Memory Planet by Hania Zdunek

Page 81

President Murdoch is fully aware that she doesn’t belong on The Shell. It’s a military base of operations to say the least. And she’s just a girl. An idea comes to him. “Take her to a hospital on the surface.” He looks at Dr. Robertson with utter seriousness. “Her town’s hospital is damaged, if not totally destroyed.” Robertson lifts his hand to his forehead and rubs his eyebrows. “Not hers, take her to our city.” Murdoch orders. Dr. Robertson is shocked. “This is not up for discussion, Doctor. Get a shuttle and go now.” Murdoch begins to rise to leave the room. “Mr. President,” Robertson pleads “I’m needed here. The troopmen are returning with more evidence and the tests we’re running need my attention…” he trails off. “Then get your daughter to take her.” The President orders and leaves the room.

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