Hallyu Magazine

Page 1

HALLYU PREM!ERE ‘s strange origin and future


SHINee Concert in Singapore

Aziatix Exclusive Interview

the Poly New Look at Classical Music

Backstage: IAMMEDIC

Table of Contents Staff Credit | Pg 3 IAMMEDIC | Pg 4-10 IAMMEDIC Contest | Pg 11 PREM!ERE | Pg 14-18 Super Junior 3D Concert | Pg 19 BigBang Tribute | Pg 20-21 Ryuichi | Pg 21 Aziatix | Pg 22-25 Rain’s Military Enlistment | Pg 25 Dalmatian | Pg 26-27 Shinee SG Concert | Pg 28-29 Shinee Press Conference | Pg 30-3 1 Kollaboration NY 6 | Pg 32-34 CN BLUE Return to Japan | Pg 35 Korean Dance Imitation Groups | Pg 36 SMTOWN New York | Pg 37-39 Upcoming Dramas | Pg 40-41 KBS Free Concert | Pg 42-43 Busan Film Festival | 44-46 Dumbfoundead:DFD | Pg 47 The Poly | Pg 48-50 Korean Entertainment: Pre Debut | Pg 51 K-Paws | Pg 52-53 Fashion | Pg 54-55 One day trip: Seoul | Pg 56-57 New groups | Pg 58-59 Meet the Staff! | Pg 60-63 Affiliated Fan Bases | Pg 64-65 JYJ Special | Pg 66-67 Featured Album Review | Pg 68 Autographs to Hallyu | Pg 69-70 K-Corner | Pg 71 Twitter Korean Idol Directory | Pg 72-76 About US | Pg 77 Donate&Subscribe! | Pg 78

Backstage with IAMMEDIC


very band has their own special cherry that makes them unique. IAMMEDIC, consisting of Enik, Danny and Andre (shown above), has at least twenty of those cherries. They are three musketeers, all for one and one for all. They are three best friends producing music from their souls to the world to hear, not necessarily to receive praise but to let their voices be heard loud and clear. The three of them are very easy going, and fun guys packed with monumental talent and charisma. Hallyu sat down for an in-depth, intricate interview with IAMMEDIC and held onto our seats as they unleashed themselves at us with answers and insights into their lives, opinions and future plans. Check out our interview with them! HALLYU: How did you come up with the name “IAMMEDIC” and does it have any significance? Enik: The name “IAMMEDIC” is about our faith and belief. “I AM” is referred to as God’s name in

Written by Nadezhda Hope.

the NIV Bible. There is a passage in the New Testament where Jesus speaks of the church like a hospital, and Christ the doctor. In that passage, it says, the sick need Jesus. We’re not a religious group by any means. It’s just, when we created the group, I was going through a lot of hardships. And if anything, we’re just extremely troubled individuals. “IAMMEDIC, “ is a word that we created that means “We need God”. HALLYU: How did the three of you meet? Enik: We’re all best friends. Andre and myself used to be in a Rock band called “Burning Tree Project” on East/West Warner. We toured the entire country for seven years. Andre: Danny managed BTP in it’s early stages. He’s always been awesome at business HALLYU: Is there some kind of leadership here? Andre: He started it (pointing to Enik)

Enik: I’m the front man. You know, honestly, everyone has their own role in the group. And if it’s regarding music, yeah. But Danny does all the business stuff and Andre is kind of the mediator between the both of us, the wise man. Danny: The good old wise man. Enik: Good old wise man. Danny: Actually the good old young

HALLYU: Can you explain to us your creative process? How do you make your music? Enik: We’re basically our music, what we are inspired by is our own life. Kind of, just the things we have been through and our creative process really depends on how we are feeling that day. I’m really not… you know, I’m not, I don’t want to come out saying I’m emo but I’m not like the happiest person every single day. So it really depends on if I am feeling in this mood And I talk to Andre and we discuss the topic we want to talk about. It depends on the day. Sometimes Andre will come up with a hook first. Other times, I’ll just write the music and I’ll start off with you know anything from a basic piano to drums. HALLYU: What if at times, so maybe you’re emotionally feeling down, how do you deal with that? Enik: Music has always been my personal way of dealing with things. Being emotionally down probably helps me create the best music. Andre: Yeah, I sit down in front of the piano and just (play it out). Danny: I just go out for a ride. I’m the guy who just likes to drive, screaming AHHH!! I’m just kidding. I just join them (laughs). HALLYU: You have released your Album Perfect this summer, Can you expand on the style of this album?

Enik: It’s Electro-pop. That’s the basic “term” but you know if we break this down, it’s very technical, geeky, pop music. Andre and I have always been very technical and experimental with our music styles. So what happens is, normally, if you let us out of our cage we will write material that you probably wouldn’t understand. But the thing is, what we did with “Perfect” is we put a cap on it and that cap was “pop” so no matter what we did, we had to package it into a nice 3 minute and 40 second song and something that people can digest. Danny: And If I don’t like it, I’ll just be like (gestures down with his finger). Enik: If Danny doesn’t like it, we put him in the refrigerator for a couple of hours and he comes out agreeing (laughs). Danny: (imitating shivering) I like it, I like it. EVERYONE: (Laughs). HALLYU: You recently released a Music Video for Spaceship. Can you tell us what was the best part of filming for it?

Andre: I think for us, probably just me…There’s a little dance that we do. Well, this is for me. And we do this little dance and it was fun. Danny: For me was it was the very first music video. The entire process from filming to dressing up, to standing in front of this white background. It was awesome. We were having a blast. I was so tired from all the fun I seriously couldn’t move for the next few days. Enik: For me it’s about coming up with a creative process for the storyboard behind everything. I’m more of a creative type of person so it’s not so much of executing the actual filming cuz’ to be honest with you, those are the things I hate. I don’t like doing the filming part. I really like watching the post-production, watching the actual storyline really come together through the editing process, color corrections, (and) after effects. Adding minor/major little tweaks, at the end, like when we decided to throw in a 3-D spaceship model. HALLYU: What were the hardest parts for you while you were filming?

Enik: The hardest part of filming the music video is that they make you do it like a hundred times. The same thing over and over again. Now you don’t look the same as you do the first time you do the take. By the ninetieth take your face it looking like it’s glowing. You’re sweating. You have the oiliest skin from all the sweat and usually, they end up using the last take for the final edit. And you look like crap. Danny: And you look tired. (Thinking) thank God it’s over. Enik: Yeah I’m never doing it again. Danny: Maybe you’ll see it tonight. HALLYU: IAMMEDIC were part of Fly to the Sky’s Brian Joo’s “Unveiled” tour last June. Can you tell about the experience? Enik: It was great. Danny: (He’s) a very nice guy. Very respectable musician. Has a lot of talent. We actually had the opportunity to open for JYJ while they were touring in New York. Unfortunately for all that complication…

Enik: With the visa. And they had to cut their program. Danny: But Brian Joo’s concert, man it was more than worth it. Enik: It was good. You know, Andre and I, we’ve played with a lot of high profile artists like Maroon5 and Far East… well Far East Movement are very good friends of ours. All extremely awesome and nice people. Anyway, we’re not calling out any names. Just saying a lot of successful artists they, their personalities are just… Danny: They’re too cool for school. Enik: It is what it is, right? When I met Brian Joo, I expected that from him since he was a big KPOP star. Especially in the K-pop scene, right? But he was actually one of the nicest people in general I’ve ever met. Very down to earth, very welcoming. And to this day, he supports us so much. He’s always texting me like just wishing me good luck at every show. We’re actually going to try and feature him for our next album. There’s only a

few people I’ve really met in this world that really extend their hands to the fullest. Where it’s like, there’s nothing that really will block them from keeping on reaching out no matter how much success they have attained. And it sets an example for us because that’s exactly the type of people we want to be. We never want to let any of this stuff get (in the way), you know. It is what it is. It’s just a job. We’re fortunate enough to do it. We have amazing fans that give us the time of day to listen to what we do. And if anyone asks us for help we want to make sure that if there is actually something we can do, that we will. Not to say that we can help the entire world but we definitely want to try. HALLYU: Are there any other artists that you would like to perform with or feature? Danny: So many. Enik: There’s too many but I can tell you right now which artists that we have in the works for our next album. Brian Joo is probably going to feature in one our tracks. We have a song coming out with Nicky from Aziatix. It’s going to hit radio in Taiwan in about a month. And Dumbfoundead is going to feature in one of our tracks.

HALLYU: Can you tell us about your fans, PARAMEDICS, and how that name came to be? Enik and Andre: They chose it. Danny: The cool thing about it is that the name actually made sense for us. We’re basically, all the paramedics, all the fans support each other. Financially even, sometimes emotionally, you name it. They’re always supporting each other. They’re always encouraging one another. They’re always supporting us whenever we need them. HALLYU: They’re like family to you. Danny: Exactly. Enik: I think the thing that we do differently with our fans is that we’re very personal with them. Now a lot of artist will argue, “No you need to separate yourselves.” Record labels say the same thing, you

need them to be like, for you to be like untouchable, right? We completely disagree with that. The thing is that without our fans, we would be absolutely nothing And the fact of it is that these kids, they tell all their friends about us and stand by our sides. They are amazing, literally the way they treat us, when we are having a bad day, we get tons of encouraging posts from them. We didn’t gain fans, we gained family. HALLYU: Can you tell me the artists that are inspiring you? Enik: Here’s something about IAMMEDIC that’s completely probably different from most groups. Uhm, we don’t let artist inspire us when we write our music. Cause we feel that this is our art. Every artist has to paint his own painting, right? We want to be identified for what we are. We want to reflect how we feel inside. And I feel like the most natural way to do that is to really just do it with ourselves. So you’re not going to find us turning on the radio or if we really do listen to some stuff, we’re actually not listening to the music for the music. We’re actually listening for the tones. How did they get that compression noise, or how were they mixing the drums. It’s for technological purposes. We’re not listening to the writing or anything like that.

