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GlenwoodTV is FREE! Log onto www.digitv. co.za and use the code QYW23ESK86 Bronze redeemable before 31 Dec 2018, to subscribe. IMPORTANT DATES


January 2019 3

Admin Offices open

The Finance Department will close on Friday 14 December 2018 and reopen on Thursday 3 January 2019.


NS Results released


Form II Boarders Start


Form II Parent Information Evening


Start of Term 1

The School Administration offices will be closed from 10H00 on Friday 14 December 2018. At the start of 2019 the Administration offices open from 08H00 on Thursday 3 January 2019. The reception will be open from Thursday 3 January 2019 from 08H00. National Senior Certificate results are expected to be released on Friday 4 January 2019.

13 – 15 Form II Orientation Camp (NMR)

TERM DATES 2019 Term 1:

9 Jan - 15 Mar

Term 2:

2 Apr - 14 Jun

Term 3:

9 Jul - 20 Sep

Term 4:

1 Oct - 4 Dec



The business hours of the Green Machine Puma Outlet will be as follows:

Collar and Cuff (School Clothing Shop) business hours in 2019 will be as follows:

9 December 2018 from 08H00 - 14H00

Monday - Friday from 08H00 - 15H00.

10 - 14 December 2018 from 08H00 - 15H00

Saturday - 08H00 - 13H00.

3 - 9 January 2019 from 08H00 - 15H00



The Hopper Shop will be open on 7 / 8 January 2019 from 12:00 – 16:00.

Support Glenwood High School by downloading the MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet App.

The Hopper Second-hand clothing shop is run on voluntary donations.

The VIRTUAL MySchool MyVillage MyPlanet CARD IS NOW ON YOUR PHONE! Download for FREE on Apple App Store or Google Play Store, sign in and scan your virtual card at till points to give back to Glenwood High School every time you shop. https://www.myschool.co.za/get-your-card-here/myschool-app

FROM THE PRINCIPALS’ DESK remain relevant in a changing world. It would be arrogant to think that the practices of the past would be sufficient for the present. Success and innovation go hand in hand. However, our core values will not be compromised in the process. We will continue to add to our offering and our creed will always be that we aim to do the best in all we do. New subjects are continuously being added to our curriculum, and the growth of the Cambridge section and the Advanced Academy of Academics demonstrate that boys are always looking for fresh options.

PRINCIPAL REFLECTS ON 2018 “What lies before us and what lies behind us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us”. These words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, aptly describe the life of the school this year. It is not our glory days of the past, nor our achievements of the present that count but our values and character. The renewal of commitment and restoration of pride in our rich heritage and core values were evident in all our endeavours. One of our goals was to improve relationships with various stakeholders and extend our service to the community. We have used social media to keep everyone informed about the achievements of our Old Boys. This has been very successful and has been well received. It was a very proud moment for us when Linda Zondi visited the school for the official launching of the Linda Zondi Cricket Academy, in recognition of his service to his Alma Mater. Similarly visiting our oldest Old Boy, Cecil Ritson, on 11 November, filled us all with pride when he was reminiscing about his and other Old Boys’ involvement in the Second World War. It is our goal to remain focused on our WHY and continuously re-visit the WHY of our founders as our school prepares our current boys for the futures. However, we can never become complacent, even though we have been one of the leading boys’ schools in South Africa for over a century. Glenwood has changed over the years: changed venues, changed from a technical to an academic school and included boys of all race groups. Glenwood will continue to change in order to

