'. %S'


8mm. 9.5 mm. 11 mm



12.7 mm



16 mm



16 mm %' 19 mm




19 mm. 22 mm . h'



J b Reefing and Furling Systems are sold ready to install, but we offer a few accessories to complement the systems and allow you to tailor your installation to your exact needs.

Stanchion Mount Bases

061 stanch,on moJnt bases prov de an ideal attachment method for Iur~lngline leaa olocks The bal joint socket accepts mosr sma81 boat SW vel blocks. ncludina ratchet bloc6 Tnev SW vel ana ~ l v o t to provide fair lead. They fitall standard 7N and i" (22and 25 mm) ~ u l ~ iand t s stanchions. See Daae 81 for further details. The 319 is a 061 base with a 127 double big bullet block. It is useful for boats with continuous line furling systems or when leading multiple lines aft, such as a furling line andstaysail sheet. Furling Lead Block Kits F~rllnglead b.ock k ts are ava#labe. K~rs~ncluaeball bearing bocks. Hexararcners to ~ r o v d eorooer draa on f ~ r l l n a nes, stanch~on mouni bases, and cleais. Use a 266 lead ilock kit i t h units 0.1, and 1.5.Use a 267 lead block kit with Units 2 and 2.5.

Halyard Restrainers The masthead geometry of some boats dictates that a halyard restrainer be used. Two sizes of halyard restrainers are available. Each is a stainless steel bracket shaped to fit radiused spars. The Hardkote anodized aluminum sheave is grooved for both wire and rope halyards and rides on Teflon impregnated epoxy bearings. Halyard restrainers should not be used unless required. Please refer to installation instructions for details. Use a 944 restrainer with Units 0,l, and 1.5.Use a 945 restrainer with Units 2,2.5, and 3.



Pmbrtion Forward

Large halyard

6 01



Small lead


Medium lead







2 oz 57 p

Muimum WoMnp had 350 lbs 159 1yl


Stanchion mount



Fartsnen t10RH



WnlpM 0.1.15

Three 166, ore 019, four 061, and one clea Three 1 6 8 . 0 ~ 0 1 9 . four 061, and one ckat OneOll.thmeOO1.

Use wbullet, bq bullat, dinghy. 2.25'6 Hexaratchet

M Foil

Actual Size


ClW. PI"

M6 8mm.9.5 mm. I1 mm




Unit OwiM w q e f i i n o bul no headstay wire



Unit Owh Sta-Lok or Norseman Add'R'to tenniml but m h a d a y M m part number U n t o with new headstay wire Add 'R'to cut m l s n m and s w a ~ d part number Unl 0 with your old heads@ Add 'R' to wire cut to knph and s w a m part number UnH 0 with md terminal but Add 'R' to no headstay pannumber Extra l' (2.13 m)foil extrusion Extra 6 (152 mm) mnnector


Lead block kit


Optanal snapshackle


Splldmm retmm kit


Stanchion mount base


lsomal adapter lpt


Urit 0 halyard mtminer


S m a l l cruising boats are easily overpowered and need an effective reefing system to allow shortening sail from the safety of the cockpit. Unit 0 is the ideal jib reefing and furling system for boats 7A2', 4 mm, or 5 mm and with headstay wires of W, h', with -4 (4.37 mm) or -6 (5.03 mm) rod headstays. Unit 0 may be used with 6 mm type 316 metric wire. Typically these are boats 22 to 28 feet (6.5 to 8.5 m) but headstay size is the controlling dimension when selecting the proper unit for your boat.

Common Speclfkallons Lufl tape -M (6'32' or 5 mm; Headstay wire - 532'.%6'. 7h2'. 4 mm, 5 mm, (6 mm*) Rod headstay size --4 (4.37 mm) or -6 (5.03 mm) Clevis pin din-Ms'(8 mm). W (9.5 mm) or7/16'(11 mm) Headstay length -standard package: 38'4' (11.68 m) -man allowable: 45'4' (13.82 m) Type 316 metric wire only Addillonallnfomtlon- See pages 126 and 127 for an explanation of special features. See pages 128 and 129 for an explanation of options. 130



903 938 906


Optlon Add'R'to Specny wim a Part number clews pin ske Specwwire a cievls pin size Spec* w i n a clwis pin ske Spcw win & c M s pin ske S p c w rad & c M s pin she Reguired Iheadstay lenglh isowr38;f(11.68 m) One reguimd for each extra 906 foil ordered Includest h m 168 bulkt blocks, OneMS Mfle Hexarahhet, lour 061 bases, andone cleat For head or tack ordsr two ISW SBclde required at bolh head and tack For relrofining existing unls


Anaches 166,188, m3,WI, or 019 to pulp4 or stanchion For use on lsomat scars. Ixhdes stemballfming and topgk. For use onlv when reouired







Actual Size




U n i t 1 is an extremely popular jib reefing and furling system for moderately sized cruising boats. It is also often used on staysails of larger boats. Unit 1 fits boats with headstay wires of V4'. 9/32', 6 mm, or 7 mm and with -8 (5.72 mm) or -10 (6.35 mm) rod headstays. Unit 1 may be used with 8 mm type 316 metric wire. Typically these are boats 28 to 36 feet (8.3 to 11 m) but headstay size is the controlling dimension when selecting the proper unit for your boat. Common Speciiicalions Luff tape -#6 (992' or 5 mm) Headstay wire - l#, %2", 6 mm, 7 mm, (8 mm*) Rod headstay size -8 (5.72 mm) or -10 (6.35 mm) Clevis pin dia- 1h" (12.5 mm) Headstay length - standard package: 45'8" (13.92 m) max allowable: 52'8" (16.05 m) * Type 316 metric wire only Addilional lnformafion See pages 126 and 127 for an explanation of special features. See pages 128 and 129 for an explanation of options.




cmsmimio~ . ...




Unit 1 w l h swapeliiing but no headstay wire

Add 'R' to Specfy wire size part number


UnR 1 w l h S t a h k or Norseman terminal but no headstaywire

Add'R' to Specfy wiresize part number


UnR 1 w l h rodterminal but no hmdstay

Add 'R' to Specfy rod size part number


UnR 1 wilh new headstay wire cut to kngIh and swaged

Add'R'to Specfy wiresize part number


unn 1 wnh yaur old headstay wire cut to length and swaged

Add'R' to Swcfy wire size part number


Eara 7 (2.13 m)foil extrusion

Required if headstay length is over 45'8' (13.92 m)


Extra T (178 mm) connector

One required for each exlra 807 foil ordered


Lead block b t

Includes three 166 bullet blaks. one 019 lmle Hexaratchet, tour 061 bases, and one cleat


Optional snap shackle

For head or tack - order two Isnap Shaclde requlred at both head and tack


SplR d ~ retmfn m kit

For retrofitting exiding units

I 061

Stanchion mounl base

Attaches 166,168,023. W1, or 019 to pulpt or stanchion


lsomat adapter kit

For use on lsomat span. Includes stemball fiiing and toggle.


Unl 1 halyard restrainer

For use only when requiredSee instruction manual

Connector Foil

Actual Sire

U n i t 1.5 fills a niche between Unit 1 and Unit 2. It utilizes the Unit 2 turnbuckle components to have the strength to fit 546" or 8 mm wire headstays and -12 (7.14 mm) rod headstays. but uses the drum, foils and swivels of Unit 1. It is designed for boats under 36 feet (11 m) in length which have a W " or 8 mm wire headstay or a -12 (7.14 mm) rod headstay. Maximum headstay length with Unit1.5 is 53'2 (16.2 m). Unit 1.5 should not be used on larger boats or with lonaer headstavs. - -When used Gth W re heaostays, Lnlt 1.5 will accept on y Norseman or Sta-Lok rerm~nals.For conversion to racino the optional split drum is required. Common SpecMlcai/ons Luff tape -P6 ($32' or 5 mm) Headstay wire -%6" or 8 mm Rod headstay size - -12 (7.14 mm) Clevis pin dia -W (16 mm) Headstay length - standard package: 46'2" (14.07 m) - max allowable: 53'2" (16.2 m) Addiilonal Intomaiion-See pages 126 and 127 for an explanation of special features. See pages 128 and 129 for an explanation of options. 132

spln Dscrlplln


Unt 1.5wth Sta-Lokor Noneman terminal but na headstay wire Untl.5with rodterminal but no headstay Extra T (2.13 m) foil extrusion Extra 7' (178 mm) connector


Lead block kl


Optional snap shaclde


Splh drum retrolh kit


Stanchion mwnt base


lsoml adapter kii


Unit 1.5 halyard restrainer


986 807

Omm Option Add 'R' 10 Specify wire ske part number Add 'R'to Spedfy md size part number Required if headstay length isover 46'2' (14.07m) One wuired for each extra 807 foilordered Includes lhrea 166 bullet blocks, one019 link Hexaratckt, four 061 bases and one CM


For head or tack order two Isnap Shackle required al both head and lack For retrofitting existing units Attaches 166,lMI. 023, W1, or 019 to pulpit or stanchion For use on lsoma span. Includes Stemballfining and toggle. Far use onb when required See instruction manual

Actual Size

Clevk Pin W 16 mm

Fnrt NO.

835 836 837

u .2 . . . .

nlt is a11b reefing and furling- system designed for larger cruising boats. Unit 2 fits boats with headstay wires of %6", W, 8 mm, or l0 mm and -12(7.14mm) or -17(8.38mm) rod headstays. Typically these are boats 35 to 46 feet (10.6to 14.2 m) but headstav size is the controllino dimension when selectina the proper init for your boat.

Split Dmm Option U n l 2 with wage fining Add 'R'lo Specify wire size but no headstay wire part number U n l 2 w l h StbLok or Norseman Add'R'lo Specify wire size part number terminal but no headstay wire Unii 2 wlh rod terminal but Add 'R' to Specity rod size part number no headstay Dasuiption


Unit 2 with new headstay wire cutto length and swaged

Add'R' to Specify wire size part number


Unit 2 wth your old headstay wire cut to length and swagsd

Add'R'to part number


Extra T (2.13 m) foil exfrusion

Specily wire size



Common Specifications Luff tape (%2" or 5 m m ) Headstay wire - 5/16', W, 8 mm, or l0 mm R o d headstay size- -12(7.14mm) or -17(8.38mm) Clevis pin dia -W (16 mm) Headstay length - standard package: 60'4 (18.39m) - max allowable: 67'4 (20.52m) AdditionallntomatlPn- See pages 126 and 127 for an explanation o f special features. See pages 128 and 129 for an explanation of options.

Required if headstay kngth IS O MW4' ~ (18.39 m)


Extra 9 (229 mm) connector

One required for each extra 842 foil ordered


Lead block kit

Includes three 168 bullet blocks, one 019 Hexaratchet, four 061 bases, and one cleat


Optional soap shackle

For head or tack -order lwn if snap Shackle required at both head and tack


Split drum retrofit tit

For retrofitting existiq unls

See instruction manud

lActual Size

UNlT 2.5


Clevis Pin

UNlT 3

Fnfi MD.

U n i t 2.5 fills a niche between Unit 2 and Unit 3. It utilizes the Unit 3 turnbuckle components to have the strength to fit -22 (9.53 mm) rod headstap, but uses the drum, foils and swivels of Unit 2. It is designed for boats under 46 feet (14.2 m) in length whicn navea -22 (9.53 mm) rod headstiy. Maximum neadstay length with Unit 2.5 is 68'0' (20.73 m) Unit 2.5 shou d not oe used on larger boats or with longer headstap. For conversion to racing the optional split drum is required. Common Specifications Luff tape -#6 (%2' or 5 mm) Rod headstay size --22 (9.53 mm) Clevis pin dia - Vd (19 mm) Headstay length -standard package: 61'0' (18.59 m) - max allowable: 68'0 (20.73 m) Additional Inlonnation- See pages 126 and 127 for an explanation of special features. See pages 128 and 129 for an explanation of options. 134


Slll Deruiptlon


Unit 2.5 with rod terminal but no headsfay Extra 7 (2.13 m) foil extrusion Extra 9' (229 mm) connector


L a d blmk kii


Optiond snap shackle


Splndrum relmfl kn


Starchion mwnt bare


lsomat adapter kil


Unit2.5 halyard restrainer



OpDlon Add 'R'to Spsfy rod size to pan number Required if headstay lm@h isova61'0'(18.59m) One required for each extra 842 foil ordered Includes three 158 bullel blocks, OM . ...019 ...HmnfchPf ..-., four 061 bases, and oneclpaf For head or tack- order hvo if snap shackk required ai bMh head and tab: For retrmitfinp existing units Attaches 168,023, ml. or019 to pulpl or stanchmn For use on l w m t spars. Induder stemballfining and toggle. For u s only when required -

Actual Size

Unit 3 with swage lining but no headstay wire

pan number clevis pin size


Unit 3 with Sta-Lokor Norseman terminal but no headstay wire

Add"R"t0 part number

Specify wire clevis pin size


Unit 3 w l h mdterminal but no headstay

Add "R" to part number

Specily rod & cievis pin size


Unit3 w l h new headstay wire cut to knpth and swaged

Add "R" to part number

Specily Mre & clevis Nn size


Unit3 w l h your old headsfay wirecut to length and swaged

Add "R" to pannumber

Specify wlre & clevis pin size


Extra 7 (2.13 m)foil extrusion

Required f headstay length is over 747' (22.73 m)


Extra 1W (254 mm) connector

One required for each enra 958 loil ordered


Un ~,3t 1s.a 11b . reef~ng . . and furling system designed for very large cruising boats. Unit 3 fits boats with headstay wires of 7/16", l&", 11 mm, 12 mm or 14 mm, and -22 (9.53 mm) or -30 (11.lmm) rod headstays. Typically these are boats 45 to 72 feet (13.7 to 21.9 m) but headstay size is the controlling dimension when selecting the proper unit for your boat. Common Specifications Luff tape -X6 (%2' or 5 mm) Headstav wire-7A6'. 'h'.l 1 mm. 12 mm. or 14 mm Rod headsray size - - 2 2 i 9 . 5 3 mm) or -30 (ll 1 mm) Clevls pln d ~ a- V4 or 7d'(19 or 22 mm) headstav,lenoth - slanoard oackaoe. 74'7' 122.73 ml' - max allowable:i81'7" (24'87 m) Additional Inionnation - See pages 126 and 127 for an explanation of special features. See pages 128 and 129 for an explanation of options.


1032 Extra lW(254 mm) connector tor 14 mm wire

Add "R"t0

Specify wire

One reql re0 for each extra 958 10 oroered unen .smp 14mm wr? Includes ore 011, three 001, one W9, and onecleat


Split drum retmflt kin

For retrolining existing units


Stanchion mount bme

Attaches W1 or 009 to pulpit or stanchion


lsomat adapter kilt

For use on lsomat span, Includes Stemball l'tting and taggle.


Unl 3 halvard reslralner

For use onlv when required



UNIT 3.5

Actual Size

U n i t 3.5 fillsa niche between Unit 3 and Unit 4. It utilizes the Unit 4 turnbuckle'components to have the strength to fit 9 ~ 6 " (14 mm) wire and -40 (12.7 mm) rod headstays, but uses the drum, foils and swivel of Unit 3. It is designed for boats under 70 feet (21.5 m) in length which have 9/16'' (14 mm) wire or-40 (12.7 mm) rod headstays. Maximum headstay length with Unit 3.5 is 81'7" (24.87 m). Unit 3.5 should not be used on larger boats or with longer headstays. For conversion to racing the optional split drum is required. Common Specifications Luff tape -R6 (FM?' or 5 mm) Headstay wire -946" (14 mm) Rod headstay size --40 (12.7 mm) Clevis pin diameter -7h" (22 mm) Headstay IengM -standard package: 74'7" (22.73 m) - rnax allowable: 81'7" (24.87 m) AddilionalInlomtion- See pages 126 and 127 for an explanation of special features. See pages 128 and 129 for an explanation of options. 136

Unit,4 1s.a jib.. reefing and furling system for the largest cruising boats. Unit 4 fits boats with headstay wires of W, V4",16 mm, 20 mm) or -60 - mm, and for -40 (12.7 mm). ,. -48 (14.27 , (16.76'mm) rod headstays. Typically these are boats 60 to 90 feet (18.3 to 27 m), but headstay size is the controlling dimension when selecting the proper unit for your boat. Unit 4 is a limited production item. Allow up to 6 weeks for delivery. ~

Common Specifications Luff tape -#7 (7,321 or 6 mm) Headstay wire -W, W, 16 mm, or 20 mm Rod headstay size - -40 (12.7 mm), -48 (14.27 mm), or -60 (16.76 mm) Clevis pin dia- l ' , l h " ,1lX (25.4 mm. 28.6 mm,

- - -

nr. 31. .8 .rnrnl ... ..,

Headstay length -standard package: 77'8 (23.67 m) - max allowable: 101'8 (30.99 m) Additionallnlomation- See pages 126 and 127 ior an exD anarlon of soec~alleat~resSee pages 128 an0 129 for an'explanation of options.


Un(4 with Sta-Lok or Norseman term~nalbut no headstay wire

Specib wlre & clwis pin slze


Unit4 with rod termlnal but

Specib rod & clevis pin sue

1003 Extra IT (3.66m) fail

Required if headstay length



Extra 13% 1343 mm1 Connector

One required for each

Hydrauic furilng on headslay of Procyon - 8iH Lernhe Pholo

ELECTRIC, HYDRAULIC' AND CUSTOM FURLING L a r g e boats often require specialized furling systems, either special sizes or units with electric or hydraulic drive. Through the years Harken has built a number of custom furling systems. These range from simple changes in the lower tang to accommodate special chainphtes to the huge unit we built for UAP Antarctica, a 120' schooner designed as a support ship for Will Stager, JeanLouis Etienne, and Victor Boyarsky's expedition across the South Pole by dog sled. The demand for push-button sailing on large boats is very strong and we are developing both hydraulic and electric units 138

for larger boats. Amom Procyon is currently sailing with two hydraulic furling systems, one with a unique remote drive system which places the motor away from the unit. This is vely desirable for some applications such as in-the-mast furling systems. The same principles are also being applied to units powered with electric mootr?. Harken offers a full range of standard furling systems, but we recognize the need for special units for special boats. For further details, please contact Harken or your Harken dealer.

GENNAKER"FURLING Furling has recently been applied to both staysails and gennakers with excellent results. Spinnaker staysails are very easy to hoist when rolled and can be deployed or doused without the need for crew to go forward and upset the balance of the boat. This is particularly useful in marginal conditions where the sail can instantly be struck without changing the trim of the boat so that its effectiveness can be analyzed. Gennaker furling was developed for the large sing e-hanoed boats and tne dramatic m ~ lnu~ls t lhke RMO. The gennaker s designed with a luff wire and is furled into a compact sausage-like roll which is easy to stow and remains under control wh~le being holsted. Once a oft, tne sail IS clean and effic~entwitno~tthe winoaae or c o n f ~ on s of snuffers Two sizes of staysailiurling systems are offered. The 1851 is suitable for boats with an I dimension under 40 feet (12.2 m) while the 1852 is used on boats w~tnan I 0 mension as large as 52 feet (15.9 m). Staysall furling systems incluoe ooth a lower drum with snap shackle, fairlead and cleat, and the upper swivel with provision for halyard attachment. The staysail must be designed for furling with a luff wire seized to the sail to permit furling. These units are based on the very popular ~arkensmall boat furling units and utilize the same patented, multiple stacked races of Torlon ball bearings to insure smooth operation under load. Gennaker furling is a custom product, but Harken has oained much exoerience dealino with boats like R ~ and O can readily specify the proper unit for vour needs.



DiamMer Drum Jwlvsl

~sn,th Dwm Swivel


SmaH starjail 21h' 1' 4M' 3 furlinQQslem 64mm 25mm 114mm 90mm 1852 Larw staysail 4%' l 6%' 5%' furlinQsystem 126mm 37mm 171 mm 146mm

'Smaller line may be required for staysails with long foM leoqths.



..~ Mli Halyard LoM


% 9501bs i 12 01 4mm %a' 5 mm

431 kg 2WO lbs 907 kg

UOg 33 02 9369

'I' Dlmonsi011 40' l2.2m 52' 15.9m


BAnEN TRAVELER SYSTEMS Harken Battcar'" batten traveler systems allow full batten mainsails to realize their potential. Full length battens make mainsails last longer, give a more powerful shape, and make them easier to trim. Coupled with lazy jacks, full length battens make controlling the main easier when furling and reefing. These battens are typically in compression, so they can make raising and lowering the mainsail difficult. Harken batten traveler systems place the battens and headboards on recirculating ball bearing cars so that sails raise easily and drop instantly when the halyard is released. Battcar systems are available in three sizes for boats from 30 to 80 feet (9 to 24 m). Each size includes a headboard coupler, batten end cars, short luff cars, and an easy to install, lightweight track system. Headboard couplers join two cars and replace the mainsail headboard. These unique designs spread the load of the leech across both cars and allow even large sails to be carried on free rolling ball bearing cars. Battcars are offered with a variety of BATTSLI0E"fittings which 140

protect sails from excessive wear by placing the batten end in a rugged batten receptacle whlcn removes the stress on the sa lcloth. The ~nique,patentea', mulri-axis artic~latinglink allows battens to move n all ~lanes.The Dreclse mecnanlcal linkaae holds the ~"~ ~~- batten end in its intended position for optimal sail shape, afeature loose attachments cannot offer. BArrSLlDE fittings allow battens to rotate into a horizontal position when the sail is lowered so sails are easier to flake and furl and the wide range of movement allows the boom to be moved off centerline even when the sail is furled. When the use of BATTSLIDE fittings is not desired, the 1776, 1781, and 1785 cars are designed to accept a variety of other batten end fittings. Short luff cars hold the main to the mast to prevent scalloping between battens. Battcar systems require the installation of Harken track on the mast. Special track with a patent-pending mounting system is available in each size to permit installation without drilling the mast. 'BAnSLIDE is a trademark 01 Sailpower Smrns, Inc. BAllSLlOE patents are held by Sailpawer Systems, Inc.