HALLYU: Would you consider going into the music industry and expand in Korea and Asia? Enik: Well, Taiwan, we already have. We have Taiwan on lock. We can’t talk about which company we’re signing with in Taiwan but in Korea we have… Andre: There are some works going on. Enik: You’re going to hear some stuff really soon. We’ll just leave it at that. But it’s really up to us whether we decide to go that route. HALLYU: Do you have any recent habits or addictions that you have developed when guys started out? Danny: For me it’s definitely Facebooking. It’s kind of my new addiction. It’s kind of crazy, you know. Sometimes you feel like it’s a responsibility. And you have to do it so first thing you do is you get up in the morning and I check all my Facebook messages. I make sure I read all of them. I read everything from our web, our personal page, our fan page, our fan group page. When I read them, I click “Like” on all of them just to let all my fans know that I’ve read each and every single one of them. IAMMEDIC is a unique phenomena, that is getting pumped to be released at the entire world! Please stay tuned and keep a close eye on this trio!

Enter to win IAMMEDIC Autographed CDs!! Guidelines: Submit an essay or art to HALLYUmagazine@gmail.com Art must be at least 300 pdi/or original file. Essay has to be at least one whole paragraph! Follow on twitter @HallyuMagazine and @IAMMEDIC Deadline November 12, 2011 11:59 PM EST


From Left to Right: Jimmy, Will, Chris, Brandon, Raymond Written by Darla Cornett. Intro by Nadezhda Hope.

N Jimmy

ot all great talent is beaming with a label that proclaims them to be new idols with backing of all kinds of Korean industry ties. PREM!ERE is a band born in USA’s old capital Philadelphia. This band, although they speak very casually about themselves, have everything it takes to be that new lead in music world. Their ties to Korean entertainment industry is undeniable and unpreventable, as they draw roots from greatest singers of all Korea. However, they decided to put that aside and walk their own path to feel what other bands often times do not have the luxury to experience. Yes, they have chosen a more challenging path but they welcome everything with lots of laughs and positive, care-free attitude. We sat down with them and they unleashed a lot of free-flowing energy at us, check it out!

Part One: Band’s Interesting Origins…

HALLYU: How did the band get started, and could you give us a brief history on each other? Will: *points to Christopher* Why don’t you answer?


Christopher: I don’t even know how the band started! *everyone laughs* Brandon: One night when I went to a gay karaoke bar, and we were all drunk, I was like “These guys all have mad potential.” (laughs) All right, no, for reals. Jimmy: One day I woke up and was like “I should start a band.” So I just gathered all the instrumentalist I knew, and that’s really how it happened. Just woke up one day and was like “Let’s do it.” Brandon: But before that, I got inspired by Jim’s brother. He introduced me to music and I started playing guitar. And then I taught Will how to play guitar and then he got super hooked. And then Jim said “Let’s start a band,” and we did. And then our bassist, he just picked up bass. HALLYU: How do you guys know each other?


Brandon: All of us went to the same grade school together, except for Chris. Chris we met at college.

Raymond: Chris is the weird one. You’re adopted Chris. Brandon: Chris is one of those kids that was born to be in a dance boy band. Will: He was from a different puzzle, a piece that just fit in. HALLYU: Who came up with the band name and what were some other potential names? Raymond: We did that hat thing and everyone was like “Ah, no, that sucks.” Then somebody was like “Hey, let’s do PREM!ERE.” Jimmy: Back when I was working at CVS, we had this customer, he was like a regular, some older guy, and we were just talking and stuff and I was like “Yeah, I’m trying to come up with a band name,” and he said “The Premieres,” and we were like “I sort of like that, but we’ll drop the article and just keep it PREM!ERE.” HALLYU: What’s with the exclamation mark? You just want it because it looks fancy?


Jimmy: Our old singer came up with that.

Part Two: The Creative Process HALLYU: Who plays what? Raymond: Brandon plays everything. Brandon: I play every instrument in the band, ever. But mainly, for the band, I play drums. Will plays guitar, Jim plays guitar…Yeah, Chris is our singer. Gary, who’s not here, is our bassist. Christopher: And Ray’s our ghostwriter slash keyboardist. HALLYU: Is there a leader in this group? Everyone: No. Brandon: Well, Jim likes to think he’s the leader. Christopher: He’s like, “I don’t know what you should do, but do something!”


Part Three: “We’re Very Bland People” & Future

HALLYU: Do you guys have a weird fact to tell us, or individually about you guys? Brandon: We’re very bland people. Chris, what’s interesting about us?

HALLYU: What kind of songs do you guys play and what’s your inspiration? Brandon: We’re very experimental. We have a lot of music styles, from soft to a more punk rock kind of thing, and we add synth to it to make it more pop. Each song is very different. Raymond: But there’s familiar elements to each one. HALLYU: What’s your creative process for coming up with songs? Raymond: We hang out in a basement for several hours and at some point Brandon is like “do-do-do-do.” *motions like he is playing the piano* “Oh! I like that!” Or Will be playing a random riff and he’ll be like “Oh, I like that too!” Brandon: It’s just like drawing. You’re doodling, then you make it into an art piece. Raymond: It’s sort of spontaneous. Brandon: It never works very well if we try to sit down and force it out. Jimmy: It’s like luck.

Christopher: My family’s in the music industry in Korea. My dad owns a small entertainment company and my aunt’s a pretty big singer there. My uncle, he’s a singer too, but he quit singing and is a professor at one of the colleges. And I have no idea where I’m going with this (laugh). I was supposed to join (a very top idol band) , but my dad pulled me out of that, and I also was supposed to (be in another famous idol band from a different company). That’s when they were trainees and my aunt took me to YG and she was like, “let’s see if you are good enough for show business.” HALLYU: That’s before they had a name right? Christopher: Yeah. Before they had a name there were all these trainees. My dad also said no to that. HALLYU: What are your future plans for the band? Raymond: Get some recording done, maybe release something. Probably do some local shows. HALLYU: Isn’t it (being all Asian) an advantage for you guys though? Everyone: Yes. Raymond: We just don’t want to use that as our only draw. I think most of these guys are trying to work at being a good band. For more from the guys of PREM!ERE, check out the entire interview on YouTube, posted under username HallyuAudioVid! All links are unlisted so you must TYPE-IN these special links to get exclusive, unedited, and uncensored video footage of this interview! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9QyjFIgttk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zmOwjOTtQc

Super Junior Super Show 3 3D Concert Movie

Written by Janet Toa Edited by Darla Cornett


of footages from the first leg (August 2010 at the Olympic Gymnastics Arena in Seoul) of their recently concluded Asia tour, Super Show 3 3D was an excellent opportunity for ELFs to catch their boys ‘live’ and a brilliant way for SM Entertainment to diversify their income sources from a single event. On the one hand, it provided opportunities for those who have caught the concert live to reminisce. While on the other hand, those who were unable to catch the concert live were given a chance to experience the action through 3D at a fraction of the concert ticket prices. However, with regards to the 3D effects, it was mostly absent. There was a lack of playing up the effects (e.g. reaching out into the crowds) that would have otherwise given viewers a more realistic 3D experience. It felt as if a 2D movie would have sufficed. While some may be just be a little disappointed that they did not feel as if Super Junior boys were reaching out to them, the majority certainly did not mind the lacking of 3D effects one bit going by how the packed cinema hall were constantly erupting into cheers throughout the movie. To Super Junior’s credit, they did gave their fans plenty of reasons to gave their fans plenty of reasons to cheer about. From the very moment they appear on stage to the beats of the infectious hit of 2009, Sorry Sorry, there was no getting away from the magic that is Super Junior. With various dance hits (Bonamana, Don’t Don) and happy anthems (Dancing Out, Wonder Boy) pushed the atmosphere into a high as the boys sang, danced and gave their all to the delight of fans. However, what sets these 10 boys apart in K-Pop is their humour and playfulness. The performance of ‘Cooking? Cooking!’, with all 10 of them dressed up as differet kinds of vegetables. The boys ran wild across the arena stage, showcasing their funny antics as they bumped into one another and eventually stacked on top of one another on centre stage. Amidst the fun and action, what stood out clearly in my memory was Yesung’s solo performance, ‘It Has To Be You’. His heartfelt rendition was the perfect answer to detractors who berate Super Junior for being just another idol group with a lack of vocal talents. All in all, at a mere 80 minutes, the concert movie definitely left ELFs wanting more. Well, we will just have to wait for the concert DVD to be released, don’t we?