I am particularly proud of our class of 2018 and their achievements in various fields within the school. We and their parents are anxiously awaiting their results! I would like to mention three boys, in particular, who epitomise the uniqueness of Glenwood. Well done to Garrick Stander, Liam Earlam and Jayden Hendrikse, for overcoming their physical and learning disabilities and for using every opportunity available to them. Their display of courage and resilience when faced with adversity, have been an inspiration to all of us Glenwood boys are different! Glenwood boys in the construction of their masculinities are demonstrating inclusive masculine traits, which our society is in desperate need of. Our boys are demonstrating the traditional masculine traits associated with an all-boys’ school, but simultaneously contesting and rejecting the masculine traits that they are not comfortable with. I am optimistic that boys are showing that our battle is not with rival schools, but against complacency, procrastination, lack of creativity, negative behaviour and lack of moral fibre. We no longer measure our success based on results, but rather on performance and strength of character. The achievements of our 1st XV rugby team bears testimony to this. As I review the information in this newsletter, I am filled with pride, optimism and excitement for our school. As your principal, I acknowledge, with immense gratitude, the support is shown in so many areas, by our parents, boys, Old Boys and loyal supporters of Glenwood. I thank you all and wish every member of the entire Glenwood family, peace, joy and restoration over the festive season. Our grass is green, our blood is green, and our boys are gold! OGA! Dr A Barnes Principal Glenwood High School


ACADEMICS SENIOR PRIZE GIVING 2018 The Glenwood High School Annual Senior Speech and Prize Giving took place on Tuesday, 16 October 2018 in the Mvinjelwa Johannes Mhlongo Hall at Glenwood High School. A total of 22 Honours awards for Academics were presented to our top academics. The Guest Speaker for the evening was Mr A Coutsoudis (GOB 1994 – 1998, Rhodes Scholar, Advocate of the High Court of South Africa). The top academic achievers were: DUX OF SCHOOL (J H Snow Memorial Prize), Lathaniel Pillay DUX PROXIME ACCESSIT, Ronan Jacobus Theunissen and Tyron Allan Adendorff Photos by LB Photography

AWARDS’ CEREMONY 2018 On Wednesday, 7 November 2018, the Glenwood Annual Sports and Cultural Awards’ Assembly took place. The Special Guest was old boy, Khuthuzani Kingdom Mchunu. Khuta is a South African rugby union player for the Sharks in Super Rugby and in the Currie Cup and the Sharks XV in the Rugby Challenge. His regular position is a prop. Photos by LB Photography HUNGRY AND OPPORTUNISTIC by Khuthuzani Mchunu Firstly, I would like to send my humble greetings to the educators, support staff and coaches who not only play a pivotal role in these young men seated before me, but also in shaping the direction that our nation is heading. Even more importantly, however, I want to say OGA to the band of brothers in green gathered here today, for, without you gentlemen, this school is just a collage of stone and concrete, and these fields merely patches of grass. I believe a few weeks ago we had the fallen soldiers of WWI and WWII’s memorial, and I am told as per normal Mr Jor-



VALEDICTORY ASSEMBLY 2018 The Valedictory Assembly took place on Monday 15 October 2018 in the School Hall. Valedictory Assembly is new to Glenwood. This “goodbye” or “farewell” ceremony was introduced by the Principal, Dr Andri Barnes. The Valedictory Assembly included the launch of the Linda Zondi Cricket Academy. Old boy and KwaZulu-Natal-born Linda Zondi is the convener of selectors for the South African national cricket team. Mr Zondi and Mr Robert Webber handed the prizes to the boys. Academic Awards were awarded to the Top 3 boys in each Grade 12 Class, as well as the Top 10 in Grade 12. Lathaniel Pillay received the prize for the Top Academic in Grade 12 and Rynardt Jonker the Sportsman of the Year Award. Photos by LB Photography

dan shed a few tears, I mean words. There is an invaluable lesson that can be learned from soldiers, and that is their pride, the pride they have in their uniform and how proud they are to be afforded the honour of dying for their country. It is that very same pride that I implore you, gentlemen, to remember where you come from, for it is your background that shapes you, it is where you draw strength from, the tougher the background the greater the strength you draw. I’d like to share with you a small part of where I come from. There were fourteen of us in the house, my mom was a single parent and we moved around a lot, due to my mother’s inability to afford the places we were living in, every time we moved the place got less and less decent until I remember we moved to a house with no electricity or running water. I remember coming home one night and the house was in absolute darkness and that night I cried myself to bed. That was the day I vowed that no matter what I did in life I will give my kids a better start to life and at the very least a house with electricity and running water. For a long time, I was ashamed of where I came from, but looking back now I couldn’t be any prouder, I am proud that through the hardships I made it out of the slums. Many of you seated here are entitled, convincing yourselves that you are deserving of more than what is given and when your expectations are not met, you feel cheated and en-