3 ORDERING BATTCARS I O r d e r i n g the correct Battcar system for your boat involves choosing the coirect size range, choosing the correct number of cars for your sail, and determining the proper track and mounting slugs for Your mast,

Your sailmaker must be consulted in the process because your sail will need modification, but you can choose the correct components by following the five steps below:

1. Choose the correct size of batten traveler system based on sail area.

Owners of unusual boats should contact Harken for further details.


Maxlmurn Sail Ama Monohull MUIII~~II 4 w n7 4 w f12 45 m'




Maximum BoaIIenpth 48 R




142 -143


37 m'



48a fi2 44 m'

58 li 17.7m


144 - 145

750 69 m'


6~ n' 56 m'

60 R 18.3 m

8 - High Load

144 - 145

13wft2 120 m'

i o ~ n ~

80 n 24 m


146- 147

600 56 m'

93 m'

2. Order the correct number and configuration of cars for your boat. Choose cars after consultation with your sailmaker. Each system

needs one headboard car assembly, the correct number of batten end cars, and short luff cars for between the battens.

3. Determine the correct number of track sections. Number of Tmdi Sectlons 11

M a l ~ a lLull l Lenljlh

Humber of Pack S&ions

Mainsail Lull Lan~th 66'3' -73'0'

25'H ' - 32'7 7.9 m -9.96 m


32'7 - 39'4' 9.96 m - 12.01 m


73'0' -79'9' 22.27 m -24.32 m


39'V - 46'1' 12.01 m - 1 4 0 6 m


79'9'-86'6 24.32 m-26.37 m


W1"-52'10' 14.06m-16.11 m


86'6- 93'5 26.37 m - 28.42 m


52'10'-59'T 16.11 m-18.16 m


933-99'11' 28.42 m - 30.48 m


59'7 - 663' 1816m-2022m


99'11'-106'8 30.48 m -32.53 m


20.22 m -22.27 m

4. Determine the correct mounting slugs for your mast. For each size system there are slugs for flat mast grooves and two slugs for round mast grooves. If you have a round mast groove, check to be sure that the-slugs will fit your mast by cuttingout the pattern provided below and inserting it in your mast. For flat mast grooves see sizing information on pages 143.145, and 147. If none of the mounting slugs fit your mast, contact Harken. Each mounting slug kit includes enough slugs to fit one track along with fasteners, Loctite', and a connector slug. Order one mounting kit for each track section.

Attach template to light cardboard or heavy paper. Cut carefully. Slip into mast and pull gently to the rear. If the mast aligns with the green area of template, use slugs for shallow round grooves. If the mast aligns with blue area of template, use slugs for deep round grooves. If the mast aligns with the red area of template, mounting kits will not work and normal Harken trackshould be attached to the mast by drilling and tapping.

5. Order one end stop kit. Each kit which includes two end stops, fasteners and special mounting slugs for track ends.

Measuremen1loo1 for round mast groove

L Cut on outside of lhne

s y s t e m A batten travelers are designed for monohulls with mainsail areas of less than 490 ft2(45 m2)or multihulls with less than 400 ft2 (37 m2). Maximum boat length is approximately 48 ft (14.6 m). High load cars with aluminum end caps and Torlon balls are available for special applications. For unusual requirements please consult Harken.


Common SpeclHcatlon C m Car width -2%' (56 mm) Ball diameter - IN' (6 mm) Fits track- 1800 (142,154) Max headboard thickness -$2' (12 mm) Common S~IIEMEBIIOIIL 1800 Tmeh Length - 80% (2.05 m) Weight -4.16 o f l ( 3 8 7 g/m) Track fastener size 5 mm x 10 mm Fastener spacing - 100 mm (31%6') 142



The following components are required for each boat: 1) One 1792 headboard car assembly. 2) 1800 track. See chart on page 141. 3) One 1801,1802,1803, or 1823 mounting kit for each 4) One 1772,1773,1774,1775, or 1825 Battcar for each batten.' 5) The proper number of 1789 luff cars. 6) One 1804,1805,1806, or 1824 end stop kit. '1776 an can be used with otkrtpes of banen end terminals, plsase wnsun Hsrken.

Actual Size 1802



1801 Mwntlng klforshdbw round mast groove 1802 Mwmlng klfordeep round mast groove 1803 Mwmino kl for I l a mast g r w w 1823 Mwntinokifor wide flal mast grwva 1804 End kit forshallow round mast gmwe 1805 End killor deep rwnd mast g r w w 1806 End klforf!aI mast groove l824 End k i f o r bide 118 mast grwve

hd HI. 1772'

W m m

19 mm

WoIght YOmUq Sllg 'h 02 69


b n p MomUnp Slmg


%' %'


19 mm



'/a 02

1773 Ballcarw/fixed round Ballslide 1774 Batlcarwmuminum Midi Bamlide 1775 Baltcar wlaluminum Maxi Banslide







19mm 1W' 32 mm 1W' 32 mm 1W 32 mm l W 32 mm

$0 9 'h 02 10 9




M l x slthn wmth or lW 41 mm 'h'

11 mm 1%' 41 mm 2'

51 mm l776 Luncar


19 mm


Bancarwlnylon midi Battslide

h r

bnlth Cmwdor Slul 2%' 67 mm 2%' 67 mm 256' 67 mm 256' 67 mm


17 m m

Numb8r P81 K11 1

% 02


20 Q % 02 22 9 1!402 35 9

M 02



16 fl

Ma~Thlcbelt 8a.n

~nlrnl W


12 mm 'if 12 mm




12 mm 'if 12 mm




Slugs, fasteners. Lodile, &one p i r 263 end stops


Order OMki psr length of track

Order One

per -I


1002 2649 11 02 3129 1202 340g 13 02 3699 4 02 1130 3 02 859 28 02 7949 8 02

4501b 2 M kg 4501bs 2Mkg 450 Ibs 2Mkg 325 ibs 147kg 200 Ibs 91 @ 1703 lbs 771 kg 450 Ibs




MU cad bvcw 3501bS 159kg




Slugs. IaSlmrs 8 Loctik



10 Q


Wolght Conmdor Slug % 02 209


1789 Shon lun car 1792 Headbaard car assembly wmeadbmrd 1825 B a l t ~ r w / l Omm stud for S ~ fininn A


10 Q 02



Mast Cmss Section




1803 I t s mast grwws with a 5~s'(8 mm) W or Qrealerbut l w than 7/16' ( l 1 mm). 1823fitsflat mastgrwws wilha%d (l1 mm) cap or greater but I s than %' (16 mm).







1W 38mm


1's 38mm

2W 64mm


3' 76mm 3' 76mm 3' 76mm 2% 64mm 2' 51 mm 7%' 2Wmm 3' h 76mm




4"As' 119mm

'if 12mm

4"As' 119mm 4"~s' 119mm 4llA6' 119mm

W' 12mm



38mm % '1 38mm 1%' 41mm

64mm 2W 64mm 2' 51mm

1%' 41 mm

51 mm



1%' 41 mm 1%' 41 mm

3'%e' 97mm 2' 51 mm

7W 191 mm



'n' 12mm

W 12mm








W He'

5 mm

.. .. .. .. :.: . .






SOA not included

BATTCAR SYSTEM B System B batten travelers are designed for monohulls with mainsail areas of less than 750 ft2 (56 m2) or multihulls with less than 600 ft2 (56 mZ).Maximum boat length is approximately 60 ft(18.3 m). High load cars with aluminum end caps and Torlon balls are required for monohulls with mainsails of 600 to 750 ft2 (56 to 69 m2) and multihulls with mainsails of 480 to 600 ft2(45 to 56 m2). For unusual requirements please consult Harken.


Common Sperllcations Cam Car width - 2%' (70 mm) Ball diameter Y16" (8 mm) Fits track 1808 (1510, 1535) Max headboard thickness -W (16 mm) Common Spmilieations 1808 Track Length -811X (2.06 m) Weiaht - 5.92 ozm (551 d m l Tracic Fastener s i z e L 6 m h x'12 mm FH Fastener spacing - 100 mm (315/16")




The following components are required for each boat: 1) One 1793 headboard assembly. 2) 1808 track. See chart on page 141. 3) One 1809,1810, or 1811 mounting kit for each tracksection. 4) One 1778,1779,1780,1794, or 1826 Battcar for each batten.' 5) The proper number of 1790 lufl cars. 6) One 1812,1813, or 1814 end stop kit. '1781 cars can be used with other tyss of batten end terminals, please connuh Harbn.

1811 Fits Rat mast gmwes wilh a he'(11 mm) gap or greater but Ibsthan W (16 mm).

Mast Crnss Section

Pan NO.


1609 Mwntlng klforshallow round mast groove

bn@h Mountlno SIu#

Wslght MouMlnp 81uu

Numba Per Kh

Length Connedor Slum

Wl#M Conwdor 814

Number Plr K11


3' 76 mm

101 28 g


lot 28 9





'V, 02

22 mm






76 mm 3' 76 mm


1812 End kit forshallow round mast groove

1%~' 36 mm

'A 02 8g 38 02 12 Q W 01 12 Q

1813 End kilfor deep round mast gmow


k 02

36 mm

12 g

1814 End kitfornat mast gmow


% 02

36 mm


l810 Mounting k i f o r d e q round mast groove 1811 Mwnting kii for flaf mast groove

22 mm

'X 22 mm

Slugs. fasteners, Loctile.

8 one pair 1522 end stops

'he' 11 mm

'h' 12 mm


1779 Bancar wlaluminum Mldi Banslide

1% 41 mm



12 mm

2' 51 mm

'h' 12 mm


1794 Bancar wlad~ustableBatlsllde for round batten


1826 Bancar w/lO mm stud for SDA fining

21 mm


per mast


Banen Shaw


1790 She* lun car 1793 Headboard car assembly wheadbcard

Order One


1778 Bancar wflixed round Banslide

1780 Bancar wlaluminum Man Battslide

Order one kii per length of track




Slugs, fasteners & Locti

28 9


Mar Blttan Width or Dlamelsr

Pat NO.

KM Indudss

Round Round







1401 397 g

850lbs 386 kg

3'%6' 97mm

ll%s' 46mm

Z1%8' 68mm

S 127 mm


1601 4549

850lbs 386kg

3%' 97mm

l 46mm



S 127 mm


1701 4829

850lbs 386kg

3'34s' 97mm


21%~' 68mm

S 127 mm


502 142g

375Ibs 17041

2%' 24mm

1%' 46mm

234s' 56mm


K' 6mm

3702 1.05kg

2500 Ibs 1134 hp

8lk6' 227mm

l'%#' 43mm


7% 194mm


23 02 652g

850 lbs 386Q

3%' 97mm

ll%s' -46mm

Zi'/re' 68mm

8'W 210 mm


13 02 3698

850 lbs 386Q

3'316' 97 mm

l?/ls' 46mm

2%' 56mm



Capaclh -



M' M' M'


M' 'K 6 mm




'e! I


s y s t e m C batten travelers are designed for monohulls with mainsail areas of less than 1300 ftz (120 m2)or multihulls with less than 1000 Itz (93 m2). Maximum boat length is approximately 80 ft (24 m). For unusual requirements, please consult Harken.


Common S p m m ~ I l o ~Cam Car width 3%' (84 mm) Ball diameter -W (10 mm) Fits track- 1816 (516,758) Max headboard thickness -11/16' (17 mm)



common spmmca:loll~ 1816 rn~aak Length -8115A6 2 08 m) Weight -9.38 a (874 gm) Track fastener size -8 mm X 16 mm FH Fastener spacing - 100 mm (31%sm)



The following components are required for each boat: l) One 1782 headboard car assemblv. 2 j 1816 track. See chart on page 14i. 3) One 1817,1818. or 1819 mounting kit for each track section. 4) One 1783,1764,1795,1828 or 1829 Battcar for each batten.' 5) The proper number of 1791 luff cars. 6) One 1820.1821. or 1822 end s t o kit. ~


'1785cars can beused wRh Dmer types of banen end terminals, please consun Hhen.



Actual Size

1819Fl~lalmmaslg1oo.esnlna 11 mm gapor qrealer 01. esslnan tr' 16mm


Actual Size

Mast Cmss Section

Lanpfh Mounting Slug

Weight Mounting Slug

Numhsr Psr Kit

Lsnpth Connector Slug

Welght Connactln Sluo

Number Per Wit

Mounting k t f o r shallow round mast groove

1' 25 mm

'h oz


414. 105 mm

154 02 469


Mounting k t f o r deep round mast groove

1' 25 mm

'h 02


4%. 105 mm

1% 02 469



'h 02 169 % oz 20 9


4W 105 mm

2'A oz 66 Q




NO. 1817 1818 1819

Mounting kitfor flat mast growe


- -- -. -25 mm 2'

10 Q 10 g

1820 End knfor shallaw .. .. . round mast groove 1821 End Kt for deep mund mast groove

2' 51 mm


or 20 9


End kit for flat mast groove

2' 51 mm

101 30 9



Pad MO. 1782 1784


51 mm

Max Banen Wldth or Diameter

Bancar wlaluminum Mega Banslide

3W' 80 mm

Max T h l c h n s Bamn wKYh




1795 1827 1828 1829



Bancar wladiustable Banslide for mund banen


Bancar wllO mm stud for SDAfining

1" 26 mm


Bancar wlpiwling adjustable Banslide for round banens




Bancar wlpiwting Mega Battslide

3'h" 80 mm

Banens above 2 W (64 mm) require tapering.


58' 16mm


B one pair

Max Load Capacitv


72 oz 2.04 kg

4200lbs 1905 kg

30or 8509

135olbs 612 kg

1501 4259 12 oz 3409

10501bs 476 kg 6W lbs 272 kg

33 oz 9369






l13As' 2&1 mm

2'As 53 mm

45A' 117mm

10' 254 mm

12 mm

43K 121 mm

59mm1n-81 mm

5'346' 148mm-_


102 mm

2%' 59mm

2"Ae' 68 mm

llA" 29 mm


3%' 77 mm

2%~' 59mm

211~s' 68 mm

29 mm

8 mm

1350 lbs 612 kg

4%' 121 mm

2%' 59mm

81 mm

8%' 222mm

16 mm

28 02 7949

1350 lbs 612 kg

4%' 121 mm

2%' 59mm

Z1'A6' 68mm

34 oz 964 g

1350 lbs 612 kg

4%' 121 mm

2%' 59 mm

81 mm

8%' 222 mm

31 02 8799

1350 Ibs 612 kg

4%' 121 mm


3%~' 81 mm

5'34s' 148 mm



Shun lun car

Slugs. fasteners, Locttte. end slops


1785 IC R UL 1791

Order one kit per lenglh oflrack

Slugs, fasteners 8 Loclile



Headboardcar ssembb wlheadboard

Kit includes











W %6'



MS' 8 mm



Harken small boat furling systems are designed to allow the dinghy or trailerable cruising sailor the ability to furl the jib from the cockpit. Both the drums and halyard swivels of these furling systems feature multiple stacked races of Delrin orTorlon bearings to insure smooth rotation under load. Smaller dinghys use the 162 and 163 units with Delrin bearings whi e larger d~nghysuse tne 164 and 165 whlch feature hi-load Torlon oearinas. Trailerables and other small cruisingkoats use the 207 and 208. The 207 swivel is supplied with a removable retainer to hold the swivel near the headstay when in use. All small boat furling systems require a jib witn a uff wire properly se~zedto the sad. The ~ f wlre f carrles most of the neaostav load in use and must be properly sized for the boat. Some boats, particularly dinghys remove the headstay entirely while others, including most small cruising boats keep the headstay to supporl the mast when the sail is not hoisted. Small boat jib furling gear does not allow a sail to be used efficiently in a reefed configuration but does allow the jib to be set and doused from the cockpit. Pan No. 162 163 164 165 199 207 208

Dsrcrlptlon Upperswi\el Futling drum Hi-load upper swiuel Hi-load furling drum Tackexlension Cruising upper swiuel Cruisino f#8rlino





DYblds 2%' E4mm 2M' E4mm 211 E4mm 2'8 E4mm 13%' 364 mm 4' 102 mm

199 Furling Drum Not Included

1' 25mm 2%' 7Omm 1' 25mm 2%' 70mm


1' 25mm




8 mm

3 mm


4' 6 mm M' 6mm








3 mm


8 mm 3hd 8mm






6mm %' 6 mm % 6' 8 mm


W 16mm 1'46' 37mm



1' 25mm






10 mm

5 mm

7 208


6 mm

2 0 Mg 4Waz 1280 2'4 az Mg 4'hoz 1289 8 02 2279 6 02 170 g

LII~rnrn Wbrtln# Load 500 Ibs 227 kg SW lbs 227kg 950 lbs 431 kp 950 lbs 431 kg

Useon dirghys uunder 16n. (4.9 m) Usew1162 Use on dirghys to 20 n. (6.1 m); catamaransta 18fl. (5.5 m) Use wI1M

fllam mounting of drum below deck 2000 Ibs 907 kg

Use m cruismg baatsto 25 n. (7.6 m); catamaransto 23n (7 m)



Imagine reefing your mainsail by standing in the cockpit and pulling just one line. In seconds you're reefed, trimmed and sailing again. Harken single line reefing kits offer everything you need to install Garry Hoyt's patented system which has been used successfully on hundreds of boats. Boom end blocks are track-mounted so that installation is extremely easy and block positioning may be changed as sails stretch or new sails are purchased. Gooseneck blocks are also track mounted to place the reefing blocks in the best position for proper sail shape. Kits include tracks, blocks, fasteners, and simple pictorial instructions, including instructions to sailmakers for modifying your existing sail. You need to furnish rope and a cleat or stopper to match those on your boat. Sneclal Features Kdl bearing blocks Adiustable track-mounted blocks Simple pictorial instructions

noat Lanh

Malnmll m

Under 150 ft2 Under 14 rn2


Small single line

22'-27 6.7 m - 8.2 m


Larpe single line

28'. 38'

Our lazy jack kits provide everything you need for a simple lazy jack system. They include pre-swaged wires, blocks, eyestraps, line, a cleat and fasteners. Clear, easy to follow pictorial instructions include information for altering sail covers for use with lazy jacks. The 252 and 253 use a two leg system while the 254 has three legs to better contain sails on longer booms. Special Features Pre-swaged vinyl coated stainless cable Ball bearing blocks Complete pictorial instructions 150



D~sc~IP~I~~ Small lazy jack kll Medium lazy jack kd

Boa1 Length

Large lazy jack k ~ t


Boom Lsnflh

21'-28' 6 4 m - 8.5 m

8'-10'6' 2.44 m - 3.2 m

27' - 37

10'6'-14' 3.2 m 4.27 m 12'-16'

8.2 m - 11.3 m 254



35' - 4 2


Drum are mmovabls IorseNlce by m m i r q only one scnw

Patentad bsll bedring ml shedL6 against W and

ia adlustlbla snw me

NIwinches (Imm the 42) M u r e a stainlass staal handls scdmtlor maximum durablllty. Meni h e areslifiw, p&lno Mkbncy mbbing dwortbn and allow man tearirqs rrm dbmr ~~

IIM Idm,. ~

h d by ssch bearirq. Lass load psr bearing mmns g m r mancy.

Laws diameter spindles form a IPpa homingsurlm n ! gw& a n y me load.

-Hbh load anyhp pear pins are 174 PH slahls9 msl for mardmum strength and durability.

teahmlwrpaw$tor maximum rdhMl@ a d to mlnlmh bacldm.

'I .



Winches as smaY asme 48 feature mller beatings In wary gear

All M e s featm tame drain holes.

Qntsr shaw m w t m s as mIIa s m 32 nde on

mlla bmrirqs


Hbhlmd anyirq wars on winches as m ussme 32 ars 174 PH otsinlessfor arength, dunblly. and etiicenw.

Larper winchesusstwa omrsio drtn drums. mls mducm me WonUadrumgaarsndlolds m8 dNm Wmetrically whkh impmm a m d a w

F o r years when sailors needed innovative solutions to problems they turned to Harken for small and big boat hardware. Now, big boat sailors also turn to Harken for innovative solutions to winch problems. Single-handed racers require totally reliable hardware. When Marc Lombard designed CreditAgricolefor Philippe Jeantot he specified standard Harken winches knowing they would be reliable and efficient. Credit Agricole sailed in the 1990 Vendee Globe Challenge non-stop single-handed race around the world. Six months afterfinishing she set sail in the single-handed BOG Solo Challenge, a second time around the world. The Harken winches required only simple, routine cleaning and lubrication. Harken Redline winches are the finest winches built. They set a new standard in design, engineering, manufacturing techniques, materials ano quallty control. Feat~refor feat~reno otner winches compare. n harken winches are extremely efficienr because tney utdize larger oearings, feature bearings on most gears and drive shafts. and are b ~ i to very f ne tolerances Efficient winches a ow the crew ro conserve energy and to rrlm more effectively. Redline W nches are reliable because they use only the best materials and design for each application. 152

Winch Handles Harken winch handles are a unique blend of good looks and smooth efficiency, the perfect complement to Redline winches and a positive addition to any winch. All seven winch handles feature ball bearing grips for more efficient and comfortable operation. Lock-in handles are easily released with a conveniently positioned thumb switch. They are safer to use as they will not slip out of the winch while you are cranking and may be left unattended in a winch.