Forever With You

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"Big Bang is Jjang! ^.^ They are by far the most talented k-pop boy group! They all have their own styles and can be glowing solo singers, but when you bring them together, you get a Big Bang! I love them all for their own qualities, and not one of them could shine any brighter! Their music is so catchy, so hip, yet so fresh! They have definitely shown progression, not just sticking to one genre. They continue to put out new music that is a step above anything they have done, OR any other group has thought about. I think their management company has brilliantly nurtured these boys to stand on their own feet! Loving and supporting them forever, Manjot Bhullar"



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Written by Soo

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DALMATIAN Written by Soo

The popular Kpop group 'Dalmatian' is set to release an album soon, possibly sometime in October. One of the members, Youngwon, posted on the band's official fan cafe: "Oh yeah! Here's a suprise present for our loving Dalmates!~^^ Please eagerly wait for our next album!!!! Please anticipate Dalmatians amazing album!!!^^ha Coming soon Wait until October!^^We're gonna blow all of them away!^^ Dalmatian Dalmates fighting!!!!!!!!” They will be appearing as a 5 member group, as member Dari left earlier this year in April to enlist in the army. Not much information yet is known about this new album. Dalmatian came out with a mini album in the beginning of the year, with the hit song 'Lover Cop'. There was also a single out, titled 그 남 자 는 반 대 (The Man Opposed). Dalmatian first appeared in the Kpop music world and in their first video teaser on August 25, 2010 via portal sites and Mnet's online site. They released their first single, 'Round 1' September 1st, 2010. They have appeared so far on only one show, but it was their own show, called 'Dalmatian's Manager Goes On Strike'. Amidst all the comebacks coming in October, Dalmatian's comeback is sure to bring great music and great performances. Many are waiting for as much news as they can for the new album, and are sitting on the edge of their seats anxiously.

SHINee’s First Concert Following the footsteps of their seniors Super Junior, the five-member K-Pop boy band SHINee threw their first concert in Singapore on September 10, 2011. Ticket reservations became available on the online ticket-selling site SISTIC on July 31st, and within 45 minutes all tickets were completely sold out. Despite it being only a one-night event, a whopping 6,000 fans showed up at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, the nation!s largest indoor arena. Fans from as young as 6-years old to young adults in their twenties wore pearlescent sky blue shirts, the official color of SHINee!s fanclub, and were armed with turquoise green light sticks as they entered the stadium.

At approximately 6:00PM, the concert kicked off with the group members Onew, Key, Minho, Taemin and Jonghyun dancing to a collection of fast tempo dance songs like “Get Down” and “AMIGO,” complete with stage pyrotechnics and green strobe lights. Decked in their signature skinny jeans, the group introduced themselves to the eager crowd after finishing their hit songs “Juliet” and “Hello.” Although most of the members greeted their fans in Korean, Shawols (SHINee!s official fan club) were particularly delighted when Key gave a shout out in English: “Long time no

see! We miss you so much!” Apart from the boys! catchy dance songs andpop ballad tunes, the highlight of the concert was the boys' individual solo acts. Taemin, the youngest member of the group, thrilled the crowd by performing his solo ballad “A Boy Meets A Girl” with him wearing a racer-back green top. Following Taemin!s performance, Jonghyun wooed the fan girls with his falsetto performance of “First Love.” Minho then livened up the stage with an R&B rendition of Usher!s hit song “OMG,” teasing Shawols with a sneak peek of his six-pack abs in a white-black dapper suit. Afterward, Key performed his solo “My

First Kiss,” during which Taemin returned to the stage dressed as a blonde returned to the stage dressed as a blonde girl, role-playing with Key for a cute performance. Despite all these great acts, it was the group!s main vocalist and leader, Onew, who stole the show with his solo opera performance. Although his solo act took place much later in the night, Onew!s flawless rendition of “Neesun Dorma,” a tune previously performed by the great Pavarotti and Andre Bocelli, nevertheless stunned the crowd. The concert then kicked into high gear with minimal talk and little interactions with fans once the boys temporarily morphed into angels

dressed in white robes. Onew made a special entrance by descending from the ceiling with angel wings and gently embracing a little boy positioned on an extended round stage while the other four members huddled around them in prayer form.

Written by Jaelle Hwang, Edited by Darla Cornett

in Singapore SHINee owned the stage from start to finish, executing all synchronized dance moves while belting out 29 songs such as their hot hits “Replay”, “Ring Ding Dong”, and “Love Like Oxygen” as well as the hypnotic dance song “Lucifer.” For their song “A-Yo” the boys

performed on the moving centerpiece of their T-stage runway and interacted with fans in the standing section. When the concert finally climaxed with the final two songs, the five boys reappeared in their official concert T-shirts while holding bags of colorful balls. While Jonghyun swiftly tossed his orbs to his fans without a second thought, Key made an effort to kiss every single ball before tossing them into the hysterical crowd. In return, the SHINee members happily accepted gifts thrown onto the stage by their adoring fans and appeared cheerful wearing their newly acquired, silly animal

headgear. A few lucky Shawols standing close to the stage were able to snap exclusive Polaroid pictures and fancams of the boys as they collected their gifts. For their final song “Bodyguard”, the members spent time interacting with fans and goofing amongst themselves. Clearly dehydrated and exhausted from their performances, the members poured bottles of mineral water on one another and took gulps of the water only to spit it out on the nearest band member. Jonghyun and Minho were the main perpetrators of this as they ran around stage drenching the other three members. With the help of the concert organizers, local

fan clubs were able to hang their speciallymade banners on the stadium railings. Key fans went an extra mile and distributed red banners with the words "Happy Ki's [Key's] Day" to celebrate the singer's upcoming 20th birthday, which is on September 23rd. The other four members made the entire stadium sing “Happy Birthday” for their fellow brother Key – a cohesive effort to give both the singer and Singaporean fans a night to remember. For both old and new SHINee fans present at the event, it was definitely a concert that lived up to their expectations. Whereas for those who attended but were not initially SHINee fans,

it was a chance to experience the group!s exceptional vocal talents and learn that they posses more than just pretty faces. As the concert drew close to ending, the boys walked around the stage, thanking all their fans, not just from Singapore, but also from Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Indonesia, and the United States. No matter where the fans came from, it is certain that they all experienced an amazing evening watching SHINee!s stunning performance.

Written by Jaelle Hwang Edited by Darla Cornett

With a concert titled !SHINee World" which means 'shining land, a place filled with spirit' – What does your ideal world looks like? "I want to create a fun and pretty place, like a fairytale or a theme park," Taemin, the youngest member of the group, answered. Onew added, "I would like to gather everyone I know and live in a place together." SHINee is no stranger to Singapore with this trip marked the 4th time in town. Some fond memories the five boys remembered included such as Singapore"s mouth-watering authentic dish chili crab and Singapore's cleanliness. However, SHINee crowned that the most memorable experiences here are the warm and overwhelming responses they received from their local fans. "The first place, where we meet our fans is the airport. That's our most memorable experiences" Key answered sincerely. For right after Key answered, the leader, Onew added "After tonight, the concert's going to be our most memorable experience."

don’t miss:

SHINee’s 1st Japanese AlbumNovember 2011

Kollaboration NY 6 The Competitors

Kollaboration New York is a competition of raw talented performances mainly in singing and song writing but not bound to them strictly as dance has also took it’s turn atop of the stage. It is open to all west and east Asian community. The Kollaboration brings in best of the representatives of the current industry as judges and invites established musicians and performers as guests of the event. Overall providing the competitors, public exposure, experience and future relationships within the industry. This year Kollaboration New York took place at Irving Plaza, one of the favoured stages by many musicians.

Cheryl Chin Hallyu exclusively went backstage to bring you the best coverage of all competitors and to showcase all the angels of this wonderful and exciting event! We met with all the competitors of the night prior to the show. As the audience started to pour into the venue at 6PM, Hallyu headed up to the backstage room where all artists where hanging out and prepping for their performance. We have asked them each about their thoughts on Kollaboration movement and a little about themselves. Cheryl Chin was the only female competitor of the night, very sweet and fashionable singer/ songwriter, who were going to perform her only second composed song! Being new to the stage only sent her excitement and her confidence came from

Elijah Park

Mitchell Grey the band that was going to be supporting her on stage. She told us her thoughts on Kollaboration movement, “I’m just really grateful that Kollaboration exists. It provides a huge platform for aspiring artists, especially in the Asian-American population.” As our time with Cheryl wrapped up she gave advice to all aspiring people in any field of work, “stay true to yourself and what you love doing!” The opening performer of the night was Elijah Park, California native studying in New York, and his keyboard. He defiantly awed everyone with his beautiful voice, no matter the technical difficulties. He revealed that he hasn’t been singing for very long and still working on finding his own personal voice in music. Elijah had hard time picking out one of his favorite artists but with some thought confidently choose John Legend and Brown Eyed Soul. Our sat down with New York-New Jersey born Mitchell Grey was very enthusiastic and filled with lots of laughs. They heard about Kollaboration via their “asian-circle” and were more than happy to join the cast. They were amazed by the entire Kollaboration movement just like all other competitors of the night. They have performed a song called Vampire Voltage which they have written at the very beginning. They shared that Korean artists like TOP has their favor as well as cast-mate of the night Rooftop Pursuit.

Triangle Offense Shifting straight to Rooftop Pursuit, Hallyu got a very fun and down to earth experience with the veteran Kollaboration band (that even won at Chicago couple years ago!) They are a pop-rock band at times with hints at r&b. They get their inspiration from everyday life, everything from personal relationships to observation of other people’s lives. Rooftop Pursuit has performed All I need, one of their newer tracks. They have concluded with thanking everyone for their support and asked to continue to listen to their music. Triangle Offense, originally a three member electropop group but present at Kollabotation New York as a two people group, their third member currently in Philippines, has opened up to us. This duo was pumped with energy, they have told us an insight about themselves that they are “friends first” and then musicians. They have confessed that they wish for kids to be able to be who they are because of their example, “Ten years from now when kids look at us they’d like to do what we did”. Really inspiring, they concluded with encouraging everyone to “put their best foot forward.”