raged at the very same people whose existence in your life are to give you the best tools for your future. Life, gentlemen owe you nothing, your parents brought you into this world and that is all they had to do. Many of you seated here are on bursaries and that on its own, is a priceless opportunity, more than enough. Yet, you continue to want more. Since the day I cried in the dark I vowed that whatever opportunity I got I would exploit it as much as I could. That’s the mentality I encourage you to adopt, you are owed nothing, use all that you may get. To be honest, I never saw myself coming back here as a guest of honour. I always thought there were way too many talented individuals in my grade that the school would much rather invite than me. As life would have it, however, it’s not always the talent that gets you somewhere, it is, in my humble opinion, the combination of opportunity and hard work. For a man can apply himself as much as he can, he can put in the hours and hours of work required but without the opportunity to show what he has been working on, his work will go unnoticed, unseen and uncultivated, therefore dying with him, having never reached its potential. That is what this school represent for me, it embodies possibility, it personified hope, the hope I had of providing for my family and taking them out of the dirt while chasing my dream of being the best tight forward prop in the world. You

SCHOOL NOTES see I was desperate, desperate to ensure that my life story would read differently from so many of the people I grew up with, that at the very least it could say I tried. I am by no means anywhere near where I want to be, but I am trying, every day bit by bit, I am trying to get there. That’s the key, to take ownership, to take extreme ownership of your dreams and desires. Do not leave your dreams to chance, don’t depend on your teaches or your coaches and even your parents, to do it for you, take your dreams into your own hands and chase them with everything you have. Do not ask for more than what is given, appreciate all you get. Life is best lived when you begin to live it: laugh, love and enjoy. Live in the moment, use now rather than later, use today rather than tomorrow. Before I conclude, I would like to take this fortuitous moment to thank Glenwood for affording me an opportunity to better my life, and I can guarantee you that’s all I ever needed. Thank you for having me.



The Green Machine PUMA Outlet and Glenwood High School Medical Centre were officially opened on Friday, 16 November 2018 in the Ivan Clark Pavilion. See it live on GlenwoodTV (Digitv SA) - https://digitv.co.za/#/ video/4114/Vod Photos by Meryke Terblanche

Christmas is a time when friends and family come together to celebrate and connect over sumptuous meals and festive drinks. Glenwood moms came together on 15 November to celebrate as part of the Glenwood Family. After a long year of hard work and dedication, it was time for the moms to relax and enjoy a festive evening. Peppers and Pans Catering, as always, did not disappoint. The moms were spoilt with a delectable 3-course meal. Mrs Shelley McNeill was the Master of Ceremonies and kept the moms entertained. Thanks to Parmalat SA Pty. Ltd. and SASKO for the lucky draw prizes. A special thanks to the #brunettes, Marion Loudon, Chloe Clark Durban Singer and Tammy Saville who entertained the moms with a few songs. A special thanks to our mothers who brought gifts which will be distributed to the Rich Haven Old Age Home. We wish our moms best wishes for a wonderful holiday season and we look forward to 2019!


SCHOOL NOTES INTERACT On Monday 26 November some of the Glenwood High School Interact Club members, gave the Makabongwe Methodist Pre-School children a start to their end of the school year functions. One of the boys dressed up as Santa handed gifts to the boys and girls, as well as the staff. The Interact Club raised money throughout the year to cover the costs of the function. A huge thank you to Peppers and Pans, as well as Glenwood Spar who generously donated to ensure the success of this Christmas party. Both the boys and the children of the school clearly enjoyed the interaction. We hope to do more with this little school next year. Information and photos supplied by Mrs L Foster (MIC Interact)

TOY STORY The Glenwood Family supported the East Coast Radio Toy Story campaign again this year and our Interact boys delivered the toys to ECR House today. The Interact boys raised R5000 with which they bought the toys. Thank you to all the people who donated. You have made the lives of many young people a lot happier at Christmas. Well done to ECR for continuing with this important initiative. East Coast Radio’s Toy Story is now in its 18th year, and will again provide joy through toys to thousands of children in government hospitals, children’s home and crèches across KwaZulu-Natal. Information and photos supplied by Mrs Lisa Foster (MIC Interact)

MOTHERS’ CLUB Glenwood boys, staff and moms visited Ridge Haven Old Age Home today. They delivered the gifts from the Moms’ Christmas Dinner to the very grateful residents. The residents were also treated to tea and cake.