Self-Tailing Harken winches feature a self-tailing mechanism of unparalleled efficiency which is extremely gentle to your sheets. The feeder is a patented ball bearing roller which greatly reduces friction, protecting sheets and increasing efficiency. The traditional steel hook feeder is inefficient and damaging to line. Harken's self-tailing device is unique in its ability to adjust to varying line sizes. This ability to adjust to different line diameters has several important advantages: The jaws can be softly textured to protect the sheets. Optimum feed tension can be achieved which reduces line friction further and greatly enhances efficiency. Adjustment is simple. The spring-loaded upper flange of the tailing mechanism is depressed and turned to correspond to the sheet diameter.

Three Speed Winches Harken three speed winches are extremely simple to use. The name plate ring next to the winch handle socket is depressed to engage the three speed mode. Use first gear for fast sheet trimming in light to moderate air, or ignore first gear in very heavy conditions. Coupled with Harken's large drum diameters, three speed Redline winches offer very high line speeds for racing or fast cruising.

Available in Chrome, Aluminum or Polished Bronze Most standard Redline winches are available with chromed-bronze or hard anodized aluminum drums. All winches offered with chrome drums are available with polished bronze drums by special order. Aluminum is lighter and many people prefer the look of black winches. Chromed bronze winches offer a rich look and great durability. Polished bronze offers a traditional appearance for special boats.

Modularity Harken's modular system allows you to upgrade the configuration of your winches as your requirements change. Start with an economical two speed winch and later convert to self-tailing or three speed without changing the entire winch. Only Harken offerssuch complete modularity. Standard two speed winches may be converted to self-tailing (#42up), three speed (#48 up) or both (#56 up). Conversion is simple and requires only the addition of a modular kit.


I t is important to match the correct winch to each job on your boat. You need a winch of the correct size and of the correct type for the task at hand. This winch selection guide is designed to simplify choosing the right winch. If you have any questions, or would like further advice, please contact us or distributors. - anv - , of - our - ..~ The select on chan is oased on a mastnead rlggeo monohull of m e d l ~ mdisplacement. Fractionally r~ggedmonohulls shodld refer only to sail area rather tnan boat length. ULDB's may consioer a smaller size winch, while very heavy boats s h o ~d consider moving ro a larger sze. Multihul s genera y neeo to move to a larger W nch beca~seof tneir nign right ng momenr and beca~sethey sal1 in h gher apparent wfnos. ~~


Winch Sizina -

Powered Winches

In most cases, the part number of a Harken winch directly reflects the power ratio in the lowest gear when using a 1 0 (254 mm) handle. In the case of wide body winches, there is no direct relationship between power ratio and part number. Choose a winch which will give you adequate power for the loads you are likely to experience. The chart shows recommendations for racing and cruising boats. Generally racing boats are sailed harder and require larger winches, but cruising boats destined to be sailed extensively in heavy air or with a limited crew may be advised to favor the same power ratios as are suggested for racing.

Powered winches let you trim the heaviest loads with just the touch of a button. Harken offers both electric and hydraulic winches. Both are available in a wide range of sizes starting with a 48.2ST to handle sheets and halyards on cruising boats from 35 feet (10.7 m). All Redline powered winches are extremely efficient self-tailers. Many cruising sailors have found that making one primary winch a ~0weredwinch offers a wide range of benefits. Sheets can be cross-led to the powered winch in heavy air. Halyards can be led aft when it's necessary to send a man aloft a real benefit to couples cruising alone. Even a single powered primary winch can transform a cruising boat into a very simple boat to sail shorthanded.

WINCH TYPES Self- Tailing Self-tailing winches allow one crew to crank powerfully with both hands while the winch tails itself. They are very useful on ail functions on cruising boats where crew are likely to be limited and are often used for halyards, running backstays and controls on racing boats.


Three Speed

Drum Material

Three speed winches are faster because the drum turns very quickly in the first speed. The bulk of a sheet can be taken in quickly after atack using this high speed. The trimmer can then shim speeds and take in the balance of the sheet using the two more powerful gears. Three speed winches are favored for sheet winches on racing boats over 35 feet (10.7 m) and are sometimes used on large performance cruising boats.

Choose the best drum material for your sailing. Aluminum is the racers' choice for its lightness and is often preferred by cruisers who like the black anodized appearance. Many cruisers prefer the classic appearance of chromed bronze winches. They are heavier than aluminum but are preferred when wire will be carried on the drum. All models offered in chromed bronze are also available in polished bronze by special order. Some larger winches and some racing winches are offered with combination drums which have stainless steel sleeves on an aiuminum drum.

Modularily Most Harken winches are modular so that you can add self-tailing, three speed, or three speed, self-tailing to a standard two speed winch by the simple addition of a conversion kit. It is always better to purchase the correct winch for your needs, but modularity allows you to converta winch as your requirements change. For example, you may plan to race a new boat for a couple of seasons before "retiring" to cruise so you would start out with three speed primary winches and later add self-tailing. Please check winch specifications carefully as not all models are totally modular.

Racing Winches Harken also offers a full range of ultra light racing winches. These winches are designed for the most demanding racing sailors and feature aiuminum bodies, Torlon bearings, alloy stripper arms, and other features of special interest to racing sailors.

WINCH SELECTION CHART 'h Ton LOA-FEET LOA-METERS X1 Genoa (Sq. FVSq M) Spinnaker (Sq. FVSq. M) Mainsail (Sa. FVSo. M1

29-31 8.6-9 4 350133 600156 180117

Genoa Sheet

Racing Cruising

8-16 8-16

Spinnaker Sheet

Racing Cruising



Racing Cruising

Genoa Halyard

Racing Cruis~ng


Spinnaker Halyard

Racing Cruising

6 6

Main Halyard

Racing Cruising

6 6

Staysail Halyard

Racing Cruising

6 P

Spinnaker Pole Racing Topping Lh Cruising


Spinnaker PoleFOreguy

Racing Cruising

Mainsail Outhaul

Racing Cruising


Cunningham or Reef

Racing Cruising

6 6


Masthead Fractional


New lightweight raciq winches may be substituted for standard winch= in these places. in these applications.

t Electric or hydraulic winches may be substituted for standard winch=

l Ton 40-41 12-12.5 75WO 14001130 30W8


S i n g l e speed winches are used for sheet winches on very small boats and for halyard winches on small and medium sized boats. They are also useful for a variety of control functions on many boats. Harken Redline single speed winches are the finest small winches made. They feature all metal bases and bushings or bearings where other brands use plastic bodies and no bearings. Small two speed winches are useful for primary winches on small and medium sized boats and for halyards on medium sized boats. The 832.2 and 840.2 both have roller bearings on the interior center shaft and 17-4 PH stainless primary gears, features generally found only on competitor's larger winches. The first speed on these winches is direct drive. These winches are not modular. Additional Information- See pages 152 and 153 for an explanation of special features. See pages 154 and 155 for suggested uses. Ordaring lnfonnation- Specify winch drum material by adding A (aluminum). B (polished bronze) or C (chromed bronze) to part number. Polished bronze by special order only. 156


~ e inatio l I* 2nd 1:l -



Palt NO.




Power Ratio 2nd






2 . ~ 17 . ~ 1 1 1











Dnm Basa Dlamwr Diameter

Wai@ht AluminumChmmo

2%' 60mm 2%' 7omm 2%' 7omm

3%' 90mm 4'X 11smm 4%' 12omm

zr%d 74mm

5%' 5 136mm 134mm 5lh' S1?46' 145mm 148mm

3' 76mm

8 - 4

31~4' 82mm 38/18' gomm 47/16,



i6ibs 709g 2.31bs ikg 5.5 ~ b s 25kg

2.9lbs 133kg 441bs 19kg 7.1 I ~ S 3.zkg

28/14 65mm

7.3 1bs 33kg 8.5ibs 3.8 kg

9.4 ~ b s 4 w 4 3 k Q 105mm 11.9ibs 4 % ~ ' 5.4kg 112mm

3?4# gomm 38/16' gomm


GKWFH 6x6mrnFH 4xxka'FH 4x8mmFH 5 X W FH ~ X ~ ~ ~ I I F H

5 K W FH 5 ~ 6 m m ~ ~

SXWFH S X ~ ~ ~ F H


All of these winches have stainless steel roller bearings in all metal cages to improve efficiency. From the 48 up, drums are supported by ball bearings. All center shafts and the gears on most modular two speed winches ride on roller bearings. Additional Informalion- See pages 152 and 153 for an explanation of Special features. See pages 154 and 155 for suggested uses. Ordering lnformation- Specify winch drum material by adding A (aluminum), B (polished bronze) or C (chromed bronze) to part number. Polished bronze by special order only.

T w o speed winches are widely used for sheets and halyards on boats of all sizes. Harken Redline two speed modular winches offer unprecedented flexibility. These winches can all be converted to selftailing with the simple addition of a modular kit. From the 48.2 up, they can be converted to three speed. From the 56.2 up, they can be converted to both self-tailing and three speed. With only afraction of the expense of a new winch, a two speed winch can be changed to self-tailing or three speed as your winch requirements change.


Gear Ratio 14 2nd

Power R l t l a lrt 2nd











Dmm Dlameta

Bars Dlameter

3%~' 100mm

6%' 175mm


Welght Nurninum Chmrne

7%' 182mm 7%'

F*mer Cirels


Modular ST "L.

161bs 726kg

221bs 9.98kg

SW' 140mm

5x%s'FH 5x8mmFH







Modular 3 Speed "B.





Large two speed winches are used for sheets and halyards on offshore boats over 37 feet (11 m). They are totally modular and can be converted to self-tailing, three speed, or self-tailing and three speed. By special order, the 874.2 can be modified to provide power ratios of 85:l or 92:l for use on very large boats. Only Harken Redline winches offer such high power ratios in a modular winch.


Goat Rallo 1, 2nd

P m l r Fat10 1st 2nd

Drum hra DIamtw , D


Addltlioallntormatim- See oaoes 152 and 153 for an exolanation of spec~alfeat~res.See pages 1'b"and 155 for suggesteo .I&. OnlerlnflInlormaUm- SpecitV winch d n m matenal OY adolna A (al~min~m). B (polished bronze) or C (chromed bronze) to pail number. Polished oronze by specia order only.

WslpM AiomInum Urnme




Modular ST "..

Modular 3Spsed "..

Modular 3Spsed






H a r k e n three speed winches are extremely simple to use. First gear is selected by depressing the nameplate ring next to the winch handle socket. As handle rotation is reversed, the winch will automatically move to the next speed in sequence. The 848.3 and 853.3 are direct drive winches with a very fast first gear. Larger three speed winches have a geared first speed for use on boats where a power advantage is needed even in the first speed. Use first gear for fast sheet trimming in light to moderate air, or ignore first gear in heavy conditions. Coupled with Harken's large drum diameters, three speed Redline winches offer very high line speeds for racing or fast cruising. By special order, the 874.3 can be provided with power ratios of


No. ~




Gear Ralio 2nd 3rd


Powerflalio 2nd 2id























or multihulls. Only Harken Redline winches offer such high power ratios. From the 56, these winches may be converted to self-tailing by the addition of a modular kit. For maximum efficiency the vertical drum loads of these winches are carried by ball bearings, shaft pins are 17-4 PH stainless and gears ride on roller bearings. Additional Information- See pages 152 and 153 for an explanation of special features. See pages 154 and 155 for suggested uses. Ordering lnlomation- Specify winch drum material by adding A (aluminurn), B (polished bronze) or C (chromed bronze) to part number. Polished bronze by special order only.

Dmm Diameter

Base Diameter

V 10lm1 4 112rnm

7'8 .190mm 8%~' 220mm

43A" 120mm

Weight Aluminum Chmme

Modular Circle


ST v:.





85:l or 92:l for use on high loads such as found on very large boats






64:l ~
















7%6 192mm

20.9 Ibs 9.5 kg

26.5 Ibs 12 kg

6% 155mm

6xh'FH 6x8mmFH

8%' 210mm

26.5 Ibs 12kg

34.3 lbs 152kg

7%~' 180mm

6x%s'FH 6xllmmFH

9U' 235mm

32.4 Ibs 147kg

40.1 Ibs 182kq



6 x %a' FH 6xEmmFH



53X 130mm 5'X 150 mm

9 5%' 245mm 10%a' 265 m m

1058' 270mm 1 300 m m

43.7 Ibs 19.8 kg 5581bs 25.3 kg

53.1 Ibs 24.1 kg 613lbs 27.8 kg

61< 210 mm B'% 225 mm

5 x W FH 5 x l 0 mmFH 6 x %FH 6 x 10 mm FH


574'' 150 mm

lO%6' 265 m m

111%6' 300 mm

5641bs 25.6 kg

61.9lbs 26.1 kg

8'X 225 mm

6 X % FH 6 x l 0 mm FH





SELF-TAILING WINCHES S m a l l Harken Redline self-tailing winches are ideal for sheets and halyards on smaller cruising and racing boats. The self-tailing mechanism means that one crew can quickly and easily trim or raise sails. The one speed BIGST is used for sheets on very small boats and for halyards and controls on small and medium sized boats. The handle ratchets in one direction to facilitate cranking under heavy loads. All Redline self-tailing winches adjust to accept a variety of appropriate line diameters. The jaws of the B16ST adjust with the simple change of washers in the head of Me winch. The B32.2ST and B40.2ST Fltt MO. B16Sl

832.2ST B40.2ST

hmrhtlo 2nd

mm ~lmaer 2%'

Ben Rltlo ld 2M 2.3:l


111 18:l







74mm 5 76mm

2.4:l 2.21





546' t36mm 5lMe' 145mm

AddIEIOnalInfOma,Im- See pages 152 and 153 for an explanation of special features. See pages 154 and 155 for suggested uses. Om'enin# Infomanim- Specify winch d ~ material m by adding A (aluminum). B (polished bronze) or C (ehromed bronze) to part number. Polished bronze by special order only.


Barn ~lslnmr


adjust easily by depressing and turning Me spring-loaded top plate. A ball bearing roller on the self-tailing arm protects sheets and reduces friction.

m 5415 142mm 6%~' 164 mm 6'418' 176mm

m 7 1bS

3.2kg 9.31bs 4.2kg 1061bs 4.8 kg


Clmm 8.51bs


5x WFH

5x6mmRI 5x1/l'FH 5x6mmFH





5A$ 14.1 1bs 6.4 $


Mln %a' 8mm


I?' 12 mm















T w o speed self-tailing winches are used for sheets, halyards and control lines on medium to large offshore boats. By depressing and turning the spring loaded top plate, the jaws of the winch adjust to accept different line diameters. A ball bearing roller on the self-tailing arm protects sheets and reduces friction. All of these winches have stainless steel roller bearings in all metal cages to improve efficiency. The drums of the B48.2ST and B53.2ST are supported by ball bearings. All center shafts and most of the gears on two speed self-tailing winches ride on roller bearings. Pan No, 842.2ST

Gear Ralio 1st 2nd 25:i 7.33





8462ST 848.251 853.2ST

25:l 25:i 3:i

8.2:l 9.21 10:1 12:i

Powllr MU0 lsl 2nd

13:1 20:i 22:1

These winches are modular and can be converted to standard two speed winches with the simple addition of a modular kit. See Daaes 152 and 153 for an exolanation ol special features See pages 154"ano 155 for suggested uses. Ordering lnlomslion - S~eclh,wlnch a r m mater~albv addino A (aluminum), B (polished bronie), or C (chromed bronie) to part number. Polished bronze by special order only. Additionallnlormation-




Lino Sha

Drum Dlamslsr

Oas8 OlamMsr


3%d 90mm

6'8 165mm

7"As' 196mm

1561bs 7.2 kg

191bs 86kg

5'As' 128mm

5 x%s'FH 5xBmmFH


3Sb' 92mm 31%~' 100mm

6'1/16' 170mm 6%' 175mm

8 ' 206mm 9ks' 218mm

16.4 1bs 7.4 kg 191bs 86kp

20.5 lbs 9.3kg 24.1lbs 10.9kg

5'4s' 128mm S'$ 140mm

5 X%#'FH 5x8mmFH 5xN6'FH 5xBmmFH

10mm 'W 12mm

4' 102mm

7% 190mm

9' 228mm

23.4 lbs 10.6kg

28.6 lbs 13kg

63h' 155mm

6 x%s' FH 6x8mmFH

'h. 12mm





29.3 IbS

36.5 IbS




W1 W1 53:l

Weight llumlnum Chrome




% 6 'FH

Min 3/6'

Mar %6'


14 mm


%S' 14 mm k6'

14 mm


L a r g e two speed self-tailing winches are used for sheets and halyards on large offshore boats. By depressing and turning the spring loaded top plate, the jaws of the winch adjust to accept different line diameters. A ball bearing roller on the self-tailing arm protects sheets and reducesfriction. These winches are modular and can be converted to three speed or three speed self-tailing winches with the simple addition of a modular conversion kit. All of these w~ncheshave stainless stee ro er bear ngs n all s s~pportedby oall metal cages to improve efficiency. Tne d r ~ m are

Pad NO.


Gear R110

Power Relio










B662ST B74.2ST

7.31 7.3:l

16.5:l 22.5:l 20:l 22:l

25:l 25:i

Drum Oiamaer

hse Diamnsr


4%' 120mm


5% 130mm

8 225mm % 9' 245mm 107~s' 265mm 10%' 265mm



5 150mm 57, 15Omm

bearings and all center shafts and gears ride on roller bearings. Two gears drive the drum and all shaft pins are 17-4 PH stainless steel. By special order, the B74.2ST is available with power ratios of 85:l or 92:l for use with very high loads. Only Harken Redline winches offer such high power ratios in a modular winch. Addilionallnlormation- See pages 152 and 153 loran explanallon of speclal features See pages 154 ana 155 for suggested uses Oderinginf~~maI~onSpeclly w~nchdrum malerlal by aad~ng A (alum n ~ m )B (PO ~snedbronze), or C (chromed bronze) to part

number Polishedbronze by special order only.

WalgM Aluminurn Chrome


Llneslze Mai


10%' 270mm

34.6 ibs 15.6kg

41.5 lbs 18.8kg

71'As' 195mm

6 x %C FH 6 x 8 m m FH

gAs' 14mm


12'X 306mm

46.3 1bs 21 kg

59.5 1bs 27 kg

8%' 210mm

5 x M ' FH 5 x l O m m FH

9Ae' 14mm


13' 330mm

59.7 Ibs 27.1 kg

70.5 lbs 32kg


6xWFH 6xlOmmFH

*As' 14mm


13' 330rnm

Ml lbs 272kg

72 lbs 32.7 kg

8% 225mm

6 X%' FH 6xlOmmFH






3/i V<






Klt BK56.3

S 1 Kit BK56.3ST












Three speed self-tailing winches are ideal sheet winches on larger boats. The three speeds allow sheets to be trimmed quickly, even in heavy conditions. Self-tailing allows one crew to handle the entire trimming task perfect for cruising or racing boats. First gear S selected by aepress ng the namep are ring next to tne winch handle socket. Use f rst aear for fast sheet rrimmina in light to moderate air, or ignore firsigear in very heavy conditions. Coupled with Harken's large drum diameters, three speed Redline selftailing winches offer very high line speeds for racing or fast cruising By special order, the B74.3 can be provided with power ratios of




Gsar R8iio 2nd





3rd 13:1

1s 9:1

Powsr Rstio 2nd 3rd 21:l


6663ST B743ST


2.8:i 28:1





9:l 93:l

22.5:l 25:l

W 1 66:l








WeigM Aluminum Chrome 33.7lbs 4411bs 153kg 20 kg



:7 7'h' 195mrn

130 mm

245 mm

l l 300mm

5001bs 22.6 k9

5951bs 27 kg

8%' 210mm


10'/ls' 265mm


59.5 lbs


27.1 kg

70.6 lbs 32 kg

6%' 225 mm

60.4 lbs 27.4 kg

71.4 lbs 32.4 kg

225 mm

150 mm 73:l

Addilional lnfamalian- See pages 152 and 153 for an explanation of special features. See pages 154 and 155 for suggested uses. Orderinglnfamalian- Specify winch drum material by adding A (aluminum), B (polished bronze) or C (chmmed bronze) to part number. Polished bronze by special order only.

Drum Bare Olametsr Diameter 4%' 8%' 120mm


85:l or 92:l for use on high loads such as found on very large boats or multihulls. All large three speed winches offer drums supported by ball bearings, two gears driving the drum, 17-4 PH stainless shaft pins, and roller bearings on all gears.





265 mm



Line Size Mln Max

6xke'FH 6x6mmFH

8 '


ldmm 5xWFH W6' 5x10 mmFH 14mm


%S' 14mm


We' 14mm


6 x3A' FH

6 x lOmmFH 6 X W FH 6 x lOmm FH


W. W 'h'



SELF-TAILING WINCHES T h e B964 and B980 are wide body self-tailing winches which may be used as standard top action winches or with pedestal, electric, or hydraulic drive to permit trimming of very high loads on sheets and halyards of the largest boats. The B964.2ST and B980.2STare two speed winches used on large ~ speed winches cruising boats. The B964.3ST and ~ 9 8 0 . 3are~three used on large racedcruisers or whenever high line speed is desired. The B1100ST and B1120ST are three speed winches for high load applications on large boats. They are generally driven by electric or hydraulic motors or connected to a pedestal system. Pad No. B9642ST B964.3ST B980.2ST B980.3ST E11WST B1120ST


73:l 28:l 731 28:l 27:l 2:1

Gear Ratio 2nd 3rd




22:l 731 27.8:l 73:l 8.21 114:l


278:l 258:l 334:l

8:l 21:l 8:l 5.21 34:l

Powar Ratio 2nd 3rd 64:l 21:l

8D:l 21:l 159:l 193:l


80:l 50.S:l 56.5:l

Dwm Bap Diameter Diameler

The large drum diameter provides extra surface area for sufficient wraps to handle very high loads and also offers extra speed in sheeting. Drums on wide body self-tailing winches are available in aluminurn or alurninum with stainless steel. AddiIionallnfomtionSee pages 52 and 53 for an explanation of specialfeatures. See pages 154 and 155 for suggested uses. Ordering lnfonnallon- Specify winch drum material by adding A (aiuminum) or SS (stainless steel) to part number. Polished bronze by special order only.