Rooftop Pursuit

Last but not least competitor of the event was a hip-hop Bollywood crew titled Wanted Ashiqz, with their eleven members! They have took the grand prize of 1,000 dollars and got an honorary trophy. Not a surprise when you look up to the King of Pop, Michael Jackson. “He’s inspired us, every single one of us, in a very big way, and he’s our biggest inspiration,” undoubtably stated Wanted Ashiqz. On their future goals they revealed that they’d love to have their own show in Vegas, “Our own Cirque Du Soleil of Wanted Ashiqz, that would be the ultimate goal!” As a final thought Wanted Ashiqz expressed, “We just wanna thank all the fans that we currently have and that we hope to get!” They were very thankful for all the love and support that their fans and family has given them. Kollaboration New York 6 has been a phenomenal event that brought together great talent to illuminate the stage of NYC. Hallyu thanks Kollaboration New York team, competitors and all the guests of the show!

The Wanted Ashiqz Please support the artists! Check out their websites: Cheryl Chin: www.youtube.com/CherylJChin

Rooftop Pursuit: www.rooftoppursuit.com

Elijah Park: www.youtube.com/elijahpark

Triangle Offense: www.triangle-offense.com

Mitchell Grey: www.gigmaven.com/mitchellgrey Wanted Ashiqz: www.thewantedashiqz.com

Return to Japan Two years after their official debut as an independent band CN Blue returns to Japan signed under Warner Music Japan and they are taking it by storm. In September the group opened for a Linkin Park concert and among other performances also performed for a sold out concert at Yokohama Arena on September 25th. The members gave it

Written by Amy. Art by Nadezhda Hope.

their all and later took to their twitter account to promise their fans they will continue to grow. While some fans were still recovering from that excitement, the next day featured the release of their new PV for “In My Head” on September 26th. The MV did not fail to disappoint their fans with comments ranging from how amazing the song was, to how the flying objects in the MV were cool, and many fans commented on how much they liked the member’s hair. The song itself is a new song that was written for the Japanese market and is not a song that was previously released with rewritten lyrics. Since the release of their new MV for “In My Head”, fans have eagerly awaited CN Blue’s new single. On October 19th 2011 the fan’s wait was over, CN Blue’s Major debut single In My Head was released. The mini album consists of four songs. Track 1. In My Head, Track 2. Mr. KIA (Know it all), Track 3. Rain of Blessing, and concludes with Track 4. In My Head –instrumental.

Written by Darla Cornett, Edited by Reera Yoo

RELIVE SMTOWN New York Written by Soo

Being at SM Town was definitely a big deal. For the first time, Asians, Koreans to be more precise, were performing in Madison Square Garden. It really began with clips of Cobu, BoA’s movie coming out in 2011, where Jung Yunho from Dong Bang Shin Ki also played a minor role. After everyone was finally seated, it began. Instead of a blow by blow description, I’ll just talk about the skill set and talent that was running rampant throughout the entire night.

Photo by Leeteuk via Anne Churnakoses’s camera

Photo Anne Churnakoses

Photo Melissa Nolan

Photo Anne Churnakoses Photo Melissa Nolan

Photo by Leeteuk via Anne Churnakoses’s camera

SHINee put their all into their performance. They performed some of their older songs first, like Replay and Juliette, then got into some of their more recent songs, one of which was Lucifer. F(x) Also performed a few of their older songs before coming out with their hits like Nu ABO, Hot Summer, and Danger (Pinocchio). Amber spoke up for them the most, being the prominent and fluent English speaker of the group. They really had a good time entertaining us, the fans. BoA, when she came out, she spoke for a short time about how proud she was to finally perform at Madison Square Garden, and how happy she was being in New York and that finally Korean music was being much more recognized in the US. She sang mostly English songs but she did pull out Hurricane Venus and Copy and Paste with much gusto as she performed.

Photo Melissa Nolan

Super Junior came out and the fans went crazy, stomping, dancing, and singing to every single song. Super Junior was very playful with the fans, and they (like every band there) put everything they had into their performances. They even sang a Chinese song and they had the sub-group KRY singing beautifully too. SNSD sang their most popular songs and managed to dance in very very high heeled boots. They thanked everyone for listening to them and asked that we continue to listen, to which everyone cheered. Kangta only sang a few songs but his songs were breathtakingly beautiful and everyone could hear the passion in his voice and heart as he poured the words into the microphone. TVXQ really drove the crowd crazy at their appearance, where they then performed a few of their earlier songs and then did a stunning display of Maximum, Keep Your Head Down, and Before U Go. Jung Yunho and Shim Changmin even managed a good amount of English, and Changmin’s playful shushing of the audience made everyone go wild. Everyone then came out on stage at once, sang, said goodbye, and it was over just like that. I’m sure no one will be able to wait for the next time SM Town New York appears! All in all it was a wonderful night filled with laughter and tears.

Photo Melissa Nolan Photo Anne Churnakoses

Photo Melissa Nolan

Photo Anne Churnakoses

Photo Yoonjo Ahn

KBS FREE Concert In Photos Photo Yoonjo Ahn

Photo Yoonjo Ahn

Photo Yoonjo Ahn

Written by Reera Yoo

DFD: dumbfoundead Hallyu had one-on-one with DFD backstage at the Kollabortation NY on September 29, 2011. Here is little bit about one of the great performers, DFD! Hallyu : What kind of music do you perform? DFD : I do hip hop music. Hallyu : Do you have any albums? DFD : Yeah, I do. I have albums called Fun With Dumb, Cut And Paste and others, and I’m putting out a new album called DFD, (to be released) on November 1st. Hallyu : What inspires your music? DFD : What inspires my music? I think women inspire my music. They are probably the biggest inspiration, and I grew up with my mom and my sister and I have a lot of relationship issues. It’s a big thing in my life.

Hallyu : Have you performed in Korea? DFD : I have performed in Korea, a lot. I’ve collaborated with a lot of artists there, like Drunken Tiger and Jay Park. Hallyu : What do you like best in Korea? DFD: In Korea I gotta say I love Hongdae, it’s like I’m an art city I love music so obviously that would be the place to be. We wrapped up our interview with DFD thanking his fans and Hallyu readers for the support and he said to, “expect a lot more things from me.” Which we will be! DFD has a lot of tours and videos so check out his facebook, twitter and youtube! http://www.dumbfoundead.com http://www.facebook.com/dumbfoundead http://twitter.com/dumbfoundead http://www.youtube.com/dumbfoundead

Written by Nadezhda Hope. Kim KyungHoon Photography.



When one thinks about Korean music, Kpop idol groups like Big Bang and Wonder Girls automatically come to mind. However, there is much more to South Korea’s music scene than catchy bubblegum pop songs sung by pretty teenagers. For those who are tired of the same repetitive auto-tuned melodies in the pop scene, it might be worthwhile to check out alternative music in the Korean Indie scene. Despite the popular belief that all K-Indie groups are either rock bands or hip hop groups, there are indie bands that are always creating new genres and styles of music like the K-Indie band Poly.

Poly is a fusion percussion band based in Daejun, Chungnam, South Korea. Their name comes from the Greek root “poly” which means “many”. And as their name suggests, the band is a configuration of a variety of instruments that experiments and mixes genres like classical, jazz, pop, and funk. With the combination of their strong rhythmic beats of their drums and marimba and the sweet, expressive melodies from their guitar, keyboard, and saxophone, Poly creates beautiful fusion music that all music lovers can enjoy.

Written by Reera Yoo Poly was founded in July 2003 with originally three members: Wang Yeul “Kenny” Yang, the drummer; Choi Yoosuk, the Latin percussionist; and [Name?] Mr. Ko the marimba player. The three members met at Mokwon University while studying classical music and formed the band in order to make classical music more accessible and attractive to a broader audience. It was not until Kenny, the leader of the band, recruited a bass guitarist, a keyboard player, and a saxophone player that Poly began garnering the public’s attention in fusion music. Since their debut, Poly has held about 300 meetings in Seoul and various other counties, has performed at multiple culture festivals, and has held at least five concerts. The band has also

Leader, drumer: THE

Poly 2011



As an outsider by nationality, a fan of kpop by luck, and an insider by connections, I’ve come to observe this rapidly growing industry over the course of five years. I will ramble on about my thoughts on Korean Entertainment, whether about a group, a soloist, an actor, fans or the big bucks companies. This year has been a huge year for rookie groups! It seem that the new groups have been becoming younger as well. Teen Top is a fairly new group that has debuted last year, consisting of 6 teenage boys. They have started to climb up in success due to their catchy tracks and easy choreography. They have released several music videos in support of their promotional songs. Success is shining their way. However, every time I look at these babies of the biz I feel unusually sorry for them. I believe they are too young for this massive media impact on them. They are missing out on their teenage years, being placed in a group together to work and produce a successful outcome. They are stripped of their fun times. It is interesting, to me, to see what these idol groups willingly give up in order to be what they are. Excessive lessons in singing, acting, manners, speaking, dancing, language and public relations are what idols must participate in before their debut. Their concept of the group, everything from names to hairstyles, clothing to make-up is decided for them most of the time. Depending on the contract these classes and lessons could be required to be paid by the trainees. Because of that often times trainees get multiple part time jobs and end up going hungry and exhausted for the two to five year period before their debut. Some of course are not able to handle that and quit before they get a chance to debut, or if they were already put as part of a project group it ends up being disbanded. This is a lot of physical and mental stress on the trainees. Once the group is somewhat solidly formed, they either dorm together or live separately at various tiny places. When the group is even more solidly established then they are required to dorm together in order to get to know each other; these multiple trainees will end up spending their whole prime life together. So, all the dislikes and problems are likely to be first handled in the very beginning before public debut. Various problems arise when you put anywhere from three to thirteen to over twenty boys or girls together. Dominance and relationships get established. The leader of the group is usually appointed and he or she has to be like the alpha of the pack, keeping everyone in line. Of course some incidents are difficult to avoid but fun to hear about after the group has debuted and made a home name for themselves. For instance, BigBang, had internal problems in the beginning; some members wouldn’t talk to each other for long period of times. Thankfully that has been resolved before their debut. After a while, problems dissolve and soon roles within the group form. In the original TVXQ, Hero Jaejoong took on the role of a mother of the group as his hobby was to cook and he liked to keep the place clean and tidy. That role has stuck to him for many years on and made the fans look at him with more awe. Just because he was the mother who always looked out and cared for the other members didn’t make him the leader of the group, who was Yunho, who was appointed by the company. A trainee’s life is difficult. Without an honest desire to become an idol there is little hope for them. To all who have survived and made a name in the biz I give a hand of applause. Good job, now, try to stay afloat! ~Nadezhda Hope,