Thank you to the Glenwood Moms who brought gifts to the Mothers’ Christmas Dinner. The Head Prefect 2019, Sam Bowley, dropped off the last batch of gifts at the Seed of Hope in Amazimtoti. The ladies were very grateful for the Glenwood contribution to their Gogos’ Project Since 2003, SEED OF HOPE has recognised the power of collaborating with local community members, equipping them to overcome challenges and create a promising future. As a Christian Community Development Ministry, they contribute to lasting change by approaching health, education, economic and faith issues holistically.




The Glenwood Prefects for 2019 were announced at our final assembly.

The Gibson House Prefects for 2019 were also announced at the final assembly.

Samuel Bowley, the Head Prefect, will be supported by Ruan Louis Olivier and Michael Edwards who were announced as Deputy Head Prefects.

Ruan Olivier, Head Prefect, supported by Jordan Hendrikse and Michael Edwards who were appointed as Deputy Head Prefects.

The Prefects for 2019 are: Benjamin Richard Botha, JonBrett Bridger, Matthew Luke Bruin, Carlo Cloete, Vian du Plooy, Steven Gibb, Lesedi Thabiso Goge, Blaine Sheldon Golden, Jordan Brian Hendrikse, Joe Jonas, Calhan Andrew Jones, Tristan Joubert, Colby Graham Marais, Matthys Stephanus Marx, Ntokozo Nkozo Mkhize, Francis Konke Moran, Bulelani Mzimela, Yastri Naidoo, Bandile Ngcobo, Lusanda Mbongeni Ngcobo, Jordache Gordon Ramsamy, Preston Lee Rorcih, Lindokuhle Owethu Shezi, Ethan Smit, Waldo Snyman, Zander van der Merwe, Franco Vermeulen, Maglon Jesus Ferrer Vilela.

The Gibson Prefects for 2019 are: Carlo Cloete, Joe Jonas, Stiaan Marx, Lusanda Ngcobo, Martinus Freddie Slabbert, Zander van der Merwe, Blaine Golden, Bandile Mdletshe, Barni Holtzhausen, Sboniso Mtolo, Enrico Napier, Kevaan Naidoo, Bandile Ngcobo, Chesney Jacobs, Ethan Smit and Franco Vermeulen.

GOLF DAY 2018 The Annual Glenwood High School Golf Day took place on Friday 19 October 2018 at the Mount Edgecombe Country Club Estate as a fundraising event in aid of Gibson House. The day was a huge success with Old Boys, Parents, Supporters and Sponsors enjoying a good day of golf. The following teams did well on the day: 1st place – Jason, Simphiwe, Devon and Graham from Mandini Golf Club. (First place prize was sponsored by PUMA) 2nd place – Rohan, Mike, Richard and Murray (Second place prize was sponsored by PUMA) 3rd place – Reinhardt Gerber, Brian Mithcell, Devon and Pietie Meyer (Third place prize was sponsored by PKF Durban)

boxer and quite possibly the best South African boxer of all time. Mitchell turned pro in 1981 and captured the WBA and Lineal Junior Lightweight Title in 1986 with a 10th-round KO over Alfredo Layne. He defended the title a record 12 times, and never lost a title fight.

Individual prize winners were (Prizes sponsored by Traveland Sport and Jeanette Mountney, 082 924 5219 – iSmart SA) Longest drive (18) – Simon Barnard

Unfortunately, we had had no winners on the sponsored holes which offered R100 000 on the 7th hole for a hole in one by PTF Logistics (Pty) Ltd and R25 000 on the 15th hole by Bay Union (Pty) Ltd.