10%' 265mm

6 175mm

265 mm

H"gM Aluminum 13' 61.71bs 330mm 28 kg 13' 63.9 ibs 330mm 29 kg

175 mm

10'Ae' 265 mm 10%~' 265 mm

13' 330 mm 13' 330 mm

617ibs 28 kg 63.9 ibs 29 kg

10f4' 260 mm

14' 355 mm

lO13/16' 275 mm

1 1 300 mm

2O%6' 510 mm

14lS/rs' 380 mm


6%' 175 mm



WninM Uuminutnl Fartaner Chrome Stainless Circle


L i m DiamMrr Min h x

77.2ibs 35 kg

70.5lbs 32 kg

E 6xWFH W 225mm 6 x l O m m FH 14 mm


79.4 ibs 36 kg

72.8 lbs 33 kg

8%' 6 X%' FH W 225mm 6 x l O m m FH 14 mm


7721bs 35 kg 79.4 lbs 36 kg

8821bs 40 kg 90.4 ibs 41 kg

E 6xWFH W 225 mm 6 x l 0 mm FH 14 mm 8%' 6 x W FH W 225 mm 6 x l 0 mm FH 14 mm

20 mm M' 20 mm

6391bs 29 kg

7161bs 32.5 kg

12%' 6xWFH W 315 mm 6 x l O m m FH 14mm


115.71bs 52.5 kg

127.8lbs 58kg

l 12xWFH W 4 M m m 12xlOmmFH 14mm

1' 25mm

Yi 94'






Typical Powered


Why powered winches? Simply because powered winches make sailing cruising ooats easier and more f ~ n Trimming . sails and sending a man alott are accom~lisnedbv Dressing a bunon rather than grinding a winch. ~ i g boatsc'an e be sailed by only a few crew arid famil~escanmanage boats which triey ~ ~ u l o f l ' t comfortaolv handle W th manual winches. Powereo wlncnes also open sailing to people with physical disabilities who would otherwise not be able to trim sails. Which winches should be powered? The decision as to which winches to power depends on the size and nature of the boat. The first winch to convert to power is the pr mary because tacking the genoa 1s the most strenuous tasd oeriorrned on a reoular bas s Ha~vardwincnes are next especially if the sails a r i not roller furling. Many people posiiion the powered halyard winch so that it is possible to raise several sails and it can greatly ease the problem of sending a man aloft. On larger cruising boats all winches except small control line winches are powered. Electric or Hydraulic? Harken offers both electric and hydraulic winches. Both give excellent service, but differ greatly in concept. With electric wlncnes eacn wlncn has an ~ndepenoentmotor. W th hydraulic wlncnes a central Dower soJrce drives a n ~ m b e of r W nches and other applicat/ons. As a result, it is generally less expensive to use electric winches when your plans call for just one or two powered winches. When you need a large number of powered winches or wish to use hydraulic power for other functions like furling or the anchor windlass, the scale of economy tips towards hydraulics because you only need a single power source for any number of applications. Hydraulic winches offer the further advantage of being quiet because the power source is located away from the winch.


(Under l 1 5 m l

Anchor Windlass Pnmaw Wlnches

Anchor Windlass Primary Winches Halyard Winches

I ..--.- --

(Above 16 m)

Anchor Windbss Primary Winches Halyard Winches Hydraulic Vang Genoa Furling Mainsail Fuding

Anchor Wlndbss Primary Winchss Mainsheet Winch Halyard Winches


Hvdraulic ,--- Vanano ~Hydraulic Bahstay Genoa Furling Malnsall Fuolng Centerboard Llfl Gangplank Olnghy Oavrts







How does installation diner from electric to hydraulic? Installation of electric winches requires only the leading of power and control wires. Hydraulic winches need hydraulic hose and require the installation of a HydroPak, a hydraulic oil reservoir with pumps, motors and switches. Hydraulic winches however, only have a small drive box at each winch while electric winches have relatively large electric motors which may cause installation problems in areas where space is confined. Whv . ...,Harken? Harken powered wncnes offer all of the aavantages ol okr standaro Real,ne W nches more bear nos, laraer sD~nales,bener rnater~als, and more efficient self-tailing~ll~Gken'poweredwinches are available with two speeds in the powered mode - most competitors only offer one speed in smaller powered winches. If higher line speeds are desired, powered winches from the 56 can be ordered with three speeds. In addition, we've designed our powered winches to be simple and reliable. Each winch uses two control switches so you select the proper speed and don't rely on microprocessors which are difficult to repair. Switches are simple electric contact switches which are easy to service compared to pnuematic switches. 165

Electric winches offer cruising sailors the convenience of powered winches in an easily installed system. Harken offers the most complete line of electric winches available with sizes ranging from the B44.2ST which is suitable for use as a primary winch on boats as small as 34 feet (1 0.3 m) and for halyards on boats from 39 feet ( l 2 m). All Harken electric winches, including the smaller sizes, operate in two speeds both when using the electric motor or when cranking by hand. Electric winches from the 56 may be ordered with three speeds to provide very high line speeds. Operation is by use of simple waterproof switches which are located near the winch. The crew may select either first or second gear depending on the load. The winch reverts to manual operation when a locking handle is inserted so the boat can be raced or cruised without use of the electric system. Insertion of the handle


Onm Dllnmllr

Bsu Dianmbr


' Line speed a measured with m load. t DNm Is aluminum with slainless stssl sleeve. Chrome not available


automatically disconnects the electrical system to prevent use of the electric motor with a winch handle inserted. Harken electric winches through the B980 are offered for either 12 or 24 volts. Larger winches use 24 volts. Motors are mounted either vertically or horizontally on winches through the B980 to match your installation requirements. The anchor plate allows separate disassembly of the winch and the motorlgear reduction assembly. Both the motor and gear reduction box feature special anti-corrosion protection. Additionallniormation- See pages 152 and 153 for an explanation of special features. See pages 154 and 155 for suggested uses. Ordering Information- Each winch requires two switches and each boat requires appropriate control panels - see page 173. Three speed winches from the 56 are available bv s~ecialorder. Winches with po isned bronze a r m s are ava aole by special order only The 1100 and 1120 are available wlth alum num or a uminurn/stainless steel drums

WeluM G





L l n S l Max n

Une Speed .P?rMlnut~.

- .


Line speed is measured with no load.

t Drum is aluminum with stainless steel sleeve. Chrome not amilable

HYDRAULIC WINCHES M a n y cruising boats use hydraulics for windlasses, f~rling,centerboard lifts, vangs, and backstays, an0 tnis Dower soorce mav also oe used to orive harken hvdraulic self-tailing winchis. Use of a central hydraulic power source reduces weight and noise as only one motor is required to drive the entire system. Harken offers both hydraulic self-tailing winches and hydraulic power sources and control systems which can drive winches and other accessories.

Winches All Harken hydraulic winches, including the smaller sizes, operate in two speeds both when using the hydraulic motor and when cranking by hand. This two speed capability in the powered mode on the smaller winches is unusual and is of great significance for smaller boats and for halyards because it insures high speed operation under low loads while retaining h~gh Dower for nioh .oads. Hvdra~lic@inchesfrom the 56 may be ord&ed with thiee speeds to provide very high line speeds. Operation is by use of simple waterproof switches and reliable, easy to service, electric controls. The crew may select either first or second gear depending on the load. The winch reverts to manual operation when a locking handle is inserted so the boat can be raced or cruised without use of the hydraulic system. Insertion of the handle automatically disconnects the powered system to prevent use of the hydraulic motor with a winch handle inserted. All hydraulic motors are vertically mounted. The motor and the gear reduction assembly feature special corrosion protection. All hydraulic lines and motors are standard hydraulic components so that winches are easily sewiced anywhere in the world. All Redline hvdraulic winches are self-tailina. featuring ~arken'sball bearing rollers to improve efficiency and to reduce wear on the sheets. The jaws of these self-tailing winches adjust to accept different diameters of line by depressing and turning the spring loaded top plate. All Harken hydraulic winches offer all of the high efficiency features of our standard winches, includino drums which ride on ball bearinas. ~-~~ - - all . ~metal ~ bearing cages, 17-4 PH stainless drive gears, and roller bearings on the center shaftsand gear pins. Hydraulic winches are offered with chromed bronze drums. Aluminum drums are available on special order. ~





Power Units Harken offersfour sizes of hydraulic power units plus custom sizes for special applications. These are centrally positioned power units supplying hydraulic powerto different functions on the boat. Each power unit can be supplied with different configurations and with different functions. With these power units it is possible to sewe all of the hydraulic requirements on a boat winches, mainsail furling, genoa furling, anchor windlass, steering, lifting keels, and davits, may all be powered by Harken hydraulic power units. The range starts with the Hydro 2 for boats 35 to 45 168



BRS102 S W Swltches are mourned near w~nch and can be pawtmed for hand wfaol operahon, or both

feet long (10 to 13 m) which desire a limited number of functions. Hydro 4 fits boats 45 to 60 feet (13 to 18 m). The Hydro 6 is designed for boats from 55 to 70 feet (16 to 21 m). Boats over 70 feet (21 m) use the Hydro 8. The power units are driven by 12 or 24 volt electric motors. All of the hydraulic connections are made with standard high performance hydraulic fittings. These systems are very simple and use commonly available components so that service is possible world wide. The Hydro 6 and 8 use two motors. A manual switch allows selection of one or both motors at any time. Two motors allow extra power and provide a backup power source. Every power unit is tailored to its specific use. Pressure and flow can be adjusted on the pump during installation to insure equal pressure and flow at each valve. If required each valve may be fitted with separate pressure and flow regulators. For large boats, custom power units are available. Harken will be happy to work with owners and builders to design proper hydraulic systems for any boat. For further information and technical specifications, contact Harken.

HNmu,jccmn,rdaoxcontains switch confmk. su?@ied wm hydraulc power uoit 874.2STCH hydmk wimh

Addilional lnlormalion -See pages 152 and 153 for an explanation of special features. See pages 154 and 155 for suggested uses. Ordering lnlormalion- Each winch requires two switches and each boat requires appropriate control panels -see page 173. Three speed winches from the 56 are available by special order. Winches with polished bronze drums are available by special order only. The l l00 and 1120 are available with aluminum/stainless steel drums by special order.


roar ($1

E : E:

E ':




P n r r m (Is)

m ,m ,a




P n r s u n (bar)

P n a r a (bar) Prasrurm (bar)


Line speed is maasumd with no load.

t Drum is aiuminum with stainless steel siewe. Chrome not available.

H y d r o 2 and Hydro 4 are single motor power units. Hydro 2 is used on boats to 45 feet (13.7 m) which require two or three functions. Hydro 4 is used on boats to 56 feet (17 m) and is available with up to six functions. Hydm 2 is available for either 12 vok or 24 volt installations. Hydro 4 is available only for 24 volt installations.


Common Spsciliwtions Oil Cmacitv- l0 liters (10.6 otl ~ a h lily b - Min 200 h p nour Max operating pressure - 1 0 bar (2000 Hose Conneciidn W G



Options Quickfit connections Double pump for higherflow rate Electric oil level control


Hydro 2 Hydro4

40 amp

90 amp 120amp


Hydro 8


Hydro 6


H y d r o 6 and Hydro 8 are dual motor power units. Hydro 6 is used on boats to 74 feet (22.5 m) which require up to 9functions. Hydro 8 is used on boats over 70 feet (21.4 m) and is available with as many as 12 functions. The dual motors are capable of very high flow rates and orovide a b a c k u ~Dower source. Hydro 6 and Hydro 8 are only availatile for 24 volt appiications.





Common SpecificaUons

a m"


Max operating pressure - 140 bar (2000psi) Hose Connection - lh' G

ICwnni .,

. .

w i n size

0-15' 1s-33' srn-tom

Optlons -

Quick fit connections Electric oil level control Pld


Hydro6 Hydro8

Ymbm0l F~ndlom 2.4.6or9 3.6.9.or12

MOMI (12)

2.72 hp 2000 wall

4 hp 3WO wan

Breaker 250amp 350amp







1761bs 60 k~

25' €60mm

15Ms' 390mm

1%6' 4Wmm

1213A6' 326mm

1941bs BB kp

27th' 690rnm

18%' 473 mm

2Ws' 522 mm

15' 381 mm

6%' 176mm 9lh' 241 mm


W lomm

W 10mm


44,48,53.56, M,€6. 74,964,980 44,48,53.56,64.€6, 74. 964.980,llW. 1120

Custom hydraulic mntrol panel for Wauvuier Yachts

CONTROL BOXES AND SWITCHES B o t h electric and hydraulic winches require switches. In addition, electric winches require appropriate control boxes which must be chosen based on the winch, the voltage and the number of winches to be controlled. Hydraulic power units are supplied with appropriate control boxes. Switches Harken offers deck switches for use with electric or hydraulic winches. Each winch requires two switches, one for each deed. Switches are s i m ~ l eelectrical contact switches wn ch are well sea ed against m o srLre and are very easy ro install and rna nta n The BRS102 s a bas c p,sh b ~ t l o n srvitch. The BRs1021P s ltteo wtn a g ~ a r dro protect againsr accidental engagement. This feature is particularly useful when switches are floor mounted. Electrical Control Boxes Electrical control boxes contain the solenoids and overload protection to operate the winches. Each box will control one or two winches. Boats with more winches will require more control boxes. Hydraulic Control Boxes and Panels Hydraulic power packs are supplied with appropriate control boxes. Special control panels are often supplied with hydraulic systems. These panels can be mounted in the cockpit and show clearly which systems are in use and allow remote operation of hydraulic functions.


Deck Switchss OesCripion ~ ~ ~ 1 Remote 0 2 switch


Remote switch




23% 66mm


3%' 90mm

6 oz 180~

2 per winch


23% 66mm

3%' 90mm


2 per winch





Electric Control Boxes FarWlnehes 844 2STE To B980STE

B44 2STE To B980STE B44 2STE To B980STE

NGfk: 1





All racing winches feature a stainless steel handle socket for maximumduratllh

Wide body winch drums leature hollmus between interior and exterior drums to reduce weight


Large winches feature special 17-4 PH stak~kss

drum gears for long term Miabil'ty.

Drumsare h hard anodized aluminurn M m large winches offered w a combination aiuminumlstainkss steel drums.


Torlon roller bearings ride in larpe diameter cages to allow mwe bearings to cany the load.



Large diameter spindles form a large bearing suflace to properly carry me load.

Oriie geanare 174 PH stainless steel with spedally finished womng surfaces.


Winchea as m a l l as the 48 feature mller bearings in every gear.

Center shafts on all racing winches ride on rMer bearings.

i Pawls are held captive by the springs. ihey are easy io remove butwon? drop out accidently during service.


High load cawing gear pins are 17-4 PH stainless steel for maximum stren~Ihand durab'w.

/ \ Gears on Mnches from the 45 feature four pawls formaMrnurn rd'Qbiity and to minimize backlash.

Lamer Mnches use two gmrs to d h e drums. This reduceathe load onme drum pear and loads the drumwmmetrWb which impmves efticiew

RACING WINCH FEATURES Racers at all levels know that ligM boats are faster. Leading edge boats are designed and built to exacting standards to keep weight out. These boats demand extremely light winches with high efficiency and total relihility. Harken answers these needs with a line of racing winches which combine the meticulous attention to detail of the best Italian craftsmen with the space age American technology which has made Harken an institution in racing circles for over 20 years. Harken's Torlon' racing winches are the ultimate winches for serious racing boats. Weights are extremely low and reliability and efficiency are extremely high. Torlon racing winches are not simply standard winches modified for lighter weights. From the hard anodized alloy bodies and drums, and the Torlon roller bearings riding in large diameter cages, to the Torlon balls carrying vertical loads on the drum and the 17-4 PH gears and gear pins, Harken Torlon racing winches are bred for performance. From small two speed self-tailers to enormous wide body pedestal driven winches, Harken offers the most complete range of racing winches available. They meet every need on any racing boat. 174

Torlon" Roller Bearings Race proven for years in Harken's big boat hardware, Torlon bearings are reliable, low friction bearings perfectly suited to racing winches. Torlon bearings are substantially lighter than stainless steel bearings and their use is an important element in the overall weight savings in Harken's racing winches.



Torlon bearings ride on specially finished hard anodized surfaces of the winch body. Torlon roller bearings ride in very large diameter cages to allow more bearings to carry the load. Less load per bearing translates into less friction and high efficiency and longer life. Torlon roller bearings require only the lightest lubricants so drag when trimmina bv hand is extremelv low. Maintenance is reduced to frequent freshwater flushing and o & a s i o ~ lcleaning and lubricating of gears. -




Winches disassemble for sewice hnn rtmpi? nano 100 I BaSP$oI K ncnes rema n sec.re0 10 deca ~ w *men n s o $assembled

All bases feature large drain holes.

Stainless fasteners secure to sfainles steel helicoil inserts.

Speed-Lock" Speed-Lock is a modular feature which can be added to any three speed Torlon Racing Winch to allow it to be held in the two faster speeds for offwind and light air work. Speed-Lock may be added without complett: disassembly of the winch Complete Range Unlike many winch builders, Harken offers a full range of racing winches. These include 8 two speed self-tailers, 5 three speed winches, 9 three speed wide body winches, 3 four speed wide body winches, and 6 three speed self-tailing wide body winches. Add modular Speed-Lock and you have the capability of providing the perfect winch for any racing application. High Efliciency Self-Tailing The patented ball bearing roller on the stripper arm protects sheets against wear and reduces friction. The self-tailing arms are alightweight special alloy and are adjustable to 22 positions after the winch is mounted so the crew may select the best oosition for vour boat. The special jaw configuration of the self-tailing mechanism can be adjusted to match your sheet diameter. Because the jaws allow the line to seat on the same diameter as the winch drum, there is no efficiency lost by the tailer mechanism carrying the load. Non-adjustable self-tailers can offer optimal performance with only one sheet diameter.

Four Speed Winches Four speed wide body racing winches offer crews a 1:l overdrive speed for very fast trimming of the genoa in light conditions or of the spinnaker at any time while retaining a geared first speed for heavy air work. This option of a 1:l or geared first speed offers great flexibility and faster trimming in all conditions. The 1:l speed is selected by means of a lever switch conveniently located in the top cleat. When this high speed is selected, the normal geared first speed is locked out of the speed selection until normal speeds are again selected. Gears are changed in the normal fashion of three speed winches by reversing handle direction. 175

Three speed racing winches are the heart of any racing boat's winch package. They are ideal for most primary and secondary winch applications. Larger boats will often use three speed winches for halyards as well. The high speed first gear is engaged by depressing the nameplate ring. Use first gear for fast sheet trimming in light to moderate air, or ignore first gear in very heavy conditions. Coupled with Harken's large drum diameters, three speed racing winches offer very high line speeds,

Rfl No.


Gl8I M 1 0 2nd



POW8I R8liO 2nd







B533R B563R

1:l 2.2:l

3:l 5:l

12:l 13:l

4.51 9:1

13:l 21:l

3rd 41:l

Drum 4' 102mm

These winches may be ordered with Speed-Lockwto keep the winch in the faster first and second gear, a valuable feature in light air or downwind. Three speed racing winches are offered with anodized aluminum drums and feature Harken's exclusive Torlon bearings for exceptional weight savings. AddiUonalInformatlon- See pages 174 and 175 for an explanation of special features. See pages 154 and 155 for suggested uses.

h S 3 Dlanas

7W 1Wmm



8'Hs' 2Mmm


112mm 4%' 1Mmm

8%' 225mm


7%' 192mm

7%' 192mm 9%' 235mm

WigM 14.6 1 b 66kg 17.6 1bs 8kg 21.1 1 b 9.6 kg

7;; 6%' 155mm

7Hs' 180mm 7'lh'


hrtsm~rs 6 x ks'FH 6x8mmFH 6xWFH 6x8mmFH 6xSne'FH 6 x B m m FH

Modular Spud.10~4 Kit 8K351 BK351 BK352


TWO SPEED SELF-TAILING RACING WINCHES Two speed self-tailing racing winches are ideal for most primary,

secondary, halyard, running backstay and control line applications. Six winches are offered to handle functions from primaries on halftonners and halyards on three quarter tons to running backstays on maxis. The self-tailing mechanism features Harken's patented ball bearing roller to improve efficiency and easily adjustable jaw widths to suit a Pad NO. B452STR

Gear Ratio 2nd 25:l 8 2.1


Pwnr Ratio lsl 2nd 138:l #:l --

B482STR 8532STR B562STR B642STR 8742STR

25:l . 3:l 5:l 5.7.1 7.3:l

10:l 12:l 13:l 16.5.1 22:l

125:l 14:i 21:l 22.5:l 25:l


48:l 53:l 56:l €41 74:l

Drum Dlammer 3%" 92 mm @ 102 mm 4%~. 112mm 4%' 120 mm 5W 130mm

Base Diamsler 6"hd 170 mm 7%r' 190 mm 8"A< 220 m @A' 225 mm 9A' 245mm

5'A' 15Omm



variety of line sizes. The stripper arm on racing winches is lightweight aluminum. Two speed racing winches are offered with hard anodized aluminum drums and feature Harken's exclusive Torlon bearings for exceptional weight savings, low friction and high performance. Additional Infornation- See pages 174 and 175 for an explanation of special features. See pages 154 and 155 for suggested uses.