Hallyu’s PR Director

Written by Algie Lesia Stephens Edited by Reera Yoo



Autographs to Hallyu Elijah Park

Cheryl Chin


Wanted Ashiqz

Triangle Offense

Rooftop Pursuit

Mitchell Grey

Twitter Korean Idol Directory: 1SAGAIN @1sagainx 2AM @follow2AM 2AM Changmin/2AM 창민 @2AMCHANGMIN 2AM Jinwoon/2AM 진운 @2AMjinwoon 2AM Jokwon/2AM 조권 @2AMkwon 2AM Seullong/2AM 슬옹 @2among 2NE1 Minzy/투애니원 민지 @mingkki21 2NE1 Park Bom/투애니원 박봄 @harooluvstar 2PM @follow_2PM 2PM Chansung/2PM 찬성 @2PMagreement211 2PM Junho/2PM 준호 @dlwnsghek 2PM Junsu/2PM 준수 @Jun2daKAY 2PM Nikchun/2PM 닉쿤 @Khunnie0624 2PM Taecyeon/2PM 택연 @taeccool 2PM WooYoung/2PM 우영 @NBA0430 4MEN Kim Won Joo/포맨 김원주 @4menwonjoo 4MEN Yong Jae Shin/포맨 용재신 @YongJaeShin 4MINUTE/포미닛 @4minutemuzik 4MINUTE Hyun Ah/포미닛 현아 @4M_hyunah 4MINUTE Ji Hyun/포미닛 지현 @chungglenjh 4MINUTE Ji Yoon/포미닛 지윤 @4M_Jiyunit 4MINUTE So Hyeon/포미닛 소현 @4M_kkwonsso 8EIGHT Baek Chan/에이트 백찬 @8baekchan 8EIGHT Joo Hee/에이트 주희 @joohee9 8EIGHT Lee Hyeon/에이트 이현 @thehyun11 9MUSES/나인뮤지스 @9muses_ 9MUSES Eun Ji/나인뮤지스 은지 @9m_eunji 9MUSES Hye Mi/나인뮤지스 혜미 @hyemiiiii_ 9MUSES Min Ha/나인뮤지스 민하 @minha0627 9MUSES Moon Hyun Ah/나인뮤지스 문현아 @moongom119 A PINK Hong You Kyoung /에이핑크 홍유경 @Apinkhyk A PINK Jeong Eun Ji/에이핑크 정은지 @Apinkjej A PINK Kim Nam Joo/에이핑크 김남주 @APINKKNJ A PINK Oh Ha Young/에이핑크 오하영 @Apinkohy A PINK Park Cho Rong/에이핑크 박초롱 @Apinkpcr A PINK Son Na Eun/에이핑크 손나은 @Apinksne A PINK Yoon Bo Mi/에이핑크 윤보미 @Apinkbm A-PEACE @apeace221 A-PEACE Ji Hyun Sung/A-PEACE 지현성 @ZeeHyunSung A-PEACE 2MK @THE2MK AFTER SCHOOL Bekah/애프터스쿨 베카 @__BEKAH (TUBMLR Tumblr) AFTER SCHOOL Gahee/애프터스쿨 가히 @MISSKAHI AFTER SCHOOL Joo Yeon/애프터스쿨 주연 @ASJuPal AFTER SCHOOL Kim Jung Ah/애프터스쿨 김정아 @AS_JungAh AFTER SCHOOL Lizzy/애프터스쿨 리지 @p_Lizzy AFTER SCHOOL Raina/애프터스쿨 레이나 @raina57 AFTER SCHOOL Uee/애프터스쿨 유이 @uuuei Ahn Seo Hyeon/안서현 @ass1773 Alex/알렉스 @BeastFromSunday APPLE GIRL Kim Yeo Hee/애플걸 김여희 @0applegirl0 ARIRANG Midday Break @ArirangMDB AS ONE/애즈원 @iloveasone AZIATIX @aziatix AZIATIX Flowsik/AZIATIX 박대식 @flowsik B1A4 Cha Sun Woo/B1A4 차선우 @BARO920905

B1A4 Jung Jin Young/B1A4 정진영 @B1A4_JINYOUNG B1A4 Gong Chan Shik/B1A4 공찬식 @B1A4_gongchan B1A4 Lee Jung Hwan/B1A4 이정환 @SANDEUL920320 B1A4 Shin Dong Woo/B1A4 신동우 @B1A4_CNU B1A4 Yoon In Ro (Manager)/B1A4 윤인로 (매니저) @ INROAD44 B2ST Dong Woon/비스트 동운 @beastdw B2ST Doo Joon/비스트 두준 @BeeeestDJ B2ST Gi Kwang/비스트 이기광 @b2stgk B2ST Hyun Seung/비스트 현승 @doublev89 B2ST Jun Hyung/비스트 준형 @Joker891219 B2ST Yo Seob/비스트 양요섭 @helloimys B2Y Han Yeon/비투와이 한연 @Han_yeon Bada/최성희 @Bada0228 Bae Doona/배두나 @doonazzang Bae Seul Gi/배슬기 @dododo86 Baek Boram/백보람 @baekboram Baek Jae Ho/백재호 @BaekJaeho Bang Eun Young/방은영 @Bang1982 Bang Yong Guk/방용국 @realjepp BATTLE Jin Taehwa/배틀 진태화 @ganziyaa Beatbox DG @Beatboxdg BEG Kim Hyo Jin/브라운아이드걸스 김효진 @Jeaworld BEG Miryo/브라운아이드걸스 미료 @MIRYOakaJOHONEY BEG Narsha/브라운아이드걸스 나르샤 @flyx2NAL BEIGE @beigeluv BIGBANG Taeyang/빅뱅 태양 @Realtaeyang BIGTONE @NY2SEOUL BLOCK B/블락 비 @brandNEWStardom BLOCK B B-Bomb/블락 비 비범 @BlockB2011 BLOCK B Jae Hyo/블락 비 재효 @blockbhyo BLOCK B Park Kyung/블락 비 박경 @BlockBkyung BLOCK B P.O/블락 비 표지훈 @pyojihoon BLOCK B Tae Il/블락 비 태일 @BB_taeil BLOCK B U Kwon/블락 비 유권 @U_Kwon BLOCK B Zico/블락 비 지코 @ZICO92 BOA/보아 – @BoA_1105 {Personal} – @BoA_USA {Promotions} BOYFRIEND/보이프렌드 @G_BoyFriend Brian Joo/브라이언 주 @brianjoomuzik BROWN EYED SOUL @brown_eyed_soul BROWN EYED SOUL Ahn Jeong Yeop/BROWN EYED SOUL 안정엽 @jungyup BYE BYE SEA Dae Hyeon/안녕바다 대현 @SEA_DH BYE BYE SEA Namu/안녕바다 나무 @bandbada BYE BYE SEA Lee Jun Hyuk/안녕바다 이준혁 @hijunhyuk BYE BYE SEA Woo Myeong Je/안녕바다 우명제 @byebyeseamj CASKER Lee Joon Oh/CASKER 이준오 @juno_casker CASKER Lee Yoong Jin/CASKER 이융진 @yoong_casker Cheong Da Eun/청다은 @dan_ana CHI CHI/치치 @CHICHI_TW CHI CHI Azi/치치 아지 @Azi930 CHI CHI Boreum/치치 보름 @Bommi0920 CHI CHI Ji Yoo/치치 지유 @JiUchichi