Closest to the pin (9) – Nick Keary We would like to thank the players, the companies who sponsored holes and the people who sponsored prizes. Without their support this event would not have been possible.

We would also like to thank Pietie Meyer from Sportspro for conducting the auction.

Special guest was Brian Mitchell a former professional



GIBSON CHRISTMAS DINNER On Friday 16 November 2018, the annual Christmas Dinner was held at Gibson House. In addition to the normal Christmas celebrations, it is also an opportunity to bid farewell to the Matrics of 2018. Several sporting, academic and service awards were presented at the dinner. The Principal, Dr Barnes, presented the Deputy Head Prefects Lunga Ncube, George Luzolo and Head Prefect Runako Brynard with their Old Boys’ ties. Prizes were awarded to Marcel du Preez (Junior Sportsman), Nathan Archibald (Senior Sportsman & Dux), Rynhardt Jonker (Best Sporting Achievement), George Luzolo (Sportsmanship & Houseman of the Year) and Sbonelo Ndlovu (Service). Report and photos by Mr Kevin Jordan

REMEMBRANCE DAY SERVICE Glenwood held its annual Remembrance Day Service at Glenwood High School on Wednesday 7 November 2018, a few days early to the official Poppy Day. In addition to the staff and schoolboys present, many dignitaries and members of the public attended. These included the Natal Mounted Rifles, the Parabat Battalion, the South African Legion, Rhumbelow Moth Shellhole, as well as local schools. After 4 sentries were posted around the flagpole, various speakers explained the significance of the day and the symbolism of the poppies. The traditional Last Post, minute’s silence and Reveille were part of the ceremony which ended with a final prayer. Remembrance Day (sometimes known informally as Poppy Day), is a memorial day observed in Commonwealth of Nations member states since the end of the First World War, to remember the members of their armed forces who have died in the line of duty. Following a tradition inaugurated by King George V in 1919,[1] the day is also marked by war remembrances in many non-Commonwealth countries. Remembrance Day is observed on 11 November in most countries to recall the end of hostilities of World War I on that date in 1918. Hostilities formally ended "at the 11th hour of

VISITING OLD BOY: CECIL RITSON The Principal Dr A Barnes, Mr K Jordan, Mr J Piek, Mr S Piek, Mr G Oberholzer and several Grade 11 learners had the privilege of spending the afternoon with Glenwood’s oldest old boy, Mr Cecil Ritson, who is 97 years old. 79 years may separate them, but still a great front row; Cecil Ritson 1st XV prop and Captain in 1939 with Ruan “Beertjie” Olivier 1st XV and KZN Schools’ hooker 2018. In honour of Mr Ritson, Dr Barnes named a boardroom on Campus, The Riston Boardroom.


the 11th day of the 11th month", in accordance with the armistice signed by representatives of Germany and the Entente between 5:12 and 5:20 that morning. ("At the 11th hour" refers to the passing of the 11th hour, or 11:00 am.) The First World War ended with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles on 28 June 1919. Photos by Ethan Hayman (Media Club)

SPORT KZN WATER POLO The following Glenwood boys have been selected for KZN WATER POLO sides: U19A – Alexzander van Rooyen (Gr 12) and Bulelani Mzimela (Grade 11). Non-travelling reserves: Aaron Jacoby (Gr 12) and Luke MacDonald (Gr 11). U19B – Daniel Messiter-Tooze (Gr 11), Luke MacDonald (Gr 11), Jordan van Rooyen (Gr 11) and Ryan Anderson (Gr 11). U16 – Tristan Shallcross (Gr 10) U15 – Jeremy Reddy (Gr 10) Information supplied by Mr Scott Mantle (Director of Aquatics)