~ i l h t


228 mm

11.3 Ibs 5.1 kg 16.1 Ibs 7.3 kg

5'46' 128mm 61s' 155mm

5x%6'FH Sx8mmFH 6 x %E' FH 6x8mmFH

9'Jhs' 250 mm

19.2 1bs 8.7 kg

7h6' 180mm

6 X %6' FH 6x8mmFH

10%' 270mm 12W 308mm 13' 330mm

23.6 lbs 10.7 kg 30.6 ibs 139kg 41.7 ibs 18.9kg

7"As' 195 mm 8'N' 210mm 8'h' 225mm

7 x %s' FH 7x8mm FH 5xSa'FH 5xlOmmFH -6xJa'FH 6xlOmmFH

HeioM 8'W 206mm



Lins Slza

W lOmm

Mar %a' 14 mm










14mm_%S' 14mm

V,/. 14mm

Yi 19mm

W 19mm

Yi 19mm

Three speed self-tailing racing winches are used as primary and secondary winches and for halyards on larger boats. The self-tailing mechanism features Harken's patented ball bearing roller to improve efficiency and easily adjustable jaw widths to suit a variety of line sizes. The stripper arm on racing winches is lightweight aluminum. The high speed first gear is engaged by depressing the nameplate ring. Use first gear for fast sheet trimming in light to moderate air, or ignore first gear in very heavy conditions. Coupled with Harken's large


Gnu RI*Io 2 3rd


P ~ nm110 r 2nd 3rd

Drum ,D

drum diameters, three speed racing winches offer vely high line speeds. These winches may be ordered with Speed-Lock" to keep the winch in the faster first and second gear, a valuable feature in light air or downwind. Three speed sectailing racing winches are offered with hard anodized aluminum drums and feature Harken's exclusive Torlon bearingsfor exceptional weipht savings. AddIidl)allnf~~mation-See pages 174 and 175 for an explanation of special features. See pages 154 and 155 for suggested uses.




Modular Io F M Fasb3nn M l ~ l . Y . s l ~ ~ spmd-b' U,,





Smaller wide body three speed racing winches are ideal primaryand secondary winches. The wide body's large drum diameter gives exceptional line speed for faster trimming. These wide body racing winches are all supplied with a top cleat for fast, convenient securing of sheets. The nign speed firs1 gear is engaged by oepressing the nameplate r ng. Use first gear for fast sheet trimm~ngin ght to moderate air, or ignore first gear in very heavy conditions. The B964DLP and B9BODLP offer a direct drive first gear for very fast trimming. The B964LP and B980LP are provided with geared first speeds for more power. These winches may be ordered with Pm



in 1:l

Guar Ratio 2nd 4:l

3rd 10:l

lrt 39:l

Povnr Ratio 2nd 15.6:l



Speed-Lock" to keep the winch in the faster first and second gear, a valuable feature in light air or downwind. Three speed wide body racing winches are offered with anodized aluminum drums. The B560 is also offered with a combination aluminum and stainless steel drum for wire sheets. Additional Infomtalion- See pages 174 and 175 for an explanation of soecial - features. See oaaes 154 and 155 far suaaested uses. Onlerinplntormalion- fpecify wlnch d n m maieiia by aooing A (alumlnum) or &SS (a umin~m/stainlessstee ) to the pan nLmber -


D N ~ W Diamltsr Dlamdar






Welgm Numinum AlumBS

120mm % 5' 130 mm 5 150mm

7%; 190mm Bt1Ad 220 mm 8% 225mm

PAB. 192mm 8%a' 215 mm 9 235mm

1651bs 7.5 kg 1921bs 8.7 kg 25.61bs 116kp


Modular Spd-Locl

"ltm* Clmk


6fx 155mm 71As' 180mm 7"hd 195mm

6x516'FH 6 x 8 m m FH 6x FH 6xBmmFH 7 x5A6' FH 7xBmmFH

























6% 175mm

10'hd 265 mm

1 0 270mm

38.5lbs 17.51;~

E7h' 225 mm

6xWFH 6 x 10 mm FH









6%' 175 mm

10%~' 265 mm

10%' 270 mm

35.9lbS 16.3 kg

a7A' 225mm

6xWFH 6xlOmmFH









6%' 175mm

10%6' 265mm

10%' 270mm

38.5lbs 17.5 kg

8'h' 225mm

6xWFH 6xlOmmFH









6%' 175mm

iO%s' 265mm

10%' 270mm

35.9ibS 16.3 kg

8% 225 mm

6 x W FH 6 X 10 mm FH


28.9 lbs 13.1 kg




BK351 01052


nob k C r n p h o m

RACING WINCHES L a r g e wide body racing winches are perfect for primary and secondam functions on larae racina boats. Thev. may . be used in coniunction with ~edestaldrives or to^ driven. he wide body offers exceptional line speed for faster trimming and the top cleat offers a convenient location to Secure the sheet. A variety of gearing options available with pedestal drives offers up to six speeosfor these large winches. Drums are availaole in lightweignt al~minumor with a combination


BllWTC B1120TC

Gear RaUo 2nd Srd 2.7:1 8.2:1 25.8:l






POW Rat10


2nd 15.9:l

3td 50.3:l




Drum Diamltsr 1OVi 264 mm i11?4d 300 mm

of aluminurn and stainless steel for use with wire sheets or exceptionally high loads. These winches feature Harken's race proven Torlon bearings for light weight and high performance.

Additi~nal,n,DTmatlon-See pages 174 and 175for an explanation of special features. See pages 154 and 155 for suggested uses and pages 173 thmuoh 177 for com~atible~edestalsystems. Ordsrlng information-Speclty wlnch drum mmer al oy add.ng A (alumlnum) or &SS (alum n~mlsta~nless steel) l o the part number.

Blll Diamat* 14' 355mm 20Ma' 510mm




1OlM 260mm

57.3 Ibs 26 k9

68.3 lbs 31 kg

14%' 360mm

83.1 lbh 37.7kp

97 IbS 44ka

Faslmf hhnsn


12% 315mm

SxWFH 6xiOmmFH

1 4 &mm

12XWFH 12xlOmmFH



W i d e body three speed self-tailing racing winches are useful for sheets, halyards and secondaryfunctions on large offshore boats. The B560 is top driven. The B964LP and B980LP may be either top driven or integrated into a pedestal system. The B1100 and B1120 are for use with pedestal systems. The wide drums offer exceptional line speed for faster trimming and the self-tailing mechanism reduces the need for a crew to tail the line. A variety of gearing options available with pedestal drives offers up to six speeds for these large winches. Drums are available in lightweight aluminum or with a combination of aluminum and stainless steel for use with wire sheets or exceptionally high loads.

Gear R d i o No.





power Ra110 2nd 3rd



Basd Diamlter

The B560, B964LP and B980LP may be ordered with Speed-Lock" to keep the winch in the faster first and second gear. These winches feature Harken's race proven Torlon bearings for exceptionally light weight and low maintenance. Additional lnhrmlion- See pages 174 and 175 for an explanation of

soecial features. See oaoes 154 and 155 for s~!I!IeSted uses and pages 1k3 through 187 for cohpatl~lepedestal systems Orderlng lnlonnation - Spec~fywlnch drLm materla~~y adding A (alJm nJm) or &SS (al~mlnJrntsta~nless stee ) to tne pan number. To order the B964LP and 6980-P for pedestal amre add PD to Ule part nllmWr


Haieht Muminiurn MumlSS

Fndlnm Clrels



Iloduhr Speed-Loch m




F o u r speed wide body racing winches offer crews a 1:l overdrive speed for very fast trimming of the genoa in light conditions or of the spinnaker at any time while retaining a geared first speed for heavy air work. This option of a 1:l or geared first speed offers great flexibility and - - faster - trimmina i n all conditions. The I :I speed iiselected by means of a lever switch conveniently located in the top cleat. When this high speed is selected, the normal geared first speed is locked out of the speed selection until normal

P m r Fmtb

speeds are again selected. Gears are changed in the normal fashion or three speed winches by reversing handle direction. Four speed wide body racing winches are available with SpeedLock" to keep the winch in first and second gear. Speed-Lock" may be enoaoed - - with either of the two first speeds.

~ d # ~ m a , ~ ~See mpages a ~ 174 ~ oand n175 - tor an explanation of spacial features See paes 154 and 155 tor suggested uses





R d e s t a ~drive winch systems are famed for applications demanding both great speed and power. They allow one or more crew to crank from an ergonomically powerful standing position. Pedestal systems range from the simple B700 integral system to complex custom-designed systems allowing five large winches to be cranked by eight to ten crew. Large custom installatins include cutoffs to disconnect various winches and gear boxes allowing each winch to be driven with up to six speed and power ratios. Pages 154 through 159 describe the components used as the building blocks for pedestal drive winch systems. Designers, owners and builders of large boats are encouraged to work closely with Harken to design a proper system for their boat. High Sbength Components When very large boats are using eight or more crew to drive the winches, it is necessary to use special high strength components like stainless steel d i i e shafts, high strength bronzelstainless universal joints, special high strength gear boxes, and special high strength reduction gear boxes. Boats of this nature should consult with Harken for proper specification of hardware and HS should be added to all component part numbers to specify high strength components when ordering.


Integral surface mount


B%@' llhs'


The B700 surface mount pedestal system is designed for boats where under-deck installation of transmissions and drive shafts is not desirable. It is particularly well suited to large cruising boats which are raced and all boats with a finished interior. They lend themselves very well to retrofit situations. The very low profile base is hard anodized aluminum and contains a simple chain drive using a spring-tensioned stainless steel chain. The pedestal is available in two heights. The pedestal is available with either a fixed or a rotating head which can be adjusted to suit the best position for the crew on any point of sail. Handles can be either single or double grip and faster 9" (229 mm) handles may be fitted. The B700 will accept a 66,74,964, or 980 winch. ~~




atrrlpnon HQ. mID3B5 mm F M hard psdert* m10-695 mm

F M hard pedesw

6615-385 mm

RoMlm hard mdsrtrl

f o r a n m y pa; 'PsdssDla m for m y psrr bor


15W 385 mm 2736' 695 mm 15%

MIIM W/ Handlll 19.2 ibr 8.7 kg 24.Mlbs 10.9 19.6 lbs

Pedestals Harken pedestals are constructed of high strength, lightweight aiuminum with a hard anodized finish. Pedestals are available with fixed or rotating heads. A rotating head allows the crew to vary the direction of handle rotation to best suit the sluation. The crew may prefer to crank facing fore and aR while trimming spinnakers and mains and to face athwartships while tacking genoas, or otherwise vary their cranking position from time to time. Standard rotation is 90'. but other angles may be specified. Harken pedestals rotate at the head to insure long term rigidity. Rotation locks are conveniently located at the base of the head. Drive assemblies in the pedestals use stainless steel shafts. Gears are 17-4 PH stainless steel. Working surfaces of the gears are finished with a special process to reduce friction and improve efficiency. Gears all ride on 17-4 PH stainless steel double roller bearings, which carry both radial and axial loads. Drive handles are offered in chromed bronze or racing boats may specify forged hard anodized aluminum. Handle grips ride on double rows of Delrin ball bearings for maximum efficiency and comfort. Standard handle lengths are 9 (229 mm) and 1IT (254 mm). Pedestals are offered in two standard heights but special heights are available upon request. Pedestals mount to adapter plates which accept the gear boxes and foot switches. They are hard anodized aiuminum. Adapter plates are chosen according to the gear box to be used.

Carbon Flhr PedesfaIs Extremely lightweight carbon fiber pedestals are designed for smaller racing boats like the 50 footer class which desire the very fast sheeting a pedestal offers. Carbon fiber pedestals weigh only 88 oz (2.49 kg). The handles and drive bearings are all designed and built by Harken using Torlon bearings and Hardkote anodized, Teflon impregnated aluminum.

Cuplom double crank systems

Custom double crank systems are designed for use with four or more crew and are found on racing boats, especially 12 Meters or large multihulls. A removable version is available for large cruising boats which will use the double crank system across a cockpit while racing, but will remove it and use the top action drive or power drive on the winches for cruising. The double crank system can be used with chain, shaft or pedestal drive. The handles are high strength stainless steel and the grips ride on double races of Delrin balls for low friction and maximum efficiency.

Custom Fabrication

Harken is available to consult with designers, builders and owners regarding the fabrication of custom winch systems. Working with CAD (computer aided design) systems, our specialists are capable of developing technical drawings of winch systems for either racing or cruising boats of any size. Universal Joints

Drive sham

Two drive shafts are offered for pedestal systems. The standard B605 stainless steel tube shaft with splined ends is designed for high loads and maximum durability. The B606 lightweight drive shaft is a large diameter aluminum tube with splined ends. It is designed for use on light boats with a maximum of four men cranking. All drive shafts are custom made to your required length.

Universal joints are required in drive shaft installations to compensate for minor misalignments in installation and for the deformation of the boat structure while sailing. Two universal joints are available. The standard B1780 offers a maximum misalignment of +/-IS.They are used in high load situations with up to 8 crew working the pedestals. They are constructed of chromed high strength bronze and stainless steel. The 81781 lightweight universal joint is constructed of high strength aluminum and stainless steel. It permits working angles of +l-2'.These joints are designed for systems with a maximum of four crew cranking.


B6M B606

Stainless *eel drive shall Aluminum drive

2 3 1bsM 3.4 kvm 1 . 1 IM 1.62 kvm

Speoity length Specity length


Chrome U-joint

3.1 ibs 1.41 kg

These sample pedestal systems show some basic arrangements possible with Harken components. The insert side view drawing shows all of the components used in a typical system including such items as gear boxes which are not shown in the top views. Unless otherwise specified, all shafk and u-joints in a drawing are the same. Many other arrangements are possible. Please contact Harken for a system which best suits your boat.

P*wKrl -




F H 1



W1 611 621 622

631 1780 1781 605

Siwbwbox Siqk w r box w/clufch Two-wy pear box w h clutches Three-way psar box whhee duichm And& three-wdy oar b x wnhree clutches Four-wy pear box wtour clutches Chmmsuloinl Uminum(8tninlsJr uioint S$ink$asldrhssMI



F @-Ziiiiq Tmsmission gear boxes are used to distribute power from pedestal drives to different winches. Harken offers a complete range of gear boxes for winch power transmission. The body of the boxes is hard anodized, high tensile aluminum. Gears and shafts are 17-4 PH stainless steel. Working surfaces of gears are finished with a special process to reduce friction and improve efficiency. Gears ride on 17-4 PH stainless steel double roller bearings, which carry both radial and axial loads. Gear boxes are available in three configurations: a simple gear box, a gear box with clutch, and a gear box with clutch and reduction gear. A simple gear box is generally used to connect a winch shaft with a drive shaft. The simple gear box has no disconnect and is attached to the bottom of the winch itself. A gear box with clutch is used to connect or disconnect a transmission from the pedestal system. Clutches have an on and an off position. Use of clutches allows several winches in a system to be cranked while others are left idle. They also allow several pedestals to be separated to drive winches handling very different tasks, such as trimming the main and genoa simultaneously at different speeds. Simple gear boxes and gear boxes with clutches are provided with 1:l or 1.38:l drive ratios, but other ratios are available on special order. A gear box with clutch and reduction gear is used to make a six speed winch system. This very compact gear box contains a clutch and two drive speeds. The clutch has three positions: high speed, off, and low speed. Standard drive ratios are 1:1M .6:1 but other drive ratios are available by special request. The B604 is a lightweight right angle drive for use with the 8616 carbon fiber pedestal system. It is fabricated from 6061-T6 aluminum plate and features stainless steel gears and Torlon bearings. Gear box components are constructed with very close tolerances and, therefore, are not offered as separate units for assembly in the field. Assembly of gear boxes with clutch andtor reduction gear is done by Harken to insure proper alignment and to guarantee the best transmission efficiency with the lightest weight. Gear box assemblies mount under deck on the adaptor plate on the pedestal bottom. Clutch engagement and disengagement and selection of reduction gears takes place by the use of foot switches which are located at the base of the pedestal drive unit.

I Part




Single g a r box


Single war box w n clutch LigMweight ngM angle dnve Tworay gear b x with two clutches Threeway sear box wlh threeclutches ~ngledthree-waygear box wlh threeclutches our-way gear box with four clutches

8604 8611 B621 8622 8631


weight 119Ibs 5.4 kg 20.1 Ibs 9.1 kg 4.5 1bs 2.04 kg 26.2 lbs 11.9kg 48.2 Ibs 21.9 kg 48.2 lbs 21 9 kg 58.5 ibs 26.5 kg


Harken kits allow you to convert standard modular winches into self-tailina. three soeed. or three SOeed self-tailing winches without the expense of purchasing new winches. conversion is simple. The top of the winch is removed and replaced by the modular kit. Only simple hand tools are required. Not all winches are modular to all features. Check the charts below for applications. Two Speed Self-Tailing Klts

m no. BK42.2ST BK44.2ST BK46.2ST BK482ST BK53.2ST BK56.2ST BK54.2ST BK662ST RK?A ?S1

c o n m WIK~ ~


Wlnch~ 842.2 844.2 846.2 848.2 853.2 656.2 654.2 866.2 R?A 9

From 2 Speed 2 Speed 2 Speed 2 Speed 2Speed 2Speed ZSpeed 2Speed

TO 2 Speed self-tailing 2 Speed self-taiG 2 Speed SW-tailing 2 Speed self-tailing 2 Speed SW-tailing 2 Speed self-eilinp 2 Speed self-tailing 2 Speed self-tailing



Three Speed Kits Klt NO. BK48.3 BK53.3 8K56.3 8K54.3 BK66.3 8K74.3

Three Speed Self-Tailinp Kits m No.

BK563ST BK643ST BK68.3ST BK743ST

FKI WllChot

Comnrtr Wlnch

848.2 853.2 856.2 864.2 868.2 874.2

horn 2 Speed 2 Speed 2 Speed 2 Speed 2 Speed 2 Speed

FKI Wlnchar 856.3 854.3 866.3 874.3

Fmrn 3 Speed 3 Speed 3 Speed 3 Speed

To 3 Speed 3 Speed 3 Speed 3 Speed 3 Speed 3 Speed


~onrrmwinch To 3 Speedself-tailing 3 Speedselt-tailing 3 Speedself-taAing 3 Speedself-tailing


Racing Winch Modular Kits Convlns wlnh

KII No. BK351

Fik Wlnchss 848.311. B48DTCR. B533R. B530TCR

BK352 BK353 BK371

B56.3R.BSMITCR. B64.3R. B74.3R. B964TCR. B98OTCR B563STR. B560STR. B64.3STR. B743STR. B964STR. B980STR 85WTCR

3 Speed racing 3 Speed self-failingracing

BK372 BK391


3 Speed raclng 3 Speed raclnp

From 3 Speed racing


3 Speed raclng

3 Speed racing wilh Speedlock 3 Speed racing with Speedlack 3 Speed sen-tailingracing with Speedlock 4 Speed raclng 4 Speed raclng 4 Speed raclng wlth Speedlod

3 SERVICE KLS 1 Simple service k ~ t sare available to permil ro~rine mainlenance of narken winches. K ISare avallaole witn drum screws, pawls, springs and winch grease. Harken grease is a special all temperature grease which is very resistant to salt and fresh water. Metric wrenches are also available for use with Harken winches. Each set contains four high quality metric allen wrenches. Service sheets are available for each standard winch. These sheets show an exploded view of the winch, list all component part numbers, and contain simple instructions for mounting, servicing and repairing the winch. Service sheets are offered free of charge.

Part NO. BK4510

Description Winchtool kit

Oneeach: 4 mm. 5 mm. 6 mm. 8 mm allen wrenches



Harken winch handles are a unique blend of good looks and smooth efficiency, the perfect complement to Redline winches and a positive addition to any winch. All nine handles feature ball bearing grips for more efficient and comfortable operation. Cruising sailors like the durability and appearance of forged chromed bronze handles while racing sailors prefer the light, but tough, drop forged aluminum handles. Lock-in handles are easily released wlth a conven~ently oositioned thumb switch. Thev are safer to use as thev will not slip out of the winch whil;you are cranking and n;ay be left unattended in a winch. 10' (254 mm) handles are the industry standard and have proven to be the most comfortable length for most people. Published power ratios are based on 10' (254 mm) handles. 8' (203 mm) handles are faster but reduce power by 20%. They are often used by racing crews in light air or by cruising sailors on smaller boats. Double-grip handles allow one man to crank a winch with more power or offer the option of two-man cranking. The BIOADL is designed for racing boats which seeka very light doublegrip handle. Cruisers should use Me chromed bronze BlOCDL double-grip handle. Harken handles fit international-standardwinch sockets on all brands of winches. COIRllMR SpedficsiIom


llA~'H7.5mm) ~~~~, ~ r i p d i -'iW a (32 mm) Grin lenath -41hm(114 mm) Stud








Harken offers a wide array of genoa lead cars and track slides. The tri-roller lead car offers many unique advantages. The wide sheave will accept two sheets for easy sail changes and is mounted very close to the deck to permit sheeting of low clewed genoas. The vertical side rollers protect sheets and reduce friction even when leads are unfair. The single piece construction reduces noise and damage from luffing sails. Tri-roller lead cars are provided with a towing bail for adiustment and must be used with a track stop. ~ri'-rollerlead cars are available to fit metric or English track. Genoa lead blocks offer the simplicity of a pin stop type car. The pin stops can be locked in an up position to facilitate movement along the track. Track slides offer a convenient attachment point for snatch blocks or other lead blocks. They feature plastic sliders to reduce friction and to protect tracks. The pin stop may be locked in an up position. Track stops are low profile and easy to open even with cold, wet hands. T track is clear-anodized aluminurn and is available only in metric sizes. 192



Mu Doorlpllon

8153 GenoaLsadblakfor32mm track-&minum 8154 Gema lead blmkfor 32mmM-chrome B155 Germalead blmkfor 40mmM-chmm B156 Slidefor25 mm track- chrme B157 Slidelor 32 mm track-chrome 8158 Slide for 40 mm

l a n ~~ l d t t t ~ s l p l ~ s i n b 3%' 95mm 3W 95mm 5%' 142mm 2%' 70mm W 95mm 5%d

216' 54mm 2W 54mm 2W 70mm 1%' 37mm llHd 46mm

4W 115mm 4W 115mm SW 150mm 156' 41 mm 2%~' 54 mm 8%' 2%'

ghllt 01,

Slb wdlnm



15koz 2' l l W l b s 2560lbs 4398 52mm 14mm 5W kg 1200kp 34or 2' A ' 18951bs 38501bs 9640 52mm 14mm 8M)kQ 1750kp 6801 211~6' h' 44751bs99201bs 195kg 68mm 22mm 2030kp 45WJkg 8 or Z0501bs 16251bs 2278 950kg 2100 kg 18M02 39Mlbs 8150lbs 524 p ISW kg 3700kQ 38'hoz 55W lbs 123W lbs




These unique footblocks feature a spring loaded back which allows the block to be pulled open with one hand for fast sheet changes. Ten sizes of opening foot blocks are offered for use on boats from 20 to 70 feet (6 to 21 m). The B165 does not oDen. The large diameter sheaves are designed to protect sheets and reduce friction to a minimum. Housings are hard anodized aluminum and the blocks may be disassembled for sewice without being removed from the deck. 57d and 7 7 h ' (150 mm and 200 mm) footblocks are available by special order with stainless steel sheaves for use with wire.