CHI CHI Nara/치치 나라 @narachichi CHI CHI Semi/치치 세미 @semi0914 CHI CHI Sui/치치 수이 @sui1005 Cho PD/조 PD @peedeebaby Choi Ah Ra/최아라 @Ahraaaaaa Choi Seul Gi/최슬기 @yuhubaby CHOSHINSUNG Jeong Yoon Hak/초신성 정윤학 @chyh1202 CHOSHINSUNG Kim Sung Je/초신성 김성제 @Sj861117sj CHOSHINSUNG Kwang Soo/초신성 광수 @anankwangdayo CHOSHINSUNG Park Geon Il/초신성 박건일 @geonil2 CHOSHINSUNG Song Hun Yong/초신성 송헌용 @xornjsz1 CHOSHINSUNG Yoon Seong Mo/초신성 윤성모 @Romeo2123 CHOSUN INC. Kang Dong Hyeon/초선 강동현 @kangdong CLAZZIQUAI Horan/클래지콰이 호란 @Zihadahl CNBLUE/씨엔블루 http://twitter.com/CNBLUE_4 CO:ED Choi Sung Min/남녀공학 최성민 @coed_sm CO:ED Heo Chan Mi/남녀공학 허찬미 @5dolls_chanmi CO:ED Jin Hye Won/남녀공학 진혜원 @vldvydtyd CO:ED Kang In Oh/남녀공학 강인오 @rkddlsdh93 CO:ED Kim Jung Woo/남녀공학 김정우 @ccmjungwoo CO:ED Lee Soo Mee/남녀공학 이수미 @leesumi00 CO:ED Park Yong Soo/남녀공학 박용수 @ccmyongsoo CO:ED Ryo Hyo Young/남녀공학 류효영 @Rhy93 CO:ED Seo Eun Gyo/남녀공학 서은교 @qwer1347 CODE-V @BlessCodeV CODE-V Jae Won Seo/CODE-V 재원서 @Jaewon6033 CODE-V Kim Sol/CODE-V 김솔 @solsol5 CODE-V Naro/CODE-V 나로 @codevariety CODE-V Um Tae Min/CODE-V 엄태민 @aforyoui Crown J/크라운 제이 @officialcrownj CSJH Dana/천상지희 다나 @melodana CSJH Ji Yeon/천상지희 지연 @maomaomi84 CSJH Stephanie/천상지희 스테파니 @stephk1016 CSJH Sunday/천상지희 선데이 @sunday040728 DALMATIAN Day Day/달마시안 데이데이 @daydaydoggydog DALMATIAN Drama/달마시안 드라마 @dmtn_danieLA DALMATIAN Inati/달마시안 이나티 @dalinati DALMATIAN Lee Da Ri/달마시안 이다리 @iam2dari DALMATIAN Lee Dong Rim/달마시안 이동림 @dalyoung_1 DALMATIAN Park Ji Soo/달마시안 박지수 @youngjeesu DAL SHABET/달샤벳 @dalshabet Daniel Henney @danielhenney Danny Ahn/댄니 안 @DNA1222 DAVICHI Kang Min Kyoung/다비치 강민경 @iamkmk DAVICHI Lee Hae Ri/다비치 이해리 @tweethaeri DBSK Micky Yoochun/동방신기 믹키유천 @6002theMicky (Brother, Park Yoo Hwan/박유환 @rypaffo DBSK Hero Jaejoong/동방신기 김재중 @mjjeje DBSK Xiah Junsu/동방신기 김준수 @0101xiahtic DECEMBER DK/디셈버 EK @NarcDK DECEMBER Yoon Hyuk/디셈버 윤혁 @LYH022812 DJ DOC Kim Chang Ryul/DJ DOC 김창렬 @doc0102 DJ KOO/쿠전엽 @djkoooo DNT Jeong Jo/DNT 정조 @dntjungjo DNT Joon Young/DNT 준영 @DNTJunYong DNT Ka Rin/DNT 카린 @DNTKaRin DNT Lee Dong Ook/DNT 이동욱 @DNTDU DNT Tae Rang/DNT 태랑 @DNTTaeRang dok2/도끼 @notoriousgonzo Dumfoundead @dumbfoundead Double K/더블케이 @killakor ELECTROBOYZ 1kyne @1kyne

ELECTROBOYZ Maboos @YungbossMaboos EPIK HIGH/에픽하이 @mapthesoul EPIK HIGH Mithra/에픽하이 미쓰라진 @realmithrajin EPIK HIGH Tablo/에픽하이 타블로 @blobyblo Eru/이루 @eru_Ndrew Eugene/유진 @islandgirl_81 Evan/에반 @EVANYOO F.CUZ/포커즈 @FCUZ0108 F.CUZ Jin On/포커즈 진온 @jinchulvv F.CUZ Kan/포커즈 칸 – @ChoiKanism – @FcuzKAN F.CUZ Lee U/포커즈 이유 @LUsyndrome F.CUZ Shim Ye Jun/포커즈 심예준 @Only1yejun FLUXUS MUSIC @FLUXUSMUSIC FT ISLAND Choi Min Hwan/FT아이랜드 @FtDrMH1111 FT ISLAND Hong Ki/FT아이랜드 홍기 @skullhong FT ISLAND Jae Jin/FT아이랜드 재진 @saico011 FT ISLAND Jong Hun/FT아이랜드 종훈 @FtGtJH FT ISLAND Song Seung Hyeon/FT아이랜드 송승현 @chungxuan G-Soul @gsoulplanet G.NA @G_NA_love Gan Mi Youn/간미연 @lovemiyoun GAVY NJ Jang Hee Young/GAVY NJ 장희영 @maryJJang GAVY NJ Si Hyeon/GAVY NJ 시현 @gogo_girls Gil Sung Joon/길성준 @GillMeo GIRLS DAY/걸스데이 @Girls_Day GIRLS DAY Hye Ri/걸스데이 헤리 @Girls_Day_Hyeri GIRLS DAY Ji Hae/걸스데이 지해 @Girls_Day_Jihae GIRLS DAY {Former} Ji In/걸스데이 지인 @jiin313 GIRLS DAY Min Ah/걸스데이 민아 @Girls_Day_Minah GIRLS DAY So Jin/걸스데이 소진 @Girls_Day_Sojin GIRLS DAY Yu Ra/걸스데이 유라 @Girls_Day_Yura GIRLS’ GENERATION Jessica/소녀시대 제시카 @jess_syj Go Ah Seong/고아성 @iiiiiidb Go Ara/고아라 @FloARA211 Go Hyun Jung/고현정 @kohyunjung_iok GOMTV/곰 @withgom Goo Hye Sun/구혜선 @koohs Goo Ji Sung/구지성 @ramjikoo Ha Seok Jin/하석진 @rrru0210 HaHa/하하 @Quanninomarley HAHA MONG SHOW/하하몽쇼 @HahaMongShow HAM/햄 @HAMforU HAM Ga Hyun/햄 가현 @gahyeon0117 HAM Hyoni/햄 효니 @starhyoni HAM Park Soo Jin/햄 박수진 @3sssooo3 Han Ga Eun/한가은 @gaeunbebe Han Jung Soo/한정수 @hanjungsoo HAPPY FACE ENT./해피페이스엔터테인먼트 @_happy_face Heo Gak/허각 @huhgakzzang Heo Gyeong Hwan/허경환 @ilovev3 HITT Ha Yong/히트 하용 @HITT_HY HITT Ho Won/히트 호원 @HITT_HoWoN HITT Jae Hoon/히트 재훈 @JAY_HooNee HITT Hyun Joon/히트 현준 @HITT_Joe HITT Joon Taek/히트 준택 @HITT_JT HITT Uram/히트 우람 @HITT_Uram HONEYDEW Kim Lee Seul/허니듀 김이슬 @honeydewLS Hong Jin Young/홍진영 @Sambahong Hot Brothers/뜨거운형제들 @HOTbros

Hwang Hee/환희 @ducati0117 Hwang Bo Hye Jung/황보혜정 @Estella816 Hwang Hong Gyu/황홍규 @Hong_q Hwang Jung Eum/황정음 @jungeum HWANG PROJECT Hwang Se Joon/황프로젝트 황세준 @sejoonhwang Hwang Ssa Bu/황싸부 @Hwangssabu Ida Simmons aka ISAK @realISAK Im Joo Hwan/임주환 @LimJuHwan Im So Young/임소영 @limssosso INFINITE Manager/인피니트 매네저 @n5vin INFINITE Jang Dong Woo/인피니트 장동우 @ddww1122 INFINITE L/인피니트 엘 @INFINITELKIM INFINITE Lee Ho Won/인피니트 이호원 @hoya1991 INFINITE Nam Woo Hyeon/인피니트 남우현 @wowwh INFINITE Kim Seong Gyu/인피니트 김성규 @leadergyu INFINITE Lee Seong Jong/인피니트 이성종 @infiniteyounges INFINITE Lee Seong Yeol/인피니트 이성열 @Seongyeol1991 Jang Woo Hyuk/장우혁 @jangwoohyuk JELLYFISH ENT./젤리피쉬엔터테인먼트 @jellyfish_ent Jeon Hye Bin/전혜빈 @heavenbin Jeong Eui Chul/정의철 @jungzz7e Jeong Ga Eun/정가은 @missmiko2001 Jeong Gyeo Woon/정겨운 @gyun628 Jeong Il Woo/정일우 @J_frog Jeong Ryeo Won/정려원 @Yoana81 Jeong Seok Won/정석원 @sukwon7123 JEWELRY Baby J/쥬얼리 베이비제이 @babyj616 JEWELRY Kim Eun Jeong/쥬얼리 김은정 @Jewelry_jjung JEWELRY Kim Ye Won/쥬얼리 김예원 @jewelry_yeye JEWELRY Park Semi/쥬얼리 박세미 @jewelry_sssem JG COMPANY/제이지컴파니 @JGCompanykr Ji Seok Jin/지석진 @ilovegamdong JIGGY FELLAZ Basick @Basickk_ JIGGY FELLAZ Joe Brown @joebrown82 JIGGY FELLAZ Woo-Side @WooSide Jin Lee Han/진이한 @YiHan_Jin Jinu Sean @jinuSEAN3000 JJunism @JJunism Jo Ha Rang/조하랑 @harangcat Jo Hye Ryeon/조혜련 @ulumma2002 Jo Yeo Jeong/조여정 @chipmunk0210 John Park/존박 @johnandrewpark Joo/주 @JOOJYPE Joo Jin Mo/주진모 @Jinmogogo JUMPER Park Dong Min/점퍼 박동민 @dongmin1208 JYP/박진영 @followjyp JYPE @JYPEOFFICIAL K.Will/케이윌 @Thsm1 Kang Gary/강개리 @gaegun5882 Kang Seung Yoon/강승윤 @Yolongsy KARA GM Yun Heung Kwan/카라 GM 윤흥관 @gamza09 KARA Hara/카라 하라 @_sweethara KARA Ji Young/카라 지영 @kkangjii KARA Gyuri/카라 박규리 @gyuri88 KARA Nicole Jung/카라 정니콜 @_911007 (Mother @ Preshi619) KARA Seung Yeon/카라 승연 @fateflysy KBS Music Bank/뮤직뱅크 @KBSMusicBank KBS Star Golden Bell/KBS 스타골든벨 @kbsstarbell Kim Bo Ram/김보람 @codeboram Kim Bum/김범 @Actorkimbeom