Glenwood High School 2ND PLACE SENIORS’ DIVISION MEN’S CHAMPIONSHIP Congratulations Glenwood High School for your 2nd place win at The Hill Cup 2018 – Seniors Division Men’s championship. Glenwood High School has won a cash prize of R10,000. The team’s overall performance during the 8 weeks of competition has been phenomenal and all the boys should be extremely proud of their achievements. It’s been a pleasure watching you swim! Under the guidance of Tyrel Van Reenen, Glenwood High School swimming team is undeniably at the top of their game and one of the best in KZN, and we wish you continued success. We would like to thank Glenwood High School for your support and participation in The Hill Cup for the very first time. We hope that you enjoyed the experience and are looking forward to what happens next in 2019. Jacqueline Yanko (COO)

James Snell took part in the SAARA SA National Target Shooting Championships held at AUCOR premises in Durban on the 5th & 6th October. James Snell of Glenwood High School achieved Gold in the U16 Sporter men’s finals event, Silver in the individual men’s 10m finals, Gold in the KZN U16 3P team and Gold in the KZN U16 10m team event. The athletes won trophies, medals, performance badges and earned their SAARA Association colours at this event. This was the first time that we shot the precision events on electronic targets at Nationals and although it is still a learning experience everything went smoothly. All winners were interviewed by Supersport with the broadcast date TBA.

CYCLING Josh Rheeders was recently selected to represent KZN at the Spur Schools’ Championship in Johannesburg. He took part in two events> One was held on Friday and he placed 42nd overall out of the 200+ Juniors and on the Saturday, he was placed 42nd. He is the first ever Glenwood cyclist to represent KZN at the Spur Schools Finals. Report by Mlungisi Mazibuko


CULTURE TOASTMASTERS’ GRADUATION DINNER The annual Toastmasters International Graduation Dinner for Grade 11 boys was held on 27 September 2018 in the Mike Turrel Pavilion. The world needs leaders. Leaders head families, coach teams, run businesses and mentor others. These leaders must not only accomplish, but they must also communicate. By regularly giving speeches, gaining feedback, leading teams and guiding others to achieve their goals in a supportive atmosphere, leaders emerge from the Toastmasters programME. Every Toastmaster’s journey begins with a single speech. During their journey, they learn to tell their stories. They listen and answer. They plan and lead. They give feedback—and accept it. Through a community of learners, they find their path to leadership. The following boys were awarded accolades in the respective categories: Best Evaluators: Caile Naicker Ruan Olivier Tristan Joubert Preston Rorich Best Impromptu Speeches: Caile Naicker Tristan Joubert Samuel Bowley Maglon Vilela Best Prepared Speeches: Payton Bassier Benjamin Archery Colby Marais Michael Edwards Congratulations to the following boys who will be representing Glenwood at the regional meeting, where they will be competing in the individual categories they excelled IN over the course of this 8-week programme. Caile Naicker – Impromptu Speech – Evaluation Payton Bassier – Prepared Speech A big thank you to Peppers and Pans for catering for this event as well as our esteemed toastmasters, Mr and Mrs Swanepoel, who conducted the course. We look forward to the results of the next meeting which will be held on 13 October 2018. Report and photos by Mr Roelof Le Roux

MEDIA CLUB IN NEED OF EQUIPMENT Do you have a DSLR Camera (Canon / Nikon ) sitting at home, not being used? The Glenwood Media Club is in need of equipment. We would like to encourage people to donate used (and new) working DSLR cameras, lenses, and accessories (such as memory cards, camera bags etc.) to the Glenwood Media Club.

This extramural activity teaches boys the art and business of photography and it keeps you, the parent / old boy informed on what is happening at the school. Glenwood High School encourages those who wish to help to send equipment to The Marketing Department, Glenwood High School, 1 ZK Matthews Road, Glenwood or contact Mrs Hannelie Erasmus (Head of Public Relations, Glenwood High School) on 031 2055241 or erasmush@glenwoodhighschool.co.za


1 ZK Matthews (Nicolson) Road, Glenwood, Durban, 4001 Telephone: (031) 205 5241 / Fax: (031) 205 5838 / International: +27 31 205 5241 Head of Public Relations: Hannelie Erasmus E-mail: marketing@glenwoodhighschool.co.za / www.glenwoodhighschool.co.za www.facebook.com/glenwoodhighschool @glenwoodhigh (Twitter) @glenwoodhighschool (Instagram) D6 Communicator

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