Soecial Features

Gr ng l o a o e o open ng bacf. Large diameter sheaves

Pall No.



Description Slngle non-opening

B2367 Single 82368 B2113 B2114 B3113 A

Double Slngle Double S~ngle

Sheave Diameter

T So ' !!L 2% 70 mm 2% 70 mm 3lW6'


Max l i n e Size



3W 80 mm 3%' 95 . mm 3%' 95 mm

12 mm

W l2 mm

M' 12mm %S'


3'%6" 100 mm


43%~" 125 mm




Safe Height



Breaking Strength

1%' 45 mm

10 02 284 g

2205 b s 1000 kg

4410 1bs 2000 kg

1ffl 38 mm

14% oz 411 Q

3086th~ 1400 kg


2s/t 6'

5M' 140 mm

21% oz 6100 33% 950 g

3086 lbs 1400 kg 4409 lbs 2000 kg


58 mm 11%6" 46 mm

5% 140 mm

2%' 72 mm

47% or 1.35 kg

4409 lbs 2000 kg

88181hs 4000 kg

6i1/16' 170 mm

1'Ms' 50 mm

51 oz 1.454

8377 lbs 3800 kg

16755 lbs 7600 kg


88181hs 4000 kp


'P' I-


~afl NO.

Sheave Diameler

DesUiptiOn -~





~--~~ 03406 B3407 B3408

Double Single Double

Max Line





8 "-4





125mm 5%" 150mm 5'4' 150mm

16mm 3/i


W 18mm


Safe Working

61fA6' 170mm 7%' 200 mm 7%' 200 mm

77& 200 mm

20 mm










3 IN 80 mm 23~s' 55 mm 3% @mm

78 02 2.21 kg 92 oz 26x9

8377 lbs 38W kg 136691bs 6200 kg

16755 ibs 7600 kg 27337 ibs 12400 kg

3xWFH 3xlOmmFH 3 x 'h''FH 3xl2mmFH

llloz 3.15 kg

136691bs 6200 kg

27337 ibs 12400 kg

3 X ' h FH 3~12mmFH

21%116' 72 mm

152 oz 4.3 kg

19641 lbs 9000 kg

39683 lbs 18000 kg

5 x 'h' FH 5~12mmfH


19641 ibs

39683 ibs



Harken stay tensioners are reliable mechanical adjusters which are used by many of the world's top boat builders. They are easy to install, simple to use and are extremely strong. For smaller offshore boats they are the only good choice for a powerful backstay adjuster. Large cruising boats find stay tensioners preferable to hydraulics for their simplicity, reliability and good looks. Made of polished stainless steel, Harken stay tensioners feature bronze worm gears and thread drives to prevent galling under load. The moving components are mounted on greased roller bearings for easy adjustment under all conditions. There are four sizes of stay tensioners available for boats from 27 to 50 feet (8 to 15 m) with backstays from 7/32't0 M" (5 to 12 mm). The two smaller adjusters feature handles which fold down for adjusting and uo to store alonoside the bodv of the tensioner. The larger tensianers accept standard winch handle for adjustment. In addition to use on backstays, stay tensioners are frequently used on other systems such as inner forestays and babystays. By special order the 8500, B501,B502, and B503 are available in custom lengths to fit unusual requirements.


Special Feahnar Polished stainless steel bodies Bronze worm gearand thread drive Simple, reliable mechanism No exposed thread 196

I":.. -&



Winch Handle not Included

H a r k e n sheet jammers feature a double control svstem. The small hand lever allows the iammer to be opened under light loads. A winch handle is used to release the jammer under heavy loads. The open top design allows Harken jammers to be used for genoa and spinnaker sheets. The jammer is placed in line between the block and a winch. Sheets may be forced down into the jaws to take the load off the winch. The jaws remain open until the lip of the winch socket is pressed, whereupon they snap closed. The low profile, compact size, and the fact that the hand lever does not protrude beyond the base viltually eliminate the possibility of fouling sheets. Power sheet jammers are available in two sizes in Harodote anod zed al~mlnumor chromed bronze. Polished bronze s availaole by special order. Speclal Features flinch nand e release for heavy oaos hand fever reease for ighr loads Ava .able as port or SlarDOard models

Oercriplinn Large alumimum sheet jammer (stbd) B1773CR Large chrome sheet iammer (stbd) B1773AL Large aiuminum sheet


B1773CL Large chrome sheel iammer (oorl) B18ffiAR Smallalumtnum sheet jammer (slbd) B1866CR Smallchrome sheet



3'1/1d 150mm 1OOmm 3'h' 150mm 1OOmm 3%~' 150mm 1OOmm

23/16" 56mm 23/16. 56mm 23/18. 56mm

150 mm l 0 0 mm 4Ih" ; 108mm 75mm 4 3'

56mm 44mm 1%'


Saln Worklnp Fastanars Load 3901 W 5500lbS 1.1 kg 14 mm 22mm 2500 kg 4 x 10 mm 11302 1/16' 71501bs 3.2 kg 14mm 22mm 3250 kg 4 x l o m m 39 02 1/16' '/a. 5500 lbs 1.1 kg 14mm 22mm 2500kg

HelpM Wnlpht



11302 ":7 7130bs 3.2 kg 14mm 22 mm 325% 1602 %< 3300 lbs 4509 lOmm 1 4 m m 1 4601 3% Q A ~ 4400 lhs




Harken offers a wide range of spinnaker pole end fittings in metric sizes. All pole ends are hard anodized aluminum w l h stainless steel pistons and pins. Piston type ends are ideal for the outboard ena of po es and tor tne inboaro end of poles for sma an0 m,o sized offsnore boats. Thev offer internal and external release levers. The 814711 00 and B1491100 are automatic with a trigger mechanism which holds the piston open until the guy is inserted, at which time they automatically close. Bell end f i i n g s are popular on medium and large boats which dip pole jibe. The bell and socket arrangement Is very strong, easy to enaaae, and allows the oole to articulate properly in all conditions. The B1411100 is a socket end stud for the inboard end of poles for boats to 55 feet (17 m). This fitting features a recessed hand release lever. Toggle track slides accept bells and are available with or wlhout pin stops. Pole ends also fit appropriate adjustable spinnaker pole cars shown on page 117. -



82 mm 66 mm 95 mm


Large bell socket Small bell socket Bell soCket wlstud

B276A B2768 B34eA

Track sllder far bell Trackslider far bell wMap Track sllder far bell

B120 B130

1MI mm 154 mm 225 mm

85 mm 80 mm 95 mm

B121 S ew bell studs B131 S ew bellstuds B141 S e w bell studs

850 p 650 D 2.44kg


~lb 95 mm 95 mm 95 mm

35 mm 35 mm 35 mm

500 Q 550 Q 540 Q

26 mm Ttnck 26 mm T track 32 mm T track



8131150 Bell end for pole 8131160 Bell end for pole 8131110 Bell end for pole 8131180 Bell end for pole 0121110 Bellend for p c 8121180 Bellendfor~pole 81211100 Bellend for pole

Part NO.



Pelf p:::fiy

50 mm 60 mm 70 mm 80 mm 70 mm 80 mm 100mm



Plston pole end

8145160 8145110 8145180 81471100 B1491100

Plston pole end Piston pole end Piston pole end Piston pole end witngger Slainlffs piston end witrigger





E 8 5 mm

55 mm 65 mm 75 mm 65 mm 75 mm 94mm

F Pole 0 0

85 mm 85 mm 85 mm 110 mm llOmm llomm

G Pole ID

220 g 350 g 440 g 540 g 3609 4609 6709

8130 bell socket 8130 bell socket 8130 bellsocket 8130 bell socket 8120 bellsocket 8120 bellsacket 8120 bellsocket

Past Pole

H Length

I Jaw Width







50mm 7Omm 80 mm 100mm 100 mm

5 5 mm 65ym 75 mm 94 mm 92 mm

146 mm 175mm I t 5 mm 134 mm 230 mm

28mm 30mm 30mm 36mm 32 mm

820g 1.4 kg 1.5 kg 1 3 3 kg 3.32 kg



Harken Compu-Spec" is a software program available to dealers, distributors, designers and other marine industry professionals who are interested in choosing the correct hardware for their customers. The Harken Compu-Spec is an expert program whichwill choose the correct Harken hardware for each system on a boat based on the nature and dimensions of the boat. The program offers multiple layers of discretion to the operator so that hardware systems can be tailored to the specific needs of your customer. Harken Compu-Spec software is designed to select hardware for offshore boats from 22 to 70 feet. While the program will choose hardware for other boats, owners and designers of exotic boats and very large boats should consult Harken when selecting hardware. Hardware systems which this program will select include: Mainsheet Travelers and Controls Mainsheet Systems Genoa Lead Cars and Tracks Genoa Foot Blocks Spinnaker Sheet, Afterguy, and Foreguy Running Backstay Blocks Mast Base Lead Blocks Rudder Bearings and Steering Sheaves Winches Furling Systems Shoes Harken Compu-Spec will generate a data sheet showing loads on some common hardware systems and describing different sail areas. When hardware is selected, Harken Compu-Spec will print the selections in several formats. These include printouts organized by

hardware system; organized numerically for ordering; and with weights an0 strengths of tne components. Printouts will also prlce the hardware selected. All Harken Comou-Soec orinto~tsinc uoe the , name of the dealer, distributor, or designer. Harken Compu-Spec is available for MS-DOSBand UNIP computer systems. Harken Compu-Spec must be tailored to your computer system so delivery takes up to six weeks. For further information, or to order Harken Compu-Spec, call or write Harken. The Harken Compu-Spec software package includes instructions and is part number 1788-Dfor DOS systems and number 1788-U for UNlX based systems.

Harken E-ZDeck" is a software package available on a limited bass to deslgn professionals. E-ZDeck s a menu oriven program which worns n conlunction with AutoCAD'soltware (Release 9 or more current) to enable designers tolay out deck andsail plans with oro~erlvdrawn and scaled Harken fittings and winches. For customers who do not use AutoCAD but have a DXF translator for their CAD software we can offer DXF files with a library of Harken parts. The ability to lay out hardware systems usingscaled hardware from a library of properly drawn parts saves considerable time, results in a very impressive drawing, and allows the designer to experiment with various hardware layouts on his deck plan. E-Z Deck also includes the unique Spline program which permits

drawing of very fair curves with minimal effort. E-ZDeck will allow drawing straight or rao dsed tracn as a smple line which W automat callv be ad usted to a standard ~enathof tracn when desired. E-Z ~ e c wiil k also automatically generate ;bil of materials for ordering purposes when purchased with the Harken Compu-Spec" hardware selection program. E-Z Deck requires some specific hardware and software requirements and does not include AutoCAD software. There is a nominal charge for E-ZDeck and Harken reserves the right to restrict distribution of E-ZDeck. Contact Harken for details and allow up to 6 weeks for delively. E-Z Deck is part number 1787-A for AutoCAD systems and number 1787-D for the DXFversion.






. .


System I

System 2

System 3A

The most common mainsheet on boats under twenty-eight feet (8.5 m) is a four part tackle. Very small boats will use a 060 and 053 while larger boats will use a 042 and 028 or a 1556 and 1559. Both systems feature ratchets and adjustable cam cleats.

Placing the mainsheet off the traveler car with a 009 ratchet on a 144 base allows adjustment of the main without dragging the car to windward. It tends to tighten the leech but this can be overcome by curving the track ends up. Boom blocks are 2.25 for boats under twenty-eight feet (8.5 m) or

A gross-trmlfine-tune system that is completely contained on the traveler car is a popular retrofit. Boats with mains under 300 ft2 (28 m2) generally use a 4:1116:1 system with a 1565 mid-range fiddle on the car, two 011s on the boom and a 4:l fine-tune consisting of a 127 on the end of the sheet and a 060 little fiddle block mounted on the eyestrap of the fiddle block's cam. For mains to 450 ft2(42 m2),increase the gross purchase to 6:l by using a 1555 on the car and a 1546 on the boom.

3.0n nlastir hlnrk- l feet j

-. ...

1 ~ '





System I A

System 3

Boats with malnSailS to 375 ft2 often Use a 6:l mainsheet. Smaller boats use a 052 on the traveler car with a 049 on the boom. Larger boats use a 1556 On the car and a 1546 on the boom.

As mainsails get larger, the purchase required to trim increases tremendously. A powerful purchase is slow in light air or downwind so dual purchase mainsheets have become popular In this example, a 6:1 tackle using a 051 is used for fast trimming while the finetune tackle of little fiddle blocks gives 24:l power for upwind work.




Mainsheets are simple hardware systems, but they are among the most important as they are in almost constant use. There is no one mainsheet for every boat. The best choice depends on the size of the boat, the configuration of the deck and cabin house, the prevailing wind, the number and strength of the crew and the owner's preferences. Some typical mainsheet systems are pictured. Use these as a starting point for designing a system for your boat.


S y ~ f e m4 A refinement of the gross-trim/fine-tune system is a dinghy-like double-ended tackle which puts the sheet on the cockpit sides.

System 5 External fine-tune systems tighten the leech as the car is moved ofl the centerline. Placing the fine-tune in the boom solves this and cleans up the cockpit. m his system for boats under thirty-five feet (10 m) has a 3:l gross-trim with the finetune leading to a 140 on the boom so the trimmer can stay on the rail. Larger boats use a 5:l gross-trim using a 051 or 1555.

. -~

. .:




.*:. .. .-

+ -

Svsfem 6Tf ,' l.t-~.nr: sysreni teal~resa 5 1 rarde v.ltn cam :!m

tne la eo 10 a .: r r i :or nean a r v.ord Buals noe er In nv-n ne leet (11.9 m) use a 3.00" piastic blocks while larger boats use midrange or big boat blocks.

System 8 This double-ended system is very popular and very simple. It leaves the trimmer on the high side. The mainsheet must run very freely through the blocks to allow the traveler to move easily. Free rolling 3 . 0 0 and 4.00" big boat blocks are used on this system.

System 10 The German Adm~ral's C..p noars f rsl pop^ ar zeu rnls sysreln :here tne sheer leaus for card atono me oooln oelore turn'ig aft to the winches. The traveler is independent of the main. sheet so it rolls freely. The sheet makes lots of turns so free rolling blocks are a must. One tonners use 3 . 0 0 big boat blocks, often with a 4.00 big boat block on the car.


Svsfem 7 ~

T I ~S IS rile niosr pop. ar s.srem on crJ6 nq boals Tne blocn on rne rraie er car 1s a 008 or 1560 Trle olocks on the ouorrl and gooseneck are 01 1s or 1540s and a 014 or 1548 is used to lead the sheet around the companionway.

System 9 Double-ended systems using mainsheet sheave carriers are popular because there are no loose blocks to bang about in a jibe. Boats with mains to 450 ft2 (42 m2) use the 584 while boats with mains to 600 ft2 (56 m2) use the 586. Both join two 515 cars and incorporate the control tackle.

System I 1 Many large boats use a simple system where a block on the deck turns the sheet to a winch. Fifty-five footers (15 m) use 4.50 blocks while seventy footers (21 m) use 5.50 blocks.

System 1 209 and 210 cars feature 200 Cam-Matic cleats so installation involves simply bolting the track to the deck and providing an 073 eyestrap for deadending the control lines. The cleats are on adjustable arms so they can be angled to best suit your boat: flush deck boats will face the cleats down the length of the track while boats with seat backs will generally angle the cleats an.

System 2 The 211,212 and 247 windward sheeting traveler cars are extremely simple to mount as a 2:l system. The car includes the cleats so installation involves mounting the track and providing a deadend for the control line on a 073 eyestrap. A patented slider mechanism allows these cars to be pulled to windward without releasing the leeward control line. If the boat is tacked, the car stays in place and can be pulled to the new windward side, again without releasing the leeward control line.

System 3 The 21 1,212 and 247 windward sheeting traveler cars can be installed with a 3 : l control tackle by starting the line at the becket tube provided and using either a 255 or 092 at the track end. The 1575 and 1576 can be set up with either 3:l or 4:l control lines. For 3:l use a 1516 control block on the track eno For 4 1 cuntro s .S? a 1519 on llie track end The 608 ana 609 can be nsta PO ?I rh elrner 5 1 or 6 1 conlru s For 5 1 coirro s neaoena rne III~L'on (1 563 For 6 lconlro~s Lse ;l 736 or rnlee 132s a1 the track end.

System 4 This simple 2:l system has the line deadended on a 073 eyestrap, a 157. 159 or 214 car with integral sheaves and the cleats mounted facing outboard. Popular on flush deck boats like the Jl24 where the crew sits outboard of the traveler, this system can also be built using 171,172 and 215 cars with 082 or 125 bullet blocks on the car for the control lines.

System 5 A 3:1 system with cleats on the track is popular on boats under thirty-five feet (10.67 m). Boats to twenty-six feet (7.5 m) use a 215 car fitted with 083 blocks and 259 and 260 control blocks with cleats at the track ends. Boats over twenty-eight feet (8.5 m) use 1514 blocks on either a 1508 or 1509 car and 1520 and 1521 control blocks with cleats at the track ends.



Taveier controls should be powerful e n o u ~ hto move the car easilv under load d11n IU 3 p05 Ion :mere I I ~ cre: cdri opiratp l l i ~ ncon i ten enr SmaI er ooars " 5 .d 1 DOS lton me colitro s so mar tne nc rrlsrrlan can made tne aalLslmenr wn le larger boats will position the controls for the mainsheet trimmer.


Purchase Recommendationsfor Traveler Controls Sail Area Control Purchase Under 150 ft2 150-250ft2 275 - 450 ft2 4:l 450 - 600 ft2 6:l Over 600 R2 Winch

System 6 A 3 : l system is popular on many racing boats to thirtv-five feet 110.67 m). The car is a 1508 or 1509 Tne i.lrnlnq n ock on tne end of tne lracd can DP a 1516slna e sneave conlro o ocd ur 301: 10181 little ~exiratchetcheek block which allows'the 1r nirner l u ease ltlc car .rioer contro n neao aLs1s The C eats face o.rooard 10a o:. trie Trimmer to sit off the ends of the track.

Svstem 7 Tn? mosl pop.. ar sisteni on nooerate y s zed c r ~s. ng an0 rac nq hoals s a -I:1 tacd e I: th tne contro~blocksandcleats mounted on the track ends. This tackle consists of two 063 or 1515 blocks on the car and a 564 and 565 control block assembly at the track ends. 631 or 632 trim caps finish the track ends. Boats with sail areas greater than 400 ft2(40 m2) should use 734 and 735 control blocks.

System 8 When the traveler is mounted ahead of the companionway, it is often convenient to place the cleats at the after edge of the cabin house so the crew does not have to reach forward to move the traveler car. Use 563 or 733 control blocks on the track ends with 150 Cam-Matic cleats on the cabin house. A 240 swivel cam cleat will allow the crew to control the car from various positions in the cockpit

System 9 On boats like the Tartan 10 the crew generally sits on the deck outside of the cockpit so the control lines are led vertically up the seat back. 147 blocks are used on the car while 223s are mounted on the cockpit seat back to turn the line up to a 150 Cam-Matic cleat. The cleat should have a 137 fairlead eyestrap to contain the line in the cleat.

System 10 Larger boats generally need winches to adjust the traveler. Boats using big boat track will often use 4 : l controls with 733 control blocks while boats using mini-maxi and maxi cars will most often use 2:l controls with 1703, 666; or 667 control blocks.

System 1 A 639 car on 142 or 154 track forms an ideal lead system for boats under 30' (9 m). A 2:l adjuster tackle composed of a 125 on the car and a 255 control block on the track gives adequate power to move this car under load. The control line leads aft to a little Hexaratchet cheek block, 017 or 018, and then to a 150 Cam-Matic which is positioned to allow adjustment from the high side.

System 2 This is the most common lead car adjuster system and is popular because the adjuster tackle is kept unobtrusively over the track. Boats to 314 ton size use a 1537 car on 1510 or 1535 track. A 4:l tackle is built using a 1515 on the car and a 1519 control block on the front of the track. A 1522 end stop is used on the aft end of the track. Boats to 40' (12 m) use a 587 car on 516,680 or 785 track with a4:l tackle composed of a 1515 on the car and a 563 on the forward end of the track. A 548 is used at the after end of the track. In both cases the control line leads through a 017 or 018 little Hexaratchet to a 150 Cam-Matic which is positioned for easy adjustment. A shock cord is used to hold the cars to the rear when they are not loaded. In many cases, the shock cord will be led forward along the track by turning it through a 092 cheek block mounted just aft of the track.