Kim Bum Soo/김범수 @BSKworld Kim C/김시 @slykimc Kim Ga Young/김가영 @YoUNG_EEE Kim Ha Yul/김하율 @modelhayul Kim Hee Chul’s ‘Young Street’ Radio/김희철의 영스트리트 @heedjyoungs Kim Hee Sun/김희선 @lovelykatiekim Kim Jae Dong/김재동 @keumkangkyung Kim Jeong Eun/김정은 @chocolatecat9 Kim Jeong Min/김정민 @jake82054 Kim Joon Ho/김준호 @iamzunoya Kim Jin Won/김진원 @tandakim Kim Kang Woo/김강우 @kkw1978 Kim Rae Won/김래원 @krw810319 Kim So Eun/김소은 @kimso_ Kim Soo Ro/김수로 @KimSooro Kim Sori/김소리 @sori8502 Kim Ye Eun/김예은 @iamyenny8 Kim Yoon Ji/김윤지 @ns_yoonji Kwon Da Mi/권다미 @ilovedami Lee Byeong Jin/이병진 @malbbalra Lee Chae Yeon/이채연 @chaeyeon_lee Lee Da Hae/이다해 @cherry4eva84 Lee Hyo Ri/이효리 @frog799 Lee Jae Wook/이재욱 @ganzi78 Lee Jeong/이정 @groovesinger Lee Junki/이준기 @JGshock Lee Kwang Soo/이광수 @masijacoke85 Lee Min Ho/이민호 @actorleeminho Lee Soo Young/이수영 @singer_lee Lee Sun Mi/이선미 @mimimimi0502 Lee Tae Sung/이태성 @tae_sama Lee Yeon Hee/이연희 @ylee0109 Lim Ji Hye/임지혜 @limjihye0214 Lisa Chung @Lisa_da LIVEWORKS COMPANY @LIVEWORKSCP LOEN ENTERTAINMENT/로엔 엔터테인먼트 @loen_artist Lyn @lovelyn_twt Kang Ji Seop/강지섭 @ys9914 Marco @tarija1977 Mario/마리오 @mariono9 MBC/문화방송 @withMBC MBLAQ Go/엠블랙 지오 @MBLAQGO MBLAQ Mir/엠블랙 미르 @BangMir MBLAQ Thunder/엠블랙 천둥 @MBLAQCD MBLAQ Yang Seung Ho/엠블랙 양승호 @mblaqsh MC MONG/MC몽 @monkeyfunch MIGHTY MOUTH Sang Chu/마이티마우스 상추 @SANGCHUKANGCHU MISS A Fei/미스에이 페이 @missA_fei MISS A Jia/미스에이 지아 @missA_jia MISS A Min/미스에이 민 @missA_min MISS A Suzy/미스에이 수지 @missA_suzy MISS S Yu Mi/MISS S 유미 @xoxoyumi Mnet M!Countdown @MnetMcountdown Mnet Radio/엠넷라디오 @MnetRadio Mnet WIDE @MnetWIDE Moon Joo Won/뭉주원 @Moonjunwon The M WAVE @themwave2010 N-TRAIN Jung Jung Kyun/엔트레인 정정균 @unfinished12 N-TRAIN Jung Seung Hyun/엔트레인 정승현 @MLs77777 N-TRAIN Kim Sang Woo/엔트레인 김상우 @tkddneh7 N-TRAIN Lee Jong Min/엔트레인 이종민 @S0ul_J

N-TRAIN Song Yoo Jin/엔트레인 송유진 @ujin3304 Nancy Lang/낸시랭 @nancylangart Nam Hee Seok/남희석 @Brlove12 Nassun/낯선 @nassundotcom Navi/나비 @Navi_0322 NELL Lee Jong Hoon/넬 이종훈 @Muse8011 NIA Choi Young Shin/니아 최영신 @victoryysin112 NIA Seo ji Seo/니아 서지서 @sseojiseo NIA So Yeon Jeon/니아 소연전 @soyeonjeon_nia NIA Wang Bo/니아 왕보 @raysloth No Hong Chul/노홍철 @luckyhongchul No Min Woo/노민우 @ROCKOUT529 NOM NOM NOM New Champ/놈놈놈 New Champ @New_ Champ NOM NOM NOM Jin Seok/놈놈놈 진석 @O_Zinsuk NOM NOM NOM Ven/놈놈놈 Ven @VEN_TASTIC NORAZO Lee Hyuk/NORAZO 이혁 @satanman666 ONE TWO Ho Beom/ONE TWO 호범 @onetwohb ONE WAY One Sound/원웨이 사운드 @onewayonesound ONE WAY Chance/원웨이 챈스 @onewaychance ONE WAY Peter/원웨이 피터 @onewaypeter ONE WAY Young Sky/원웨이 영스카이 @onewayyoungsky Outsider/아웃사이더 @outsider0321 Paloalto @Paloalto0_0 PARAN Ace/파란 에이스 @official_ACE Park Bo Young/박보영 @boyoung90 Park Han Byul/박한별 @starlyshop Park Hwi Sun/박희순 @siruduk77 Park Hyun Sun/박현선 @dazzlehyunsun Park Jaybum @JAYBUMAOM Park Jeong Ah/박정아 @ JJungAh0224 Park Ji Bin/박지빈 @Actor_ParkJiBin Park Ji Yoon/박지윤 @Raellepark Park Jin Hee/박진희 @eco_jini Park Kyung Rim/박경림 @TalkinPark Park Min Young/박민영 @sweetestMY Park Shin Hye/박신혜 @ssinz Park Si Hyun/박시현 @park_see_ Park Soo Jin/박수진 @SSujining PD Han Jae Ho/PD한재호 @pdjaeho PIGGY DOLLS Park Ji Eun/피기돌스 박지은 @piggydolls_je94 PIGGY DOLLS Kim Min Sun/피기돌스 김민선 @piggydolls77 PIGGY DOLLS Lee Ji Yeon/피기돌스 이지연 @piggydolls_jy91 PLEDIS ENT./플레디스 엔터테인먼트 @pledisnews Poppin’ Hyun Joon/남현준 @poppinhyunjoon The Quiett @TheQuiett RAIN Jeong Ji Hoon/비 정지훈 @29rain (Father @kichun4379) RAINBOW Jo Hyeon Young/레인보우 조현영 @Hyunyoung_C RAINBOW Go Woo Ri/레인보우 고우리 @nunino RAINBOW Jeong Yoon Hye/레인보우 정윤혜 @Yoonhye90 RAINBOW Kim Jae Kyoung/레인보우 김재경 @JaeKyung_K RAINBOW Kim Jee Sook/레인보우 김지숙 @Jisook718 RAINBOW No Eul/레인보우 노을 @No_Eul RAINBOW Oh Seung Ah/레인보우 오승아 @Seunga0913 RANIA/라니아 @with_RaNia Ricky Kim/리키 김 @Rickykim81 ROYAL PIRATES Kim Moon Chul/ROYAL PIRATES 김문철 @ moonchul ROYAL PIRATES Kim Soo Yoon/ROYAL PIRATES 김수윤 @ sooyoonk ROYAL PIRATES Lee Joo Hyun/ROYAL PIRATES 이주현 @ jamesjoohyunlee

Ryu Ji Hye/류지혜 @modelryujji San E @san_e SBS Inkigayo/SBS인기가요 @SBSInkiGayo_ SE7EN/세븐 @OFFICIALSE7EN SECRET Song Ji Eun/시크릿 송지은 @SECRETsongjieun SECRET Zinger/시크릿 Zinger @HANAZINGER SEEYA Lee Bo Ram/씨야 이보람 @dlqhfka0217 Seo In Guk/서인국 @sigstyle1023 Seo In Young/서인영 @elly_iy Seo Min Woo/서민우 @minwoo0208 SG WANNABE Kim Jin Ho/SG워너비 김진호 @MOKSOLEE SG WANNABE Kim Yong Jun/SG워너비 김용준 @sgkimyongjun SG WANNABE Lee Seok Hun/SG워너비 이석훈 @leeseokhoon SHINSADONG TIGER Lee Ho Yang/신사동호랭이 이호양 @ tigermuzic Shin Bong Sun/신봉선 @kkomulwoosan Shin Ki Hyun/신기현 @kihyuns Shin Se Kyung/신세경 @SHINSEKYUNG Shin So Yool/신소율 @SHINSOYUL Shin Sung Woo/신성우 @sethshinsungwoo Shim Jae Won/심재원 @famous_jae Shorry J/쇼리제이 @soddong01 SHU-I Hwang In Seok/슈이 황인석 @naya_king SHU-I Park Hyung Joon/슈이 박형준 @hyungcool SHU-I Park Jin Seok/슈이 박진석 @jinseok2 SHU-I Park Min Ho/슈이 박민호 @SAYMINO SISTAR/씨스타 @sistarsistar SMASH Han Jeong Soo/SMASH 한정수 @Oneshot_SMASH SMASH Joo Young Seok/SMASH 주영석 @Smash_Naru SMASH Kim Min Soo/SMASH 김민수 @Smash_hero SMASH Nam Hyun Joon/SMASH 남현준 @no1_WorlD SMASH Shim Min Goo/SMASH 심민구 @jerrymingu SNIPER SOUND Dokkebeez @LEOKEKOA So Yoo Jin/소유진 @YUJIN_SO Son Dam Bi/손담비 @dambi925 Son Ho Young/손호영 @dajungho2 Song Baek Kyoung/송백경 @supafunkboy Song Ji Na/송지나 @zina7977 Song Jo Kyoung/송조경 @songjokyoung Song Joong Ki/송중기 @SongJoongKi Song Jong Ho/송종호 @songjongho SOULSTAR Glenn Rhee @soulstarhoon SS501 Kim Hyung Jun/SS501 김형준 @hyungjun87 SS501 Kim Kyu Jong/SS501 김규종 @2kjdream SS501 Park Jung Min/SS501 박정민 – @jungmin0403 {Personal} – @royalavenue {Promotions} SS501 Heo Young Saeng/SS501 허영생 @mystyle1103 STANDING EGG 1/스탠딩 에그 1 @golden_groove STANDING EGG 2/스탠딩 에그 2 @standingEGG STAR EMPIRE @STAREMPIRE_ SUNNY HILL Ahn Jin Ah/써니힐 안진아 @kota_hill SUNNY HILL Kim Eun Jung/써니힐 김은정 @juB_Hill SUNNY HILL Kim Jang Hyun/써니힐 김장현 @quix30 SUNNY HILL Lee Seung Ah/써니힐 이승아 @seungA_hill SUNNY HILL Mi Sung/써니힐 미성 @Misung_Hill SUPER JUNIOR Si Won/슈퍼주니어 최시원 @siwon407 SUPER JUNIOR Dong Hae/슈퍼주니어 동해 @donghae861015 SUPER JUNIOR Eun Hyuk/슈퍼주니어 은혁 @AllRiseSilver SUPER JUNIOR Hee Chul/슈퍼주니어 희철 @Heedictator SUPER JUNIOR Kim Ki Bum/슈퍼주니어 김기범 @ikmubmik SUPER JUNIOR Kyuhyun/슈퍼주니어 규현 @gaemgyu

SUPER JUNIOR Kim Ki Bum/슈퍼주니어 김기범 @ikmubmik SUPER JUNIOR Kyuhyun/슈퍼주니어 규현 @gaemgyu SUPER JUNIOR Lee Teuk/슈퍼주니어 이특 @special1004 SUPER JUNIOR Ryeo Wook/슈퍼주니어 려욱 @ryeong9 SUPER JUNIOR Shin Dong/슈퍼주니어 신동 @ShinsFriends SUPER JUNIOR Yesung/슈퍼주니어 예성 @shfly3424 SUPREME TEAM E-Sens @esens0209 SUPREME TEAM Simon Dominic @babospmc SWEET SORROW Kim Young Woo/스윗소로우 김영우 @ boysbeanxious T-ARA Ham Eun Jeong/티아라 함은정 @taraeunjung1212 T-ARA Hyo Min/티아라 효민 @b89530 T-ARA Jeon Bo Ram/티아라 전보람 @Boram86322 T-ARA Lee Qri/티아라 이큐리 @QriPretty T-ARA Park Ji Yeon/티아라 박지연 @pjy1234 T-ARA Park So Yeon/티아라 박소연 @sohotmelody T-ARA Ryu Hwa Young/티아라 류화영 @RHY422 THE BOSS/대국남아 @theboss0304 THE BOSS Hyun Min/대국남아 현민 @WHM0722 THE BOSS In Jun/대국남아 인준 @InJun0309 THE BOSS Jay/대국남아 제이 @jay940331 THE BOSS Karam/대국남아 박현철 @karam0628 THE BOSS Mika/대국남아 미카 @Mika90628 THE TRAX Kim Jung Mo/THE TRAX 김정모 @guitarjm T-MAX Joo Chan Yang/티맥스 주창양 @joochanyang T-MAX Kim Hyung Jun/티맥스 김형준 @kj0203 T-MAX Park Han Bi/티맥스 박한비 @hanbi0603 T-MAX Shin Min Chul/티맥스 신민철 @tmaxminchul TEEN TOP @TEEN_TOP Tiger JK/타이거 JK @DrunkenTigerJK Tony An/토니안 @Topstar07 TOPmedia @TOPmedia_Kr TOP CLASS Ent. @TOPCLASSENT TOUCH/터치 @yyjTOUCH TS ENTERTAINMENT/티에스 엔터테인먼트 @TS_Enter U-KISS/유키스 @ukisskorea U-KISS AJ/유키스 에이제이 @JSK91AJ U-KISS Alexander/유키스 알렉산더 @alexander_0729 (Father @AnthonyEusebio, Mother @Chungmi, Sister @ VictoriaEusebio) U-KISS Dongho/유키스 신동호 @Dongho94 U-KISS Eli/유키스 일라이 @u_kisseli U-KISS Hoon/유키스 훈 @thsgoku U-KISS Kevin/유키스 케빈 @Kevinwoo91 (Sister @deewoo5) U-KISS Kibum/유키스 기범 @90KKB U-KISS Kiseop/유키스 기섭 @KISSeop91 U-KISS Soo Hyeon/유키스 수현 @UKISSSH Um Jeong Hwa/엄정화 @love_tangle UNTOUCHABLE D.Action @jiggyaction UNTOUCHABLE Sleepy @kimsleepy VASCO/바스코 @VASCO187 VNT Lil’ Joe/VNT 릴’제이 @V92_LILJ VNT Kim Chae Won/VNT 김채원 @V92one V.O.S/비.오.에스 @VOS_ V.O.S Choi Hyeon Joon/비.오.에스 @chjmorris V.O.S Kim Kyung Rok/비.오.에스 @kimkyungrok V.O.S Park Ji Hyeon/비.오.에스 박지현 @vosjiheon Wheesung/휘성 @realslow1982 WONDER GIRLS/원더걸스 @followWG WONDER GIRLS Hye Rim/원더걸스 혜림 @WG_Lim WONDER GIRLS So Hee/원더걸스 소희 @WGsohee

WONDER GIRLS Sun Ye/원더걸스 선예 @WGsun WONDER GIRLS Yoo Bin/원더걸스 유빈 @WGyubin WONDER GIRLS Ye Eun/원더걸스 예은 @WGyenny X-5 @xfive0422 X-5 Jin Hyun Jin/X-5 진현진 @X5ZIN X-5 Kim Jin Wan/X-5 김진완 @SulHu95 X-5 Lee Dong Hyun/X-5 이동현 @TaeFung428 YB/윤밴드 @official_yb YB Park Tae Hee/윤밴드 박태희 @7brightstar YB Yoon Do Hyun/윤밴드 윤도현 @ybrocks YG AUDITION @yg_audition YG DANCER Ahn Sang Jin/YG 댄서 안상진 @whitezzang99 YG DANCER Bok Mi Ran/YG 댄서 복미란 @Bmr0708 YG DANCER Jin Hye Eun/YG 댄서 진혜은 @hey_hoho YG DANCER Jo Sung Min/YG 댄서 조성민 @Jsmining YG DANCER Kim Byung Gun/YG 댄서 김병건 @Bgkim05 YG DANCER Kim Hee Yeon/YG 댄서 김희연 @wowokhy YG DANCER Kim Jee Hye/YG 댄서 김지혜 @jhs7987 YG DANCER Kim Kwang Won/YG 댄서 김광원 @rhkddnjs34 YG DANCER Kwon Chul Joon/YG 댄서 권철준 @hg537 YG DANCER Kwon Young Deuk/YG 댄서 권영득 @HitechMain YG DANCER Kwon Young Don/YG 댄서 권영돈 @crowndony YG DANCER Lee Han Sol/YG 댄서 이한솔 @ambdxtss YG DANCER Park Jung Heon/YG 댄서 박정헌 @Pjh79dancer YG DANCER Seo Gi Chul/YG 댄서 서기철 @kasabianskc YG DANCER Song Won Ki/YG 댄서 송원기 @swg126 YG MANAGER Oh Chul Yong/YG 매니저 오철용 @YGmanager Yoo Ah In/유아인 @seeksik Yoon Eun Hye/윤은혜 @1003grace Yoon Jong Shin/윤종신 @MelodyMonthly Yoon Mi Rae/윤미래 @Yoonmirae Yoon Seung Ah/윤승아 @bambi0929 Younha/윤하 @younhaholic ZE:A/제국의 아이들 @ZEA_9 ZE:A Hwang Kwang Hee/제국의 아이들 황광희 @hwangkwanghee ZE:A Hyung Shik/제국의 아이들 형식 @zea_hyungsik List obrtained from http://aa-chan.net/blog/followfandom/#koreantwitterlist Hallyu is not responsible for out of date, or incorrect information. Original list can be found online!

About Us HALLYU Magazine is a new international non-profit magazine that specifically covers Korean entertainment and culture including events, music, drama, film, and trends. Our mission is to spread Korean culture beyond Asia to those who enjoy Korean entertainment but cannot understand the language or attend concerts and events. We mainly target readers residing in English-speaking countries in North America, Europe, Australia, as well as Southeast Asia.

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