T h e ability to adjust genoa lead block position under load has become crucial for efficient offshore sailing. Pulling the lead forward allows the racing crew to "power up" the genoa coming out of tacks or when sailing through lulls. Easing the car aft'depowers" the genoa to keep the boat on its feet in gusts. Cruising sailors use adjustable lead cars with roller reefing genoa systems. As the genoa is reefed, the lead car position must be moved forward to compensate. The ability to adjust lead car position from the safety of the cockpit is more than iust a convenience. These sketches show five adjustment arrangements for adjustable lead cars. All bring the controls bac'k to the cockpit where they are easily adjusted by the trimmer in his normal position. Use these sketches as a basis for designing a system which is exactly right for your boat.


System 3 When parallel tracks are used, it is usually best to join the cars so that they adjust with one tackle. A single shock cord is used to hold the cars to the rear. The 599 or 703 stops can be used with any system to keep cars from geding away from the crew, to serve as a point of reference or to allow the tackle to be released.

System 4 This system features separate tracks for the # l and #2 genoas and the #3 genoa. A single adjuster tackle, in this case a single line led aft to a winch, moves all four cars. Because the track lengths differ, the cables joining the forward cars are arranged so that the after cars move a distance equal to the difference in track length before the forward cars begin to move.

System 5 A typical two track transverse lead system. The floating block is controlled by a 2:l tackle of 304 wire blocks led aft to a magic box. The cars adjust with a pair of 2:l tackles which are joined to adjust together. Note that both control lines are turned towards the cockpit so that the crew can operate them from the high side of the boat.

System 1

System 2

This system is most often seen on small fractionally rigged boats. The 6:l self-cleating tackle uses a 086 on the backstay and a 095 on the deck. Variations include leading the backstay through the deck and placing a tackle under the stern of the boat. If the lower block is a 087, the cleat can be placed forward near the cockpit.

This is a variation of System 1. A wire block like the 304 is placed at the end of the backstay. A flexible cable runs over the wire block to form a 2:l purchase which is then pulled by a 6:l tackle for a total power of 12:l

System 3

System 4

Thts IS the typical split backstay adjuster Two 304 wire blocks ride on the legs of the backstay and secure to a stainless steel ring. A 4:l tackle using a 028 and 038 pulls the wire blocks down the backstay, pinching the legs together. The pinching provides mechanical advantage, but it decreases as the tackle is lowered on the legs. A Hexa-Cat may be used to increase power,

A more powerful version of the split backstay adjuster uses a doubling wire running through a 304 wire block on the ring to give a purchase of 8:l. Purchase can be increased further by using a Hexa-Cat.


System 6 Boats in the 29 to 35foot range (9 to 10.5 m) can use the U1834 or U1722 adjusters. The integral handlesfold out to allow easy adjustment.

System 5 This double ended version of the split backstay adjuster leads the lines forward to cam cleats mounted just ahead of the helmsman. On a typical 26 foot (8 m) boat, the cams are 150 Cam-Matics, the blocks turning the adjuster up to the cleats are 132 big bullet cheek blocks and the single blocks are 146 big bullet blocks.

System 7 Boats to 50 feet (15 m) which want a simple, reliable. powerful backstay adjuster without hydraulics can use the B500 or B501 stay tensioners which accept a standard winch handle.

Backstay adjusters are important to proper sailing. On masthead boats, they are the primary device for changing headstay tension. A loose headstay makes genoas full for drive in light air and chop while a tight headstay flattens the genoafor heavier air. Furling systems need a tight headstay. Many owners like to sail with a tight headstay, but want to relieve the load on their boats when they are not sailing. On fractionally rigged boats, backstay tension contributes some to headstay tension but is used primarily to bend the mast and flatten the mainsail. Some common styles of backstay adjusters are shown here. Use these sketches to develop ideas which may work on your boat. 209 , . ~




~ . . . .~.




.. .



,... -"W--

Polo Shirts and ;night

on the town. Made of 100% ~ i o u e

Mock Turtleneck Heavyweight cotton longsleeved mock turtleneck. Perfect for a cool sundown sail or an evening on the dock. This shirt has snug fitting cuffs, but is cut full at the bottom. Color: Natural. Unisex Sizes, M, L, XL.

Adult T-shirt Great shirt both on and off the water. Colorful design depicting tne lun an0 excitement of sai (ng. Hign q~ality100°1. conon shins are comforhble to wear and easy to clean. Color: Hawaiian Blue. Sizes M, L, XL.

Hats Great hats for a dav on the water.


logo. Gray with multicolored logo.



Kid's T-shirt Something special for junior sailors - a Harken shirt styled for the '90's. Targeted for dinghy sailors from 8 14, these shirts are crazy and just for kids. Color: White. Youth size L (14 - 16), Adult sizes M, L, XL.


Coolers Pack a picnic and hit the water with this soft-sided 24 can cooler. It's easy to carry and can be folded when empty. Comes with hand and shoulder strap. Color: Red. CUPS These l 6 oz (300 ml) plastic cups feature the Harken logo, are dishwasher safe and virtually unbreakable.

Luggage Traveler bag made of water resistant Kevlar is perfect for grooming essentials. ~ri-foldgarment bag features generous exterior pockets. 46'x24x4(1.17mx610mmxlOOmm)andfoldsto24 X 16" (610 mm X 406 mm) to fit in overhead compartments. Complete with hand and shoulder straps. Duffel is fully lined with three compartments to keep clothes organized. A parallel zipper makes access easy. The end pockets are 4' deep (100 mm) and an exterior mesh pocket is ideal for wet items, 28"x 13' X 11" (711 mm X 305 mm) with handgrip and shoulder strap. Unusual attache caselovernight bag zips together for a neat carly-on. Attache detaches for business use. Luggage features heaw-dun, cotton webbino" handles and shoilder strap. Luggage is water repellant and made of durable 1000 denier Cordura nylon.

I Auto Sun Shades Protect dash and keep car cool while you're on the water. Cmakiesa Harken Croakies keep sunglasses in place while grinding winches and trimming sheets. Color: White with red logo.

IKeyThisChainreal ball bearing micro block comes with a rust-resistant


Jewelry Scale miniatures of Harken blocks, winches and furling systems. Two styles of earrings come with wire for pierced ears. Earrings sold by the piece. Rings supplied to attach charms.

.ing and will hold 12 keys.

2344 2347 2348 2353 2354 2355 2356 236 2374 2375 2376 2378 2327 2336 2338 2339

Dsarrlplln Large becket runner block CharnVpendant Small bronze winchcharmlpendant Small c h m m winch chanlpndant Furling unit chanlpmiam Large becket runner bkck earring withear loop Large sprmcher blockearring w)h ear loop Earring h w k wire only Mkro b l o d key ring O u k l Bag Garment Bap AnachB/OvernigM Traveler Bag 16 02 (3W ml) cup Harken auto shade Cooler Craakie

Gray w/Blue Gray wIBlue Gray wIBlue Gray w/Blue

Red wMmite White wlRed


S i x years ago Harken introduced the world's first full-support athletic boat shoe. Previous boat shoes were simply moccasins and canvas or leather laced shoes with nonskid bottoms. They were stylish, but offered little support or comfort when working a wet foredeck or hanging in hiking straps. Other companies joined the revolution and today the athletic boat shoe is common. Through the years Harken's H2000 has been consistently rated number one in overall performance by independent critics. The H2000 was a good shoe, but we knew we could build a better one if we found the right team to do the research and development, the specialized engineering, and the styling required. We also wanted to make our shoes in the USA. We found this team in Peabody, Massachusetts at Saucony Athletic Footwear, a division of Hyde Athletic Industries, Inc. John Fisher, who races an Express 37, is at the helm of the company and Dave Powers, who has sold Harken in the past, heads the sales

resources to build the next generation of boat shoes. These are the boat shoes of the 90s which combine modern styling with high tech materials that can handle water, salt, and sun. Our own experience with the H2000 and as active sailors, racing and cruising on boats ranging from dinghies, to scows, to offshore racers and cruisers, gave us most of the insights we needed to produce a quality boat shoe. A number of years ago, Marsha Bierman, who is one of the world's greatest anglers, began promoting a new style of big game fishing. Instead of sitting in a fighting chair, she fishes standing up using a soecial harness and short flexible rod. This system is fun and effective, but requires secure footing on wet decks. Once Marsha tried Harken shoes she was hooked and she and her husband Lenny ioined us as consultants. their input on our new shoes helped us design the best all purpose boat shoes. Saucony's Ken Graham caught and relea~edaworki record 12701b (576 kg) blue marlin using her stand-up, and Joel Rusnak have done shortmd technique. an outstanding job of analyzing our requirements and engineering and styling the new shoes. We are proud to be associated with such a fine group. Feature for feature, no other shoes compare to the HS-1 and HS-2 -they are truly the next generation of boat shoes.


d,,,,nent. L,,,, .,,,des high-quality, high-tech running shoes in the United States. Both companies saw the logic of combining

~nsureexcellent traction.


EVA midsole wedge gives iighhveioM and flexible cushioninp. Sidewall bars and tack integrate wlth bottom t expel water and offer s

T h e HS-1 is a versatile performance deck shoe. Its modern styling and rugged construction

combine to form a shoe that's at home in the worst sailing conditions. The flexible sole features the "TRS System," a tri-radial sipe pattern that disperses water to prevent hydroplaning and insure excellent traction in all directions. The removable grid-style EVA footbed provides cushioning while promoting ventilation and rapid draining of water. The HS-1 is a shoe designed to keep you aboard and looking good.

HytelQbacktab makes it easy to hang shoes to dry.

Full-length Resilite" polyurethane cushion incorporates integrated sidewall support system for control and stability. Scalloped Achilles tendo pad is comfortable while offering n~aximum

base of suooort f o ~stabtltty' and maxlmurn sulface contact f01 better traction

drainage and flexibility. Mylar sailcloth forefoot suppwt straps are stable under load.

sotter +inn sole for bottoflrac......


bars and tack grips with bottom tread to expit W r a n d offer superiol support and traction.

The HS-2 is the ultimate performance boat shoe. It is engineered with state of the art materials and the most modern styling. It offers superb comfort, traction, and support. The microporous synthetic leather is lightweight, yet strong, and allows your foot to breathe. The multi-durometer, tri-radial sole offers superb traction no matter how you plant your foot. From the padded tongue to the cool mesh drain panels and the sailcloth structural bands, the HS-2 is designed for the active sailor.





Men8 hS-1 m mw


Men5 hS-2 ooai snw

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Menl ~mawave

Available in medium width in USsl2es 7 fo 12

1 2023


I 2



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I I I I I I I I I I I I I 8




T h e Saucony Crosswave is a high tech shoe designed for use on and in the water, but equally at

home running and cycling. The lightweight synthetic suede shell and Lycrambody are designed to dry quickly while the radical gore arch strap provides superior support. The sole uses XT 600'" three color rubber molded in a low profile, triangular lug and sipe pattern for versatility on land or sea and the W.E.T.'" System water expulsion tubes remove water fast.

IHARKEN 7992 1 .

Elfective November 1 1991

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Part NO . HARKEN HARDWARE 001 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 002 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 004 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 005 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 006 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 007 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 008 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 009 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 010 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 011 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 012 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 013 t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 014 t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 015t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0167 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 018t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 019 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 020 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 021 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 022 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 023 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 024 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 025 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 026 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 027 t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 028 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 029 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 030 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 032 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 034 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 036 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 038 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 040 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 041 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 042 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 043 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 044 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 045 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 046 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 047 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 048 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 049 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 050 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 051 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 052 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 053 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 054 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 055 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 056 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 057 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 058 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 059 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 060 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 061 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 062 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 063 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 064 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 065 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 069 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 070 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 071 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 072 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 073 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 074 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 075 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 076 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 077 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 078 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 079 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 080 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' New


t FanenPrr supplied

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Part No . HARKEN HARDWARE 081 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 082 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 083 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 084 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 085 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 086 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 087 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 088 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 089 090 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 091 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 092 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 093 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 094 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 095 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 096 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 097 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 098 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 099 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 114 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 ...................... 142400 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-1 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-1.2 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-1.5 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-1.8 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-2.1 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-25m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142~3rn. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142~36m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 142-6 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ................... 143-1 m 143-12m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-15m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-18m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-2 1 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-25m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-3m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143-3.6 m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Part NO . HARKEN HARDWARE 144 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 147 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 152 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154.84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154-144 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-60 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-84 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155-144 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 159 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 161 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 162 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 167 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 168 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l71 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 174 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 184 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .................... 187 188 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 192 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 193 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 194 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 195 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 199 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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HARKEN HARDWARE 1786 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1787 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1788 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1789 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178SHL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1790 . . . . . . . . 1790-HL . . . . .. 1791 . . . . . . . .

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HARKEMSHOES 2020 ' 2021 ' 2022 ' 2023 '

JIB BEEFING AND FURLING SYSTEMS 800 ....................... 131 800-R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 801 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 131 802 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131 803 . . . 804 .... . 131 . 131 132 807 . . . . . . . . 131 132 810 . . . . 835 . . . . . ... 133 835~R . . . . . 133 836 . . . . . . . . 133 . 133 837 . . . . . 838 . . . . . . . 133 .... 133 839 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133.134 842 . . . . . . . 844 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 134 . . . . . . . . . . 130 . 132 884 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133, 134 885 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131, 132 886 . . . . . . . 887 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133. 134 9W . . . . . . . . 130 . 130 900-R . . . . . 901 . . . . . . . . 130 . 130 902 . . . . . . . . 130 903 . . . . . . 906 . . . . . . . 130 909 . . . . . . . . 130 . . 130 937 . . . . . . . 938 . . . . . . . . 130 940 . . . . . . . 130 ........... 131 941 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132 133 942 . . . . . . 943 . . . . . . . 134 135 ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 130-132 944 . . . . . . . . . . . 133-136 945 . . . . . . . 950 . . . . . . .......... 135 950-R . . . . . . 135 951 . . . . . .. 135 952 . . . . . . 135 . 135 953 . . . . . . 954 . . . . . . . . . 135 .... . 135. 136 958 960 .... . 135 ... . 135, 136 968 . 135. 136 969 . . . . 985 . . . . . 132 986 . . . . . . . 132 990 . . . . . . . . . 134 1001-9/16 l . . . . . . 137 1001-5% 1 . . . . . . . . 137 1001-3A1 . . . ... 137 1001-9/16 11% . . . . . 137 1001-5% 11A . . . . . 137 1001-3/n11/B . . . . . 137 1 0 0 1 ~ ~ / 1 s .l ~. A. . . . . 137 1001-5%11A . . . . . . . 137 lOOI-~/nllA . . . . . . 137 1002-1 . . . . . . . . . . 137 1W2-1-'/S . . . . 137 1002-1-1/4 . . . . . . . . 137 1003 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 t Fasteners ruppllea

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HARKEN PROMOTIONAL / E M S 2327 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2336 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2337 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2338 ' . . . . . . . 2339 ' . . . . . . . 2344 . . . 2345 . . . 2347 . . . . . . . . . . 2348 . . . . . . . . . . 2353 . . . . . . . . . . 2354 . . . . . . . . . . 2355 . . . . . . . . . . 2356 . . . . . . . . 2364 . . . . . . . . 2368 * . . . . . . . . 2369 ' . . . . . . . . 2370' . . . . . . 2371 ' . . . . . . . . 2372 ' . . . . . . . 2373 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2374 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2375 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2376 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2377 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STANDARO WINCHES 66A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B66 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B6C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B86 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B8C . . . . . . . . . . . B162A . . . . . . . . 816.28 . . . . . . . . 8162C . . . . . . . 632.B . . . . . . . . 832.28 . . . . . . . . . 8322C . . . . . . . . . 8402A . . . . . . . . . 840.28 . . . . . . . . . 8402C . . . . . . . . . 8422A . . . . . . 842.28 . . . . . . . 8422C . . . . . . . . . 8442A . . . . . . . . . 844.28 . . . . . . . . . 8442C . . . . . . . . . 646.2A . . . . . . . . 846.28 . . . . . . . 846.2C . . . . . . . . . B482A . . . . . . . 848.28 . . . . . . . 8482C . . . . . 853.2A . . . . . . . . 853.28 . . . . . . . . 8532C . . . . . . 8562A . . . . . . . . 856.26 . . . . . . . 8562C . . . . . . . . . 8642A . . . . . . . . 664.26 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6642C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



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STANDARD WINCHES B66.2A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 066.28 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B66.2C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8742A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 874.20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 874.2C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THREE SPEED WINCHES 848.3A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 848.38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B48.3C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853.3A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 853.38 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B53.3C . . . . . . . ....... B56.3A . . . . . . . ....... 856.38 . . . . . . . . ............. B56.3C . . . . . . . . ............. B64.3A . . . . . . . . ............. 864.38 . . . . . . . . ............. 864.3C . . . . . . . . ............. B663A . . . . ............. 866.38 . . . . . . . . ....... 8663C . . . . . . . . ....... B743A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 874.30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B74.3C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SELF-TAILING WINCHES B16STA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 816STB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B16STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B32.2STA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 832.2STB . . . . . . B322STC . . . . . . 840.2STA . . . . . . B402STB . . . . . . B402STC . . . . . . B422STA . . . . . . 842.2STB . . . . . . B422STC . . . . 8442STA . . . . . . 844.2STB . . . . . . B442STC . . . . . . B46.2STA . . . . . . B462STB . . . . . . B46.2STC . . . . . . 8482STA . . . . B482STB . . . . . . B48.2STC . . . . . . 853.2STA . . . . . . 853.2STB . . . . . . 853.2STC . . . 856.2STA . . . . . . B562STB . . . . . . B562STC . . . . . . 8642STA . . . . . . B642STB . . . 864.2STC . . . . B662STA . . . . . . B66.2STB . . . . . . B66.2STC . . . . . . 874.2STA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B74.2STB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8742STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . THREE SPEED SELFTAILING WINCHES B563STA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B563STB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B56.3STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B643STA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B643STB . . . . . . ....... B64.3STC . . . . . . ....... 866.3STA . . . . . . ....... 8663STB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


' New


t Faslenen supplied







WIDEBODY SELF-TAILING WINCHES 8964.2STA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89642STB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B964.2STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89642STA6S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89802STA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8980.2STB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8980.2STC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B980.2STA6S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WINCHES 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 164 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 167 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 167 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 167 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 167 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 167 166 166 166 166

167 167 167 167 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 167 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 167 166 166 166 166 167 167 167 167 166 166 166 166 ELECTRlC CONTROL BOXES AND SW1TCHES 00-1 2-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 173 00-12-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 00-24-1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 00-24-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 00-24-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 lEB2500-24-2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 IRS102 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 IRS1021P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HYDRAULIC WINCHES 170 l44.2STHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 1442STHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 l482STHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 148.2STHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 153.2STHA . . . ..... 170 153.2STHC . . . . . . ..... 170 156.2STHA . . . . . . ..... 170 156.2STHC . . . . . . ..... 170 164.2STHA . . . . . . ..... 170 164.2STHC . . . . . . ..... 170 1662STHA . . . . . . ..... 170 1662STHC . . . . . . ..... 170 l742STHA . . . . . . ..... 170 jTHC . . . ..... 170 !STHA . . . . . ..... 170 !STHC . . . . . ..... 170 !STHA . . . . . ..... 170 39802STHC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 STHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 l 1100STHNSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 STHA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 170 STHNSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HYDRAULIC POWER UNITS 171 R02.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 R023 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 R04.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 R04.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 R045 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 171 R04.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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B-HYDRO62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 B.HYDR06.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 B.HYDRO6.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 B-HYDRO69 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 B-HYDRO8 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 B.HYDR08.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 B.HYDRO8.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 B-HYDRO8 1 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 TWO SPEED SELF-TAILING RACING WINCHES B452RSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 B462RSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 B532RSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 B562RSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 B642RSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 B74.2RSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 THREE SPEED RACING WINCHES B48.3RA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 B53.3RA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 B563RA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 B743RA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 176 THREE SPEED SELF-TAILING RACING WINCHES B563RSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 B643RSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 B743RSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 THREE SPEED TOP CLEATING RACING WINCHES B480RTCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 B530RTCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 B560RTCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 B58ORTCNSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 B964RLPTCA . . . . . . . .. 179 B964RDLPTCA . . . . . .. 179 B98ORLPTCA . . . . .. 179 B98OROLPTCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 179 BllOORTCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 B1100RTCNSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 B112ORTCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 180 B1 12ORTCNSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SELF-TAILING WlOE BODY RACING WINCHES B560RSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 B56ORSTNSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 B964RLPSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 B98ORLPSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 BilOORSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 BllOORSTNSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 BllLORSTA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 B1120RSTA6S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181 FOUR SPEED TOP CLEATING RACING WINCHES B5604TCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 B9644LPTCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 B980.4LPTCA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 SERVICE Krrs BK4510 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 BK4511 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 BK4512 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 BK4513 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 MODULAR KrrS BK422ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 BK44.2ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 BK462ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 BK482ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 BK532ST . . . . . . . . . 188 BK562ST . . . . . . . . .. 188 BK64.2ST . . . . . . . . . . . .. 188 BK662ST . . . . 188 BK742ST . . . . . 188 BK48.3 . . . . . . 188 BK53.3 . . . . . . . 188 .. 188 BK56.3 . . . . . . . BK66.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188 BK74.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188


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MDDUUR KITS BK563ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BK643ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BK663ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BK743ST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BK351 . . . . . .... BK352 . . . . . .... BK353 . . . .... BK372 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BK391 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BK392 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEDESTALS AND GEAR BOXES B600 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B601 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B601AP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B604 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B605 . . . . . . . . . . . . .... B606 . . . . . . . . . . . . .... B610-385mm . . . .... B610-695mm . . . . .... B611 . . . . . . . . . . . .. B6llAP . . . . . . . . . . .... B615-385mm . . . . . .. B615-695mm . . . . . .... B616 . . . . . . ... B621 . . . . . . .... B621AP . . . .... B622 . . . . . ... B631 . . . . . . ... B631AP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B700 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1780 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1781 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . WINCH HANDLES B8AP . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B8AL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B8CP . . . . . . ... B8CL . . . . . . .... BlOAP . . . . . .... BlOAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BlOCL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BlOADL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BlOCOL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HARKENITALY DECKHARDWARE STAY TENSIONERS 81722 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1834 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B501 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B502 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B503 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GENOA LEAD CARS 8153AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B154CM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B155CM . . . . . . . . .. Bl871AM . . . . . . . . .... B1872AM . . . . . . . ... B1872CE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1872CM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1873AM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1873CE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1873CM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . GENOA TRACK STOPS AND SLIDES B2055M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B2056E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B2056M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B2057E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B2057M . . . . . . . . . .... B156M . . . . . . . . . .... B157M . . . .... B158M . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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GWOA T TRACKANO Eh0 STOPS 8201.1.5m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B201-2m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8201.2.5m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B201-3m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8201.3.5m . . . . . . 8201-4m . . . . . . . 8201-5m . . . . . . . 8202.1.5m . . . . 8202-2m . . . . . . . 8202.2.5m . . . . . . 8202-3m . . . . . . . 8202.3.5m . . . . . . 8202-4m . . . . . . . 8202-45m . . . . 8202-5m . . . . . . . 8203-15m . . . 8203-2m . . . . 8203-25m . . . 8203-3m . . . . . . . 8203.3.5m . . . . . . 8203-4m . . . . . . . B203.4.5rn . . . . . . 8203-5m . . . . . . . B806 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8807 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B8OB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FOOT BLOCKS B165 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82367 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82368 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82114 . . . . . . . . . 83113 . . . . . . . . . 83114 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83405 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83406 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83407 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B3408 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPINNAKER POLEEND FlTnN6S 8120 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8121/70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B121180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8121/100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8130 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8131150 . . . . B131160 . . . . . . . . 8131/70 . . . . . . . . B131180 . . . . . . . . 8140 . . . . . . . . . . B141150 . . . 81411100 . . . . . . . 8145160 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8145/70 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B145180 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1471100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81491100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRACK SLIDES FOR SPINNAKER BELLS B2761A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82761B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83481A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 834818 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SHEETJAMMERS 81773RA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1773LA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B1773RC . . . . . . . B1773LC . . . . 81B66RA . . . . B1866LA . . . . . . . B1866RC . . . . B1866LC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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Accessories Addresses Amoco Pmcvon Anniversary Tribute Auto Shade . . .

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .4. 5

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 .

C a m - M a l i @ Cleats . . . . . . . . . . .78 .80 Carcouplers . . . . . . . . . . . . .99.102. 106 Cars. Bastet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110. 111 Cars. Genoa . . . . . . . . . . . . .118.192. 193 117.1% Cars Spinnaker Cars. Traveler . . . . . . . . . . . 98.99.102. 105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Cars. Windward Sheeting . . . . . . . . 110. 111 CHEEK BLOCKS Big Boat . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 - 58.62. 63 . . . . . . . .41. 43 Mid-Range . . . . Ratchet . . . . . . . . . . . 30.31. 42 Small Boat . . . . . . . . . . .20.21. 23 .......... . . . . .24.2 6 - 3 1 . . . . . . . 78.80 Cleats. Cam . . . . . . . . . . . .210.211 Clothing . . . . . . . Coffee Grinders . . . . . . . . . . l 83.187 Computer Software . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200 Comou-Soec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200 ~ o n t i o~iocks. ~ Traveler . . . .SS.101. 104. 106 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10ZL.109.113. 115 Control Boxes. Winch . . . . . . . . . . . . .173



Exit Blocks . . . . . Eyeglass Strap Eyestraps . . . . . . E-ZDeck . . . . . .


Edeads . . . Fiberalass Tubes FIDDLE . . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS LMle Flddle Blocks . . . . . . . . 32 Mid-Range F dole Blocks . . . . . . . 44 Small Boat F~aoleB ocks 32.33 Stainless Steel Fiddle Blocks . . . . . . . . . 60 3.00" Fiddle Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 FOOT BLOCKS Big Boat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56 .58. 62 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..63.194. 195 Lock-off3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56.62 Opening . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..194. 195 Stainless Steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62.63 Furling Block. Stanchion Mount . . . . . . .81.129 Furling Custom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Furling. Gennaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 .129. 130 - 137 Furling Lead Block Kits Furling. Staysail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 . FURLING. POWERED Electric Furling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 . Hydraulic Furling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .138 Furling Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 125 - 139.148



B a c k s t a y System Drawings . . . . .208. 209 Backstay Tensloners 198 Backstay. Runner Blocks . . . . . . . . . 66 .69 BASES Cam Bases Eyestraps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 Padeyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90. 91 Stand-up Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 Swivel Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..80. 81 Bastet Wlndward Sheeting Traveler Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110. 111 Batten Car Systems . . . . . . . . . . .140 - 147 Bearings. Replacement . . . . . . . .99.102. 105 Bends. Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .97 BIG BOAT BLOCKS Deck Organizers . . . . . . . . . . . . .61. 85 Fiddle Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..60. 65 Foot Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . 56 58.62.63 Stainless Steel Blocks . . . . . . . 60 - 63. €4 Stand-up Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 - 54 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 - 61.71 . . . . 50 - 55. 60 Swivel Blocks . . . . ........... . . . . . . . 61.70 Big Boat Travelers . . .


arment Bag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 . GENOA CARS . Adjustable Genoa Cars . . . . . . . . . . . 118 Genoa Lead Cars.TTrack . . . . . . .192. 193 Genoa Lead Car System Drawings . . .206. 207 Genoa Track Sliders . . . . . . . . . .108. 113 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I t & 192 . . . . . .139 Gennaker Furling . . Grease. Winch . . . . . . . . .189




Big Bullet Blocks . . . . BLOCKS Big Boat . . . . . . Mid-Range Small Boat . . . . . Stainless Steel . . .



Titanium . . . . . . Boatshoes . . . . . . Bolts. Nuts and Washers Briefcase . . . . . . . . Bullet Blocks . . . . . . BullseyeFairleads . . .

H a l y a r d Lead ~ ~ o c k s. . . . . .50 .54.60. 61

Coolers . . . . Croakies . . . . Cups. Drinking . . Custom Products . Custom Furling . .


DECK ORGANIZERS Big Boat . . . . . . Custom . . . . . . Mid-Range . . . Small Boat . . . . . Stainless Steel Dinohv Blocks Doibk Blocks . .


............ ......

Duffle Bag

E l e c t r i c Winches . . . . . . . . . . . 166 .167 End Stops . . . . . . . . . . . . . .M 100. 103 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107.113.115. 193


Halyard Restrainers . . . . . . . . . . 129 Halyard Sheaves . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 .75.89 Hand Hold . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92 . . . . . . 190 Handles. Winch . . . . . . . . . .92 Hanging Tab . . . . . . . . . . . 191 .199 Harken Italy Hardware . . . Hats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 HEXA-CATS Little Hexa-Cats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 . 3.00 Hexa-Cats . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 Hexaratchet Blocks . . . . 30 .36. 42 .44 Hydraulic Power Units . . . . . . . . . . 168 .173 Hydraulic Winches . . . . . . . . . . . .168 .173


ewelry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 JIB REEFING AND FURLING SYSTEMS Cds1om F L ~ng S,stems 138 Gennaker Furling Systems . . . . . . . . .139 Powered Furlino Svstems . . . . 138 small oat ~ i Furing b systems . . . . 148 Staysail Furling Systems . . . . . . . . . .139 . Unit 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 Unit 1 . . . . . . . Unit 1.5 . . . . unit2 . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Unit 2.5 . . . . . . . . . 134 . . . . . . 135 Unit 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Unit 3.5 . . . . . . . . . 137 Unit 4 . . . . . . .

Mainsheet Sheave Carriers . . . . . . . . . . .116 Mainsheet System Drawing . . . . . . .202. 203 . Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Mast Base Lead Blocks . . . . . . .50 .54.60. 61 Mast Head Sheaves . . . . . . . . . .72 .75.89 .. Maxi Boat Travelers . . . . . . . . . . . 114 .116 . . . . . . . 20 Micro Blocks . . . . . . . .78-79 Micro Cam . . . . MIO-RANGE BLOCKS Cheek Blocks . . . Fiddle Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 Ratchet Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . 42. 43 Swivel Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40.41 T r i ~ l ewith ~ Ratchet and Cam . . . . . . . . 43 Mid-Range Travelers . . . . . . . ..98. 1M .104 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .110.111.117. 118 Millenium Factor Duatro . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Mini-MaxiTravelers . . . . . . . . 113.114. 116 . Modular Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 ~~


O p e n i n g Foot Blocks



Patents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . Pedestals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 8 3 .187 People . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 , 6 .9




Hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82 . Sail Handling Systems . . . . . . . . . 125 .150 SELECTION AND USE CHARTS Battcar Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141 Big Boat Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 48.49 Furling Systems . . . . . . . . . . . .128 129 Mid-Range Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 . . . . . . . 18.19 Small Boat Blocks . . . . . . . . . . 96 Travelers . . . . . . . Winches . . . . . . . .154. 155 Sell-Tailing Winches . .



. . . . . . 150 . . . .56. 62 . . . . . . 212

M a g i c Boxes . . . . . . . . . . . .82 Mainsail. Lun Car System . . . . . . . . 140 .147 Mainsail Reeling. Single Line . . . . . . . . .149


Rudder Bearings and Tubes . . . . . . . Running Backstay Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . .

Rings KITS Cam Fairlead . . . Cam Wedoe . . . . Furling ~ ~ o c k. s . . 129. 130 3 3 7 Genoa Lead Cars . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 LazyJacks . . . . . Sail Chafe Protectors Sinole Line Reelino Traveler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 8 Winch. Modular . . . . . . . . . . . . . .188 Winch. Repair and Service . . . . . . .188. 189 azy Jacks . . . . Lock-off Foot Blocks . . . Luggage . . . . . . . . . .

. .

Riser Cam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 78 .79 Riser Traveler Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Rondos. Sail Chafe Protectors . . . . . . . . .92

POWERED FURLING Electric Furling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 . Hydraulic Furling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 138 Prices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 217 .223 Procvon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 PROMOTION# ITEMS Autoshade . . . . . . . . . . . . .212 . .210.211 Clothing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212 Cooler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .212 Croakies . . . . . cups . . . . . . . Jewelry . . . . . Key Rings . . . . Luggage . . . . . R a c i n o Winches RATCHET . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . BLOCKS Fiddles with Ratchets Hexa-Cats . . . . . , Hexaratchet ll+2 . . . Little Hexaratchet . . Mid-Range Hexaratchet . . . . . . . . . 42.43 Triples with Ratchets . . . . . . . . . . 36 43 Reefing and Furling Systems . . . 125 .139 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148. 149 Reefing. Single Line . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 .


Shackles . . . . . SHEAVES Bio Boat Sheaves ~rilyardSheaves . . . . .72.75. 89 Hi-Load Sheaves . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 .76 Mid-Range Sheaves . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Small Boat Sheaves . . . . . . . . . . . . .89 Steerino Sheaves and Brackets . . . . . . . 76 Sheet Jammers . . . . . . . . . . . 56.62. 197 Shirts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. 1 0 . 2 1 1 Shoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .213 .216 Single Line Reefing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 Sinale Winches . . . . . . . . . . i s 6.160 . Speed . SMALL BOAT BLOCKS Cheek Blocks . . . . . . . . . . .20.21. 23 .27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2 . 9.31 . Deck Organizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Exit Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 .27 Fiddle Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32, 33 Ratchet Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 -~ .36 .. Upright Lead Blocks . . . . . . . Swivel Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 . 2 5 .36 Thru-deck Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . .20 - 2 7 Small Boat Travelers . . . . . . . 9 8 - 101.110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 111.117. 118 Snap Shackles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 . Software. Computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . .200 Spinnaker Polecars . . . . . . . . . . . 117. 198 Spinnaker Pole End Fitings . . . 117 198 199 Spreacher Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . .32. 33.44 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60.61.65 Springs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .92

. .

Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . 98.108. 109 Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .107 Genoa Lead Cars . . . . . . . . . . . .98. 119 Mainsheet Sheave Carriers . . . . . . . . .116 Maxi Boat Travelers Cars . . . . . . . 114. 116 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115 Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115

. . . . . 98.102. 110 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..111.117. 118

Mid-Range Traveiers Cars

Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98. 104 Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 . Mini-Maxi Travelers Cars . . . . . . . 112.116 Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .113 Riser. Traveier Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 . Small Boat Travelers Cars . . . . . .98. 99.110

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..111.117.118

Controls . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .98. 101 Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 . Spinnaker Pole Cars . . . . . . . . . .117. 198 . Track Bends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97

V J a m Blocks


allygator . . . Warranty . . . . . . Wedges. Cam . . . . WINCHES Pedestal Systems .186. 187 Gear Boxes Pedestals . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183 .185 U-Joints and Drive Shafts . . . . . . . . . 185 Standard Winches 166.167 Electric Seif-Tailing Winches Handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 . Hydraulic SeR-Tailing Winches . . 168- 170 Single Speed Seif-Tailing Winches . . . .1M) Single Speed Winches . . . . . . . . .156 . Three Speed Sdf-Tailing Winches . . . . . . . . . .163.1M. 178. 181 Three Speed Winches . . . . . 159.163.164



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..176.178-181

Two Speed Seif-Tailing Winches . 164 .162

STAINLESS BLOCKS Deck Organizers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 . Fiddle Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . W . Foot Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .62. 63 Running Backstay Blocks . . . . . . . . . . .66 Stand-up Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . .60. 61 Swivel Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60.61 Stanchion Mount Base . . . . . . . . . . . 81.129 Stand-up Bases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 . Stand-up Blocks . . . . . . . . . . .20.23.2 5.27

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 166-170 . . . . . . . 156- 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . .lW.162.166 .l70

Two Speed Winches

Wide Body Winches . . . . .1M. 166 .170 Torlon Racing Winches 182 Four Speed Racing Winches Handles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 190 . Three Speed Racing Winches . . . . . . . . . . . .176. 178 .181 Three Speed Self-Tailing Racing Winches . . . . . . . . . . . l 78.181 Two Speed Seif-Tailing . Racing Winches . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 Wide Bodv Self-Tailino Racing Winches . . . . . . . . . . . . . .181 Wide Body Top Cleating Racing Winches . . . . . . . . 179.180. 182 Windward Sheeting Traveler Cars . . . . .110. 111 WireBlocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 Wire Bullet Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22. 23


. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51.54. 60.61 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..71.81 Stay Tensioners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196 Staysail Furling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .139 STEERING Sheave Brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 Sheaves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 .76 Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119 .124 Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 119- 124 Switches. Winch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 173 Swivel Blocks . . . . . . . . . 20.22 .36. 40 .44

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 .55. M). 61. 70

SYSTEM DRAWINGS Adjustable Backstay Systems Genoa Lead Car Systems . . Mainsheet Systems . . . . . Traveier Systems . . . . . .


. . . . 208. 209 . . . . . .206.207 . . . . . .202.203 . . . . . .204. 205

I s h i l t s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..210. 211 T Track . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64. 193 Threespeed Winches . . . . .159.163. 1M

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .176.178 - 181

Thru-Deck B l o W . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 .27 TITANIUM . Padeyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91 Running Backstay Blocks . . . . . . . . 66- 68 Stand-up Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71 Swivel Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 TRACK Bancar Track . . . . . . . . . l 40.147 T Track . . . . . . M . l93 TraveierTrack . . . . . . .1W.103. 107 ~~~~~~



113. 115 TrackBends . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 Track Risers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Trackstops . . . . . . . . . . .M.100.103. 107 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . TRAVELERS Battcar Systems . . . . . . . . . . . 140 .147 Bio Boat Traveiers Cars . . . . . . .98.105. 110

Traveler Kits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Windward Sheeting Cars . . . . . . . 110. 111 Traveler System Drawings . . . . . . . .204. 205 Triple Blocks . . . . . . . . ..20. 22 .24. 27 .29

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34 .36.40.41

TRIPLE BLOCKS WITH RATCHETS AND CAMS 2.25'Tripies with Ratchet and Cam 36 3.00'Triples wilh Ratchet and Cam . . . . 3 6 Mid-Range Triples with Ratchet and Cam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 . Turning Blocks . . . . . . . . . . . . .41.4 4 - 58 Twenty-fifth Anniversary . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .5 TwoSpeed Winches 156.158.1 W.162



. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .166.170. 177

1251 East Wisconsin Avenue Pewaukee, Wisconsin 53072 USA Telephone: (414) 691-3320 Fax: (414) 691-3008 Cable: Harken Pewaukee Harken Fast (Trade Only) One Mill Street Newport, Rhode Island 0 2 8 4 0 Fax: (401) 841-5070 Telephone: (401) 849-8278

Harken West (Trade Only)

Harken Italy S.P.A. Via Ceresio 12

2 8 2 6 Canon Street San Diego, California 9 2 1 0 6 F a : (619) 225-1508 Telephone: (619) 225-1506

2 2 0 7 4 Lomazzo (Como) ltalv Fax: (39) 2-963-70-998 Telephone: (39) 2-96-77-90-28 The Boatlque Aberdeen. Hong Kong Telephone (852) 555-9355

Argentina ~ a r k e nArgentina C. Pellegrini2725 CP. 1702 Ciudadela Nolfe

Awlralla Thomas H. Sunon Phr. Ltd

. .. ..



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Caribbean Rodney Bay Ship Services Ltd. In Rodney Bay Marlna BOX2172, Gros-Islet S!. Lucia. West lndies Fax: (809) 45-29974 Telephone: (809) 45-29973 Budget Marine N.V. PO. Box 434 Phllipsburg S!. Maarien Netherlands Antilles Fax: (5995) 23804 Telephone: (5995) 22068 Rlchardson's Rigglng Services BOX97. Tortola

Canada ... . . N S P Ltd

. -. .. , . ., . . .-.

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Harken France ZA. Port d e s M i n i m e s 17000 - La Rochelle France Fax: (33) Teleohone: 133) ~, South Africa Wllbur Ellls CO.(Ply) Ltd. PO. Box 4258 CapeTown 8000, South Afrlca Telex. (960) 5-20707 Fax: (27) 21-448 4177 Telephone: (27) 21-448 4517

Israel Yarn11

Japan Harken Japan Ltd. 2-21-9 Nishinomlya-Harna N~shlnomiyaCity Hyogo Pref. Japan 662 Fax. (81) 798-33-2100 Telephone (81) 798-22-2520 New Zealand A. Foster & Co. Ltd. 30-36 Fanshawe Street PO Box 1951 Auckland 1. New Zealand Fax: (64) 9 307-7987 Telephone: (64) 9 -303-3744 Norway HNS Norge AS, Bygdoy Alle 111 PO. Boks271 Skoyen 0212 Oslo 2, Norway Fax. (47) 2-43 10 45 Telephone: (47) 2-43 07 17 Podugai Lulz Godinho L~mitada Rua de Pedroucos. 89 - A 1400 Lisbaa. Portugal Telex: (832) 15 557 LUGODI P Fax (351) 1-301 6658 Telephone. (351) 1-301 7753 (351) 1-301 85 96 Singapore Marlntech Marketng (S) he. Ltd. 101 Ktchener Road #02-05 Jalan Besar Plaza Singapore 0820 Telex. (786) RS 36481 Fax: (65) 2923869 Telephone: (65) 2988171 (65) 2939124

Spain Tr~merl p m s a . Regas. 33 08006 Barcelona Spaln Fax (34) 3-238 01 34 Telephone (34) 3-238 26 42 (34) 3-238 27 12 Sweden Rutgerson Marin AB Mlolkekilsgatan 21 440 30 Marstrand Sweden Telex: (854) 27093 RSON S Fax: (46) 303-608 89 Telephone: (46) 303-610 60 Swifzeriand Lambelet Dlnusion Port du Nd-du-Cro 2007 Neuchatel. Switzerland Fax: (41) 38-259960 Telephone: (41) 38-259963

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OTHER HARKENREPRESENTATIVES: BERMUDA: Pearrnan. Watlington & Co. Ltd., PO. Box 840. Hamilton HMCX. Bermuda, Telex: (380) 3534 GHPW. Fax: (809) 292-4489, Telephone: (809) 295-3232. Bermuda Marine Supply, PO. Box HM 808. Hamilton HMCX, Bermuda. Fax: (809) 295-7665. Telephone: (809) 236-0951 TAIWAN Mercury Marine Supply Co. Ltd.. 5F-4. No. 22, Tsu Wei 4th Road. Lln Ya (80212). Kaohsiung, Taiwan. R.O.C.. Fax: (886) 7-331-4232. Telephone: (886) 7-331-7293 TR1NlDAD:Thomas Peake & Co. Ltd.. PO. Box 301.177 Western Main Road. Cocorite, Trinidad, West Indies. Fax: (809) 622-4295. Telephone: (809) 622-4293 TURKEY Kompozit Marin. Turizm Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd. Sti.. Kemeralti Cad. No: 67,80020 Karakoy - Istanbui, Turkiye. Telex. (821) 24813 MEC TR. Fax: (90) 1 - 144 63 51. Telephone: (90) 1 - 149 84 49

. .


! I


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